speak it into existence
2020 Prediction: DMBrandon will finally quit smite and we will be free
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what youd give to talk to your brother again
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season 6 is looking good. merlin does a little too much but oh well. having fun in every mode...except siege because the ridiculous siege timer makes it unplayable. i miss siege.
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Egyptian gods by Yliade
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best thing i learned today: “The Loud American” role in Japanese businesses
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pictured: me
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I’ve been hiding in my lair obsessing over the new God of War game. So here’s my contribution :P This is my own imagining of what Hel would look like if she were in the game. (which she is sadly not, but hey! Maybe next time.)
Hel is probably my favorite Norse Goddess, though there’s a lot to choose from. She’s described as half blue, half flesh-colored, which a lot of us interpret as “Half dead, half alive”, and I wanted to play with that aspect of her a bit. 
She wears an enchanted eyepatch with the rune Dagaz etched onto it, with this she’s able to change and shift into different states of “being”. With her right eye covered she appears as a normal, living woman. Shift the patch to cover her left eye and she becomes a spirit, incorporeal. Remove the eyepatch entirely (something that she does not particularly like) and she is returned to her dual state of existence.
Enjoy guys!
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in the new smite trailer for switch you can see hera casting argus, standing still, and popping beads for nothing lmao
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The men always stare. But inconvenience arises with divine exception: the gods are not stone-struck when they lay eyes upon your countenance. Not for long, at least. But gawk though they might at the sinuous serpent heads coiling restlessly around your shoulders, not one of them can hold your gaze: good. Men are best handled finely chastened, head bowed and eyes downcast.
Poseidon stumbles in his haste to remove himself from your sight when you cross paths, as you occasionally do these days to and from the battlegrounds. You don't bother concealing your malice, snakes hissing and rearing, poised to strike. This is one man you would most assuredly slaughter, if the compulsion that rules the gods here did not hold you to stay your hand. Too bad, too bad, the snakes hiss. The blood you hunt will never be sated with a mere temporary spat on the battlegrounds. One day...soon.
And as Poseidon wobbles away, Athena emerges from before the summoning font instead, glowing particles converging and solidifying to give form to her stone-sober countenance. She looks weary. Whether she was fighting alongside her brother or against him in the last summoning bout, you couldn't know, but does it matter? You well know her alliances in her heart, certainly.
Athena's eyes settle upon you just long enough to recognize you, and then they flicker to catch a timely glimpse of Poseidon's retreating back just before he disappears over the sloping terrain. A hint of a smile hooks at the corner of her mouth. An unknowing stranger might think the glimmer in her eyes and the short lived sneer Athena wears just for a moment strangely cruel and unbefitting such a goddess, but you know the truth. The truth that could not be contained and held secret in Athena's heart, and so it was that she gave it life through you.
"Frightening men again today, are you?" Athena asks, trudging towards you in time with the rhythmic chinking of her armor. Men, she says, and while the generalization is accurate, you know she happens to mean Poseidon in particular. Athena's spear tip looks battered. You'd like to think that it's from having thrashed Poseidon.
You're tempted to smile, but you choose to sneer instead. You cock your head to the side and your snakes follow suit, hissing all the while. "Why wouldn't I."
Athena comes to a halt before you. She surveys her handiwork. "It suits you."
You almost preen. "I know."
Athena's eyes are almost glowing, you notice, and the curved crook of her lips is unmistakable. She's quite enjoying this, and you bask in her admiration. And then she turns and leaves, but not before she delivers one last gift.
"I have it on good authority that your summoner's foe is partial to the sea. I hope you come prepared, woman." And the reverence you hear in her voice soothes the ever present festering wrath inside you for just a moment, at least. Athena called you woman, but she means Woman. Girl you were born. Relegated to prey from birth, a victim, cattle unto the slaughter. You became Woman when you killed the first man who dared look upon you, dared to claim you. You are your own. Woman is what you are. The men will always stare, but let them, you think. Let them fear what they have wrought.
You are Medusa, the Gorgon.
So let them stare.
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this is a good day to love ur videogame boyfriends am i right
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When the Xbalanque ult drops
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if they ever actually come back and do something with the korean pantheon ill be a surprised bitch
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Ares Comes Back
(based on the myth of the aloadai)
When Ares comes back, Olympus is so unchanged that it’s jarring.
The routine here is identical to how he remembered it, a year ago.  Here’s Athena, surrounded by scrolls in her library.  Here’s Apollo, playing his lyre and looking perfect. Helios and Selene make their daily and nightly sojourns across the sky.  It’s as though nothing has changed.  And for them, nothing has changed.  The only person for whom anything different happened, was Ares himself.
There’s not really any talk of what happened.  No one brings it up.  He can’t tell if they feel bad about it, or if they all genuinely don’t think much about the fact that
he had been locked in a tiny, cramped jar for a year, a jar with the lid tied down, only to be lifted long enough that his captors can prod him with sticks or blades, or throw in rotting food or sometimes insects.  The smell makes him vomit, and that stays in with him too.  His angry shouts turn to screams turn to weeping and all of it stays inside the jar with him.
When the clay jar shatters, and Ares blinks in the sudden light to see Hermes staring at him in horror, he doesn’t feel relief, or feel any way at all, really.  He feels dull and nonresponsive, because he’s had this hallucination before.  Though, admittedly, it hasn’t ever been Hermes who had come in previous hallucinations.  It’s been mostly Zeus.
It isn’t until almost an hour later, when Hermes and Artemis are trudging back, carrying his wasted body because he can’t walk yet, that it strikes Ares that this is probably real this time.  He can’t stop shaking.
Keep reading
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damn like people are embarrassing out here
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true though
Sorry everyone Tanks are still the best class in the game
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yikes i like the response better than the ask
Apparently my account has been flagged for bad behavior. Sorry but if someone plays like fucking garbage, they need to know they're fucking garbage.
I don’t talk to anyone unless they’re harassing my other teammates or blame others for their own mistakes
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Commissions Open!!!
Hi There!!!!
I’m in desperate need of funds and am opening up my commissions to try and work towards the needed amount.
The standard price for most commissions will be $15.00, but more elaborate requests might be higher. If you’re interested in a commission please contact me at [email protected] with the details of your commission and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
If you’d like to see examples of my work you can find them at https://www.artstation.com/sjinxers
If you don’t want/need a drawing but would like to help me out you can send donations to paypal.me/ADarnell Really any little bit will help!
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Thank you:)
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