#public outreach initiative
townpostin · 24 days
Government Outreach Program Set to Launch in East Singhbhum
15-day camp to connect eligible residents with state welfare schemes East Singhbhum to host ‘Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ program from August 30 to September 15. JAMSHEDPUR – East Singhbhum District Magistrate Ananya Mittal announced a 15-day welfare program starting August 30. The ‘Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ initiative aims to link eligible residents with state government…
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howdoesone · 27 days
How does one convince a Sumatran Rhino to play hide and seek in the rainforest?
The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is one of the most endangered large mammals in the world, with fewer than 80 individuals remaining in the wild. These magnificent creatures, native to the dense tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, are known for their elusive nature and solitary habits. Imagining a Sumatran rhino playing hide and seek in the rainforest is a whimsical and…
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defensenow · 5 months
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zankalony · 1 year
Empowering Change: 5 Ways to Positively Impact Your Local Community
Discover the potential of collective effort and learn how to create a lasting impact within your community. Introduction Our communities play a crucial role in shaping our lives, experiences, and well-being. They are the foundation of our support systems and provide us with connections and resources that contribute to our personal growth. As a result, it’s essential to engage in initiatives…
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Seven federal agencies are partnering to implement President Biden’s American Climate Corps, announcing this week they would work together to recruit 20,000 young Americans and fulfill the administration's vision for the new program. 
The goals spelled out in the memorandum of understanding include comprehensively tackling climate change, creating partnerships throughout various levels of government and the private sector, building a diverse corps and serving all American communities.
The agencies—which included the departments of Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Labor and Energy, as well the Environmental Protection Agency and AmeriCorps—also vowed to ensure a “range of compensation and benefits” that open the positions up to a wider array of individuals and to create pathways to “high-quality employment.”  
Leaders from each of the seven agencies will form an executive committee for the Climate Corps, which Biden established in September, that will coordinate efforts with an accompanying working group. They will create the standards for ACC programs, set compensation guidelines and minimum terms of service, develop recruitment strategies, launch a centralized website and establish performance goals and objectives. The ACC groups will, beginning in January, hold listening sessions with potential applicants, labor unions, state and local governments, educational institutions and other stakeholders. 
The working group will also review all federal statutes and hiring authorities to remove any barriers to onboarding for the corps and standardize the practices across all participating agencies. Benefits for corps members will include housing, transportation, health care, child care, educational credit, scholarships and student loan forgiveness, stipends and non-financial services.
As part of the goal of the ACC, agencies will develop the corps so they can transition to “high-quality, family-sustaining careers with mobility potential” in the federal or other sectors. AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith said the initiative would prepare young people for “good-paying union jobs.” 
Within three weeks of rolling out the ACC, EPA said more than 40,000 people—mostly in the 18-35 age range—expressed interest in joining the corps. The administration set an ambitious goal for getting the program underway, aiming to establish the corps’ first cohort in the summer of 2024. 
The corps members will work in roles related to ecosystem restoration and conservation, reforestation, waterway protection, recycling, energy conservation, clean energy deployment, disaster preparedness and recovery, fire resilience, resilient recreation infrastructure, research and outreach. The administration will look to ensure 40% of the climate-related investments flow to disadvantaged communities as part of its Justice40 initiative.  
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the MOU would allow the ACC to “work across the federal family” to push public projects focused on environmental justice and clean energy. 
“The Climate Corps represents a significant step forward in engaging and nurturing young leaders who are passionate about climate action, furthering our journey towards a sustainable and equitable future,” Regan said. 
The ACC’s executive committee will hold its first meeting within the next 30 days. It will draw support from a new climate hub within AmeriCorps, as well as any staffing the agency heads designate."
-via Government Executive, December 20, 2023
This news comes with your regularly scheduled reminder that WE GOT THE AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS ESTABLISHED LAST YEAR and basically no one know about/remembers it!!! Also if you want more info about the Climate Corps, inc. how to join, you can sign up to get updates here.
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
by Romany Shaker
An Islamist organization that advocates for violent jihadis in Britain is setting up shop in the United States. CAGE International, which portrays counter-Islamists in Europe as "Islamophobes," is preparing to do the same thing in the U.S. The organization recently solicited donations from donors in the U.S. with the help of Omar Suleiman and Daniel Haqiqatjou. The two imams, who represent the progressive and conservative wings of American Islamism, have called on their U.S. followers to support which made a name for itself in the years after 9/11 by advocating for terrorists serving time in Guantanamo Bay.
