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rien-de-personnel · 6 days ago
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Amédée Ozenfant (France, 1886 – 1966) - Nature morte puriste, 1921
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david2no · 7 months ago
[𝗔𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗱'𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝗵ér𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗲]
🎨 De retour de Biot où j'ai visité le musée Fernand Léger, je n'avais qu'une envie : partager le travail de cet artiste majeur avec les aidants de résidents en EHPAD offert par la plateforme de soutien et de répit de  l'association Notre Dame de bon secours
🙀Au travers du catalogue du musée, nous avons découvert l'étendue de son art et de ses convictions : outre le fait qu'il fut le contemporain et l'ami d'artistes comme Chagall, Picasso, Delaunay, le Corbusier, Perret, Satie et j'en oublie, c'était un artiste ouvertement communiste, fasciné par la modernité qui militait pour les droits sociaux des travailleurs.
🖌️ De l'impressionnisme en passant au cubisme, il fut l'un des dignes représentants du purisme.
🌈 Et pour lui la couleur était tout aussi importante pour vivre que l'air ou l'eau 😅😅😅
🔄 Bien-sûr il n'était pas sans contradictions et n'a jamais voulu utiliser le t��léphone ni conduire une voiture !
💪 Fort de toutes ces histoires, notre groupe à su s'approprier l'essence de son travail pour produire les dessins que nous vous offrons à voir !
🎹 En écoute pendant la séance : le groupe français M83
👏 👏👏Au participants et n'oubliez pas de mettre le son ! 
#arttherapy #arttherapie 
 #NDBS #fernandleger #purisme  #communisme #art #M83
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fashionlandscapeblog · 3 months ago
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Amédée Ozenfant
La grotte aux baigneurs, 1931
Plaster and oil on canvas.
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gojuo · 5 months ago
will never forgive hotd for what they've done to my helaegon... people are now forever going to remember them as the "they don't like each other they don't even talk to each other he abuses and neglects her" ship dynamic instead of the doomed and haunted couple they were in the book......
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ed-recovery-affirmations · 1 year ago
I've been talking a lot about chronic health conditions and how they affect peoples' experiences of food, and I think that there's an important discussion that needs to be had about how two things can be possible at once. Somebody's specific health needs re: food can cause them to have serious, unpleasant symptoms if they do not carefully monitor their diet. This sucks, it affects their lives significantly, and their experiences are very real. It also doesn't make that food universally evil. When these experiences make their way into mainstream conversations around the "right" way to eat, it comes to blow up into this major diet-culture house of mirrors where every food is potentially the next inflammatory carcinogen out to kill you. So here's the thing: multiple truths can exist at the same time.
Diabetics need to carefully monitor their sugar consumption and blood sugar levels AND that does not make sugars evil or bad.
Celiacs need to avoid even trace amounts of gluten touching their food or else they will experience dire, lasting health consequences AND the use of gluten as a buzzword has contributed to a great deal of disordered eating AND gluten is not an inherently evil component of food.
Lactose intolerant people may have some pretty unpleasant experiences with dairy AND dairy-containing products are a perfectly adequate way to get calories and nutrients into your body.
Some people experience allergic reactions to food dyes AND food dye is not inherently the root of all health disorders.
It's really important to practice eating intuitively with the foods that work for YOU - and, if need be, with the help of qualified medical professionals who are familiar with your health history and your needs.
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molinaskies · 2 months ago
Hello, on your recommendation (I think) I watched Sonic X in Japanese for the first time at the start of the year, I was also watching it in the English dub at the same time to see how different they were and oh my god, all the changes they did, the censoring, cutting out scenes (Chris' flashback hello???), not using the original soundtrack, like eggman's theme, come on. But one scene (of many) I was so disappointed about was when Amy gets kidnapped, and they cut out the little scene where she is telling Lily (the flicky) about telepathy and how when someone really cares about you they'll know how you feel, and they actually show that Sonic could hear Amy calling for him, but it was cut out in the dub!!
