#puppet boy henry creel
henrysglock · 1 year
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the day we talk about it is the day we find enlightenment on the subject of “was henry creel born evil?” i can feel it in my bones
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
do u love the colors of the comphet
When it’s over, when Henry Creel is dead and dust and they’ve emerged battered and triumphant. When she and Jonathan have ended things. When there is no more fighting to be done, she and Steve give it another go. 
She knows he’s going to ask the same way she knew in ‘83. There’s no waiting this time, no need to wonder if Jonathan might want her too. They gave it the old college try (He lied to her. He was lying to her for months, and she knew something was wrong before that. She thought they could work it out. She’s so fucking sick of lying to herself being lied to). 
He asks with wide, hopeful eyes, running a nervous hand through his hair. He doesn’t have anything to be nervous about. She made up her mind before he even asked. 
She can do it right this time. She can love this boy the way she wants to. The way he wants her to. They’ve both grown in the years since. She’s going to do this right. 
That’s the mantra she keeps in her head when he picks her up and spins her. I can do this. 
She can’t do this. 
It’s somehow the same and different from when they dated the first time. They’re going through the same motions, but there’s something lacking. They’re both older, more jaded. They’re not kids anymore, and it shows. 
They rarely kiss. He hesitates now in a way he didn’t before. Sex is something they don’t bring up at all. Eddie makes a crude joke once, something or other about what Nancy is like in bed, and she and Steve make eye contact. There’s something there, something like mutual understanding, before Robin smacks Eddie upside the back of the head and the moment breaks. She keeps thinking about it long after. Whatever it is that they shared, they don’t talk about it. 
Maybe they’re lying to themselves, both of them. Puppets going through the motions, too stubborn to admit they’re play acting as real people. Still, she can’t give this up. She can’t make the same mistakes all over again. 
Robin corners her two months into the relationship. Part of Nancy is surprised it took her this long. The rest of her is angry she brings it up at all. 
Saying she’s cornered might be doing her a disservice. They’re having a sleepover, painting their nails and talking about boys. Everything a girl is supposed to do. Except Robin is awkward and fumbling, and every name she brings up sounds like a question. Nancy only has Steve to talk about, and barely talks about him at all. 
Finally Robin sighs and puts down the nail polish. “I feel like this subject is making us both miserable,” she declares. “I don’t want to talk about boys, I was just doing it because I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do at girl sleepovers. I haven’t actually been to a sleepover since I was in middle school and the other girls decided I was weird, but I’m pretty sure the point is to have fun. This is not fun. This is agonizing. We should talk about something else.”
“Steve isn’t making me miserable!” She snaps, before realizing she sounds way too defensive. 
Robin peers at her. “Yeah, see, that’s not what I said. That’s not even a little bit close to what I said. Maybe we should talk about this instead. What’s the deal with you and Steve?”
“What deal? There’s no deal.” She turns around and rummages through the nail polish selection. Robin doesn’t exactly have a variety. Her options are red, dark red, and black. She chooses the brighter red with the absent thought that the black would look good on Robin, with her long fingers and dark eyeliner. Then she banishes that thought away. 
“There’s definitely some kind of deal.”
“There isn’t.”
She can’t help but turn around then, drawn in by the tone of her voice. There’s a glass wall inside of her, and someone is pounding on it, trying to get out. She wants Robin to see it. She wants someone to see behind the glass. There’s something in her trying to get out. 
“Nancy,” she says again, eyes searing into her soul, “are you happy?”
She smiles, fake and fixed on her face. The glass stays firmly in place.  “Of course I am,” she replies. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
The next time Robin wants to hang out, she’s busy with college preparations. 
It’s not just Robin. She thinks everyone can tell something’s wrong with her. Eddie gives her these looks every time she and Steve are in front of him, like he’s putting together a puzzle. Her mom keeps trying to talk to her. Jonathan keeps trying to talk to her. 
They know, she thinks wildly, every time. She doesn’t know what it is they know. She doesn’t want to find out. 
She avoids them all. 
When she and Steve go to dinner, the waitress captivates her. 
Long, dark hair in braids. Long fingers tapping against the notepad. Dark eyes in a dark face. She’s always loved brown eyes. Nancy has never been one to be jealous of other girls (lie, lie, lie), but suddenly heat floods her body. She wants to be as gorgeous as this woman. She wants her full lips, popping gum. She wants the woman’s swaying hips as she turns and leaves their table. She wants— she wants—
She tears her gaze away to find Steve already looking at her. 
The heat is dosed by the ice that fills her veins. All her senses go on high alert until she realizes he’s actually staring past her. She turns around to see the bartender. He’s handsome, she thinks, tall with tan skin and brown hair carefully styled. He’s talking to a customer, teeth shining as he laughs. 
When she turns back, Steve has firmly fixed his eyes on her. She could almost believe he’d never been staring at the bartender at all. 
There’s something there. Something just out of reach, something she could put a finger out and touch if she were braver. She doesn’t. There’s no gun in her hand here, no adrenaline to keep her going after it all falls apart. 
“What did your dumb boyfriend do this time?” Mike demands, storming in her room. Nancy has half a mind to yell at him to knock first before she registers his words. 
“Steve is- Steve is fine,” she says, startled. “He’s great, actually. Nothings wrong.“
“Then why are you so miserable all the time?” Mike accuses. 
“I am not miserable!”
“You are! You both are, and neither of you will tell anyone what’s wrong, or why-“
“I don’t know why!” She shrieks. Mike falls silent, eyes wide, and Nancy suddenly realizes she’s crying. 
“I don’t know why,” she repeats. “Everything is fine. He’s like, the perfect fucking boyfriend. It’s me, I’m the problem. There’s something wrong with me. There’s a beautiful boy who loves me, and I’m- I’m trying. I’m trying so hard to love him back, but I can’t. I can’t. There’s something wrong with me.” She’s desperate now, wiping away tears as she curls into a ball. She feels pathetic, crying in front of her little brother. She’s the oldest, she should be keeping it together, she shouldn’t let him see her like this. But she can’t help it. There’s something in her screaming to get out. 
Mike, with all the grace and bewilderment of a newborn deer, gingerly pats her shoulder. 
“Have you…talked to Steve about it?”
She gives him a cutting look. It’s probably not as effective as she wants it to be, with her red eyes and tear streaked face. Mike holds his hands up. 
“I’m just saying! He’s your boyfriend, you should talk to him. And if you don’t want him to be your boyfriend, you should really talk to him.”
“I want him to be my boyfriend, I just need to get past whatever this is—“
“Nancy,” Mike says. “It’s not just you. He’s miserable too.”
“Because of me. I just need to—“
Mike shakes his head. “I don’t think it is. If it were because of you, he’d be acting different. More…kicked puppy, or whatever. He’s just being weird,  and won’t tell anyone why. Dustin said he asked Robin, and she doesn’t even know.”
Nancy doesn’t have anything to say to that. 
“I think you need to talk to him,” he says again. “I think you need to talk to each other.”
“When did you get so smart?” She asks, instead of crying again. 
“I’ve always been smarter than you.”
She kicks him for that blatant lie.
“Are we holding onto a dead thing?” She asks out loud. 
He rolls over and looks at her. She’s worried she’s hurt his feelings, broken his heart again, killed any chance they have at a relationship, romantic or not. Then he snorts. 
“Robin got to you too, huh?” He asks, flopping back onto his back to look up at the sky. 
“Mike, actually.”
“Mike? That shithead? What does he know about relationship problems?”
“Are we having relationship problems?”
“I mean,” he says, wry twist to his mouth, “we haven’t had any arguments.”
“Or general drama.”
“That might be debatable.”
“There’s no need to spice up our sex life.”
She snacks him for that one, and he laughs. She props herself up to look him in the eye. His face is more open than she’s seen it the entire time they’ve been dating. 
“I think you have to be in a relationship to have ‘relationship problems,’” she tells him. “Are we in a relationship?”
He visibly considers this. “I mean, I asked you out, and you said yes. And we never broke up.”
“We haven’t kissed in at least two weeks.”
“Did you want to?”
She takes a moment to think about it. “Not really,” she admits, and his face splits into a grin. 
“Not that you’re not still wonderful, Nancy Wheeler,” he says, teeth shining, “but I don’t think I want to kiss you either. Isn’t that weird?”
When they dated in high school, it was like he couldn’t stand being away from her. He spent every moment he could kissing her, wherever he could. Sometimes it felt almost like a performance he put on for the people around them, lifting her up and spinning her just so everyone would know how in love they were. It was stifling at times, feeling like something to prove. Still, it was how he was, so in love he could burst with it. 
Now, she wonders if it was always a performance. Maybe they’ve both been on a stage, and neither of them noticed the lights blinding them until now. 
“It is a little weird,” she says finally.
He holds out a hand to shake, the other one firmly in his pocket. God, she wishes she could love him. “Good go, eh Wheeler?” He asks, smile crooked and shaky. 
She snorts. “We made ourselves and everyone around us miserable,” she points out. But she takes his hand. 
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roguedork · 2 months
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"Need a light, big boy?"
As a companion working at The Upside Down, Eddie Munson is no more than a puppet tangled in Henry Creel’s strings. To survive his abusive procurer, he gave up on dreaming a long time ago.
That is, until Steve Harrington stumbled into his life outside of the city’s most nefarious nightclub.
Starring 💋
Sex Worker Eddie Munson
Rich Business Man Steve Harrington
Rating: Explicit Chapters: 7/14 Read on ao3 💋
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Master of Puppets
summary: you and eddie have a gig coming up that you've been looking forward to for months, the only problem is eddie's still injured w/c: 1,950 warnings: injury mention, swearing, pet names (baby, honey) a/n: i know the gig was ozzy with metallica supporting but i just liked this better, i also have no idea if this is actually how you get backstage at a show i just know it's a stereotype
this is part of the god and goddess of hellfire series, the rest of which you can find on my masterlist
if you enjoyed this please reblog and or leave a comment, it really helps me out 💖
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(moodboard by me)
Someone once said “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” you can’t remember who said it exactly or what mice have to do with anything but you more than understand plans going awry. 
It had been almost three weeks since you’d learnt about the inter dimensional hellscape known as thr “Upside Down” that mirrored Hawkins. Almost three weeks since facing off against monsters with D&D names. 
Since you’d learnt that Eddie’s non stop playing of the new Metallica track had been him learning to play it, in what could only be described as “the most metal concert, ever”.
Of course the concert was short lived and both you and Dustin Henderson had been the ones to find Eddie after his ‘heroic moment’ of drawing the bats away from the trailer, in that moment you had honestly thought you’d lose Eddie forever. That this would be it. Thank God for Steve Harrington and his lifeguard training. You’d never been happier to see the other boy in your life. 
