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sshealingcenter · 2 years ago
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acuveda · 1 year ago
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🎉 A Glimpse of Acu Veda's June 2023 Batch 🎉
💫 Meet the future of acupuncture! 🤩 These aspiring acupuncturists are equipped with the knowledge and art to heal, ready to make a positive impact on the world. 🙏
✨ Acu Veda is proud to nurture the next generation of acupuncturists, empowering them to transform lives through this ancient yet powerful healing modality. 💆‍♀️ 🍀 We wish our students the very best of luck in their future endeavors! May their path be filled with success, fulfillment, and the joy of helping others. 🙏
#acuveda #goa #acupuntura #acupunctureingoa #yoga #assagao #acupuncture #healing #health #acupunctureschool #dryneedling #physiotherapy #pulsediagnosis #migraines #psoriasis #slipdisc #workshop #tonguediagnosis #course
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elefteriamantzorou · 6 years ago
Teaching Chinese pulse diagnosus, in our Electroacupuncture class. Yep, it is difficult! #chinesemedicine #traditionalchinesemedicine #tcm #pulsediagnosis #chinesepulsediagnosis #acupuncturist #acupuncture #massagetherapyschool #learnacupuncture (at Flow - Wellness and Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0C2GpALMM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fug36czwroot
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toneacademy · 3 years ago
Pulse Diagnosis in Acupuncture. What is Acupuncture? How it Works, Uses, and Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment by Dr. Sudhir Nelapatla, Acupuncturist, Secunderabad. #TeluguOneHealth #HealthTipsTelugu #AcupunctureTreatment #AcupunctureBenefits #PulseDiagnosis #LatestHealthTips #TeluguHealthTips Holistic Approach, Herbal Medicine - https://youtu.be/W3GufQcfVkU Bolli, Vitiligo Unani Medicine - https://youtu.be/yQSgMLhKnKg Best Ways to Improve Your Memory - https://youtu.be/H5P4lWUjzIk Talli Palu, Increase Breast Milk - https://youtu.be/q4sMXarYzvk How Nadipathy is Diagnosing, Treating - https://youtu.be/vNEI8StRAAY WhatsApp Medication is Very Dangerous - https://youtu.be/BHSQpf8WIYQ Is IVF Illegal? In Vitro Fertilization - https://youtu.be/l2-BcFdwDKs
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achieveintegrativehealth · 4 years ago
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Chinese Pulse Diagnosis in Cedar Park is considered the ‘gold standard’ when knowing what is medically wrong with a patient according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). At Achieve Integrative Health, we have dedicated ourselves to mastering this functional Pulse Diagnosis method and using this method daily in our treatment protocol. To learn more on how Pulse diagnosis can help, book an appointment now! . . . . . 💻 achieveintegrativehealth.com/ ☎️ (512) 260-1710 iswealth
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nadisutra · 4 years ago
How to know different movements of Nadi in Ayurveda? Nadi Vigyan Ep6 by ...
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alohaacuyogi · 5 years ago
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I love this post by @6babebeauty and the beautiful illustration by @mixedricezines. It reminded me to take a break from the 👅 obsession to learn about another amazing way our body's talk to us and tell us SOOOOOO MUCH INFORMATION. 🤍🤍🤍The PULSE 〰️〰️〰️ . . . Every healing system I have studied has incorporated the pulse as part of the information gathered about the "internal vibration" or coherence of the internal body and state of prana/qi of the person. While I feel like I still have 10,000 more pulses to feel before I will truly UNDERSTAND them, it is a beautiful representation of the heart's rhythm 💓 and story it has to share with the practitioner who is willing and ready to listen. The pulse is so humbling as a practitioner in my opinion. What are your thoughts about the pulse #acupuncturist #acupuncturestudent #ayurvedapractitioner ??? . . . If you aren't already following @6babebeauty go follow her now! She is one of my favorite #acupuncturistsofinstagram and absolutely loved learning one-to-one with her 🤗 From her original post: 🤍 I loved learning about pulse diagnosis in school, I think I was fascinated by the very subtle intricacies of it all. We check for the nature of the pulse - how does it feel? Is it deep? Superficial? fast/slow? Tight? Rolling??? We have so many words to describe a pulse and it’s an amazing window to check on the status of one’s organ functionality. 🤍 . . . . #acupuncturelife #pulse #pulsediagnosis #yourbodyrevealseverything #yourbodyiswise #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinewisdom #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #acupuncture #ayurvedicmedicine #modernmedicinewoman #nourishinglife #ayurvedaforyogateachers #yogateacherlife #yogateachercontinuingeducation https://www.instagram.com/p/B9L_gQ4nA_R/?igshid=hbb3vvoxf83o
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keiraku · 6 years ago
Six Position Pulse Diagnosis
I’m going to give you the basics on this, as it is the most common method of determining sho in JMT. Personally, I use it far less often than the Feedback Method, but it’s good to know both.
