#putting glitter in your eyes will NOT give you pokemon eyes it will put you in the hospital
dysberries · 2 years
also. make all the jokes about (former) dragon type trainers being weak to fairy type trainers you want but valerie legitimately terrifies me. I loved the furisode girl trend that swept kalos a few years ago to the point that I bought a magazine featuring them but this one spread starring her looked more creepy than cute to me. I've never seen a picture of her without those bug-eyed contacts of hers -- are those even contacts? idk, she looks like she would silver wind me if I pissed her off.
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traumasurvivors · 8 months
Here’s a link to a blog post on my personal website on a topic that I think is very important.
I’ve also put it below the read more for people that don’t like external links. But if you're okay with it, checking it out on my personal website is really nice (and even giving it a heart if you can)! I don't make money from my website, so there are no intrusive ads or anything like that to stop you from reading the article.
Embracing Your Inner Child
This applies to anyone, but I really want to emphasize this to my fellow survivors who went through trauma as children and/or teenagers.
I’m so sorry you lost part, most or all of your childhood. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to give your inner child what you can. This includes comfort but it also includes doing the things you didn’t get to if you can.
Play the fun games. Buy the tasty treats. Go on adventures.
It’s never too late to feel a little more of the kind of joy you had (or should have had) as a child. You may not be able to be a child again, but you can still help and support your inner child.
You might have been told that a fun idea you had was “silly” or even “stupid.” When you have those thoughts now, instead of rejecting it, embrace the “silly” idea and let yourself enjoy it. It’s not shameful or wrong to do the things your inner child wants to do. It’s okay to be “immature” sometimes, even if you’re twenty years old. Or thirty. Or sixty. I just want to say that I don’t think any of this is immature, but I know that is a bias and judgement a lot of us might pass on ourselves. 
A short, not at all complete list of things you might do for your inner child:
Watch childhood movies or tv shows (Did you watch “Blues Clues”, or “Pokemon”? Maybe “The Land Before Time”? There’s no reason you can’t still enjoy them.)
Listen to “silly” music, maybe singing along or dancing to it (for me, one favourite is “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” from The Lion King. I know every word and have a dance party everytime it comes on my shuffle.)
Go to the park and use the swings (I don’t know why, but flying up just a few feet can make me forget all my “grown-up” worries)
Have a treat just because (maybe that big sundae your parents never let you have, or the chicken nuggets you haven’t had in a decade). Maybe you want to fulfil your childhood dream of having ice cream for breakfast! 
Go to the toy store - maybe even get some stuffed animals or other toy items. (I just recently realized that I can fulfill my childhood dream of collecting certain toys that I never got to have when I was younger!) 
Ride a roller coaster and scream your head off on the way down (I like to try to be in the very first car)
Make creative, crafty stuff - like a painting or drawing, or decorating a picture on construction paper with googly eyes and glitter or a clay model with a weirdly shaped head (even if the result looks like something you’d expect to see in a kindergarten class, or the process makes a mess that looks like a glitter bomb went off)
Another aspect of embracing your inner child is trying to give your inner child the person you needed when you were a child. 
This might mean standing up for yourself when others try to put you down or take credit for things you’ve done, even (or especially) if no one else spoke up for you when you were a child. 
It might mean offering comfort and compassion to yourself, and not being too hard on yourself when you make mistakes that you would have been insulted for as a child or don’t know something that “everyone learns as a child.” Maybe now you can teach yourself that accidents happen, and spilling a drink or breaking a plate is not the disaster and failure of character that you were told as a child. 
It might mean being patient with yourself when something is harder to do than you feel like it should be (whether you actually aren’t able to do it as easily as others, or you have unrealistic expectations of its difficulty because of the expectations put on you as a child). There are lots of instructional videos out there to help you to gain basic cooking or cleaning skills. If you never really learned to read, there are programs to help you. If you weren’t allowed or able to learn to manage your emotions or relationships in healthy ways, there’s help out there for you. There is absolutely no shame in not learning any kind of skills you feel you “should” have learned as a child, and it is okay to learn them as an adult.
You may have had to grow up too fast. You may not have been allowed to do the fun things. You may have suffered trauma that shattered your childhood. I’m here to tell you that you still have an inner child, and embracing that inner child is good for you. Just because you’re an adult, at any age, doesn’t mean that you’re too old to have fun.
No one else gets to decide what’s right for you - you get to decide what you enjoy and what you want.
And it’s never too late to remember, indulge, listen to, and embrace your inner child. Let them be a part of how you choose to move forward. It’s time for us to realize that there is no one way to be an adult, and we get to decide what being an adult means to us. And if that means I want to rent a bouncy castle for my birthday, then that is my perfectly valid version of an adult birthday (a birthday which my inner child would be thrilled about, by the way).
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winged-midnight · 10 months
[ A video is attached. ]
[ The camera turns on to almost complete darkness in low quality with a soft click as the recording device is set down on a solid surface- wood, if you had to guess.
There's a bit of giggling in the background.
"Hi, Rotomblr," a voice whispers into the mic, shaking with suppressed laughter. It's a little pitchy. "Nox here. Gonna be recording because I can't type well on my phone, and my parents TOOK MY LAPTOP! So I can't use it to type! The indignity!" there's a quiet gasp of pretend shock, and more giggling. "I'm with my friend- uh. Hey do you want to pick an internet name for yourself?"
Someone whisper-shouts back. "What?"
"Internet safety. Not giving out your real name. It can be whatever you want!"
"Can I change it later?"
"Sure." The camera shakes a little as it's readjusted. Nothing much has really changed, of what you can see. It's still just staticky blackness. "But uh. You figure that out, I'm gonna do the thing."
"Oh ho, the thing?"
"The thing, the thing, the thing!" There's a bit more quiet giggling from both voices. "Anyway, uh. Hi Rotomblr!! You know the little project I was talking about? Talked about. A bit too much perhaps?" You can hear cloth ruffling. "It's almost done, it's almost done!"
"Almost done, almost done," the other voice joins in on the whisper-chanting. "It looks. Amazing. By the way. You are so talented-"
"Oh hush you," comes the playful reply. "You've said that already so many times."
"The people of the internet should know!"
"It's going to be so fabulous they won't need to be told," Nox jokes lightly. Cloth ruffles again. The two laugh giddily.
The camera shakes a bit. "Anyway. Welcome to my workshop," Nox announces, their voice hushed but still full of excitement. There's a quiet click, and a second later, gentle yellow light illuminates the screen.
The camera takes a moment to focus again, and when it does, it takes another moment to process what you're looking at. It's a sculpture of Palkia, from the waist up, easily at least three feet tall as it sits on a paper-covered tabletop.
The details aren't all correct, but they're extremely intricate. The person holding the camera slowly pans around to get a view of the sculpture from as many perspectives as possible. There are runes on the edges of the cylindrical base of it, painted with rich purple and gold.
The claws are smooth and graceful and the plate-armor of the forearms has sharp edges on the ridges and gentle curves in between. The blade-wings on its back are long and sharp, extended and curled slightly inward to create a feeling of wrapping around space, the spine is shaped with care and it runs down the neck and fades as it reaches the top of the head and the lower length of the back.
In this specific sculpture, the mouth is closed, the eyes wide open and half-painted purple. It looks like it could be alive and moving, were it not trapped in stone. The pose conveys a kind of power and movement that you can't quite put to words.
On Palkia's shoulder guards, a Pale Sphere glitters from where it's embedded in the clay. It's a huge, visceral thing, a titan rising with wings outstretched and arms open wide. Its shadow flickers dimly in the lamplight.
A few seconds later, the light clicks off and the camera is plunged back into darkness. "Can't have my parents knowing," Nox mutters under their breath. "Anyway. I really like it," they whisper. "One of my best to date, I think."
"If you didn't like it, I'd be disappointed," murmurs their friend as they audibly flomp into a pile of blankets.
"You flatter me."
"Not flattery. Just truth. It's really beautiful."
"Glad you think so!"
"...Oh! And. I thought of a name, I think."
"Oh? Do tell do tell!"
"If Pokemon professors can be named after trees, I guess historians can be rocks. Call me Garnet. She/her, by the by."
"Ohhh that's a good one! Would've thought you'd go for something more...purple. Though. You have very uh. Purple vibes."
"So I've been told," Garnet says offhandedly. "But Garnet can be purple. Purple-red. Rhodolite. Very pretty."
Nox lets out a soft gasp. "I didn't know that!"
"Now you do."
"Thanks- uh. Garnet!"
Garnet laughs softly. "No problem."
"And. Thank you for. Being here."
"Think of it as a sleepover. It's no big deal." Garnet's voice takes on a protective edge. "Couldn't leave you hanging."
"...I appreciate you a lot."
"Come on, you cheesy sap. You're on tape right now."
"Heh. Right. Yeah. We should...go to bed, soon."
"That's an idea."
"A good one."
The microphone crackles a little as the recording device shifts again. "I'll post the finished product once I'm dooone," Nox whispers into the mic. "Going to bed now bye!!" ]
[ Video ends. ]
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picavecalyx · 3 months
@seazethemoment asked:
"'Sup 'sup! Hey, hold up a sec!" Marlon pants, emerging from the sea with a big grin on his face and something clutched in his hand. "Was out for a few rips around the low tide an' noticed ya on the shore..." he pauses, gesturing enthusiastically towards Silva's small pile of gathered shells. "That is one rad collection, my dude. Y'got some real nice finds stacked up, so..."
"I dunno, I just thought it'd be super chill to help ya out!" he declares, excitedly revealing the translucent, sparkling shell glittering in his palm. The Gym Leader offers it to Silva with a showman's bow. "All yours, dude! I just had fun divin' for it--that's good enough for me!"
