#bob/captain huggy face
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years ago
A Different Kind of Wordgirl AU
Becky is stronger than most humans, she doesn't have super strength. Becky is faster than most humans, she doesn't have super speed. Becky is more agile than most humans, she can't fly. Becky's five senses are better than a human's, it doesn't mean she has superpowers.
All her life, Becky Boxleitner knew she was different from a lot of people on earth. She was a hybrid alien child, born of a human father and alien mother from Lexicon. Yet at the same time, she was also different from the inhabitants of her mother's planet. The only thing Becky inherited from her mother was a majority of her looks plus her extraordinary vocabulary skills. Becky cannot fly, run super fast, nor lift extremely heavy objects like her mother could. The only Lexiconian Becky could surpass was her pet monkey Bob aka Captain Huggy Face. Becky never thought she would be hero material until she was an adult. She never thought she would be ready to be a hero like how her dad wrote about them in his book. Things changed when the local hero Amazo Guy vanished one day, and her dad, the best expert on heroes, became fused to a vicious lab mouse and became known as Dr. Two Brains. So this au is an idea where Becky is an alien hybrid but the only powers she has are her extreme vocabulary. She becomes Wordgirl still in this au but only after her dad becomes Dr. Two Brains and Amazo Guy disappears. There are major differences in this au from other ones.
-Becky's hero outfit is more tech savvy. She calls her tools her "Word Tech." She wears a clear yellow visor which masks her identity as well as detects heat signatures, allow her to look at data on the go, help her see things far away or analyze materials. She has a hidden earpiece in her helmet to allow her to communicate with the police, DA Botsford, City Hall, and Captain Huggy Face. Her yellow cape can act as an invisibility cloak, shield, light deflector to blind enemies. He gloves and boots allow her to walk on walls like spiderman. She can generate electricity within her gloves to stun. Her boots have attached rockets to help her fly. Becky has other gadgets on her belt which are interchangeable depending on her mission. She also has a special pouch attached to he utility belt as well. Gadgets she uses are grappling hooks, flashlight, laser pen, bow staff, tracking devices, bolo nets, etc. Huggy looks like his canon self with only minor changes such as a light blue visor, earpiece, and navy blue gloves and boots that can operate like Becky's, plus a parachute bag attached to his back at all times. Huggy also wears a special wrist watch shaped like a lightning bolt that can shoot small lasers, stun villains, and act as a shield. -Since Becky never had any of her other powers except vocabulary, Steven taught her science and technology. That is how Becky is able to create and use her "Word Tech" so effectively well. -Becky in this au is a rookie compared to her counterparts, she is using her dad's book plus other Lexiconian books to help her fight and be better prepared as a hero so she makes more mistakes than her counterparts. - Bob in this au teaches her how to fight and helps give her self confidence to believe in her self as a hero. During the Miss Power arc when Bob shows her the book "Super Advanced Secret Battle Moves of The Planet Lexicon" and tells her that the reason he didn't show her the book until now because he thought she was doing a great job so far without it, Becky becomes more emotionally touched and cries a bit before getting back on task. Becky can also understand Bob still in this au. -Violet and Scoops very early on are told by Becky about her hero identity. This is because Becky felt she needed someone she could talk to about her hero life and issues besides her dad. (She later found out the part about hero's keeping their identity a secret afterwards in her dad's book. Whoops!) Becky also wanted Scoops and Violet to help her on the side in finding out what happened to Amazo Guy after he disappeared right before her dad's accident. (Coincidence...maybe😈). -Dr. Two Brains knows that Becky is Wordgirl off bat without her telling him. He recognizes his daughter's work in the gadgets Wordgirl uses, plus the amazing vocabulary skills and lack of superpowers is a dead giveaway to Two Brains as well. Unlike other aus I have written, Two Brains in this one is strongly against the idea of his daughter being a hero. While Becky does have thicker skin, she is still prone to cuts, bruises, and other injuries. Mouse man nearly had a heart attack when she got a sprained ankle. They have argued about Becky's continuation of heroics and facing dangers, but Becky is adamant about doing this and points out to her dad that since there are no heroes around, someone has to stand up to fill the role who had hero and villain know how. Because she is still hurt in bothered this early about her dad's accident and transition to villainy, Becky makes a passive aggressive comment that she has to unfortunately take the role because the only adult hero expert in this city is now subjected to a life of cheesy crime due to the control of a parasitic lab mouse. Becky did apologize for her choice of words when she saw her dad's reaction, but Two Brains still feels hidden guilt of making his daughter face this path unprepared alone with only Bob. Dr. Two Brains reluctantly lets her continue, but is still in silent protest about it.
