#ptsd psychiatrist NYC
longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
lampard life update
just got the sweetest message from a Very Experienced Social worker i worked with. censoring things that identify the specific place i worked, and my name bc i fucking HATE my name and would rather pretend it didn't exist:
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basically this is the kind of feedback i've been getting for the past almost 24 hours--my phone's been blowing up between coworkers and people who work for the City Government (TM). i talked shit on the phone with said Dana this morning (who is...amazing and this very passionate jewish lady who totally plays into my Mommy Issues and she wants to meet me for coffee) and she said she'd act as a reference and gave me some interesting job tips. mind you, i've only known these people since october.
-as i said to protect daniel james i've applied to more jobs in the past 12 hours than frank lampard has applied to in the past 7 months! people are like "you should rest and relax" and like yeah, but i'm not young enough to be on my parents' health insurance anymore and as marieke said, being unemployed in america is scary. being close to broke in nyc is terrifying! i'm stressed as fuck but also never have to enter that trauma pit with the Evil Boss again?
-i was crying last night not even because of me but because of thinking of all the people i work with and support who i didn't get to say goodbye to and i don't know what they will do without my support cause i have no idea who tf will replace me. and whoever does, isn't going to know the context of how to help these people. i literally called some people of my own volition today--i still have access to the city databases that i use--and will have some more calls monday. i cared. i fucking loved my job in terms of the actual duties and responsibilities, and i was GOOD at it when i wasn't being traumatized by, as my New Job Work Bestie said on the phone last night, "a stupid evil cunt." if the shoe fits lol. like literally there are people whose timesheets i sign on fridays and i have no idea who the fuck else can sign them and how will they get paid!!!!! i was frantically texting them at like 11 last night because fuck! that's not fucking right if people don't get paid bc of this evil woman!
-people are advising me to lawyer up and lawyer parents are looking into it. they messed with the wrong bitch! the reason why i am possibly pursuing this is because at the time of my termination~ i had already opened the process of an ADA (americans with disabilities act) accommodation request, feat. a letter from my psychiatrist discussing my PTSD, which is not like. A fun thing to discuss multiple times with multiple people at work, and yet i did. Because i wanted to try to make it work, and all i fucking asked for was to be moved to another job location. My job has around 50 locations. In no universe is that a difficult request, plus, i was asking for a like secondary thing instead which was--fucking staff the vacant position at my job so i was no longer one person doing a two person job.and WEIRDLY, on wednesday i was just told that i WAS getting another person--on monday! she's someone i vaguely know, and we had an amazing zoom talk yesterday afternoon--so like. wtf? the famous dana (see above) said that at the least we could bully them into a better severance package if they were afraid i would sue. The place i worked at is Very Behated in new york and the media thrives on the place getting negative attention.
-another option that occured to me is that i was fired by Evil Boss because she thought i was going to rat her out about things she is doing that are unethical and probably illegal. (i know this sounds dramatic but i won't go into job details in public for various reasons--i already revealed too much in the screenshot!) i was not going to do that, but also i wasn't DEFENDING her and saying what she was doing was okay, and that came to her attention yesterday and she went the fuck off on me. she told me i had to tell the famous dana NOT to inform people that their rights were being violated, and i'm like---I cannot tell someone what to say and not to say, and that would be a REALLY SHADY THING TO SAY? so this bitch probably got spooked. Who even knows what happened but this is clearly one of the most unjust sackings in history 😂 maybe they will hire mourinho to take over my position
-how did i make such a positive impact on 7914433 people while having the most horrific trauma episode since before i started taking meds? damn. i guess i put my whole longeyelashedtragedussy into making connections and truly enjoying them
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douglaszimmerman1 · 1 year
Exploring the Potential of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy in NYC
In recent years, the field of mental health treatment has seen a surge in interest surrounding alternative therapies. Among these, ketamine-assisted therapy has emerged as a promising avenue for individuals grappling with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where stress and mental health challenges are prevalent, ketamine-assisted therapy has gained significant attention. This article delves into the world of ketamine-assisted therapy in NYC, exploring its benefits, availability, and the ethical considerations that come with this innovative approach to mental health care.
