#pulses packaging bags
bankey-bihari · 1 year
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Flexible Packaging Manufacturers in India | Bankey Bihari Packaging
Bankey Bihari Packaging is one of the best reputable Flexible Packaging Manufacturers in India specializing in PP woven packaging bags. Their expertise, customization options, and commitment to quality can ensure that your packaging meets your specific requirements and helps your products stand out in the market. Make the right choice and invest in flexible packaging that ensures the safety and success of your goods.
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Nichrome’s grain packaging uplifting the agricultural industry in Africa
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Nichrome is a leading packaging solutions provider with a wide range of food packaging machines for various industries. When it comes to grain packaging, Nichrome offers state-of-the-art packaging machines like the VFFS (Vertical Form Fill Seal) series, which includes the Sprint and Excel Plus series. These grain packaging machines are designed to cater to the unique needs of the African grain packaging industry, providing speed, accuracy, and efficiency while also being easy to operate and maintain. With Nichrome's grain packaging machines, manufacturers can improve their productivity, reduce labor costs, and enhance the quality of their packaged grains. 
Agricultural industry in Africa 
As the agricultural industry in Africa continues to grow, so does the demand for efficient and effective grain packaging solutions. Nichrome, a leader in the food packaging industry, is at the forefront of this movement with their innovative grain packaging machines. In this blog, we will explore the latest grain packaging trends in Africa and what works best for farmers and businesses. 
Grain packaging in Africa faces its own set of challenges and opportunities. Africa is a vast continent, with diverse climates, varied agricultural production, and different cultures. This presents both challenges and opportunities for the grain packaging industry. In this blog, we will explore the challenges and opportunities in grain packaging in Africa. 
1.     Poor Infrastructure: The still developing infrastructure in many African countries poses a significant challenge to the grain packaging industry. Poor road networks, limited electricity supply, and inadequate storage facilities make it difficult to transport and store grains. 
2.     Inadequate Financing: The high cost of grain packaging machines is a significant barrier to entry for many small-scale farmers and packaging companies. The lack of access to financing options makes it challenging for these businesses to invest in modern grain packaging technology. 
3.     Inconsistent Quality: The inconsistency in the quality of grains produced is a challenge for the packaging industry. The lack of standardization in the production process can lead to variable quality in the final product, making it difficult to package consistently. 
1.     Growing Demand: With a rapidly growing population, the demand for grain products is increasing in Africa. The rise of the middle class has led to a shift in consumption patterns, with an increasing preference for packaged foods. With the growing demand, the supply also needs to increase. This is where Nichrome comes into play by providing the most high quality food packaging machines in Kenya. 
2.     Increase in Agricultural Production: Africa has the potential to become a major food producer in the world. With vast arable land and favorable climate conditions, there is a significant opportunity for the grain packaging industry to benefit from increased agricultural production. For the same, Nichrome provides high-end commercial food packaging machines that are capable of high output rate which are affordable & technologically advanced. 
3.     Technological Advancements: Technological advancements in grain packaging equipment have made it easier and more efficient to package grains. Nichrome offers advanced grain packaging machines which are one of the finest rice packaging machines, maize packaging machines, and wheat packing machines. These packaging machines for food products are built to package grains faster and more accurately. 
Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines by Nichrome 
Vertical form fill seal (VFFS) machines are becoming increasingly popular in the African grain packaging industry due to their efficiency and speed. Nichrome's VFFS machines are designed to handle a variety of grains, including wheat, pulses, and seeds. With customizable bag sizes and options for multi-lane packaging, these machines can pack up to 200 bags per minute, making them a reliable and cost-effective solution for commercial grain packaging. 
Nichrome is a leading provider of grain packaging machines in Africa. Our range of packaging machines includes rice bag sealing machines, grain packing machines, pulses packaging machines, and seed packaging machines. Our packaging machines are designed to meet the unique needs of the African market, and we offer a range of financing options to make it easier for small-scale farmers and packaging companies to invest in modern grain packaging technology. 
In conclusion, the grain packaging industry in Africa faces significant challenges, but also presents enormous opportunities. With the right investments in infrastructure, financing, and technology, the industry can meet the growing demand for packaged grain products and support increased agricultural production in the region. Nichrome is committed to supporting the growth of the grain packaging industry in Africa through our range of innovative and affordable packaging solutions.
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bigwishes · 8 months
Muscle BULL
(at time of writing muscle bull won the vote so I hope you enjoy)
Mikey took one last picture in front of the gym mirror, showing off every bulging muscle of his tight and toned frame. He typed his wish into the ask box "I wish for a change (but I wanna keep my muscle)" and looked into the mirror waiting for his changes to begin.
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As soon as he pressed send Mikey felt his body begin to pulse and swell. He heard the sound of his skin stretching as his muscles swelled up underneath. Mikey grabbed his pec feeling it bulge and swell bigger, the pulses of growth matching his heart beat.
"ah, fuck yeaahhhh" Mikey moaned flexing in the mirror.
The growth began to slow down, Mikey put on some cloths feeling them tight over his massive body, unable to stop flexing to himself and laughing at how muscle bigger he had grown. He left the locker room to test his new massive body in the gym.
After an hour in the gym Mikey realised he had lifted a barbell maybe once. He was too busy staring at his massive frame in the gym mirror. Other guys around him looked puny, he looked almost over grown but he loved the size.
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Mikey took a deep breath flexing again but feeling something strange in his pelvis. A butterfly like sensation stirring in his groin, Mikey looked down and moaned watching as the fabric around his dick expanded and stretched out. His eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip watching it expand and grow bigger. Mikey got up and left the gym, in such a rush he forgot his bag, he got in his car feeling another surge of growth. Driving home as fast as he legally could Mikey anxiously rubbed his groin feeling a surge of pleasure as he touched it. He wanted to lift up his waist band but was even more desperate to enjoy himself as soon as he saw what was under it.
Mikey pulled up in his driveway getting out of his car, feeling what felt like his balls now so big they rubbed against his thighs. Suddenly another pulse of growth washed over his groin.
"AWWWW FUCCKKKKKKK" Mikey moaned out falling back to lean on the side of his car.
Mikey tried to run to his door but it was more of a waddle feeling the squeeze in-between his legs, Mikey shut his door and leant against it, staring up at the ceiling he moaned feeling one last massive surge. **RIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP**
Mikey heard his gym shorts tear apart and felt his underwear snap. Mikey let out a excited laugh looking down at his new package but it wasn't his dick that he saw. Mikey's face quickly soured as he saw a massive pink udder sagging in place of where his dick would be.
"w..w...w-WHAT THE FUCK" Mikey started to panic, grabbing onto one of his new four dick.
Another sudden pulse hit him and Mikey watched as his new sagging udder swelled up even more he felt it become tight, and then painfully tight, completely full.
Mikey slid down against his door until he was sitting on the floor. He placed both his hands around the massive round udder. All four of his dicks began to leak pre.
"oh god...what the fuck do I do with this thing"
Mikey started jerking one of his dicks, his head fell back slamming against the door as he felt the best pleasure he's felt in his entire life. It was barely 30 second before he came and his dick squirted cum over his chest and wall. Mikey couldn't help but move onto the next one, feeling the intense pleasure, and again and then again. By the time he finished one another was rock solid. Mikey stood up wiping the cum off his massive body, moaning at his full cock udder than still felt like it was gonna burst.
Mikey walked to his bedroom and saw his huge body in the mirror, he flexed and posed his new huge muscles, he was the biggest man he's ever seen. His body took up most of his mirror and his giant hand struggled to hold his phone. His eyes wondered down his enormous frame.
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Mikey let out a deep sigh dropping his phone on the ground. He stared at the massive cock udder that was now the size of a beach ball. He wrapped both his hands around his, jiggling it up and down hearing sloshing from inside. The four dicks instantly became hard from the slightest touch. Mikey have it a slight squeeze watching as all four dicks squirted cum onto his mirror.
"Oh god, I look like a fucking cow..."
hope you ladz can enjoy this one, its been a while and I'm trying to get back into the swing of it all.
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Made with Love | Neteyam x reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: Gift-giving is a love language that you and Neteyam have in common
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Gif cred: @moonlightsolo
It started with a flower. When Neteyam professed his undying love for you, Kiri had helped him prepare a bouquet to sway your favor. They were iridescent and glimmered enough to light up your whole hammock. You accepted them with a wide smile, happy to find out that he shared your affections. Even now, when you close your eyes, you can still see how the purples and blues swirled together and pulsed as if they had heartbeats. “As beautiful in the dark as you are in the light”, Neteyam had explained.
A few weeks later, you were stalking a meer deer together when a particular type of plant caught your eye. This plant had leaves that changed color as the sun rose and set, and were large enough to cover your whole palm. While Neteyam was waiting patiently for the deer to walk somewhere more uncovered, you carefully picked a few leaves from several of these plants and arranged them in a shape that Jake had once showed you. He called it a rose, and had similarly made a large mat in this shape using a different plant’s ginormous leaves for a date night with Neytiri. You adored how Neteyams eyes lit up when you tapped his shoulder to show him. He carefully cradled it in his hands then cautiously placed it atop his sling bag.
Now, you were carefully painting spherical wooden beads a deep shade of blue that matched your eyes. You stuck your tongue out in concentration and you filled in the last blank space and set it to dry next to a set of yellow beads of a similar size and shape. You thinly braided a piece of Kinglor silk, large enough to fit around your bicep and hopefully Neteyam’s. As soon as the beads finished drying, you threaded them into the silk in a pattern that you knew Neteyam would recognize. You carefully wrapped the band in those same leaves that you had manipulated into a rose all those months ago. You gently put it in a pouch strapped to your leg and whistled to call your ikran.
Neteyam, meanwhile, was wrapping a panopyra stem around the edge of a meticulously produced bow that he had made himself. He gave the string a twang to make sure that the tension was right so that you could use it to hunt alongside him. The bow had carved symbols in it that could be felt if you ran your thumb across it, as was your habit. Important dates had been inscribed, such as your birth, your first meeting with your ikran, and the day that you were reborn in the clan as a valuable hunter. He summoned his ikran and placed the bow in a bag attached to his saddle. He took off with a cry.
When you arrived to your date night atop the hallelujah mountains, a familiar rose-shaped mat decorated the ground and blinking shimmerflies floated lazily in the air, attracted by the honey-sweet meal that Neteyam had lovingly prepared for you. He greeted you warmly with a tight hug and a peck on the cheek.
“I have missed you, Yawne,” he took your hand in his and guided you to the mat, “I have something for you.” He smiled and reached behind him, where a package lay. Your curious eyes scoured it before taking it in your own hands and gently removing the wrapping. You gasped softly as a beautiful bow revealed itself. Your fingers delicately traced the curve and felt each intricate marking. The string was soft against your fingers and as you pulled it taut, you could feel the precision and strength of your weapon. Soft dips the size of your fingers were shaped into the grip; this bow was made to your exact specifications.
Neteyam confidently watched your eyes devour the bow and your hands feel every last detail, from the paint on the wood to the soft string. He was certain that you would adore it.
“I am glad you like it, paskalin.” He murmured. Your head snapped up and your lips slightly parted as you remembered your own gift. You scrambled to the pouch strapped to your leg and pulled out the bundle. His eyes lit up when he saw the parcel.
His nimble fingers pulled the shiny leaves away and you collected them in your hands to reuse on another project as he lifted the armband to see it better. You grinned when you realized that you had correctly matched the color of the yellow beads to his eyes; they were almost identical. You helped him fasten it around his bicep and he kissed the top of your head lovingly. The yellow beads contrasted nicely against his blue skin, and the navy blue beads that represented you shone in the moonlight.
“Thank you, yawne.”
“And thank you, Neteyam.”
You leaned into him and he passed you a serving of the delicious meal he had prepared. You laughed softly together as you talked about nothing and everything, gazing at the stars and pointing out constellations. Once every bite of the feast had been digested, you laid on your backs and beckoned your ikrans closer to protect against the freezing wind. Neteyams tail wrapped around your bare thigh, providing a comforting feeling of protection, and you could feel your handmade armband strain around his muscle when he put his arm around you. You felt a tension release from your chest and Neteyam gently murmured in your ear until you fell asleep in his arms.
Later, when the RDA and Quaritch returned in full force and there was little time for teenaged romance, a single arrow would appear in your bunk in the camp. This arrow was always decorated with one stunningly bright yellow bead, the color of an early morning sunrise on the Upper Plains, and another deep blue bead, the color of the liveliest rivers in Kinglor Forest. You would sling it next to your bow and jump onto your ikran, racing to the top of the hallelujah mountains where your Neteyam would be waiting for you.
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Divider cred: @cafekitsune
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mostly-marvel-musings · 3 months
So Inappropriate
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A/N: Alright, you guys wanted it, here it is. This little ficlet based off of the video that’s got our Stark Squad all riled up. Leave a comment, heart or reblog if you enjoyed it.
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut-ish fluff. There is a significant age gap between the reader and Tony (say 20 years?) Also the reader is Bruce Banner’s assistant.
Word count: 1896
Tony Stark Masterlist
You were just about done arranging the equipment in the lab when you heard the door slide open.
“Dr. Banner, I’m done for the day unless you need me for anything else!” you called out without glancing up, not realizing the person who had walked in certainly wasn’t your boss.
“Dr. Banner has left the premises for the day, Miss Y/L/N. But I might need you for something.”
Tony Stark made an appearance, his signature smirk adorning his face as he traipsed in closer, his walk oozing all sorts of confidence and authority. Of course, your face did very little to hide the blush that creeped up, heating your cheeks in an instant.
Why did this man have such an influence on you? You’d never know.
Well, not exactly. It was pretty obvious. The genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist had this effect on most individuals. His natural charisma and intimidating presence was all wrapped in an impeccably trimmed-goatee-bearing handsome package. The guy was senior to you. Much senior. But there was something about him that always drew you in, an impish charm that was all too endearing, his commanding aura that compelled you to behave. Almost challenged you to confront your deepest, darkest desires.
“Earth to Y/N?” he snapped you out of your reverie, making you accidentally knock over a set of beakers kept on the platform.
Cursing under your breath, you bent to pick up the shattered glass as did Tony, resulting in your head banging against his, further adding to your embarrassment.
Just great!
“Careful, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Tony murmured, taking the shards of glass from your hand as Dum-E, one of his bots zoomed in to sweep it all away.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. I–I’m sorry.” you fumbled, wincing as you saw you an angry drop of red ooze out of your finger from where you had evidently cut yourself.
“Ah, you poor thing. C’mere.” not awaiting a response, Tony clutched your hand and brought it to his lips, gently sucking on your index finger all while his eyes bore into yours.
A part of you wanted to run away from the scene like a scaredy cat but, the other part was completely rooted to the spot. Not daring to move an inch, as if if you did, your little daydream would break. Your cheeks probably burnt with the heat, and you could feel your pulse rush to the part of your finger that was currently in his mouth, smarting. His tongue soothed over the cut softly, sending tingles of desire down your back, the moistness between your legs increasing with his little action.
He is your boss. Not exactly but he built this place. He was your boss’s best friend. These thoughts were quite inappropriate.
Almost as quickly as it began, he let go of your hand, his touch still lingering strong as you cleared your throat, watching his bot whir away from the scene.
“Thank you, I think. Um. For your help.” you stared at your feet, unsure what to do next.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them in your bag, very aware of the fact that Tony and signature smirk were following your every move.