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melodythebunny · 2 years ago
New neighbors Au - Wordgirl x Welcome home chapter 3
Somewhere in a darkened room, a figure sat. They placed down their phone. Eyes from the darkness stared silently watching. They stared back.
"….Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee…"
Blu woke up, she felt something tickling her nose. Rubbing her eyes. She remembered feeling drawn to the TV, she could faintly hear out Becky's voice. It Sounded worried. And the rest was blank. Well aside from hearing someone sing. She sat up.
Looking around she realized she was in a field of flowers. Purples, blue's reds and pretty much every color of the rainbow. looking around some more, the 8 year old spotted her siblings laying down nearby. "Becky?" She calls out. "Chase?" She stood up walking closer to them. Their eyes slowly opened, as they woke up.
She instantly noticed something was off about her siblings.
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"Becky…you're red!" She gasps. "And chase you're…really blue…"
Her siblings looked down at themselves. A confused expression was on their face. Chase looked at Blu. "Blu…you're purple.." he points out. Becky looks at her as well.
Her eyes widened, staring down at her hands. They were purple… She was also very much missing two fingers, one from each hand. "Whoa…"
She then remembered squeaky was in her pocket. She tried looking for the mouse. "Squeaky?"
Becky and Chase looked around for Bob, noticing they didn't spot him as well.
The kids heard two low groans. They walked closer seeing a white mouse looking puppet and a monkey looking one.
"Squeaky's head hurt…" the mouse said, still groaning in pain. The monkey puppet sat up and stared at the Boxleitner kids. "Becky..chase…Blu?" He said. He couldn't believe his eyes.
Nor could they for the matter. Blu was the first one to snap out of shock. She smiled widely.this dream was strange…but she liked how almost everyone was in it. It was just so silly!
"Squeaky!" Blu ran up to the fiend and hugged him. He let out a startled squeak as the girl practically tackled him. "Pinkie let go of squeaky" he said with his shrill voice. "No!" Blu said.
Meanwhile, Becky and Chase have a look of concern on their faces. "How did we get here…?"
Bob shrugged looking around. "I honestly don't remember?" They just remembered being at home and then the rest was blank. Sitting in this field was peaceful. The breeze was comforting but they knew they had to get back home….wherever home was at this point.
However the small group didn't have time to ponder on that as they saw a red figure walking nearby them. As it got closer it seemed to be a bird…?
Yeah a big red bird. Sorta reminded them of something from Sesame street….
As the bird got near, it began noticing them. A look of shock crossed its face.
"Oh dear," The bird asked. "Are you kids lost?"
"I hate to say this…" Chase said to Becky. "But I don't think we're in Fair city anymore"
@ninjastormhawkkat @liloskull343 @blueweirdness @lartmacabre @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year ago
@liloskull343 @melodythebunny @erraticeris
We've been putting Bob/Captain Huggy Face on a Bus for a long time now
fun fact the trope name for when a character is written out of a story because the writers aren't sure what to do with them but want to leave their options open is called put on a bus
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thesecretingredientislove · 11 months ago
Hi yes autism month. Remember to fight on the side of autism.
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wordgirl-rebooted · 9 months ago
Hows Bob and Becky Botsford doing?
On am unrelated note how is the superheroine known as Wordgirl and her trusty sidekick Captain Huggy face doing in this au?
