#pure excitement coursing thru my veins
basketobread · 10 months
dfhfdsiusd thank you to everyone who's sending asks about my bg3 ocs!! but if you ask anything about them, im legally obligated to draw something in response so forgive me if getting to ur ask takes a bit!! i promise ill get to them all eventually i just have to sketch em out HAHA
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goldfades · 4 months
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❪ requested -> "r is nicknamed the archer bc her shooting accuracy goes crazy and whenever she makes a big three she does like a quick celebration making a bow and arrow motion and when she goes up against uconn she points and winks to paige after bc she was assigned to guard her. post-game, an interviewer asks paige how she feels abt r and she basically rants abt how cool she is - her energy, skills, etc like a fangirl moment. later the same interviewer asks r the same question and r does the literal exact same thing paige did. interviewer tells r what paige said and r lowk flirts w her thru an interview ykwim?" ❫ for my disco nonnie!!!!!
─ pairing | paige bueckers x fem!reader
─ warnings | just some banter and flirting, nothing else!
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"AND THERE SHE GOES again, folks, Y/N L/N with yet another remarkable display of skill! This basketball prodigy seems to have an innate sense of the game, weaving through defenders with unmatched precision."
Your teammate patted you on the back as you jogged back to your position on the court, a grin of satisfaction spreading across your face. The crowd's roar filled the arena, echoing the excitement of your electrifying performance.
You were breathless and excitement was coursing through your veins ─ these moments reminded you why you loved the game so much. Paige quickly jogged up in front of as she guarded you, but you stayed focus. There was a smile on your face (and not the cocky, self-satisfied kind), but one that reflected the pure joy of playing the game you adored.
Paige's intense defense didn't faze you; if anything, it fueled your determination even more. You were focused, your eyes locked on the hoop as you dribbled, feeling the rhythm of the game pulsing through your veins. With a swift step-back move, you created just enough space between you and Paige, giving you the perfect opportunity to unleash your shot.
With a flick of your wrist, the ball left your fingertips, soaring through the air in a perfect arc. Time seemed to slow down as you watched it sail toward the basket, every nerve in your body tingling with nervousness.
And then, with a satisfying swish, the ball found its mark, dropping cleanly through the net. The crowd erupted into cheers, the sound washing over you like a wave of euphoria.
"And there she goes, folks, L/N with nerves of steel, sinking a jaw-dropping three-pointer right in the face of intense defensive pressure! That was pure finesse, a display of skill that leaves us all in awe. Despite UConn's relentless defense, L/N stayed cool, calm, and collected, executing a flawless step-back move to create just enough space for the shot.
The precision of that shot was nothing short of remarkable, the ball leaving her fingertips with perfect form and trajectory. And when it dropped cleanly through the net, the crowd erupted into a deafening roar of approval.
And that is another reminder of why she is nicknamed the Archer, in case you needed any further confirmation! L/N's ability to hit those long-range shots with pinpoint accuracy is truly unparalleled. It's like she's wielding a bow and arrow out there on the court, picking off her targets with deadly precision."
You jogged back to your position as Paige shook her head, more in amusement rather than genuine hurt. You could see the grin on her face and you couldn't help but wink her direction, Paige shaking her head, her grin widening as she acknowledged your wink.
"Paige, tough game out there tonight. What are your thoughts on your opponent, Y/N L/N?" The reporter asked, microphone in hand, ready to capture Paige's post-game reflections.
Paige let out a nervous laugh as she shook her head, her gaze shifting toward the table. "Well uh, first of all, she was absolutely insane. Like, absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing," the reporters in room laughed at her description, causing Paige's lips to quirk up into a smile.
"Just being around someone who not only uh, plays fair but has genuine love for basketball was just… refreshing, you know?" Paige's voice took on a tone of genuine admiration as she spoke. "Y/N's energy on the court is infectious, and it pushes everyone around her to step up their game."
Paige paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing. "And that move she pulled off in the second quarter? I swear, it was like she had eyes in the back of her head. I thought I had her boxed in, but she just... slipped right through my defense like it was nothing."
"And don't even get me started on that three-pointer," she added with a chuckle. "I mean, who sinks a shot like that under that kind of pressure? It was... impressive, to say the least."
