#purgh writes?
purghhappenings · 5 years
Luffy steals Jimbei from another team in the middle of a game
Luffy steals Jimbei:
It was all a blur as far as Nami could tell, one second Usopp and Sanji were trash talking the opposing team who was batting, the next, Captain Luffy was standing in front of him asking dumb questions.
Well, asking isn't the correct word.
"Oi, join my team."
It was wild dealing with the Strawhat Pirates, a rookie baseball team. Sometimes a game passed and nothing wild happened, other times their "fake" cannon somehow shot out actual cannonballs. 
Then there were the fans which ranged from what everyone suspected were Government officials in poor disguises to actual wanted criminals in even poorer disguises.
It really didn't matter, Nami decided. Not with how despite the randomness that encompassed the team, this seemed to even throw Luffy's own team for a loop.
"What." Could be heard from several members, opposing team included. The Impel Down members all exchanged looks with their manager, as Usopp was doing with Nami.
"Join your team? In the middle of a game?" Nami supposed he had a right to be confused, this is how Luffy normally got people to join. Well… they did haze Franky but that was all in good fun. Not for Franky but eh, what could you do?
Nami gave a long suffering sigh, looking to Robin with hope that she knew what Luffy was going on about. 
"Sure, we would have more fun, and we'll definitely win with you here." Judging by Robins lack of commentary other than her chuckling Nami knew this would either go very well, or very very bad.
The look that crossed Jimbei's face had several members chuckling. "For fun? This is a serious game!"
"Captain! C'mon let's do this after we win!" Zoro lazily shouted, his boredom with this game obvious.
A wave in Zoro's direction from the wayward captain had a small "aye" and… Was that booze?? Dammit Zoro! We can't afford another penalty.
Turning back to the scene giving her a migraine somehow the two had reached an agreement. "Whoa, Luffy seriously?" Nami swivelled her head around, feeling the headache intensify. Usopp stood staring at the two men, seemingly understanding what they refuse to say.
Like that the field that originally was just for baseball was now a war zone. No shit talk from Usopp or songs from Brook.
A heavy silence hung over them all, even Zoro had straightened his back and twisted his cap around, "i mean really is he a damn pokemon trainer?"
Robin came to stand next to Nami, chuckling all the while "calm down manager. What's the worst that can happen?"
Taking a steadying breath as the inning switched, "remember when we faced off against the Numbers of the Week?"
"I was one of them.. So yes." Now Robin was almost outright laughing.
A body slammed next to her and had she been a weaker woman she would have jumped, given the team she managed Nami just barely held back a sigh "or the time we went against True Justice?" Chopper so helpfully asked.
"I remember them yes, I also remember telling all of you before this game-"
Before Nami could finish her sentence all of the rowdy bastards smiled happily and said "No. Fucking. Fighting!"
Throwing her hands up she barely held back a smile "good! Now, captain what the hell?!"
"He's good. We'd make the league, nationals and everything. Right Luff?" Sanji murmured smoking a-
Chopper smacked it out of his hand before she had a chance, a pissed off "Sanji!"
"Mmm. Yeah." Yeah. That's all this damn captain had to say for himself? "Nami, he comes with sponsors." 
Silence reigned the dugout, all eyes on the unwavering manager. When she looked up, what most people mistook as stars, the team saw as Cash symbols. "Go get that team member!"
With that the game went on, just as silent and deadly as before but instead of the boys shit talking, it was Nami.
Mothers were cursed, no ears left untainted, all for the moment the Strawhats won with a home run, all bases filled.
Sanji, Zoro, Usopp and Luffy all ran around their steps light, smiles even brighter.
It would only be later that Luffy divulged that Jimbei would have joined even if they lost.
Staring down the barrel of a new game, Nami questioned said man "why didn't you quit then and there?"
"Then the game wouldn't have gone on, you'd have lost your bets." And well, wasn't that the sweetest damn thing?
Hey so I wanted to write this a different way which i will later and that one may be better than this one, but honestly im surprised I could write plot 🤷✌
P.S I know nothing about baseball ⚾
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purghhappenings · 4 years
Hello from Spain! I just wanted to tell you I love all Poly! Hats you have written . I have just read all of it.😍 I was wondering if you would write some hc about zoro and luffy or zoro and law. Thank you♥️♥️♥️
Hello!!! I’m so happy you like poly!hats! I’ll give you HCs about Zoro and Law AND Zoro and Luffy!!!
Goth bf meets bad boy bf and no I’m not telling you which one is which
Okay, so hear me out,,,, so many naps
They both like to drink widely different things which works because Law doesn’t like hard liquors but Zoro does so there’s no worry of “let me have a sip”
I don’t know which one is more stubborn but they’ve made each other late because of it
Zoro drives better than law but gets lost more and law is the worse driver(he speeds so goddamn much)
At first Zoro and Law did not vibe because Law thought Zoro and Luffy were a thing and Zoro thought Law was interested into Luffy but it was Luffy who was like “yo y’all are dumb”
A screaming match is how they got together which is wild to everyone because Law doesn’t look like he’d scream and Zoro never gives a shit enough to scream so how??(it was over Zoro getting them lost and law screamed “god if you weren’t so fucking hot I’d kill you!” And Zoro was like “well if I’m so fucking hot why haven’t we been on a date?!”) and the rest is history
Salty man realizes his true love is with a man just as petty as he is, more at 9
Aesthetically Law wins but muscle wise???? Law does everytime Zoro works out
In a modern AU law goes to a gym and pretty much stalks Zoro for a while before realizing “oh shit that’s luffys bff”
Thankfully Law is a surgeon because Zoro is just constantly getting injured
Zoros a bottom unless law pushes his buttons pass it on
Zoro and Luffy!!!!
Sunshine meets mortal man and he doesn’t know how to handle it
They are somehow always touching
Very competitive over dumb shit like “bet I can eat more Mac and cheese” “you’re on but we have to add wasabi” “D E A L”
If Zoro can survive Luffys crazy family he literally knows he can survive anything
In a modern au they met in highschool and just instantly clicked (ok so Luffy jumped into a fight because it looked fun and Zoro was like ??? Sunshine??? My sunshine???)
So, when they’re together their chaotic energy is so intense other people get dragged into it(read: law, sanji, usopp, Franky, penguin and robin)
Nami is usually the adult
They both are the photo of “I’m doing a crime” and the other person screams “yes!!!”
Luffy doesn’t like to work out but he likes to be in the room where it happens(yes that’s a Hamilton reference)
Game night theyre on the same team which is either really good if it’s about dumb things but when it’s actual facts they’re both so dumb Law is usually on their team out of pity(read: got wrestled into it physically)
Zoro is very used to carrying Luffy around like a backpack and or a piece of luggage
It was sure a day in Zoros life where he realized Luffy was strong and could lift Zoro
THANKS SO MUCH! Hope you enjoyed these! I haven’t written HCs in so long I forgot how much I loved them!!
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purghhappenings · 4 years
Hey hey hey!!!
This blog is 8 followers away from 1000 people, which is honestly rad as hell.
We’re going to do voting again
Remember I’m also barely on Twitter, I’m on discord, and tumblr under purghhappenings for all of them so be sure to reblog this and tell your friends, parents(JKJK.... unless) anyone who’s interested in one piece
Send in what you think the blog should do at 1000 followers!!!!
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