Captain huggy face is in space rn, he hasn't crashed down to earth (YET)
Becky is working on a small project at the moment
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And by small project, she's reading up on a book called superheroes and you
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year ago
Fair City vs The Facility Revised
Matthew felt someone tug at his clothes. He looked down and saw an anthropomorphic monkey girl stare at him with pleading eyes. Matthew sighed. "Really again?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. The little girl didn't seem to notice and just nodded her head vigorously. "Okay hop on." Matthew spoke in a defeated tone as he bent down and let the monkey girl climb on his back. The little girl put her arms around Matthew's neck gently but firmly so as to not fall of while he walked. Matthew tenderly got up and began to catch up with the other members of the party who had stopped when they noticed him and the girl lagging a bit behind. "Everything alright?" Carl asked with some concern. Matthew just gave a shrug towards his former partner. "She wanted another piggy back ride. She's probably getting tired again." Matthew stated. He didn't mind giving the strange child a piggy back ride. It brought back fond memories of when he did it with his own kids. But that was back when he was younger and didn't have to walk for so many miles on foot. Carl gave him a sympathetic look. He knew that they were all getting exhausted and a bit hungry as well. It didn't help that he and Matthew were both old men in their sixties. His nephew Steven, the young girl, and the bizarre looking monkey could make it on foot better than they could. Sadly even the youngest members of their group were also feeling the effects of hunger. Unfortunately none of them could right now afford the luxuries of finding a place to stop and eat nor hitchhiking with a kind stranger. For good reasons. They had fled a week and a half ago from a horrible place that could be described as hell on earth. A well hidden lab facility where each of them were taken and basically kept as prisoners. 'Well in Matthew's case it was more of a transfer.' Carl thought. Though deep down he still dreaded to think what would have happened to Matthew if they were still back there. He and Steven were kidnapped and forced to work for that facility twenty years ago. They were treated no better than the prisoners with the exception of not becoming latest test subjects if they behaved. Matthew was transferred there about a month back which was how he met his ex again. Carl was aghast and more enraged with these people. Were his tormentors not only power hungry but also stupid? Carl would soon realize that his views of the facility would be very accurate. Sometime ago an explosion had occurred at the facility. During the chaos and confusion, Matthew broke out and rescued Carl and Steven. None of the trio of men knew what was causing this outbreak until they ran into a young girl. Not only was her abnormal monkey appearance a surprise, but the fact that she was floating in mid air like nothing also caught them off guard. Carl believed he and the others shared the idea that this poor girl had caused the explosion that lead to their escape. Who knows how long she was a prisoner at that awful place. The three men were able to escape with her and were soon joined by a genetically altered monkey who seemed to take particular interest in protecting the child. The group set off to find a way to get to a safer location and far away from that facility as possible. They had to avoid any help out of slight fear of running into people that worked at the facility who survived. It was also difficult to seek aid due to the appearance of the monkey and Matthew who would for sure cause an unnecessary mass panic. Carl also had another mission in mind. He hoped to find the family of the little girl and her monkey friend. That too proved difficult as she couldn't speak in human tongue nor did she seem to understand much of what they said. Carl and the others took note with both anger and sorrow that the young girl and monkey seemed wary and fearful of Carl and Steven at first. Carl didn't realize why until he looked at Steven and his own lab gear. He saw how the girl and monkey seemed to be transfixed in fear at the clothing. @erraticeris @dualnaturedscientist
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melodythebunny · 2 years ago
New neighbors Au - Wordgirl x Welcome home chapter 1
"Today was pretty okay."
"Speak for yourself, art class was a pain! Everyone else was making wonderful art pieces, meanwhile I couldn't even draw lines or scribble."
Becky and Chase were walking home from school with bob. Becky was a bit miffed about an upcoming art project. Chase and Bob looked at her with sympathy. Art had always been one of her weak spots.
"I don't know what I should do for the next art project. That's going to be 30 percent of my grade for that class." She continued, frowning. She usually asked her friend Violet for help since she was the best at it. But Violet had been out sick this week. She didn't want to bug her friend while she was feeling unwell.
"If it was an essay I'm sure you would have no problem writing it." Chase said. Bob chirped in agreement. The lexiconian sighed. Words were the easiest thing for her. It didn't matter the language, she could easily say the words definition and origins. She was also a very punctual writer. "Yeah. But I'm also a bit glad I have three weeks before it's due." She had asked the teacher for extra time to work on the project. The teacher knowing how she struggled in the class gave her the extension.
As they continued walking something caught Chase's eye. He paused. "Hey. Look." He gestured towards a rather old looking building. The sign upfront said 'antiques and more!' "we could probably look in here for some inspiration" he suggested. Becky and Bob stopped walking to see what he was talking about. It was across the street.
"Yeah we could try that." Becky said with a nod. They waited until the road was clear before crossing. Opening the door to the shop, they heard a small 'ding!' as they entered.
Inside was Impossibly small, with a cramped aisle with the shelves packed high with random trinkets, books and the like. The air smelled faintly like mint. The dim lighting from the dust covered windows added to the cluttered feel.. But despite that, it felt also cozy…nostalgic even.
Something caught the siblings' attention. They moved closer to see it.
It was a four story dollhouse. The outside walls were pastel pink, resting on a green fuzzy mat. A miniature blue and red car parked outside of it. Inside the house was a kitchen, living room, bath room, a bedroom with three beds and a hallway that led upstairs. The upstairs was a big black room, the story above that one seemed to be a white room. Then an attic where a lone piano sat. There were three figurines that sat in the kitchen. A yellow looking one, a red yarn looking one and a green duck.
Suddenly a hand came to close the dollhouse. Becky, Bob and Chase looked up in surprise. A middle aged woman looked at them sternly. Noticing them jump, her face softened.
