#pyramid game suji seong
hihimihwa · 6 months
Went to the beach and thought I could try being aesthetic xD 🌊🐚🏖
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Been working on these sketches, I really like colouribg with gel pens for some reason. I know it's other art supplies are better, but the texture just really clicks with me. Imma post the finished art works on a later date, here are the wips for now!
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teliphone · 4 months
Rank F
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Summary: Baekyeon Girls High School isn’t your typical day-to-day high school. We run in a voting game system of A - F rank where the students get to vote for their classmates on an app called Pyramid Game. The more votes you get, the higher you will rank. Level A students have power over students while F is the opposite. I accepted the offer letter to go to this school without thinking deeply. Level A student, Baek Harin is there to protect me in exchange for myself. Would I be able to escape this messed-up game or fall helplessly?
Warning(s): Bullying, Hitting, Threats, Guilt, Emotional Manipulation, Overstimulation, Smut, Fingering, Oral, Sub!Reader, slight exhibitionism, slight praise kink 
Word Count: 7.2k
I shift uncomfortably on the single-cushion couch. I glance around the office, examining the architecture and interior. Compared to my current school, this one is much better. It is clear that whoever owns this school is rich. I clench onto my offer letter. 
“Ahem,” The head chief clears her throat. I snap my attention back to her. She holds her hands together on the desk and smiles. 
“Thank you for being patient with our meeting time. My schedule has been hectic, but I am glad we agreed on a day. Now, what is the question you have been asking?” She questions. I unfold the letter and place it on her desk. She tilts her head to the side as she reads the message. Her eyebrows lift with a delighted hum.
“You have been offered to go to Baekyeon Girl’s High School,” She beams. I blink at her in confusion. She continues smiling as she waits for me to speak. 
“But I didn’t do anything to get this offer,” I explain. She purses and puckers her lips. 
“Well, you see… This is a special offer letter,” She points at the signature on the bottom of the letter, “The president must have heard good things about you which resulted in you receiving an offer letter.”
“Who would tell the president about me? I don’t know anyone who goes here,” I try not to sound tense. 
“There are many students that go to this school, I am afraid I can’t figure that out. But whoever requested for you must have done a good job influencing the president,” She chirps. She brings her hands over to the cup of pens. She plays around with it a little. 
“Are you interested in taking the offer?” She asks with a calm voice. I look down at the letter, deep in thought. I have heard good things about Baekyeon Girls High School. Most of the high-power parent’s daughter goes here. If I go to this school, I may have a chance to become friends with them. It sounds selfish, but this is where I can network. What if I meet one of their parents? My mind buzzes with future opportunities that I might receive. 
I nervously brush my uniform: classic white button-up, black tie, and a long black skirt. Today is the first day of attending this school. The head chief offers to walk me to my classroom. The walk is quite longer than I expected. The classroom is on the far left of the building. I glance around and notice how quiet the halls are. She stops in front of a door and turns to face me. 
“This is the room. You know where to find me if you have any more questions. Welcome to Baekyeon Girls High Y/n,” She smiles and leaves me. I nervously gulp while staring at the door. I feel small compared to the door all of a sudden. I slide the door open which causes all the students to pause and stare. I anxiously walk over to the professor. I give him the slip of paper. As he reads the paper, I quickly glance around the room. My eyes stop at a figure I recognize. I widen my eyes. It’s Baek Harin. Our history is not much. She’s a regular customer at a restaurant I worked at. I quit a few months ago. 
“New student huh?” The professor says. I nod my head. He gestures toward the girls and looks at me bored. 
“Well, introduce yourself,” He sighs. I lift my head higher and clench my fist. 
“Hello everyone. My name is Y/n L/n. Please treat me well,” I announce while bowing my head. He looks around the room and hums. 
“I guess you can sit in the back with Sooji-”
“She can sit with me,” Harin cuts. I look at her confused. There is already another girl sitting next to her. The girl looks at Harin in shock, but Harin remains emotionless. She turns her head to face the girl. 
“Move,” She snaps. 
“Do I have to repeat myself?” Harin smiles coldly. The girl looks like she’s about to cry as she gets up from her seat. The classroom remains silent beside the sound of the girl gathering all her stuff in a hurry. I wonder how Harin has so much authority over the students. Is there a power system happening in class? Once she leaves to sit in the back, Harin turns her attention to me. 
“You can sit with me,” She suggests, but it sounds more like a demand. My feet automatically move in her direction and she smiles brightly. I take a seat next to her and I get a sniff of her perfume. She smells good. There is also a hint of something I can’t place my finger on. Maybe cigarettes? That’s not possible though. How can a pretty angel-looking girl like her smoke?
“Thank you,” I whisper to her. She nods her head happily and then returns her attention to the professor. I look around the room and notice all the students staring at me besides Harin. I snap my neck away from them. From the corner of my eyes, I can observe her more. Her brushed and slightly curled hair catches my attention. It looks so soft. My eyes lowered to look at her long and black eyelashes. She flutters them slowly, expressing she's paying close attention to the lesson. My eyes dip to her lips. They are so plump, glossy, and pink. Her lips curve into a small smile suddenly. I glance up to catch her looking at me in the corner of her eye.  Embarrassment blossoms on my cheeks and I avert my attention to my textbooks.  
It took a while, but the lesson finally ended. I lean back onto my chair to stretch a little. Harin turns her body to me and rests her chin on the palm of her hand. Her eyes glint with muse. 
“I placed you as grade A,” She starts. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“Yes. You are welcome. No one is going to hurt you as long as you’re here with me,” She explains. I decide not to question. I didn’t understand, but as long as I’m with her I would be okay. I slowly nod my head. She giggles and leans closer to my bubble like she’s testing how far she can go. I notice but I don’t move. She drags her tongue on her lips and I foolishly watch. She puckers her lips out in expression. 
“How did you hear about this school?” She asks. 
“I got an offer letter… and I accepted it,” I cut it short. She nods her head playfully. 
“Who do you think requested you to come?” She teases. It didn’t take long for me to realize she was the one who requested me. My eyebrows arch up in confusion. I didn’t understand why Harin would request me to come to her school. Why is it now that she wants to get close? I hear her chuckle which brings me out of my thoughts.
“Why would you do that?” I question. She bursts my bubble by leaning into my ear. 
“Because I think you’re cute. Have I ever told you that?”  Her mouth brushes lightly against my earlobe. My hands clench. I avert my eyes down and feel my cheeks blushing shamefully. I hate how much she makes me react with little knowledge of her. The way my stomach feels makes me shaky. I tap my feet anxiously. She notices my obvious reaction and smiles. 
“When you quit your job I got so sad. I searched everywhere for you. Once I found you I wanted you to go to the best school there is… which is here. Will you show your gratitude to me?” She hums. She places her cold hand on my upper thigh, halting my movement. I snap my head towards her with widen eyes. She beams happily with a curious glare in her eyes. I shake my head no. She dares by moving her hands higher, nearly touching my panties. I abruptly stand from my seat, squeaking my chair backward. My breathing is heavy as if I am a mad woman. My classmates stare at me in surprise while Harin smirks and leans back in her chair. I avert my eyes to the door. I need to escape. The only place to excuse myself is the bathroom. I shuffle my feet quickly to get out. I made a mistake by accepting the letter. Harin sighs and tilts her head towards the window. The blue sky is clear. 
“Fun,” She grins. 
It has been a week since that happened and Harin always wants me near her.
There was a time when I heard a loud slam from the back of the room. I flinched and turned to look. I watched as rank B students kicked rank F students in the stomach. My eyes widen and I freeze. How is no one in this room helping her? Why is everyone just continuing their day like nothing? I got up to help, but Harin grabbed my arm. She smiled and shook her head. 
“Don’t get involved. It’s just part of the game,” She beamed. I stared at her in shock. She tugged my arm harder causing me to sit down. 
“It’s okay. As long as you’re with me… that will never happen to you!” She chirped and returned her attention to her assignment. I am speechless. I hear student F begging for them to stop. I shudder in fear. 
Harin drags me by my arm to her secret hideout during break time. I sit on the high wooden crates and watch her light up her cigarettes. I widen my eyes in shock. So the hint of cigarette smell did come from her. How does a beautiful angelic face like her enjoy smoking? One of her hands holds her white and gold lighter, while the other grips a cigarette between two fingers. She sucks in the stick and breathes out. The smoke bothers me, but I watch her in awe. She looks at me with a playful glint in her eyes.
“Why are you staring at me like that? Are you shocked I smoke?” She laughs. I shake my head no. She walks closer to me til she can sneak her body between my legs and blows smoke into my face. I grimace at the scent. She chuckles and places her free hand on my chin. Her thumb gently grazes my button lip curiously before she pulls it down. She places her cigarette between my lips and nods her head. 
“Suck.” She orders. I shake my head no which results in her gripping my chin harder. I wince in pain, but her face remains blank. Her wide dilated eyes stare back. 
