#bc i was wondering what i was gonna do w/that sideblog
diorstarr · 2 years
Lack of interaction is a massive issue for every writer right now and I've been through it myself. I've had fics with 1k notes that have less than 100 reblogs. So less than 10%. And I reckon about 50% of those reblogs are my own when I've reblogged comments or for timezones etc. Then I get about 10 comments from my mutuals being kind.
I have a good group of mutuals around me who support my writing but sometimes it does feel like I'm living in an echo chamber.
I see random people follow me, like everything in my masterlist and then disappear into the sunset never to be seen ever again. I wonder did they actually even read it? Or just bookmark it for later then never come back?
It takes a lot of time and effort to write something. It takes a lot to post it out there on the internet for everyone to read. I think people forget that. Those 5k words I just posted are my inner most thoughts and feelings. They are a part of me.
yeah, ive definitely noticed this is something every writer is struggling w rn. ill read a fic and see it has so many notes then look at the like to reblog ratio and its utter garbage. not to mention if there are reblogs, they are mostly empty. 
and for sureeeee most of those reblog are from mutuals or just comment reblogs from the op! which is so sad bc i wanna hear what other ppl have to say abt the fic!! esp if ur liking it im ~assuming that you enjoyed some of it. 
+heavyyyyyy on the random ppl following you LMAO. and not a single comment or interaction. its so disheartening to see! 
and literally regardless if its a plot heavy fic or something thats literally just smut (which is so hard to write sometimes, my god) it takes time and effort! this is something i enjoy doing and make time in my very busy schedule to get done. and to have no one say nothing???? im just like…..ok……why am i doing this then. (and pls. if u use the argument 'you should do it for yourself' im gonna find u and live in ur walls. im not playing.)
and ppl get sooooooo defensive and there so many different ways to interact w writers!! like sure u might not want to reblog for whatever reason but what abt comments? asks? making a sideblog? 
idk im just very tired at this point lol
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wooahaes · 2 years
im brand new to caratblr, so i have no way to compare a before & after, but lately i feel like smut writing has been taking over fandom in general. (which sucks for someone like me, who 99% of the time does not enjoy nsfw content & generally actively avoids it). and i feel like no matter what the actual reason numbers change, we're always gonna blame ourselves? bc i feel like that's just kind of the default for creatives. (also i hope you know i love ur writing, i have a lot of it q'd up ssksjf)
know that i'm probably gonna go through ur masterlist later (i peeked and read ur dk drabble and its SO cute omg, if i don't reblog it later today then u can beat me up behind a wendys)
i'm not really sure where i'd fall on stuff like this since i only actively joined caratblr back in march and started this blog like. soon after (i was originally just gonna make gifs lmao). but i like to think i've been here for enough time that i can comment on stuff like this (plus there's people who i think have definitely been here waaay longer who feel the same way as me).
i hope no one thinks i'm bullshitting them when i say that it's completely fine to write smut? like i said in my original post, i do it too (i don't broadcast tht sideblog here bc 1. i know i have minors following me, if someone sends an ask off-anon i'll privately reply w it and 2. i'm not gonna constantly write for it since it's just something i do for fun and to get some feedback), no shame in it as long as you're tagging properly + using a readmore. trust me, i don't traverse tags often but every time i do there's always mistagged stuff that's fully there. sometimes it's like... waaay more hard than other stuff tho and i wish people would use a readmore.
it does suck for both ppl who avoids nsfw content + minors. smut is fun to write an all, but idk i'm the kind of person who likes to write more plot-oriented stuff ig? or just domestic fluff. stuff that makes people happy.
but yeah! i fully get that. i think it's kind of in our nature to wonder what we're doing wrong even if audiences change. it's shitty and usually not a manner of thinking i fall into often, but despite like... the followers and the support i've gained over the past few months, it's hard not to notice when i stop seeing familiar names pop up in my notes. some people i think drifted from tumblr entirely (genuinely fair, have fun away from this hellsite lmao, (key voice) PLEASE save me from HERE skdfhsd) while others i think might have just changed their tastes. other people are genuinely busy.
it's just hard to not wonder and start to blame myself for stuff.
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nerdferatum · 4 years
LMFAO I FORGET I CANT ASK W MY SIDEBLOG and I’m not letting anybody see my main bc I’m a shitty poo poo pants bicth yeah anyways this is @juggalohenrik (what a name 👁👄👁) could you perhaps do the C1 pose for Winona and Henrik or A3 for Wren and Chelsea? P.S I absolutely fucking adore your art, it’s genuinely so good and I just 🥺 I love the fact you manage to embody the characters so well (esp people’s OCs because it’s so hard to convey the character into art but you can do it so easily!) take care and know that even if there’s people who are kinda shitty about what you do there’s just as many people who want to see and support you doing what you do best. I’ve been there and have cast so much doubt on my abilities but I promise it’ll get better, you’ve got this!
Just for your kind words, you get both of them!
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But in all seriousness, thank you so much. It’s been a rough week, but I think I’m in a better place thanks to all the support. I didn’t even think I was gonna get a response from that post, but this fandom is full of wonderful people!
Send me a pairing and a pose!
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ihatebnha · 3 years
okay so i’m so glad you thought about ibiza waiting patiently for her dad & then he doesn’t show up bc that’s exactly what i had in mind!! & yeah him not being a totally shit dad really does make everything bittersweet. like yeah he does not want to be a father but he really does not want a little girl that he helped bring into the world to have to fend for herself. i also thought about his debt kind of impacting his life other than y’know… the loss of his life. like maybe it affected his job search. it’s a small town so everyone knows everyone & everyone knows about his debt. so this led to people not wanting to hire him partly bc they figured since he’s got such a massive debt that he might not be trustworthy or bc they didn’t want to be around when the people he owed came to collect. also i do see ibiza blaming herself for her dad “abandoning” her. especially with the organization shoving the idea that her parents didn’t want her & that this place was the best option for her down her throat. maybe she starts thinking “i should’ve helped him make some money. i should’ve done more. maybe he would’ve come back for me if i did more” even though she was just a kid… and maybe this thought process rears it’s ugly head when she gets into a relationship w someone. platonic or romantic. she’ll feel like she has to do so much not only to make up for the fact that it’s her but to get them to stay.
