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fidjiefidjie · 1 month ago
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Bonjour, bonne journée ☕️ 🌥
Devant le Drugstore Publicis, Champs-Elysées🗼Paris 1962
Photo de René Burri
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ddbparisxvw · 5 days ago
UN.patent x Renault : L’innovation au service de la sécurité routière
Agence : Publicis Conseil Réalisateurs : AKATRE Dispositif : Film / Digital / Conférence
Contexte Avec l'essor des véhicules électriques, la question de la sécurité devient cruciale, notamment pour les services de secours. Fort de 15 ans d’expérience dans l’électrique, Renault décide d’ouvrir ses brevets pour favoriser l’innovation collective et améliorer la sécurité routière.
Idée Renault dévoile UN.patent, une initiative inédite mettant en open source ses brevets de sécurité, dont le Fireman Access. Cette technologie permet aux pompiers d’éteindre un feu de batterie en moins de 10 minutes, contre plusieurs heures habituellement.
Film de marque réalisé par Publicis Conseil et AKATRE, mettant en scène l’innovation et la collaboration Renault x Jean Todt.
Plateforme digitale (renault.fr/universalpatent) offrant un accès libre aux brevets.
Participation à la Conférence mondiale sur la sécurité routière pour sensibiliser et mobiliser les acteurs du secteur.
Campagne médiatique & influence pour maximiser l’impact et l’adoption du dispositif.
Sensibiliser l’industrie automobile et le grand public à l’importance du partage des innovations pour la sécurité.
Positionner Renault comme un acteur engagé dans l’innovation responsable.
Encourager d’autres constructeurs à suivre cette dynamique collaborative.
Avec UN.patent, Renault fait de l’innovation un bien commun, pour sauver des vies sur la route.
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paolalopezfeliu · 1 year ago
On n’a jamais autant guéri du cancer qu’aujourd’hui et pourtant quand on pense au cancer, on l’associe souvent à un combat perdu d’avance. Nous sommes très peu à connaitre les incroyables avancées réalisées aujourd’hui vers la guérison de cette maladie. Aujourd’hui on guérit 66 %1 des cancers  et la science a fait plus de progrès ces 10 dernières années que les 100 précédentes.
Pour sa campagne d’appel aux dons, Gustave Roussy, 1er centre français, européen et 4e mondial dans la lutte contre le cancer, souhaite mettre en avant cet incroyable et pourtant très réaliste espoir, avec ce fait peu connu du grand public.
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compellingselling · 2 years ago
Beautiful! Transcendent! Cryptic! 
This short film with a line and a logo at the end is breathtaking and engaging – inspiring, even.
But I don't particularly understand why Orange, a wireless provider, paid for this obviously lavish production.
"More room for trust"? Is “trust” what the planner said was the higher-order end benefit of network security? Is this about wireless network security? As a viewer who wasn't invited to the briefing I'm left in the dark a little. And does Orange's Web 3.0 offer more security than their competitors? “More room” for trust? How much more? Am I supposed to wait to be served the Instagram ad that has more details?
I shouldn't have to ask so many questions. Just a couple of more words at the end would likely solve it.
Great edit, sharp effects, cool music. Beautifully directed by Seb Edwards. Agency: Publicis Conseil
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salemsimss · 11 months ago
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Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
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julesnichols · 5 months ago
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This is actually hilarious that the showrunner's definition of "not shock value, not frivolous, and emotionally resonant" are:
1. Zarah: was killed off towards the end of the first episode; an episode that established the relatively idyllic and peaceful life in New Eden, and her death was both a catalyst and unexpected. But not shock value? Not frivolous, when all it was was to fridge her so that Layton could have a storyline and Liana could have one mom and one dad instead of two moms and a dad? Sorry but I don't think it's even emotionally resonant given the whole fridging thing and also how anticlimactically the baby plot was resolved (and quite frankly Layton should've actually gone rogue, it would've been somewhat of a better plot)
2. Wilford: killed off the same episode he was revealed to be totally cold resistant. Barely did anything this season; given how wild his death was he probably should've been killed at the end of S3 instead of thrown into the wasteland because what was the point???? I don't even like this character and I'm mad on behalf of his fans his death was so goddamn stupid. How is him willingly smoking a poisoned blunt to spite Layton by killing himself before Layton can kill him not shock value (after seeing his cold resistance)? Or not frivolous, when he wasn't even really doing anything this season before he died? Or emotionally resonant?
In conclusion:
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What did I just watch
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It sucks to have AU scenarios/ideas and no where to put them, so I'll just start posting them randomly. Maybe make a lil series of it
Everything is fine and dandy between the Emerald Ring. Eventually, for whatever reason, Kilroy and Kincaid decided to spill the secret, and now everyone kinda has to deal with that.
