#puppy becky au
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clarissasbakery · 2 years ago
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i’ve been wanting to draw kitty powers for pubby au
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snoozyvoid · 2 years ago
A cat and a dog in a library what will they do
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ordinaryschmuck · 6 months ago
Full Family AU Part 22
During arts and crafts time, Luz sat at a table with two other girls, all of them finger painting their own little masterpieces. For Luz, hers was just her and Vee "recalibarating" like they did last night.
"Looking nice," her teacher said as she passed by Luz. "Who's that?"
"A surprise!" Luz told her.
"Well, as long as it's not a surprise like--TONY! NO!" She ran off in the direction of Tony. "We talked about this, that is not how we make art!"
Luz just shrugged off her teacher's distress and went back to finger painting, getting lost in her art once more.
"You lost Mr. Flopkins?!" A girl shouted across from her. Luz looked up and saw the other two girls she sat with, Becky and Laurie, were talking to each other as they paint.
"I didn't lose him," Becky said. "Mommy took him from me."
"Why?!" Laurie asked."
"To give him to my stupid little sister! She said he needed him more!"
"But he was yours first!"
"I know! Sisters are evil!"
"They're not evil," Luz chimed in, getting her table partners attention. "They're fun! Like a new friend you can live with and share things with and maybe have cool sibling adventures with--"
"How would you know?" Becky asked in a challenging tone. "You don't have a sister."
"Um..." Luz put her hands over her finger painting. "I'm assuming that's what it's like. From TV. Like those two step-sisters who build crazy things together and have fun."
"I wish it was like TV," Becky groaned. "But it's not. When you have a little sister, it's the worst! She takes all of your things! Your old toys, your clothes, and your room! I have to share my bedroom because our house is too small! And she cries all the time!"
Luz's mind went to Vee. The fact that Vee had to wear some of Luz's clothes, the coloring stuff she had to share, and how they share a room together.
'But that's different,' she told herself. 'We're trying to make Vee feel nice and safe.'
"And parents love you less, too!" Laurie added. "When my mommy and daddy brought home my little sister, everything is about her now. We got to do this. We got to do that. We got to make sure she's happy. Well, what about me?! It's like they care more about her than they do me."
Luz now thought back to last night, when her father tried to force Luz into bed, even threatened to keep Sr. Oso, all while being super nice to Vee. And then there was this morning, where Vee gets to have a fun day at the vet while Luz still has to go to school instead of petting the puppies.
"...That...can't be true..." Luz muttered.
"It is," Laurie told her.
"You better hope you don't get a little sister," Becky warned. "Because it'll ruin your life."
Luz sank a little in her seat and looked at her painting. It looked like they had fun together, and they did...On a night when her mom told Luz to make Vee feel better.
'It's different than their sisters...Right?' She thought as a frown started to cement itself on her face.
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jeyuwuso · 11 months ago
Random puppyboy AU facts bc I can't help myself
Rhea and Finn run a petboy rescue together. They're pretty much always with their two rescue puppies, Damian and Edge, and Rhea's beloved little purebred, Dom
Nia's the one who adopted and separated the Usos. She thought being a trainer would be easy because it was the family business, but she didn't have the patience or energy to handle two extremely high-energy dogboys
Regal is a respected dogboy trainer. All his pups - Cesaro, Dean, Bryan, and eventually Yuta - have won multiple titles
Theory is an up-and-coming trainer. He only has one dogboy so far: a purebred Australian Shepherd puppyboy (Grayson, ofc)
The New Day run a veterinary practice together
Kevin is a groomer. He's the one always putting cute colors in the Usos' hair (at Sami's request)
Becky's big mutt of a catboy, Drew, never wins cat shows, but she ends up training him for dogboy fights, and he takes to it right away
Tiffany, on the other hand, wins tons of cat shows with her boys, Kit and Elton. She spoils them like crazy
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year ago
Stella, Stefan, Stephanie, and Stewart Harrington, Children of Steve Harrington;
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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Character Death, bribery, child endangerment, attempted kidnapping, bribes, playing with fire, Homophobia, cancer, etc.
You have been warned.
Tell me if you think I should add a specific one to the trigger warnings list.
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Stephanie Harrington:
Her full name is Stephanie Robin Harrington. 
She is the 'oldest' of the quads by five minutes.
She is the bio daughter of Steve Harrington (who is deceased in this au) and his ex, Becky (who wanted nothing to do with the kids), and the adoptive daughter/ward of Tommy and Carol.  
She has a puppy from Tommy and Carol’s dog (Mercury) who she named ‘Djo’ after finding the name scribbled on some of her dad’s old things. 
She wears teashades—round/circular sunglasses old school musicians used to wear—as well as a whistle necklace at almost all times. 
She is a big fan of heavy metal music and is Eddie’s favorite of the quads (even though he will NEVER admit it).
She plays basketball like her dad did in highschool but has luckily not inherited some of his (or Tommy and Carol’s) worse habits from those years.
Eddie is her favorite uncle (besides Tommy, which Eddie says doesn’t count because he raised her and therefore has an unfair advantage). 
Eddie started teaching her how to play guitar when she was three (he actually tried to teach her as a baby but Carol threatened to ban him from watching her unsupervised again if he tried again before she was three when she caught him doing so due to fear of it hurting the baby).
Oh and once when Stephanie was eight she convinced Eddie—who was babysitting her—to dye his and her hair (he actually did get banned from watching her unsupervised for awhile after that one).
Stephanie still dyes her hair to this day. 
She also has a nasty habit of playing with fire and fireworks because they fascinate her—one no body has successfully been able to break her of. 
Her favorite color is yellow and her favorite food is honey combs cereal. 
She carries around the lighter that used to belong to her dad (That Robin gave her when she was 13) along with a picture of him at basketball practice someone took a couple years before his death because she finds it comforting having them. 
She rides her bike around when she’s not able to get a ride from anyone else. 
She is seventeen and still trying to get her license—with Eddie teaching her, of course. 
She uses her dad’s lighter as a weapon. 
She’s not very good at fighting but she’s also very stubborn and very willing to fight anyone who messes with her siblings, her friends, and her ‘cousins’. Oh and anyone who mistreats her pets. 
She gets in a decent amount of trouble at school but maintains that she’s never fought/pranked anyone and disrespected a teacher who didn’t deserve it.
Out of her siblings and friends, Stephanie has showed up the least in Adrien Byers-Wheeler’s videos on his youtube  channel “PhantomPursuits.” Not because she thinks she’s above it or anything. She’s just usually occupied with other things. Like trying to get people to join her and Reed’s band ‘The Ever Burnings.’
Her favorite band is Iron Maiden. 
Her favorite song is “Wrathchild’. 
Her best friend is her brother, Stewart.
She is lactose intolerant but chooses to ignore that fact because she loves dairy products much too much to stop eating/drinking them.
Out of her siblings—besides her sister—she has gotten the most injuries due both her clumsiness and impulsiveness. Oh and the fights she has gotten in.  
Stepahnie has spent many summers in a cast of some kind. 
She is a romantic just like her dad. 
She is coincidentally enough, a lesbain, like her aunt Robin who she is partially named after.
She doesn’t have her eye on anyone yet, however (something Tommy is relieved about because he DOES not want to see if she has her father’s taste in women or not yet).
She likes the hippy style of clothing and wears it which always manages to throw some people off when they hear what type of music she listens to/plays.
Oh and she is a bit of a conspiracy theorist due to the events leading up to her father’s death.
She has met her bio grandparents exactly once when they bribed someone in the office at her elementary school to let them see her. She left the room (and school) immediately and walked to Eddie’s house. Needless to say, the school got the tongue lashing of the lifetime from the adult members of the upside down crew as well as Tommy and Carol, and some of the upside down crew’s parents and guardians and there was a lawsuit and everything. (Stephanie got a high five from Eddie for leaving the school when  they pulled that stunt). Tommy nearly punched Mr Harrington (again). 
Stephanie wishes she felt more connected to her dad and feels bad that she doesn’t.
She has told no one she feels like this, though. She’s also forever grateful that her dad saved Eddie because Eddie has always had her back (though she also feels a bit guilty for feeling that way since he died saving him).
She goes to her dad’s grave sometimes just to talk to him and will often also play some music and leave flowers.
Whenever something goes wrong, she will jokingly blame it on the government. 
She’s scared of disappointing those she loves as well as losing them. Oh and bees, since she’s allergic to them. 
She is also quite close to Lucas, who taught her (along with Tommy) how to play basketball.
Stephanie is also not a big fan of comic books but loves horror novels.
Oh and she's known about the upside down since she was nine after accidentally overhearing a hushed argument between Tommy and Carol about it. How they know about it she doesn't know but what she does know is that they don't know she and her siblings know.
She also stopped Ophelia from confronting them on the matter a month afterwards when the girl found out from snooping.
She'd love to be a famous musician/basketball player when she gets older.
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Stella Harrington:
Her full name is Stella Chrissy Harrington.
She is the second youngest of the quads.
She and her siblings are currently seventeen.
She is the bio daughter of Steve Harrington (who is deceased in this au) and his ex, Becky (who wanted nothing to do with the kids), and the adoptive daughter/ward of Tommy and Carol.
Stella loves her uncle Tommy and aunt Carol, and her dad but… she just doesn’t feel connected to her dad that much and gets frustrated how much of their lives are dictated by what happened to her dad/how he would have wanted to raise them. And because of that, she kinda resents him but feels bad at the same time about it.
She also has never really been curious about her mom the way her siblings have and kinda gets annoyed with them for asking so many questions about it.
Her favorite color is denim blue.
She is into the punk scene a lot and puts up with no one's shit.
She has gotten into a lot of fights over the years over people messing with her siblings and friends but also over some dumb things as well.
She's the closest to Dustin, Max, and Erica out of the upside down crew.
Max started teaching her how to Skateboard when she was six and Stella has loved it ever since. It is her primary mode of solo transportation.
She can drive but doesn't really see the point in when you live in a small town like Hawkins.
She is apart of the lacrosse team (fought like hell to get on it) and has nearly been kicked off it several times for bad behavior. Now she's just gotten better at hiding bad behavior.
She loves dnd and playing video games.
Reed Buckley is her best friend but she's also close to her brother Stewart as well.
She's ridiculously good at sneaking into places and leaving the most random things behind (like tiny plastic babies).
Stella is also ridiculously good at graffiti and at not getting caught at doing the graffiti.
She has an axe made from a stop sign that Reed and her made together when they found out about the Upside down.
She is a quite friendly person to those she likes.
She is also very good with little kids.
Her favorite food is any flavor of Pringles.
She wears a lot of denim products.
One time her adoptive cousin, Marshall, made her denim socks as a joke and she wore them non stop to spite him for the gag gift. He was horrified.
Eddie thought it was hilarious.
Her favorite musical artist is Pink.
Her favorite songs from her are 'Family Portrait' and 'You Make Me Sick'.
She has broken every rule she found stupid in her school books. Yes, she got lots of detentions and groundings for it (except on the few occasions where Tommy and Carol agreed the rules were stupid).
She is planning to get a pet snake or rat or something else she finds cool when she moves out.
Stella is asexual and aromantic.
She likes fantasy books.
Her favorite video game is Escape from Monkey Island.
Outside of Ophelia and Stephanie, Stella was the hardest of her siblings and cousins to raise.
Her favorite movie is Frequency.
Her favorite book is The Chronicles of Narnia. She used to make anyone and everyone read it to her.
She met her grandparents exactly once while at the playground with Zane and Dustin when she was four. Mr Harrington ended up with a broken nose after attempting to pick her up (this was exactly two days after she was given the 'stranger danger talk'). Her grandparents haven't tried to contact her (or her cousin, Zane, who tripped Mrs. Harrington when she chased after Stella) since.
Stella and Zane got a lot of snacks afterwards.
Stella is scarily good at fighting people.
She told Reed about the Upside Down and has no qualms admitting to it.
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Oh and she hates lasagna and broccoli with a passion.
She had a lot of energy as a kid and Dustin and Max usually 'had' (note: did so with a lot of insistence) to take her off of Tommy and Carol's hands once a week so they could get a break.
She was very much the kid to accidentally break something and blame the dog. Even if the person whose house she was at did not have a dog.
