#pumpkaboo average
melaniagir8 · 2 years
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Inktober 2022, giorno 13 – Vernice/Kind
Uno Smeargle vuole un cristallo per poter dipingere al buio col suo amico Gafaiai. In cambio offre un secchio di vernice gialla. E’ un affare!
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aster-pkmn-irl-real · 4 months
café remix themed ask game just dropped baybee!!!!
Eevee Latte: How do you take your coffee?
Lilligant Floral Tea: What's your favorite type of berry?
Nutty Buneary Frappe: How long did it take you to befriend your first Pokemon?
Hot Litwick Cocoa: What's the spookiest ghost story you can think of?
Poppin' Pachirisu Float: How are your swimming skills?
Miltank Mix au Lait: Have you ever been to a farm? What's your favorite farm Pokemon?
Bouncy Brionne Soda: What do you like to do at the beach?
Teddiursa Iced Coffee: What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
Roasted Furret Latte: What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Gratin a la Pumpkaboo: What's something that scares you?
Piquant Pikachu Curry: What's your favorite gigantamax Pokemon?
Glossifleur Combo Plate: Is there anybody in your life who you disliked at first, but are close with now?
Happy Snorlax Loco Moco: How much sleep do you get on average?
Torchic Rice over Omelet: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cheesy Whimsicott Meatloaf: How much have you changed over the past 10 years?
Playful Pancham Fried Rice: What was your favorite game as a kid?
Dugtrio Sandwich Trio: If you had to give up all of your belongings but could pick three things to keep, what would they be?
Yummy Yamper Pasta: Lights, camera, action! How are you in front of a camera? Do you like the spotlight or do you prefer to be backstage?
Cheesy Rowlet Pizza: What's somewhere you'd like to go for a vacation? What would you do there?
Rainbow Oricorio Popcorn: What's your favorite movie? What about your least favorite?
Eiscue Caprese Salad: Did you eat your vegetables as a kid? What about now?
Chikorita Bruschetta: Tell us about a legend/myth from your home region!
Sneasel Burger with Pickles: Do you have a friend you would do anything for, no questions asked? What about a friend who would do anything for you?
Comfey Fruity Sandwich: Have you ever been to the hospital? What was the reason for your last hospital stay?
Fluffy Eevee Pancakes: How tall are you? Do you wish your height was different?
Combee Waffles with Honey: Do you like bug-types? Do you have a favorite bug?
Swablu Shaved Ice: What are your favorite weather patterns?
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
Decorated Alcremie Cupcakes: How is your room/home decorated?
Ribombee Chocolate Cake: What's something you want or want to do for your next birthday?
Pikachu Fruit Flan: What's something really popular that you're not the biggest fan of?
Scorbunny Berry Sandwich: Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch any sports on TV or in person?
Sylveon Custard Slice: @ another user you appreciate and tell them why!
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prof-peach · 11 months
Hi again! Its me, idk if you remember but i sent you that weird horned shiny caterpie a long time ago. I had another question. My partner recently caught a pumpkaboo. He is also very much into haloween decorating, but hes afraid to carve any jack-o lanturns. I was hoping if there is a way to help his new pokemon and let him carve this year. Any advice would be wonderful.
Ah yes, good to hear from you again, your caterpie is doing very well by the way, settled right into a small colony after an adjustment period and has made a lot of friends.
As for this Pumkaboo issue, it does happen, theyre sweet pokemon but struggle to see the difference between themselves and pumpkins, so the panic can settle in.
What we normally do is encourage them to use razor leaf as a move, and basiclaly play fruit ninja with them. As often as you can just throw fruits and get them to try to cut them up with the attacks. After a while, say a week or so, slowly introduce small pumpkins or gourds in. Say nothing and just mix them into the game of aim and slice. They are not usually perceptive enough to pick out what it is theyre attacking while its moving in the air, especially in daylight where their eyesight is a little less detail orientated, and will continue the game without further thought. Again, these are not overly intelligent pokemon on average, more curious or tricky, even timid (but there can be exceptions).
