#(i am all in on this!! sorry in advance eli....)
muiitoloko · 4 months
hi!! I love your works, would it be possible for you to do one about Eli? Where he has one student that he likes the most but then (reader) starts new and he's immediately obsessed with her? And the other student gets super jealous but (reader) has no idea it's even going on
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Title: Punctuality.
Summary: Punctual was everything you were not, Eli realized.
Pairing: Eli Michaelson × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Mention of teacher-student relationship, jealousy, obsession.
Author's Notes: Hey, sorry this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I just had to get this idea out of my head 😭 I've been mulling over it for weeks, and finally had the motivation to put it down on paper. Your request actually gave me the push I needed, so thanks for that!
First and Second part here.
Also read on Ao3
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Eli Michaelson stood at the front of the lecture hall, his voice commanding and confident as he delivered his lecture on advanced organic chemistry. He relished the attention, especially from Elize, one of his favorite girlfriends. With her, things were straightforward — she wanted to be fucked, and he wanted to fuck. Their arrangement was mutually beneficial, until a new student disrupted the status quo.
You arrived late that day, looking older than the other students, about 27 years old. You shuffled in with a sheepish expression, an old backpack slung over your shoulder. Eli frowned slightly at the interruption but composed himself, deciding to assert his authority.
"Late on your first day, I see. What's your excuse?" Eli's voice was laced with thinly veiled annoyance as he addressed you.
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Eli's scrutiny as all eyes in the lecture hall turned towards you. "I'm sorry for being late," you began, your voice steady despite your nerves. "I got held up with an unexpected situation at work."
Eli raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "And what is your name?"
"I'm [Your Name]," you replied, meeting his gaze with a hint of defiance. "I'm here to study chemistry."
Eli smirked, a touch of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Well, Miss [Your Name], welcome to my class. I trust you'll catch up on what you missed. Take a seat."
You nodded, feeling the weight of Eli's dismissal as you quickly found an empty desk. You could sense the curiosity and judgmental glances from your new classmates, who were undoubtedly wondering about the older student who seemed out of place.
As the lecture continued, Eli's attention drifted back to Elize, who was sitting in the front row. He couldn't deny the allure of her gaze, the way she hung onto his every word with a mix of adoration and desire. Their relationship was uncomplicated — she satisfied his physical needs, and he provided her with fleeting moments of pleasure and affection.
But something about your presence lingered in Eli's mind. There was a depth to your eyes, a seriousness that was lacking in the younger students. He found himself stealing glances at you, observing your reactions to his lecture, and noting the furrow of your brow as you absorbed the complex material.
During a break, Eli approached you, his steps confident as he leaned against the edge of your desk. "So, Miss [Your Name], what made you decide to return to academia at this stage in your life?"
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze evenly. "I've always had a passion for chemistry. Circumstances just delayed my pursuit of it."
Eli nodded, studying you intently. "I see. Well, chemistry is a demanding field. Are you prepared for the challenges ahead?"
"I am," you replied firmly, your expression unwavering.
Eli chuckled softly, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Good. I like determination. It's a rare trait among my students. But don't be late any longer, okay?"
"Yes, sir, Professor, sir!" You responded with a wave, and Eli pursed his lips into a tight smile.
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Over the next few weeks, you settled into the rhythm of Eli Michaelson's lectures. You were diligent in your studies, absorbing every bit of knowledge he imparted and excelling in your assignments. Despite your promising academic performance, punctuality remained a constant challenge.
One day, Eli found you rushing into the lecture hall, a harried expression on your face. He stood at the front, arms crossed with a look of disapproval.
"Late again, [Your Name]," he stated flatly, his voice cutting through the chatter of the students.
You hurried to your seat, flustered. "I'm sorry, Professor Michaelson. There was a traffic jam on the way here."
Eli sighed, shaking his head. "Traffic jam, unexpected meetings, a sick cat — your excuses are becoming increasingly imaginative. If you want to stay in my class, I expect you to be punctual."
"I understand, Professor," you replied earnestly. "I promise it won't happen again."
But despite your promise, the pattern continued. You were brilliant, a genius even, and you grasped the material effortlessly. However, the concept of punctuality seemed elusive to you. Eli grew frustrated, but he couldn't deny the brilliance you brought to the class.
Week after week, you pushed the boundaries of Eli's patience with your chronic lateness. On one particularly frustrating day, Eli intercepted you at the entrance of the lecture hall.
"[Your Name], this is becoming a habit," Eli said firmly, blocking your path. "What's your excuse this time?"
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck nervously. "I overslept, Professor. I lost track of time studying last night."
Eli raised an eyebrow. "Studying? Interesting excuse. You're a talented student, [Your Name], but talent alone won't get you far if you can't manage basic timekeeping."
"I know, Professor," you said, hanging your head in shame. "I'm trying, I really am."
Eli regarded you for a moment, his expression softening slightly. "I believe you are. Just... try a little harder. You have potential, but you need to apply yourself consistently."
You nodded, grateful for his understanding. "I will, Professor. I won't let you down again."
As the semester progressed, you made a concerted effort to improve your punctuality. There were still occasional slip-ups, but overall, you managed to strike a balance between your studies and your other commitments. Eli noticed the effort and gradually became more tolerant of your occasional lateness.
Eli wrote on the board, his attention focused solely on the task at hand until the sudden commotion in the lecture hall pulled him out of his reverie. He turned around, his curiosity piqued by the mention of a fire in the city center.
As he scanned the room, he noticed a group of students huddled together, their eyes glued to a cell phone screen. A sense of irritation prickled at the back of Eli's mind as he watched them, his disdain for distractions evident in the furrow of his brow.
But before he could reprimand the students for their lack of focus, you interrupted, your hand raised urgently in the air. Eli's irritation ebbed slightly as he turned his attention to you, curious about what you had to say.
"Yes, [Your Name]? Do you have something to add?" Eli's voice was clipped, his impatience evident as he addressed you.
"Professor Michaelson, please," you pleaded, your voice tinged with desperation. "I really need to go to the bathroom."
Eli's expression hardened, his annoyance palpable as he regarded you with thinly veiled disdain. "Can't it wait, [Your Name]? We're in the middle of a lecture."
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling the eyes of your classmates boring into you. "I... I must have eaten something bad," you admitted, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I really need to go."
A ripple of laughter erupted from some of the students, and you could feel the heat of their judgment burning into your skin. Eli closed his eyes for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Fine," he relented, his voice heavy with irritation. "Go. But make it quick."
With a sense of relief washing over you, you hastily gathered your belongings and made a beeline for the exit, ignoring the snickers and whispers that followed in your wake. As you disappeared through the door, the lecture hall fell into a restless silence, the students turning their attention back to their cell phones and the latest news updates.
Eli watched you go, a mixture of annoyance and begrudging respect flickering in his eyes. Despite your constant tardiness and occasional disruptions, there was no denying your dedication to your studies. Perhaps there was more to you than met the eye.
As the students resumed their distracted chatter, speculation about the cause of the fire in the city center mingling with rumors of Spider-Man's imminent appearance, Eli rolled his eyes in exasperation. The hero worship surrounding the masked vigilante grated on his nerves, a constant reminder of the city's misplaced priorities.
With a sigh, Eli returned his attention to the lecture, determined to salvage what remained of the class despite the mounting distractions. But as he spoke, his thoughts drifted back to you, the enigmatic student who seemed to defy his expectations at every turn. There was something about you that intrigued him, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
As the lecture drew to a close, Eli expected you to return, but the minutes passed and you didn't reappear. Uncharacteristically distracted, he dismissed the class, his thoughts lingering on your sudden departure. In his personal office that afternoon, Eli found himself preoccupied, absently staring out the window as Elize sat on his lap, kissing his neck.
"Why so distant today, Eli?" Elize's voice was playful, tinged with irritation. "What's on your mind?"
Eli sighed, torn between his curiosity about you and Elize's persistent affection. "It's nothing, Elize. Just thinking about a student."
Elize raised an eyebrow, her annoyance palpable. "Oh? The one who ran out to the bathroom during your lecture? You're really fixated on her, aren't you?"
Eli tensed slightly, his mind racing. "It's not like that, Elize. I'm just... curious."
Elize scoffed, a hint of jealousy coloring her tone. "Curious? You were never this interested in any of your students before, not her type at least. What's so special about her?"
Eli avoided her gaze, his thoughts scattered. "I don't know. There's just something... intriguing."
Elize shook her head, her frustration evident. "Maybe she was just stuck in the bathroom or something. It happens."
But before Eli could respond, he was drawn to the news that was playing on his TV. The reporter was talking excitedly about how Spider-Man had once again saved the day, rescuing people from a burning building. The footage showed Spider-Man in action, effortlessly swinging between buildings, saving civilians, and even helping to put out the fire with a fire hose.
"Spider-Man," Eli growled, his expression darkening as he watched the hero being revered by the whole city.
Elize noticed the change in his demeanor. "Why do you hate Spider-Man so much, Eli?" she asked cautiously. "Are you jealous of the attention he gets?"
Eli rolled his eyes, pushing Elize off his lap. "Leave, Elize," he snapped. "I'm not in the mood to fuck today."
Elize's eyes narrowed in anger. "You're always in the mood to fuck," she retorted, crossing her arms.
"Not with you this time," Eli replied coldly, his gaze fixed on the TV screen. "Leave."
Elize huffed, her frustration evident as she got up from the couch and stormed out of the room, muttering under her breath.
Alone again, Eli stared at the TV screen, his thoughts consumed by Spider-Man's heroic actions. He resented the fact that Spider-Man, the so-called friendly neighborhood hero, was adored by everyone while he, Eli Michaelson, a renowned chemistry professor and successful scientist, often felt underappreciated. The contrast between Spider-Man's public acclaim and his own more private achievements gnawed at him, feeding into his already deep-seated arrogance and narcissism.
With a heavy sigh, Eli turned off the TV and leaned back in his chair, his mind drifting back to you once again. He couldn't decipher why he was so fixated on you. Was he attracted to you? That much was a little obvious; you were his type. But there was more to it — you were a mystery, always arriving late, almost always interrupting class. Like today, when you went to the bathroom and didn't come back. Why didn't you come back?
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Eli refocused on the task at hand. He had a class to teach, and despite his distracted state, he couldn't afford to let his students down.
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The next morning, you woke up tired, your alarm blaring loudly, jolting you out of a fitful sleep. Groaning sleepily, you reached out to silence the noise, your body protesting the abrupt awakening. It felt like you had just closed your eyes before you were yanked back into consciousness. You sat up reluctantly, still dressed in your Spider-Man costume from the night before, the fabric clinging uncomfortably to your skin.
With a heavy sigh, you stumbled out of bed, your limbs feeling leaden as you trudged towards the bathroom. The thought of a hot shower beckoned, promising to wash away the exhaustion clinging to your bones. But before you could even consider stripping off your costume, your phone rang, the shrill sound piercing the early morning silence.
Cursing under your breath, you shot a web to catch the phone, fumbling to answer the call. Squinting at the screen, you groaned when you saw it was a police alert — the bank was being robbed. Who robs a bank so early in the morning? Did bad people not sleep?
Despite your exhaustion, duty called. With a resigned sigh, you quickly checked your web-shooters, ensuring they were fully charged and ready for action. You didn't have time to waste; innocent lives could be at risk.