“Suck,” She repeats more sternly. I try to find a way to refuse, but with the way she looks… I decided to submit. My eyes gloss as I obey her. I wrap my lips around the tip of the cigarette while looking at her. I realize that something stirs in her every time I listen to her. She becomes flustered and watches closely as I suck in the deadly fumes. The smoke burns the back of my throat and I start coughing. Yanking the cig out, she places it back into her mouth and takes a short drag. She smiles with her dull eyes. Tears gather on the surface of my eyes as I come out of the cough. She places her free on top of my black skirt. She brings her face close to mine.
“I want to kiss you,” She hums. I immediately lean my face to the side to avoid her glossy lips. She grips my skirt in anger, her face remains emotionless, but her eyes express so much disappointment. After composing herself she fakes a smile. 
“The harder you deny me, the more I want to break you,” She admits. My heart rate picks up at her confession. I gulp nervously. She decides to stop her action and removes herself from me. I suddenly feel guilty. I didn’t want to disappoint her. I didn’t want her to lose interest in me. 
“I’m sorry,” I apologize. She crosses her free hand and waves her other hand that holds the cig. 
“Get lost,” She concludes. I slide off the wooden crates and onto my feet. I wanted to say more, but with her back to my face, I couldn’t utter a sound. I lower my head and walk away. When I get close to the classroom door I accidentally bump into someone. I turn my head up to see who. It’s Sooji. She looks emotionless til she furrows her eyebrows at me. I feel guilty again. 
“Sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going-“
“You smoke?” She questions. I widen my eyes and wave my hands timidly. I didn’t realize how the scent of cigarettes had stuck itself onto my clothes. 
“N-no. It’s-“ I stop myself. I shouldn’t reveal Harin’s secret. It will ruin her image. 
“These guys were smoking near my bus stop,” I lie. Sooji nods her head slowly. I smile at her because she took the lie. She takes a step towards the door but I stop her by holding her arm. She looks at me curiously. Her deep and emotionless stare reminds me of Harin. I lick my lips and avert my eyes to the ground. 
“How do you feel about the game?” I ask, looking back up. Sooji grips her fist. 
“...I hate the game. Whoever made the game is a psychopath,” She reveals. As she answers me I notice she’s staring past my head. I follow her gaze and see Harin walking over. She eyes my hand on Sooji’s arm and I self-cautiously return my hand to my side. 
“Hi, Sooji!” She beams sweetly. Sooji doesn’t respond. Harin smiles widely with her teeth showing. A fake and numbing smile which I’ve seen many times before. She turns her attention to me and it makes me halt my thoughts. 
“Hi, Y/N… Ready for class?” She chirps. 
“Y-yes,” I reply, rubbing my thumb across my knuckles. She stares at me carefully before placing her hand on the door behind me. I cowardly under her pressure. Her body and the door trap me in between. I blush at her body heat against mine. I glance over at Sooji who is examining our interaction. I feel a wave of embarrassment run down my spine. Why is Harin doing this in front of her? It’s making me shy and… greedy. Harin chuckles darkly. She slides the door open and leaves me breathless. Sooji watches me silently with an unexplainable look. I turn to walk in the door without looking back. 
I have rejected Harin’s kiss over and over and it has finally ticked her off.
“Aren’t you grateful you’re in grade A? If it weren’t for me, you would be in F,” She hisses, “Is this how you thank me? Do you need to learn your place?” Tears threaten to fall down my cheekbones. I can’t bear to look at her further. She looks evil. Her eyes are dilated and blank. She takes small steps forward which results in me walking backwards. She grabs my tie and slams me against the wall. I wince at the pain that spread across my back. She leans her lips to my ears. I push her shoulders, but she remains taking up my space and mind. 
“Since you’re making yourself difficult for me… I have no choice but to make you rank F,” She sighs, “So that I can do anything I want to you.” I halt my movement to stare at her in fear. I am lost for words. Her true nature is revealing and it frightens me. She looks down to my lips and a sigh escapes hers. She looks back into my eyes. Lust clouds her mind. 
“Stop,” I beg. She begins to lean her face in. I close my eyes as tears roll down. I hate it. I don’t want it. The classroom door suddenly slams open. Harin removes herself from me and I weakly collapse onto the ground. I look up to see Soojin walking in. She spares me one glance before walking to her seat. Ignoring us, she starts placing her notebooks and pens on the table. I wanted to get up and thank her for saving me from that, but I remained seated at the bottom of Harin’s feet. Harin remains emotionless and returns to her seat. She pulls out her phone and types something. Her posture is straight. I let out a sound of disbelief. She did all of that and can still act normal?
“What are you doing on the ground?” My classmates ask as they start flooding in. 
“I dropped a pencil. It’s gone now,” I lie. They help me stand to my feet. I shuffle over to my seat. Harin ignores my presence and I feel a pain in my heart. I sit down quietly. I glance over her to see her emotionlessly staring at the board. Seo Doah, our class president, stands in front of the class.
“Today is the last Thursday of the month,” She says. I widen my eyes. Already? How is it already the end of the month? I look at Harin to see her lips curl into a small smile. Memories of her threatening my rank flood my mind.
“The 13th Pyramid game…starts now,” Doah announces. Shuffling sounds of students getting out the phones start. I reach for my phone with shaky hands. I press on the pyramid app and freeze. I have always placed Harin as my first vote and I assume she would do the same to me. There’s no way she would switch up now right? Just because I didn’t let her kiss me? I type down Baek Harin as my first. I look over to see that Harin had already finished. Her phone rests on the table as she crosses her arms. I quickly finish up my votes. After a couple more minutes, the voting officially ended. Doah looks at the results and hesitates. Her eyes glance at me for a second before she looks down again. 
“The results are up. Please refresh,” She says. I hover my finger over the refresh button. Sounds of students mumbling amongst each other start getting louder. I press it. My eyes gloss in fear as I lift my head to look at Harin. I am grade F just like she said I would be. Suddenly I hear a loud whistle which makes me flinch. Three students grades B, C and D surround me like predators. 
“I am surprised to see Harin’s pet drop from A to F!” Student B laughs. She strokes my hair like I am a dog. Student D pushes my textbooks onto the ground so she can sit on my desk. She tugs my chin and forces me to look at her. 
“This is exciting. I always wanted to play with you,” She chuckles. Harin gently gets up from her seat and I beg her with my eyes to help me. She looks at the three students with a fake happy look. 
“I don’t want to see any bruises or cuts on her, remember the rules,” She says. Student B giggles and pulls my head into her chest. 
“Of course~” She chirps. Tears threaten to fall down my cheek. I feel so betrayed. I feel so lost. Harin’s talking about me as if it didn’t matter if they bully me. Did she not care? Am I just another toy? I clench my fist and try pushing the student's hands away from me. 
“Harin please,” I beg. She ignores me and walks away from her desk. I am abandoned.
I grunt in pain as student D throws me against the basketball metal cart. She places her shoes against my stomach and leans her weight onto me. The softness of my stomach feels crushed under her feet. I claw at her ankles.
“Please stop,” I cry out. They have been bullying me for the past fifteen minutes since it was announced that I am ranked F. Student C laughs and leans down to level with my face. She brushes her thumb against my cheeks to wipe my tears.
“Awh is Y/N begging?” She pouts. She stands up and kicks the side of my stomach multiple times.  
“Hey wait. Harin told us not to get her bruised,” Student B remembers. They stop their movement which allows me to suck in a breath. I groan in pain and roll aside in an attempt to run away from them. 
“Oh shoot you’re right,” Student D worries.
“What are we going to do?”
“If Harin finds out… We’ll be in big trouble,”
“How about we-”
As they discuss amongst themselves, I pull myself to my feet using the metal cart. I bite my lips in pain to avoid making noises. I quietly walk myself towards the door. Suddenly a hand grabs my hair and pulls me back onto the ground. I let out a yelp. 
“You thought you could just sneak past us?” Student B chuckles. She tugs my tie and slaps me across the face. 
The bullying continued for another five minutes until they got tired and left me on the floor of the gym storage room. Finally, it is silent. I let out a shaky breath. Tears continue to roll down. I cry, but no sound comes out. I clench my jaw and pull myself off the ground. I drag myself to the door. 
I bump into Sooji first in the middle of the soccer field. She has a notepad in her hands which indicates she’s running an errand for the professor. Her eyes soften when she notices my watery eyes. 
“Sooji,” I start to sob. I face down to the ground in humiliation. My fist clenches to my sides and my body shakes uncontrollably. She drops the notepad and walks over. She places her fingers over the buttons on my shirt which have gotten loose during the bullying session. She fixes it as I continue to cry. 
“T-thank you,” I sniff. 
“I can help you. We can get rid of this game once and for all. If you want to join me… give me your phone,” She explains. With shaky hands, I grasp and pull out my phone. I wipe my tears with my sleeves. 
