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io-archival · 1 year ago
[PT: bunnycoric: a (xeno)gender related to bunnycore
pastelpunkic: a (xeno)gender related to pastel punk /end PT]
@radiomogai @the-mogai-archives
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bunnycoric | pastelpunkic
bunnycoric: a (xeno)gender related to bunnycore
pastelpunkic: a (xeno)gender related to pastel punk
for anon!
flag id: the flag on the left has 11 stripes. in order, they are brown, light brown, beige, cream, pink, blue, green, cream, beige, light brown, and brown. the flag on the right also has 11 stripes. in order, they are blue, purple, purple-pink, light pink, dark blue, black, dark blue, light pink, purple-pink, purple and blue. end id.
dni transcript here
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radiomogai · 6 months ago
Do you know of any genders (or other terms) that are politics-related? This would include anarchistgender and anarchogender as well as something related to politics or philosophy in general. We probably dont have one for our specific ideology but politics in general would be nice since we have a special interest in politics? This includes polcompball and centricide as well as just concepts and ideas. Do you have a list of these, or do you know anyone who I can ask? Thank you!
terribly sorry this took so long!! things have been exhausting lately
this was hard to do!! most of what we found has only a vague connection, or is punk-related, but here's some stuff to hopefully help. we'd also suggest that you ask @page-2-ids, who might be able to help
the blog @notniyo has a lot of philosophy-related terms
our jurisgenders tag
alt genderpunk and anarchogender flags
punkradgenbian and punkradgenlun
punkic genders
lesboy punk
roguian again
our punk theme tag
dystrofare (and our dystreds tag)
Green Day album genders
PUNKIN / punk in nature
our morality theme tag
edit: this is in our drafts from 8 months ago. what the fuck. anon i'm so sorry
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Nimona from Nimona is an autistic rabiespunk damselpunk monstropunk greypunk diaqueer queerous GNC futch mesque queerfuck queer traumachronal redpinkvior pinkperspesque hotpinkvesi alderpink alderavayn vigelisc vehemini traumarine transoubelical shapeshifthing punque punkthing pinkbodiment namegender modifizique lexemetalslangic instinctant inbissiec ignidesolin hotpinkgender graffitian genderpunk gendermorph genderfuck gender disobedient freelekour fempunk dragonsproutaen chaokleine xenique masculinique feminique genderqueer egogender riougender nonbinary juxera infinin trans shapeshiftgender genderfluid faunafluid fanggender eventian auingender abrogender transpring transolar transfloral simanic selachigender roguian riotgrrrlpunkic punkic punkdragongender girlanachrica firoptican violenatian tridaine archaine transmasculine rozur^2 rebellifemmic rancorie privere panfaunagender omniversian noiribean girlfuck boyfuck girlbeast fagdyke yarosic selfgender vilingender reclingender punkpresentic gncpresentic outherine villaithing villainaesic punkaesic pinkaesic feruvel punkmucomfic punkish dystrofare twistute villaigirl shapeshiftic riotgender rebelish punkingender metalslanglexic gncgender genevaviolic genderdespite florauna bitaffectic anarchogender polymorph age regressor with ADHD, PTSD, BPD, and depression who uses any pronouns and likes it when people use pronouns based on her current appearance, such as using fo/fox when she's a fox, though she doesn't mind when people default to using she/her!
Ballister Boldheart is a canonically disabled autistic veldian sumoureic solunima sorrothing kenochoric phosknightial dusknight blackaesic violaregender lunarboyfriende lunaenic turiknight coverket villidouxic knightswordic knightarmoric knightgender villaivilia blacklunmasc trans man with PTSD and depression who uses he/him, kni/knight, and any archaeopronouns!
His boyfriend Ambrosius Goldenloin is a flamboric femme lavenian phosknightial dawnknight sumoureic solarboyfriende solaic herosavion turiknight knightprince cirromulaian goldaesic goldcrustic goldic goldgender veldifem princian protadouxic knightarmoric knightswordic knightlancic knightgender whitesolmasc lavenderic prettyboy genderqueer rosboy with ADHD and NPD who uses he/him, kni/knight, go/gold, sie/hir, and ey/em pronouns around everyone and is comfortable with those he's close to using she/her!
The three consider each other family!
dni link
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archoneddzs15 · 6 months ago
PC Engine - PC Denjin Punkic Cyborgs (Air Zonk)
Title: PC Denjin Punkic Cyborgs / PC電人
Developer: Naxat Soft
Publisher: Hudson Soft / RED
Release date: 20 November 1992
Catalogue No.: HC92053
Genre: Horizontal Shooting
Format: HuCard
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Air Zonk is a Hudson adaptation of the prehistoric Bonk series into a futuristic shoot-em-up. The Cute-em-up Coryoon was something of a dry run for this game, featuring some similar mechanics. This game features a banging soundtrack, whacky enemies, and some top-notch shooting action. This one is actually one of my favorite shooters for the PC Engine, it's not too difficult, but it's also not afraid to try different things. You can join up with a friend halfway through a level to for a humungous beast with some insane firepower, or alternatively, sometimes you can miniaturize yourself for help dodging bullets. Bosses are quite challenging, but very inventive (and very large). There isn't anything quite like this anywhere else, and it's great.
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revenant-coining · 11 months ago
(pt: Delicatesweetaesic /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag with 9 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark grey-blue, dull grey-pink, pink, white, grey-tan, white, pink, dull grey-pink, and dark grey-blue. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 9 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark green, green, light green, pale grey, grey, pale grey, light green, green, and dark green. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 9 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark red-purple, red, red-pink, off-white, dark purple, off-white, red-pink, red, and dark red-purple. /end id)
1st flag is an accidental recoin of delicatesweetaesic (link)! please view this as an alternative flag!