Why was this man allowed to have this effect on you?
You stopped right by the door, turning back to face the man who hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? You said you wanted me for something?”
“Right! Well, we have a charity, inauguration, felicitation, something here at the Tower in two days. I wanted you to come.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at you intently as he waited for an answer.
“Oh! Are–are you sure?”
That was a surprise. You had been working with Dr. Banner for a better part of a year now however it had always been strictly professional. You were aware of the many, many galas and events that took place, you were just never a part of them. Until now.
“Yeah. I’ll have Big Green send you the details. You can bring a date. Or not.”
He winked cheekily, walking up the stairs right next to you before the doors slid open once again, gesturing you to go first.
Needless to say you were flabbergasted. A rush of excitement brought a pep in your step as you headed home, going through your wardrobe in detail and what could be a Stark-party-worthy outfit.
Tony’s eyes scanned the room, eager to find you in a sea of impeccably dressed people. He couldn’t shake you off from his thoughts. Not for a while now, if he would admit to himself.
His curiosity grew ever since he saw you for the first time, entering the lab and giving Bruce Banner a shy smile, eyes locking with him and holding his gaze, almost unable to look away. He sensed you were nervous, it was cute. It made his cock stir. He could not remember the last time he felt this way. You were a young, smart, vivacious thing that was too young for him, and yet he couldn’t resist you.
Not that he tried. You drew him in right from the start.
Tony had found you chatting animatedly to your boss some time later. You looked stunning in the floor-length number you had decided on. Your features were beautifully highlighted with the hair and make-up you’d chosen.
His wish to have you closer had been fulfilled as the party warmed up, people sat around in groups, drinks in their hands while conversation flowed. Of course, the Avengers had a favorite corner they had gathered at, the center of attention being the one and only, Iron Man. He was awarded a trophy for his philanthropic work earlier which now sat in his lap proudly, an almost phallic-shaped glass that had his name etched.
“I can’t be the only one thinking this.” Tony smirked, holding the award against his crotch and earning collective groans from the crowd around. The action brought warmth rushing to your cheeks, your wildly imaginative mind pictured him doing that to his member, letting out soft grunts.
“You alright, Miss Y/L/N?” Your attention was captured by someone standing next to you, pointing to your dress.
Unknown to your preoccupied self, the filled glass of wine you held had tilted enough to spill on your dress.
“Oh God! Shit!” you exclaimed, turning a few heads your way as you grabbed a few tissues to blot the spilled liquid as much as you could. The darker color of your dress masked the big stain that had probably formed.
It was hard to miss Tony’s piercing gaze as he gave you one of his lopsided grins, clearly giddy with the reaction he had hoped his stunt would achieve. If anything, one fact was becoming clearer by the day.
Your attraction towards this man was increasing and it seemed he was equally interested in you too.
It had been a hectic week, you sighed and leaned back against your chair, closing your eyes for a moment as your exhausted body relaxed momentarily. You couldn’t wait to get home and soak your butt in a hot bubble bath.
With the events of Ultron, there had been extra work load that you had volunteered to help out with at the Tower. You didn’t mind, of course. It meant spending a lot of time with the Avengers and a particular one at that too. Tony spent hours, sometimes days holed up in the lab, working with Bruce and yourself.
It was almost impossible not to be distracted or turned on by his presence there. To see him laser-focused at work, fingers gliding over keyboards and holograms in front of them as he paced about the space. It was all too hot.
Shutting your computer for the day, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the lab. Tony had retreated back to his floor some time ago and had promptly forgotten his phone on his work desk. It rang with a start, catching your attention and making you walk back in to grab it.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to bother the billionaire genius in his home since there had been multiple occasions where Dr. Banner asked you to summon the man whenever he got a lead on Ultron.
The elevator dinged to a stop, the doors opening to his grand living room that offered a view of New York people would kill for. His bedroom door seemed left ajar as you made your way over, stopping in your tracks as you heard a muffled groan.
Curiosity got the better of you as you sneaked a look inside his bedroom, not able to stop yourself as the sounds increased.
You felt your mouth go dry at the sight before you. Tony lay on his bed against the pillows, eyes scrunched up, pants undone., soft sighs leaving his lips as his hand moved up and down on his erect cock.
It felt so wrong to watch him pleasure himself in the privacy of his own home and yet so right, you felt yourself blush at the sight. It was like you were unable to look away, he had his fingers wrapped around his shaft, moving at a steady pace as you saw precum leak at the tip of his head. His pretty, thick lips were parted while his chest rose and fell, eyes shut in ecstasy.
You were about to peel your gaze away from the scene when you heard a faint whisper of what you thought was your name.
“Oh Y/N..” his breathy moan sent desire to pool right between your legs, a part of you still processing the whole thing while the other wanting to push that door open and join the man or perhaps help him finish.
His thumb swiped across his red tip before the pace of his strokes increased, his pants echoed in the room while you felt your entrance clench around nothing, desiring the very man who was masturbating while thinking of you.
You were sure your panties were ruined by the time Tony’s hips jerked and you saw him climax, ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling on his hand and lower abdomen. That had to be the hottest thing you’d seen in your life.
You definitely needed to take care of yourself after this, that bubble bath was going to be an elaborate one. His softened cock still lay open for your eyes to feast on, his cum scattered on his body begging you to be licked clean.
Your thoughts came to a standstill when the phone you held in your hand rang terribly loudly, interrupting the little moment. Your scramble to hide or run was rendered useless when Tony glanced outside and saw you.
“It is rude of you to just stand out there and watch, Miss Y/L/N. So inappropriate.”
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Meal, Under-the-Stars
Summary: Simon’s inability to show affection irritates you. Until Valentine’s Day arrives.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,360
*sighs* it’s almost Valentine’s so *gestures aggressively at the fic*
i made sure it’s the least amount of cringe, pinky promise
Want more?
You collapse in your bus seat, travelling home after another long day at the office. The chair feels too stiff, and the ride is too bumpy. That’s what you get for missing your bus and taking a different route. Damn it. Your neck is tense from the hours of hunching over the computer, and a pulsing pain has settled behind your eyes, threatening to rip your skull apart. As if your physical agony wasn’t enough, the bus’s noises aren’t helping. Without your headphones, you’re left to suffer in silence and listen to the people around you.
The two women in front of you talk nonstop about their upcoming Valentine’s Day plans. The first, with a smug look, reveals how her boyfriend has planned a romantic getaway to Europe. You can almost hear the silent “aren’t I lucky?” that hovers at the end of her sentence. Her friend humbly brags back about her partner taking her to a jewellery store where she can pick out whatever she wants. You suppress a groan and roll your eyes instead.
You turn to your left. Your attention is drawn to a man whose face is concealed by a towering bouquet of flowers. The sight of him and the enormous gift next to him makes you wonder. Could it be chocolates? The package seems too bulky for that. Lingerie maybe? It looks too heavy for delicate lace. Perhaps it contains the embodiment of his love for his significant other, ripped from his soul and transformed into a tangible form, you ponder sarcastically.
The image of Capitalism, dressed in a three-piece tailored suit and hat, sitting on a throne made of kitschy teddy bears, comes to mind. He sips a glass of wine made from rose petals and sneers at the spectacle before him: people spending their hard-earned money on unnecessary gifts and experiences, all in the name of love. When did a simple and sincere “I love you” become insufficient? When did it become necessary to spend a fortune on extravagant trips, sparkling diamonds, and wrapped boxes filled with empty promises? Did your grandparents go to such lengths to express their affection, or is this just the plague of your generation?
And why does this all bother you so much? Could it be that Simon’s inability to express his affection for you is causing your bitterness? You recall Aesop’s fable about the fox and the grapes. Like the fox, you cannot grasp what you want, so you try to convince yourself that what others have is, like the grapes, sour. Admit it: you’re envious of those who are happily celebrating Valentine’s Day, surrounded by love and affection, while you’re on your way home to a strained relationship, where love is shown through practical acts like fixing the thermostat or reminding you to take an umbrella on a potentially rainy day.
You knew he was reserved and guarded the moment you met him. “A mystery wrapped in a balaclava”, you used to jokingly call him. It took months of building rapport and earning his trust before he finally revealed his face to you. But, despite this, you find yourself wanting more. Wasn’t this enough? Get a grip, sweetheart; Valentine’s Day is for the rest of the world, not you two.
As the bus pulls to a stop, you rise from your seat and step off, feeling heavy and reluctant as you make your way home. The weight of your expectations slows your pace as if you are afraid to face reality—that the love you seek may not be the love he is capable of giving...
You reach the front steps, the cool metal of the key turning in your hand as you unlock the door. You push it open, the emptiness inside greeting you like an old friend. Something on the floor catches your attention; military bags and tactical gear are neatly arranged near the entrance. You look across the kitchen table to see a map with checkmarks on it. Has he been summoned for a mission and forgotten to tell you? No, it cannot be; this is far worse than you expected.
As you make your way down the hall, the noise coming from the bedroom fills the silence. The door is slightly ajar, and you push it open to find him standing before you, freshly showered and wrapped in a crisp white towel from the waist down. Droplets of water cling to his damp hair, with strands hanging over his forehead. His towering stature is imposing, his muscles resembling those of a Greek statue carved by a master artist. Like faded memories of battles fought, scars are dotted across his body, each telling a tale of modern warfare.
He smirks as you enter the room, but you can’t help the flare of anger that rises within you.
“You’re late,” he says, continuing to dry himself.
How dare he.
“Traffic,” you respond, trying to steady your voice. “Where are you going?”
“We are going,” he corrects you nonchalantly.
“W-we?” you stammer. “Simon, where are we going?”
“Out,” he says with a smirk.
You frown at him. You’re exhausted—tired of work, tired of the long trip back home, tired of his mysterious demeanour. You need answers—complete, coherent, straightforward answers—and you need them fast. Now.
“Care to explain further, Simon?” you ask, trying to compose yourself.
“We're going camping,” he says as he starts putting on his gear.
Your heartbeat quickens. Suddenly the grapes are not sour anymore. They seem sweet again.
“So, camping, huh?” you ask with a cheeky grin. “Why?”
“Don’t make me say it,” he says sternly. “I’ve seen enough atrocities to know what today is.”
“You never struck me as the romantic sort, Mr Riley,” you reply.
“Oh, but I am romantic, my love,” he corrects you. “Just not the cliché type.”
But, of course! That’s why you fell for him in the first place. He’s not your typical guy. He may not serenade you, but he’ll fix things with his own hands. And he won’t kneel on one leg to recite poetry, but he’ll ensure you’re warm, safe, and fed.
Fed. Food. Did he think about food?
“I’ll prepare something quick to take with us,” you tell him.
“No need to,” he replies. “I’ve prepared an outstanding variety of MREs for us.”
What a guy.
“What about me?” you ask pointing at his gear. “I don’t have the appropriate clothing for this.”
He looks amused. “That’s weird,” he comments. “I’m sure I saw something at the entrance earlier today.”
You stare at him, confused, dash to the front door, and inspect the gear you saw earlier. To your surprise, it’s all your size.
You slip into the gear, feeling its weight and texture against your skin. The material is rugged yet flexible, allowing you to move easily. You run your hand over the pockets, checking to ensure everything is in place, before returning to the bedroom.
As you enter, Simon looks up from his bag, and his gaze travels down your form. You stand tall and proud; sure, you’re still tired and in pain, but at least you’re happy. You twirl for him to get a better look.
He nods his approval with a smile. “You look like a proper camper,” he says jokingly. “I had no idea you had it in you.”
“Come on, Simon!” You shout, fists clenching at your sides as you stand in the doorway. “It’s Valentine’s Day,” you implore, your voice growing softer. “At least say something nice.”
He regards you, his lips curling upward in amusement. “Alright, alright,” he says, holding up his hands in surrender. “You want something nice?” He asks, and you nod, smiling.
“You got it.” He steps closer, towering over you, and gazes down with warm and tender eyes. “You look beautiful,” he says. “Absolutely stunning.”
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cityof2morrow · 6 months
3-in-1 Supermarket 001
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Published: 1-13-2024 | Updated: 1-15-2024 (Counter 1/4 FIX) SUMMARY The 3-in-1 Supermarket collection (Simmons, 2023) includes items from Asamo Sims (2005), Sims Connection (2006), and Simplan-X (2006), edited and expanded. Mix and match items to create your own, unique supermarket design.
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DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs §100-700 | Buy Mode All files with “MESH” in their filenames are REQUIRED for all textures/recolors to show properly. To use the SmartGarden Kiosk, you must have the Planting Overhaul mod (Lamare and Tvickiesims, 2023) installed. Finally, you need one of the following: Shift Everything (Lamare, 2022) OR Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023). Some recolors may be bundled in the same file, so be careful deleting swatches in-game. Some objects may need to be shifted upward once for ideal placement.
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WARNING: The SmartMarket Kiosk, SmartGarden Kiosk, and TV objects have pulsing, flashing, and glowing light effects. If you are sensitive to visual noise, download the LIGHT SENSITIVE version of this set. Only use ONE version in-game at a time. ITEMS Hanging Grocery Bags (Deco) (896 poly) Area Dividers 001-002 (Deco) (59 poly) Barrier Gate (334 poly) Barrier Fence (910 poly) - *not in the collection file. Basket (292 poly) Cash Register (533 poly) Cabinets (Deco) (408-548 poly) Cleaning Deco (1295 poly) Counter 001 (240 poly) Counter 002 (32 poly) Counter 003 (264 poly) Counter 004 Bagstation1  (240 poly) Counter 005 Bagstation2 (184 poly) Counter 006 (286 poly) Boxed Foods Display (396 poly) Shopping Cart (Shelf) (776 poly) Counter Shelf (417 poly) Displays 001-004 (Deco) (206-470 poly) Display 005 (Functional Grocery Bin) (1910 poly) – purchase groceries by clicking on any part of the object; place a shelf inside for additional storage/sale space. Display 006 (Functional Fridge) (738 poly) – store/sell spoilable food items. Display 007 (488 poly) Fridge Shelf (Functional) (834 poly) – store/sell spoilable food items. Shelves & Half Shelves (Left, Right, Center for each) (10-62 poly) SmartMarket and SmartGarden Kiosks (~1472-1650 poly) – purchase groceries, seeds, and fertilizer respectively. Supermarket Sign (2-Story) (352 poly) TV Display (1276 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) REGULAR VERSION from SFS | from MEGA LIGHT SENSITIVE VERSION from SFS | from MEGA *A known game bug may disable some shelf slots. If you cannot access more than 2 slots on the hosiery/lingerie racks (the ones with 4 or 6 bars), download ONE these fixes: MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves (Numenor, 2006) MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves+LOCKEDTILES (Numenor, 2006) Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023) CREDITS Thanks: AL Wood Actions/Reducing GUIDs/OBJs (@hugelunatic, 2022). Sources: Any Color You Like (@curiousb, 2010), Basket Cage (H.A., n.d.), BBNiche1Master (BuggyBooz, 2012), Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), Cubic Dynamics (EA/Maxis), DOECHII Screen Kiosk (retr0black, 2022 via Creative Commons Attribution), EA/Maxis, Great Groceries Display (Balkopat, 2020), Grocery Store Part 1 (Jacky93sims, 2023; Severinka, 2022; Bodegababy, 2021), Kitchen Basic (Hafiseazale, 2016; BuggyBooz 2008), Kitchen Basic Extras (Hafiseazale, 2016; BuggyBooz, 2010), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), One More Slot Package (OMSPs) (SilentLucidity, 2009), Planting Overhaul (@lamare-sims and @tvickiesims, 2023), Shop Essentials (Simplan-X, 2006), Shopping Set (Asamo Sims, 2005), Supermarket (JC/Sims Connection, 2006), Images (Iskisoon, 2023; Macrovector, 2023; 2022; 2019; Photographeaasia, 2023; Freepik, 2023; Upklya, 2022; Rawpixel).