“Can you really get rid of it?” I whimper. She looks deep into my eyes.
“Do you trust me?” She asks. The wind blows past my shoulders. I pause deep in thought. I would do anything to get rid of the F rank from my name. Desperation floods my veins. Without answering her vocally, I hand her my device and watch her type in her number. She hands it back to me.
“We’ll keep in contact secretly. I still don’t know who is running this game, but I have a hunch,” She discusses. She picks up the notepad. 
“I’m going to leave so that people won’t get suspicious. I’ll message you soon,” She says before walking past me. I smile sadly and continue dragging myself to class. The pain in my stomach is starting to throb. As I walk up the stairs of the school building, I wince at each step. Sweat starts collecting on my neck. I take a break to catch my breath. This can’t be the reality I live in… I refuse. I hear footsteps which causes me to look over. 
She wears a beige sweater over the school's white button-up. Her neatly brushed hair rests on her shoulders. She has a bright smile on her face. She walks over and scans my body carefully. I feel small and dirty under her gaze. My white button-up has patches of dirt and shoe marks. My hair is messy and tangled. Her nose scrunches in disgust and my stomach flips. Do I look that bad?
“I’m sorry,” I don’t know why those words came out of my mouth. I don’t even know what I am apologizing for. My lips quiver in shame. She fakes a pout and leans close to my ears. 
“Hang in there. It’s not your fault,” She whispers in venom. She takes a step away from me, but I clench onto her arm. She gasps in shock. 
“Please help me, Harin. I will do anything,” I cry. She leans her face down and chuckles darkly. She tugs her arm away from me and my hand falls to my side. I stare up at her between my water eyelashes. She places her shoes on top of mine and presses down. An act of power. 
“I’ll think about it. For now, I need to break you more,” She shrugs and walks away. Leaving me sobbing. As she walks away I feel my life crashing. No! Why is she leaving me? I need her! She is the answer to my escape!
“There you are~” I hear student B tease. I freeze in fear. 
The bullying continues for five more days. Harin continues to ignore me. I watch as she laughs joyfully with her friends. I worry she has truly forgotten about me. I’ve started to accept my fate. The bruises and cuts on my body have gotten more intense. 
I stare at myself in front of the PE locker room mirror. My button shirt is unbuttoned, exposing my bra and stomach. The bruises and cuts have started to become more visible. I rub my fingers across the bruise on my hip and hiss in pain. My under-eye bag has gotten darker. I have started to lose weight. I hug my body tight. The door swings open and I quickly cover my chest with my arms. I watch the culprit walk over using the mirror. 
“What are you doing here?” Harin asks. I shake my head, unable to speak. She examines my exposed stomach and I see her eyes widen.
“What is that?” She points at my bruises. I stay quiet. She tugs my shirt and I try to push her hands away. She doesn’t stop til she successfully removes the shirt from my body. The cold air makes my skin prickle. She stares at my body and I blush in embarrassment. I have cuts and bruises all over. I feel ugly. I don’t want her to see me like this. She gently puts her hand over my cut and I hiss as she scraps her fingernail across it. 
“Those fools… I told them not to leave a bruise or cut on you,” She fumes. She looks up to my watery eyes. 
“I’ll fix this,” She promises. She picks up my shirt and helps me get into it. Then she hugs me. Her gentle and warm touches make me sob. I have not felt this in so long. She successfully broke me. I nervously clench my hands on her sweater. I want to hold onto her. I want to be in her arms forever. I feel safe. She removes herself from the hug. She smiles and cups my face. She brings her face close. 
“Do you agree with everything I say? I can help you with this,” She asks. 
“Yes. Please help me,” I beg. Her eyes dilate and she places a kiss on my forehead. 
“Let's get you clean up.” Her gentle fingers help me the whole way. Once she sees that I am good, she tells me to come back to class. 
I walk behind her as we enter the classroom. The room grows quiet and they stare at us. Harin looks around till she sees the three students that have been bullying me. She calls them over with a smile which they gladly obey. She suddenly pulls me forward with her hand on the back of my neck and rips the top of my shirt open. My collarbone is exposed, revealing a bruise. I blush at the stares of students on my skin. 
“Didn’t I tell you not to leave a bruise on her?” Harin hums. The three students' eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights. Harin waits patiently with her fingers rubbing my neck. She waits to see what kind of lame excuse they are going to come up with.
“We left a bruise?! Oh my goodness I did not know! I promise we didn’t go hard. She must have done that to herself!” Student B urges. 
“Is that true? Did you do this to yourself?” Harin asks me. Why is the attention back on me? I turn to look at the three students who stare at me with anger. I can tell they want me to lie or I would get punished worse. My fist clenches in frustration. All the days they have tortured me. They deserve to rot. 
“They did this to me,” I fum. They stare at me in shock. 
“I see,” Harin breathes. The three girls quickly bow down to our feet. I feel a sense of power seeing them at my feet. 
“I order no one to touch Y/n from now on even though she’s an F. She’s mine,” Harin announces. I feel a gush of love flood all over my body. I’m hers. She told the whole classroom. I am not a secret. She saved me. I watch as she places her foot onto Student B’s hand. She applies pressure, causing the student to wince. 
“As for you three. I have exposed your family's dirty company secrets to the world. This is what happens when you don’t listen to me,” She chuckles. The three students gasps and cry out, but Harin turns her attention to me. She buttons up my shirt and pats my cheeks. 
“Let’s go to our seat Y/n,” She chirps. Her hands never leave my upper thighs the whole class time. Rubbing her thumb against the flesh of my inner thigh. She gives it a squish a couple of times and bites her bottom lip. Embarrassingly enough, I ignore the wetness that has built up between my legs. I am addicted to being hers. 
“Come home with me today,” She whispers. 
“Okay,” I breathe. She gives my thighs another squeeze. My body humiliatingly jerks up. I gently place a hand on top of hers. She raises an eyebrow. She wonders if I am planning to remove her hand, but I wasn’t planning that. In fact I start playing with her fingers. In awe at how smooth and long her fingers are. She allows me to play with her fingers.
“Ready to come home?” She asks me as she puts on her backpack. I put mine on and nod my head. I don’t know what she has planned, but I trust her. I want her to do anything to me and I would be thankful for it. She holds my hands and I feel my cheeks burn up. During the whole walk, she never let go. Students would stare, but I am glad they are. They need to know I am hers and, hopefully, in some way, she is mine. We wait by the road of the school and a black Mercedes pulls up. The driver comes out and opens the door for us. I agape in amazement. She is super rich. During the car ride, she distanced herself. She focuses her attention on her phone. I stay quiet, but I deeply crave her attention and touch. I distract myself by staring out the window. Twenty minutes pass and we start pulling up at a mansion. I gulp nervously. 
“You live here?” I gasp. She laughs and pulls out a cigarette. In a quick motion, she flicks the lighter and lights the end of the cig. She smokes it and continues walking. I follow behind like a lost dog. She finishes about halfway before flicking it to the ground. She continues walking, I turn around to see a maid picking up the cig. The doors of the mansion open as she approaches. A few maid bows to greet us. 
“Leave us alone for the rest of the day,” Harin orders. They quietly nod their heads and turn to exit. I stare around the building. The ceilings are tall and the windows expose large amounts of light in. The walls are pearl white and the chandelier glow. We end up in her room. I can tell by the scent that engulfed me when I entered. I stand awkwardly at the door, not knowing what to do. Harin walks to her closet and pulls out a pink bathrobe. She hands it to me and I blush. 
“Go use my shower. I’ll be next door showering as well,” She explains. I stare at the robe. 
“What? Do you not want to?” She questions slowly. I immediately shake my head.
“I do! I will do anything you ask,” I promise. She chuckles, her eyes dilating. She licks her lips and crosses her arms. She turns her body to the door and exits. I stand like a fool in the middle of her room. I enter her bathroom and bite my lips. I slowly pull the black tie from my collar. I stare at myself in her mirror; watching my fingers unbutton each button on my white shirt. I tug my black skirt down til it falls to my ankle. I stare at my body that only has a bra and underwear. I blush. I turn my face away from the mirror and remove my underclothes. I step into the shower and turn on the water. Once the water touches my skin I relax. I hum and close my eyes. The water relaxes my tense body. 
Once I was done I walked out and wrapped myself in the pink bathrobe. I explore all her skin care products. With curiosity, I apply some to my face. The moisturizer sinks into my skin. I feel refreshed and clean. I walk out of the bathroom and see her sitting on her bed typing on her phone. With close inspection, it’s my phone she’s looking at. She’s in a white bathrobe. Her face lightens up when she sees me. She pats the empty side of the bed next to her. I shyly obey and crawl onto the bed. My knees feel the soft and smooth textures of her bed sheets. I sit next to her and play with my fingers. She places my phone on her bed desk and turns her attention to me. My face is already flustered red. She draws her fingers along my face. She drags her thumb across my bottom lip. 