Hopper has had to pick her up/take her to the station a couple of times. It was not a comfortable experience for either of them.
She has ADHD.
She has shown up a lot in a lot of "PhantomPursuits" videos because she likes talking about conspiracies (and also trash talking the government).
She also just likes trolling people who are assholes for no reason.
Stella is the Harrington kid who is the most likely to help someone hide a body.
She ended up spending a lot of summers in a cast and having to get a lot of shots because of how adventurous (read: reckless) she could be.
Also she can't draw but she's really good at painting figurines.
The moment she could read, she started taking an interest in dnd and sat in on campaigns when she was able to.
Dustin once brought her to a campaign when he was babysitting her as a baby and she somehow didn't end up making a peep all night. Eddie described it as creepy (Tommy properly threw a rag at him for the comment).
Oh and she has a photo of her dad and his two cousins (Chrissy and Fred) before they died somewhere in her room.
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Stefan Harrington:
His full name is Stefan Dustin Harrington. 
He is the second oldest of the Harrington quads.
He is 17 years old.
He uses a javelin as a weapon and wants to be a teacher. 
He has a cat he named ‘Beethoven’.
He is on the swim team.
Stefan wants to explore the world. 
He has a chalkboard in his room. 
His favorite color is green.
He’s the closest to Robin out of his siblings but he’s also pretty close to Mike and Dustin.
Stefan likes jazz music as well as classical music but also enjoys some pop songs.
He loves the show ‘Horrible Histories’ and is a bit of a conspiracist.
He is the bio son of Steve Harrington and his ex, Becky. Ward/adoptive son of Tommy and Carol.  
 His favorite song is 'Waiting on the world to change' by John Mayer. 
His favorite video game is ‘What Remains of Edith Finch’. 
He has tons of VHS tapes, CDs, an MVP Player, and DVDs as well as tons of books, magazines, and maps (including a globe) in his room. 
He carries around a photo of his dad leaning against a locker and a photo of his dad, uncle Tommy, and aunt Carol in the school cafeteria around in his wallet because it helps him feel more connected to him. 
He knows tons of languages including the language of the flowers and sign language. 
Stefan has met his dad’s parents exactly once when he was 10—he immediately froze up and they were immediately jumped by his cousin, Opheila, and his good friend, Reed. They never contacted him again. 
He has the neatest handwriting and the best notes out of all his friends and siblings. 
He usually rides his bike to get around. 
He is a big fan of old media. 
His extended family likes to joke that he is an old soul and that this is only one of many lives. 
Coincidentally, he’s also big into reading about reincarnation and spooky stuff—which is why he helped Adrien, Nova, and Opheila create their show ‘PhantomPursuits’.
Also he was the first person besides Nova to find out that Adrien and Ophelia were an item. How did he discover that, you ask? Through the simple power of context clues and observation, of course!
He was sworn to secrecy but that didn’t matter because the rest of the group eventually found out anyway. 
He doesn’t have many friends outside of the group and he’s okay with that. 
He is straight and has a crush on a girl who is on the debate team with him (she's the daughter of one of Corrid Coffin's members).
Stefan ALSO loves ice cream and is the reason Robin was eventually able to eat ice cream again (something she couldn’t bear to do after Steve died).
Nancy and Jonathan used to help him with his homework when he was younger and struggled more on focusing (due to his learning disabilities). 
After finding out about the upside down, he went out of his way to find out more about it and eventually found some of Will and El’s drawings of the upside down and the monsters in it (and had nightmares about it for months afterwards).
His nightmares were not helped by the show ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’ which he watched religiously as a kid and to this day.
He loves cartoon, movie, book, and game theories. 
He can be described as ‘paranoid’. 
He lost the photo of his dad once and was convinced that the government stole it and was hysterical about it. It appeared on his bed a week later. 
He wishes that he could have met his dad but also feels guilty for feeling that way because Tommy and Carol treated him well and raised him well, and he feels like he’s betraying them in  a way for wishing it. 
He is close to his siblings and often fears losing them.
Stefan is also secretly scared of water, blood, and the dark (due to the upside down shit he found out about it when snooping) but has not told anyone due to fear of being made fun of. 
He wants to get a tattoo of a skull when he’s legally able to. 
If he can’t become a teacher, he wants to be an archaeologist or both, if he can.
He is a gifted child.
Oh and he likely would have been bullied more by his peers if it weren't for the fact he is friends with and related to some very terrifying people.
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Stewart Harrington:
His full name is Stewart Frederick Harrington. 
He is the youngest of the quads. 
He takes after Will and El the most (and occasionally Jonathan). 
He is the quad who feels the most connected to his dad and he still wishes to this day he could have met his dad.
He’s seventeen years old. 
He is a sickly kid and has cancer.
Stewart is bisexual and has a crush on Samantha Stone’s adoptive son, Bae Stone—even though his friends and siblings take the mickey out of him for liking the kid who pretends/thinks he’s a vampire.
His favorite food is eggos. 
He is a red head like his mom and wants to know about her more than any of his other siblings do. Which has caused some issues between him and his siblings.
His favorite color is red.
Stewart is a big fan of horror media and true crime and the paranormal as well as monsters and cryptids. 
He also likes gardening and hedge art.
He is a wonderful artist and an amazing baseball player.
He is also quite good at making costumes and comic books and he plans to open his own shop where he sells the things he makes one day. He would also like to maybe be a professional baseball player if he could. 
He draws on his sneakers.
Stewart fights with a baseball bat like his dad. 
He is a quiet kid.
He has appeared in several of the “PhantomPursuits” videos. 
Stewart used to walk around wearing a cape as a little kid. He didn’t stop for a long time. 
He can come off as moody at times and can be very sarcastic. 
He’s not exactly book smart but he is street smart and gets good enough grades. 
Stewart’s taste in music is mainly ‘it has words, isn’t too sexual, and speaks to me’.
He has 774 songs in his playlist.
His favorite song is 'Weird Kid' by Rosendale.
He gets a tumblr as soon as it is invented. 
He was definitely in superhero and horror chatrooms a lot and he was definitely that kid spreading urban legends around.
Oh and he was ‘that kid’ who tried to smuggle lizards, worms, frogs, toads, and other small animals into his house. Including a baby crocodile once. No. No one knows WHERE he got a baby crocodile. No he wasn’t allowed to keep it. No it wasn’t harmed—just released somewhere where it belonged. 
He has a slight obsession with pirates.
His favorite book is ‘The Old Willis Place’ by Mary Downing Hahn but ‘Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’ by Alvin Schwartz is a close second. 
His favorite video game is ‘The Haunted Mansion’. 
His favorite  movie is ‘Thirteen Ghosts’. 
His favorite show was ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’.
Stewart is also interested in the zombie apocalypse and has come up with several scenarios for it. 
He has sensory and attention issues. 
He can read 200 plus page books in two days if he likes the story enough. 
He dressed up as a vampire several times as a kid for Halloween. 
Stewart knows sign language. 
He works at the local movie theater with Bae Stone.
Oh and the two of them are theater kids. 
He often wonders what his dad would think of him and is often afraid that he’d have been disappointed in him.
He carries a pocket knife on him at all times along with a sketchbook and other art supplies. 
He is the one who uses the family car most often outside of his parents and he usually keeps his bat in the trunk. 
Stewart has exactly one photo of his dad in his pocket of him on a lawn chair smoking from the day Barb disappeared. 
He always feels like the odd one out no matter where he is except with Bae no matter what anyone does but he hasn’t told anyone because he doesn’t want to make them feel bad. 
Carol and Tommy are more protective of him than they are of his siblings and Ophelia (they are about equally protective of Marshall as they are of him).
He loves the family dog and the family cat very dearly. 
He gets in the least trouble out of his siblings.
But he has ended up with almost as many injuries as his siblings due to some bigots in town.
Oh and he has broken into the zoo before. Not that anyone knows that.
These headcanons take place in my Stranger Things au 'Cats in the Cradle'.
In that au:
Tommy and Carol are left to raise Steve's four infant children with the help of the Upside Down Crew, Steve's half brother, Steve's younger cousin, and their collective families. 
Jason and Eddie live. 
Max is less seriously injured. 
Phil Callahan is Steve's older half brother.
And Chrissy, her brother, and Fred Benson were Steve's cousins. 
Oh and Steve hooked up with one of his pre-nancy girlfriends and after his death she found herself pregnant with quads that Steve never got to meet.
Hope that clears up any confusion regarding these ocs and headcanons. 
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melodythebunny · 2 years ago
New neighbors Au - Wordgirl x Welcome home chapter 2
A few days have passed, being that it was the weekend, there was no school. So the Boxleitner family took time to relax and hang out together. Their parents had yet to come off of work in close to an hour so in the meantime they were trying to figure out what to do.
Well Bob decided to go raid the fridge for a snack. That left the three kids to ponder.
Becky, Chase and Blu sat on the couch. Blu had decided to grab her crayons to color a picture. Squeaky, who was out of his cage, poked his head out of her overalls pocket. The two older siblings frowned upon seeing the mouse, obviously they weren't too fond of him. After shooting them a glare he hid again.
"How about we watch something?" Chase said after some time of thinking.
"Yes! I think there's a new pretty pink princess episode now." Becky said. She grabbed the remote and flipped the TV on. Chase wasn't a fan of the show like his sisters and mom was. But he didn't exactly dislike it like his dad. Still, he figured it was better than nothing.
It turned out to be an episode they had already seen. However Becky asked to see it again. Chase could remember the entire plot. The main character and her unicorn got teleported to a pocket dimension of sorts. They met a group of fairies. Then there was an evil troll. Turns out the troll wasn't actually evil but lonely. The real antagonist had turned out to be one of the fairies who was friends with the troll. She tried trapping the princess in the dimension forever. Of course in the end good triumphed and evil was vanquished.
Chase was surprised at how much he actually remembered. But when you watch something for so many times you end up memorizing more than you think.
Blu came back after some time of drawing, tapping on her older siblings to get their attention. "I found a movie…I think." their younger sister piped up. She held an old looking VHS tape, looking at it curiously.
"Hey isn't this one of the items from the antique shop we visited a few days ago?" Becky asked, peeling her eyes away from the TV. She examined the tape. Sure enough it was.
"I don't remember buying this if I'm honest" Chase said with a small shrug.
"Can we watch it?" Blu asks. "Please?" Just like their dad, Chase was not immune to the puppy eyes. So the siblings found themselves putting the tape in the VHS player and pressing start.
They were each curious and excited to see the old show. Not knowing much about it aside from its title they didn't know what to expect.
It showed a company logo before a black screen appeared. It was completely silent and still. The kids waited a couple of minutes to see if anything would happen…but nope. Still a black screen.
"How peculiar…" Becky says.
"What does peculiar mean?" Blu asks.
"It means something weird or something that confuses you." She explains. "Like how this is weird. You'd think there would be something on this tape…"
"Shhh wait…I think I see something." Chase said, holding a finger up to his lips. Her siblings quieted down looking back at the TV screen. There was a red rotary telephone just sitting there now. A yellowed four fingered hand reached out from the darkness. Silently spinning the rotary part failing a random number.
((( Ring! )))
The sound of their house phone cutting through the air, ringing caused them to jump.
Meanwhile the hidden figure on the television sat or stood (hard to tell with the darkness) patiently as if waiting for them to pick up the phone.
(((((( Ring! ))))))
((( Ring! )))
(((((((( Ring! ))))))))
Answer the phone will you?
"It's probably just a coincidence." Becky reassures. Her brother nodded in agreement but yet he couldn't help that it wasn't a coincidence. "I'll go answer it in case it's mom or dad." Chase said after a few more rings. He went into the kitchen where Bob was still. The monkey seemed to be washing the dishes now.
With a small gulp, Chase picked up the phone. For a moment there was silence
"Hi?" Chase said. He didn't recognize this voice at all. It sounded clear yet old and static like it had been recorded at the same time.
"Hello neighbor!"
"Sorry I think you may have the wrong number." He didn't recognize this voice at all. It sounded clear yet old and static like it had been recorded at the same time.
"But how when I meant to call you?"
Chase got quiet. He glanced at Bob who looked at him back, worried.
"I'm sorry, who is this?" Maybe this was a prank call.
The voice on the other end was quieter now. "I can't say right now…"
"Why not?" Okay this definitely seems like a prank…still there was something off about the strangers tone.