The organization hasn't released the numbers about the amount of money it has raised in the U.S., but overall, it seems to have done pretty well, raising £650,000 (approximately $828,000) through its "Supporting Our Heroes: From Guantanamo to Gaza" fundraising campaign launched during Ramadan, which took place this past spring. At the very least, CAGE's American partners helped it to exploit Hamas's October 7 massacre to promote its Islamist brand to Muslims globally, particularly those living in the U.S.
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For his part, Haqiqatjou shared a post in March 2024 on his X account featuring CAGE International outreach director Moazzam Begg's call on Western Muslims to support his organization and endorsed its activism and advocacy as "another important cause."
These baby steps help pave the way for CAGE International to gain a foothold in the United States, especially as the British Islamist organization announced its efforts to expand its global reach and influence under the new brand "CAGE International."
Background – What is CAGE?
Given that public officials and counter-Islamists in the United States have little exposure to CAGE International's antics, a primer is in order. Here is what decision-makers need to know about the organization.
Established as a company by Adnan Rasheed Siddiqui in 2007 in London, the Islamist organization, which was initially known as CagePrisoners has gone through two rebrandings, emerging first as CAGE in 2013 and as CAGE International in 2023.
The group, which is currently registered as "Cage Advocacy UK Ltd," describes itself as "an independent advocacy organization" working to "challenge War on Terror inspired state oppression and empower communities to dismantle the discourses and policies of the global War on Terror." Cloaked in the guise of religion, human rights, and social justice, CAGE International claims that it seeks to "revive divine justice." To that end, the Islamist organization invokes the invented concept of "Islamophobia" and spearheads campaigns advocating for Al-Qaeda actors, Islamists, and convicted terrorists.
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copperbadge · 2 years
If you could buy Tumblr, would you?
Hm, an interesting thought!
If I were capable of buying Tumblr this would imply one of two things: either Tumblr is so devalued and has become so cheap to maintain that a single man living in downtown Chicago with two cats to feed could afford to buy it and keep it, or I have somehow come into enough wealth that I am capable of squandering millions on the Hellsite.
(Or I'm running the most incredible con, which is actually the most flattering option.)
If we're talking a situation where Tumblr would cost me roughly the price of a third cat to purchase and maintain, sure. Buy it, keep it like a pet. This is a bit of an unrealistic vision of things, because under what circumstances would this possibly happen, but as long as we're in unreality, let's pretend I could also simply add and remove features at will. That's some fun shit. Sure, I would.
The more realistic option (for a given value) is that I have mysteriously come into a massive sum of money and could afford to purchase Tumblr. In this scenario, I could likely afford to operate it at a loss only for so long, but I don't actually know how much Tumblr costs on a yearly basis to keep it operational. Most of the problems with most social media, however, come from the fact that they don't just have to break even, they have to turn a profit to continue to function, or they have to have regular infusions of venture capital. A thorny issue.
Ideally what I would do once Tumblr was purchased, and presuming all the other share/stakeholders and investors were paid off, was immediately convert it to a nonprofit. What you can do with nonprofit cash is a lot smaller than what you can do with for-profit levels of investment, but turning Tumblr into a nonprofit has the immediate advantage of no longer having to make money. Tumblr can actually run at a "loss" if it's a public service, because it's all donation-supported anyway. I could think of half a dozen immediate easy targets for major gift fundraising for "Tumblr 503", and I would immediately begin planning both an annual campaign (that's what you see Wikipedia and AO3 doing each year) and a capital campaign to create an endowment to protect the org from future depredation.
Depending on funding I would also be willing to create an arm of the Tumblr Foundation that could start separate initiatives like legal protection for activists on the platform, AI that is better at recognizing illegal content so we don't have huge buildings of poor traumatized motherfuckers doing that moderation work, and such things. This isn't at all uncommon -- the nonprofit I work for now is a medical nonprofit, but even as small as we are, we have numerous different initiatives, from political lobbying to pharma outreach to a helpline for the newly diagnosed to a yearly conference for doctors in the field to funding for young researchers.
Would it work? Dunno. Possibly not, I'm not experienced in backend management of a massive website. But I know people who are, and if the money was there I'd take a stab at it. Worst case scenario, we just take it private again and sucker a couple of billionaires out of their money a second time. Promise if the nonprofit doesn't work and we sell Tumblr to the highest bidder, everyone on the site when we do gets a cut.
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juliusofcaesar · 1 month
Out of curiosity, how was it like during your deployment to the Strip? Last I was there was to see the owners of the Gomorrah crucifixed during the initial assault, but has the fighting calmed down?