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sophsiaaa · 4 months
Bookstore/Gamestore AU time.
So, how about shigaraki visiting you at work? He doesn’t actually give a shit about reading. Like he can read, quite well actually, and he has a few books on his shelf. But we all know this man’s escapism is not found in pages. So when he comes into your bookstore, it’s 100% to get your attention.
After wandering the aisles slurping loudly on a drink can (that he later hides on a shelf) he finds you putting away stock in the back. You’re in the manga section, and shigaraki feels his pulse kick up a gear because you’re shelving those plastic wrapped ‘mature content’ books. He’s sneaks up on you.
‘What are you doing?’ he asks.
It takes you by surprise that he’s here, and even more so that he’s speaking to you. ‘Working,’ you say. And then when he just stands there, you ask, ‘Can I help you find something or?’
Which of course embarrasses shigaraki because he doesn’t need your help. What, do you think he’s stupid? He can find his own damn book. The only problem is he didn’t even come here to get a book, his subconscious brought him here to watch you in a not-totally-stalkerish way.
And because this man has ZERO rizz, he just snorts, rolls his eyes and says, ‘No. You’re just in my way.’
He proceeds to grab the first book he sees - the one in your hand - and tucks it under his arm. He tries very hard to keep still though when he realises it’s one of the plastic wrapped manga you were putting away.
You eye off the manga’s suggestive cover and glare flatly at him like he’s some sort of degenerate. ‘Oh. My mistake,’ you say, and keep on with your work.
Shigaraki huffs and heads up to the counter. He’s got to see this through. You keep side-eyeing him throughout the purchase as one of your coworkers bags the manga for him, and although he doesn’t even want this, he’s annoyed by how disgusted you seem. So what if he’s essentially buying porn? If you sell it, you shouldn’t be so judgey.
It’s not till he gets back to the game store and takes the manga out of its packaging on his break, that he sees what he bought.
Volume 12 of My 900 Year Old Boyfriend Wants Me To Suck On His Toes.
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bankey-bihari · 1 year
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
The Anonymous Annotator (Steven Grant x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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Prompt: ARGUING!! then a heated "kiss me." and suddenly their hands are all over each other
Warning: MDNI, dom!Steven, sub!reader, oral (m and f receiving), unprotected p in v, fingering, dry humping, cockwarming (if you squint), nipple play 
A/N: Ok so I was watching MK again, as one does and I realized I want more of the Steven who talked back to Marc before he and Layla went to explore the tomb, so here is Steven being a little shit, cuz that's hot. Forget everything you know about sweetie Steven, k bye. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You sat in your dorm listening to music when you heard a knock on your door. You jumped up and opened the door, only to find a mysterious package on your doormat. It was wrapped in brown paper and had your name scrawled on it with messy handwriting. You rushed to your bed and pulled the string, tearing open the paper, revealing one of your spicier books that you hid under your bed, making your eyes widen. 
You frantically threw yourself off the bed to check under the bed and to your absolute horror, the book wasn't there. You spread your legs in front of you and pulled the book from the top of your bed and flipped to the front page, where the same handwriting blossomed. 
“To the one who’s eyes make the stars feel shy.” 
You flipped through the pages and found every bit of white space was covered in intricately detailed annotations. Your face heated up and you spent the next few hours reading how the mysterious annotator would alter the events of the books to make it more suitable for you. You gulped at the small smiley faces that would mark the end of the most crude sentences that you had ever laid your eyes on. 
“Where would you like my hands, sweet angel? Around your wrists, while I watch your tits bounce around while I thrust myself into you? Around your thighs, when I pin you down as you squirm against my face when my tongue carves my name out in your wetness? Around your neck, to see whether you’d be able to resist the urge to cum around my cock without me even moving a single muscle? :)”
It was seductive, and you were absolutely tantalised by the idea that you had a secret admirer. Suddenly, you can’t think about anything else but sex. 
“I wonder if I could fold you over like this, cover you with my spend after I’ve fucked you like a pathetic toy, leaning all of my body weight against you to whisper more things that could cause your pussy to clench around nothing.”
Every word, every phrase that was etched into the pages of the book in pencil burned coarsely against your skin and mind. 
“I think the protagonist could totally do better here. I’d love to hear your pretty noises as I devour you whole, to watch you come apart from my touch would be a blessing like no other.” 
You feel a warm pulsing somewhere below as you try taking deep breaths, trying to control the urges that rushed through your body. You rub your thighs together and you are suddenly hyper aware of your body’s changes, your skin feeling prickly, your breasts feeling uncomfortably trapped under your bra.
“Hah, rearranging her guts? I’d rearrange your brain chemistry just with my fingers in your sweet tight cunt.”
The warm tingling pulsation of your clit and increasing wetness and builds up from there, to the point of frustration where you have trouble thinking about anything other than your complete desire to be filled by the person who had taken the time to write all of their unrefined and vulgar thoughts on paper. 
“I’d let you sit and warm my cock for hours with you reading this over and over, till your eyes get tired and your cunt puls-”
Suddenly, your phone rang and you snapped out of whatever trance you were in, realising that it was your alarm for your class. You shook your head and slammed the book shut, throwing it into your bag, leaping up to leave your dorm.  
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You chewed your inner cheek as you tried to listen to the lecturer, nervously tapping the table to calm your mind. 
“Quit the tapping, dumbass, I can’t focus.” hissed the person beside you.
You rolled your eyes and turned to glare at Steven Grant, third year Egyptology student and your No.1 academic rival. Pity the fact that he was such a pretty boy because he was sometimes just a sarcastic cunt. You couldn’t help but let your eyes linger a little longer at the silhouette of his side profile, your sight grazing down the beautiful curve of his nose and settling on the plump of his lips.
Steven knew you were staring but didn’t say a word. His eyes were trained on the lecturer before him and he was quite positive that the lecturer was going to call you out any second now.
“Is there something more interesting about Mr. Grant’s face?” you heard the lecturer call out to you and you tore your gaze away from Steven and looked horrifyingly at her.
Steven bit his bottom lip and tried not to smirk as you slowly stood up from your seat. 
“Uh, no Ms. he, umm,” you tried to speak but your mind was jumbling at the thought of being caught and called out all in one second.
“Sit down! And eyes on the board, young lady, I want your focus here as your grades have been steadily declining.” the lecturer said before turning back to the board.
Your face was flushed and your hands were shaking. You could literally feel the smugness radiating off Steven and you gritted your teeth and stared forward, determined to keep your eyes on the board. For the past few weeks, you had been plagued with the mysterious book annotator and your focus had been slipping. You found yourself searching far and wide for the person’s likeness but you never seemed to catch the person anywhere near you. 
Finally the class was dismissed and you quickly gathered all your things and practically sprinted for the exit when you heard your lecturer call your name. You turned to see Steven speaking to your lecturer and sweat beaded at your palms, knowing you were in deep shit today.
“Mr. Grant here has agreed to tutor you, with the promise that you would make proper grades this semester.” your lecturer said and you glared at Steven who had a sweet, innocent smile on his face. 
“Your tutoring sessions are whenever Mr. Grant is free and you are to focus, alright?” you hated the way the lecturer was speaking to you but you purse your lips and nodded. 
“My place, 8 pm today.” Steven whispered and you grimaced but nodded.
Steven eyed the book that poked out of your bag as you quickly walked away and smirked to himself. 
“If she doesn’t have the brains to figure it out herself…”
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“No look, that happened before this, you’re getting the timelines mixed up!”
“I’m getting the timelines mixed up? What about you? Did you write this goddamn book, Steven?” 
You knew how this was going to go down, you and Steven arguing away about the stupidest misunderstanding. Your pride made it hard to back down as Steven tried teaching you, and you could tell that he was genuinely trying from the way he pulled out his own flashcards to help you. You couldn’t admit defeat, not to Steven Grant. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, pushing your knuckles into your eyes and counting from one to ten before looking up at Steven again. 
“Come on, it's not that hard.” Steven tried justifying as he flipped through the cards again.
“It’s fucking difficult Steven, stop sounding so fucking smart.” you groan.
“You’re not that fucking stupid either, I just need you to focus.” Steven chastised you, slightly more gently this time.
“I’d probably focus better if you didn’t make such a hot fucking teacher.” you hissed under your breath as you flipped the page angrily.
“What?” Steven whispered.
“You heard me.” you snapped, glaring at him. “You know, you’d probably teach me better if you stopped giving me those big ‘fuck me’ eyes either. Like what? You want me to kiss you or something?” 
You were definitely losing your shit as Steven inhaled a sharp breath of air. Suddenly, everything happened so quickly that you didn’t have the time to register the book being ripped out of your hands and soft plump lips settling against your own. It was a soft kiss at first, testing, unsure, but when you began to move your lips against his, it became more passionate as he pulled you onto his lap without a second thought. 
It took you long enough to push past your primal urges to realise that you were kissing Steven Grant. You snapped out of it and pushed him away, only to see his flushed face, swollen lips and half lidded eyes. It switched on something in you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close once again as your lips began another dance with his. His hands were on your hips as he pushed your clothed core against him, groaning into your mouth. 
“Fuck, Steven, what’s happening?” you whisper against his forehead as he trailed kisses along your cheek and jaw, making your muscles buzz with anticipation. 
“Let it happen, love.” he moaned against your neck as you pressed yourself onto his hardening member again. 
Your hands found his soft hair and you pulled him closer as he began to suck softly at the soft skin of your neck. One of his huge hands palmed at your tits through your tank top, twisting at your hardening sensitive bud and you arched your back, whining and leaning towards your source of pleasure. 
“Love your pretty noises. Don’t stop.” Steven softly encouraged you as he continued to play with your nipple, your mind racing into overdrive.
There was a familiar throb that bloomed inside of you at Steven’s words as something finally clicked. Steven must have sensed the shift too as he smirked darkly against your neck, instantly biting down so that he could drag you away from saying what you needed to say.
“Bloody hell, unngh, it was you.” you managed to say as Steven pushed you against his hardening erection.
“Mhm.” Steven moaned as he licked a long strip up your neck to your ear, kissing the shell of your ear softly.
Every part of you felt sensitive, all tuned towards Steven. You had the sudden urge to be filled and you rutted yourself over and over against him, as if begging him to know what you actually needed. 
“Is it okay if I touch you like this?" His question was spoken lowly, as if he didn’t want to break the fragile veil that was forming over the both of you. 
“Yes, please, mngh, why didn’t you tell me sooner…” you whimpered as his hand grabbed your ass, kneading it softly as his fingers dug through your shorts, trying to feel your skin. 
“Wanna taste you so bad.” he murmured as his lips met yours again.
You were lost for words as the pages and pages of vulgarity blinded your eyes, making you squeeze them shut as you suddenly feel Steven pick you up. You were now lying on a bed, his bed, staring up at the mysterious annotator who had been plaguing your mind with absolute filth and filling your dreams with sweet wet melodies that cursed you throughout your waking life. 
“I bet you know the things I’d like to do to you, my sweet angel.” He said, trailing both of his hands down from your shoulders to the top of your tank top. 
“But you’re supposed to be-”
“Sweet Steven Grant who only cares about his studies? Oh please, darling, let me catch a break.” He ripped your tank top with surprising strength, leaving you bare for him. 
His darkened iris dragged themselves down your body, painting you with their own poetry that could not be described using words in the English dictionary. He pulled his sweater off himself and you gulped at how defined he looked. This shouldn’t be attractive. You shouldn’t be attracted to your rival. You shouldn’t be attracted to the guy who stole one of your private possessions and spilled all of his blasphemous thoughts on it before slyly returning it.
“Wanted to do this since the first day I laid my eyes on you. Didn’t know you were such a dirty girl until I got ahold of one of your books, love.” He said into your chest and you gasped at his confession, your brain still trying to comprehend everything.
Steven had your head out of your books for weeks and now he had his mouth around your nipple, sucking hard as you cried his name and pushed his head against you. You desperately needed him to quiet your mind with his tongue and you wanted it so bad that you were already shaking under him. His fingers hooked at your waistband and your hands join him there and the both of you slowly pull your shorts off you.
Steven felt up your thighs, telling you how soft you are, how nice and warm your thighs are and how they’re so pretty, whilst burying his her head in your shoulder and neck, lightly panting and nuzzling you. His hand slowly slid to your mound as he started peppering small kisses along your collarbone. His fingers grazed your hardening nub between your legs as you clench your legs together and turned your head to the side. One of his legs wrenched yours open and pinned you down, sliding his fingers through your wet swollen folds, groaning against you.
“Inside Steven” He obeys, pushing one finger inside and pumping it slowly, bringing his face up to watch your expressions contort beautifully on your face.
You throbbed and twitched around him, your cunt responding beautifully to his touch as his thumb rubs soft circles around your clit. Steven adjusted himself and now had been grinding down his erection on your thigh, throwing his head back at the feeling of your warm wet cunt. Quick breathy moans filled the air as they mingled together and you could barely differentiate yours and Steven’s from the heavy ringing in your ears. 
“You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined you to be.” he whispers and you sigh.
Suddenly his hands are off you and you whine at the loss of touch but it quickly morphed into a moan as Steven’s tongue flicked at your clit. He was so worked up that he pushed his entire face into your already wet cunt and breathed in deeply, causing you to clamp your thighs around his head. He started fucking you with his tongue, thrusting the flexible muscle in and out of you with accurate precision that had you writhing around. He pushed two fingers into you easily and started pushing them in and out as he latched himself onto your clit. Your cries were getting louder and more uncontrollable now as you found yourself heading towards your first clift of the night
“Shut the fuck up and listen, Listen to how fucking wet you are, how fucking wet you are for me.” Steven says, going shallow at first so that you could hear all the sloppy, vulgar noises that your cunt was making.
Your face was heating up and you tried to hide behind your hands but Steven wrenched your hands away, gripping them in a lock as he now pushed in deeper, deeper, going knuckle deep, finding the spots that make you shake, make you quiver.
“Come on baby, I can feel you close, you’ve already made such a huge mess around my face and hands, go ahead and cum.” with that Steven’s mouth was back on you as you hurtle past your pleasure, pussy tightly clenching around his fingers as Steven lapped up all of your spend before it could wet the bed beneath you. 
He slowly massaged your tit as you came down from your high, twitching slightly as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and started to suck them clean, moaning at the taste of you and giving you a show that you didn’t know you needed. 
You look up at Steven when he was done, your eyes big and wide as a question sits on your tongue. Steven nodded and your eyes dropped to the tent between his legs. 
"Can I touch?" you ask softly, keeping yourself from palming him through his sweats. 
"Touch what, darling?" Steven asked, making your face heat up again.
“Your cock, Steven, please.” you decided to say please anyway, before he had any forethought to tease you any longer. 
Steven flops down beside you and gestures at his crotch and you take it as a sign to undress him. You tug his sweats down along with his boxers and his cock pops out slapping against his abdomen. You lick your lips and grab ahold of him, feeling him in your hands. You kneel next to him and spit on your hand, taking his cock and starting to pump him up and down as his head lolled back onto the pillow. 
