#purple dyed nuka cola
chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Random bonus Fallout OC Census analysis: hair colour
AKA I was understimulated and have OC hair on the brain because I’m seriously considering shaving off half of Trin’s hair. Also, I often collect appearance data in my surveys but then rarely end up doing much with it, so let’s change that!
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Further breakdown of the Rainbow category:
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Black: 226 Brown: 206 Blonde: 83 Red (natural redhead or unclear if natural or dyed): 74 White/grey: 59 Reddish brown/chestnut: 35 Dirty blonde: 21 Pink: 20 Red (dyed bright red): 12 Green: 10 Blue: 7 Purple: 6 Aqua/teal: 4 Orange (dyed): 2 Yellow (dyed): 1
In cases where a character changes their hair colour in story, has a dyed and natural hair colour mentioned, or has multiple colours in their hair at once, I included all mentioned colours separately
Fun fact section:
One OC dyes their hair pink using mutfruit
Several times, hair colours were described as Nuka-Cola hues (the most common being Quantum blue), which makes a lot of sense as something that’d happen in-universe and was just overall interesting to me
One of the OCs may have blue hair because their mother drank Quantum whilst pregnant with them
I was surprised by the number of OC creators who knew the name of the exact hair shade they used in the in-game character creation (at least I’m not the only meticulously dedicated OC appearance custodian around these parts fghgdfs)
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izukulove · 6 years
Terrible thought: Shigaraki tried the Kylie Jenner lip challenge
those dry lips would break
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For math courses, I write out how I solve the problem (I'll write what buttons I used on my calculator, write what to click in order on StatCrunch, etc). I struggle with math, so explaining every little thing helps me understand better. My textbook also came with practice problems, so when I had free time/was bored I would do them and see what I got wrong.
Oh that sounds really good! Math is definitly what im worried about, im horrible at it, so im totally going to do this! Hopefully my textbooks will have those too cause im gonna need em lmao
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Can I get a matchup? I'm a chubby bi gal with pale skin, blue eyes w/ glasses, and long brown hair dyed like an oil slick atm. I'm an INTP Scorpio, and love learning about everything from amusement park and film history to criminology and marine biology. I'm a bit distant with new people but once I know them more I open up. I love the Fallout series and Law and Order, and no matter what fandom I'm in atm I love making theories and analyzing things. I also have a large service dog named Uno. ty!
Yaoyorozu Momo
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Although initially I think you would start as great friends, I can see her slowly falling for you. You would be the best conversation partner she could ever get--think about it! You could talk to her about anything under the sun and you would be open to new experiences (AKA would you enjoy some fancy tea?). But when we get down the the nitty gritty, I think she would be a great counterbalance to you. As an INTP, you probably come off as insensitive. She, on the other hand, is full of emotions that she can hide relatively well. If you, coupled with your straightforwardness and clear thinking, could tackle the issue of having her open up, I think she would be able to teach you just how to react to emotions with more than just a cool head. You would both grow greatly as people, in my opinion! 
Also, she would absolutely love your dog!
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beetledrink · 7 years
iirc Obsidian intended to have romanceable companions (including a side quest where you and your s/o get drunk and marry each other with the King as the priest), but it was cut from the final version. I do wonder what romances would have looked like in NV, but I'm satisfied with the small bits of flirting you get with certain companions. It somehow feels a bit more realistic
obsidian wanted nothing but the best for us and we let bethesda spank them
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Fallout 4 OC - Tess
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A character sheet for my current Fallout OC and player character, Tess. Character is based of this one with some modification
Full name: Tess AKA: none (trying to bring up her Institute designation “deadname” will quickly see her trying to kill you) Gender: nonbinay woman Pronouns: She/they Biology: Gen 3 Synth Place of birth: The Institute Robotics Division Date of birth: Some time in the autumn of 2262 Current age: approximately 25 Ethnicity: mixed Pre-escape job: Advanced Systems lab assistant
Current living place: The Cats Crib, a converted warehouse close to the Atom Cats Garage
Chosen factions: Atom Cats Role: Courier and spare parts procurement
Allied factions: Minutemen / Railroad Tess can’t help feels strong bonds with those trying to help others and make the world a better place, or those trying to free her synth siblings from the clutches of the Institute and the SRB
Enemy factions: BoS / Institute / Gunners / Raiders Control freaks and those who hurt others are by default no friends of Tess
Alignment:  chaotic / good
Main qualities: Compassionate, curious, clever, optimistic
Main flaws: - Her compassion and naivety about some situations can often lead her getting taken advantage of - Her curiosity can also lead her into going places or getting into situations she really shouldn’t
Fears: -That the SRB will come for her and drag her back to the Institute. - In addition, having her memories erased or altered is a big fear too. It’s been a sore spot in her relationship with the Railroad and their memory wipes on fellow escapee even if they are voluntary.