-oc anon
okay getting nervous abt the fact i didnt immediately respond to this so i'm just gonna dive right in if that's okay???!!!
also, while i remember, i wanna confirm that u saw i followed ur oc account...? this is a sideblog so sometimes i have issues with like... people knowing that i have or am following them but virtualizated is me in case u were (or were not) wondering!
ANYWAY, to get on w/ it (and these are 2 am rambles so bear with me LOL):
i realize that a lot of people don't keep up with the show/manga consistently, and that it wasn't playing in theaters everywhere.... but i'm really hollering bc all these thoughts remind me so SO much of Rody and it's lowkey making me wanna cry thinking about how he and ibiza would interact, too... given their similar/contrasting parental situation (slight spoilers, hehe)...
IDK but, regardless.... just something about the fact that she was too young to really even know her father (and his reasonings), combined with how her guilt is then used against her???
even if it's... no one's fault except the organization's.... if she's never gotten to experience having that normal family life (knowing she's loved)... and all the praise she's ever received has come from doing things for a company that doesn't even really care about her... fdjfasdfj OFC that makes would make future relationships hard!!!
uGH and that just makes it worse when you, like... bring up how she meets bakugo or deku again and consider how, for the longest time... there is no relationship between them simply because, how could there be??
honestly... relationships that utilize the ... "you're too good for me" dynamic .. make me BRUHFAJKDFKSLDMS.... because i'm brokenhearted thinking about like... rebel/neutral ibiza not being able to even comprehend that there are people who want good things for her for nothing in return, much less her company
(also the fear of becoming like her own parents asjfajsdk)....
BUT ALSO, at the same time i can see, so clearly in my mind, how her and bakugo could get along as either, 1. they both feel bad/tainted, or 2. bakugo... comforts her with his own rough edges and teaches her that it's okay it be a lil mean and emotionally... frazzled... AHHHFADJ J THEY'RE A GOOD MATCH, OKAY???
BUT THAT BEING SAID, DON'T even get me started on what it would be like if ibiza met inko, either WAHHH!!! it's what ibiza deserves.... ankjfmkdmfaksd😭😭😭
anyway. that's all hehe. crying now!!!!
also for some reason tumblr isn't pulling up all my posts tagged with your label (it's either that or i started tagging them different and cant find the originals? bc i have a few but not them all??) but it's making me so mad that i can't go back to reflect on some of the stuff we've talked abt since i WANNA ASK more questions but don't even know where to begin!!!
so we have the childhood basis but like... what's next??? did u ever tell me her quirk??? :((( i feel like u did but idk and i wanna </3
(but no pressure obvs bc i know that stuff changes a lot and requires t y p i n g... just for next time i guess!)
also!!! just to briefly respond to ur other ask (about diary of a wimpy kid and ilys and whatnot)... i DID THAT WITH DOAWP TOO!!! and with dork diaries too i think... i remember one thanksgiving my family went out to dinner with some close friends and i spent the whole meal reading one of those books LOOOL </33333
anyway... i love u and appreciate the fact that ur you, too!!!!! and this made perfect sense so don't ever be worried HEE HEE!!!❤️❤️❤️
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mepencil · 6 years
fanfic thing uhhh yeah
Hi guys mepencil here from objectconfessions
This is blog is like an ask/RP sideblog for me and oc-version of mepencil
This fanfic is an introduction to their role in the ii universe
Uhhh tw for Big Asshole Yang Hours, it can be a little iffy for sensitive nb’s bc big misgender hours for plot point
 Paintbrush lay on their front on the mediocre hotel bed, staring listlessly at the little crab that scuttled back and forth on the quilt. They let out a huff, the rush of air surprising their crab friend. “Sorry Baxter,” they sighed. Sure, it was nice to not have the stress of the competition on their back, but they were still afraid. Afraid for Lightbulb, and Test Tube, and...well, Marshmallow was still missing, and apparently Apple had vanished with only a broken window left behind as well, according to the other eliminated contestants.  To be honest, Paintbrush was scared. What if something really bad had happened to them? What if that happened to the others? Or Paintbrush themself?  It certainly was a thought that Paintbrush deserved to be scared of.  Baxter flopped off his feet, making a discontent noise. Paintbrush scooped him up and arranged him in their brush, the place he had seemed to claim and vanish into and out of at inopportune times. Paintbrush was 99% sure that Salt and Pepper were still deathly afraid of the little crustacean.  They sat up and scooted off the bed, deciding that they were hungry. It was late morning, after all, and they hadn’t gone downstairs yet. The upper floors of the hotel were empty and quiet, but Paintbrush could still hear the muffled sound of Salt and Pepper yelling about something, and the bustle of OJ and Cherries in the kitchen. They were surprised the yelling of Yang wasn’t to be heard, but then they saw that the two’s bedroom door was still closed.  Paintbrush made their way to the elevator and pressed the button for ground floor. They muttered an obscenity or two at the horrible music choices of OJ, the sounds of which played softly in the minute-ride to the bottom of the building.  It was always a challenge to maneuver around the morning hustle-and-bustle, but Paintbrush had quickly forged themself a tactic, weaving around the many objects crowding around, expertly keeping their bowl of cereal steady. Trophy frowned at them when his attempt to trip them failed miserably, and they grinned defiantly in his face.  They plopped themself down at an empty chair at the table next to a sniffing Tissues. “How have the new meds been treating you?” they asked him.  Tissue sniffed again. “W-Well, I haben’t been sneezig as much…”  “A relief for you and everyone else,” Painty sighed.  “Sorry…”  “Meh. You couldn’t help it.”  “Thangks…”  Paintbrush shrugged. “Hmph.”  Across the open space a firm knock came at the door. Somehow it was easily heard above the hustle and bustle of the fight for the first at the pancake mix, and everyone paused a moment, even Soap, who was furiously cleaning up after the messier ones.  “...someone gonna get that?” Cherries’ left half asked.  “I will,” Balloon said, hurriedly jumping up from his seat at the table and running towards the door.  A tall cylindrical figure stood outside the hotel, hand on one hip.  They glanced a moment, back at the staring faces of the objects eating breakfast, then smiled. “Heyo!”  “...hi?” Balloon finally said.  “Sorry if I’ve interrupted anything,” the newcomer apologized, then gestured to those in the kitchen. “Do continue!” They turned back to Balloon. “Could I perhaps come inside?”  “Uh.” Balloon looked back towards OJ, who shrugged with a confused look on his face. “Sure.”  They stepped past Balloon into the place and looked around with a smile. “I like it,” they murmured.  OJ made his way past Soap and went to greet the newcomer. “Uh, welcome to Hotel OJ?” he said in confusion.  They turned back to look at him and smiled, They were a good bit taller than he was, and they held out their hand. “Thanks! I’m MePencil.”  He shook it. “Me...Pencil? You wouldn’t happen to be from Meeple, would you?”  “Yeah, easy to tell, ain’t it?” MePencil sighed, looking tired. “Adam wanted someone to...keep an eye on the eliminated contestants. Since, correct me if I’m wrong, Apple vanished, and MePhone ‘n’ Pad are having their own troubles with the contest…”  “They could’ve sent us a warning,” OJ muttered. “We don’t usually get people knocking on our door unless it’s...well, even that doesn’t happen anymore,” he murmured, glancing at Balloon (who had quietly returned to the table, where conversation was starting once more).  “You know how MePhone is,” MePencil shrugged. “Absentminded, to say it...kindly.”  “Well, I guess you’re allowed to stay here then. I’ll see if I can get you a room or something…”  “Just ignore me, it should be like I’m not even here!”  “We’re just starting breakfast...if you can call it that. Do you need to eat, or…?”  MePencil shrugged again. “I eat when I feel like it. Don’t worry about me, I’m like the babysitter that gets paid doing nothing. I’ll try not to bother y’all.”  “Well, I suppose,” OJ said unsurely. “If you need anything, though, just come find me.”  “Gotcha!” MePencil grinned, giving a thumbs-up. “I’ll be around.”
 “So, what do you think of him?” Paper asked.  “Huh?” Paintbrush asked, pulled away from the newspaper.  “MePencil.” Paper gestured to the corner of the room, where said personage was enveloped in a sketchbook. “What do you think?”  “I dunno.”  “I thought she was a girl,” Cherries butted in.  “Oh, don’t go starting this again!” Paper huffed. “He’s a boy. You can tell.”  “Girl. Can tell by the voice!”  “You could ask,” Painty muttered. Both of the objects shook their heads, and Paintbrush snorted. “No wonder you’ve never asked me. Not that I want to be bothered, anyway.”  Paper and Cherries looked a little guilty, but they said nothing.  “MePencil’s ok, though.”
 MePencil had taken to watching cartoons with Soap and Balloon in the mornings, sitting on the right arm of the couch in a debatably precarious position, sketchbook in hand. Sometimes they wrote, sometimes they drew, but it was pretty hard to tell the difference if you weren’t an artist. Or you could snoop on them from behind, but nobody had the courage to do that.  MePencil was, too, different from the other Meeple products. They were nice, sure, but there was something about them that intimidated everyone. Maybe their height. Maybe because they were there to keep everyone out of trouble. Maybe because they had no screen.  They were exuberant. It appeared that they were extroverted, but they normally didn’t speak unless spoken to and was often nowhere to be seen, probably in their room, which OJ had let them stay in.  Not doing a good job of babysitting, then, Paintbrush thought. Lazy.  They didn’t seem to eat much, either. Occasionally they would raid the fridge of its oranges, which no one commented on, but either than that not much.  They also seemed to have a very sarcastic sense of humor. “So, get this,” Nickel said. “When I asked MePencil if he was a boy or a girl, he said ‘I’m not legally obligated to answer that question.’ Like, how much more passive-aggressive can you be??” he complained.  “Not like you didn’t deserve it,” Paintbrush muttered under their breath. “Just deal with it, Nickel. Didn’t mean it to be disrespectful, I’m sure.”  MePencil often butted in on what other people were doing. They didn’t seem to intend to be rude, just curious, but it infuriated Paintbrush to no end. They weren’t sure what the others thought (probably a similar reaction) but they were quite annoyed with it.  “Whatcha drawin’?” MePencil asked, appearing abruptly beside Paintbrush on the hallway bench.  Paintbrush recoiled back in surprise, and MePencil flinched. “Do you mind??” Paintbrush snapped.  “Sorry!!” MePencil exclaimed. “I thought you know I was coming.”  “I was literally looking nowhere in your direction!”  “Sorry, sorry,” they continued. “I just assumed...artist, observant type...should’ve walked in front of you first!!”  Paintbrush snorted. “So you’re saying I’m inobservant.”  “No, no! You were probably just enveloped in your work. Or…” They trailed off and shook their head. “Nevermind. Sorry.”  The other sighed. “I don’t really like showing my work to other people,” they said.  “Oh, no, I get it,” MePencil nodded. “I’m the same way. I just enjoy meeting other artists, you know?”  “...can’t say I’m really too thrilled,” Paintbrush muttered.  “I can leave. Really, I just wanted someone to sit with, and everyone else is busy.”  “You can sit here, but don’t expect me to talk to you.”  “Oh, thank you!” MePencil grinned.  “Mmm. Whatever.” Paintbrush heard a whisper of a breath escape from their guest, a slight sign of...disappointment, perhaps. They chose to ignore it.  After some time MePencil spoke. “Your sketchbook is pretty beat up.”  “So?”  “I guess you’ve had it for a while, then. Surprised you’re not that far through it though.”  “I...don’t really draw that often,” Paintbrush replied hesitantly. “It’s not really a hobby.”  “Ah,” MePencil said, stealing a glance at what was on Painty’s paper. “I see.”  Paintbrush hid their sketchbook indignantly, and MePencil grinned slightly, guiltily. “Sorry to disappoint.”  “I’m not sad about it,” MePencil replied. “As long as we can get along.” They smiled cheerily. “I have many friends who aren’t artistic. It’s ok!”  Paintbrush huffed softly. “I’m perfectly artistic!”  “...that’s...not what I meant,” MePencil muttered, frowning. “But okay…”  “Hmph,” said Paintbrush, temper on the edge. Something about MePencil just set them off. They could feel their hair getting warmer, but they kept their cool in case Baxter had found his way into the bristles. It wasn’t MePencil’s fault that their nosiness had brought out those thoughts. They didn’t know and didn’t need to know.  Paintbrush shouldn’t be so angry.  They never should be, really.  “Yo, Paintbrush?” they heard, and fell out of the trance, looking towards MePencil. “You okay? You spaced out for a minute there…”  “...huh?”  “You kind of froze up,” MePencil said. “Like, you didn’t even blink.”  “Oh, uh. Sorry,” Paintbrush said. “Just thinking.”  “Hmm,” the other frowned, seemingly unconvinced. “About what? You were pretty out there.”  “None of your business,” Painty snapped.  “Okay, okay, I won’t pry,” MePencil nodded, their tone ever serious. “If you ever need to talk though, I’m available.”  Paintbrush stared a good long while at MePencil, surprised at the genuineness they had expressed.  Now there was a different side of any Meeple product.
