#mikan keiko information
izukulove · 6 years
Mikan Keiko
just occurred to me that I never posted one of these for my own bnha oc
Full name: Keiko (last name) Mikan (first name)
Meaning of Name: Keiko “blessed child”; Mikan “oranges”
Hero/Villain Name: N/A
Nicknames: “The Oracle of UA”
History of Nicknames: meant to be an insult. Created by her classmates
Aliases: none
Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: UA; General Studies Class 1-C
Student Number: 11
 Quirk: on official documents its “Psychic”
Birthday and Astrology Sign: February 20th; Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces
Age: 16
  Gender: female
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: bisexual and demiromantic
Eye color: bluebell blue (like Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug)
Eye shape: round, big, and bright--giving the innocent look
Hair: gold-colored; two low and loose braided pigtails
Height: 5′2′ or 158.5 cm
Weight: 125 lbs
Body build: mostly lean; petite
Body shape: hourglass figure
Complexion: fair with a cool undertone, some freckles on her face
Cup size: C
Blood Type: O-
Handedness: Right but she is trying to teach herself left as well
Movement: flexible and fluid, agile too.
How do they walk: fast-walker
Posture: good posture for the most part, though she slumps when she is sad or brooding
Flexibility: she’s working on it
Voice: soft and gentle.
Speech Mannerisms: she has a habit of mumbling
General face structure: her face looks like Elena Gilbert’s during Season One and Two of The Vampire Diaries
Defining physical traits: her eyes are the first thing people notice, and her naturally rosy cheeks
Power: ★★☆☆☆ D
Speed: ★★★★☆ B  
Technique: ★★★★☆ B  
Intelligence: ★★★★★ A  
Cooperativeness: ★★☆☆☆ D
-She has trouble trusting people, and even if she does, she does not want to get them involved and get them hurt.
*Power here indicating her physical strength, which is poor
Quirk and description:
When she touches people she is able to see glimpses of their past, present or future. Also, if she is “bonded” with someone and they have an item she made for them, she is able to connect and see through their eyes what is happening. However, this can only happen when emotions and adrenaline are high.
-downsides to her quirk: until she learns proper control, she is prone to migraines, and an occasional nose bleed when things are exceptionally horrible
 Clothing: she likes to dress comfortably. Her favorite outfit is a plain shirt with one of those cute overalls or suspender-skirts
Uniform: standard UA uniform except she wears black stockings and her shoes are mary janes
Hero/Villain costume: none
Equipment / Support Items: none
Personality: She is extremely kind-hearted, and due to her quirk she is empathetic and understanding towards a lot of people. She tries her best to be optimistic. She is incredibly compassionate. She can be sassy and witty as well. She has a mentally mature mindset due to her having to grow up so fast. She also is withdrawn and reserved, but once she knows you better (whether through normal interactions or her quirk) you see that playful, witty, nature of hers. She is like the pastel yellow color, a ray of sunshine in people’s lives but not overwhelming. She also respects their boundaries. Mikan is also extremely “adorkable” (as those who know her would describe her). Terribly awkward but makes it adorable and endearing somehow.
Myers-Briggs Type: INFP
Alignment: Neutral Good
Enneagram: Type Two--The Helper
Most prominent personality trait: empathetic
 Likes: sweets, nature, flowers, animals, kind-hearted people with pure intentions, books specifically in the adventure genre, teas, writing in her journal
Dislikes: being looked down upon, being misunderstood, two-faced and fake people, crowds, seeing people she cares about being mistreated
Quirky behavior:  she keeps bandaids with cartoon faces and other designs on the softside of her left hand’s wrist. 
 Fear: not being loved, losing those she loves, causing pain to those around her, and being taken and used for war
Hobbies: reading, writing, gardening, baking
Skills/Talents: fast reading, quick learner, green thumb with gardening (many people thought her quirk was nature related)
 Strengths: intelligent, quick to adapt, highly observant, tries to be optimistic, empathetic, understanding, kind-hearted, adorkable behavior
Weaknesses: trust issues, insecure like 70% of the time, withdrawn, secretive, reserved, adult-like (as in taking too much responsibility; forgetting she is only a kid), slightly stubborn, social anxiety, can be overly compassionate
 Reason to keep on living: the hope that everything will one day sort itself out
 What is their self-image like: insecure most of the time
What superstitions do they have: she will not split a pole. Like if she and another person are walking, instead of them going different ways to by-pass a pole, she will go out of her way to make sure its not split.
Coping mechanisms: writing it in her diary
 Any life motto or quote they live by: “you are a by-product of everything you love”. It reminds her that she is worthy of self-love
 Favorite things: flowers
Physical: lean body, agile
Mental: plagued with anxiety--specifically social anxiety
Nutrition: she eats healthy for the most part, but her love of sweets may be excessive
Habits: she has trouble sleeping, she constantly wakes up throughout the night, when she is nervous she fiddles with her thumbs or the fabric on her shirt
Family History: Mother had an uncontrolled telepathic quirk and turned to telepathic blockers (drugs) to stop it
  History, Background, and Future:
(only filled in what is not considered a spoiler for Broken Bird)
0-4: At 4, quirk presented, father left
5-8: Mother became overwhelmed with everything and died by suicide (Mikan age 5); Rescued when on brink of death by All Might (Mikan age 6-7); She lives with the Secret Circle via rotations (Mikan age 6-7); starts wearing bandaids on wrist (Mikan age 7)
9-11: Was taken out of her normal middle school when her quirk allowed her to see the battle of All Might vs. AFO (Mikan age 9); privately taught by the teachers and herself
12-14: Continues being privately taught and trained by the Secret Circle
15-Present: Placed in General Department 1-C at UA 
 Did they like their upbringing: she finds her upbringing odd but she knew it was the best they (her mother as well as the UA teachers) could do for her. She wishes she knew her dad and wishes she had more time with her mother.
