#public perception of gaming
snsl0530 · 10 months
Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the public perception of gaming
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The Covid-19 epidemic has drastically altered our lifestyles, particularly our free time. People have had to get creative in staying occupied at home in the face of lockdowns and other social isolation tactics. Sales of video games have skyrocketed in this climate, demonstrating the widespread appeal of this new leisure. But has the Covid-19 epidemic also affected the general opinion of gaming? In this article, we'll go into this subject and examine how gaming has grown in popularity despite the downturn.
Gaming as a social activity:
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During the pandemic, gaming has become increasingly important as a means of connecting people together. Online gaming has become a popular option for those who are unable to get together in person to spend time with their friends and family. Statista found that between February and April 2020, when the global COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, an increase in user involvement and spending on gaming occurred (Clement, 2022).  As more individuals explore for secure methods to socialize online, platforms like Steam, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network have seen a surge in their daily active user bases. The rise in popularity of multiplayer games like Fortnite and Call of Duty has led to the rise in popularity of communal gaming experiences like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In addition, research has demonstrated that online games can assist in fostering social ties and address fundamental mental health needs as people, confined to houses during the COVID-19 epidemic, engage in multiplayer games to maintain a feeling of community (CBC Radio, 2020).
Gaming for mental health:
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The pandemic has also shone a light on the positive impact of gaming on mental health. With so many people experiencing increased levels of stress and anxiety, gaming has become a way to escape from the difficulties of day-to-day life. Gaming has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, providing a sense of control and achievement that can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression. According to a report by the World Health Organization (2021), online games encourage players to stay mentally and physically healthy at home. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of us to make changes to our daily routines and spend more time at home. Lockdowns have made it difficult to get our daily dose of exercise and social contact. But staying active and connected to our loved ones is more important than ever, especially for our physical and mental health (World Health Organization, 2021). In addition, research has shown that puzzle games like Tetris and strategy games like Civilization have been shown to have a calming effect on the brain, making them a popular choice for those looking for a mental break (World Health Organization, n.d.). In particular, Tetris has been found to reduce symptoms of PTSD and depression in patients (McPhillips 2022). Similarly, Minecraft has been found to improve creativity, problem-solving skills, and socialization in children.
Gaming as a career choice:
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Finally, the pandemic has also brought a newfound respect for gaming as a legitimate career choice. Many people have lost their jobs or been furloughed during the pandemic, leading them to look for alternative sources of income. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the popularity of esports as a legitimate career choice. With many people losing their jobs or being furloughed during the pandemic, esports has become a viable career option for many (Heinrich 2020). In fact, the effect of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the esports industry was significant, as people sought alternative forms of entertainment due to travel restrictions and cancelations of live entertainment events (Heinrich 2020). Esports are video game competitions played online either alone or as a team, so they are not as constrained by public safety measures as live sports. As people were unable to tune in normally to sporting events, esports engagement boomed during the health crisis (Heinrich 2020). Esports events have continued to take place online even during the pandemic, with many professional gamers earning a living from their passion. In addition, content creation and streaming have become increasingly popular as a way for gamers to make a living from their passion. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube have made it easier than ever for gamers to share their gameplay and connect with fans (Allen 2020). In fact, the number of people watching gaming content on Twitch increased by 50% during the pandemic (Hall 2020). In addition, content creation and streaming have become increasingly popular as a way for gamers to make a living from their passion.
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In conclusion, people's views on video games have shifted after the spread of the Covid-19 virus. As people seek out new ways to socialize, enhance their mental health, and diversify their income, gaming has emerged as a viable option. The pandemic has proven that gaming is enjoyable and fulfilling for everyone, from novices to veterans.
Allen, T 2020, “COVID-19 and the Rise of Esports,” University of Nevada, Las Vegas, accessed 27 November 2023, <https://www.unlv.edu/news/release/covid-19-and-rise-esports>.
“Bored and lonely? Researcher says online games can help us socialize safely during the pandemic | CBC Radio” 2020, CBC, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.cbc.ca/radio/spark/bored-and-lonely-researcher-says-online-games-can-help-us-socialize-safely-during-the-pandemic-1.5806290>.