And more importantly, are you still in good condition? I recall you were assigned to pacification and public outreach, tell me more about what you did.
Finally, did you find the new Vertibirds interesting?
Well, father didn't really let me around that area... I suppose I don't know much about it, in honesty.
I am of course okay, shaken up by combat I saw earlier today... I think I'm going to have bad nightmares. But I am a man of the Legion and I will not cry. [Chin wobbles just a little, and he glances away.]
Um... Vertibirds... that is what they are called? I had seen in old books from before the war that they were called helicopters once.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Prairie Day
National Prairie Day, on June 3 this year, celebrates the beauty and ecological value of this often-overlooked ecosystem. Spanning more than a dozen American states and several Canadian provinces, the North American prairie is a vast grassland that offers more biodiversity and beauty than most people realize. With their endless, gently rolling plains and highly productive soils, prairies have been a valued location for farming and ranching for thousands of years. Today, only 1% of tallgrass prairie in the United States remains untouched by farming or development. National Prairie Day promotes the appreciation and conservation of America’s native prairies.
History of National Prairie Day
The United States is home to a dazzling array of geographies and environments. Some, like the towering redwoods of California or the majestic cascades of Niagara Falls, enjoy worldwide reputations as media darlings and tourist hotspots. Other ecosystems, like the humble prairie that covers much of the interior United States, receive fewer accolades but play crucially important roles in the development of the nation.
Defined as a flat grassland with a temperate climate and derived from the French for ‘meadow,’ ‘prairie’ has become almost synonymous with the expansion of the American frontier. Flanked by the Great Lakes and the grandiose Rocky Mountains, the North American prairie extends across 15% of the continent’s land area. Other examples of similar grasslands around the world include the pampas in Argentina, the Central Asian steppes, and the llanos of Venezuela.
There’s more to the prairie than meets the eye. In fact, tall grass prairies host the most biodiversity in the Midwest and provide a home for dozens of rare species of animals and plants, including bison, antelope, elk, wolves, and bears.
Native prairies face extinction as more and more land is converted to agricultural and ranching use. Due to its rich, fertile soil, prairie land is prized for agricultural use. Around the world, almost three-quarters of agricultural regions are located in grassland areas. With only 1% of tallgrass prairie in the U.S. remaining untouched, the American tallgrass prairie is now one of the most endangered ecosystems on the planet. The Missouri Prairie Foundation launched National Prairie Day in 2016 to raise awareness and appreciation for the nation’s grasslands. The organization seeks to protect and restore native grasslands by promoting responsible stewardship, supporting acquisition initiatives, and providing public education and outreach.
National Prairie Day timeline
6000 B.C. The Prairie Forms
The North American prairie forms roughly 8,000 years ago when receding glaciers give way to fertile sediment.
1800s The American Prairie Decimated
Throughout the 19th century, farmers and ranchers, excited about the rich potential of prairie soil, convert almost all of the American prairie to farmland and grazing land.
Early 1930s The Dust Bowl
The combination of years of mismanagement, the stock market crash, and drought conditions come to a head as thousands of families in Oklahoma, Texas, and other parts of the Midwest lose everything when their farms fail, driving them to California and elsewhere to seek work in more fertile fields.
2016 First National Prairie Day
The Missouri Prairie Foundation launches the National Prairie Day campaign to promote awareness and conservation of the vanishing ecosystem.
National Prairie Day FAQs
Why don't prairies have any trees?
The environment of the prairie, with its flat terrain, regular droughts, and frequent fires, is uniquely suited to grasses that don’t require a lot of rainfall or deep soil to thrive.
Why are prairies important?
The prairie provides an irreplaceable home for hundreds of plant and animal species, as well as exceedingly fertile soil for human agriculture and ranching. Prairie destruction has had catastrophic effects, like the Dust Bowl that decimated American farms in the 1930s. Prairies also contribute to the conservation of groundwater.
Why did the Dust Bowl happen?
The Dust Bowl disaster that swept the U.S. and Canada in the 1930s had several natural and man-made causes, including severe drought and a failure to properly manage farmland and conserve precious topsoil. A series of intense dust storms wiped out agriculture, eroded the soil, and left the land unable to produce crops.
National Prairie Day Activities
Learn about the prairie
Donate to a conservation group
Plan a visit to a famous prairie
Do a little research to learn about this important American ecosystem and the role it has played in the cultural and economic development of our country.
If you're concerned about the loss of the American prairie, donate to a grasslands conservation group to support their work.
Do you live near a prairie? Try finding the grassland nearest you and plan a visit.
