morgaine-lefay · 8 years
i was tagged by @stardustsam thank you! it was very difficult rules: enter your answers then tag 10 people! use the first letter of your name to answer each question. real answers only. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice. name: milena
a four letter word: mood
a boy’s name: misha hehehehe 
an occupation: medicine
something you can wear: mixer hahaha 
something you find in a bathroom: medicine chest
a place: mexico
a reason for being late: moonlight 
something you shout: me
a movie title: marley & me
something you drink: milk and coffee 
an animal: moose
a type of car: miura
title of a song: million reasons i tag: @destieldrabblesdaily @waywardlullabies @bubblemish @deanscolette @hallowedbecastiel @katteens @novaks @princesscas @puppymish
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look at these soft marshmallows :+(( http://pic.twitter.com/6uf2fvRFnd
— ashwini || TODAY (@puppymish) April 17, 2017
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soluscheese · 8 years
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Commission made for the amazingly awesome @baethazar! Love u bb. <3 Transparent version here.
Buy a print or merch here!
Want to commission me?
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eggoid · 8 years
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I added a place caled dabbing in ange, sweden on accident 
bc.. ange.... same as angie.....................................
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novakstiel · 8 years
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u gonna give me the cactuses now u lil fucker
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cacavape · 8 years
@puppymish RE: that peanut butter/ waffle/ chocolate post
‘smooth dark waffle’ seems like a weirdly sensual nickname to call somebody 
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caduceusciay · 8 years
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I was tagged by @cecisghost to post a selfie and say three things that I like about myself so here we go!
1.) I’m loyal, like to the end of the line, follow you to the moon and back loyal. Once you’re in my heart, sorry kid you’re stuck there.
2.) I like my new blonde hair! Like a lot! Blondes have more fun.
3.) Another thing I like about myself is my friends (what do you mean that doesn’t count?) I’ve made a few wrong turns but in the end it got me all these people I love so I wouldn’t change a thing.
I want to tag @puppymish, @rosymish, @preciousmish (I’m sensing a theme), @gazetiel and @jamesbrnes
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mishacolins · 7 years
3 23 38 B^)
3 - Which of your sets has the most notes
this one (which is so weird because it lacks the gif for the battle of the five armies lmao
23 - What is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif
Cas honestly
38 - What are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet
Black panther :)
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elvesofnoldor · 8 years
that gif u just reblogged w the orange cat is from inside llewyn davis!!!
one of oscar isaac’s movies of course (im gonna watch it) 
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deanwinchestergf · 9 years
misha’s protection squad
this took me so long because i wasnt at home and i didnt have a laptop im sorry :( okay so here are the new members please do not forget to submit to me a square icon, a short description and your email only if you want to be part of the group chat
@dirtymish, @cityofdestiel, @prettyboydean, @deansanchor, @firelitcas, @poeticcas, @mundanecas, @destielintheimpala, @accastiel, @adoringjensen, @mishackl, @renegadecas, @seraphmisha, @jensdmitri, @princesscas, @castiels-playdoll, @puppymish
this was really difficult because everyone who applied seem to love misha so much and like i just feel so bad for leaving some people behind so i may be picking up some more members next. please remember to track the #mishasprotectionsquad and i hope you all have a nice day!<3
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princesscas · 9 years
U should run a misha account with the 'wehatemisha' url ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ayeee I could! hmm...that’s a really good idea lol thanks for the suggestion :D
I’ll think about it and might do it :D i prolly will lmao 
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eggoid · 9 years
all around me are familiar faces
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caduceusciay · 8 years
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i miss…. texas (a surprise for all involved)
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mishacolins · 8 years
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You’re wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they’re better than you are. Sure, they’re weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. Above all, they never give up.
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utaiteki · 9 years
Rules: Bold all the things that apply to you!
I am in college/university
I’ve graduated college/university
I am in high school
I like my job
I’ve never had a job
I am shorter than 5’5
I’ve worked a job I hated
I wear glasses
I have a tattoo
I have more than one tattoo
I don’t have tattoos but I want some
I’m vegetarian
I have allergies
I’m sarcastic
I’m self-conscious about my body
I’m shy
I’ve been called over-emotional
I have a strange sense of humour
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I’m atheist
I have red hair
I have blonde hair
I dye my hair regularly
I am an only child
I have more than three siblings
I have a niece
I have a nephew
I couldn’t choose a favorite song
I’ve failed a class
I can speak two or more languages
I can play an instrument
I’ve hugged someone in the last 24 hours
I’ve kissed someone in the last 24 hours
I have a best friend
I’ve known my best friend for more than 10 years
I have met a friend from the internet
I’ve kissed someone of the same sex
I’ve had sex in the past month
I’m in/have been in a long distance relationship
I’ve had a one night stand
I’ve been dumped more than I’ve dumped someone
I’ve cheated on someone
I’ve met someone famous
I’ve broken a bone
I’ve spent more than six hours straight online
I’ve been out of my home country
I’ve done volunteer work
I’ve won a prize at school
I have friends who are married
I have friends who have children of their own
I have been in a wedding party
I’ve ridden in a limousine
I am a morning person
I am a night owl
I like anime
I like Disney movies
I like comedies more than action films
I like action films more than comedies
I always order dessert
I hate fast food
I can’t cook
I enjoy puns
I enjoy being alone
I read for pleasure
I don’t play video games
I believe in ghosts
I believe in aliens
I enjoy conspiracy theories
I’ve been somewhere considered ‘haunted’
I’ve stayed up all night for no reason
I can’t keep secrets
I’ve had a Skype call with more than four people
I’m good with children
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve watched an entire season of something in one day
I am wearing something green right now
I am wearing something yellow right now
I am wearing something purple right now
I’ve never tried alcohol
I’ve had alcohol while underage
I’ve played a drinking game
I’m scared of snakes
I’m scared of heights
I’m scared of clowns
I’m scared of spiders
I collect stamps
I collect comic books
I keep old bus/train tickets
I don’t know the words to my national anthem
I’ve been to a professional sports game
I have more than three key rings on my keys
I’ve had my hair cut in the past month
I’ve cosplayed
I can’t swallow pills
I miss someone right now
tagging! : @spookipooki @wityoo @puppymish @frnkleros 
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rockandrollchick29 · 9 years
everytime I see sams zoomed in face on the end of a post immediately I know it was made by u
Sam’s zoomed in face is my trademark.
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