Floodcoric/Posidencursic/Wetcoric; an aesthetigender connected to the “floodcore”/”posiden’s curse”/“wetcore” aesthetic (link).
Gothpunkic; an aesthetigender connected to the “goth punk” aesthetic (link).
etymology; delicate sweet, aesic; gloomy coquette, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to; flood, coric; posiden, curse, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to; wet, coric; goth, punkic
let us know if these have been coined before!
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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gender-mailman · 3 years ago
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A gender related to the sertãopunk aesthetic ; cyberpunk in brazil (theres a lot of books about what future brazil would look like like it was a cyberpunk wolrd :3c)
------ some pronouns:
Coined by me. Requested by no one. tagging @theoqueer
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imoga-pride · 4 years ago
Queergenderpunk Flag
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Punkgenderqueer, Queerpunkgender, Genderqueerpunk or Queerpunkic: a gender tied to queerpunk; being genderqueer and genderpunk.
Using qingender colors in the voidgenderpunk style.
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mogaiboards · 2 years ago
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joypunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the joypunk aesthetics (being happy and kind, visibly queer, possibly trendercore, experiencing one's gender in a fun, coloured, euphoric way)
joypunkgender: a gender related to joypunk
decided I'd coin it! I haven't found any coinings of it but please let me know if it's a recoin! /g
flag templates are those from @neopronouns's -punkic and -punkgender
[image ID:
the first flag has 11 stripes. the colours in order are: bright yellow, pastel orange, sea blue, light purple, warm pink, white, warm pink, light purple, sea blue, pastel orange, and bright yellow.
the second flag has 6 stripes. the colours in order are: bright yellow, white, warm pink, light purple, sea blue, pastel orange. end ID]
tagging for some reach! let me know if I should remove it! /g
@epikulupu @kenochoric @alcremie-mogai-n-kin @adorable-abomination
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tkves · 4 years ago
users ! 🥛🍮🍄
orebit orkuts
frutilitaz koobicr
punkics thzdoll
strrawberries fIoreritas
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eldorr · 2 years ago
can you do a lunarpunkic and a solarpunkic flags? just like other -punkic genders
I'll have to pass this up for now due to my hiatus. If anyone else wants to take this request feel free to do so.
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obscurian · 1 year ago
[PT: teslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aesthetic
teslapunkgender: a genregender / specfigender related to teslapunk; a gender related to the teslapunk genre in some way /end PT]
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teslapunkic | teslapunkgender
teslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aesthetic
teslapunkgender: a genregender/specfigender related to teslapunk; a gender related to the teslapunk genre in some way
for anon!
flag id: the left flag has 11 stripes. in order, they are light brown, brown, brown-black, dark silver, silver, bright sky blue, silver, dark silver, brown-black, brown, and light brown. the right flag has 6 stripes. in order, they are dark silver, silver, bright sky blue, light brown, brown, and brown-black. end id.
dni transcript here
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pupyzu · 4 years ago
hey do you know if there's a steampunk / steampunkic gender (similar to the other punkic terms)? if not, could you pls coin one?
there’s one here!
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radiomogai · 1 year ago
Anon asking about political terms
We saved your ask as a draft and had this long list and it just disappeared, I have no idea why. Here's what we remember from it.
We had a difficult time finding terms related to politics and/or philosophy, and most of what we did find is related to punk and/or only vaguely related to what you wanted. We recommend looking at the blog @notniyo which has some philosophy-related terms, and perhaps asking over at @page-2-ids.
For our tags, we recommend the jurisgenders tag, the punk theme tag, and the morality theme tag.
Here's some terms related to anarchy:
grey anarchaqueer
anarchogender flag
alternative anarchogender and punkgender flags
roguian again
Here's some terms related to punk:
punkradgenbian and punkradgenlun
punkic genders
lesboy punk
Here's some terms related to philosophy:
moralitygender (eyestrain warning)
philosogender and PHIN
Here's some terms related to other ideologies:
pink communism
Green Day album genders
dystrofare (and our dystreds tag)
ideogender (this one is very relevant)
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posthumanwanderings · 8 years ago
Air Zonk background appreciation
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boxartcomparisons · 6 years ago
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Box art comparison (JP/US): Air Zonk.
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dangerzone334archive · 5 years ago
Hey hey!!! Here's the second episode!! Using custom music this time!! Main music: Welcome to Station Square Remix by Tee Lopes & Jun Senoue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbHttO65eUM), music from Sonic X-Treme, Sonic Jam, Air Zonk aka PC Denjin Punkic Cyborgs, the unused Knuckles Bonus stage music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdlmejF7iEI), Rayman 3 and Sonic CD and used the Better Tails AI Mod, the Beta restore mod, the unused Adventure Field Jingles mod, BetterSADX, Dreamcast conversion mod, Dreamcast characters mod, Classic Textures mod for Dreamcast Characters, SRB2 Speed Up and Invincibility jingles, Sonic 3 Super Sonic Transformation SFX Mod and ClassicSonicSatAm's Sonic Mars mod!! Check out ClassicSonicSatAm (https://www.youtube.com/user/ClassicSonicSatAm) Stay rad, gonna be uploading the Sonic X-Treme video, I forgot to do that yesterday!!!!!! Check out my discord (new permalink) https://ift.tt/2nEmyf3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Markiegee55 Instagram: https://ift.tt/2mIHyBp Twitch: https://ift.tt/2ZSb2iB by Markiegee55
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