You’d all ended up in the hospital after that with various cuts and scrapes, Nancy insisted someone check Steve over as her Upside Down first aid could only do so much, you and Robin had to drag Dustin kicking and screaming to have his foot looked at, he’d refused treatment until he knew Eddie was going to be ok. 
You’d say with him as the doctors looked at the boys foot and your shoulder, you’d both sustained your injuries jumping back into the trailer after Eddie but told the doctors it had been the earth quakes. Easiest thing to blame it on really. One severely sprained ankle and dislocated shoulder later it was time to talk to the police. 
Nancy to her credit had already been running interference and Robin had called Wayne to let him know what was going on. The staff at the hospital refused to let Chief Powell and his men restrain Eddie to the bed, claiming it would only aggravate his wounds even more. 
It took three days for Eddie to wake up and that’s when the shady looking guys from the ‘government’ stepped in. Everyone else seemed to know them and assured both you and Eddie that things would be ok. Just sign the NDA, take the hush money and don’t talk about what happened  to anyone outside the group. Ever. 
The government guys made up a story about an escaped serial killer Henry Creel and how he’d kidnapped eddie and was planning on framing him for the murders like he’d framed his father all those years ago. They insisted Eddie was a victim as much as anyone else had been, that he had tried to protect Chrissy and that’s when Creel had kidnapped him. 
Apparently in all the chaos Chief Hopper had come back, he hadn’t died in the Starcourt Fire after all but ended up in a Russian prison fighting other monsters with D&D names. Nancy promised to explain the whole thing to you from the start. Hopper had backed up the government's story and that was that apparently. Eddie was a free man. You and Wayne could take him home. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
You were sitting in your trailer and looking at the concert tickets in your hand. You and Eddie had scrimped and saved and sold for months to save up for these. They were the holy grail, Metallica in concert within driving distance of Hawkins. Indy was an hour and a half away and ordinarily that was nothing, this time around however with Eddie still having to change his dressings every few days and your shoulder still needing pain medication when it would flare up neither of you were exactly in the best shape,
"What am I gonna do Wayne? You know he had his heart set on this" you asked the older man, he'd taken some time off work to help look after Eddie, "but, is he really in the state to go?" 
"I dunno much about that whole scene but maybe if you could make sure nobody jostled him too much?" 
"Yeah no that's not likely" you had memories of coming back from gigs and being covered in bruises just from being on the outside of the pit never mind being in the pit itself, which Eddie would absolutely want to do.
The High School had given Eddie his GED which he counted as graduating, even if he didn't get to walk the stage or flip the principal off and the show was now a special graduation/survival thing and it would absolutely break Eddie's heart if you couldn't go. 
You were really gonna need to think this one through. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
The closer it got to the date of the show the more animated Eddie became. Blasting his Metallica tapes at all hours of the day, speculating on what they'd play, how long they'd play for, if there would be any encore. 
You had an appointment a few days before hand with Dr Owens, the government's Upside Down specialist and you planned to ask him what he thought,
"Well I suppose if you were able to get to a place where you wouldn't be jostled around too much" he'd said, "aren't there seats at this rock show?" 
"I mean yeah but our tickets are standing, we wanted to be as close to the stage as possible" 
"Hmm well that is a problem" 
"What's a problem?" Eddie asked, he'd been off with a nurse for some tests and you'd thought you'd have more time to talk to Dr Owens,
"We'll talk about it at home. Thanks Doc, see you soon" 
You tried to walk out of the hospital without looking back at Eddie who was following after you. You knew if you looked back he'd have a confused and probably hurt look on his face, you'd gone behind his back about something and that's something you never did. 
It wasn't until you'd gotten back into Wayne's truck, it was less conspicuous than the van, and Eddie took the keys from the ignition so you'd have no choice but to talk to him,
"Eddie, I know you've had your heart set on this gig but I don't think it's a good idea. Not when you're still healing" 
"Baby, I know you're worried about me but you can't keep me from everything. You know I can be careful and I promise you I'll stay out of the pit, we'll find a spot away from the main crowd, I'll do anything you want, just please don't take this away from me" 
You looked at Eddie's face and you could see how much this meant to him. With everything you both went through over the last few weeks, could you really deny him something? 
"Ok. Yeah. We'll figure it out" 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
You weren't sure how you were going to do this. Wayne had offered to drive you both to Indy and back, he would figure something out to fill his time during the show and he'd call the payphone outside the arena after two hours figuring that would probably be about the right time. There were a few things he could spend his time doing. 
So you loaded up the truck and started on your way. Eddie of course bringing all his tapes with him to play during the journey, Wayne lasted about forty five minutes before he couldn't listen to Metallica, Dio or Sabbath anymore and switched over to a local country station. Which wasn't terrible, it wasn't great either but Wayne was the one driving so you weren't about to complain about the music. 
The station faded out the further out you got from Hawkins and you'd all compromised on a rock station broadcasting from the city which played a little of everything to keep everyone happy. Metal was after all an acquired taste and Wayne did not acquire it, no matter how long Eddie had lived with him.
The closer you got to the arena once you hit the city the more people in leather and battle jackets you saw, teased hair, heavy makeup, spikes everywhere. These were your people, you didn't get this kind of community in Hawkins and being amongst similar minded people was always a rare treat. 
Wayne dropped you both off and you headed towards the gates, Eddie practically vibrating with excitement. You'd both joined the queue and quickly struck up conversations with others in the line, sharing stories about where you were all from, what your favourite songs were, there was a sense of electricity in the air that you only found in situations like this. It was a welcome change from dread and despair. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
The arena was packed. People were everywhere, buying merch, drinks, gathering in groups and talking excitedly. As you and Eddie moved through the crowd you were able to find a spot left of the main stage where you'd probably be safe from the worst of the undulating swarm of metalheads. As the support act started, a small local band that had made good and were selling their record at the merch table, the crowd kicked off. You felt someone knock against your shoulder and winced, it wasn't too bad so you were still more or less content with the spot you'd chosen. 
However, that was just the support act. Things really kicked off when Metallica took the stage, people were screaming, cheering, it was an absolute mob and suddenly your safe spot wasn't as safe as it had been. You scanned the crowd, looking for a gap, somewhere you and Eddie could move to and that's when you spotted the guy at the side of the stage talking to some girls. 
You made your decision there and then. You grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him after you, as the two girls who had been standing there moments ago moved away with sad expressions you took their place,
"Hey, you've got backstage passes?" you yelled to be heard over the noise of the band and the crowd,
"Yeah honey I'll get you backstage, you want one for your boyfriend there too?" the guy asked, with a lazy sly smile
"Can you give me two?" 
"Sure can honey, if you can do something for me" 
You didn't wait for the guy to ask and immediately dropped Eddie's hand to use both so you could lift up your shirt and bra exposing yourself to the guy. You left your shirt up for a minute or so and then dropped it again,
"Is that worth one or two?" 
The guy didn't even respond, just handed you the two passes and stepped aside. You grabbed Eddie's hand again and pulled him behind you,
"That was insane!" he yelled, "I can't believe you just flashed that guy!" 
"We'll be safer back here, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need my sling again for a few days after that" you laughed rubbing your shoulder. 
Eddie didn't have the capacity to reply as a familiar opening riff began on stage and his attention was pulled there, 
"Oh my god I can't believe they're playing it!" Eddie yelled, he pulled you closer to the stage as Master of Puppets continued playing. Eddie mirrored the band as he banged his head along with the music, you'd been worried about this show for weeks and how you and Eddie were going to manage but it really seemed as though everything had worked out.
True you'd shown a strange man your breasts but Eddie now had a chance to meet his idols. So you were counting it as a win and you both really needed a win. 
Fuck Vecna. Fuck the Upside Down. You lived. 
Taglist: @pillow-titties @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting @mcbeanzontoast
If you want to be added/removed let me know!