Frantically searching your cluttered apartment, you finally found your mask and quickly put it on. Becoming Spider-Man was a familiar transformation by now, one you had grown accustomed to. You grabbed your backpack, shoving everything you needed for class inside, and jumped out of the window of your apartment.
Swinging through the waking city of New York, you webbed your backpack onto a nearby building to retrieve later. You zipped through the air towards the location of the bank being robbed, your senses alert to any danger.
Arriving at the scene, you landed on a nearby rooftop and surveyed the situation below. The robbers were armed and had hostages. You knew you had to act fast. With a fluid motion, you swung down from the rooftop, landing silently amidst the chaos.
"Look, it's Spider-Man!" someone in the crowd exclaimed, their voice full of awe and relief. "Thank goodness you're here!"
You ignored the misidentification — it was easier to hide your identity if people thought Spider-Man was a man, not a woman. You focused on the task at hand, webbing the guns out of the hands of the robbers before they could react. With swift and precise movements, you incapacitated the criminals and freed the hostages, ensuring they were safely away from danger.
Within minutes, the police arrived to take the robbers into custody. You nodded at them, your job done for now. You glanced at your watch — you were definitely late for Professor Michaelson's class again.
Swinging back to the building where you left your backpack, you retrieved it and quickly changed out of your Spider-Man costume. You needed to get to class as quickly as possible.
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Back in the lecture hall, Eli Michaelson paced back and forth, his impatience growing with every passing minute. The students were all seated, waiting for the lecture to begin, but one seat remained empty — yours.
"Late again," Eli muttered to himself, his frustration evident in his tone. He was about to start the lecture without you when the door burst open, and you hurried in, slightly out of breath but determined. "Late again, Miss [Your Name]," he stated flatly, his arms crossed as he addressed you. "What's your excuse this time?"
You hurried to your seat, setting down your backpack before turning to face him. "I'm sorry, Professor Michaelson. I got held up by some construction work on the highway."
Eli raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Construction work? Every time you're late, there's a new excuse. I'm starting to think you're making them up."
You shook your head, trying to catch your breath. "No, Professor, I promise it's true. There was a long line of cars backed up for miles."
Eli sighed, his impatience evident. "I understand life happens, but you need to find a way to manage your time better. This is becoming a habit."
"I know, Professor. I'm sorry," you replied earnestly, avoiding his piercing gaze.
Eli regarded you for a moment, his expression softening slightly. "I can appreciate dedication to your studies, but punctuality is a basic expectation. Are you having trouble with time management?"
You nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "I'm doing my best, Professor. It won't happen again."
Eli's gaze narrowed, his voice firm. "It better not. You're a talented student, [Your Name], but this chronic lateness is testing my patience. You need to step up and be more responsible."
"I will, Professor," you promised, determination flickering in your eyes.
Eli nodded once, his posture relaxing a fraction. "Good. I expect to see an improvement next time. Now, let's not waste any more time. Today's topic is the mechanisms of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds. Open your textbooks to page 236."
Throughout the lecture, Eli kept a close watch on you, noting your focused attention and the way you diligently took notes. Despite your tardiness, he couldn't deny your dedication to understanding the material. As the class progressed, Eli found himself more intrigued by your presence, your intelligence shining through despite your struggle with punctuality.
Eli continued his lecture, his voice methodical and precise as he explained the mechanisms of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds. You diligently copied down the chemical formula he wrote on the blackboard, fully engrossed in the subject matter despite the occasional distraction.
Suddenly, something small hit the back of your head. You turned around to see Elize and her friends giggling, trying to stifle their laughter. Elize, who had been teasing you since your first day, tossed another small ball of paper at you. You caught it, your brow furrowing in annoyance.
"Hey nerd," Elize called out loud enough for the nearby students to hear. "Why are you always late to class? Don't you own a watch?"
Her friends joined in, snickering and making comments about how they should buy you a watch. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, frustrated by their childish antics. It reminded you of being back in high school, teased for being nerdy and always having your head in a book.
You sighed softly, trying to maintain your composure. Despite your powers and the confidence you felt as Spider-Man, here you were, still feeling like that same old nerd. You decided not to respond, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset.
Eli paused mid-lecture, glancing back at the commotion. He frowned slightly, his irritation growing at the disruption in his class. "Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us, Miss Clark?" he asked, his voice laced with thinly veiled annoyance.
Elize smirked, leaning back in her chair. "Just wondering, Professor, why we have a student in our class who's always late."
Eli clicked his tongue in disapproval, but inside, he was pleased with Elize's blatant jealousy. It was a subtle reminder of the power he held over her, a power he relished. However, outwardly, he pretended to be irritated, masking his true feelings with a stern expression.
"Miss Clark," Eli said sharply, his voice cutting through the lingering giggles, "this class is not the place for childish behavior. If you have something to say, make sure it contributes to the lesson. Otherwise, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself."
Elize's smirk faltered, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Yes, Professor Michaelson," she muttered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Eli turned his attention back to you, his gaze softening slightly. "As for you, [Your Name], let's focus on the task at hand. If you need any help catching up on the material you've missed, my office hours are available."
You nodded, grateful for his offer. "Thank you, Professor. I'll make sure to come by if I need any assistance."
Eli continued his lecture, his voice commanding as he delved into the complexities of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds. Despite his outward irritation, he couldn't help but be intrigued by you. There was something about your determination and resilience that set you apart from the other students.
As the lecture progressed, Eli's mind wandered back to the encounter with Elize. Her jealousy was palpable, a testament to the power dynamic he carefully maintained. He enjoyed the control he had over her, the way she vied for his attention. It was a constant reminder of his influence, something he valued immensely.
Yet, there was something different about his interactions with you. Unlike Elize, who sought his approval through flirtation and charm, you seemed genuinely invested in the subject matter. Your passion for chemistry was evident, and despite your struggles with punctuality, your dedication was undeniable. It was this genuine interest that intrigued Eli, making him more invested in your progress than he cared to admit.
Despite the interruption from Elize and her friends, the lecture continued, with Eli delving deeper into the mechanisms of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds. You focused intently, determined to grasp the intricacies of the subject matter despite the distractions.
As Eli guided the class through the complex chemical reactions, you found yourself drawn into the material, your mind buzzing with questions and insights. Despite your occasional tardiness and the teasing from your classmates, you felt a sense of belonging in Eli's class, a feeling of purpose that drove you to excel.
After the lecture, you approached Eli's desk, eager to discuss some of the concepts further. Eli regarded you with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, his arrogance evident in the way he leaned back in his chair, his posture exuding confidence.
"Ah, [Your Name], what can I do for you?" Eli asked, his tone tinged with a hint of condescension.
"I wanted to clarify a few points from today's lecture," you began, your voice steady despite the nerves that fluttered in your stomach. "Specifically, I was wondering about the stereochemistry of nucleophilic addition reactions and how it relates to the overall mechanism."
Eli raised an eyebrow, impressed by your astute question. "Ah, an excellent inquiry, [Your Name]. Stereochemistry is indeed a crucial aspect of organic chemistry, one that often confounds even the most seasoned chemists."
He launched into a detailed explanation, his voice animated as he elucidated the finer points of stereochemistry and its implications for nucleophilic addition reactions. You listened intently, absorbing every word with a hunger for knowledge that impressed even Eli.
As the conversation progressed, Eli found himself increasingly drawn to your intellect and passion for the subject. Despite his initial skepticism, he couldn't deny the depth of your understanding and the genuine curiosity that drove your questions.
After the discussion, you thanked Eli for his insights, feeling a sense of accomplishment as you left his office. Despite the challenges you faced, both in the classroom and in your personal life as Spider-Man, you were determined to succeed in your studies and make a difference in the world.
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 9 months
Who are the ballad brothers I have seen you tag them on a variety of posts and I am intrigued
THREE MONTHS LATE BUT HERE WE GO!!! I also did a post about this ages ago which I’ll link HERE but! There’s been a lot of development since then!!!
This is going to get long. Sorry in advance. (Also I’m keeping it to just the Ballad Brothers themselves (and co) but lmk if you also want to know about the saints! They’re not at all relevant to the main plot (two and a half exceptions) but they live rent free in my head)
TLDR. Little guys took up residence in my head when I listened to music in the car and it’s become a whole scifantasy worldbuilding exercise.
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- she/her
- 29 years old
- 5’11 (and a half)
- Massive Fucking Tech Sword
- Enneagram 8w7 if you’re an enneagram guy
- The main character!
- She is the city (symbolic) and her name is god
- Former sword-for-hire/star player/golden girl/mascot/diversity hire (whatever you want to call it) for evil organization(tm) Rekah’s Finest
- (named after St Rekah of the Guard)(think somewhere between the CIA and the Pinkertons)(National guard type of thing that staged a very quiet coup/government takeover about a decade before Kyrie was born and is gradually got to the point where they’re running the city-state where this all takes place as a police state)
- current renegade and aspiring vigilante
- she fucked off the minute she turned 18 to join the metaphorical army/become a cop (same difference)(except there’s also regular cops and they kind of suck shit) and very quickly became very good at it!
- wound up as essentially the Special Little Guy they have as the face of the organization doing a lot of like. Public outreach and shit. Also doing a lot of assassinations inside and outside of the city
- A few years before the story starts she Realized Some Things about how her and Alonzo were orphaned and quit her job EXTREMELY publicly and extremely dramatically and left with nothing but her Massive Fucking Tech Sword and the clothes on her back and fucked off to go hide/live in a massive tower monument at the center of town
- It’s… legally difficult to get her out of there due to the historical site preservation regulations so she’s just been kind of vibing there ever since
- Theoretically. She’s trying to take down the RF and get them Out Of Her Damn City
- In practice she’s one singular burnout and has no idea how the hell to go about doing that so she’s mostly just hanging out in the tower and evading arrest
- She’s a fuck boy dirt bag piece of shit (etc etc etc) and I love her for it
- She gets no bitches despite being a local celebrity with one of The Fanbases Ever (she would do numbers on scifantasy Twitter) bc She’s So Sucks <3
- (no bitches except she does have a weird homoerotic thing going w her roommate/childhood best friend who’s kind of a reincarnation of St Ely who built the city and lives in the tower)(she’s not looking at it)(she’s got bigger problems called Avoiding Confronting Any Emotion bc if she looks at any of them she’ll have to process all of the Guilt she has irt. Pretty much abandoning her baby brother on the streets to go be a hero and then Never Contacting Him Again)
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- he/him
- 25
- 5’4
- two regular guns
- Kyrie’s aforementioned baby brother!
- Enneagram 3w4 which if you were friends w me 2019-2021 you’ll know exactly how much that says everything you need to know about this guy (derogatory)
- Most repressed mfer on the planet and a neurotic little freak
- Considers himself to be the only guy in this found family with a braincell. (Untrue, even if you don’t count An)
- His first instinct in a lot of situations is Improv Theater. (Seeing his sister for the first time in more than ten years? Better wear a hood and prepare a whole dramatic reveal about it. Ran into the guy he kissed at the office holiday party while trying to get his expense account wrangled for an upcoming assignment? Time to launch into an extended bit about how he’s so sad and poor and he’s gonna starve and freeze to death all alone on the street and Only They have the power to help him. please.)(they think it’s hilarious but jfc what’s wrong with him)
- The main issue with him is that he gets his apartment and all of his necessities directly from his employer, so his first priority at all times is Preserve His Job At All Costs
- He thinks of the way he lives as self care. I think of it as masochism.