Clement, J 2022, “Topic: COVID-19 impact on the gaming industry worldwide”, Statista, accessed 26 November 2023, <https://www.statista.com/topics/8016/covid-19-impact-on-the-gaming-industry-worldwide/#topicOverview>.
“Excessive screen use and gaming considerations during #COVID19”, n.d., World Health Organization, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.emro.who.int/mnh/news/considerations-for-young-people-on-excessive-screen-use-during-covid19.html>.
Hall, B 2020, “COVID-19 is taking gaming and esports to the next level,” World Economic Forum, accessed 27 November 2023, <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/covid-19-taking-gaming-and-esports-next-level/>.
Heinrich, S 2020, “Esports ride crest of a wave as figures rocket during Covid-19 crisis,” the Guardian, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/apr/11/esports-ride-crest-of-a-wave-as-figures-rocket-during-covid-19-crisis>.
Jane McGonigal Quote: “Over time, the games we play can change how we think and what we’re capable of. And it’s easy to maximize the benefits s...”, n.d., accessed 27 November 2023, <https://quotefancy.com/quote/1487119/Jane-McGonigal-Over-time-the-games-we-play-can-change-how-we-think-and-what-we-re-capable>.
McPhillips, K 2022, “How COVID-19 Made Playing Video Games a Mental-Health Practice,” Well+Good, accessed 26 November 2023, <https://www.wellandgood.com/video-games-mental-health-covid-19/>.
“Online games encourage players to stay mentally and physically healthy at home”, 2021, World Health Organization, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.who.int/news/item/16-11-2021-online-games-encourage-players-to-stay-mentally-and-physically-healthy-at-home>.
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
something something game accurate anime nrhrhsnnsn
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kirbytober day 9: soaring/anime
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sophierosyne · 5 months
the most unfortunate part of ashley being my fav until dawn character is how hard they're gonna Gag her in the movie. "Understand the Palm of my Hand Bitch!!!" is so ridiculously cunt and iconic that they Cant Not include it in the movie
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camelliagwerm · 7 days
Arthur finding love with Bull is not what I'd expected, but something that happened nonetheless and I am so glad it did. Like, for Arthur to be the headspace he is in now in Inquisition and beyond, it's a perfect match. Someone he doesn't have to be the Inquisitor with at all. There's no idolisation, no 'Your Worship', no 'my Lord', no 'Inquisitor'. He doesn't have to be the saint, the Herald, he doesn't have to be perfect and he doesn't have to hide his relationship, like he had to for so many years before.
He's found someone who loves him openly, who talks about how much he desires and cares for him publicly while still keeping things private when it matters. And Arthur in return can openly express that desire when he wants to, gets a thrill out of being able to love in public and knowing for the first time, him being in love isn't something that will be perceived as wrong and he simply doesn't care anymore if it causes a minor scandal.
I can just imagine how freeing it must be for Arthur, a Circle mage who had to love a templar in secret for 20 years, to finally be able to not hide that part of himself away like it's something shameful.
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thirdsonofeve · 2 years
Okay so I'm gonna have a hot take about the fucking harry potter game. Just scroll past this if you don't wanna engage with it.
The "boycott" has not. Fucking. Worked. It was bound to be popular and people screaming about how you shouldn't buy/play it has been free advertisement. That being said, in a perfect world it would have tanked and been played by a handful harry potter-adults and not made back the production costs but that's not the world we live in.
In my opinion, you as an individual, should not buy/play it. None of that "I'll give 60 bucks to a charity clmbating antisemitism/transphobia so I can play it without worrying about my conscious"-bullshit.
However, given that it's got so much buzz people are going to watch playthroughs and game streams. This is where left-wing streamers can play a huge role. From what I understand the game is pretty fucking antisemitism and as we know the franchise is owned and largely controlled by a terf, which is why these things need to be pointed out. A left-wing person streaming the game and actually discussing the themes and the problems with the game and making fun of jk and whatever could have a large impact on the way the game is viewed. Instead of having only apolitical/outspoken transphobes/right-wing people stream the game and have the antisemitism and transphobia fly straight over their heads, some procentage of people could instead be exposed to left-wing ideas. On top of that, the charity work that could be done would outshine whatever charity work some streamers may or may not do without playing the game.
People sharing spoilers and pointing out the antisemitism and low quality of the game should be getting more attention than the people screaming about how playing the game makes you the scum of the earth.