How has their upbringing shape them: she is close to the teachers and due to her lack of social interaction with kids her age she has developed an adult-like mindset as well as social anxiety
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: How caring and compassionate Toshi-Sensei and Aizawa-Sensei were to her. 
What did they hate most about their childhood?: Aizawa-Sensei forcing her to play chess all day and night until she could beat him in one (1) round.
 Current Dream: to stay alive to see the world get better; and to control her qurik; keep Toshi-Sensei around as well
Long-term goals for Future: to just be happy and feel safe and relaxed for more than a fleeting minute
 Home: She mostly stays with Toshinori Yagi, Shouta Aizawa would be next
Home Life as a Kid: with her mother she can’t quite remember much but she remembers her mother’s love; with the teachers it was supportive but also strict (depending on who she stayed with)
Home Life Now: overflowing with love and support, just like she wants it
 Quick Family background:
 Any Friends: Toshi-Sensei, Aizawa-Sensei, Recovery Girl, and is slowly making friends with people her age
Any Family: Mother is deceased and father is out somewhere in the world 
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ASOOT Timeline: January 2013 (The One at the Hospital)
It’s been a long time, but here we are again, and with a really good arc, too! This was a lot of fun for everyone, I think.–Timeline Anon
January 9: Mikan contacts 2030 and requests that she deal with Tsukasa at the same time as the Patient 8702 mission. Sunako, Taito, and Asami give her the go-ahead, and Taito advises her not to be scared and remember that she is stronger than her mother will ever know.
January 10: Kyoji calls DLTA to warn them about the danger that Patient 8702 is in. The hospital immediately puts security measures in place.
January 11: 
Iroha stays up late at night to research Class 49 and to get information from 2030 on how everyone is doing in the future.
Kyoji and Monaca have an argument over Kyoji’s relationship with Kanade.
January 12:
At 8:47, the Quantum Crew contacts 2030, Hajime informs Sunako and Asami of what Nagi told him, and they all turn their attention to the mission to save Patient 8702, who in 2030 has no records of their identity or fate after the transfer. Harumi has requested to stop by DLTA Private Hospital for an examination, and they’re expecting her today. Kanata and Kyoji are going with her. Kyoji will bring some counter-agents to Tsumugi’s techniques, just in case she’s involved, as well as a few supplemental compounds based on Seiko’s doping corn syrup. Everyone in the group wishes Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji luck, and they depart.
Mikan, meanwhile, prepares to bring Tsukasa down. Hajime and Hiyoko are going with her, and they will ask for Hajime’s parents’ help as well.
Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji board the train to Hokkaido at 9 AM, then settle in for a 10-hour train ride. Kyoji provides info about the hospital: it’s private, up in the mountains, has a thousand patients maximum, and is only accessible by gondola or helicopter. Since Patient 8702’s death will occur during a transfer, everyone is worried about the possibilities. Judging by the time frame that the 2030 group gave them, they have 48 hours to keep the patient safe.
Kyoji and Kanata receive their code names. Kyoji is Ten of Swords, and Kanata is Hanged Man.
When asked about Himari Matsunaga, Kyoji explains that he met her shortly after he dropped out of Hope’s Peak. She was a prostitute that he hired in order to have someone to talk to, and he remembers her as kind and comforting in a time when he needed it most. Unfortunately, Kyoji is convinced that his sins cannot be forgiven unless he does something to counterbalance them. Harumi and Kanata do their best to convince him that nobody hates him, that he should just apologize instead of making grand gestures, and that he still deserves to be happy. Kanata also tells him about Nagito’s story (and her recent engagement to him) to encourage Kyoji. Kyoji thanks his friends for the support, and they spend the rest of the train ride swapping stories about their experiences in the medical field.
Mikan, with backup from Hajime and Hiyoko, tells Hiroshi and Keiko about her backstory and her plans to bring Tsukasa down, and they instantly agree to help. Keiko will drive the group to the Tsumikis’ apartment in Kabukicho to see if Tsukasa is still there. When asked why she never went to the police, Mikan explains that Tsukasa took videos of her and gave them to some of the police officers, so she can’t trust them. This infuriates everyone present, and after talking it over, they decide to recruit Masa to help them take down not only Tsukasa, but the corrupt police officers as well.
Hajime, Mikan, and Hiyoko find Masa at the Hope’s Peak dorms, explain the situation to her, and ask for her help. She’s on board. She also calls Mayumi and tells her about what’s going on with the police so that Mayumi can pass the information on to Hideyoshi (although they will make sure to keep Mikan herself anonymous). Hiyoko cries that she never realized things were this bad for Mikan and apologizes again for what she said about her in the past.
Hajime calls Nikei and tells him that they’ll be working with Masa this time for the Tsukasa mission, as Nikei is too young for this situation and doesn’t have the resources that Masa has. Nikei doesn’t like it, but reluctantly agrees to let her handle it and work with the Patient 8702 group instead.
Nekomaru and Erina visit the Void Warehouse. While Nekomaru, Emma, Maku, and Masaru work out together, Erina talks to Nikei about his issues related to Masa. Not only is he jealous of her, but he doesn’t feel like she goes far enough in her reporting, and although he understands why the Quantum Crew picked her instead of him for this mission, he’s still upset about it. Erina consoles him and invites him to lunch with the rest of the group. There, they remind him that he isn’t a worse journalist than Masa (he just doesn’t have as much experience, and their styles are different as well), that he’s more than just journalism anyway, that his acceptance of Masa’s involvement proves that he’s getting better as a person, and that he just needs to focus on being the best he can be at what he wants to do. Erina once again promises to be there for him if he needs it, gives him a hug, and even offers to let him stay with her and Nekomaru whenever he wants.