Here are the pulse positions based on Chapter 18 of Nan Jing. The outer circles represent the superficial (Yang) positions and the inner the deep (Yin) positions.
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For purposes of determining the Sho, we are really only concerned with the Yin level.
Comparing Pulses Using Generating and Control Cycles
If you look closely at the pulse positions, you can see that they follow a sort of pattern with regard to the Generating and Control cycles of the Five Phases. The generating cycle follows each wrist from proximal to distal pulse position, and between both wrists makes a sort of infinity symbol:
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The Control cycle shows up as a kind of zigzag between the pulse positions on the wrist:
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The most efficient way to do this comparative examination is to take the pulses at both wrists simultaneously. This is commonly done with the patient lying supine (face-up) on a table. I find this awkward to do with the patient in a chair, so I generally take each wrist separately, note what I find, and line everything up mentally. I practiced for many years on tables, though, and I think the years of experience has made it easier to do it this way.
When comparing pulse positions, you are looking for the most deficient (usually weakest) position on the Yin level. However, one pulse position does not a Sho make; rather, the pattern of two deficient Yin pulse positions along the Generating Cycle (I.e., Mother-Child) is the major diagnostic indicator. If one finds a noticeably deficient pulse position, it will likely be part of the Sho. The only thing one needs to figure out is whether it is the position of the Mother or the Child. So, rather than go through every pulse position comparing each to one or two others, a much quicker way to answer this question is to compare the Mother and Child of the most deficient position. It may be easier to illustrate with an example.
After finding the radial pulse, you sink your fingers to the Yin level. You are looking for the most deficient pulse position.
As you sink your fingers, you notice that the left proximal pulse (Kidney) disappears before the others and feels weak. So the Kidney, you surmise, must be part of the Sho.
You then check the left middle position (Liver, the Child of Kidney) against the right distal position (Lung, the Mother of Kidney).
You decide that the Liver position feels a little more empty than the Lung.
Thus you have a Liver Sho, since the Liver and Kidney are deficient together along the Generating Cycle. This is the case even though the Kidney feels more deficient; this is because the Sho is named for the Child. Had the Lung been weaker than the Liver, the Sho would have been designated a Kidney Sho, since the Lung is the Mother and the Kidney is the Child in the relationship between those two organs.
Deficiency and Excess
When we talk about comparing pulse positions, we usually start with teaching that deficient pulses are weak while excess pulses are strong. But this is not always the case. Another concept one should consider is that the normal pulse should evince a quality known as “Stomach Qi”. This quality is a sort of springy resilience, not too hard and not too soft, not too fast and not too slow. The fluid wave should be felt but not too gushing, it should have the fluid quality but not feel too squishy. It should feel “consolidated” - the term in Japanese I heard associated with it was “hosoii”, which technically means “thin”, but “consolidated” was the translator’s choice - since the Stomach is Earth and part of Earth’s function is holding things together, the boundaries of the vessel should be clear. The pulse should not feel like it is sort of leaking to the side or squishing outside the boundaries of the vessel. At the same time, the boundaries should be supple and not hard, but still holding the vessel’s shape. If it does not hold shape, or one feels this squishy, leaky quality, then the pulse is considered to be one of deficiency, even if it is otherwise palpable. It could feel “big” but still be deficient; the amorphousness of the wave is the key to determining deficiency in this case. When comparing two pulse positions, one may feel “bigger” than another and thus it is easy to mistake this for excess in the “bigger” pulse; the “thinner” pulse position may in fact be a normal pulse wave that has Stomach Qi where the “bigger” pulse is actually the deficient position. This is something that is important to understand but difficult to teach the beginner.
