#purely to yell at your bestie for being a dumbass
clovermunson · 11 months
morgannnnnn!!!⚡️for the sleepover, please and thank you. i want all your bestest steeb headcanons! he’s so boyfriend and i need to talk about it!!
you come into my inbox and ask for steeb headcanons and you think i’ll do it??
you’re goddamn right i will, bestie. he is so boyfriend. and this headcanon list is gonna have no general theme, so bear with me. they’re all under the cut!
first up, this man is a worrier. he worries over everyone and everything that matters to him. but it’s endearing, really.
he owns an obscene amount of polo shirts
and sweatshirts, but i digress
he was never really close to either of his parents, but oddly enough, that’s what makes him so loving and generous to his loved ones
his favorite colors are blue and green. i can’t explain this one, it just makes sense.
this man is so touch-starved oh my god
no seriously. someone please give this man a hug. or ten. or twenty.
has absolutely shit taste in movies, tv shows, and music. (sometimes he has decent music taste though. sometimes.)
he’s such a rule-abiding driver, almost to the point that it’s annoying. never speeds, refuses to do anything but a complete stop at a stop sign, will never ever run a red light. yells at people who don’t use their blinker.
he absolutely loves to instigate stupid arguments and debates between his friends. like he knows whatever he said makes absolutely no logical sense, but he loves seeing everyone be so divided over it
okay this one’s kinda sad, but i felt the need to include it. there are times when steve wonders if he’s just purely unlovable.
on the rare chance he gets rejected or stood up, he starts to think that there’s something fundamentally wrong with him that makes him unlovable.
but there is absolutely nothing unlovable about this golden retriever of a man.
he is a certified snack cake lover (he’ll never admit it though). zebra cakes? loves ‘em. christmas tree cakes? will eat an entire box in one sitting (me too, steeb. me too.). nutty buddys? he’d do some questionable things for a box of those.
he’s a horrible liar. can’t lie to save his goddamn life.
he always smells so good (designer colognes baybeeee)
despite him being the designated fighter of the party, he’s really a lover
no seriously, he’s so sensitive and sweet
god i love him
he has big dumbass energy™️ (a himbo, if you will. perhaps even a goofball.)
his emotional intelligence is really off the fucking charts. sure he’s not super nerdy or book smart, but this man can read emotions so well
in conclusion, i love this man and he is so very boyfriend
join the sleepover!
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randomkposts · 3 years
Goddamnit Steve Why!
Or imgine if seeing Steve on TV fighting Aliens was enough to break the conditioning for a moment.
His cellphone rings in the shawrma restruant. Steve gets up and answers it, walking away from the table so he can hear better.
"Steve you goddamed punk! Aliens! Aliens! Its not enough that you had to go fight goddamed Nazis, but now you have to run off to fight invaders from space! SPACE you goddamed punk! "
"Nope, you don't get to protest! I left you alone for five minutes once, and you went and volunteerd to become a science experiment! You flew a goddamed plane into the ocean. What is wrong with you! And your alive again, somehow, and picking fights with goddamed Aliens! I can't believe you punk, except I know you, and of course you would wake up in the future and go fight aliens, why am I being surprised! Clearly fighting Nazis were not enough for you! "
Bucky Sighs. Suddenly he sounds tired.
"I have to go. But Punk, stop squaring up to everything you come across. Just please, give it a year at least."
The phone hangs up, and Steve is left listening to the dial tone. Eventually the call ends.
"Are you alright. You look like you've seen a ghost?"
"Can people call you from heaven on the phone?"
Or the sheer outrage of Steve coming back from the dead and fighting aliens was enough to overwrite the winter soldier conditioning and Bring Bucky Barnes out purely to shout at the punk for five minutes. Over a payphone. Shhh, how he got the number is not important.
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yaomomvs · 3 years
inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3
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okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
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indigohitoshi · 4 years
can i request a hc with ushijima, kuroo and bokuto where the reader is captain of the girls vbc and just how they interact (sorry this is bland, i’m just not creative 😭😭) thank you 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
no request is ever bland baby ! hehe n thank u for being my first ushijima request <33
ushijima, kuroo, and bokuto interacting with girls vbc
ushijima wakatoshi
okay, so ushijima’s not necessarily closed off, yk? he’ll make friends but the first interaction is more so with tendou saying, “don’t you agree, wakatoshi?” and ushijima will nod in silence while you and tendou talk about his tips for guesses.
you don’t think ushijima likes you so ur like ,, bro ,,, why does wakatoshi hate me 🥺 bc you wanna learn ab his vball tactics !! he’s rly good yk yk
so wakatoshi doesn’t mean to make you sad 👉👈 so he approaches you just after your volleyball practice ends and youre cleaning up while everyone went back to the dorms
wakatoshi: hey
he offers to help you clean up, but you think otherwise!
you: can we 👉👈 actually 👉👈 practice together
ushijima: of course, why didn’t you just ask?
you: i—😀 ok.
you and ushijima just... vibe now. he’s pretty open to talking about volleyball and he’s not some crazy wildcard, so it’s fun! you guys talk during lunch, and you always say hi to him in the hallways when you see him.
sometimes he’ll wave back and say “wanna practice today after we’re both not busy?”
you get so excited 🥺 ushijima becomes one of your quick friends because you guys talk a bunch when it’s just the two of you at a one-on-one practice. or tendou will tag along !! yalls little trio is so cute 👉👈
kuroo tetsurou
this little shit.
he probably tries to flirt his way into being your friend.
yalls first interaction was a vibe🥰🥰you were practicing and kuroo came in and started yelling at your team😚😚
you, not even glancing at him: suck my dick❤️
it was then, kuroo KNEW he had to be your friend.
the team stayed and had to sit n wait while the girls vbt kept up their practice. you spiked it at once and kuroo went 👁👄👁🤲 the TALENT.
after you guys are done kuroo comes up to you like;
kuroo, lowkey intimidated: hey😼
you, unbothered: eat shit.