Once they eventually realise theyve been playing a game with vegetables by letting them examine the remians when you all clean up, they usually clock that vegetables and pokemon are not the same. they do not smell the same, nor do their insides look similar in any way. Its more about breaking the barrier between what they will and wont do out of nervousness, proving that they are not the same as pumpkins first hand, and that there is no scary or terrible concequence to attacking said vegetables.
Posing the idea of carving together after that tends to become far simpler, they can connect the dots of 'i am a pokemon and alive and sentient' and 'that is a vegetable and im not hurting anyone like me', most of the time this species wont partake due to a fear of the unknown, a hypothetical, or a disconnect in information, fill in the gaps and they tend to come around to it pretty quickly.
But theres always the alternative if you find youve got a real scardy cat: Paint the lanterns. Glow in the dark paints are easy to buy, so you can bypass the need for a candle or knife, and this way you dont have to front up something that may cause yoru pokemon emotional discomfort, though I personally would suggest confronting this nervousness.
It is a minor issue, and it's healthy to experience situations where you need to be in an uncomfrotable state and maintain calm composure. This is a great example of just letting them experience the world so they can handle their feelings and emotions in a healthy way instead of freaking out if they see something they don't like or understand, launching an attack out of fear and being a danger to themselves and others.
Good luck with fruit ninja, it doubles up as fun enrichment for all your pokemon, and is snack time so- win win!
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Would A Pumpkaboo Be A Good Pet?
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Who else would we cover for Halloween but my favorite little pumpkin friend pumpkaboo? A pumpkaboo would make an alright pet depending on the owner… which is a pretty glowing review for a ghost-type pokémon.
I mean, let’s cut right to the chase: pumpkaboos are human spirits….well, sort of. Every pumpkaboo’s body, at the very least, is “inhabited” by a human spirit (X). According to the pokédex, pumpkaboos act as guides, in a way, for lost and wandering spirits, carrying them to where they need to go in order to move on (Y). Would it be moral to have one as a pet? Ehhhh. I don’t really know. I guess it’s up to your discretion.
Pumpkaboos can be found in a range of sizes, which are influenced by what kinds of spirits the pokémon might find or prefer. Smaller pumpkaboo are said to prefer the spirits of children (Sword - Small Size), while larger ones prefer adults (Sword - Large Size). A pumpkaboo’s size is also impacted by how many lost souls can be found in the area (Shield - Small Size), Shield - Super Size). Pumpkaboos average 11 pounds, which is certainly not too much to handle, and only really get as big as 33 pounds.
Due to their role as spirit-carriers, pumpkaboos become much more restless and active at night (X). Keeping them from wandering off to fulfil their duty at night could be pretty tricky, considering the fact that they can hypnotize and control both people and pokémon with the light they emit (Shield - Average Size). Even if you are able to withstand the mesmerizing light of your pumpkaboo, if they are determined enough to carry their spirit to where it need to go, they could pretty easily incapacitate you with their move set. Pumpkaboos can use a variety of pretty powerful grass and ghost-type moves, like Seed Bomb and Shadow Ball which, while not necessarily lethal, could really knock you down.
Unlike some ghost-types, pumpkaboos aren’t overtly violent or cruel to humans, but they seem to have a job to do. A pumpkaboo could easily become too much to handle if they are prevented from going where they need to go. When you take that consideration and add in the fact that…like… they are a human ghost, it becomes hard to recommend them as a pet. So far as their score goes, however, pumpkaboos are certainly not he worst option amongst ghost-type pokémon.
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The Ultimate Halloween Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on their design, rather than which character you are more familiar with or like more!
Pumpkaboo | Pokemon
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“They are a pumpkin, a bat, and a ghost all at the same time.”
“My darling little ghost-type pumpkin cat thing♥️. Comes in four sizes (small, average, large, super) and two colors (orange and purple).”
“It's signature move is Trick-or-Treat. The description: “The user takes the target trick-or-treating. This adds Ghost type to the target's type.””
