#push this button to complain type of easy to complain u know
imaginethathaikyuu · 5 months
the fact that only 10% of readers reblogged my last fic is erm….concerning….
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daedalusdavinci · 7 months
24. superbat. this motherfucker JUST got to bed if any of u assholes wake him UP
24. Protecting your lover’s sleep as they doze on your lap, making sure nobody bothers them as they entrusted their peace to you. thinking about.... jlas superbat. i may not have followed this prompt to the letter but its very long so you get what you get at this point
It was just one of those days- one of those nights- one of those weeks- where one problem shifted right into the next without break, and they all found themselves running more ragged than usual. In the tower, heroes everywhere seemed sluggish and exhausted, running low on sleep and worn out from the last battle. Diana had tipped onto a couch and hadn't gotten back up again, and Wally had nearly passed out in the cafeteria, starting awake and drifting off again in the middle of a burger. After being pried away from the monitors, J'onn had gone straight to his room to sleep, and there were countless others who had followed his example.
Bruce was too stubborn. Clark was reasonably sure he'd been awake longer than anyone, but Clark could still see him typing away, doing god even knew what.
"I'll sleep when I finish," he said, before Clark had even said anything.
"I wasn't going to tell you to sleep," Clark said, taking that as his cue to approach.
"Yes, you were."
"I know better." Clark set a hand on the back of Bruce's chair, glancing briefly over the monitors. Logs, security feed, news reports- all of it a huge mess of information to sort through. Someone had to do it, but that someone didn't need to be Bruce.
Bruce looked tired. His shoulders sagged and his fingers hesitated, slow on the keys. He'd been drooping all day, attacking everything with the energy of a man on his very last leg. He'd sustained too many injuries during the fight. He'd been slow, and sloppy. He needed to sleep, but he'd never let Clark talk him into it if Clark let on that that was what he was doing.
"Can you do all this from anywhere?" Clark asked.
Bruce blinked slowly. "Not from anywhere."
"But from another computer."
"Yes. I have others."
"A laptop?"
"Yes." Bruce was eyeing him with suspicion, now, leaning back in his chair.
"Then you're doing it from there," Clark decided. "You can burn your retinas to your heart's content- I won't stop you. But I need company."
For a long moment, Bruce looked at him. Clark could practically hear the gears turning as he thought it over, taking longer to consider it than he usually would in his exhaustion. Then, finally, his gaze softened. He sighed, slumping back in his chair and rubbing his hands over his face. "Just don't watch one of your stupid cooking shows while I work."
"They're not stupid," Clark protested.
"Whatever." Bruce waved a hand, pushing himself up out of the chair. He hit a few more buttons, and the monitors condensed into the smallest screen, allowing Bruce to pull it off of its docking station. "Lead the way."
The tower had grown quiet and still with sleeping heroes. With his hearing, Clark could hear Booster and Ted's laughter from the cafeteria, but everywhere else had turned muffled and heavy with the air of sleep. People murmured back and forth to avoid waking up sleeping heroes in the commons, and most of the sleeping quarters were occupied. Somewhere, Wally got ready to portal home, while somewhere else, Oliver snored loudly. No one passed them on their way to Clark's room.
It was easy to get stuck on the fringes of his senses, listening to everything instead of whatever was closest. The need to keep an ear out for danger hadn't quite abided yet, and it left Clark feeling unmoored and anxious. Normally, it was a nuisance, but maybe this time it'd keep him awake long enough that Bruce would sleep first.
It was almost too easy to pile on his couch with Bruce. Normally, any attempt at getting Bruce to accept even a mediocrum of comfort resulted in a fight, but he sat without prompting, eyes never leaving his tablet. He didn't complain when Clark flopped down with a heap of blankets, even when Clark twisted to lean against the arm, swinging his legs across Bruce's lap. Somehow, they settled in like that; Bruce, on his tablet, and Clark, half-watching some nature show that was interesting enough, but not so interesting that it offended Bruce's sensibilities.
As the narrator droned on, Clark struggled to narrow in his focus. The lights from the TV flickered colors across the dark room, and it felt so quiet, surrounded by the suffocating vacuum of space. If he strained hard enough, he knew he could hear Earth, but he tried not to. He could feel each individual fiber of each blanket, and each snore in the building. The tap of Bruce's finger against the screen of his tablet felt obscenely loud. The constant shifting of his attention and the overwhelming amount of stimulus was exhausting, and he could feel himself sagging under it, so worn out that it was hard to hear the words coming from the TV. He rubbed his face, running through grounding exercises in his head to no avail. He wasn't sleeping, at least.
Bruce's hand came to rest on his knee. The pressure of it was enough to shock Clark out of his thoughts, but light, and gentle. Bruce hadn't looked up from his tablet, but his thumb tracked back and forth absently.
Slowly, Clark relaxed back into the couch again. His eyes fixed on the TV, but without really registering the pictures. He couldn't feel every fiber in the blankets, or hear every snore, but he was suddenly hyper-aware of that weight on his knee- a single point of focus that he locked on helplessly. It wasn't constant- every now and again, Bruce lifted his hand to tap the screen- but it always returned. Somehow, that caught Clark's attention more, leaving him waiting, expectant, caught on every detail of Bruce. The bracing warmth of Bruce's legs under his own, the vaguely ticklish stroke of his thumb, his breathing, steady and slow. Out of habit more than anything, he found Bruce's heartbeat, listening to the low thump of it until it felt like his own had slowed in turn. The familiarity of it was soothing, safe, protected, the reliability of the Batman unexpectedly grounding after so long.
His head slipped off his hand, and he started, eyes opening. He hadn't realized he'd closed them.
"Seems like I'm not the only one trying to stay up," Bruce commented.
"I'm not," Clark said. Although, maybe he was. He frowned through the haze of exhaustion, trying to focus on the TV.
"The life and death of a sea star are just that riveting," Bruce said, teasing under the deadpan.
"Shut up," Clark muttered, and shifted again, re-propping up his elbow on the arm of the couch.
It was difficult to understand how Bruce stayed awake. Without the cowl, the bags under his eyes were dark and deep, his expression something beyond exhausted. And yet, even now, wrapped up in blankets and secluded in the quiet comfort of Clark's room, listening to the soothing drone of a documentary, he tapped at that stupid tablet. Clark was beginning to doubt his ability to outlast him. The restless discomfort that had kept him awake earlier- his ace in the hole against Bruce's stubbornness- was fading into a sleepy warmth all too quickly.
And then, Bruce started to hum.
Clark could count on the fingers of one hand how many times he'd heard Bruce sing. Diana had once told him that Bruce had a voice so beautiful it could make a villain weep, but Clark had only ever heard it rarely, and never meant for him. It was a quiet lullaby, murmured to a baby that wouldn't stop crying as Clark searched for the mother, or a hum, pressed against Robin's hair in the aftermath of fear toxin. It had always felt like something he wasn't meant to hear. Now, through the ridiculous fog of exhaustion, Clark thought of sirens, calling soothingly to sailors from a distance.
Bruce's humming was soft and low, just under his breath. The tune was impossible to place, but haunting, and mournful. The sound of it seemed to vibrate through Clark, blanketing his senses until all he could focus on was just Bruce. Bruce was warm. He was safe, and close, and so confusingly present, as reliable as the tide. Time seemed to turn fluid, listening to that soft song, and Clark's eyes closed without his permission, just listening.
When Clark next opened his eyes, it was dark. The TV was off, Bruce's tablet forgotten somewhere in the tangle of blankets. His neck should've ached from the arm of the couch, but his head was on the cushions, propped up by a pillow. How Bruce had pulled that off without waking him, he had no idea.
Bruce was a warm weight against his chest, breathing slow. Judging by the awkward positioning, Clark doubted he'd meant to fall asleep, knees still jammed under Clark's own and cape still on. One of his hands was tucked against Clark's side, his face hidden between his own shoulder and Clark's sternum. It was... sweet, really. To have Bruce feel comfortable enough to sleep was a unique privilege, and one rarely afforded.
Clark hadn't outlasted him, in the end. But Bruce was sleeping, and as Clark let his eyes drift shut again, he allowed himself to consider it a win.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
‘Nilla Bean (Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x gn!Reader)
Summary: A cowboy in your coffee shop is not the way you’d expected your morning to go, but you’re not complaining; especially not when he’s as attractive as he is.
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: talk of food/eating, brief allusions to alcohol, lots of flirting, sexual innuendos, I think there’s like a single use of fuck
A/N: okay I’ve been thinking about this FOREVER but I finally went ahead and wrote it!!! hope u guys like it, I’m a sucker for a coffee shop AU as a barista myself :) thx @theteddylupinexperience for helping me name it and motivating me to write it lol
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When you started your shift this morning, you’d groaned as you tied the apron around your waist, expecting an uneventful day. Most were. If you were lucky enough to see someone you knew or to have an especially nice customer, you’d consider it a good day. You didn’t know when you walked in that it would be the good day to end all good days: nothing could top this one.
Weekday mornings in the fall aren’t particularly busy. The majority of your customers come around the morning rush, and the remaining ones are usually retirees or house-spouses and their young children. It’s enjoyable, days like these, that don’t require you to dash about the shop.
The only problem, really, is having nothing to do. You clean the coffee grinder, wipe down tables, wipe down everything else, then do it all again. Restocking, usually an endless chore, isn’t even an option; no one’s using anything in the first place. You and your coworkers chat, deep-cleaning the coolers, washing the blender stations, and doing the dirty work. When a customer comes, you’re the lucky one who gets to go take their order and put your task on hold first.
It seems like you’ve done every task twice, even when your manager introduces yet another idea for you to deal with. To bide your time, you prep coffee for later, rearrange the case of pretty little pastries that sits next to your register, and doodle on your station with a paint pen, humming to the soft music playing in the shop.
People come and go, some picking up mobile orders and some ordering from you, some choosing to eat inside and some taking their food to go. You sip your drink happily between customers- a white mocha with caramel.
At one point, you’re in the back and washing dishes when a coworker peeks his head into the back. “Hey, you got someone up front!” He informs you, and you nod and wander out through the swinging doors.
Well. That’s certainly a sight for a Tuesday morning.
The man standing at the register is wearing a painfully well-tailored suit jacket, with gray tweed and patches on the elbows. Beneath it is a white top and a black tie, and the man wears jeans on the bottom half. Interesting.
Perhaps more interesting is the large cowboy hat perched atop his head. The man’s face, below the brim of his Stetson, is incredibly handsome. He has an aquiline nose, a neatly trimmed mustache that wouldn’t work on anyone else, and warm brown eyes that make you smile softly.
“Hi,” you comment as you log into the register. “Are you a part of our rewards program?” You ask as part of your regular spiel.
The man furrows his brow then shakes his head. “Uh, no. No I’m not. Can you sign me up now?” He asks, and his voice makes your chest flutter with the tone. It’s rich and smooth, with a beautiful southern twang.
Looking at your register and back at him, you shake your head. “It’s just an app on your smartphone, really easy,” you tell him.
“Ah, damn,” he groans and pulls it from his pocket. “I’m shit with technology. Why don’t you just… type it in here?” He says, handing you his phone with a notes page open. His thick fingers accidentally lock the phone as he hands it to you.
You tap the screen to wake it and find the background to be a picture of a cute little pig all covered in mud. “Uh, you locked it,” you chuckle. “What’s the password?”
The man looks down shyly. “1-2-3-4. Don’t make fun’a me, I’m like a grandpa with these newfangled phones.”
It’s endearing, you have to admit, and it makes you giggle. “Not a problem. I’m not here to chide you on your security choices,” you shrug. You type in the code and find the app, starting the download for him before handing back his phone. “Can I get a name to start your order?” You ask as you look up at him.
His eyes hold a warmth there, radiating off of his smile. “Whiskey.”
“Your mother named you Whiskey?” You tease as you type in the name, returning back to the main page of beverages. “Some kind of legal name.”
The man shakes his head. “Nah, that’s just what I go by at work.”
Whiskey likes conversation, you notice, and it makes you chuckle a little. “You got a real name then?” You ask him, raising an eyebrow beneath your visor.
The man tips his hat. “Jack Daniels, at your service.” He says and offers you a hand, which you take and shake.
“That’s a lie. You’re telling me your nickname is Whiskey and your real name is a type of whiskey?”
The man shrugs. “My momma had a real funny sense of humor, I guess. My daddy loved the booze so they went with it. I work for Statesman, so I suppose it’s fitting.”
“Ah, the distillery,” you nod with a smile, not grasping the depth of what Statesman actually does. How could you? “Well then, Jack,” you say with an honest grin on your face. “What can I get you to drink?”
Whiskey, Jack, whatever his name is, looks up at the menu, scanning the different beverages. “Well. That sure is a lot of choices. I’m new to the area, so I don’t know the menu yet, and I don’t know the first thing about coffee other than how to make it in a machine,” he admits to you. “What would you recommend, sugar?”
Sugar. Your heart beats a million times faster at the man’s words. You’ve had lots of weird and creepy men call you different things, but you’ve never been flustered and enjoyed it. This man is getting to you, quickly. “Well, how strong do you take your coffee?”
He thinks about that for a second, fiddling with the button on his suit jacket. “Pretty strong. A little sweet, with cream. I usually take it Irish style,” he admits with a chuckle, tapping a belt buckle that you realize is a tiny flask. Jesus. That’s not cheesy.
“Well, we don’t serve alcohol,” you laugh and look down at your screen. “We have all kinds of flavors.” You list them all off, off the top of your head, now staring at the ceiling to recite them all. “And our seasonal drink is pumpkin spice.”
The man raises an eyebrow. “Wonderful and all, but what do you like? You seem like you’ve got a good taste, darlin’, tell me what you’d recommend.”
God, these names are going right to where they shouldn’t, especially not when this handsome man is leaning on your counter and flirting with you as he orders his coffee. “I like vanilla.” You shrug.
The man laughs and stands. “I hate to say it, sugar, but I’m not a very vanilla man,” he says, his head tilting down and his dark, sultry eyes peeking out at you from just below the brim. His voice is seductive, implying something else other than the flavor.
Oh fuck. “Oh, not like that,” you laugh as your face floods with warm blood, anxiety coursing through your veins. “Not vanilla in that way.” Fuck, that’s even worse, you think and grip the counter so as to not physically cringe at your words.
“Not like that, huh?” His words are still so seductive and flirtatious it makes you want to combust. Maybe you will, if he keeps this going.
“N-no,” you stammer, looking down at the menu screen again. “I mean, I just think it’s underrated. People dismiss it as boring, but it’s really just as interesting of a flavor as anything else. It tastes really good with our espresso.”
Jack tilts his head to the side, a smirk on his face. His lip pokes out just slightly to wet his lips and you shiver involuntarily, your skin pricking up all across your body. God, you hope he can’t see it. “I’ll trust you on it, ‘nilla bean,” the man drawls and stands up straight again. “Triple espresso with vanilla and cream.”
You nod and ring that in. God, if he keeps going with the nicknames, you’re going to melt into a puddle here and now.
“What are these?” He asks as his fingers trace over the drawings on the counter, lifting them and finding the pink and green powder of the dried paint has transferred to his fingertips.
God, he makes you nervous, but in a good way. In the best way possible, a way that makes you want to knock that cowboy hat off his head and find out if his lips are as soft as they look. “I draw when I’m bored. It’s been a slow day,” you chuckle as your own fingers trace the crawling vines and flowers you’d painted there. “Sorry about the transfer,” you chuckle and your fingertips brush his, making you involuntarily shudder again at the contact. His fingertips are calloused and radiate warmth.  “Uh, can I get you anything to eat?” You ask and gesture at the bakery case.
The man inspects it for a moment, looking at the various foods lined up under the soft white light. “I’ll take one’a these,” he says and pokes a finger towards the chocolate chip cookies through the glass. You nod and take one out for him, putting it in a little paper sleeve and handing it over. “How much is this gonna hurt my wallet?” He asks, pulling it out from the back pocket of his jeans.
“Give me one second.” You type in your code for your employee discount, which takes a moment.
“What’re you typin’ there, ‘nilla bean?” He asks, brow furrowing.
Looking up at him, you push your visor up your face and smile a little. “Oh, I’m giving you my employee discount. It’s ridiculously priced here.”
Jack frowns. “You don’t have to do that for me, sugar. I’m just a regular ol’ customer.”
It’s your chance, you realize, to say something or stay silent forever. “Well, I like you,” you admit and take the credit card he hands you, swiping it through the machine. “And I’m hoping you’ll at least become a regular. I’d like to see you more,” you tell him with a grin.
The man’s face lights up, even beneath the shadow of his brim. “I’d like that too,” he nods and pockets his card when you hand it back.
A beat of silence passes as the two of you smile at each other, both of you lovestruck immediately. “Uh, your drink will be right up over there,” you say and nod to the other end of the café. “Are you going to drink that here or take it to go?” You ask.
“Oh, here,” he nods.
“Perfect,” you say with a small smile. “Then I’ll just bring it to you when it’s ready. Nothing better to do today,” you shrug and wander down to the other end before Jack, Whiskey, whatever can refute you.
You take the cup from your coworker, humming to yourself as you put some vanilla and cream in the cup, pulling the espresso shots. When it’s ready, it barely reaches the halfway mark of the small cup, so you top it with a little whipped cream. You suspect the man has more of a sweet tooth than he lets on.
Pocketing a pink paint marker, you put a lid on the drink and walk out to the dining room, setting the coffee down across from him. He’s munching on the cookie he’d ordered, looking up at you with unintentional puppy dog eyes. “Hey there.”
“Hi,” you smile and pull out the chair across from him, sitting down and pulling out the paint pen. “I put a little extra whipped cream on top. I thought it would go well with the espresso, make it a little creamier or something.”
As you uncap the paint pen, Jack’s brow furrows as he watches you. “Whatcha doing there?” He asks as you bring his cup closer to yourself and write something on the top.
“Being brave,” you chuckle and cap the pen, sliding it back. “I gotta head back. Enjoy it,” you say as you stand and pat him on the shoulder.
Only as you walk back to the register does Whiskey comprehend exactly what you put on the top of his cup. It’s your phone number, in that chalky pink paint, and a smiley face beneath it.
Jack may not be great with technology, like he told you, but he immediately pulls out his phone and takes a photo. Then he enters the number into a contact, filling out the name: ‘Nilla Bean.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 6)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Special Grade
Next Chapter: Bird of Flame
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
We are finally past the introductions and getting into the bulk of the story🥰💕 excited for this to unravel.
Chapter 6: Speed of Sound
You had a physical and cursed energy examination along with the second years the next day. Much like when you had your height and weight measured at the clinic. But this time, it was your power, speed, stamina, defense level, and flexibility with and without your cursed technique that they were measuring.
“Ugh, it’s so windy out today.” Mai complained. The sun was really bright as the four of you first years stood there.
“Y/n.” All of you turned to look at the source of the voice. You smiled brightly upon hearing him. “It has been a while.”
“Noritoshi senpaii~” you skipped your way towards him with a huge smile on your face. “How have you been?”
Noritoshi was always busy, with clan affairs, missions (now that he got recommended for grade 1 and is enroute to a semi-grade 1) and studies that you only had a short time to say hi whenever you passed by the other in the hallways. But he always secretly looked forward to seeing you.
He nodded his greeting to the other first years before turning to smile down at you as you came up to him. “Not too bad. Hope you’ve adjusted well to campus life?” he murmured, eyes softening.
“I’m okay, don't worry about me. Shared class today, this is my first time. I wonder how it will go?” You excitedly said.
“The usual, you might find it boring. Ah, and I’ve heard that you were given the title Special Grade. Congratulations.” He said.
“Is that something to be celebrated?” you asked while tilting your head to the side. “Thank you though.”
He mimicked you, tilting his head in the same direction and leaning forward so that your eyes were both still in line with each other’s, “It’s proof that you’re strong and that’s also a good thing.”
You hummed in thought. “I don’t really care about rankings to be honest. I just need to be strong enough to protect the ones I love.”
Noritoshi’s eyes slightly widened at that. He was about to speak when he was rudely interrupted.
