[ Roleplay Starter ]
The evil team leader excitedly burst through the gates of Mesagoza, drawing the attention of many of the people outside. Panicked locals ran in the opposite direction while others just stopped and took in the sight.
"Is that the Team Aqua guy?" Students nervously mumbled to each other, pointing at the ecoterrorist. Archie seemed to pay no mind to them, B-lining it to Zakuyamo's home. He loudly pounded on the front door, calling out his name. Archie didn't care he was causing a disturbance outside. He could care so much less! He had cute Pokémon to meet! And if that meant making a few people have heart attacks, so be it. It's their fault for being scared of a well-known evil team leader who tried to flood the entire region of Hoenn years back! Seriously, why would that bother anyone? Can't a criminal just visit Paldea to pet some Pokémon?! People these days!
- @team-aqua-official
"Hold on, hold on you church going twats, I'm getting there, lemme grab my fuckin crutch!-"
[there was the sound a slight struggle, followed by 'Yeah fuck you too, ya fat fuck!'. About two minutes later the door opens to...a person in their late teens with a crutch and a crowbar. He had full intent on cracking kneecaps]
"I TOLD YOU FUCKERS THAT IM Athi....est?..."
[He was staring at the chest of Archie, slowly looking up and dropping the crowbar]
"O h A r c h O n A L o g, H e ' s H e r e-"
[He was exasperated as he collected his words]
"I was fucking joking!? I wasn't expecting someone who inspired me to commit arson as a child to be at my front door!-"
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draconic-artisan · 1 year
Hey, I completed that bug type drawing assignment you sent me. I'll send a photo of it. I would turn it in, but im... still in the hospital
Oh that's good to h-
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I want a Snake-pokemon
That's it, that's my post.
If anyone wants to give me a snake pokemon, I'll give ya a Nummel named Jimmy Two Mounds
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So some people keep trying to bar me from going outside the town without a 'mon, so I promptly tried to throw them... I am now in some kind of holding cell-
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What should I wear to prom?....please give me a serious answer-
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Wait ...
What does a baby ditto look like?
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I think I need therapy
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Whoever mailed me an Oshawott should be ashamed.
And on a related note, who needs an oshawott?
[Image of Zakuyamo in Tater Tot the Slither Wing's arms, Scooby-Doo style. There was a small oshawott on the ground, looking up at him. Zakuyamo has a face of pure terror]
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Okay, so @paldea-champ-n1cki and I have been hiking to Mount Moon the entire time.....well specifically Nicki has been hiking, I've been clinging onto him for dear life. The upside is that I now have an Arbok. Downside is that I have to keep it in a ball, and I don't like that-
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Peliper mail
An anonymous letter and. Box of steal balls
"Keep up the good work"
What is a steal ball????
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I am disappointed to say
My RPC broke
I can't continue my operations no more
Idk what to do
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I swear to fucking God, the next time a Kolluan trainer attempts to challenge me to a battle, I will beat them with my crutch. I swear, for so.e reason, I can't walk past one with out them getting aggro
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how big is big man actually
Put 2 pillows on top of eachother, then 2 pillows long. He a big Tatsugiri.
[Photo of Big Man laying on what looks like the remains of a small coffee table]
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try sticking a stellar tera shard in it next
A what now???
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What the fuck happened yesterday?????
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I want to hug a Sandie, but the last time I tried to it almost took a finger off
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