Paige paused, a fond smile playing on her lips. "She's not just a great player, she's a true ambassador for the game. And let me tell you, it was an honor to share the court with her tonight."
"Aww, that was a sweet moment. It looks like despite the loss, you still got to take something out of it." The reporter smiled before glancing down at the paper, "Okay, next question. What adjustments do you think your team needs to make moving forward in the season?"
"Y/N! Great game out there tonight. What are your thoughts on your opponent, Paige Bueckers?" The reporter asked, a smile on her face as your eyes widened.
You laughed. "She was amazing! I mean, her performance was out of this world. And uh, don't tell coach but I've definitely binged her highlights a couple times before."
"Oh! So you're a huge fan of her and her skills?" The reporter continued.
You chuckled, a sheepish grin spreading across your face. "Yeah, you could say that. I mean, who wouldn't be? Paige is just... incredible. The way she moves on the court, her vision, her shot-making ability — it's all top-notch."
As you spoke, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. "I have so much respect for Paige and what she brings to the game. Playing against her tonight was a real honor, and I definitely learned a thing or two from watching her in action."
The reporter's smile widened at your genuine praise for your opponent. "That's great to hear! It's always refreshing to see female athletes appreciating each other's talents. Do you think facing off against someone like Paige pushes you to elevate your own game?"
"Definitely," you replied without hesitation. "When you're up against players of Paige's caliber, you know you have to bring your A-game. It pushes you to dig deeper, to push past your limits, and to strive for greatness. So yeah, facing off against someone like Paige is not only a challenge, but it's also an opportunity to grow as a player."
"That's funny because Paige said the same thing about you," the reporter chuckled as you felt warmth rush to your face. "You guys are both fangirls, it's just adorable to see."
The room erupted into laughter as you shook your head in amusement, trying to distract your mind from the way your stomach jumped at the prospect of Paige fangirling about you.
"Well, I guess great minds think alike, huh?" you replied with a playful grin, hoping to deflect some of the attention away from your blushing face. "If Paige ever wants to go play sometime, my dms are always open for a talented player like her."
The reporter laughed as she shook her head. "Feeling a little confident after the win?"
You laughed, your cheeks still tinged with warmth from the unexpected compliment from Paige. "Well, I wouldn't say no to a friendly game of one-on-one with her," you replied with a smirk.
The room erupted into laughter at your playful banter, the tension from the intense game slowly melting away.
"And who knows," you added with a wink, "maybe we'll both learn a thing or two from each other on the court."
The reporter chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Maybe off the court, too?"
"I mean," you put your hands up as the reporter laughed. "I know what you're doing, Holly, and I'm not complaining."
"I call it how I see it," the reporter winked as she glanced down at the paper. "Moving on..."
Paige 💕 (paigebueckers) wants to send you a message.
I'm down for some friendly 1v1 😁 When are you in Connecticut?
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↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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luci-four · 4 years
hello! would it be alright to request some mammon fluff? i read thru all your posts and im in love with your writing 💕
A/N: Thank you!! You didn’t give me anything really specific so I hope this is good enough for you ♥ thank you for being so patient!! ★
Hide N Seek. {Mammon x Reader/MC}
Mammon knew better.
Call him stupid, dumb, an idiot, a dumbass, a--
Too many, too many.
Call him what you want, but when it came down to the wire, Mammon was not unintelligent. He was creative, and smart in the street sort of sense—he could get by and there definitely were times where he let his knowledge shine.
Mammon new better, but he just couldn’t stop himself from pissing off Lucifer.
He didn’t even remember what he did this time. All that mattered was the heavy—frightening—presence of Lucifer’s anger, condensed to a very... vivid aura that suddenly filled the room. Before the second half of his name could pass by his brother’s lips, the second brother was on the run.