“TSUCHI CHAN! You owe me a fight.” Todo senpai boomed with Momo sighing tiredly beside him. You jumped about 4 feet into the air at the sound and Noritoshi protectively held a hand in front of you again. “That’s enough Todo. It’s still early in the morning.”
“A fight, or else I will reveal who your ideal type is to everyone here.” He grinned.
Oh no he didn’t. The winds picked up around you as your cursed energy flared dangerously. Everyone except Noritoshi took a step back from you.
You looked up at him with the coldest eyes you have, “You promised you wouldn’t senpai. But I am not backing down from a fight. Don’t cry too badly when I bury you 6 feet underground.”
“There it is! Her dark side.” Miwa cried out. “You’re gonna die senpai.” But Todou just laughed. “I knew you were interesting the moment we met Tsuchi chan. It’s settled. A fight later after class.”
“Todo’s gonna die later. I look forward to seeing it.” Mai yawned nonchalantly as Mechamaru just nodded. Momo just laughed as she settled in beside Mai.
Soon Utahime called you all to attention and you went on with the activities. You were competing with Todo for almost every measurement (with the use of cursed energy of course. You were not so strong without it).
You just laughed at yourself as you found out you had the weakest physical punching power among the first years. Yep, you rely too much on your cursed energy to back you up.
You had the highest score though when you used your cursed energy. You warped the space around your hand in a spiral motion, the wind picking up around your fist, before you propelled yourself to punch the target. BAANG! It was pushed a number of meters back further than Todo’s target.
Todo just clapped. “Well done.” And the entire time, Noritoshi was closely monitoring you, staying by your side and asking questions about your technique.
At that, you tugged on his sleeve and he smiled and bent down for you. You told him quietly that you would tell him more about it later when you’re alone. His eyebrows raised, but his smile widened, “Thank you for that. I don’t mind telling you about mine too.”
The others were just silently watching you both out of the corner of their eyes.
“Mai chan, wanna bet as to when those two will get together?” Momo whispered. Everyone else except the two of you heard her.
“Depends on what you wanna bet on. But I’m willing to bet they’ll get together in the next maybe 4 months or so.” she smirked.
“3 months” Miwa piped up quietly.
“Maybe 2 months lol.” Mechamaru said.
“No. They might take… a few weeks. 3?” Todo said seriously.
Utahime cleared her throat out loud gathering all of your attention. “Last activity. Running laps. This track field is 400 meters long as you all know. Finish 1 lap. First without then with your cursed technique. Nishimiya and Tsuchimikado flying is permitted.”
You perked up at that and clapped your hands excitedly. Then stopped and thought about it remembering your father’s words:
“ ‘You don’t have to max out your abilities. We keep our clan’s abilities as much of a secret as possible to prevent any information leakage that may be used against us. Remember to use your technique wisely. You’re the strongest in our clan, sweetheart.’ You nodded, ‘Okay papa.’ ”
So God speed mode of a Mach 4 is out of the picture. Mach speed 3… maybe out. ‘No I can limit it to just under the speed of sound.’ you thought determinedly.
You zoned out the next hour until it was time to run with your cursed technique. “Are you okay? You look a bit pale.” Noritoshi put a hand on your back to support you.
You quickly shook your head “I’m fine, no worries.” He didn’t look like he believed you but let you go ahead.
“Tsuchimikado. It says here on your report that you can move at mach speeds.” Utahime spoke. FUCK. Oh well. You turned to her with the stiffest smile on your face as she realized you didn’t want the information disclosed.
You took your starting position, still determined to keep it under half the speed of sound. “Ready… go!” You whipped around the entire trackfield in just under 3 seconds.
“Tsuchimikado. 2.4 seconds.” You nodded and jogged back beside Miwa who gave you a high five. “That was sooo cool, you need to let me fly with you next time.” She excitedly said.
You laughed. “I’m not the best at holding people with me when I move at high speeds. But slow flying is fine.”
“Why don’t you go faster?” Todo asked. Everyone quieted down as you turned to him. “I have a feeling you've been limiting your output. You’ve obviously been holding back this entire time, are you not taking it seriously? We are here to challenge ourselves, there is no need to hold back.”
Your eye and finger twitched. “That’s not it.” This man was amazing at pushing your buttons. But you sighed as there was no reason to hide it anymore. “Utahime sensei can I-”
“Go ahead. When you’re ready.”
You took your starting position again. You could push Mach 5 if you wanted to, though just above Mach 1 should be enough.
But you can feel Todo just silently egging you on from the sidelines. And it honestly worked. “Start!”
There was a loud BANG! You were back in the starting line in less than a second. The only proof of your movement was the smoke and dust rising above the tracks.
“I am so sorry, but I didn’t catch that. I physically can’t. That was less than a second. Your speed please?” Utahime called out. “Mach 2.”
You stepped right up to Todo with a challenging glint. “Prepare yourself for later.” He just huffed out a proud smile, then you stood aside with Miwa and Noritoshi.
“Was that, just now a sonic boom?” asked Noritoshi. “No it was my ringtone.” you deadpanned. The others choked a laugh out at that.
He turned to you with a pout, but you just bumped his hip with yours and laughed “It’s called sarcasm Noritoshi senpai~” He quietly chuckled along, which he was surprised at how easy it was to do so whenever he was with you.
You all finished up. Momo was also pretty fast, going at 10 seconds around the track. Noritoshi senpai blew you out of the water to be honest. His record was 35 seconds on foot. How. That was over the world record for men’s running.
You noticed a red marking forming over his eye and remembered seeing it for a bit when it came to the strength measurement test earlier. He was just a bit behind you, Mechamaru and Todo in terms of power.
And Mechamaru and Todo were largely… disproportionate to him, being way bigger and bulkier. But he could somehow manage.
“Are any of you going to spar after this? If so I will be supervising.” Utahime sensei called.
“We will.” Todo senpai motioned between the two of you. Noritoshi surprisingly spoke up too, “I also wanna have a go against y/n if that’s fine with you.” He turned to you with a concerned look. You just smiled, “Of course it’s fine Noritoshi senpai!”
“Okay, try not to break anything, limit the damage here on campus please. I will be calling a close if it gets too bad.” Utahime warned.
“There's no need for that.” You smiled to yourself.
Author's Rambles: Mach Speed (AKA Supersonic speed) is described as a speed greater than the speed of sound. Mach X means that the speed is X times greater than the speed of sound. A Mach 5 would be categorised as Hypersonic speed^^. O/C uses her Psychokinesis to move her forward as fast as she can.
Blood Bound Chapter Masterlist
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
Vice Dorm Leader Study Date HC
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Hello Anon! Sorry for the wait! I wasn’t quite sure what you wanted to see so I tried my best trying cover a lot of ideas OTL If this wasn’t what you wanted, please do request again with what you wish to see! 
·       Study dates with Trey are very rare
·       He’s always busy due to his responsibilities as vice dorm leader while preparing to becoming a 4th year, so going on dates with you in general isn’t going to happen a lot
·       When you do end up going on with him though, he would cherish them and try to make it last as long as possible, trying to catch up on all the missed times with you
·       Usually, the study dates happen by Cater (best wingman ever by the way), who ends up stealing Ace, Deuce, and Grim from you on the days you’re supposed to study with them
·       Whenever that happens, Trey gets a message with a “U owe me~ ;9” from Cater as said guy drags the “interference” away
·       Trey: Cater, you shouldn’t be calling our underclassmen interference... Cater: Eh~ So, are you saying you don’t feel annoyed that they’re spending more time with you-know-who? Trey: …You don’t see me saying it up front now do you
·       He would do his best to help you study, teaching you whatever you needed to know  - tips, tricks, what topic that would be covered the most on the exam, etc
·       Would he try to make you flustered and blush though? Yeah. He thinks you’re adorable when you blush – endearing, cute, someone he wishes to cherish with all his heart
·       It’s why he would make passes on you, leaning towards you and brushing shoulders when he sits next to you as he helps explain something you don’t know or purposely having his hand graze yours as he points out something in the textbook or your notes
·       Expect to be spoiled with all types of sweets and desserts when with Trey
·       Cake? Cookies? Pudding? He would bring all sorts of things for you two to snack on when taking a break and studying, including tea. After all, you’re someone he happens to love so he has to somehow make it obvious one way or another
·       Trey has younger siblings. It’s why he naturally wipes the crumbs off your face since it’s habit to do so. Yeah. That’s it. Totally not
·       What isn’t natural is when, near the end of the study date, you would either hug or kiss him on the cheek, after finally understanding something or making progress, as thanks
·       Covering half of his face, he would turn his face away to hide his red face that could rival Riddle’s hair, trying to tell you he was fine with a small stutter and wavering smile when you ask if he’s okay
·       Now if only you would realize said study dates were actually dates and he likes you…
·       Like Trey, Ruggie is a busy man. Busy doing Leona’s orders while chasing after all the money and food he could possibly get, so having study dates with him are also rare
·       In fact, the percent of having study dates with him are lower than Trey’s because of how much work he’ll be forced to deal with
·       It’s why, the only times he would be able to go on study dates with you are when you come visit Savanaclaw once every blue moon
·       Most often you would come over because of Jack, whether it’s to just hang out, give him a memo, whatnot
·       The thing is though, whenever you come over, you end up meeting Jack a bit later because something would always come up right when he’s about to meet you
·       And it’s totally not suspicious that it happens whenever Ruggie is coming back to the dorms. 100% true.
·       Don’t worry about Jack by the way. It so happens that a certain dorm leader kidnapped said wolf because he happens to be a good wingman when he’s bored
·       Also, he’s running low on blackmail on Ruggie. Might as well get a refill when he can
·       When seeing you alone at the entrance either being bothered by the other dorm members or looking bored, Ruggie ends up taking you to the lounge and chat with you
·       The conversation always  school orientated with school work and teachers coming up
·       While you’re in the middle of complaining about Trein and Crewel again over their ridiculous assignments (like seriously, what’s so important about hair-color changing potions again? And what about the history of the school’s chandelier, is this shade???), Ruggie teases you about not being able to do something “as easy as that”
·       He does his best to hide his soft side towards you when you sulk about it, seeing it as you pouting. Which is adorable and cute in his eyes and he loves  seeing it
·       Just as you’re about to get up and leave from getting annoyed, Ruggie quickly offers you his help on your assignments despite saying it in a teasing tone
·       Yes, he likes to troll with people a lot but he can be serious when he wants to, evidently seen when he helps you through the questions
·       His explanations aren’t great, yet he doesn’t give up trying to get you to understand and solve the questions
·       Will he tease you while explaining? Yes. Will he snicker at you and give his infamous infuriating cute smirk? Yes.
·       In the end, the assignment still gets done along with you feeling better with the concepts you weren’t so sure of thanks to him
·       It’s his turn to blush as you give him a surprise hug, ending up covering his face with both hands and sigh once you let go
·       As this happens, a certain lion continues to film the whole thing while covering the mouth of his “precious” kouhai with a smirk on his face. He’s not sorry when he shows it to Ruggie by the way.
·       Having study dates with Jade happens more frequently than Ruggie and Trey’s solely because Jade would make sure he has one with you
·       By that, he means using the pretext of having to “tutor” you per request by one of the staffs to get to go on one with you
·       He will proudly say it’s his favorite excuse to use against Azul and Floyd since they wouldn’t be able to bother him nor interfere when he’s trying to spend some time with you
·       Yes, he enjoys hanging around them for entertainment but he has his own limits too. Plus, he wouldn’t have to use….some other methods to get them off his back though he wouldn’t hesitate to do so if they interfere (cough blackmail cough)
·       Studying with Jade is difficult no thanks to how much he enjoys teasing you
·       He’ll be kind, polite, and courteous but he’ll do everything he can to get to see you blush
·       Brushing shoulders and hands “incidentally” is nothing compared to the times he explicitly makes a move on you like gently cupping your hand whenever he takes your pencil so he could write some helpful notes in your notebook or sitting really close to you in general
·       The worst part is how he’s actually good at teaching you with whatever you’re struggling with
·       Makes good analogies, explains things thorough enough for you to grasp the foundation, surprisingly writes neatly and draw good diagrams – he truly lives up to his position as one of Azul’s hands and vice dorm leader
·       That along with the fact he would be providing hospitability such as teas and snacks that you enjoy definitely makes him seem like a kind gentleman
·       He enjoys teasing you during the whole time, having fun with your reactions his favorite other than seeing you blush being you being annoyed
·       Just needs to shade here and there to get a good grasp and push your buttons only to get amused in the end from seeing you huff and pout or chuckle at any smart remarks you make towards him
·       However, when you give him one your softest, genuine smile or initiate any physical contact yourself, it’s going to be his turn to blush and perhaps even tsun a bit
·       Will go wide eyes at first with cheeks dust pink to turning lobster-red if you point it out while covering half his face and look away a bit
·       Hugging is a whole different story though where you would be very successfully into getting Jade to go “Jade. exe has stopped working” after surprising him with one once you finally understand and get whatever you were confused with and do it out of happiness
·       Once the date ends, he’ll show you out before going back into the dorm and find Azul and Floyd who he knew was spying during the whole thing
·       He finds all the photos they took of him blushing and either would burn them or delete the files if saved on phone or PC
·       He does secretly keep the ones that includes you looking happy or being close to him
·       Study dates with Jamil happens a good amount of time thanks to Kalim who makes sure it happens
·       By that, literally Kalim would get everyone in Scarabia to help out but that’s another story for another time
·       Out of all the vice dorm leaders, he’s the one that takes the study date seriously
·       Wouldn’t really strike up a conversation because he would be focused on trying to get as much done as possible no thanks to how he’s busy in general
·       That being said, most of the time would be more studying orientated
·       Jamil would be attentive and help you with anything you need help with, going over them and making sure you get at least the foundations solid
·       His explanation and tutoring skills are nearly par to Trey’s probably because of his many years of experience with Kalim, his sibling, and now, the other dorm members
·       So, the idea of teasing you wouldn’t come up initially. Keyword: Initially
·       Just because he’s focused on studying doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of his surroundings and other’s behaviors, especially yours
·       He’s aware his attraction towards you is very much mutual since he practically caught you who-knows-how-many-times you looked at him, only to blush and stutter whenever he asks if there’s a problem
·       Cue the teasing like the rest but unlike the other three above, his is more subtle
·       He’ll be testing the water-  see how far he can go with teasing you
·       He honestly enjoys how you’re trying to keep a straight face, all cool and collected when he sits next to you to the point only a pencil case would slip through the space between you two
·       Acting innocent and nonchalant, Jamil struggles to not smirk when he sees your ears turn red and the corner of your lips twitch
·       Totally would pull “face too close for comfort” on you when he finds you getting distracted from whatever he explains something to you
·       It would only happen once and never again though during the next few study dates since he’ll realize he nearly lost his self-control when he unconsciously and nearly closed the gap between the two of you
·       What do you mean you heard him click his tongue? He did no such thing. It’s not like he was disappointed or anything because he wanted to-
·       When you hug him, he’s not going to be calm. Whatsoever
·       Pulls his head over his head and tells you not to come near him as he pulls his hoodie’s strings and try to cover his face completely
·       This is when Kalim comes out of his hiding place and tries to get Jamil to calm down while telling you that he was “just passing by” when you ask where he came from
·       It isn’t until he’s back at his room does he start calming down only to drag his hands down his face from realizing he messed up on trying to look cool around you
·       Kalim: You like them that badly, huh~ Jamil: Shut up
·       Study dates with Rook is bad for your heart. Not because he does weird things to you or anything. It’s just that…he’s rather direct. Very direct
·       Although he does an excellent job teaching you, he doesn’t hide his attraction towards you at all
·       Calls you all sorts of endearment without any shame when you come over to Pomefiore to have the study date with him: mon cœur, mon chéri, mamour, and more
·       Like with everyone else he takes interests in, he very much likes to look at you. Even though it’ll distract you, he’s genuinely happy and in bliss getting to spend time with you
·       To him, getting to see the you studying with such calmness makes him think you look absolutely enchanting, loving to see you putting effort and trying your best
·       Despite being a hunter, he isn’t aware how you tend to look at him when he’s focused though nor does he know that you like seeing his serious side
·       …and you probably shouldn’t since the minute he realizes this he probably would take advantage of it and cause you more problems down the road
·       He spoils you a lot, mostly because he wishes to see you happy. Meaning, he would prepare all sorts of things to make sure you’re feeling comfy and happy when you’re with him
·       In all seriousness though, he does education justice when he’s the one tutoring/teaching you
·       Goes over everything thoroughly to the point where he would continue practicing and quizzing you until he knows you actually understand everything
·       Every time you get something right, he praises you a lot to the point you would probably feel bashful
·       When you’re feeling down or frustrated from the fact you can’t understand something or from anything in general, Rook is the one who’ll realize it first which often leads to him being the one to make you feel better in a short amount of time through words of encouragement
·       In fact, he’s one of the two people who would be the best comforter of the vice dorm leaders
·       By that, he’s the one you would probably pour your heart to without worries and end up feeling better after every single study date
·       Hugging can go two ways with Rook
·       When he senses you about to hug him (happens 90% of the time btw), he’ll hug you back with the same amount of excitement. He wouldn’t let go after you realize what you’ve done out of pure instinct and would instead hug you tighter while your face burns in his arms
·       When you catch him off guard, he’ll freeze and blush, completely not expecting it. Probably would be his first time ever getting flustered too as he tries to quickly recover once you let go of him
·       Study dates with Lilia is more like a hang out than anything else
·       He literally will pull the “immortal-being” card, where he’ll look over your shoulder and see what you’re doing before going on a long story-time telling of how each theorem, principle, historical event, etc. was discovered when he was whatever age-old at the time
·       When dealing with assignments, he would complain about doing them, muttering along the lines of “back when I was in school, we didn’t have to do these”, “kids aren’t going to even use what they learned in real life”, and so on
·       Don’t expect him to even attempt to study. He would ask you why he would ever need to when he lived who-knows-how many years and being at all those events that took place
·       With all of that being said, you would think it would be impossible to get anything done, doing a great job distracting you especially when he just name drops a famous historical person and tells you the guy/gal’s life from baby to adult all in one go
·       “That kid used to be so cute, as expected they would end up being this great”, “What’s this nonsense? How did that brat even did that when they couldn’t even answer 1+1 correctly”-
·       However, when you try to study and start struggling, he would always help you
·       There’s going to be teasing and he is very bold about it
·       When you stifle a laugh from his stories, he sulks first only to kabedon you in your chair
·       Leaning closer to you, he’ll ask whether you’ll take him seriousness now, gently holding your chin so you wouldn’t be able to look away
·       He does end up letting you go with a smirk, giving you some space and time to get over what had happened in less than a minute, thinking that you looking like a deer caught in headlights with a bright blush made you look extremely adorable
·       It’s not shocking that he teaches you well, especially when he’s the one that taught Sebek, Silver, and Malleus. How? He’ll never tell you how but the look their faces when you ask them makes you decide not to think about it further
·       Lilia also happens to be the other greatest comforter, probably even better than Rook
·       It’s because he raised three children on his own, he’s able to pick up any stress or sense the struggle you’re having when you do your assignments or studying before you say anything about it
·       When it happens, he has you take a break on studying and lends you an ear, making sure you say everything that’s in your chest since he knows you’ll be needing it
·       By the time he’s done helping you and you hug him out of gratefulness, he’ll be surprised and widen his eyes at first
·       He does quickly recover and hugs you back with a satisfied smile, rather seeing you happy and filled with joy than anything else
·       And it’s obvious that’s the case since once you leave, Malleus, Silver, and Sebek would ask him if anything good happened
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seostudios · 4 years
on your knees doll: jungwoo
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"C’mon on your knees doll, we just started."
pairing: kim jungwoo x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, attempted crack
word count: 2k
warnings: unprotected sex (always wear a condom!), thigh riding, oral (giving), hair pulling, pet names, creampie, swearing, explicit language
taglist: @tastyykpop @aestheticfarquad @bakugou-is-my-bae @sancheezz-it @bbyggukies @beinglovedbyme @asahivillage @chqyoung @labelleetoilex3 @subtaetae @laziilia @mayaczennie @seowoos @tzuqui @jenotation @sharamanne @ncexst @commentgirl @luvyeo @nanassungie @runningonkpop @straysrachaa @miniaturealienllamahumanoid @lovehendery @chicksung​ @sqturnstqrs​ @neobluemings​ @hyenekuroo @kpoporacle​
a/n:  yall....this wasn’t as filthy as i intended but i hope u guys get off to this :3
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It was Thursday evening and you had just arrived back home to your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Jungwoo. He had the week off due to a leak at his workplace, his boss decided to give his entire institute a week off rather than resort to online work since it was too much work to do in such little time. Nevertheless, Jungwoo wanted to be ahead of his work catching up on some filing and organizing his drawers in your in-home office, it wasn't necessary since Jungwoo was one of the most outstanding employees at his 9-5 job. You decided to let him do whatever pleased him since you still had work and everyday tasks outside of work since you were quite a social person within your tiny group of friends.
