#punkin spice
howlingday · 22 days
Jaune: (Sleeping in bed next to Preg!Ship)
Jaune: (Panic! Crying) What if they don't like meee~?!
How does your jaune ship react?
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Hes offended I took pictures:333333
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cappurrccino · 11 months
nothing makes me back out of placing an online order faster than the shipping costing more than the items
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jrueships · 1 year
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Him interviewing 7'4 center (DAMN?) Purdue boilermaker (DAMN???) Zach Edey <3
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@serotonin-simp submitted: This is a Spotted Orb Weaver thats settled outside of my window! Her name is Punkin Spice!
Please tell Punkin Spice that she's perfect and I love her
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anonymouspuzzler · 11 months
what will you name the lego kitty cat!??????the public (me)neefs to know
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nosferatu and her pal Punkin Spice........
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chrissy-kaos · 2 years
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Fall is definitely my favorite season! Flannel, jeans and boots.. oh and punkin spice coffee 🍁🍂☕️🥰😍
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nikarie5 · 11 months
Pumpkin Spice - drabble
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Rating: General Audience - there are ships, and they have sailed. General description: Zoo trip with a toddler. Bonus material: Toddler is better at art than the author is. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, and @hazelnoot-analyst
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Cap and Loops join James and Lily on an excursion, taking not-quite-3-year-old Harry for his first visit to the zoo. At the zoo shop afterwards, Harry doesn’t want a little lion toy, but instead hones in immediately on a giant stuffed red panda. “Sweetie, it is bigger than you, you won’t be able to carry him home.”
"‘Sa colour ‘a punkin spice. ‘Sa best spice. Like Momma's hair. Gonna call her Pie." Sirius and Remus sneak the purchase through while James and Lily are preoccupied with getting Harry to use the bathroom before they head back to the car.
"Tanks Unca Pafoo’! Tanks Unca ‘Oops!" ---
Unca Pafoo! Unca Pafoo! Pie painted you a picture! For your fridge! 'Sa burnt pumpkin pie!
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[Picture description: 44 inch stuffed red panda sitting on a wooden table with its paws folded as if silently asking you to admire its artwork. The artwork is in front of the stuffed red panda, a crinkly A4 sheet painted with abstract swirls of olive green and orange paint.] *This was a "get well" picture made for me by my friend's three year old. It really is titled burnt pumpkin pie. Pie is actually called Panda Roux, and you can find their cousins in zoo shops around the world or online. They provide excellent lumbar support. **Most of my submissions from here on out are likely to be short, or silly and very low effort, and there is only one that might maybe be in French...
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validtrollnames · 10 months
Some completely valid troll names that me and my friends have discovered:
Punkin Spiced
Autism Yippee
Biggus Dickus
Shadow Hedhog
and my actual real dad's name (which i will not say for privacy reasons but his first name has six letters and so does his last name)
Oh and my deadname is a valid kid's name, which is obvious because one of the kids in homestuck has it
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howlingday · 22 days
Ruby: (Pointing gun) KISS EACH OTHER ON THE MOUTH!
Jaune: !
Ren: !
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Punkin and Spice from Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue in San Jose, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Punkin must be adopted with her sister, Spice.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Appreciation Week | Day 2: A Favorite Dynamic
A fic to celebrate the van der Humphrey kids! biological and honorary!
shoutout to @blairwaldcrf for the textfic idea <3
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Transcript below the cut
First Image:
Nate (sender):  attention jeeves
Jenny from the block (Jenny):  what did you just call me
Nate:  Dan and I need you guys to settle a debate
Punkin Butt (Dan):  Oh god
Punkin Butt:  I would like to preemptively apologize
S! 🌼 (Serena):  yesssss I am ready go on
Nate:  Daniel R Humphrey, my betrothed, the love of my life, believes that pineapple, fruit of the gods, the most delicious of the fruits, should not be on pizza 
Second Image:
B! 🐝 (Blair):  …
B! 🐝:  You’re kidding, right?
Nate:  that’s what I’m saying!!!
B! 🐝:  No, Nate, I mean: that is what you’re arguing about?
B! 🐝:  Because obviously, the answer is no. It does not belong. 
Punkin Butt:  AHA!
Jenny from the block:  yeah nate wtf is wrong with you
Third Image:
Jenny from the block:  pineapple alone: yes. 
Jenny from the block: pineapple on pizza: SACRILEGE. 
Jenny from the block:  DISGUSTANG
V! (Vanessa):  some things are sacred. 
V!:  proper pizza topping is one of them
Jenny from the block:  wow trying so hard not to make a joke about “topping”
Punkin Butt:  please don’t
Eric RHODES:  ^^^
Eric RHODES:  and re: the pizza question: sorry, nate. 