But besides this rant, I wanted to know you're opinion on the song used in episode 52 for the sonamy reunion. As I understand it, Natsu No Hi played in the Japanese version when it originally aired, but then they changed it to Hikaru Michi for copyright reasons. I've looked the lyrics up for both songs and although Natsu No Hi makes more sense for sonamy, I got accustomed to hearing Hikaru Michi because of the 2nd ending for the series, and with the whole clip of Sonic walking towards Amy in that same ending. I guess I was just wondering which song you liked better and if you think, there's anything in the song Hikaru Michi that could resemble sonamy?
Japanese sonic x supremacy
Haha, for real, I hope you enjoyed the original experience! For anyone who either knows the language or can manage subtitles, please—I am begging on my knees—watch the original Japanese Dub of Sonic X. I don’t care if you watched the English version and love it. I don’t care if you watched the English version and hate it. I don’t care if you are Chris Thorndyke’s biggest opp. Please watch it. It is 100% a different show and 1000% worth your time!!
As for the song, Hikaru Michi (The Shining Road) is very, very, very, very, very important to me. It is probably the quintessential sonamy song for me, and very fitting for their dynamic in the show. Sonic and Amy’s relationship (the true depths of it) has always been subtle. There’s always been another layer to their chase, and more and more recently those layers have been starting to merge in media. However, in Sonic X, their relationship is very “secret”, so I think the idea of the two of them sneaking off for occasional alone time or stolen moments, as the song implies, makes sense.
Not to mention, the song’s overall use in the show is phenomenal. It’s an emotional whammy… and it’s for that reason that I think I prefer Natsu no Hi for ep 52. While Hikaru Michi is very sonamy coded, Natsu no Hi is different and stands out at a time when it really needs to for the narrative!
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cinnamon-stixs · 10 days ago
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PURISTS-Head Doctor Chi
Also ignore the stethoscope I retconned that immediately after I drew this, I just didn’t have time to fix it
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yoshi-self-ships · 5 months ago
I will never understand people who will be pissed at fans for drawing sexual(or otherwise) art of characters when the show itself does the same.
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shejustcalledmeafish · 10 months ago
No joke, if someone has janto in their username they’re way more likely to be a gwenbasher, and I just think janto would actually be disappointed in that :(
that’s their best friend and valued teammate they literally invited to play naked hide and seek with them, why do you think she’s getting in between them, they’d like that actually 😏
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tora-the-cat · 10 months ago
Happy womans history month! everybody place your bets now: How long does it take Naruto to pass the Bechdel test?
I'm watching it until it does as soon as this poll ends so. we will see!! <3
(Also obligatory 'I know the bechdel test doesn't actually indicate or mean anything by itself and is literally a lesbian in joke that went viral' like. I'm just doing this for funsisesss)
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radnewworld · 1 year ago
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Men only want one thing and it's disgusting.
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gojuo · 5 months ago
I’m finally free too i’m happy i has to go on a trip for work cuz i couldn’t watch the episode 2 weeks ago and coming back home i was like yeah whatever i don’t care anymore and i haven’t watched still i only knows what happends thanks to tumblr ⛓️‍💥⛓️‍💥⛓️‍💥
so grateful for hotd actually because now i know to never ever bother with asoiaf hbo adaptations ever again in my life 🙏
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humunanunga · 1 year ago
I'm still thinking about that post where op dared the notes to give them any subject to stir discourse with, and call it knocking on the devil's door but now I want it to be a whole CAH-style game where we all compete for the best/worst take on why we should cancel xyz.
I'm calling it What’s It Canceled For.
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lemongogo · 1 year ago
9374934 people have probably alr talked abt it but im sooo so excited ab shibuya , but ESPECIALLY AB IT HAVING A NARRATOR,, MANN. MANNNN‼️‼️‼️‼️ ITS GOING TO BE SOO WELL DONE .. i love how dreadful it feels.. the TIMESTAMPSS!! KNOWING WHATS DONE IS DONE !! i saw smone share the scs from gojo’s cubing and im going 2 throw up.:):2&/!2 the getwo reveal from gojo’s perspective is my FAVORITEE .. “then it all came back, those three years of his youth” RGGAAAHTR SHUT UPP SHUT UPP that was soo clever of kenjaku .. ive always loved how the one min time requirement was fulfilled through gojo reliving literal years of his life just by looking at geto . SEEING HIMM*. godjdjdhdddd z
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callixton · 11 months ago
i need to rewatch His onib brb
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ed-recovery-affirmations · 9 months ago
Hi ! I've been looking for some advices, maybe an outside opinion, as well as sharing my experiences. I Hope it's ok.