"My apologies for frightening you three." the lady said. "But that house isn't for sale. It's rather precious to me."
Chase was the first one to recover. "It's okay, miss. We were just looking around."
She nodded. "Ah, I see then. Let me know if you guys find anything that catches your attention." Becky gave one last glance at the dollhouse before turning her attention to the nearby shelves. She found many old books. Blowing the dust off of them to get a better view of them. Bob and Chase also took to looking at the items on the shelves.
Looking through a box, Chase found an old VHS tape. The labeling was a bit worn but he could make out most of the texts and pictures. The tape was titled Welcome Home with a friendly yellow, blue haired puppet smiling warmly. He seemed to be in the middle of painting. Overall it seems to be some sort of old children's show.
'That's adorable,' Chase thought. 'Blu would like this.' he then saw a rather new looking teddy bear. He knew she wanted another one since her last one got shredded by squeaky. Checking the prices he realizes he only had enough for one thing. He reached for the teddy bear.
A few moments later, the three walked out with some books and the VHS tape.
@blueweirdness @dualnaturedscientist @liloskull343 @lartmacabre @ninjastormhawkkat
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remzter008 · 14 days ago
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year ago
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Becky has 3 dads, I dont make the rules its just how it is
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thesecretingredientislove · 8 months ago
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Context not identifamied
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raventhedracovis · 1 year ago
tell us about wordgirl bestie!
Will gladly use this as an opportunity to talk about a few headcanons that are canon in mine and @c0de-0f-the-clans reboot!
I'll stick with the characters we've done line ups for for now. Which would be: Becky/Wordgirl, Huggy, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, Chuck, The Butcher, Charlie, The Other Henchman, The Whammer, Invisi-Bill, Big Left Hand Guy, Ms. Question, and The Coach.
Becky/Wordgirl (or course we're starting with the girl herself):
Bi. She just is. I don't make the rules. Yes I do >:3
Non-binary but uses she/her pronouns. Comes from noticing in the show how casual she is with referring to herself as "mister". Even lampshaded in the Thanksgiving episode when she says "no more mister nice Becky! ... Or miss Becky. Either one :)".
She's got two birthdays, the day her parents adopted her and the approximate date she was actually born. Her birthday is always celebrated September 28th, but her actual birthday is closer to December 16th.
Part of the reason Becky sucks at art so much is because she sees way more colors than humans can perceive. A color combination that looks good to her just looks ugly or like the same shade of brown. Though even without the whole "painting with colors beyond human perception" thing she just generally sucks at art.
Becky is autistic and stims by pulling and messing with her hair. We also decided she has a bee necklace and she fidgets with it too.
Her full name is Rebecca but goes by Becky.
She's currently 4'5" and the shortest in her grade. When she's all grown up she's going to tower over her friends at around six feet (or more).
Bob/Captain Huggy Face:
Captain Huggy Face is not his real name (or title but I'll get to that in a later post). It's just the name Wordgirl came up with on the spot.
Just like Becky, Bob is only his nickname. Robert is his full name in the family.
Non-binary as well. Just his vibes.
By Lexicon standards, he's considered colorblind. By Earth standards, he's not fhdh.
In his late 20's, but part of the reason is for a different post.
Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy
Trans man <3
Demi pan.
Chuck's full name is Charles Edward Guy.
Chuck is in his early 20's, a headcanon we pulled thanks to a flashback in the show where Tim and Sally are clearly around the same age they found and adopted Becky but Chuck is oh so small.
Dr. Two-Brains
He stands at 6'5" but slouches a lot and therefore looks more like 6'3".
Technically has three birthdays! One for Steven, one for Squeaky, and one for the day the two fused.
Pan. Can and will flirt with anyone and everything.
In his late 30's.
The Henchmen
The other henchman is Joey Meatball. We both had different ideas of what his name was and thought the combined name was funny.
The two are romantically involved <3
Charlie is 6'7", the other one is 5'2".
Both are in their 40's.
The Butcher
He's 6'9". Big man.
His full name is Jack Edison Shepherd Jr. He went by Butch for a while as a kid, and it kind of stuck.
The reason he struggles with words so much is because he has an expressive language disorder.
In his early 40's.
While he was the tallest kid in 5th grade, he's only gonna be 5'4" all grown up, and it's going to make him so, so mad jhkdg.
We have also hit him with the autism beam.
He had braces at some point, as evidenced by a retainer that can be seen by his bed in most episodes. We have however, just given him braces in our reboot.
Tobey has anxious attachment style. Something I can literally talk about in paragraphs (and have. Twice.) and will probably share another day.