 Paintbrush never took up MePencil’s offer, despite the fact they did really seem to mean it. They just weren’t ready to say anything. Not yet.
 “All right people, group activity!!” OJ exclaimed, arms up in the air.  Salt and Pepper instantly groaned, and then were consequently elbowed by Pickle and Paper.  “Meep here is st–”  “Ay, ay, no,” MePencil interrupted from the side of the audience. “Please don’t call me Meep!”  “Oh,” OJ said, embarrassed. “Is ‘MePence’ okay?”  “Sure.”  “All right, uh. So MePence here is still feeling left out–don’t think I haven’t noticed, Pence!–and as head of the household, we’re gonna participate in some good-old group activities!” OJ announced. “And don’t complain!” he added, squinting in S&P’s direction.  MePencil smiled at the gesture and shrugged. “Sounds fine to me.”  “I’ve got a list here…” OJ said, looking at said piece of paper, which he obtained from nowhere. “Alright, listen up! We’re all gonna go on a hunt!”  “A hunt for what?” Nickel asked, somehow polite enough to not show his disdain like S&P.  “Everyone go look for the crab! Whoever finds it first gets dibs on the beanbag chair on movie night!”  “Done,” Paintbrush immediately said, procuring Baxter from their hair. “Beanbag chair’s mine.”  Everyone stared at them for a moment, and then S&P started complaining in protest.  “That’s not fair! It’s her crab!” “She just had it right there!” “That was a horrible challenge!” “No wonder he screwed up hosting for MePhone.”  MePencil took one look at Baxter and immediately started crooning over the crab as if it were a puppy. “He’s so cute!” they exclaimed, lifting him out of Painty’s hands.  Paintbrush gave them a look. “You and Lightbulb would get along,” they muttered.  MePence grinned, booping Baxter on his nonexistent nose and immediately getting pinched. “Ow,” they said, but laughed it off, letting Baxter crawl up their arm to their shoulder. “I love animals,” they said to Paintbrush with a smile.  “I can tell.”  “Okay, uhhhh. Paintbrush wins the chair, I guess?” OJ said, a little taken aback by how quickly it’d been won. He hadn’t even said “Go!” yet! “Uh, next thing…I was thinking Truth-or-Dare.”  “That’s childish,” Trophy said.  “But it works,” OJ countered. “This is my hotel, my rules. We’re gonna play Truth-or-Dare.”  Nickel and Trophy both had the largest frowns on their face as OJ organized everyone into a rough circular shape.  Well, more of an ever-fluctuating oval. Not everyone was exactly the most still-sitting.  “Tissues!” OJ said, pointing to said object.  “H-huh?”  “Truth or dare?”  “Oh,” Tissues said. “Uh. T-truth…??”  “Did you take your meds today?” OJ asked.  “Oh, no, I forgot again!!” Tissues exclaimed suddenly, jumping up and hurrying out of the room.  OJ snickered a bit, smiling. “Ok, ok,” he said. “Paper! Truth or dare?”  “Dare!” Paper grinned, looking prepared to do just about anything.  “Eat a corner of your head.”  Paper immediately scowled. “You said the same thing last time!!”  “So?”  “Hmph,” Paper muttered, tearing off a tiny piece of his corner and angrily shoving it into his mouth. “Uh…Nickel.”  “Dare, just get it over with,” Nickel huffed.  “Uh. Sit upside-down for the next three rounds.”  “That works,” sighed Nickel, rolling over onto his head, meticulously balanced. “Hmm...Meep,” he said after an interruption of Tissues returning to the room.  “Truth, and don’t call me Meep,” MePencil said.  “Are you a girl or a boy?” Nickel asked.  MePencil seemed to think for a moment before saying, “No.”  “MePence, you gotta answer the question,” OJ scolded.  “I just did. ‘No’ is my legitimate answer, I’m not even trying to be clever here,” MePencil replied. “Sorry if it disappoints you.”  “That’s even worse than your ‘not legally obligated’ answer from last week,” Nickel scowled. “Is your gender ‘no’? That’s stupid.”  Paintbrush cringed a bit.  MePencil smiled at Nickel, but it was a very dark, irritated smile. “Perhaps you’ll change your mind someday! Okay, Yang!” they called across the circle.  “What??” Yang said, apparently having been MIA.  “She’s asking you truth or dare,” Yin told him.  “I pass!!” Yang frowned, crossing their arms. “You do it, Yin.”  MePencil shrugged, jostling Baxter, who’d made his way onto their head. “Truth or Dare, Yin.”  “I think I’m better off with a Truth,” Yin said, glancing at his darker half.  “Hmm, what’s your favorite food?”  “Well, I quite enjoy milkshakes,” Yin contemplated, “but Yang doesn’t often enjoy when we eat sweet things.” He looked around the room then, thinking of who to call on.  “Paintbrush!!” Yang grinned evilly, suddenly.  “O-oh,” Paintbrush said. “Uh...d-dare?” they decided hesitantly.  Yang’s grin widened, and Yin looked worried. “I dare you to tell us that you’re really a girl!” he said viciously.  “I…!” Paintbrush gasped in surprise, and Yin began to hit his darker half, scolding him. “I can’t–!”  “Yang!” OJ exclaimed angrily. “That was...you can’t just…!”  “I can’t–!” Paintbrush blurted again, stumbling over their words. “I’m not–!”  “So you’re not a girl then?” Yang grinned. “There we go, guys, you’re welcome!”  “But...I’m not...I-I…!!” Paintbrush blabbered, distressed and teary-eyed. They immediately shut their mouth when MePencil laid a hand on their shoulder. They looked to the other in surprise and MePencil smiled at them, winking.  “You don’t have to tell them,” they said. “Yang’s just being unfair.”  “Wh…” Paintbrush said, mind coming to the conclusion. “Wait, you…”  MePencil nodded.  “How long…??”  “It’s easy to tell if you know what you’re looking for,” MePencil smiled.  “Does that mean...are you…?”  