Hanging your purse on the coat rack and taking off your heels, sliding them beside the coat rack. You wore a knee-length black pencil skirt which hugged your body just perfectly always topping it with a button-up white dress shirt and your hair in a slick low bun, managing to look irresistible in normal work attire, although you were nice eye candy for your M.I.A boyfriend- you were suffering in these clothes quickly moving into your shared bedroom to change into pajamas after a short shower.
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Finally making your way back out of the bedroom you rock a matching pair of satin pajamas which Jungwoo picked out for you, and you remember exactly why, they were sexy and comfortable not to mention easy access to some not so kid-friendly areas. Your hair was in a high messy bun, small strands you purposely pulled to the front to get the cute messy bun look and succeeding, moving into the kitchen you grab the kettle to pour some hot water in to make yourself and Jungwoo some tea.
Looking across the kitchen counter to your device you see a message from Jungwoo 'Are you home darling?' smiling at his concern you message him back 'Been home babe. I'm making us tea, why don't you come out of your cave you hermit.' clicking send you almost immediately hear the doorknob to his office turn and a disheveled boy walking out. His hair was pointing out in multiple directions not to mention his awfully adorable tired face walking towards you who was just finishing up making the tea. He comes towards you not muttering even a word before pulling you into his embrace, pulling away his shoulders sag and he groans, "I'm so busy god I hate work." He says sighing in defeat, "I'm supposed to be saying that, you have the week off sir." You tell him poking his chest emphasizing the 'you'.
"So? I'm behind on a couple of projects and Taeil's gonna kick my ass if he doesn't see those by the end of the month." Sipping your tea you listen to his little ranting session which kind of made no sense. 'by the end of the month' It's September 3rd how big is this project? "Is it a big project?" You ask confused tilting your head, he shakes his head no continuing "It's just an event Johnny and I need to make flyers for," You chuckle at him complaining over such little things. "Alright go work you big baby," You tell Jungwoo turning him around with his teacup pushing him lightly towards his office.
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Reading the time on your phone screen you quietly gasp, it was 11:56 and he still wasn't in bed. He needs sleep and you are an Interior Designer so helping him with his little flyers isn't gonna be too much of a task.
You pull the thick bed sheets over your body and waddle out the bedroom door to Jungwoo's office door, will he get mad at me? you thought hesitating to turn the doorknob. Ignoring your thoughts you twist it walking into the boy whose eyes were typing away at the computer in front of him.  
With the door creek breaking the silence in the dimly lit room Jungwoo looks up to your tiny figure at the frame. Already knowing your concern, he begins, "I know, I know I should be in bed." You walk around his desk, Jungwoo's eyes glued to your canvas, more so your little getup for the night, moving his hands from the keyboard he places them behind his head still watching as you slid yourself onto his lap, straddling onto the boy. Your legs trapping him on either side of his thighs, hands creeping their way to the base of his neck. "Come to bed." are the first words you breath after entering and the only words you breath before digging yourself into the crook of his neck yawning tiredly. He gives into your tight grasp holding you back for a moment before he continued typing away. 
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You open your eyes, feeling a little groggy from the power nap you just invested in on Jungwoo's lap. Your eyelids are heavy, thoughts are hazy but you still hear that god damn typing, it was probably 2 in the morning knowing Jungwoo had the tendency to overwork himself not realizing the time. Lifting your head up from his neck you stretch, arching your back, arms casually going up. You caress Jungwoo's chest lightly before placing them on his nape, "You still up," you pout watching his gaze on you soften, though he finds your adorable he's focused on finishing his work "I'm busy." He told you hands reaching to casually graze your inner thigh, such simple actions woke you up in a whole new way. "Please," you beg, bouncing slightly on his lap like the brat you were, quietly hissing at your movements he moves his hands which were massaging your inner thighs to your hips gripping them securely making sure you don't pull another trick like that, his eyes were different now. Soft dark chocolate orbs staring into you, "Y/n," he began, "I'm. Busy." Strictly telling you - possibly warning you - not to play any games.
You quit knowing not to get him mad but the feeling in the pit of your core still aches to get him all riled up. Imagining him bending you over on this office table, ramming his cock into your tight hole, going up to pull your messy bun which would just be falling apart, telling you what a dirty slut you were to be pulling this on him. The thoughts clouded over you a new sinister smirk dancing along your lips. Head going back to his neck; him assuming you were going to get more sleep, relaxes his grip on you just to tighten it back when he feels your wet lips placing open-mouthed, sloppy kissing on his neck. Hearing Jungwoo's soft grunts and feeling his hands going to roughly grab your ass.
"Get up."
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Here you were standing between Jungwoo's legs waiting for his next words. "I want you," he paused to look over behind you, to his laptop making sure to close it and slide it to the side. He sits back down on his seat, pushing it back, spreading his legs, "I want you to beg," looking down at his erect member just begging to be released from his bottoms. "Beg like the slut you are, beg for my cock and maybe you can get a taste." You walk over and straddle your self on top of his thigh, the thin satin material of your bottoms doing a poor job of covering you up exposing your core to him slightly from your leg hole. Hands reaching up and under his thin t-shirt you caress his toned stomach, "I need your cock, please. I'm so wet all from you and for you," You grind on his thighs causing you to moan at the contact of your clothed clit on his thigh, Jungwoo watches intently. His hands make their way to the waistband of your shorts tugging them signalling you to take them off. You quickly shift off him and slide them down to your ankles sliding them somewhere away from you two, "No panties?"He questions looking at you, staring into his dark eyes, "I want to ride you thigh Jungwoo," you request. Patting his clothed thigh, he watches you straddle, grabbing your hips he forces your movements, already at a fast pace. "Jung-Fuck," You quietly moan using his broad shoulders to keep balance. His grip loosened as you continued the same pace while his thumb went to stimulate your clit, abusing it. Soon enough you reached your high having him help you ride through it, now panting you still sit on his thigh, "C’mon on your knees doll, we just started." He commanded, watching your eyes widen shining slightly."What?"he says hand snaking its way around your throat, "Weren't you just begging for my cock like a whore? Get on your knees and show me you deserve it."He was so fucking hot. His hand made its was way from your throat to the crumbling messy bun gripping your hair pushing you off his thigh to on your knees in front of him. His fingers traced the wet spot on his thigh, "So messy," he told you kissing his teeth before lifting off his seat a little to remove his bottoms which caused his (big) length to pop out onto his stomach, hard and oozing of precum. Begging to be sucked.
Taking his cock into your hands, you rub your thumb over his red tip spreading his pre-cum all over, before latching your mouth onto it sucking it teasingly. "Use that pretty mouth properly before I make you," Jungwoo threatened. Sinking your mouth onto his member you bring a hand to fondle with his balls, receiving a growl from the boy who's was staring into your eyes, not breaking the eye contact you held while you sucked him dry. Removing your mouth, you rub his length, spitting on it you kiss his inner thigh a couple of times then lick a stripe up his cock before taking it in once again. "I'm gonna- Fuck I'm gonna fucking cum," He tells you twitching in your mouth as if you weren't aware. He pulls your head up turns you around, "I'm not gonna cum in your mouth," he tells you. "I'm gonna cum in that pretty little hole," Pulling the hem of your shirt he watches you strip of your only remaining clothing before bending you over on the desk. His hand made its way to slip his tee off, throwing it god knows where. Grazing his hand up your arched back going to grip your ass, "Always bothering me when I work cause' your such a cockslut."Roughly slipping into your hole you moan aloud"Yes! I'm your cockslut Jung-" His hand moves to grip your hair pulling your head up making you whine not being able to finish your sentence, thrusting in and out you hear him mutter multiple curse words and the skin slapping bringing you closer to your high.
"I'm cumming! Jungwoo! Argh- Shit!"You moan which makes Jungwoo bend over and bring his hand over to your clit, abusing it bringing you, even more, closer than you were to your orgasm."Me too," he breaths biting your earlobe, listening to your whines as you came. 
You feel Jungwoo twitch in you a couple times before he coated your walls with  his juices, pulling out for a moment watching his liquid drip from your pussy, down your thighs. You get up to move but he pushes you back down, “If you think cumming twice is it for you tonight, you’re in for it tonight doll.” He tells you gripping the nape of your neck.
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By, the time Jungwoo was finished using you as a cum dump the sun was already starting to rise. "We took our sweet time didn't we?" You said redoing your messy bun and changing into a pair of shorts and Jungwoo's t-shirt, "We really did," he laughed but paused to think in between before popping a question, "Don't you have work?" He asked looking at you with evident concern. You nod but let him know you could just not go in today and the two of you could spend some quality time together, "Yes I'd love that." He told you hugging you tightly "Now let's go to bed, you big baby." He whines at the nickname but follows behind you to bed.
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Chapter 10: The Call to Adventure
"Hey! I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Sick of me saying that yet? Anyway, after I had saved the world from Dr. Robuttnik's Death Egg, we were meant to take a little break. But sadly, it'll have to be cut short. Evil doesn't stay down and neither should I!"
At Knothole Village, Sonic was preparing some chili dogs for the locals to help bring their spirits back up. The world was saved but the gloom of losing a lot of villagers to Robotnik was still a hard pill to swallow. Tails was nearby working on the Tornado, finding it to be a great pass time. Sally and Nicole were helping out with restoring buildings from the Badnik attack that took a majority of the villagers, Nicole proving to be quite informative with measurements and what kind of paint to use.
Uncle Chuck was still hard at work with Sonia and Manik, yawning as he's worked tirelessly on the Robotnik mainframe. "Ugh... This doctor's technology is something else alright... Clearly he didn't want people hacking into it so easily," Chuck says to himself, drinking some coffee to keep himself from passing out.
As Nicole was passing by to grab some more planks for building restoration, she sees Chuck looking exhausted. "...Is something the matter, Sir Charles?" Nicole asked politely.
"Hmm? Oh its nothing, Nicole. Robotnik's mainframe is certainly very strange... I want to get Sonia and Manik back to their original selves, but..." Chuck says, feeling a headache coming on.
"Let me try then," Nicole said, starting to type onto the console, observing the code. "Hmm... The code was updated, but it is still fairly easy to crack. Knowing Robotnik, this will only really help your family as he enjoys updating his software frequently."
After button pushes, a patch was sent through into Sonia and Manik, seemingly knocking them out. Chuck looked at them, with Nicole holding her hands in prayer that it worked. After a moment, Sonia raised her head and looked around.
"U...Uncle Chuck?" Sonia asked, looking around the room. "...Are we home?"
"Man, I should feel hungry... But right now, I can't feel anything..." Manik says before both realize they are...still robots.
After an ensuing scream, the Sonic family, plus Acorns, gathered to happily reunite with their lost family, Sonic especially happy to give the two big hug. "Man, Uncle Chuck, you did amazingly! How'd you do it?"
"Pssh. I don't want to take all the credit. It was Nicole who made the patch that overrode Robotnik's control code," Chuck said, pointing to the hiding Nicole, who blushed and was clearly shy.
"I...only did what I thought was right..." she says, looking away.
Sonic gives Nicole a pat on the back, thanking her for her help. Sonic then decides to give Manik and Sonia a break down on the events so far. All the while Bernie and Jules have a discussion.
"Bernie. I think it would be best we don't tell them that they...attacked you..." Jules says, with Bernie quietly agreeing.
"And that's basically what happened," Sonic finished. "I whooped Robotnik's butt and saved the day, like usual."
"Aww... And you didn't save us any butt to kick?" Manik complained before Sonia dunked his head onto the table.
"Great work, Sonic. So...what happens now?" Sonia asked, still being the bigger sister.
"Not sure. I was planning on helping some other people out. Robotnik's still out there and he's bound to cause a lot of trouble," Sonic points out.
"Well then why don't we go to his base at Mobotropolis and beat him up? I mean, I can be all 'pow-pow'!" Manik shouted, starting to pretend to fire lasers...which he does not have.
"I don't mind having you two tag along," Sonic said with a shrug. "We can make up for lost time as a Sonic family."
"Heck yeah! Team Sonic Underground!" Sonia shouted, the trio having their hands at the center and throwing them up into the air.
Chuck, now no longer busy, went out to the garage to find Tails working on the Tornado. "Hard at work, my boy?" he asks, startling Tails into bumping his head on the shutter.
"Ack! Um... Yeah. I figured I could give the plane a tune up so next time facing Robotnik won't be so difficult," Tails said, with Chuck beginning to think.
"I see what you mean," he says, staring at the gun at the front. "A modified Robotnik blaster?"
"Right from the Death Egg. I kept it after Sonic saved me and Sally," Tails explains. "Some combat ability would help in any future firefights."
Chuck agrees, though then brings up another question. "Tails, what's your opinion on Nicole?"
"..." Tails wasn't quite over getting electrocuted to near death back before she switched sides. "I... I'm not really sure yet. I would like to think she's changed sides, but... I am a bit wary of her..."
Chuck nods, deciding not to comment. He then smiles at the boy. "Say, Tails. Would you like to try out an old classic of Uncle Chuck's? I make them so well Sonic even enjoys them," he offers, figuring Tails would want a break.
"Um..." Tails then feels his stomach rumble which prompts a laugh.
"A world tour, huh?" Sally asked Sonic as the blue blur was doing some stretches.
"Yep. Me, Sonia, and Manik are heading out to stop Robotnik by aiming for his bases. Wherever we can, we've got to stop him. So are you in?" Sonic offers, seeing as Sally wanted to travel the world and all.
"Hmm... It would help the world, but... I want to go on my own way. After all, me and Nicole need time to reconnect and I'd only be slowing you down," Sally says before smiling at the hedgehog. "But be careful out there. And don't be reckless."
Sonic nods before speeding off to rejoin his siblings.
Two parties begin their adventures to the outstretches of the world. Where will the wind take them? Will Sonic and Sally be able to stop the evil Robotnik's plans? Find out next time on Sonic the Hedgehog!
3 notes · View notes
irwinkitten · 5 years
colours | c.h
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notes: so it’s birthday boi’s birthday and i figured i’d finally finish this. it’s the final instalment of the bi!reader series. mahooooosive shoutout to @burncrashbromance who triggered the entire series off lmao. love u jill. warnings: none word count: 6.4k
luke, michael, ashton
donate to my ko-fi here
“C’mon mate! It’ll be a good laugh and maybe you’ll at least get talking to a new chick. You need to forget about Jodie.” Calum stared at Luke for a full minute before sighing.
“Fine. But I swear to god if you’re trying to set me up Hemmings, I will hunt you down and give Sierra something to complain about.” Calum scowled and Luke smirked.
“I’m a music major, not a football player.” Calum snorted.
“So I’ll just break your hands. Don’t play me Luke.” Luke met Calum’s stare for a full minute before huffing.
“God, why are you so fucking difficult sometimes?” Calum knew that the barb was playful and the smile took away any bite from his words. “It’s colour coded. There are glow sticks at the door, they’re pretty strict on this rule because these parties have had such high success rates and minimal damage.”
Calum raised a dark eyebrow at Luke who grinned from his spot on the couch.
“You could’ve said this at first. I’d have been more inclined to not argue with you then.” Luke shrugged.
“You’re still coming, regardless. Green is single, red is taken. Yellow is looking for friends. They even have colour choices for gender preferences. Pink if you’re looking for ladies, blue if you’re looking for a man. Purple for any.” He continued the explanation and Calum nodded, silently letting him know as he continued through his photos.
“What time is the party?” Calum finally looked up from his finished photos and Luke beamed in relief.
“It starts at eight, curfew is two.” Calum sighed before holding down the home button on his iPhone.
“Hey Siri, set a reminder to get ready for the party at seven thirty.” The automated voice replied with the reminder set and Luke laughed.
“Trust me Cal, you’re gonna love it.” He pushed himself up off the sofa, heading towards the door. “Want me to pick you up any food? I’m gonna get some snacks and a couple of beers?” Calum shook his head at Luke who saluted before disappearing out of their dorm and he sank down into his spot, going through the images.
He enjoyed this side of his work but with the notepad beside him, he made the notes of annotations for later, knowing that he was never going to remember each choice later on.
He’d barely heard Luke returning. His eyes studying each photo until he reached the last one, stretching out his back as he glanced at the time.
Six thirty.
Opening a word document, he re-adjusted himself before he began to type, checking references of each photo and noting down even the smallest changes compared to the original.
It was the shrill reminder going off that jolted him from his annotating and he scowled at his phone for a second before reminding himself that he promised Luke and he could come back to this in the morning. 
Once his work was saved, he collected his stuff and made his way back to his room. It didn’t take much for him to put on a fresh black button up, leaving the top few buttons undone, swapping his grey joggers for the black dress pants, tucking the shirt into his waist as he stood in front of the mirror, eyes studying his blond hair. 
It took him less than five minutes to sort his hair out, fingers running some gel through the strands and pushing it into a quiff. A dab of cologne later and some deodorant, he stepped out of his room just as Luke did who had opted for an olive green shirt, seemingly sharing the same idea as Calum to leave the top few buttons undone.
Luke grinned at him, curls falling to the side.
“Look at you all dressed up.” Calum pushed his friends shoulder with a laugh before they headed into their kitchen, pulling out and sharing a couple of beers.
“Just because I prefer to hide behind the camera doesn’t mean I’m completely useless, Luke.” They both laughed before there was a knock at their door and Luke headed over to open it, letting in two of their other friends.
It was definitely a group that many wouldn’t have thought friends. Ashton was the star football player, majoring in business with a minor in music. Michael was majoring in music with Luke, taking a minor in english. And there Cal was, doing his major in photography and media studies, whilst doing a minor in music. It was the one thing that had joined the four of them together and their friendship had bonded almost instantly and it’d been tight since day one. 
“You’re coming out with us to the party? Wicked!” Ashton greeted Calum, pulling him into a one armed hug before the two pulled away, wide grins on their faces. 
“Luke had me convinced, otherwise I’d have been hidden in my room working on the fuckin’ annotations of every single photo I’ve been editing.” 
“You definitely need to let loose tonight. And I’m going back to Sierra’s place if you do decide to bring any ladies back.” Luke waggled his eyebrows, making the other two laugh as Calum’s cheeks flushed a light pink.
“You’re all assholes and I’m not drunk enough to deal with you all. Who’s up for shots?” 
By the time the four boys had piled themselves into an Uber, once they arrived to the club that was hosting the party, Luke smirked at the line of people waiting to get in. 
Once he’d given their names and they’d flashed their I.D’s to the bouncer, groans erupting from the queue that was steadily growing longer, they shared matching grins as they headed to the small station, a young guy monitoring the glowsticks. 
Calum could see the benefits, snapping a green and pink one around his wrist, watching as Luke snapped red and yellow around his wrists, whilst Ashton followed his lead and instead of a pink, Michael snapped a purple one around his wrist, earning a look from Luke.
“You guys knew.” Michael deadpanned and Luke snorted.
“But tonight of all nights you’re going to practically announce to campus that you like both?” Michael shrugged, a grin on his lips.
“No better way to do it really. And hey, if I meet someone cute, even better.” This made Calum laugh as they headed into the main area, the loud bass thudding through the floor as the four of them reached the bar, Calum raising a twenty to flag down the bartender. 