Status: taken/open relationship
Sexual orientation: lesbian
People closest to them: Aside from her partner Piper, Tess holds her fellow Atom Cats close, especially Rowdy who she considers her best friend and one time crush
People they hate: Aside from the obvious candidates like raiders, Gunners, Coursers, etc, Tess absolutely loathes Myrna the merchant. Tess would gladly crack her across the jaw if the merchant wouldn’t immediately have her gunned down. As a compromise, she’ll never by directly from Myrna and always wait to deal with her nightshift Mister Handy
Family: Her fellow Atom Cats and Piper’s sister Nat. She also considers Rowdy and Glory as sisters
Height: 6'0 or 182cm Build: trimmed Eyes color: vivid green Hair color: Naturally black but Tess keeps it dyed purple (said purple dye is a concoction mixed up by Rowdy from power armor paint) Hair style: Tied-back dreadlocks
Tattoos/scars/markings: - several scars left from a rabid mongrel attack just after escaping from the Institute. Has considered getting them removed but keeps them as she feels they help make her a more unique synth - a synth tracking barcode on her neck that she’s repeatedly considered getting covered up but never goes through with - a butterfly in nonbinary colors on her left shoulder
Strength: 1 Perception: 7 Endurance: 3 Charisma: 4 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4 Luck: 1
Spoken language: Primarily English. Some Latin from her time in the Institute and some french from spending time with Curie
Strengths: sharp eyed, quick learner, and adept in all manner of technical and scientific means
Weakness: stunted social skills and knowledge of the world due to early life in the Institute, strong sense of morals can often lead her into conflict with those with more flexible interpretations of things, very low tolerance for alcohol or chems
Favorite piece of clothes: Nuka-cola glasses and her Atom Cats jacket Favored weapons: Deadeye, a silenced Manwell Rifle Lucky charm: Her restored ProSnap camera and a toy alien she’s taken to calling Toby
Favorite food: Tess has an intense sweet tooth so sweet rolls and Fancy Lad better watch out. She also fond of mirelurk omelette for when she has to make "real" food.
Favorite beverage: Nuka-Grape Favorite season: Autumn. After so many years in the never changing climate controlled Institute, she has come to adore the changes in colors and temperature the season brings Favorite radio station: The Cat’s Meow
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moody-blues-requiem · 6 years
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@purple-dyed-nuka-cola submitted:  The big one is Uno, my service dog who thinks she is a little lapdog. The black one is Riley, and he is a cantankerous asshole but loves to cuddle. And the one in a shirt is Antoine, who only has three legs and gets cold fits!