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Understanding Ketamine-Assisted Therapy
Ketamine is perhaps best known as a dissociative anesthetic used in medical settings for pain management and anesthesia. However, it has also garnered attention for its potential in treating mental health conditions. Ketamine-assisted therapy involves administering a controlled dose of ketamine in a therapeutic environment under the supervision of a trained healthcare provider, such as a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
Ketamine works differently from traditional antidepressants, which may take weeks or even months to produce results. It acts quickly, often providing rapid relief from symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and even chronic pain. This fast-acting nature makes it a compelling option for individuals who haven't responded to other treatments.
Benefits of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy
Rapid Relief: One of the most significant advantages of ketamine-assisted therapy is its ability to provide rapid relief. Many patients report feeling better within hours or days after a ketamine session, as opposed to weeks or months with traditional antidepressants.
Treatment-Resistant Conditions: Ketamine-assisted therapy has shown promise in treating individuals with treatment-resistant depression and anxiety. This includes those who haven't responded to multiple rounds of conventional treatments.
Reduced Suicidal Ideation: Ketamine has been found to reduce suicidal ideation in some individuals, offering hope and a lifeline to those struggling with severe depression.
Improved Mood and Quality of Life: Many patients experience a significant improvement in mood, motivation, and overall quality of life after undergoing a series of ketamine-assisted therapy sessions.
Availability in NYC
New York City, as a hub for medical innovation and mental health care, has seen a growth in the availability of ketamine-assisted therapy clinics. These clinics are typically staffed with trained professionals who specialize in administering ketamine in a therapeutic context.
Patients in NYC can access ketamine-assisted therapy through various avenues, including private clinics, specialized treatment centers, and even some hospitals. It's essential to research and choose a reputable provider with experienced healthcare professionals who adhere to ethical and safety standards.
Ethical Considerations
While ketamine-assisted therapy offers significant potential benefits, it also raises important ethical considerations:
Safety and Regulation: Ensuring the safety of patients is paramount. Ketamine should only be administered by licensed healthcare professionals in a controlled and monitored environment.
Informed Consent: Patients must receive thorough information about the risks, benefits, and potential side effects of ketamine-assisted therapy to make informed decisions about their treatment.
Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of ketamine use in mental health treatment are still being studied. Patients and healthcare providers should carefully consider the potential risks and benefits.
Accessibility: Ketamine-assisted therapy may not be accessible to everyone due to its cost and availability. Ensuring equitable access to this treatment option is an ongoing challenge.
Ketamine assisted therapy nyc represents an innovative approach to mental health treatment that has shown promise in providing rapid relief for individuals with treatment-resistant conditions. While its benefits are significant, ethical considerations and ongoing research are essential to ensure safe and effective use. As this field continues to evolve, it offers a ray of hope for those seeking alternative treatments for their mental health challenges in the bustling heart of NYC.
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psychotherapistnyc · 3 years
Psychiatrist New York
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If you need a Psychiatrist in New York, then make sure to consult with Dr. Datta. He is like a friend who sees you just as you are and guides you to come out of your mental trauma. Get an appointment today!
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arpitaroys-blog · 3 years
Things To Consider While Finding A Psychiatrist In Your Area
If your search for the best addiction psychiatrist in NYC is taking more time than usual, then you should do nothing but getting in touch with Dr. Datta, a successful as well as a popular specialist in general and addiction psychiatry and psychotherapy in New York City. The city dwellers have complete faith in his knowledge and ability to bring them his insight and cure their diseases. Reach him today!
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lazybasementkid · 2 years
Stream episode Key Factor for Psychological Treatments by Mental Health Doctor NYC podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Preparing a prescription is just one part of the task that they term prescription management. It is the most important part of the modern treatment process. Contact Dr. Datta, the most acknowledged holistic Psychiatrist in New York, who brings you the benefits of psychotherapy meditation in NYC. To know more login now.
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penofdamocles · 3 years
((jeepers. this one will be long,
🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them?  
((Considering Madison Altair’s intense body related trauma, body dysphoria, and disassociation problems, he’s surprisingly comfortable in his own form. The way his body is, short of anon effects, is the way it’s supposed to be, and has been from the start; it’s the natural shape of his soul, and as long as it stays that way everything feels just as it should be. Just because he can’t recognize himself in the mirror sometimes doesn’t mean he doesn’t like the way he looks. Since beginning to do things like wear piercings, makeup, get tattoos, and color his hair, he’s been even more at home. Technically his body is someone else’s, borrowed and assigned to him for convenience’s sake, but since beginning to decorate and customize it to his own expression and preferences he doesn’t think much about that anymore.
