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Me when I see a mentally ill man that should have been locked up:

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Once again I have drawn this man
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Sheriff Hoyt/Reader Part 1?
This was written for a friend of mine, might make another part, who knows. I think I might be back to writing now
Pairings: Sheriff Hoyt/Female Reader
Warnings: Animal Death, Violence, Minor Character Death, Gun Violence, Creepy Behaviour.
The weather was hot.
Not just your typical summer afternoon, where it was nice weather for a BBQ or a trip to the beach.
It was sweltering, and you could swear you could see the tarmac melt as you drove down the barren Texas road in Travis County, as you watched the waves of heat roll through the air in the distance ahead.
You turned your head to glance at the driver. A friend of a friend- and your gaze fell on the bead of sweat that rolled down the side of his face as he drove, and lifted a hand from the wheel the wipe said sweat from his forehead, and you turned away, casting your gaze back onto the seemingly endless miles of tarmac in front of you as you listened to the chatter of your friends in the back, talking about their plans for the road trip you were currently on.
The whirring of the car’s air conditioning didn’t hinder the harsh heat as you readjusted it to blow directly onto your face, cringing instead when it blew warm air directly at your face, and you tilted it away again.
You sighed.
This was going to be a long trip.
You just hoped the heat would die down eventually, but as you watched the cloudless sky above you, you could tell there would be no hope of that.
All of a sudden the driver, who’s name you still couldn’t remember, turned his head to look at you and your two friends in the back.
“Gotta stop for fuel” He says plainly, before turning his attention back to the road, and you hear your friends complain slightly from the backseats.
“Where are we even going to find a gas station out here- we’re in the middle of buttfuck nowhere-” Your best friend practically whined as they leant forward to change the radio station that was currently playing half static- half song.
“Shouldn’t be one too far from here-” The nameless driver replies to your friend, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Hopefully-” He says, almost nervously as he glances down at the fuel tank metre, and you glanced at it, noticing it was just under a quarter of a tank. And with that you turned your attention back to the window, watching as the fields of tall grass rolled by.
After what seems like forever in the sweltering car, the driver makes what sounds like a pleased sound as he points out a small building in the distance,
“That;s gotta be a gas station” He insists as the building comes into a clearer view, and thankfully it is a gas station, as the driver pulls into it, bringing the car to a halt in front of the gas pumps.
You got out of the passenger seat and glanced up at the faded rusted building that read “Cele Community Centre” in cream, standing out against the rusted reddish brown of the sign.
“Come on Y/N, you’ll love this- these places have tons of character” Your friend laughs lightly, as she gives you a sarcastic look, and you glance at her without doubt.
The two of you enter the building, leaving the driver and your other friend behind to fill up the car, and as you walk in a woman behind a counter turns to look at you, as the cigarette in her hand is stumped out in an ashtray and she blows the smoke in her lungs outward.
You glance around the place, noting the deer's head on the wall, and the tables of bikers who seemed to be staring directly at- well, that didn’t matter much.
Your friend takes this as a moment to pipe up.
“You have some beautiful things in here ma’am” She says and you turn and look at her as the woman behind the counter scoffs.
“Let’s just go-” You say to your friend, and she just shrugs as she turns, making her way to leave again, and you quickly follow close behind.
“Come on let’s go” Your friend says to the driver, as you both walk back towards the car and climb in.
The driver looks at you and shrugs, getting back in the front, as he turns the key in the ignition.
“They were out of gas anyway-” He says, in an annoyed tone as he looks down again at the fuel tank, and you glance at him.
“Do we have enough to get to another station?” You ask, and he shrugs, not responding to your question as he continues to drive down the same endless road.
With his lack of answer you turn your attention to the loud conversation happening in the back, and at some point the driver turns in, taking his attention off the road to flirt with your friend.
You keep driving, the drivers attention going between the road and your friend as he continues to make conversation, and as your head is turned to talk to your friend, you hear her scream suddenly
“Oh my fucking god look out-” She yells as you turn your head around suddenly to see a cow in the middle of the road, and the driver hits the brakes hard, causing ur head to snap forward and hit the dashboard as the car slams into the animal, making the car swerve off the road slightly.