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villainsidestep · 6 months
me realizing fawniel is a more openly affectionate couple than fawnric: this is fucked up and evil behavior actually
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meowsticmarvels · 8 months
constantly thinking about weird fucked up persona aus but mostly on the brain rn is p3/4 stuff. like for one a swap with the IT and SEES (like location and premise and all that) would be crazy but for reasons that I'll elaborate on in the tags it's not perfect. but what IS crazy to me and had been rotating in my brain is. the concept of SEES having shadows.
for a while I've been thinking of an au where the answer features their shadows. granted I haven't played/watched the answer but the concept is certainly really insane because the characters do have enough issues for it to be crazy. even by that time. there'd be general overarching themes of grief and loss between them all but also individual things (that some of them do mostly get over but still. this would be insane mid-game too) -- junpei's jealousy, akihiko's need to not lose anyone ever again, mitsuru's guilt and feeling like she has to make up for the kirijo group's shortcomings, etc. would be a hell of a time and I'd love to write this concept if I can thinknof things. talk to me abt ur thoughts on p3 characters having p4 esque shadows im thinking
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gikairan · 2 years
Two different journalists from two different publications (one being Jason Schreier) have sources (that are not employed by Platinum Games) saying the Bayonetta voice actor was NOT offered only 4k to reprise her role
She was offered at LEAST 12k. 4k per session in the recording booth, with the expected number of sessions being 4.
And look, I don't know how much that is for a VA. and VAing in general is a very disrespected profession
.... But she is either actively lying to people, or she didn't understand the terms of the contract she was offered and has broken NDA based on her misunderstanding....
Neither of which are good looks for her....
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shuyume · 1 year
i need to write an essay on the first ch of thh it is nothing short of brilliant. the way they set you up for a run of the mill vn with a bit of a gorey twist and then kill your waifu, force you to accuse her of instigating a crime, and then ask you to contemplate the morality of playing judge, jury, and executioner is oh so incredible
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
SEGA and SEGA affiliated twitters are weird, memey, off the shits, and goofing off. Nintendo looks so squeaky clean in comparison 😭😭😭
i KNOW its what makes me love sega's marketing so much like ok !!!! fine !!!! you win !!!! i am NOT immune to propaganda !!!!
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girls-and-honey · 2 years
something something why is tumblr seen as the anti-social social media when we're all about quality mutuals instead of follower count
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cherrygarden · 2 years
#today i was forced to deal with the gp's perception of louis and it made me sad#we were playing music on youtube at work and bigger than me came on#and my manager was looking at the computer and saw it was louis and said#''ugh the one i least liked from one direction''#like kinda joking kinda not#i've been very open about my love for 1d and louis and harry in particular since i met him#like not throwaway comments. i've brought it up multiple times in different conversations so it's likely he remembered#(OH MY GOD I JUST FOUND OUT YOU CAN EDIT TAGS WITHOUT DELETING THEM??????????? AMAZING THIS IS A GAME CHANGER)#i didn't know what to say so i just said hahah i'm only tolerating this bc i like you!!!#again kinda joking kinda not#and he hugged me so it was a lighthearted convo yk but i was still tense bc. louis!! so i asked him to elaborate#and he said ''i don't know he's just misogynistic and a homophobe and i don't vibe with that''#and he then went on to say he remembered louis screaming at fans??? which extremely unlikely#maybe he was remembering the time he got arrested or the get a fucking job you fucking losers#(he then said maybe it was niall bc it was and i quote ''el ojitos de lucero'')#so i rushed to explain as normally as i could the difference between twitter and public louis tomlinson and louis#and told him abt how you can tell management used to handle their twitter accs and how he's very likely in a forced closet#(i didn't want to scare him off so i said it as if we didn't know lmao)#and he was like hm yeah i guess#and then went on to say how he didn't like liam either bc of the logan paul podcast and how he thought he canalized his homophobia#through bashing harry which???? is such a weird way to perceive this whole situation#but the sad thing is that i can't really blame him at all#i explained as best as i could but like. we've talked about this before here but louis' public image#for people who haven't followed him closely is so so bad#and this guy is queer too which makes it sadder#i didn't go into the whole louis defense mode because a customer came in and then we had things to do but#i hope the issue comes up again in the future because i hate this#and bc he knows i like him i'm just thinking how he mustve been thinking me a hypocrite for being gay and his fan#i really hate how soo many people have such a wrong idea of him#i hope louis can be free and set the record straight soon