MePencil grinned, squeezing Painty’s shoulder. “I’ll pick someone for truth or dare for you, if you don’t want.”  “Wait, what just happened?” Trophy asked.  “Dude, what did you two even just talk about??” Nickel exclaimed, rolling over rightside up again.  “They’ve got their own language,” Soap hypothesized, and MePencil snorted, grinning.  “Paintbrush, are you okay?” OJ cut through the chatter, frowning.  “I think so,” Paintbrush replied unsurely, still shaking a bit. MePencil pat their shoulder.  OJ sighed quietly, then turned to YinYang angrily. “Sorry, Yin,” he began. “Yang, you are denied movie privileges for the next week!”  “It’s ok, I get it,” Yin nodded solemnly.  “What???” Yang exclaimed.  “You went entirely too far!” OJ retorted. “You made Paintbrush cry, and he’s not a person I see crying!” Paper folded his arms and nodded in agreement.  “Yeesh, even I wouldn’t do that,” Trophy muttered.  “Same, same,” Nickel said.  “Dirty move, Yang,” Soap frowned.  “Oh dear,” Balloon muttered.  “I think that’s enough group activity for today,” OJ huffed, standing up. “Remember you get the beanbag chair,” he smiled at Painty hopefully.  “Here, let’s go up to your room,” MePencil said softly as the group awkwardly disbanded, helping Paintbrush up. “Too many rude faces down here.”  “Are you sure you’re gonna be all right?” Cherries came up and asked worriedly. “Yang is such a meanie!”  “I’ll recover,” Paintbrush assured the little ones, managing a smile.
 “I hate that I can’t bring stuff up with everyone else,” Paintbrush vented in the empty elevator. “But they just wouldn’t get it!”  “I know,” MePencil sighed. “Being the third can...be a burden.”  Painty looked to them. “So…’they?’”  “Yep,” MePencil nodded. “Sometimes I like ‘he,’ but never ‘she’.” They smiled to the other. “You ‘they’ too?”  “Yeah.” Paintbrush looked listlessly up at the light that sat in the center of the elevator ceiling. “Only Lightbulb knows, though.”  “And me.”  The elevator door dinged, and as the two stepped out shoulder to shoulder, Paintbrush took into account that all of MePencil’s ‘annoying’ pestering was just...an extended hand for a friend, for someone akin to talk to.  MePencil was a C, and Paintbrush was not alone.
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aharris00britney · 7 years
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Ummmm stuff I’ve ignored and let build up ;-; MM hairlines, a pic of me, default replacement hairs, donation stuff, using my hair conversion meshes, a male hair wip, recolor requests, and other stuff UwU
Anonymous said: face reveal?        
lmao this is from October but I never take pics of myself besides snapchat so UwU
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@wildfire607​ said: I love your content for the game! I have my notifications on for you. Much love from Texas. ♥️
omggg thank you!!!! literally I don’t feel like people would have notifications on for me ;n; again, thank you so much <3
@standardheld said: Hey there! I know you don’t take requests so take it as an idea. Maybe you’ll like it. Otherwise, please don’t feel forced to do anything! So here’s the idea: I haven’t fount an adult’s version of you YeoJin hairs with big pigtails. Remember Cassandra Goth from The Sims 2? It think it would look beautiful and I know you’ve got the necessary talent. If you like the idea, please let me know :)        
Hello!!! Lmao I am kinda swamped rn to start ‘new’ things BUTBUTBUT I don’t mind if somebody uses my conversion meshes like YeoJin Hair since all it is is a conversion. So if u wanna do it or wanna ask some other people, feel free!! <3   
@pxelsquid​ said: The WIP hair in your play list post is so beautiful! I can’t wait for it!
Thanks! Planning to get it out in the next week or so
Anonymous said: What do you use donations for?
(answer in bold) lmao I actually don’t get many, at least not enough for them to go towards anything. But I do get a few dollars every couple of months (and that still makes me super happy to see ty to anyone who has donated ever UwU) lmao so I don’t really know what the donations go towards though I guess packs?? which rn I prob wouldn’t buy a pack w/donation money bc irl stufffff but I would think donations on a sims account should go to more sims stuff if you don’t need to money for personal life situations :)
Anonymous said: Hello! Would you ever consider some of your hairs for male sims?
You should be able to disable to masculine filter and see them?? If not go in S4S and edit the tags to let it be seen
Anonymous said: about your last hair: NOPE. 
all night all night all niiiiiiiight ✨
Anonymous said: I’m so happy you made the Jennie Hair without headband! I really like it so far. Good job!
Yay!! I’m glad you like it. Thank you so much <3
Anonymous said: When will you be releasing the braids on your post /post/168877609911/ ?
Yeah!! They’ve been done a while, hopefully they should get posted soon. Here is a link if u want early accessssssssssssss UwU
Anonymous said: why did u and yoshi break up?
Richard ( @cas-fulleditmode ) shares the same fetish as me (M*** P**f) lmao im kiddingggggg UwU me and @ayoshi​ are married in Korea still
i dont think u get…. my k-pop obsession ;-; lmao I literally keep up with like every girl group and watch the album teasers/everything UwU I still prefer Where Are You? to Black Dress though.
Anonymous said: Are you friends with grimcookies?
to an extend I think so, yes. We have only messaged a few times in the past week or so bc of memessssss
Anonymous said: Can you please post some eyes or tell me where I can download cc eyes? I hate the eyelashes that sims has.