HE WAS SO CONFUSED. why were u so mad pls. he j wants to interact n talk ab vball.
but then he remembers how he walked in the gym,,, whining,,, yelling,, ah yes he wouldn’t rly like you if YOU came and did that shit either
sighing, walking up to you: im sorry ab earlier D:
kuroo: FINE i’ll let you spike me with a ball
you: i— i mean okay🥰
it wasn’t really what you were LOOKING FOR but kuroo go off king😻
after you spike him ,,, dumbass has to go to the nurse so you take him. he gets an ice pack. you guys start officially having a civil conversation.
kuroo: i really like your spikes!
you: i think you’re a great captain 👉👈
kuroo, whispering: what the fuck did you just spike me
you: what was that?
kuroo: nothin ! but let’s talk about some of your girls serves...
you guys are both really competitive now! but like friendly banter and shit. you’ll make plans to go against the boys vbt and kuroo will always happily go with it!
the girls vbt usually wins. a lot.
kuroo’s like 😡😡 bro what the fuck is up girls vbt. no seriously step the fuck up!
but other than that your friendship is a lot of teasing… a lot of competition... very healthy 🥺 very cute
bokuto koutarou
you, spiking the ball:
the girl that was supposed to recieve dodging it:
bokuto walking right in and getting hit in the face by the ball: HEY! THAT WAS A REALLY GOOD SPIKE!
you: wtf did this man j say ... 👁👄👁
bokuto, jumping over to you: HEY HEY HEY! HOW HARD DID YOU SPIKE THAT? DO YOU KNOW?
akaashi: bokuto let her breath–
your team is kinda j ... staring ... bc you’re not usually as bright and happy as this ... puppy.
your team: 👁👄👁 i know NOT.
you and bokuto immediately click, jumping around the gym and giggling and shit. talking and laughing. it’s so pure 🥺
your team: are we gonna😀continue practicing😀
you: huh? no lol wtf me n my BESTIE gonna go🥰
akaashi: 👁👄👁
bokuto: 🥰🥰😼😼💞💞😚😚😌😌
bokuto and you will make plans 24/7 to practice together all. the. time. you guys both have practice the same day? you’ll wait until he’s done, vice versa.
akaashi’s disappointed, he has to babysit you.
you: the boys vbt is playing against us!
your team, knowing that means you’re going to talk to bokuto the whole time instead of practicing: 😀 yay!
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
his father's son
ayoo back again. these are always so much fun to make because otherwise it's me just yelling at my ipad of everything i'm thinking while exercising and singing show tunes and that's never fun. basically, all of my thoughts while watching his fathers son. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
omg merlin is still wearing the cape wtf he looks so good pls bbc have mercy
go away now agravaine.
let me relish in the joy of merlin wearing a cape
you're welcome for this btw 😎😎
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stop 😭😭 not arthur thinking that he's not worthy
ok i wish knew arthur knew his destiny but also i know why he can't know but i just don't want him to be sad because he's doubting himself yk???
i actually hate agravaine actually stop i feel like it's harsh but drop dead please 🤪
arthur is so good he just wants peace. agravaine please stop you're making him doubt everything that he is
i wish arthur listened to merlin but after watching this ending i can appreciate it
'i can't just kill a man in cold blood' 🥺🥺
arthur don't push him away he's just trying to help 😪
merlin has his blankie 2x this episode and you better believe that i'm commenting both times
arthur is just. i feel so sad for him sometimes. he's still so young and he has to rule a country now and just-
i get why arthur is doing what he's doing and such but i'm still sad.
alskdjfaslkdfjasdf jeez arthur not knowing abt merlin's magic is just. wow this episode is starting off strong 🤪🤪
agravaine please leave now
ok that was hot how arthur walked in after the fact though. 'arthur pendragon. pop off'
arthur just wants peace i'm so sad he doesn't want to kill him but jsalkdfjsal;dkfjasdf
watching spn i watch the beheading a lot so i was expecting it but this is merlin haha
WHY IS SHE THE BEST I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM TOGETHER. fvck you agravaine. actually die. please STOp
ok so merlin says 'dont push your friends' and while arthur says that he doesn't need anyone, at least he doesn't say that merlin isn't his friend. it's the little victories 😭
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these castles are actually gorgeous
agaravaine please die now. stop
you manipulating arthur by claiming these things will make arthur into a good king is just making me so sad
fricken 'appropritate person' aalskdfj;alskdjfasldf
i literally just want arthur to be happy
dude i'm like 13 mins in and i'm angsting so hard over this
'a matter of the heart'🥺🥺
agaravaine die please :,)))))))
ok i'm so sad for arthur
he's still so young and he has the weight of his entire kingdom on his shoulders. he just wants to be a good king for his citizens and he wants peace and every good thing is just taken from him. he doesn't want to kill caerleon. he wants to marry gwen. and we have FREAKING AGARVAINE. this is why we can't have nice things.