- His main idea of a Life Plan from the ages of 15-his early 20s was Look At What His Older Sister Did And Then Do It Too
- (his main idea of a life plan from the ages of 3-20 was Don’t Get In Trouble Ever or They Will Come And Kill You To Death)(these are not especially compatible philosophies.)
- So he’s a sword-for-hire (gun for hire. And not even a fancy tech one. They’re not trusting any more Ballad brothers with any more expensive technology.)
- This is not working out well for him. he’s not overwhelmingly good at the job. He doesn’t find any purpose in killing people. He doesn’t even like blood.
- He is, however, very good at following orders. But only when he wants to.
- He’s also very good at Lying To His Boss’s Boss
- They keep sending him to try and assassinate Kyrie as like. Kind of a power move? Trying to show her that they’ve got her only family at their beck and call and they can make him do whatever they want
- Unfortunately Alonzo has no interest in killing her so those missions pretty much just wind up with him going to hang out in the tower and shoot shit for a couple days and then going back and turning on the big sad wet eyes for his report to tell them that he did his best he really did but she’s always been stronger and he just couldn’t take her— but he’ll do better next time he promises 🥺🥺🥺
- Kyrie had been their best guy for several years and Alonzo is, in all other regards, the perfect employee (turns in all his paperwork ahead of time, does every other mission very efficiently and never gets caught, goes to all the company mixers even though everyone can tell he’s exhausted, always has his uniform meticulously clean and pressed) so this is plausible, and they go “aww okay better luck next time :) go get some rest :)”
- Also he’s lowkey a hostage here. What are they gonna do? Fire him? No they need him for leverage
- It drives his immediate supervisor who knows EXACTLY what’s going on up the fucking wall. We will get to them.
- Gets Fucking Shot With A Cheater Bullet (very small timed action grenade) on an assignment midway through the story and his first instinct (instead of going back to the office where they have like. Actual doctors and medical equipment to deal with that) is to head to St Ely’s tower, where they have his sister and his kind of boyfriend and also his sister’s roommate who can sew and his childhood buddy Jonesie down the street who knows first aid
- He’s not thinking especially straight due to the Panic and also the Blood Loss from the Bullet In His Ribcage and he’s got a whole emotional thing about how he wants to die at home w his people— and then it goes off and he Fucking Dies. Whoops!
- He gets better his boyfriend (for real now lmao) is an aspiring necromancer and God’s Pet Freak (there’s a lot. Behind that. more later) and he very pointedly doesn’t believe in magic or saints or anything but also his chest cavity did very much get exploded and he’s fine now (besides the lingering Effects) so like.
- He deals with this by 1. Contacting his supervisor who lets the higher ups know there’s been An Incident. 2. Going back to work as soon as they’ll let him (like three days later). and 3. Getting himself transferred to the security division and becoming Ari’s dad’s bodyguard so he doesn’t have an excuse to go hang out at the tower anymore and he doesn’t have to look at any of those emotions he can just Focus on his Work <3
- Obviously that does not go well for him.
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- they/them/any
- 25
- 5’2
- Enneagram 5w6
- Mad scientist
- Nepo baby
- Front desk intern for the RF financial department
- Aspiring necromancer
- God’s Pet Freak
- If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you raise a child in one of those beige instagrammable influencer houses. It’s this.
- Their dad is the puppet city governor for the RF (Kyrie wants him dead so goddamn bad)(he’s kind of a useless twink but he’s an easy guy to blame for all this shit)
- Their mom died when they were like 8 of something pretty regular and they have since dedicated pretty much their entire life to Bringing Her Back
- (No they were not especially close or anything why do you ask?)
- TECHNICALLY their dad, knowing their passion for Science (and not much else about them) got them a cushy RF job developing biotech to make the cool individualized tech weapons
- In practice, they got their funding and their fancy work lab and immediately proceeded to squirrel just about everything useful from it downstairs to their own personal lab in the basement (not on the floor plan) where they don’t have to worry about things like “supervision” “safety regulations” “proper ventilation” “their job” etc
- They are still doing their job but they’re getting it done in like. Two days out of the month and spending literally all the rest of their time on the necromancy
- It’s gotten to the point where they’re not even clocking in upstairs anymore so they made them take a couple shifts a week at the front desk of the financial department just so they have something on record to pay them for
- They’re okay with this! it’s fun to switch it up and there’s snacks in the breakroom
- I cannot emphasize enough how much they Do Not Leave the horrifying unventilated unethical science basement. there’s a couch in the corner and a sink and an employee bathroom in the stairwell what more could they need.
- One of the early plotlines is centered around Getting Them To Go Outside (really outside, not just to the regular parts of the RF building) and like. Idk. Maybe seeing a leaf or smth would be good for them)
- where they also wind up meeting and hanging out w Kyrie and El, doing some upkeep on Kyrie’s fancy sword, and being Absolutely Fascinated by St Ely’s Tower (there’s some generally buried Magic Shit that perks up when them and El are in the room together)
- BECAUSE!!! (And this is why they haven’t succumbed to the Fumes in the horrifying unventilated unethical science basement, or the gas leak in there from the pipe main running through the middle of it that they’ve been siphoning off of, or any of the experiments they do on themself bc they can’t get any other test subjects and also bc they wouldn’t trust anyone else’s testimony as to What It’s Like) the magic, which is how Ely built the city (and how all of the other saints Did Their Things as well but that’s a whole other can of worms) is a vapor that lives underground and speaks no human language but saw this little freak trying to defy the laws of nature from their hole in the ground and took a liking to them
- It can’t bring their mom back bc she’s been dead for fifteen years and it never met her so it wouldn’t even know where to start
- But it likes them! It follows them around and keeps them alive and helps with their experiments :)
- (they remind it of Saint Ely, who was a similarly tiny passionate freak, but that’s also a whole other can of worms)
- Ari is not aware of this in the slightest.
- Their second arc is getting Disappeared from legal existence (very easy. They live in a basement and barely ever leave it and don’t really talk to people), realizing that they are in fact mortal and could potentially die someday, and trying to contact their dad to make sure he knows they’re okay. (Doesn’t work. They’ve been disappeared and are no longer allowed past the front desk.)
- Their third arc (during the communal breakdown era. Kyrie’s abandoned by god arc where she decides to run away from her problems in a literal sense and Alonzo’s evil arc where stops speaking to everybody and dives headfirst into his job at the war crimes factory) is deciding that the same thing happened to their mom and the necromancy isn’t working because she’s NOT actually dead which means she’s out there somewhere and they can find her! :)
- That is not even a little bit true. :(
EL (no last name)
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- he/him (woman)
- Doesn’t really have an age. They don’t really exist in time in the usual sense
- 5’0
- Enneagram 9w1
- Lives in the tower
- Just kind of showed up there one day as a kid and has been living there ever since
- There’s a nearby convent of some kind that fed and clothed them growing up (same place that looked after Kyrie and Alonzo after they were orphaned)
- Kind of a reincarnation of Saint Ely. not in so many steps bc again. Out of time and who knows how long he’s been there but like. He’s back for more but he’s a lady with an ounce of common sense this time. It’s unclear how much he’s aware of this part of it. He knows the tower is important, and he knows restoring the murals inside of it is important. I don’t think he knows why.
- only guy in this found family who’s even remotely capable of coping with the idea of death (he already did that)(kind of psychopomp coded about it)
- Kyrie’s best friend and second in command so much as she has a command. Weird homoerotic gay thing going on there. I assume there’s some of the traditional St Ely brand of devotion but like
- (And by traditional I mean I don’t think that’s a widely known thing about Ely the Saint but it is one of the more prominent things about Ely the Guy)
- Spends most of his time restoring the tower and the murals inside that nobody has seen in years
- (That’s a whole thing)(different can of worms)
- This is @nosongunsung11’s guy so I’ll tap them in for the details but I think that’s the basics!!
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- they/them (lesbian)(in gender moreso than practice)
- 35 but they’re lying about it. actually 33
- 5’5
- Enneagram 1w2 😬
- Twin fancy tech rapiers
- The previous Special Little Guy/Mascot/face of the RF
- Ran away from home, changed their name, and lied about their age to join up when they were 16 and they’ve just kind of been going off that ever since
- Went by Punk for a while towards the beginning of their career bc they were 16/17 and it Sounded Cool and it would up becoming almost like their callsign (that’s what Alonzo calls them bc he was very much an enjoyer when he was a kid. They were like Spider-Man to him. Blorbo from the news.)(and he continues to call them that bc he’s a little shit.)
- (They wound up naming themselves after Saint Anjane of Strength not because they believe in any saints but because they desperately wish they did and this way at least they can pretend they know what it might feel like to have that kind of faith.)(in a fun and funky coincidence, they’re actually very very similar to Saint Anjane herself. El has some Complicated Emotions about this.)(long story. It’s Saint Ely’s Monument but it’s also the closest thing he has to a grave— he pulled it out of the ground so he could be alone w/ Anje’s body after he got to her execution too late to talk her out of it)
- Got shunted when Kyrie showed up and was infinitely more personable due to her heroics in SciFantasy 9/11 (long story. Building exploded.) and general bright-eyed and bushy tailed unjaded Disposition
- And by shunted I mean promoted to middle management in the Murder Department
- They’re fine with this it’s significantly less work on their end
- They do make sure after that to have everything they need for basic living separated from the job though
- Only guy in this found family with their own actual apartment. And basic cooking skills. And healthy sleep schedule.
- When Alonzo gets into the Murder Department they wind up as his immediate supervisor!
- Exciting prospect at first! He’s a high profile assignment (hostage) and also an easy assignment (does all of his paperwork on time, completes his missions Quietly and Efficiently, doesn’t really do anything interesting at all)
- Less exciting prospect once they actually work with him. He’s a little shit and a motherfucker and he knows exactly what he’s doing
- They can’t stop covering for him at this point without doing a hell of a lot of paperwork and jeopardizing their own job so they’re stuck now
- Also. unfortunately. they got attached. They’re not the step-older sibling, they’re the older sibling who stepped up.
- They’re the one who arrests Kyrie at the beginning of the story and kick off the whole first half of the plot, but they also wind up putting in their two weeks after Alonzo Gets Fucking Killed and then immediately goes back to work
- They do it significantly better than Kyrie tho they keep their apartment and their bank account and return most of their uniforms so the rf doesn’t have any reason to come after them besides Aiding and Abetting (and also trespassing. On the protected historical site that is St Ely’s monument. But that’s the least of anyone’s worries here.)
- They wind up kind of taking charge of the. whatever the hell these guys are doing. during the Communal Breakdowns arc. they would really prefer not to be doing this but somebody has to. So.