Ok tumblr flagged the submission as nsfw (lol) so let’s see if reuploading this as a separate post works
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quantumfizz · 6 years
Changing my username and profile pic
I’ve had this username since like 2013, so I’m trying out a new one. I’ll probably change it back in a day though, lol I don't like change
@purple-dyed-nuka-cola --> @blue-beam-cola
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 years
@purple-dyed-nuka-cola asked: Can I get a matchup (villain or hero)? I’m a bi INTP Scorpio girl with shoulder length hair dyed dark red and navy blue atm. I am pale, chubby/curvy with nails that I paint way too often. I have bright blue eyes and rimless glasses. I’ve got a service dog who’s sweet but clumsy! I have interests in everything from marine life to amusement park history, to criminology. I’m somewhat shy but once I know you I joke around and open up a lot (and am very sarcastic). I love the Fallout series and Law & Order too, and I like classic shows like Columbo and Murder She Wrote. I practice witchcraft, and I’m never without a crystal whether I’m at home or out and about. Whatever fandom I’m in, I love making/reading theories and writing analyses of characters and plot points. And I have a mild fear of logical loops and paradoxes (looking at optical illusions and whatnot ramps my anxiety to 11).(And could my matchup be from BNHA? Sorry, forgot to add that) 😅 Thank you!!!
Your BnHA matchup is...
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Bubaigawara Jin
-Jin loves your dog even if at times he will say the countrary.
-He finds criminology interesting too! He will ask you to tell him more about it.
-Not a fun of Crime tv series; you won't find it out until one day in a moment of lucidity Jin admitted it.
-He always takes with him the crystal you gave to him as a good luck simbol.
-The only moment Jin dislikes when staying with you is when you have anxiety because his mental disease gets even worse.
I hope you liked it. 
Matchups are:Closed
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spazzbunn · 7 years
Blue Flames
(A Love/Drama One Shot on Spazzie Bunnie [My OC] and BlackFire [My Boyfriend’s OC]) (Side Note: I’m did this because my writers block is ass and I love him so much and I need to get my story making self back on track. Am I proud of this random story for you all? Yes, Yes I am. Plus helps my creative insane brain :D) The early sunrise of morning in the land of Zootopia has been rising up from a couple of hours of when dawn had just hit on the active utopia. In the inside of a light blue house that is settled onto the district of Tundratown and on Blizzard Street in the master bedroom lies on the bed a black furred fox covered in blankets. The luscious fox fur of his was from the tip of his ears red tips and slowly descend to having his upper body be the black colored. His lower body however slowly has turned into a faded gray and red to his legs to where his feet are nothing but amber. He was called by himself as the ‘Reverse Nick’. He didn’t care about others like Nick Wilde and any others. He only cared for a special mammal. It was his boyfriend bunny who lives with him who happens to be up livestreaming and playing Watch_Foxs 2. His boyfriend happens to be of a light blue almost looking of the color of Nuka Cola Quantum from their favorite game, Fallout: Zootopia, and happened to have dyed his fur to that color as it felt natural to him. The blue bunny happened to also have dark blue eyes and had nothing on him but a light black hoodie and dark gray beanie on him with black fingerless gloves he made by cutting the fingers of the gloves off with also purple lens and white aviators and had a doctors mask to both protect his identity and look cool. The black and red furred fox woke up to the sound of explosions and the silly bunny’s cheering as he was starting to enjoy his walkthrough live on Twig, a gaming community livestream. The fox slowly stretches his arms and legs to have his body crack their bones and have him get himself up and look at the mirror on the drawer that is beside the bed. “Phew. Still no bed head on you Mr. BlackFire.” He played off his morning like a pro and was in nothing but boxers. Fire simply opened his drawer to pull out a plain white t-shirt and pulled another drawer to pull out a pair of blue jeans. As he was putting the clothing on him he heard the sounds of laughter and rage and pure fun coming from the living room of his bunny which made him let out a small sigh and chuckle. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with Spazzie’s addiction but I love it at the same time.” the happy fox said as he got white socks and putted them on his feet. Fire was full of his fluffy warm black gray mixed fur which is one of the reasons he wanted to stay in Tunduratown. His other reason was because Spazzie loves the winter. Spazzie was the only thing he cared about in his life. Yes he had his family and friends but he always wanted to care for Spazzie as Spaz was like his own life. He didn’t want to leave him for a second. He was a protective fox who followed his instincts to protect his mate for life. He was starting to think for the few weeks since their anniversary was coming soon in a couple of days. “You know. Why do I act like a protective fox. Hell I act like dad.” He said while talking to himself in front of the mirror as he was checking at himself to make himself look presentable to the blue bunny. Spazzie was definitely not pregnant as he was both a male and a bunny. Mostly the male part as a bunny and fox mixed kit could happen but it wasn’t the point. He was always by Spazzie’s side 24/7 and never let him go. They wasn’t the perfect couple though, with fights happening from time to time due to their hormones and stress of their lives. They was both hoping that their anniversary was going to be the end of the fighting. It was time to grow up and time to act as adults. Fire took a breather before he opened the door and headed down to the hallway while closing the door from behind him. As he was heading into the lighted living room that was lighting due to the curtains being opened and letting the morning sun's rays light shine inside and illuminate the room for Spazzie to have lighting for his livestreaming. Fire walks over to the blue gaming bunny who was cheering and shouting in joy while sitting on the couch and avoiding the cops in the game with his hacking style. The fox boyfriend of Spazzie’s goes over to him and sits next to him to put a comforting arm around his bun. “Morning Spaz.” He said while Spaz pauses his game and looks at his Fire and does a happy tackle down on the couch to love up on him. “Morning my Firefox!” Spaz then burst into laughter from his unfunny but somewhat clever joke as he was too happy to come up with anything. “I see your jokes are still in that head of yours.” Fire said while Spaz got up and helped his fox up to lay his head on his fox’s shoulder to which he thin unpauses the game. “Well you gotta be to entertain your audience. Your people. Your stalkers to be.” Spaz giggled softly while Fire smirked and held onto him close. “Someone is a happy bunny today isn’t he?” He grins and then sneakily kisses Spaz’s cheek and it made the unnoticed bunny gasp almost like a girl as he was focused of the game. “A-ahh! Don’t do that babe!” The black and gray mixed fox snickered while his mate sighs and laughs softly to himself as he did think it was a clever sneak kiss in his insane blue head. “To answer your question, yes I am happy.” Fire looked at Spaz as his bunny was playing the game and causing chaos for fun while avoiding the police on a random sports bike he ‘borrowed’. “Oh really? Why is that?” Spazzie paused his game again and looked up to him with the fox knowing he had a grin on his face. “Cause of our anniversary coming soon.” They both cuddled up together while Spazzie’s livestream chat was blowing up with congrats to them and prayers and blessings and all in general positive words. Fire kept close to Spazzie like he was a magnet. Not once was Spazzie left alone and always had his fox protecting him and supporting him. They were like an inseparable chain that couldn’t be broken down and wasn’t wore out. It was rare for a couple in this generation to be together for almost 6 years and not break up and make up. The fights were nothing but ‘Forgive and Forget’ and they go back to their lives. The fox looked at his mate who had the sweet smell of vanilla on him. Was it his shampoo? Is it a scent meaning he’s sweetly happy? “What is happening to me? Why am I like this?” Fire thought to himself as he continued to watch his boyfriend finish the mission and with him having a smile underneath his doctors mask. Others couldn’t see that smile but Fire knew it was right there as he knew Spazzie too much. When the cutscene starts playing into the game Spazzie felt limp into Fire’s arms and dropped his controller while his soft ears and covered face rested on Fires chest and laid with him while Fire looks at him in both confusion and worry. “You ok Spaz?” He said with almost a worried tone to him before the bunny spoke to him without looking. “I’m fine honey. Don’t worry.” Spazzie said in what appears to be a lonesome and troublesome tone into his voice. That made Fire worried for him and have his ears slowly flop down as he starts to be sadden that his bunny love is also sad. Fire without any warning booped his nose on Spaz’s ear and his cold wet nose made Spaz shiver and