You let out a cough as you reach your hand up to touch your face, and when you pull your hand away, blood stains your fingers and you wince.
“God-” You whisper, as you turn around the check on everyone else, the driver seems to be in bad shape, and your friend has a small shard of glass sticking out of her side, but she’s conscious and looking at you worriedly, you turn your gaze to the other passenger, who’s unconscious and swear under your breath as the driver turns to check his pulse, and try and wake him up.
“I gotta get you help-” He says, as he begins to wake up, and the driver turns around in his seat again, when all of a sudden in the distance you see a police vehicle pull up. You watch as the driver gets out of the car to walk towards the man currently getting out of the car, and you see the gun in the officer’s hand, but struggle to see his face in the harsh sunlight.
“I’m glad you’re here officer-” He starts, as the officer gets closer and you see the sunglasses hiding his face.
“Oh I just bet you are-” He says, before he raises his gun.
The blast echoes even as you’re sat in the car, and you see the driver who’s name you still can’t remember fall to the ground, as your friend in the back starts screaming, and the officer walks over to the car as your friend’s shocked scream dies down.
“You kids okay?” He asks as he bends down to look through the driver's window, his sunglasses now raised above his head, and you notice his gaze land on your chest briefly for a moment. “Why don’t you step out of the car if you don’t mind-” He asks.
“He shot him- he shot him!” Your friend says frantically, as she doesn’t move from her spot as you open the passenger door, and get out of the car.
“Sir my friend she needs-” You begin but you’re cut off.
“Get a grip on yourself girl-” He says, as you begin again.
“But sir she’s-” You’re cut off once more but this time with the butt of his gun to your stomach, and you grunt in pain as you step back into the bonnet of the car.
“Now that was for your own good girly” He says as he repeats himself. “Now, come one kids, get out of the car-” He says, as he heads around to the passenger side of the car.
“Sir she’s hurt-” The other passenger speaks as he points to the shard of glass in your friends side.
“Right, well I’m going to ask you one more time, nicely, get out of the fucking car or I’m going to blow your brains out-” The officer speaks, as he cocks the gun, raising it to the passenger’s head, and they both stumble to get out of the vehicle, and stand next to you, as the officer watches all of you, taking you in.
“You kids, took one big nasty shit. Right in my backyard” He speaks, as he raises his gun slightly, and you see your friend flinch. “All right, now let’s get him in there-” He says, using the gun to gesture to the driver, who remains dead and nameless on the ground, and gesturing to his car, and you and the passenger go to grab him, not wanting to be the next person on the receiving end of his gun, and you struggle to drag the body into the passenger side.
“I’m starting to think you like wasting my time girly-” The man says, as he watches you put the driver in the front seat, and once the body is inside, he slams the passenger door, as you and your friends get in the back of the police car.
You raise your hand once more, to touch the blood that was now drying on your face, and working out that the injury wasn't that bad, as the officer gets into the driver's seat, pausing once to use his gun to tap the light on top of the car, making it begin to spin slowly, and once satisfied nodding and getting comfortable in the front seat. Once he is, he pulls a cloth that looks to be covered in sweat and dirt, and he wipes his face with it once briefly, before dropping the cloth on top of the driver's face, before pushing the body closer to the window.
“Hey Monty, come pick up this damn wreck-” He says into his radio. “It’s about a quarter mile south of Hodd’s place.
“Is having a dead guy in the front of your car proper police procedure sir” You ask, your head spinning slightly, from the heat and the injury, and he turns to look at you with a harsh look, as he shows you another gun- a revolver.
“Honey- if that was your daddy, would you want me to stick him in the trunk like some animal?” He asks, waiting for a response, and when you don’t offer one he simply turns on the car engine and begins to drive.
He drives for a while, the police car seemingly even hotter than the car you’d been travelling in was, and you wipe the sweat from your forehead, before wincing slightly, when your hand comes into contact with your nose- It’s definitely broken you think to yourself, turning your attention to the drivers reflection in the mirror, watching as he kept his attention on the road.