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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Edward Creel Post List
Who The Fuck Is Edward Creel- Original Discovery of Edward Creel Post (x)
Who Is Edward Creel? If You’re Confused About Him, Read This (x)
Edward Creel is Vecna and Henry Creel is Innocent: The First Shadow, Edward Creel, Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and Carl Jung’s Theory of the Shadow (x)
The Creels’ Disappearing Door and Magic, Colour-Changing Wallpaper (x)
I Know Why Will’s Birthday Is Important To Vecna/Henry/Edward- Original Post About Will’s Birthday Being The Same Day As The Creel Murders In Edward’s Timeline (x)
Yep, The Creel Murders Happened On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline/According To The Indianapolis Gazette- Confirming The Dates (x)
Birthdaygate and When Did The Henry-Edward Split Happen And Was Edward Watching The Creel Family From The Void Or Via True Sight From Another Timeline? (x)
Edward Creel and the Lost Brother (x)
Edward Creel is Totally Vecna- Eddie’s DND Scene (x)
Edward Munson and Henry Creel and Being Blamed For Murder (x)
Revisiting The “If We Just Go Based On Henry’s Monologue, We Would Have No Clue Alice Even Existed Until The End And He Never Mentions Her By Name” Post With The Context Of Edward (x)
The First Shadow: Shadow(s) of The Past and LOTR (x)
The Shadows of The Past Have a Very Long Reach (x)
The First Shadow: Demons In Your Past (x)
The First Shadow Poster vs ST4 Poster Parallels (x)
Edward Being Bolded On The S4 Movie Board (x) 
You’re Not A Child vs I’m Not A Dog  And Henry Or Edward Being “Not A Child” (x)
Edward and Henry and 001 vs 000 (x)
Henry’s Colour-Changing Socks (x)
I Don’t Know What That Thing Is But It’s Not My Son- Victor, Henry, Edward, and Vecna (x)
Why Are We Seeing Through The Eyes of Someone The Same Height As Henry So Often? And Why Did Henry Look Up At The Camera? (x)
How Does Timeline Theory Stuff Tie Into Other Events In ST and How Does It Tie Into The Themes of ST and How Are The Duffers Going To Pull It Off Without Blindsiding the GA? (x)
Something Was Wrong With Me Vs What Is Wrong Why My Boy (x) 
Lost In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Shadows vs Good At Hiding (x)
Is Sam Owens Edward’s Father/Victor Creel From Another Timeline? (x)
“Well, my hair was buzzed and I didnt have these sweet old tatties yet”: Another Eddie Munson vs Edward Creel Parallel (x)
Just Move Your Date This One Time: Edward and Moving Dates (x) 
All Your Theories About It Are Wrong, Because I’ve Seen One and Fought One: Edward Creel is Vecna/001 (ft Which One Is It?) (x) 
The Lab IDs That Kali Dumped Out Vs Edward and Henry (x)
Edward Creel and the Criticism of Eddie Munson Being a Pointless Character (x)
Henward’s Plinko Reflection (x)
That’s The One: Will and 001 and Edward Creel (x)
Henward Standing Like Alice Vs Standing Like Young Henward (x)
I’m Eleven, You Long Haired Freak (x)
Edward, Eddie, and Straitjackets (x)
Joseph Quinn and Jamie Bower Doing Press Together, ST5, and Edward Creel/Vecna Using Eddie Munson as a Flesh Puppet So That Jamie Is Freed Up To Play Henry Creel (x)
Reblog of Stav’s Post Regarding Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, Reefer Rick, Richard Brenner, and Will’s Vanishing vs Eddie Hiding Parallels and Eddie Being Mistaken For Rick (x)
Eddie The Banished vs Edward Creel and Eddie’s Death Scene vs Edward Creel/001 Getting Sent To Superhell (x)
Eddie Munson, Edward Creel and The Literal and Figurative Iron Maidens (x)
I Wouldn’t Remember Me Either: Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, and Being Forgotten (x)
“The Duffers Don’t Like Plot Twists Out Of Nowhere So Edward Won’t Happen”: Well Good Thing Edward Has Way More Foreshadowing Than Vecna or Henry Ever Had (x)
Old Post About Brenner-Henry (now Edward) Parallels During The Interrogation Scene With Jocye and Brenner and Edward Possibly Being The Same Person Somehow (x)
A Silly, Terrible Play and Murray and Yuri vs Henry and Edward (x)
Eddie, Teddy, Edward, Henry and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (x)
Many Worlds: Multiple Timelines In ST is Not A Stretch (And Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Was Released The Same Year Edward Creel Moved To Hawkins) (x)
Kas The Bloody Handed and Henward and Twinners and The Changeling (x)
Bradley, Murray, and The Edward Timeline (aka I Was Right) (x)
Murray’s Conspiracy Board and the Edward Creel Reveal (x)
Edward’s Candles vs Eddie’s Candles (x)
I’d Say You're Asking Me to Follow You Into Mordor: Eddie Munson, Mordor, Edward Creel, and March 22nd (x)
A Good One and Eddie Munson (x)
When And How The Hell Did El Learn The Name “Henry”? (ft. “Henry- not you.”) (x)
The Twins In Front Of 001 (x)
How Did The Edward Paper Get Into The Henry Timeline? (x)
That’s The Same Damn Tub AGAIN! (Initial Post About ST vs Before I Wake and The Tubs in ST- Did Henry or Edward Get Drowned and Dumped in the Quarry?) (x)
That’s Not Me That’s Him (x)
Was There a Version of the Massacre Where Henry and Edward Fought Eachother? (x)
The Evil One, Ghostbusters, Edward and Peter (x)
Edward Creel, Peter Bishop, and Fringe: They Don’t Remember Him- How Could They? He Never Existed. (x)
Edward Underwood, Victor Creel, and Edward Creel (x)
I Might Be In A Bit of Trouble Here: Eddie, Edward, and Radios (x)
Ozzy Osbourne, Henward, Eddie Munson, Drugs, and Gene Mutations (x)
Ruth, Nevada, Parallel Timelines, and Edward (x)
Edward Scissorhands and TFS (x)
Two Years and Some Brother We Dont Know About (x)
“This Is Old Wallpaper,” “We’re In The Past,” and Even More Edward Timeline Evidence (x)
Edward Crumbs in the TFS Audition Tapes (x)
Edward and Easter Brunch (x)
Fred, Edward, Ted, Scott, Michael, Timelines and Newspapers (x)
I Am Henry Creel vs You’re Not Henry: Changing Rooms, Fringe, Henward, TFS, Walls, and Convincing Edward That He’s Henry (x)
TFS and The Edward Timeline: We Definitely Saw Edward Timeline Events During TFS (x)
Two Slick Cats: TFS and Henward vs the Everly Brothers (x)
MR ELECTRIC SEND HIM TO THE THEATRE REALM: I Could Not Pretend- Did Henry Send Edward To Do The Play In His Place? (x)
The TFS Newspapers About The Creel Murders (Edward Creel is So Real) (x)
It Was Victor's Uncle That Died: South Bend, Edward and the Creels- Reference to Edward in the NEW FULL WEEKLY WATCHER?? (Also Comparing The Various Weekly Watcher Articles)(x)
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strawberrybyers · 1 year
i’m kind of intrigued at how the creel family and the wheeler family mirror each other
henry wanted to show his parents who they really were. he wanted to pull back that curtain and show what was really behind it. henry’s parents wanted to be that perfect family that lived in a suburban house with their two kids as if they’re the ones who did life right. henry despised the lies. he despised the conformity. he found an unconventional bond with spiders, a creature many are fearful of. this new relationship allowed him to fully accept he was tired of pretending. hiding. lying. as he let go of trying to fit the mold his parents shaped for him, his father was naive and believed a demon had taken over their house. it revealed a reflection of who his father really was: a man pretending. a man who could never see what was in front of him because it was all just a show. but his mother? his mother knew it was him wreaking havoc in the house. how could she not? a mother is not able to pretend in the same way as the father as mothers are the ones expected to take on the full emotional brunt of their children. this led to doctors and his mother wanting to lock henry away to fix him as they believed he was broken. he didn’t allow them to though. he fought against their last attempted act of conformity.
mike’s home life to the outsiders looks like an achievement. they’re the model family that everyone looks at and wants what they have. because it looks good, doesn’t it? the nice suburban home, a long marriage, three kids, shopping at the nice stores. but, when you look behind that curtain, you see who the wheeler family really is. karen and ted have a lifeless marriage. karen, the forced representative of how the perfect wife should be, clings on to an inappropriate fantasy of being with the teenage pool boy. ted is a man who takes on the titles of “husband” and father”, but never actually partaking in those roles. the wheeler couple are just another husband and wife pretending. nancy secretly dreads the lineage of conformity because she witnesses it with her parents. she doesn’t want to be living in the suburban house at the end of the cul-de-sac letting societies expectations puppeteer her life. she breaks away from the identity projected on to her by being a bad-ass who is able to shoot a gun, write the story she wants to write, and be with the boy she’s in love with. jonathan is not the boy society expected her to be with. he’s an unconventional choice in the eyes of many. nancy’s breakthrough of her molded identity of who she should be became more of a struggle as sexism was trying to force her back in. karen saw how this upset nancy and was able to get nancy to open up to her. once again, a mother always knows. this shows the kids find comfort in karen at an arms length distance as she isn’t in the know about everything, but she knows her children better than ted. ted lacks the ability of seeing who his children really are because why would they be anything else other than what’s normal? mike is trying hard to be as normal as possible. but he’s growing tired of pretending. hiding. lying. mike lives by “friends don’t lie” and he’s known to get upset if he discovers a lie according to will. the fatigue of pretending to be someone else caught up to mike. his grasp with the hand of conformity is loosening as the days go on, especially since he joined hellfire club. he’s wearing the clothes he wants. he’s hanging around the people he wants. hanging around eddie— someone who is categorized as a satanic freak— was the stepping stone towards mike’s acceptance of who he really is. eddie’s entire being is a “fuck you” to conformity. unfortunately mike isn’t able to reveal all of who he is. he even tries to take a step back into his previous identity when he arrives to california. argyle calls him out for wearing a knock-off. it’s another item that’s been adopted into this game of pretend. it’s another glimpse of someone else who sees him for who he is. karen sees mike. she wants him to know he can tell her anything as she thinks maybe he has feelings for will and the suppression of it needs to be released. society’s homophobia keeps it locked in. society will make mike feel like he’s wrong. he’s broken. he needs to be fixed for being gay. luckily for mike he will able to fight the last battle of conformity with will by his side.
knowing all of this it does seem as if eddie was right when he said forced conformity is the real monster.
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neonponders · 1 year
So we all know the moment in S3 when the Mind Flayer meat monster is getting pelted with fireworks and its jerky, pained movements are mirrored in Billy feeling its pain?
What I would have given for Billy to do something that got mirrored by the monster. Like he raised his hand to guard himself and the monster did too and tilted off balance.
Henry Fucking Creel getting puppeteered right back. Because my boy is STRONG and a FIGHTER 👿
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sheshirkat · 2 years
Eddie "The Freak" Munson as King of the Upside Down : a thread
He wakes up with a demobat licking his blood. He doesn't stop it. There's something that he can't really pinpoint that's reassuring and weirdly healing about its tongue on his wounds. And also weirdly, there's no other demobats around. ("Hivemind remember...where the fuck are the others?")
Turns out demobat's venom can be as deadly as it is healing. Boy got no idea how long he was in between life and death, in "the dark", but he woke up with the demobat and there was scars and pain but it wasn't nearly as bad.
So he gets up, and the upside down is changing around him. Accelerating. With the four gates opened, the upside down stuck in Hawkins S1 is changing for Hawkins S4.
He goes back into his trailer only to find that the gate is closed. ("It makes no sense, the gate should still be here whether or not the fourth gate has been opened so why isn't it here..?")
(Like the cloud we've seen at the end of the episode is actually a huge ass gate but has to be developped before it can reach full potential and allow passageway. Until then it's kind of like a black hole, everything that comes in each way ends up in a different time period of hawkins, and can't get back in or something like that, since the upside down is accelerating and morphing through time.)
No answer. Unsurprisingly.
Having a mental breakdown in all Munson Glory.
Only to notice the previous demobat at his feet. Not attacking him. It just followed him and is pulling on his jeans.
"What the---" it nuzzles against him.
He tentatively puts his hand on its head.
It does like that cat thing where cats push their heads onto your hands to make you caress them.
Eddie goes to check the Creel House "why not, everyone who might still be alive probably think I'm dead, there's no gates and Vecna didn't come to smother me in my deadly sleep. I'll take that as a sign."
The house is empty. And if he sighs from relief, a bat in his shaking hands, well, no one has got to know. ("No one will ever look for you anyway", a voice that sounds too much like himself whispers in his head)
The demobat is still here. He sits and carress her for a while. And while she FUCKING PURRS WHAT THE FUCK he notices she's purring master of puppets of all things.
In the asylum where victor creel is, they use music to "reach parts of the brain that other things can't"
Turns out eddie's rendition of master of puppets resonated in the demobat and she took quite a liking to him. Apparently.
He calls her Minnie. (Idk why I'm just rlly thinking about sirius black's nickname for mcgonnagal) (eddie and sirius do have much shit in common tho)
Also the tentacles hive things disappeared. Not that he'd know but while Henry/One/Vecna was still alive, he was weak, and lost touch with some of the upside down he had control with.
Since no one and nothing is here, he takes his shield, his weaponery, his guitare, a backpack, Minnie on his shoulder, and goes to explore.