Their height, weight, and body type are all as they should be, and he has no problems with them. Their strength, they earned, to some extent, and it makes them happy. Their face, though a little weird, is theirs, and when they can actually recognize it as such, they feel comfortable and at home. The color purple, in particular, is a very grounding and identifying color for them, and looking in their eyes sometimes centers them in their body and soul in a way few other things can.
As for being attractive, he definitely cares, but only as much as he does because he’s had people commenting on it, to some extent, since he got a body. Whether out of spite (calling him pretty boy or threatening to break his pretty face), or admiration (telling him he could be a model), to it literally affecting his work (attracting clients when he worked in the sex industry in NYC), he’s used to hearing it, and yet still gets all bashful when one of his friends or partners says it about him, because he knows they really mean it. To some extent he attributes his entire ability to find partners to how attractive he is physically, which certainly isn’t the truth, but it sure does help. He puts upkeep into being fairly hot, as it’s now part of his identity to some extent, and when he’s obviously not trying is when you know he’s visibly depressed.))
🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick?
((This one’s fairly simple. As Mads has established, repeatedly, he isn’t organic. He doesn’t have cells that can die, or organs that can take damage, he’s immune to poison and illness and when he gets nauseous it’s from something emotional. He’s never seen a doctor, for fear of them realizing he’s not human and sending him somewhere for research. Even before he fully realized his healing powers, when Mads got injured, he’d simply recuperate at home, and now that he has them, there’s literally no point. There’s medications involved, but those are for his mental health, not physical. He’s basically always dehydrated, but other than that! He’s technically fine.
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
((Now THIS one is relevant. Mads has been diagnosed by their therapist and psychiatrist collectively with ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and depersonalization disorder. Paranoia, insomnia, and alcohol dependence are also on the list, but those three are problems they’ve been steadily recovering from. At the point they’re at, they don’t have anything undiagnosed, which is a relief, because they’ve already got enough to deal with. Mads attends therapy every Friday, and has for about a year now. It’s productive, but slow going, due to Mads’ difficulty willingly communicating their more serious issues, as well as their overly stubborn self esteem.
Last one has been answered!))
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case-callahan · 6 years
Hi everyone! this is my first OOC post on this side of Tumblr, I usually use the blog but I heard there were issues with it. Anyhow! Some of you might not know me. I’m Jensen. I’m old, stressed and have muses who are a mess. Hey that kinda rhymed. I thought I might as well post a new introductory message since, bruh, I’ve been gone for so long. I hope it won’t happen again because I’ve missed you all so fkin much it’s ridiculous.
Since I applied such a long time ago, and I have other muses on side blogs, I’ll make small posts about them all here, under a read more. If you want to plot with any of them (Mainly Christian or Travis atm but that’ll change eventually).
Casey He’s a meme. I mean, to me he’s a meme. Still Australian. Went from a respected psychiatrist to a violent alcoholic/junkie. Owns a bar near Belcrest. Smokes too much pot for his own good, starts fights because he wants to feel the pain as a validation that he's still alive. Depressed, suffers from PTSD and covers everything up with either drugs, alcohol, or bad jokes. Easy to anger if he’s aggravated even the slightest bit. Insecure to the max. Hates himself. Wants to die. But is good to party with if you’re into all that self-destructive behavior that subtly happens on the side. He’s a good kid, I promise. Just very troubled and needs a friend who sends him to rehab or whatevs.
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Christian Good God. He’s the epitome of crazy. Ran a luxurious night/strip club in Queens (The Devil’s Den) before he was institutionalized for pyromania and antisocial tendencies. Was later diagnosed to be a sociopath but that didn’t stop him from getting out of the bin. A few weeks later he was charged for the arson that had been under investigation for a couple of years. Appealed, was a charming devil and is free again. Very rude, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, will tell you if you’re being pathetic. V handsome, rich, but will kill anyone who looks at him wrong. Or will send his goons to do it. Prefers to do it himself though. Can be friendly but won’t push it. Has some history of burning peoples’ family members by accident.