"You like surprises don't you?" The voice then asked. There was a loud creak and thumping noise on the other end, the stranger puases. "You should get going…Home doesn't like to wait."
Chase tried to open his mouth to ask what the voice was talking about when the phone hung up.
the boy threw the phone down, his ears hurting from the loud static. Bob gave a questioning chirp. "I'm not sure what that was about…" Chase said, holding his head. His eyes looked at the doorway as his voice trailed off.
The living room was dark and silent now. Which was quite odd since it had been only the early afternoon. But how much time has passed? "Blu…?" Chase didn't hear a response from her. "Becky…?" Nor from the middle child. He got even more worried. "Bob?" The monkey held his hand, signaling he was still there. Chase sighed feeling a bit relieved, still he was concerned why his sisters weren't answering.
The TV flickered back on, catching his attention. As he stared at it, failing to notice red wires heading straight for him.
And that was the last thing the boy remembered.
@blueweirdness @lartmacabre @dualnaturedscientist @liloskull343 @ninjastormhawkkat
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animation-is-my-jam · 10 months ago
how r u? Hope ur well! Favorite piece of art youve made?
Hello eagle! Thank you for the Ask!
For how I'm doing? Eh, it could be better. I'm mostly just tired a lot because I'm not used to working a demanding job, and this one had me pull a 14-hour shift the other day, so y'know (ー_ー;) But, thank you for the concern that's sweet (* ̄∇ ̄*)✌️
As for favorite art piece I've made?
Well, I don't really have a favorite since I loathe almost everything I create, even when it's something I'm in the middle of doing. I'm not confident in my artistic abilities. It's a whole thing, mostly from my insecurity. But if I had to choose a piece or pieces that I've done and at least say I was content with, it would be...
(Nvm, Not choosing a favorite just saying which ones I like)
The most recent one that I put effort into was the Professor Tubing one cause I love him:
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The one where I liked the execution enough, or thought it was cool as hell: (General Powers design for my princess Tobey fic,,lmao I never got to her in the story) (ignore how badly I positioned the scythe)
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The one with Matilda and Cinnamoroll, bc it's cute, and I like the colors. Also, this was supposed to be a series where I had all the McCallister-Botsford family with a Sanrio character, but I forgot.
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I also liked this for the Jellybean boys:
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And I can't help but think about how even though it's not the best thing I've drawn since i did it quickly, I always see the dog designs I did for the Jellybean Boys in Puppy AU and cry that I haven't done peak since/lhj
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And of course, the classic (even though I'm unhappy with how Becky turned out gahh (×_×)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years ago
Mini au ideas.
These are some ideas I just developed and i just want to put out. I am not going to write these ideas out but if you have any asks or want some headcanons for these ideas I will be glad to give them to you.
1. Puppy Becky au: This is like my au where Lexiconians are anthropomorphic mice, but with canines instead. For Steven/Two Brains, it is raising a child that has canine behaviors and instincts. Bob is still a monkey in this au. Becky is like her canon self yet she does tend to get more distracted easily, especially if someone throws a ball or frisbee or if she sees a squirrels. She chases cats, except Priscilla because she scares her a bit. She tends to speak in a fast paced manner sometimes for instance, “omygoshicantbelievethenewprincesstriannabookisout”. She also gets very excited and is more friendly with the villains than in canon. Don’t worry, Dr. Two Brains does not forget he has a child, it is very difficult to forget when you wind up committing your first cheese crime at the grocery store and your alien canine child crashes into you excitedly and asks in a hastily manner why you look and smell different now. As for puppy Becky, I imagine her looking like a wolf/german shepherd mix.
2. A Normal Girl With A Great Vocabulary Au: This au is where Becky is a normal earth girl with an amazing vocabulary. She does live with her villain scientist dad. Bob is a pet mouse that was genetically modified in a lab to live as long as a human. He was rescued by Steven and Becky ended up taking care of him. His full name is Bob Huggy Face. Amazo Guy is the main hero of Fair City with Kid Math as his protege. Kid Math, aka Rex is the adopted child of the Botsford family. Becky secretly helps teach Kid Math how to be a hero from her dad’s book and sometimes aids and helps Amazo Guy and Kid Math in their hero duties. These two are the only heroes that understand and realize her dad needs help and don’t treat him like a criminal like most of the public. This also includes an amazing cheese ship but with oblivious romantic feelings from both of these dudes. Two Brains talks about how attractive Amazo Guy is but when asked if he loves the guy, he immediately denies it being possible because he is a villain while Amazo Guy is a hero. When Dr. Two Brains goes to jail, his old friend Alex Guyson (Amazo Guy) takes Becky in until Two Brains gets out. Becky knows Alex is Amazo Guy and finds out Kid Math’s secret identity in the “Two Brains Forgets” version of this au. Dr. Two Brains does not know Alex is Amazo Guy, yeah awkward relationship between them, and due to Steven’s oblivious nature, he does not realize when Alex tries to flirt with him. He thinks Alex is just being friendly with him. 
3. Bob is fused with Steven AU: This idea stems from what if Bob and Steven became fused instead of Steven and Squeaky. Squeaky is fused with a different person (not Becky). Steven and Bob have to share equal control of their new human/alien monkey body. They have a ponytail and a monkey tail. Becky has to cover up in her hero life why Captain Huggy Face looks different now. He still goes by that cover. There is no exposed monkey brain, but Bob and Steven take turns when one of them wants to talk. They both care for and are protective of Becky. Huggy’s outfit is altered to fit Steven’s body, instead of the helmet. He now wears a red eye mask. This fusion accident is what reveals to Steven that his daughter and monkey are aliens. As for the unfortunate soul fused to Squeaky, I am thinking either Tubing or Doohickey are the options. I still want to include the tragic scientist turned villain backstory in this au. 
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beckface · 3 years ago
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Okay okay this took forever but it was so much fun AHHHH!
More about this au-
First things first Capt. Huggyface is NOT an ape in this au! He’s a human (or human passing alien) lmao. He left his home planet of Lexicon to scout out new territories for the government, but unbeknownst to him a tiny kitten snuck on to his spaceship!
Like in the show he crashlanded on earth, except this time THIS earth is populated solely by intelligent animal life. He can understand them, but they can not understand him, but soon he realizes that the kitten that accidentally came with him CAN speak to him and speak for him. It’s basically the same as in the show, except with animal shenanigans and Huggy being like way taller the Becky and also she’s legit just a cat
He sets up shop in the woods, but the Botsfords find them and adopt Becky. Huggy doesn’t go with them in this au though because he feels weird being under the care of a dog and kangaroo, and he’s a grown man. Through Becky, he becomes friends with them though and hangs out with them and Becky often. He kinda just, is the only person on earth and every animal finds him facinating at first. 
Some other minor changes:
- Squeaky was Boxlietner’s evil lab assistant. He was jealous of Steven’s genius so he tricked him into trying to create a mind reading device, that Squeaky rigged so that Boxlietner’s brain would merge onto his. It went wrong, and Squeaky became attached to the doctor.
-General Smoochington is Victoria’s Butler
-Lil Mittens is Butcher’s adopted baby
-Any pets shown in the show are generally now roomates, friends, or family members
-When it comes to interspecies couples it works like in Bojack Horseman where the kids are one species or the other, it’s best not to think about it too hard
-They do have animal instincts when I want them too otherwise don’t worry about it
-Yes they still eat meat but it’s strictly seafood, this goes for the Butcher’s whole thing too, learnerer is an alien and hyperintelligent
Everything else is pretty much the same! This is more of an excuse for me to draw animals because I like drawing them more then people KDJDS Also warning I will actively be ignoring correct heights in the future
I will happily explain any of the animal choices whifwdkjs thanks to everyone who helped me with them too
Mini things I’m adding on
-Johnson is a cheetah because he’s a nervous child and also they put Puppies and Cheetah Kittens together to comfort each other in captivity, TELL ME THAT ISN’T TJHONSON
-Okay everyone around me said Miss Question is an Owl and i’m PRETTY sure it’s for the sole reason because owls say “who”. It also works because she can fly though and got her powers at night
-Dtb sometimes gets carried away with cackling evilly and starts howling. Becky, living with two dogs, knows to just wait it out. He also wags his tail but since it’s a mouse tail it looks really silly
-Both Glen and Tobey say they’re wolves and DTB is getting real sick of the appropriation
-Nocan’s tusks are disturbingly powerful
-Whammer whams by rearing up and hitting his hooves on the ground
-Butcher can roar out meat aswell as shoot through his paws
-Dtb once threatened to eat Steve McClean because of how fed up he got. Becky hissed at the mousebrain to get him to stop and “play fair”
-Violet is sooo physically awkward, being a fawn
-Scoops climbs on his friends a lot to take pictures and get a better view
*Becky staring at Scoops, in love*
Scoops, slightly worried she’s about to hunt him: 0_0
-Tobey tries to bury himself in a hole and does the fox thing where they dive face first whenever his mom comes to fetch him
-Arg winds himself up in a knot like all the time
-The narrator is also an animal but he changes what animal he says he is every episode
-The scene where mr big is climbing his statue and is like “Haha you can’t get me now wordgirl!” because he forgot she can fly happens all the time, because he flies up and forgets that she has superpowers. She can not only fly without wings but has superspeed, so like, what was your plan there Big guy
all together image for a bit better size reference-
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-Maria is still an energy monster! Considering having her just be on all fours though
-Rose is a german shepard
-Reginald is a peacock
-Chazz is a llama
-The mayor is a beaver MAYBE
-Exposition guy is a ostrich
-Grocery store guy is a lemur
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You’re It
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[gif credit to @ehghtyseven​]
Square: Mechanic!AU ( @supernatural-jackles​ tell me a story bingo)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Her life is falling apart around her. So she heads to her hometown to start fresh. But is she ready to take on what awaits her in Lawrence Kansas.
Warnings: Angst, abusive relationships, domestic assault, break ups, Lisa being a bitch, Death of a character, tears, strong language, smut ( 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it up boys), p in v, pwp (I think anyway)) things moving unrealistically fast but it’s a fiction so, screw realism.
Word Count: 5,400 ish
Bingo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
A/N: This is a long one, I hope you enjoy it. :3
Tears streaming down her face as she drove down the long dark road on the rainy night.
All her belongings in the backseat and trunk of her car.
How she gave him so many chances was beyond her, but he is all out of chances. Out of chances to hurt her again.
An innocent dinner, and one accident brought out the beast in her, now ex-boyfriend.
She’s sure she’s still sporting the red hand mark on her face, a black eye and even a bruise on her shoulder.
But she was heading back to where it all started, her hometown of Lawrence Kansas.
She just reached the outskirts of the city when her car started to act up on her, making a scary noise that sounded expensive.
She saw a sign that caught her eye, made her think of her high school days.
Winchester Garage and Scrap.
Winchester. She knew a Dean Winchester. He was a grade higher than her; she was a junior and he was a senior when they met.
He was always so sweet to her. She even fell for Dean at one point, but it all shattered when she saw him kiss another girl at their prom. Ran home in tears.
She had no choice, her car was about to either die or explode, she had to pull in towards the parking lot.
She saw him.
He hasn’t changed at all, like he doesn’t age.
He came running out, signaling to her to shut her car off. She does as told without hesitation. The sound was scaring her this point.
Clearing her eyes of any tears, dry her face as she got out.
“That don’t sound good, lets get it looked at…” He says. “Wait, do I know you from somewhere?”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N,”
“Your junior prom and my senior prom, damn it’s been a while.” She could tell he’s just making small talk, ignoring the elephant between them.
She nods in agreement.
“You okay? Did…did someone hit you?” he saw it. She knew he saw it. Either the slap mark or the black eye. Either way, he saw it.
“It doesn’t matter Dean; can you please fix my car and I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Doesn’t matter? Someone hurt you Y/N. Come inside, I still have hot coffee going, lets get you out of this rain.”
She nodded following him inside.
 In the waiting room she heard Dean typing away getting her car checked into his system, getting her paperwork started for her, leaving a few other spaces for her to fill in but other than that, he helped her get the ball rolling.
Walking back in the waiting room he saw how small she was making herself become in the room. Something big happened to her, and she wasn’t up for sharing it with him.
