destielreclists · 5 years
I'm looking for fics where Cas is rich, and Dean is poor, and they come together despite social status.
I know of a few! Thunder and Angels sounds like it’s exactly what you’re looking for. The others also foot the bill, though, so here you go:
Thunder and Angels by pm_lo (e, ~52.3k)
Don’t Walk on By by brimstonegold & virtualpersonal (e, ~61.5k)
300 Things (
Plus One by ceeainthereforthat (e, ~90.8k)
Have Love Will Travel by squeemonster (e, ~94k)
I Wanna Get Outside of Me by emwebb17 (e, ~142.7k)
Carry On (
Into Your Hideaway by the pinupchemist (e, ~176.5k)
The Walk by perseponeshadow (e, ~190k)
Additional resources include:
prostitute!Dean/prostitute tag
ao3 (+ Dean/Cas as primary  pairing)
(I’ve included this tag because many, many sex worker!Dean fics feature him being a sex worker because he’s down on his luck.)
celebrity!Cas/celebrity tag
wealthy/rich!Cas tag
ao3 (+ Dean/Cas as primary pairing)
homeless tag
ask one and two about fics similar to what you’re looking for (on destielfanfic)
I hope you find something you like!
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mshacollinsarchive · 8 years
@artistcastiel replied to your post:What’s the name of that fic where Dean and Sam are...
Shootin’ You Straight by rockstarpeach
Yes thank you!
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buticancarryyou · 8 years
@goandgetthegun replied to your post “If Wincest /was/ canon, how would it be canon in your opinion? (As in,...”
I love that answer tbh
Thank you for asking that question, because I don’t think I could say that enough times tbh!  I miss your face btw. <333
@sammichgirl replied to your post “Who are your favorite spn blogs?”
Thank you Karri love!
You’re welcome, Sally
@artistcastiel replied to your post “If you had the power to go back and change one thing about...”
The only good part of those episodes was that Sam got to have a dog
I CONCUR!!!!!!!!!!
@codependentsamanddean replied to your post “Who are your favorite spn blogs?”
if I wasn't first we'd be getting a divorce okay 8-)
@perfectopposite replied to your post “What's your favorite episode of supernatural? :)”
I love that episode too.
It’s soooooo good and the caps from that one, are so amazing.  
@theminorarcana replied to your post “if you could live absolutely anywhere in the world, where would it be?”
doesn't sound weird at all! i'd move to colorado because ever since i did a project in grade school about colorado, i've loved it.
Ohhh Colorado is pretty.  I grew up in South Dakota and went there plenty of times.  It would def be a good place to live, too!
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belovedstill · 9 years
the sweet Gael tagged me and I’m only now catching up on it (thank you, sweetie, so so much <3)
Chandelier - Twisted Measure
America -  XYLØ
Staying - Koda
I Found - Amber Run
Nantes - Beirut
Take Control - Kodaline
Human - Krewella
O - Coldplay
November - Juli
Gonna Get Over You - Sara Bareilles
Saturn - Sleeping at Last
I’m tagging: @may-darling @tabbycas @puppymish @ewmish @artistcastiel
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alissamarietart · 9 years
I think they're talking about kept boy!cas verse by madam_lit_nerd it's at 16 chapters so far and here's the link archiveofourown(.)org/works/4537254/chapters/10326489
well whether or not this is it, it’s also something i’d read lol
@hermionejamesweasley is this it??
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kazchester · 9 years
artistcastiel replied to your post “rockstardean>kazchester<rockstardean”
It's supposed to be like an arrow pointing to your new URL like I think they're supposed to be switched kazchester --> rockstardean like that
lmao i know there is a rule for easy remember but i always forget hahaha thank you <3
0 notes
artistcastiel replied to your post:Who was judging and which fan fiction?
happened to me actually, I go through phases of reading a lot of weecest in particular and someone I was mutuals with a year ago got mad and unfollowed me cause I had read and enjoyed this one fic and I think it was more the author they didn’t like
I s2g it’s like we’re all in third grade
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herowords · 10 years
Just so you know, this is my favorite chapter. One more to go and then this section of the verse will be complete. Thanks for reading, lovelies. *smooch* -- Beta'd by literaryoblivion. 