His birthday is reverse pi, 4/13.
The Whammer
The Whammer is half Greek, half Texan, and 100% professional wrestler. His father is a Greek immigrant who got into the professional wrestling career where he met The Whammer's mother, a professional wrestler from Texas.
His real name is Adam Minos.
Was supposed to follow in his parents' footprints and apprenticed under his dad. Unfortunately, his powers where deemed illegal for use in the ring.
In his early 20's.
He's 5'8".
He is romantically involved with Big Left Hand Guy. :]
In his early 30's.
He has ADHD.
Stands at about 5'11".
Big Left Hand Guy
He is romantically involved with Invisi-Bill. :]
He's related to one of the reoccurring bank security guards.
Has anxiety.
In his late 30's.
He's 5'1".
Ms. Question
Trans and non-binary. She's non-binary in the sense that she dodges any questions about her gender. No matter what, she will make you second guess yourself when you try to give her a label.
She's Afro-Latina.
Bicurious, because she's also dodge the question jdfkgh.
Her civilian name is Anne Neasia.
In her early 30's.
Very tall woman. Stands at 6'.
The Coach
The Coach has dwarfism. He stands at 4'8".
He's related to Timmy Tim-Bo. It's why he keeps him around.
In his late 40's.
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adryonline · 7 months ago
Night Of Bobs
I already made one of these with Tobey McCallister so I decided to make one with Bob/Captain Huggy Face! May all WordGirl and Touhou fans enjoy this!
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year ago
EEEEEE I love this yes. This is a perfect start.
The Doctor Is Back In Town
Chapter One
The mirror hadn't exactly been his friend as of lately. In all honesty, each time Steven had caught himself in the mirror he would flinch. Though the panic would never last long, reminding himself he was no longer a villain. It should've been reassuring yet it just made the scientist feel hollow on the inside. Missing. He shouldn't feel as if there was anything missing. His life was brought back onto the right track. No longer forced to steal cheese for an insatiable appetite. No longer forced to play second fiddle to a mouse. Happiness is what Steven should be experiencing. Freedom. No more Squeaky making constant demands. Placing a hand to the mirror, eyebrows furrowed as he continued to stare. What he saw was an extremely exhausted and unfulfilled man. Even though his eyes were already red, they looked bloodshot more so than ever. Steven was lucky that he was already on tenure. Even as a villain they couldn't fire him. Yet it was becoming more difficult to come into work and teach his students. It didn't give him quite the same happiness as it did before. Though it did warm his heart at how they welcomed him back with open arms and such warmth. He found some pride that he was the favorite teacher of the students. The ex mad scientist of course taught them the way he always did. Hands on and lively. Despite not feeling like he was so lively himself. Just because he was feeling like a dull, old useless knife didn't mean the students had to suffer. Yet it still wasn't enough to fill this void he was feeling. He hadn't noticed he had acquired an audience until he saw a glimpse of his daughter within the mirror. Startling him out of his depressing thoughts. Like a switch, he became cheery in an instant. Smiling at Becky, it was a genuine smile. She was one of the few things left in this world that still brought him happiness in this world. He couldn't stand making her worry. Especially after everything she had been through due to his time as Dr. Two-Brains. "Hey kiddo, you alright there?" Steven noticed how this seemed to cause her even more worry. "You're staring into the mirror again." She wasn't going to beat around the bush. Becky didn't say this with any judgment, just concern for her father. "I know. I'm sorry about that. I just got caught up in thinking but I'll be okay. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He gave an unconvincing smile that Becky didn't buy for one second. But for his sake she seemed to have accepted it. "Okay dad. I know you're supposed to be the adult and I'm the child but you don't have to keep things to yourself. I'm here for you Dad." That warmed his heart. His little girl was just too sweet and caring. "Well. All YOU need to worry about is getting ready for a picnic. I just decided, since it seemed so nice out, that we should really have one." Becky was surprised by this spontaneous idea but if her dad wanted to do that. She wasn't going to stop him. At least he would be out of the house and not just staring at his reflection for hours on end."Oh! Okay. I'll go get Bob ready for it." Steven seemed excited. Truth be told he was excited about it. He hadn't done something like that in so long. Maybe it was what he needed to get out of this funk he was in trying to fill in something in his life that he was missing. The young girl gave her dad one last smile before going off. Steven felt himself deflate, though his own smile stayed. A thought had come to mind. The henchmen, he hadn't spoken much to them since he got the mouse brain removed. It had been hectic at first he admitted but now things have calmed down Steven didn't have much of an excuse now. He had an idea. Why not kill two birds with one stone? With their number dialed up, Steven held his breath until Joey had finally picked up.