5 Interesting Facts About Prairies
‘Prairie schooners’
Where the buffalo roam
Carbon hero
Rising from the ashes
During the 1800s, when Americans embarked on the long journey westward, their covered wagons were often referred to as ‘prairie schooners.’
Prairie dogs live in vast networks of underground burrows called ‘towns,’ which can cover hundreds of acres and house thousands of prairie dogs with complex social relationships.
When Europeans first arrived in North America, up to 60 million bison roamed the plains — by 1885, there were fewer than 600.
Prairies can help fight climate change — one acre of intact prairie can absorb about one ton of carbon each year.
On the prairie, wildfires can actually be a healthy thing — with more than 75% of their biomass underground, prairie plants are uniquely suited to surviving and thriving after a fire.
Why We Love National Prairie Day
The prairie often gets overlooked
Native grasslands are critically endangered
It reminds us of the diversity of America's ecosystems
It's not often we remember to celebrate grasslands, yet the prairie plays an important role in America's cultural past and environmental future.
With only 1% of America's native prairie remaining, it's more urgent than ever to conserve and protect this vital resource.
The United States has more environmental variety than almost any other country on earth. Celebrating each unique ecosystem reminds us to appreciate and protect all the beauty our country has to offer.
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townpostin · 18 days
Jharkhand Police to Launch Citizen Complaint Program
Statewide initiative aims to boost accountability and public trust Jharkhand Police set to implement a new program allowing citizens to file complaints against police personnel of all ranks. DALTONGANJ – The Jharkhand Police will launch the Jan Shikayat Samadhan program on September 10, inviting citizens to report grievances against police officers statewide. The initiative aims to enhance…
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Salisbury Autism Care: A Safe Haven of Assistance for People on the Autistic Spectrum 
The modern world has witnessed a notable increase in the knowledge and comprehension of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Nevertheless, despite these advancements, people on the autism spectrum continue to have difficulties going about their everyday lives. This is where groups like Salisbury Autistic Care come in, offering people with ASD priceless assistance and creating inclusive communities.
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Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder 
Prior to discussing Salisbury Autistic Care's position, it is important to comprehend what ASD is. Difficulties with communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors typify the developmental illness known as autism spectrum disorder. Since every person with ASD has a different set of strengths and problems, it is essential to approach care and support from a personalized perspective. 
Salisbury Autism Care Offers Holistic Support 
Salisbury Autistic Care: A Haven of Support for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum They understand the value of providing people on the autistic spectrum with comprehensive care. Their strategy prioritizes fostering each person's total well-being rather than just attending to their immediate needs. The facility provides an extensive array of services that are customized to satisfy the various requirements of its clientele, ranging from educational programs to therapy sessions and vocational training. 
Boosting Self-Sufficiency
Their fundamental tenet is enabling people with ASD to live autonomous, satisfying lives. Through tailored support plans and skill-enhancement programs, they furnish their clients with the necessary resources to adeptly handle diverse facets of everyday existence. At every stage of the process, from acquiring work prospects to learning vital life skills, the facility is committed to promoting independence. 
Building Inclusive Communities
Apart from offering immediate assistance to people with ASD, Salisbury Autistic Care is essential to fostering inclusive societies. Salisbury Autistic Care: Creating Inclusive Communities for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum encourages awareness and acceptance of autism; they collaborate closely with businesses, community organizations, and educational institutions. Through increasing awareness and offering training, they contribute to creating circumstances where people with ASD can flourish without encountering prejudice or stigma.
Teaching the Community 
Fostering empathy and understanding for people with ASD requires education. Salisbury Autistic Care regularly participates in community outreach initiatives, educating the public about autism spectrum disease through workshops and seminars. They help to create a more inclusive society where people with ASD are recognized for their unique qualities by dispelling myths and giving correct information. 
Teaching the Community 
Fostering empathy and understanding for people with ASD requires education. They regularly participate in community outreach initiatives, educating the public about autism spectrum disease through workshops and seminars. By dispelling myths and giving correct information, they help create a more inclusive society where people with ASD are recognized for their unique qualities.
In summary 
For those who are autistic and their families, Salisbury Autistic Care is more than just a service provider—it's a ray of hope and support. By using a holistic approach, they create inclusive communities where everyone is appreciated and embraced, enabling people with ASD to realize their full potential. Salisbury Autistic Care is improving the lives of thousands of autistic people and their families by carrying out their purpose of advocacy, education, and support.
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By: Leo Shane III
Published: Feb 5, 2024
Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough is overruling plans to ban the famous Times Square kiss photo marking the end of World War II from all department health care facilities, a move criticized as political correctness run amok.