“I’ve been waiting to kiss you for so long,” She sighs. She tilts her head to stare at my eyes as she continues to play with my lips. My eyes feel heavy with lust. She gets in between my legs, her skin brushes against mine. She places her hands beside my head and leans in. She doesn’t ask for permission as she grazes her lips against mine as a test. Her lips are so soft and plump. I crave more. She returns to kissing me. I sigh in pleasure as her tongue brushes against mine. I wrap my arms around her neck to pull her closer. My mind is clouded with lust, I forget to breathe. She pulls away, leaving a trail of spit that connects us. She smiles sinfully. She bends to my ear as her hands explore my body underneath the robe. 
“I broke you,” She chuckles. She nips my ear and I yelp. She laughs and brushes her tongue against the shell of my ear. She dips her face against my neck and grazes her teeth against it. She bites and I shut my eyes while wincing. 
“Please be gentle,” I choke. She tugs my bathrobe open and cups her cold fingers around my chest. She pinches my nub harshly. My body thrashes and arches. 
“I don’t want to,” She purrs. She starts sucking on my nibble. Her tongue rolls around it, coating her wet saliva all over. Every time she bites down I cry out. Tears start collecting in the corner of my eye. She glances at my teary eyes and her eyes soften. She leans up to gently kiss my temple. Her other hand sneaks between my legs. 
“W-wait!” I gasp. She quiets me by leaving sloppy kisses on my lips. Her fingers play with my inner thigh, not touching my core. She pulls away, her eyes heavy and cheeks red. I stare at her between my legs. Her white robe fell off her shoulders, exposing her body.  My thighs forcefully open between her hips. She leans back to look at me. My hair is displaced all over her pillow. My chest rose up and down fast. My cunt glistens and her mouth waters. 
‘Let me in,” She blushes. I reach down to cover my cunt, but she jerks my hand above my head. Her skin rubs against my core and I grunt in embarrassment. She pepper kisses around my neck and ear. 
“Let me make you feel good,” She purrs. I gasp for air when I feel her middle finger graze my wet cunt. She touches just the surface area and it leaves me sighing. She brings the finger to my face with a proud smile. 
“You’re wet,” She breathes. She returns her fingers to the top of my cunt and refuses to move. She leans in. 
“I am going to ask just one more time. Will you let me in?” Her eyes are dark. My train of thought is messed up. I can’t think clearly. She clouds my mind. 
“Yes,” I finally choke out. She immediately rubs her two fingers against my clit. I arch my back and let out a cry. The humiliating sound of my wet core being played by her finger starts to sound louder. Suddenly she removes her fingers, allowing me to breathe. She kneels back. 
“Take the bathrobe off,” She demands. I rub my wet eyes before obeying her. I tug the pink robe off me completely and the cold air tickles me. She takes off her white rub and I stare lustfully at her body. Her smooth skin and curves look so biteable. She places two hands on both my thighs and splits them apart wider. I widen my eyes when I see her lowering her face to my core. Her bare butt lifts up. 
“H-harin!” I blush. She sticks out her tongue and licks a long drag up. I moan, putting the back of my hand against my mouth. She spreads my wetness and her saliva around my clit. She licks and sucks. My thighs shake around her head. I moan loudly. My hands go down to touch her head. She looks up at me between my thighs. I see her mouth glisten with my wetness. I breathe heavily. My hair sticks against my sweaty forehead and neck. She pushes my thighs apart further and licks harshly.
“W-wait! I- I am,” I can’t continue my sentence without moaning. Her tongue is so good against my core. I shove my hand against her head to push her away. I am too stimulated. I don’t know how much longer I can last. She leans away with a hard look on her features. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She shoves her two fingers into my core. I cry out and thrash my body. 
“Don’t push me away ever again,” She grunts between each thrust. Tears roll down my cheeks. Her long and skillful fingers plunge into me deep. I lean my head back into the pillow. I moan loudly which makes her smile. My legs fall onto her shoulders and she leans her body forward. She watches my features carefully; examining how my eyes close and my mouth opens wide to release sighs and moans. 
“Harin.. Ah!” I cry. She continues abusing her fingers into me. Deep and fast. I knew I wasn’t going to last longer. I feel my walls clenching around her digits. My stomach feels funny. 
“Agh! I am close!” She kisses my forehead. With a few more thrusts, I come to her hand. She lets me catch my breath against her ear. She removes her soaking fingers from my core. As she examines the wetness coating her finger, my phone rings. She looks at my phone on her side desk and watches how it vibrates against the wood. I turn my head over to see who is calling me. My heart drops. 
Sooji is calling me.
Harin laughs bitterly, her eyes glinting with jealousy. I turn my body over and reach for my phone. My bare butt facing Harin. I fumble as I try to decline the call, but Harin presses her body against my back. She leans her mouth onto my ear. 
“Answer it,” She hisses. She kisses my shoulders. 
“What?” I blush. Harin rubs her hand down my back. She stops at my butt and slaps it. I flinch forward. 
“Answer it and don’t moan,” I let out a breathy sigh.  With shaky fingers, I click on the green answer button. 
“Hello?” I ask. Harin plunges her fingers into me. I fall onto the bed with my ass up. 
“Y/n, I am glad you answered. Are you free for the next five minutes?” Sooji asks. Harin thrusts harder as if she wants me to fail. I muffle my moans into the bed. 
“Y-yes,” I choke out. Harin bites my shoulders and I let out a wince. 
“Are you okay?” Sooji questions. 
“Yes! Yes- Ah! I am okay,” I could feel myself losing control. I don’t know if I could keep my moans down with how Harin is abusing my cunt. 
“Okay… I am wondering if you’re still on the same side as me. Do you want to take down the pyramid game?” Harin halts her movement which allows me to answer. 
“I am not sure,” I breathe out. My mind is foggy. 
“I found out that Harin is the creator of the game,” Sooji reveals. I freeze. I am lying here with Harin’s finger in me. The creator of this fucked up game. The game that broke me down til I am nothing but Harin’s submissive friend.
“I- I see…” I blurt. I can feel Harin breathing against my ear. I wish I could see her face. 
“To remove the game, we must take down Baek Harin,” The clock ticks and I repeat the sentence in my head. Am I willing to take down Harin? The girl who saved me? The girl who would destroy the world for me? The girl who has her fingers resting in my soaking cunt? My wetness runs down my thighs. 
“I can’t do that to Harin,” I finally answer. Harin feels her heart flutter. 
“What? Why? This game caused you to-” Sooji’s voice gets muffled out by Harins.
“Good girl,” She purrs. I moan shamelessly. She starts to gradually increase her speed again. I buckle my hips against her finger. I sigh and pant against the bed sheets. Harin picks up the phone. She places it against her ear and smiles. 
“Hi Sooji. Sorry, Y/n’s busy right now,” She chuckles before ending the call. She tosses the phone to the side, her eyes not leaving my body. She loves how my body chases after her digits. She loves hearing how I moan her name. She has broken me, but I have never felt more alive because of her. 
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vicocaaisha · 6 months
An Act
Seong Suji x Reader Fic.
Sypnosis: Recently broke up with the school bully, you decided to take revenge by fake dating your school's new student.
Warnings: I guess there's not much!
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You sighed as you looked at your school building. That bitch, Harin, persuaded your school principal to suspend you for a week. Why? Because you and Dayeon broke up and you ended up burning the papers they’re going to give to your homeroom teacher as your classes’ grades.
You hated that three of them–Harin, Doah, and Dayeon– always manipulated the school grades. Although you were in grade B and still got higher grades, you just wanted to take revenge on what Dayeon did to you. Used you as an accessory, flaunting you everywhere and even to his dad, which he was very proud of because your father is a famous lawyer. But when you were no longer useful to Dayeon, she left you saying that she wants to focus on other things and started dating that judo girl. Ugh!
Well, you didn’t love her or like her at all. You just liked her company since you are a troublemaker yourself, minus the bullying. You just liked taunting Harin with her psychotic ideas.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a girl bumped into you, “I’m sorry!” she said as she was running towards your class’ building. Who is she? If she’s a new student, it’s unusual since it’s the middle of your school’s semester but whatever! You have other things you want to attend to.
You later learned that the girl who bumped into you was Seong Suji, a grade F. Currently, Dayeon and her gang are putting that Suji girl in a garbage bag. Psychopaths.
“What the fuck!” Dayeon shouted as she was drenched with your tomato juice. You didn’t like tomato juice at all, but you just bought it to spill it on Dayeon’s shirt.
“Oops, sorry. I tripped because of your stupid garbage bag.” You smiled cheekily at her then rolled your eyes.