First time Minnie goes away, he's hella fucking scared, not far away from skull rock, and crouch down under the rock (not) ready to blast a bitch.
She gives him hell of a scare when she comes back, another creature he's never seen before in her mouth. She eats a part of it. And dump the half on his knees.
He's hungry as hell, and a demobat saved him, so why the fuck not?
"Why the fuck not?" Becomes his motto.
First nights where he tries to sleep he's got awful nightmares.
Minnie stays besides him. He sleeps a bit better when she cuddles with him, humming the tune to master of puppets in a near perfect imitation.
He gets to the big cloud eventually, but Minnie doesn't want to let him inside, and he doesn't know why, but he trusts her. Crazy thing, but he doesn't feel as alone as he used to. Not with her there.
So he keeps exploring. Roams the upside down for god knows how long.
He and Minnie fight good against demobats and demogorgon.
First time they fought demogorgons Eddie was scared. He had managed to kill one out of three and the two others had Minnie in their eyesight ("does that thing even have eyes? C'mon Minnie you know they gotta be blind asf"). He ends up face to face with both demogorgons and his favorite demobat right behind him. They knock the shit out of him, but he does manage do get a few clean hits. On his back, ready to die for the second time, hoping minnie will at least get enough time to run away, his mind hazy and his soul almost leaving his body, he sees something.
Minnie's metal as fuck. She splurts fucking fire.
Yeah because Minnie's a fucking demodragon because "why the fuck not."
She grows real quick. Eddie's got no real idea how time passes in the upside down, it feels like he needs to eat and sleep less than in normal Hawkins.
He and Minnie find a few rogue demobats. There's no more hive mind, the demobats are just in total chaos. Some attack them. Others attack each other. There's no pattern.
Once in what he named "the batcave" afterwards, eddie takes out his guitare, and plays master of puppets, Minnie purring the tune on his shoulder.
Also Vecna's out to build an army and get back his power full force somewhere else. Don't tell me the upside down is only Hawkins' upside down. There was gates in Russia. The upside down's wayyy bigger. I'm talking like the whole world bigger.
So when Vecna's back and attacking Hawkins a year later, after the start of the reconstruction and healing, it's Vecna's army of hiveminded demobats and demogorgons against the kids and the scooby gang (minus eddie).
And eddie comes out of that huge ass cloud Hawkins kept freaking out about (and built a wall around it) ("like anything's gonna actually care and stop at the gates" "thanks for the positivity steve"), and he comes out, guitare on his back, bat and shield in his hands, onto Minnie's back, who became a full height demodragon by that time.
"Come with me if you wanna live big boy." "Didn't I tell you not to play hero?" "Oh but aren't you glad I didn't listen to you Harrington?" (If steve's eyes were shining a bit from held back tears or lack of sleep, no one can tell.) (Self indluging headcanon of steddie powercouple on demodragon Minnie's back tho)
Dustin says nothing. He just hugs him. Really hard. "Hey henderson, not that I mind your enthousiasm, but could you step aside two seconds, got few demogorgons to smash, be right back"
"No No No don't jinx it you idiot! "
"-okay I *splash of blood* won't *gets kicked on the ground* be right back *stands up and slash demogorgon's head*
After the war, Minnie's a bit jealous at first. Okay, a lot. She did put fire to Dustin shoes. But when Dustin makes her taste chocolate bars, she's a little more keen to accept that he's close to Eddie. The others are up to you.
Or maybe she dies and Eddie goes absolutely feral idk
I'm tired as hell, wrapping this shit up. Maybe I'll make a fanfic out of it, who knows. Saw a post about Eddie king of the Upside Down and I just HAD to make this. Also Minnie & Eddie Friendship vibez : Oh Ana, Mother Mother
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animalistic0 · 2 years
The Puppet: Eddie Munson
*Episode Nine spoilers*
Plot: Eddie is left in the upside-down, and revived by Vecna only to becomes his puppet.
Warnings: Death, Trauma, Vecna/Henry/One, Season Four Stranger Things, multiple time skips, not proof-read, sappy happy ending, very long
Word Count: 7,701k
P.s. I tried to keep the time skips to a minimum but… the story was already so long! However if enough people are interested I’ll describe what happen during them and how long the time skips were!
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Lucas stood at the open window of the ruined mansion sweat beating against his brow in worry as he flashed his torch six times. Erica understanding the message flashed her light two times back before leaning towards the light and speaking in urgency. “Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three.” Robin who was waiting for confirmation, proceeded to immediately contact Dustin and spoke with urgency. “She's in. Move on to phase three.” Dustin who was waiting for confirmation immediately answered, “Copy that. Initiating phase three.” Acting quickly he hooked the amp up mumbling, “Let's hope they hear this.” The amp began to whine as Dustin stood and turned the volume up on the speaker which caused some more broken feedback. Lifting his head after turning the nob he gave a swift nod to Eddie.
Immediately Eddie went into action, grabbing the plectrum from around his neck and spoke, “Chrissy, this is for you.” With those simple words of honor, he yelped as he strummed out the heavy metal chords to Master of Puppets. Immediately he started to rock his head to the beat of the music as Dustin kneeled next to the speaker a wide awed smile on his young face. The swarm of Demobats that we’re protecting Vecna at the Creel house snarled before taking flight towards Eddie and Dustin. For a brief moment, Eddie and Dustin had gotten lost in the music. Both enjoying the simplicity and normalcy that the music had brought, even though their lives were in jeopardy. Eddie and Dustin both in sync with each other and the song were head banging to the beats. Wide smiles on both of their faces. Dustin breaking free from the musics hold grabbed his binoculars and searched the distance, looking for the bats. Seeing that the distance was clear he glanced over to Eddie and with a wide smile banged his head towards the beat of the song, as Eddie had let his body get consumed by the beat.
As the bats shrieked in the distance Dustin quickly stood from his crouched position. The binoculars were quickly brought to his face as he stared into the dark and twisted upside down. A flash of red lighting provided enough light for Dustin to see the bats. Quickly lowering his binoculars he turned towards his companion and shouted for him, “Eddie!” When Eddie had turned towards him he spoke loudly over the music in a slightly panicked voice as he raised his hands. His right hand held three fingers as his left made a zero, “We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!” Eddie who had given his friend his undivided attention while still playing his beloved guitar nodded his head in understanding.
The demobats shrieked and warbled as they flew closer to the two young boys. Their only agenda to protect and feed before returning to their master. Dustin who had gone back to using his binoculars to stare at the swarm lowered them before once again calling out to his friend and holding his hands up to show the amount of time, “T-minus 20!” Eddie had once again looked towards the younger male and nodded his head, before facing forward and giving a ferocious guitar riff, as he slayed the guitar solo. Eddie was giving the song all he has trying to do all he could to keep the bat's attention on himself. Dustin had given up on the binoculars and had his body facing Eddie while his head was facing the bats. As he spoke he once again held up his hands showing the amount of time he was talking about as he looked at Eddie, “T-minus ten!”
As the bats flew closer and closer Dustin grew more anxious as he tried to mentally count the amount of time they had. He stood towards the swarm and held out his left hand with five fingers up and yelled towards Eddie, “Five!” Eddie continued to give his all to the song, while still paying attention to his friend. Complete and utter trust in his young brother-like figure as he didn’t once glance towards the swarm of bats. In a panicked tone, Dustin turned his head towards Eddie, throwing his left hand up again as he held one finger, “One!” Eddie quickly strummed away on his guitar making sure to play the song right as he brought it to an even smooth ending, the sound trailing away. In a rush, Dustin and Eddie rushed off the roof of the trailer. Dustin jumped down first onto a truck followed by Eddie as he yelled in a rush, “Move! Move! Move!” Dustin who was already doing his best to be as fast as possible yelled back at his companion, “Let's go! Eddie, come on! Hurry!” As Dustin jumped from the truck onto the ground he began running. Followed by Eddie who had used one arm to propel himself over the tailgate shouting, “Go, go!” as he landed on the ground and booked it behind Dustin. As the two ran towards the front of the trailer Dustin didn’t hold back from shouting profanities as the reality of what they were doing hit him with overwhelming adrenaline, “shit! shit!”
As they had made it to the fenced-up front Dustin didn’t hold back from yelling, “Hurry! Eddie, shut it!” The bats were only seconds away from getting the two as Eddie shut the fence with a loud clatter and grunt as he promptly brought down the stick to hold the gate closed. Only barely missing the swarm clattering and shrieking against the fence. In a moment of shock and fear, Eddie stared at the bats as they landed against the fence. Only brought out of his state as Dustin yelled at him, “Hurry! Come on!” Stumbling backwards he shut the trailer door before turning and leaning against the wall and panting. Only to briefly jump as Dustin lightly slapped his shoulder shouting in excitement, “Dude! Most metal ever!” At the same time as Eddie hollered, “Oh my... Oh my God.” They both began to jump holding onto one another like two fans at a concert or two girls fangirling in excitement as their hollering filled the trailer. Before Eddie leaned back holding both shaky fists in front of him in utter excitement.
The excitement didn’t last long as the bats began crawling and attacking the trailer trying to find a way in. Quickly Eddie and Dustin stood back to back, with the handmade shields and spears clutched in their hands. In sync they circled the spot they stood in, fear oozing off the both of them as they could hear the swarm screeching, and thrashing as they slammed against the walls loudly. Only to have the swarm suddenly stop the screeching, and thrashing. The silence had dawned on them as they grew more frightened and confused about why the bats had suddenly gone quiet. Dustin tired both mentally and physically had decided to yell out trying to gain the bat's attention once again, “Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?” Eddie no doubt appreciating the silence but apprehensive of it snapped with an irritated look on his face towards Dustin as he hushed him loudly, “Shh! Is that really necessary?”
The clattering started again, only it was solely from the roof. Both males quickly snapped to look upwards at the roof. Dustin was more frightened than Eddie seemed to be. In a calm factual tone, Eddie spoke the obvious, “They're on the roof.” While Dustin looked like the world was ending right in front of him, Eddie had composed himself. Most likely trying to seem strong and brave for his younger companion. However, Dustin kept his eyes on the ceiling as he began to freak out, “shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.” As Dustin and Eddie split from their back to back the swarm continued to make ear-piercing and horrifying noises as they trailed the roof which was creaking and rattling. The two males inched forward, Dustin who was leading the way in following the noises lowered his spear as he spotted a pipe. Which was where the majority of the sound was coming from, in a scared defeated tone he spoke with his back to Eddie, “They can't get in through there, can they?”