Qualities in Positions In addition to the overall pulse quality, you may feel different qualities in each of the positions. For example, the Heart position may feel thin or the Lung pulse may feel choppy. These individual qualities will usually improve with the treatment, and in my opinion, as a beginner you shouldn’t be overly concerned with each quality in each position. When starting out, the best thing to focus on is determining which of the positions feels weakest, and looking for correlations between the weak or strong positions according to the Generating or Control cycles. I was taught to go back to the pulse repeatedly to look for aberrant qualities in the different positions, and apply various needle techniques to correct them; frankly this led to a lot of frustration and wasted time. It may come down to philosophy, but I have come to think that the most important priority is to help the body expel pathogens and restore balance on its own.
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ayurvedainitiative-blog · 6 years ago
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wineracupunctureinc-blog · 7 years ago
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Pulse diagnosis. Did you know there are over 30 different qualities of pulses in Chinese medicine? They each tell the practitioner many things about you. #pulsediagnosis ##wineracupuncture #acupuncture #chinesemedicine ⭐️⭐️⭐️👍👍👍👍👍🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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elefteriamantzorou · 6 years ago
Teaching Chinese pulse diagnosis, in our electroacupuncture course. Yep, it is difficult. #chinesemedicine #chinesediagnosis #tcm #pulsediagnosis #traditionalchinesemedicine #acupuncturist #acupuncture #massagetherapists #massagetherapyschool #electroacupuncture (at Flow - Wellness and Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsztFo0gHzL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ac6th42amov
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cyongwee-blog · 6 years ago
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【体质辨识】 通过 脉诊➕舌诊 强化患者对自己身体的了解 中医,即是治疗人们, 也是人们的教育者。 引导民众向往正确的方向, 去注意自己的身体, 改善生活品质。 为长远的人生道路铺垫! [Understanding your body] Through each Consultation, Tongue Diagnosis + Pulse Diagnosis We let patients to understand their body better and having a clearer picture on how we should maintain a healthier lifestyle. TCM Physicians, Not just to treat and heal, We can be educators to everyone, To improve on how we can lead a healthier path in future! #missionforphysicians #understandyourbody #tcmconsultation #tonguediagnosis #pulsediagnosis #confinementcentre #舌诊 #脉诊 #体质辨识 #月子中心 #中医 For More Info: WhatsApp: http://bit.ly/2Tjkt3Q WeChat: skyflashz Facebook: www.facebook.com/teckhwatcm Website: cyongwee.wixsite.com/teckhwatcm Instagram: @teckhwatcm Telegram: https://t.me/teckhwatcm Video: https://youtu.be/go1RP1b2koc Blog: teckhwatcm.wordpress.com #曾勇维医师 #德华中医诊疗所 #新山大丰 #气化医学 #经典中医 #调脉 #physicianchin #teckhwatcm #tamansentosa #classicalchinesemedicine #pulseregulation (at Teck Hwa TCM 德华中医诊疗所 曾勇维医师) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqwY-vaAYDe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wwf63fm3t8wp
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nadisutra · 5 years ago
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keiraku · 6 years ago
Pulse Feedback Test (PFT)
One of the things I struggled with for years in adapting my JMT training to a CA context was what to do with pulse diagnosis. More specifically, what to do with Six-Position pulse diagnosis, since that is what proved to be most challenging. Instead of standing over a patient on a table, I was sitting in a rolling stool next to a reclining chair. The body mechanics involved in taking pulses at both wrists simultaneously was awkward, and taking one wrist at a time involved rolling around to the other side of the chair. Since in most cases I have about 5 minutes to decide what to treat and get all the needles in, this was clearly not going to work. I had already given up on abdominal diagnosis and extensive meridian palpation as impractical. This left me with only symptom analysis to determine the sho, which felt incomplete in many instances.