He walked up to her, seeing her look up at him with her big eyes, almost puppy like. He handed her the clipboard.
“I filled out what I could for you, I just need your personal info, address, phone number, that sort of thing.”
“Okay.” She says, setting down the coffee and taking the clipboard and pen.
He only saw her write down her phone number.
“You don’t live in town anymore?” he asked curiously.
“No I didn’t, but I’m moving back now.”
“Look, I know something big and bad went down between you and someone. I just…it pisses me off that someone hurt you.”
“You still care about me, why is that?”
“You were my girl; I still consider you my girl. I don’t know what I did that pissed you off, you never wanted to hear from my side.”
“You were kissing another girl on prom night, I saw you.”
“A girl, oh, you mean Abaddon, she’s had a huge crush on me and forced herself on me.”
Her heart was pounding hard against her.
“She…did she did more?”
“No, I pushed her off. And I went to look for you, and when I couldn’t find you, I knew what her plan was.”
“She did that on purpose, in hopes I’d see it and break up with you. So you’d be up for grabs for her…that bitch!”
“Y/N, that was almost ten years ago now, she married Michael, and they been married for about three years now…let it go.”
She hid her face in embarrassment, forcing the tears back.
“I was with Lucifer,”
“Michael’s brother, why he’s such a dick?”
“He comforted me after what I saw. And after I graduated, I followed him to LA. We tried to be together but he just…kept hurting me.”
She saw his jaw clench tight. A vein popping from the side of his neck. He was pissed, beyond pissed if there ever was such thing.
“First was he hit me when I didn’t want to have sex with him, I told him it was too fast. He broke my nose in the process. I left him for a few days, and he came crawling back, apologizing. I gave him a second chance. Second, he hits me when I was trying to talk to him…about something, I don’t remember. I woke up in the hospital with a concussion. The story was I fell down the stairs. He apologizes to me and I told him he has one last chance…”
“Y/N, why were you giving him so many chances?”
“I thought he loved me. But after tonight, I guess he never really loved me.”
“Does he know where you went?”
“I never told him, he stormed out of the house to a bar most likely. I packed up everything and just left. I may have sped rather…fast, I just wanted to get away from him.”
“Well, you’re safe here sweetheart.”
Her lips twitched upward in a small smile.
“What about you Dean? Did you find someone?”
“Not really, nothing but break ups. Lisa and I had a bad break up just recently. Told me how weak I was for not trying.”
“What, trying what?”
“Just being with her. I was always at work, away at college, going to classes. Working my old job with my Uncle, and then opening this bad boy. She thought I wasn’t trying. But really I was making this all for her, and the family she wanted. But I guess that wasn’t good enough for her.”
“No Dean, she wasn’t good enough. She was being a bitch.” She encourages.
“I guess, but now I’m just wanting to be single for a bit. Maybe the right girl will show up.” he smirks.
“Dean…we both have been hurt, let’s just go slow. Lets try to be friends again first.”
“I can live with that.” He says. “Lets get your car in here.”
He managed to push her car in, having her steer it in the garage.
“I’ll work on it first thing in the morning.” He mentions. “Now, since you just got into town, you probably don’t have a place to stay, do you?”
“Well, my dad is still here. I’m gonna stay with him.”
“Didn’t you hear what happened though?”
“I know, he’s been down hill since mom died from Cancer. He practically gave up. I hope I can help lift his spirits now that I’m home.”
“Well that, but there’s something else. Yesterday, did he tell you?”
She shook her head.
“He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It had already spread, it’s too advanced for treatment. My dad told me.”
Her heart sank. “He didn’t mention that to me. But he did sound different when I spoke to him.”
“Do you want me to go with you? Get you settled in?”
“Please.” Her eyes glistened with more tears. “I don’t want to go alone; I don’t know what I’m in for when I see him.”
“It’s okay sweetheart, let’s get your things in my truck and we’ll get going.”
“Do you still have her? The impala?”
“I do, she’s tucked away at my house in the garage. I take her out once in a while. Maybe tomorrow I can give you a ride in her. Take your mind off things.”
“I’d love that Dean, thank you.”
Giving her a kind smile, he began moving her things from her car to his truck. Pulling the tarp cover over the bed to protect whatever he got in the bed of the truck.
 Driving through the streets of Lawrence she looked out her window, seeing all that has changed.
“So, what do you do since High school?”
“I’m a writer.”
“Oh nice, got any books out yet?”
“I have a few out there. All romantics.”
“Working on anything new?”
“No, been kind of in a rough spot lately.”
“Oh, with…I gotchyou now. Well, don’t worry, I’m sure once things calm down it’ll come to you.”
“I hope so.”
He pulled down the familiar street. The same street she grew up on. Pulling into the familiar driveway seeing the familiar family house.
“He’s still here, after all these years.”
“Yeah, my guess is he misses your mom, you, your brothers.”
She nods, getting out.
She walks up the path to the front door, Dean behind her carrying some of her bags.
She see’s one of her brothers stepping out of the house.
“Hey shortie.”
“Hey big bro.” she says. Getting a big hug from him.
“You want us to hunt this fucker down?”
“No, he’s not worth it.” she says pulling away.
“Hey Dean,”
“What’s up Peirce.”
“Nothing new. Oh, Becky and I are expecting, she wants to invite you to the baby shower.”
“That soon?” Y/N asks.
“You remember Becky?”
“Oh that Becky, okay, I get why she’s doing it this early.” She giggles. “She should wait, what if it’s a girl and you got all boy stuff? Or a boy and all girl stuff?”
“I don’t know, I’m sure she has a plan for it.” He says. “Here, come in guys.”
“How’s dad?” Y/N asks entering into the foyer.
“Not good. His nurse is here. She thinks, with him knowing his family is here he might be heading out soon.”
She nods. “I haven’t even seen him yet.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll see him tomorrow. Because I’m sure he wants to see you.”
She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up at Dean he gives her a sweet smile.
“She has her stuff in my truck if you want to help me move her in?” Dean asks.
“Sure thing.”
Her brother and Dean begin making trips from his truck to the house. While she wonders the house. Seeing everything as she left it. Finding a picture of her mom with her, her dad, and her two brothers. A tear finding it’s way to the surface, a tight feeling building tighter in her chest.
So much has happened so far, and she is making a big change in her life.
Hearing the door close takes her out of her haze.
“Alright that’s the last of them, Y/N, I’m gonna head. I’ll pick you up around eight, Fridays are my short days.” Dean says coming up behind her.
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
Dean nods with a smile, offering a hug. She doesn’t hesitate. She needed a hug.
He takes her in close and tight to his chest.
“You’re okay now, you’re safe. Everything is going to be okay sweetheart.” He whispers.
She nods against his chest. Holding back the tears.
He pulls away, giving her one final smile before kissing the top of her head.
“See you tomorrow.” He says. She nods again as he walks out the door, heading home.
“I’m not okay.” She chokes out before a sob wracks through her.
Her brother doesn’t hesitate in hugging her quickly as she broke down.
“It’s okay baby sis, I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you  again. Like Dean said, your safe.”
She nods as she cries against her big brother.
 The next morning she woke up, still heavy with memories of last night but the light for a hopeful future tried to beat down the heaviness she felt.
She got up to take a quick morning shower.
Once she got out and cleaned up she saw her nurse in the kitchen getting what looked like a water mug.
“You my dad’s nurse?” she asked sweetly.
“I am honey, he’s doing okay right now, but his body is getting tired.”
“I know, my mom was the same with her cancer.”
“It can take a big toll on the body. If you want to see him he’s up.”
She nods. Not thinking twice she heads up to his room. Seeing her dad lying in bed, peacefully dozing off.
“Hi daddy.”
“Hey buttercup.” He says groggily with a smile.
He saw the remaining evidence of last night.
“Do I need to send my boys after that son of a bitch?”
“No dad, he’s not worth it. He doesn’t even know I’m here.”
“Good. You know you always have a home here.”
She smiles, taking a seat on his bed. Taking his hand in hers. Her dad rubbing a thumb atop her knuckles.
“I know this sucks sweetie, you getting back after all this time and I’m dying.”
She shakes her head. “Don’t worry about me dad. I got Peirce and Zane, and Dean too.”
“You and that boy back together?”
“We’re just trying for friends right now dad. We both have been through really shitty relationships.”
“He made you so happy.”
She nods. “I know dad, he still does. He’s taking me out for a ride in his car when he gets off at the garage.”
“That’s nice of him.”
She nods.
“Sweetheart, there’s something I need to tell you as well.”
“What is it?”
“You’re getting this house, I want you to have a family in this house so you can tell your kids all the good stories, the bad stories. Tell them you grew up in this house.”
“Dad, I don’t know if I can…”
“The boys are moving back, Zane got himself a job with John Winchester on the police force.”
“Zane still a cop, even after all the crap that’s gone down?”
“He’s a strong man now.”
She nods. “That he is.”
“Peirce and his wife, his wife got a job as a news anchor here, and he is gonna work with Dean in the garage.”
“He never mentioned that to me.”
“Yeah, Peirce has a knack for fixing up cars. Then again, Dean did show him all sorts of stuff after you left. He didn’t know what to do.”
“Then again, he and Dean did graduate at the same time.”
“Yes, that too. But the family is going to be here.” Her dad says, bringing a hand up to her cheek, brushing a thumb across her cheekbone. Her hand helping him hold it there.
“It’s going to be okay Buttercup. You won’t be alone here.”
“I know daddy.”
“I love you all so much.”
She fought the sobs so hard, she brought herself down to his chest, hugging him gently.
“I love you too Dad.”
 That afternoon, she spent some time walking around the town. Seeing things being the same and different all at once. She saw what used to be Dairy Queen get turned into a Starbucks.
Taking her dad’s car she drove around the town, even finding Dean’s garage not far from the city limits.
Pulling in, she decided to stop by and visit.
Walking in she saw a line of people, one woman growing impatient turning around to leave.
This is a bad time. She thought. Until she saw a certain someone at the desk.
“Hey Sweetheart,” Dean says, typing away. “I would love to visit but I’m really busy.”
“Can I help?”
“You want to help?”
“Yeah, just show me the desk work, I want to help you out.”
“Okay, come around here.”
Dean showed her how to fill out the information in the computer system, giving the customers their papers to fill out.
Showing her how to process them through the system. Showing what to do when the work is done, and what to do at the end of the day.
He was shocked at how fast she worked on the computer. Typing faster than he could. The line got shrunk down quickly, everyone getting checked in.
“I am a computer nerd too after all.”
“I forget, you’re like Sammy.”
“Now, get to work so we can catch up.”
He chuckles as he turns around to the garage, getting everyone’s cars in and working on them.
Peirce popping in covered in oil and grease.
“Hey sis, got anymore?”
“One more, You guys are quick.”
“A lot of it is oil changes and tire rotations. Some are break pad changes. So, some simple ones.”
“Last one is a rattling noise in her engine.” She says handing him the file.
“Alright, I’ll get to it.” he says taking the file with the keys attached.
She smiles rolling her eyes, shaking her head. In the back of her mind, she thinks she may have found a good day job. It’s simple, fast paced for sure, but she loved doing it, nonetheless.
The workday was coming to a close, Y/N finishing up the paperwork.
“Y/N, We’re done, Dean’s also almost done with your car.” Peirce says coming in behind her.
“You drove that thing hard, talk about perfect timing.”
“How bad was it?”
“Well, a cylinder burst, and the belt broke. That thing was about to blow.”
“How was he able to fix the cylinder?”
“Chevy’s are easy to come by. He had the right parts, and he was able to fix that, and get you a new belt.”
“He was in here last night wasn’t he, he didn’t go home.”
Peirce held his hands up. “You have to talk to him about that one.”
She shook her head. “Somethings going on, I know it.” she gets up from the desk and heads into the garage.
Seeing him working under the hood of her car.
“Dean, did you go home at all last night?”
“Why?” he asks, grunting as he tightened parts to her engine.
“Its just, engine work, now I’m no expert but that takes a lot of time to work on. Sure you had the parts but, to be done with my car this fast when any other shop would be done with it in a few days. You got done with it in one.”
He got up, wiping his hands. “What are you trying to say?”
“Is there a reason you’re not wanting to go home? Working at odd hours?”
“You sound just like Lisa.” He grumbled.