After a short while, you saw a building appear ahead of you, and your friend looked up, as the officer- who at this point you were convinced wasn’t a real officer, pulled up to it.
“Is this the Sheriff’s station?” Your friend asks, and you turn your head to give her a warning look as the “officer” looks at her.
“No, it’s mama’s house” He tells her, as he gets out of the car and yells towards the house.
“Hey Tommy- come on boy, get over here” He yells, and you can’t see the man he’s talking to at the moment, until out of the other side of the car you see a large mass come from the house,
Whoever it is is huge, he looms over the officer, and is wearing what seems to be a torn up leather mask, as you stare at the giant man in shock.
“What is that?” Your friend asks in shock, as the officer opens the passenger door for the man, who easily lifts the dead driver's body out of the front seat with ease, and you watch in horror as he tosses the body over his shoulder like it’s a sack of flour and quickly rushes off somewhere.
The sheriff opens the back door and all but drags you out of the car by your hair, and you kick slightly, until a blow to the back of your head tells you to stop doing it.
“I don’t want any of that girly-” He says as he drags you inside of the house, pointing the gun at the others to follow.
Once dragged inside, you see the woman from the gas station earlier, and give her a pleading look at she stares at the Sheriff
“Hoyt-” She begins, but he is quick to cut her off, a seemingly normal characteristic for him.
“We got guests mama” He says, as the giant of a man appears in the room again and you see your friend move away from him.
“Tommy! Take those two downstairs- now” The man, now named Hoyt, yells at the man, and he offers a grunt as he steps towards them as your friend lets out a shriek.
Hoyt, with his hand still clenched in the back of your hair, leans down, and you can smell the sweat that he’s drenched in and try your best to breathe out of your mouth as you grimace slightly.
“You and me are gonna go have some fun sweetheart-” Hoyt drawls, and the hand in your hair grips harder, as he forces you to head up the stairs, and you hiss in pain as you’re pushed up the stairs,
Once you reach the top he makes you turn a corner, and leads you to a room, with a single bed - one that’s sheets carried numerous stains and patches of grime that you didn’t even want to think about- and he pushes you towards it, slamming the door behind it after yelling downstairs for no one to disturb him.
He turns to face you, and you scramble backwards on the bed as he looks down at you.
“Now aren’t you a pretty little thing darling” He asks, as he tilts his head to look at you, and you see his gaze once again directly pointing at your chest, and you curse yourself for wearing a tank top.
He steps closer and watches as you try and press yourself further back into the wall and he tuts at you.
“Now- now- that just won’t do” He says, as he pulls what looks like duck tape out of a drawer next to the now locked door, and he steps towards you as you start to tear up.
“No- no- please” You almost whimper as he comes close, and stretches out the tape.
He’s close enough to grab you now, and as he does, he forces the tape around your hands, in a makeshift handcuff as he tuts once more.
“Let’s save those pretty little tears for later sugar-” He says, as he looks up and down your body once more. “I have a feeling you and me are going to get along just fine” He carries on as you try and move away, and when he sees you do it, he shakes his head,
“Now that just won’t do-” He speaks, before grabbing you by the hair once again, and forcibly slamming your head into the wall, and when you cry out in pain he does it again, each time you make a noise from the pain he does it again, until you feel your vision going blurry as it darkens.
All you heard him say before you passed out was.
“Shame to have to ruin such a pretty face-”
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Till, Bravalla festival, Norrkoping, Sweden, 27.06.2013 / Photos by Emelie Andersson [HQ]
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“It’s okay, baby girl. I got you.” ____ more of my artworks: (x) you can support me on Ko-fi! (x)
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A Slasher Dating Simulator
yo slasherfuckers! you can check out Beta version with Jason and support creators
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bitches will be like "he's literally me" and it's followed by the most fucked up, disturbed individual on earth.
It's me, I'm bitches
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Izzy Hands? Fatherless behaviour right there ngl
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Edward teach born on a beach, that is all
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Shit, I need to balance that last post out a bit...
*taps mic*
Eskel has big titties, a big heart and a big willy.
Thank you and good night.
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youre covered in blood?? like some kind of slut??
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Nooooo don't look respectfully 😩 I want you to bite me
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