ok the arthur using merlin as a punching bag transitively but also literally?? idk my head is blank. but like; merlin is letting himself be used as a punching bag and also it's his 'duty' to let arthur use him as a punching bag? idk idk thoughts?
stfu i don't want these white old men saying long live the king
pls chill
alright alright morgana
she is actually p good at getting onto annis's side so i'll give her props for that
oh shoot kneeling down to the queen? this is a power move but not a power move yk?
ok this is dumb but i love seeing merlin meander around with his little chores
ok what is bbc thinking when they have the "oh i'd never sleep in a bed with merlin" am i supposed to laugh? well i'm not. alrighty then
gwen :,) look at her in her pretty dress
you're breaking my heart right now arthur
you're BREAKING GWEN'S heart right now arthur
laksdjf;laskdfjasdlfkj I. JUST. WANT. THEM. TO. BE. HAPPY. please i need to read fanfic i'm angsting too hard over this
you tell him gwen. you're a badass and arthur is a sadass
i will not take gwen hate or slander
oh frick i was voted onto my school's hoco court so basically i had to walk across the football field and i felt so awkward and arthur walking down the step while everyone stares at him; i wonder if he feels as awkward as i did
LMAO 'he's not alone gwen' and pan to the arthur standing on a cliff alone?? pls
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aw the domesticity 🥺
leon ruffling merlin's hair and that clink was such a good clink
where were these knights last episode. i'm suing
saj;flasjslad and arthur just loking at them fondly pls. he's so sweet i love him
'he's our king' that line makes me feel stuff
arthur sdfsd;as i just want him to be happy
bruh 💀 i laughed at the pure absurdity of him tripping over the tent
ok ok you know that vine 'two bros chilling in a hot tub 5 ft apart bc they're not gay?' that but 'two bros, chilling in 2 separate tents 5 ft apart bc they're not gay'
was- was that supposed to be a slap?
arthur is so earnest here and i love him he's the sweetest
sa;ldkfjsldfa arthur being protective over merlin
annis is such a badass. actually queen energy here. literally
merlin saying that they're friends again and arthur not denying it :,))))
these knights are so honorable
stfu agaravaine
'only one person who is just an honorable... ME' - arthur pendragon. HAHA sorry i cackled at this
agaravaine. i stg if you look at morgana like that i'll actually gank you
you absolute freak pervert person
alright ik morgana is evil and everything but i stan her improvement in magic
like- can merlin please get on with learning more magic??
as;dlfkjasdlfkja THE RING. dude i can't rn
merlin saying 'camelot needs you alive', i'm going to say yes.. but also if we swap out 'camelot' with 'i' then this is just a perfect insert line for fanfics :,)
THANK YOU OLD FRIEND. PLS you can't do this to me
aw when arthur asks if merlin is ready and merlin says ready
dude this episode is making me a lot more sad than it should
dude what is annis's champion. like look at his shoes??? they're leather?? literally stab him in the foot and we're golden.
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youre welcome for the feet pics ;)
ok idk abt you guys but i can't write fight scenes with swords that well so i just base fights off tv and stuff and if you want inspo this is a great fight to write
legit the first battle with arthur and lancelot in the courtyard? yea i stole that
omg even with the champion is on his knees he's still taller than arthur??
dude the trope of 'you make me want to be a better person'?? please i live for this stuff
ok the knights saying long live the king? i love that
alright alright annis&arthur
annis is ACTUALLY queen energy i love her. i love her pop off queen
oh shoot annis hit morgana where it hurts. bring up uther that's right queen
oh yes more castle pics 🥵🥵🥵
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a aaw the ceremony for them
merlin and arthur are PALS i love them togehter
stop. there are so many words but i'm so glad they're lads
arthur is lying so awkwardly on that bed HAHA
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yes arthur you're a dumbass you're lucky that gwen is taking you bad she's a frickin badass biatch who doesn't need you
alright arthur say what you mean why don't you
are we.. are we gonna kiss rn
i love arthur in his night clothes and his bare feet. like that just makes it feel so much more domestic and homely and they love each other and just everything they're actually everything. THEYRE SO CUTE.
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ANYWAYS i'll be back next week to endlessly rant about a servant of two masters. thanks i love you bye 😘
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zxddy-panther · 5 years
Real Love
College AU
T’challa x Black Reader
A/N: Hey guys I’m back with another story ayyye. Lol um i’m not sure if i wrote this one too well. I’ve been working on it for dayyyyys guys. I hope it’s decent. Also sorry about the spacing between paragraphs. Tumblr was saying that i reached my limit so i had to squeeze.
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You pace back and forth in your college dorm nervously awaiting your best friend's presence. You needed to talk to him desperately about a topic that has been torturing you mind for a few months now. His advise was very much needed in this situation. The doorbell sounded, signaling his arrival. You ran up to the door and opened the door to your bestie of 6 years holding vanilla ice cream and some other sweet treats.