One day, everyone goes out on a fun little trip, and the other Mr. Vernon packs some sandwiches for the occasion. He hands Kincaid a handy lunchbox of his own.
"Oh, I'm good! I usually don't get very hungry anyway, I might just have some of Kilroy's" "It's no issue, really. Plus, I put prosciutto on his, and I know you don't like that, so I made an extra one without."
With an "annoyed", defiant huff, he takes it. But the rough facade is useless, when he can't help but grin like an idiot. Because someone not only remembered him, but chose to embrace his differences and individuality
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electricpurrs · 9 months ago
heya my twitter is @/computerboyish if anyone wants to follow that too. im not moving im just so mad i feel gross to have tumblr as my only social media rn it shouldnt deserve that much. i want to post stuff somewhere that isnt here cause this place a dystopic wasteland at this point
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ddbparisxvw · 8 days ago
Renault Recruitment Race​
Agence : Publicis Conseil​
Face aux défis croissants de recrutement dans les métiers de l’après-vente automobile, Renault innove avec une opération, imaginée par Publicis Conseil. ​
L’objectif ? Détecter et attirer de jeunes talents passionnés par la mécanique, directement là où ils expriment déjà leur savoir-faire : dans les jeux vidéo, grâce notamment Forza et Assetto Corsa​
Renault propose aux gamers français de transformer leur passion pour les voitures en opportunité professionnelle. Grâce à l’initiative Recruitment Race, chaque joueur peut customiser son véhicule virtuel pour en faire un véritable CV virtuel.​
L’opération est relayée par plusieurs personnalités publiques : Lebouseuh, Samuel Etienne, Etienne Moustache, AnaOnAir et Dobby.
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manuhigueras · 2 years ago
El Presidente de la junta de Publicis, Maurice Levy, es quien le graba con un smartphone de una manera un tanto torpe.
Tirando de humor y tratando de hacer un paralelismo con los influencers, Sadoun comienza su vídeo explicando que, gracias a la tecnología, ahora cualquiera puede ser creador de contenido con un simple smartphone. 
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transfemmes · 11 months ago
Genuinely thank you to everyone sending me more actual proof Station was at Anime Boston but yeah for everyone's safety I don't feel comfortable posting them so far
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enderina · 6 months ago
This blog rlly sucks ughh, I feel a bit ashamed of my old posts 💀
I was thinking of making a new blog or smth but i'm not too sure bc like, I had this one for like 2-3 years so idk,,, i'll have to think about it.
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compellingselling · 2 years ago
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A smart, focused strategy leads to a fun ad campaign and clever media plan
I wish I could write that headline more often. It’s how it’s supposed to be with every advertising assignment. Somehow it rarely happens. But the planets aligned with this one.
The train through the Chunnel or an airplane might get you across the English Channel a little faster than P&O ferries, but are they really the better choice?
That simple notion is the jumping off place for a lot of fun ads. And it inspired a clever media plan to advertise in and around the train stations and airports where people will be using the competition. P&O has already lost those sales, but I think there’s a good chance these ads will make people on the trains and planes question their choices and consider the ferry next time.
Agency: Publicis Poke, London.
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kachimera · 8 months ago
*sigh* im in that limbo were you desperately wish to chat with others but also cant start or sustain conversations so you just 🚶‍♀️
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shou-gana1 · 1 year ago
why did all my lifes dreams decide to come true today what happened
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year ago
Campagne dangereuse
Un géant de la PR mondiale lance des publicités provocatrices pour le vaccin contre le HPV ciblant la génération Z. Publicis Groupe, une multinationale de relations publiques, a lancé la semaine dernière une campagne sous le slogan « HPV Fucks Everybody » – destinée à persuader la Génération de se faire vacciner contre le papillomavirus humain, ou HPV. Des critiques ont qualifié la campagne de « dangereuse ».
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Publicis Groupe, a lancé la campagne en collaboration avec l'organisation à but non lucratif Fuck Cancer. La campagne ne nomme pas une marque spécifique de vaccin contre le HPV.
Cependant, le vaccin Gardasil de Merck est la seule marque de vaccin contre les HPV distribuée aux États-Unis, et Merck est un client de Publicis Groupe.
Lorsque CHD a voulu savoir si Merck finançait la campagne, un porte-parole de Fuck Cancer a déclaré à The Defender : « Cette campagne n’a aucun lien avec Merck et est une collaboration entre Publicis Health Media et Fuck Cancer. Veuillez noter que nous promouvons un vaccin sûr qui sauvent des vies. »
À l'heure actuelle, 80 poursuites judiciaires sont en instance devant un tribunal fédéral contre Merck alléguant des blessures à Gardasil et la Cour fédérale du vaccin a versé plus de 70 millions de dollars aux personnes qui font des plaintes concernant Gardasil.
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