then have his ears fold down and looks up at him with almost rage. “I said I’m fine. Ok?!” He almost shouted but then stopped and just only looked down to not show his face to him. Fire was scared but was trying to not release the anger out of him. Fire was known to be ‘I will attack if you attack’ type of predator. Fire was holding it in by slowly having calm thoughts about them two together and having take some breaths in and out while the blue depressed bunny looked down at the floor still. Spaz could feel the looks. Not from the audience from his livestream but it was all towards the thought of Fire and his pissed off eyes looking at him with anger and disappointment. He did nothing but try not to cry so that his fox wouldn’t look at him. Fire could see Spazzie’s breakdown of tears was close so he just sighed again but held him close. Spaz’s eyes opened up and tears were forming into his eyes as the fox then finally spoke after the somewhat long silence. “Spazzie, what’s wrong?” Spazzie couldn’t speak for a moment. His world felt like it was starting to break if he had no reason. No truth. No anything to show why he yelled. He had to confess and he wished himself luck. He took almost a deep breath and just looked down at his feet. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Ok Fire? I know I say that a lot but-”. He chocked a little as he was trying to speak with tears starting to drop unto the floor and continued. “I just can’t control myself. My anger. My yelling. My whole problem is me. Me! ME! ME!!!”. Spaz did nothing but cover his face with his hands and cry his waterworks on his aviators and little bit on his hands while Fire was looking and holding him still to comfort the heartbroken sad bunny. Spaz still letted himself cry while his black and gray heart warming fox still stayed by his side to make sure he was ok and to let him cry as he rubbed and gently pats his back and rubbed his ears and head. “Shhhhh. Let it all out Spazzie. Just know that throughout all of our fighting. Our yelling. Our outbursts. I still love you and I do blame myself for starting some of them.” Spazzie slowly stopped sobbing and lifted his aviators slightly and wiped his tear filled eyes away to put the glasses back on and finally look up at the slightly blurry image of Fire as he tried to stop crying to see his love in full clear image in his eyes. “I don’t say it. I just. I just get so angry and I want to play the cool fox after we get done fighting.” The talking and almost to tears fox was close to crying but Spaz gently grabbed his hand and nodded to let him finish his sentence. “I just don’t want anymore fighting baby. I hate it more than you hate it and I’m sorry I start some of them and never take up for it. I’m sorry.”. He hugged Spazzie tightly and Spaz had to lightly hug him back as his arms were being pressed against his body and having little movement in him. Fire couldn’t stop crying and having his wet warm tears fall on his bunny's shoulder as he also kept apologizing for his actions. Spaz then had his turn of rubbing and patting the back and rubbing and massaging the head and ears of his fox while Fire starts sobbing and sniffing to stop the tears coming out of his eyes. Spaz gently kissed the top of his head where his big ears lightly rubbed against Fire’s ears before Spaz slowly pulls away and lets go of him to place his warm soft hands with the gloves on him on the sniffling fox’s cheeks. “Fire. You know that even though we argue like kids, which we are still, know that I love you with all of my bunny heart.” Fire’s eyes only looked at the shades that was reflecting on a handsome sad tears stained on cheeks fox while Spaz gently removed his hands off of him and let out a sad depressed sigh. Fire was panicking on why he did that again. Was it going to start again? Could my fox heart handle him? It was all going through his mind while his eyes watched something differently. Spazzie removed his black colored hoodie to reveal a purple t-shirt on him with then having to remove his gloves to reveal his naked hands lewdly like a sassy bunny. The poor fox stood there before this odd bunny then has his eyes focus more on the hands grabbing on the bunny's gray and black looking beanie to slide it up like his ears were arms and to reveal that the inner part of his ear is a light pink. Fire wanted to say something but he couldn't. He was too much in shock as to why Spazzie was doing this. In front of the livestream. He knew that Spaz liked to keep secrets and be mysterious but it all changed his mind as the bunny in front of him had taken off the aviators to stare him deep into his dark orange browned mixed eyes and having it be dark blue eyes that are darker than his blue dyed colored fur be only in the fox’s