You sighed in relief, "Ugh Udaku. What would I do without you."
"Nothing. You would be practically hopeless" You laughed pushing him softly
The two of you headed to your bedroom and T'challa could already see your uneasiness. You walked with your eyes pointed towards the floor, fiddling with your fingers as you did so.
Finally reaching your room T'challa spoke on his observation. "Y/N are you alright."
You turned towards him and spoke. "Yeah I just really needed your advise on something. Um so you know Jalen right?"
T'challa rolled his eyes in disgust. He wasn't too fond of your boyfriend but never told you that because he would never intentionally hurt you like that. He just made sure that he wasn't in the same vicinity as that idiot.
"Yes. What about him?" he said in an annoyed tone
You paused for a second, trying to figure out how to say it.
"Well a few months ago he um...... actually cheated on me and-"
"He WHAT!" Tchalla exclaimed
"Yeah but" you fiddled with your thumbs some more. "He's been calling me and asking me to take him back, saying that he's really changed and all of that. I mean, should I?"
Tchalla's heart was beating 10 times faster than normal. His anger and hatred for Jalen just become more a lot stronger. He just doesn't understand why you would want him back.
"Y/N, are you hearing yourself? You know he doesn't love you."
"Ok Ok T'challa you can stop now." You murmured but he just kept going.
" Y/N, you don't deserve to be treated the way he treats you! That is not love! You need to be shown what real love-"
"T'challa! Stop." All was silent and tears began to well in your eyes. You moved across the room and turned your back towards him. "Can we not talk about this? I don't want to talk about it with you anymore."
"Ok then lets not talk." Fast footsteps was all that could be heard until you felt him slip his hands around your waist. The feeling sent a shock of electricity through your body, a foreign feeling to be exact. This was something you've never felt with Jalen and you wondered why. Once T'challa made you face him he looked at your lips enticingly and leaned into you slowly.
"Aye aye. What are yo-" . T'challa placed his hand at the back of your neck and pulled you into a passionate kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut. His soft lips massaged yours in a very slow and gracious manner. Your body was being set ablaze by his touch. Any section of his smooth skin that touched your own helped to  spark a sensation that was unexplainable. He ran his hands down your body and hugged your body close to himself, like if he didn't hold on tightly to this moment it'll disappear. The sudden movement caused you to release a small moan against his lips. Tchalla pulled away from you slowly and sighed in relief.
"Tchalla. Wha-what was that." You would have never imagined that you'd someday be kissing your best friend. T'challa stood in front of you, staring at the floor.
"Y/N.." He paused and took a deep breath. I love you a-and I'm sorry for doing that. I just couldn't help myself. I've felt this way for a long time now but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you. Everyday it became a battle within myself to confess my feelings towards you. I'm also very sorry about what I said before. I shouldn't have spoken that way to you or about Jalen."
He bent down to retrieve his book bag from the corner of your room. With a sadden spirit, he began treading towards the door. "I'll just let myself out." T'challa reached for the door knob and headed out, but not before he could get one last glimpse of your face for the last time. "Good bye Y/n.." he whispered as he shut the door.
Your heart dropped from your chest and started beating in your fingertips. You blinked several times to make sure that you were not dreaming. Emotions were running wild and thoughts were jumping off the walls. Who do you love?
5 months ago
"Jalen why the fuck is my cousin blowing your phone up with nudes and text messgaes! What the hell!" You stormed into the living room where your lazy ass boyfriend laid playing on his second phone. Jalen quickly looked up at the sound of your heavy footsteps.
"Y/N what the hell are you talking about."
"My cousinnnn is sending nudes to your phone! You dumbass. Would like to explain to me how she got your number and why-" The phone chimed alerting a new message. "Oh here's and heres a new text. Lets read it. 'I want to feel you inside me again.' AGAIN?! You fucked my cousin Jalen?!" You shoved the phone in his face.
Jalen stood up and suddenly snatched from your grasp.
"Yo what the fuck did I tell you about being on my phone bruh! Should've taken your finger print off a long time ago." Jalen growled. Your blood was boiling and the rage began to build.
"Are you kidding me right now. You fucking cheated on me with my cousin of all people and you're worried about my finger print? So you're CHEATING cheating?!" Jalen looked up at you a scoffed, a smirk spreading across his long face.
"That's it! Im done." you screamed. "After all the years we've spend together! You go and do this to me?" Tears began to sting at your eyes. You ran to your room and began to pack up your things. There was no way in hell that you were staying here another second with this idiot. The muffed sound of Jalen's footsteps followed after you.
His voice come out in a deep growl, "Where the hell do you think you're going." You stood up and turned to face him.
"I'm getting the fuck away from here. You went lower than low Jalen. Do you really expect for me to sit up under this roof with you and act as if everything is ok? Hell no! There is no way I'm going to stay and let you treat me like this. I'm leaving."
He let out a dark and sinister laugh. "No you're not"
You scoffed, "Oh yeah?  And who's gonna stop me." He stared you down as his eyes began to turn dark and before you knew it you were being lifted from the ground. Jalen had a strong grip around your torso and was persistent on keeping you in the room. "Let me go!" You kicked your legs rapidly and tried to pry his arms from your body. Your back hit the hard mattress in a matter of seconds. Jalen held your arms about your head tightly, leaving you unable to move your wrists.