Only it seemed like the universe was against the boys today, as immediately one of the demobats broke through and released a horrifying screech at the two boys. They both flinched backward at the shriek of the bat only to yell as the creature seemed to get more violent. Fear flooded off them as they raised their weapons ready for a fight. Dustin acted first using his spear to stab at the demobat that was invading through the pipe. In fear, he repeatedly struck and yelled, “Die! Die!” The creature continued to shriek and growl at the two males. Eddie seemingly snapped out of his fear and joined in with Dustin, both of them striking the creature at the same time with screams leaving their mouths. As Dustin continued to scream, “Die! Die! Die!” The boys proceeded to yell as they continued to strike. Eddie paused as more bats seemed to try and squeeze their way through the pipe. Backing away he tried to quickly come up with a plan to stop the bats from making it inside. Dustin continued to strike at the pipe and bats seemingly confused about why his partner had stopped helping him. As Eddie looked around the trailer Dustin quickened his strikes as he yelled for his friend, “Eddie! I need you!”
Eddie quickly found what he was looking for as he grabbed the man-made shield with nails and yelled for Dustin, “Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” Once Dustin had moved out of the way Eddie released a yell as he used his upper body to slam the shield against the pipe, blocking the bats from making it inside. The bats released one last trill before going silent as the boys began panting trying to gain air as the adrenaline started to fade. Dustin lowered his spear, as Eddie stared at the shield with heavy breathing as he spoke before turning to Dustin and repeating himself, “Holy shit. Holy shit.” Dustin recovered faster than Eddie as he spoke with a genuine tone, “Nice.” Eddie seemingly flabbergasted at his friend's genuine tone replied with sincere shock, “Thanks.” They both then proceeded to high-five one another in contentment. Before Dustin looked away deep in thought before realization hit him. Turning his head back to Eddie he spoke worriedly, “Are there other vents?” Eddie stared at his friend in thought briefly before remembering the other vent as he spoke, “Oh, shit.” Quickly he pushed off the wall and bent down for his weapon before taking off down the hall cursing, “shit!” Dustin quickly followed after Eddie a string of curses leaving him at the same time, “shit, shit, shit, shit.” Just as Eddie had entered the room at the end of the hall, the bats had flown from the vents. Quickly Eddie pushed the younger male back and out the door of the room as it filled with shrieks from the bats. Eddie shut the door with a loud bang as he left the room. Walking backward with his full attention on the door as Dustin continued to shout profanities, “shit! shit!”
The swarm proceeded to thrash at the bedroom door as they fought to get free. Dustin proceeded to back up in defense until he was next to the rope that offered them a way out of the upside-down, while Eddie grabbed the shield that Dustin had placed down. In complete panic and worry, Dustin with his arms held outwards yelled, “That's not gonna hold!” Armed with a shield and spear Eddie kept glancing back and forth between the door and Dustin. In a frantic tone as he glanced back and forth, he yelled, “Let's go! Let's go!” Dustin grunted as he proceeded to climb the put-together bed sheets. As he proceeded to climb, Eddie glanced at him and shouted, “Come on! Quickly!” As Dustin reached the gate it made an oozing sound as he left the upside down with a yell. The door made a loud thud as the bats proceeded to smack and hit the door. Dustin pushed himself up off the mattress landing pad, as he looked up toward the ceiling gate, “Eddie, come on!” As Eddie began to climb the sheets with grunts, the cracking of the bedroom door distracted him as he turned his head. Dustin proceeded to yell encouragements to his pal, “Eddie, come on! Let's go!” Eddie gave the door one more small glance before looking up towards Dustin who in a hurry began jumping on the mattress in worry, “Eddie, you're so close! Eddie! Let's go!”
Eddie in contemplation glanced from Dustin towards the door, making a brief decision before climbing down. Dustin confused and worried spoke upwards to his friend trying to figure out what he was thinking, “Eddie.” The older male glanced up with wide eyes as he contemplated his choices. Before lowering his head and staring straight with a pained face. Once his mind was made up he released the rope and grabbed his spear. Dustin realizing his friend wasn’t coming through began to panic and yell for him, “Eddie! What are you doing? Eddie, no!” With a yell, Eddie used the spear to sever the bedsheets, so Dustin couldn’t use them to climb through the gate. As the sheets fell Dustin reached out and grabbed them in disbelief and anguish. Quickly looking back up at the gate Dustin spoke in a rush, “Eddie“ Except his friend seemed to be no longer listening as he grabbed the mattress used for landing and flipped it out of the way. Dustin now afraid of what his friend was doing spoke, “Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!”
Close to breaking down in fear and worry Dustin briefly brought his hands to his head as he repeated, “Stop! Stop!” Lowering his hands he brought them to his sides in anger and anxiety as he didn’t just yell, he screamed for his friend. “Eddie, what are you doing?” His voice seemed to echo as Eddie glanced up with a seemingly calm demeanor as he grabbed the shield and placed it on his back, “I'm buying more time.” In agony, Dustin proceeded to scream as he walked backward trying to catch sight of his friend who continued to leave his sight, “No! Eddie, please!” Eddie proceeded to leave the trailer as he threw the door open. The swarm released screeches and snarls at the sight of a meal. Eddie grabbed the bike that was left outside his trailer as he proceeded to run and then jump onto the bike as the swarm shrieked. Eddie continued to pedal as fast as he could as he led the bats away. The swarm wasted no time in following him. The bike's wheels rattled as Eddie pedaled as fast as he could down the upside-down trailer park. He glanced backward at the shrieking swarm before looking forward again and screaming with a few voice cracks, “Come get me, you sons of bitches!”
Once Dustin realized his friend wasn’t coming back he wasted no time in proceeding to flip the mattress away from the gate as he grabbed a chair nearby. Placing the chair underneath the gate he backed up and thought about how he would approach the situation. Before shaking his head and speaking to himself, “Screw it.” With those words spoken he took a running start, jumping onto the chair and used it to propel himself to the gate. Once he reached the gate he strained as he used all his muscles and adrenaline to pull himself up. Right as Dustin managed to pull himself far enough to where he fell through the gate and landed on his ankle wrong with a pained scream, the swarm had caught up to Eddie. Knocking him off his bike with one hit causing him to roll away with grunts. With erratic breathing, Eddie quickly pushed himself up and ran. Before suddenly slowing and stopping as he seemed to be encompassed by a flashback.
“I didn't know what to do, so I... I... I ran away. I just ran, and I left her there.” As the memory passed through his mind his face turned impassive as the fear that once suffocated him turned to anger and fuel. Slowly turning around his past spoken words flowed through his mind, as fuel to prove not only himself but everyone wrong. “I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.”
A cold demeanor overtook him as he grabbed the shield and spear attached to his back, facing the swarm with a new goal in mind. No more running. With a few deep breaths, he kept his eyes on the swarm, preparing himself for battle. The swarm noticed his defensive demeanor and came flying at him, without hesitation Eddie held up the shield hollering as it took the brunt of the attack. Dustin limped out of the Munson trailer with his spear. Grunting as he stepped down the steps and hit the ground, looking for the swarm as he hollered for his friend, “Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!” As he reached the left side of the trailer he spotted the swarm and froze in disbelief for a second. Before calling out for his friend who he knew was in the middle of the swarm, “Eddie!”
Eddie was surrounded by the swarm as they flew in a huge circle around him. Instinctively he circled watching the swarm his weapons at the ready. As a bat flew in for an attack Eddie grunted as he smacked it away with the shield. Only having to repeat the process as more bats came in for the individual attack. Yelps left the bats as they were killed with the shield and slung around. Eddie continued to hit and send bats flying with the shield before one was able to strike his back. He continued to fight and battle bats before stepping forward and slinging his arms out while yelling “Come on!” Eddie continued to bravely fight the swarm, using the shield as his main weapon before a bat wrapped its tail around his throat effectively choking him. Dropping his weapons he brought his hands to the bat's tail in reflex to try and get air back into his lungs.
Dustin still limping made it close enough to where he could see Eddie in the middle of the swarm being choked. In a horrified scream, he called for his companion, “Eddie!” Once the first bat had wrapped its tail around his neck, four other bats wrapped their tails around his wrists and ankles effectively bringing him to the ground. Eddie squirmed and fought as two other bats flew down and began feasting on his stomach as an anguished wail left his lips. Dustin had finally made his way to his injured friend as the swarm lay dying and dead around Eddie. Frantically calling out his friend's name, “Eddie! Eddie!” Eddie was struggling to breathe and choking on his blood, as Dustin reached him. Throwing down his spear and falling to the ground next to him with a frantic, “Oh God!” Once on the ground Dustin grabbed him and brought him onto his lap, as he spoke in a dejected tone, “Oh God, Eddie.” Eddie covered in blood was looking into the distance away from Dustin before gurgling as he spoke, “Bad, huh?” In denial with tears gathering in his eye, Dustin quickly spoke, “No. You're gonna be fine. Just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?” Eddie quickly glanced at his friend before looking ahead as he choked out, “Okay.” Dustin took that as an okay and began to quickly try and lift Eddie up off the ground, not quite realizing how heavy the male was. Quick mumbles, “All right. All right,” leaving him as he kept lifting his friend up. Eddie mumbled out a weak protest, “I think...” But it was a protest unheard by Dustin as the young teen still kept trying to lift him. “Come on,” Dustin had spoke his voice cracking as he didn’t stop attempting to lift his friend.
Eddie tired and hurting spoke over the blood-forming in his mouth, “I think I just... I think I just need a second, okay?” Dustin quickly stopped trying and rested Eddie on his knees as he spoke with his voice cracking trying to hold back tears, “Okay.” Eddie began choking on his blood as he attempted to breathe only to repeat choking. Eddie met Dustin’s eyes and attempted to give a reassuring smile to his best friend. While Dustin grew more worried with tears streaming down his face as he knew what was going to happen but was in disbelief. With glossy eyes staring in the distance Eddie spoke with a grimace and hopeful tone, “I didn't run away this time, right?” Dustin quick to reassure and calm his friend spoke with a quick shake of the head, “No. No. No. No.” A sob left his lips as he tried to contain his emotions for Eddie, “You didn't run.”