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fountainpenguin · 2 years ago
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"Ain't nobody but yourself to trust... Whatcha gonna do when the chips are down? Now that the chips are down!"
New Factor It In chapter today!
Chapter 6 - “Torus”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Start from Chapter 1
Exposition Guy and Wife take Rex shopping... Becky comes too, and then they hit the beach. It's fun! Captain Huggyface, however, is less willing than Becky is to overlook the mysteries of Rex's past. Case in point: If that's really his spaceship, then what happened to his co-pilot? Ohh boy...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
.:: January 3rd - Saturday - 7:43 pm ::.
"Not every path will cross, and some do for but a moment. Make the most of what little time you have."
(Ancient Hexagon proverb)
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Psst! Look for the words myriad and bluster
Later that evening, at the shopping mall across town…
"You okay?" Becky asks. Rex buries his face in the arm of her sweater without responding. Nearby, Mrs. Pirakell rustles through clothing racks in a way that makes the plastic hangers clack. Huggy watches in silence, saying nothing, as Rex screws his eyelids up tight.
It's warm inside the SpAdes clothing store. Warm enough that Becky's wearing her pink and purple coat tied around her waist now. The hot, bright lights bearing down on them do nothing for roasting fur (or skin, probably). Becky bends her neck, forcing Huggy - who leans over her head like a fuzzy gargoyle - to adjust his footing against her shoulders. There are still snowflakes and bits of gravel sprinkled in her curls. She didn't shower after that last explosive skirmish with Ms. Question. Huggy lifts a few strands of hair free from the back of her collar. They ripple like liquid chocolate across his palms.
Pretty color. I can't believe she'd have streaks of light cinnamon by now if she'd stayed on Lexicon. The sun's UV rays are killer there. Not enough atmosphere to shield the population, even that far from the sun. Huggy traveled a wide range of communities before the fateful mission that left him and Becky stranded on Earth, you know. Lexiconians spend almost every waking hour outdoors, hunting for food… Her community in particular use lightened hair as a sign of maturity. She'd be learning to drive a scootercraft right about now.
I guess I could pull the old one out of the garage block… but I doubt the fuel would still work after so many years.
Rex's eyes are so scrunched, he may as well have dunked his head underwater. Even his cheeks are puffed up. There's a famous rusty red fish back on Lexicon that inflates its cheeks and the long spines along its back when it senses predators skulking near. There's no telling what its name would translate to in English, but it's a bottom-feeder with whiskery tendrils like a catfish. In his scarlet hoodie, Rex looks sort of like that: a startled, squirmy fish. After such a wild, messy day, he even has spikes bending free from his carefully combed hair.
Huggy blinks at the boy in silence. Hmm. It's a fitting comparison when you think about it. Maybe not the bottom-feeder part, but definitely the defensive attitude the fish displays when under threat. When tricks of avoidance (like camouflage) don't shake off a curious predator, it fights back. It flares its hidden daggers and lashes a snapping tail. If you could earn a degree in fight over flight, Rex would be a shoo-in. Mostly.
Tonight, he doesn't seem sure.
Becky's handling the noise and brightness of the store better, though Bob can feel her twitches beneath his folded arms. Rex's spidery fingers tighten in her sweater like tiny fangs. He nods in response to Becky's question (the "You okay?") even though he'd ignored her the first time. His hair and glasses scratch against her sleeve. He presses one hand against his ear. Mrs. Pirakell checks over her shoulder at them, then returns to counting shirts. Cloth rustles like the leathery wings of Lexicon's gliding lizards. It sends shivers down Huggy's spine and lifts his hackles by a smidge. Plastic hangers click nearby. Each one rattles like a pebble.
Like home.
Earth this. Lexicon that. Divide and sort, splitting thoughts and memories in completely separate boxes like separate shards of his identity. Huggy's New Year's resolution is the same every year: to stop the word home from conjuring memories of Lexicon like fireworks inside his brain. So he's already unsuccessful, but that doesn't mean he can't try again. And again and again and again.
At least that's what New Year's resolutions are for.
The brightly lit store they're in now is called SpAdes (capital A not optional, because their logo is the Eiffel Tower). All these sunny yellow walls and cheery rainbow shelves are a welcome relief after the cold, clingy wasteland of gray lurking outside. He's needed this. It's a shame Rex and Becky are both hunched over, heads bent. They're missing out. It's a beautiful night to hunker down indoors, away from falling snow. Maybe they won't have to go out again. Maybe not tomorrow either. That'd be nice.