Masaru’s adoption is officially in the works, as the Greens have already agreed to take him in.
At 8:40 PM, Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji arrive in Asahikawa. They take nasal spray of an algicide Kyoji made to inoculate against a potential attack by Tsumugi, then ride a gondola up the mountain to DLTA Private Hospital. Kanata assures Kyoji that although this may be her first mission with the Quantum Crew, she’s prepared to do what she can, and she tells the story of how she once kept a room full of injured Yakuza from fighting by boinking one of them on the head. She also thanks him for being here and says that she considers him a friend.
When their gondola reaches the hospital, the Patient 8702 trio are greeted by Dr. Masayoshi Okamoto, one of the senior staff. He’s been told that one of the patients is in danger, and he will help, but he asks that they not tell the other patients. A Code Silver will be declared if things get bad. He also takes care of Patient 8702 personally, and he calls ahead to see if they’re available to speak.
In the waiting area, the group finds Toko hanging out with a junior psychologist named Chinatsu Miyajima, who has been working with DLTA for a couple of days. Toko is doing well at the hospital and feels more at peace with herself, and it’s been discovered that she has (at least) three more alters besides Syo: the friendly and bubbly Hanako, the blunt Internal Self-Helper Athena, and the self-assured fictive Shujenko. Chinatsu is curious about everything and happy to meet everybody, but seems a bit uneasy around Kyoji.
As soon as he gets confirmation that Patient 8702 is in fact available, Masayoshi takes Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji to meet them (although his card doesn’t work on her door, so they use a security guard’s card instead). It turns out that Patient 8702’s true identity is Ryoko Otonashi. She’s been suffering from anterograde amnesia ever since she had an accident at age 9, so she cannot make new memories and must instead write everything down in a notebook. After talking with her, the group realizes that she is the older sister of Junko and Mukuro (who was originally named Sachiko). They make plans to talk with her tomorrow.
Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji contact the rest of the Quantum Crew and fill them in on the bombshell regarding Ryoko. They’re all shocked, of course, but at least they can look up info on her and her family while the Patient 8702 trio work on getting a sense of the hospital and its people.
Keiko drives Hajime, Mikan, Hiyoko, and Masa to Kabukicho. Hiyoko stays in the car, Hajime and Keiko wait near the car, and Masa goes with Mikan to the Tsumikis’ apartment. Masa tells Mikan that she has her own issues with her mother, who cheated on her father and then blamed him for it, causing a court case that inspired Masa to get into journalism. She proceeds to scare away a drunk guy who tries to hit on them. Unfortunately, Tsukasa is not at the apartment, and they find out from the night manager that she moved out two months ago.
The group reunites, and although Mikan worries that she’s wasted everyone’s time, everyone assures her that they won’t give up and that they’re here for her. Just as they’re about to leave Kabukicho for the night, they happen to run into Kojikoji and Yokoyoko. They know the area, and they work together with Keiko to calculate what kind of apartment Tsukasa can afford in accordance with her tastes. They also agree to provide information about the dirty cops and anything else the group might need. 
Everyone heads back for the night. Masa tells Mikan that she’s doing a good thing and shouldn’t be hard on herself. Mikan thanks Hajime, Hiyoko, and Keiko for being there and helping her with this. Hugs are had, and Mikan spends the night at Hajime’s house.
Later, Masa looks up all the nearby apartments to see which ones correlate best with the data.
January 13:
Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji have breakfast with Toko and Chinatsu. Toko, with help from Hanako, admits that she likes it at DLTA and thanks the Quantum Crew for sending her there. Chinatsu shares her backstory: she came from a bleak home life, with unstable parents who fought all the time before their inevitable divorce and a clinically depressed older brother, but she managed to help them all feel better, and after that, she went into psychology to help others. She can also pick up people’s traits and backgrounds just by looking at them. She doesn’t have any issues with Kyoji, but she has something she needs to discuss with him later.
Ryoko is a bit late to breakfast due to a physical, but she finally shows up with Masayoshi and Rei Shimizu (hereinafter referred to as Shimizu), her nurse. The 8702 trio talks with Ryoko and learns the story of her accident: she was with her family on a trip to the beach due to her parents’ impending separation, she and her sisters went swimming, she tried to dive off some rocks, and she hurt her head, causing her amnesia. Her muscle memory still works fine, though. She remembers that her parents were away a lot, but took her and her sisters on vacations when they were sorry for something, such as the trip to Australia that took place when Yasuke’s mother died. Also, Yasuke may or may not have had a crush on Ryoko before he moved on to date Junko, and while Junko was a very smart child who was capable of hypercalculia, she also cried a lot and, at age 4, said she never should’ve been born.
Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji tell Ryoko, Toko, and Chinatsu about the mystery assassin’s plot to kill Ryoko. They assure Ryoko that they will protect her. For now, the plan is for everyone to keep their guards up and not be alone with anyone they don’t trust. They’ll sound a Code Silver or a Code Black if they find anything. 
The 8702 trio updates the rest of the Quantum Crew on what they’ve learned. The 2030 group doesn’t have much information on the Otonashi family, as they are pretty private, but they do know that Shimizu’s parasite murders only occured during the Tragedy, not before it. In darker news, it’s revealed that Himari Matsunaga is working with the Holy Salvation Society as a prostitute in one of their front companies, and they might be the ones after Ryoko. The group remains interested in taking them down, but Sunako suggests that there might be a certain group best suited for it. Asami also warns that exposing Tsukasa, while for the best, might have some not-so-great consequences regarding how many police officers will be available to help with future missions. She asks Hajime if he still wants to do this, and he says yes. The group agrees to stay on course.