My resource page has the eyes I use and the no EA eyelashes mod link :)
@saurussims​ said: Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
My birthday is this month so I’m happy about that lmao
my pug UwU
my friendssss
getting new clothing
Anonymous said: aghhhh your sim style is so nice! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said: Hello! ^_^ I just dropped by to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work in making hairs. I don’t know how much time it takes you to make such wonderful creations, but they definitely made my sims better-looking for your CCs are amazing and they are of matching lengths and styles that really made planning my sims’ hairstyles easier <3 Sorry I’m too broke to donate, and all I can do is THANK YOU :( But please know that you deserve all the praises you get. More power to you and your blog! <3
omggg this is so sweet ;-; thank you!!! I really really really appreciate stuff like this. <3
Anonymous said: Would you consider making more hairs (preferably a long, casual style and maybe a ponytail?) with the Candie/Maja bangs? They’re soooo cute!
I have made another hair with those bangs. Hopefully it gets posted soon :)
Anonymous said: Can you please make the laundry day hairstyles base game compatible?
I actually didn’t buy laundry stuff lmao college/senior payments are taking all my money rn so I prob won’t get any packs anytime soon :P
Anonymous said: all i want in life is curly maxis match boy hairs ahhh :((((((((
aweeee I am really bad at male hairs or I would try :( this is a male hair I did the other day and it is super super basic but like I’m surprised it wasn’t super fucked up ;-;
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@jacazul​ said: ✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨ <3333
Thank you!!! <3
Anonymous said: how do you get all your sims to look so cute??? every time i think i’ve made a super cute sim i see one of your sims on my dash and i’m like WHOA NEVERMIND THEN. seriously tho what are your secrets
ummmm I use all my sims and then just do ‘make twin/sibling’ and then I get a clone to mold like clay wedgfhv
Anonymous said: which recolor palettes do you recommend for hairs? I like the EA colors but I would like to try some others.. especially after seeing the hair color you put on your sim with the jennie hair in your latest post
Obvi I like the anathema palette bc I put my hairs in that, but the saccharine (?) is really really good and there are tons of hairs in that. and the WMS palette is so so so good there are just too many swatches for me to do that palette tbh
Anonymous said: Are you going to make more hairs that are ombre accessory compatible?
Maybe! I am not sure tbh, it depends on the mesh I use and abunch of other factors :)
Anonymous said: Question, I love your Jisoo hair, it’s well done, but the ombre part, what’s the file name and how do you download it? I’m a noob when it comes to this. Sorry to bother you.
file name -> JisooHairOmbreNaturals[AH00B].package
just put it in your mods folder like you would normal CC. It is in accessories :)
Anonymous said: I’m legit falling in love with you and all these cc’s ❤❤❤
<3333 Thanksssssss UwU
Anonymous said: not to rush you but are any male sims coming out soon :0
My male sim has been in my drafts with all the CC links and everything the past MONTH but I haven’t had the motivation to export his download file omggg. He is on my gallery @ spotharris if u really really want him right now
​ said:
I love you and thank you for your cc and can you make not so berry cc?thanks!
People have made recolors of my cc in not so berry colors :) check my sideblog @aharris00britneyrecolors​
Anonymous said: Hi! Are you planning to make the Go Won hairs into a bob? the same hair and all but shorter. I just think it will look really nice as a bob.
Maybe?? no plans as of right now though
Anonymous said: please upload your red-ish haired sim! :) x
Already did, check my sim download page
Anonymous said: damn, those new hair really sucks. sorry… but. yeah.
well maybe if you stanned LOONA then you would like them UwU
Anonymous said: I checked out your sim page, they’re so gorgeous! I remember at some point last year you mentioned maybe sharing Briella after you stopped using her, and I haven’t seen her in a while in your posts. Have you considered sharing her or is she just officially retired? She was a very cute sim and is iconic!
Briella wasn’t actually my sim! Her original download post is here
@ayoshi​ said: Are you gonna tell your followers why you didn’t give me a valentine gift or…???
Me and @cas-fulleditmode​ were too busy to take a stop in korea sorry UwU
Anonymous said: heey :) could you maybe put the hairlines your were talking about in the latest post for download? i use hairlines myself and i really like your hairs in tge palette you are using and i can’t find any hairlines in it soo? could you do that? :)            
the hairlines I made are actually in the saccharine palette bc so many clayified hairs come in that palette lmao. They are kinda messy rn but if I eve use them on a sim download ill link them there :)
Anonymous said: Could you please recolour some of wild-pixel’s hairs in the palette?
Anonymous said: can we give you recolor requests?
Idk if I will do recolors that often but when I do I kinda just do what hairs I find myself using at that time :P
Anonymous said: Will u ever upload girl from “tell me why, why i’m so lonely” post?? Please consider it, she is soooo cute 😍😍😍
I didnt save her :(
@investedwheat40 said: Would you ever consider uploading your joy hair as a default replacement for that one hair Zoe Patel wears?
Prob not since it uses different textures/shadows and stuff, it would be the same size and stuff as the normal Joy hair
Anonymous said: Is there any way to download you models? Because I live how they looks and really want to use them.
I got this before I made my sim download page, but lmao here is a link to my sim download page :P
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hyyunjinn · 7 years
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    I swear if I forgot someone, and I feel like I am because I’m so bad at keeping track of things, I’m gonna go scream. ALSO: all those tags and mentions I’ve been tagged in, I swear I saw them but it was usually when I’m in the middle of doing something and I didn’t want to reblog aND THEN I JUST LOST THE TAG so I’m sorry ; - ;
    But uh, I. Reached. 3K. Followers. On this blog a while ago actually I’m just that lazy of a person and I never do anything on time. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting me and screaming about Stray Kids daily? I haven’t been feeling the greatest emotionally which is why this might turn into a rant—but I just want to use my emotional energy for something good and that’s saying thank you! This is the first time a community has shown so much interest in my work and supporting it and I really, really can’t say how much I appreciate you all. I’ve been creating content for a while now, but it just never got the support I hoped for and,,, idk—just the fact that you guys like this blog just makes me so happy. And it’s not just the gifs: the gfx and writing that I post are the ones I care more about and I’ve gotten so many positive comments on it ahhhhhhh I want to hug each and everyone of you.   