"Mmm you're not going anywhere baby 'cuz you mine." He bent his head down and started licking at your neck, sucking the skin harshly. His hands ran up your shirt and felt cold against your warm flesh. He squeezed your breast and began sucking your sweet spot. The same gestures that were usually done during intimacy between the two of you used to be so pure, so full of love but now all you can feel is utter disgust and anger.
"Jalen move. I don't want to hurt you." You wiggled your body under his in an attempt to slide away. He pressed his body against your right leg to get you to stop moving. He picked his head back up to face your tearstained face.
"I'm never letting you go." He pressed his lips to yours in an unwanted kiss, forcefully sticking his tongue into your mouth and invading your space. With a swiftness you used your right knee to severely hurt his groin. Jalen let out a load groan and fell onto the floor, finally releasing you from his vice grip. You jumped up fast, grabbed your bag and headed for the door. Grabbing your keys from the counter you removed his dorm key from your keychain and removed your dorm key from his own key chain.
"Never fucking contact me again!" you screamed and slammed the door.
7 months ago
"Give it back Y/N. Im serious." Tchalla yelled as he chased you down the hallway of his dorm room. You ran into his living room giggling and sat yourself on his plush carpet. You held his mini journal high above your head, teasing him.
"You're not serious look at that big smile on your face" You laughed. He looked down at you and smiled.
"Just hand it over."
"Come get it." You continued to tease. Tchalla leaped on top of you, causing you to fall onto your back with laughter in your voice. Finally grabbing the book Tchalla hovered himself above you.
"Ha. Got i-" he didn't realize the vulnerable position the two of you were in until the games ended. Looking up at him made your heart begin to beat faster. There was tension in the air and you both could definitely feel it.
You couldn't deny your feelings for Tchalla had been developing during the years of friendship the two of you shared. He was always there for you and cared so much about you. He would never go a day without calling or texting you to see if you were alright, even if there was nothing wrong. His big heart was starting to make you fall for him.
He quickly removed his body from yours, allowing you to sit up as well. You stared at the back of his head for sometime before you spoke.
"Y/N I-I'm sorry about that."
You found his shyness adorable as you began to smile.
"Its ok silly." You stood up and walked in front of him with your hand held out. Slowly lifting his head he looked back up at you. "Lets go eat. I'm starving." He took your hand and laughed.
"What the hell am I doing." You asked yourself. "I have a man who actually loves me and I let him walk out the door." Your legs moved before you could even make them. You swung your front door open and looked down the hallway. T'challa was there, walking slowly with his head down until you called out to him.
"T'challa wait!" He turned and stopped in his tracks as he watched you run to him. When you reached him you jumped into his arms, causing him to stumble back as he, surprisingly, caught you.
"It was you. Its you...Its always been you." you said as you hugged him tightly.
"Y/N what are you talking about." Releasing him from your hug you looked deeply into his eyes. "I love you too T'challa"
His eyes lit up and his smile grew wide. Hearing those words from you brought life to his heart again. He brought his hands to the sides of your face, his warm touch bringing you comfort in the moment.
"May I." T'challa asked while still staring into you. "Yes you may" You giggled as he leaned forward to kiss you once more. The kiss got more heated causing T'challa to back you up onto the hallway walls. His hands went down to your backside, rubbing and sqeezing it softly. You broke the kiss in laughter and rested your forehead against his.
Breathlessly he said "Say it again"
"I really love you T'challa Udaku"
A/N: If you like it repost it. And please message me if you want to be part of my taglist☺️
Taglist: @chaneajoyyy @wakandaking12-blog @wakanda-4evr @sisterwifeudaku @tchalla-and-mbaku @wakandankings @wakandamama @melaninmarvel
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 years
The Beginning of the End p2 - Episode Reaction
Alright! Got all hyped up from part 1! Ya’ll know I’m a freaking Sombra fangirl, so that was a sweet arse warm up!
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S  P  O  I  L  E  R  S
Recap *CinemaSins sin noise ding effect*
*Sigh* Even his evil laughter is such a shame with that voice choice... whyyyy?
Shame they gonna run the final season with that intro song that still doesn’t match the imagery with the song in matching pace... so off.
Okay, with this extra energy he’s putting into his evil laughter(tm) at this point is actually kinda good.
Oh gosh, that attempt to tap the pieces together in that way had me laughing out loud.
Just a thought, I wonder how all the Crystal Ponies are faring with their PTSD after last episode.
Okay, that’s a pretty neat creepy imagery with them shadow hands.
Not even one mention of the Tree’s big “inner Rainbow Super Magic Was Inside You All Along” thing from back when with the box and all. But I guess they happily erased that from their memory at this point. And probably needed the Tree for that. Hmm, does the Tree have anything of itself stored in the Map? Is that growing sentience it has shown saved there someway?
And hafta ask by now... how about the Pillars? They still out there and beat villain arses before too. They gotta be useful backup at least to help out, right?
How about the Tree’s roots under the School and its effects on the Student Six? And those artifacts?
Okay, back to watching the episode. Where was I.. ah yes, mandatory Twilight going “And it’s all my fault!”
