kaminenee · 7 years
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @puchittothelimit 
I’m 9238192018 hours late sorry
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jackielanternart · 7 years
Thinking about The Morrigan disguised as Susano, asking for Izanami to make him breakfast then chucking a juice carton across the room while yelling "THIS B*TCH EMPTY! YEET!!" At 3am instead of sleeping.
Thank you for this @puchittothelimit enjoy Disneyland.
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swappin writing
@puchittothelimit i was up an hour early so i started this, and then i finished it over lunch break. i lied when i said id do it over the weekend:
a tribute to https://puchittothelimit.tumblr.com/post/157845944150/im-in-the-mood-for-something-depressing-can-you . everyone should fuckin read blood moon. i need to find every writing blog on here.
idk how to do the fancy looking title and summary stuff but i figured you wouldn't mind either way. i had to do this on a phone memo pad so if typo, sorry. "if" lol like i didn't already find one and just ignored it bc lazy
Suku's head rested heavily on Awilix's thigh, long body almost coiled at her side and paws tucked in under his body. Awilix's hand shuffled over his fur with increasing uncertainty, fingers curling weakly as they moved from head to neck and back again but twitching every so often. "Be a good boy, okay?" Suku heard Awilix say. "Suku's a good boy. Such a good boy." When Suku raised his head to softly butt his human companion in the side, Awilix's hand slid off and hit the muddy grass with a wet slap. Anxious to be pet again, Suku nudged her arm, and when that failed to get a reaction, he crawled up closer to the still body next to him until half of his body was all but resting atop Awilix's. Half hearted purrs and head butts did nothing to wake the goddess, and finally the jaguar rested his head just under her chin and let his eyes close as if to go to sleep. The occasional perk of his ears every time a branch snapped under the heavy rains was all that betrayed him. He was tired too, but he would stay awake for the both of them. "I know your heart must be breaking right now," someone was patiently telling Suku, "but we can't stay here. We've already tried bringing her back, she just...won't. I'm sorry, Suku." "Why are you even bothering, Ah Puch. Let's go." "Someone needs to try." The corpse god finally got to his feet with a raspy sigh. He looked on pitifully at the jaguar, who was still standing over Awilix's body that was still awkwardly sitting propped up against a tree. Suku's ears were pressed back and his mouth was open, lips drawn and exposing teeth. No one was going to be able to retrieve Awilix's body for a proper burial without paying a little blood for it, even if they had had the desire to do so. It wasn't worth the trouble. "Going to just stand there or are we getting a move on?" Hun Batz asked impatiently after tossing his staff up and catching it several times. "For all we know, the thing's too dumb to understand us anymore." "Shh, that's enough," Ah Puch urged, but he gave in and turned away to follow after the monkey god. For a second, anyway: he hesitated and threw another look back over his shoulder. "Well, you can be damn well sure that the thing isn't going - " "Suku." " - fine, Suku isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Dumb beast or not, it's probably spiritually bound here for the rest of its life. We have things to do right now, you can come back here later to talk with it. Assuming there's still enough of Suku to reason with. Besides, you know the body won't rot. Too much god in it for too long, even if the spirit's long gone. The meatsuit will still be here for you to collect later. Maybe." For all the monkey's crudeness, he was right. Awilix had given up her spirit to send them forward with hope. Ah Puch would be damned if he'd let that sacrifice be in vain, even if a certain beloved jaguar companion got left behind. "We'll be back," he promised Suku, whose mouth was still open in a fearless snarl at the god of decay. "Stay...stay this way as long as you can, I suppose. I'll see about bringing her back." And then they disappeared, leaving body and jaguar behind to soak in the pouring rain. The next seven days and nights rolled by in a misty haze, all running together in a muddy stream thanks to the persistent rain. Suku caught prey once in a while, but limited by how far he dared to leave Awilix's body behind, opportunities were only becoming more scarce. He brought some morsels to her every once in a while in futile hopes that she would respond, but on the eighth day, Suku finally wandered out to find whatever foolish prey might still be around in this part of the forest. There was a gnawing urge inside him that he had never really felt until now, an urge to find food, shelter, a water source, but Suku didn't dwell on the thought for too long. He just did as he needed to, finding shelter in trees instead of sleeping on the ground, traveling as far and as wide as he needed to to find prey and water, marking his territory with deep gouges in tree trunks as he went along. He retreated back deeper into the forest when he began hearing sounds of some kind of animal conflict in the distance one day. It took a while to find a place that pleased him, but find it he did.He stalked around familiar trees and noted with satisfaction that his scent had passed through here before, and he didn't recall being challenged for his claim over it. He could make this his new haunt since the easternmost boundary of his territory seemed like it would be encroached on soon. It wasn't much for prey availability, but it would