Mikan, Hiyoko, and Masa are going over their group’s calculations at Hope’s Peak, and Masa has narrowed Tsukasa’s location down to seven different apartment buildings. The group agrees to look through those places, Mikan describes her mother’s appearance to Masa, and Hiyoko advises Mikan to say whatever comes to her mind when she finally chews out Tsukasa. Before they go, Masa calls Mayumi to update her (and Hideyoshi) on things so that police can be sent to those locations. She’s also curious about Hajime’s connection to Class 77-B and wants to talk to him about it later. Hajime and Keiko reunite with the girls, they decide to pick up Kojikoji and Yokoyoko and get their help as well, and with that, they’re off.
Back at the hospital, Kanata sets out to investigate the surgical ward, Chinatsu and Kyoji go to investigate the backrooms and discuss some things, and Harumi and Toko keep an eye on Ryoko. Harumi interviews all the doctors and finds none of them suspicious. As she checks on Ryoko, she does find Shimizu suspicious, but at least Ryoko’s in good health. Harumi goes off with Shimizu to set up an MRI for Ryoko, but on the way there, she drags her into the supply closet and demands answers as to how come she’s working here if she’s a clumsy parasitologist. Shimizu denies that she would ever hurt Ryoko and explains that she’s here because DLTA is one of the only places that she can handle, stress-wise. She’s been looking after Ryoko ever since her arrival, as she genuinely wanted to help her recover after her horrific accident, and when the Otonashis eventually abandoned Ryoko on the grounds that they couldn’t spent the rest of their lives “lugging around a doorstop,” that only strengthened Shimizu’s resolve to be there for her. Harumi apologizes for doubting Shimizu, and the two decide to work together for Ryoko’s sake. Harumi also considers telling Yasuke the truth about all this when they return home.
Chinatsu asks Kyoji if he’s the assassin, and when Kyoji says no, she follows it up by asking if he’s okay. He admits that he’s not. She wants to help, so he tells her about his situation with Kanade without mentioning any names. Chinatsu advises him to let her go because he can’t save everyone, but he cries that it’s not fair that he gets a second chance while she doesn’t, and so it comes out to Chinatsu that he’s killed people. After confirming that he’s not dangerous now and that he just wants to help people, Chinatsu forgives him, suggests that he find Himari again, and tells him to learn how to help and forgive himself before trying to help anyone else. With Kyoji somewhat reassured, they continue their investigation in the backrooms, where a light beeping sound in the vent leads them to find a bunch of computer parts glued together into a makeshift device. It has wires that lead further into the vent.
In the surgical ward, Kanata is impressed by the newest MRI model of DLTA, which is used to scan anyone who is injured. Shortly after Shimizu arrives to request an MRI for Ryoko, Kanata finds a wire trailing out of the vent, connected to the MRI. It’s the same wire that leads to the device that Kyoji and Chinatsu found.
Kanata decides to test the MRI on herself in order to see what the device connected to it is for. When she does so, the device causes the MRI to fake its results, giving Kanata a faulty diagnosis of colon cancer. Harumi tries it on herself and gets the same diagnosis. When they rip the device out of the MRI, its results go back to normal. The group realizes that the device was made to make everyone think that Ryoko has colon cancer and transfer her to another hospital for treatment, opening the window for an assassination in transit. This also means that the assassin is already at the hospital. The doctors sound a Code Silver, and everyone assures Ryoko that they’ll protect her.
In Kabukicho, Mikan’s group has checked four locations thus far, but have not found Tsukasa. Masa checks a fifth location and intimidates an apartment building manager into telling her that Tsukasa passed through the area recently, but does not live there. The police officers sent by Hideyoshi are already covering the Kabukicho exits. With two locations left, Hajime, Mikan, Masa, and Kojikoji search one of them, while Keiko, Hiyoko, and Yokoyoko check the other one. 
Masa asks Hajime about the Twilight Syndrome incident and why he gets involved with other people’s business so often, even to the point of not taking care of himself as well as he should. She also tells him that Natsumi and Honami’s fight was probably caused indirectly by the Steering Committee, turning them against each other to keep them out of their hair. She thinks that he’s doing this for the right reasons, but is worried that he doesn’t trust her and assures him that she isn’t trying to get a story out of this. Hajime understands, although he still doesn’t want to talk about his reasons right now.
Kojikoji agrees to give Hajime and Mikan a class roster for Class 78. He also says that he and Yokoyoko don’t plan on being in the escort business forever, although Teruteru worries about them a lot.
When Mikan’s group reaches the location they’re supposed to investigate, they find Tsukasa Tsumiki smoking by the crosswalk, propositioning passerby. Hajime decides that he will get her alone by going up with her to her room as a “customer,” giving the rest a chance to catch up and cover the exits. He’ll give them a signal if anything goes wrong, and Masa will follow him in secret. Although the others express concerns about if this is a good idea or not, Hajime’s determined to do it for Mikan’s sake.
Hajime approaches Tsukasa and accepts her offer to go with her to Room 513. Mikan immediately finds Keiko’s group and fills them in on the situation. An angry Keiko leads the charge back to Tsukasa’s apartment.
Up in Room 513, Tsukasa starts getting handsy with Hajime, even forcibly kissing him. Hajime punches her and chews her out for her actions, whereupon Tsukasa finds herself surrounded by the rest of his group. Mikan arrives and tells her exactly what she thinks of her, calling her out for all the abuse she’s put her through. Tsukasa tries to defend herself by pointing out Mikan’s faults and talking about how she had to become who she is now in order to survive the economic crash of the 90s, but Keiko says that’s no excuse for treating others badly. Mikan admits that she doesn’t hate or fear her mother anymore, but rather pities her, and she thanks her for showing her the kind of person she doesn’t want to become. With that, Tsukasa is arrested by Kouhei, but not before Keiko punches her in the face for her assault on Hajime.