Bounding through hallways, skipping a stair or two at a time going up, jumping back down over the railing just to make his movements confusing; Mammon bolted. He was fast—he was pretty certain he wouldn’t get away from Lucifer, but ‘a man’s gotta try’, or so he told himself. If he could just get out of Lucifer’s line of sight just long enough to hide, he’d be golden! He’d strive for that, that was his favourite colour, after all. Taking several turns, ducking under furniture and hopping over others; Mammon had to bite his tongue and hold his smile until he was completely in the clear—but he was almost there! So close! If he could round the corner to the hallways fast enough, he’d be out of the line of sight to his impeding murder--
His saviour—yes! His MC! His sun! His light! His... cushion? His partner in crime? Whatever their title may have been now, he could hear their voice complaining to themselves; he slammed against them the second they stepped around the corner, covering their mouth to keep them silent. The both of them tumbled back into the small closet MC had left open when looking... for whatever it was they were looking for. Mammon didn’t know, and didn’t care.  He pulled the door shut, held his finger to his lips to try and quiet MC’s muffled words, and grimaced hard when he heard his brother’s footstep pass by. He leaned his head against the door, listening as closely as he could for the fading sounds and sighed out of relief for a moment before it was cut off by a strangled cry.
“Y’owch!” he had to fight himself to stay quiet and pushed on MC’s forehead to try and pull his hand back, “Get your damn teeth out of me!”
“Stop suffocating me and I wouldn’t bite you!”  
“Hey, shush it, will ya?” He hissed, “We’re tryin’ to stay hidden here!”
“You mean you’re trying to stay hidden!” MC emphasized their words with a particularly hard poke to Mammon’s chest, “Why was I dragged into your mess—again!”
“Not my fault you were right there!”
“Now I’m stuck in this small ass closet with you!”
“Yeah yeah, but please! Please be quiet!” he gave a hushed shout, “I’m beggin' ya!”
MC’s face screamed irritation. Mammon gave his best puppy dog eyes, pleading for them to help him out. After they sighed, they turned their head away from him, reluctantly agreeing though they were quick to give him a death glare when he tried to hug them. They both stood in silence for a while, Mammon growing more and more awkward by the minute. His eyes adjusted to the darkness he found himself in, and caught glimpses of MC while they paid no attention to the demon in front of them.
They were close—Mammon could feel it before ever needing to see it; the heat bouncing off of one another, the overall sense of closeness—chest to chest and face to face should they turn back toward him, he was going to die. His heart raced, his pulse knocking heavy in his veins and his breath growing ragged while his knees fought to keep him up; he was dying, that was it, he was dying and was kind of, maybe, sort of, afraid of Lucifer catching him—that's it! Nothing to do with MC...
Nothing to do with the sliver of light from the crack of the door and how it catches their eye and illuminates it like the stars. Nothing to do with how sweet and comforting they smelt. Nothing to do with the soft sound of their breathing or the curve of their face or--
No, nothing to do with them. He’s obviously just getting claustrophobic.  
“So...” he started in his whisper, “come here often?”
“Do you want me to punch you right now?”
“Double dare ya.”
They clenched their fist and shifted to aim it towards his stomach before he quickly deflected them.  
“Hey, knock it off will ya? I was just jokin’.”
“Oh, scared, are you?”
“Scared? No way!”
“Your body says otherwise.”
“My body is a temple and is as sturdy as ever!”
“Is that what we call it now?”
“Watch it!”
Mammon’s mind moved on its own, as did his mouth. Without realizing it, the awkward aura around him dissipated; he felt so calm and collected, he actually felt pretty confident—it had to be because he got away from Lucifer, of course—he could do anything, he could say anything. Despite MC’s teasing tone, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but tug up to a playful smirk; his tongue sharper than ever as he threw the teasing right back at them. The words that passed his lips brought such a delectable heat to their face, a pout to their lips, a huff to their breath and a slight lean towards him that he just couldn’t get enough of. The bold way they gave it right back to him, however, was enough to make him equally as heated; he shied away from them, angrily denied all allegations, turned his head and bit his lip the more they leaned against his chest and close to his face to eat up his reactions with a wicked smirk. What the hell were they doing to him?
“Back it up, will ya?”
“Where am I supposed to back up to!” they leaned even closer to his face, “You shoved us into a closet!”
Mammon grunted and attempted to lean away from them, only to catch a glimpse of the sliver of light in their eye once more. The way they looked at him seemed... questionable. Well, he was certainly questioning it. Their eyes seemed... unfocused, though they definitely were resting on something; their bottom lip had their teeth just barely sunken into it and he could just barely make out that their skin seemed flushed. They looked... soft, like they were waiting for something they really wanted but just couldn’t reach out and take themselves. They looked... they looked...