Actually a pretty good scene of them battling despair after all that confidence. And it’s no longer JUST Twilight having issues.
Dirt at the dirt pone.
Return of Pinkie Drill!!
Oh Rarity. We need a remix of her “show me the MONEY!” misused in every way.
And... he really didn’t let the crystals reach each other UNDER the ground... I guess those crystal surfaces everywhere in the Empire usually makes digging out a less of an easy tactic.
Even the cake decor has been turned evil!!
Oh, I actually forgot the Tree’s job of holding back the Everfree’s growth!
... they seriously gonna try and tame the Everfree... with one gardening tool each? Okay, they truly are scrambling right now.
ONE earth pony is all it took to take down the front gate. The royal guards apparently unable to do anything with their signal horns destroyed.. Equestrian military never gonna be given a chance to look competent, is it?
Really, were ARE they? The princesses are usually gone due to Dumbass in Distress tropes, not from fleeing.
They already lost their gardening tools.
“Come on everypony!” she says... to the animals..
Short actually pretty intense scene of the vines capturing her as she protects the animals. Nice.
Oh, there they are. Actually came in to try and help. Neat.
Gasp! Starswirl DID show up?? Does this mean...? *Looking around* No..? No other Pillars? Aww..
Actually pretty sweet powermove there, Starswirl.
Ahahahah! Evil controlled Wonderbolts!
So many background pony cameos.
Yaaas, those control helmets~ I’m mostly all up about them because headcanons and Glimmershine’s background story. Let me have my fun.
Kinda love how only Fluttershy is seen smiling at Discord’s sudden appearance (and possibly his joke too). Aww. Besties. 
Redecorating with Sombra: Black Crystal Everything.
As much as Discord’s petty speeches can get annoying, I’m highly amused by Sombra’s repeat attacks with no change in tactic just get twarted by turned into something different by Discord each time.
Callback to how Discord loves to try pass attention to Fluttershy to- AAAGH!! LOWERED GUARD, SELF SACRIFICE TO TWART OP DRACONEQUUS BACKUP!!
... hoow... does dark magic hurt a creature which barely holds proper physical anatomy?
Sombra back there in the background being all “Oookay, rude interrupting my monologueing, but I... guess I’ll let you have your moment? Is okay, guess I’ll just get back to gloating once you’re done.”
Okay, loving the visual of being able to see Sombra in the back making his way towards them despite not centered and kept blurred.
That Deflecting Magic Headspin looked hella badass right there.
“We shall never stop trying to defeat you! At some point you’ll just have to quit just out of annoyance!!”
Oh gosh, Sombra’s faces he’s pulling, he looks like he’s fighting to not get into a cryface and yell “it’s not fair, yer cheating!!”
Aah.. AAAH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!! Twilight wavy Alicorn mane! She gonna evolve!!??
Woah... That visual of Sombra was surprisingly unsettling. Full on Thanos dusting yet with some distortion too. Neat.
Pretty sure that was the last thing the Sisters expected to walk in on.
Also, aww, no new evolution for Twilight. YET. I’m having a pretty good guess what might go down at least in the finale finale. They ain’t gonna tease us like that without finally giving Twilight the full alicornification at the end!
Well, that’s the smartest thing you have said YET, Princess Sunbutt. Also DUUUH!
Ah, that’s how Discord somehow got that badly hurt. At least that’s a pretty good excused compared to other cases of needing to put OP’s aside to let the Mane Six save the day. Heh, oh Discord. He try. His own way. Kinda counts.
Oh Discord. For some reason, that’s greatest exit I have ever seen him do XD
“I heard that!”
I have an odd fascination with following how Twilight’s bangs bounce whenever she spins her head from side to side.
Huh... I’ll admit I actually thought Sombra’s arc would purely be the first parter and then the Foul Five would get together for part two. Actually excited to see I’m wrong. We’ll get a full season worth of villain plotting ahead of us this way instead, and Sombra got a lot more screen time this way to make up for his past appearances didn’t even give him any proper lines. Heck, the ponies don’t even know yet Grogar is around or that Tirek and Cozy Glow are free from Tartarus, or that Sombra can be resurrected by Grogar at any time. Actually a neat setup, while we are usually used to seeing villains destroyed around same episodes they were revealed.
Ahahahahagah!! She actually got them herded into a (-n attempted) bonding exercise!!
Ahahaha, that suddenly letting go to hide they were holding hands/hooves!
Foul Four works better too anyway. But aww..? no more Sombra......??
Okay, wow, this season start was... something. Wow.
Didn’t meet ALL expectations, but also managed to throw the viewers in for a loop. Which is nice as that worked GREAT for last season finale. I like things ain’t 100% predictable. A lot felt rushed, missing a few steps in logic and a bit of a feeling of a mess, but not sure how much of that is my current migraine interfering. Still, I liked it! Really adored the appearance of Sombra, but saddened by it shown as his last return with Grogar’s comment.
Will admit, I’m a sucker for an over-villain who can keep the rest of the power houses in check. Grogar isn’t how I would imagined him, due to the popular fan depictions over the years. His loss in volume loses a bit of his intimidation factor. He used to be played up as the actual goat devil, but I understand down playing that a bit in modern kids entertainment, I guess.