Suji was long forgotten now because of the commotion you created, “Stop being a bitch, Y/N!” Wooyi shouted back at you. You cackled at their reactions as they were helping Dayeon clean up her shirt. Dayeon’s little friend group stormed out of the room and into the bathroom to help Dayeon clean the mess you’ve made.
“Thank you, um…” Suji was looking into your eyes as if she was asking for your name.
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t do that to help you, just wanted to annoy them. You better clean this all up before the teacher comes.” You didn’t even look at her way and you just sat on your seat tapping on your phone.
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Being Dayeon’s ex means you don’t have friends to eat with anymore because you were once in her gang, too. So now, you are currently seated outside on a bench, plotting your next revenge on your ex.
“Hey, I didn’t get the chance to ask your name earlier.” That Suji girl is bothering you once again.
“Don’t act like you don’t know my name, I saw you talking to Eun-byeol. I bet you she persuaded you to ask for help from our homeroom teacher. Watch out, Suji, that girl is a snake.” You sighed loudly, tired of the bullshit and issues your classmates and that perverted teacher have.
“Oh right, sorry. Eun-byeol told me that I could ask for your help, and based on the actions you made earlier, I’m guessing you’re against Dayeon.” She asked you with a glint of hope in her eyes.
In which you just rolled your eyes, “Well then, she must have thought wrong. I won’t help you nor I won’t get you in trouble either. Eun-byeol must have thought I’ll torment you when you’re going to ask me for help.” You’re annoyed now. You didn’t like Eun-byeol, such a two faced and a suck up.
Seated on a bench, while Suji is standing in front of you. You decided to look up at her. Wow, she is gorgeous. Suddenly, a click went inside your head. You had an idea to piss off Dayeon!
Suji started to walk away after your rejection but…
“Hey, Suji. Maybe I could help you in one condition” You were now standing and smirking at her.
“And what could that be?” Suji said, you could practically hear the hopefulness in her voice.
“I could help you with whatever you want, and in exchange, you act like my girlfriend to make Dayeon jealous, but that would start when you get out of grade F! Anyway, I’ll vote for you for the next HR.”
Out of options, Suji agreed to your conditions.
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A month has passed since you made that deal with Suji. Suji had told you what her plans are and that is destroying the pyramid game, it was no big deal for you because you also hated your psychotic classmates. They are literally fucked in the brain and needs therapy. You also helped Suji get out of grade F alongside Jaeun.
You have been so preoccupied with Suji’s plan that you forgot the deal you made with her. Not until your crazy ex terrorised you again.
You were eating alone at the cafeteria because Suji and Jauen are trying to befriend some students from grade D.
“Hey baby girl, missed me?” Dayeon said it in english while sitting next to your seat.
“What, Dayeon? Can you leave me alone or I’ll pour this hot tea on you.” You rolled your eyes at her, which earned a toothy smile from her.
“I was wondering if we could go out later? You know, like old times.” Her english accent makes you annoyed. How come you liked her before and even agree to be her girlfriend?
Before you could even reply a sly remark, someone cut you off, “I don’t think that’s going to happen, she’s dating me already.” You’ve never whipped your head to your side so fast before, and you saw Suji standing like a knight in shining armour. God, you never noticed how fast your heart was beating, all you could think about was how pretty she looks and how her lips look so kissable.
“C’mon, babe. I told you before to avoid Dayeon, you know how I get so jealous!” Suji said as she pulled you out of your chair and walked down the hallway of the cafeteria. Leaving your food and Dayeon stunned. Are you two really dating? Dayeon thought to herself. Also, everyone in the cafeteria saw that. Oh, how fast the news will spread.
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Lately, you and Suji really have to act like a couple because the whole classroom knows now. You’re really not used to the physical intimate stuff since you really haven’t experienced having a real girlfriend, except for Dayeon, which she used you for her own gain. Plus, being her girlfriend before was like being a puppy, you just followed her around the school doing some mischievous stuff or whatever she wanted you to do.
You were putting some stuff in your locker before heading home when all of a sudden, someone hugged your back. Their arms are around your waist as their head rests on your shoulder. You stiffened.
“Y/N-ssi, let’s go out later. Please wear the dress that I bought you, hehe.” You could practically feel everyone’s eye on the both of you and you were shocked because you aren’t used to physical intimacy.
Suji immediately felt your discomfortness, “Meet you later at our meeting spot, love!” she said as she let go her hold of you and kissed your cheeks before exiting the classroom.
Awkward! But you felt Dayeon’s eyes burning as she stared at you. Is she jealous? She’s the one who left you first for that judo girl…
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Right now, you are waiting for Suji at a park. You did wear the dress that she bought “as a gift” she said. You weren’t really used to doing this whole relationship stuff and being affectionate. This whole thing is just revenge for your ex to make her feel jealous, but you think that you’re feeling something else that you can’t pinpoint.
“Y/N! Hey, you look so good wearing the dress that I gave you.” Her compliment makes your stomach feel like there’s butterflies inside.
“Thank you, unnie.” You replied shyly.
Suddenly, she held your hand, “Let’s go seat somewhere private.” she said as she started walking with her fingers around yours. You thank God that it is already nighttime and she can’t see you blushing.
She packed food for the both of you, “Hey, you always bring food. Sometimes, I feel like you’re going to pick food over me.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Yes, Y/N-ssi. I’ll pick a nigiri and a hershey drink over you, no hesitations!” she chuckled.
You were just taking photos of the food Suji packed. You realized that Suji has been acting more clingy. She’s currently fixing your hair. There’s only the two of you seated in a dimly lighted park. Why is she acting this way? Does she like you now? You thought you were just going to talk about her new plan, yet here she is being affectionate. Not until…
You looked at her to ask but then she kissed you suddenly. Sitting there dumbfounded as she kisses you. You feel your heart is going to explode. So, this answers the question that you really like her.
Suji inserted her tongue unexpectedly to your mouth, which you moaned from the feeling. You haven’t had your first kiss before, so it was awkward, and you just let Suji lead the way. She held your waist. You were feeling like you needed more.
Overwhelmed by what’s happening, you pushed Suji. Out of breath, you just stared at her. Your legs feel like jelly from the kiss. You didn’t know what to say, and all Suji said was…
“Let’s go to your house.” You can’t even comprehend what’s happening. All of these are new to you. Does she like you back?
On the way to your home, it was antagonizing slow. When you reached your house, you were fumbling with keys; still nervous from the kiss that happened. You can feel that Suji is getting impatient, too, not until she slammed you against the door that you were trying to open.
“Y/N, you’re so slow.” Suji said in a breathy, seductive manner and went straight to your neck, kissing it and leaving marks.
The only thing that you could do was grip her shirt, you were so preoccupied at the feeling of Suji kissing your neck, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching the both of you and they left after Suji started marking you up. That’s when Suji stopped when she felt the spy was gone.
You were dripping wet. You unlocked the door faster this time. When both of you are inside, you wait for Suji to make the next move but instead…
“Hey, sorry for kissing you and leaving some hickeys on your neck. I felt someone watching us. I’m really sorry if you felt uncomfortable! I swear I’ll never do it again!” Suji said while bowing many times in front of you.
So that was all an act? All you could do was nod at her. You like her, but she doesn’t feel the same way? All of the things that you feel for her are so confusing. You feel like you want to get angry at her, shout at her to express your frustrations. But you know better. All of this is just a condition you made with her. It’s your fault for falling, not Suji.
“I should head home now. It’s already late. I’m really sorry, Y/N-ssi! I think it’s good that you won’t cover the hickeys that I gave you so they will be very convinced! See you tomorrow.”
And with that, she left you alone. Confused and frustrated was all you felt that night as you laid in bed.
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It has been two days since you’re skipping school. You don’t care anymore, you feel so devastated that all of that was an act. All you did was lay in bed and think about what happened, but you know, you can’t just skip school forever. Sooner or later, you have to face the reality of going back to school.
So here you are, sighing again in front of your school’s building.
Everyone looked your way when you entered your classroom. They must be looking at your fading hickey.
“Y/N-ssi! I missed you!” Suji practically ran to you and held your one arm as she walked you to your assigned seat.
Your demeanour was cold, you didn’t say a word to her and just ignored her. That’s how you were the whole day, ignoring their text, avoiding them. You knew your classmates would catch up on what’s happening between the two of you, but you didn’t care. You like her and you can’t stand of acting “in love” anymore because you’re developing the love that was supposed to be fake!
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You were standing alone in the library, hiding from them. They’re supposed to be on the rooftop right now for the secret meeting of your group. You decided not to join them anymore for your own sake.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry that I kissed you without your permission. Please forgive me, we can’t lose you in our team. We’re almost done with destroying this game. Yerim is on our side now–”
“Is that all you care about? Destroying this game!” You can’t contain your frustrations anymore. She’s acting as if kissing you is no big deal or being affectionate in front of many people. You’re falling and falling really hard.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Suji was confused. She knew you are mean, but you had never been angry at her like this before.