Once drinks were ordered and paid for, they kept to their group before Sierra showed up and pulled Luke onto the dancefloor. Michael split off not long later and then it was just Ashton and Calum, surveying the group of young adults, dancing, drinking and just generally having fun.
That was when Calum first spotted her, a gleaming purple wristband paired with green, chatting up a pretty blonde who was wearing a pink one. Her eyes met his as she looked around for a second, a smirk flickering onto her lips. He nodded towards her, a smile on his own as he watched the two disappear amongst the crowds and he found himself chatting with a few girls who had the red and yellow bands around their wrist, the conversations easy, even after Ashton had his attention captured by another girl, making Calum laugh.
He continued to drink, content to stay close to the bar as people chatted with him and went, Callie from his class appearing with her girlfriend in tow, wrapping him in a hug as her usual greeting before promising to catch up with him over lunch in the next couple of days.  
Eventually he pushed off from the bar and headed out to the smoking area. Pulling the cigarette to his lips, lighting up, he felt a delicate shoulder tap and his eyes turned to see the same girl he saw earlier, the purple wristband still around her wrist and a bright smile on her face.
“Sorry to bother, but could I borrow your light?” He returned her smile and held the lighter out to her. “Thanks man.” 
“No problem. You enjoying the party so far?” His question set off a smug grin and his brain registered the girl she’d been talking with before.
“I mean, I’ve certainly enjoyed it so far. Enjoying not having any worries or having to take anyone back to my place.” And Calum chuckled.
“Nice. I’m Calum.” 
Despite not originally wanting to go, Calum left the club with her number, piling into an Uber with Michael who had decided to call it quits when it hit one am. Luke and Ashton couldn’t be found and both knew that if they needed help, they’d call. 
Calum fell into bed easily, the silence of his dorm comforting as he fell asleep, head buried in the covers. 
The next morning, he was woken by his usual alarm, a groan escaping and his mouth tasting like cotton as he threw an arm over his eyes whilst he twisted onto his back, determined not to open his eyes as he blindly fumbled for his phone, managing to hit the off button before turning back over to shove his face into the pillow.
He was far from a morning person and he felt annoyance at himself build up for having not switched off his alarm. 
Glancing at his phone, he noticed a new name on his screen, alerting him to a new message. Clicking on it he felt himself remembering the rest of the night before.
‘Thanks for not being a dick when I turned you down. If you’re up for it, how about grabbing some lunch. I want to learn more about this photography exhibition you’re lookin’ to make.’ 
He laughed before replying with an affirmative, to which she sent one of the local cafes which wasn’t inhabited by students. Glancing at the time, he saw he still had a couple of hours, so he allowed himself a couple of more hours rest.
When he finally made his way to the small cafe, he spotted her easily and pointed to the menu board. She lifted her own drink up, indicating that she’d already gotten her order in, so he went and made his order, picking up the iced coffee before making his way to where she sat.
“Nice to meet you properly in the daytime.” She teased and he offered a shy grin in return.
“If I hadn’t left my alarm on, I doubt I’d have left my dorm before sunset.” The comment was casual, making her laugh as their food orders were called up.
“Grab some napkins for us, please?” She asked as she went to collect their food before he had a chance to offer to get hers. Rolling his eyes with a playful smile, he went and did that, collecting cutlery before returning to the table. 
The smell of their food set Calum’s stomach off and he realised how hungry he actually was when he took the first bite of food.
“So, last night.” Calum finally started after they’d both had a few bites of their respective meals. 
“How come you did turn me down? Out of curiosity.” Her eyes turned wary and he held his hands up in a surrender position. “I’m not looking for anything, I’m just curious because I saw you disappear with Lucy.” Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.
“How do you know Lucy?” 
“Same class.” She snorted at that.
“Should’ve figured. It’s not that I wasn’t interested, I just didn’t particularly fancy sleeping with you last night.” 
He snorted at that as she realised what she’d said her he watched in amusement as her eyes widened.
“Wait, I didn’t-fuck-that came out wrong.” Calum remained silent for a moment longer before he gave in and laughed, her wide eyes closing in embarrassment as she hid her face in her hands.
“It’s fine. It’s nice that you’re honest that you didn’t want to sleep with me. Do you know how many times I’ve had girls throw themselves at me for something? It’s why I mostly talked to girls who wore red bands last night.” 
“So you weren’t out to get laid like Irwin was?” 
“Oh boy, how bad was he?” This made her laugh.
“Let’s just say I wasn’t the only one who took advantage of the restrooms last night and if you didn’t know already, dude has definitely got a daddy kink.” Calum chose the wrong moment to take a sip of his coffee, the drink going down the wrong way and he ended up spluttering, spraying iced coffee over her.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He heaved once he stopped coughing, handing her napkins as she laughed at his reaction.
“You didn’t know? Man has such a dom vibe.” She shrugged, a grin on her lips as he picked up some napkins for himself to clean the spray of coffee down his shirt.
“It’s not shit I like to ask him. I didn’t expect to find it out from someone else.” He was fighting the blush and she knew it, an evil smirk on her lips as she leaned forward.
“Oh and what tickles you pink, Mr Hood?” 
“Not that.” He deadpanned, making her laugh as they chucked the ruined napkins on their empty plates. 
“Damn.” She muttered before grinning at him. Calum returned the smile with a playful smirk of his own. 
“Gonna have to try harder to get that information from me.” This made her laugh as they both pushed from the table and made their way out. 
“I’m planning on it. I’m gonna get that information one way or another, Hood.” He laughed, throwing his arm across her shoulders.
“Good luck with that, sweetheart. For now, I’ve still got a day to kill. How do you fancy heading to the new exhibit that’s just opened on campus?” 
“Man after my own heart.” 
Over time, she was a frequent visitor to his dorm. 
Meeting the other three seemed to open her to making new friends, Calum’s friends seemingly enjoying winding her up until Luke made a comment about her relationship status.
“Luke, I like you and all-”
“Probably the only person to like him.” Michael interrupted, earning laughter from the group, even Sierra giggling at her boyfriend’s dilemma.
“As I was saying, I like you and all but if you say something like that, I will not heistate to seduce and fuck your girlfriend.” Sierra’s cheeks burst into colour along with Luke’s and the other three weren’t too sure how to react until they saw the smirk on her lips.
“Oh you are so in for it.” Luke groaned when he realised she was teasing him.
“But seriously, I’m happy being single. I’m not good for relationships at the moment.” She explained softly and they realised that they needed to let the subject drop. 
More often than not, she could be found doing her work on Calum and Luke’s table, books scattered as she studied and worked on her assignments. 
“You really detest working on campus?” Sierra teased her once as she sat down next to the girl, her eyes taking in the copious amounts of notes and work that she’d done.
“Not really.” Stretching out, both girls winced at the sound of her back cracking. “I just can't be dealing with the idiots. I know Cal is still asleep and I think your man is either on his way from class or just left it.” This made Sierra laugh.
“The fact you’re around here enough to know when Lu finishes his classes.” She grinned cheekily to Sierra.
“What can I say? I’m a sucker to notice the small details.” This caused the two girls to giggle before she began to pack away her stuff, flexing her hand every so often to reduce the cramp that had built up.
“You gonna see if he’s awake?” 
“Nah, gonna get a cuddle.” She waved to Sierra who disappeared into Luke’s room before gently pushing open Cal’s door after knocking gently.
His room was dark as she closed the door once more, tucking her bag next to his before crawling into the space that he’d made for her. 
It was all too frequent for her to stay around at his, especially on the darker nights, he was reluctant to let her go back, so she always made sure she made it back to her place if she had classes the following day, if not, she more often than not stayed over at Luke and Calum’s.
“Get your work finished?” His voice was tired and heavy. She smiled into the darkness, curling into his back. 
“No. But I’ve only got the citations to do, so I’ll worry about those tomorrow. M’tired.” A yawn escaped her lips, making him chuckle into the darkness.
“Get some sleep princess. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
It was the following morning when she had woken up before their alarms, relieving her bladder and crawling back into the warm bed that she felt something in her mind shift.
She lay there, her eyes studying the way Calum slept, his lips parted as he took in slow deep breaths, his face relaxed from any of the stress of college. And she could feel her heart encompassing him into a list that barely existed. But he sat there, pretty brown eyes and plump lips with a curved smirk as he called her princess.
And that was when it hit her as she lay there, the soft rays of the sunlight breaking through the curtains and hitting his skin, the patches of light giving him an almost golden glow. 
She was crushing on him and there was nothing she wanted to do to stop it.
So instead of worrying or overthinking, she snuggled herself closer to his warm body, his own seemingly adjusting for her intrusion and allowed his slow deep breaths to lull her into an easy sleep, taking advantage of the fact that neither of them had classes that day.
The semester was taking its toll on her. Anyone could see that. 
But what was making it more difficult was the news articles that kept appearing, and the way that people seemed to group together in protection. When she found one of her previous flings, her heart sank as she scoffed in her face when she asked about joining the groups they had going for the LGBT students.
“What, and have you and other straights pretending to be gay, turn up and disrupt the peace of our space? No thanks.” 
She’d hidden the hurt from her features at that one but she still felt the sharp stabbing sensation in her chest.
Calum could see the stress around her eyes when he invited her around for a games night with the guys and their girlfriends. 
He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but she gave him a tight smile, her lips pressed together to stop anything from escaping her lips. She knew that the second he asked, she’d cry. 
But it was when the games were put away and the others were relaxed, catching up when Luke had asked the innocent question.
“What about you, my not-roommate-roommate? How’ve you been doing?” Six pairs of eyes turned to her and she could feel her resolve crack as she whispered,
“Not good.” Before promptly bursting into tears and leaving the six of them shocked at her reaction. Sierra was first to react, being the closest to her, she reached out and took her hand.
“We’re all friends here. What’s going on?” And before she could stop herself, everything came spilling from her lips. From the constant fear she felt, to the disgusted looks she got from people within her own community, to the stress of not being able to complete her work. They quickly realised that she’d been holding onto this for a long time and Sierra didn’t let go of her hand whilst she got everything off her chest.
Five minutes after she’d fallen silent and her tears had stopped, she could feel her embarrassment and frustration, eyes unable to lift up to meet any of theirs. 
“Sorry, you guys didn’t need to hear that.” 
“Yes we did.” Ashton interrupted her. “You’re our friend, and we need to know when we need to step in and help you. How can we be supportive when you’re not even telling us the problems? Fuck those people in the community who treat you like shit.” 
She gave him a watery smile in return. 
Luke and Calum offered for her to stay on their couch but she declined.
“I’ve got things I need to finish up tonight so I can spend tomorrow in bed and not move.” She murmured and he didn’t push it.
The following morning she felt like she’d been hit by a bus as she dragged herself into her living room.
It took far too long for her to realise that her coffee was ready and that she needed to get up for it. She was certainly regretting the four am bedtime, but she knew that with her assignment submitted, she didn’t have to worry.
By her second cup of coffee, she was certainly more alert but let herself sink into the couch cushions as she debted switching on the TV or grabbing her laptop. That was when her phone blared, frightening her for a second before she answered it.
“You better have a good fuckin’ reason, Hood.” She grumbled when she spotted the caller ID.
“I know this is short notice, but my model ditched and I need to get these last shots done for the portfolio. I’ll buy you dinner if you can please be my model?” Her cheeks grew warm at the way Calum had presented the offer, her eyes glancing to the mirror before the clock and sighing.
“Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be at yours.” She caved easily before ending the call and throwing her phone onto the sofa, heading into the bathroom to sort her hair out and get ready for the day. She opted for minimal make-up, remembering Calum’s comment about his portfolio of natural beauty, so it was easy to pick out a warm outfit for the November weather her scarf wrapped securely and her jacket pulled tightly around her as she slid into her own car, heading onto campus to pick him up.
When she pulled up to his row, she was met with a relieved looking Calum, backpack hitched over his shoulder with a camera bag strapped across his chest. 
“You know where we’re going for photos then, or is it just one of those natural ones?” She teased him playfully and he rolled his eyes. 
“Head to the wooded area by the camping ground. Whilst we’ve still got sunlight, there’s a good spot which is mostly meadows and gets good sunlight filtering through the trees.” He explained and she grinned.
“I know the place. So we’re hiking a bit?” And he chuckled as he strapped himself in, jamming his kit between his legs and sitting back.
“So what happened to the other model?” She asked once they were off campus. Calum’s head moved back and hit the headrest repeatedly. 
“Apparently she’s close friends with my ex, didn’t know that bit of information. But I got a text from my ex saying how do I like to feel being left hanging. I still don’t know why she sent that, unless she’s referring to deadlines which meant that yeah, I focused on those instead of her.” 
“Ooo, you might have just hit the nail on the head there, buddy.” 
“It’s not like I ignored her completely! Once I was done with each deadline, I took her out and apologised. I didn’t want her to think I was neglecting the relationship, but apparently five days of deadlines was enough neglect for her to cheat on me.” 
“Harsh. So you reckon they cooked up some kind of plan to basically sabotage your grade?” She concluded and he nodded. “Well looks like you’re about to have the best goddamn model who can look like some sort of wood nymph.” She teased and his lips curved into a smile.
“Knew I could count on you.” 
“Hey, what are friends for? And if you’re lucky and I can find the small stream that runs through the woods, I might even dip my toes in the cold water, but it means we’re bringing towels and blankets with us.” She warned him and he could feel the tension disappear from his shoulders.
He had a plan and he could work with it, especially if they found the stream.
“That’s fine if it means that I get my shots, I’ll gladly look after you if you get sick.” 
“I might just take you up on that, Hood. Regardless of whether I get ill from today or just this weather in general.” She smirked at him as they rolled up to the camping grounds, her car driving across the fields before coming to a rest at the edge of the woods.
As they walked through the forest, she could hear the shutter of his camera going off and so she started to dance ahead, making him laugh. She was no natural for modelling, but being her carefree, silly self was something she could do and Calum found himself enjoying himself even more as he snapped every photo.
As they reached the stream, he instructed her on what he wanted and she followed the instructions he gave her and they kept it up as the sun began to set, bathing her in a golden glow. 
She stood there for a solid five minutes, her eyes shut with a smile on her face as she basked in the last of the warmth, a soft hum escaping her lips. The shutter had gone off a few times but then it fell silent. 
Finally, as the sun set, she turned to Calum who had the softest smile on his lips and she felt her heart skip a beat as they made their way back to the car. 
“You’re a lifesaver, honestly.” He murmured, pulling her into his side and kissing her temple, her arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing him in return.
“Just helping out. It was nothing and I had fun.” She could feel her cheeks growing warm and he scoffed.
“Well I’ll still send you some of the shots that don’t make it onto my assignment. Sound like a good deal?” She felt her lips twist up into a wide grin.
“Only if it means that I can come around to yours and we can have a pad thai night.” She countered and he grinned.
“Wouldn’t be our night without it. Want me to see if Luke and Sierra can join?” She thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
“Yeah, it’d be nice to spend a bit of time with them too. And Luke might even let me do his nails again, since you won’t let me.” She scowled playfully as they finally reached her car and he grinned unashamedly. 
“One day, princess and you might actually get me painting my nails. But for now, it’s a no.” 
She groaned as they got back into her car and she dropped him off at the dorm, heading back to her place for a quiet night with a glass of wine and a new understanding that she was crushing on Calum.
Sometimes she hated boys.
She knew that Calum didn’t date. But it still drove her mad that she knew her feelings for him weren’t going away.
A few times she’d tried to go out and have quick fucks, but she couldn’t even commit to that. It felt wrong for her that it wasn’t him with her.
The first time she’d gone on a Tinder date, part of her hated that she’d done this to try and drive him from her mind. But it wasn’t working as planned.
Her current date was cute. But it wasn’t enough for the lacking personality.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your dorm? You could come back to mine.” She pushed his hand off her waist, shaking her head.
“Thanks, but no thanks. You’re cute and all, but honestly I don’t feel anything for you.” She admitted and he scoffed at her words.
“You’ve not even kissed me, how could you know that?” And before she could say anything else, he kissed her.
It was only brief, her hands pushing him away from her body, a scowl on her face.
“If you think that’s going to get you a girl, rethink your methods, asshole.” She snapped before walking away, hitting Calum’s name.
“Am I worthy of your time now?” Calum’s teasing voice made her let off a little laugh.
“Mind if I come to yours? Date really was not it.” Calum didn’t hesitate. 
“Come on then princess.” And it was almost like coming home when she got to his, and his arms were open in comfort as she hugged him tightly.
He had a beer ready as well as an ear as she bitched about her date and what he’d done. And if she didn’t already have feelings for him before, his reaction practically secured them in place.
“Who was the fucker? I’ll teach him a lesson on how to treat a lady.” He’d launched for her phone but she’d pushed it out of the way, shifting so that she was straddling his lap.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m with my best friend and I’m safe. It was nothing but an unwanted kiss. It could’ve been so much worse but it wasn’t.” What she hadn’t expected was his arms to wrap around her body, pulling her flush against his chest.
“You’re too important and too fuckin’ precious to get hurt like that. At least let me be your standby if another date goes anything like that?” And she couldn’t argue it. 
When she’d finally gotten off his lap and they’d settled for movies, she was certain about her feelings towards him and she knew she needed to take a leap of faith. 
Calum could see that she was tense in the Uber back to her apartment. His fingers threaded through hers and he squeezed it gently.
“This isn’t where you say you’re an axe murderer, right?” The joke was stupid and maybe a bit off key, but she laughed and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.
“Damn, you catch onto my plans so fast.” She teased in return and Calum smiled, leaning towards her. She understood the silent message and their lips met in the middle, a soft, single kiss before parting, his cheeks growing warm.
He could see her relax as the uber pulled up and she thanked the driver before getting out. He followed suit and her place looked nice. 
“It’s nothing fancy, but I only have to worry about neighbours below me.” She explained and he smiled at that. As she guided him to the lift and kept a firm grip on his hand as it went up to the top floor. As they stepped out, to his left were stairs heading back down, and in front of them was a plain white door.
“It’s not much, but this is home for me. I-I don’t usually bring anyone back. Friends or otherwise.” Her voice was quiet. Had there been any noise, he would’ve missed her words. But he heard the and his fingers brushed over her knuckles, bringing them to his lips.
“If this is too much, we can head back to mine. I know that Luke is fine with you staying around.” As much as he wanted to see her place, to see what she lived like in her own comfort, he knew that this was an obviously big step for her. 
She could see the curiosity in his eyes, but his honesty touched her heart and she knew that she could bring him into her space, to allow him to see this side of her. A side that did not see the negative judgements, no harsh words or derogatory comments. 
Her fingers wrapped around the slim key and she pushed it in the lock, twisting it before pushing the door open. Immediately his eyes took in her place. It was mostly open plan, he could see that much. 
They stepped into the open living room that connected to the dining room and kitchen. There was a closed wooden door at the back of the kitchen, and an open door in the dining room, his eyes turning to her curiously and she smiled. 
“As you can see, living room, dining room and kitchen. Through that door is my bedroom,” she pointed to the closed door, “through that one is the bathroom. This is my home.” And he could see how she’d made it her home.
There was an L shaped couch, pushed into the corner, his eyes taking in how it was positioned to see the view of the sunset that was shining through the floor length window. 
It was open and light. It was absolutely her and he could feel his heartbeat a little bit faster as he realised that she’d let him into a space that was so her, so free. 
“This is also where I felt I might as well admit to you how much I actually like you.” She couldn’t meet his eyes but when his fingers tucked under her chin, coaxing her to look up, she didn’t argue it.
“Are we talking like, or like like? Because if we’re sharing those kinds of secrets, then I really like you too.” HIs voice was barely a whisper and she could feel her heartbeat stutter as his eyes held hers.
She couldn’t stop herself as she tilted her head towards his, a small smile on her lips and she leaned forward.
He got the idea and met her lips with his and she was certain that she felt her heart practically soaring. 
They traded a few kisses before she pulled away and pulled him further into her place, showing him how she’d decorated it properly.
“I love it.” He whispered softly, watching as her face lit up and shoulders sagged in obvious relief. And he did. He could see the artwork that decorated her walls, the large windows giving the assumption of more space. His eyes drifted over the pieces before they came to a stop at-
“My piece. You’re the person who bought it?” His eyes trailed over the familiar photograph. It had been one of his favourites to shoot, the cold winter with a blinding sunset. She beamed at him.