You take the tip in your mouth, just sucking on it gently. You let your tongue drag over it, smearing pre cum all over the tip as your hand continues to slowly pump him up and down. Suddenly your mouth is around him and you start sucking, driven by the noises that Steven started making. His hand was soon in your hair as he involuntarily started pushing you to take more and more of him and you obliged, swallowing around him as his tip grazed the back of your throat. 
“Gods, I didn’t know your mouth could work like this. If I knew earlier, I could use my cock to shut you up whenever I please.” Steven moans and you rolled your eyes and licked the underside of his shaft, making his cock twitch. 
Soon, you had him properly squirming against you as you bounced your head up and down his shaft. His hands were suddenly at the back of your head as he pulled you off him, spit trailing from your mouth to his dick as you took big gulps of air. 
“Need to be inside you.” he mumbles as he gently takes your arms and pulls you towards him for a bruising kiss. 
You straddled him, settling your pussy against his spit soaked cock, making him moan against your lips. You pulled away to watch his facial expression as he moved his cock to prod at your entrance. You sunk down slowly and Steven watched as your cunt swallowed him up whole, tipping his head back again as the both of you hissed from the fullness. You folded your legs behind Steven and he nestled his head against your bare breasts, inhaling your scent. He pushed himself slightly forward so that he would have enough space to fuck up into your cunt. 
And that's what he did. 
With small shallow strokes, Steven began to thrust up into your warm cunt, moaning at your tightness and feeling overwhelmed by the feeling of you around him. It was true, he’d wanted you ever since he laid eyes on you. He thought you were the most fascinating human beings he had ever met and loved the passion that flowed through you. But you were one smart cookie, beating him in every test, acing everything that made you triumphantly yell at his face. 
Sure, he wanted you to fall back a little bit and he taught himself how to gain control over you. One day, that control came upon him in the form of one of your books. He wasn’t surprised that you would read something like this, his mouth forming into a grin as the evil thoughts began to fill his mind. He jotted them down in your book and one morning, decided that it would be a good idea to deliver the book to you, setting it down at your front door and walking away quickly. 
How you didn’t notice his handwriting for weeks absolutely baffled him. He knew you were smarter than that and suddenly he realised that he’d indirectly gotten you in a chokehold. You were frantic, searching around, trying to find the person who had an iron grip around you when the person was right beside you. Part of him felt guilty when your grades started dropping and he really was going to teach you today, but your mind was clearly elsewhere. 
He snapped his hips against your ass a little harder, your face buried in his curls, moaning into his scalp. He tilted his own head up and kissed a soft spot at the bottom of your chin, making you giggle slightly. It was incredibly intimate, being in this position with Steven, but you couldn’t help but wonder whether he was doing this for his own benefit. Steven could feel your breathing change and he stopped, bringing himself to your eye level as the both of you panting softly, breathing in each other’s air from the close proximity. 
“Do you really want me, Steven, or are you just doing this to have a one up on me?”  you say, trying to find a comfortable position as Steven was buried in you up to the hilt. 
Guilt began to pour over Steven’s head and he sighed, pushing your hair away from your face and taking a good look at you.
“I really want you, darling. I know my methods are questionable, but oh, I wanted you and still want you so bad.”  he said, cupping your face in his hands. 
“I’m still mad at you Steven, for making my grades drop .” you stay sternly, combing your hands through his unruly locks and dragging them to his face, tracing all of its sharp edges as his eyes flutter close. 
You couldn’t help but smile at the man before you and his words truly did turn you on. They were etched deep into your mind as you read them over and over whilst your hand was between your legs, trying hard to picture the person who had spilled all of their sins onto the pages of the books. Now you had your picture in front of you and the picture was beautiful. 
“But I can’t help but want you too.” you whispered and his worried face morphed to one of pure bliss as he relaxed, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“So, you’re going to have to make it up to me by fucking me like you promised in your writings. Okay?” you whisper against his soft breaths and he chuckled as his cock throbbed impatiently inside of you, causing you to moan. 
Steven immediately flipped you over and claimed your lips with his again, drawing his hips back and slamming into you with so much force that your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He began to thrust in and out with his own rhythm picking up speed. A calm, deep growl, and soft grunt filled your ears with each increasingly deep thrust inside you as Steven quite literally started railing you into the bed. 
Your cunt spasmed around his length and a primal craving snapped inside of Steven as his thrust became more and more powerful. He took in deep breaths, becoming high on your pheromones as you moaned his name over and over, until it started to sound like garbled garbage. He loved the way his cock stretched you out and he loved the way you were taking all of him, your whimpers spurring him on as he watched your tits jiggle. 
He grabbed your legs and folded you over, the new angle making you sob at how intense the pleasure was. Steven pushed himself against you and the sting you felt throughout your body as well as the constant thrust of Steven’s cock pushed you over the edge again with the help of his thumb at your clit. You came, squeezing Steven as tight as you possibly could. Steven felt himself collapse against you as he could only roll his hips and grind against you, your pussy sucking him in and keeping him there as he tried to help you ride out your high. 
Steven finally let himself relax as he used you for his own release, fighting against the muscles of your pussy as his cock twitched intensely. He pulled out of you and slammed into you a few more times, before releasing his own pent up spend into you, painting your walls with his seed as he rode out his own high. 
Steven let go of your legs and slumped against you, his whole body going absolutely limp from fucking you like a mad man. You pressed a small kiss on his temple and whispered a thank you into his ear as he floated back down to earth, his head pounding from the intensity of his release. 
“I’ve got more books, if you want to ruin them with your filth.” you said softly, earning a chuckle from Steven.
“Only if you focus and let me teach you, love.”
“Yada yada, fine, Professor Grant.” you say jokingly, but gulped when you felt Steven hardening inside you again.
“Hmm, looks like someone wants round two.” 
You were definitely done for now. 
Reblogs are appreciated~~~
Tagging: @fandxmslxt69 @randomnessfangirl @in-between-the-cafes @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @jbearre85 @whatsliferightnow @excitedcurtain864 @minigirl87 @wonderfulboiledcoldpotato @autismsupermusicalassassin @alexxavicry @flordelalunas @marygraceee @lia275 @euphoricosmo @sky-robin @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @celiaswife @violet-19999 @melodygatesauthor @romanarose
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Under the Rainfall, I See You - Ominis x FemReader
If you have seen this -> Daredevil Kisses Elektra <- then you know what's up. Like this is just how I believe Ominis sees when he's got the wand. You CANNOT change my mind. Okay maybe you can, im easily swayed, but for now, this is my belief on the subject.
Summary: As the two head back from a trip to Hogsmeade, a sudden rainstorm may dampen the mood, or show them more of each other than they thought possible.
Word Count: ~ 2,200 words
Read my other Ominis Fics Here!
Her eyes glance up at the crimson and golden leaves under the cloudy afternoon sky. Bird’s chirp and fly between the branches above her and Ominis as they walk the leaf covered path. She inhales the fresh, cool air and she can’t quell her exultation at the changing of seasons occurring around them. 
“There’s more just up ahead.” Ominis informs her with a slight grin. 
She can’t stop her smile as she turns her gaze to the boy next to her. He has a grip of her parcel from Hogsmead tight under his arm, refusing any and all her efforts to let her carry the package herself. He has his wand in his hand; the red pulsing emitting at a steady beat. His robes hang off his shoulders and his suit underneath is freshly pressed. His gaze is directed in front of him and his features are formed in a soft, easy smile. She enjoys gazing upon him when he’s like this, she concludes. He comes to a stop then turns away from her, to somewhere off the path. 
“There. Do you see them?” He wonders. 
She forces her attention to where he’s facing and sure enough she can see the glow of the Lacewing Flies poking between the foliage. She takes out her jar and runs over to the cluster of bugs. She captures as many as she can into the glass container then places it in her bag with the other three she’s gotten today. She runs back over to her awaiting friend, who has amusement dancing over his pale features.
“You laugh. But, when you run out of Lacewings again in Potions, you’ll be thanking me.” 
“I shall go ahead and pledge my gratitude now for your infallible generosity then.” His snicker makes her smile widen. 
“How do you tell the difference between the Lacewings, and all the other bugs? They all sound the same to me.” 
“A perk of my condition.” He dryly replies. “They have a certain chitter. I don’t think I can aptly describe it. I just know it’s the sound of a Lacewing.” 
She pulls out one of the jars and brings her ear to it. She closes her eyes and listens to the flies. 
“How fascinating. They do chitter. I’ve never noticed before.” She holds the glass jar in front of her with amazement. She stuffs the jar back into her sack then looks over to Ominis. The boy who sees more than she ever possibly could. It sends her heart thundering in her chest the longer she stares at him. “I appreciate your patience and for entertaining my ingredient gathering.” 
He bows his head, “My pleasure. Especially considering your promise to share some of those ingredients with me.” 
She giggles, “Of course. Although, you may need them far more than I. What with your tendency to burn your brews.” 
He lets out a sigh, “I truly detest that class. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to endure the stench of whatever questionable experiment Weasley decides to concots that day.” 
“You must admit, there’s nothing better than listening to Professor Sharp scolding Garreth.” 
He nods with a chuckle, “It never gets old. Literally. It’s the same tongue-lashing every time. I swear, I think Garreth does it on purpose to rile up Professor Sharp.” 
“At least it does take the attention off your rather horrid concoctions.” She bumps into his shoulder with a smirk. Ominis gives her a playful shove back with a scoff.
“They aren’t that horrid.”
His shoulders slump enough for her to notice and she bites her lip at his dampened pride.
“You know, you could always ask me for assistance. I don’t mind. And I’m not half bad at brewing. As you well know.” She offers, her voice betraying how hopeful she is for his acceptance.
His lips dip into a frown, ready to dismiss the proposal, when his mind gets the better of him, “I may take you up on that.”
She gives a sharp nod, “I hope you do.” 
She admires Ominis for his strong independence. At the same time, she wishes he would be more willing to reach out for help. She often worries he keeps his troubles to himself because he fears pity from others more so than suffering on his own. As much as she wishes to press the matter further, she leaves it with the chance he would actually take her up on her offer.
“Thank you again for coming with me.” She says as they get within eyesight of the castle’s gate. “Hogsmead is just so much better with a friend. And I was most pleased you agreed to come.” 
Ominis nods, “I couldn’t agree more. And I too was pleased at your offer. Although, I’m not sure how you’ve managed to get Mister Pippin to adore you so.” 
“I may have helped him with a rather difficult delivery. And he most certainly does not adore me. I’m sure he’s like that with all his patrons.” She dismisses with a light laugh and a roll of her eyes. 
He gives her a raise of his dark blonde brow with a matching smirk, “He most certainly does too. My ears work just fine. And I heard him sing all those praises about you in perfect clarity. Meanwhile, I was barely acknowledged as anything more than a nuisance.” 
She giggles with a bite of her bottom lip, “Almost sounds like you’re a bit envious.” 
“Me? Envious?” He chuckles with a slight shake of his head, “A preposterous notion.”
“Uh huh. Sounds like something someone completely overtaken with jealousy would say.” 
“Is that so?” His cheeks are sore from the constant smile he’s been sporting since she first asked him to come with her. 
He’s ready to tease her further when his skin prickles. He pauses mid stride, turning his ear more to the skies. There’s a subtle shift in the wind, the temperature dropping ever so slightly, and he can smell the fresh moisture in the air. So much so, he can feel it on the tips of his fingers. He moves her package to be tucked under his robes to protect it.
“Ominis? Is everything alright? Are there more Lacewings nearby?” She comes closer to him and he focuses back on her. 
He smiles, “Yes. Everything’s fine. It’s just about to rain, is all.” 
She stares up at the sky in wonder. She hadn’t noticed the sky had darkened into a baleful gray. 
“How could you possibly know that?” She whispers in amazement.
He smirks, “Another one of my many quirks.” 
A fat drop of rain lands on his head then on his shoulder. 
“Well, we should get you inside, lest we get wet. Don’t want this wonderful day to end with us getting sick.” She says while turning to head towards the castle. His hand barely catches her forearm, making her freeze in place with surprise.
“Wait.” He says in a near whisper. His mouth opens and shuts several times, his brows furrowing while he shifts between his feet. More droplets of rain land on them, but she doesn’t rush him into speaking. Instead, she puts his hand into her own, giving him an encouraging squeeze.
“What is it?” She asks.
“Stay out here with me.” He finally says. “Just for a moment.” 
Her head tilts to the side at his request. She gives him a soft smile then nods, “If that’s what you wish. May I ask why though? I don’t mean to sound presumptuous, but you don’t seem the type to be dancing out in the rain.” 
“What if I were to say that is indeed the reason? Would you think less of me?”
“Not in the slightest.” She replies with no hesitation. “I may tease you about your dancing though.” 
“I suppose that’s fair.” Ominis has a faint smile as he turns his face up towards the sky. He knows she’s watching him, waiting for his true answer. The feeling of her gaze on him, shoots hot currents throughout his body. 
“Each raindrop, as it lands, creates a sound. And for a little while, it’s like I can see.” He lowers his head towards where she is. “And I would like you to be here with me when that happens.”
Her chest tightens and in a quiet breath, she whispers, “Okay.” 
He grins then looks back up at the sky, “Here it comes.” 
She looks up as well just as several drops begin to land on them. The heavens open up and soon, they’re in a downpour. She laughs at the coolness washing over her while Ominis turns his gaze down to her, his wand tight in his other hand. He senses the finer details of her face. The contours of her lips as they form into a relaxed smile. Her damp hair sticking to her cheeks. The way her eyes are closed as the rain lands upon her. He’s taken aback by the tranquil picture before him and he can’t find a single thing he would change about this moment. Other than to let it last. 
“Beautiful.” He whispers to himself. The word being lost to the pounding rain and distant thunder.
She lowers her head then opens her eyes to find Ominis staring right at her. Her smile widens at the sight, making his chest rise in a near silent gasp. 
“Is everything alright, Ominis?” 
Watching her lips move and to see his name spoken, sends a shiver through his whole being.
“Yes.” He manages to say. “Never better.”
He looks as if he’s been stricken. She’s not sure what the source of his timidness is. But, with how he’s looking at her…
“What do you see?” She asks. 
He takes in her concerned expression. The slight pinch of her brows which carry into her voice. The tilt of her lips forming the beginnings of a frown. 
In a surge of intrepidness, his hand leaves hers and travels up to her face. She watches with wide eyes, her breath caught in her throat, as his fingers gently glide over her cheek. Her eyes flutter shut in an attempt to feel only his touch amongst the raindrops. He tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear with a soft smile, his thumb brushing over her cheekbone, then he lowers his hand away. Her eyes open to find him in a similar state as herself. 
She’s not sure what to do, her mind ceasing to form any sort of rational thought. He shivers at her intense stare.
“Oh, Ominis. You’re cold.” She smiles, reaching for his hand. “Let’s get you back before you freeze to death.” 
He can only nod and let her tug him back towards the castle. He can’t stop his trembling. Not when every few seconds she looks back at him with a sweet smile. He understands now how a smile can be warm because he doesn’t feel a morsel of the cold rain upon him. Just her hand in his.
They burst through the large wooden doors into the safety of the castle. She giggles at their drenched state.
“I don’t suppose you know a spell to dry us off.” 
Ominis shakes his head, “I’d imagine Incendio would do the trick. Or burn off our clothes entirely.” 