They looked like he did whenever they weren’t paying attention.
He didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was because he felt like he was looking into a mirror? Or maybe because this all felt like a dream? Whatever it was, Mammon was ecstatic! He could almost jump for joy! Cheer! He was so happy! He was nervous! He was scared! Wait, those emotions didn’t mix—or did they? The perfect blend of nerves and bliss danced around like butterflies in his stomach and drums in his heart; Mammon was almost ready to thank God for bringing the two of them together in this closet. Almost. Wait, why were they in here again?
It didn’t matter! Mammon didn’t care! With eyes as wide as the moon and a smile just as bright, he grabbed their hands and interlaced their fingers, getting a shot of confidence and the need to tease to help him get the words out of his mouth.
“So,” his eyebrows gave a little smug wiggle, “we gonna kiss, or what?”
MC’s eyes went wide as though they just snapped back to reality, giving him a bewildered look for a split second before such a sweet laugh bubbled out of them. They hunched over a moment, leaning their head on his chest and trying to catch their breath as their laugh only grew louder. Mammon couldn’t help but laugh too, moving their still intertwined hands to wipe the tears off their face with the back of their own hands.
Mammon’s body language screamed just one big ‘please’ that he knew MC could read—he didn’t care. The way they smiled back at him made his stomach flip, watching them slowly get closer to his face made it feel like his heart was leaping square out of his throat. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, excited and partially in disbelief.  
“Will you calm down for a second?” MC laughed again, only to keep their smile and laugh once more as Mammon eagerly closed the gap between them.
Oh, he was ready to just die, then and there, in that closet with them.
It was everything—no, more—than he could have ever imagined. It was pure bliss; soft on MC’s end but a little rougher on his as he moved like an excited puppy. Feeling their smile against his lips only egged him on; a little desperate for more—and a little unmanly to whine a bit as he had, he was lucky his eyes were closed so he didn’t see the almost sinful look they shot him—he felt them move back for a moment to untangle their hands. Once their lips made their way back to his, they gently held his face where he instantly became putty.
His limbs felt heavy, and he just wanted to lean everything he had against MC—but in a way they’d never have to let their lips leave his. Was there such a way? Could he find it? The slight tease as they grazed their teeth over his bottom lip as they pulled away caused him to let out another (embarrassing) whine. Letting his head fall heavy into their hands, he simmered in the moment a while longer before lifting his equally heavy eyelids halfway just to let those pool into theirs as well. The way they smiled at him was innocent, adoring, and... happy. Mammon knew his lazy smirk gave them the same feeling as well.
Mammon didn’t think he’d find himself stuck in a closet today—he especially didn’t expect to kiss MC—but he was thankful nonetheless. Something kept nagging at the back of his mind, however, but he just couldn’t find the strength to address it when such an amazing, adorable, teasing little brat stood in front of him; he wanted more—more kisses, more time alone, more of them, more--
The room flooded with light, the force which the door was opened caused a heavy wind against Mammon’s back. Judging by the sheepish look on MC’s face, it wasn’t a good sign in the slightest. In an instant, the warmth that cradled his face—and the rest of him—had been stripped away as he was lifted by the back of his shirt and pulled away from MC and dragged out of the closet.
“Dammit Lucifer, ya couldn’t’ve waited a few more minutes!”
“Be thankful I found you when I did, thanks to MC’s laugh. Any longer and your punishment would have been tripled.”
Hearing that it was their fault, Mammon watched MC give him an embarrassed laugh, scratching the back of their head regretfully before blowing him an apologetic kiss that made him cry out.
“Aw, come on!”
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succulentmangos · 5 years
to the men and women who have ruled over my heart at one point or another
liam- the love i had for you was pure, a crush that turned into a lifelong memory. you were so sweet and innocent, we both were. just trying to do what we both thought was right. i miss you sometimes.
grace- my first love and it was oh, so painful. you were my goddess, my muse. i couldnt live unless you were in proximity. slowly we poisoned eachother. to be fair, im not sure there is such thing as a healthy relationship of which it is unreciprocated love. i tried to kill myself to get your attention, i lived for your smile. you were god in my eyes. i was so naive, i still am.