Nightmare Bitters | Invader Zim
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[No propaganda submitted]
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dragonskyheart · 7 months
(Ghost Pokemon AU) Ghost Type Pokemon Pac Trio
So I was working on the Ghost Pokemon AU and was going through a resurgence of a PMATGA hyperfixation at the moment and then I remembered "Hey the main characters of PMATGA have a role in this ,AU, why not draw them in the AU?",and because of that, here we are! This AU spans a lot of series and is very extremely crossovery in general, so why not! I need to make a masterpost/synopsis of this AU, I swear-
Also Spiral was a pain to draw bc I never drew Dragapult before and AAAAAAA- (I'm fine! Don't worry! Haha! Seriously though why...)
So they are! In all of their ghost fighting glory!
Started on: 2-18-2024
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it's to be noted that they didn't start out in these forms exactly. A series of events caused their souls to take the forms they did. I made their eyes look similar to how ghosts in the show had them. Also the reason for the spectral lighting was because of Dragapults looking slightly more spectral... I'll try to elaborate more when I get to it.
Pac (Gengar)
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The yellow boi himself! The way he goes out is on the hands of a certain other ghost fighting hero through way of misunderstanding. The beginning of his character arc is based on a fanmade one minute melee on Deviantart I read when I was younger. (I might link to it when I find it...) I will probably make the choreography of the fight somewhat different to that but the outcome is the same. I chose Gengar because of their long tongues and round bodies. (That and the fact the ears can be made to resemble his eyebrows.) He is known as the "Golden Gengar" to locals via rumors and became quite the urban legend. But rest assured, he is still the same Pac inside! Just more traumatized! :')
Cyli (Gourgeist)
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Cyli is a Gourgeist since it and Pumpkaboo could be seen as a somewhat gothic cute ghost type Pokemon. (If that reasoning makes sense...) The fur of Pumpkaboo is black and the hairstyle of Gourgeist is simular in my opinion. Also the default shinies mesh well enough ingame. Besides the grass typing is somewhat befitting of her upbringing. So, how did she end up like this? Well, if i'll be honest, I didn't quite document how well her death goes quite yet. Same with Spiral. I only have the basics rn. Essentially, she dies to a mysterious enity in a meadow with a colony of pumpkins (is that what a group of pumpkins called...?) growing in Autumn. Her soul destablizes and is forced to bind into a pumpkin, giving a new form! By the way, she is an Average Size Gourgeist.
Spiral (Dragapult)
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And finally, Spiral is a Dragapult! He wound up killed in the Lake of Dragons. (Name and Location Pending) His soul wound up absorbing the ancient draconic energies in the lake causing him to take the form of a Dreepy. Dragapult is from what I recall the tallest of the three pokemon, so it seem pretty befitting for him! (Also it gives me an excuse to use Dragapult somewhere, so yea.) He basically has a whole story thing with Soko, as Soko has the distinction of being the first of the three's Partner Digimon to find out about their respective deceased Tamer's whereabouts and travels with him! At one point after he first evolves a random Dreepy finds him and follows him around! He eventually goes "I guess it's mine now." and takes it in. (You could probably guess more eventually came.) He basically exudes so much big sibling energy that it was inevitable anyways!
Alt Versions
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Okay, so I went ahead and did the Gholdengo Experiment, and here are the results from the experiment. The Gimmighoul were not harmed except one, and it was completely by accident, and the only one that expressed distress was one in test B. They will all (EXCEPT 2) will be put up for adoption. Before the test, I housetrained them, so they're good. Do not use some of the Test A's for battling, they may be illegal.
One control is used for both tests. Control is a mostly average Gholdengo, slightly shorter than average
Test A- will different valuables/coin types affect evolution?
Pennies/other non-Gimmighoul coins- almost exactly the same, but half the size of control, copper colored, and reeks of spare change. Still a Gholdengo Keeping this one, as it's my favorite.
Gemstones- more ridged and sports some kind of crown made from what I can only assume to be topaz. Ditches Steel type to become first Rock/ghost type. Deemed 'Glitzigho'. Adoptable. Good for people who pamper their pokemon
Chocolate coins - appears to be more of a fluid than a solid but will quickly solidify when in danger. Hair is springy pigtails. Has no arms due to its fluid state,but can form appendages simmilar to arms at will. Now Ghost/Fairy. Very cheery. Still a Gholdengo. Adoptable. Good for people who love hyper pokemon and the constant smell of chocolate.