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Suji!” Suji became nervous, you called her by her real name, not by her nickname.
“I don’t understand?” …
“I–, I have fallen for you!” You said in shame.
“Oh.” was all she said. You felt like you’re going to cry. You turned away from her, feeling your tears might fall.
“I like you too, Y/N. I’m sorry, I was scared that night. I didn’t know what to do when we were left alone. All I could do was run away because I was panicking.” Suji added.
Are you dreaming? Is this real or is this another fantasy of yours? Suji likes you? You can’t even comprehend that someone who always changes themselves just to fit in manages to like someone like you, a devious person.
Suji hugged you from your back.
“Forgive me, love.” You closed your eyes as you felt her breathe in your scent.
Not until she tickled you. You were stopping her now from tickling you and you fell down the couch as she tickled you.
Suji hovering over you, there was a pause between the both of you. That’s when Suji leaned in and kissed you, hard and with feelings now.
“Suji-ah, are you okay? We heard some screaming–.” Jaeun and Haejun barged in.
Four of you were shocked, like a deer in headlights. Jaeun just closed the door awkwardly as they mind their own business.
You are now left with Suji, which she decided to tickle you again.
You’ve been wrestling for about five minutes now. She stopped and just looked at you, both of you breathless.
“Y/N, will you be my real girlfriend now?” Suji asked you with a smile.
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Enjoy guys, feel free to request anything!^^
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dragonsareawesome123 · 7 months
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Suji affectionally calling Jaeun a naive fool
Pyramid Game (2024) dir. Bak So Yeon Episode 8
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rainebowevee · 9 months
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saecoyle · 6 months
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chat how to get over an obsession?
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forwjsncosmic · 7 months
Pyramid Game Promo:
Bona had an interview with Cine 21:
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rainvri · 7 months
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literatileoipiano · 3 months
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Their characters remind me so much of the bond that Jane Eyre and Helen Burns shared in 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte. We have
Suji & Jane - Strong-willed, passionate and outspoken
Jaeun & Helen - Reserved, immense endurance and possessing a certain amount of maturity
Both Jane and Suji can fend for themselves and will go against what's right if that's beneficial for them. However, both Jane and Suji meet Helen and Jaeun respectively, and the latter group preaches to the former about what's right and how to behave.
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webtoonxs · 2 years
Love the reunion spin-off in pyramid game. I think it’s so fascinating to see that none of them have changed extensively, that in the end, they all retain their old personalities/values. That goes for Suji too, she still has that almost paranoid, manipulative edge that she had at the start of the series. Obviously some characters have changed but it’s cool to see that they still retain some past personality traits.
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hihimihwa · 2 years
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Suji is the cool kid I wanted to and failed to be
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mikanotes · 5 months
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out of reach ft. baek harin x gn!reader 2.1k words warnings: nervous breakdown, implied manipulation and bullying, reader nd harin are Slightly toxic, smoking, not really proofread Sorry!
author’s note: finally watched pyramid game! harin is so dear to me i love her. anyways here’s this
Clouds of smoke and overpriced cigarettes. The faint smell of perfume, struggling to cover the overwhelming, biting scent of tobacco. The sound of a lighter clicking shut, and a disdainful laugh. Condescending. The very image of a typical rich, high-school bully.
Then she sighs, softly, and it all changes.
The smoke dissipates to reveal a gentler expression (though the void in her eyes cannot be hidden), and the cigarette smell seems to leave with the passing breeze. She smiles softly and relaxes her shoulders. “I’m expecting great things from you.” she says, hiding a don’t you dare disappoint in between her words. She chuckles quietly to herself and turns on her heel. The school princess.
“Let’s go.” she says, her tone on the edge of something hurried. Like her facade, though perfectly constructed and practiced, might threaten to break if she stays any longer. You don’t reply but push yourself off of the wall to walk at her side when she strolls past where you were waiting.
The moment you’re far away enough from that hidden corner by the school entrance, Harin tenses again. You look down and see her thumb pressing its nail into her palm’s skin. Into flesh, at this rate. “Harin.” you call. She blinks out of her thoughts and turns her gaze to you. “What is it?”
“I’m thinking.” she replies honestly, bits of that kind demeanor slowly crumbling to reveal a more honest, yet possibly less furious side to her. One you’re more acquainted with.
“You do that too much.” you heave a deep sigh, “Seriously. Have you had a moment to breathe at all this week?”
Baek Harin is calculating. Always calculating each of her moves— Every interaction with all of her classmates, her family, her past present and future, the adults at her school. She carefully reviews the way she presents herself down to the detail. And now, she calculates everything Seong Suji does, everyone she interacts with, everyone around her, everything she does truthfully and all she does that seems fake— add more to the list. 
That’s just a recipe for disaster. But you’ve also known her for long enough to know that having a calm mind free of worries and overthinking is a privilege Harin hasn’t had since her early childhood years. The way she functions now is her own idea of normal, and it has been for much too long to even consider the idea of changing. So you don’t try to change it. But you try to calm her down, when she allows you to attempt it.
“I’m breathing fine.” she scoffs slightly, “I can’t afford not to think. Especially not…” she trails off like she’s remembered something, and you frown.
She reaches for her pillbox but it escapes her grasp, falling on the concrete. You reach over to grab it but she’s quicker than you. The moment the thing is in her hand, she opens it and shakes three vitamin tabs into her palm, before freezing in place.
You slow down and stop in your tracks, barely a meter back, then slowly approach her. Her eyes are flitting between the box and the pills themselves, her lip trembling as if struggling to get a word out. You start reaching out towards her but she suddenly throws all of the vitamins back into their little chamber. She clicks the pillbox close and puts it back into her pocket, then fumbles to get something else.
She finally manages to find what she was seemingly so desperate to find, and opens the pack of cigarettes. She grabs one and shakily sets it between her lips, before repeating the whole searching process for her lighter.
Once the golden thing’s in her hand, she clicks to light up a flame, once, twice, three times, to no avail. You swear her hand is beginning to shake.
“Baek Harin!”
She spits the cigarette to the ground and nearly crushes the rest of the pack in her hand. Her teeth bite into her lip to stifle a scream of frustration, you guess, and she goes back to digging her nails into the flesh of her hand.
You slowly set a hand on her shoulder and she lets you, though she does look much too lost in her own head to register anything other than the ground she’s been blankly staring at. “…Let’s go home.” you say, tone softer.
She nods in agreement.
Baek Harin’s definition of a home has changed several times over the years. Haneul Orphanage, the house of the family she was adopted into, and yet neither ever truly gave her the feeling that it was what home was supposed to feel like. She isn’t relieved when she steps foot into her house, she just feels more at ease to continue preparing her so-called schemes. Still, it is a house, her family lives there, and she never lacked anything. It’s a fine place to be.
But when she’s here, in comparison…
“I’m home.” you sigh as you take off your shoes. Harin sees your cat walk past the entrance hallway and stop to look at you, clearly waiting for something. And when you look at it, you smile and go pet it. It’s just that easy for them to get what they want in life, huh? She feels your gaze on her and looks at you.
“Are you planning to stay at the door?”
She blinks. Right. She unclasps her shoes and slides them off her feet before she steps inside. She barely notices she’s breathing out a sigh of relief before a wave of exhaustion hits her. It makes her wonder for a moment if she was right to take the pillbox earlier. Maybe she forgot to take them during the day? She had so much to do. Did she? If she’s forgetful about this, she could be about much more important things….
She’s reminded of her near-breakdown just earlier and holds back from picking at her nails. She rarely reaches the brink of losing it this badly. She really needs to do something about the direction the game is going towards, or else she fears she might break at the wrong time.
“Harin.” you call, bringing her out of her thoughts, and she realizes you already walked to your kitchen, and you’re peeking at the corner of the wall to see her. “Do you want something?”
She stares at you a bit coldly, almost frowning. It’s clear she’s not entirely out of her own head, yet.
“Cola.” she says, “Do you have any?”
You scoff. “When do I not?”
She takes off her small backpack and walks further inside. This small place…  She would dislike it. She’s not one to be picky, but growing up in a luxury house for nearly ten years makes you dislike cramped spaces. At least she does. But she’s used to this apartment having you in it, and many times in the past, her, whenever she needed a place to go to that wasn’t her own house.
Sometimes she thinks maybe she isn’t grateful enough to have you. Sometimes.
“My game feels like it’s falling apart.” she sighs, walking into the living room. She plops down on the couch, tossing her bag aside and taking out her phone. “This girl is actively trying to ruin all of it.”
“Seong Suji?” you ask from the kitchen. There’s a hint of something in your voice that she hasn’t heard before. It’s sour and new.
She wants to hear it again.
“Yes. Seong Suji…” she trails off, “I swear even having 24/7 cameras on her wouldn’t help me stop her from doing all this.” she scoffs.