Masa and Kouhei are going to search Tsukasa’s apartment, find out which cops were working with her, and root out all the remaining corruption in the police force. Kouhei knows Masa from previous interviews. Tsurugi is still recovering from what happened in November, but Kouhei is helping him too.
Struck by the fact that her troubles with her mother are really over and wondering if it was really enough, Mikan sits down on the curb and begins to cry. Hajime, Hiyoko, and Keiko comfort her. Mikan is proud of herself, if slightly overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, Shimizu and Chinatsu inform Masayoshi of the Code Silver, Ryoko panics, and Harumi finds unknown fingerprints on the device (it turns out she has experience in forensics). Harumi and Shimizu go to check the security cameras, while Kanata and Kyoji go to find the others. Chinatsu meets up with Toko, whereupon Athena fronts and decides to help protect Ryoko as well.
Ryoko, who has written everything down in her notebook, finds Kanata and Kyoji. They again promise to help however they can. Masayoshi appears and suggests that they get Ryoko out of the hospital via a secret passage built into the mountain. Just as they’re about to leave, Ryoko sees something on the mountain through a skylight window, and suddenly, the skylight shatters via a hail of bullets. It turns out that there’s an automated turret gun on the mountain that will shoot at anything that moves, trapping the group in place.
Harumi and Shimizu’s check of the security cameras finds nothing terribly suspicious. Masayoshi, Shimizu, Chinatsu, Kyoji, and some contractors have all been near the MRI at various points, but no one stands out. Then they get distracted by the gunshots and run to help, rejoining the main group. 
Chinatsu and Athena hide in the upper section of the hospital to make their plan. They see the turret gun from a higher vantage point than the others, and they decide to distract it by throwing books at it. This works, and while Chinatsu keeps throwing books, Athena rushes out the window and across the cliff to attack the turret gun, using thicker books as shields, giving those trapped in the hospital a chance to move out of the line of fire. The pair of them keep the turret gun’s attention on them for the most part, but one stray shot sends broken glass falling towards Ryoko. Shimizu successfully shields her with her own body, but ends up with shards of glass in her own back. Shortly afterwards, Athena successfully destroys the turret gun by kicking it off the cliff.
Fortunately, Shimizu’s wounds are only superficial, but she’s still lost a lot of blood, so Kanata prepares a transfusion for her. Meanwhile, the rest of the group gathers to discuss the assassin’s identity. Harumi shares some revelations she’s had: the hospital has had security measures in place ever since they were warned about the assassin, yet Masayoshi’s card mysteriously didn’t work on Ryoko’s door the previous day, even though he should’ve been the first to have the new security keys. This, combined with his presence on the security cameras, the mysterious fingerprints, the cliff being right outside his office, and the fact that no one else in the hospital has ever heard of the secret passage he claimed to have available, makes it clear that Masayoshi is the assassin sent to kill Ryoko. In fact, he’s not even Masayoshi. He’s Tsumugi Shirogane, who has stolen Masayoshi’s body for use in her murder plot.
Tsumugi reveals herself and gloats about how she has achieved “true immortality” and is ready for everything. She says that because of Ryoko’s condition, she considers killing her to be an act of mercy. Then, she gives everyone an ultimatum: give up Ryoko, and she’ll let everyone else in the hospital live. Chinatsu calls her out for being a lying sociopath, Ryoko calls her a monster, and everyone tells her to go to hell. Tsumugi then reveals that she’s planted bombs around the hospital that will kill everyone inside. Harumi starts fighting her, while Kyoji, Ryoko, Toko, and Chinatsu go to warn everyone.
Kyoji’s group finds Kanata operating on Shimizu and briefs her on the current situation. Ryoko uses a map of the hospital to figure out where the bombs are likely hiding: that is, on four of the main pillars supporting the place or on the oxygen line that runs down from the top floor. She figures that they’re probably plastic explosives and can be disarmed easily. Everyone splits up to search for the bombs, except for Kanata, who insists on staying with Shimizu. She issues a Code Black to the rest of the hospital. 
Harumi easily beats Tsumugi up. Tsumugi doesn’t understand how Harumi and her group know everything about the Despairs’ plans, and she denies involvement with Juu’s prison break. She offers to let Harumi take her in for interrogation on a rescue helicopter if she leaves the hospital to burn, but Harumi refuses.
The group goes down the maintenance tunnel. Chinatsu goes to check the oxygen line, while everyone else takes care of the pillars. They find a mass of boxes with cell phones attached to them at the pillars, which appear to be the bombs, but Ryoko soon discovers that they’re all fake. Meanwhile, Chinatsu finds the real bomb hidden in a small space beside the pipes, and she gets it off the pipe with only eighteen seconds left. From there, the panicking psychologist tries everything to disarm it, finally breaking the phone detonator and pulling out the battery mechanism. That does the job, and the bomb is disarmed, saving the entire hospital.
Everyone reconvenes near the hospital entrance, just as a rescue helicopter shows up. Harumi has subdued Tsumugi, and Ryoko, upset that Masayoshi was killed and Shimizu was hurt, demands to know why Tsumugi wants her dead so badly. Tsumugi reveals that Junko’s the one who wants Ryoko dead, which comes as a big shock to the poor girl. Then, Tsumugi takes off, climbs up a safety rail near the edge of the cliff, and tells everyone that this was an interesting experiment and that they’ll see her again soon.
The version of Tsumugi Shirogane occupying Masayoshi Okamoto’s body commits suicide by throwing herself off the cliff, and anything that might be left of him dies with her. He is 52.