She snorts then casts Incendio, “Only one way to find out.” 
She hovers the crackling flame just over his arm and begins the slow process of drying themselves. Her eyes keep darting up to his face, ensuring he’s not in any pain or discomfort. But, to also take in his features with being so close. His cologne is still present despite the overall fresh fragrance of rainshower upon both of them. His lips hold a soft smile and his silver, moon-like eyes, while staring off into the distance, are serene. His dark blonde hair is plastered around his pale face in an uncharacteristic manner from his normal tidiness. She can’t help herself as she reaches her hand up to him, similar to what he had done to her. 
His lips part in surprise at her touch near his temple, but he doesn’t find the contact unwelcomed. Her fingers are adroit, as if he were a delicate porcelain doll, as she moves his hair back into place. Almost as quickly as it happens, she’s back to drying the both of them. He’s thankful at his innate ability to keep his most extreme emotions concealed, as he could only imagine what he must look like otherwise. After a few minutes, she ceases the spell with a satisfied nod. 
“Should be enough to not slosh around the castle now.” 
He examines his less damp state with a grin, “Not bad. Thank you for that.” 
“Of course.” She says in a quiet voice. 
As the silence between them stretches on longer and longer, the worse their nerves get. She wants to say something, anything, but her tongue and mind are far too numb to speak. 
“May I walk you back to your dorm?” He offers. 
“Yes.” She replies all too quickly for her liking. “I mean-, uh, yes. I would like that.” 
His smile is one of relief, and when her hand finds his, he’s all but elated. 
“Lead the way then.” He smiles.
AN: Gonna be real, i tried pretty hard with this one to be a banger. But, I fear I may have tweaked it too much and now it's just mid. ugh. i love staring at something for so long and just end up hating it. that's kind of how i feel about it. but like i love it still???
idk, let me know what y'all think! love hearing any feedback <3 thanks for reading!
also, let's just pretend that Incendio is like a tiny flame at times, and she didn't set them both on fire :)
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goingferalforhim · 10 months
[ just doing my job ]
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📂 big bro! gojo satoru x geto! fem! reader ( x bf! toge inumaki ) . somewhere along the way gojo became your big brother (and he loves to tease you about your love life) . mentions of reader and gojo missing suguru .
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“they remind you of us, right?”
“maybe a bit,” you shrug, wearing a grin as you peer up at the white haired man. “yuji’s definitely funnier than you ever were tho.”
your teacher scoffs, flicking your forehead. “you were a child, you don’t remember anything.”
“I actually remember a good bit of my childhood, thank you very much.” you hiss as you rub at your head.
the two of you fall into a silence once again, turning to face the group of students in front of you. your gaze lingers from the three first years arguing to the three second year students—your classmates. they each stand, looking bored and fed up, as they wait for the other three to settle down; something the man beside you should be encouraging.
as you catch bits and pieces of the argument broken out on the training field you giggle to yourself, your mind returning back to when you were younger and would witness your brother, gojo, and shoko have their moments of disagreements—it usually ended in them turning to you, a literal child, for a final say.
“you don’t think I’m an attention seeker, right?” satoru had pouted, tilting his head to the side. shoko and suguru groaning behind him in unison. “say no and i’ll buy you something,” the white haired teen whispered as he leaned forward.
“whoa! whoa! whoa! there will be no bribing,” suguru had shoved himself between the two of you now and the argument had only escalated from there. but in the end satoru did buy you something, and then a few more somethings—“what I cant spoil my sister?”
“she’s my sister, satoru.”
your lips press into a thin line as you blink away the image of your brother, a dull ache pulsing through your heart—you missed him. you missed the way he’d comb your hair and twirl it back into a bun, you missed how he’d patiently sit and allow you to paint his nails different colours—sometimes he’d even allow you to give him a face of makeup to match his whole look. “don’t you look pretty,” satoru would mumble as he welcomed himself into suguru’s dorm—bags of snacks for the three of you to share.
he always bought your favourites—even now; whenever satoru returned from a mission it was always expected that he’d return baring some sort of treat or candy he spotted throughout his journey, even if it was simply heading down the block. satoru loved his sweets. yuji often complained as your teacher handed you a gift.
the pink hair boy would pout and wonder where his candy was, but you always shared—and eventually satoru had gotten into the habit of buying multiple treats. “you don’t have to buy more than one, satoru. its fine, really.” but in gojo fashion he ignored your statement and proceeded to arrive at your dorm with a plastic bag full of your favourite sweet pink-packaged candies that you loved so much.
sometimes he’d arrive at your dorm to hear your vibrant laughs or the constant chatter of you and your fellow students as you played games and caught up after classes.
he’d knock softly and wait, never opening the door unless you called out or did it yourself. his tall frame would loom over you as you peered up at him from the doorway, he’d grin and extend an arm—plastic bag crinkling at the movement. your own hands would grip the handles and pull them to your side. “thank you, ‘toru.”
“just doing my job,” he’d joke. at first it confused you, but you hadn’t questioned it. you suppose this was apart of his job, going out and fighting curses, and then returning with candy. but one night when he arrived at your door he expected silence, the sun had set hours ago and he planned on leaving the bag of sweets outside your door to find in the morning—but when your muffled sobs greeted his ears he found his knuckles softly tapping at the wood separating the two of you. “sweetheart?” he was met with silence, but your sobs had ceased. “you don’t have to let me in,” he whispers. “but I just need to know if you’re okay.”
“you can come in, satoru.” your voice was strained, and the mere sound of it practically shattered his heart.
he pops the door open slightly, “are you sure? if you wanna be alone thats alright.” his blue eyes meet your bloodshot one as you nod. he shuts the door softly and settles himself on the edge of your bed, his fingers mindlessly tracing the pattern of your duvet.
“do you ever miss him?”
your question catches him off guard, but he nods. “all the time,” he sighs.
“what do you do? you know, to make it better?” he slumps, his hand reaching for yours. you let him take it, he cringes at the coolness to your touch—taking your hand between both of his to attempt to warm your fingertips.
“I like to think about all the fun we had together, things we liked to do…sometimes I like to pretend he’s still here.” he admits with a soft shrug, his gaze still on your hand sandwiched between his.
“me too,” you hum—shuffling closer, leaning on his side. he sighs and places his head atop yours. the scent of his bodywash comes off of him in waves and the linger of his lavender shampoo tickles at your nose. “thank you for always being here for me.”
“just doing my job,” his forefinger and thumb pinch at your cheek, you swat him away as his words settle in. his job hadn’t been going on missions and bringing you back a sweet, his job was going on a mission and bring you back a sweet—because he was your brother.
you’re not sure when satoru became your brother, but one day he had stolen you away from suguru to go and have a brother-sister date—at the time you had only giggled at his words, but now…
satoru contacted you every morning with his schedule for the day, and if anything in the routine shifted he’d tell you—I just want you to know where I am in case you ever need me. at breakfast, lunch, and dinner he’d send you a text and asked if you ate—and if he was around he’d offer to get you you’re favourite take out. and in true brotherly fashion—when nobara had let it slip that you were going on a date with toge later one night, gojo satoru became peak big brother.
he didn’t know if he should send the younger boy glares or poke at him. should he threaten him or tell him your embarrassing stories?
which leads to now. the two of you watching the other students attempt to train.
“toge is looking at you,” you scoff and shove at his shoulder.
“what? I thought you loved him,” the smirk is prominent on his lips.
“we…we haven’t said the L-word yet,” you blush—your gaze focused on your hands as they sit in your lap. satoru chuckles from above you.
you glance up, peeking through your lashes—and just as satoru had said, toge stands staring at you.
his gentle eyes meet yours, and even from where you sit you can see the way the corners crinkle with his hidden smile.
“well, just by that smile alone I can tell he loves you.”
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© goingferalforhim
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tparker48 · 3 months
Request for anonymous
"Let's see..add a few fine tuning on the stitches, tighten up the bells…" Merkeo muttered as he faced his computer desk, threading a needle through his jester suit. "Just a little bit of tugging and..There!”
He took a step back to admire his handy work. The black and red spandex glistened beneath his lamp, slumping from the miniature desk to the wooden board of the one beneath. It took him weeks to find a suit customizable, he could hardly count the shops he visited that sold suits for people his size. He took the suit from the desk, reminiscing its silky texture as it glided between his fingertips.
"Wait until the the peeps get a load of this, I can already tell this DnD session will be-"
A beep rang from the magnet on the front door, a hard thud striking the panel as a spiked cleat forced it to the wall. "Hey nerd! Guess who's home!" A voice boomed as the rest of their body lowered into the frame, the metal borders of the door screaming as they made their way passed. "I swear this damn door needs an adjustment. Hey nerd! Nerd!"
"I'm right here, Fervin!" Merkeo shouted, rubbing his ears from the vibrations in his ear drums. "Must you shout so loud? We're in a dormitory."
"What can I say? when I make an entrance, I make an entrance."
He slumped his duffel bag from his shoulder, tossing it against the wall as its weight sent a pulse through the floor. Merkel watched as his form strolled closer, like a looming storm cloud about to pour upon a landscape. The computer chair rushed back, Fervin's hide forcing the cushion down as it raced eagerly to support him.
He crossed his arms behind his back. "Oh it feels good to be out of that lecture room. The professor really cracked down on that essay, even double checked to ensure it was mine. Guess some pencil necks can’t handle such great genius."
"You mean my work. My whole sleep schedule’s out of whack because of your pestering."
the desk shook as spikes prodded upon the table. Merkel nearly yelped at its prickling touch, his hands casting to the air. "And it worked like a charm." He kicked his other foot upon the table. But he paused as he gazed at the slim ware hanging from his foot. “Huh, what are those? pajamas?”
The footwear wagged as Merkeo raced to retrieve his suit, cautiously eying the coned steel as they swiped from side to side. “If you must know, It’s my jester suit. And I would very much like it without holes for DnD.”
"That nerd shit? Pfft, lame. You can’t expect to get babes with a thing like that. Now that spring break party tonight, that’s where it’s really at. And guess who’s cohost? This guy!”
Merkeo managed to grab ahold of his suit, sliding it from the cold pedestal as he tumbled back to the desk. "You? Cohost? I don’t think they chose wisely on that."
“Cute, can’t be surprised to hear that from a bookworm. But If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to party.” He said. “The drinks, the babes, I can already imagine it now. And by the end of the night, I’m gonna bang me a cheerleader."
He raised his palms to the air, his fingers swaying to trace an hourglass shape. His hips slowly began to thrust, his junk pushing through from its pouch as it slithered to the leg hole of his shorts. Merkeo caught a glimpse as the phallus peeked out, shielding his eyes as his face flushed red.
"Ay Ay! TMI man, I don't want to see all that!"
"Aww is the nerd getting flustered?" His legs stretching over the desk, the hefty package between his legs gyrating against the wooden furniture. "I bet you wish you could be all over this."
"I’d rather do quizzes than be that close to you." he replied, "Will you put that away already?!"
"Hah, that's what I like about you nerds, always so squeamish." he slid his waist back to the chair, groping at the bulky outline. "Luckily for you, this bad boy has its eyes set on the ladies tonight. It can't waste time on small fries like you. Though it might give that thin noodle of yours some pointers."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"Peh, suit yourself."
He grabbed a few beer bottles, hoisting them over his broad shoulders as he walked out of the room. Merkeo sighed, taking back to his suit as he checked for punctured points. Aside from dust particles, the fabric was unscaved. Thank goodness, he didn't know what he’d do if it became damaged.
He returned to his desk to tend to the rest of his props, organizing the board and creatures he was ready to unleash upon his members. Another hour ticked by in a flash, his notes piling over one another from his practice sessions. He yawned as he checked the clock on the wall, a quarter past 7:00 PM.
“Time for a break.” he leaned into his chair.
He took to his computer as he looked into his group chat for the group. Many online were already talking about the upcoming session, sharing new lores while roleplaying in their own channels. What a treat it was to indulge in fantasy, he thought, may he could give them a taste of the jester magic. He reached for his cards to select to share, but paused as he eyed his costume. He eyed the group chat as many shared their costumes, it sent an urge through his body, his fingers wiggling at the temptation of trying it on. He didn’t want to spoil the magic with a picture, but to send a picture of their grad DM, it may just make them excited, if not himself.
“Oh.. why not, I still have to make sure it fits anyway.”
He picked up the costume as he held it on his shoulder, stripping himself as the cool conditioning washed over him like a wave. He slipped his limbs inside, his hairs standing on end as they brushed against the elastic spandex. He soon put on his Cap n Bells as they dangled from the sides of his head, its little chimes sending a giggle from inside as he tapped at the round spheres.
“I think a quick selfie might do the trick. ‘The crowned jester and his future pawns’. Oo, that kinda has a ring to it.
He hovered his phone to get a better angle for himself, shifting the filter as sparkles boarded the frame. But the ground shook beneath as he caught himself, the water bottle on the desk rippling. An earthquake? It can’t be, the tectonic plate wasn’t near the university. Heavy thumps slowly overwhelmed the silent rumbles, traveling through the walls before it stopped at the front door.
The magnet chimed, but the handle didn’t turn as grumbling lingered behind it. The magnet reactivated, and pounds struck the door, as if a wild beast was trying to force its way in. Merkeo eyed the door as its pounds became aggressive, the green lighting of the magnet flickering before another strike snuffed out its light. The door slammed open, and wallowing filled the room.
Fervin loomed inside as he entered. One of his shoes were missing, and his "Damn it all..who do they think I am?! I'm a fuckin'.. Football player!"
His weight leaned as his feet stomped forward, like a drunk T-rex trying to run as he staggered to couch. He tripped over his own feet as he hurled toward the cushion, knocking the couch from its sliders as his head wedged into the soft gaps.
Merkeo used the railing in the room to make it over to the couch, standing upon the armchair. "The hell happened to you?"
"It's horrible..I go all that way to seek her out..An.. the hag blue balled me. Me!" He groaned into the cushions, scraping from its soft crevice. “You know how many want to..to.. Fuck me?!"
Fervin turned his head, his roaring breath flowing out like a dragon. Merkeo fanned the air as the smell of alcohol polluted the once clean air, holding the collar of his suit over his mouth to deter himself from passing out.
“You went and got yourself again! Didn’t you learn from the last party you went to.”
“Screw you!.. I don’t take orders from you! Why I..I” tears slowly sleeping through his eyes, a whimper escaping. “Damn it all..why do they have to make it so hard?”
Merkeo palmed himself. He must’ve drank too much if he’s already at his wallowing state. He sighed before hopping to the side of the lughead's face, caressing his cheek as its warmth filled his palm. "Hey now..you. There's no need to fuss about one girl." He said to him, wincing at the drool wetting his pants. "There's many out there in the sea, and I'm sure there's some out there waiting for him."
"Yeah right!" He blurted, knocking Merkeo onto his butt. " That's not gonna solve my aching cock right now!"
Fervin dug a finger through his waistband, the jock’s musk mixing with the tainted air as flesh squeaked against the sofa’s rubbery surface. The forearm above Steamrolled Merkeo as it traversed toward the bulging phallus, answering its wet call as his stubby fingers pampered its side. It throbbed it wedged itself between the crevice of the cushions, the jock’s hips flexing as he shuttered.
“Oh Yeah..that’s the stuff.” He muttered, his hips pumping into the couch.
"Dude! Not in the living room! Do that somewhere else."
"Sue me..I'm too pissed and horny to move."