You hum in response, then it grows quiet. Harin feels a smile pull at her lips. She can practically see how much thoughts this small conversation provoked in your mind. Seong Suji? Is she the problem? She is. But is she in this case, too?
She’s curious.
“Still, I guess she’s a bit cute. Interesting, too. I’ve never had anyone stand up to me this much before.”
“Yeah?” you answer blankly, joining her. You set down the two glasses of cola on the coffee table just harshly enough for it to cause an audible clang. “Maybe because you're so used to having everyone bow to you and your every requests?”
“You don’t.”
“Don’t I?”
“You sound bitter.” Harin laughs, setting down her phone on her lap and propping up her elbow on the armrest. She sets her index under her chin and looks at you as you rummage through your backpack. The glimpse she gets of your face confirms you indeed seem unnerved about something. Cute… No, this is more than cute.
“I’m not.” you sigh, visibly straightening up. Your face relaxes and you glance towards her. “What’s with the staring?”
“Nothing. You’re nice to look at.”
You roll your eyes and grab your laptop from your bag and set it down on the table. Her eyes move to focus on it and she furrows her eyebrows. She didn’t know you still carried it around. She had to buy you one when it fell and the screen cracked, before. Irresponsible… Not that she minds buying for you. Not that you ask, either.
“Info on her friends. From other schools, I mean.”
Harin blinks, registering what you mean. “On Suji?” she mutters, eyes narrowing at the laptop. She tilts her head towards you with a small pout. “I never asked you that, did I?” she chuckles a little, leaning over to grab her glass.
This could be useful, but this doesn’t work.
You shake your head slightly. “Didn't.”
“So you’re just playing assistant, are you?” she huffs, “Thanks… But don’t do it again.”
You frown. “Why?”
“I don’t want you to get involved. You don’t even attend my school. It’ll only be trouble.”
— Besides, she doesn’t want you to be associated with this game and place as a whole more than needed. Just having you near the school is enough to make her stomach hurt. She has to have you be away from it all, at least. If not, she’ll feel like she’s still in it even when she’s with you. Then she won’t be able to sigh in relief once she steps inside your place anymore.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I get in trouble for you.”
“Mhm.” she laughs as she drinks, then turns to look at you once she’s done. The emotion leaves her face. “Don’t do it again.” she repeats, tone laced with hints of a threat. She means it.
“That doesn’t work on me, Harin.”
You stare at her and she doesn’t feel like looking away, either. You’re stubborn. She’s worse. This isn’t gonna end, and if it does, you might argue. She doesn’t feel like arguing.
“Do you like me?“ she decides to ask, just to throw you off a little.
“Are you insane?” you bite back, not missing a beat. Her smile deepens. She blinks away and leans back into the couch, sipping on her drink more.
“Not really.”
“That’s rude?” she laughs, looking at you again. You raise your eyebrows and smile slightly, leaning to grab your glass.
“Too bad.” you say, before sipping on the cola. It’s a bit nostalgic. Drinking cola under dim lights when it feels like the world is only you two. This happened before, when she felt like her family’s very presence was suffocating, and locking herself in her room wasn’t enough— Or much earlier, when you were just kids, and you’d buy each other cola flavored popsicles. This kind of comfort makes her want more. She almost forgets about the game, for a moment.
The sour air in your voice and on your features seems to be gone now, so she figures the atmosphere is just as calming for you. Though she did enjoy seeing that look on your face… Your genuine, soft smile is one she enjoys a little bit more.
Now that she’s getting comfortable here, she doesn’t want to leave. She’ll take all the time she can get. She knows you don’t mind her staying. You may be above the rest when it comes to telling her off and not doing everything she asks, but you’re not above allowing nearly anything that helps her. And if letting her stay here, at the cost of possibly getting a death glare from her family members and irritating questions about any trouble she could’ve possibly caused for you, can help her? 
Then she knows you wouldn’t refuse. Even if you pretend you could. She knows how important she is to you.
“I’m staying the night.”
“When did I say you could?”
“You didn’t have to.” she hums, reaching over to move strands of your hair away from your face. She smiles. “I know I can.”
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gazinguponmymind · 6 months
This is my second time trying to write something fully in english, i'm sorry for the mistakes. Thank you for taking your time to read this, i couldn't stop thinking about Doah and Suji, so for me and for a friend i decided to write a little something.
I also wanted to share to all Doah x Suji enjoyers out there, i hope you enjoy!!!!
Doah looked at her phone screen for a few minutes before putting it down. A sight escaped from her lips as she took off her glasses and started to take her clothes off, after the long and stressing day she had, she deserved a good and relaxing shower.
Such useless matters shouldn't be her top priority now, no class reunion was worth having to travel all the way back to South Korea, specially not the Happy Class. None of those people were worth her time nor the money she'd have to spend.
No one.
The heir finally got inside the bathroom, turned on the shower making sure the water was cold - she liked to take cold showers after stressing days - and got inside the box.
Doah let out a sight of pure relief. The now twenty-three year old woman close her eyes and let her thoughts wander through the memories she once promise to forget. Perhaps she should've changed her number years ago, she concluded.
But she didn't, why?
Because of her.
Her eyes opened. Maybe there was someone who was worth spending that amount of money for a class reunion after all.
Seong Suji.
The transfer student that changed the Happy Class and those in it. That defying charismatic girl who stood up for herself and her friends, the one who beat Baek Harin in her own game.
The girl who made Doah's heart flutter for the first time, who made her think how would it feel to kiss her lips and have her sharp gaze direct at her.
Yes, that one.
Doah turned the shower off, her vision blurred and her heart racing at the simple thought of seeing Seong Suji once again.
Maybe she should go to this class reunion, although she wasn't pleased with the idea of seeing some old faces there, it would be worth in the end if she got a chance of seeing Suji again.
Suji was worth it.
Her heart skipped a beat at the thought, Doah shook her head and grabbed the towell. After all these years and Suji still had this kind of influence on her, it was shameful, really. She lost her chance all those years ago, she knew that.
A memory flashed in her mind, a very clear one of Suji and Jaeun too close for her liking.
If she ever had any chance to begin with.
She sighed once again. She should know better, she truly should. Doah decided to think about this matter later. She needed a good night rest first.
She was late.
Of course she was late. She was still thinking wether she should be here or not. She looked at the restaurant, it was a filthy classy one, those types of places that only rich people would frequent. It did made sense thought, when she thought about who sent the invitation.
Did they change at all?
Doah sighed, and walked in. She would regret it, she knew, but maybe it wouldn't be that big of a regret.
The first thing she noticed was they were all grown ups now. Of course they were, but it felt a bit surreal to realize that. How many years had passed again?
Her eyes analized the whole place, she saw the same people who used to frequent High School with her, the same smiles, same eyes, same people, but older.
She was already regretting it.
"It costs a lot to eat here!" She heard someone say, she thought it was a familiar voice, but more mature. When she looked at the direction of the person...
Oh. Park Jieyong. She seemed to be talking to someone else.
"It costs around 300.000 won per person." Oh Seonga answered shocked, but seemed excited.
"Are you serious?" Choi Yuhyeon said and looked around surprised.
"My boyfriend was so shocked when he heard we'll be having our reunion here!" Doah didn't quite get who said that, all these excited women's voices were all started to sound the same.
"The restaurant is what i came for!" One of them started to take pictures excitedly.
"Everything here is so photo worthy!" A high picthed exclamation was heard.
Why was she here again?
Doah walked away from these people and, again, looked around one last time. She would not spend anymore minutes in this place.
What was she expecting anyway? But, to be honest with herself, from them she didn't expect anything. She wasn't here to see anyone else, but her.
Seong Suji.
The one who she looked across the room. And she was looking at her as well.
Doah's heart fluttered in her chest. Suji still had the same effect on her after all this time, it seemed. She couldn't take her eyes off the girl, who was also staring back at her questionly.
Doah didn't quite noticed that she might be staring a bit too much until Suji asked, "Umm, got something to tell me?".
Doah blinked once, and then again. Cleared her throat and said a weak and ashamed "Hey." back at the girl.
For a few seconds she felt as if she was the same inexperienced teenager trying (and failing) to talk with a pretty girl all over again. Doah wanted to fly back to United States as soon as she could, god, she thought she could actually throw herself off the plane at this point.
Suji analized her head to toe and maybe, just maybe, Doah felt her face getting hotter because of this. Suji laughed.
"Hey." She said back at her, a small smile on her face. "You're here."
It was a statement, Doah noticed. But what it meant, she had no idea.
"I am. I was considering not coming, but... Suddenly having an excuse to get away from US was a good ideia." Doah tried to joke around, emphasis on tried.
"The states? Wow. I heard it's pretty hard to get into med school there." Suji said looking at the table, she always seemed to be deep in thought, Doah remembered that. "That's why..." She seemed to say that more to herself.