Ryoko is devastated by the truth of this case, and she blames herself for everything. Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji somberly take solace in the fact that she’s alive and the hospital is safe. They inform the rest of the Quantum Crew.
Shimizu gets bandages and stitches from Kanata. She’s now on lots of painkillers, but is otherwise okay. She thanks Kyoji for saving Ryoko. The hospital will have much tighter security from now on, and Kyoji gives Shimizu the formula for his anti-Tsumugi algicide, just in case.
Ryoko chooses to forget that this entire incident ever happened. She’s ripped out every page in her journal that has to do with Tsumugi, Masayoshi, Kyoji, Harumi, and Kanata. Chinatsu and Toko promise to keep an eye on her, Shimizu has been inspired to become the responsible nurse she truly needs, Toko thanks Kyoji for sending her to DLTA, and Kyoji promises to take Chinatsu’s words to heart. With a bittersweet air about them, the 8702 trio says goodbye to everyone and departs for home.
On the way home, everyone compliments each other on their contributions to this mission, and Kyoji decides to tell Kanata and Harumi the truth about Kanade. He still wants to save her, although the others tell him that there are times when you have to let people go, and he isn’t sure if sending her to DLTA is a good idea anymore. They decide to go talk to Yasuke about it, and Kyoji calls Hibiki and asks her to go with them.
Hibiki, Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji meet up with Yasuke; they tell him that they met Ryoko and saved her from Junko. It turns out that all the Ultimate Despairs are allowed some autonomy as long as they follow Junko’s orders, and they don’t tend to actually talk to each other. Yasuke talks about his connection to Ryoko and his history with the Otonashi family,  how they helped him when his mom was sick, and how horrible the parents were, arguing all the time. His mother’s illness and Ryoko’s accident were both parts of the reason why he went into neurosurgery, as was Tsumugi’s work on the subject. When asked if Ryoko’s accident was truly an accident or not, he admits that he doesn’t know. The group tells him about Junko’s plan to wipe her memories and impersonate Ryoko later on down the line, and he decides to stop helping Junko and to turn himself in to the police alongside Kyoji once she’s defeated. Hibiki says that she’s decided to send Kanade back to jail now, since she’s finally accepted that the sister she loved never really existed. Harumi’s upset about the whole thing, but does admit that she can’t really say that they should’ve killed her, either. They all contemplate whenever it’s best to forget or remember the past. As thanks for saving Ryoko, Yasuke offers to wipe Kyoji’s memory of his own past after they both get out of jail, but Kyoji decides to continue carrying that weight. They leave, but not before Kanata tells Yasuke that Ryoko still remembers him.
Hibiki asks Kyoji if he’s mad at her. He isn’t, and in fact, he actually feels a lot better now, especially after his talk with Chinatsu. Kyoji and Hibiki become close friends.
January 14: 
Mikan confides to Hajime that dealing with her mother has left her feeling empty, and it feels like there should’ve been more to it. She declares that she’s a better person now and doesn’t need anything from her mother, only to break down crying. Hajime comforts her and assures her that she can move on with everyone else. They will focus on the future from now on.
Masa tells Hajime and Mikan that Tsukasa is pretty much finished and that they’ve already identified two of her cohorts in the police force. She also gives them a copy of the Class 78 roster and tells them that she’ll be at the Nijiue charity event with her father. Hajime looks at the roster, realizes something, and tells Mikan that everyone on the Quantum Crew needs to see it. 
The Quantum Crew meets to discuss everything that has happened. They congratulate Harumi, Kanata, and Kyoji on a job well done and tell them not to blame themselves for what happened with Masayoshi and Tsumugi. The 2030 crew tells the group that in their time, Ryoko still lives in an assisted care facility, but has become more independent; also, 14 officers have been fired and face prison time. Both Hajime and Iroha have big important revelations to share with the group.
Hajime’s revelation is first: it turns out that Tamami and Sofia will not be members of Class 78-B as originally thought, but rather Class 78-A. Junko and Mukuro are not in that class…at least, not yet. In order to get into Hope’s Peak, they will get Tamami and Sofia killed with help from the Holy Salvation Society, who 2030’s Mikako reveals will also turn Masa’s granddaughter Maki into an assassin if nothing is done about them. Kyoji’s connection with Himari might be the key to taking the assassin organization down for good. The group vows to save the girls and turn Hope’s Peak into a fortress against Junko. Iroha’s a little sad that Mukuro won’t go to Hope’s Peak and is thus less likely to be redeemed, but she still agrees to it.
Iroha’s revelation is that she and Umeko have finally figured out who the fourth time traveler is. It seems that in the Tragedy timeline, Umeko used some of Tsumugi’s tech for her time travel plan, and she pulled one of the victims of the Killing School Life forward in time just before they died. She took a snapshot of that person’s brain (it had to be the only one with no head drama) and saved it to her computer, so the person had to live in the computer for a while, but then, she sent them back in time to their 2012 body. The fourth time traveler, as it turns out, is Sayaka Maizono.
Elsewhere, Sayaka and Kyoko make plans to meet up with the Quantum Crew at the charity event so that they can coordinate with them easier from then on. Sayaka has been ready for this for quite a while now. 
It’s Kazuo’s birthday. He turns 73.
It’s Honami’s birthday. She turns 17.
January 15: It’s Hideyoshi’s birthday. He turns 24.
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Keiko’s First Birthday Heacanons
(under the cut)
Having never celebrated her birthday before, Keiko is not familiar with the idea of what a birthday party is.
Compared to her close friends, Keiko would easily celebrate their birthday. It took Sonia a little bit of wheedling for Keiko to tell the Ultimate Princess when her birthday was and this would likely occur months before Keiko’s birthday rolls around. 