His strokes increased as his hips moved like a wave, the wet slap of flesh overwhelming the silence in the room. Merkeo raced to comfort his ears as he moved to a cubard, searching through his supplies. He flipped over towels stashed in the corner, and found a plastic bottle of water sticking out from its packet. He wrapped his arms around the slender bottle and dragged it out, heaving it toward his drunken roommate on the couch.
“Alright, let’s get you sober so you don’t break the wall again?” Merkeo said.
Fervin grumbled as his knees slumped beneath him, thrusting him upward as his wait trailed backwards. Merkeo eyed cautiously at his blundering, backtracking as the stumbling feet trailed closer.
“I didn’t say move!” he yelped, rolling the bottle the opposite way.
But he wasn’t fast enough to outrun Fervin, his feet kicking in front of the other as he tilted like a chopped tree. The floor darkened before a wall of mass crashed at his back, burly arms planting the ground with a thunderous thump.
“That lady’s cheeks were cold… I’m barely s..satisfied.” He pawed the ground. “I need more!”
“Well you’re not getting one when you're on top of me! Now get off!”
His glassy eyes opened as he glared at him. "Piss off, man! I don’t need your..” he paused as he stared at the small roommate, his eyes blinking before they widened.
Merkeo met his gaze, looking at the marbled floor before looking back. "What?"
"Hey..where’d this toy come? Ho..How long have you been there?"
“Toy?" He blinked, tugging at his suit. "No, this is my suit, remember?"
"And it talks!..oh man..This must be my lucky day.”
"I have no idea what you're talking about. All that booze has gotten to your head. Why don't you go lay down and-" A palm wrapped around his body, plucking him from underneath. "Hey!"
His hand gripped like a vice, Fervin hauling him away as he returned to the couch with a drunken waltz. He was hurled into the closed fist as his back met with the soft cushion. He strung themselves to to the floor, a signal that rushed to the titanic cock as it pointed from his body. Merkeo pounded a hand at the sides of the jock’s fingers, the other covering his nose as the smell of rubber and jizz invaded his nostrils.
The phallus loomed closer, stamping at the gap between the middle fingers as it struck his chest. "A perfect fit..awesome." He slurred beneath his breath, his palms lifting as Merkeo plunged into the cavern of the couch, the bulbous head stamping his chin as it ensnared between his walls.
As the cock reached the bottom of the gap, it was a catalyst for Fervin’s arousal as hips began to pump. Flesh skidded against the silky suit, the phallus ramming into a pocket above Merkeo as the little bells were swallowed by the slit. Its warmth was overwhelming, his nostrils filling with a sour aroma as it stuck to his suit like cologne..
Merkeo raised his arms to shield himself. "Wait!…I'm not!.."
"Just a little more..a little more."
Fervin doubled his efforts as his hips twisted in place. The sweat that once dried between the cushions humidified as it loosened its restraints upon the tender skin, joined by the drizzling pre as it lathered into his roommate’s skin like lotion. The phallus scooped higher as it smashed Merkeo’s defense, the puffed edges moving like a wave as it stamped at his face.
He was stamped firmly as seed dressed his head, but unsatisfied puffs echoed above, a palm dragging him from underneath the bulging member. "Nrgh..that's not enough!" Fervin slurred from his lips. "How are you going to be a toy if you can't even get me off?"
"That's because I'm not a toy you lughead!"
His eyes squinted, eying the little roommates as strands of his own pre dripped to the couch. "Wha?..sure you are..I'm looking right at you." His fingers stamped across his body, the lonely bell on his right tuft jangling at his prods. "You look like a toy..feel like a toy. You are one…I'm just not using it right."
Gravity shifted as the palm tilted on its side, hovering over the hairy crotch. His other pinched eagerly at the drooling slit, pinching it open as its seed flowed down its underbelly like lava.
"What..what are you doing? No, hell no! You're not putting' me in there!"
"You better make this work..toy!"
"I told you I'm not a-!" his stomach dropped as the palm rushed toward the cock, a wet belch erupting from the cream filled phallus as it opened wide. Murky white fluid filled his vision as the orifice encircled his head. His shouts muffled from the bulging head, his palms slipping from the sides of phallus
Fervin's cock throbbed as it suckled at its meal. "Yeah…yeah that's the stuff. Get..right in there."
The palm loosed as fingers climbed over his feet, feeding more of Merkeo inside as its underbelly bulged with his body. With a giddish chuckle, he corkscrewed the rest of his feet inside as the slit closed. Wads of pre rushed into his body as it blinded him of the trip ahead, the muscular tube getting thickening as a suction pulled at his body.
A mere lump cast itself upon the jock's shaft, pulse after pulse dragging him down as it squeezed into the base of the shaft and into his prostate. More seed flooded the tender bean as the valve closed behind him, leaving him at the mercy of the muscular waves as it tenderized his body. He struggled to hold them back, his limbs sinking into their surface as he tried to find a way out. Pressure tugged at his feet, yanking him into the source of the musky fluid as he was dragged through the labyrinth swirling in the Jock's waist.
He held his breath as he was dragged through its loops, before he found him at its ridge as he slid through a long tube. He was deposited inside an enclosed sac, the walls forcing him to lay straight as if he were in an airtight compartment.
"Damn it Fervin, this has gotten way too far!!" he scowled, Worming himself toward the valve that winked out of reach, taunting at his predicament before it vanished behind a fold of seed coated flesh.
His calls were left unanswered, drowned out by the jock's beastly grunts as it reverberated through the walls.
wet slaps came from outside, jostling the testicle as if it were a fish bag. "That's the job..right there!" Fervin huffed louder.
The jock roared as the walls shrank around Merkeo’s body, the valve above him slurping the pool from the chamber as climbed through the tubes. The ceiling spasmed as spurts muffled the walls, Merkeo took the chance to breathe, but shriveled as his lungs filled with the ripe aroma of salt and bodily fluids. He squirmed along the walls to follow the fluid out, but his fingers wouldn't register as the stiff folds pucker in place.
Droplets of the lukewarm substance dripped at his back, and he groaned. "There, you had your little release. Now get me out of this thing!" He paused to hear the outside, the heavy wet thumps shaking the chamber as he swayed in place. "Hey! Are you listening?"
"Oh man..you are a good toy." He muttered, his voice distorted as if he were a broken speaker. "Ah really…good one."
"Yeah yeah, great, now get me out!"
Fervin’s words slowed as they traveled through his body. Gravity flicked as a heavy mass compressed the ceiling. The layer of flesh surrounding the testicle squashed at his torso.. The jock's breath grew heavy, rattling the muscles like rusted gears. He's kidding, he thought to himself, he sends him down his cock and now he's taking a snooze?
"You’re not sleeping with me in here!." He shouted. "Wake your ass up!"
He rattled the sac like an ape in a cage, thrashing himself in the compressed space to disrupt Fervin’s sound slumber. It was only when his knees cushioned into the round testicle did he get a reaction, the jock's body springing to life as a moan howled through the environment. Gravity shifted again, and the flesh barricading the orb pinned him down as the round lump cushioned his face.
He groaned as it tucked him against the corner wall, singing its whale songs of gurgles and churns to its captive audience. "Damn it.."
The hours ticked by since the events of that evening. Fervin tossed in his slumber, snarling from his nostrils as he rocked over the arms of the sofa. He stretched his limbs to scratch himself, but fell backwards as gravity pulled him to the floor. Sunlight erupted from the winder, burning into his eyes like a flashbang as he groggily got up.
He picked himself up from the floor, his balance tumbling to the cushion as he caught himself.. "Fuck what a night, all that partying really tired me out.." He scratched absently at his crotch, warm skin sticking to his fingers as he cocked it back, His barreled cock resting between his legs. “Where the fuck did my shorts go?..”
He stretched before getting up from the couch, giving one last yawn as he fetched a protein shake from the fridge. He looked at his roommates' things, his props scattered along the tabletop as his cotton bed was toppled from the windowsill. The nerd’s already gone, he thought, guess he decided to leave early for spring break. That’s good, he didn’t have to worry about underwear then. He drank at his shake and moved onto his side of the room, kicking his suitcase between his legs. He crumpled his clothes, tossing them inside as a hill slowly formed.
He scratched at himself once more, reminiscing at his fingers touch as his nut flexed over them. But he squinted as he gazed at the round sphere. Something was different about them, his right testicle sagged lower than the other. He fondled beneath its weight as his cock throbbed. It might just be his imagination, he did hold a lot of his seed in there last evening.
"I’m sorry big boy, I got too drunk to enjoy you properly.” He massaged his shaft. “But I bet you got plenty of rest after you had your fun."
"Absolutely not?"
He blinked at the sudden voice, looking at his Cock. He poked at its pudgy surface for a response, but it only throbbed. "Heh..hehe, I must have had way too many shots last night. Thought I just heard my cock talking."
"Not the cock you idiot!" The voice echoed again.
He cocked a brow as he stared at his member, movement rising beneath the sagging right testicle. He scooped his sac into his palm, pinching at the active orb as he rotated it. A squirming lump curled along its edge, a soft imprint appearing before a flex pulled it down.
His palm flung from his ball, letting them swing between his legs as his heart pounded. "What the hell did I drink last night?! My ball's coming alive!"
"No, It's me! Merkeo!"
"Merkeo?" He paused, looking back at the wiggling lump. He poked at its side, a pathetic whimper escaping from it. "It is you, nerd! The hell are you doing in my balls!"
"Take a guess! You shoved me in here on another one of your drunk sprees."
"Drunk spree? I don't know what the hell you're talking about." He said. “As far as I can remember I was alone..then again, there was this talking toy. Don’t remember much but it kept squawking about not being a..toy. Huh, well that explains all the whining.”
“You fucked me into the couch.”
He groaned upon the nerd’s response "Yeah well..you should’ve been more careful. It’s not my fault you’re in there.”
“It literally is!"
"Potato, Potato."
He moved toward the glass mirror along the wall, reaching , putting on his underwear as he got dressed. He pulled the back as the thin fabric saddled his glutes, letting his cock spill over the pouch as he took to his suitcase.
His nuts jangled together like wind chimes, crashing into his thighs. "What are you doing now?"
"What do you think I’m doing? I’m packing for the weekend. I’ve got shit to do back at home, and since you're stuck with me, you'll just have to tag along until we get back."
"What?! I'm not staying in here! DnD is this weekend!" Merkel said, pressure climbed through his epididymis to the valve connecting to the rest of the cock. The right nut sway passively, flexing as the sensation of fingers prodded at the tight folds. "Gotta get..out of this thing!"
The jock snorted at the attempt. "Oh boy, aren't you nerds supposed to be smart or something? My cock doesn't take orders from nerds, it listens to one that has the oomph to shake it. And that's yours truly."
"Then get on with it already."
"You’d love that wouldn’t you? To see yourself ejected from a real cock." he fondled his nuts between his fingers. "Unfortunately I’m still spent. It's gonna be a long while before these babies are ready for another round."
“And how long would that take.”
“Hell if I know, 3 hours or so.” “Three hours?!”
“Yup, so might as well get comfy until I fetch for you.”
He raised his cock over the flap, sealing it inside the pouch as he tied his shorts. He reeled his luggage into the hallway, following the narrow passageway toward the elevator in the crossway. Movement shifted as Merke tried to adjust in the compact space, the bulk of Fervin’s nuts dog piling his lump as it jostled in the pouch of his jockstrap. That nerd really knows how to get under his skin. Literally. Though he'll give him one thing, it felt good to have his balls stimulated, like a hot girl playing with his balls. The elevator doors opened, and he stepped inside. As they closed, he groped at his crotch, humping at the air.
He picked up a soft whimper from beneath the fabric, pressure building at his testicle as soft kneads rested upon it. He still didn’t know how to feel above having the nerd in there,but at least he’ll help filling him up back home..
The ride with Fervin was a long and bumpy trip. Every passing moment was filled with flesh jumbling Merkeo around, marinating him in the little puddle that climbed at his ankles as the testicular wall shriveled and compressed. He didn't know how far they traveled, the outside was too muffled to depth the surrounding environment except for the purrs of jock’s vehicle. After another eternity of stewing in the jock's balls, inertia pulled ahead as his face was wrapped in a sheet of muscle.
His steps boomed as a door creaked open, the sound of a zipper being undone as the sac rolled on its side. "Ah, it's good to be back home." Fervin’s voice distorted through the walls..
Merkeo padded at the soft tissue to get the jock's attention, the testicle spooning into his torso. His palms were pinned by the protruding bulge, only managing to use his ankles as he bucked weakly as the ridge of the testicle.
A heavy thud struck the balls, the soft curvature of fingers pressing at his back. "Eh? oh yeah, forgot you were in there."
Not a surprise. "It's been hours since I've been here. Can you get me out now?"
“I told you that’s not how my nuts work, nerd. They need the energy to get them started.”
“You said you needed three hours!”
Fervin laughed heartily. “I said It’d take me three hours to fill them, I never said I’d be ready to release it.”
The sac shook as its contents plonked around, the seed secreting from the wall spreading out as they washed over Merkeo’s body. His stomach dropped as the fingers let go, the nuts beginning to sway as steps boomed outside. A soft pressure cushion at the walls, tight leather scrunching beneath him.
“Been a while since I checked on the game” Fervin said. “I wonder if my K/D is still intact.”
The jock’s weight shifted as the sac tilted, forcing Merkeo to spoon beneath the rough lump as seed polled at his shoulders. Fervin's voice could be heard beyond the walls, blurting comments as a controller clunked high above. His obnoxious bantering went on for another hour, his balls rocking periodically as a finger scratched at the testicular layer. Merkeo tried again to get him to answer, splashing at the pool of seed that splashed beneath his chin. But he only received a brush from one of the thighs, followed by cursing as he shouted at someone in the game.
Outside the sun loomed past the hill in the window, the crimson sky slowly turning blue as the moon rose from the horizon. Merkeo tilted his neck as he faced the quivering sphincter above, counting its flexes as seed drooled from its lips. It’s all he could do, with his limbs bathed into the milky pool as the muscle flexed in place.
“Fuck yeah!” Fervin’s voice blurted,the testicles thrusting forward before snagged. “Hope you like that grenade yas wuss! That’ll teach ya to steal my kill!”
“Fervin!” Merkeo called out, thrashing against the tender wall. “Fervin!”
The chamber shifted, pressure applying to his back. “What now nerd?”
“Are you ready yet? It’s getting kind of full in here.”
“Hmm..They are kinda heavy…” the pressure behind him pushed at his body, a thrust sending a wave over the little roommate. “And I’m already pumped as it is, why not.”
“Yes! Finally!”
A rumble boomed above, a bubbling torrent shaking the walls as pressure melted behind him. “Shit, I forgot all about dinner. Can’t wank one out on an empty stomach.”
Merkeo swayed as Fervin traversed the household, his steps hardening as it traveled through his body. Wrappers muffled from above as the jock giggled to himself, followed by a meaty crunch as he chewed on his food. He listened to symphony of crumpled wrappers and munching for moments, and still he had yet finished his feast. The fluid climbed higher, dosing his ears as if they dipping sauce.
The walls flexed, and he raced to force them back. “It's getting a little cramped in here, are you ready to release yet?” “Eh? Release what?”
“Your seed!”
“Oh yeah yeah, I’ll get right on it. Just..” an announcer muffled from outside, followed by bells as cheer muttered in the background. “Oo, the playoffs! I forgot that aired today.” He walked over as the sounds came closer, springs creaking beneath him.