Previous chapters (on tumblr):
December, December: Chapter 2,
Or read the series at ao3.
Castiel curls his fingers around his mug, warmth seeping beneath his skin as steam curls into the air. His belly is warm, nearing full, and he feels content as he watches Dean rake up the leaves in their backyard. A smile alights on his face over Dean's surprising knack for domesticity. When they'd first met, Dean had claimed to be about as domesticated as a sneaker; yet, here he was raking up leaves and downright gleeful about it, too.
Castiel shakes his head. Oh, how he loves him.
After a moment more, Castiel finishes his tea and steps out on the back porch. The back door closes behind him with a quiet snick, and he stands on the edge of the patio. It's cool out, a violent shiver running up his spine, but the sun is still shining brightly down on their little corner of the world, so it isn't too terrible.
"Hey, babe," Dean says. He's stripped down to just a t-shirt, and his face is flushed from working in the sun. He looks beautiful.
At Dean's feet, Vincent is pawing through the leaves, leaping on ones that flutter in the breeze, and launching himself into the neat pile Dean's just finished. Dean looks down and shakes his head.
"He looks to be having about as much fun as you are," Castiel points out, stepping off the porch and meandering towards Dean.
"He's making a mess," Dean grumbles. There's no malice behind the words, and Castiel smiles at Dean's poor attempt at irritation.
"What are you going to do with all the leaves?" Castiel wonders, looping his arms around Dean's neck and breathing in his earthy scent.
Dean shrugs, resting a hand on Cas' hip and leaning in for a brief kiss. "Toss 'em, I guess."
Castiel nods. For a moment there's nothing but silence, the two of them staring at one another, smiling for no reason at all, and then Castiel casts a glance over his shoulder. "We used to wrestle in them when I was younger," he says, memories of being pinned down by his older cousins and buried in leaves creeping into his brain.
Dean cocks an eyebrow, and Castiel nods. "Yes," he says, bending to pick up a handful. "We'd toss them at each other, and bury one another, and-" He snaps out a hand, grabbing at the neck of Dean's t-shirt, and shoving the leaves into the opening. "Shove them down each other's shirts," he finishes with a sly grin.
Dean stares down at the stretched out neck of his t-shirt and the clump of leaves stuck beneath the cotton. Castiel knows that scratchy feeling all too well and only barely holds in a laugh at Dean's expression.
"Did you just-" Dean bites out.
Castiel smirks. "Have fun with the rest of your leaves," he offers over his shoulder as he turns from Dean and steps back in the direction of the house.
He should have known better, he really should have, but it still comes as somewhat of a shock when he's tackled to the ground, and flipped on his back. "Oof," he breathes, because Dean is a heavy weight on top of him, his eyes glinting with revenge. "Dean!" he shouts just as Dean plunges a handful of leaves down the front of Castiel's shirt.
"I can't believe you actually thought I was gonna just let you walk away!" Dean says, his voice full of laughter. He smashes a handful of particularly crunchy leaves in his grasp and rubs them in Castiel's hair as he struggles to throw Dean off of him.
Castiel lets out a laugh. "I can't believe I did either," he admits. He goes still beneath Dean, giving the impression he's given up, but as soon as Dean lets some of his weight off of Castiel's hips, he shoves at Dean's shoulder, burying him in the leaves.
"You fucker." It's the only words Dean gets out before Castiel is piling everything Dean's raked up on top of him in hasty, messy movements.
Things escalate from there, leaves flying everywhere and both of them grunting and breathing hard. Castiel feels like a child again for those few brief moments.
When they've finally exerted all their energy, all of Dean's hard work has been undone and Castiel is lying on top of him, breathing heavy, and smiling broadly. "I win," he says, dipping to steal Dean's mouth in a kiss.
"You're a dirty cheater."
Castiel smiles, a reverence stealing over him as he observes Dean's face in the sunlight. It lands in warm beams across his eyelashes and the bridge of his nose, coloring him golden with flecks of brown dappled across his nose and cheeks. His eyes are like liquid peridot, wide and shining, and Castiel leans in to kiss him again.