“When you told me that you were selling it, I had to snap it up. So I may have been sneaky about it and gotten Luce to step in as a third party because I knew that the second you found out that it was me buying it, you’d have either given it to me for free or dropped the price.” 
“Instead you picked the one person I was jealous of over that party and you knew that-”
“You’d make it a bigger price out of spite. Yeah, I figured you out pretty quick.” She teased him and he drew her closer, his arm circling around her waist as he pressed his lips to her cheek.
“I promise to do no such thing if ever you want to buy my stuff again. However, I will not be held responsible for any gifts you may receive if you like a specific photo of mine.” He teased and she giggled, pressing her hands against his chest, turning her head to meet his lips with hers.
“I might be able to forgive you if they’re presented as rightful gifts. So birthdays, anniversaries and christmas presents.” He beamed before she pulled him over to the sofa, the dying sun making for a beautiful sight, but as the sun hit her face, his eyes were captured and he couldn’t look away, not even for something as beautiful as the sun setting across the clear sky.
“Anniversaries huh?” And she found herself falling quiet before glancing at him and noting the grin on his face.
“I mean, if that isn’t too presumptuous of me?” Her voice was hesitant but he grinned at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Would you rather I did a song and dance to ask you out?” And he laughed at the look of horror that crossed her face.
“God no, I might like you but I think that would genuinely kill me.” They shared a look before laughing.
“Would you at least let me take you on a proper date? But also would you be my girlfriend in the meantime?” And she snorted before kissing him gently.
“I think I can do that.”
As they settled on the couch together, a sitcom playing in the background, she had her legs thrown across his lap, his fingers tracing lines against her jean clad legs.
“So, what’s off limits in the bedroom then?” His words were a tease, and she could see they were harmless by nature, making her scoff and roll her eyes, a crinkled eyed grin appearing on his lips as one hand reached over, pulling her closest hand to his lips and he kissed the back of it as a silent apology.
“Choking I’m okay with, but not to the point where there’d be visible bruises.” She finally spoke after a few minutes of silence and his hand froze on her leg.
“What?” The choked out word made her smirk.
“You heard me, Hood. I love it when my partner takes control. But not all the time. Girl needs an ego boost from time to time.” His eyes studied her face and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he realised that she was being serious.
She then took him by surprise again, shifting herself so that she was straddled across him, her knees resting on the couch as her hands rested on his shoulders, his hand going for her waist. 
“Also, another thing you should know is the threesome myth with bisexual people is bullshit with me. I’m fucking possessive in the bedroom and I don’t want to share you with another guy or girl.” And the breath of air escaped him as she kissed his lips, her hips grinding down on his visible hard on, a whine falling from his lips.
“Good job I’ve only got eyes for you then, princess.” He breathed out and her entire body relaxed at his words, her lips curving up into a smile.
And she knew whatever the world would throw at her, she had a good man by her side. 
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gaarasgoddess · 4 years
Welcome to Suna - Part 6
Welcome to Suna. Where the lights never die and the fun never  stops. Sakura and Ino lie to their parents to spend a wild weekend in a  forbidden city. Will they regret it? Or will they both find something  worth coming for?Main pairing is GaaraxSakura and side  InoxKankuro.[Listening to 1989 album by Taylor Swift.]
Chapter summary: Sakura is too tempting for Gaara. And a picnic has surprise visitors. [this story will be unpredictably erotic from now on: warning]
[Please read previous parts first. part 1 and part 2 and part 3. And part 4. And part 5.]
Gaara woke quickly after Sakura got bored waiting for him. The cold air hit her and she was going to slide under the covers but she really need to use the bathroom. She really needed to pee. He saw her rush into the room and she felt self-conscious in the bathroom, trying not to make much noise. She’d picked up the bathrobe he had slipped off her before they’d ... done that, and finished up quickly before heading back into the bedroom.
He's still naked.
She blushed heavily, watching him cleaning himself of residue from their activities, her eyes unable to not rake over his body. When her eyes met his she froze and then looked away quickly, ashamed of how embarrassed she was.
“You can look,” he said huskily and Sakura nodded, slowly turning her head to look again.
He’s a smug bastard.
His smirk was almost as brash as his nakedness. He finished cleaning himself and walked to her slowly, so clearly turned on by how she now openly perused his body. She saw his dick twitch and felt a similar stirring in her nether region.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you again,” he cupped her face and kissed her lips softly. “I have a promise to keep.”
She was confused and it showed. “Promise?” She licked her lips wishing he would kiss her again.
Gaara obliged and Sakura wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer. His skin felt hot as he attacked her mouth. The gentle nibbling turned into a fight for dominance as they wrestled each other’s tongue, moaning and grinding.
Sakura’s hand slipped down from his waist and ran over his butt brazenly. When he didn’t complain she boldly fingered his muscled six pack before slipping her hand to lightly grasp his dick. He gasped.
“You’re a vixen.” Gaara kissed her fiercely for a few seconds as she pumped him. Then he maneuvered her up against the wall next to his bed. “But two can play at that game.”
He didn’t bother grabbing another condom, slipping his cock between her folds but not inside her. He gripped her hips to stop her from sliding him in and kissed her confusion away, now thrusting but not entering her. Sakura groaned, moving her hips with his as he fucked her thigh gap instead of her pussy.
“God Gaara!”
The friction was burning but she didn’t care. Sakura threw her head back, screaming his name as she came so hard. He chuckled and lavished her neck as he satiated his own desire, then pulled away before he could cum on her. She groaned, struggling to stand upright as Gaara stroked himself. She didn’t know or care why he hadn’t fucked her wholly. She was happy. A smile plastered to her face as he chuckled and grabbed a towel to clean her up.
“Thanks,” she mumbled.
"Come on,” he kissed her forehead.
“What now?”
“Ready to continue that tour I promised you?” He asked, throwing on a pair of jeans and polo shirt. He looked really good whether he was wearing clothes or not.
Not sure what else to do, Sakura nodded.
“I should be able to find something better for you to wear,” he said, then waggled his eyebrows. “Not that I’m complaining about the view.”
She hugged the robe to her body more tightly. Gaara wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. He was so affectionate she still couldn’t believe it was real. This weekend was shaping up to be the best ever. The only problem would be leaving him behind.
Sakura pushed away those morose thoughts. She just wasn’t used to this and needed to keep her heart out of it. She liked boys way too easily when they didn’t give her the time of day, let alone actually wanted her. She was a sucker for a pretty face.
Gaara rummaged through his closet but didn’t find anything. "Hang on, I’ll be back.”
She waited for him by checking her phone, thinking maybe Ino would text or call. It was already ten o’clock and Sakura was surprised she’d slept for so long. She thought of sending Ino a text and decided not to. Then changed her mind thinking it would be best to be safe. But before she’d finished tapping the letters, Gaara returned. She tossed her phone back in her purse, now forgotten as Gaara strode back into the room.
He couldn’t resist feeling her up as she dressed, not a moment of peace as Gaara had decided there was no need for either of them to be shy around each other naked anymore. But he didn’t take it too far since he had other plans for the rest of their morning.
“Let’s go, love.”
Sakura fumbled with her purse and followed Gaara out of the room.
“Are your parents home?”
Gaara nodded and tugged on her hand when this admission made her pause. “They’re working so we won’t be bothered. And we have this entire wing to ourselves. Come on.”
His family estate was larger than she’d thought. They moved through the hallways and into a few of the rooms as Gaara gave her the tour. The gaming room was larger than her whole living room and bedroom back home. She had never played pool before and didn’t play gaming consoles so she just hummed and smiled along with him. He had a jukebox too and admitted he loved this kind of stuff. His television took up most of the wall and the entertainment room could host every teenager in her year back home, easily.
She wondered if he ever had parties here.
A few more rooms later, he was summoning a servant and Sakura flushed at their subtle surprise to her presence. Did this mean Gaara didn’t normally bring girls home like this? It made her feel special.
“We’re heading out to the gardens,” he told the servant. “We’ll need brunch and a picnic blanket. Be sure to pack some honey.”
He ushered the servant away and Sakura was awed and impressed.
“My lady,” he said offering his arm and smirking at her.
“Thank you.” Sakura accepted his arm and allowed him to lead her outside into the bright sun. She giggled.
“Find that funny, huh?”
She just smiled. He took them to a stone path that wound through the gardens in this section of his home. She loved the flowers and bushes and sounds of birds, looking this way and that. Gaara kept her from stopping too long, wanting to get to the designated spot sometime today.
The path opened up to a grassy area with a fountain and Sakura was struck yet again by how rich Gaara’s family was. She could never compete with this.
Stop those thoughts.
She inhaled deeply to calm herself and returned his kisses when Gaara started nipping at her bottom lip, asking for entrance. They stood there, just enjoying each other before a servant arrived with the things Gaara had requested. A picnic basket, a bottle of what looked like a fruity cocktail and two glasses, and a blanket. They set it all up then bowed and left them alone.
“Is that alcohol?”
“Yes but go easy, love.”
Sakura scoffed at him then sat on the blanket as he followed and joined her. “I’m not getting drunk in the middle of the day.”
“Whatever you say.” He leaned over and kissed her softly before turning to open the basket to unload it.
Onigiri rice balls, egg sandwiches, a Karaage Bento, Wanpaku Sandwich and a squeeze bottle of honey; Sakura dug in. But Gaara put the honey aside.
“That’s for later,” he promised.
“So tell me...”
Gaara pressed a finger to her lips and she took the hint, falling silent as they ate. She didn’t realise how hungry she was and didn’t pay attention to anything but the food prepared for them. Gaara poured their drinks and held hers out to her when she was part way finished. She devoured it, rolling her eyes at him when he chuckled.
“You have no idea.”
“Oh I think I do.”
He gave her a hungry look and took the sandwich from her hand without breaking eye contact. He kissed her, hard and painfully, his hand sneaking up to pinch her nipple. She moaned just as her phone vibrated loudly, startling them and causing them to break apart.
Sakura swallowed thickly and dug into her purse to quickly pull it out. It was a text from Ino. She groaned as Gaara pulled bodily away from her.
‘Where R U 4head?‘
She glanced at Gaara, who was now unscrewing the cap on the honey bottle, then typed back 'Busy. wtf you want?’.
‘Bitchy. R U with that redhead?’
‘U okay?’
‘Fine. Will C U later.’
‘Later, tater.’
Sakura shoved the phone back in her bag. “Sorry.”
Gaara just shrugged and shifted to sit next to her. “Lie back.”
She narrowed her eyes for a moment then sighed when he just raised an eyebrow at her and did as he instructed. Gaara ran a hand over her covered breasts, his finger circling where he could feel her nipple.
“May I?”
She nodded knowing what he was about to do.
Gaara undid the buttons on the shirt he’d given her, stopping half-way down her torso, and pushed the fabric aside to expose her breasts to the warm air. He paused for a moment, leant down to suckled at one nipple before slathering the honey along both of her tits, rubbing it into her skin like he was massaging. Sakura moaned, closing her eyes and sighing with contentment.
A moment later she felt his mouth encase her left nipple and she grasped his hair knowing he loved that. He licked his way along her skin, worshipping her as he went, suckling at the honey and moving to hover over her for better access.
After a few minutes, he started on undoing the rest of her buttons, sitting up to do so. Two voices interrupted them at the same time, making GaaSaku freeze.
When they realised what they were interrupted doing, Gaara and Sakura snapped up and she was too stunned to cover up. Gaara hastily moved her shirt to cover her breasts and she blushed, turning away to do up the buttons.
“Kankuro,” Gaara growled.
“Well, well.” Ino whistled. “Looks like we interrupted something.”
“Ino-pig,” Sakura snarled. “Ever heard of decorum?”
“Is it that new sex toy that--”
“Shut up.”
Kankuro laughed as the girls stared at each other. “Well if no-one else is going to say it, I have to: Sakura has a great pair of tits.”
Ino smacked him over the back of his head.
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yandere-society · 5 years
Hello Lovely admins!!! Can I request Yandere Jungkook and Jin reacting to you having a secret sex Snapchat account? Or like one where you send nudes and stuff? Love y’all !!!
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author/admin: kimseokmomjins🥀
a/n: Poor attempt at smut (heavy petting, degradation), possessive behavior, slut shaming
It was the day of the big Overwatch League match: Seoul Dynasty versus Vancouver Titans. Jungkook wanted to catch the first half of the game during his lunch break, so he set up the live stream on his work laptop and kicked back. While most of the stream chat was a constant influx of Korean, there was one message in English that kept popping up: “I’llBeYourBaby: Lonely and wanna talk to a cute egirl? Visit my stream😘✨ You won’t regret it 🍑” Jungkook scoffed at the plea for attention. The spiteful, cruel side of him felt the need to bully I’llBeYourBaby for whoring herself out to strangers. How desperate for money could someone be that they’ll sell their body for perverts on the internet? And what a lonely, miserable life a man must have lived to resort to paying an e-girl for a morsel of attention to be thrown their way. The very notion of internet prostitution, and sex work in general, was disgusting in Jungkook’s mind. But his conservative ways are exactly why he adored you.
You were the perfect girlfriend: responsible, considerate, loyal and sweet. You were committed to your job of tutoring English online, you were quick-witted, funny, and also enjoyed gaming just as much as he did.  In Jungkook’s eyes, you truly were the love of his life, and he was practically ready to drop down on one knee.
Out of pure spite, Jungkook clicked on the username, entering the live stream at the top of the profile. With a twisted sense of justice, Jungkook was ready to spew vitriol at the female streamer to further his agenda, but immediately, it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dumped over him. Jungkook expected the stream to be hosted by some busty, bimbo whose breasts spilled over her tank top while she played like shit in League. He expected some overly-flirtatious, inauthentic wannabe that was trying to make a quick buck from neckbeards. He expected anyone— everyone— except for you.
Unlike the risque, hypersexualized woman he had envisioned before, Jungkook saw that you were dressed somewhat modestly, wearing a simple white turtleneck, blush pink skirt and white knee-high socks. You weren’t flaunting your breasts or purposefully exuding sex appeal. Instead, you looked adorable as you fiddled with your purple galaxy Nintendo DS.
“Welcome, JustinSeagull! Thanks for joining my stream,” you greeted with a smile and wave. Jungkook found himself in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the predicament he’d just found you in. It certainly wasn’t a popular stream, but judging by the measly 16 viewers you were interacting with, Jungkook surmised that you were quite familiar with them.
knjkoya: baby, tell me why you’re so fine
jiiiiiimin: 😍😍😍😍
jiiiiiimin: step on me pls
Giggling, you addressed your viewers comments. “I would step on you, but Animal Crossing is so fuuuun,” you whined with a tiny, playful pout. “How was everyone’s day? Let me know below in the chat.”
HopeWrld: Thought about you all day 💚
CallMeJin: My day was fine, thanks for asking sweetheart. Are you enjoying animal crossing?
taetaebae: damn is it me or iss she acting mroe innocent than usual ??
You looked up from your DS to read the comments, giggling when you read the most recent ones. “Yes, I am enjoying myself, CallMeJin! Tom Nook is a huge jerk though, the interest rate on his loans are kind of bullshit,” you joked as you returned your attention to your device, uncrossing your legs slightly which gave your viewers a teasing glimpse of your underwear. Ones that Jungkook had gifted you for your 100 day anniversary.
As more comments rolled in, the filthier they became:
CallMeJin: Glad you’re having fun babygirl :)
knjkoya: i make 150k a year, i can pay off your loans any day if u just sit on my lap
D-Boy: im so fucking hard rn wtf
Jungkook was in awe at the pure filth these degenerates were spilling. But most of all, he was upset at you— how could you demean yourself like this? How could you betray him? Jungkook pushed his sleeves up, ready to type a long-winded message defending your honor, a notification popped up on screen along with a gif of a cat pawing at the screen. Someone named HopeWrld had donated $100 to your stream.
“Oh! HopeWrld, thank you so much for the donation,” you chirped, “Since you helped me reach my goal, I’ll let you ask me one question, anything is fair game.” You winked at the camera, blowing a kissy face. Little by little, Jungkook’s perception of you was beginning to shatter, splintering into a thousand fragments. He thought back to all the times when you’d complain about receiving unsolicited dick pics, or reaffirm your idea that ‘men only think with their dicks.’ It was apparent Jungkook knew only of the side you wanted to show him, leaving him oblivious to the secrets you withheld from him— your very own boyfriend.
Despite the churning of his stomach, Jungkook remained firmly planted in his seat, unmoving, waiting to see how else you could disappoint him.
HopeWrld: Are you single?
Jungkook’s eyes burned holes into the computer monitor, anticipating your response. Since you were clearly lying to him, he assumed you’d do the same for your viewers. Perhaps you’d neglect to tell these scumbags that you had a boyfriend— one you’d been with for over two years, someone you shared a home with, no less. Jungkook’s tongue peeked out and wet his lips, the chapped skin craving any sort of moisture.
You sighed, folding the Nintendo DS in half and focusing your full attention at the camera. “Ah, interesting question.” Tucking your hands in your lap, you tilted your head slightly to the left, looking demure and shy. “I do have a boyfriend,” you admitted. Jungkook always found your mannerisms endearing, and even now, in the midst of his anger, he felt his heart beat erratically due to your telltale signs of nervousness: the twitch of your left eyebrow, the biting of your lip, the fiddling of your fingers.
“He doesn’t know I do this, though,” you quickly added. “It’s kind of my dirty little secret.”
D-Boy: Dirty little secret for a dirty little girl
taetaebae: i fuckin called it
taetaebae: @CallMeJin u still gonna act like a tryhard ?? lmao
knjkoya: i’ll give you $500 to break up with him, no kappa
Disregarding the comments, you continued to gush about Jungkook, although you didn’t explicitly mention his name. “But anyway, I’ve been with him for a few years now, and I love him so much. It would kill him if he ever found out about this.”
‘I love him so much’. Bullshit.
Jeon Jungkook knew everyone loved him, how could they not? Despite people likening him to James Dean or Adonis, Jungkook didn’t care much for his looks. He only cared about whether you found him attractive. The same could be said about any of his traits: his personality, his sense of humor, even the way he slept at night. The only love Jungkook cared about was yours. Your affection, your acceptance, your undivided attention.
Unlike him, though, you apparently craved the affections of other men— strangers from the internet who didn’t care about your generous soul and fragile heart. They only wanted to fuck you, discard you like trash until they found another shiny new toy.
Jungkook slammed his laptop shut, his mind clouded by fury, but still cognizant enough to formulate a plan. It was risky, but in the end it would ensure that you never consider straying from him again.
Your fingers deftly thumbed the buttons of the gaming device, controlling your Animal Crossing character as they collected seashells from the shore. Every now and then, you’d giggle, wink at the camera, read a comment or two, and then return to your game. It was easy money, and it also boosted your ego a bit. Jungkook, although being an attentive, caring boyfriend, whilst being a more than a generous lover, could be a bit suffocating at times. He dictated what you wore— more often than not, suggesting you wear couple outfits— carefully monitored your social media and even conducted background checks on all of your male family members.
Although it was twisted, you couldn’t help but feel validated at the small bits of attention you got through streaming. It was what kept you practically sane in your relationship with Jungkook, what ensured that you never snapped back at your boyfriend when he urged you to wear something less revealing, or when he scolded you for “flirting” with the older blind gentleman that lived in your apartment complex.
Humming contentedly, you delivered a package to a citizen named Purrl, only glancing up at your computer monitor to briefly acknowledge the chat, when you spotted Jungkook glaring at you from the doorway. Startling slightly, you hit Control + Tab and switched to Youtube, trying to look inconspicuous.
“H-Hi baby,” you greeted, smiled forced, yet still somewhat genuine. “You’re home early, I didn’t hear you arrive.” Jungkook clicked his tongue and pushed off the doorframe, stride confident and eyes set to kill. He responded vaguely, “Got out early.”