Once Sonia found out that Keiko had never celebrated her birthday, the Ultimate Princess made it her mission to throw Keiko a birthday party. No friend of hers was going to not have a proper celebration before Sonia ends up returning to Novoselic.
Sonia asks the others in the class to help plan Keiko’s party; however, she makes sure to enlist Gundham and Hajime’s help in seeing what it was Keiko likes so the party could be a complete success.
Knowing Keiko liked playing and feeding his Devas of Destruction, Gundham works to breed a baby Deva for Keiko as a gift.
Hajime, being Keiko’s platonic brother-friend, would definitely manage to wheedle out Keiko’s fascination for nature documentaries. 
Sonia already knew of Keiko’s love for sweets and passed the information on to Teruteru to make sure the dishes made for Keiko’s surprise birthday party were suited to her sweet tooth. Of course, other food was made for the others’ liking in case they didn’t like sweets.
Mahiru was put in charge to take all of the photos for the party from it’s beginning to end to commemorate Keiko’s first birthday party.
Of course, Keiko’s favorite flower was a recurring motif from the streamers to the tablecloths. 
Chiaki picked out some games that Keiko may like that everyone could play together. 
Once Keiko’s birthday rolls around, the girls take Keiko shopping for new clothes, including a pretty rose-patterned dress to wear to the party (unbeknownst to her, of course, as Sonia only said to wear the dress for a nice evening out later). 
The boys were setting up a classroom (or other venue at Hope’s Peak to leave to your imagination) with the balloons, streamers, food, etc as the girls were due any second with the birthday girl in tow. 
When the girls were bringing Keiko to where the party was being held, Ibuki blindfolded her while Mikan and Hiyoko were guiding Keiko by her hand (Hiyoko did her tsundere-fussing of course, but she was excited to see Keiko’s reaction too). 
When they arrived and Akane pulled off the blindfold, everyone’s voice clamored with “Surprise!”, effectively startling Keiko from the volume until she actually took in the venue. 
Her closest friends gathered around her, being the first to give their presents to her. 
While being bustled over to the table for food and having people wish her a happy birthday (while her new pet, the little baby Deva Gundham gave her, perched on her shoulder), Keiko legitimately starts to cry.
Since the party was her idea, Sonia panics and asks Keiko if she disliked the party and was ready to apologize profusely, but Keiko shakes her head with a laugh.
Keiko also adds in that she’s never had a birthday party before and her friends had worked hard to make sure her very first one was spectacularly done and she could not be any happier than in that exact moment.       
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izukulove · 6 years
OC question (not just for you, but anyone interested): what does your OC's dorm room look like? Wallpaper, decorations, bed cover, etc. I watched the new episode and was thinking "Huh, what would my OC's room look like?”
okay,,, so I kept this in my ask box for such a long time because (I know i messaged you already explaining why) I wanted to really think it over and develop a good idea of how Mikan would decorate her room. And I figured it all out
Mikan would have a bunch of little plants around the room. Simple ones like English Ivy, little succulents and cacti and other easy to care for plants. She would also like to keep herbs too in little potters such as mint or lavender. She would definitely keep an aloe plant too. 
As for her study desk, there would be a crystal salt lamp. It acts like a nightlight and for decoration. She would have crystals around her room too. Which plays that “Psychic” gimmick even more. 
Mikan is a sucker for shaped erasers so she would have a lot of those too. A first aid kit would be in the room for sure, overstocked with bandaids. There would be tons of books around too and in the middle of these books would be her secret diary.
She would bring those yarn dolls and the photo of her parents with her and place them in a private drawer.
I also think Toshinori would buy her a mini fridge and a microwave because he worries she would be too nervous to go into the kitchen. He would repeatedly tell her that she can’t let her quirk keep her fearful. But he would still give her these things in case she had a low energy or migraine day.
As for her bed sheets and curtains, Mikan would have simple light colored sheets like a soft blue or a lavender. 
All in all, a soft, naturally lit colored room (windows almost always open), lots of plants and crystals and little knickknacks, a first aid kit somewhere, and several gifts from Toshinori (:
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izukulove · 6 years
More Mikan content? D:
Here is some Mikan content for you. I love you :D
when she got rescued by All Might, he was the only one she would cling to. So he was the first person she stayed with. He let her sleep in his bed and he would sleep on the floor. He could never fully fall asleep because she kept having nightmares, waking up frequently crying for her mom, and so to distract her, he would grab a pair of socks and use them as puppets. Poor baby was only 6-7 around that time. Soon enough Toshinori realized this puppet thing actually worked, and so he went to the craft store and bought a bunch of supplies. He stayed up for hours watching videos on how to make dolls out of yarn. Soon enough he made two dolls, one of him and one of Mikan. This cheered him up, and he couldn’t wait for Mikan to come back into his home. (In fact he called up Aizawa and begged him to give Mikan back to him; Aizawa groaned and grumbled, saying it was illogical to keep such a wanted person in one spot for a while, but he caved)
The first doll Mikan made was her mom. The second was Aizawa. (this made his heart soften)
Mikan’s least favorite person to stay with was Midnight. She felt uncomfortable there (because it was a woman and she was worried this lady was trying to take her mother’s position in her heart) but once Mikan hit puberty, you could say she was thankful to have someone explain what was happening to her body.
Recovery Girl taught Mikan first aid because she wanted extra help at the school she wanted Mikan to know how to help the now-spitting-up-blood Toshinori when Recovery Girl wasn’t there
Mikan carried a first aid kit in a tiny bookbag with her everywhere. She also carried a wash cloth with her around her Easy-Bake oven apron solely to help Toshi-Sensei wipe the blood from his mouth
It took Mikan some time to comprehend that Toshinori no longer could eat as much as he used to.