do. There was fresh meat here too, downed by another beast no doubt, but left untouched for reasons that Suku didn't bother dwelling on. It was sustenance. Rejecting the indignity of scavenging was a luxury that a hungry jaguar could not afford to take. "Oh, nine hells," Ah Puch cursed when he came upon the sight of a jaguar gnawing on a bird carcass. "Suku." The creature disappeared like a phantom at the sound of his voice, reappearing high in a tree and peering down with yellow, feral eyes. "You..." Ah Puch sighed, and then picked his way over to the sizable pile of splintered bones at the base of the tree Suku was hiding in. He stared down at them, numbly noting the markings where sharp teeth had dug into the bones. "You've forgotten everything already." His only answer was an unblinking, yellow stare glowing between the foliage. "We took too long..." "Ah Puch, it's been weeks, how are we supposed to remember where she - oh." Hun Batz came to a stop next to his fellow god and surveyed the scene before them with thinly veiled pity and disgust. "I knew it. I knew this would happen - " "That's enough," Ah Puch snapped, but the sound of light footsteps over grass and leaves behind them made both gods turn around. "Well, well. Look who's here. Man of the hour, hero and savior. Didn't think you'd follow us all the way out here." Hun Batz leaned on his staff and gave the newcomer a distasteful once-over, looking as if he had just swallowed mud. "You were taking too long. I tracked you until a little ways back and then followed the sound of your voices as you combed the forest. We need to head back," the man said, but even as he spoke, he looked up at the tree branches overhead and fell silent when he locked eyes with the jaguar. Ah Puch allowed him a few seconds of peace, and then sardonically, voice dipped liberally in cyanide: "You know him, Xbalanque?" The man didn't answer. Not yet, at least. His eyes flickered down to mull over the scattered bones on the ground before darting back up again to search out the shadowy shape of the jaguar, but it had long disappeared. There hadn't even been a rustle of leaves to whisper of its escape. "Once," Xbalanque finally said. "I suppose I did. Let's go." They left.
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smitecreatorday · 6 years
Any underrated smite blogs we should know about? 👀
I mean I’m gonna recommend the people I follow cause they all produce quality content and everyone need more attention and love in my opinion. Though if people have other recommendation they should totally add them to this post to spread the love
- Mod Croc
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Okay so that nemesis x Nike stuff is amazing and I need more
i really got into the ship bc of puchittothelimit​‘s fic about the two here (also go follow her, she’s really friendly and her writing is to die for), i might write some headcanons later if i can come up w/ anything lol
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Ullr-too-cool got tagged by @xxshebaxx and @skadi-too-hottie . Thank ya, both!
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Matt
Nickname: Is Matt considered a nickname? Otherwise it's Matty or my old high school one was Patty (long story)
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 170 cm
Orienation: Straight
Nationality: Canadian
Favourite fruits: APPPPLLLLEEESSSS and cherries
Fav season: winter cause I'm always waaaay too warm. But summer because I love to garden.
Fav scent: Sandlewood because it reminds me of my father. And this new moisturizer I got for Christmas that smells like Teakwood 😄
Fav animals: Doggs. I'm the type of person who will interrupt a conversation to yell "LOOK AT DA PUPPERS" and point
:Coffee, tea, hot 🍫: coffee 🍵
Average hrs of 💤:  6-7
Fav fictional character: uhhhhh last one I was obsessed with was Thane from Mass Effect
No. of blankets you 💤 with: None by choice, all of them according to my girlfriend as I've been told I'm a blanket thief.
Dream trip: airdrop me in the Mediterranean and I ll be happy. I love Classics so I would be lost in ancient sites and museums for years if I could
Blog created: oh boy... Back in 2012 maybe? I only recently made it into a Smite blog
Tagging: I think most people have been tagged so I don't know! Ah! Sorry if you've already been tagged below!
@iron-poet-xing @puchittothelimit @whothehelcares @goddess--of--the--underworld @
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sobek-support · 7 years
“Me booty is the best booty”
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maddogmitch · 7 years
This was requested by one of my favorite smite blogs so here it is the nicknames i have for every smite blog i follow (atm) sorry in advance if they aren’t all creative /.\
@Sobek-support is croky the little crocodile
@whothehelcares is the twinster
@00-jackielatern-00 is the trickster god
@iaintlionaround is puffy kitty
@bot-of-thoth is book of smite
@athenasannonymous is athena the brave
@72-transformation is the stripe bird, kitty, bull thing
@legatosiris is golden dong!
@warlock-sass is the god of sass
@puchittothelimit is puchy
@susano-oh-no is susan or m’lady
and last but not least @nyxatnight is mama nox!
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whothehelcares · 7 years
Okay I'm super hype for the Chacc skin, not because I play him, but because @puchittothelimit is gonna fucking love it
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kaminenee · 7 years
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Puch' It to The Limit’s post
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😎👌🏻 - Puch' It to The Limit
😎- You’re really cool.
👌 - Your blog is some good shit.