China- Was a failure by Technicality, as the Gimmeghoul appeared to transfer all of its current hoard into the rather expensive pitcher, before breaking it in a way to create a scary face as a form of mimicry. Note that the Pitcher has a pumpkaboo paint scheme, and the holes the Gimmighoul created were in the same spot as one of the eye spots and mouth designs. (See bonus test for more details)
Spices - Catastrophic failure. Never use spices. I have accidentally created an incredibly hostile, possibly invasive monster that got out of my house. Possible Typing is Fire/Dark, which is a huge, drastic change. If you see what looks like a tarnished Gholdengo in what looks like old paldeanian Conquistador attire, RUN and keep anything valuable away. Deemed 'Ghoulquistador.' Have to contact pokemon Control to help me. Note, I think it may be in extreme pain. Gods, I've made a mistake.
Test B- Will different containers influence evolution?
Note: all Gimmghoul were transferred to the new containers with all their valuables safely.
Cardboard Box- no evolution occurs, because as soon as I sat the Gimmighoul down in it, it got distressed slightly and hopped out. Failure. I put the Gimmighoul back into its original chest before it evolved. Adoptable. Not recommend for battling, as I noticed that this Gholdengo seems to be very skittish, even before testing
Clothing Trunk- no noticeable change in , though attack seems higher than normal. Carries trunk on their back like a backpack. Personality wise, it seems to be a bit slow with comprehension but highly intelligent, have a perfect photographic memory, and is unmoving when it makes a decision leading theory is that the container may influence personality and intelligence. Adoptable. Have toys or puzzles for enrichment for this one, as I gave him some puzzles, and in just an hour, he solved all of them....with the pictures of the puzzles facing the table. Mind you, I only had puzzles that were like 14000 pieces.
Lunchbox - only visible changes is that the hair was formed into a neat ponytail and is a bit shorter. Carries lunchbox like a normal Gholdengo does. Personality wise, it's very gruff and hardworking, and it seems to seek out any kind of work and is purely pacifistic. Adoptable. Not for battling. Note- Somehow, it always has a sandwich within the lunchbox at all times
Medkit-no physical changes, but it evolved with a hospital nurses outfit. Tests show that it's medical knowledge is unmatched, though it's a bit of a germaphobe, and won't do full blown surgeries. Adoptable. For the accident prone.
Jewelry box - failure by technicality and by human error. I didn't fully clean out the jewelry box for loose jewelry, so it appears to either incorporate what I left inside or form its own jewlery. Very sassy. Adoptable. Gets along with Glitzigho very well.
Bonus test- evolving the Gimmighoul that was given China.
Results- evolved into a perfectly healthy Gholdengo with unique differences, still choosing to use its old chest as a fanny pack. However, its China Pitcher is now integrated into its body and has also changed to resemble a Gourgeist's head, with holes appearing on the side to have now pink gold hair to Mimic the Gourgeist's hair. It's normally the same shape as a Gholdengo, but when threatened or frightened, it will round out and widen its body to reveal a stomach pattern similar to a Gourgeist's stomach. Still a Gholdengo, but I'll classify it as a new variant, which I deem 'Mimic Form'
The ones that can be adopted will get information logs soon with photos (something is wrong with my camera picking up colors, so they'll be in black and white), and then will be able to be adopted. As for A-5 (I will not give it an actual name), I hope you'll stay safe. If you decide to fight it, don't catch it. Just defeat it. My prevailing theory is that the body of the Ghoulquistador is very unstable, so defeat may change it back to a Gimmighoul. If this theory is true, take the Gimmighoul to a clinic to see the condition of the Gimmighoul. I'll pay for any expenses. If that isn't the case, then if you come across it again, catch it and take it to pokemon control.