- Also during that arc they wind up facing off with Alonzo and boy howdy is there a reason they got assigned as the rf’s Special Little Guy and he didn’t, bc he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell even with them holding back
AND THAT’S THE MAIN CAST! Thank you for coming to my ted talk! (Get it?) I’ve hit the image limit on mobile so I’ll come back and add the before/after pictures in a reblog bc I had fun making those
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bakughosts · 4 months
hi eli!! i'm sorry in advance if i come across as too much, but i'm just so excited to see you active on here! i wanted to tell you that you're one of the writers i've always been excited to see post or update, and your fic, i like to call myself wound but i will answer to knife, is one of my absolute favorite bakugou fics!! i think i was just getting into bnha, and reading fic for it, when you posted it on ao3 and. the literal impact it had on me as a reader and eventual bakugou writer. major.
like—first of all. i love kiri bunches. so i really related to reader being in love with him lmaoooo. but reader and bakugou's dynamic? absolutely delicious. the way reader slowly falls for bakugou, the way bakugou is in love first, quietly, the way they bicker but come together, despite all of it... i could scream!!
and even beyond their relationship, the way you wrote reader's loneliness, her guilty feelings for kiri, her hurt seeing him and mina, her friends, together despite knowing she should be happy for them. ahhh. you write the complexity of these emotions so well. and i love the conversation she has with mina in chapter three. i've read fic where reader characters in similar situations, where they're meant to be friends with another character who's dating the person they have feelings for, express/feel jealousy so ugly, so cutting, that it makes you think--how could they be friends? but you wrote mina and reader in such a kind, generous way. it only reinforces the work you've done building reader's personality, her character. she cares for her friends. she doesn't want to hurt them, doesn't want to create rifts. it's what made her lose out on kiri, and it's what she let go of to be with bakugou.
“Kept me waiting long enough,” he says, and yeah. yeah. she did, in more ways than one. but he waited. 🥺 and bakugou's so soft in this fic. he's so. so!!! and that "what else do you love about me?" scene always gets me kicking my feet and giggling, blushing and heart skipping a beat 🥺🥺🥺💖
anyway—so sorry this is so long!!! i could say more but!! i'm sure this is already overwhelming!!!! i hope that you're doing well, that you're having a lovely week, and wishing you a weekend filled with rest and joy 💞
I know it has been forever since u sent this but omgggg this ask is one i come and reread when i am feeling underwhelmed by my writing…. Literally im so glad you like the Mina and reader part djjdjdjd and you’re RIGHT sometimes the jealousy in fics like this can be really cutting and like… severe. Which is honestly understandable!! Jealousy is an extremely difficult emotion to control and it can make you do some terrible things. But yeah i really wanted like… to show that they’re Best Friends like they wouldn’t want to hurt each other ever, even if that’s to the detriment of themselves. So I’m really glad that came across !!! Mina is so important to me and i miss writing her so much
Ugh there is so much in this ask that makes me feel so warm <3 thank u so much for reading and sending this in (even if i am responding super super late!!) i hope you are having a wonderful day and that u know how much it means to receive asks like this!!!!!!!! U r doing gods work……
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vibratingskull · 1 year
The Trial part3 : The way is ahead
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Thrawn x f!reader
Time is running out and you didn't recover the cylinder. Will you be able to reach your goal and finish the exam?
They look so calm, around a fire, sharing stories or discussing the next course of actions. Unaware they are being spied on, they appear so relaxed.
You take your eyes off the sight and pass the sniper to Thrawn. He looks in silence, surely evaluating the level of threat they represent.
“That is them.” He confirms.
“Told you.” Cosblo chants.
“We need to discuss our next actions.” He straightens his back, putting his hands behind his back.
“You mean discuss the well sorted plan you already carefully designed three weeks ago for this very situation?” You side eye him with a grin.
“Precisely, cadet.” He responds without missing a beat.
And so he does, exposing his idea to you all around a fire. You all listen in respectful silence at first and dismayed silence towards the end, Cosblo eyes are wide open, Eli’s mouth is agape, and you, you feel the start of a headache.
“I mean it with all due respect,” Cosblo starts “But have you lost your mind… Sir!?”
“It is merely about good timing and team efforts, I am confident we can do it” Thrawn counters.
Eli scoffs, ruffling his hair. Good timing… Good timing and an insolent chance, yeah! This plan will never work.
“I mean… You can’t be serious, sir?” You ask with a white voice. “What are the probabilities of success?”
“You might not see it but probability is on our side, actually. If we manage to coordinate all our efforts the victory will be ours without fail!” He states, his thoughts straight and confident. His tone doesn’t leave room for uncertainty either.
You could, hypothetically, see this plan succeed… But still. This is crazy!
“If anyone has a better idea, I am open to discussion.” He offers.
But it is clear no one else has a plan, even a crazy one, that they would want to share.
“So it is settled.” He simply concludes.
You roll over in your duvet. The truth is your sentiment of guilt towards the team didn’t disappear and you are resolute to do your maximum to make amends for it. You had a plan on your own but you didn’t want to share it with others because you knew they would refuse it. But contrary to Thrawn's plan, you could apply it all alone. You would be the sole one in danger.
You peek outside of your tent and see Thrawn’s back, focused on the immediate vicinity. You open the opposite side of your tent and crawl out in complete silence and walk to the edge of the cliff. From there you can see the camp of the B team far away, their dying fire and their watchman circling around the tents. You put your hair in a bun and start your descent. At night, the rock temperature is far lower and doesn’t slash your hands, you let yourself fall and land as discreetly as possible.
You advance crouching, one step after the other you move closer to their camp in the tall grass. You stop and observe. The tents are planted circularly around the fire, or what’s left of it, their packages are gathered at the center, left in the open. The sentry’s making large circles around the tents, scrutinizing the dark, his rifle firmly holds in his hands.
You walk like a predator, without any sound, cautiously. You take a stone and throw it against a trunk nearby. Alerted, the sentinel marches towards the direction of the sound, gun aiming at the void and the dark. You glide swiftly behind him and take out your own gun. Sorry buddy you think to yourself and knock it down behind his skull. A yelp escapes him as he falls down face first in the dirt without fighting. You roll him down on his back and search his pocket, you never know you might have a chance.
No, he doesn’t have the cylinder. You take him under his arms and drag him under the bushes. You get out of it and crouch back in position, you walk discreetly towards the bags.
You hold back a scream of pain.
You look down at your feet and see an enormous piece of glass piercing your shoe. You look closely around you and see the light reflecting on dozens of glass shards scattered around their camp. Bastards! You reach for it before advising not to, keeping it would prevent you bleeding liters. Now each step is painful and you must refrain from starting to cry.
You try to focus. Go on (y/n)! It’s like with the suits with Thrawn, it’s the same thing! You try and encourage yourself mentally, but you gloss over the fact that this time a whole team could very much beat you up if you get caught.
You finally reach the bags and you take a second to breathe and relieve your feet. Damn that hurt! You start searching the bags, internally praying to any god that may be here for the cylinder to be in one of them. But there again, nothing. You sigh discouraged. This will be more complicated than first expected.
You look around you, it looks like a bag is missing, one of them must have kept it inside their tent. You approach a random tent, open the zipper and take a peek. You see nothing. To the other one. Wrong pick. Third is the charm you thought. Third is indeed the charm, you can see the package resting next to its owner who’s sleeping soundly. You slide yourself silently inside and kneel next to the bag. You observe the sleeper who’s facing the opposite side, just like you they like to sleep with a weapon next to them. You gulp at this sight. You’ve been shot once, you’d rather not be shot twice. You open the bag cautiously and start searching its pockets. Nothing. Where is it? You start losing patience as your stress level spikes. You slouch back, discouraged, when something shines at the corner of your eyes. Between the sleeper’s face and the wall of the tent you see it. The cylinder!
You eruct in joy internally, but you stay focused. You still have to retrieve it and it means bending over an armed enemy. You regret not taking your weapon, by fear it would have been in your way. You carefully lean, placing a hand on the other side really slowly.
You stop dead in your movement. They move, rolling from their side to their back, but don't do anything else. You release the breath you were holding. It was close! You scratch out your arm and fingers at their max.
You got it!
You take it with infinite precautions. Finally, you observe this little cylinder of metal. All that troubles for such a petite thing. You crawl out of the tent and close it back.
You’ve done it!
You jump out of your skin, turning towards the voice. You see the sentry, well awake, pointing at you with fire in the eyes.
“Hands up!”
You slowly raise your hands. He takes the time to observe the cylinder in one of them, he frowns.
“Put that ba-”
A clac rings.
Red flashes.
He collapses without a sound.
You turn your head towards the source of the sound, you see two small red lights at the top of the cliff. Without thinking you start running as fast as you can towards them. You limp and flinch at each step but run until you are breathless. A second rifle sound resonates and you hear the sound of a body falling in tall grass with a muffled groan. You don’t turn back. You sprint and jump on the partition, ascending four by four. The pain is tearing you apart but the joy of succeeding gives you wings. Another clac.
At the top of the cliff you found a helping hand extended for you, you seize it and climb the last meter. Thrawn, sniper rifle in the back, pulls you to your feet with a grunt.
“I trust you are aware it was a ludicrous idea?” The tone is cold, judgemental.
But you shrug it. Hands on your knees you try to take back your breath.
“You know…” You take out the cylinder “From where I came from we don’t say an idea is ludicrous if it worked.”
He looks at you, unflinching.
Then his shoulder seemed to relax. He reaches for it.
“And our own? You did not bring it with you at least?”
“Do you take me for an idiot?” You wink “I hid it in Eli’s backpack.”
He considers the cylinder then nods to you after sighed.
“Good work, Cadet. Let us get you patched up.”
Cosblo is not thrilled to be awake at this hour of the night, but he tends to your wound nonetheless. He pulls out the shard with expert hands and applies the bacta immediately, preventing further bleeding. In less than ten minutes you’re all bandaged and good to go. While this time, Thrawn is decoding the cylinder on the pads, deciphering what’s appearing on the screen.
“What do we have?” You query.
“It is indeed the team's B cylinder. We have passed the first phase of the trial. Now it is telling us to head toward the structure as we suspected. As for the contents of the cylinder it is more randomly generated words and numbers, I can not draw any conclusion out of this.”
“Maybe Eli could say more about it?”
He nods.
“Most certainly.”
And like that you go back to bed for a well deserved sleep. Tomorrow you will head towards the structure and your trial will be over. It unfolded rather good in your opinions, it could have been way worse when you thought back about all the wounds you inflicted on your comrades, way worse.
You’re sleeping soundly when you feel something poke your side. You don’t react, trying your best to stay asleep. Then something hits your ribs. You cough, all your air expelled from your lungs. You open your eyes wide open and find the canon of a gun aimed at you.
You dive sideways to retrieve your own but you found only the void.
“Get out!” The tone of the voice indicates your doesn’t have a choice
You leave with your hands raised, a crude odor of sugar mugs your nose. You discover Cosblo and Eli on their knees, hands behind their heads. It is apparently not the B team. You limp to your place and get on your knees as they gesture at you to.
“We’ve finally got our hands on you! You’re pretty hard to find.” The chief says “I suppose it’s the freak who told you how? Where is he by the way?”
You wrinkle your nose. Thrawn’s not here? Behind you one of their teammates exits the last tent and shakes her head. He frowns.
“It’s him who has the cylinder, right?”
Nobody responds. Behind him you see them pass around your weapons, one of them is seated on the 74-Z. Where is the second one?