joseph- i think i fell in love with love, and i needed a person to embody that for me, im so sorry that that person was you. that being said you did some really fucked up things to me and those things still haunt me. now you wanna be friends but i dont know how. i know we both were at fault for the downfall of our relationship but i spent so long romanticizing it and now i can see it how it truly was, which is not pretty.
belle- i fell for the attention and care that you gave me, i fell hard. i got so attatched so quick, it was like a tsunami. i cried so much over you but now i realise i just had so much sadness inside and i needed it to be let out, im sorry you got caught up in all that.
jon- i have spent so much time on you, crying, punching, writing, and now i laugh, you were not worth all of that. you needed someone to hump and i was so easily emotionally manipulated. you called me pretty names and held me close and it was perfect until it wasnt. once you realised that i over feel and have way too many emotions, you ran. you broke it off over text like a coward. you broke my heart, it tooks me months to move past you. i told you i was a rollercoaster and you told me that you loved that, but you got sick and pumped the brakes. im so glad im finally over you.
brayden- you were not a good person to me, all you wanted was nudes and i delivered like a lovesick puppy, its shitty that you said you wouldnt date me but pursued me sexually for months and every so often i still get texts from you. its pathetic.
ella- you were so nice and considerate to me, i care so deeply for you. it hurt when you werent sure ab me, but im so glad we moved past that. i love you.
maisie- i care about you so much but we never should have dated. i was just lonely and im sorry i mistook my platonic feelings for romantic feelings. you continue to be an amazing friend.
anthony- you were so manipulative in getting me to suck your dick and its something i highly regret. your tongue was like a slug in my mouth and your hands burnt my skin. i wish i could take what we did back.
justin- when i think about you my heart wants to puke. you put up such an amazing Nice Guy front but i saw how you truly acted. i still dont know why i nodded when you asked if it was okay. i mean thats the only reason why what you did to me doesnt account as rape, but god i was sobbing and what did you not fucking notice, or not want to notice? i still cringe at the fact that i was willing to look past that and have a relationship with you, im glad you are no longer in my life.
matthew- i cant believe you said those things to me. i cant believe you did those things to me. your anger terrifies me.
mike- everything about you excites me, i feel you coursing thru my veins. u r the most beautiful person in the world and i love you. i know we are soulmates and i wouldnt trade u for anything. i give myself to u completely.
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Kai wants Bonnie’s forgiveness - Fanfic Preview
She chuckled briefly, "Do you expect a thank you, because you're not getting one," Bonnie uttered quietly to his face. Kai bit his bottom lip with earnest craving. He loved her 'hard to please' attitude. Bonnie walked past him in attempt to exit the bathroom, but Kai grabbed her. Bonnie paused to look at their joined hands, her eyesight trailed back to Kai's exuberant face. His raw and uninhibited expression told her exactly how he was feeling. A rush of magic surged thru her veins, Bonnie sighed delicately as she could feel Kai's magic penetrating her system. "Stop it," she uttered. Kai smirked, "Why?...Because it feels good?" he asked with coyness. Bonnie surrendered in weakness to his desired will, she briefly closed her eyes as she feebly embraced his shared power. The damn near addictive feeling caused a sudden heat to form in her loins. She quickly pulled away from his hand to break his hypnotic spell.
Kai's mouth parted upon enticement, he sensed Bonnie's thoughts, but he wanted to hear the words out loud, "Do you still think of us?" he asked knowing the real answer. Bonnie turned her head, "There is no us," she said while swallowing in her throat.
"I know you don't believe that," he said. The corners of Kai's mouth went upward turning into a sly smile, "I keep getting this odd feeling that you still think about me," he uttered quietly.
Bonnie was in denial about many things, especially her thoughts of Kai. Bonnie didn't want to give him the satisfaction knowing that she could not sleep at night due to the constant flashbacks and weird dreams. She was constantly torn between the lethal attraction towards him and the fight to maintain her sanity.
Before she could say anything, Kai motioned himself closer to Bonnie. He used his magic to shut and lock the bathroom door giving them pure privacy. Bonnie faced Kai with nervousness, her body somewhat trembled as the all too familiar feeling was dangerous and highly thrilling.
Kai turned serious, "I can't take back everything that happened in the past. If I could I would, but you have to know that I am not the same person as I was then. And I think you know this and you feel exactly the same way," he said while hovering six feet tall over Bonnie in height. His fingers gently grazed the hand that hung to her side in intimate touch, they both closed their eyes within the second they came in warm contact.