Fourth Image:
Eric RHODES:  it just doesn’t taste that good to me
V!:  yeah the sweetness from the tomato sauce combined with the super sweetness of the fruit…it’s just too much
Nate:  no no no V, that’s why you pair it with pepperoni
Punkin Butt:  absolutely not
Nate:  because the spice of the meat offsets the sweetness perfectly
Punkin Butt:  you are sleeping on the couch tonight
Jenny from the block:  harshhhhh
Fifth Image
Jenny from the block:  but fair tbh
Jonathan:  I…I kinda like it actually
Jenny from the block:  JONATHAN NO
S! 🌼:  it’s ok jonathan we still love you
S! 🌼:  natie though…
Nate:  wow. 
Nate:  I am feeling so attacked right now
B! 🐝:  You brought this on yourself, darling. 
Nate:  okay but consider this
Sixth Image:
Nate:  how many of you have actually TRIED it though? Instead of just writing it off as gross
Nate:  because of some preconceived idea of what pizza “should” be. 
Nate:  let go of principle. Open yourselves up to joy. To enjoying deliciousness. 
V!:  Well fuck
V!:  you’ve convinced me.
S! 🌼:  srsly V’s literally scrolling through grubhub now
Punkin Butt:  Oy. 
Seventh Image:
B! 🐝:  Well not here. J and I are making perfectly sensible croque monsieur. 
Jenny from the block:  yeah like true ex-patriots <3
Jonathan:  wbu Dan? Are you convinced?
Punkin Butt:  we’re doing separate orders
Eric RHODES:  now that’s true love.
Jenny from the block:  it’s easy enough when you bag the richest boy in new york
Eighth Image:
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  fuck you
Jenny from the block:  ;)
Nate:  he takes my fortune I take his name. Fair trade. 
S! 🌼:  awwwwwww
B! 🐝:  ugh.
Jenny from the block:  gross
Ninth Image:
Eric RHODES:  aw come on Dan don’t make him sleep on the couch
Nate:  beep beep sorry line busy try again later
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It was cool enough to wear a sweater to the farmers market this morning, which means all of my fall out boy songs and noah kahan songs have been thrown together on one big "punkin spice sad 🎃🍂🍃" playlist and i will be absolutely insufferable for the next 4+ months
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Punkin Spice (Part 1)
(Indulging the idea that any hot man would ever find me desirable)
You were sweating on the treadmill wishing the thirty minute program was over. Your knees ached and you’d forgotten your water bottle, and now you were dying because you were so thirsty. You weren’t literally dying, but you wanted to. Sweat ran into your eyes and you cursed the day you decided you needed to get into better shape.
You weren’t even at the running part of the couch to five program you were doing, just the walk slow, walk slightly less slow part. The treadmill finally beeped, and started to slow to a stop and you carefully wiped it down before heading to the water cooler and taking one of those stupid, tiny cone shaped cups and drinking. You must have refilled the damn thing ten times before you even started to feel parched.
The towel you’d grabbed was rough on your face as you wiped the sweat away, and you headed to the locker room, already thinking about the hot shower that awaited you. You weren’t exactly paying attention as you wiped your face again, and walked right into six feet sexy of solid muscle. You bounced back and mumbled an apology, trying to get around him. You’d seen him before around the gym. He was hard not to notice, after all. Tall, blond, gorgeous, perfect shoulder to waist ratio. Captain fucking America. At least, you thought he might be, he was so perfect.
“Shit, sorry,” you apologized, willing yourself into the tiniest package you could imagine, wanting to be invisible. You stumbled, a little off balance.
He reached out to steady you with a warm smile. “Careful. The actual walls don’t have as much give as I do,” he teased.
“You feel pretty sturdy to me,” you blurted, instantly regretting your words. He laughed and tipped his head to look at you.
“You’re the lady with the great t-shirt collection!” He acknowledged. You cringed again. Some of your t-shirts were rude. Some were silly. Some were downright provocative.
“Guilty,” you admitted, nodding. You mentally ran through the list of what you’d worn to the gym over the past few weeks, mortified that you may have worn -
“I particularly enjoyed the ideal weight one,” he winked, interrupting your thought process.
“At the risk of sounding really awful, which one?” you asked.
“The ‘my ideal weight is Captain America on top of me’ one,” he replied, his grin broad and his eyes dancing. “For reference, my weigh-in today was two-forty.”
“Sweet jesus,” you groaned. “You’re really Steve Rogers?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he winked. You let out a big sigh and met his amused gaze hesitantly.
“I meant no disrespect,” you started.
“Good,” he interrupted again. “Because this looks like the perfect opportunity for me to ask you for a coffee. Are you free?”
“Right now?” You gaped. He nodded. “I mean, I need to shower, but I guess so.”
“I’ll meet you out front, Punkin,” he smiled, and dropped his head to lay a kiss on your cheek.
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puppyinthesnow · 2 years
I feel like i'm the only girl who doesn't like punkin spice
get me a double chocolate frappuccino
that's my shit right there.
or a iced caramel latte
but, yea I dont like punkin
I actually hate it
punkin flavored, anything
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me n the boys :) feat Punkin Spice, Brina, and *Alec (better name pending)
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