Dean is easily the best thing that's ever happened to him, and there are definitely days when Castiel doesn't feel worthy of Dean's affections, but that never stops him from wanting Dean in every way possible, always.
"Let's get married today," Castiel breathes, the words ghosting past his lips. He holds his breath because seven months ago when he proposed, it had come off as impulsive and he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice.
Dean's hands still on Castiel's ribs where they've been brushing lightly, mindlessly, and he peers up at Castiel with questions in his eyes. "Like, elope?" he wonders.
Castiel smiles. "Yes, Dean, like elope." He readies himself for the reluctances Dean may have, What about my parents, and Sam and Jess? I don't even have a tux. Isn't this kind of last minute? Just because it's legal in our state now does that really mean we have to jump at the opportunity?  But, instead Dean nods, not even missing a beat.
"Yeah," he says, "let's do it. Let's elope."
"Are you sure?" Castiel questions, his eyebrows shooting to his hairline.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't need a fancy ceremony to commit myself to you in the eyes of the state or whatever, Cas. I did that a long time ago."
Castiel suddenly feels jittery with nerves, excited and anxious all at once. They're getting married. "Okay," he says, smile wide, fingers trailing Dean's lips, committing to memory every last detail about this moment.
"Okay," Dean parrots.
They marry in front of a sprawling window on the top floor of the courthouse. It overlooks the city and lights up the room with the most beautiful natural light that casts a glowy essence over everything.
Dean looks nervous, all weak smile, and shifting feet, but the only comfort Castiel can offer him is to reach out and squeeze his hand as they stand across from each other because he's no better off.
The gentle timbre of Judge Joshua's voice as he officiates floats around in Castiel's head, his words barely registering through all the elation clouding his thoughts.
"If you'd like, you may now exchange vows," the judge says, and Castiel's heart plummets because they did not prepare for vows. He opens his mouth to say as much, but Dean squeezes his hands, his smile deepening until beautiful little crinkles form at the corners of his eyes.
"Can I go first?" he asks. Castiel bites at his bottom lip and nods. "I uh-" Dean shifts his weight for what seems like the millionth time and looks down at the floor. "I-"
Castiel steps closer, resting his hands on Dean's jaw and drawing his gaze upwards. "Dean, it's okay. We don't have to."
"No," Dean shakes his head. "I want to." Castiel nods, prepares to step back, but Dean's hand comes to rest over one of Castiel's own, and he rubs his thumb along Castiel's skin, leaving in its wake a soothing warmth. Dean clears his throat.
"Cas, before I met you, I thought I didn't deserve something like this. I thought-" He stops, breathes, "I thought I was going to be a sorry bachelor my whole life, burning through one-night-stands even after I was sporting orthopedics and dentures."
Castiel lets out a laugh and shakes his head.
Dean continues. "But then I met you and I-" A burning sensation clenches around Castiel's heart when he sees tears well up in Dean's eyes. Dean chews on his bottom lip for a moment then swipes his tongue out to soothe the sting and pushes on. "It's like I could breathe, for the first time in my life. It's like- it's like God sent me an angel."
"Dean," Castiel whispers. Tears of his own stinging his eyes.
"Cas, I know I'm not perfect, and I'm sure I'll keep pissing you off even when we're old and gray; I might not ever stop drinking milk straight from the jug, or singing too loud in the shower when you've been up all night painting, but I promise to do my best to take care of you. To be there for you whenever you need me, to always belong to you and only you. I promise to love you with every goddamn fiber of my being until the day we die, and even after that."
A tear tracks down Dean's cheek, sliding across freckles and disappearing over the crest of his upper lip. Castiel wants to reach out and brush it away, but he can't move, hardly feels like he can breathe. Dean's never been a man of many words when it comes to expressing how he feels, but everything Castiel has ever needed to hear is now out in the open, ingrained on his heart, forever echoing throughout his brain.
"Mr. Milton?" Judge Joshua prompts.
Castiel presses a soft kiss against Dean's lips and then slides his hands down Dean's chest, watching as Dean folds them in his own, and offers Castiel an encouraging smile.
Castiel can hear the beat of his own heart in his ears.