Chrysalis was a great letdown in last season, I really hope she gets a chance to shine again. She’s a good villain in her own right when allowed the proper resources and to actually show her skills for intimidation. Which, again, makes her loss of that creepy voice a great loss indeed.
I look forward to see what plans Grogar has for all three of them.
For now, I applaud this start of the finale season. Looking forward to see where they’ll take it. My guesses are this season will feature Twilight’s lessons to prepare for her eventual rise to the throne. Which probably will happen at the last season finale, along with full alicornfication with floaty mane and everything.
We’ll see. For now, I’m pleased. My fangirl side for King Sombra has been quite happy with this double feature of him, both with the good and bad of it.
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celestial-diana · 8 years
The Boy Who Couldn't Get Out Of Her Head | Stiles Stilinski Imagine
Author: @celestial-writing Warnings: none,cute fluff, some gore and violence Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Reader Words: 2k Request: none AN: Hey! I’m Madi and this is my first imagine like ever! I really have to give a huge thank you and early/not early happy birthday to Steff, @dumbass-stilinski who literally supported me through this imagine and helped me edit! Also a huge thanks to my bestie, Camile, @minhosmeanhoe for supporting me all the way! Hope you guys like this and send requests if you guys want!
Stiles Stillinski.
(Y/N) couldn’t get that boy out of her head. Ever since meeting him at the homecoming dance when he was looking for Lydia when Peter took her. Since then he consumed her thoughts with that mischievous smile.
She walked to her locker, opening it to grab her books for the day, to only hear the laugh of Stiles Stillinski come her way. She smiled to herself and a took a deep breath in to calm her nerves, she knew Stiles didn’t have werewolf powers but when he was around her heart still raced around the boy she was in love with.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He hollered walking down the hallway, smirking as he leaned next to her on the lockers.
“Hey Stiles, what’s up?” She said happily and looked at him but saw his gaze stuck on Lydia, and she didn’t want to know what the strawberry blonde was doing to catch his gaze this time. She let out a sigh and shut her locker which took him out of him trance.
“N-nothing much. You know…” he stumbled in his words, scratching the back of his head. “But I have been looking in my dad’s office..”
She raised her eyebrows in a motherly manner. “Define ‘looking’, Stiles.”
“Well I have been sneaking around in my dad’s office but there’s been some weird stuff going on by this old warehouse…supernatural stuff. I thought it would be good investigate the place, it could be a portal to an alternate universe for all we know?.” Which caused her to let out a chuckle from the rambling that came out of those pretty pink lips she had her eyes trained on.
“Wanna check it out with me after school?” He asked raising an eyebrow and giving her a big smile, making her heart flutter.
“What about Scott?” She said confused at first, Stiles always having his escapades with his best friend of an Alpha. They were always together at the hip, well until Allison came around.
“I didn’t ask him, (Y/N).” Stiles said with a smirk, which made her bite her lip.
“Uh huh, and you didn’t ask Lydia either?” She asked with a slight hint of jealously. Other than Scott, Stiles was also with Lydia, the girl he was hopelessly in love with and she never gave him the time. It hurt how much she liked, scratch that, loved Stiles and she knew he wouldn’t even have feelings for her back because of Lydia. But she wouldn’t let her nightmarish reality get in the way of spending anytime with Stiles.
“Nope. Do you want to go with me or no?” He asked looking a little nervous. She smiled and nodded, a smile appearing from the tired boy in front of her.
“Good! See ya later!” He gave you a peck on the cheek and ran to his next class. She stood in the middle of the hallway, stunned by what happened and slowly headed to class, still in shock that Stiles Stillinski just kissed her on the cheek. Yes, it may of been on the cheek but it was a lot for her. She thought it over in English class and then shook it off just thinking it was a friendly thing, right? It had to be, he was in love with Lydia, he had to be…
After the whole school day went through it’s course, she met Stiles at his baby blue jeep named Roscoe. Stiles ran over to her, tripping over the hood of the car and almost falling on her to open the door of Roscoe for her.
“I-I could of opened the door..” she said trying not to laugh at what the scene he just made.
“What kind of gentleman would I be?” He replied giving a wink and a blush started to creep up her neck.
He walked back over and hopped into the jeep and they started on there way to the warehouse. He turned on the radio to some sort of old rock station and let it play in the background as they passed all the forest scenery around them.
She looked over at him, staring at him a second, memorized by the scattered moles across his face. Then her eyes caught down to see his pink plump lips, just thinking of him pulling over and pressing his lips to her own.
“Hey?” He spoke loudly to her, waving his hand in front of her face, pulling her away from her trance. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
“Y-yeah? Sorry just thinking?” She mumbled causing her to blush. Embarrassed about her own thoughts and what just happened, she mentally scolded yourself. Stiles was still in love with Lydia, what even gave you the idea he would ever be even interested with her. Lydia was the perfect strawberry blonde girl of his dreams and she was just the girl he hung out with at pack meetings and worked on assignments.
“Okay…well we’re here.” He mumbled softly, giving her a worrying look which left a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. She opened the door of the jeep and walked back to see Stiles with two bats in his hand.