Mrs. Pirakell straightens up and turns to say something to her husband. Mr. Pirakell hovers in the walkway between clothing racks, watching the trembling Rex and gentle Becky. His hands stay bundled in the pockets of his forest green sweatshirt, but Huggy can hear him opening and closing his clenching fingers. Milo's noisy. He's also bouncing on his heels.
And he's always watching. Though his unblinking stare pierces straight through his fur to his skittish heart, Huggy's always liked the guy. A little. Mr. Pirakell means well, even if he does have a nasty habit of bumbling into trouble. Regardless of his wandering, his foresight has proved invaluable on myriad occasions. Wrong place. Right time. That's sort of how he lives his otherwise unremarkable life.
Scratch that. Unremarkable feels like a cruel word on his tongue. Mr. Pirakell's soft, moist cakes are unbeatable and the Mrs. is a wizard with frosting, fruit salads, and soups. She nails the presentation every time. 5 out of 5 stars for the both of them. Huggy can't help swiping his tongue around his lips. Mr. Pirakell jumps a little and skitters his eyes away. He turns aside to study a bin of puffy winter-themed socks.
In Huggy's humble opinion, it's been much too long since they visited the mall. Becky, Violet, and Scoops are still young and starry-eyed, prone to splurging their allowance on toy store unicorns, art supplies, and microphones. Stores all around them are shutting down for the night. Honestly, Huggy's a little surprised that Mrs. Pirakell wanted to swing by this place instead of Bullseye where she can double up her shopping with food, but maybe she has coupons. With the amount she's buying, she'd better, he thinks absently, then stops. Bullseye doesn't allow monkeys.
Is he making things hard again?
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44doggyriver · 2 years ago
Word girl in Leslie’s Allergy
  Narrator Listen for the words allergy and rash. One sunny day in Our boutique city Becky bosfurd aka Wordgirl is at her house with Bob aka Captain huggy face. Becky/wg Bob be quiet Pretty princess is on don't eat so loud. Bob/HOok squeak. Becky /word girl Yes i know you  have a new peanut flavored snack puff but you being so messy it's been  years since we moved out of  mom and dad's house you need to be cleaner where not kids any more.  Bob/ Chf Sighs  Narrator  Meanwhile Mr.Big is on his way back from year round flower shop to pick up an order of flowers in the shape of a bunny head to decorate his penthouse office while Leslie is just arriving at work for the day.  Mr. Big Good morning Lelsie, I got a new flower for the office . Leslie Good mmorn-n-n  achoo, achoo achoo, morning  s-sir. Mr. Big Blessyou Leslie.  Leslie  Thankyou s- achoo sir. Mr big  Leslie i  need you to take these flowers to the longe  and to the  desk room. Leslie  achoo  achoo yes sir.
 Oh dear, looks like Leslie has the sniffles meanwhile at Becky's house  Becky/wg Bob That's enough snacks you had 2 party size bags of chips and candy  soda  2 bucks of fried chicken and french fries and  2 cakes! Bob/CHF o eeeek aahh. Becky/wg IT your fault you have a stomach ac you stay here but remember tomorrow we start our week with Mr big and Leslie.  We've done a week with  every other  ex villain except them. Today is Sunday, our last day with LDR,well it's mine. I tell her you're sick but take medicine, no more junk food, only healthy and stay in bed. Narrator Back at Mr. BIgs penthouse office Leslies siffles only got worst.Mr.Big Um Leslie   are you feeling ok today you've been sneezing a lot and um uh you have red bumpy spots on your feet, neck, hands, chest and face. Leslie Yes sir i'm just a bit sneezeie and itchy because I’m  aller-Mr big ok then go finish your list Leslie  sighs Yes sir.. Narrator That night Becky returns home to Bob who's no longer sick. Becky/wg Good to see you feeling better Bob go to bed early to help finish your recovery ok. Ep ook ahh  e week epk.Becky/wg Good night love you too. Narrator back at the penthouse office Mr big and Leslieare leaving for the day. Mr Big good buy Leslie see you tomorrow when you're not sick  come on squishy bunny it time for night night. Leslie Go-o achoo achoo achoo goodnight sir see you then sighs only if he'd listen that I'm not sick but that I have an allergy to something in his office. Narrator: You do Leslie what are you allergic to. Leslie whispers to the narrator. Oh so that your allergic to mr big isn't having it is well good night. Narrator   The next day at Mr.Big's penthouse office when Leslie arrives at work Wordgirl and Captain Huggy face her along with her boss. Wordgirl Hello Leslie how are you today? Leslie Hello  Wordgirl,sir im g-go-o-o Achoo,Achoo,AChoo grumbles and scratches her arms, legs , neck and face. Wordgirl Leslie, are you ok? You seem to be coming down with something. Leslie Yeah i'm f-f-f achoo achoo , I guess I'll have to quit sorry sir I have an allergy to . Mr.Big What no Leslie You can't quit I need you!  