"Dean-" he grates out, feeling like he's about to burst open with so much love it's almost frightening. "I love you," he begins, pulling from a quote Ella Fitzgerald penned to her beloved. "Even if there isn't any me, or any love, or even any life. I love you."
Dean nods, the corners of his mouth tugging up in a smile, and Castiel feels emboldened.
"I didn't feel capable of love before we met. It seemed too deep, too complex, too-" Castiel stops, furrows his brow. Before meeting Dean he had thought he was complete. A man who needed no one, someone who could go through life alone, but never feel lonely. But, then Dean had walked into his life and left footprints on Castiel's heart, a brand on his soul. He had filled this hole Castiel hadn't known he had until there were green eyes and easy smiles as a constant in his life. "You taught me how to love," he continues. "You showed me how simple it is, how beautifully easy it is to love you. And-" He takes a shuddering breath, "Even if there isn't any me, or any love, or even any life; I love you."
The judge hasn't declared them married, they haven't exchanged rings, or said I do, but Dean is reaching across the open space between them, and tugging Castiel in for a hard and frantic kiss anyway, his cheeks wet with tears, and a laugh falling from his lips as he kisses Castiel.
"You're everything," Castiel murmurs into Dean's mouth, "everything."
After a moment, Dean wipes at his eyes and glances at Joshua. "Sorry, your honor, I just can't keep my hands off of him."
Judge Joshua chuckles and shakes his head minutely. "Love is the most wonderful thing in the world," he explains. "Sometimes it takes much time to grow, but when it blooms, its beauty cannot be denied. I'm just glad you boys have cultivated something so prosperous."
As he finishes the ceremony, Castiel is unable to keep the grin from his face. He's standing across from the most important man to ever have stepped foot in his life, and in just minutes, they're going to be committed in every way possible.  
When the judge finally utters those words, "I now pronounce you..." Castiel almost feels like he's flying as they kiss for the first time as a married couple. It feels the same as it always has, yet vastly different in ways he can't even begin to understand.
"I love you," Dean murmurs, drawing Castiel in for a hug.
Castiel smiles. "I love you."
Dean's tie is loosened before they even reach the Impala. He reaches out to open Castiel's door for him, but Cas stops him, crowds him up against the car and nuzzles at his temple. "We're married," Castiel croons.
Dean's arms wrap tightly around Castiel's waist, and Castiel feels the other man smile beneath his lips. "Hell yeah, we are."
"We should go home and have sex now."
"You gonna let me carry you across the threshold?" Dean asks, tipping his head to the side as Castiel's lips run over his jaw, and down his neck.
Castiel hums. "I was planning on carrying you."
"Too much pie does not a light Dean Winchester make," Dean intones. His hands rub along Castiel's back, slow and warm.
Castiel pulls away and smirks at Dean. "Are you calling my husband fat?" he asks.
Dean smiles at Castiel, lopsided and giddy. "Say it again," he requests quietly.
"Husband. I wanna hear you say it again."
A happy curl of excitement is in Castiel's gut now, and he leans in close, his lips brushing feather light against Dean's ear. "If my husband gets me home in a timely fashion, he'll be receiving the best blow job of his married life."
Dean throws his head back and laughs, hands fitting to Castiel's sides. "Hot damn, my husband is one horny bastard."
On the way home they stop at a burger joint. As they order through the window, Castiel slides right up next to Dean, placing a hand on Dean's thigh, and resting a chin on his shoulder. "We were just married," he tells the teenager working the register. "My husband would so appreciate it if you could throw in a complementary fudge sundae in congratulations."
"You got a marriage certificate or something?" The kid asks, obviously bored and unamused by the overzealous newlyweds cuddling in his drive through window.
Castiel pulls their wedding license off the dash and waves it in the air as Dean gives the kid a wide grin and a sheepish spreading of his hands.
The teen shrugs. "Okay."
At home, Dean carries Castiel across the threshold, folding him over his shoulder and staggering into their home. Castiel protests the whole way.
After their first meal together as a married couple, they exchange ice cream kisses, and hot fudge smiles. The warm heat of Dean's mouth in conjunction to the cold sensation of the ice cream sends a shiver of pleasure down Castiel's spine. When the sundae is gone, and there's nothing left to do, Castiel drags Dean upstairs and makes good on his word.