view. There was one more thing left about Spazzie. His doctors mask. Spaz believed if he can be mysterious then he would be cool and hip. Also because of his love for dress up. Fire just kept staring in shock and awe with Spazzie having both of his hands go up to his ears to have them flop down to let the strings of the mask slowly slide off. The world was not in motion for them. It felt as if time was gone and it was only the fox and bunny left in this world. The mask slowly came off and lightly it fell down to the floor. It revealed the face of a blue color dyed bunny with a small cute pink little nose that made Fire’s face and feelings have a hopeful feeling. Fire was actually smiling in front of him. His boyfriend. His best mammal to ever exist in his lifetime. “I love you, that I want to show my love for you. No secrets hidden. I have depression yes, and other things wrong with me, but I am sorry that they ruined our lives. I am saying it face to face right now with you because I want you in my life. I need my one true love by my side in marriage and throughout my life. Damn it Fire, I just. I love-”. His words stopped as he couldn’t feel his lips move. His lips were being pressed against by Fire’s own lips with his head tilted on the side to deepen the kiss and wanting to make it as romantic as possible. Spazzie showed no sign of caring for a romantic kiss. He wanted a passionate lovers embrace kiss. He wrapped his arms around his lover fox’s neck while Fire did the same thing to Spazz as well to deepen their kiss. To deepen their love. The world still felt as if the it was frozen and only in their heads as the chat of the livestream gets filled the fans screaming out love and spamming the chat with emoticons and many loves and wishes towards the couple. The two lovers slowly pulled away from each other as they both look into their eyes. They say their words off their minds they go back to their passionate kissing with ease and their hearts beating almost in rhythm. “I love you, my loving foxy Fire.” “I love you too, my wonderful bunny Spazzie.”
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izukulove · 6 years
My junior year of high school, my best friend fell through my ceiling. He'd never lived in a house with an attic before, so when he found out my moms house had one he was really excited. And one afternoon we hear some noise up there and he's CONVINCED™ it's a ghost. We climb up and just as I'm saying "Hey, just walk on the beams--" CRASH and his legs are dangling over the washing machine, and he's hanging on for dear life (1)
2) He pulls himself out and we get off the ladder to see how badly we fucked up. There’s plaster everywhere, the ceiling has a hold about three feed wide, and my friend is covered in dust and plaster. We frantically start cleaning up and I call my mom who’s at work. (“Hi mom… So um D and I thought we heard a… Bird, in the attic and, um–” “Just tell me what happened.” “… He fell through the ceiling.”) She’s dead silent for a while and then quietly says “get the vacuum out, I’ll be there”
3) we grab the vacuum cleaner and some garbage bags and start on the shitstorm, and after twenty minutes my mom is home. She doesn’t say a word to us, just looks at the hole, looks at us, and goes to the fridge to get a beer. And the whole half hour we were cleaning, she just watched us silently while sipping her beer. We all calmed down like a day later though, and she laughs about it now if you mention it. She said she remembers hanging up the phone when I called her and talking to her friend
4) and she just went off. (“Hey Michelle, I’m going to Home Depot.” “… Ok” “You wanna know WHY I’m going to Home Depot? Because there’s a FUCKING hole in my FUCKING ceiling that I need to FUCKING fix now. That’s why.” TLDR: not all attics have floors you can walk on, so if they have beams just walk on those and you’ll be fine
I am crying at this whole story omfg,,,, and your mom’s response is absolute gold
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izukulove · 6 years
OC question (not just for you, but anyone interested): what does your OC's dorm room look like? Wallpaper, decorations, bed cover, etc. I watched the new episode and was thinking "Huh, what would my OC's room look like?”
okay,,, so I kept this in my ask box for such a long time because (I know i messaged you already explaining why) I wanted to really think it over and develop a good idea of how Mikan would decorate her room. And I figured it all out
Mikan would have a bunch of little plants around the room. Simple ones like English Ivy, little succulents and cacti and other easy to care for plants. She would also like to keep herbs too in little potters such as mint or lavender. She would definitely keep an aloe plant too. 