Zakuyamo, signing off
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Rating pokemon:
Pumpkaboo!: 50/10 very cute very lovable sweetiepies
Small size: 50/10 absolutely fucking adorable, love being hugged, love being pet, love being held
Average size: 45/10 cute, sweet, love candy, hate being washed, super friendly, likes to steal things (especially food)
Large size: 50/10 big Bois, super sweet, love cuddles, get along with other pokemon well, like to play in mud
Super size: 80/10 SUPER BIG BOIS, super friendly, very gentle with smaller mons, friendly, sweet, love candy and fruit, amazing cuddlers
Shiny variation: 20/10 very pretty, like to hide, like to steal things, infatuated with mirrors, little pranksters
100/10 would take care of all again
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Pumpkaboo & Gourgeist
Pumpkaboo (#710)
Cucurboo pepito
General Information: Pumpkaboo are the Pumpkin Pokémon! They come in four different sizes with base stat differentiation.
Small Size: They average at 1’ft tall (0.3 M) and 7.7 pounds (3.5 kg)
Average Size: They average at 1’4ft tall (0.4 m) and 11 pounds (5.0 kg)
Large Size: They average at 1’8 ft tall (0.5 m) and 16.5 pounds (7.5 kg)
Super Size: They average at 2’7 ft tall (0.8 m) and 33.1 pounds (15 kg)
Players, when determining the size of your Pumpkaboo, roll a d20!
1-3: Small Size
3-13: Average Size
14-19: Large Size
20: Super Size
Habitat: Pumpkaboos are native to Central and North America! They can be found all across these continents thanks to the cultivation of squashes by the Indigenous Peoples. They are most likely to be seen in old farmlands and gardens that grow pumpkins or other winter squashes.
Life Cycles: Supposedly, Pumpkaboos originally form when lost souls absorbed into a pumpkin, and the size of the Pumpkaboo is determined by the amount of (and type) of souls absorbed during this creation process. This is at least partially true, though different cultures have different variations on this belief. Like many ghost types, Pumpkaboos as a species originate from the Pokemonification of the deceased. Some cultures believe they form from human souls, others believe that they form from generic souls. It’s hard to say for sure, but both could likely be true. There are complicated laws surrounding the legality of owning ghost-types, to be discussed below in the “Relationship with Humans” section.
However, regardless of species origin, Pumpkaboos are normally born from Eggs like every other Pokémon. Pumpkaboos hatch in the late summer, around August-September. Clutches of newborn Pumpkaboos usually contain about a dozen Pumpkaboos, with their size dependent on parental influence and egg development.
Pumpkaboos are predated upon largely by other ghost types.
When it comes time for mating, Pumpkaboos mate during the early summer where they decide their partner for the summer by who they like the most. It’s really not more complicated than that. Then they lay clutches by June.
Behavior: Pumpkaboos are gregarious if shy individuals. They don’t have much reason to fear humans and enjoy the company of other Pumpkaboos. They are terrible parents. As plants that absorb food passively from both sunlight and latent spirit energy, there is not much reason to be particularly territorial.
Diet: They take in sunlight for photosynthesis as all plant Pokémon do, but they do still consume the latent spiritual energy of the local deceased. This is why Pumpkaboos are most likely to be found on old farmlands, where there are more human graves to feed on (humans have a lot of spirit energy, we’re delicious). To best feed a Pumpkaboo, honestly just let it go outside when it wants to, and feed it ghost-type specialty food from PokéBright Foods when you need to give it more nutrition. In the wild, Pumpkaboos can occasionally be seen eating leaves or berries when in need of other vitamins and minerals that they can’t replenish from sunlight and spirit energy.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Pumpkaboos are one of many ghost-types that may have its origins in deceased humans, however, they are not exclusively human-derived and it’s nigh-impossible to determine when a first-generation Pumpkaboo is derived from human souls or non-human souls. This means that Pumpkaboos do not experience the strict legal protections that some other ghost-types experience, like Yamash/Cofagrigus/Runerigus, and can be caught normally.
With that said, Pumpkaboos are the quintessential Halloween Pokémon! They are associated with the Fall activities and festivities of Central and North America. They are popular mascots of the Spooky Season, seen in children’s media and Halloween merchandise and confectionaries in any part of the world that celebrates Halloween. They are friendly Pokémon, and their cute faces and roundness do a lot of charisma work on the general population. While not terribly common as pets and seldom ever given out as starters, it’s not strange in the least to see farmers, goths, and Halloween-lovers with a Pumpkaboo to call their own. They are, in fact, absurdly cute, and is the favorite Pokémon of Professor Redwood (the writer of this).