Eddie looked at Dustin with tears in his eyes, as he spoke with a mixture of a grimace and smile on his face as he tried to lighten the mood as his hand wrapped around Dustin’s, “You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?” Dustin heartbroken spoke in denial and refusal as tears continued to stream down his face, “No, you're gonna do that yourself.” Eddie knowing he was going to die shook his head and looked at his friend, “Nah, man. Say, "I'm gonna look after them." Dustin shook his head and closed his eyes in denial not wanting to admit out loud what they both knew. When Eddie spoke again, “Say it.” A sob left Dustin as he inhaled deeply before speaking brokenly, “I'm...” He paused briefly before continuing with a sob his eyes clenched shut, “I'm gonna look after...them”
Dustin hands gently held Eddie’s head as the injured male spoke content that Dustin would do as he asked, “Good.” Eddie looked at Dustin halfway through his choked-out sentence, “Cause I'm actually gonna graduate.” A weak chuckle left Eddie as he smiled before inhaling a broken breath. The tears that filled his eyes spilled over as he stared at his younger brother, “I think it's my year, Henderson.” Dustin nodded his head with a weak smile as tears streamed down. Eddie struggled to finish his sentence, “I think it's finally my year.” Weak chuckles left him along with choked breaths. Dustin held him slightly tighter as he leaned closer, only to pull back in despair as Eddie spoke. Eddie didn’t hold back as he knew his end was coming and smiled at his friend before weakly getting out his last sentence, “I love you, man.” Dustin was taken aback and refused to believe his friend was dying. He knew it was coming and before he spoke he fought back his breakdown as he hit the air before brokenly speaking with a tremble, “I love you too.” Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed as he began choking, tears falling from his eyes and he fought to stay alive. Dustin weakly called his name hoping that in some miracle it would give his friend the strength to stay, “Eddie…”
As Eddie began to increasingly choke and struggle to breathe Dustin shook his head as he readjusted his hold and called for his friend, “Eddie? Eddie? Eddie?” As Dustin spoke Eddie’s name for the last time he stopped choking and struggling, seemingly passing away. Closing and opening his eyes again he was heartbroken as he clutched his friend closer, now all alone. He called for his friend refusing to believe he had died as tears gathered more intensely, “Eddie!” Grabbing Eddie’s leather jacket he shook his friend hoping in some weird possible way it would bring him back, that it would wake him up as he gently called, “Come on.” Panicked Dustin glanced away trying to find something or someone that could help him. Before looking back at his friend and wailing as he called his name, “Eddie!” His wails grew more intense as he shook his friend, hoping this was just a nightmare and that Eddie would wake up. Instead, Eddie’s cold lifeless eyes stared ahead. Closing his eyes he brought his hand towards his forehead as he sobbed. Only to lower it back down onto Eddie as tears and snot mixed together down his face. Dustin lowered his body closer to Eddie’s as he released a loud aching wail for his dead brother. His body shook with sobs as he still held Eddie close to him.
Two Days Later
Dustin, Robin, and Steve stood at the open car trunk of Nancy’s vehicle, sorting the items they planned to donate to the school that was currently a relief center. As a yellow SuferBoys Pizza vehicle approached the driveway, Karen confusedly asked the kids, “Someone order a pizza?” This caused Dustin to snap his head up and confusingly ask, “Pizza?” As the van parked, five individuals got out. A smile grew on Dustin’s face as he saw his friends, his best friends, and his party. Will and Eleven ran to Dustin as he hobbled his way to them. They meant in an embrace as they tightly held onto one another, all three of them experienced unknown traumas while away from one another and were just glad to see that one another were fine. They shook side to side as they squeezed the life out of one another. Before they released each other and began telling each other what had happened during their absence. Dustin pointed up to the sky, telling them about the gate that had opened in the ceiling of Eddie’s trailer.
Will taking notice of one of his friends being absent asked Dustin in worry, “Where's Lucas?” Dustin had glanced at Steve and Robin as they passed before looking at Will. His arms swung as he spoke nonchalantly, “He's at the hospital.” Eleven worried quickly leaned forward and butted in, “Was he hurt?” Dustin glanced at El before glancing away as Eddie’s face filled his mind before he quickly looked back at El. The odd behavior only lasted seconds where one would really have to pay attention, as he furrowed his brows and answered El’s question confused, “No. No, he's...” realization struck him as he understood Will and Eleven didn’t know what happened to Max. Looking towards Will he spoke, “Oh God.” A pause followed as he looked towards Eleven and finished speaking, “You don't know.” Eleven worriedly looked between Will and Dustin hoping her best friend was still alive.
As Steve, Robin, and Dustin arrived at the school they opened the trunk and grabbed the boxes full of items ready to be donated. Before walking, or in Dustin’s case hobbling towards the school. As the three walked through the gym they gazed at all the citizens who were injured and had nowhere else to go. Once they made it to the relief donation table they set the boxes down and Robin greeted the worker with a friendly, “Hi.” When the woman had answered her back with a soft “Hi”, Robin continued and tapped each box as she spoke. “Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some... some clothes and... and some kids' toys.” The worker was genuinely surprised at how organized the boxes were, “Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?” Robin looked at Steve for help and confirmation and as he shook his head Robin shook hers and spoke, “Um... No. I don't think that we need one. Thank you, though.” Robin looked at Dustin before looking around at the center that had more people than helpers before looking back at the women and asking softly, “But is there anything else that we can do to help?”
Dustin walked through the rows of civilians as he held a tray that had cups of water on it. As he walked he looked around and asked the women he passed, “H2O?” When she nodded her head he passed her a cup before speaking, “Vital for all forms of life.” As he continued limping he looked around before spotting Eddie’s uncle walk up to the missing person's board. Dustin watched as Mr. Munson removed a vandalized poster of Eddie only to put up an undisturbed poster. Dustin had walked up to the table near Mr. Munson as he put the undisturbed missing poster up and hesitantly ask, “Mr. Munson?” When the older male turned to look at Dustin, he had set the tray down and hobbled closer to Eddie’s Uncle. “I'm Dustin Henderson. Can we talk?” Eddie’s Uncle had turned to face the poster as Dustin spoke. Only to shake his head and look at the younger boy once he heard the question, “I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent. He's still missing. I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found. Good day to you.”
As he grabbed his bag and went to walk away Dustin spoke with a cracked voice, “I was with him.” Tears filled his eyes and his lips trembled as he turned and faced the once retreating male. “I was with him when the earthquake hit.” Mr. Munson had stopped and faced Dustin halfway as he lowered his head. Already knowing deep down where this conversation was going as his voice cracked, “And... where is Eddie now?” Dustin’s lips trembled harder as his eyes grew cloudy with unshed tears. As flashbacks of Eddie dying flashed through his mind. With shaky hands, he reached into his right pocket and retrieved Eddie’s necklace. The necklace that held the plectrum, which was the same one he used to play Master of Puppets.
Dustin’s voice quivered with pain as he held the necklace out to Eddie’s uncle, “I'm... I'm so sorry.” Mr. Munson's hands shook as he gently grabbed the necklace and rubbed his thumb over the bloody pick. His breath turned shaky as he fought tears and imagined the way his nephew died. Dustin’s breath grew heavy as he was scared the older male was gonna leave. Once he realized the uncle was just sitting down he followed and sat next to him. Tears continued to fill his eyes as his breath shook. “I wish everyone had gotten to know him.” A tear fell down his face as he paused briefly before continuing, “Really know him. Because they would've loved him, Mr. Munson. They would've loved him.” Dustin stared diagonally as he spoke, his eyes turning red with tears but he kept pushing on. Kept speaking for Eddie’s uncle, for himself, and for Eddie. “Even in the end... he never stopped being Eddie.” He shook his head as his lip trembled. He missed Eddie with everything he had.
“Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. He could've run. He could've saved himself.” Dustin paused as he swallowed back tears and sobs because his uncle deserved to know that Eddie was a good person, that never stopped being a good person. Tears continued to fall but he didn’t stop speaking even though Mr. Munson was shaking and sniffling sobs. “But he fought. He fought and died to protect this town. This town that... hated him.” He turned to face the older male because he needed Mr. Munson to know and believe in the following words he was gonna speak. “He isn't just innocent... Mr. Munson, he's... he's a hero.” Dustin fought and held back his tears as he finished speaking but Mr. Munson ended up sobbing as Dustin had prevaricated around saying Eddie was dead. As Mr. Munson sobbed Dustin did his best to sallow back and fight his sobs and wails that wanted to be let loose.
Across town and through the multiverse gates Vecna was on the move. He was hurt and furious but the interference of some children wasn’t gonna stop his master plans to take over the world. His flesh still sizzled and ached as he limped along the streets of the upside-down. His left hand clutched his chest as the shotgun wound ached but was no more. His regenerative healing came in handy with the injuries he had sustained. While the bullet wound had all but disappeared the burns from the fire were taking longer to heal, as not only his, but the upside downs weakness had always been fire. Trudging along his home his last words to Eleven haunted his mind, “You and your friends believe you have won. Don't you? But this is only the beginning. The beginning of the end. You have already lost.”
Oh, he couldn't wait to take away everything from Eleven. He couldn’t wait to see her break and beg for death, a death that he would not grant. Her having to live knowing her friends were dead because of her was the ultimate punishment and Vecna couldn’t wait for that moment. He continued walking towards his destination. When he had temporarily died, yes he had temporarily died because of those foolish children, and with his death, the creatures he had control over had also perished. However, he was no child or rookie when it comes to his powers. He was able to bring the Mind Flayer into a physical form, he could simply resuscitate some bats. As he arrived at the scene of the deceased bats he spotted the body of the young Eddie Munson. His head tilted in confusion on why the child’s body was left there. Only seconds later a smirk formed on his face as an idea formed in his depraved thoughts. Vecna raised his right hand that had been hanging by his side and faced his palm towards the lifeless group. A grunt left him as he bent his fingers concentrating on breathing life back into the fallen individuals. Due to him being weak from healing himself and battling Eleven it took longer than necessary to raise the dead. The bats came to life first with shrieks and growls, followed by Eddie who groaned and grunted.
Eddie felt discombobulated as a choked breath left him. Turning to his side he coughed up the blood that was stuck in his throat and mouth before moaning in pain. He could feel the upside-down, could hear the trill of the demobats but Dustin was nowhere to be felt or heard. His sight was partially blurry and he found it hard to see. Grunting he sat himself up and looked around only to stop as he spotted a blurry figure ahead of him. Worriedly he reached his hand out and hollered, “Dustin? Dustin! Henderson, what you doing here still?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the figure seemed to just stand there. Quickly rubbing his eyes he blinked only to frantically scoot himself backwards as Vecna appeared in front of him and spoke with his echoing dark guttural voice, “You were so close. But this is the beginning. The beginning of the end, Eddie.”
Flabbergasted Eddie tilted his head to the side slightly. Nancy, Robin, and Steve were supposed to kill him. If Vecna was still alive what had befallen his friends. Narrowing his brown orbs he went to attempt to stand, only for Vecna to push him back down with a simple tilt of his head. “Ah Ah Ah, don’t forget your place.” Furrowing his brows he tried to make sense of what the powerful being in front of him meant. Before he looked up and made eye contact with Vecna’s hand against his face. A searing headache struck before Eddie saw white. The white didn’t last long before he was sucked into a blank empty space, with water on the ground. The void went on for ages until he saw Dustin. Without hesitating Eddie ran towards his friend calling his name, “Dustin! Dustin Henderson!?” Hey, common man!”