"Don't get it twisted...you can find some cool stuff in the sand, but the real treasures are in the water," he advises brightly, adjusting his goggles. "Wanna check it out with me?"
shells, shells were always something silva had, no matter what time, no matter where she was and no matter how she felt. she always had at least a couple of shells. and even when she didn't, she was either giving them to someone or turning them into something else!! at the moment, she was trying to decided which shells were best as gifts, and which would be good as a material or a base for shellstrument...there was something comforting about shells, about how they were almost everywhere, and how some of them were brittle, while others were tough.
and how all of them were used to communicate something, from one person to the next.
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" uuhhh!!! luk at thuse!!! "
almost as fast as someone could breathe, she popped up into a stand and held her hands out in a grabbing motion. even as she swiped the shells, she became careful, just in case these ones were fragile. she took up to her eye, putting it between her and the sun.
" these are great!!! "
an exclamation before she set it down over the sand besides the rest, stepping over them and standing next to the other. she had thought about going into the water, searching there...but she got nervous, sometimes!! that she wouldn't be able to handle the sound of the ocean. what lied within. it was always weird, she remembered swimming and going under just fine, when she was little!! but then, those frozen ponds where only a couple of pokemon lived!! but an ocean? no, those were thousands of pokemon, more!! even if they were distant, their voices still traveled however vaguely into her ears.
it was safe to say she avoided swimming under when she was alone, in case she couldn't get back up.
...but she wasn't alone!! this friendly guy--who looked oddly familiar?? maybe he was someone important? not that she really cared, or remembered. so now that she wasn't alone, she could go out!! plus it was for shells, and nothing would stand between her and finding more shells.
" uuhhhh sure!! lets gu!!! du yu knuw any gud sputs? ur shuld i ask the pukemun, i mean they knuw the best sputs. "
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princeofcyberpunk · 7 months
PSA to XY enjoyers - Pokemon Y Crashing
Yo! so I started a replay of Pokemon Y yesterday, but it was verrry different this time. I've replayed this cartridge at least 10 different times if not more over the course of about 8 years and take very good care of my games. I have run into zero problems in the past. It is an authentic, bought new from Nintendo (I believe it was purchased from Target? if thats at all relevant) and has never been modded or hacked. It's just a normal cartridge lol. I play using a New Nintendo 3DS XL
However, when I started this new save up (i wiped a half-played save file from 2022) up it suddenly wouldn't let me past the language selection and would crash before getting to Sycamore's cutscene where you choose your character. I tried multiple times and it wouldn't do anything.
Solution to that: I updated my system and it let me past the language selection with no issues. I had a habit of clicking the "no" option whenever prompted with a 3DS system update for years no so ig thats my karma lmao.
I've noticed after this that the frame rate is a lotttt lower. Normally the only Pokemon game that lags at all for me is my copy of Ultra Moon, which is common for that title because of how much stuff is on it (genuinely have no idea how they fit all of that onto the 3DS) but the frame rate of battles and some areas (like route 3) are significantly worse and i've even noticed some pop-in with some NPCs which has never happened to me on a 3DS game before lol
However, once so far in my playthrough it has crashed. Basically I tried backtracking out of Glittering Cave after the first two grunt fights so I could heal and take on the double battle you do with your rival. So i went out of the cave and ran into those shadows that give you a wild encounter and the second I did the game crashed.
No idea what happened there but it's worth mentioning.
So I looked online elsewhere (reddit, pokemon forums etc) and a lot of people are aparently having this issue and judging by the date a lot of those people posted about it on, it started occurring right after I played it last (2022)
So yeah. basically if your Pokemon X/Y game isn't working past language selection, try updating your 3DS.
And if it's still crashing occasionally (like mine did and maybe will in the future) keep an eye on it. I'll most likely take it to my favorite game shop for a repair if this persists enough for it to become a problem (because if it just crashes occasionally then I'm just going to chalk it up to the game just being old). I encourage you to do the same if this issue crops up for you too! Retro game shop people are always really nice in my experiences so give it a shot :D
I'm mostly putting this out here because I know a lot of people are going to want to replay/play these since Z-A are going to come out. And I didn't want anyone to freak out about it (like i did. lol.)
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teammaxvolume · 1 year
04 for Gamma?
A Memory That Gamma Cherishes
"Hey, you're still coming, right?"
The message on Gamma's phone sits unopened. Oh, Gamma read it, they just don't know how to answer. The question has been on their mind all morning, and time to make a decision has been running out.
"Should I go?"
There's so much that could go wrong. There could be a smaller crowd than anticipated. There could be some hateful people or pokemon, and they wouldn't be able to keep their temper in check. There could be cops there.
There could be an attack.
Gamma grabs their phone and begins to type, careful not to drag their fingers across the broken glass screen if possible. Don't need shards stuck in their thumb.
Gamma takes a deep breath. They knew he'd reply sooner than later, might as well brace to explain themself. Sure enough, the familiar, "ding!" noise echoed in their ears, and they lifted up their phone once more.
"Cmon Gamma. Youve wanted to go to this for years. Whats the holdup??"
"Don't make fun of me for it."
"I would never" Gamma knew that was bullshit, but they were going to give him a pass this time.
"I'm scared something's gonna happen if I go. U know how people can be around here"
Oh the dreaded gray dots, signal of a message being written. The anxiety grows worse and worse every minute that passes.
"u cant be afraid to live ur life, thats how they win. thought u hated losing?"
Oh Rex really knew which buttons to push.
"This isn't the same thing as a fight in the ring."
"I know. It's more important than that, and u damn sure know that too.
We'll be walking past ur place on the way there. Lmk if u wanna come or not."
Gamma stares out at the gathering crowd of people and pokemon. Seems like they didn't overestimate the number of attendees, but it's still a little overwhelming to see them all in real life. A human with a vest that says, "Volunteer," shouts instructions through a megaphone, and the crowd complies with their requests.
Gamma feels a little underdressed compared to everyone around them. There's people with glitter and makeup on their faces, flags being worn as capes, even people in full drag attire. Gamma can't help but feel a bit jealous, seeing someone with a large nonbinary flag draped over their shoulders. They want a nonbinary flag..
"You're not getting cold feet, are you Gam-Gam?" Beetle calls, the teasing nickname earning a groan from Gamma. The little Marshtomp Scolipede chuckles at their visible cringe, but a playful slap to the back of the head stops them midway. The offender, a Granbull with piercings, steps past them and puts a reassuring paw on Gamma's shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.
"I'm nervous, Rex." Gamma replies honestly.
"We're here with you." Rex says softly, as if trying not to be heard.
"Don't tell me that two of the underground's fiercest fighters are having a moment?" A high pitched voice teases, interrupting the duo. A Morgrem, perched on a Pangoro's shoulder, winks at Gamma. "You never know who might be listening, you could end up being the latest gossip!"
"You wouldn't, Roxie." Rex says. It's not a question, it's stated as a fact.
"Probably not. But Jess would!" Roxie exclaims, gently nudging the Pangoro's head, earning a laugh from Beetle and a quieter laugh from Gamma.
Jess, ignoring the tease from Roxie, fist pumps in Gamma's direction. "Seriously Gamma, you're gonna have a good time! There was sidewalk chalk last year, I know you'd go ham drawing a mural on the ground!" They enthusiastically encourage. Sidewalk chalk... not their typical medium, but Gamma makes a mental note to keep an eye out for it.
"You know, I could've painted your claws for the event," Roxie says, looking Gamma up and down. "I might have some in my bag, we could try to apply a quick coat once the parade is over."
"She painted mine pink!" Jess says, proudly showing off their claws to the group. Gamma stares at them admiringly. That specific shade of pink was a little too light for their taste, but...
"The parade's gonna start here soon," Beetle pipes in, excitedly hopping from one foot to another. "You'd better be ready for all the free mom hugs you're gonna get, Gamma!"
Gamma rolls their eyes, but honestly? Some hugs from moms didn't sound too terrible. Maybe they'd stop for one or two.
After the trek, which included horns from passing by cars honking at them, dirty looks from a few in the parade's path, and three stops for a hug from a kindly mother; the crowd finally dispersed at an open park. The festivities weren't over yet though, as merchants set up booths to sell their wares, food trucks lined up along the entrance, and performances were held on a large stage. The group set out a large blanket on the grass, a good distance away from the stage, but not too far as to not be able to see it.
"Just gimme like, ten minutes," Beetle said, breaking off from the group. "I wanna go talk to a Pokemon I recognized."
"In the meantime," Roxie dug through her bag for a moment before pulling out a small pouch, unzipping it and pouring the contents out onto the group's picnic blanket. "You. Need. Some. Polish!" She exclaimed, clapping with each word and singsonging the last.
"It's gotta be the hot pink," Jess suggested, holding a bottle of nail polish up to Gamma's right claw. "It screams, 'I'M VENOMOUS!'"
Gamma took in the variety of nail polish colors spread out along the blanket before agreeing that the hot pink probably was the best color for them. "This shouldn't take too long, should it?" They asked, unfamiliar with the actual process. Well, they knew the basic gist of it, but since they'd never done it before, they didn't really have a clue how long it would take.
"Just don't move around too much," Roxie says as she begins to paint, ignoring Gamma's question. Jess watches with reverent fascination, and Rex just watches the three in amusement.
"You know Gamma, I bet you'll really keep your word now." Rex says offhandedly. Gamma looks at him with confusion.
"What do you mean?"
Rex gestures at Gamma's claws. "Every promise you make now is going to be a pink-y promise!" He chuckles at his own joke as the others groan.
"You're the worst." Gamma says teasingly.
"Not my fault if you don't got a sense of humor." Rex says with a shrug.
Gamma laughs and closes their eyes, feeling the cool end of summer breeze on their face. Just taking it all in. The smell of the belgian waffles being cooked in a truck nearby, the music being played on stage as a performer danced. Not gonna lie, this was nice.