Leslie Sorry sir but  I cant keep working here if I keep sneezing and getting this rash.  Huggy squeak eek ook. Word girl Good question huggy a allergy means your body doesn't like something like how leslie is sneezing and has a rash but she's not sick she has a allergy.Huggy ook eep oo Word girl a rash is when your skiing gets red and bumpy and really itchy.  Narrator Two days later they  are still trying to find what Lelsies allergic to. But it was getting dark and Lelie was still too itchy and sneezie to tell them her allergy.   Narrator Thursday soon rolled around and Leslie was getting her things packed to leave. It was her last day working for Mr Big. Word girl  Leslie  Lets go get some lunch. Mr.Big I’ll miss you  when you're gone Leslie I won't have another assistant like you Leslie  I'll  miss you too sir thank you. Once they left the office word girl knowdeised  something  happened.Word girl Hey Leslie you're not sneezing any more. Mr.Big Yeah so what are you allergic to Les? Leslie  I’m allergic to flowers. Mr Big Flowers really Leslie well let's get them out of the office and clean up any pollen, so you can stop sneezing and your rash will go away for good.    Narrator so Mr Big Wordgirl and Huggy got the flowers cleared out of Mr Bigs office.  Word girl Mr.Big is glad to keep you here Leslie.She said as  she put ointment on Leslies rash  in  a bathroom in Mr bigs skyscraper   since leslies rash had spread to under her close and she was only wearing a bra and  panties. Leslie, I'm glad too.   Word girl Once you   get dressed Mr. Big Huggy and I will meet you in  Mr Big’s office so you can take  some medicine for your  sneezing problem . As Leslie  grabbed her pants and shirt of the coat hook on the bathroom wall. Once she entered mr bigs office he gave her some grape bubble  gum allergy medicine . Narrator   After some lunch and a nap Leslie started to look and feel better and Wordgirl and Huggy help Mr.big keep his favorite employee see you next time on another   adventure of  WORDGIRL!
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year ago
Shadow Phoenix Au - Becky Boxleitner - Part 2
Sometimes when Becky is alone she feels she is being watched, yet she is never in any danger. Becky can tell which people are magical and which people are not. So can her dad. Becky started hero work at 11. Becky's dad didn't write the book "Superheroes and You: A Practical Guide" What inspired Becky to become a protector was a number of factors. 1. Finding her dad's comic book collection 2. The heroic actions of Amazo Guy 3. Her aunt and her dad's work with the FCPU
Becky was mentored by Amazo Guy until he retired for personal reasons involving his sidekick and the people of Fair City. As far as Becky is aware, only her dad, Bob, and Amazo Guy know her secret identity. Becky was originally set out to be a hero but her status in Fair City changed to vigilante. This was due to what happened to Amazo Guy along with the propaganda made by The Council of Daylight and B.E.A.W labs. Shadow Phoenix is still close allies with the FCPU. She is friendly with villains attached to the EVA like canon. Becky gets annoyed with Fair City's wavering attitude towards her so she tries to focus on just keeping innocent civilians safe and causing only minimal damage. Bob in this au is Becky's familiar. She created him by accident at the age of 5 when she saw her dad was gloomy over something involving her mom. Becky saw on tv how a performing monkey was making everyone laugh and Becky absentmindedly wished she had a monkey to make her dad laugh, lo and behold, Bob was created. Bob in this au is known as Sir Huggy Face rather than Captain Huggy Face. Bob is pretty much the same as canon and has the same abilities only they are explained by magical reasons rather than alien reasons. Bob's hero outfit is a bit like Zorro's. He wears a navy blue modernized renaissance shirt. He still has the lightning bolt insignia in the center but its surrounded by a circle vector made out of small yellow stars. Becky nor Bob doesn't know it but it symbolizes how Becky's magic is connected to the Coven of The Rising Moon. He has dark red pants on. He wears a dark red Zorro mask as well as a cute cape. Bob can turn invisible to everyone except Becky and her family. The two have an emotional and somewhat mental connection as in they are aware of where the other is at all times. They can't read each other's thoughts but they can both understand each other clearly.
Now its onto the rest of Becky's family and friends. @dualnaturedscientist @melodythebunny @blueweirdness
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