Suji was always easy and hard to read in Doah's eyes, she seemed to be less tricky, more direct instead of going around in circles like most people. So, this time, it did get Doah a bit speechless and curious. That's why what? What was she trying to say?
"So, did you come to Korea on leave of absense?" Suji finally speaked after a few seconds, she seemed to be organizing her thoughts.
"No, i'm here on a short visit." Doah answered while sitting by Suji's side. She locked eyes with the red haired girl, a smile on her face. "I fly back tonight."
She might have gone crazy, but for a single moment Doah could swear on her mother's name that she saw something flash on Suji's eyes. Something like... Disappointment? Sadness?
She heard someone clearing their throat by her side and, a bit surprised, she noticed someone sitting on that table as well. Song Jaehyung.
"Mind if i sit?" Doah decide to ask since she was a bit impolite before. It was her fault she only had eyes for Suji and sort of forgot other people's presence.
"Oh, go ahead." Jaehyung answered sipping a bit of her glass.
Doah didn't quite understand, but Jaehyung seemed to be looking at Suji sending some sort of signal. Where they close? Doah did remember Jaehyung being attached to Jaeun wherever she went, sometimes a bit too much, but she didn't have a memory of Suji and Jaehyung being so close.
Suji seemed confused, but looked back at the woman. Maybe they were indeed close after all, Doah wouldn't know.
"I'm here to see you." Doah said serving herself a glass of wine, she was always straightfoward. "I wanted to know how you were doing."
Once again, they looked at each other. Suji seemed surprised, but her eyes were shining with fondness. Doah smiled at her, a smile she could only show to Suji. And maybe Jaehyung, but she wasn't really paying attention to the woman by her side.
She saw Suji's cheeks turn slightly red.
Oh... She was blushing because of Doah? Maybe it was childish, but Doah did feel proud of that.
Suji cleared her throat and smiled back a Doah, a smile Doah could swear was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. And maybe, just maybe, her heart fluttered once again because of Seong Suji.
"Well, i can't let your travel go to waste." Suji said putting a strand of hair behind her ear and, maybe, just maybe, Doah was admiring how beautiful she was at the moment. "So, can i have your number?"
Maybe this made Doah's heart go crazy in her chest and, just maybe, she felt her cheeks burning hot. So, she took the phone out of her pocket and extended towards Suji.
"I thought you would never ask."
The reunion wasn't that much of waste, she concluded. She got to talk with Suji for a long period of time, almost all afternoon, she might have drank a few glasses of wine admist the talking, but she was fine.
Doah also witnessed Jaehyung being a big flirt to the waitress and Suji rolling her eyes at her friend's antics. Her friend, yes, because Doah also learned that Suji and Jaehyung were, in fact, pretty close.
She did felt a pang of jealousy at that, but nothing serious.
She talked a bit about herself and how life in United States was, Suji seemed interested in her more than she thought she would be. Jaehyung also made her talk about her love life (which was nonexistent) and Seong Suji seemed to pay close attention when Doah revealed a few flings she had with some women in US.
Jaehyung seemed somewhat proud of her.
"I knew i could count on you, Seo Doah." She said at some point.
Doah also heard Jaehyung talk about Suji and Jaeun living together and, maybe, she decided to ignore the slight blush in Suji's cheeks at the mention of that girl.
Maybe, just for this few hours, Doah wanted to have some hope, even if led to nothing.
At some point, she had a call and needed to leave. Once again, she left Suji behind to take care of her own things and, once again, she hesitated at every step. She did look back, but Suji was engrossed talking about something else with Jaehyung.
Years had passed but Doah felt as if they were all still the same.
When she came back, Suji was gone.
"You know, you should give up." Jaehyung said, Doah looked at her surprise since, again, she didn't noticed the woman's presence.
"Don't say stuff like that, Jaehyung." Jiae, who appeared by Jaehyung's side, slapped the woman's arm.
"What? She's taken, i'm saying this for your own good, Seo." Jaehyung got up looking directly into Doah's eyes.
"By who? You?" Maybe she did sound a bit challenging, but it wasn't intentional.
Jaehyung only laughed at her while Jiae rolled her eyes and excused her friend. Ah, yes, Jiae was also still their friend after all these years.
No words were exchanged except a polite good bye and that was Doah's cue to leave. She grabbed her things and walked out of that restaurant lost in her thoughts.
Who was Suji with? Does she have a boyfriend? A girlfriend? Then, who was this person?
While she was asking useless questions (although she did know the answer, she just didn't want to admit it to herself) she saw a redhair talking to someone. Someone taller with black hair.
She was foolish, she knew that. She was denying it all along, she also knew that.
Suji and Jaeun were happily talking about something, Jaeun's arm around Suji's shoulder, the look in her eyes was bright, she never saw Suji like that. She thought the smile she gave to her was the most beautiful one in the world, but the smile she was giving to Jaeun was so much brighter, honest and beautiful.
Her heart ached at that. She let herself wish that smile was given to her.
Just for a moment Doah let herself wish.
Wish Seong Suji would look at her like that. Wish that Seong Suji would smile at her like that. Wish that she could be the one with her arms around Suji's shoulder making her laugh. She wished she...
Jaeun kissed Suji briefly on the lips, both blushing and smiling from pure happiness.
She wished that.
Doah never wished to be someone so badly.
And they walked away letting her behind. Because, of course, they would. They didn't even know she was watching them from afar, that she was envying them and what they had.
That she was envying Jaeun and who she had.
Doah sighed, checked the hours and called a taxi. She needed to head back to the airport. For the last time, she looked at Suji and Jaeun walking in each others arms.
She never had a chance to begin with.
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mashazart · 2 years
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read pyramid game
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Hii, I really like your works <3
Can I request hand-holding hcs for yerim, eunjeong and suji (individually)
Have a nice day!
hi *0* thank you and here you go!
Hand-holding headcanons for Love High girls
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yerim has the perfect hands. they're the perfect size, not too big and certainly not small, and just as photogenic as the rest of her. they're well-groomed enough for an idol and warm to the touch.
holding her hand is like eating fresh chicken soup. very cosy. your worries are dissipating. you feel like everything is going to be alright even if it's not yet. if you hold her hand while going somewhere, she can start absentmindedly moving your hands, and you'll want to run somewhere together and do something stupid.
it's easier if you're a girl too, but if you're not then it'll probably be difficult to hold hands in public. yerim is kinda famous and fans are fans. actually if Yeondu is there, she'll probably get in between you two, hold both of your hands and hang on them like a child lol.
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Eunjong's hands are bigger then usual for girls, but not wide, and her fingers are long. she keeps her nails short (for swimming and simple comfort), and though yeondu probably makes her do some easy skincare routine, her skin is still a bit rough - both because it's just like that for Eunjong and because of all the chlorine water. her hands can either be extremely warm or really cold.
she doesn't really hold hands often, not even with her s/o, so hand-holding is not exactly casual with her. she'll hold your hand when you need reassurance or support or when you space out and she needs to gently (more or less) return you to the real world.
her grip is firm, and you can feel her strength. even if she doesn't hurt you right now, it wouldn't be hard for her to do it. you can also feel like it wouldn't be easy to snatch your hand back, so you won't be able to just run out. Eunjong holding your hand gives you the feeling of steadiness, stoicism, inevitability.
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suji's hands are a bit on the smaller side, very neat, dry and cold. almost delicate but not quite. her skin is smooth, and when you hold her hand it feels as if she could easily slip away. (kind of like a smooth round pebble). her hands never tremble.
her grip is weak when she holds your hand, because she doesn't put much strength into it - up until she needs your attention on something. then her grip is sudden and firm, as if you've been holding a dead snake for a long time and it moved and wrapped itself around your hand.
if you need some comfort or reassurance, she'll gently rub her thumb along the side of your palm or intertwine your fingers. a quiet reminder that she's here, with you, that she wants and is ready to help if you need it.
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yenache · 2 years
Feel free to talk to me and I hope you'll enjoy my content!
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🐥You can refer to me as Yena and I don't mind nicknames.
🐥My pronouns are she/her but I'm cool with they/them.
🐥I'm a minor, so please refrain from talking about too mature subjects with me.
🐥I speak English and Filipino(Tagalog).
🐥My account is mainly for shits and giggles. Most of my content is probably going to be light-hearted, so I might have a hard time writing or creating angsty content. I'll post headcanons, fanart, and maybe even fanfics.
🐥Feel free to ask/talk to me!
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🍊I mostly read webtoons. Here's a list of my favorite ones:
🍊Viral Hit
🍊Loser Life
🍊To Not Die
🍊Get Schooled
🍊Pyramid Game
🍊No Longer a Heroine
🍊My favorite Characters are Johan Seong(Lookism), Zack Lee(Lookism), Hang Gyeol(Viral Hit), and Suji Song (Pyramid Game)
Enjoy your stay and I hope you'll enjoy what I've got to offer!!!!!
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