Classification: The genus “Cucurboo” is a combination of “Cucurbita” (the genus name for pumpkins) and “boo.” The species epithet “pepito” is a diminutive variant of “pepo” (Cucurbita pepo: classic Halloween pumpkins).
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Gourgeist (#711)
Cucurboo maschatita
General Information: Gourgeist, who is also called the Pumpkin Pokémon! On full moons, they can be heard singing their eerie songs. Like Pumpkaboo, they come in 4 stat-significant sizes: Small, Average, Large, and Super Size. The same mechanic for size determination is the same as Pumpkaboo.
Small Size: They average at 2’4 ft tall (0.7 m) and 20.9 pounds (9.5 kg)
Average Size: They average at 2’11 ft (0.9 m) and 27.6 pounds (12.5 kg)
Large Size: 3’7 ft tall (1.1 m) and 30.9 pounds (14 kg)
Super Size: 5’7 pounds (1.7 m) and 86 pounds (39 kg)
Habitat: Gourgeists can be found in the same places as Pumpkaboos. They especially love ancient graveyards.
Life Cycles: Gourgeists can live for upwards of many decades in the wild, and in fact some have been known to have the lifespan of humans—though this is not the norm, and most only live for 20 years in the wild. It’s uncertain why this wide variance occurs. In captivity, the biggest difference is that captive Gourgeists may live to 25-30 years, but again, no one is sure why some, both wild and captive, have been recorded with lifespans of 60+ years. It is uncertain how this inherits, if at all, and there seems to be no correlation between Sizes.
Behavior: Gourgeists are amicable creatures who enjoy socializing by singing their eeries cries during their Full Moon Serenades. They are social creatures, though may act aloof about it—except during their Full Moon Serenades!
Diet: Photosynthesis and latent spirit energy, with some nutritional additions like berries or leaves.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Gourgeists are also associated with the Spooky Season, and some cultures believe their cries to be the cries of the dead. In modern times, when one sings poorly in a voice-cracky or screechy sort of way, they are described as “singing like a gourgeist.” Like Pumpkaboos, there are often Gourgeist-themed merchandise and they appear in Halloween and Horror-themed media all the time. They are not quite as popular as Pumpkaboos, simply because they’re not as cute, but they are still beloved creatures of the Spooky Season.
Both Gourgeists and Pumpkaboos have specialty competitions for each of the four sizes, where they're competed against eachother by amateurs and breeders alike for shape, size (both large AND small!), their curls, their manes, even their eerie cries, and much more! These are often local competitions by farmers and trainers looking to see who has the best Pumpkaboo or Gourgeist in each size category, and they tend to be tons of fun for everyone.
Classification: The species epithet “Moschatita” is a diminutive variant of “moschata” from Cucurbita moschata, the species that includes butternut squashes that Gourgeist is based upon.
Evolution: Gourgeist evolves from Pumpkaboo when it is traded, or when it reaches level 36.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Usually, I like to keep Sundays pretty chill, and today is no different. Instead of our Seniors, we’re having a Spooky Sunday! This features our Dark- and Ghost-type Pokémon! Today’s Pokémon is READY for Halloween! Jack the Pumpkaboo!
Jack was an owner surrender from a family who had gotten him for their young children but didn’t understand the needs of Ghost-type Pokémon, especially one not native to Sinnoh. He had a little bit of an adjustment period, but he’s doing extremely well now! He is thriving at the Sanctuary, but I feel it is best to find him a home where he can have more attention and love.
Speaking of love, this boy is a LOVER! He will be GLUED to his person or people, and he is extremely sociable with other Pokémon. Jack is smaller than average, so he won’t take up much space if you have smaller living arrangements.
Jack loves to be outside, and he is also a huge fan of night, just like your average Pumpkaboo. He’d do extremely well with someone who is a night owl! He doesn’t mind the early mornings or evenings when the sun isn’t as intense and actually enjoys a good romp in the garden and dirt during these times!