“Dean, I’m just worried about you is all. I don’t want you working yourself to death.”
“I’m not working myself to death.”
“Then why were you here last night and not at home resting?”
His jaw clenched, not wanting to talk about it.
“Dean, if you’re wanting to try again, you have to open up a bit. I opened up everything I could to you yesterday.”
He looked down at his hands, wiping his hands out of nervous habit.
“We both might have something in common, we had abusive relationships.”
“She…she didn’t…”
“She’d hit me, punch me. And for a small girl, she can hit. She had no reason. I’d come home late, she’d hit me, hurt me. I get home early, same thing. She wanted more with me, but I didn’t. All the late hours working, was to stay away from her. I moved out after I broke up with her. she knows where I live. One night she tried to…”
“Did you call the police, get a restraining order on her?”
“I did, but it doesn’t matter, apparently when guys go through this it’s no big deal.”
“It is too a big deal Dean.”
They sat in silence for a beat, Y/N trying to think what she could do.
“Can’t you move again?”
“I could but I don’t want to move too far from work, you know.”
The sound of tire screeches outside tore them from their conversation.
Peirce came running in as fast as he could.
“Dean, dude, she’s coming!”
“She, as in?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, Lisa. And dude, she’s pissed.”
“Call your dad, now Dean.” Y/N ordered.
Dean did as told. When another set of tires came tearing in.
Y/N saw red. Abusive partners, she was getting really tired of how sick and ugly people would get with people they ‘loved’.
She was in auto pilot. She marched out of the garage and towards Lisa.
“Out of the way bitch.”
“He’s not in there skank.”
“The fuck did you call me?”
“Apparently you’re deaf too, here, let me say it slower for you. Skank.”
“You fuckin’ bitch!” she screams. And begins throwing punches at her, wildly.
Y/N able to dodge most of them, blocking the others that got close.
“Y/N stop, the cops are coming!” Peirce warned.
“I’m not doing anything she is!”
“Fuck off!” Lisa screamed.
Dean came into view from the garage. Tearing Lisa’s attention from Y/N to him.
“There you are, the fuck are you doing?”
“We’re done Lisa, I told you.”
“You don’t get to end shit with me Winchester.”
Peirce got himself between her and him, y/n not far behind.
Lisa landed a strong punch on Peirce.
Y/N’s eye’s bulged in rage. She had grabbed onto Lisa’s shirt from behind, pulling her away from her brother before she could land another punch on him. But pulling her so hard she lost her footing and fell on her rear.
“You don’t touch him, or my brother you hear me bitch!”
“The fuck you care, you left him first!”
“At least I didn’t lay a hand on him.”
Lisa jumped up, ready to throw more punches, when a man in uniform. John Winchester came in behind, pulling Lisa’s arms behind her, cuffing her.
“What the fuck!”
“You’re under arrest for domestic assault and aggravated assault.” He says firmly.
“Bull shit, you got no proof!”
“I have my POV cam on honey, I was sitting not far from you. I saw everything.”
“Fuck off!” she screeched.
“No one hurts my son and gets away with it. Lets go.” He pulls her to his cruiser.
Y/N turned her attention to her brother.
She saw Dean sat next to him, handing him an ice pack.
“You okay Peirce?”
“Damn she can throw a punch.”
“Yeah, she’s bad news.” Dean goes.
“Yeah but ignore that, my sis is super woman, she just fucking tossed her like she was nothing!” Peirce laughed with a proud smile.
“Well, no one hurts my family and gets away with it.”
She saw Dean nod lowly. “And no one hurts my friends and gets away with it.”
Dean looks up at her, a confused furrow on his brow before he smiled sweetly at her comment.
“Now I think someone is safe to go home from work now.” She says.
“Yeah, thank god she’s been caught.”
 She drove her dad’s car back home, seeing more cars by her dad’s house.
Getting out, she hurries inside.
The house full of family members she hasn’t seen in years.
Her nurse coming down the stairs.
“He just took a turn; I suggest saying your goodbyes.”
Her eyes filled with thick tears; a sob tore at her throat.
She felt two pairs of hands on her shoulders. Looking to her right she see’s Peirce. And Zane on her left.
The siblings head upstairs to his room. Their dad laid there, his breathing labored and shallow. Clearly suffering.
Zane taking one side of the bed, Y/N and Peirce walking around to the other side. The three holding their dads hand.
“Daddy, we’re here. Everything is okay.” Y/N says.
“Yeah dad, we’ll be okay. We’ll look after Y/N.” Zane says.
“I’ll take good care of the house.” Y/N adds.
“We’ll take care of each other.” Peirce adds after her.
His breathing quickened, pained. They squeezed his hands.
“Daddy it’s okay, you can rest now. We’ll be okay.” Y/N says, holding back the tears.
They felt their dad give a slight squeeze of their hands before his hand going limp.
He let out his last breath, his monitors flatlining.
Y/N let out a pained sob as her hands flew to her mouth to hold back yells of the pain of loss.
Pierce quickly brought his sister in his arms. Zane walking around the bed, hugging his brother and sister as they allowed themselves to cry.
 It seemed like forever, they exited the room, slowly descending the stairs.
Y/N see’s Dean by the door. She quickly descended the last few steps and walks over to him.
Dean didn’t hesitate to hold her closely as she cried against him.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay sweetheart. I got you.”
After an hour of hanging with the family, their extended family leave for the night. The brothers staying, Dean as well.
They sat in the family room, Y/N sitting against Dean, Peirce sitting with his wife and Zane sitting on the end of the couch.
“If you want, one of us can stay here with you.” Peirce says.
“But babe, the baby shower.” Becky begs.
“I think it can hold until I feel okay again, please.”
“Okay, that seems fair.” She says. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay baby.” Peirce says, kissing atop Becky’s head.
“I think I’ll be fine,” Y/n says.
“I can stay with her. Besides, I don’t feel safe at my house despite Lisa being arrested and everything.”
“You’re more than welcome Dean.” Zane says.
Peirce nodding in agreement. “Totally.”
“Besides, we probably should go, get some rest and all that.” Peirce says, after seeing Becky yawn.
They all got up from the couch, exchanging hugs with their sister and sister in law.
“Call us if you need anything okay shortie.”
“Will do big bro.” she smiles
 That night, she got out of the shower with red puffy eyes. She managed to get totally dried off and dressed for bed.
Heading to her room she finds Dean dressed in his pajamas.
“Hope you don’t mind sharing.”
“I don’t mind really. Because, screw going slow, I need you right now.” She says a sob cracking through the surface.
Dean hurries to her, bring her in his arms.
“I’m right here sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers.
He manages to help her into bed, he climbs in on his side of the bed and quickly wraps his arms around her as she continued to cry her eyes out.
He holds her close, placing a kiss atop her forehead, a silent promise that he’s there.
 She woke up the next morning, feeling like she didn’t sleep a wink.
She saw the bed was empty, no sign of Dean but the kitchen smelling of breakfast.
She gets up and heads down to the kitchen. Seeing him dressed and by the stove cooking bacon and eggs.
“Morning beautiful girl.”
“Morning handsome.” She smiles.
“How do you like your bacon?”
“Well not burnt.”
“Come on, crispy bacon is good!” he says playfully.
“Blah!” she fake gags.
Dean rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
“I take it you didn’t sleep good.”
“No, I’m tired.”
“Well, I’m off today. My shop is closed on the weekends. So, we can stay in, clean up the house. Or I can take you on that drive.”
“I want to see baby.”
“A drive it is.”
 After a delicious breakfast, she quickly showers off last nights tears. And dresses quickly, eager to see his 67 impala.
She walks out the door to find it parked in her driveway behind her dad’s car.
Dean sitting on her hood.
“She’s still as beautiful as ever.” She says walking up to him.
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Stop you hopeless romantic.”
He chuckles hopping off the hood.
“I’m only a hopeless romantic for you.”
She giggles.
“There’s that smile, ready for a nice drive?”
“So ready.”
He walks around to the driver side as she gets in the passenger side.
 He managed to find a nice spot in an abandoned field, overlooking the city of Lawrence.
“Thank you Dean, I really enjoyed this.”
“Glad you did. I enjoyed having you here.”
She looks up towards him, her lips finding his in a sweet and loving kiss.
She felt his hand come up behind her head, brushing through her hair, as he deepened the kiss.
“Sweetheart, if we keep this up, I’m not gonna last.”
“It’s okay Dean,” she says against his lips. Kissing him hard.
He adjusts himself; she adjusts herself with him as he gently guides her down to her back. His hands exploring her body, her hands feeling his strong arms, shoulders, and chest. Shedding their clothes as everything escalates, their lips not leaving.
She laid their completely bare and naked before him. She can feel his eyes roam her body; she felt the urge to hide herself away.
“So gorgeous.” He whispers.
His lips finding hers again, distracting her from his member hardening against her thigh.
She ground her hips against him, pulling a grunt out of him. He pulls away from her kiss.
“Are you sure?”
“Like I said last night, I don’t care anymore right now, I need you Dean. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, you sure?”
“So sure, you are it.”
He smiles proudly, kissing her again as he slowly brought himself into her.
She moaned against his lips as he got himself completely seated within her.
“You good?”
“So good.” She says, grinding her hips, urging him to move.
He begins a steady rhythm, not too hard or rough. Just making her feel good, good enough to forget all that has happened int heir life.
His hands braced against he passenger, the window down giving him a good grip as he drove into her.
“Fuck, faster Dean.” She begs.
His hips begin speeding up in intensity, drawing them closer to their end.
“Fuck sweetheart, you feel so amazing.”
“You too baby,” she pants.
A familiar heated coil builds up in intensity in her belly with every pounding he gave her. He began to speed up, he was close as well.
“Fuck Dean, close…”
“Go for it baby.” He pants.
Her walls clamp hard around him, spurring him into his end as she could feel a rope of thick, sticky come spill out of him. As he came with a guttural groan, her name falling off his lips.
His hips spudder against her as he kept coming, throwing her in a second orgasm, her legs shaking around him as she wrapped them around his waist. His name fall off her lips in a small scream as she came.
His hips thrust slowly to a stop as they came down from their highs, his lips finding hers once again.
“You okay sweetheart?”
“Much better, now that I have you.”
He smiles proudly again before kissing her again. His hips coming to life again.
“You got the stamina of a teenager, you know that.”
“You’re worth making love to for hours baby, you up for round two?”
“Give it to me baby.”
 She can’t help but think of all that’s happened in the course of twenty four to forty eight hours.
She left her boyfriend who never truly loved her, returned home to start fresh.
Thankful she found her first love still waiting for her, ready to give her all the love he was about to give her.
As he drove down the long stretch of road back into town, she sat close to his side with his arm around her. Feeling his warmth radiating off of him. She snuggles close to him. Feeling him give her an assuring squeeze as he drove back to her house.
She was ready for what life was about to throw her way with her knight in shining armor for who she knows she can trust with all her heart, and who she knows really loves her.
A/N: What’d you think? Let me know, feedback is always appreciated. :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @flamencodiva​, @akshi8278​, @megzdoodle​, @misfit0118​, @anotherspnfanfic​, @shawnie74​, @lyarr24​, @missmemoire09​, @racetrackheart, @spnbaby-67��
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snowoiive · 4 years ago
Okay but. What if; Linda is Hades and Becky is Persephone. Discuss.
HI i meant to reply to this earlier but i completely forgot but here i am !!!
i brought this up to the barnroe gc i’m in and we all immediately agreed on hades!linda and persephone!becky and started comparing them to lyrics from hadestown which is . MWAH muy bien it’s so fucking tasty.
plus !! it would actually work out really well especially when we compare the already existing stigma around hades/persephone and their relationship with each other. i, for one, am absolutely HOOKED to the version where persephone falls in love with hades out of her own free will and happily follows him into the underworld to be his wife, even in spite of all the backlash from the people around them. the same could easily apply to barnroe i think!!
but THEN we started switching the roles and found out that hades!becky and persephone!linda would be absolutely spicy in the best of ways. i am absolutely weak in the knees for any snarky rendition of persephone, and the thought of a Very Soft Puppy hades always makes me happy.
anyways what i’m trying to say is that thank you anon this was a very good ask and i am now In Love with the idea of a hades/persephone au for barnroe, whichever role they get
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diminuel · 5 years ago
I wasn’t all that fond of 15x10 while I watched it yesterday. I loved the premise and Garth, but I think it was just a bit too over the top for me. The placement of this episode within the greater context of it being the final episode and following the rather gloomy previous episode just made it feel a bit off. That aside, I just didn’t enjoy watching it all that much even though I could appreciate what we were given.