As they climb into bed that night, Dean snuggles up to Castiel, eyes droopy, and body warm. He nuzzles his nose into Castiel's throat and tosses an arm over Castiel's chest, pressing a kiss to Castiel's skin.
"Good night, husband," Castiel murmurs into Dean's hair, combing his fingers through the strands.
Dean snuffles. "Love you, baby."
Castiel smiles, still chasing the floaty, happy feeling he's had since their nuptials this afternoon. "I love you, too."
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buticancarryyou · 9 years
@artistcastiel replied to your photoset “Sunflower!Sam & FourLeafClover!Dean | Commissioned from @wendigo I got...”
I always saw these and your page and thought they were so cute!!!!
they make me so happy.  im glad you like them too!  (hope all is well for you btw!)
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anastiel · 10 years
artistcastiel replied to your post “Question: If I am writing a spn general pairing fic when I eventually...”
i usually see gen fics with pairings tagged as Castiel & Dean Winchester etc. instead of the slash / but also if you do use the / and it's like a G rated fic i don't think people will have romantic expectations
Ohhhhh gotcha. Yeah it's not going to be G rated soooo I'll probably do the &. Thank you! :) 
I just have no idea how to tag gen fics since I've never written one until now. 
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satinspiders · 10 years
Tumblr media
oh gosh yes everyone is always whispering about it when they first start hanging out together because dean starts doing things with only cas and starts turning down invitations to parties and everyone sits down at a party one day to discuss what could possibly be wrong, and benny lafitte just laughs at everyone and says "isn't it obvious?" and of course everyone is so torn because dean and cas are impossibly cute together, but also that means that dean isn't single anymore and that's just devastating
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A/N: After this installment there are three more and then this verse is finished! Thanks for reading, you beautiful muffins. Your support has been amazing. Cheers. -- Beta'd by literaryoblivion & stormstiel.
Previous chapters (on tumblr):
December, December: Chapter 2, 
Or read the series at ao3.
When Castiel awakens, it's that time of morning when the sky is still dark, but the sun is just peeking over the horizon, burning a bright orange that cuts through the gray still clinging to the heavens.
It smells like rain, and if the bulbous, dust-colored clouds looming over their little house are anything to go by, they're about to experience a deluge. Off in the distance a bolt of lightning lights up the morning sky followed by a clap of thunder that vibrates through the walls.
Next to him - on the mattress on the floor they've been sleeping in on the weekends for nearly a month now - Dean stirs, his hand reaching across the empty space between them and coming to land on Castiel's shoulder. He tugs, mumbling, "'M cold."
Castiel shifts closer to him, pulling Dean against his bare chest and rubbing a hand through his fiancé's hair, smiling as Dean's body goes pliant.
"I think it's going to rain," Castiel mutters as lightning slices through the sky a second time.
Dean groans, a low sound that rumbles through Castiel's rib cage. "We're supposed to go to the orchards today."
Another round of thunder rolls through the house.
Castiel chuckles. "Maybe tomorrow," he offers.
"Fucking rain." Dean presses himself more firmly against Castiel, nuzzling his face against Castiel's throat and working a leg in-between Castiel's. Despite his earlier declaration of being cold, Dean's body is warm, and that warmth melts into Castiel's skin.
A light drizzle starts outside, falling against the roof and hitting their window sills with a gentle pitter patter, the sound constant and soothing. The crisp, fresh smell that rain brings permeates the air almost immediately and mixes with the soapy smell of Dean's skin left over from their bath the night before.
"You jinxed us," Dean grouses. His voice is still sleep-thick, his pronunciation lazy, and Castiel smiles. Dean's put-out nature only serves to make him that much more irresistible in Castiel's book.
"Perhaps I just wanted to stay in bed with you all day," Castiel says then, his arms tightening around Dean's back. He feels Dean smile against him, small and secret.
"I guess that's okay."
A silence settles around them, broken only by the sounds of rain outside, and Castiel sighs. If all mornings were this perfect he'd probably never leave his bed again.