“If you have two cents of intelligence you would have given it to him. Despite being an alien, he’s good at what he does.” He paces in front of you like a predator, none of you look at him, eyes down you try and remain as neutral as possible. You glance at Eli, he surely didn’t realize he’s the one in possession of the cylinder and thinks Thrawn still has it. “Everyone noticed it. And we are many to have waited for this occasion to pay him back for the humiliation.”
You gulp, they are on a vendetta. They surely won’t let you go that easily, even with the cylinder. You pray for them not to rummage through the bags.
His foot stops in front of you.
“You know where he is?”
You keep your eyes down.
“We don’t know where he is! He wasn’t here when we woke up!” Eli intervenes.
“Shut up the lame, I’m not talking to you.”
He puts his cannon under your chin and raises your head, forcing you to look at him.
You look him in the eye, nothing comes out of your mouth, keeping your expression fixed.
“Nothing?” He speaks gently, lowering his weapon a bit “What do you think might happens if I aim at your heart?”
“Dude, we’ve already told you!” Cosblo shouts.
You feel the tension rising. One of them sniffs loudly.
“Am I the only one who smells sugar?”
No she’s not, and at the same time some weird vapors are appearing.
“Where is he?!”
You start, he suddenly raises his voice. You open your mouth to speak but the sound of a motor approaching covers you. Out of nowhere, Thrawn burst out of the bushes riding the second bike. He steers and knocks them down as he drifts.
“Hurry! They are gassing the zone!” He commands.
You all jump on your feet, Cosblo and Eli punch the guy and take the second bike as you rush to the bags. You take out the cylinder and the datapad and jump behind Thrawn. The engines roar and you fly away from the screams of panic of the adversary team and your possessions that you just left here.
Faster! The gas is gaining on you!
The noise of the motors rise in the air, scaring off birds and animals alike on your way. The wind screams in your ears as you hunch behind Thrawn, holding him for dear life. Away you can hear other teams reacting to the gas, you watch as it slowly circles you despite your speed. You breathe and inhale some of it. You immediately cough as it scorches your throat and eyes. It’s burning hot!
Between your tears you can see the structure growing in your field of vision. You rapidly arrive at a set of stairs. You jump off the bike and launch yourself inside, hearing the stampede in the trees. A lot of teams are gathered here by the gas, and they’re on your heels. You go up four by four when the sounds of the gun start resonate in the zone, it’s a complete panic!
Thrawn’s behind with his rifle, your only weapon as of now, and maintains them at bay. You run as fast as your liming permits you, but your compressing suit doesn’t help and impede your movement. Suddenly a hand seizes your shoulder and holds you back. You yelp in surprise as you notice the aim beam right in front of you and a clac rings the air. You turn yourself to Thrawn.
“Watch your st-”
He doesn’t finish his sentence.
He gasps as his combination turns completely red, and collapses.
You scream by instinct.
Thrawn is down and unconscious.
“Guys! Guys!”
Eli and Cosblo trace their step back, worried by your screams. They find you kneeled next to the body of Thrawn.
You retrieve his gun and cover your back as they lift him up. You sprint till you're breathless. From where you are you can see the battlefield at the bottom of the stairs. All the team shouting at each other and those who take advantage of the scuffle to sneak their way to the stairs and follow in your steps. It’s a frenzy.
Finally, you reach the top and are graced by an enormous metal door, one you can see in aircraft hangars. But it’s closed shut.
In a panic move you start banging with Eli.
“There is a control screen!” Cosblo notices
You rush to it. It asks you for a code.
“It needs a code!”
“What?! What code?!”
“I don’t know?!” You scream at each other, although it won’t resolve the situation.
Eli seems to think in the midst of this madness.
“I think I know it…”
You stop and look at him, hope and incredulity in your eyes.
“I crossed the numbers of both cylinders on the pad earlier and I think this is it.” He explains.
“Oh Eli…” You take his face between your two hands and kiss him loudly on the cheek. “I love you! Hurry, what is it?”
He dictates it to you and you press enter. You wait several agonizing seconds for something to happen. You can hear the other team on the stairs getting closer and closer. Suddenly you hear a clear sound and the screen turns green. The door starts rising.
You fling yourself inside and it drops back loudly behind you.
It’s finished!
You fall down on the ground, exhausted. Next to you Cosblo shouts a scream of joy, joined by Eli. They leave Thrawn against a wall and high five each other.
“Yes! We did it!”
You just look at them. Finally! About time!
You slowly raise up in a seated position, holding your compressed side. You hear steps behind you and you wince as you stand off.
“Wonderful! What suspense!” Someone starts clapping their hands.
You look up to see Satlove approach with a broad smile, shining his pearly white teeth, and his signature fan. He’s followed by one of your professors and some instructors, you hold them the datapad and cylinders.
They take a minute to examine them.
“Oh! Can someone unlock this gentleman?” Satlove designates Thrawn, laying motionless.
One of the instructors kneels down and manipulates the suit a bit. Thrawn suddenly jumps with a gasp for air. The instructor holds him back, informing him to stay put for a moment. He coughs as he nods.
Your professor moves closer, holding you back on the datapad.
“Congratulations. You passed the trial with success.”
You sigh relieved, Eli comes from behind and hugs you while Cosblo performs a step of dance. You all smile.
“You have my congratulations as well. I was rooting for you during all of this test, we all love a good underdogs group from time to time.” Satlove shakes the hands of the boys as he speaks. “I will keep tabs on you, maybe invite you to one of my famous dinners! It is a wonder I promise you!”
He takes your hand and kisses it. You feel your face heating up and start stuttering. He holds it a sec with a gentle smile to your address and laughing eyes.
“To the pleasure of meeting you again!” He chants as he exits the room with the instructors.
Thrawn stands off, holding his head.
“Shall we go?”
You help him off.
“Yes, sire. We shall go.”
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shinobusupremecy · 2 years
hi ELI ITS BEEN A WHILE!! HRU?? ive been doing okay and i hope u r too!! i've finally wrote shit after like. years ☹ talking to ppl kinda sucked for a bit but now i feel socializing hehe
if you dont mind just dropping a small request! just a lil drabble or hcs, whatever your prefer, shinobu with an s/o who's an absolute simp for her? like, she'd be just doing her own thing and her s/o's just have this huge love struck grin on their face... slays demons? #1 cheerleader. "omigosh she smiled at me aoi-chan :D" "you are literally her gf." ive been feeling a bit of shinobu love recently >:)
Shinobu x gn!simp reader
Art source
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"ARGHH-!” You let out a pained yell as you felt your rib bones breaking on impact with the demons fist. Before you could retaliate the demon kicked your stomach, sending your back into a tree, head slamming against it. 
“Y/N!” You heard Shinobu yell. You tried to take quick shallow breaths, looking up at the sky to try and distract yourself from the pain. 
Suddenly you heard the demon shriek and you looked down to see Shinobu stabbing the demon several times with her sword. 
“YESS SHINOBU!-*cough* KICK HIS ASS UNTIL SUNRISE! MAKE HIM SUFFER!” Shinobu tried to suppress a smile, you were always her #1 cheerleader moments like this. It gives Shinobu such a rush. 
The demon was getting weaker, fighting with less accuracy. 
“I pity you alot, from what I’ve heard you only attack women because you never could find one when you were human. I wanted to give you a more merciful death but, I was out of stock” You heard the faint sound of liquid and you knew Shinobu was switching poison. 
You could only blink and the demon was on the ground writhing in agony, blood pooling out of the demon, pained scream turning into a choked one. You shuddered. 
You looked to your left and it seemed like Shinobu was safe, with one sigh of relief you closed your eyes, letting your tired body sleep. 
You suddenly heard someone sitting down, laying things beside them. You slowly opened your eyes, getting greeted with light shining down on your eyes. 
“Hello Y/N, welcome to the world of the living!” Shinobu giggled. You smiled feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. That genuine smile she gives while the morning sun shines down on her face. She looked ethereal.
“Come on Shinobu, I couldn’t have been gone for that long” You smiled amd Shinobu just shook her head. 
“Hmm, you’ve been asleep for long enough” She said as she kissed your forehead. The butterflies fluttered more wildly in your stomach, ready to burst out any second. 
“Well at least you woke up in good timing. I brought you breakfast” You slowly rose up looking at the breakfast that stood on the table. Shinobu gave you the plate and you ate. 
You offered her some but she insisted that she already ate before she came to you. You watched her as she read a book, the sunshine still shining down on her face making her look ethereal. 
You smiled, having a lovesick grin on your face. You looked at her with hearts in your eyes. Your moment however was interuppted when Aoi nearly stormed in the room looking frustrated as ever. 
“I can’t believe Zenitsu and Inosuke! They’re causing ruckus again! I tried to stop them but they are just so impossible!” Shinobu sighed and rose up. 
“Those two” Shinobu said with an angry smile, vein popping out of her forehead. She turned back to you, her expression much kinder. “I’ll return soon to keep you company” She said, kissing your forehead and giving you a smile. 
As Shinobu walked away you looked at Aoi with sparkle in your eyes.
“omigosh she smiled at me Aoi!” You squealed, fanning your hands. 
“She’s litterally your girlfriend” Aoi replied with a deadpan expression.
Unbeknownst to you both Shinobu walked towards Inosuke’s and Zenitsu’s room, trying to stifle her laugh.
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oletusfragments · 1 year
💌; Eli Clark
((I Don't know if you write for him or not. I'm sorry 😭))
This letter may be unexpected to you, but i can't bring myself to say these things in person without me dying of embarrassment.
You're such a wonderful person, your presence is so calming and it always manages to bring a smile to my face. The few talks we had made me realize how much you mean to me.
I hope after reading this we can continue being friends. Maybe more?
If your answer is negative. Just throw this letter away and forget about it.
Sincerely, ♟️An0n
✦ — Your letter has been received!
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As someone who is blessed with the power of clairvoyance, he definitely saw this letter coming. He waited for its arrival every day. As the sun set and rose, his excitement doubled and he became more giddy for it each passing day. Eli wonders, what would the letter entail? What should he reply to you? His instincts tell him that this piece of paper was special, something that would change his life for the better, he hopes.
And as the awaited letter arrived, he could barely contain himself as he gently snatched the envelope from the postman's hands. Even Victor would see how excited the seer was. Despite his eyes that are believed to be the window to the soul blindfolded, his smile alone and the excited trembling of his gloved fingers is enough to show how much he's looking forward to reading what you have to say. Even with the vision he received about your letter, it didn't show what the letter would contain. And he felt nervous. Just what does it say?
That question has been on his head for as long as he knew about your letter. Yeah, he's been looking forward to it. So what are you waiting for, Eli Clark? Open the letter!
And so he did. And what he saw was the most pleasant surprise he's had in a lifetime. Grinning wildly, he takes the pen on his table with the paper he may or may not have prepared in advance and starts writing a reply for you.
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✦ — A letter has been delivered to you by a nightingale...
Dear ♟️ An0n,
I am quite embarrassed with the amount of compliments you've given me. I didn't think I'd have such an effect on you. But at the same time, I'm glad, overjoyed actually.
Yes, we can continue being dear friends to each other. And maybe more, if you'd like. Truthfully I would like that too. What do you want us to become?