The ban was announced internally at VA medical facilities late last month in a memo from RimaAnn Nelson, the Veterans Health Administration’s top operations official. Employees were instructed to “promptly” remove any depictions of the famous photo and replace it with imagery deemed more appropriate.
“The photograph, which depicts a non-consensual act, is inconsistent with the VA’s no-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault,” the memo stated.
“To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the veterans we serve, photographs depicting the ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ should be removed from all Veterans Health Administration facilities.”
The memo garnered public scrutiny after it was posted online by the X account EndWokeness on Tuesday.
Just hours later, McDonough took to social media to reverse the memo.
“This image is not banned from VA facilities — and we will keep it in VA facilities,” said a post from his official X account. Department officials echoed in a separate statement that “VA will NOT be banning this photo from VA facilities.”
Officials said the memo should not have been sent out and was formally rescinded on Tuesday. They did not provide details of whether senior leaders were consulted on the matter ahead of Nelson’s memo.
The photograph was taken by journalist Alfred Eisenstaedt in New York City on Aug. 14, 1945, as Americans celebrated Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II. Other journalists, including military reporters, also captured the moment.
The shot shows a U.S. sailor grabbing and kissing a woman he did not know amid a joyous, party atmosphere in Times Square. The identities of the individuals in the photo have been disputed over the years.
In her memo, Nelson noted that use of the photo in VA facilities “was initially intended to celebrate and commemorate the end of World War II and the triumphant return of American soldiers. However, perspectives on historical events and their representations evolve.”
Nelson wrote that the non-consensual nature of the kiss and “debates on consent and the appropriateness of celebrating such images” led to the decision. Senior leaders did not provide an explanation for the reversal.
VA officials could not provide details on how many facilities are currently displaying the photo and whether veterans have complained about use of the image.
McDonough has made veterans outreach and inclusion key priorities for the department over the last three years, including rewriting the VA motto with gender-neutral language.
Activists always take it upon themselves to make themselves the center of any issue. If they feel offended, then everyone else must feel offended as well. Even - and usually especially - if the activist feels offended on someone else's behalf.
You don't get to pretend you're more offended than the people who were actually there and were actually involved.
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brybryby · 1 year
HI. Alrighty, this has been on my mind for a while (ever since promotional content for Trials started being released).
I have a TON of analyses in the drafts, but I want to make this post before I release them for public viewing.
I know that I like to make goofy, light-hearted little fan animations and fan art of Outlast, but I think I need to start changing how I navigate through the content. After spending so much of my time deep diving and writing up these analyses, my eyes have been opened to just how much the franchise revolves around fucked up historical events. I feel that some of the stuff I've posted is tone deaf, or at least the way I posted about it is. And I think—for the most part—there's an understanding that I don't intend to be harmful, but I fear that the way I go about it **is**. (And obviously, action takes precedence over intent.)
For contextualization, when I initially got into Outlast at the age of 12, I was enthralled by the horror aesthetics and found a lot of the angsty gore to be cathartic. I felt so “taboo” and “scandalous” lol (especially as a developing child trying to understand myself amidst my puberty stage). I was young and—for lack of a better word—braindead in how I navigated the media. I was naive, mindless, ignorant, etc etc… Now that I have a deeper understanding of the narratives and historical implications/influences, I need to do better in how I interact with the franchise.
What am I getting at?
Pretty much, I'm working on being more careful with how I interact with the media. At the same time, I want the analyses that I post to be educational. And most importantly, please message me if I ever say some bullshit. Seriously. All I ever want to do with my life is to be a positive impact. I genuinely get upset if I cause harm to someone else. (One time I literally cried at a high school football game as a freshman because I thought I hurt someone else's feelings. It turned out they were faking it lmao. Then they started feeling bad and then that made me feel bad for crying and yea yea).
Seriously though. I know that my posts can get public outreach, and anything that has public outreach can be influential and have a good or bad impact. So please let me know if I do or say anything harmful or ignorant. I won't be offended. I don’t want to spread harmful stuff. There are many instances in my life where people sit me down to have meaningful conversations about shit I've said or done and how I can improve myself.
That said, I'll be posting more analyses and making my own syntheses of historical events. My next analysis post will be about Waylon's Asian-coding (specifically Korean-coding), how Trials actually supports this (using themes of US immigration), and why it is apparent to many Asian fans (including me, hehe).