Bonnie opened her eyes, "Don't you dare tell me how to feel. You're right, the damage has been done and now you have to live with it just like me. Now let me go," she tried to move, but Kai boxed her in his small space as she flanked in between him and the door.
"Are you out of your mind?" said Bonnie. "Maybe," said Kai.
Kai confessed what he had been holding back for so long, "I often fantasize about the day when you'll forgive me," he uttered.
Bonnie decisively leaned forward, "I don't want you to be relieved of the guilt. I want you to feel everything...every lick of pain you caused me. I want it to eat you up on the inside until you can't take it anymore," she bared her teeth. "Every time I close my eyes, I see your revolting face more than I want to. Why would I forgive you? To make you feel better?" she said with a tilted head. Kai knew by now that a single sorry wouldn't suffice.
Kai remained motionless, he went on to explain himself, "I contemplate how sick and fucked up I was. I violated you. I wanted you so badly Bonnie,"—As if Bonnie knew what he was about to regurgitate, she pleaded, "Stop Kai."
Kai ignored her, "You were the one beautiful thing I had seen after all those years of being in that hell. I wanted you then and I still want you now," he exhaled with tenuous desire.
Bonnie didn't want to hear it, she looked away but Kai kept going. He gradually backed Bonnie further into the door until his chest pressed against her breasts, their faces nearly touched. Bonnie sighed aloud from their sudden closeness, she hadn't anticipated his stealthy move.
Kai vied weakly for her attention, his pleasant and sweet breath encompassed her lips whole. "It doesn't change the fact that we fucked," he uttered with bold feelings. "I feel you inside me. Your magic, everything about you is coursing through my veins. I know you feel it too," he said with a terrible ache in his loins.
Bonnie's eye began to tear, she remained stone faced while staring up at Kai. She felt a hotness in her body, it excited and terrified her at the same time. Kai gently used his thumb to wipe away the salty tear that sat atop of her cheek. Bonnie knew his touch would only open old wounds, "No," she demanded quietly.
That didn't stop him, Kai let his hand graze her warm soft cheek. Bonnie gave in as she closed her eyes while he trailed the tip of his thumb downward until it reached the bottom of her chin. Kai leaned forward as he watched Bonnie quietly succumb to his rapid affections. Their lips were spacious with air as they breathed one another's scent. Bonnie whimpered softly as Kai wrapped his other arm around her waist. She tried to resist his stare by looking in the opposite direction. Bonnie couldn't believe all that was happening in real time. Kai's grip tightened as he pulled her into his body. Bonnie had her head turned away, she refused to look at him as it caused her immense feelings of both bliss and worry. Kai wanted her to see that he wasn't going to hurt her....
Want to read the rest? See Beyond Wicked 2 story link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12428629/1/Beyond-Wicked-2
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ziggydageek-blog · 8 years
A Union of Souls
The firebolt was shipped off in time for Harry to get it Christmas day. Sirius couldn’t have been happier about thay situation and I know not only was a guilt lifted, but he had fulfilled a moral duty as a godfather. His chipper mood last the entire month of January and into the beginning of February. The 4th was upon us and I hadn’t wanted to make a deal of it; I couldn’t help however, waking up and feeling as tho I had aged overnight. When Sirius transformed back into a man after our run, he stared at me, hardly moving at all. “Somethings different,” he started. Horrified, I felt as tho he could see the difference in me. Tears threatened to pour down. “Oi, don’t lose it on me, Gilda! You know i didn’t mean it.. whatever way you’re taking it..” he mumbled his way outta an explanation. Hurt and dejected, I turned away from him. “It’s my birthday today,” I told the floor. Sirius barked with relief; “is that all? Bloody hell woman, you had me convinced there was something the matter!” I realized then how emotional I felt and articulated it, so as to allow Sirius to understand exactly what the issue at hand was. “Sirius,” I started, pausing for dramatic affect. “I’m old. I’m fucking 24. Almost quarter of a century has gone.” After but a momentary pause, Sirius howled, a laugh I had never heard from him before. “Get off your pity pot, darling!” He continued laughing, an infectious laugh that caught me up in it. “You do realize you’re speaking to the last man on earth who will give you any sympathy?” He continued to roar and I found myself emitting a stream of chuckles. This was all very true; Sirius had spent his 24th birthday in Azkaban. “Forgive me for having moments of vanity!” I shrieked