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moghedien · 3 months
Lae’zel’s romance arc is literally everything like it’s a one night stand. It’s a two night stand but she pretends she isn’t dying to be with you again. She’s a domme. She’s a bottom. She doesn’t believe in love and doesn’t like to cuddle. She thinks you’re weak for showing interest in her. She thinks she’s weak because she can’t stop thinking about you. She wakes you up in the middle of the night and makes you duel her because she doesn’t know what else to do about being obsessed with you. She cries and confesses her devotion to you if you win. She cries and confesses her devotion to you if you lose. She will tell everyone about your sexual exploits without shame. She’s embarrassed if you try to kiss her in public. She growls at you if you stop kissing her public. She is extremely possessive of you. She wants you to be as extremely possessive of her and is the most visibly heart broken if you cheat on her. She takes half the game building up the courage to ask you to cuddle. She changes her entire perception of the world because you showed her to was ok to approach things differently. She gives you multiple terms of endearment. She’s terrified that your relationship will end after all of this is over. The climax of her romance is holding her hand.
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dragon-ball-meta · 7 months
Finally feel like I can say something coherent, so here goes... I say this without a shred of exaggeration: Akira Toriyama was legitimately one of the most important creative figures of the last 50 years. His work, especially Dragon Ball, has influenced SO much even outside its own medium. Movies, TV, cartoons, comic books, video games, MUSIC... all of it. You can see his fingerprints in so many other works. Even now, artists and writers, voice actors and animators, musicians and game devs are all mourning him and reflecting on the impact he had on their own work. Titans of anime and manga are sharing in this pain. The craziest thing about this though? The humility he had in spite of it. He was always reluctant to be in the spotlight, preferred to keep his head down and just work, never really worried that much about public perception of himself. Part of what makes him such an icon, man. Losing him is losing a piece of our shared history. It's something that resonates deep in the hearts of everyone his work touched. This is just... such a loss. And I can't even begin to imagine what his family is going through right now. Praying for them all. Rest in Peace to a literal Legend, an absolute Icon, and a personal inspiration in more ways than I could ever express properly.
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nicholasandriani · 1 year
Inspiration: Bryce Mattie. Exploring the Pioneering Work of a Media Scholar and Games Studies Expert + TEDx Talk on the Activism of Play
Brilliant mind, game scholar, and media critic, I first encountered Mattie Bryce by way of a games and the environment course I was building for a summer camp centered around “Games and You.” In the dynamic world of media studies and game analysis, few voices have made as significant an impact as Bryce Mattie. With a deep passion for dissecting the intersections of media, culture, and digital…
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disagree with me if u want but I think it would be so hilarious if, after Jeremy becomes one of the first and only people that Neil immediately decides he likes, Jeremy just LOATHES Neil. Because in tsc we learn that Neil Josten just gives scary vibes. He’s harsh, he’s unpredictable, and he has that manic smile he shows more and more that’s just unsettling. And WE know that he can actually be very caring and empathetic when he likes someone, but Jeremy has barely ever interacted with him. Neil’s perception of Jeremy that we see in tkm is that he’s just this really chill, nice guy who’s great at exy and is just someone Neil really appreciates. But Jeremy only knows Neil through a) his not so flattering public reputation, and b) his pretty complicated relationship with Jean. Jeremy’s most significant memory of Neil is that one day, Neil just randomly shows up in California and Jean just looks terrified, they disappear for five hours and when Jean gets back he has a huge breakdown and looks like he’s going to cry. Wouldn’t it be so hilarious if this just taints any perception that Jeremy has of Neil? and so when they actually meet up, captain sunshine—the most accepting and kind man alive who is just friends with anyone—thinks that Neil is just an absolute asshole.
Bonus if Neil is completely oblivious to this. They start talking after a game and Jeremy is being super cold to him, to the point that even the foxes notice how awkward the conversation is, and then later that night Neil’s just like: “Jeremy’s the best, one of the only exy captains I actually have respect for.” And the other foxes are like ???
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