That's pretty much it. But if you wanna stick around a bit further, I'll tell you my (excruciatingly long) story about how I got into Outlast :) along with how much it has invaded my brain and life :') and maybe get a little ~personal~ hehe
So, the game came out in 2013. Nearly 10 years ago. I was 12 at the time of its release. Let me tell you…this game was a HUGE impact in the horror community. HOLY. SHIT. It changed the way I looked at lockers and beds. I remember it being critically acclaimed (and rightfully so). It may have not been the most technical video game, but it certainly was a piece of art.
I remember commercials being shown everywhere. The trailer of beta Miles Upshur running and parkouring through Mount Massive while being chased by the tiny beta model of Chris Walker will forever be canonized as part my childhood. I remember specifically heading to the bathroom from my living room and my dad interrupting me to say “Hey! Check this out!” and then proceeding to play the trailer for my 12-year-old eyes. I was scared shitless.
Couple weeks later, Conan O'Brien featured Outlast in one of his segments of “Clueless Gamer” (yeah, my family and I used to watch Conan lol). I was very familiar with Slender and Amnesia, which were the 2 other games featured in this Halloween special, but this was the first time I REALLY got to check out Outlast.
Now, let me preface that during this time, internet culture was very interesting and even less safe than it is today. I had a ton of bad experiences on the internet during my childhood. But oddly (and embarrassingly), the emo/scene/horror/creepypasta culture was what brought me comfort amongst a sea of awful things you could find on the internet. It was probably unhealthy for my developing brain, but I indulged in a lot of angst that was presented with heavy gore and violence. And to be honest, looking at this kind of stuff at a young age helped me process a lot of my own personal shit that I experienced outside of the internet realm. (To be clear, I don't endorse this type of violence, and I don't endorse exploring the internet in the same way I did as a child—it was probably very unhealthy and I think it caused some early development issues.)
But nothing—and I mean NOTHING—scratched that itch more than the way Outlast did. I watched the finger cutting scene in Conan's “Clueless Gamer” and was fucking mortified. I was scared of the dark for weeks. But I remember spending that night in my bedroom looking at more Outlast content to get that cathartic fix to fill my emotional hole of…I don't know…morbid curiosity? I definitely felt shame at the time. I don't know. In recent years, I've been on this journey to process stuff I experienced during my childhood and I struggle to go about my middle-school/junior-high stage because…I don't know…puberty? Access to the internet? I once got bullied by a forum of adult men for posting fan art LMAO. I was 12 years old—I forgot what the fan art even was. ANYWAYS, yea. That was only one instance of my conglomeration of internet experiences. (Like many other peeps, I had to hide my gender & racial identity to preserve my sanity). Indulging in gore art was therapeutic and helped me release negative emotions in a non-harmful way. Horror-genre communities online have been mostly friendly and welcoming towards me. That's probably why I fell in love with Outlast as an art rather than a video game.
I wasn't in the fandom straight off the bat. I had other hyper fixations at times but I navigated through these other fixations with this personal “Outlast standard” where the art and fiction I consumed needed to be horror-themed, gorey, or angsty. And Outlast isn't solely to blame. I was into gore and angst before the game came out. It just so happened that it came out at such a perfect time in my life. (Horror made my queer self feel accepted)
This whole “Outlast standard” stuck with me throughout high school. Uh… this next bit of information may get a little personal. During my sophomore year, someone really important in my life passed away. Then I had this life-impacting thing happen during my junior year that changed how I perceived things forever (lol, this sounds so dramatic). I turned to art to help me process and yada yada… but y'know what really helped? You know what I turned to when I needed to “scratch the itch”? (I bet you'll never guess)
I finally considered myself a part of the Outlast fandom in 2018-2019. I was a high school junior/senior and I posted the Outlast-Outkast animation that got retweeted by Red Barrels. Had a lot of fun in the fandom during that time and it helped get my mind off of things. Also, I loved the fact that Waylon graduated from Berkeley. I was applying to colleges during this time and it made me romanticize Berkeley, lol. I ended up getting accepted. Had an awesome time. I recently graduated and got my Bachelor's. I'm very privileged and gracious for my experience. I spent a lot of grueling time and energy dedicated towards my education.
During my college years, a lot of the unprocessed shit from my childhood started resurfacing and it was becoming hard to navigate through life. I became really disconnected with people who were close to me. Art started to fall out of my life. Stuff happened. Got in touch with psychiatrists thanks to my college's free health services. I don't mean to downplay or normalize what happened, but I'll bring up that many college students deal with mental illness and depression (and this could be attributed to many things: moving away from family, student-life, financial pressure, pressure to secure jobs/internships, living alone for the first time, maturing into an adult, etc. etc.).