"Got you something."
Beetle's voice brought Gamma out of their momentary meditation, and glanced suspiciously at the bag they had in their hands.
"Yeah? What for?" Gamma asks, trying to get a better look at the inside of the bag.
Beetle shrugs and grins, fangs fully exposed. "Your first pride. Want me to open it, since your hands are kinda..." They gesture at Gamma's claws, and receive a nod in return. Gamma braces for what kind of terrible gag gift Beetle certainly picked up. Probably a shirt with a cheesy slogan on the front, or even a hat.
Imagine Gamma's surprise when Beetle pulls out two folded up flags, one bisexual and the other nonbinary.
"I saw you staring at them with this look on your face like, 'I WANT ONE SO BAD,' so I thought I'd go grab one from a booth. Except then I didn't know which one you wanted, so I got them both. Who says you can't wear two capes huh, I'll fight em." Beetle says as they walk behind Gamma and begin to wrap the flags around their shoulders.
"Beetle..." Gamma says in awe. They were genuinely expecting something awful, but this was.... really sweet. Beetle was usually a bit of a jokester.
"Done." Beetle says, stepping back.
"Thank you. What do I owe you for these?"
Beetle makes an offended sounding noise, and exclaims, "Nothing! It's a gift, dumbass! Just don't say I never did anything for ya!"
Gamma laughs, and takes a moment to appreciate the feeling of the pride, "capes," on their back. It felt... nice. To be open about it, to be known. It's hard to explain, but Gamma felt a sense of pride and joy wearing these. Maybe they'd incorporate them into their next match entrance.
"And guess who found where the sidewalk chalk is? They have it near the kids corner!" Beetle exclaimed, pointing in its direction. "Might wanna hurry before the entire sidewalk's colored over!"
Gamma snaps to attention and sits up straight, looking towards the kids corner. They look down at their claws, now fully covered in nail polish, and decide they're good enough. They hop up and begin to race towards the sidewalk, Beetle close behind.
"Wait!" Roxie calls out, "Your claws aren't dry yet!!"
That day, Gamma leaves with some messy nails, a new mural picture on their phone, and two new flags to wear proudly as they step into the ring.
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Meet the LI's
As a BIG point of reference. The colors are off because tumblr is restrictive haha. Lex:
Full Name: Lex Bergstrom (Lex Burg-strum)
Pronouns: Xey/Xem/They/Them (genderqueer)Sexuality: OmniAge/Birthday: 19 (Jan 1st)
Height: 6’3”
Ethnicity: Norwegian/Swedish 
Position: Switch 
Likes: brunost, improv, acting, cooking, baking for others, being a bastard (damn bitch, you lanky and have an attitude), romance novels/manga, gaming, cousins (best friends), Vocaloid, rain, Nightcore (understandable but damn.) Their lizard named Brann
Dislikes: talking shit, ableist comments on eye, xyr body, carrots (ew), sarcasm (although they do it, wow hypocrisy), band kids (it's mostly a joke….maybe), xyr Christian parents (told them they're sinning for how they changed their name), basketball (played it in high school)
Love Language
Giving: nothing Acts of Service/Quality Time
Receiving: Words of Affirmation 
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Full Name: Rania Habib (Raan-ya Haa-beeb) 
Pronouns: She/Her (trans) Sexuality: Demi/Omni Age/Birthday: 19 (July 21st) 
Height: 5'1 (Lumi height lmfao) (rude </3)
Ethnicity: Cyrpus/Egyptian/Japanese 
Position: Power bottom/Switch
Likes: halloumi cheese, very gen Z humor (fried memes make her snort), fashion! (Decora; japan), studying (English literature student but works part-time at the in-school bookstore), koshary (dish), plushies, her books <3, cats, long naps, societal issues, her cat BiBi
Dislikes: being told she's over-cluttered, being held back in her studying (she wants to finish it in one go if she can, although she takes breaks), being owned things, popping candy (surprisingly), her fucking shit and wack ass classmates, existence, girl can't cook sorry
Love Language
Giving: Words of Affirmation 
Receiving: Physical Touch
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Full Name: Darius Harris (Dar-ee-us Hair-is) 
Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 28 (October 26th
Height: 5’6”
Ethnicity: African American
Position: Service Top
Likes: laughing cow Cheese, his kid. His kid very much, loves his kid (will do anything for her), his job, surprisingly! He actively likes knowing the town and speaking to the regulars every day, DND! (Nerd), jazz (plays a few different instruments;) ), fruit loops (on God he eats it uP), coffee snob, his apartment decorations, hockey, dad jokes
Dislikes: smoking, Starbucks, newer pokemon games, Mcdonald's fries (they really went downhill in recent years), garbage not put on the curbside (PLEASE PUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE HE TRIES HIS BEST), people who tell him he works a shit job :( (he likes it a lot how dare you insult his trash), glitter (that shit gets everywhere), (monarchy shhhh secret)
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time/Gift Giving
Receiving: Acts of Service 
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Full Name: Perkins Arsenault (Perk-ins R-sen-o)
Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bi Age/Birthday: 21 (April 22)
Height: 6’2”
Ethnicity: Québécois/Canadian
Position: Switch
Likes: oka cheese (blue cheese is second best), his mom's <3, cheese. His cows!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Millie <3), calligraphy, nature hikes/long walks, road trips, baking bread, yoga, gardening, sunset/sunrise, fruit snacks, those pamphlets you get when you travel 
Dislikes: Animal cruelty, large crowds, the cold, pineapple on pizza (IT DOESNT BELONG THERE), peaches, hotel mints (he’s been tricked far too many times thinking it was just chocolate), doing nothing
Love Language
Giving: Acts of Service 
Receiving: Quality Time
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Full Name: Milo Davis (Mee-lo Day-vis)
Pronouns: He/They/She (Intersex/Genderfluid) Sexuality: Bi Age/Birthday: 25 (September 1st)
Height: 5’11”
Ethnicity: Australian
Position: Top (youre welcome Lumi)
Likes: goat cheese, strawberry milk (secretly), his tattoos, oil paint/acrylics, rock, leather clothes, BBQ fanatic (cooks really well), specific paint brushes (Rembrandt), quietness, fucking with people (will make you believe stupid things), ex-wife (1 year). Mom <3, AAA meetings, yellow, punk fashion and ideology 
Dislikes: hot dogs (will kill on sight), alcohol (ex ad.), Fighting, fake rock fans, watercolor paint, math, pickles (has cried before), mocking. Loud noise. 
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time
Receiving: Physical Touch
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Full Name: Andrés (Roberto) Rodríguez (Han-dre) (Rode-dre-gaze)
Pronouns:They/Them (amab) (agender) Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 20 (July 7th)
Height: 5’3”
Ethnicity: Cuban
Position: Switch (Top leaning)
Likes: queso nabacoa, guayaba, dancing (hip hop), family!!! Big time especially his grandfather, soccer (inter Miami CF), photography, cigarettes, caffecito 
Dislikes: puns (sorry for your loss in humor bro), water (can't swim for shit, will drown), horror movies (horror in general), anyone who says bullshit about his team <\3, being dismissed when he talks about his interests 
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time
Receiving: Acts of Service 
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Full Name: Merry Winsterfield (Mare-ee Win-stir-field)
Pronouns: She/They (enby) Sexuality: Omni Age/Birthday: 25 (May 5th)
Height: 5’5”
Ethnicity: American/Irish
Position: Bottom
Likes: cheddar, video games, Instagram-worthy dinners, social interaction, skateboarding, mom's side of the family, beer!
Dislikes: unfashionable people, being criticized, overworking herself, ducks. Hates ducks (they scare her), her dad, panic attacks
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time/Physical Touch
Receiving: Gift Giving
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Full Name: Liam Hugon (Lee-am U-ong)
Pronouns: He/Him (trans) Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 22 (March 17th)
Height: 6’1”
Ethnicity: Vietnamese/American 
Position: Switch (Bottom leaning)
Likes: brie, designer clothes, big-time fashion nerd, sewing!, Drawing (has to do with fashion but has drawn other pieces), reading, Bún thịt nướng (good AF tbh, pop off Liam), high-end restaurants…like reservations are impossible to get in I mean bro, does work out (has an in-home gym ;) ) and helps out at the community garden, providing for loved one's, has a dad who was very supportive of his transition (although he's a traditional man)
Dislikes: one of the aunties that keeps telling him that he's not "a real man," and etc. Good old transphobia from old traditional people, am I right, lads, yelling, cucumber (will fight you if about how gross they are), ex (toxic mf? Can't imagine), anything that's pure wool….just ew. Being recognized in the streets/paparazzi (although not famous famous still has a following important enough)
Love Language
Giving: Gift Giving
Receiving: Words of Affirmation 
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #4 learning the basics and evolving .
during the pervious night in the medical wing taiga took valdederon to his and his wifes quarters and set up a small nest and puts a pile of books next to the nest having heard that valdederon fell asleep in a book while reading it and then lays in his own nest with his wife a milotik who looks as aged as him.