Jungkook approached you, his dominating presence settling over the back your white gaming chair. He feigned interest at your game at hand, “Well, what do we have here?” You glanced over your shoulder at your boyfriend, doing your best to keep your cool. “Ah, yeah, I’m playing Animal Crossing! Isn’t my character adorable?” You nudged the DS towards Jungkook who smiled politely— he knew that you knew that wasn’t what he was talking about, but Jungkook was certain that he could play the better liar.
He accepted the DS from your hands and inspected your character, before handing the electronic device back. “She looks just like you, Y/N. It’s cute.” You blushed, not because of his praise, but due to the embarrassment. Your livestream was still ongoing, meaning your viewers were seeing this entire awkward situation unfold, and you hoped to God that Jungkook didn’t notice the tiny green dot on your webcam. If he did, Jungkook would undeniably find a way to take away the only form of freedom you had to interact with the opposite sex.
“You know,” he mused, coiling a strand of hair around his index finger, “I also think it’s cute how you actually believe you can lie to me.” Your heart skipped a beat, and your breath hitched slightly as you tried to remain calm. You kept your concentration solely on Animal Crossing, trying to avoid your boyfriend’s scrutiny.  Jungkook leaned in closer until his face was level with yours. Peeking at him out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his focus was not on you, but rather on your computer monitor, right hand already poised on the mouse. The cursor dragged over to the leftmost tab and you sucked in a breath, an intense sense of impending doom coiling in your gut.
The screen changed to show a mirror image of yourself, alongside Jungkook, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips. Your secret had been exposed— and you knew it was only a matter of time, as keeping secret from Jungkook was a difficult task— but you hadn’t imagined it to happen this way. To be exposed on stream, by none other than your boyfriend.
You expected his fury, his disappointment— any sort of reaction, really— instead, feeling the tantric slither of his hand as it crept up your sternum.
“If you want to attention so badly, all you had to do was ask, babe,” Jungkook murmured into the shell of your ear, his body gracefully sliding itself under your thighs and repositioning you onto his lap. Tantalizingly slow, Jungkook’s fingers worked their way up the expanse of your chest until they nestled themselves over your breasts, his hands palming the clothed surface.
Although he was gentle, there was an underlying roughness to his touch. His fingers pinched the flesh of your breasts until it hurt, but would release a second later, only to alleviate the discomfort with soothing massages. Jungkook’s mouth rhythmically suckled pink bruises into the crook of your neck, eliciting a soft whimper. He smirked, satisfied that he was able to rile you up so easily. He lazily dragged his tongue up the column of your throat until his mouth rested right under your ear, leaving a sloppy trail of saliva in its wake.
His left hand relinquished control of one breast and acquainted itself with your inner thigh, his thumb toying with the elastic with featherlight touches. “You’re such a stupid little slut,” Jungkook purred, teeth nipping at your earlobe. “But at least you’re my little slut.” During all your moments of intimacy, Jungkook had never once bestowed upon you such a degrading name, as his kinks were more aligned towards praise rather than humiliation. But you surmised that his spiteful words were simply misplaced frustration.
How long had it been? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? It was impossible to tell, as you found yourself lost in the sensual motions, completely forgetting that, although you were in private, your stream was still live. You were only pulled out of your lust-induced haze when you heard the chime of your donation notification, reminding you that you had a small audience of onlookers. “Jungkook, the- the stream… I need to end the broadcast,” you weakly protested, trying to wriggle out from his grasp. Your boyfriend kept you firmly molded to him, his growing need nestled between the folds of your skirt.
“Let them watch,” Jungkook stated, brazenly making eye contact with the camera. “Since you clearly don’t mind the attention, why don’t we give them a run for their money?”
Your eyes widened, finding Jungkook’s shamelessness slightly erotic, but nevertheless feeling absolutely mortified at your compromising position. Comments were rolling in steadily, causing your heart to clench in self-loathing.
taetaebae: wtf wtf wtf
taetaebae: this shit is fuckin wilfd lmfao 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
D-Boy: what a hoe
HopeWrld: what is even happening
D-Boy: at least shes hot tho
“Kookie, baby please,” you pleaded, grabbing onto the one arm that fondled your breast, feeling the sinew of his muscles ripple under your fingertips. “I’m guh-gonna get banned if you k-keep- keep doing this.” Jungkook ignored your weak-willed objections and continued to torment you by sliding his finger into your slick heat. A moan was coaxed from your throat, the shiver from his sudden entrance causing you to lean into further into Jungkook’s chest.
knjkoya: Lucky bastard
CallMeJin: After all the money I’ve sent you?? At the very least, you could have just pretended to be a good girl, I’llBeYourBaby. Unsubscribing. Pokimane is hotter anyway.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the visual in front of you: Jungkook’s right hand splayed across your chest, while his left hand sinful touches under the ruffles of your skirt— which was, thankfully, hidden low enough to not be captured on the stream— whilst his mouth worked in tandem, leaving your neck littered in splotches of pink, red and lilac. You looked like a mess, but felt completely invigorated.
But still, despite your body being pulled into euphoria, your mind was plagued with negative thoughts. These viewers, your followers, were one of the last few sources of entertainment left, and if the broadcast was reported then your IP would be banned permanently, which meant no more streaming, no more fun, no more freedom.
Pulling away from Jungkook’s lips, you attempted to stand your ground, craning your neck to face him. “Jungkook, please don’t do this while I’m live. Let me sign out and I’ll take care of you.” Your boyfriend’s eyes settled on your bite-swollen lips and the way your heavy-lidded eyes betrayed your protests to stop. He should get what he wants while respecting your autonomy, but the selfish, vile side within him screamed to punish, punish, punish.
Jungkook gently brought his lips to yours, giving you a tender, chaste kiss, lulling you into a false sense of security. You smiled shyly, a tinge of pink dusting your cheeks and Jungkook returned the gesture with one of his toothy grins. Ever so carefully, Jungkook raised his hips and pulled out something hard, firm, from his rear pocket— a thick bundle of crisp, $100 bills, totaling close to three grand.  
As soon as your guard had been let down, he shoved the stack into your mouth, effectively gagging you. His other hand clamped down on your wrists, preventing them from reaching the mouse or keyboard. “You want these loser scumbags to pay you while you act like their cute, sweet gamer girlfriend? How about cold, hard cash? Will that keep you satisfied, princess?”
Jungkook eyed the chatroom, his attention catching on a particular message that, if it could even be possible, made dick harden even more.
jiiiiiimin: you should just let us watch you fuck her
With a scoff and cocky grin, Jungkook tilted his head mockingly. “Like hell I will. Go get your dicks hard to someone who’s not taken.” And with that, Jungkook pushed off the chair, pinning you into the desk on your stomach, whilst his other hand palmed the flesh of your bottom, a telltale sign that a rather lengthy spanking would be coming your way. The sheer force of your readjustment onto the desk had sent the computer monitor and webcam tumbling off the desk, landing in a shattered mess on the floor, pieces of plexiglass and plastic littered everywhere.
You made a mental note: be sure to buy a new monitor after Jungkook’s punishment, and make sure the next one is shatter-proof.
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spideesenses · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit → Peter Parker
pairing: fratboy!peter x reader
warnings: swearing. use of alcohol. fluff!
prompt: he was desired by many but wanted you.
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The probability that you’d be at a college party on a Friday night over studying? It wasn’t likely. Now, the same situation with a very persuasive friend? Consider it done because here you were, fishing through crowds of fratboys and sorority girls to find her, the one you came with. You were annoyed to the fullest because your only condition to Bella was that she wouldn’t leave your side. And she lied. Now you knew not to trust her. Actually, you been knowing that. So this was on you.
You tried not to step on any toes, muttering apologies as your attempts failed. Not that they minded, they were too fucked up to notice.
“Bella!” you shouted, gently grabbing her arm before she could escape from your vision. She wasn’t hard to miss anyway, she had bright orange hair.
“Oh hey Y/N! Did you want a drink?” she handed you her red solo cup. “It’s just jungle juice, taste it!” while you were weary, you were also relieved that you had found her. You took a sip of the drink, blinking a few times in surprise.
“This has alcohol in it?” you were shocked. All you could taste was juice. You noticed the limes and strawberries floating around. Bella nodded her head.
“I know right? Gage makes such great drinks. Come on, I’ll introduce you.” Bella tugged at your hand, pulling you through the dancing bodies. You wondered how the house wasn’t foggy from the body heat, maybe the AC was on?
Bella moved quickly, swiveling in between bodies and dodging dance moves. You however weren’t so lucky and ran into a wall, Bella’s drink splashing all over your stomach.
“I’m so sorry,” okay, maybe not a wall.
“No, it’s cool.” you rose on your tiptoes to relocate Bella who’d clearly not noticed losing you.
“Here, I can show you the bathroom. If you wait too long, it’ll stain.” the voice muttered again. Your eyes quickly flickered to him. You could barely make out his facial features. It was a black light party for fucksake.
“U-uh, sure?” you cursed yourself for being so willing. He gestured for you to follow him, moving slowly through the thick crowd. It was easy to navigate behind him, his curly brown hair standing out.
You shut the door behind you, the mysterious man waiting right outside the door. Running straight to the sink, you turned on the faucet and let it run before pulling off your shirt. You tried dabbing the material, hoping for the stain to move out of your shirt. You cursed under your breath, no progress.
“Jesus,” a voice called as the door shut. Your eyes widened, you hadn’t even heard the door open. You were met with the boy from outside- er, who was now in the bathroom. His reaction seemed to match yours as he quickly turned around to face the corner. “Fuck, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you had your shirt off, the hallway just got a little crowded.” his cheeks heated up in embarrassment.
“N-no, it’s okay!” you stammered, still quite shocked. “I actually uh, made the mistake wearing a white shirt. It’s stained.” you couldn’t help but nervously laugh.
“I, can lend you my flannel? It’s the least I could do, it’s my fault your shirt is stained.” the brunette offered.
“You don’t have to do that, I ran into you.” but he was already sliding off his blue flannel, holding it out behind him, not wanting to disturb your privacy. You stood behind him, pulling the material from his hands as you pulled your arms through. You buttoned up the middle buttons and tied the strands at the bottom, so it’d at least be intact, leaving your chest exposed to avoid swoob. “Thank you.” you said softly, scaring the boy. He hadn’t realized you were this close.
“I’m Peter.” he told you, peaking over his shoulder, seeing you were finally situated.
“Y/N, sorry again, for all of this.” you stammered.
“No, you have nothing to be sorry for. And, I know who you are. We have American Literature together.” Peter was just as flustered as you were. The way you’d styled his flannel made him sweat. You definitely had worn it better. The top of your chest was slightly exposed. You looked stunning.
“Oh shit, we do?” you blinked a couple times, leaning in as you recognized his face. “Oh shit, we do! Well, uh, it’s nice to finally meet you.” you flushed.
“Do you uh, wanna get a drink with me?” he couldn’t deny how yummy you looked. He didn’t even try to hide it, he was gnawing on his bottom lip right in front of you. You couldn’t help but bat your lashes innocently as you nodded your head, pushing your way out of the bathroom. And Peter followed you like a lost puppy.
You didn’t go home with him that night. He was the youngest in his fraternity, and that made him weary of other people’s intentions. He was untouchable. That was what he was known for. It’s what made him lusted over. Unlike his brothers in Alpha Kappa Psi, he was more reserved. That didn’t mean he hated partying, oh no, he loved to party. His intentions with women and men were different from his brothers.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go out tonight?” Bella frowned as she’d seen you pick up your laptop for the fourth time that night.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I have to write an essay, it’s due this on Tuesday and I haven’t even started the rough draft.” that was half a lie. You started a small portion of the first draft, but you were still way behind. And your essay was due the following weekend.
“You’re such a buzzkill,” Bella commented, letting you roll your eyes. “Don’t wait up, okay?” you nodded your head in response. You could hear the door moving to shut. “Oh hey-“
“This is where I can find Y/N, right?” the soft voice murmured. You perked up a bit, eyes not leaving your screen as you typed.
“Y-yeah,” Bella was shocked for words, jutting her thumb back, letting the man push through your room.
“Hey,” Peter’s voice made your eyes flicker up. He sported a black v-neck and a pair of blue and yellow sweats, repping his fraternity while silver chain hung around his neck. He looked gorgeous, not to mention, he didn’t do much with his hair; instead of it being nicely slicked back, his curls were tousled around.
“Peter, what are you doing here?” you sat up as he pushed your door shut. You happened to look just as beautiful. You wore a lavender bralette, outlined with lace, a pair of yoga pants and Peter’s flannel. You had it completely unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up. He didn’t make checking you out discreet at all.
“Your sorority sisters let me in the house and said your room was up here,” Peter said sheepishly with a blush. “I wanted to see if you were okay. I didn’t see you in American Lit today.”
“Yeah, I emailed Rostershire about today and he said he had everyone work on their essays. I asked him if I could work on it in my room because it was my only class and I’m super behind.” you rambled, standing up as you set your laptop aside. “You were worried?”
“Y-yeah, of course. I walked you to your place one night, and then I don’t see you the next day?” the brunette was flustered, thinking you were demanding an explanation. But you were just thinking out loud. His whole face flushed when you gazed at him with a small smile. He was different when he was sober, more shy and introverted.
“Shame you didn’t have my number to text me to see if I was okay,” you playfully flirted.
“Well, it’s not completely a shame. I got to see you, didn’t I?” and maybe his game wasn’t too shabby either. He was oblivious that he was flirting; believe it or not, he was pretty suave.
The next day, Peter showed up at the front of your porch, waiting for you. He wanted to walk you to class. It surprised you to say the least, you weren’t expecting him to be this... interested in you.
Winter rolled around and he still followed you around. And he didn’t make bold advances either. They were simple and small, they made you so warm that you could melt the snow. Like one morning, you were shivering your ass off as you walked through the snow. Yeah, you were bundled up for the weather, but you’d always been sensitive to the cold. Peter tugged the beanie off his head and pulled it over yours, making sure to cover your ears. The gesture alone had melted the icicles forming over your cheeks. It wasn’t long before you started returning them. Grabbing his hands and stuffing them in the pockets of your hoodie, your smaller, warmer hands gripping onto his colder ones. It was about halfway through December and winter break was just around the corner, everyone at school knew you and Peter were a thing. His frat brothers would give him shif about being tied down too early, having not experienced life. Peter was just fine by your side though, he didn’t have eyes for anyone else, he was too enamored with you and learning about you to be bothered with someone else.
“So, my brothers are throwing a party on Friday. I was wondering if you wanted to go as my date.” Peter was a bit hesitant to ask you. He knew parties weren’t exactly your thing. He had to go to parties without you (you insisted), and while he had a good time, he missed the feeling of your skin.
“Okay.” you said without blinking. Peter waited for a ‘but’, yet it never came.
“Wait really?”
“Yeah, I finished my last final today. I think I can handle some fun.”
“YEAHHH!” a scream blew through your ears as a boy from another frat had passed you, running around with his shirt off.
The second you stepped in, Peter’s eyes were stuck on you. He wasn’t the only one. You wore a pearl blue bodycon dress; you looked classy, yet ready to party. Suddenly, Peter’s frat brothers understood why he was only interested in you.
“Hi baby,” you had stumbled on the last few steps to Peter. You already smelled like alcohol, you must’ve pregamed with Bella. You were also overly affectionate (with words and touches), not that he complained.
“Hi Y/N, you look stunning,” he tucked your hair behind your ear. Peter really got a good look at you. The thick diamond choker lined your neck perfectly, it sparkled at every angle, if you didn’t have everyone’s attention when you walked in, you were sure to now. Your hair was pulled up into a ponytail, not wanting it to be a bother when you went dancing.
“Me? Have you seen yourself? Baby, you’re looking fine.” there it was again. The little petname that sent him over the roof. He wasn’t sure if he’d missed something or it was because you were drunk, he liked hearing it anyway. He sported a black button up with tiny white dots scattered everywhere. He left the top button undone, mostly for you. The silver chain didn’t go missing with this look, as well as an apple watch, rich boy things. He wore black jeans to match. He stuck by you the entire time. Even though it was you following him around, he let you hold his hand or grab his bicep.
Peter actually handled liquor pretty well. There wasn’t ever a moment in which you questioned if he was sober. You, on the other hand, were making up for the time lost spending time studying and aceing every single final thrown your direction. You weren’t shitfaced, thank god not yet, but you were not sober; you were at the sweet spot of drunkenness, where you were so comfortably drunk, you wouldn’t even have a hangover. So you stopped the drinks from there.
“Peter,” you frowned, leaning against his arm as you two took the loveseat. He immediately stopped conversing with friends to give you his attention.
“Angel,” he said back.
“C-can I hold your hand? Mine feel lonely.” you made grabby hands for extra effect. Peter couldn’t help but grin at your cheesiness, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers together. He kissed your knuckles, noting how soft your hands were compared to his.
Peter held your hand the entire night, when introducing you to his friends, when grabbing you a water. If he let go, it was only for a brief second. You were just as needy for affection as he was and he was down for it.
“Peter?” you called out again. Once again, he finished his sentence and glanced at you. You were worried that you were interrupting his conversation, so instead of using words, you hugged him, stuffing your arms under his. He could feel the contrast between his warm arms and your slightly colder ones. He could hear you hum in satisfaction. He held you with one arm wrapped around your waist and the other holding his rum and coke. He let you tangle your fingers with his jewelry.
Peter was the forbidden fruit, everyone knew that at this point. He didn’t like hooking up and was even hesitant about making friends, it’s what made him the most lusted for man on campus. He wasn’t oblivious to that fact, it made him more timid and aware of everyone’s intentions. For the first time in months, a girl had approached him. Months because everyone knew who you were to him, even if it wasn’t official, you were his girl and that was that. You recognized her. She was in your communications class, her name was Bianca. You weren’t sure if she was blind or just bold. She openly flirted with Peter, anyone who couldn’t hear the conversation could tell. The hair twirl, the smile and giggle, all of it. Right in front of you as you were curled up in his chest. Bold, she was. Peter was polite though, not giving into the flirting and not being rude. You were waiting for the moment she realized you were there. Or maybe she knew, she was just being ignorant. You were itching to make your presence known.
“Well, I’m actually here on a scholarship. I happen to be really good at basketball.” Peter explained.
“Oh yeah, I know, I’ve come to games to see you play. Are you teaching any classes or anything? On basketball, I mean, I’d really love to get into it.” Bianca shamelessly flirted. Peter didn’t know how to respond. You were annoyed, but he was in complete shock that she’d flirt with him in front of you. Was this how girls were?
“W-well, I-“ you gripped his jaw with one hand, your other hand tightly gripping his shirt as you tugged his jaw in for a kiss. It was spellbinding, tasting the plump lips he’d been daydreaming about for almost an eternity. He’d watched you speak with your hands for months now, but his attention were always on your mouth. Your lips were perfect in comparison to his thinner ones. Peter’s hand caressed your side, pulling you close to him. There was no one else but you.
When you pulled away, his eyes were still shut, his mouth slightly ajar as he slowed his breathing. When he opened his eyes, you couldn’t help but beam at him. Those were the brown eyes you were head over heels for. Bianca was long gone at this point. She was embarrassed and scurried away.
“Let me guess, your lips were cold?” Peter slyly grinned as he snickered at your scrunched up face. You could only shake your head and giggle, nuzzling your face in his neck.
“No, you just looked cute.”
“Baby, I am just your reflection.”
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Sorry - Our muses having sex after an argument (crxckedxce)
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((Readmore for the comfort of peeps dashes.)) @crxckedxce
“Where the hell were you?!” 
Sho didn’t even see it coming and nearly dropped the small bag clutched in his hands as he entered the shared room. He adored sharing his space, his life…his everything with the blonde he’d come to love…but right at this second, he felt like he was being put in trial. He didn’t even know why, only that the moment he entered…there was a stagnant heat in the air. Like a muggy cloud of anger rolled in to suffocate his mood.
“I was out, Gorgeous. Was I gone too long?”
“You didn’t text me back. You were gone for half ta day and you didn’t text me back?!”
Sho had stepped in to set the small bag from the market on the desk they shared. One hand fished down into his pocket for his phone. He didn’t have any missed messages and he’d replied to Katsuki’s last…oh…oh crap, he didn’t hit send.