Castiel strips down to nothing and steps into the shower with a roll of his eyes. For someone who hates things like farmer's markets and co-ops and anything else he considers "tree-hugging hippie-shit," Dean sure is eager to spend the afternoon picking apples.
"It's a tradition!" Dean shouts back at him when Castiel states as much.
When they arrive at the orchards, the world outside is wet with drops of rain still clinging to the leaves of apple trees and the sound of wet grass squelching beneath their feet. Everything smells earthy and clean, and it enters Castiel's lungs with a happy fullness that is so inherently fall Castiel can't help but smile.
Fall is by far his favorite season.
Along with brief instructions on how to navigate the orchards, they're given red canvas picking baskets that fit over their bodies and rest against their abdomens.
As they roam the rows and rows of apple trees, Castiel reaches out and links his fingers with Dean's. Dean glances over and smiles and wraps an arm around Castiel's waist,pressing a kiss to his temple.
"Wanna see who can pick the most?" Dean asks.
"No. I came for a leisurely afternoon, not a race."
Dean's pace quickens and suddenly he's a few steps ahead of Castiel. "Ready?"
"I said no, Winchester."
Castiel shakes his head when Dean casts a look over his shoulder.
Dean winks at him. "Go!" He bolts to the side, disappearing in the awnings of apple trees, and Castiel is left alone.
He traipses along the trees, tugging apples from their branches and dropping them into his picking basket, waiting for Dean to reappear. He will at some point, this much Castiel knows, he's just not sure when or where.
Others have gathered in the orchard as well, not many--most of them driven away by the storm--and it's nice having the sounds of the outdoors; bugs buzzing, and a breeze blowing through the tall grass the only noises around him.
As he turns a corner, a warm hand closes around his wrist, and then, Dean is there, tugging him into the shadows of a particularly bushy tree that rises higher than the rest.
"Gotcha," Dean hisses, pushing Castiel up against the damp bark of the tree and sealing their mouths together.
Dean's mouth is warm, his tongue heavy against Castiel's, and Castiel closes his eyes, letting the rest of the world bleed away into white noise as Dean's hands find Castiel's hips.
When they pull away, Castiel notices Dean's basket is fuller than his own. He isn't the least bit surprised.
"How many do we need?" Castiel asks as he pushes away from the tree and watches Dean raise his arms above his head and pluck a few apples.
Dean shrugs. "Just fill the bags, I guess. We can do a lot with them."
"Cider?" Castiel asks hopefully. They're walking alongside each other now, their shoulders and hips brushing against one another's every now and then.
"Sure, babe."
They stop in front of another tree, one that appears to have been overlooked more than the others, and Dean picks a few apples and drops them in Castiel's basket.
"What are you doing?"
Dean flashes Castiel a grin. "Helping you catch up," he explains, "right now it looks like I'm doing all the work and you're just following me around."
"I'm being selective," Castiel hedges.
Dean tugs at the straps on Castiel's chest. "I know." He pulls Castiel close, their baskets full of apples bumping, like two swollen bellies, and kisses him.
"We're not going to get anything done if you keep doing that," Castiel quips when Dean's face is inches away from his. It's hard to concentrate on anything when Dean's lips are pressed against his own, and if they want to beat the second wave of the storm rolling in from the East, they best get moving.
"Yeah, yeah," Dean says, "we're almost done anyway." He grabs Castiel's hand again and tugs him along. "Let's go, Mr. Milton."
They leave the orchard with several pounds of apples, Dean whistling happily as the two of them haul their spoils to the Impala.
On the way home, they stop at a grocery store so Dean can pick up a few of the ingredients he needs for apple pie.
Castiel gets bored of looking at all the spices and drab food packaging and meanders off to the art aisle where he finds a rack full of Vincent Van Gogh Paint-by-Numbers. He pulls a couple off the hanger, Still Life with Apples for Dean, and Sunflowers for himself, before returning to Dean where he's standing in the baking aisle considering sugars.
"What's that?" Dean asks as Castiel drops the Paint-by-Numbers in the cart.
Castiel offers Dean a wide grin. "An art project," he responds and then adds, "for you."