-----THE NEXT DAY----
valdederon wakes up in an unfamilliar room and looks around feeling alone his in born pokemon instincts taking over his mind and emotions tears dribbling down his face untill he begins to sob openly startling the milotik awake and she slithers on over to the crying fennekin and cradles him up quietly singing in a voice soft as silk
kleo-- hey little one its all right hey little one your safe to night the moon is bright the sars like diomonds glittering like snow rest those eyes and look bright evrything will be all right momy has you held up tight.
for an hour she sings slowly calming valdederon blushing bright red and purring
kleo-- whats wrong bud why are you crying.. tell moma whats wrong
valdederon growls at that
valdederon--- no offense but your mot my moma.. and im alone.. stuck in this world in a body that isnt mine … a body that is not my age.. a body that i barely have any controll of.. im alone. weak and i have no family.. not even in the world im from..
kleo--- i call my self moma with evryone sweat pea. and you are not alone. not here we are all like a family here in this guild and what do you mean you have no family.
valdederon--…THATS NONE OF YOUR CONCERNE…. its all in a different world any way so it doesnt matter.. not like i give a dam any way.
he turns his head away from her and sighs flash backs playing in his mind monsters ransacking houses screams filling the air thick with smoke. smell of blood in evrywere humans charging at a creaturre horns on its head skin red rough as stone claws as sharp as razors fading out as he begins a type of breathing exercise almost as if meditating.
after an hour he spots the books and begins to read as kleo sighs heading back into her nest taiga having been awake to hear the out burst
taiga--- thats verry concerning.. hes volitile and powerful even at his young age… he nearly burned down a small clinic shortly after his egg hatched.. he even gave evergreen a sizable burn scar
kleo--- we can break through his shell in time hun.. i think we should teach him about our world as much as we can.. he definatly isnt shy about reading.
taiga sighs--- im still worried….. well…. valdederon… your going to come with me to the daycare… and dont even start with im this old crap because your body is already adjusting to its age physiacly and emotionaly as you can tell. so youl need to learn your basics sooner or later luckily unlike most outworlders you have a chance to aclimate more easily as your a new born still.
valdederon looks at taiga with a light growl. but just sighs after caving into the request and for the next couple years valdederon learns about the world as tought in the daycare avoiding the other young pokemon . eventualy he is moved to an actual school room his body now around 5 years old .
valdederon walks into the school room on the 8th floor of the guild 4 books in a bag on his back and a bunch of pokemon chuckle seeing the loner fire type walk in as one of the rebelling at the moment bully pokemon pipe up.
neegan--- hey flame brain what you packen in that bag.. oh wait probably your baby supplies ha ha ha i hear your crying your self evry
hes cut off by a powerful ember blast on the wall
valdederon--- shut your trap unless you want to be burned into cinders were you sit. im here to learn not deal with pethetic bullies. and not here to make friends either
he head to the back of the class and takes off his bag bitting the buckle on the side releassing the bagg off his back. and begins to wait for the teacher who happens to be a ninetales named gelda
gelda-- good morning class ….ok. why is the wall burned…oh i see ok moving on im gelda your teacher for this class room youve all met our newst student already.. the fennekin who seems to have targeted neegan… valdederon please avoid attacking other students alright i know youve had abit of a rocky stay here but evryone here is kind.. despite some personality clashes.. and neegan i strongly advice an attitude change lest you want me to contact your mother
neegan a teddiursa whimpers and sinks in his seat
neegan-- p.. please d..dont tell my mom..i..ill behave i swear.
gelda nods and passes out ink wells and papers with a small writting assignment to gauge evryones writting quality. the class falling silent as evryone begins to go to work on the assignment valdederon retracting his claws in and out distracted by thoughts and memories of his previous life. when gelda comes over and bats him in the back of the head with her paw
gelda--- you going to get to work bud.. you seem distracted.
valdederon--- im fine just old memories.
he dips a claw in the ink and begins to write his name about him self and what hes been through while in this strange new world. then heading to the training room after hes finished ending up face to face with a training dewot whos working out some of his own rage, the dewott screaming curses at a training dummy slashing at it with shell blades at full force. when he spots valdederon watching quietly.
beltrand--- what do you want fire type… you want to tease me about beeing week not strong enough to.
valdederon noticing were this is gowing shakes his head
valdederon--- i came here to work out my own problems maybey we could have a sparing match. i dont realy know what happened to you in your past and i wont pry i my self have had a fair share of… happenings in my past i am an out worlder .
beltrand stares shocked but begins to nervously laugh and sit down panting
beltrand-- im sorry i.. i didnt mean to snap.. but sure we can spar abit.. let me just grab some berries and rest up first.
valdederon nods and lays down flat shutting his eyes to rest abit having not had much sleep the previous night and quickly falls asleep. an hour later beltrand wakes valdederon and they take a moment to stretch before going all out sparing for over 5 hours untill vall yelps and stumbles startled by a blueish white glow around him and whimpers feeling his body shift change and moprh after its all finished valdederon had finished evolving into a braixen and he striesgetting up and stumbles onto his face and he growls.
valdederon--- wonderfull.. now i have to re learn hot to walk… for the love of mercy.. ugh..
beltrand--- ha ha ha .well now your definatly much stronger then before.. your a braixen now.. im going to go head into my room im exausted but i had fun sparing
valdederon--- as did i stay safe .
he nods and heads off and valdederon slowly makes his way wobbly up to the guild masters quarters and falls on his face again in his nest with a growl waking up taiga hwo had been taking a nap
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snippyrocket · 2 years
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@lionfanged​ sent:
' okay, and... now you may open your eyes. '
guiding the temporarily blind shinya, atticus was having a difficult time resisting a smile watching him so dutifully follow him. some time ago, shinya would have never trusted following him to an unknown spot, let alone blindfolded.
now, he stepped away, going to join the pups all dressed up in sawsbuck antlers and glittering wreath collars as they stood in front of what had been a previously delayed project. the shelter was excellent, but what was even better was an attached doggy daycare. people could help fund the shelter's mission by dropping off their pokemon, and potentially peeking in to see if they could find any new friends, while allowing the shelter pups plenty of social time.
its own giant, stand-alone building, after having initially insisting it to be just a storage unit, atticus was pleased to be able to finally show the truth of the building's purpose.
' merry christmas, my love. '
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Is this why he’s been so busy lately?
None of it had made much sense: to be led, blind, so far out from where they’d started. His stomach had been in knots the entire time, excitement intermingled with nerves at the thought of letting him take control for such a long way...
Of all the times to wonder if Atticus was about to stab him in the back at long last, he’s delighted to still find himself completely and utterly wrong, chest rising as Shinya sucks in a big lungful of air...
And he very nearly forgets to continue breathing.
His lip trembles at the sight of it all: the dogs, dressed up in their festive finery, his beloved standing at their side... And the brand new addition of the daycare, pristine and more than ready for it’s first visitors.
What lay before him was not mere storage space, as he had so foolishly let himself believe (even with ample reason to be suspicious, given the comings and goings within) but the perfect space for people to leave their pups for some TLC and social time.
With every day that passes, the shelter continually gets bigger and better -- and it’s all down to the fact that someone trusts him enough to make it all work.
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“I love it, I love it-- I love you!” 
Trembling with excitement, his feet race to rejoin his love without much in the way of thought, hands seizing up Atticus’s jaw to plant a solid, firm kiss upon his lips. The dogs instantly absorb his jovial mood, leaping up in an attempt to join in with all of the hugs and kisses, antlers slipping off entirely as Shinya greets them with a ruffle of the fur upon their heads, never one to forget his babies.
“The dogs are going to benefit from this like you wouldn’t believe.”
His own gift, still yet to be offered up from the depths of his coat pocket, suddenly feels quite lazy in comparison to the stuff of dreams materializing before his eyes. But he gives it nevertheless, snatching a wrist up to wrap a tasteful, short length of chain around it. It’s just loose enough to allow the matching gold locket ( in a distinctive, star-like shape -- very clearly inspired by the tails of the Shinx line ) to dangle quite nicely.
Inside, a pair of tiny photographs lay within, neatly and painstakingly trimmed to fit. On one half is the Shinya he knows well. Mischief is scribbled over his face as he blows a raspberry at the camera, fluffy hair poking out every which way. On the other, he’s much better put together ( for work at the shelter, perhaps ) hair slicked back and his expression better contained as he smiles nicely for the camera.
Both pictures seem a very far cry from the same man who once prided himself on achieving the lofty title of Rocket’s cruelest.
“Sorry that my gift isn’t an entire building, but... I had more of a sensible budget in mind, yanno?”
Bumping their foreheads together, he beams from ear to ear.
“Merry christmas, y'big softie.”
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yanban-san · 2 years
in regards to the little uncanny differences post; jokes on them, i can't make eye-contact to save my life and outright refuse to, for neurodivergent reasons. i usually look at a persons nose or at their forehead or behind them if i have to "make eye contact" with someone gsdhjKMGSDM--
but theres something to be celebrated about the differences between being human and being eldritch, isnt there? everyones teeth are different, and there are people are born with extra fingers, too! theres no helping it and its comforting in its own weird roundabout way that its like that for emmet and ingo, too. i also really like the idea of their hair being an extension of themselves because that makes hair petting when they're face deep in tiddy all the sweeter gshjJKMGDS-- that or like!! little kisses, pressed to the tops of their heads or along their hairline, even. i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
that and im. realizing as im typing this that i may or may not have spent a little too much time with/on spot the difference games and catching a handful of every pokemon i could so i could find the gender differences (and ended up with no biney so theres another layer to that too so Yknow) buT!! something something im gonna start calling the both of them my night lights or the 'lights of my life' or something just as cheesy, because its nice and i love that i could be in a pitch black room with the both of them and still have some light. never has to be one or the other, the middle is just as good. - feather anon
CW: Mentions of angst so I'm putting it under the header as well as a little bit of body horror- But mostly cute fluffy goodness.
You might not be able to make eye contact with them but it's a little difficult to avoid making eye contact when they have literally hundreds of disembodied eyes they can encircle you with- :) They can't help it, you're just so nice to look at!
They're just, in their way, a little... upset by how their first meeting with you went. They don't want you to fear them, or hate them-! They want you to love them- Adore them-! As much as they do you! Be theirs- Forever and ever! Their inhuman-ness is a reminder that they have hurt you- And they still can. Which they hate. Their human mimicries are but a veil that prevents you from being hurt by them- So when their bodies start breaking/melting- When that veil is shattered- They get fearful. They aren't just concerned with safety checks because they're Subway Bosses, you know!