[Text: Bo0Ma$$Btch: 4:36pm] - Where r u? u ok? chek in? (Read 4:40pm)UNSENT [Text: 1cedheat: 4:51pm] - market. omwh soon. ilu.
A pang of panic shot down his spine, no wonder the other was upset. Not only had he not come home till after dark but his boyfriend had waited close to twenty minutes for an unsent reply. He looked up from the small screen to see a face filled with rage and worry. Crimson eyes wide and caught between narrowing anger and tears. Shoto’s gut twisted, he didn’t mean for this.
He could only offer his phone out with arm outstretched to show his efforts. “I typed back, I just forgot to hit send.”
“Please don’t scream, Gorgeous, it was an honest mistake.” He knew why this was pressing on Bakugo’s emotions and nerves. Recent events for them had been harsh and trying. It felt like the world of villainy had done so much to pull the half and half petty villain from his hero. Izzy, nomu, the league: all working to make his choice of happiness with this other man a painful one in ways he couldn’t control. It’d only made the two tighter as a unit. 
Shoulders slacked with a thought, this was their first real fight. Over a text message at that, how…trivial to the point of cute. He pulled his phone back close and tapped a few times. Send.
[Text: 1cedheat: 7:23pm] - I love you.
The blonde nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden beep from his own phone. He’d been wrapped up in his emotions to really pay much attention to anything else. The fear something had happened, the now boiling rage as Sho had the gall to act like this…this was nothing! It was EVERYTHING! No, he was not overreacting, YOU’RE OVERREACTING. He snatched the phone from the bedside table and glared at the little message.
“It’s true.”
“What do I have to do at times like…that? Call over and over?”
“I would pick up instantly, Gorgeous.”
The phone then beeped over and over a few more times. The changing villain spamming small little hearts and kissy emotes all over Bakugo’s messenger app. He knew the other was trying to get into his good graces again. Worst part was, it was working and he tossed away the phone to the bed to stop Sho’s relentless spamming of different meaningless emotes now. Most of them being candy and food relating most likely to what laid in the small bag on the table.
“You done?”
“Are you?”
“Done what?” 
“Being mad at me for being a dumbass.”
“…I guess.” Another phone joined the other on the bed, tossed from different hands. Those hands soon came to smooth over his hot sides and skate long fingers down to shirt hem. The cool hand wormed under first and kited around and up the blonde’s back. Using a clever trick to cause a rage-filled body to press against a calmer form. Cold fingers tickling lower back and tail bone and cause unhappy wiggles.
“Jack ass!”
Normal empty complaining filled the air and lips soon hushed it, coming together to ease tension and compiled worry. Everything was alright. Both hands came to worm and roam as lips worked with another pair to fight with some passion. The struggle to remain upset at the stupid actions of his boyfriend fading with each swipe of tongue against his own. Growing weaker with each press of cold and hot to different areas of his back and chest. 
Where Shoto lacked in tack for the common courtesy with small but important relationship details, he well made up for in his silent messages about Katsuki’s affections and love for him. The blonde was his hero, a true one…brought him into a better life.
“Bed, Gorgeous?” He didn’t wait for a reply as he lifted the shorter man bridal style in his arms to bring to their safe place. They always met here…for everything, and it felt like the central hub of their relationship. Setting the other down, phones were moved and clothes found new homes scattered and forgotten. No reason to stall with teasing touches and needy foreplay of peeling them off, they took time to stip everything to bare skin.
Split vision narrowed and a smile eased over lips at the sight to behold along soft sheets. There was a reason Shoto chose the nickname, Gorgeous…nothing else in his life compared to the body of toned raw power and milky soft pale skin…arms made for combat but so often used for nightly comfort, thighs and legs parted just to give him his earned spot between them…also filled to the brim with raw strength…all of it topped in warm gold hair at the head. A body paired with a face framed in sharp angles with cutting crimson orbs looking right up at him in half-lidded expectation.
“Gorgeous.” Perfect. If he could show this sight to anyone else and they disagreed, he knew they had to be crazy. There was a small roll of the body in front of him. The blonde found the staring and nickname drop a little much and brought arms to hide a growing pink hue. 
Sho’s eyes looked like they wanted to drink him in like a thirsty man in the dry sands of a desert. As cute as the motion was, Sho didn’t tease…dipping his head to rising and falling chest to press soft kisses. He peppered lips along a moving trail and down, finding his path north road blocked by shaking forearms. The issue of arousal was an easy one to solve. Sho himself had felt the prang of want from the first hints of the fight, somehow he’d found the blonde’s concern for his condition only heightening his lust and need for hot affections.
His warm left ghosted over shaking thighs, his ministrations easing his explosive lover’s shy ticks. Bakugo didn’t need much prompting himself to come to complete attention. Smooth and warm to cool touches lulling both bodies into a rhythm of building want, lust soon kicking into overdrive. Arms from the blonde shooting down to wrap around the other’s neck and yanking him close. Lips were crushed together and a new fight of passion and lust started, the full intent to steal each other’s breath away.
Sho started to rock when nails pricked into his back. Pain was a good trigger to tell him the time was right, Katsuki was ready for him to pick up the pace. Lips pulled apart to pant and fight again only seconds later, meaning to swallow each other equally with the need for closeness growing in heat to the point of boiling between one another. The taller man’s body rutting down and against a willing body below. Thrusting over and over to shove hot sweat-damp skin against his own. The smell of burnt sugar came off his lover in waves, sweet and intoxicating.
Nails raked down and back up to leave red raised lines along with tense curling back. Katsuki yanked free of the kiss, head lulling back to rapidly take in lost air before starting to moan. The friction between them fogging his mind and pooling hot feelings into his belly. Teeth grazed his neck with hot breath causing his back to arch. Hands took the opening between him and the bed and looped behind to hold him there…body raised and flush with the tongue and mouth now moving to assault his heavily marked neck.
Sho remarked what was his, smoothing mouth and tongue was fading bruises and bites. He parted teeth and bit in, the body in his grip writhed. Hips rolling down against him while back bent and flexed against his hands.
“Sho…Sho…Sho…please, Gods..please please…Fuck…fuck fuck fuck…haa, get me ready, get me opened up for you.”
With reluctance, hands peeled away. The breathless begging and pleading brought him back a bit. This was a different man then the one screaming in his face just earlier. He moved away long enough for the few tools he needed to give the blonde just what he ached for.
A bottle popped open for contents to be poured over warm fingers. Spread and heated, they draw close and pressed between spread thighs. Entrance still tight, clear fluid was spread and smeared. Bakugo’s hips pressed down to help or rush…the second was more likely. It caused a small hiccup and gasp as one digit popped in to curl against inner walls.
“Breath. You’re rushing me. I wanna give it to you, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Fuck you, hurt me. Hurt me!”
Split vision rolled once with the hooking of one lone digit to poke against a magic button inside the violent man. It caused a known reaction, shoulders hunching with a thrown back head to moan out loudly. Volume at the point wasn’t something Katsuki could control, that button pushed to tell his body to let that go…use all his breath to voice his pleasure.
He was allowed to moan and roll into the probing hand. Digit after digit was added, slow and steady to spread inner walls safely. Sho soon couldn’t take it anymore. His own need throbbed to be touched at the sight of the body under him worked to fit him. 
“I’m putting it in.”
“Put it in…put it in…”
Fingers slid free. The second tool of the night was torn from it’s foil wrapper, rolled down his length and lubed. Hips were steadied with one hand while the other lined everything up. Once he started to push in, there wasn’t any way to back out. Katsuki’s body starting to pull him in till there was nothing left to give. Bakugo’s head rolled back as he screamed out his enjoyment of feeling slowly filled with everything Sho had. 
Sho was seated to the hilt when he paused to take it all in, eyes cast down. His chest was tight, back stiff, and eyes wide at his own work. Buried deep into the hottest temperature he could enjoy. The blonde’s legs and thighs spread wide to give him the best place in the world. His body shuddered feeling the tight pull around him. 
“Shoto…please. I feel full, please move.”
“Anything for you, Katsuki.” He meant it. Looming in to start a strong pace. He had the tight body around him bouncing soon with his force, knowing well Bakugo could take it.
The screaming out started in earnest now, bellowing out of strong lungs to fill the room and the hall outside. The area no longer safe for anyone with decent hearing. Screaming moans said everything they needed to. Don’t stop for anything short of death. 
Hips wriggled in Sho’s lap, meaning to help the looming man find that spot hit with fingertips not long ago. Bakugo rolled from his back to his side, letting one leg be lifted to ease the search. Pressing back like a metal press once it was touched.
Found, it was hammered into by a man nearly gone insane with lust. Sho was ready to let go…he needed no permission. Boiling heat pooled, edging him closer and closer. He rocked and thrust like a well-oiled machine, growling like an animal given time to hunt after caged too long. The screaming bellows in his ears pushing him to the end.
“You gonna cum, Gorgeous? You better be ready, fuck you better be ready.” 
“I’m close…close! Fuuuu!
Flags that the blonde was being truthful started to show, smoldering palm looking to safe places to grip, moaning screams growing more high pitched and desperate, and body starting to tighten in short waves. Hands slammed down to the bedding with a snarl as hips drove home harder, Sho put his back into it to the point he was shoving the bed into the wall hard enough to nearly dent the wall. Eyes narrowed and head lulled down to bark an order, “CUM, NOW!”
“Haa…Haaa. AHHHH!!”
Katsuki’s body obeyed, locking up as smoldering hot palms smoked into something unsafe…burning deep black marks into the bedspread. Back arched nearly to breaking point and lungs emptied with the sound of his release. His own length untouched the whole time shot up his chest till spent…
Sho howled, head still down and meeting the blonde’s hips one more time with the locked up tightness that came. His own end happening inside and trapped into silicone. He rode his finish out with the blonde…waiting long moments till Katsuki’s body started to slack. Panting heavily, he pulled his head up to mutter a few soft words of praise, “Anything for you…I give you my everything always.”
“…Please don’t stop.”
“…You’re going to have to give me a moment, Gorgeous.”
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haughtbreaker · 7 years
Thank you so much for the reviews and comments y’all have been leaving. @jaybear1701 and I appreciate all of them. The posting schedule is going to have to be pushed back starting next chapter. Updates will be made on Mondays now to let y’all process episodes over the weekend. :)
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“I was in your arms thinking I belonged there, I figured it made sense, building me a fence, Building me a home, thinking I'd be strong there, But I was a fool, playing by the rules The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice, And someone way down here loses someone dear The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall, It's simple and it's plain, why should I complain.”
    Nicole shook her head as the yellow convertible full of young, boisterous women went screaming down the road, their music turned up so loud that the bass rattled her bones even from a distance. Some things never change, Nicole thought. She couldn’t remember how many times she had stopped a car filled with bored Purgatory teens looking for a little excitement and inevitably finding trouble.
  Nicole had half a mind to call dispatch and have them tell whoever was on highway patrol to keep an eye out for the convertible. She doubted the number had changed in the past two decades. But she didn’t. That wasn’t her job anymore. She had left the cop back in Purgatory all those years ago and in its place stood a criminal defense attorney who hoped the young women didn’t end up with a reckless driving charge or worse.
  The sound of squealing tires pulled Nicole’s attention away from the disappearing blur. She turned and saw a red SUV peel out of its spot down the street. She thought she caught a glimpse of familiar brown hair and she nearly went into cardiac arrest. But the car and its driver were soon long gone before Nicole could be sure. She inhaled sharply, taking in the familiar scent of dust and gasoline fumes that always seemed to permeate downtown Purgatory, and marveled at how ridiculous she was being.
  What were the chances of seeing Waverly Earp the second she set foot in town? Slim to none, she knew. She barely resisted the urge to smack herself upside the head for being so foolish. And yet, for some reason, her chest continued to twinge as she watched the car drive away.
  Before she could dwell on it long, the hotel’s bellhop, a young man who barely looked 18, approached. Something about him looked… familiar… but Nicole couldn’t quite place why.
  “Welcome to the Wainright,” he said cheerfully, straightening out the ill-fitting red cap that sat crookedly on his shaggy hair. “Can I take your bags, Ms…?”
  “Nicole,” Nicole answered, feeling an inexplicable need to keep her identity a secret. Though, she wondered if the kid had even been born when she was last in town. She popped the car’s trunk. “I appreciate it.”
  Nodding eagerly, he retrieved her luggage and waited patiently as she checked in. He walked beside her as they moved through the lobby toward the elevator. Nicole had to swallow past a lump in her throat when they came across the grand staircase where Waverly had once taken Nicole’s breath away. In a shimmering seafoam dress, Waverly had looked like a -- what had Nicole written on her blog all those years ago? A mermaid, Nicole remembered. A perfect, radiant mermaid.
  She kept her gaze trained straight ahead even as the memory of Waverly’s smile, and the way it had made Nicole’s heart stutter out of rhythm, played crystal clear in her mind’s eye.
  “Are you here ‘n Purgatory for business or pleasure?” The bellboy interrupted her reverie when they stopped in front of the elevator.
  Torture , Nicole almost said. But she bit her tongue and plastered on a smile instead. “Pleasure.”
  “The wedding?” He asked knowingly as he pushed the call button. Off Nicole’s startled look, he added: “Lucky guess. It’s the only big thing happenin’ ‘round these parts, if you don’t count Christmas o’ course.”
  “Bride or groom?”
  “Bride.” It wasn’t a lie, per se.
  They stepped inside the elevator. The boy pressed the number 4 and whistled. “Whitney Earp. I swear she is the prettiest, sweetest girl in the whole town.”
  Nicole couldn’t stop herself from smiling at that tidbit. Like mother, like daughter . The bellboy continued rambling when they got off on the fourth floor. “I’ve always had a huge crush on her. Don’t tell her I said that now.” He wagged a finger at her. “She and my big sis used to babysit me.” He eyed Nicole curiously. “How d’ya know the Earps?”
  She wanted to tell the kid it wasn’t any of his damn business. But being defensive would just call more attention to herself. And she wanted to keep as low a profile as possible.
  “Her mother and Aunt, we go a ways back,” she said. They finally reached her hotel room, and Nicole hoped the kid would drop his small-talk interrogation already.
  “Ms. Waverly’s terrific too.” He unlocked the door and led her inside, placing the suitcase on a fold-out luggage rack. “As for the deputy…” He made a face that coaxed a chuckle out of Nicole.
  “She’s something else,” Nicole offered along with a couple of dollars.
  “That’s one way of puttin’ it.” He gratefully accepted the tip with a nod. “Enjoy your stay, Ms. Nicole. If you’ll be needing anythin’ else, do lemme know. Name’s Nedley. Randolph Nedley. But everyone calls me Randy.”
  Nicole did a double take. “I’m sorry, did you say…?” She shook her head. “Are you related to Randall Nedley?”
  Randy beamed. “He was my papaw.”
  Guilt surged within Nicole. She had gotten the funeral notice, but hadn’t been able to attend because she had been in the middle of a huge trial. If she was being completely honest, a small part of her had been somewhat relieved. She had wanted to remember Nedley as he had been -- gruff and unpolished and very much alive . She hadn’t wanted to see him lying in a box. Lifeless. A glaring reminder of their mortality. She also hadn’t wanted to see Waverly. There was only so much heartache Nicole could take.
  Did that make her a coward? Yeah. It probably did.
  “I was sorry to hear about his passing,” Nicole said earnestly. She made a mental note to bring flowers to his grave. “He was a good man. An even better friend. And a terrific sheriff.”
  Randy’s smile grew even wider. “You knew him?”
  Nicole nodded. “Used to be one of his officers.”
  Randy smacked his leg and hooted. “Well I’ll be hot damned. Small world.”
  “Who’s the sheriff now, if you don’t mind me asking?”
  “My ma, actually, if you can believe that.”
  Nicole nearly choked on her own spit. “Chrissy?”
  “Yes ma’am.” Randy hooked his thumbs on his belt, now looking so very much like a younger version of Nedley that Nicole mentally kicked herself for not seeing it sooner. “Gonna follow in both their footsteps someday. Hopefully.”
  “I have no doubt you will.” Nicole smiled. “It’s in your blood.”
  Randy grinned and dipped his head forward. “Remember, if you need anything…”
  “I’ll be sure to let you know.”
  He nodded one last time, pleased, and left room. When the door clicked shut, Nicole wasted no time. She unzipped her suitcases and meticulously unpacked. She took her time, pulling out her pants and shirts, underwear and socks. She laid them neatly in the hotel’s dresser. She made sure to hang the dress she brought for the wedding in the closet, which smelled like mothballs and must. She placed her toiletries in the bathroom. Grabbed the bucket next to the small coffee pot on the counter and fetched ice from down the hall. She did everything she could to avoid texting Waverly to tell her she was in Purgatory.
  Eventually though, Nicole had done everything that needed to be done and she found herself sitting on the edge of the mattress. A dull ache formed in her chest that crept down her arms and numbed her fingers. It was hard not to recall how she used to dream about becoming Purgatory’s sheriff, keeping the town safe with Waverly at her side. But it just… wasn’t meant to be.
  She pulled out her cell phone, which notified her that she had several missed calls and emails, most work related, and a couple of unread texts from her sister.
  Becky: Where are u????
Becky: It’s almost Christmas Nicole ffs
  Nicole rolled her eyes. She didn’t reply. Instead, she input the number Waverly had emailed to Nicole in reply to her wedding RSVP. Slowly. One-by-one. She wasn’t brave enough to call it. She took a deep breath and typed out a quick message:
  Hi. I’m here.
  Her thumb froze, suspended over the send triangle. She could still turn back. It wasn’t too late. It would be so easy to just pack up her bag and head back to her car. Drive out of town and never look back with no one the wiser. But she couldn’t. She was tired of that. So, so very tired of running and avoiding. It was now or never. Clenching her jaw, she pushed send.
    “I’m serious Jenn!” Whitney’s voice could be heard through the thick wooden door as Waverly pulled up to the homestead. She hadn’t expected it to be completely quiet, not with the construction, but she didn’t expect a verbal battleground.
  The drive back from town had done little to clear her mind and heart of the lingering ache 20 years of memories had dredged up, even when she’d driven right past the homestead and circled back around once or twice.
  “Oh my God!”
  Waverly could recognize the sound of her bridezilla daughter easily and she found herself momentarily tempted to dawdle just a bit, maybe drag her heels in the snow. It wasn’t an unfamiliar thought, as she’d done a few times in the past. When she’d hear Gus and her young daughter arguing, she’d always take a minute to check the tires or rearrange the grocery bags, really any menial task she could find before committing to an appearance.
  But just the idea of being alone, allowing the unpleasant memories to impregnate her mind… or even worse, the pleasant ones. The ones that engulfed her with the scent of spicy vanilla and the feel of silky smooth skin under her fingertips. The memories that were beyond senses, beyond touch, but the memory of what it was like to be loved.
  Not just to be loved, but the love that only came from someone you couldn’t live without. It was looking into those eyes and knowing how desperately Nicole had not only loved her, but needed her.
  So no, Waverly decided as she shook her head, she wasn’t going to hang around outside in the cold with phantoms of a life she no longer lived. Besides, she really needed a drink, and to talk to Wynonna.
    “They’re ruined.” Whitney could feel her stress level hitting the roof as she fingered one of the carefully crafted pieces of a centerpiece. They had been meticulously wrapping bottles with twine to be used as flower holders for the centerpieces, each one compiled of a bottle, 3 candles, and a small sand filled glass bowl with a succulent in it placed on a natural cut wooden slab.
  The already wrapped bottles had been put in a crate which had somehow fallen over. With Jenn being the closest, there was no one else to blame, and with half the bottles shattered, there was definitely a need for blame.
  “I didn’t even touch it!” Jenn was helping to pick up the bits of broken glass and twine.
  Whitney sighed as the front door opened, letting in her mother who gave her a look that could only be labeled as cautious. “This is why people elope!” She sighed in frustration, dropping the broken pieces and stalking off towards the kitchen.
  She was looking through the liquor cabinet when Waverly entered, arms crossed over her chest. “I’m not in the mood for a lecture, Mom.” She liberated a bottle of gin after a bit of digging.