As for her study desk, there would be a crystal salt lamp. It acts like a nightlight and for decoration. She would have crystals around her room too. Which plays that “Psychic” gimmick even more. 
Mikan is a sucker for shaped erasers so she would have a lot of those too. A first aid kit would be in the room for sure, overstocked with bandaids. There would be tons of books around too and in the middle of these books would be her secret diary.
She would bring those yarn dolls and the photo of her parents with her and place them in a private drawer.
I also think Toshinori would buy her a mini fridge and a microwave because he worries she would be too nervous to go into the kitchen. He would repeatedly tell her that she can’t let her quirk keep her fearful. But he would still give her these things in case she had a low energy or migraine day.
As for her bed sheets and curtains, Mikan would have simple light colored sheets like a soft blue or a lavender. 
All in all, a soft, naturally lit colored room (windows almost always open), lots of plants and crystals and little knickknacks, a first aid kit somewhere, and several gifts from Toshinori (:
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izukulove · 6 years
Why'd Mineta make a Hero name based off a drink? Because he's thirsty as FUCK 🚫🍇🚫🍇🚫
look,,,,, my world is s h o o k
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izukulove · 6 years
On the Ethics of Heroes
@purple-dyed-nuka-cola thank you so much for your patience with this. I hope you like this and that I got Chumani’s personality right! Again, thank you for your patience :D
Chumani and Mirio were sitting in her dorm room. Books were splattered dangerously around the floor. There were books of every size, shape, color, and seemingly topic. Mirio hummed to himself while his eyes gazed around the dormroom. There were several books on different types of animals and insects. He wondered if there were research books to help Chumani with her quirk. He glanced over at the dark-haired beauty. The way the light filtered in through the window allowed him to see how enchanting her light green eyes were. Like little reflective sea glass. Man, she was gorgeous. Even as she sat there, laying on her stomach on the floor, pen near her mouth, she was beautiful. Chumani started to swing the pen absentminded. Her brilliant eyes scanning the page as she read on, oblivious to Mirio’s eyes on her. He found her most beautiful when she was not paying attention. 
Quietly, he reflected on moments they had together. When her quirk had turned her into a fanged spider-like creature. She was so terrified that she would lose her sense of self. 
The room was quiet and peaceful. The occasional bird outside chirped here and there. Mirio was sure he could hear water flowing peacefully outside somewhere. Maybe someone was practicing their water-based quirk? Who knows? 
His thoughts trailed back to Chumani. She was always so concerned about people and their true selves. She was amazingly brilliant that she could see past the veils people put up when they are trying to pretend to be someone they aren’t. She was like a lie detector, he realized with a little smile on his face, His little lie detector. Saving people in her own special and important way. Informing them on the dangers of those who fake their identities. She was oh-so brilliant. It might be one of his favorite things about her.
He breathed in deeply through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. He closed his eyes. He should be studying for his test, Mirio knew this, but he could not help but sit back and feel the pure relaxation that hung delicately in the air. It was hard to focus on boring school subjects when someone as lovely as Chumani lay across from you. 
He opened his eyes and watched her. She nibbled a bit on the cap of her pen. Her eyes still scanning the pages hurriedly, as if all the answers in the world lay at her fingertips. Mirio took another quiet deep breath, and felt that all was right in his world. His tiny world may only expand to the size of the room and carry all but two people--Chumani and him, of course--but that was all Mirio would ever need.
He knows he should be studying... His mind constantly nagging at him but he knows is that he should also spend every possible second enjoying this peaceful and tranquil--
“Damn it!” Chumani practically screamed. She slammed her hands down on the book. It closed violently, and she pushed it across the room. The book slid gracelessly and smacked against the wall. Chumani plopped herself against the floor, face down to the floorboards.
Mirio gingerly pushed his finger past her locks of hair, and poked at her face. Slowly she moved her head to the side and stared at Mirio. Her expression seemed exasperated. 
“Heroes nowadays,” she scoffed.