But I’m giving it another rewatch and another chance! I’d love to hear your thoughts too, whether you agree or disagree with my reactions. :D
It takes hardly any time for us to notice something completely amiss and they don’t even hide it: a classical piece of music accompanying a bloody fight between two monsters. Everyone is going to notice that this isn’t quite right, which then guides over into the next thought: the editing makes or breaks a scene. I think that’s the overall theme I took away from this episode. Metatron said that God posted the first draft and we’ve seen both Becky and Metatron edit God’s writing. The first conclusion we could draw is that God is not “editing” Sam and Dean’s story. But actually that doesn’t make a lot of sense because he couldn’t see Sam and Dean before either and they were fine. It’s maybe that he over-edits it. He throws problems in their ways that are... well, kind of what Becky wanted; the everday issues. Them dealing with laundry all day. This is the stuff we write, ad absurdum. And with monsters.
So the theory I’m going with right now is that Chuck is editing, just differently than before.
One preliminary thought regarding Garth: Were there no consequences to the Grace he had swallowed during AU Michael’s weird monster plan? What happened to that monster plan in general? Michael seems to be very bad at stragegizing.......
Dean’ shopping: The shop is called Berens’ quick trip. Berens is always sending us on a trip, though I think this one was Dabb’s fever dream. *lol* Lots of music for what is basically just showing Dean shopping. We see the guy giving Dean a ticket through the window but Dean’s oblivious, too focused on shopping. (Two six packs of beer. This might either show Dean indulging or Dean stocking up for Cas, not that Cas wants beer usually.) 
Dean knows the store attendant by name, so I guess this is a place he goes to often, though I doubt it’s in Lebanon because of the high rises in the background? 
What did Dean buy? Some beer, a magazine, some chips, something sweet he’s eating... How did that amount to over 40$? Why did he go buy that? Why not go to a proper store and buy proper food? Just beer and snacks? As someone who has to do her own shopping now this seems inefficient. (And my shopping center is in 5 minutes walking distance. *lol*) Also, I think I’ve seen people mention that the magazine is a cooking or baking magazine?
Also, here’s the first instance we have of Dean’s teeth hurting. Just stop eating the chocolate you silly man.
I have no compassion for Dean whining about getting a ticket. He’s not allowed to park there. Rules apply for you too, Mr. Winchester. I don’t like people who think they can do what they want. *thinks back to young snobby looking BMW driver who parked in the middle of a square in front of a bank and who got a ticket* *Schadenfreude* (That’s the kind of person I am. I like people who think rules don’t apply for them to be punished by the law.)
Sam’s scene in the kitchen: I assume it was Dean who had started cooking and then just walked away to get some more shopping done. This is merely based on my assumption that Sam doesn’t cook. We know that Sam sometimes does kinda stupid things like blowing on paper to make the fire go out... Touching things straight out of the oven and putting his hands on a hot pot are pretty thoughtless. And he’s clumsy apparently.
Also why the heck would he pull the pot from the stove? It wasn’t even boiling over. Just lower the temperature. Have you never been in a kitchen before, dude? And you’re not even cleaning up after yourself?
Dean and Sam discussing their issues: So Sam never trips? Both noticed right away that this was weird. Sam looks so offended. Like “I’m Sam Fucking Winchester, I don’t trip!”?
Also, did Sam say “dinner”? Is it already evening and they’ve just been hit with “normal person-itis” now? I see Sam’s watch but I can’t decipher it right. It it 5:35? What time of the year is it in canon? I was still light outside when Dean was shopping.
In the car on the way to Garth: A look, it’s dark now, which suppors the “they just randomly got hit with normal people problems. The music for this scene is also unusual. 
I’m annoyed that Cas is in heaven. Why. Why is he up there? Why does SPN always stash Cas out of the way with random stuff? It would have been nice if there had been a phone call or something with Cas checking in or just a mention that Dean was driving back from dropping Cas off at the angel gate or whatever. It takes so little, makes such an impact for me. This? Sorry. It’s just not enough for me.
Why is the car giving up the ghost? Especially in such a weird way? Isn’t Dean constantly working on the Impala? This is not normal people problems either.
At Garth’s: So Sam and Dean walked like 16km? Couldn’t they have taken public transport OR a taxi like normal people...? Or call road assistance or Garth at least? I don’t know what it’s like in the US but that seems a bit extra, even for Sam and Dean.
Garth and Bess have an old style phone in their house, which is a random remark but it’s a nice deco object.
Garth’s Twins: I don’t quite understand why Garth calls the twins Sam and Castiel. What kind of connection does Garth have to Cas? Why not Sam and Dean? If only one of the brothers, why Sam? He has more of a connection to Dean after all? I don’t get it. Dabb just liking it when people prefer Sam and Dean has to roll his eyes at it? :/
Again with the weird, out of place music when they have a look at Bess’ cousin.
Dean and Garth: The dramatic music when Dean steps into the dentist’s room. *lol* And then his disquieted “you’re very strong” when Garth forced him. I think since Garth treats werewolves who might also have an aversion to the dentist, he’d be used having to use a bit of force *lol* Besides. I really love getting insight into how monsters deal with “normal people problems” because they have them too. It’s a shame that we don’t see more of that side to monsters. We only see those monsters who mess up after all, rarely those who try to blend in. 
I might not know much about dentistry but I only had cotton stuffed into my bleeding mouth like that when I got my wisdom teeth out in an operation. Sure, I bleed a bit when I have appointment but not like that??? Just what did Garth do? Replace Dean’s teeth with werewolf teeth? *lol*
Sam and Bess: Dramatic music continues when Bess hands Sam the “cure” drink. It kind of frames the scenes as dangerous and at least it put me slightly on “confused edge” because the music made me think I couldn’t trust Garth and Bess. Sam’s struggles are kinda... over the top. I mean, we’ve seen Dean eat ghost pepper jerky and suffer, but Sam is suffering kinda ridiculously, like he’s been hit by a curse or something (i.e. still like he’s in the middle of a battle against some monster). Ew. Sam wiping his tongue on the arm he’s been sneezing and snotting into. Uff.
The tap dancing: Nice but I don’t really see the point in it >w< I guess normal people have normal funky dreams. And I guess Dean dreams of joyful things like dancing and having FOR ONCE gentle interactions with a lamp instead of always smashing them.
Talking about God and being heroes in a story: I like Garths’ approach to this topic and that he’s much more aware of story structures than the Winchesters seem to be. Why does Dean need a colonoscopy? (Angsty thought: does he have cancer...? Can werewolves smell it? Is that how it’s gonna end? Normal people problem killing Dean? Nope.)
Scene with the cousin: Poor Sam, he looks so upset when his “gentle request and puppy eyes” approach didn’t work. Though I like that it’s Bess who gets the guy to talk (like it’s Garth who gets the job done later on). I really like that monsters have normal people problems too. And it seems like the Winchesters are still very surprised about that.
Sam and Dean “job”: I think they’re being idiots here. Not only do they lack any evidence that the monsters who watch those fights are harming people, so they just kill them because they’re monsters? Also, it seems very unwise for two people alone to take on how many monsters?? No damn research done at all. And on top of that it seems really unwise to go on a case when they don’t know what else “normal people problems” entails while hunting. At least Sam might have been alarmed due to his sudden clumsiness... Just, stupid move on the Winchesters’ part. 
Side note: Sam doesn’t seem to be comfortable saying anything at all. He still seems to be shocked by the werewolf’s diss.
Dean continues to be kinda dumb and I don’t exactly get why. They don’t know what they’re walking into, so they definitely need to be prepared and I can think of several examples where he was prepared for anything. And now that he can’t be sure of his “luck” he’s not gonna think twice about it? And him munching his grilled cheese, talking with his mouth full and “playing” with the gun wasn’t super endearing to me. Sorry, I know many found it cute *lol* And who vomits that loudly...? I mean... ew.
I liked that Dean tried to bluff his way out of the situation and maybe it would have worked in another situation... 
Dean and Sam in cages: It makes no sense that not being able to pick locks is part of normal people problems because I’m sure they learnt how to pick locks over the years. So this, and their inability to fight later on (another thing they’ve learnt) just makes it clear that Chuck didn’t just remove them from “hero” status, but took away more than just their special skills.
Dean’s entire heartfelt speech doesn’t work either, neither on Sam or Dean, nor on the audience both because of how it’s filmed (no particular clear shot of Dean’s face and Sam constantly looking uncomfortable) and the variation of Dean’s theme.
What’s with Dean’s throat? I don’t understand what he said.
Garth saves the day: Dean’s awed “you are so strong” is cute! Why has he never been in awe of Cas’ strenght? Cas lifted a 1t anvil once and Dean didn’t even look at him amorously for it. 
Man, there are a couple things I don’t understand here! Wish I had subtitles because I’ll probably only get what “we’re gotta get out of here blblblbl monstersquad” or “the monster squad bbbüb the good guys” means.
I think they might still be able to fight but whatever “hero” bonus they had was deleted and now it IS almost impossible to just knock out a monster. They did have more trouble in earlier seasons before they could just easily stick an angelblade into every monster and not even break much of a sweat. But the whole fight sequence is just a little bit too ridiculous for me...
Back at Garth’s home: The whole “this Cas keeps looking at me weird” scene is my highlight. I wonder if now that Dean and Cas are no longer locked into their defined roles (though I’m not sure if Chuck has written them with a specific dynamic, since he never seems to make use of Cas) Dean will notice more about Cas too ;D Though of course Dean does notice the way Cas looks at him (”the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid” as a classic example). But still, maybe something to think about. Since a story does come with particular characters dynamics between heros and their supporting characters.
Dean saying that he could be an awesome dancer if he wanted to be is nice. The only thing he lacks is a partner to dance with. Though... He doesn’t lack a partner since he has Cas back now. He just needs to make the first move ;3
Baby clearly doesn’t want to go to Alaska. *lol*
Okay, that was a long post again, not structured at all, not edited, and it still took me multiple days to rewatch and type this up! Haha
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years ago
A Christmas Date
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Summary: When Minhyuk finally convinced you to see his band play this Christmas, you were hesitant to allow your heart to be swayed any more than it already had been.
Pairing: Kang Minhyuk x reader (ft. CNBLUE)
Genre: Christmas au / fluff / co-workers to lovers au
A/N: Welcome to Christmas in July! This mini collab with @this-song-thats-only-for-you has been so much fun to create! Since Minhyuk’s birthday was the same day as Daehyun’s, I chose to write for him now. And I hope @noona-clock doesn’t mind, whenever I think of Jungshin/CNBLUE, I naturally think of her story Something’s Brewing and so a couple of details in this stem from that world. I highly recommend you go read that story if you haven’t some time!
Word count: 3754
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“You’ll be there, right?”
Glancing up to meet Minhyuk’s expectant gaze, you smiled weakly. “Christmas in the Park? Listen, Minhyuk, I-”
“You’re not going to ditch me again, are you?” he intervened, shooting you a pout. Oh god, not the pout. He then grinned and your heart began to thump noisily in your chest.
You were doomed.
Working with Kang Minhyuk was a blessing and a curse. You hadn’t expected when the tall man walked into your florist one day with a resume under his arm that you would be struggling this much six months later. He was capable in every way, and whilst that meant you could trust him to ensure that business went well whenever you weren’t in the shop, it also made you aware of all his little mannerisms. How his smiles were able to make everyone who walked into the store feel a little weak at the knee, his arrangement skills impressing even the most sceptical of people that flowers could be more than just beautiful. He was polite yet playful, generous with his skills and his time, and incredibly thoughtful.
How such a man existed, you weren’t sure, and knowing that he had other talents in life seemed completely unfathomable. It was highly unfair that Minhyuk was able to do so much, remain humble and be utterly gorgeous on top of all of that.
And that was why you had a hard time accepting doing anything with him outside of work.