    I know I don’t respond that well and those who tried to talk to me are probably disappointed by how I keep up a conversation but aklsfjasf I want to use this an appreciation post for all the wonderful people I met because of Stray Kids. Also, I want to say that, I’ve tried to talk and support you guys all—even if I don’t follow you, I lurk your blog and stuff—it’s just wow, we’re getting really big and I feel bad not being able to interact with everyone BUT I WANT TO SAY THAT ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND YOU WORTH MORE THAN YOU BELIEVE YOU DO. I think it’s easier for me to talk about random stuff on kakaotalk so uhhh, if you wanna shoot me a message my id is cicikookie!    
    And just to my followers in general: thank you so much for sticking around haha. I see a lot of regular usernames and lurk sometimes haha so ;)) Thank you ♡
    Thank you again for being so supportive and I love interacting with all of you: LET’S SUPPORT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER FOR A LONG TIME!
    So, I guess I’ll start with the personalized messages:
@changlix Wow Lexi, you were my first friend in this fandom anD IDK WHAT IT WAS THAT MADE ME DROP MY USERNAME TO YOU BUT AKLSJFALSF LOL I’M SO GLAD WE’RE FRIENDS because everyone loves you and you’re amazing and I love your blog and everything and alskdfjaslfd you’re really crazy but I love you and ahHhHhhh. I know you’re busy with life, but whenever we talk even for like 2 messages at a time, I love it so much. ESPECIALLY WHEN WE WERE THROWING SHADE AT EACH OTHER EARLY ON. I still. Can’t believe. yOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS STILL HYUNJIN ON TWT WYD GIRL. And you calling me a hoe—wow, I keep that close to my heart. HAHA BUT ALL JOKES ASIDE, I appreciate you so much for being the inclusive self that you are and keep being amazing. Okay, I’ll admit: when you told me to “take care of your man properly or i’m coming for him cici” I THINK THAT’S THE REASON I’M STILL LOYAL TO HIM OR I WOULD’VE SWERVED AGES AGO. Thanks Lexi, you’re best ;) altho how could you come for him when i am taking care of him, traitor
@manny27lei I’m adding you here but I don’t even wanna write you anything hAH. YOU DON’T EVEN TALK ABOUT SK. MAKE A SIDEBLOG AND I MIGHT
jk ily thanks for listening to me cry everyday and laskfdjasf it’s crazy how we met because of sk but it’s not even because of sk, it’s because of svt whoops
@seungminty yOU’RE STILL MY FAVE SEUNGMIN STAN AND YOU FOREVER WILL BE. ULT SEUNGMIN STAN. And ofc vocal line enthusiast. Thank you for being you and asklfdjasldf goodness, sometimes I worry that you’re being too hard on yourself MAR ILY AND THE GC LOVES YOU AND BE CONFIDENT! YOU’RE AMAZING AND A TIIINY BIT OF YOURSELF GOTTA FLAUNT IT. You keep the chat going and ahhHhhH I don’t even know how much I want to say the fact that I appreciate you so much. Thank you thank you thank you ♡ random confession: you make me really soft because you’re so soft and i just wanna hug you until everything goes well for you
@princeminho ASFKLJASLFD MAHI! MY CEREAL BUDDY! I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WERE A actually, the fact that he was your icon should’ve told me bUT WHAT. MINHO STAN SINCE DAY ONE? WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO ADMIT IT AHAHHAHAHAH I’M STILL SO SHOOK. You’re so lowkey about your love for him and I feel and it’s really cute and lksadfjalsd FAVE MINHO STAN BC I DON’T FEEL LIKE I NEED TO FIGHT YOU UNLIKE SOMEONE/ Thank you for just hanging around and taking our shit and just being you—I love talking to you so much, you’re so amazing and ♡♡♡♡♡
@9traykids I give up. You can have Minho. You save me every time you send in Hyunjin photos and I cannot appreciate you enough hAH THEY’RE SO CUTE AND I JUST START SPAZZING OUT AND ALSFJDASDF that one photo where you badly edited with “i ♡ cici” I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THAT AHHHHH. stop making me cry ; - ; I love talking to you and you’re so randomly funny and laskdfjasf THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU ILY ♡♡♡♡♡
@seungchanie HI YOU AMAZING PERSON I LOVE YOU SOSOSOOSOSO MUCH YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. I’m not quite even sure how we met but it’s like one of those friendships where it feels like it’s been forever because, everything is just a blur but there are good moments, you know what I mean? Vale, I love you so much—you’re so cute and friendly and whenever we talk, I get so excited because you’re so excited and hehe aHHHHHHHH LEMME JUST HUG YOU. You’re always there and yOUR CONTENT. I LOVE YOUR CUTE LITTLE FANARTS AND THAT 3RACHA SCIFI AU WTF I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR YOUR AMAZINGNESS. You have a really simplistic style and I love it so much mwah
@hyunjinh laksdjf hi jas!! oKAY CAN I JUST SAY YOU’RE PROBABLY MY TUMBLR CRUSH BUT LIKE, WE TALKED BEFORE BUT I STILL DON’T ASLKDFJASD IDK YOU’RE REALLY COOL AND I REALLY LIKE TALKING TO YOU but idk how to keep a convo going and ahHhhHh LOWKEY BLUSHING BC I REALLY LIKE YOU HAHAH you’re really amazing and I love your blog and I hope we can become better friends hehe.