“What about them?” Mirio asked, tilting his head, and smiling at her.
“They aren’t incredibly heroic. At least not in the way it should be.” Chumani picked herself up. She sat on the ground facing Mirio with her legs crossed.
“What do you mean?” Mirio questioned her. His inquiring tone was not rude or belittling or defensive. It was curious. Curious and open-minded.
She leaned and wobbled back and forth from side to side, trying to find the right wording to explain how she feels.
“It’s like... It’s like...” She repeated. She grumbled at her frustration. She usually was so smooth-talking when it came to things. 
Mirio glanced at her opened computer. He saw the laptop and remembered Chumani had a website where she wrote about the inequality of the superhuman society. 
“Hey!” Mirio piped up, his voice loud in the quiet room. He realized how excited he had sounded and quickly fixed his volume. He scooted closer to Chumani. “Talk to me like you are writing for your blog!”
“O-okay...” Chumani said, feeling a bit unsure. She cleared her throat, feeling her face redden a bit. She covered her hands with her face, “I can’t! Written word is different than spoken!”
Mirio leaned forward and carefully peeled her hands from her face. Chumani saw Mirio smiling wide and cheerfully at her. 
“I’ll give you a prize if you explain what is on your mind to me.” Mirio bartered.
Chumani gave him a suspicious side-eye. Though her curiosity soon got the better of her. She rambled on for a half hour, maybe more, about how Stain had good ideals though he went about it horribly. That Pro-Heroes should do what they do to save people, not see victims of crisis situations as dollar signs.
Mirio nodded his head along with her speech. He may not have understood every word or ideal she spoke of, but he could recognize passion and intelligence in the way she articulated her thoughts. She spoke so passionately too. Mirio decided her passion was another thing loved about her.
Loved. Love. Yes. Love. Love her. Bigger yes.
When Chumani finally finished her long-winded speech, Mirio sat there smiling happily at her. Chumani giggled to herself, thinking that if Mirio had her quirk, she would not be surprised if he turned himself into a dog and was wagging his tail at his owner. The way he stared at her, with those wide eyes, blonde hair, and smiling face... he could almost pass off as a golden retriever even without her Organic Attribution quirk
“Okay, that took a lot out of me,” Chumani giggled, “What’s my prize?”
Mirio leaned forward, giving Chumani a gentle but passionate kiss on her lips. At first she was surprised and taken aback. Soon enough she eased into it, kissing him back, and running her fingers through his soft hair.
“You’re a true hero, Mirio,” Chumani whispered affectionately between hungrily kissing him.
“You”--kiss-- “make me”--kiss-- “want to be”--long kiss-- “a better man.”
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izukulove · 6 years
Hc: one of the only times Chumani has used her Quirk to intentionally harm someone was one of the first times she met Endeavor face to face. At that point she knew about his history and nervously asked some follow up questions to ensure she didn't have false information. He immediately took her aside and told her not to pursue the story and that is was not her concern. She gave one of her nails a tarantula hawk wasp stinger, and shook his hand to thank him for talking to her.
my foot swelling up more from the bee sting, now seeing the word “stinger”: t r i g g e r e d
but Chumani’s quirk is outstanding. I not only admire it, but I am in awe of how much she needs to know about animals to properly replicate their parts. Her quirk is awesome and highly amazing, I think. 
also make his hand swell from that wasp sting!!!!
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beetledrink · 7 years
The fact that one of Bethesda's most famous quotes is "See that mountain? You can climb it" and constantly touts its great work with the freedom of choice in their games makes me look at 3 and 4 in disbelief. There's barely any deviation between the endings in both games no matter what choices you make. You blow up a fucking town? Well your dad will be upset with you and some townsfolk who survived will shoot you with their shitty pistols.
fallout 3 felt like it wanted to focus wholeheartedly on the presence of celebrity voices and wishy-washy morality stuff. i want to enjoy it so bad but thats one game im absolutely never gonna replay :-(
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