“Y/N,” he called, the slight whine in his voice making you wish for the ground to open up and swallow you whole, and yet you wanted to relish in the sound for the rest of your life as well. It was ridiculous the effect Minhyuk had over you, and as his boss, you struggled with maintaining the incredibly fine line between being professional and falling at his feet.
“I don’t do well in crowds,” you mumbled feebly and whilst it was the truth, it was an excuse and he knew it.
“You’ll have fun, I promise. I’ll make sure that you’re with Jungshin’s girlfriend, Becky, the whole time. She’ll look after you; she’s a seasoned pro at coming to our gigs and at avoiding being stuck in sticky crowd situations. Plus you promised me. This is a huge deal for me and I want you there!”
Staring up at Minhyuk, you could tell you were blushing at that last sentence. Why did he want you there? You knew if you went it would be game over for your heart. He was passionate about his music, that much you could already tell. And with how much you had already fallen for Minhyuk within this garden bed of roses, you knew if you stepped outside with him, away from what you knew, that it would be impossible to maintain your working relationship. Seeing Minhyuk out of this florist could make it harder for you to see him in it the next time. And with it being so close to Christmas, well, you needed him. Orders were only going peak over the next week, and he really did the best arrangements.
“It’s Christmas time, where’s your generous spirit, huh?” You huffed at his question and he chuckled, knowing he was getting under your skin. “I’m not going to let you get out of this, Y/N. You told me that you’d come to see us perform before the end of the year.”
“I have no choice?” you asked and Minhyuk nodded firmly. “What will you do if you make me come and I don’t enjoy your music?” He was genuinely surprised by your statement though he recovered quickly, laughing as he nudged you playfully. “What will you do if you love it?”
You would die, you were certain of it. But you couldn’t tell him that, smiling softly to yourself instead. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
“So you’ll come?!”
Ignoring the puppy-like excitement now filling his features, you nodded once, confirming your attendance.
Though you were truly worried about what you had gotten yourself into.
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The day of the event, you had attempted to get out of going. Your bedroom looked like a riot had gone off within it; clothing was strewn across your bed from countless deliberation of what to wear. You didn’t know how to dress for such an outing and since this would be your first time appearing in Minhyuk’s world not as his boss and fellow colleague, you were conflicted further. What if you wore something that he would tease you about on Monday? You were so used to wearing blouses and dress pants or dresses in his company that you almost opted for one of your work attires just to ease some of your anxiety. Yet, Christmas in the Park was an outdoor music event, and you would be spending quite a number of hours out in the cool wintry air.
That left you with not a lot of fashionable pieces to extenuate and to opt for comfort over style. You still wanted to look good, however, scolding yourself for wanting to make a good impression on not only Minhyuk but his friends too. This wasn’t a date, and yet your brain was convincing you otherwise. Settling on your favourite pair of jeans, a woollen jumper, your dress coat and a pair of boots, you fumbled your way through your makeup, picking up your phone and writing multiple renditions of plausible excuses to Minhyuk along the way. You felt uneasy as you did your hair, worrying that you would look clearly older than him and his friends. What would they think of you as his boss? It was nerve-wracking and when your phone suddenly went off in your hand as you thought over how to word being sick in a believable way for the umpteenth time, you shrieked. Managing to only drop the device into your lap and not onto the floor, you retrieved it and opened up the message you had received.
1:13pm Minhyuk: You better not think of a single excuse to send me. I’ll see you at three!
Groaning at his innate ability to read you even this far apart, you sent him back a can’t wait response and stared at your reflection before letting out a big sigh.
You could do this.
Arriving at the park that the event was being held at, you were pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere. It was your first time attending the event, normally opting to remain indoors when it was this cold. Despite the crowds that were already forming, it seemed more welcoming than you expected. Families were setting up their designated spots and fuelling their children with hot food and drinks from their packed bags, and wrapping blankets over their legs. Teens gathered together by the edge of the stage gossiping about the hottest bands that would be attending tonight. Adults like yourself seemed to be relieved for a break from the office and to socialise with ease among their peers, and even elders were set up in camping chairs, discussing how many years they had been attending the event. You eased somewhat until you heard your name being called.
You turned, Minhyuk jogging over to your side with a grin plastered over his face. You mirrored his expression, blinking a couple of times as you took in his attire. Without thinking too much about it, you reached out for his bare arms and chastised him. “Where’s your jacket, aren’t you cold?”
“Oh, I left it backstage, we just had rehearsal before and I got a little hot,” he explained, his gaze on your hand. You slipped it back and he dug his hands deep into his jeans pockets, his skin now flushed. You assumed it was due to the cold and his sudden approach toward you and wrapped your hand around your other wrist, rocking back on the small heel of your boot. Minhyuk cleared his throat and grinned again. “I’m glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“I was expecting some kind of excuse about being too sick to get out of bed,” he continued and you snapped your gaze up to his, shaking your head profusely, hoping you didn’t let on that was exactly what you had been attempting to do.
“Of course not, you told me to have some Christmas spirit, so here I am. Though, are you just performing Christmas songs tonight?”
Minhyuk chuckled, shaking his head. “There will be some groups that do, and at the end of the show there’s a big Christmas medley happening, but most people are just singing their own songs.”
“Oh, so I’ll get to hear what CNBLUE is all about?”
“You will,” Minhyuk assured, his smile ever-present. And then he seemed to process a thought, launching forward to grab your hand and pulled you towards backstage. Focusing on remaining upright and not on how warm his hand was on yours despite the low temperature outside, you were shuffled past various people and tasks going on in the bustling atmosphere backstage until you came to a stop in a waiting area that was for Minhyuk’s group. Immediately you were greeted by a great voice, your movement stilling as you listened to the way the man sang.
“Yonghwa, Y/N’s here,” Minhyuk mentioned and the man you had just been in awe over stopped singing, turning to see you there. He grinned, coming over to shake your hand enthusiastically. And that was how your greetings with Minhyuk’s friends went. Yonghwa was loud and vivacious, much like his voice was. Jonghyun greeted you with a smile and Jungshin teased Minhyuk for bringing his boss to his work for the night. It was then that you met Becky, who not only reminded her boyfriend of where they once met before dating and then came over to your side and shyly reached out to befriend you. Her reaction eased you immediately and you relaxed into the new company, soon forgetting all about your worries of coming tonight.
“We’ll go out and get a spot by the stage,” Becky announced and you waved the men off, following Becky back out and finding a spot that had a great view of the stage without being too close.
Becky then smiled at you and you returned the gesture. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
“It’s no problem. I remember the first gig I went to, though it was in a small bar. They’ve come a long way to do stages like this.”
“So they’re really good then?”
Becky blinked. “You haven’t heard their music yet? They have albums out.”
“Uh, no, this will be my first time.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat. They’re really talented,” Becky grinned. “Oh, and I’m not saying that even though I have the opportunity to be biased. All four members are amazing at what they do. Their music is the kind that gets right into your soul and makes you addicted.”
“Ah,” you said with a nod of your head, hopeful that you would be able to agree with her evaluation when the night was over.
Becky looked at you for a moment and then smiled again when you caught her eye. “You know, this is the first time Minhyuk’s invited anyone to see him play.”
“He talks about you too. You must be a really good friend to him.”
You contemplated her assumption, wrestling with disbelief. You eventually shook your head. “I’m just his boss.”
“I doubt that,” Becky refuted and then pointed to the stage. “Oh, here they come!”
Much like the attitude backstage, Yonghwa was vibrant and hooked the crowd immediately. And when Minhyuk held up his drumsticks before dropping them to start the beat, you were a goner.
Becky was right; you didn’t know who you were by the time the first song was over. Although you didn’t remember the names of the songs, you attempted to take in every detail, whilst your eyes frequently soaked in Minhyuk in his element. This was unlike in the florist. On stage, he seemed to shine brightly, his smiles as effortless as his skills were. You gasped when he started singing the backups as he continued to drum away and you glanced at Becky, her energetic nod telling you that she understood.
CNBLUE was definitely addictive.
When their set finished, you felt as if your body had become heavy. You were rooted to the spot, the ringing of the last part of the set replaying within your mind. It was Becky who nudged you out of your stupor, tugging you along with her to go find the members backstage. You needed more time, more air, maybe a drink of water to sober up, but before you knew it, you were in front of the four men, Becky leaving your side to hug Jungshin affectionately.
“So, what did you think?” Yonghwa asked and Jonghyun chuckled.
“Give her a chance to process it.”
“Why does she need time? Y/N either liked it or disliked it,” Yonghwa continued, turning back to face you. Smiling gently, you nodded a couple of times.
“I liked it.”
“Liked what, which part?” Yonghwa pulled you to sit down and eagerly waited for your response which was hard to formulate.
“Let her breathe,” Jungshin instructed and nudged Minhyuk pointedly.
You watched as the man you knew the most retreated. You had expected him to be like Yonghwa, after all these weeks of asking you to come see him play. It seemed surreal to see him hesitate, reserved with his approach. His usual smile was missing and you stared at him a little longer before turning back to Yonghwa and answering his questions as best as you could.
The night was still young, and yet you were wondering more about Minhyuk’s thoughts right up until the time you eventually crawled into bed.
You hoped he would share them with you when you next saw him.
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Monday morning arrived and you were a mixture of emotions to see Minhyuk again. He had texted you the day before, thanking you for coming to the concert and spending your night with Becky and the members. It seemed odd that his reaction was so formal when you had been laughing and enjoying yourself within his friends’ company until you had gone home. And yesterday you had followed all their social media accounts, grinning when everyone followed you back. You had downloaded the content that you could purchase online, and spent the day cleaning your home and bopping along to CNBLUE. Even on your way to work, you were singing along to Between Us, having played the song so much you could almost sing it word for word.
But now that you were in your usual setting, your mood seemed to resolve, resuming back to the quiet and polite version of yourself. You greeted your supplier gently, carrying in boxes of fresh flowers one after the other until on your final run; they were taken out of your arms.
You blinked. “Minhyuk.”
“Good morning,” he greeted softly, carrying the carton into the back room and opening them up to see what needed to go in which floral cooler.
You stood at the edge of the bench, wondering what to say.
“What did you do yesterday?”
Minhyuk didn’t look up. “Mostly just relaxed.”
“I downloaded your music,” you blurted out and he paused in shifting a box of lilies into the cooler. You took it as a sign to continue. “I really like it.”
“I’m glad.”
“Are you?” you retorted, staring at him as he stood back to his full height. Neither of you spoke and yet you could tell he had a lot to say.
“Hello, is your store open yet?” a voice called out and broke the spell, Minhyuk stepping around you and going out to serve the customer.
It was like that for the rest of the morning, both edging around what happened on Saturday, yet neither coming out with anything productive to say. It was driving you mad and by the time Minhyuk had gone to take his lunch break, you were completely frustrated.
“Why invite me out if he’s going to be this awkward with me?” you scoffed, arranging a Christmas themed bouquet with a little more vigour than usual. “I should have made an excuse after all. Hanging out with his boss clearly was a bad choice on his behalf.”
You grumbled for a few more minutes, your frustration shifting towards despair. It was hard not to feel a sense of rejection. Although you had been invited out as a friend, you had hoped for some kind of reaction from Minhyuk to understand why he had asked you to come. Did he want to be more than just co-workers? Or was he just proud of his achievements and wanted to show you? None of it made sense and as you unravelled some ribbon, you thought of the worst.
“Did I embarrass him? Did I say something wrong to his friends?”
“You did nothing wrong.”
You squeaked at the sudden reappearance of Minhyuk, snipping the ribbon blindly and catching your finger in the process. Your hand was immediately within his and Minhyuk led you out the back, right over to the sink and ran the water over the wound.
“Keep it under the water whilst I prepare the band-aid.”
“It’s not that bad,” you mentioned but the look he gave you made you push your hand back under the flowing water. Minhyuk then reached for your hand and wrapped a towel around it to gently pat it dry.
As he dealt with the wound, you sighed. “Why did you invite me to the event if you were going to be like this with me?”
“I didn’t know I would struggle either.”
“You’re struggling?” you asked and the vulnerable emotion within his eyes was quickly removed much like the backing of the band-aid was. “With what?”
Focusing on his handiwork now that the band-aid was over your wound, Minhyuk continued to hold your hand. You went to pull away but he gripped on. “With how much I like you.”