But it would make them melt to know their Darling adores them no matter what scary tentacle-eye-mouth-dragon-beast-incomprehensible geometrical structure-things lurk beneath their skin.
Emmet collapsing into your arms, staring up at you adoringly with a ring of his eyes opening around you languidly- Even if he's worried about showing you his true self, the fact you find it adorable that he wants to look at you so closely and be so close to you has him beyond blissful- A contented smile on his face as he looks up at you. His voidal, extraneous eyes look like hollow windows into darkness- glittering with some distant light in the very back of them. You feel his arms tighten around you, and you can feel something soft gliding around you, though- It's not visible.
Ingo holding you gently in his arms, seated on his lap- Worried that you might have just been being polite when you told him you'd love all of him, no matter what- You focusing on a book you're reading or something on your computer- Only to glance up and see enlarged, slitted pupils staring at you- Far too many to fit in Ingo's eyes, and that you're half submerged in inky shadows dripping and clutching at your clothing. He quickly apologizes, pulling his hat down- But you flick it off to look into his pretty, shadowy eyes, giggling at how bashful he's being! And the older demon's face softens in a way it hasn't in a very long time as he pulls you against him, nuzzling against you.
i also really like the idea of their hair being an extension of themselves because that makes hair petting when they're face deep in tiddy all the sweeter gshjJKMGDS-- that or like!! little kisses, pressed to the tops of their heads or along their hairline, even. i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
They nuzzle into your tiddies and suddenly their knife-sideburns are also wrapping around your breasts as well, gently stroking and tickling- Their hair flexes and bristles with every touch, and, in their own ways, they get annoyed if you stop touching them-! Emmet grabs your hand and places it back on his head eagerly- Ingo, however, just looks up at you with the most pitiful expression- Wrapping his arms around you even tighter. A dark sigh leaves his form as he silently pleads for you to return to your ministrations- His hair flexing and twitching without your touch. At least he will use his words if you neglect him too long.
And if you kiss their hair? It elicits the rare happy whine from the two. Ingo leans into it, before trying to kiss you back- Emmet demands more kisses! He might as well be headbutting you- Give him more kisses!
i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
They do become more human as time goes on; The longer they spend around you, the longer they spend among mortals, the easier it is to maintain their human appearances- Not that they want to, per se, but it does become easier. And Eldritch demons are more humanish in some ways- When mimicking mortal life, at least. They may be very powerful, and possess forbidden knowledge of the arcane and all that other weird jazz, but for all their greatness, they are imperfect. That imperfection is vital to understanding humans, whether they realize it or not.
buT!! something something im gonna start calling the both of them my night lights or the 'lights of my life' or something just as cheesy, because its nice and i love that i could be in a pitch black room with the both of them and still have some light. never has to be one or the other, the middle is just as good
This is really adorable Feather- Calling Ingo a light of your life when the only thing that really lights up on him is his eyes would actually be very endearing to him too.
And you think they want to be apart and only one on one with you? Of course not, they are sandwiching you in between their impossibly long tails and cuddling you in a big Demon pile! No better way to spend the night. Or the morning. Or maybe an afternoon nap. Or maybe an early night- Or even just laying together. Just- They really like holding you. Reallllly like holding you.
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Yep! The thing is their physical bodies are not internally at all like a human's body. It wouldn't hurt him a lot, but...
Ingo would be very upset for a host of reasons, irregardless of how much or how little it hurt- There may be personal, eldritch reasons for this, or Ingo could simply be being the overprotective big Eldritch Brother.
Emmet and Ingo both have many hands and claws and tendrils to kiss- And they'll adore every kiss you bestow upon them.
Just be warned they will return them a hundred fold. You will be kissed for a very long time. :)
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Pokemon Victorious Sword and Triumphant Shield
Chapter 4 - Into the Wild
Full Story Here!
"So what were we going to do before I got lost with Tot?" The trio of trainers had finally left the Slumbering Weald, Hop firmly closing the gate behind them as Harley talked to Ace.
"I was going to take you down to meet your friends after I gave you your present, but it looks like Hop was already one step ahead of me." Ace shot a lighthearted glare at the professor, who snickered in response.
Harley wiggled off of Urshifu's shoulder, catching Pippa in the process. She was still so heavy, how?! They put her back in their bag, zipping it up enough so they wouldn't lose their stuff.
The new trainer didn't have any time to speak, though, because the champion had shoved a rectangular gift into their arms. It was wrapped in paper decorated with tiny Pikachu, with a gaudy blue ribbon that stood out quite a lot.
"I know you're a big fan of all the gym leaders…" Ace started, folding their hands behind their back with a cheeky grin. "So I pulled some strings."
Underneath the paper was a slick black binder, with Harley's name written neatly on the top. When they opened it, inside was a clear divider used to hold cards - and every pocket was filled with each Gym Leader (and Ace's) rare league cards, all autographed.
Harley was already thrilled, but then they flipped the divider to see what was beneath it. It was page full of personalized little notes from the gym leaders, his idols, wishing him well or giving him advice for his journey.
"No way… I thought Helen didn't even have league cards yet!" Harley lit up, looking up at Ace with awe.
"She just got hers printed last week. This is one from the first batch - every league member got one, as a little thank-you from her for being so helpful while she adjusted." Ace explained casually.
"Ace, this is amazing!! Thank you!" Harley felt like their legs had become jelly, otherwise they would've tackled their sibling.
"Not done yet - check the pocket." Ace gestured, and Harley found what they were referring to. An envelope sealed with wax, addressed to Harley themselves. "That, my friend, is an endorsement."
"You got me an endorsement? I get to participate in the gym challenge?" Harley might just pass out, they're not so sure they're steady anymore. Ace ruffled their hair with a broad grin.
"Yep. I want you to have the same journey I did when I was a kid. You can't miss out!" Ace crossed their arms proudly. "After all, it's my job to make sure everyone has a champion time!"
"You sound like Lee," Hop rolled his eyes, jabbing Ace with his elbow.
"Hey, he had some good points!" Ace laughed in return, punching Hop's shoulder. Harley hugged the binder to their chest, before finally remembering that they had the capability of speech.
"Ace!! Thanks so much!! I-I, uh, promise I won't let you down!" They assured him, fumbling to keep the binder shut.
"I know you won't, Harley." Ace's eyes glittered. "Let's head down to the station, I'm sure Owen and Lydia are getting impatient out in Hammerlocke."
"Right, yeah! Thanks for your help, professor!" Harley beamed at Hop, who shook his head in response.
"No worries, mate. I'll make sure Tot is all patched up and I'll take her home. Stay safe." Hop waved as Harley galloped off down the road, but he and Ace remained in place.
They were silent, staring into the forest. The dark trees juxtaposed against the bright, cloudless sky, like a creeping darkness into an endless light. How long had it been, a decade?
"Are you sure they'll be alright?" Ace asked in a hushed tone, hands in their pockets.
"I don't know." Hop replied, eyes turning down to his feet. "This potentially new Pokemon sounds… unfavorable. I'm not sure how to go about researching this."
"Well, when you do figure it out… tell me. I'll help in any way I can."
"I know you will, mate. We've been friends for long enough." The two young adults laughed quietly to himself, Ace giving Hop a final pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Pippa sat on the table between Harley and Ace as they rode the train, Harley watching the world go by through the windows. Their entire life had changed in just one day, and they were so unbelievably eager.
Harley hummed a little tune as they pet Pippa's head, kicking their feet amiably. Ace tutted, rapping their fingers on the table.
"Watch out for my legs, Harley."
"Oh, right. Sorry." Harley chuckled, leaning back in their seat. Pippa rolled into their lap, snoring loud enough to make a few others glance over. "This is so exciting!!"
"I would hope so, heh. You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a quick walk through the wild area… Maybe you can catch your first Pokemon." Ace thought aloud.
"But I already caught Pippa." Harley glanced down at the slumbering slowpoke.
"She doesn't count, she was your starter! I mean get down and rough with a wild pokemon, catch them and add them to your team!" Ace stood up a little, leaning forward with stars in their eyes.
"Sounds cool, but… I don't want Pippa to get hurt." Harley frowned, but Ace shook their head.
"You don't need to worry about that, Harley. I'm stocked up with full restores all the time, she'll be okay! Plus, she's a resilient girl - when we first found you, she tried to fight us." Ace teased.
"She did?"
"Oh, yeah. Hit poor Hop right in the face with a Confusion! Luckily it didn't hurt him too bad, just knocked his glasses off."
"Oh, man, I have to apologize to him later." Harley felt a little guilty, giving Pippa a little poke. "You especially, miss. That was rude."
"Sloooow." Pippa grumbled sleepily, feeling absolutely no shame.
"Now arriving at Wild Area Station." A man said over the loudspeakers, and Ace stood up.
"Care for a bit of a walk?"
Now, Harley normally would've said no. But the idea of adventure sounded too appealing to miss out on. They sighed, grabbing their phone.
"Let me text Lydia and Owen to tell them we'll be late."
"Great!" And Ace happily went off with them, Pippa relaxing in their bag with her head poking out.
They'd been through the Wild Area a few times, but they'd never seen it so close before. They'd always been on the train. Harley supposed Ace could see the wonder on their face, because the Champion snickered.
"Well? Definitely worth it, yeah?"
"Definitely." Harley jogged a little bit ahead of Ace, taking in the entire wilderness as much as they could. It was huge, and chock full of Pokemon. From what Harley heard, the climate here seemed to change daily. It was fascinating.
The duo were greeted by a rustle in the grass, and both snapped to attention in unison.
"Let's meet your first Pokemon, then." Ace crouched down, pressing an empty PokeBall into Harley's hands. The younger trainer copied the gesture, nearly tumbling over thanks to the heavy Slowpoke in their backpack. "Move slowly. If you want, you can whistle to get its attention and then battle it."