"Babe, you know I'm not good with the paint. We tried that once, remember? My James Dean ended up looking more like Bruce Jenner, pre-corrective surgery."
Castiel shakes his head. "This one will be better. There are instructions and everything."
Dean shrugs. "If you say so."
"I do." Castiel pecks Dean on the lips, and Dean pulls a bag of sugar off the shelf.
At home Dean readies the kitchen with the few baking materials they've brought with them to the new home. A month ago, when they first became homeowners, the two of them had agreed to start their renovations in the kitchen. Dean wanted it to be the central part of their home, and Castiel agreed.
Where there once stood generic oak cabinets are now beautiful, walnut cabinets that Dean spent over a week making and installing. The wood was a little out of their price range, but the marble counter tops they added shortly after the cabinets was less than they expected, so it all worked out nicely. The flooring is a deep, rich wood, sturdy under their feet, and after it went in, Castiel stared at it on and off for a solid day because it was his floor, a floor he picked out with Dean.
"You wanna help me peel these?" Dean asks. He hefts a crate of apples into his arms and dumps them into the sink that's filled with water and fruit cleaner.
"I suppose I could help."
"Oh yeah? You suppose so, Mr. Milton? Didn't your mom ever read you the Little Red Hen when you were a kid?"
Castiel steps up beside Dean, rolling up the sleeves of the Henley he stole from Dean's duffle bag, and dipping his hands in the water to help clean the apples. "No."
"I'll give you the cliff notes version then. Those million dollar hands of yours don't help out in the kitchen every once in awhile, I don't share my spoils."
"My hands aren't million dollar hands, Dean," Castiel counters.
Dean twists himself to peck Castiel on the lips. "They will be someday, babe," he states.
Dean's unyielding faith in Castiel has always been a lot to take in, and even now, after over two years of dating, after an engagement and purchasing a home together, Castiel still finds his cheeks heating at the compliment and a worry rising inside of him that he'll never live up to what Dean sees in him.
They make quick work of cleaning and peeling the apples and while Dean whips up a crust, Castiel cracks open a Schӧfferhofer and digs through the grocery bags until he finds the Paint-By-Numbers.
With the pie finally in the oven some hour or so later, Dean joins Castiel at the bar and surveys the art supplies Castiel has set up.
"This looks complicated," Dean admits, scratching at the back of his neck.
"You never did these as a child, Dean?" Castiel wonders.
"'Course I did," Dean corrects as he settles onto a bar stool next to Castiel.
"But, they were all dinosaurs and flowers and shit. I never did one of some famous dead guy's masterpieces."
"His name was Vincent Van Gogh, but I'm assuming you know that considering you recognize the pieces."
Dean shrugs sheepishly.
"Just follow the instructions, Dean, it really isn't difficult."
Dean heaves a sigh. "Fine, but no critiquing my work."
Castiel offers Dean a smile. "I wouldn't dream of it," he says.
As they work Dean seems to relax into a rhythmic concentration, his shoulders losing their taut nature and falling into a loose, easy position.
The smells of cinnamon and baking apples creep up their noses, making their small kitchen smell like fall, and warmth, and home.When the timer finally beeps, Dean's got his tongue held between his teeth as he fills in the remaining spaces on his painting.
Castiel smiles to himself as he watches his fiancé delicately brush the cheap, grocery store brush over Life with Apples. Dean's eyebrows are pulled together in concentration, his fingers moving in deft, sure movements, and when the painting is complete, Dean drops his brush to the countertop and holds it up for both of them to see.
"Not too bad for a carpenter, huh?" he asks, his voice laced with mild pride.
Castiel's smile deepens, and he shakes his head, "It's beautiful, Dean. Perfect."
Dean gives the painting one final glance before he slides out of his chair and moves to the oven, slipping on a pair of oven mitts and pulling the pie from the rack.
Out in the open, the pie smells even better and Castiel's stomach growls at him angrily, reminding him they haven't eaten since they stopped for food on their way home from the orchard several hours ago.
"I don't mean to brag," Dean intones as he arranges the pie on the cooling rack, "but this pie looks damned near perfect."