His pleas landed on deaf ears and instead he had heard Dustin’s voice fill the void, “He isn't just innocent... Mr. Munson, he's... he's a hero.” Confused and hurt he stumbled back, why couldn’t Dustin see him, and why was he talking to his uncle. Looking around he began to tear up, he wanted this nightmare to end. “You were dead Eddie, but I brought you back. Your friends abandoned you, left you, but I saved you. Join me” Vecna’s voice echoed around the void surrounding Eddie. Who brought his hands to his ears and shook his head in denial. Suddenly like fog rolling in, the void disappeared and was replaced by a memory. It was like watching a movie, Eddie saw Dustin run over to his wounded body laying on the ground. Saw the younger male hold and cradle Eddie in his last moments. Even saw Dustin break down over his dead body. Eddie had died. He had died thinking he was saving his friends. But Vecna was still alive, which meant he either killed them or was going to kill them soon. He died! Died in the arms of his little brother, his friend, his comrade.
Like a ripple in water the void faded away bringing Eddie back to the upside down. His wide brown eyes frantically looked around before locking on Vecna who stood in front of him with his hand still outstretched. Shaking his head he mumbled out incohearent befuddled protests. As Vecna grunted and turned his hand. That simple motion sent Eddie flying backwards. He went flying through false walls that separated his memories until he was back at the high school leading the ‘Cult of Vecna’ DnD campaign.
Some time later
Eddie was stuck in his mind living the Hellfire campaign memory over and over again. Vecna had chose that memory because he deemed it powerful enough to keep the young adult contained. While Eddie was trapped Vecna wasted no time in using the males body for dirty work. In fact out of all his creations and ‘pets’ Eddie was his favortie. Only because of the deep emotional hold he held over the town and the group who kept trying to end him. During the past few weeks Vecna took the time to heal and mend wounds, within himself and his home. He could feel his first victim Will, and knew the boy could also feel him back. And Max? Well her body was physically with her friends but her mind, her mind belonged to Vecna. When Eleven had resuscitated Max she forgot the simple fact that Vecna was still telepathically connected to the girl. Which would explain why Eleven couldnt find Max in the void as she was being held captive by Vecna.
Some more time later
Eddie was directing the campaign and he was having a blast acting out and being eccentric for his party. When a muffled echo of his name sounded from the otherside of the entry door. Furrowing his eyebrows he looked around at his clubmates but they were discussing Dustin’s and Erica’s next play. He flitched in his dungen master chair when the voice spoke again only this time more clearly. He shook his head and focused on Dustin rolling the dice, which happened to land on an eleven which was too weak to beat Vecna. However, before he could respond he heard the voice clear as day, “Eddie! Eddie stop! Please, I don’t want to kill you. Please don’t make me kill you! Eddie!” The agony and heartbreak of the voice could be registered as Dustin, but the boy was right here next to him. Suddenly it was like a fog was lifted and he was truly free. Only this reality was so much worse than he could comprehend.
He had Steve pinned to the floor and was continuously slamming his fist into the males face. Dustin stood at the head of the boys with the handmade spear in his shaking hands pointed at him. Tears were streaming down Dustin’s face as he remembered holding Eddie as he died protecting their friends. He cried seeing what Vecna had taken from this amazing young man and turned him into. Dustin cried because he saw how this ended once before with Billy, and he couldnt bear to watch Eddie die again. A sob left his lips again as he begged his friend to fight back. While Steve just kept mumbling, “It’s okay. It’s okay.” It wasnt anywhere near okay though, Eddie gave his life to save his friends. He didn’t want to hurt them. Shouting inside his mind he fought with everything to stop plummeting Steve to death, because Steve would die if he didn’t stop. The internal battle gave Dustin enough time to use the blunt end of the spear to knock Eddie off Steve. With whimpers Dustin kneeled next to Steve as they both faced Eddie. Eleven, Max, and Will stood in the distance fighting Vecna as the rest of the party fought demobats, demodogs, and demogorgons. Dustin held his hand out to Eddie as he pleaded for his friend to fight, “You fought and died to protect this town. To protect us. You aren’t just our friend Eddie, you’re a hero. My hero and brother. So fight!”
Tears welled up in Eddie’s eyes as the words his friend spoke seemed to sever what ever hold Vecna had placed on him. Narrowing his eyes he could still feel the tether to Vecna and the upside down but he could also feel Max, Will, and Eleven. He glanced around the battlefeild of the once beautiful Hawkins looking for the trio who he felt connected too. Once he spotted the teens he turned back towards Dustin and Steve and offered them a weak but comforting smile. Before grabbing the spear Dustin held out to him and with the parting words Dustin spoke Eddie went to go join the teens, “Go get em.”
Some decades later
The battle for Hawkins was a day that the participants would never forget. They had won but at a cost. What was that cost? Well everyone still suffered traumatic lapses around the anniversary of the battle. Max had lost her eye sight permanently but she had her faithful husband Lucas and sister-in-law Erica at her side. Lucas and Max fell more in love everyday. They promised to always be honest and communicate with one another and had even been going to therapy for their traumas. Mike and Eleven had mended their relationship and were closer than ever, with Mike even coming out as bisexual. Jonathan and Nancy eneded up owning their own news company and were happily married. Joyce and Hopper had happily retired and fixed up the cabin Eleven had once lived in. They hadn’t legally married but to themselves, their family and friends they were married. Robin had found her wife in Kyra Evans who was a complete and utter baddass and was extremely protective of Robin and her friends. They were happy but weren’t able to legally marry however that didn’t bother them.
Dustin and Suzie had gone out and gotten jobs at NASA. They were incredibly happy together and fell in love each day. However, Dustin was stuck with a permanent limp. And Steve? Well he got stuck with a crooked nose but had the six kids he dreamed of having and travled every year with his wife, Estelle and their brood of Harringtons. What came of Will well… “Daddy they here! Uncle Dusty, Stevie, Jonie, Mikey, LouLou and aunties Maxie, El, Erica, Roro, Kyky, Nannan! Daddy common!” The little childish voice paused as the young four year old ran over to her dad, Eddie at his desk. “Whatcha writing da?” A wide smile formed on Eddie’s face as he stared at his daughter is astonishment, “I’m writing down my life baby. I’m almost done, where’s mama?” The brown haird girl brought her fingers to her forehead as she thought hard trying to remember where she last saw her mother. “Oh! Mama was holding baby Des and walking outside to greet them!” Her brown eyes lit up at the mention of her baby sister who she adored. Her little hands tugged on Eddie’s arm as she whined, “Come on Daddy!” A gleeful laugh left Eddie as he picked the little girl up and placed her on his lap. “Give me one moment Chrissy, baby.” With one hand holding his first born he continued to write with the other. As for Eddie’s happy ending, well he found a wonderful women and has two children. His first born named after Chrissy the girl he watched Vecna kill and his younest named after Dustin who had saved him. He couldn’t have asked for a better ending than the one the group had gotten. As for Will- “Eddie darling common!” Chrissy gave her dad the ‘I told you look.’ Laughing Eddie closed the journal and made his way downstairs holding Chrissy. As he rounded the staircase he saw all his friends and a wide smile spread across his face as he set Chrissy down and greeted his family.
Every year on the anniversary of the battle the group would met up for a couple days. Sharing stories and hanging out like old times. They all kept in close contact with one another but it was during this time that they all got together like old times. They found it peaceful and enjoyed being with one another. As the night came to an end and everyone packed in Eddie walked over to his wife as he held Chrissy and she held Destiny. “Lets put the kiddos to bed darling.” In sync they tucked their children in before heading to their bedroom and getting ready for bed. As they laid in their king sized bed Eddie held his wife close to him, “I love you, y/n.” He felt her place a kiss to his shoulder before she snuggled into him mumbling, “and I love you my darling.”
(P.s Ngl I contemplated having Dustin kill Eddie when I wrote the part of Dustin pointing the spear at Eddie. But…. this was always planned to be a happy alternate ending where Eddie lived so I decided to stick to it. lol)
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cahrlotah · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐨𝐧
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Trigger warnings: wishing a parents death, a lot of cursing, blood, hospitals, someone almost dying
Word count: 1.9K
Pairing : Hopper!Reader x Eddie Munson
One in which Eddie doesn’t die, just gets majorly injured. 
“Why can’t you just accept him?!” I yell at  my dad as tears fall from “He hasn’t done anything bad, he only has different taste in music and clothing. He is a lovely guy and if you gave him an opportunity you would also see it!” I continue to yell.
“ I can’t accept that drug dealing punk dating my daughter, I’m sorry but I don’t want him in my house anymore. That’s all I will say about it” he says in a stern tone.
“UGH! I fucking hate you, I hope you die!” I scream, shutting the door of my room. 
It has now been eight months since his death, El, my adoptive sister we could say, has moved to California with the Byers while I stayed here in Hawkins. 
After all the upside down shit that has been going on for the last years and Billy’s death the whole gang thought that all of this was over. But recently some weird deaths have been happening and the Hawkins police have framed my boyfriend Eddie as this satanic cult leader that has been sacrificing teenagers for some kind of ritual. We also discovered who is behind all of this, Henry Creel, a boy with telekinetic powers, just like El but with psychotic behavior and with some desire to kill traumatized kids. 
So now while Lucas, Erica and Max are at this psyco’s house, while Nancy, Robin, Steve, Dustin, Eddie and I are back in the Upside down. While the girls and Steve are going to try to kill that motherfucker, Dustin Eddie and I are trying to make a distraction for the demobats.
Eddie is playing “Master of Puppets" by Metallica while the youngest boy and I are waiting for them to come. Everything goes on so fast and  Eddie looks so hot as he plays his heart out for this occasion. The demobats are coming, Dustin counting down the seconds for them to hit us.
“Ten  seconds Eddie!” I scream. Their fluddering sounds more intense as they come closer. The three of us enter the trailer, Eddie almost not making it. “Holy mother of Jesus Christ. These motherfuckers are trying to get in, Eddie, are there any places they could?” I question my boyfriend. Before he can say anything one of them breaks in through the ventilation hole. Panic fills our bodies as more of those monsters hit the windows and every surface possible, Dustin and Eddie are trying kill the demobat with the spares the created while I go to his room where a huge air vent is located, but i'm too late as a swamp of these weird bats come through. I scream as loud as I can, the bats are flying in circles in the small room, the door opens and Eddie gets inside without thinking twice, Dustin waits in front of the door to close it when we come out. 
“Okay we need to go! NOW! Dustin you go first” he starts to climb the bed sheets made ladder that connects the upside down with our real world. I go after him and when I’m on the other side, waiting for Eddie, he just doesn’t go up. “ Eddie, come on!” we both scream, fearing that some crazy idea has come into his mind. He looks up at us with those big brown eyes of his and one of those kinds of stares full of sadness, he quickly looks away cutting the bed sheets, eliminating the only way he could get out. 