“Me?” you echoed and Minhyuk nodded. “You like me? Me?”
A small smile played upon his lips. “Should I not?”
“No… well yes. I mean, why would you like me?” you babbled and Minhyuk laughed softly, capturing your attention. You stared up at him, your confusion softening. “You like me? Since when?”
“Since I first met you.”
“But wait, that was…”
“Seven months ago.”
You frowned. “I hired you six months ago.”
“I know but we met before then.” You didn’t respond and Minhyuk smiled. “I was a customer before I chose to try my luck and get a job here. I did need a new job. Working with Jungshin at the coffee shop wasn’t really working out for me when I would have to go to band practice after work too. And I genuinely do like working with flowers too.”
“You came here pointedly?” you breathed and Minhyuk nodded. “Because of me?”
He nodded again. “You mean, I’ve spent all this time trying to avoid how I felt when you’ve been here because of me?”
“To be fair, I wanted to get to know you first. Sure, I could have asked you out on a date as a customer,” Minhyuk mused and then grinned at your still startled expression. “But with how hard it’s been to actually get you to come out with me, I doubt you would have accepted my request from that position.”
“I’m still back at the part where you came here with the intention of getting to know me.”
Minhyuk finally let go of your hand and you blinked away from your reverie, a slight ache within your hand now that he wasn’t holding it.
Logically, that was probably due to the injury you had sustained.
“Seeing you out of the florist was overwhelming for me. And then how easily you fitted in with my friends, I could see this becoming something regular. I wasn’t prepared to cope with how much I felt on Saturday. That’s why I was quieter.”
“Oh?” he repeated and sighed. “Just oh?”
“You’re the one announcing you have feelings for me, how am I meant to react?”
Minhyuk was thoughtful for a moment and then leaned down into your face, smiling brightly. You blinked repeatedly, unsure if you should step back or grip onto him with how giddy you suddenly felt. “Will you come out with me again if I ask you, Y/N?”
“Where to? I thought that was the last performance you had scheduled for the year.”
He nodded.
“On a date, just you and me this time. They say that dating around Christmas time is much more magical than any other time of the year.”
You eyed him carefully, the smile on your lips forming slowly. “Really, why’s that?”
“Because it’s the season where dreams come true.”
“That’s really cheesy,” you told him with a giggle and Minhyuk pulled you into an embrace, your laughter startled into hiccups.
“I know, but you seem like the type to enjoy cliché romance like this.”
“Where the girl gets the really attractive guy that everyone fawns over?”
Minhyuk chuckled within the embrace. “Not everyone fawns over me.”
“Oh really? Have you seen how our clients react when you start smiling and pointing out flowers? I’m sure half of them would prefer to purchase you then the bouquets they walk out of here with!”
“Are you jealous?” he wondered with a smirk and you tried to slip out of the embrace Minhyuk held you within, your answer evident by your actions. “There’s only one person who I have eyes for, and it’s definitely not a client.”
“One date?” you surmised and Minhyuk gaped at you.
“I’m holding you in my arms; do you think we’re only going on one date?”
“Two dates?”
“If you’re trying to protect yourself from thinking I’ll suddenly change my mind, might I remind you I got this job because I liked you. I haven’t changed my mind since.”
“You’re blinded by the beauty of this place,” you complained and Minhyuk nodded softly.
“Because you’re here.”
You wondered if dating Minhyuk would be a blessing and a curse as well. But admittedly, you were hopeful that the Christmas spirit would help you out a little with that magic. Because you wanted this dream to remain a reality for a long time.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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Christmas In July: New Traditions // A Christmas Date // Cliche Christmas // With A Bow On Top
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years ago
The Chosen Few
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2K9AAht
by KateKarnage7
Rumors. They’re extraordinarily dangerous. Especially when they tell of a prince by the name of Castiel Novak holding a special competition to find a queen. This competition is called the Choosing.
Fifty girls are selected and brought to the Grand Castle to try to win the affections of the prince. So, when Dean Winchester hears of such a competition, he finds it an utter waste of time.
But, like all things in his life, there’s a catch. This year, they’ll be allowing both female and male competitors. This throws everyone in the kingdom of Caelum into excited chaos. Well, everyone except for Dean. He still doesn’t want to be a part of an old-fashioned tradition like the Choosing but… Well, the world has a way of throwing him for a loop.
And Castiel himself has a secret. A dark one that the world is not ready to see. These two starstruck fools find a way to fall in love in the midst of a political game where evil lurks in the shadows.
The Selection AU.
Words: 3922, Chapters: 2/13, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Benny Lafitte, Charlie Bradbury, Cesar Cuevas, Jesse Cuevas, Chuck Shurley, Naomi (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Hester (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Lisa Braeden, Daphne Allen, Gordon Walker, Cole Trenton, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler, Kevin Tran, Ash (Supernatural), John Winchester, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Gabriel (Supernatural), Ava Wilson, Andy Gallagher, Max Banes, Jack Kline
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester (minor)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Romance, Pining, Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Protective Castiel (Supernatural), Protective Dean Winchester, Internalized Homophobia, Falling In Love, Magic, Witches, It's All John Winchester's Fault, Absent John Winchester, Brooding, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), Prince Castiel (Supernatural), Mechanic Dean Winchester, Fluff and Angst, Love Confessions, Staring, Idiots in Love, Sleepy Cuddles, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Lucifer (Supernatural) Being an Asshole, Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, Wedding, Crying, Sam Winchester Has Puppy Dog Eyes, idiots to lovers, First Kiss, Dean/Cas Big Bang 2019 (Supernatural)
Link: https://ift.tt/2K9AAht
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 5 years ago
A Birthday Dream
OK, so I didn’t want to post this, because I didn’t know what to do with it, but on Shane’s birthday, I had a micro-dream. In other words a single scene section of dream, that was me watching an episode of RAW before the upcoming Royal Rumble. And on the one hand, I want to write this out. But, it does NOT translate well into writing, I have already figured that out. On the other hand, I cannot draw to save my life, let alone give it the full artistic treatment I want to. So I’m just going to put a short synopsis of what I saw in the dream under a cut, and yall can enjoy a sketched out version of a single scene that closed my “Dream RAW” Sidenote: Yes @komaniac​ I did have a Zowens-featuring dream. It was just this one long scene, which, in the dream, went way faster than it takes to read this, but it happened.
The ref counts the three count, marking the end of the women’s match that’s taking place in the ring. The contenders are not important. Just say it’s Asuka and Becky and call it a day. The announcers let us, the viewers, know that nobody has come forth from the mystery limo that’s been sitting backstage all night. And the superstars are getting antsy. Cut to said black limo, just sitting there in the back.  Rusev approaches. The announcers comment that, after the unpleasant surprise that happened last time, of course, he distrusts mystery limos! However, this time, he has Liv Morgan at his side. But as he approaches the limo, out of nowhere, Bobby Lashley and Lana appear and attack, with Lashley going after Rusev and Lana going after Liv. They start brawling and pushing each other away from the limo... ... only to run into ANOTHER fight! Seth, Buddy, and the AOP are in a long, drawn-out backstage brawl with Big Show, Samoa Joe, and Kevin Owens. Between the two brawls, if there was ever a wrestling image representing that old “Dustcloud fight” from the cartoons, it’s this. It’s a damn cluster. However, the odds are in the Messiah Mob’s favor (that’s what they’re called, fight me on this) and soon, even with Big Show opposing them, the numbers game gets too strong. AOP double team Show, taking him out, and then Samoa Joe gets knocked around as well. Finally, it’s just Kevin facing down the Mob, and he’s not looking too pleased about his odds. BUT THEN! From stage right, the Messiah Mob gets POUNCED by Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro, with Sami Zayn cheering excitedly in the background! The Mob is taken by surprise, and the ferocity of their opponents momentarily stuns them into brutal submission! Meanwhile, looking on, Sami and Kevin are having a moment. Kevin: Wow Sami. You really do have managerial skills. Sami: I TOLD you! Kevin: Hell of a team you got going on there. Sami: RIGHT?? Kevin: ... got room for one more? Sami: *Wide, emotional puppy eyes of happiness* Sami: ALWAYS. Kevin: *smiles* Kevin then turns and, regarding the brawl already in progress, which the Mob has regained control of, THROWS himself at them, taking the whole lot out, and getting fully into the mix. So the brawl continues, with the Messiah Mob fighting Sami’s crew. Sadly, it’s still a bit of a numbers game, with it being 4 on 3. And, also sadly, Sami isn’t joining in. This goes on for a bit. The commentators, watching from inside the arena, comment on how crazy everything is. AND WE STILL DON’T KNOW WHO IS IN THE LIMO Well, eventually, Big Show and Samoa Joe rejoin the fight and tip the scales back. The brawl heads back towards the arena, with Sami and Kevin staying behind. The two old friends look at each other warmly. There is a love in their eyes that goes beyond friendship, beyond brotherhood. It’s straight up in the realm of Soulmates and you can tell that there is so much that needs saying but will ultimately be left unsaid at that moment. Instead, Kevin rubs his nose and holds out a hand for Sami to shake. Sami considers the hand for a minute, before choosing instead to THROW his arms around Kevin, hugging him tightly. Kevin returns the hug, and they are once again together, as it should be. Jerry Lawler remarks that “They’re friends again? Is that what this means?” While Vic Joseph explains that “Some people never stop being friends. They go their separate ways for a bit, and sometimes even fight. But, in the end, they will always find their way back home” It’s all very moving. As the crowd reacts with cheers, however, the sound of a loud, slow clap can be heard off-screen, coming from the direction of the limo. Kevin and Sami, whose backs were turned to the limo, turn around to see who is slow clapping their reunion. The camera pans over to a pair of Jordans perched on the roof of the limo, and then slowly pans upward. Yup, It’s Shane. He’s Back. (AN: DID YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING DOUBT) Commentators: It was Shane! HE was in the limo! He must have climbed through the sunroof when nobody was looking! Shane: How touching. A real tearjerker, I must say. Kevin: >Hangs his head in defeat< Kevin: (softly) sonofabitch Sami: (slightly whiney) NO! No no no! You were GONE. You were fired! We were rid of you. For once in your life, can’t you just leave us alone?! Shane: Not a chance in hell. Shane: >Dives off the roof of the limo towards them< Kevin: >Very pointedly shoves Sami out of the way, taking the full blow himself< Shane: >Starts wailing on Kevin< Sami: >FINALLY gets physical, jumping Shane from behind< Shane: >Leaves Kevin alone and turns to Sami< Sami is looking absolutely feral and not remotely his usual sunshine self. He helps Kevin to his feet and the pair circle around Shane until Sami and Kevin’s backs are toward the limo once more.
Kevin, now recovered, smiles at the distinct advantage. Kevin: You know, for a moment there, I was pissed. I’ll admit. But, to be honest, right now, I’ve got friends, and you’ve just got your own sorry ass to go on. Putting you down will go much quicker this time. Shane: Who said I didn’t bring friends? A loud pair of sickening, simultaneous thuds echos through the backstage area as two chairs hit Sami and Kevin from behind, one each. The friends go down. Shane smiles. The camera pans over to the source of the chair shots, and, holy shit, it’s Rodney and Pete Gas. Naturally, like Shane, they are both older now (and Rodney is bald), but their cocky ass attitudes haven’t changed one bit, and those smug, bullshit looks they always wore way back when? Well, they haven’t changed either. Pete: Night Night. Rodney: Suckers! >cackles< Shane moves to stand beside them, and fistbumps both of them. Shane: Just like old times. Pete: The more things change? Rodney: The more they stay the same! Oh yeah! The commentators shout about “What does this mean for the Rumble? What does this mean for the WWE???” Camera focuses on Sami and Kevin, still laying on the ground, as RAW goes off the air. AN: I know this is written really REALLY shitty, but I cannot write action to save my life, and also, as I don’t have nearly the grasp on current kayfabe that I would like, the characterization is probably way off as well. Most of my fanfics, while having WWE personalities, are non-kayfabe or AU. Also, sorry Zowens fans for how this ended. But this is exactly how the dream ended when I had it, with the Posse standing tall. I absolutely adore Zowens. But I was a Shane fan first, and dammit, Posse4Life
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melodythebunny · 2 years ago
puppy Becky meeting Cat Carrie
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Excitable puppy daughter
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