But I remember sitting alone in my studio apartment one weekend and started surfing Tumblr. I came across new Outlast fan art and it sparked my hyper fixation all over again. I re-read the comics and—OKAY THIS IS GONNA SOUND FUCKING RIDICULOUS—but I started jogging because Miles went on jogs LMAOOAKJDGHJAHKGFL. I finally picked up the pencil and started drawing again (after like…months) and drew Miles and Waylon flipping off Murkoff. And THAT was when I realized what the narratives of Outlast were actually about—FUCKIN' CAPITALISM AAUGGGHHH. MY LITTLE POOPOO BRAIN AT AGE 12 NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT. AND NOW THAT I'M AN ADULT—NOW THAT I CAN BLATANTLY SEE MYSELF AND MY PEERS AS VICTIMS/PRODUCTS OF CAPITALISM—CAN FINALLY FIND SO MUCH VALUE AND MEANING IN THIS GAME HHHRHRJGHKSDKFGLAJKDG SAY W H A T IM GONNA *explodes*
Then a year later, I started drawing more and more again. Trials' promotional marketing was becoming more prominent. I started posting my fan art on Tumblr. Then I made the fanimation (thank you Mr. Baichoo, you're so awesome, I will forever be a fan of yours) and now here I am. Still fixated on this silly little game for nearly 10 years. WHEW.
I FEEL LIKE A SHRIMP CHIP. Anyways, thanks. I much needed to get this off my chest.
Also, hey! Just wanted to say thanks for the friendly and welcoming interactions in this space. It feels so much safer and more comforting than previous internet experiences I've had. Since 2013, the fandom has evolved a lot. In my opinion, it has evolved for the better. The resurgence of new fans bring such refreshing perspectives and fields of knowledge that haven't been influenced by some of the harmful internet culture that I grew up in. So truly, many thanks to y'all for making the fandom space a nicer place (especially for such a heavy game). Also, what the heck, everyone in the fandom is seriously so talented and artistic
Uh… fan art time? (old stuff/sketches I haven’t posted)
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But seriously if you got this far, thank you
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andromeda1023 · 1 year
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This colourful image shows a part of the Rosette Nebula in the constellation of Monoceros (The Unicorn). It is an emission nebula, composed of clouds of gas that are made to glow by the radiation emanating from stars within. The Rosette Nebula is a fairly typical example of an emission nebula — but typical does not mean boring! Nebulae are some of the most beautiful celestial objects out there, and they frequently show up spectacularly in images taken by astronomical telescopes, as seen here.
In nebulae such as this, gas and dust are combining to produce a new generation of stars. Initially these newly-formed stars are shrouded in the dusty clouds that gave them birth, and cannot be seen in visible light. But after a while they blow away the denser material and their powerful radiation pours out to ionise the surrounding gas, causing it to glow brightly. These elements are all present in this image — the mixture of glowing gas and dark dust has been sculpted into complex patterns on the sky by the stellar radiation, like smoke around a fire.
This particular image was obtained with the FORS 2 instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, sited in the harsh environment of Chile’s Atacama Desert. FORS 2 is an extremely versatile instrument that can produce very high-quality images (like this one!). It is also a spectrograph that can split the light it collects into a rainbow of colours, giving astronomers information about the chemical composition of objects across the Universe.
This image was created as part of the ESO Cosmic Gems programme, an outreach initiative to produce images of interesting, intriguing or visually attractive objects using ESO telescopes, for the purposes of education and public outreach. The programme makes use of telescope time that cannot be used for science observations. All data collected may also be suitable for scientific purposes, and are made available to astronomers through ESO’s science archive.Credit:
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blorbocedes · 2 years
i would DIE if you did a small perspective flip from his eyes are like angels his heart is cold
i actually had to look up the mafia au to remember it's from carlos pov 😭 so here's a little lando excerpt from the gala:
Lando is always wondering what if he forgets how to use a car when he has to drive Carlos Sr. Being his personal driver is a signed of being the favoured Ferrari Academy driver. As if Carlos practically moving him in his rooms didn't give that away. The other guys at the Academy think he slept his way into this position, well why don't they try to drive the Father of Ferrari's second son and risk crashing.
Carlos Sr, the intimidating force of a man, had taken one look at the blood red badge of the bull silhouette pinned on Lando and it was like, he knew. Like it was printed on Lando's face, "your son just gave me a weird handjob and I think he said I love you." Sr does not say a word, the one Sainz who believes in keeping his distance from 'the help.' Lando's ears were pink the whole time, like he was carrying a time bomb of a secret.