  “Well I’m not here to give you one.” Waverly took the bottle from her daughter’s hand. “I’m just here to point out that these damn center pieces need to be finished and I’m not going to let you be drunk all day. It’s bad enough you’ve got those two in there chugging back $5 bottles of wine.”
  “I thought you weren’t going to lecture me.” Whitney complained under her voice, almost a whine.
  “And I thought you graduated kindergarten years ago.” Waverly narrowed her eyes, daring her daughter to respond.
  “Ugh!” Whitney gave up her search for vermouth with a growl. “This is just bullshit! That's a lot of work now in the trash.”
  “Hey.” Waverly stepped up to her aggravated daughter, sliding her arms around Whitney’s tense frame and hugging her roughly until she relaxed. “We’ve still got a few days. We’ll do what we need to do to get everything situated.”
  Whitney sighed softly, trying to take a calming breath. She knew her mother was right, but her nerves were on high alert. Scheming had been fun until she was faced with having to tell Jesse everything. Why hadn’t she consulted him in the first place? There was no reason for it and she was going to be in for a fight.
  Excitement had turned to guilt which then blossomed into anxiety. Adding that to the anticipation of waiting for… the phone on the counter buzzed, catching both her own and Waverly’s attention. Thankfully her mother turned to return the gin to the shelf and grab a bottle of vodka because seeing the name Nicole Haught crossing her screen might have been a little alarming to say the least.
  Hi, I’m here, was all the message read. 20 years and all she had to say was Hi I’m here ?
  Pursing her lips, Whitney felt her heart skip a beat. She was in the same town as Nicole, the woman who had supplied the egg, her biological mother. She’d been wanting this moment since finding the journal. Maybe her life would make a little more sense after meeting her. The woman who contributed to her DNA. Her tall stature and unforgivingly red hair.
  Would Nicole think it was an insult to her? That she dyed her hair?
 Whitney shook her head, looking up to see eyes watching her. She couldn’t risk sending a message while her mother was right there. “I’m gonna... go back to Shorty’s… pick up more empty bottles.” Her words were too delayed, dripping with deception and she had been the daughter of the very investigative Waverly Earp for 20 years.
  Waverly’s eyes narrowed. “Is that all you’re going to be doing?”
  Whitney froze, her blood running cold. She could hear the thud of her heart in her ears and she gave a tight smile. “Of course.” She laughed and she could hear her own guilt. “What else would I be doing?” She begged herself to just shut up, stop talking like a moron.
  Waverly crossed her arms over her chest, saying nothing.
  “Seriously, Mom. We need bottles.”
  A single eyebrow rose. “And you’re not going to say… sneak off and see a certain deputy who’s on duty right now?”
  A wave of relief crashed through Whitney and she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading. “Well… I mean I’m going to be in town anyway. It would just be rude to not stop by.”
  “I knew it!” Waverly cheered herself, turning back to grab two glasses from the cupboard. “You can’t fool me.” Pouring a small amount into one glass, she paused, unsure if she should be pouring the second. “Where’s your Aunt?”
  “Sulking in the barn. I think she’s trying to contact Xavier.” Whitney whispered, passing by her mother so she could get her bag and coat.
  Looking at the one shot, Waverly quickly swallowed it with just a slight wince. She noticed even the James family’s whiskey was no longer on the shelf and she sighed, taking the vodka bottle with her as she moved to the front door where Whitney was wrapping up. “Hey… Aren’t you taking the posse?”
  “No. They need to keep making centerpieces.”
  “Are you ok to drive?”
  Whitney nodded. She wasn’t even buzzed anymore, a fact that was almost depressing. “I’m good. Please make sure they don’t destroy everything.”
  “Mmmhmmm.” Waverly looked at the two that were drinking more than gluing. Practically nothing was going to be done while Whitney was gone and she knew it. She stood in the door, watching her daughter pull away before she looked to the barn where she saw someone moving inside. With a sigh, she took a pull from the bottle of Vodka before heading out the door towards the barn.
    Nicole’s nerves jumbled and jittered with each step she took down Main Street, still waiting for Waverly’s reply. Perhaps chugging down a cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso at the hotel’s cafe hadn’t been the best of ideas. Now her heart wouldn’t stop racing and she felt like she’d pass out from anxiety.
  She tried to focus on anything but her still silent phone, taking in the town after two decades away. At first blush, it appeared as if nothing had changed. Purgatory still seemed like the same mundane municipality that time forgot. Every so often, however, Nicole noticed something different. Nothing astonishingly groundbreaking. But small, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them changes that signaled some form of movement, even if only incremental. The ancient laundromat had been rebranded the Sixpence All the Cleaner Coin Laundry, with more modern machinery than the beat-up, ‘70s-era washers and dryers that Nicole had used. The buildings on the block that included the bank, the surplus store, and the antique shop all had their facades brightened with new paint.
  Hell, even Nicole’s old apartment building was graced with newish shutters, navy blue popping out against red brick with more vibrancy than the previous faded gray. She paused across the street from it and trailed her eyes up three floors to the second window on the left. The curtains were drawn and she wondered who lived there after she had left and whether they had ever repaired the leaking bathroom faucet that Nicole never fixed.
  It was a shitty little place, Nicole recalled. The floors creaked. The rooms were drafty as hell and the radiator heater never seemed to work. She swore she’d seen sheets of paper thicker than the walls. It was nothing like the high-rise condo she now owned in Chicago, with its sleek, modern appliances and pristine views.
  And yet… the cramped little apartment in Purgatory had been home. Never more so than when Waverly was there.
   Nicole sat on a rickety chair at her equally unsteady kitchen table. Waverly stood in front of her, facing sideways so that Nicole was at eye level with Waverly’s bare hip. It was a sight Nicole would normally welcome with a cheeky come on, if not for her shot nerves. For the past 10 minutes, she had been pressing an ice pack to the muscles just behind the jut of Waverly’s hip. Nicole’s fingers had gone numb from the prolonged cold and she hoped that meant Waverly’s flesh was similarly desensitized.
  “You ready?” Nicole asked, reaching up to caress the small of Waverly’s back with her free hand. She heard Waverly take a deep breath before covering Nicole’s freezing hand with a warm palm and squeezing.
  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Waverly said, glancing down at Nicole.
  Nodding, Nicole removed the ice pack from Waverly’s skin and set it down. Working as quickly as possible, she ripped open an alcohol swab and cleaned the rubber stopper of the glass vial on the table. It was filled with a yellowish oil. Next, she picked up and uncapped a syringe with a long, 18-gauge needle.
  “Jeez, that thing is huge,” Waverly commented, a slight tremor in her voice.
  “Don’t worry, baby,” Nicole reassured her as she pulled back the plunger to the 1cc mark. “This is just to draw out the progesterone, remember?”
  “Right.” Waverly bit her lip, eyes still worried.
  “It’s gonna be okay.” Nicole gave Waverly what she hoped was a reassuring smile before focusing back on the task at hand. She pierced the rubber stopper of the vial with the needle and injected air into it. Turning the small bottle upside down, she carefully withdrew the correct dosage of progesterone. She triple checked that she had the right amount. Her hands shook as she pulled the needle back out and removed it. She replaced it with a smaller one and flicked the syringe to dislodge any air bubbles. Waverly caressed her shoulder. That fleeting, but reassuring touch was enough to ground Nicole. She pushed up on the plunger until a few drops formed at the needle’s tip.
  Nicole looked up once again at Waverly, who watched her with a soft expression on her face.
  “Okay?” Nicole asked.
  Nicole wiped the side of Waverly’s left buttocks with another alcohol pad. Once it was dry, she picked up the syringe, holding it like she was about to throw a dart at Shorty’s. She inserted it in one swift jab. Waverly inhaled sharply and Nicole froze.
  “I’m good,” Waverly breathed out. “Keep going.”
  Swallowing hard, Nicole pulled back on the plunger to make sure she didn’t hit a blood vessel. No crimson blooms entered the vial. She sighed in relief and slowly injected the progesterone, pushing past the muscle’s resistance. Once she was done, she carefully extracted the needle. Waverly pressed a piece of gauze to her skin while Nicole disposed of the used needles in a sharps container.
  “C’mon.” Nicole stood and led Waverly to the couch where a heating pad was ready and waiting. Waverly lowered her good side onto the cushions and Nicole sat next to her, placing the heating pad on the injection site and massaging the area as gently as possible.
  “I can’t believe we’re really doing this,” Waverly murmured.
  “Yeah, baby, we are,” Nicole said, heart expanding at the unadorned affection in Waverly’s gaze. “You and me. We’re gonna get through this together.”
  Smiling, Waverly ran her fingers through Nicole’s hair, lightly grasped the back of her head and leaned forward to place a tender kiss on Nicole’s lips. “Ready for your turn?”
  “More than ready.” Nicole nuzzled the tip of Waverly’s nose. “Let’s make a family.”
  The buzz from her cellphone broke Nicole out of her reverie and she nearly jumped straight out of her skin. She dug a hand in her pocket to retrieve her phone, shaking so hard that she nearly dropped it once she freed it from her jeans.
Meet me at Shorty’s. 45 minutes.
Heart in her throat, she read the text again. Then re-read it. That was just enough time to get cleaned up at the Wainright before heading to the saloon. Nicole glanced back up one more time at her old apartment before turning on her heel and walking away.
She freshened up quickly in her hotel room. Washed her face and brushed her hair. She debated changing out of her jeans and sweater, before shaking her head at herself for being ridiculous. Nicole didn’t want to look as if she was trying too hard. After one last glance at the mirror, where the few strands of gray in her hair and the slight wrinkles on her face somehow looked more pronounced than ever before, she headed to Shorty’s.
Her heart pounded harder the closer she got to the bar, until the roar of blood in her ears was all she could hear as she pushed past the wooden double doors and stepped inside. It was just as she remembered it, the smell of alcohol sharp in the air and an old country song twanging from the jukebox. She didn’t recognize any of the patrons or the servers behind the bar. And no one paid her any mind as she moved further in and slid onto a barstool in the same spot she used to sit when she visited Waverly all those years ago. She ordered a classic martini.
Just as the bartender set the glass in front of Nicole, someone completely unexpected sidled up to her. The strength of his cologne alone should have given him away.
“Well, well, well, look what the cat drug in,” came the grating voice of a person she hadn’t missed once in 20 years.
Nicole resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she swiveled toward the intruder. “Champ,” she said, terse.
Champ Hardy look like a bloated version of himself from 20 years ago, with his slicked-back hair and a scraggly goatee. The years clearly had not been kind.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face ‘round these parts, Haught.” He sneered. “And just what the hell do you think you’re doing here, huh?”
Nicole clenched her jaw so hard she thought her teeth might crack. “That’s none of your goddamn business.”
“Oh I beg to differ.” Champ moved into Nicole’s personal space. His breath reeked of stale beer. She resisted the urge to clothesline him again, for old time’s sake. “Because if you so much as upset Waverly…”
“Dad!” A new voice cut in.
They both turned as a young woman approached, long brown hair trailing behind her. There was… something ...about her. Something so unexpected that it made Nicole’s heart clench and she had no idea why. When their eyes met, the woman hesitated, but only briefly. She focused on Champ and clapped him on the shoulder
  “What are you doing here?” The young woman -- no, Champ’s daughter -- asked him. “You’re supposed to be trying on your tux. Make sure the alterations are all fine.”
  “Right,” Champ nodded, moving away from Nicole. “I didn’t forget,” he said in a way that completely belied his claim.
  The daughter’s eyes drifted to Nicole. “Who’s your friend?”
  “No one,” Champ said. “She was just about to leave.”
  “Actually,” Nicole interrupted. “I’m just getting settled in.” She smiled at the young woman and offered her hand. “I’m Nicole. Nicole Haught.”
  “Whitney,” she replied, ignoring her dad and grasping Nicole’s hand with a warm, dimpled smile that felt achingly familiar to Nicole. Her grip was firm, yet gentle. “Whitney Earp.”
  It felt like the floor bottomed out from beneath Nicole. A wave of vertigo made her unsteady even though she sat firmly on the barstool. “Whitney Earp,” Nicole repeated, her voice sounding hollowing in her ears.
  “That’s right,” Champ butted in proudly, placing an arm around Whitney’s shoulders. “Whitney Earp . My daughter.”
  Whitney made a face and wiggled out of Champ’s grip. “You really should get going, Dad. You don’t want to be late…”
  They continued talking, but Nicole stopped listening, her stomach sinking with the realization that what she had once feared was true.
  “I’m serious, Becky. I’m not cut out for that crap,” Nicole sighed in frustration, pulling the rental car into the parking stall. The town’s parking lot was nearly full as it always was on a weekday in the municipal area. The few stalls along the street had been taken and she cursed the nature of small towns.
  “So you’d rather waste your life being a cop in some backwater shithole? You got a damn 178 on the LSAT, for Christ's sake.  If I'd gotten that,  daddy would have given me a corner office. ”
  “You have a corner office…”
  “After damn near 10 years!”
  Nicole just felt...tired. “I already told mom and dad this. I have a life here. I love Purgatory.”
  “No you don’t. You’re just there for her!”
  “You don’t know anything about my life.” Nicole rolled the window down a crack just to get some air before turning the car off. She’d been gone for three months. A quarter of a year and she couldn’t stay away anymore. Even if she had to pound down the door, she was going to talk to Waverly. She didn’t care that the youngest Earp had changed her number not long after she had left.
  They were only supposed to be on a break, why the hell did she cut off communication? She should have come back then. She shouldn't have let the anger build so much. She had thought the distance would give them a chance to think … absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that bullshit.
  “I know that when you got here you were moping around like a baby until we gave you casework to do,” her sister started in again, “and don’t even pretend you didn’t enjoy helping dad with that deposition last week. You were made for this, Nic.”
  Nicole sighed in frustration. “I don’t really want to talk about this with you. I have to go.”
  “Nic, wait.”
  Nicole hung up the phone, looking at herself in the mirror, running her hands through shoulder-length dark brown hair. Hopefully Waverly wouldn’t hate it. She’d allowed her sister to talk her into it, citing a change was necessary, that it would make her feel better. It hadn’t. She felt like she had lost a part of herself, like she was changing who she was. New hair… bullshit paralegal work for her parents’ firm...
  Waverly was going to hate it.
  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. The thought of entering her apartment after sitting stagnant for 3 months made her cringe so she'd gotten a room at the hotel. She’d check in,  shower and head over to Shorty’s. Or maybe the homestead. Maybe that would be better, to be away from the public for whatever could possibly happen. Waverly did have quite a tempter.
  At first she’d thought she’d imagined it, but when she realized it was real, Nicole froze, the familiar voice sounding across the parking lot.  She turned to see Waverly’s rigid form walking right past her car, apparently not recognizing her and stopping at the passenger side of a very familiar pick up.
  “I really don’t know why you’ve got your panties in a twist.” Champ strolled up beside her, twirling his keys around his finger.
  “I’m fucking pregnant, Champ.” The strength of the curse word sounded strange as Waverly crossed her arms over her chest.
  The breath was robbed from Nicole’s chest at the words. Pregnant. She looked back and forth between Champ and Waverly, small puzzle pieces clicking together and revealing a very sickening picture.
  “Well duh.” Champ gave her a look that was very Champ. “You knew that already. You took like 20 of those stick test things.”
  “What the hell am I going to do?” Waverly’s voice wavered. Even from where she was sitting, Nicole could see the tear slipping down a flushed cheek. “I can’t… it’s not…” She shook her head, unable to find the words. “What the hell was I thinking?”
  Champ unlocked the door with a roll of his eyes. “So get rid of it. I mean they got doctors for that, don't they?”
  His nonchalance was sickening. Nicole felt nausea bubbling up in her stomach, fueled by anger and jealousy with a hint of grief. It was taking everything in her to stay seated,  her hands balled into fists, nails biting crescent marks into her palms as she fought the urge to punch his lights out.
  Waverly showed no such restraint.  “You asshole!” Waverly pushed Champ roughly, knocking him back a few feet. “How can you… how…” She shook her head, ripping open the door. “Take me home.”  She growled, slamming the door closed.
  Champ looked around to make sure no one was paying any attention before he shook his head. “Chicks,” he complained, jogging around to the other side of the truck and getting in.
  Nicole felt herself shaking, unfurling her hands to see tiny wells of blood. She could barely breathe, barely think, barely even make sense of the train of thoughts and images running through her had. Pregnant. After almost a whole year of trying and failing, injections and implantation,  all it took was… Champ.
  It was like her heart was breaking into a million pieces. She couldn’t bare to talk to Waverly, not now. Waverly got what she wanted and she didn’t need Nicole to get it. With a shaky hand, she picked up her phone, dialing a familiar number.
  “Are you going to hang up on me again?”
  Nicole watched as the truck pulled out into the street, tires screeching as it headed out of town, tears slipped down her cheeks. There was no way she could stay,  but if it meant watching Waverly and Champ raising a kid together…
  “I’m coming home.” she decided, feeling a Waverly sized chasm forming inside her.  Starting the car, she pointed it in the directing leaving Purgatory. She could hire someone to pack up her apartment.  She didn't ever need to come back.
   Whitney grimaced as she watched Champ leave. She really hadn’t wanted to talk to Nicole with him there. Slipping behind the bar, she noticed Nicole was sitting there with unseeing eyes, obviously lost in her own thoughts.
  Not that she could blame her, Whitney decided as she looked Nicole over. She was… beautiful. Older now, obviously, but she looked… like money. Her clothes, make-up, jewelry… they all spoke of a well-off life, away from towns like Purgatory.
  No ring, Whitney noticed with a small smile. Not that she hadn’t known anyway. Thank god for the internet.
  “Did you want another drink?”
  Nicole jumped, shaking her head to refocus her eyes. “I’m sorry?”
  Whitney pointed to the empty martini glass. “Did you want something else?”
  “Yeah.” Nicole looked longingly at the empty glass before nodding. “Whiskey.”
  With a small chuckle, Whitney grabbed a shot glass, setting it in front of Nicole and grabbing a bottle.
  “So… You’re Whitney Earp. Quite a popular girl around here. ” Nicole picked up the glass, licking her lips in a brief pause before drinking.   
  Whiney nodded, refilling the glass as it was slid forward. She had a million questions. Why did she leave? Didn’t she want a daughter? How could she have left her mother pregnant?
  “I hear congratulations are in order. You’re getting married.” Taking another pause, Nicole looked at the shot longingly before shooting it back.
  “I am.” Whitney rose an eyebrow, refilling the glass. She hadn’t planned on getting her new-found mother drunk, but maybe she could get more information that way.
  “Married… are you even old enough to be getting married?”
  Whitney snorted. It was something everyone brought up. She knew she was young, but she loved Jesse. What difference did it make if they got married now instead of dating for years before they were considered old enough to wed. “I’m 20 thank you.”
  Nicole paused with the shot halfway to her lips, her brow furrowing. “20? Are you supposed to be working behind a bar?”
  With a laugh, Whitney shook her head. “Drinking age is 18, Ms.Haught. This isn’t Chicago.”
  The shot pausing once more, Nicole’s brows rose. “How do you know I’m from Chicago?”
  Whitney could have smacked herself in the head. Instead she bit her bottom lip. She was such a horrible liar. What the hell did she think she was doing with all this? “I have a confession,” she started. When she got no response, she laughed nervously. “I know exactly who you are.” She admitted, watching as Nicole’s eye… eyes that looked exactly like her own, doubled in size.
  Well… she’d committed now. Whitney reached into her back pocket, pulling out the photo and setting it on the bar. “You’re Nicole Haught,” she repeated from their earlier introduction, “and I guess you dated my mom.”
  Nicole’s hand shook as she lifted the photo. She didn’t say anything, instead just quickly drank her shot, waiting for Whitney to fill it again.
  Filling the glass, Whitney felt a little guilty about what she was about to say. “I sent the invitation.” She winced as the shot almost made it to Nicole’s lips before it froze, eyes locking with her own. “I changed the contact info a little bit on it... I guess what I'm saying is my mother doesn’t know you’re here.”
  The shot glass fell from tapered fingers, hitting the bar in a splashing thud.
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