Ah, don't ever think that I'll throw anything from you away. Whatever they'll be, I'll keep them close to my heart. My days with you are one of the first things I've wanted for myself for a long time. Your company is what I didn't know I needed. So please abandon all doubts that you have with our relationship. Maybe I should spend time with you more so that you'll feel more assured with our bond. You'd want that too, right?
Eli Clark
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A/N: I do write for him! Idk if I'm doing it right tho lol 💀
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leilasbasement · 10 months
Ha, Leila left at 4 years old, 4 years later she met Elius, after 4 years she left and after 4 years she returned :D
Familiar Stranger
~ It was night, there were two 8-year-old children in the forest... ~
• Elius was with a flashlight, he looked at the frightened Leila as if spellbound •
— you look like me! - both said in one voice, the boy’s laughter was not long in coming while his “double” stood quietly, for a moment forgetting how to breathe..
— ...You look familiar... - the girl tried to continue the conversation.
— well, yes, I look like your reflection in the mirror! - the boy joked
— God, that’s not what I’m talking about... - Leila sighed heavily, this answer killed the fear in her... — We didn’t know each other before..?
— nope, I don’t remember you at all - Elius didn’t even think about it, he had a rule, “if I don’t remember right away, then I don’t know”
— ... Okay - the girl didn’t even talk about that he didn’t even think about it, it was clear from him that he wouldn’t think about it, she immediately realized that he would not think
— hey, what's your name? Or should I call you "female version"? - the boy asked with a smile, teasing his opponent a little
— what..? No! What kind of female version do you think I am?! My name is Leila, Mr. male version! - Elius’s mockery worked, the girl was angry
— come on, I’m Elius, let’s meet each other! - the guy extended his hand
— ... Yeah... We'll get to know each other... - Leila shook hands...
~ and now, meeting again, many years have passed since their “first” meeting, and only 4 years since the last... ~
• Elius sat in the same place where Leila constantly came, he came here every day, despite the fact that his older brother scolded him for it every time, but he hoped that she would return, but in all 4 years no one ever did didn't come... Until this day... •
— um... Eli..? - the girl quietly approached the sitting person
— Lala? - the guy looked in shock at such a long-awaited person, he instantly stood up from his seat
— I didn’t think that you... - she didn’t have time to finish, Elius hit her on the cheek, but at the same moment hugged her
— you bitch is unpredictable! - he cried, both from anger and from happiness
— ... Sorry..? - Leila smiled awkwardly
— where have you been?! - the hug did not last long, the guy pulled away and now just held the girl by the shoulders
— you know, I can’t go out and all that... - she tried to find an excuse, but it didn’t work, and as luck would have it, she forgot all the others, prepared in advance
— when did this ever bother you?! - Elius did not let up
— well... I... It’s just... - the youngest became more and more unsure of her words
— Leila! Answer! - and the elder pressed, he demanded answers
— I wanted you to be fucking alive and healthy! I found a child in the basement who was positive like you! What if my father had put you there too?! Would you be happy?! - the girl couldn’t stand the pressure and told everything
— what? - Elius was taken aback and let Leila go, he was definitely not expecting such an answer... — but... You could have warned!
— What if father followed me and found you that night when I wanted to warn you?! What if that very night he decided to get rid of you?! - now the girl began to press
— ... I understand... I'm sorry... - the guy admitted defeat and guiltily looked away, just like in childhood...
— I..! ...Okay.. - Leila melted in an instant, she could never stay angry at that face for long...
DBN Nightmare and Starcross ( brother and father ) by @dr3amsbec0men1ghtm4res / @il1ketulipz
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aenslem · 7 months
aslkjdlasjf THIS GD SHOW, argh. i just finished season one, which i thought was a good idea, you know, finish the season before taking a break. *facepalms* i have those annoying things to do again (stupid household chores, every gd day you gotta do things), so it'll be a few hours before i can watch more, but i should be able to watch at least one or two more episodes today, so HOPEFULLY things will be a bit more resolved by tonight x'D
you were so right, there is so much happening, and i think EVERYONE on that gd ship needs a few years vacation after all this x'D
"married divorced remarried and divorced again and still having feelings for each other" asljdalksjda that is so correct, they are just that x'D
it's so fun, they're like "i don't trust him" pretty much all the time, and then Rush is like "so i had a dream" and Young is like "ok, i'll call General O'Neill" and they keep relying on each other so much right now, it's great, and Young risking the whole gd ship to save Rush, after having tried to kill him, what, twice already? amazing ❤
ah, yes, fanfiction ❤ it's so good at casting light on things from different angles, i love that, seeing characters and their motivations from all kinds of different point of views. though, you gif makers do that too and i love it, it's so great to look at different gif makers in the same fandoms and see how you focus different things.
right now i'm pretty exclusively reading McShep fics, but we'll see how that looks once i'm done with sgu x'D if you have any recs, please feel free to share!
btw, i've been trying to remember why i followed you from the start, and i'm pretty sure it's Star Trek, and specifically Spones, which, ALL MY LOVE! but i also want to mention how much i love following someone who gifs a lot of women, i love having more women on my dash! i never finished OUaT back in the days, but all your Regina and Swan Queen gifs are making me want to, and your Michelle Gomez gifs, waah, i do not want to watch CAoS! 😭 but you are kicking me in the butt about finishing Doctor Who too with your gifs of her (i sadly miss most of them though since i have it blacklisted for spoilers), i had no idea she was in it but man did that make me want to watch it when i found out!
okay, sorry that this got so long, even when i'm trying to keep things brief i end up being very wordy. so many things to say!
anyway, i'm gonna go do the things now, the sooner i get them done the sooner i can watch more sgu =D oh, wait, no, you posted something from 1x18 last night! i didn't look at it since i hadn't watched it yet, so i'm gonna go do that first! =D ❤
/Rodney anon
Oh don't be sorry , you can get wordy in my inbox whenever you like :3
You're fast! but why am I surprised, I finished 7 seasons of OUaT in a month lmao.
Well, imagine how it was for those who were watching sgu when it was actually airing, they did not have a chance to go and watch s2 right after s1, and you can :D so other things are not as bad as break between seasons of the show, but yeah, there's always things to do, sucks
askjhdaksjhd 'i just had a very interesting dream' scene is so good, and it so much better when you take it out of context lmao
well, they have to work together, they don't have a choice. you know how things were when he left rush on that planet, eli is smart, and eli was also right
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but eli is still not good enough to do all the work, so no matter how much they don't trust each other, they have to work things out and work together and then finally going towards trust and comradery
well, at least they will try lmao
SPONES!!!!!!! SPOOOONEES! they are everything to me!!!!!
well, if you finish ouat and start caos... I am so sorry in advance lmao
I am not sure I can even explain what mess of the shows are those two, I have similar feelings towards both shows, I love the cast, I love some characters, I love women there, I hate the writers :D
Michelle is stunning in caos, there's also Miranda Otto, and they are like my moms, I love them, this show is worth watching just to look at them, but there's also... the rest of the show and plot asjkhdakjdh
same goes for ouat tbh, some characters are great and actors are doing such a good job and then there's whatever was happening in the show, but it;s still fun if you don't take it all seriously.
you will facepalm a lot and you will have an urge to rip your hair out sometimes, but if you try caos, I will give you two good reasons for it
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that's it, think about it
okay, but you definitely need to watch doctor who, WATCH DOCTOR WHO!
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
Hello hello ~~ 500 followers so exciting 🎉 🎊 I am so excited to see ur doing a ship event, I have never seen New girl on a ship event before and I would absolutely love to be shipped with any guy from that show.
Nickname is Eli (pronounced El-ee). Zodiac sign is Gemini, I’m awkward not like Jess awkward but I am terrible at conversations at first. I definitely overthink everything I do and It isn’t until I’m comfortable with someone that I truly don’t have to worry about what I say or how I act. Anyways my brain sort of switches topics easily and quickly but then I go back to whatever I was talking about. I love dumb jokes and puns. Favorite artist? In Kpop it’s TXT and then “western”, well it changes all the time but right now it’s Harry Styles. Favorite food is ice cream, (that counts right?) I’m the type of person that gets obsessed with something then fixates on it for a long time. For example I play the same songs over and over, I watch the same shows over and over, and movies as well. Have an obsession with Kpop and marvel (I was gonna request for marvel but then I saw New Girl and was like woah I’ve never seen that for a ship event before so props to you!) I’m 5’8, curly shoulder length dark hair, tan skin, wears big square gold glasses. Pronouns are she/her. I love to dance, I’m no expert but I used to do dance covers and I play just dance all the time. I’m a people pleaser, it’s a real problem, conflict terrifies me but I’m trying to get better. And to be honest I’m a mooch, I know that’s not good but I have spending problems okay! I’m working on it! Anyways I’m getting by. Otherwise I’d consider myself a pretty average person. Idk if any of this makes sense but hopefully you can get something out of this. Thanks so much in advance and congratulations again!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, also ive never seen new girl on a ship event either and since i love the show i decided i’d add it. I AM SO SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG. (NOTE: THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED BUT WHEN I REACH 1,000 FOLLOWERS THERE WILL BE ANOTHER SIMILAR EVENT)
I ship you with nick miller ♥️
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I feel like you and nick would compliment each others personality very well.
The Cancer-Gemini relationship may seem to be an unlikely pair at first, but as both make a few compromises and adjustments, it can become a stable, long-term relationship. For Cancer, they should be more open to new possibilities and change with Gemini. Gemini needs to be more expressive of their feelings.
Nick would definitely love listening to you talk about whatever it is your obsessed with at the moment
He would also love making random jokes with you whether they be real jokes or dad jokes.
He seems like the type of guy who would pretend to hate puns but secretly love them
Would go out of his way to bring you your favorite ice cream literally whenever. You’re happy? Ice cream, your sad? ice cream, your angry? how’re you gonna be angry when he gives you your favorite ice cream?
He would try to play just dance with you but would ultimately give up and just lay on the couch behind you and tell you how beautiful you look and how good you are at the game
He would be happy to let you mooch off him even if he’s not doing very well at the time
Would definitely stand up for you in arguments
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owlpartytime · 2 years
Days of Thranto Past Appreciation Post Day 21
Rather than writing new this Thrantovember, I am featuring the works of others that I love. Most of these are probably well known already, but it's always someone's first time seeing a fic! Rules were: 1. Story must be completed, and 2. Thranto must be the primary focus of the story. I'm featuring 3 a day (because I couldn't cut the list down) at random - I'd love to hear your thoughts on the selections (and please give the authors some love, too!)
Today's featured stories:
(late because I'm super sick, sorry - i don't love these any less than the others)
this is where (we all) came from by Cosmik debris (Moggio), pushkins
“I thought we were past these escape attempts.” Thrawn said, words ghosting over Eli’s mouth causing him to lean closer and seek a kiss. Instead, Thrawn cradled Eli’s face in his hands, thumbs pressing down.
“I think if I stopped trying I’d go mad.” Eli replied, expression wry. Being too smart, once limits were tested it was only natural to push further, and Eli would never settle for ordinary now that he had this. Whateverthiswas.
Thrawn gave a hum, his eyes traced a path from silver bracelets to Eli’s shoulders, the curve of his jaw, his mouth — all those minute details. Eli watched Thrawn’s sharp smile with fondness.