"It smells wonderful," Castiel offers, watching Dean as he hunches over his own personal masterpiece and observes every flake and crisp.
"Well, in a few minutes we're going to find out if it tastes wonderful, too."
They forego dinner in exchange for slices of warm apple pie and scoops of vanilla ice cream - one of the few things they actually have in their shiny, new fridge - eating them outside on the back porch as the sky is overtaken by thick, grey storm clouds that have been hiding since that morning.
The pie is wonderful, just as Castiel imagined it would be, and as he and Dean sit next to one another amiably, silently shoveling bits of pie and ice cream into their mouths, Castiel feels like they're right where they should be.
He tangles his ankles with Dean's and sets his empty plate off to the side, bits of gooey apple filling and crust clinging to his lips. He smirks at Dean as he watches Castiel brush them off with his tongue.
"You ever get the feeling you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing?" Dean asks.
Castiel nods, wrapping his arms around Dean's arm that's closest to him, and pressing a kiss to the crook of Dean's neck before resting his chin on the other man's shoulder.
A silence settles between them again, and they stare out into their backyard, watching the trees swaying in the wind as a roll of thunder sounds off in the distance.
Soon fat drops of rain fall down from the sky, landing in their hair, and sliding down their faces, catching on Castiel's stubble and causing Dean's freckles to stand out. They still have time to duck inside before getting completely soaked, but Dean wraps an arm around Castiel's waist instead. They remain on the porch, letting the water sluice over their shoulders and drip down onto their jeans, seeping through the fabric and chilling their skin.
After a moment Dean guides Castiel's chin up until their lips are sliding together, wet from the rain, but warm. They kiss until Castiel feels as if his chest will burst, both from the lack of oxygen and the sheer happiness of being here with Dean, and as they pull away, Dean smiles at him, wide and happy.
"Two years and you still take my breath away," he mutters. If the flush in Dean's cheeks is anything to go by, it took a lot out of him just to say the few simple words, Dean never being much for anything too sentimental, but whether dragged from Dean's toes or whispered every day between cooling sheets and beams of sunshine, it still makes Castiel feel warm.
He cups either side of Dean's face and draws him in again replying, "Me too."
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alissamarietart · 10 years
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artistcastiel replied to your post: Or If the picture was lightened by th...
I just went to the original picture and looked at the tags, and the K whatever name is for the white bear/animal i guess, and like people post it as different animals so i just searched the name and san-x purse i think :) I’m so happy i found it!
cries i'm not seeing it on amazon or ebay tho and that one is so expensive T_T and idk anything about that site so idk how trustworthy they are (and i don't have the money rn anyway lmao all the news clothes i just got were bought by my very generous mother i have nothing lmao)
there's a store at the mall by me that might have them so i'm gonna check there~
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kazchester · 9 years
Diggin the new URL kaz
thank laura!!!!!!!!!!
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thychesters · 10 years
some rude punk tagged me in a thing, what a loser
fill in the blanks & tag 6 people!
name: Kate birthday: September 1st favourite colour: blue lucky number:  13 height: 5’ 8" talents: yelling and sleeping last dream you remember: probably something to do with cas and sharks can you juggle: lmao arts/sports/both: arts  do you like writing: i do. but do i do it do you like dancing: i do dad dancing do you like singing: in the car, but that's about it?
dream vacation: i want to ??? go somewhere ??? maybe ??? but like ??? i wanna road trip across the us dream person: i don't want to talk about it i have a problem dream wedding: lmao dream pet: SO MANY DOGS dream job: ... favourite song: right now it's take the money run -- steve miller band favourite album:  good news for people who like bad news -- modest mouse last song you heard on radio: um not sure ?? it was just static so hah least favourite song: ffffff i don't know some come on & i just get angry?? least favourite album: i have no clue least favourite artist: buh
guys/girls/both: guys  hair colour: i like blonde??? but ?? eye colour: i like eyes it's a problem omg humorous/serious: can it be a mix though like funny but capable of being serious taller/shorter: please be taller than me all of my friends are shorter biggest turn-off: bein' a dick biggest turn-on: i don't wanna talk about it no ohgo d
i'll actually tag people this time too:
michelle claire maddi amy sophie laura
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