I've already sent Asks here, being much more worse, and I wanted to say first of all that I'm doing much much better !!
I've been eating more and re-introduced carbs and fats and feat foods slowly and it feels like a lot sometimes, but it gets easier.
I'm not recovered totally at all, but I'm healthier both physically and mentally.
Problem is, I think I might be running from anorexia to orthorexia... At first I thought it would be a good things now that I felt capable of controling my food to include healthy meals and all, but it has become obsessive. Am I supposed to just eat ''unhealthy'' foods to have balance ? I sometimes feel like I have to, more for it to be socially acceptable and normal, rather than a Real want for it. I don't feel particulary proud of my ''healthy diet'', I'm actually suite ashamed of it in society.
Second of all, I realized that I might even look better with some more weight on. I Always had a hard Time gaining and I'm still not btw, but this is quite a comforting thought to have in recovery. I don't intend to monitor my weight and body but it reassures me. However, I still feel like gaining would make me worth less and even tho it's something that could be positive, I still bodycheck without thinking and am worried to gain when I eat more. I don't know how to fight it, since I've already told myself that weight gain could even be better and positive, and not only necessary...
Third and last (sorry this is so long), I'm exercising again. I Always liked to, since I was eight, and it makes me feel like I'm still holding onto something. I do pilates, and bodyweight strenght training one hour a day, with one rest day a week. I already decreased the time of exercice that I once did twice a day, and it feels okay.
But I don't really make progress, despite eating a lot of protein and working out a lot. On top of that, I still haven't got my period back in a long Time. What am I doing wrong ? I really don't want to abandon exercices, especially when I have so much free Time.
Thank you for Reading ! And thank you for this page, it helps a number of people.
Hi anon! I'm so glad to hear you've progressed this far in your recovery, even though it's never an easy journey. Even now, you're running into new worries. First of all, you don't "have to" eat anything you don't like. I think orthorexia is about an obsessive need to restrict your food intake down to what's "pure enough" eschewing even the smallest treat. I think a lot of people with orthorexia take it even further - worrying that their healthy food isn't pure enough, pursuing even more extreme diets - it's not pure enough if it's not raw, or dairy-free, or organic, just as a few possible examples. So if you enjoy foods like candy and chips, or sugar cereal and stuff like that, but feel like you cannot enjoy them specifically because they're not your "healthy" foods...that's orthorexia. But if you simply prefer the foods you're already eating, then you can feel free to continue to eat the foods you enjoy. Just make sure to keep your mind open enough that you'd be willing to try new foods if you really wanted them, and remember that "I don't like that," doesn't need any justification.
I think you might need to check in with yourself when you catch yourself body-checking or feeling like you'd be worth less with weight gain. What makes you feel that way? Try to examine these feelings without being judgmental toward yourself. Just unpack these feelings and try to go over some things in your mind that define your worth to you. These should ideally be things that have nothing to do with your body. Sit compassionately with your feelings, but do gently challenge them, and be aware that it may take time before you work out these challenging and conflicting feelings about the way your body will be.
As long as you're not over-exercising, eating enough to sustain yourself, and not compulsively matching your exercise to negate caloric intake, you should be okay. If you're asking why you're not gaining muscle or strength, I can't say for sure because I don't know your body. Maybe it's because your body went without for so long that right now it's just focusing on repairing the critical parts. And since it sounds like you might need to gain back a bit more weight in general (though I can't say that for sure since I don't know your health needs) maybe right now is a good time to focus on enjoying what you can do and how it makes you feel, and develop other hobbies to fill your free time with.
As to your period...I really don't know, I'm sorry. It entirely depends on your individual body and on your experiences in ED and restriction. I might consider consulting with your doctor and asking about what steps you can take to help your body re-regulate itself in that regard. If there are any specific nutrients or supplements you could take, or if you really just have to weight. It sounds like you're exercising pretty hard, which might delay the onset of your period further. But it really depends on certain body variables.
I hope I've been able to give you some help!
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