“Wait a second, get me out first.”
“Don’t sweat it, it won’t be long. I’ll have you out by halftime, jock’s promise.”
Merkeo groaned at the response, working his limbs close to deter the walls from overtaking the pocket. He didn’t know if he could bear the salty aroma, each whiff was like intaking smelling salt, forcing him to buck at the round testicle that threatened to submerge him without hesitation. Buzzing rang from beneath him as a bubbled climbed into the pocket, his phone emerging from the pool as a notification was plastered upon it.
It was from one of the members, sending a message about the meet for tomorrow. He fiddled a finger toward its direction, its angled edge taping at his fingertips, before a fold greedily dragged it out of sight. He sighed as he faced the wall, thrashing it about to get Fervin’s attention. This time there was no response, all except his goofish giggling as he mocked the game. He couldn’t do anything but wait, tugging into the soggy fold as he closed his eyes.
A few minutes passed as he opened his eyes, once chaotic background softening as snores followed behind it. He was still in his balls, and he was fast asleep. In rage, he thrashed about the chamber to cause discomfort, swiping at the lump at his torso despite how weakly his limbs slipped off.
A roaring ocean filled his ears, as the side of his hear were submerged in milky pool. In shriveled defeat, he closed his eyes, awaiting for the jock to wake up once more. DnD was tomorrow, and he couldn’t stand being trapped in his nuts for a moment more. —-------------------------------------- Throughout the next day, he slept to conserve his energy, listening to Fervin’s wandering as carried out his activities. When waved of seed flowed into his nostrils, he shot awake, kicking the testicle as a jolt shook the walls. A groan escaped from the jock as fingers took to his balls, forcing him to adjust as the chamber tilted it’s side.
“Watch where you’re kicking in there will ya?” Ferman demanded. “These babies are to be treated with care!”
“These babies are a nightmare, I’ve been stewing in here for god now’s how long!”
“Oh please, you barely move in there, it can’t be that bad.” “You’re not the one neck deep in side!” He bent his knees to open more space, driving his feet into the sides of the testicular wall.
Its flesh raced to subdue, contracting its muscle around him like a snake. But he refused to let himself cave under its pressures, prying at the opposite wall.
Fervin’s body twisted. “What are you doing?”
“DnD is tonight, I can’t stay in your balls any longer. And if I have to cause a ruckus, then so be it!”
His body lit ablaze as he took to the lump, kneading into the tender walls as the testicle throbbed beneath its layer. Fervin’s fingers raced to subdue his efforts, but the sac was too full to add enough pressure, Merkeo using it as a shield as battered the walls with his own body.
After moments of struggling, a roar of defeat erupted from Fervin." Fuck it! Fine I’ll get you out.” he announced. “Was getting tired of hauling you around anyway."
The testicles swayed as he wandered outside. It wasn't long before pressure built beneath, the opposite testicle shifting before it dropped off a ledge. The sound of wet slaps returned from above, sending ripples in the chamber as the testicular sac compressed Merkeo's face.
"Ugh, my suit is so ruined, can't you pump faster?"
"Don't get your tidy widdies in bunch ya nerd, I'm almost there."
The walls flexed harder, compressing his feet as he squeezed along the hump like paste in a canister. The valve slowly began to quiver, widening slowly a seed rushed through its mouth. It flowed into its tubes like a pipeline, gulping periodically at the substance as he himself was pulled close to its lips.
Strands of his own hair were plucked between the soggy lips, crowning his head as seed piled his shoulder. But flex ceased as the narrow tube dried up, clamping at his head as seed disappeared into the abyss above. "What the? What's the hold up?"
A muffled ring vibrated the walls, the pounds halting as the jock shifted slowly. "Got a call." Fervin said, answering the device. "Bandi, my boy, what's up? Yeah I’ve been in town, just letting out some steam."
"Hey! Don't stop, keep going!"
"Give me a fucking minute, I'll get there…no no, just talking to a nerd is all I-…wait seriously?! Oh shit, count me in!"
The sac rattled from the jock’s excitement. "What are you doing out there?"
"The boys found a goldmine for some chicks from the cheerleading squad at the university. Looks we're heading to the bar."
"What?! What about me?! You still have to take me out!"
"I'll fetcha ya later, Right now I gotta fetch old faithful from the drawers. I'm gonna catch me a big one tonight"
The chamber thrashed as he braced himself for another tide, the thick goop dragging down his body like syrup. He stretched his limbs to pierce the tender muscle, but pouted at the meat pocket. Unbelievable, he was about to be free from this hellhole before that phone call. He couldn’t bear more of Fervin’s antiques for god knows how, but it appears he didn’t have much choice.. Before he knew it, the chamber moved as steps trailed outside, a door muffling open as the purrs of the truck returned.
And so began the trip to the bar. Voices muffled from the walls as Fervin greeted his friends, softer tones following them as he assumed they were women. His hips gyrating was the confirmation he needed, if not rhythmic throbbing from the shaft.
The minutes felt like an eternity as jazz played from the bar, glasses clanging together as the jock’s obnoxious chattering filled the void. His ears submerged in seed was a mercy compared to listening to the awful pick up lines he spewed from his mouth.
"This is so humiliating." he groaned.
"Hey baby, there's no need to take a seat on these raggedy old chairs, come take a gander at this one" Fervin said, heavy thumps causing the sac to dip.
Pressure ensued as the testicle rolled at his back. His torso sunk like an island landscape, dipping beneath the murky fluid as it climbed to his chin. He struggled beneath the titanic weight above, the thigh outside bouncing as it jostled the chamber..
"Oh my, you make a pretty good seat." A woman's voice said above.
"Oh ho baby, I can do more than just cushion."
"Oh for fuck sake." Merkeo covered his ears, hoping to drown out the conversation.
Another hour drew by as he listened to the oaf's bantering. At one point, chattering dwindled before the nutsack spilled forward, and the crushing weight was relieved. Fervin was on the move, the sounds of the bar growing distant until it became white noise in the background.
He scraped the wall before placing his ear against it, curiosity overwhelming him as he listened to the jock’s steps. The zipper of the pants were undone, and he spilled forward as flesh caught his fall.
"Here they are my dear, my pride and enjoy in all its glory."
"You weren't lying, it certainly is thick."
“He’s with a girl, of course he is.” his side cramp as a lump fondled his back, He squirmed to ease its protrusion, elbowing the testicle as the jock released a grunt.
"Is everything all alright?" The woman asked.
"Oh yeah sure, everything is just fine. Just a little..excited is all." Fervin replied. "Afterall, how can a guy not melt for a hot doll like yourself."
The chamber shook as the lump flattened, seed rushing from the other end like a dam as it splashed into Merkeo. Slow wet pounds filled the void, the testicle compressing before it squashed into his body. A disgruntled moan pierced the air as the sac swayed forward, a dulled edge separating the balls as softer moans echoed ahead..
God, She's sucking him off, as if his problem weren't already wacky enough. He fought the testicle to plug his ears, but its ridge forced them away, allowing the demented display to continuing as it intensified. The pressure returned as digits cupped behind him, thinner than the ones before as their pointy ends prodded his back.
The pool increased as it climbed over his head, a current seeping into the valve as it widened closer. Muscle contraptions echoed beyond the thick walls, glurking as the women's moan grew fierce. The sac pulse, and the valve widened as it guzzled seed to the surface..
"Hope you're thirsty, cause I'm gonna unleash my load inside."
"Like hell you are!" Merkeo blurted, thrashing from the chamber.
The lump prodding at his back vanished beneath murky waves, the balls dropping as they bashed against the jock’s thigh. "Did your balls just talk?!" The woman squealed.
"N..no? Did you hear them talking? I..I didn't hear them talking."
"Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting."
The sound of boots muffled from the outside, growing softer as the chamber thrashed about. "No! Come on babe, Come back!" Fervin called desperately for her, the door slamming shut. A vice grip wrapped the testicle, and Merkeo was smothered into the walls. "Damn it you nerd, you scared her off!"
"I scared her off?! I was nearly protein for her! I'm trying to get out from inside you, not end up in another."
"Well congratulations cause now I'm fucking limp, thanks for that." A bang sounded from outside as the jock began to walk. "Can't believe I got cock blocked by a nerd."
The sac rocked between his legs as the creaking door lingered from overhead, trailing off somewhere behind them as the sound of the roaring crowd returned. Merkeo tucked himself against the corner pocket of the chamber, it was the only place he could manage to breath without intaking the salty seed. He heard the jock's friend talking, reminiscing over the cheerleader storming out of the bar. His response wasn't pleasant, a squeeze smother the eager testicle against his head as if to point the blame upon him. but it relented as he relaxed, his balls drooping at the thigh.
He curled against the opposite wall, before a buzz rumbled from above, his phone squeezing from the compressed fold as it slid in front of him.
a photo appeared from beneath the milky substance, a group photo with his friends dressed in their fictional costumes. Speak of the devil, he thought, here comes the fruits of his labor reminding him of his failed attempt. What he would give to be there right now. He focused on the group photo, admiring the designs each of them chose to wear. but his eyes furrowed as he caught a glimpse of one of the members, his eyes widening.
"No way.."
That late night dragged into Sunday morning, as Fervin drove back into the dorm room as he tossed his backpack. Merkeo eyed the quivering sphincter above as its lips expanded, the walls compress as he catapulted into the tight tube. The ride up was rigid and slow, but fast enough to wipe seed clean from his skin before he squeezed back into the embrace of the jock's prostate. In a firm push he climbed up the urethral tube, skyrocketing into a tupperware container as he collided against the plastic wall.
The jock scorned above, the milky stream pouring faster as he shielded his face. "Alright that's enough!"
"Not yet it's not." Fervin said grumpily.
the stream pushed at his palms, piercing their way through as he slid into the smooth corner, it was only until his palm remained uncovered did it finally stop, and the slit sealed shut.
"Now it's finished” Fervin sneered at his handy work, shaking the drizzle from his cock before turning toward his stuff.
"Hold it!" Merkeo muttered, rising from the gunk. "We're.. we're not done."
"oh we're not huh? and what makes you say that?"
"You cost me the whole weekend! you have to make up for it!"
"Wha?.." the jock burst from laughter. "What are you on about, you're the nerd who got stuck in there in the first place."
"Only because you put me there. and nearly got me swallowed."
He rolled his eyes, fanning at the remark as Merkeo climbed out of the container. In a slippery leap, the little roommate lunged as he clung to the tufts of his jersey. It was like holding onto a moving vehicle, seed soaking his suit fanned to the luggage on the floor. Fervin drew closer to the computer desk, and jumped as he followed him to the tissue box, stomping at its opening as the giant palmed reached for it..
the jock's face soured. " You're really starting to get on my nerves."
"Likewise, but I'm not letting you off the hook. you’re going to pay up, right here, right now."
"Oh you gotta be shitting me." he chuckled. "Fuck it, I'll bite. What? What could a little nerd like you do to force me to pay you back."
He dug into the soggy pouch of his pocket of his suit, taking out his phone. He clicked at the photo, holding it to the air as Fervin's face loomed closer. "This is how!"
"Hah! What more nerds? Get over yourself."
"They may look like mere nerds to you. But one of them I'm sure you know quite well." he zoomed the photo closer, focusing on a woman dressed as a witch. "That lady right there is Cindy, the lead cheerleader of our university. I wonder what she might think if she finds out about our little mishap. I'm sure she'd love to share the adventure with the football captain."
The jock’s eyes widened before narrowing. "You don't have the balls to go through with that."
"Oh yeah? One already think's you have talking balls, I'm sure they can puzzle the rest if I speak up."
The jock growled, reaching a palm as the thick digits twitched in rage. it lunged forward, yanking a tissue from beneath Merkeo’s feet as it crumpled into a withered mess. "What do you have in mind?.."
"It's so good to see you again, Merkeo” Cindy greeted him, lowering a finger as he shook her hand. We missed you last night’s session. You’re wearing your night costume again?”
He scratched at his head, adjusting his cape. "Yeah, the other suit kinda got stuck in a rut. Fashion crisis am I right? But hey, we at least got time to catch up on a session. I even brought a plus one."
Heavy thuds came from the hallway, sharp squeaks lingering as a silhouette peered through the frame. An inflated dragon loomed in, Fervin’s soured face tucked beneath its chin as the rest of the rubbery suit hauled inside, he grumbled as he wrestled his tail inside, bumping it against the door.
"I'm sure you two know each other."
"We sure do.” Cindy said, “I didn't think he took part in DnD."
"You could say he had a change of heart." He replied, sharing glances with Fervin as his fiery gaze overshadowed the derpy expression of the inflatable.
They prepared the table as they all encircled it, Merkeo taking out the dice as many took their roles. scattered the props along the props behind the bordered sheet, he cleared his throat. "Alright ladies and gents, let’s begin. The adventurers set out upon the request of the king, a dragon has been spotted in a cave near the kingdom. You find the entrance and travel through its catacombs. There, surrounded by shimmering gold and diamonds, lay the beast. Sprawled upon its haunches as it snarled at your intrusion.”
Merkeo paused as he scooped the dice in hand, lending them to one of the members dressed as a wizard. “Care to start us off.”
"Oh Oh! I roll to ride the ride dragon"
"Try it and I'll flatten you like a crumpcake, pinhead!" Fervin snarled.
"Ah ah, not without a roll you're not." Merkeo assorted, nodding toward the little wizard.
The wizard squeed as they shook their hands in place, the dice jumbling like ice cubes as they rolled them to the thin sheet crossing the table. both dices toppled themselves, number nine marking the both of them.
"ooo, Nat 18. the wizard casts a construct to cast himself atop the dragon."
The wizard let out a high pitched squeal as They climbed aboard the inflatable forearm. Fervin eyed in disgust as the little one stood atop of him. the googly eyes of the dragon jangled as they clung to one of the ears, pulling it from one side of his body to the other.
the dragon squeaked as it smothered Fervin’s face, his neck jerking from side to side. "Hey! what the-?!"
“Wow, you really are pulling your weight." Merkeo said. I figured you'd make a good dragon.”
"Get them the fuck off me!"
"mm, not how it works. you gotta announce it, then roll."
"Oh for the-" he reached for the dice at the end of the table, fingers denting the barrier as they rattled. "The dragon attempts to throw the nuisance off."
He flung the dice forward, their forms streaking across the table like cannons as they pushed the barrier back. The dice came to a standstill, number one marking them both.
"Ooo two, the dragon failed to throw the wizard off. bummer."
"The hell?! what kind of bullshit is that I-"
"Our rodeo isn't over yet, dragon!" the wizard yelled, heaving at the inflated ears like reins. "Your hide will be a fine reward for my potions!"
"Crushing you is still on the table you damn pest!"
Merkeo watched as the two of them bicker, admiring the jock's flailing as he walked sluggishly against the walls. but he turned his head as Cindy whispered for his attention, lending an ear toward her.
"He seems pretty aggressive for a DnD player, Are you sure he's here to play?" She asked.
He looked toward the two once more, the wizard yanking backward as Fervin pivoted like a horse on a hill. He smiled as he placed a hand on his cheek. "Oh yeah, I'm sure."
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alotofpockets · 7 months
Close call | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Prompt: "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
Warnings: ambulance crash, cpr, blood, and injuries. A spin on the accident from S1E11. Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1.3k
You were checking the ambo’s inventory with Shay when you got called to an accident scene. The both of you quickly put the boxes that were out back in their places, before getting to the front and rushing out of the firehouse.