“His and Hers bats of course.” He said to her, breaking the silence with a genuine smile and handing her a bat, which made her laugh. She shut the door to Roscoe and they made their way to the abandoned building. They passed the large symbol cut into the side of the warehouse and entered the building, her grip on the baseball bat tightened.
“Stiles, what did you find out about this warehouse in your dad’s office?” She asked slightly scared, as she heard scratch marks down the sides of the walls, which caused Stiles to grab (Y/N) hand.
“This use to be an old distillery, abandoned for awhile until my dad found a dead body cut in half and decapitated here a couple years ago…” he looked at her slightly nervous. Her breath hitched when he grabbed her hand but the scratches kept coming closer.
“Then ‘animal attacks’ started again…” he whispered.
“Stiles I think we should go.” She said scared.
“Yeah. We should go.” He nodded in agreement and started to pull her in the direction of the car.
“Not so fast little ones..” Kali groweled behind them, her red alpha eyes gleaming and teeth bared. She felt Stiles death grip her hand as she started to breathe heavier and she dropped the bat out of pure fear. (Y/N) never really fought with the pack, she just helped figure things out with Stiles and Lydia, so she was terrified and Stiles knew that.
“Get back.” Stiles spoke sternly, trying to hide the fear in his voice, raising the bat up in front of them. “O-or I’ll hit you with the bat!”
She laughed right in there faces, her claws extended and ready to rip them into little pieces. “You kids picked the wrong place to make out.”
(Y/N) and Stiles could barely react before Kali ran up and slashed (Y/N) in the face, knocking her down the floor and losing her grip on Stiles’ hand. He gasped and yelled out her name before gripping his bat and swinging it at Kali who dodged it and swiped her foot at Stiles. He swung his bat again towards her and hit her side, making her stumble. (Y/N) tried to get up, she lost her bat when she first saw Kali. She looked around for Stiles but blood covered her eye as it gushed out of the wound. She tried to get up but failed from the dizziness, only be grabbed by a pair of hands with claws at her throat. Kali gripped her throat and Stiles looked at them fearful, almost tearing up, thinking (Y/N) could be killed. He held his bat tighter, ready to attack her to get (Y/N) back.
“Hit me Stiles, I dare you, but if you do….sweet little (Y/N) gets her throat slashed. You trespassed alpha property and I’m not that merciful.” Kali dug her claws into (Y/N) throat starting her to gurgle slightly from the pain.
“D-don’t h-hurt her! T-take me okay, let her go!” He stuttered, looking scared out of his mind. He dropped the bat, his hands shaking just hoping Kali would let her go.
“Now what fun would that be?” She smiled and then loud growl came behind them, which (Y/N) couldn’t see how it was because she passed out in Kali’s arms from the blood she loss from the wound on her head and the punctures in her throat.
She thought she would wake up in the abandoned warehouse, not in Stiles’ arms in the back of his baby blue jeep as was softly running his hands threw her hair and adjusting the blanket he had wrapped around her.
“S-Stiles?” She whispered softly, opening her eyes to feel pain all over her head and throat, knowingly they were taken care of by feeling the soft bandages on her skin.
He shook out of his daze and looked at her relieved. “You’re awake…t-thank god.”
“Stiles what happened to Kali?” She whispered, confused about the whole ordeal.
“I texted Derek where we were before we even went there, so he took care over…she left when Derek got there. I didn’t know Kali was there or that was her territory…(Y/N) I’m so sorry. I never meant you to get hurt..” he told to her softly, looking into her eyes meaningfully.
“Stiles it’s okay..” she said softly as she went to hold Stiles hand which laced with hers.
“It’s n-not okay (Y/N), I could’ve got you killed…just because I wanted to impress you…I’m so sorry (Y/N).” he admitted to her, his gaze turning away from hers. She looked at him confused and put her hand under his chin and pulled his gaze back to hers.
“Why would you want to impress me?” She asked confused, still thinking Stiles was madly in love with Lydia.
“Because being with you these last couple of months, I have developed such deep feelings for you, j-just thinking about you with anyone else…well I really couldn’t think of it..” he admitted to me, his eyes watered down slightly from all the emotion filling the room.
“Stile-” she said but was quickly cut off by Stiles.
“(Y/N), when Kali was going to k-kill you, I knew if it happened I could never live with myself b-because I love you…” he whispered.
All the breath was taken out of her lungs and she felt her heart start to beat against her chest. The boy she loved had the same feelings she had for him. The boy who tried to protect her against the Alpha and put his life on the line for her.
“I love you too, Stiles..” she admitted and she gently put her hand on his cheek and pulled him down to press her lips against his. He didn’t do anything for a second before slowly moving against hers. They stayed like that for awhile, just kissing and pulling each other closer without trying to touch the injuries, until Scott opened the door and they quickly pulled apart.
“O-oh sorry guys, ruined a moment, didn’t I…uh Deaton wants to see you, (Y/N)..” Scott said embarrassed for ruining the moment and scratched the back of his head. Stiles gave him a slight glare and (Y/N) chuckled. She slowly got up with the help of Stiles and walked inside of the animal clinic.
(Y/N) almost died today, was terrified out her mind, and now had a great story to tell to the pack, but even after all of that, she learned that the boy of her dreams loved her back. Now Stiles would never get out of her head, but that wasn’t too bad in her case.
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