Jack has a favorite garden trowel that he likes to carry around, even when he’s not helping in the berry gardens at the Sanctuary, and he loves helping! He’s a very smart Pokémon and will even fetch things for you when you ask. His garden trowel will be adopted with him for him to hopefully get much more use of it in his new home!
We understand that Ghost-types can be intimidating, and there will be people who assume because Jack is cute and little that he won’t show the typical Ghost-type behaviors. However, due to him being a Ghost-type, we would prefer someone with Ghost-type experience OR someone willing to attend the informative classes held at the Sanctuary regularly with Jack. These conditions are non-negotiable for his adoption.
If you’d like your own little slice of Halloween year round, feel free to message the Sanctuary or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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melaniagir8 · 2 years
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Inktober 2022, giorno 31 – Bu!/Farm
Succo di bacca, Baccamela, miele, una bella tovaglia, zucche e cristalli luminosi… tutto il necessario per il pick nic alla luce della luna è stato radunato. Con quello che rimaneva della vernice gialla è stata decorata una zucca. Adesso è tempo di raccontare ognuno la propria avventura e mangiare, bere, mangiare ancora! Buona festa!
Grazie a tutti per avermi seguita anche quest’anno! Buon Halloween!
Thank you all for following me again this year! Happy Halloween!
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uncle-dusknoir · 9 months
cosmog mail! the little puff of stardust places a present on basils porch very carefully, rings the bell, and teleports away.
the gift is somewhat sloppily wrapped with pumpkaboo and phantump themed wrapping paper. atop the package are a letter and a spell tag. the letter reads as follows:
"merry arcmas basil. sorry this shits so late.. was busy with family stuff a while. hope you like it. was pretty damn hard to get my hands on. also thought itd be funny to stuff the package with basil but. didnt have much basil and bolt said itd be a waste anyway. uh. dont know how to end this so. have a nice day? or night probably by the time this gets out to you -rs"
within the package is a few things.. a small bag of homemade cookies, a little container of basil, and something very large at the bottom, wrapped in many layers of old newspaper. a krookodile skull!
hello connie! you're doing very well at delivering!
see. sure it's not the average delibird but at least it makes SENSE that connie can teleport everywhere for delivering presents!!! banette don't even learn teleport normally! mine is just a DOUBLE freak. (affectionate) (i love her).
anyway. liveblogging the opening process. i love the halloween ass wrapping paper i think we need MORE seasonal spill in this direction honestly. and i get it, dw. as long as you had fun, yk?
COOKIES... oh i haven't made any at all this year. im gonna munch the hell out of these. as long as toothy's tongue doesn't get to them first. lemme... ...these are good...
this makes two people to send me basil. i appreciate it (genuine). i've been meaning to make pesto again at some point... it makes me wonder though. i have relatives who's names are poisonous herbs. if i had a poisonous herb name would you still send it to me
oh shit, this last thing is heavy, though... is it glass or s-
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roahmwhosthatpokemon · 11 months
Pinky the Pumpkaboo (Average)
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I had vague memories of something, and indeed I was right, there was at least one depiction of Pinky where they were actually male, and it was the weird animated series. In which the Ghost Gang more or less had mobster personalities, and Pinky had the deepest voice among them. I did however go with the more common depiction, and this particular Pumpkaboo is female.
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bluiex · 1 year
(As a side note to any and all who read this, I'm posting this Pokemon AU for all to use. My ideas and story might be different from how you take the story. And I'd love to see it. Use anything you like friends :D)
The ConVex
This evil team has only recently popped up, or at least has only been as active. Some say the ConVex have been here since the region started to be pushed into the modern age.
Leaders of the ConVex are Cub and Scar, but most average grunts and citizens don't know this.
The ConVex was started by Cub about a year after he founded the ConCorp in the region.
From there it was give the task to the two generals (Joe Hills and False), and Scar, to find suitable people to join the ConVex.
Their Goals
The ConVex seem to have two goals, whether this is actually the belief of Cub and Scar or just something the Grunts made up is unsure.