For one of Mikan’s birthday, Toshinori secretly cleaned out an old room of his to make it into Mikan’s room. When she returned from Recovery Girl’s office, she cried, saying that she never had her own room before.
Mikan keeps a photo of her family. It’s the only one she has. It has her mom, dad, and her as a baby. She keeps it framed in her room but its also hidden away in a drawer. Mikan also still has the yarn dolls of her and Toshinori, they sit on her shelf above her desk. The mom one is kept away with the photo now. She fears the photo and yarn doll getting damaged, as they are her only remains of her old life.
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izukulove · 6 years
I need information on Mikan’s personality *holds out hands*
Okay, here we goooooo!!
Mikan identifies with the INFP personality type. This is nicknamed as “The Healer”. She constantly wants to help people but she also fears making them uncomfortable too. So she’s frequently treading this thin line of “I want to help them” and “but they may tell me it isn’t my business.”
In the end she tries to figure out ways to help them without over stepping her boundaries too much. 
Mikan is also the kind of person to notice when someone is not happy or feeling well 
Often (and in the beginning of her journey) she wishes she had a healing quirk like Recovery Girl’s instead of the one she received.
Mikan is the type of person who would show up late to an event because she saw a turtle needing help with crossing the road.
bunnies are her favorites and so she will especially do all she can to try and help them. Bunnies are her fave because they remind her of All Might
She is super shy and a little withdrawn when first meeting someone. But after some time (or if she accidentally uses her quirk on them) she feels like she knows them well enough to no longer be withdrawn from them. However she realizes her quirk is a one-way and though she may know everything about them, they know nothing of her. So this realization tends to make her feel awkward when speaking to them.
Ex: someone she feels connected to passes her to get to the elevator, Mikan wants to talk to them, ask them how their grandfather in the hospital is doing, have they passed that test they stayed up till 4am crying and stressing about, etc. Except she remembers she was never told this by the person so she has to play dumb.
Instead of saying something smooth like, “Oh I heard that (insert xyz), how is that going?” She ends up staring at them with a goofy smile and saying, “Oh, you… you going down? Wait!! I mean going down in the elevator, not going down like… like going down in health or grades or something. I just… haaha, okay, yeah, I hope you have fun going down. In the elevator!” And then she’ll scamper off, frustrated and embarrassed at her awkward behavior.
It’s hard knowing everything about someone and wanting to help them but having to pretend you two aren’t even friends. 
She is the pure definition of Adorkable. Awkwardly adorable.
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ASOOT Timeline: October 2012 (The Past and the Future)
Okey-dokes, so here’s how things will go after this update: as much as it pains me, I will have to save the lovely upcoming scene in 2030 for a later time. This is because it takes place in an entirely different month/year and I would like to get October 2012 done as soon as possible so I can make it to November. So the next update will be the rest of October. I will come back to our 2030 friends at some point, I promise! I’d just really like to actually catch up to the current month at some point. Hope that’s okay.–Timeline Anon 
October 14: Hiroshi tells Hajime and Hibiki about his older brother (and Hajime’s uncle), Noriaki, who was the former Ultimate Lawyer. Noriaki died in 1988 after a run-in with some Yakuza, and Hiroshi’s parents (who were also Ultimates) pressured their one remaining son into trying to find a talent. All Hiroshi got out of this was an injured leg and a spot in the Reserve Course. He resents Hope’s Peak for this, but he still let Hajime go there, as that was what he wanted. Hiroshi and Keiko make it clear that Hajime’s happiness and well-being are more important to them than talent.
October 20:
Kana’s funeral takes place at the Zojo-ji Temple. Estu officiates it, and it is attended by Chiaki, Misako, Hajime, Hibiki, Mikan, Sonia, Kotoko, Taira, Damian, Yuki, Kanon, Kizuna, Umeko, and Sora (among others). Misako gives a speech in honor of her daughter, praising her for what she grew to be and thanking those who helped her along the way.
As the Quantum Crew expresses regret that they couldn’t save Kana, Estu reminds them that it’s impossible to save everyone and advises them to do what they can for as many people as they can. She also tells Chiaki to hold on to the time she spent with Kana and the lessons she learned from her.
The former managers are doing better. Damian has found an apartment to stay in, Kanon is attending therapy and getting help from Leon, Yuki has been doing his best to enjoy life and has also talked to Sora a few times via Skype, and Kizuna has made friends at school. Furthermore, Yuki and Kizuna’s relationship is going well, despite the distance between them. The two of them officially make friends with Taira at the funeral. Everyone shares happy memories of Kana and is grateful for the chance to have known her.
After the funeral, Hajime thanks Hiroshi for telling him about Noriaki. The Hinata family is much closer now.
Taira visits Nikei. He’s frightened and uncertain of the future and doesn’t even know if he deserves to think about it, but she thinks that he’s better than he believes he is and that they and their friends will get through anything as long as they’re together. When he blurts out that he loves her and then worries that it’s too soon to say that, she assures him that they don’t have to do things a certain way and can take the relationship at their own pace. They swap “I love yous,” cuddle on the couch, and end up falling asleep together.  
Masaru spends the day with Emma and Maku.
Chiaki and her family return home after laying Kana to rest. They’re doing better as a family as well. Deep down, Chiaki is becoming uncertain about who can or can’t be saved. She goes upstairs to sleep. 
During the night, Chiaki and Taira travel forward in time to the year 2030. For information on what happens there, please consult July 19, 2030.
Hajime remembers the truth of how he traveled back in time.
//Makes sense you wanna keep things consistent. You’ve almost caught up to the present time ^^
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