@straykidzz OKAY TBH IDEK WHEN OR HOW BUT THE FACT THAT WE NEVER HAD LIKE, A PROPER CONVERSATION and yet we act like good friends is aslkdfjasldf—maybe it’s a mutual thing hehe aHHH MANDA ILYSM AND JUST SEEING YOU ON MY DASH MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been here as long as me heheh. I hope we get to know each other better and skajflasdf W A H ♡♡♡♡♡♡ TAKE MY HEARTS
@chanbng Fishy, you. are SO AMAZING — we never seem to be on the chat at the same time but you’re so sweet and lasdfjasdlf wow i’m highkey crushin haha AHHHHHHHI JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH AND THANKS FOR BEING YOU and i hope we get to talk more heheh
@jeongin-ie sup smol softie ilySM WE GOTTA START CHATTING FOR REAL OR SMTH YO which means i should be the one who sends the message but laskdfjsadf i su k but i also want to be better friends with you ; - ; hit me up with your kkt thO THEN WE CAN CHAT PLSPSPSLSPSL i hate chatting on tumblr lmao CJ, YOUR WORK IS AMAZING AND YOUR BLOG IS CUTE AND YOU’RE CUTE thanks for being you :)
@strgaykids Okay. I SAW YOUR 3K POST THING AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY I NEARLY FELL OFF MY CHAIR CONGRATS ON HITTING THE MILESTONE TOO! You make the fandom so much more fun and I love the shitposts you have TBH, I REALLY HOPE WE GET TO BECOME FRIENDS OR SOMETHING BECAUSE YOU SEEM, I was gonna say chill, but maybe lit? but that doesn’t really make anysense—tHE POINT IS: hiimciciandihopewe’lltalklaterinthefuturehehebyegottablast
@chanskitty AHHHHH DIAN HOW ARE YOU?????? I know we don’t talk as much anymore but — ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You’re so amazing and chill and ahhhhhhhh. You are taking care of yourself right? Getting sleep? I HOPE WE GET TO TALK MORE SOON ♡ I’LL SEND A MESSAGE OR SMTH tag you in something????/// :DD
@realstraykids Did you know it took me a couple of weeks (or was it days) after following you to realize that your url is the same handle as Stray Kids’ official ig name alskfdjasdf I FACEPALMED MYSELF SO HARD LMAO — also hold on, I didn’t know you’re minho bIASED AH YESSSSSSSSSS Em. I really hope we get to know each other better beCAUSE YOU’RE SO COOL AND I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They’re really different but a good kind of different and tell me your ways of sitting in front of a computer screen and masking each frame of a moving object hOW I HATE DOING THAT
@stray-k1ds hOLy cow I don’t think i actually know your name—is it Tiffany? I THINK WE FORGOT TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES—I’m Cici! AND I LOVE TALKING TO YOU YOU’RE SO CUTE AND LASKFJAAKD I love your cute little scenarios and all that and keep up the good work!!!!!!! I HOPE WE CAN BECOME BETTER FRIENDS AY
@jeongn pfft Nicolle, you actually haVEN’T DONE ANYTHING IN A WHILE THAT MADE ME WANT TO BLOCK YOU AHAHHALSFKJASLDF i still can’t get that image of tired chan and his accent coming out whAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME you can be so cool and so fREAKING TALENTED I CAN’T BELIEVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU FOLLOWS M E. I love the times we do actually talk, so! :))) I hope we become better friends ayyYyyyyYYY
@stray4419 hehehehehe i know we just started talking but Chi, you are so kindhearted and i’ve said it twice and i’ll say it again: thank you so so so much for personally offering me a shoulder to cry on haha. You have no idea how touched I was and I really can’t thank you enough. LET’S MEET UP SOMETIME AND CRY ABOUT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER YO AHHHHHHHHH
@woojinskids eASILY YOU’RE MY FAVE WOOJIN STAN M. YOU’RE SO SOFT FOR HIM AND READING YOUR TAGS FOR HIM IS SO CUTE I actually fall in love with him even more every time you talk about him aahahh I know we don’t talk as much but I really love seeing you around ♡
@chxngbins NehaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISS TALKING TO YOUUUUUUU and your old username not gonna lie alskdfjasdf whoops but AHHH YOU’RE SO CUTE and smart wow and asldfkjsdf I wish I was as levelheaded as you pFFT. You are so amazing and smol and i associate you with that picture of namjoon eating pizza lmao BUT AHHHH KEEP BEING YOU ILYSM
@felixsfreckles I WAS LOOKING THROUGH MY FOLLOWING LIST AND ASLKDFJASLDFK WTF I CAN’T BELIEVE I WASN’T FOLLOWING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME i feel so bad omg i’m sorry—actually hold on, are you not a felix stan anymore wH A T. but alskfa hiiiiii thanks for being amazing!!!!!!!!  idk, you’re like one of those mutuals that, I’m sorta comfortable knowing that you exist? because you are so nice and we’ve been on here for so long kinda thing haha ♡
@bunny-minsungie asfjkdhsda I KNOW OUR CHAT IS PRETTY MUCH ALL BUSINESS SOUNDING/RELATED NOW BUT I JUST WANNA TAKE THE TIME TO SAY THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING and doing so much ; - ; Now that I think about it, we don’t even talk about anything else noooooooo but I really appreciate you Lys ♡ and that demon!hyunjin au is seriously taking over me omf
@seoracha I KNOW YOU’RE NOT EVEN HERE ANYMORE but i just wanna say you the craziest triple biaser i’ve met probably the only triple biaser i know and honestly idek how your brain works but lmao miri you’re so cool ily
@utlwoojisung @kim-squishmin @doublekn0t @chanyeolsidepiece @vallkyr @hi-hello32 @sparklingthoughtss @straykidding @indiepoptime @f3lix-lee @ultchris @maaatryoshka @straykidsstan @softlix OKOK I KNOW WE’VE TALKED BEFORE/ARE MESSAGING/SOMEHOW INTERACTED AND YOU SEEM COOL but alksdfsd like, I don’t know you guys as well bUT I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU ALL TOO AND I HOPE WE CAN GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER! :))
Ummmm, here are people that I follow and don’t really know but uhhhh ihopewegettotalkonedayahahiwantmorefriendsandyouguysseemreallycooltotalktoahhh @jicue @chans97 @cosychans @lees-minho @leefelixs @chngbins @changbinsplushie @starrykids @softstraykids @sprearb @stray-keeds-in-yo @straykeeds @hyuunjins @bvian @straybros @straykidsmp3 @straykiz @straybabies @stkids @1straykids @felixeslee @jeonginie @jeongin @str4y-kids @bchanies @changbln
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princesscas · 9 years
U should run a misha account with the 'wehatemisha' url ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ayeee I could! hmm...that’s a really good idea lol thanks for the suggestion :D
I’ll think about it and might do it :D i prolly will lmao 
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