Harley watched as a small fox Pokemon, one they recognized as a nickit, emerged from the grass nearby, sniffing around the roots of a berry tree. They whistled loudly, enough to spook a Rookidee and send it fluttering away…
But the Nickit didn't even flinch, digging at the roots frantically. It was certainly small for one of its kind, but Harley thought nickit were supposed to have good hearing.
"That's… odd," Ace admitted, gently nudging Harley forward. "Maybe try again?"
"I don't think it can hear me." Harley whispered, shaking their head. "Its ears didn't even move when the Rookidee flew. Nickit are supposed to have great hearing…"
"Maybe we should try - hey, what are you doing?" Ace hissed to their younger sibling as Harley moved closer, taking the pack of Lumoise galettes out of their bag and slowly approaching the Nickit.
It seemed to spot them out of the corner of its eye, jumping and backing up against the tree. It puffed out its tail and growled at them, baring tiny pointed fangs.
Harley raised a hand in an attempt to show surrender, opening the pack with the other and gently pushing one of the cookies towards the nickit. They pointed towards it, and then stepped back.
The Pokemon took a cautious step forward as Harley backed up, picking up the cookie and retreating back towards the tree before chowing down. As it ate, Harley looked it over - it was skinny, even for a nickit, and was covered in old scratches and injuries that had healed over.
As it finished eating, Harley offered it another. This time it took it right out of their hand, nipping at their fingers to eat. Harley didn't mind, at least happy it didn't perceive them as dangerous any more.
They tapped the ground in front of the Nickit, and it looked up at them. They set a PokeBall in front of it, gently tapping the top of it. An offer they hoped was clear enough… they only had one thought, and that was making sure this Pokemon was safe.
Not being able to hear was… well, it couldn't be easy.
The Nickit looked down at the PokeBall, then up at them. They could see the little gears turning in its head, before it tenderly pressed its nose against the button.
Harley caught Nickit! They scooped up the PokeBall and proudly showed it to their sibling, who stared at them in awe.
"...Heh. Guess I was smart to endorse you." Ace stood up, brushing grass off their knees. "I'm impressed it trusted you so quickly."
"I think he was just looking for safety," Harley said. "And I want to make sure he's safe, and I'll train him to be strong."
"Smart." Ace patted them firmly on the back. "Let's get down to Hammerlocke, I'm not known for being late."
"Right." Harley slid the PokeBall into their bag, Pippa chattering excitedly at the prospect of a new friend. "Last one there's a rotton exeggcute!"
And the duo sprinted off, cacophonous laughter bouncing off the trees.
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characcoon · 3 years
The Way of Business
Words: 2143
Summary: How Donnie first met Charles. 
"I'm trying my best to not question, but… "Cat claws, be sure they fell naturally" and he wrote the last word with capital bold letters." Donnie pokes the shopping list with his finger "And my favorite, "Coffee beans (digested)", which, by other terms, means coffee that has been shat."
"Keep not questioning." April says, hands on her pockets "It's witchy, magic stuff. We already went through this, Dee. Sometimes it doesn't make sense and that's fine."
"I'm aware. But it's not everyday you have poop coffee on your grocery list. What's he even going to do with these?"
"I don't think that anything Barry does should be our business."
April and Donnie walk around a busy street in the shopping district of the Hidden City, trying to identify the things on Draxum's list only by looking at the shops and vending stands, since the old sheep Yokai didn't think of writing where exactly to find the stuff.
"Maybe it's a cake." Donnie mumbles, stopping by a counter and quickly examining some items "Mikey's been teaching him some more recipies, he might be returning the favor by making Yokai food."
"Pooped coffee cat claws cake! Yummy." April gags, then points at a jar filled with sparkly deep blue glitter labelled mermaid bone powder "I think we need that one."
They continue shopping for another 20 minutes until they reach a part of the district that is definitely more shady and quiet. Sales are made among whispers and the shops have much less products on display, everything of importance stocked in the back. 
As April intimidates a merchant to lower the price of the cat claws, Donnie spots something familiar in a corner and curiously turns around to look. It's one of Big Mama's guards, but not just any guard; it's that specific one that seems to be on a higher rank, that was at the scene when the spider Yokai first took the Shredder to make him her champion. Donnie hums, watching as the guard dives between two stores and vanishes into another street.
"Got it for half the price." April comes to him, smiling proudly and shaking a tiny bottle filled with cat claws, then notices Donnie isn't paying attention "Earth to Donnie?"
"Wanna put some noses where they don't belong?" He sends her a trickster smile, bumping his fingers together.
"That depends, are you going to explode the whole street again?"
"Scoff!" the turtle scoffs "I saw one of Big Mama's guards going that way."
"And we need to go after them because…"
"Because it's her personal guard. The personal, stealthy, silent guard. The guard she sends to kill people without leaving a trace. The guard that probably has a cool name that makes people shiver in fear upon hearing it. The guard I just saw going that way."
April puffs her cheeks and blows out air in sections, a thoughtful expression on her face. Then she sighs, puts the bottle on Donnie's hand and starts walking.
"Alright, let's seek trouble, why not."
Donnie silently celebrates and dashes across the street, April right on his tail, following the same path of the guard. They go between the stores and find themselves in a smaller street with much less stores that are much more shady, to the point of being just holes between the brick walls. They reach the end of the street, turn to the only side available into another short road that hits a dead end. The guard is on that far end, with their back to the two curious teens who are slowly and quietly getting closer by using the little things around that can be used as barricades.
“We could make business faster if you tell me what you want straight up, I don’t do well with riddles.”
Donnie peaks behind a depression in the wall he and April are hiding in and notices a big trashcan shoved inside the wall with some christmas lights dangling from the sides and some mechanisms bending the lid and forming a roof. The guard is in front of whoever’s speaking, neither Donnie or April can see who.
“Or you could send the Great Milf here personally! Would love to catch up with her, if you know what I mean.”
Donnie gags in silence.
“She wants the Barnacle.” the guard speaks, voice muffled and distorted.
“The Barnacle! Wow! And why would I have that, exactly?”
“You were seen with it, at the docks. Took the package from Captain Piel.”
“Stupid lump of rotten flesh ratted me out, huh.” the other mumbles and sighs “Alright, I’ll get it, gimme a minute.”
April and Donnie glance at each as they hear ruffling and some crashing, the immovable form of the guard giving no indication of noticing the eavesdropping happening behind them.
“Is she gonna pay me at least?” the guard doesn’t answer “Y’know, in my land we have this saying. Quem cala consente. It means “silence means yes”, so I’m expecting some good cash unless you say words. No? Nothing? Talking to a door is funnier than talking to you.”
“The Barnacle, Charles.”
With a flicker of their wrist, a kunai appears between the fingers of the guard. Donnie instinctively moves his arm to his back, near his staff, and April gets into a better position to either fight or run.
“Is that handle made of Calligraphy Stone?” the merchant, possibly named Charles, speaks with excitement “Oh, damn, how much do you want for that?”
“Not for sale.”
“Oh, c’mon, it’s Calligraphy Stone!”
“Not for sale.”
“You’re boring. Y’know that? Boring. Wanna know what’s for sale? The Barnacle inside this box, this pretty doormat I made this morning and this GUN!”
A loud bang can be heard and the guard violently flies backwards, a blast of light illuminating the whole street. The guard smacks hard on the floor, smoke coming out of their chest, unmoving. Charles can now be seen; it’s a raccoon, very short, doesn’t go past Donnie’s knees. His tail is pink and orange, he wears duffle bags strapped to both sides of his hips, metal bracelets taking both his entire forearms and a gray sleeveless hoodie. On his face, big steampunk goggles and a wide, manic grin. On his hands, a gun definitely made out of garbage and nonsense, reminiscent of a grenade launcher, bigger than his whole body.
“I lied! The gun is not for sale!” he laughs and points the gun to the guard again “Now scram before I blast you into pieces!”
April notices the guard starting to move first, but doesn’t have time to warn everyone; they’re up and running in a second, blade slicing where Charles’ standing. The raccoon hops above the slash, smacks the guard in the head with the gun and drops it, then dashes towards the exit, but takes a sharp turn and bumps into the two teens. Before any of them can make any noise, he removes a disk from one of his bags, puts it on the floor and clicks. A translucent green wall blinks for a second before going orange. Donnie opens his mouth to speak, but the raccoon turns and shushes him so hard he even forgets what he was going to say. April goes equally quiet.
The guard finds his footing again after the blow and walks a few quick steps to the exit of the road, stopping right in front of the hideout of the other three. Charles silently clicks on his bracelets and long, sharp claws form as gauntlets on his hands and he gets into position, fur standing up, body tense and ready. Donnie’s breath gets caught on his throat when the guard swiftly turns their head and locks eyes with him, even knowing that the disk on the ground is some sort of cloaking tech making them all invisible.
The guard stands down, turns to the end of the road and walks back to the trashcan. They’re after the Barnacle, after all. Before they can reach it, however, the raccoon takes a small switch from his pocket and clicks on a button. The lid of the trashcan slaps close with a car alarm noise and the entire thing, wall included, poofs out of existence.
The road, not a dead end anymore, extends back to the one Donnie and April were previously on. Passersby and merchants turn to look at the wall that vanished and the guard just standing there, hand stretched to grasp nothing. Their stance slowly becomes neutral and it takes another minute for them to go away as a blur of movement.
Only then Charles snorts, so sudden and loud that Donnie jumps away from him.
“Idiot.” he continues laughing, disengaging his gauntlets and the cloaking device.
“That was so cool!” April speaks up “You played them so hard!”
“Yeah, I-” his ears go up and he flinches, remembering there were other people there too. “GUN!”