and jumped on him where he sat, feigning an aggressive attack. Sirius grabbed my wrists gently, holding off the attacks, before swooping in for an attack of his own: a kiss, planted solidly on my cheek. It erased all thoughts I’d had stowed in my mind. Again, he pecked at my cheek, and again, landed another kiss. Lowering our arms, I looked him in the eyes; in them, I saw not only my reflection, but an emotion, a powerful and overwhelming affection that threatened to become so much more… seeing myself reflected against the back drop of such an emotion flooded me. A minute voice in the back of my mind asked, “can he see the same in my eyes?” As thought reading my thoughts, Sirius’s mouth formed a half smile; silently, he conveyed just what I wanted to know. Immersed in the emotion of the moment, I leaned forward, my hand, now free, making its way up to his cheek bone. Beneath my palm, I felt the flush of his skin, and I wanted nothing more than for him to feel all that it was that I couldn’t even articulate. His hand found its way to the back of mine; upon contact, he gripped, a grip that spoke volumes in response. Our hands pulled our faces closer, and our lips met. I felt mine part beneath the pressure. Enclosing his bottom lip between the both of mine, I placed my free hand on his besting heart. Mirroring, Sirius brought his hand to my heart and I swore I felt our hearts beat in synchronicity. Passion danced across our mouths. Gently, his tongue found its way upon mine and danced with it in a way that was all together foreign and familiar at the same time. In that moment, it was as though we’d known each other since the beginning; no words needed to pass between us for us to realize we were two flames from the same source. He was home in a world that offered me no shelter; I was family in a world that had robbed him of all companionship. Separate, we’d survive but together, we thrived. His hand continued his way down my body, knowing every curvature and line and angle as tho it were his own. I ran my hand down his stomach, as flat and smooth, down the trail of course hair that led me. Surprisingly gentle, he lifted me slightly, parting my legs ever so slightly as he did. Helping, I held him in my hands and placed him inside of me, where I could feel his presence at my very core. We moved less in away as to elicit excitement, but more as a display of the affection we had garnered for the other. My every rotation of my hips was an unspoken “I love you.” His every thrust whispered “I’ve always loved you..” Every moan I uttered was a disguised “I’ve known you since the beginning of time.” Every kiss on my throat was a response of “And I’ve loved you for just as long”. When he lifted me, still inside me, and led me to the room, his eyes spoke volumes; sentiments that didn’t have words, but could be felt and perhaps were even more concrete than any word could ever have hoped to be. How do i convey exactly what was in his eyes? On a physical level, on this plane of existence, as it is, people hardly have sex for the right reason. Surely, everytime we had ever consummated our relationship before, it had been purely primal, all out of lust, a need.. This… this was something else. Need was there, of course, but it was a need for the other to be aware of just what it was between us… our bodies worked together, as a Symphony. Every glance, every touch, every stroke every sensation adding another layer. His hand traced the angles of my face, til his thumb came to a rest on my lips. Unable to look away, our eyes poured out into the others; an exchanging of essence occurred. I could feel what it was that made Sirius Sirius in my chest. It was as though a part of him had taken up residency in the center of my heart. I could tell by the look in his eyes the same had happened to him; he had closed them for but a moment, as if he processing the implications of what was occurring. When he opened them again, the familiarity was as pronounced as ever. “How much do you know about me?” I whispered aloud. “Enough to know that I still love you,” he responded. And it was at that moment, in unison, that our bodies gave in to the friction; all that had been building and building and building finally released. My gasp was echoed by his moan and together, we became lost in all that had conspired. It started in my womanhood but coursed thru my veins and pulsated thru every fiber of my being. The intensity lasted for what felt an incomprehensibly long period of time; when it had ran it’s course, I wasn’t the same person anymore. The look in Sirius’s eyes when he finally pulled back and looked at me told me he wasn’t either. And we smiled; we held each other by the face and we smiled, for whatever it was we just went thru, we would never be the same, which was fine by us. We never wanted to go back to a world where we didn’t know the other.
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