The solution was to abandon six-position pulse diagnosis in favor of what I call the Pulse Feedback Test or PFT. This is not something I invented; it is based on the methods I learned for checking point location and needle technique among the blind acupuncturists. One of them mentioned using it as an auxiliary method of choosing Extra Vessels. I just adopted it to help determine the Sho.
PFT is similar to using the VAS (Vascular Autonomic Signal) in French auriculotherapy, or to AK (Applied Kinesiology) in chiropractic and related fields. You take the pulse at one wrist, and note the quality. You apply a particular stimulus to test a Sho, and look for changes in the pulse.
I have been trying this out for a few years now, and I continually develop the method based on what I was taught, what I read about related methods like AK, and most importantly what works better for me in my clinic. At present, the method looks like this:
1) Find the radial pulse. Position your fingers at the depth where you feel the pulse most clearly - superficial or deep, doesn’t matter. You can use one finger if you need to. Notice the depth, rate, volume, clarity and force of the pulse. Ask yourself what aspect of the pulse quality needs to improve: is it too fast, too superficial, unclear, weak?
2) Go through each of the Sho, one by one. Note if the pulse changes, and how. How do you do this? In the beginning, I just thought to myself the name of each Sho: Lung, Spleen, Liver, Kidney, Heart. I found this to be a little too hazy - maybe my own lack of focus - so I started to touch a point on each of the five meridians. This works much better for me. In general I use the Yuan-Source points. Note that when you are taking pulses you are already touching the Yuan-Source point for the Lung, so I will use another point, usually LU5 or LU6. I can already hear the objections from the purists: But LU5 is the draining point! OK fine, then stroke the channel a couple of times from LU5 to LU6 if it bothers you.
3) In general, you want some aspect of the pulse to improve. Often it is the rate or the force; I.e. the pulse slows down or becomes a little softer or firmer relative to what it was in the first place. If more than one meridian produces a change, compare those two and see which gives the best quality or most pronounced change. If the result matches whatever Sho the patient’s signs and symptoms would suggest, you’re good to go. If not, then you have to choose. In my mind, if the pulse change is very clear, especially on rechecking the pulse, that’s what I will usually treat. If the pulse changes are not so clear, then I will usually just go with the signs and symptoms.
In the beginning, I found this method to be a little more time-consuming than I would have liked. However, I was interested enough in it to keep working with it and now it takes very little time. On return visits, if the patient has reported improvement, I am likely to just repeat the treatment.
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livingtheveda-blog · 11 years ago
Pulses are the manifestation of the universal elemental forces in the body. The sounds of the pulses indicate the activity of the doshas, thus determining the strengths and weakness in the body. The doshas are constantly changing while adjusting one against the other due to our thoughts, actions, and feeling. Pulses reflect the changes and allows you to detect imbalances before it manifest a a disease or condition. When listening to a pulse you are listening to the rhythms of the body, which is why the word "Nadi" meaning "river of life" is commonly used in pulse diagnosis. Although pulses can be taken in various places in the body, the most commonly used location is the radial pulse (thumb side) of the wrist. When taking pulses finger positions are important. Fingers should always be together when reading the pulse. Pulses are taken on the left wrist of a woman and the right wrist of a man. With wrist lightly flexed, place the index finger on first crease of the wrist. Middle and ring finger are placed adjacent toward the elbow in the groove of the radial artery. The index finger indicates the activity level of Vata forces, middle finger pulse indicate Pitta forces, and the ring finger pulse monitors Kapha forces. Vata pulses are cold, light, thin, fast, feeble, and disappears on pressure. Vata pulse movement (gati) is like a cobra. Pitta pulse if hotm high amplitude, forceful, strong, prominent, and lifts up the palpating fingers. Pitta pulse moves like a frog. Kapha pulse is broad, cool or warm, slow, thick, deep, wavy, and regular. Kapha pulse moves like a swimming swan.
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wineracupunctureinc-blog · 7 years ago
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Pulse diagnosis. Another way to diagnose and bring your body to balance. #acupuncture #wineracupuncture #acupunctureworks #pulsediagnosis 😀😀😀😀😀⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍👍👍👍👍👍
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