Shay had been your partner on ambulance 61 for a couple of years now, the two of you clicked instantly on her first day, and you had been best friends ever since. Working alongside your best friend makes your work even more enjoyable. Of course, there were the hard cases, but having her by your side made everything better.
When you arrive at Shay observes the scene, the accident had happened in the middle of a crossing. Police had the crossing blocked, and a few firetrucks were still present. She decides to park the ambulance near the middle of the crossing, where most of the injured people were located. Another firehouse already took care of the victims that were in the collision itself, you were there for some smaller injuries from bystanders. Mostly some cuts and stabilizing a broken arm, people you were able to treat quickly, and send on their way either home or to the hospital on their own accord. 
Once you’ve treated everyone, you make your way back into the back of the ambulance, filling your bags again, so that you’d be ready for the next call. “So, are you still down for a movie night tonight?” You ask her, as you grab some extra gauze packages to stuff into the ambo bag. “Of course, you know I never miss a movie night.” Just as she finishes her sentence you hear multiple cars honking, making you both face the back of the ambulance instantly. You see a truck with screeching tires rushing your way, there is no time to react, before it slams into you. 
What happens next is a blur until you wake up on the floor, as your body feels heavy. You raise your hand up to your forehead, when you look back at your hand, it is covered with blood. Realization is starting to hit. “Shay?” You call out. “Shay, are you okay?” Still no response. You push everything that has fallen on top off you away and start getting up, making your way over to your best friend as quickly as possible. She was laying on her side, and much like yourself, her head was covered in blood. You pat her cheek, “Come on Shay, wake up.” No response. With a shaking hand you reach out to feel for a pulse. Your instincts kick in when you feel no pulse. 
You’re still giving her cpr when you see an ambulance arrive from the corner of your eyes. The paramedic wanted to take over cpr instantly, but you refused. So, instead he got the defibrillator ready, placing the stickers on Shay. The paramedic had to hold you back for the machine to do its work. After two shocks he got her heartbeat back, everything was still a bit of a blur to you. They loaded her up in the ambulance and you rode with her in the back, holding her hand the whole way, not even letting go as they unloaded her at the hospital. 
Along with the paramedics you told her Shay’s condition prior to the paramedics arriving. Still not wanting to leave her side, you walk alongside her bed with the doctors. But you are met with the firm hands of Chief Boden holding you back. “It’s okay, they’ve got her. Let them do their job.” He tells you, his voice soft. Realization starts to kick in and you break down, tears streaming down your face. Boden catches you as you fall into his arms, he holds you tight, hoping to bring you some comfort. When you’re steady again he holds you by the shoulders. “Let’s get you checked out too, okay?” You nod and let a nurse take you to a different room. 
Your injuries were minor, only needing a couple of stitches, before you were allowed to join the rest of your team that had gathered in the waiting room. You walked in, “Any news on Shay?” You asked with glossed over eyes, letting your team members hug you one by one, not really registering much, as your mind was only on Shay. 
It wasn’t until about half an hour later until you got the first update on her. The doctors tell you that she has a moderate traumatic brain injury, and that they will have to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days to determine the extent of the damage. But that she is awake, and that is a good sign. “Is she allowed visitors?” You ask immediately after the doctor is done talking. “Yes, I would advise one person at a time though, noise might still be a bit overwhelming for her.” You turn around to your team, they all tell you to go. 
The curtains are drawn and the lights are off, still you are able to see the shape Shay is in. Her head wrapped in gauze, and two black eyes, along with some more bruising on her cheeks. She smiles when she notices you, “I’m so glad to see you.” She says with a broken voice. “You’re okay?” She asks as you walk her way. “Yeah, I’m okay, just some cuts and scrapes. You scared me so much though, please don’t ever do that again.” She chuckles, “Trust me, I don’t plan on it.” 
Shay pats the bed, as she scoots over to make room for you. You lay down next to her carefully, making sure you wouldn’t hurt her. “So, I read in my file that I had no pulse before the paramedics arrived, and that crp had been performed before they arrived on scene. Was it you?” You nod, tears forming in your eyes. Shay reaches out and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m so sorry, you had to do that.” She whispers into your ear, while moving her hand soothingly over your back. “It was a close call, and I am just glad you’re going to be okay.” 
You lay together for a while until you can no longer keep the thought that kept lingering in your mind to yourself. “Shay?” She turns on her side to look at you. “So, with everything that happened, I feel like I got to experience first hand how quickly things can end, which makes me not want to hold things back any longer.” Shay nods her head, signaling for you to continue. After a deep breath, you blurt out your thoughts, "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me." You are afraid to look at her, so you keep your eyes focussed on the ceiling. Shay’s hand reaches out to your cheek, gently moving your head to the side so your eyes lock on hers. “I am in love with you too.” You smile and lean into her touch. “Yeah?” Shay smiles back, “Yeah.” 
You lay together comfortably, just watching each other, until Shay realizes she never asked why it scared you, so she did. “Well, you are my best friend, and we work together. I didn’t want to mess anything up.” Shay nods, “Yeah, I get you. Do you think now that our feelings are out in the open, we could make it work? Because I would really like for you to be my girlfriend.” You smile wide when you realize that Shay’s heart monitor shows her rising heartbeat, feeling relieved that your heart wasn’t the only one going crazy at this moment. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” 
Shay had a bit of a recovery period ahead of her but she knew that with you by her side, everything was going to turn out alright.
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months
Silas and Wren #4
Warnings: past forced body mod
After a while, Wren felt a little more settled. He knew where each room was now, and the ‘new master’ jitters had mostly gone. In record time, too. Master Silas had a routine, and the predictableness soothed him. 
There were a few things he hadn’t gotten used to yet. The bed was nice, but strange to sleep in. The first night he dragged the covers off and slept underneath instead. The second night, he toughed it out, tossing and turning. It just felt wrong to sleep on something softer than the floor. But it was growing on him. 
Mornings were the best part of the day. He would roll out of bed (or crawl out from underneath) and instead of dreading the day, he made his own breakfast. So far berries and yogurt was his favorite, but he tried something different every morning.
He learned that Master Silas liked to sleep in late, whereas Wren got up around dawn. It was quiet and peaceful, and Wren liked it. Compared to the cramped noisiness of the market, it was paradise.
After Master got up, he ate for the day. Usually he drank from a preportioned blood pack. They came in fun varieties. Yesterday, he saw Silas sip from what looked like a juice box, straw and everything. Wren still smiled thinking about it. He wondered what package shape Master Silas had today. 
“Wren,” called Master, “can I drink from you today?”
“Of course, Master.”
Master Silas led him into the drawing room. He sat on the couch and beckoned him to sit.
“I don’t think you’ll faint,” he said, “but this way you won’t fall if you do.” Obediently, Wren sat next to Silas.
“Here, let me just…” Master took his chin in hand, soft as a feather. He guided him to tilt his neck, just so.
Silas numbed the little patch of skin with one of his vampire kisses. It was just a brush of his lips, really, but Wren secretly liked to call them kisses. 
Silas sank his fangs into his skin. There was a warm, tugging feel to it, and it was strange but not unpleasant. He drank in long, deep pulls, and Wren could feel the pulse of blood leaving him.
It only took a moment or two, and Silas was finished. He ‘kissed’ the tender part of Wren’s skin, closing the wound. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket, wiping off his neck.
“Thank you, Wren. How do you feel? Okay?”
“Yes, Master, I feel fine.” 
He actually felt pretty good. It was nice to be thanked, and it was an easy job. It gave him a warm fuzzy feeling, and it wasn’t just the blood loss speaking.
“That’s great. Let me get you some water, just in case.” 
After Master was finished with his breakfast- was it ‘breakfast’ if it was his only meal? Or did that make it more breakfast?- he got out a flat wooden box and a little cloth bag.
“You don’t have to, but would you like to have a game of mancala with me?” 
“I’m not sure how, Master,” he said, apologetic.
“Well, that’s easily fixed.” Silas explained the rules to him while setting up the board. It seemed simple enough, and Wren liked the sound the little marbles made.
After the first game, he could feel Master Silas’s eyes on him. He looked up from the board.
“Is there something wrong, Master?”
“Sorry, it’s just… What is that? Under your shirt?” Wren looked down. He couldn’t see anything, aside from his- oh.
He flushed, heat rising in his face.
“They’re, um. My piercings.”
“You have nipple piercings?” He felt his face flush even more. He must look ridiculous.
“My- my previous Mistress liked the look, so she had them done.” Silas’s face screwed up in disgust. 
“Take them out,” he ordered.
“Yes, Master.” He reached under his shirt, and began to unscrew the left one.
“Wait, I mean. You can keep them if you want to,” said Master, looking away. “Sorry.”
“I uh. I don’t really like them,” he explained. “So I don’t mind.”
Wren carefully pulled out the bars. In truth, he hated them. He’d only left them because he’d been sold with them in. Slaves were sold "as is".
If he had a choice, he might like an earring, but that was up to Silas.
“What do you want me to do with the metal, Master?”
“Here,” said Master, holding out his hand. “I’ll get rid of them.” Good. He’d never have to see those awful things again.
But when he dropped the pieces in Master Silas’s palm, he hissed and jerked away, the bars sent flying.
“Are those silver?” said Master, shaking his palm. 
“I- I’m sorry!” said Wren, lunging for the jewelry as it rolled away. He scooped up the pieces. “I didn’t know, I swear!”
“It’s fine,” growled Master, blowing air on his hand. There was a red spot in the center, like he’d scalded himself with hot water. Silas glanced towards Wren, and he couldn’t stop himself from trembling.
“Really,” he said, his voice calmer, “I’m fine. Not your fault.”
Wren let out a shaky breath. Silas had said it himself, it wasn’t his fault.
Master got out his handkerchief. He used the cloth to pluck the body jewelry from Wren. He got up, and grabbed an envelope from the desk in the corner. He shook the silver into the envelope, and sealed it. 
“There,” he said. “No harm done. I’ll dispose of it later.”
Silas sat back down.
“I don’t suppose you remember whose turn it was?” he asked, as casual as anything. Wren felt his heartbeat settle a bit.
“Um, yours? I think?”
Master picked up the marbles with his left instead of his right. Guilt swirled in Wren’s gut. He never would have given Silas his piercings if he had known.
Master Silas glanced up at him. “It’s really okay. It’ll be gone by tomorrow,” he reassured him, voice soft.
Well, as long as Master wasn’t too bothered, he supposed it was alright. At least he wasn’t being punished.
taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @secretwhumplair @freefallingup13 @mylovelyme @whumpzone @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @whumpthisway @fanastyfinder @extemporary-whump
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mortiskiller · 10 months
The Morning After
A story inspired @thefoolandthehermit and their out of this world content!
I woke up to a pounding headache, my mouth feeling as dry as the Sahara desert. The room was still spinning, and I could barely move my body. It was as if I was being weighed down by a ton of bricks. I reached for my phone to check the time, and my heart sank as I saw it was already noon.
I tried to remember what happened the night before, but my memory was hazy. All I could remember was that I had indulged in every possible pleasure known to man. I felt like a gluttonous piggy, and the shame was overwhelming.
I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, hoping a cold shower would help clear my head. As I stood under the icy water, the guilt and regret washed over me. How could I have let myself go like this?
But as the water trickled down my skin, I felt a different kind of sensation building inside me. A spark of excitement, a sense of arousal.
I couldn't believe it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I kind of enjoyed being a gluttonous piggy. The way my body felt heavy, almost swollen with excess, was oddly pleasurable. And the thought of indulging like that again made my pulse race.
I stepped out of the shower, my skin pink and my thoughts clouded. As I wrapped a towel around myself, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. My stomach was bloated, my cheeks puffy and red. But instead of feeling ashamed, I felt a pang of desire. I wanted to see how far I could take this, how much pleasure I could extract from my own body.
With a wicked grin, I went back to my room and pulled open my drawer. Inside was a stash of snacks and sweets, all waiting for me. I grabbed a bag of chips and flopped onto my bed, feeling the softness of the mattress beneath me.
I popped open the bag of chips, already feeling the guilt fading away.
I gave an involuntary gasp as I bit into the crunchy snack. It felt so satisfying, all my senses tingling. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this stimulated by food. Taking another bite, I ate the whole bag of chips in rapid succession, feeling my body grow heavy and my skin tingle.
As I tossed the empty bag aside, I already felt a new kind of excitement welling up inside me. I wanted to push myself further, to see how far I could go.
Inside the drawer, I found a package of pop tarts next to a bag of chocolate chip cookies, a bag of marshmallows, and a box of Twinkies. My heart leaped as I took all the snacks out of the drawer and laid them out on the bed.
Crumpling up the bag of chips, I tossed them into the garbage. I wanted something sweet now. With a sense of anticipation building inside me, I tore open the package of pop-tarts and took a bite. The sugary filling oozed out, coating my tongue with its sticky sweetness. I closed my eyes and let out a moan of pleasure.
I reached for the bag of chocolate chip cookies and tore it open, The sweet aroma of baked goods filled my nostrils. I took a bite, savoring the buttery goodness of the cookie and the burst of chocolate chips in my mouth.
Next, I grabbed the bag of marshmallows and popped one in my mouth. Its soft, fluffy texture melted on my tongue, the sweetness coating the inside of my mouth.
I was getting lost in the pleasure of indulgence, my body feeling heavy and satisfied. But I wasn't done yet. I still had the Twinkies to try.
I tore open the box and took one out, admiring its golden sponge cake and creamy filling. As I ate my way through the snacks, my body grew heavier and my mind clouded with pleasure. I felt like I was in a trance, the only thing that mattered was the next bite. I didn't care about the calories, the guilt, the shame. All that mattered was the sensation of my body being overloaded with pleasure.
I ate until I couldn't eat anymore, my stomach stretched to its limit. I lay back on the bed, my breath coming in short gasps, feeling like I was on the verge of exploding. But even as I lay there, my body screaming for mercy, a part of me wanted more.
I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of my body pressing against the mattress. I let out a sigh, feeling as if my skin was stretched to its limit.  I felt so full, so satisfied, but I wanted more.  I wanted to feel fuller, bigger, rounder.
With a wicked smile, I opened my drawer once more and pulled out the last item inside.  A bag of marshmallows in one hand, I opened the package of Twinkies with the other.
As I took the first bite, my hands began to shake. I felt my skin tingle as the creaminess of the filling melted on my tongue. The sweet taste filled me, making me want to eat more, filling me up. I shoved the rest of the Twinkie into my mouth, barely checking to chew it.
As I chewed, I felt the air in my lungs expand. My stomach stretched, growing bigger by the second. My skin strained against my body, my mouth watering as I looked down at my bloated heaving dome of belly. It looked so big, so round, so heavy. I couldn't believe I was capable of swelling up like that.
Curious about how my body would react to this, I grabbed the bag of marshmallows and began to eat them slower this time, savoring their fluffy, gooey texture. As I ate, the marshmallows started to swell in my mouth, giving my body an even heavier feeling that was both satisfying and pleasurable.
I gurgled with delight as I filled myself, pushing myself to my limit. My body was so aroused that I could almost feel how big I was getting. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and felt myself grow bigger.
As the last marshmallow passed my lips a chill ran up my spine, lighting my brain in a kaleidoscope of hedonistic pleasure, moans spilled from my mouth. It was only 10 am and I had a whole day of eating ahead of me.
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