He turns around with two properly sized guns on each hand, pointing one to each of them. Donnie shows his hands and April smiles.
“You’re a human.” he shakes a gun at April “The hell you doing down here?”
“And the mecha-frog?”
“Frog?!” Donnie makes an offended expression and scoffs “Frog!”
“Are you a pokemon, only speaks your own name?”
“Wh- no! I’m a turtle!”
“Be nice, Dee. This dude’s super cool. And has a gun pointed at your face.”
“You should listen to the lady, Dee.”
“My name is Donnie.”
“Okay, Donnie Dee.” Charles opens his hands and his guns turn into liquid metal that surround his arms and turn back into being bracelets “I gotta go now. See ya around.”
He pulls the same switch he used to make the wall disappear and opens a side panel.
“Wait, you sell stuff, don’t you?” April takes Draxum’s list from Donnie “Do you have crystallized coral?”
“I do, yeah. But the shop’s all the way up to the surface now, so you should finish everything you have to do down here first. Y’know, time efficiency.”
“We are done here, right?” Donnie asks and analyzes the list “If you have the coral, digested coffee beans and petrified wood. Did we get the owl feathers?”
“We did.” April answers.
“Then.” he turns to the raccoon “Do you have those other three items?”
“100%.” Charles smiles “Hold onto me and we can warp there, pronto.”
Charles extends one hand to them and they grab one finger each, April making a squeaky noise. He clicks on his switch and they all teleport away.
Donnie recognizes the street they appear on, it’s not too far from the Lair. The trashcan store shoved into the wall is there, creating another dead end that he’s sure didn’t exist before. Charles rushes to it, opens the lid and jumps inside, sighing in relief.
“Alright, let’s get to business. Coral, wood, coffee. Talking about coffee, would you like some to drink? I always have one jar ready.”
“It’s not digested, right?” Donnie makes a face.
“No, it’s black coffee. From the store. Completely normal, I assure you.”
Donnie asks for a cup and the raccoon serves him, then asks which street they’re on. The turtle answers, gets a thanks and watches as the small merchant goes around opening drawers and boxes.
“What’s the Barnacle?” Donnie asks “And why would Big Mama want it?”
“It’s an invisible creature.” Charles answers, putting one big box with crystal coral by the counter “A plague. Sticks to the boats and sucks out life force to grow bigger. When a ghost ship is found and they can’t find out why everyone’s dead, they blame the Barnacle. 80% of the time they’re right.” another box, with petrified wood balls “And I think you can guess why Big Mama wants it. The damn thing might have a preference for boats, but it can stick to any wood structure.”
And finally, a bag of digested coffee beans.
“Pick as many of these as you need.” he points to the coral and wood “Only have this bag of coffee for sale. Stupid spider shut down more of my contacts.”
“You two seem to have some history” April starts to collect some wood balls.
“Oh, dear, if only you knew.” the raccoon laughs “You gotta keep a hold of the competition. It’s how business go.”
After taking the necessary quantity and paying, they say their farewells. Charles slides two business cards to them before they leave.
Quinquilharias, the card says, with a resume of the services and products in the back of it. Donnie hums as he reads it, considering returning more times soon, since it’s so close to the Lair and he’s the most charismatic merchant he’s ever met. And his coffee is decent enough.
And of course, he would be lying if he says he’s not curious about what’s his deal with Big Mama.
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pridepoisoned · 2 years
@rocketheorum​ sent: “ they tell me you’re the one to go to for… well. my particular problem. ” 👀👀👀
Let him up to see me right away--this visitor is not to be interfered with.
Following Eris’s stern orders, Devon’s airtight security begrudgingly prepares special privileges for the lead researcher’s latest guest. The Corporation’s elite guards grumble to themselves as they move aside barriers, punch in key codes to locked entrances, and override state-of-the-art bioscanners, allowing Eli easy access into the heart of the mammoth company’s operations...and her office, one of the few rooms located on the Rustboro building’s top floor. It isn’t long before the ex-Rocket is standing in the doorway, hesitantly making his presence known. Eli is clearly uncomfortable, uncertain about all of this...but he’s come all the way out to Hoenn for this meeting, so this opportunity must be significant to him. All things considered, he’s made up his mind rather quickly, arriving just days after Felisa’s visit...and Eris is so, so pleased.
A warm, rehearsed smile flies to her lips as she rises from behind her polished mahogany desk to greet the long-traveled soul. Felisa is here too, emerging from the back of the room with a graceful twirl and bow towards the doorway.
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“You must be Eli Saito. Felisa here has told me so much about you,” Eris replies warmly, her eyes twinkling as curiosity thrums hungrily in her veins. “I apologize for the abrupt nature of our contact. Felisa tells me that she was attracted to your unique abilities, and...I just had to investigate for myself. I am a researcher, after all.”
The Devon spokesperson lets out a light laugh, her glasses glinting in the welcoming sunbeams filtering through her office window. With a slight bow towards the ex-Rocket, her smile widens.
“My name is Eris Evans. I am the lead researcher here at the Devon Corporation,” she introduces. “Together with my team, I focus on creating cutting-edge products and technologies that will improve all lives, human and Pokemon alike.”
“And, I must say this, Mr. Saito,” she pauses, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You are one of the most fascinating individuals to ever walk through my office door. From what Felisa has told me, you do not have a problem--but a gift--a gift that has been taken advantage of by some unfortunate individuals. Mm, you must be so tired of being used, taken advantage of...”
Eris gives Eli’s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze, empathy glittering in her gaze.
“Here at Devon, I can show you how to use your abilities for a good cause, while still helping you forge your own path. You deserve a chance to grow, Mr. Saito, so...” The researcher drops her hand from his shoulder and extends it, her expression warm as ever, “...if you’d like that opportunity, it would be an honor to have you join us.” 
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hollowsart · 4 years
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Amador, the torero from a region beyond Kalos-- a neighboring region to Magnia, is quite the revered trainer. Making Pokemon battles into an art form, putting on shows near daily to the crowds that gather at his gym to either face him or to watch him perform with his Pokemon.
He came to Magnia in search of himself and in search of a new home which he found in a small city of Magnia. His popularity and expertise grew with his unique form and style of battling. With this, he quickly climbed his way up to the title of gym leader! He is quite proud of his title and confident in his skills.
Amador came from a rather modest background, most finances that did not go to his family’s necessities went to giving him the best education. He greatly appreciates all he has learned and what he continues to learn even after.
He fully embraces his aesthetic and theme, going all out, albeit playfully.
Aside from battling, Amador performs a dangerous dance with his signature Pokemon that is quite well known and famous within his home region. Dancing with his tattered cape around his Pokemon as it charges at him. Dodging with grace and poise, the performance is quite mesmerizing to watch. It is a true show of his skills, his trust and connection he shares with his Pokemon.
[writing snippet of introduction under the cut!]
You’re traveling across the Magnia region when you enter the next city and happen across a marvelous stadium at the center of it. Upon further inspection, this was, in fact, the next gym you were to face. How strange? It did not look like the other gyms you’ve faced up till now.
It seemed a little out of place..
Proceeding on, you make your way inside and are greeted by many vibrant pomegranate flowers in bloom and on display in the lobby. Their peachy red glow being quite a surprise among the darkened interior design of mostly purple and blue hues. Giving the place a somewhat eerie feel.
The further you go, registering and making your way into the field, you feel like you are no longer in Magnia, but within a neighboring region.. Tapestries of flowers and hanging along the sides of the field and on front of the bleachers that surrounded it. A sense of dread fell upon you as the music in the area fell silent and the lights dimmed...
Not a sound was heard when a light flicked on, revealing a man in a glittering suit with a tattered cape folded over one arm. You had never seen such an outfit before, such intricate details that decorated his sides from thigh to nape.
He took a bow to acknowledge your presence, being the only other one the lights shown down on. Standing and striking a pose soon after, he finally spoke, this time acknowledging the crowd.
“¡Bienvenido, Magnia! Are you ready for another maravilloso performance today? Let us see what our newest challenger has to offer us! But first,” his gaze now turned to you--
“I would very much like to know the name of my opponent!"
. . .
“Ah, [player]! Such a magnífico name! You may call me, Amador! I am the leader of this gym, and the wooer of this crowd! I can see a fire in your eyes burning bright like an Emboar’s flame! Ah, but I may just be the one to snuff it out, yes? Hm-hm~ My Pokemon and I shall enjoy dancing circles around you!”
. . .
“Haha! It seems the crowd grows restless, dear [player]! We ought to give them what they came to see, yes? Now! Let us begin! ¡Empecemos!”
He took the cape from his arm swiftly, presenting a Pokeball in hand that was not there before and tossed it into the air. A large black bull-like Pokemon appeared before you adorned in green eerie flames, snorting and scratching its hoof at the dirt below, eager to charge.
“¡En guardia!”
And with the music starting up once again, the battle begins!
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hayleyb100 · 4 years
Light My Way, Part 6
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 the end
⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️   -It is a twisted story of Pokemon Sun and Moon, and a crossover of Pokemon SM and SWSH. -It features Hau and Kabu as the main characters. -Extremely angsty. -Everything is headcanon. -It isn’t spoiler-free.
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"Oh my gosh, he is adorable!"
"He certainly is! Hi, precious!"
Hau was stunned to see two strangers waving hands with a smile. Kabu discussed with the psychologist, and she said Hau seemed well enough to introduce new people. So Kabu ended the cocooning period and introduced his most trustable people, Milo and Nessa. He pleaded in prior to keep some distance and wait for Hau to come to them since he isn't fully trusting of strangers. Milo and Nessa agreed, not knowing Hau would be such a lovely darling.