Lando parks beside Carlos' 488, the whole parking lot looking like a vintage car show as Italia's rich and famous came to play. He enters through the back entrance meant for staff — the Academy boys aren't to be seen, except for the ones that are good for PR, the success story public face like Charles. At the actual red carpet, Carlos and Charles are getting photographed; in their matching suits and Carlos' hand resting on Charles' waist. They're giving a speech on the charity gala hopes to support orphans or their youth outreach program for endangered sports cars, which makes Lando scoff. If only they knew how the Ferrari Driving Academy treated their orphans.
Unlike Charles, who would and has bled red for the House, Lando has no undying loyalty. He's grateful, of course, for being picked but he never had the delusion of racing dangled over him. If he's loyal to anything, he guesses it's Carlos. The guy shaved his initials into Lando, he can take a hint. Carlos was the one who taught him how to drive stick when the Academy had near given up on him, at how nervous he was. And now, the only place he's at home is behind the wheel. Even the Sainz sisters fussed him around like a little brother, or a puppy. They took him in when they didn't have to, and that's why Lando has to leave.
Carlos had taken the news well, kind of, Lando hopes. The move to McLaren. Charles was right when he told Lando he's Carlos' biggest liability, who is going to take the Second Son seriously when Carlos needs to constantly protect him and keep him within the family. At least, this way, Lando can repay his debt to Ferrari. Carlos protects him, why can't he protect Carlos? By driving for the enemy two continents and an ocean away?
Lando watches from the balcony that's closed off for guests. Carlos in his element, charming the guests in smooth conversational Italian. (Lando's is still hopeless, he gave up after subject verb agreements.) A balding politician, and his much younger wife and Carlos making her kiss the dice before throwing it on the craps table. She has an arm around him, and with the way her husband is staring it seems like he wouldn't mind watching. In the other end of the room, Charles is sneaking off with the racing world's latest World Champion and who was his main rival; Max Verstappen. Lando wonders if he can get an autograph.
"Little Lando, nice to finally catch you here." A distinctly American drawl seizes his attention. Zak Brown, in his slicked back silver hair and orange tie, brown suit. The CEO of McLaren, whose official business is weapons manufacturing for the American government -- which unofficially make their way in war zones and cartel violence -- with new interest in automation and a racing team. Just like Lando's 'official' job with them would be on loan from Ferrari as a test driver, and unofficially drive said contraband across the borders. It's more interesting Daniel — the marketable face of the company, like Carlos and Charles are for Ferrari even if it is the elders and Sr who really pull the strings — isn't here. "You've cost me a pretty penny, let me tell you, but I think we'll be doing great things for each other."
Lando reaches out to shake his soon-to-be new boss' hand, sliding his business card in his back pocket.
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warpedwings · 28 days
I hope it's okay to talk about Emily now. I feel like Misha wouldn't have posted her name and photos if he wasn't okay with fans knowing about her and maybe speculating a bit, right?
I still feel kind of weird about it though. I mean, I sort of knew/suspected they were together a couple of years ago, but I figured it wasn't public knowledge so I didn't want to say anything.
I wondered if maybe they have something planned together? Like a new organization or social/charitable venture? That'd be cool. They both have a lot of experience in that arena and a lot of connections. I bet they could work wonders as a team!
I also hope, since they were at the DNC, they'll both be involved in some of the WA Democrats campaigns this fall. I'm really rooting for Emily Randall (running to replace Derek Kilmer in WA district 6) so I'd love to see them both endorse her and maybe get out the vote with her!
Hey Anon! I assume that it's okay to talk about her now. His phrasing with the initial photo, that 'she finally let me post a photo', implies that they've discussed all the possibilities that comes with her name and face being made public, including any possible repercussions. I also took that to mean that's been really excited about sharing her with the world, and showing off his new, happy relationship. From what I've seen, people have been extremely welcoming. She has an IG that people have started following, though it looks new-ish and she's not really active on it, though it could've been something set up specifically for this scenario. I get what you mean about it feeling kind of weird, and I too suspected a while ago they were together, which made the reveal more exciting to have the confirmation, and to see them so happy.
I haven't seen them teamed up on anything yet, but that would be really cool! With their connections, and their experiences in community outreach, they definitely could do a lot of good. She seemed just as excited about being at the DNC, and I'm sure with Misha being so vocal about backing Democrats she could easily get in on the fun of endorsements in Washington.
(And sorry for the late response, I never get notifications for asks and often forget to check for them!)
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