“I will gift you my name.” Thrawn lifted Eli’s wrist and placed a reverent kiss between metal and skin, “Then, even if you run away you will still belong to me.”
First in a series of brief AU fics where the Chiss are conquerors and Eli is a captured slave. A good mix of story and smut, with obvious passion and connection between the two.
The Lotus-Eaters by @13th-blackbird
“The Nalumbe are a very…open people,” Thrawn said, seeming to collect himself. He sat back up to his usual regal posture. “In many ways. But chiefly sexually. As one who is unpartnered, I would — we would both be open to sexual advances from others. And I am given to understand that these advances are frequent and…overt. This is…not the Chiss way. Nor is it the Empire’s.”
Eli nodded.
“If we were to…feign that our professional partnership was a monogamous sexual relationship, we would…not be subject to those overtures. Which I would much prefer. Personally.”
Top-notch pretend relationship to real relationship fic with just a touch of smut, plus the delightful benefit of seeing Thrawn slowly lose his mind with irritation at the people around him.
Failover by @13th-blackbird, anthean
“Kriffing hells, I think he’s a Chiss,” a voice said. Not in Cheunh, but in one of the trade languages. Not his people, then. Another failure.
“Are you sure? I didn’t think they were real,” a second voice asked.
“Doesn’t matter right now, okay? I think he’s sick.” The first voice. “He looks really bad.”
He managed to open one eye for a moment, saw a human face swimming above him before his eye dragged itself shut again. Traders or smugglers, most likely. Perhaps he could convince them to boost his distress signal before they left, give him some chance of reaching the Ascendency before the fever took him.
AU where Thrawn is rescued from his planet by Eli, and the course of both their lives change wildly as a result. A fantastic story, full of clever details and a great slow burn.
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bab3tte · 6 months
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Part II
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x OC
Summary: In a wizarding world, it is a rare event when a witch is born with the ability to manipulate time. These witches are known as Tempuses. The last known Tempuse was born in the 16th century, but due to her powers, the Ministry of Magic became scared and imprisoned her in Azkaban. After her release from Azkaban, she experienced much pain and suffering. Out of fear, they burned her alive. one thing is certain: when one Tempuse is killed, another will be born.
Warnings: None
Wattpad: Bab3tty
Pattern Banner from: @cafekitsune
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The L'orange family has a long history. L'oranges has a strong connection with the English, American, and French Ministry of Magic, which makes them one of the most powerful families in the Wizarding world. Master Ajax is the man of the house and works at the French Ministry of Magic as an advisor to the minister. His wife, Dear Cassia, was a beautiful woman filled with dreams, but her dreams got crushed when she married Ajax. It always ends like this young woman's dreams get crushed by a man's shoe. Throughout her life, her only happiness became her family.
The year 1991, 31st July
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday, dear Eli happy birthday to you!" family gathered around the table.
"is there anything in the mail for me?" Elizabeth asked with a glimpse of hope in her eyes.
"not yet darling, I am sure it will come these days" I was worried, getting a letter is a big part of everyone's life. I am hoping for Hogwarts but the maids at the house are saying I will probably be at beauxbatons. "I am gonna prove that I am worthy of going into Hogwarts" said Eli as she went into the library and picked out the most advanced books. As time passed her acceptance letter finally came but not for beauxbatons as everyone expected it was from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Elizabeth received a letter Eldest L'oranges told her all about her past and most important about Harry. "I have another brother? my actual brother?" let's say that Elizabeth spent the whole summer researching about her real family.
after a month
Elizabeth walked into Olivanders, but people kept staring at her as if she was something forbidden. She didn't spend much time there because Olivander knew exactly which wand would suit her. The first wand she held chose her, an elm wand with a unicorn core. A unicorn core doesn't make a powerful wand, but who needs wand power when you are a tempus? When she was about to leave Olivander's, someone bumped into her. "Sorry," said Elizabeth. "No, it was my fault," replied the boy.
Elizabeth felt a connection with the boy but brushed it off since her mom was waving at her from outside. She was more excited about getting her pet cat. When she got home, the only thought on her mind was the familiar-looking boy. 
After a few days, Elizabeth made a bold decision and sent a letter to her brother explaining that she was going into a foster family, being his actual sister, and other stuff. She was nervous because it was her first year at Hogwarts and she was going to meet her brother for the first time.
On September 1st, 1991, Elizabeth was alone at the station because her parents were in France and had sent her there alone. She walked into a compartment hoping to find her brother, but she was alone for almost an hour until a bushy-haired girl walked in. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost it," the girl asked. Elizabeth said no, but the girl asked her to help find the toad. Elizabeth agreed because it might be a chance to see her brother.
"I'm Elizabeth L'Orange," Elizabeth said. The bushy-haired girl widened her eyes. "You're Elizabeth L'Orange? Harry Potter's sister? And part of 'The Amazing L'Orange Family'? That's cool. I'm Hermione Granger. Before Hogwarts, I read some stuff to learn about the magic world. Your story is quite famous." Elizabeth didn't know what to say, so she just kept nodding her head. After a while, they came upon a compartment with two boys. "Has anyone seen a toad?" Elizabeth asked, but when she looked up, she met with familiar eyes. She had found her brother. Neither of them knew how to react, even though they were twins. They were strangers at the moment, so they just smiled at each other. Meanwhile, another redhead boy was quite shocked to see Elizabeth. "You're Elizabeth L'Orange, but I thought you were going to be sent to Beauxbatons Academy," said Ron.
"I don't think that's a proper way to greet someone. It makes a person think they don't belong here," said Hermione, who had already taken a liking to Elizabeth. After a bit of chat, they finally arrived at Hogwarts.
Elizabeth was nervous about the sorting ceremony. Everyone would wonder where the Potter twins would go, and everyone would have their opinion on it. Hermione and Ron went to Gryffindor. Elizabeth's brother went to Gryffindor, and the whole Great Hall went silent. The sorting hat took a while to decide where to put Harry. "Gryffindor," the hat said. The Gryffindor table cheered for Harry. It was finally Elizabeth's turn. "Elizabeth L'Orange," the hall went quiet. "Different kind, I have not had one like you for centuries," said the sorting hat. "Bit different than your brother, more loyal, more supportive, more power, but no one would say you are more powerful than your brother, would they? In their eyes, you would be the girl who got adopted by another family. Such a shame. I won't bother you for a long time. It's a job to be a 'Slytherin'." The crowd stayed silent while the Slytherin table cheered. Harry didn't look pleased, but you couldn't judge him. He didn't know anything about Hogwarts, and the first thing he was told about Slytherin was not their nice quality. The only thing he knew was that most of the wizards who were in Slytherin became dark ones. Slytherin is a very misunderstood house, and Elizabeth was sure that most people would judge her for the choices she didn't even make. That's how brutal humans are.
© bab3tte 2023
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halloweenrazorcandii · 7 months
I mean if you know me by now you should also know that I'm not in the best headspace either, therefore I've been getting over it whilst still being upset about it if this paragraph makes sense
i knew it was going to happen eventually I just never wanted to say anything,, I've known since the Eli era baby (a little less but I've still had suspicions)
what upset me was the "I wish I never met you guys" but honestly at the same time i was just "sure whatever you say" in an I honestly don't have time to entertain whatever this is so I don't care right now way.. and I didn't really care after for a bit
the couple of times me and Kevin talked after I didn't bother asking about you because, well if you wish you never met me then why would I //neu but by that point I was kind of over it and way overdue for a therapy appointment so
i talked to myself a lot about it after and I know I'm self aware, so yeah I guess I still cared about it even after.. it just baffled me how you said that knowing wasn't in a good headspace and I had to think back like. did I ever say that to you at one point when you spiralled (nono, genuinely I'm still thinking about it, because what prompted that)
I'm STILL not in a good headspace which is why this is lengthy and it's a thought-spill because I don't have the energy to sugar anything
all of this isn't in //neg btw,, like even after then I didn't have any //neg feelings towards you but more of my usual "it's whatever" things
I do not mind talking to you after this or whatever, and I apologize in advance if I seem a little more callous than I normally would
but if you still wish you hadn't met me we don't have to talk we can just keep doing whatever we were doing before //gen
most of this is rushed because I'm being pressured to do chores jfc
im dizzy and awaiting a trip to the hospital in questioned time and i didnt know if i should respond to this yet because it wouldnt seem serious but i want you to know that i am im just not in a physical or mental state to sound as genuine as posisble though i am geuine so i apologize for spelling mistakes and or questionable sentences that dont make sense whatever i say i dont mean to self cneter or try to justify i have half a mind for what im saying rn /srs/gen i dont know where to start i know youn arent in the best head place or place at all and i dnt know or remember what this happened for but it did happen gradualy so i guess itwas building up i physically nor mentally more than 85% of the time cannot control what ido when i outburst especially with influence i have a disorder it will not be helped and i cannot say that i will not outburst because i literally yk cannot help it because i am a different person when i outburst hence cause - bpd n bipolar / insensity - other things and im being so serious when i say this and i am so sorry for saying that or saying that i wish i never met you guys thats what i was feeling so i said it and i shouldnt have and i am sorry and words cannot describe how confused i am on how to apologize correctly but i did not mean it for the most part i will be honest sometimes i have sour feelings when i am ghosted or ignored - this attatchments built up over the course of many years and if its being taken away then i am irrational and that is mostly explanation for why im so frequently upset - more than 2 weeks later it is still object of outbursts this explanation is not meant to feel guilt it isjto give reason because maybe its needed i give warning not to speak to me if it will be an issue i give warningthat if my issues will be problem like they have been then js dont try because you dont haveto do that to yourself though probably all too scaredto admit im a backgrounder now and i shouldve left yuou all alone long ago and im so glad you have newer and better friends and seem to be making a good place here from my perspective it seems your better off if we branch off but thats not my choice i do hope you and the rest of whatever is left of that old group continue to grow and i again apologize about all of this and i have reason for shame andm i hope your a ltleast doin g better and having fun with everyone i still warn that js do whats bets fro yourself we arent close anymore nor related if you consider so it doesnt really matter abt my show i js wanted to make a point to poorly and breielfy i do recognize apologize and tell you you deserve good and all great and youve done so much for everyone and i hope you get better from here yeah idk what to say im kind of dizzy in the head rn but i do mean it wehn i say you deserve better and im sorry ijsdont know how to show it i wish i couldve made this better but mi blank i appreciate your codnsideration
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GUIDELINES are over here!
FOR ALL ROMANTIC/SEXUAL CONTENT (WRITINGS, AUDIOS, ART, EDITS, ETC.) AND RAMBLINGS ON THIS BLOG, CHARACTERS ARE ALWAYS 18+. if they’re younger than 18 in canon, in any romantic/sexual content and ramblings, they have been aged up to 18+. BY DEFAULT, all characters will be portrayed as 18+, unless it’s stated otherwise; and if they are stated to be portrayed as under 18, it’s not going to involve anything romantic.
Please do not use the ‘submit’ feature OR IM me to make requests; I only accept requests through asks. When the askbox is physically open and you can send me asks, then requests are open. When the askbox is closed, requests are closed. If you try to circumvent that, I will tell you requests are closed. The SUBMIT feature is for people to submit their own work if they would like it displayed on this blog. And if I get too many IMs asking for requests, I will turn my IM settings so that no one can send me any.