Cub's goals is to control the Region, it's gyms, it's pokemon, and everything that goes in and out in terms of research and knowledge. He seeks to train up and have the loyalty of the people who come or live in the region. Mainly to further his own research into how humanity was created.
All and all his goals aren't very sinister, but his methods are questionable, Cub is distrustful of most people. Having grown up on news articles like Team Rocket and the insanity that was Team Magma/Aqua.
The Grunts seem to have this belief though of the Vex, which they claim aren't pokemon, but Spirits of mischief that work through them to help their boss.
Because of this the Grunts call themselves Vexes. And some people mistake them for a cult.
Again it's unsure if the leaders of the ConVex hold this belief or not. Or if it's just something the Grunts made up as a sense of community/to entice new people.
The Generals
There are two Generals Joe Hills and False. And both strike fear into people hearts.
Joe tended to be the calmer and laid back of the two, having a thick countryside accent. He grew up in Sinnoh and moved to this region to start his own farm, for which Cub gave him the start-up money. Joe would consider Cub and Scar two of his best friends.
False has a strange history, being she is also from Sinnoh, and used to be apart of Team Plasma as a grunt. She never did align with their goals through. And after watching Cyrus take his 'new world' for himself and the sheer power of Dialga and Palkia, False was quick to leave Sinnoh. She met Cub after he promised her and escape and clean her criminal record, and she took it.
Their Teams are opposites of each other, and can be a challenge to beat.
You are Challenged by ConVex General Joe Hills.
Blissey (Normal) Milktank (Normal) Tauors -Combat Breed- (Fighting) Steelix (Steel and Ground) Slaking (Normal)
You are Challenged by ConVex General False
Salamance (Dragon and Flying) Lucario (Fighting and Steel) Nidoqueen (Posion and Ground) Electivire (Electric) Tauors -Blaze Breed- (Fighting and Fire)
Cub himself has 2 teams as does Scar. The team you see him with in public tends to be much cuter.
You are Challenged by ConCorp CEO Cub
Teddiursa (Normal) Frostmoth (Bug and Ice) Clefairy (Fairy) Pumpkaboo (Ghost and Grass)
You Are Challenged by Restaurant Owner Scar Goodtimes
Liepard (Dark) Goodra (Dragon) Jigglypuff (Normal and Fairy) Eevee (Normal)
God Jade idea here is amazing and just KAKSJCICUWHEBFJD I need to sit down (stopplayingvideogames) and write out my thoughts
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alien-slushie · 2 years
The Disasterious Life of Saiki K as Pokemon Trainers
Going for Aesthetic, not game play. Also I made this before I could play Scarlet and Violet so Paldean Pokemon are limited.
Kusuo, average Trainer: Alakazam, Meowstic(M), Meowstic(F), Farigiraf, Alcremie, and Delphox
Nendo, average Trainer: Pawmi, Machoke, Clodsire, Mimikyu, Beedrill, and Poochyena.
Kaidou, aspiring Gym Leader: Shuppet, Deino, Riolu, Rockruff, Starly, and Teddiursa.
Aren, former Team Rocket Grunt: Gallade, Crobact, Houndoom, Pangoro, Honchkrow, and Scrafty.
Kokomi, rising Pokemon Performer: Beautifly, Milotic, Alolan Meowth, Floette, Brionne, and Salazzle.
Yumehara, Coordinator: Buneary, Fidough, Kantonian Meowth, Butterfree, Bidoof, and Fearow.
Mera, average Trainer: Munchlax, Galarian Meowth, Slurpuff, Sinistea, Nickit, and Vanilluxe.
Hairo, Aspiring Gym Leader: Cinderace, Ambipom, Sawk, Throh, Poliwhirl, and Mienfoo.
Aiura, average Trainer: Xatu, Espeon, Smoochum, Togetic, Azumarill, and Golduck.
Akechi, aspiring Researcher: Chatot, Abra, Mareanie, Pichu, Wynaut, and Ninetales.
Toritsuka, Ghost Specialist: Sableye, Froslass, Sandygast, Pumpkaboo, Alolan Marowak, and Greavard.
Kuseke, Resercher: Rotom, Porygon2, Hypno, Magearna, Silvally, and Genesect.
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