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The Grass and Water Gym Leader had to pull back with all their might from the temptation to squeeze hug the bean, upon Hau hiding behind Kabu from a fright. He hid and gazed up upon a beefy farmer and dazzling model. Kabu didn't tell them the whole story happened to Hau in Alola, as he didn't want them to pity his new boy.
"Now, now, remember what we promised?" Kabu smiled and restrained them from patting and squeeze hugging Hau.
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As they planned over the phone, they sat in a circle and had teatime, sending a message to Hau that there are other strangers than Kabu who are safe. Hau peeked under the dining table to watch Nessa and Milo in turns, observing their every movement. They kept talking about the Gym Battles and Strategies, giving Hau time to adjust to them.
The way two Gym Leaders talk to Kabu friendly made Hau curious about them. He hesitantly and slowly approached.
He gazed at the two visitors with wondering eyes, and Milo and Nessa replied with smiles. When Hau approached Milo and clung onto his knee, he gave Hau gentle pats.
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"Aw, not fair! How is he already more friendly to you?" when Nessa pouted, Kabu gave out a hearty laugh.
"Well, maybe he is feeling the big brother vibe."
Milo cuddles Hau in his arms, after getting a certain comfy expression. It felt cozy and safe.
"Aw, you are so cute." Milo wore another grin, and Hau followed. Kabu was so relieved. On the other hand, he was upset with others who made such a bright boy so dull.
"By the way... Is that your towel around his neck?" Nessa pointed at the towel around Hau's neck, which Kabu gave him to insulate. So many challengers in Kabu's Gym uses Max Geyser to make rain, making Kabu need for insulation which was the towel. Galar's temperature might be too cold for Hau who is from warm Alola. Plus, wearing the same towel as Kabu was a comfort to Hau. But it was too big that it constantly slid off.
"Yes, it is."
"Pfft, it's falling off! Let me fix that."
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Nessa grabbed the towel and tied it prettily into a bow, just like a muffler around Hau's neck.
"There. It wouldn't slide off and insulate him much better!"
"Wow, you certainly are someone who knows fashion!" Milo smiled, as Hau was 10 times cuter.
"It looks much better. Thank you, Nessa."
"No problem!"
They all beamed, as Hau looked happy with a new muffler as well."Here, let me show you how to tie hair. His hair looks quite messy."
Nessa grabbed her spare hairband and hair clips from her handbag and tied back Hau's hair prettily.
"Oh, my. Hau looks much better like that. You should teach me how to do that."
Kabu looked with amazing eyes.
"Sure, Mr. Kabu!" Nessa nodded. Hau felt much more comfortable around such delightful atmosphere.
After finishing off the physical therapy to heal the aftermath of cold sleep, Milo invited Hau over to Turffield under Kabu's supervision. He said he wanted to give a surprise gift as well, for withstanding and finishing off the difficult physical therapy. Hau was amazed at gigantic Corviknight and Flying Taxi, and even more surprised at such a peaceful town. He sniffed the scent from grass fields and farms.
Milo was waiting for them, getting ready for farm work.
"You are suggesting Hau work on the farm?" Kabu's face was filled with immediate worries.
"Not the major works like plowing, of course!" Milo smiled.
"But I was thinking if he moves around the farm and play with pokemons, it would help him recover more!"
Milo persuaded, and Kabu accepted it.
Hau was looking at the two of them puzzled. Milo leads the two of them to his farm. Fluffy Wooloos rolled towards them, meeping and baaing.
"Would you like to pat them, Hau? They are very gentle."
Hau worked up his courage to pat one of the Wooloo. It was much easier since it was a pokemon. The Wooloo meeped happily, making Hau smile brighter.
"So cute..."
Kabu was thrilled to hear Hau's voice. Milo smiled along.
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Together, the three of them fed Wooloos and played with them. Milo also showed him around the vegetable fields and gave him a freshly picked Pecha Berry to eat. He put the hat on Hau and gave him a ride on his shoulder too, like a big brother. Kabu was overjoyed to see his little boy bright as ever.
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"Now, ready for your surprise?" Milo smiled at Hau, and he nodded.
"Ta-da!" Milo showed a cute little pokemon, who smelled sweet like an apple pie and wearing a bowtie on his neck.
Hau stood there with round eyes, doesn't know what to do.
"This pokemon is called an Appletun! I trust that you needed a friendly companion too since you're old enough to keep one."
"Tun!" Appletun wiggles its legs joyfully, to say hello to Hau.
Hau looked back to Kabu, and he nodded to approve. Kabu also thought a pokemon would help Hau dealing with his stress.
Hau carefully grabbed a hold of his first pokemon, which he never had a chance to get in Alola. Appletun nuzzled on Hau, rubbing on his sweet scent on his new master. Hau was chuffed to have a new partner.
"Thank you so much, Brother Milo..."
"Would you like to name him, Hau?" Kabu asked. Hau thought for a few moments but decided fairly quickly.
"Maybe... Lolli. since he smells sweet like a lollipop."
"Hey, you made it! And with a cute pokemon too!"
Nessa welcomed Hau to Hulbury Town. Hau felt home, as it was near the beach. After looking at Hau getting so much better with Milo at Turffield Town, Kabu realized he should take him to different places to show him beautiful sceneries.
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Nessa took Hau and Kabu to the boat and sailed towards the deep blue ocean. Hau felt the spray of water on his hand and warm sunshine on his face. Lolli was by his side too, enjoying the time. As Nessa showed Hau around the ocean and him happy, she smiled and whistled. With that, water pokemons swam towards the boat. Milotic nuzzled Hau and he giggled.
"Wow... You can call upon water pokemons?" Hau glittered his eyes.
"Most of them! I have been living in this town since so long ago, that I became friends with the pokemons!"
"So you are a mermaid, like Tapu Fini..." Hau smiled innocently, and Nessa blushes from the compliment.
"Aw shucks! You're making me blush. I wish I have a little bro like you!" Nessa beamed from ear to ear, as she cuddled the little boy. Kabu smiled along on the background.
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As time passed, Milo and Nessa became great siblings to Hau. They regularly came to play with him and invited him over to their town and showed him around. Milo taught Hau how to catch a pokemon, and he helped Hau catch a Milcery near his village. Hau later evolved her to Alcremie using the clover sweet from cafe owner of Motorstocke, and named her Poppy, from lollipop as well. Milo also didn't forget to bring farm-fresh fruits and veggies to give Hau. Nessa bragged to her rival Sonia about having a little brother she could love. Lolli and Poppy too had fun with Hau outside the garden with camping toys Kabu taught how to use. With all that, Hau not only recovered physically but mentally as well. With his body getting better, he brightened up more and more.
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But behind all that, was Kabu's hard work above all. Even when Hau made mistakes during the time when his body was recovering, he embraced it and encouraged him. When Hau was going through a painful process of physical therapy, he held his hand close and made him feel safe. He held Hau close when they go to sleep so that he doesn't get a nightmare about what happened back in Alola.
Kabu and Hau were bonding slowly as a family.
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"Aw, he is such a bean!" the Gym Trainer exclaimed, as Kabu introduced Hau to them.
"G, good afternoon..." Hau shyly greeted, which made Kabu upbeat. He was proud of how far Hau came, as he is talking to people without pleading.
"I am fostering him at the moment, so please be nice." Kabu requested, and one of the Gym Trainer immediately went on to another question.
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"So, will he take over your title as the Gym Leader?"
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Hau's face became stiff almost instantly. He did not know exactly what Gym Leader is, but considering all the trainers following Kabu and the gigantic stadium, it should be similar or even heavier duty than Kahuna. Hau's heart started to weigh down again. He thought he ran away from the pressure, but here he was again. And thinking back to all the turmoils he has been through with his family, he was desperate not to let it happen again. He didn't want to lose the joy he barely got.
"Now, now. Do not pressure the boy." Kabu frowned, but Hau couldn't hear it.
He decided. He decided not to fight his destiny. He pledged to become who others want him to be, thinking that would keep Kabu safe. He never want to repeat the same thing that happened to Tutu.
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mcytagere · 3 years
Omg!! I love cats! I may or may not have quite a few cat themed items because they're comfy n super cute.
I also have two cats myself, lil floof balls that are currently racing up and down the stairs even tho it's 5am -_-
Do you have a favourite cat breed by any chance? I love Maine Coons cuz they're super big and fluffy. Bigger cat means more to cuddle :D
Also🎈 anon! Your taste in soft toys is awesome! I stand by the idea that everyone should have at least one stuffed animal of some sort regardless off age. Heck, I'm not a regressor/a child and have 2 torso sized stuffies that I love.
One is a smaller owl but has a glitter beak/glass eyes so more for cute aesthetic than cuddles but my mum got me a larger grey bunny with a blue bow for easter. It's the softest thing I've ever owned and I love em!!
Didn't expect to ramble so much about teddies lmao. Tempted to buy a metre tall Pikachu because I miss Pokemon and nothing beats nostalgia better than an obnoxiously sized plush '^_^
Anyhows, glad that you've been feeling better Ash, hopefully this last for a long while!! Hope everyone that reads this is doing well too! Gotta love everyone on this blog and they all deserve to be happy too <3
~ ^_^
What are your cats names? How old are they? What do they look like?? Everyone tell me about your cats I want to hear about your cats. And I do not have a favorite breed, because most cat breeds are actually kind of a construct. Cats weren’t selectively bred like dogs were, and almost all existing ‘breeds’ are just how certain cats evolved in certain areas, similar to what race is to humans. The shelter that I volunteer at doesn’t even put cat breeds into the system because they don’t really exist and definitely don’t impact behavior or health, unless it’s an issue of showcats being inbred. 
And stuffies are for everyone!!! I give mine loads of cuddles even when I’m not little at all, and my aunt who is like 49 and not a regressor still sleeps with a stuffed bear!! Treat yourself to big stuffies if they’re going to make you happy!!!!
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