There are character limits for different types of content, just to prevent me getting overwhelmed and spending lots of time on a single request. One ask counts as one request, so, you can send multiple requests, but per request the character limit applies. Character limit for reader inserts and scenarios is 3. Character limit for headcanon sets is 5. Character limit for reactions is 10. You are more than welcome to send multiple requests, but the limit applies per each request. If you want, say, headcanon sets for eight characters, please send them in two separate asks. (Such as, “relationship headcanons for Nimh, Volks, Kelby, and Eli” as one ask, and “relationship headcanons for Anon, Garret, Dmitri, and Ichiban” as another ask. I hope this makes sense!)
Be patient with me, please!! Even with me being excited to write, it takes time, and I do work part-time, not to mention I run other blogs. I also often put things into the queue immediately after they finish so that my content can stay fairly consistent when I’m active. In addition, I do not work on ‘first in, first out’, instead going wherever my inspiration for certain characters/concepts lies at any point, so I do requests rather out of order most of the time. It may be a while before you see yours finished, but I do guarantee you that asking me a lot whether it’s done/if I’m working on it will not speed things up! Sorry in advance.
If you request Eli, please specify which pronouns you would like me to use when writing! It's canon as of Hush Hush that Eli goes by any pronouns, including 'she/her' and 'they/them'. If you don’t specify pronouns (or make it clear by using them in your ask), I will probably default to 'he' seeing as that's what he uses for pretty much all of Blush Blush.
I do art, audios, and video edits in addition to writing! Video edits are usually done without request because I pick the songs based on my own tastes, but I do often ask opinions on which one my followers want to see. And you can always request art and audios!
If I am not comfortable writing a certain request/topic/etc., I will answer the ask VERY QUICKLY so that whoever requested it isn’t waiting for something I don’t think I can write. This is for my own sanity to avoid adding something “to answer later” to my drafts and forget, and for yours so you know up front if your request won’t be filled. If I do not answer the ask quickly, then it is in my drafts waiting to be filled!
I don’t do drama, fandom OR personal. This is a place for all my followers to feel safe and welcome, because that’s how my followers have always made me feel here. Do NOT bring any of your drama around here; it will be ignored, and you will be blocked. I simply refuse to engage with it.
thank you for reading, you get lots of love! 💖💖💖
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hannahsmusings · 2 years
Women are incredible beings… just making people and living with the day to day havoc that little person wreaks upon their body. *I smile, putting my hand on my stomach, having not felt sick the past few days but it was never far, just needing to smell one thing and my entire day was ruined* *I look over at them and smile, quietly tsking at Anthony for ‘cursing’* Don’t say bad words in front of him. He’s already heard me swear enough for the both of us and I am trying really hard to keep the bad words to a minimum… I have a swear jar going and I have lost way too much of my own money. *I walk over to the corner of the room where he had obviously made space for a tree, my hands on my hips, unaware of Ant’s eyes roaming my body as I try to imagine what a tree would look like in here, knowing he could get a massive one and it would be so beautiful, looking back over at him with slightly wide eyes as he said he wanted us to go together, smiling sweetly, the notion being so sweet and kind* I’d love to go pick one out… Just promise you won’t be the one cutting it down? *I giggle as I try to imagine him with an axe, knowing it would end in disaster since most things Anthony did ended in disaster* A Christmas tree is going to look so pretty in here. You can get such a big one since your ceilings are so high. Did you hire a decorator too or were you waiting for us to help with that too? *I raise my brows at him playfully, unable to stop myself from flirting with him, it just coming so naturally to me plus my hormones were all over the place; not having had any male attention or affection since my last time sleeping with Anthony which was a little over 6 months ago now and he just looked so good, what was a hormonal touch starved woman to do?* 
*smiles at your words and nodding in agreement* I couldn't do it. *murmurs before raising a brow as you admonish me for saying bad words, trying to think of what bad word i used before looking at you with a surprised grin, shaking my head with a laugh* Oh darlin', if you think that's me swearing then you're gonna be sorely disappointed. *doesn't even realise the pet name had slipped out, shaking my head with a laugh and chuckling at you before looking back at Eli, nuzzling my nose against his* If your first word is anything but a curse word I'll be so surprised. *grins, kissing his cheek again before looking back at you with a playful shrug* Sorry in advance. *eyes widen a little in shock as a thought comes to me* Wait. He hasn't already said his first word has he? *desperately hoping the answer was no, looking a little panicked at you as I already felt I was missing so much* *looks back at you before laughing as you mention cutting down the tree* As dashing as I would look as a lumber jack, no, someone else has cut it. And yes I want you to decorate it with me. *rolls my eyes playfully at your teasing, having worried things would be awkward between us but glad that it wasn't*
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pridepoisoned · 2 years
@rocketheorum​ sent: “ they tell me you’re the one to go to for… well. my particular problem. ” 👀👀👀
Let him up to see me right away--this visitor is not to be interfered with.
Following Eris’s stern orders, Devon’s airtight security begrudgingly prepares special privileges for the lead researcher’s latest guest. The Corporation’s elite guards grumble to themselves as they move aside barriers, punch in key codes to locked entrances, and override state-of-the-art bioscanners, allowing Eli easy access into the heart of the mammoth company’s operations...and her office, one of the few rooms located on the Rustboro building’s top floor. It isn’t long before the ex-Rocket is standing in the doorway, hesitantly making his presence known. Eli is clearly uncomfortable, uncertain about all of this...but he’s come all the way out to Hoenn for this meeting, so this opportunity must be significant to him. All things considered, he’s made up his mind rather quickly, arriving just days after Felisa’s visit...and Eris is so, so pleased.
A warm, rehearsed smile flies to her lips as she rises from behind her polished mahogany desk to greet the long-traveled soul. Felisa is here too, emerging from the back of the room with a graceful twirl and bow towards the doorway.
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“You must be Eli Saito. Felisa here has told me so much about you,” Eris replies warmly, her eyes twinkling as curiosity thrums hungrily in her veins. “I apologize for the abrupt nature of our contact. Felisa tells me that she was attracted to your unique abilities, and...I just had to investigate for myself. I am a researcher, after all.”
The Devon spokesperson lets out a light laugh, her glasses glinting in the welcoming sunbeams filtering through her office window. With a slight bow towards the ex-Rocket, her smile widens.
“My name is Eris Evans. I am the lead researcher here at the Devon Corporation,” she introduces. “Together with my team, I focus on creating cutting-edge products and technologies that will improve all lives, human and Pokemon alike.”
“And, I must say this, Mr. Saito,” she pauses, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You are one of the most fascinating individuals to ever walk through my office door. From what Felisa has told me, you do not have a problem--but a gift--a gift that has been taken advantage of by some unfortunate individuals. Mm, you must be so tired of being used, taken advantage of...”
Eris gives Eli’s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze, empathy glittering in her gaze.
“Here at Devon, I can show you how to use your abilities for a good cause, while still helping you forge your own path. You deserve a chance to grow, Mr. Saito, so...” The researcher drops her hand from his shoulder and extends it, her expression warm as ever, “...if you’d like that opportunity, it would be an honor to have you join us.” 
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cheri-translates · 2 years
[CN] ASMR Transcript - Devotion (Gavin)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an ASMR, 以身相试, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released in CN: 24 July 2022 ]
[On the phone] Today won’t do.
[On the phone] She’ll be back today.
[On the phone] I have to tidy the place up.
[On the phone] What do you mean by, “Forgetting loyalty when in love?”
Why are you already back home?
[On the phone] Okay okay, that’s all. I’m hanging up.
[On the phone] Ask Luke and Tang Chao to go.
Nothing much.
Eli brought a huge pile of local products from his hometown again,
And invited everyone out for a meal at his place.
I’m not going.
He just wants to have a lively time with others.
There’s not much of a difference without me around.
[rustling noises]
Aren’t you back now?
I only want to have a lively time with you.
It’s equally lively with two people.
[rustling noises]
Oh yes.
Didn’t you mention that
There’s an evening banquet after the Fashion Week?
Why did you come back beforehand?
I was going to pick you up.
You had a free ride?
From a male or female?
...oh, from Eason.
[Trivia] Eason (aka Chen Yi in CN) is MC’s schoolmate from college. He was introduced in Obsession Date!
Cough. I’m not jealous.
I was just asking.
Maybe a little bit.
Just a little.
If there’s a change in your itinerary next time,
Let me know, mm?
It’s mainly because I can tidy up a little in advance.
When you weren’t at home,
I became lazy.
I still remembered to take care of Greenie Jr. Jr. Jr. though.
But I might not have taken that much care of myself.
If you don’t believe me, touch me.
[touching noises]
I lost weight.
[chuckles] I wanted you to feel sorry for me.
Can’t I do that?
My waist is fine. It isn’t skinnier.
Here, feel for yourself.
[Gavin breathing noises]
Why are you measuring it?
You bought me new clothes?
All of these on the bed?
There’s way too many...
Why’d you suddenly buy so many for me?
[sigh] I guess...
It’s the charm of Fashion Week...
The styles of these clothes might not suit me.
You’re asking how I bought clothes previously?
Hm... the STF distributes spring and autumn uniforms.
As for ordinary shirts...
I buy them randomly.
They’re fine as long as they’re comfortable.
Mm, I usually visit the same few shops.
And finish buying them after a few minutes.
...a waste?
Okay okay okay, there’s no hurry.
I’ll try them on now.
[rustling noises]
I could use some new clothes in my wardrobe,
Even though I can only wear uniforms when I go on missions.
Hm? I look very handsome in uniforms?
I guess so...
I think it’s mainly because of the person himself. [chuckles]
This shirt...
I don’t think I’ve tried this colour before.
Hmm. What about the jacket? Which one should I pair it with?
A belt too?
How do I buckle it?
[rustling noises]
This outfit is too troublesome.
When I wear it next time, I’ll have to wait for you to be at home to put it on for me.
[clothing noises]
Learn how to buckle it myself?
I don’t want to.
There are some things... that I only want you to do.
How is it?
I think it’s pretty good too. Should I change into the next outfit?
[unclothing noises + unnecessary but very welcomed Gavin grunts]
This one?
Clothing designs are becoming weirder and weirder these days...
How am I supposed to wear this?
I’ll put the sleeves on first.
Oh, I get it now.
Like this.
Eh? It looks strange.
But when it’s worn, it looks pretty good.
Mm, your taste has always been pretty good.
Of course I know that.
But why does it seem like there are only half of the patterns on this outfit?
It’s a couple outfit?
So... where’s yours?
[rustling noises]
Hmm... Why don’t you put it on so we can see what it looks like?
I can’t be the only one trying on clothes for the whole day. Mm. 
[rustling noises + heartbeat noises + GAVIN BREATHING NOISES]
Very pretty.
It’s also very unique.
It does come as a set with mine.
A perfect match.
I was only talking about myself earlier.
But haven't you lost weight too?
I measured with my eyes earlier.
Now that I’m using my hands, I’m even more certain...
Once we’re done tidying up,
Let’s have a nice meal together.
[kiss + kiss]
We’ll go later.
Right now, there’s something else we have to do.
Oh yes.
If the new clothes get crumpled,
Does it mean they can’t be returned?
Let’s not return them then.
I’m very satisfied.
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