“ I love you guys” he says before disappearing. 
“Nonononononono” i start mumbling. “Fuck this shit, I’m going back there. Dustin'' I grab his face with two of my hands. “ I need you to rebuild another ladder okay” he is paralized “Okay?!?!” he comes back to his senses after some seconds. He nods and starts to look for some blankets, bed sheets etc. While I try to make a small stand with chairs where I can jump to the ceiling, grab something to pull myself up down that shithole. 
It takes me a couple of minutes to grasp one side of the ceiling that is not slippery. When I finally manage to get to the other side, I fall badly hurting one of my legs but with all the adrenaline running inside me I can’t barely feel anything. 
The sound of the demobats is further than before not sounding as loud. When the door opens I can hear his screams, pain filled screams. I run as fast as my injured leg allows, when I see him lying on the ground with lots of those demon bats attacking him.
“Eddie!” I start running, when I arrive where he is at, I throw myself on top of him acting as a shield between those god-awful bats and him. Their sharp teeth drilling my skin, each time they bite me their teeth deeping the wounds. I really start to feel this is the ending for both of us, how romantic right? The two lovers, the one who sacrifices themselves while the other protects them until death. My mind is already thinking about all the things that could  happen when out of the sudden the bats fall to the ground seemingly dead. 
“Eddie, are you okay?” He looks at me with a bloody smile. “ I’m going to get you out of here okay?” I cry, trying to wipe my tears out. I try move him, but he is to heavy for me to move. “Shit shit shit” I panic.
“Hey, (Y/N)” he says grabbing my hand, his blood now on my face“I need- i need you to do me a fav-favour” he mumbles, I nod my eyes full of tears. “ I need you to take care of all of them, okay? Specially Dustin'' he begs as tears fall down his face “ I will- I will always love you (Y/N)”
“Don’t fucking come with the “I’m dying” mologe because you are making it out of this shit hole okay?” I say between cries. “Steveee! Robbiiinn! Nancyyy!” I scream from the top of my lungs.
“(Y/N)?!?!” a female voice asks not far from where we are. “
“Eddie, don't close your eyes, okay baby? Stay with me. Explain to me what are your plans for the next quest. Jesus fucking Christ where are they” I look aroud nervously as Eddie tries to explain me his next D&D game, his voice is quiet, I can barely beraly hear him. Between the trees three figures appear. “ROBIN PLEASE HELP ME!” I beg. The three teenagers come running.
“(Y/N) your back-“ starts Nancy but I cut her off
“Im fine, okay, we need to take him to the hospital. I don't care if Vecna is dead. If he doesn’t make it I will physically die, I’m not even joking” They all help me take him back to the van, his gaze is lost in the blue/red sky of the Upside down, I’m losing him I can feel it.
Taking him back to our world is difficult but we eventually make it, the first to go after him are Steve , to start the car, and Robin to help Dustin take him to the car. When I make it to the other side I run towards the car as fast as my injured leg allows me. Steve and Eddie are already inside the car, I go to the backseats where my boy is laying down, I put his head on my lap and my hand locks with his.
“You are going to be okay. You are going to make it” I try to wipe his tears. “ Steve I don’t care how many laws you break, if we are not there in less than fifteen minutes he is going to die” he drives as fast as his car allows. “ Eddie, can you hear me?” he nods. The drive is short but it feels like it took us centuries to get there. Steve helps me take Eddie out of the car. When we enter, none of the doctors or nurses want to take him in, and at that moment is when something on my brain just snaps.
“IF IN TEN SECONDS I DON’T HAVE A NURSE AND A FUCKING DOCTOR TAKING CARE OF HIM AND SAVING HIS LIFE, I WILL PERSONALLY GRAB A SCALPEL AND START KILLING YOU ALL OF, I’M NOT FUCKING JOCKING” I yell with the craiziest look on my face. Then they all start moving towards us, they lay him on a litter and take him to a surgery room. They said they need to inspect him before doing anything. 
“(Y/N)...” whispers Steve, I turn around “ I think you should get help too, those wounds on your back don’t look good plus you have been limping on your left leg since we were on the Upside down.” he looks around for some nurses, they all seem to comprehend the situation and take me in. 
Now all my torso is bandaged and my left foot has a cast, I look disgusting. My face and arms are still covered with dried mud and blood, most of the areas covered with bruises. I'm sitting next to Eddie’s bed, my head resting on the mattress. He is sleeping now, they gave him some sleeping medicine so he can rest, he has lost a lot of blood but the doctors said he is going to be alright. Dustin is sleeping on the big chair. 
Before I fall asleep, someone knocks on the  door, hoping to see some nurse with some test results. I turn my  head rapidly. To my surprise I see my Dad, who I thought had died eight months ago , and El with her head shaved again. 
“D-dad!” I try to run towards him, tears falling down my rusty face, but my injured leg doesn’t allow me to make more than three steps.
“Oh my beautiful girl” he says as he hugs me tightly. “I’ve missed you so much” he loosens his grip when he notices the bandages on my back. “ What happened?!” he questions.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?” he nods. I hug El, she has grown so much in this past months.
“(Y/N)” a small voice behind me calls me. Eddie is awake, he is smiling like he always is.
“Hi there sunshine, how are you feeling?” my dad helping me to get closer to him. He doesn’t say anything, still too weak. “I thought I had lost you. Don’t you ever do that again Eddie Munson, because if this shit repeats again you are dead. And this time will be real” He laughs, god I hate seeing him like this.
The doctors come in to check on him while we all wait outside his room.  When they leave my dad makes a signal, telling us he wants to go in by himself. He doesn’t fully close the door , I rest my ear so I can hear what they are talking about.
“Thank you, son” he says
“For what, sir?” I can’t hear his voice clearly.
“For taking care of her, for protecting her everyday, since the first day you started dating. You are a good boy Munson” I smile to myself. “ You are welcome to the Hopper family”  
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
So tattoo 3 of 5 on Eddie’s chest is a black widow spider.
Black widows were Henry creels only real friends as Henry said.
Another is a flock of bats which what bit him and ‘killed him’ demogorgon bats.
The master of puppets logo hes gonna be a puppet of vecnas maybe in the real world maybe in the upside down.
And a wyvern which is a symbol of strength power and endurance. Eddie has those in stacks in spades. It’s also a dnd creature so duel meanings.
So my guess is the fifth tattoo is a demon looking face or a vampire under the spider tattoo.
To which I say, the duffers are bringing Eddie back but as kas aka the vampire henchmen of vecna who turned on him and killed vecna leaving only his left hand and left eye.
My guess is vecna is gonna use Eddie as a pawn and the big end battle Eddie is the one to fully beat vecna down enough so El can finish him off.
Like the duffers ‘killed’ Eddie off but didn’t. And if that’s the case it might be why they are just promoting things with Eddie like crazy.
Because they didn’t with billy, and billy was the main villain of season 3. Billy was sort of background to ‘fun summer at the mall!’ Like. They never planned on keeping Eddie dead or just all adds up too well to them not having Eddie be a Kas figure.
Duffer brothers really said ‘emotional and physical pain for all of them. But hey he may live in season 5 probably not you’ll get him back for a few scenes and then he’ll die for real’
Also the fact they gave him 5 tattoos. 5….I could be reaching but that feels like…a they picked it as a subtle tiny hint.
honestly I really hope so, like I just want Eddie back in any capacity!! like I don’t know much about dnd but I've seen this Kas theory flying around for ages now and I am praying and praying to all of the spirits and deities out there that it’s true, I just want my boy back :(
and tbh I feel like it would a missed opportunity for the Duffers to not bring Eddie back considering his fan reception
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chaosoftheages · 2 years
Stranger Things 5 Theories
Warning: A lot of these involve Dustin for a few reasons: 1, He’s my fav. 2, I refuse to believe Eddie died in his arms. And 3, HE IS A VERY PLAUSIBLE VECNA TARGET RIGHT NOW
Enjoy my zero brain cell theories
1. Eddie is still alive and will save Dustin
No I don’t think he’s dead. Either he’s turned into Kas the Bloody-Handed, or he fainted.
Imagine Dustin gets Vecna’d a second time and Eddie is the one who saves him and kills Vecna.
2. The Demobats somehow lived and will attack Dustin(And then El will resurrect him)
Although I think the Demobats died when Hopper decapitated the Russian Demogorgon, there’s still a chance they might show up. A slim one, but still a chance.
This could serve as Dustin’s ultimate sacrifice for Steve. El could notice Steve sobbing over the death of Dustin, and could resurrect him.
3. Vecna is controlling Max
We all know Max is still alive, but when El entered her mind, there was nothing. This could mean a couple things: One, she’s pretty much dead(Hopefully not), or two, She’s still in his mind lair and Vecna still has control over her.
Something I was thinking of is Dustin does what Max did in S4 and rescue Max or at least find her.
4. Eddie is Kas the Bloody-Handed and Dustin could save him(Or Killing Vecna could)
If Eddie did survive his Demobat attack, it’s possible he’s Kas the Bloody-Handed. If he is, it’s possible Dustin or killing Vecna could save him. Or kill him, we’ll find out.
If so, then something I would love to see if Dustin finds Eddie’s guitar and plays Master of Puppets to save him.
5. Vecna kills(or almost kills) Dustin, and in turn, Steve and Eddie kill him
Going back to Dustin getting Vecna’d, if we go down the “Eddie is still alive” rabbit hole, Dustin’s guilt over Eddie’s death could lead to his death, and Eddie’s revival, and Vecna’s downfall.
In that reality, we’d have two comatose Party members.
6. El resurrected Eddie offscreen
Basically similar to my “Eddie revives himself saves Dustin from Vecna”, only El found Dustin having a meltdown over Eddie’s body and saved him. Then we’d have an actual zombie boy among us.
7. Dustin could be the one to beat Vecna
Dustin is one of if not the smartest characters in the series. He knew excactly how to distract the Demobats(Though that kinda killed Eddie I’m not blaming him I’m just saying), knew Vecna’s body was ungaurded while the Demobats were distracted and Vecna was after Max.
Who’s placing bets that Dustin’s next “Operation Kill Vecna” plan is the one that destroys Vecna once and for all.
8. Vecna is controlling the Mind Flayer and could send it after the group.
We all know Vecna AKA Henry Creel technically created the Mind Flayer, so if Vecna pretty much controls it, what if he sends it after Team Kill Vecna(Mostly likely with Dustin)
I have many more but I’m too lazy to post. Besides I’m turning my theories into a fanfic rn and my cousin got stuck staying the weekend here so yeah
Later nerds!
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