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Things I Didn't Know I Needed:
Ah Puch fics from @puchittothelimit. Hot damn, I love your writing! Looking forward to others (if you write more that is). <3
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skadi-too-hotty · 7 years
Tagged by @darkness-falls-upon-you @sobek-support @puchittothelimit
Nicknames? Dette, Muka, Momo
Gender? Female
Star sign? Sagittarius
Height? 4′10
Time? 12:36pm
Birthday? November 30th
Favourite bands? I don’t know I tend to like solo artists! I’d say No Doubt, The Cranberries, Aqua, T.A.T.U, Florence + The Machine
Favourite solo artists?  Emilie Autumn, Gwen Stefani, Ellie Goulding, Lana Del Rey
Song stuck in my head? A horrible song called Vanity by Christina Aguilera
Last movie watched? Spiderman(the original version lol)
Last show watched? Property Brothers( I can wait for my future house!)
When did I create my blog? 2010
What do I post? Anything Smite, even memes
Last thing I googled? Urban Decay Troublemaker Sex-Proof Mascara
Do you have any other blogs? Yes, one for personal use,one for anime and one for monochrome posts. Oh and one for square enix
Do you get asks? Not really lol
Why did you choose your URL? Skadi is the best duh
Following? 601
Followers? 267
Favourite colours? Aqua, Blue, Sky Blue, Mint
Average sleep hours? 9 hours,sometimes 13,sometimes 5
Lucky number? 3 or 13
What am I wearing?  A dress I've had since highschool its brown and blue and i got it from Target
How many blankets do you sleep with? Two
Dream job? Art or video games honestly
Dream Trip? Hawaii
Favourite food? French fries
Nationality? American
Favourite song now? Get Back(Deep Roads) Ludacris feat. Dragon Age
Tagging?@bloodsweatandtyrs @h0i-im-artemmie @whothehelcares @shine-like-the-moon @lyreical-dork @iaintlionaround @asi-dead-people @72-transformations @take-this-jungle-buff
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demonicdisorder · 7 years
Kali and Daji headcanons
Inspired by @puchittothelimit​ and @mellowminty​ 
I'm gonna make headcanons for Daji and Kali (go further)
- Likes Serqet and Arachne, them three tend to act like THE Mean Girls
- She has an extremely good fashion sense, to the point of constantly going over to Athena and Arachne to commission custom outfits.
- She does NOT like it when anyone comments, looks, or touch her tails, she'll forcefully make you acknowledge it but not mentioning it.
- She moved to Japan and hid there (God Reveal), becoming another god (Tamamo-No-Mae) before going back to China as Daji again.
- She is multilingual: Speaks English, all Chinese dialects, and Japanese super fluently.
- She is neutral to Nuwa, not concerning over the fact Nuwa herself summons her.
- Daji is a fox spirit, she can die but can reincarnate back, this results in her varying height or appearance every century.
- She is aware that she is not rich, and goes out of her way to steal, greatly succeeded.
- Daji tends to oversleep, and will be cranky all day long if no one wakes her up. Because she wants to spend all the time of her day finding a way to be productive.
- Daji “dies” a lot.
- Daji, like every concubine in China, is very suspicious in everything she do, from poisoning ceramic fans, to brutally beating anyone she wishes.
- Likes foreign affairs, she wants to be all over the place.
- She loves her tea time at noon, very precise on her time, will get upset if she misses it. 
- Curious of how things work, expect it. She will ask a lot. 
- Did involve herself with the Empress Wu Zetian.
- Violent, but not entirely. 
- She helps Chronos with his powers because she's also the goddess of time. 
- She is called the Black One, and she loves that name because it makes her cool. 
- Cares a lot for Ganesha (She's his mom after all).
 - REFUSES let Ganesha call Herself mother, because she knows that she would be a bad example instead of Durga/Parvati. 
- She doesn't like jokes, and will excuse herself from any comedic matters.
- She's very polite, but don't expect her to behave good around people she does not like. 
- Kali likes to multitask, does it so well that she would often become bored. 
- Destroys things and make Brahma and/or Saraswati to bring it back casually. 
- Loves festivals, and will participate any Indian events. 
- She loves children, but hates it when they fear her.
- Loves overseeing weddings, especially the music and dances.
- Her more violent side Chamunda, will bicker over her mind like Light and Dark Hel. 
- Kali is the product of Durga and Chamunda, the inbetween.
- Makes Super delicious curry, ask her and you shall receive (though she won’t hold back on the spiciness).
- Likes to be naked around her house as it’s the norm for her.
- Loves to learn languages, but struggle to maintain a favorite.
- Cannot still, very antsy.
- She is the deity of pure destruction, both for good and bad.
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Smite Poetry: Ah Puch
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They say my face is.
They think my nature to be.
But I remember what warmth was.
The name of warmth
As she slipped away.
Is gone when I come to them.
Left me long ago.
I am hollow
Like marrow gone from the bone.
But still I find life
In the loam.
Is there beauty in it?
Is the beauty that I find.
This was based on some of the fics of @puchittothelimit​, so thanks for the inspiration! 
Check out their fics here https://puchittothelimit.tumblr.com/post/165798785690/ah-puch-headcanons 
Going to try and write more of these as I quite enjoy them (even if they’re mainly sad and dark).
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sobek-support · 7 years
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THERE IT IS, AHAHAHHAAH MY ART IS THERE. Thank you @puchittothelimit for letting me know
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