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Travis My only pure cinnamon roll. Came from a small town in Tennessee (<2000 inhabitants) and tries to make his life work in NYC. Moved here after his brother but can’t navigate for shit and is always lost. Naive, aimless and trusts everyone blindly. Talks a lot about horses and cars. Has a strong accent he tries to hide from time to time but it’s full on if he’s excited. Works as a mechanic. Has always had a good life but I’m planning on changing that now that he’s in a big city. Can be very racist because of how he was raised, homophobic too (ironic lmao since i am making him join my other muses on the dark side eventually. internalized homophobia ftw). pls corrupt him. 
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janusjuno · 3 years
How To Cure Yourself Of Depersonalization (A Definitive Guide)... or maybe not?
Depersonalization is one of the most distressing of all psychological disorders and is a fairly common occurrence in the general population. Learn how to "cure" yourself of depersonalization here: or, maybe you don't really want to...?
The Brain as Illusion and Emotional Generator
I would first like to point out that the word 'brain' is an illusion in itself, as it is not a physical entity but rather a mental representation of one's inner workings. The brain does not generate any illusions at all, because by definition an illusion is something which deceives or misleads.
It is the mind which generates illusions, and for this reason, it is the mind that creates emotions. It follows from this that all emotions are generated by the self alone.
In fact, it is the mind which creates any form of sensory input. For example, sight and sound are not real entities but rather illusions generated by the mind itself. The brain detects various forms of energy in its environment, but these do not become light or sound until they reach the mind.
This leads us to the conclusion that all illusions are generated by the mind, and since the mind is a product of existence itself, it follows that all illusions are in fact real.
Let us consider the example of a human brain, which is defined as an entity that generates illusions. The brain takes in information from its environment and processes this data according to its programming until it has generated a sensory representation of reality.
This sensory representation is then transmitted to the mind, which in turn translates this data into a format comprehensible by humans. We see as we do because our minds have encoded how light and color translate into vision.
What's The Real Cause Of Depersonalization?
Depersonalization disorder (DPD) is an alteration in the perception or experience of one's self. In particular, it refers to the feeling that external reality is unreal, and seems "dream-like" or like a movie. It can be viewed as a dissociative disorder that is likely brought on by the severe stress of trauma (PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder) or a history of trauma (cPTSD: in particular: neglect or emotional abuse) in childhood. Medications, substance use/drugs (such as cannabis/marijuana; mdma; ketamine; or hallucinogens), seizure disorders (such as temporal lobe epilepsy) can all cause symptoms of depersonalization as well.
In my opinion, the general societal norms of society do have a role to play in causing depersonalization disorder. The constant pressure to be someone you are not and perform tasks that you detest takes a toll on your psyche over time.
For example, let's take the case of a person working at an office job. Here, there might not be very many mental processes at play. He is required to do monotonous tasks and he has little control over his work environment. Feelings of detachment and dissociation begin to arise. Furthermore, he feels that there are no opportunities for growth in career or salary.
He is at the beck and call of his boss, who has little regard for him. This individual then comes home feeling unfulfilled, having spent most of his energy simply to make a living.
At home, he is expected to do more chores and be a father. He feels that the demands of society are too great for him. His job consumes him, his boss controls his life, and his family takes away what little energy remains.
Eventually, he begins to feel that the people in his life are not real. In fact, the world around him is just an illusion. He becomes an outside observer looking in on himself as an automaton.
What Is Depersonalization?
Depersonalization is a feeling of being disconnected from yourself and the world, like you are an observer looking at your own body but not actually in it. This produces distress and affects the quality of one's life.
Depersonalization can be a symptom of other mental disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder), depression and anxiety.
Depersonalization can also be a symptom of schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder and drug use.
It has also been shown that depersonalization can occur as a result of traumatic experiences, such as physical or sexual abuse.
Depersonalization is not a mental disorder on its own, but it can be part of several mental disorders (I.e., derealization disorder, etc.)
Depersonalization can be caused by brain injuries, especially to the frontal lobes and hippocampus.
Relationship between Anxiety and Depersonalization
I have noted that anxiety is a signal indicating an incompatibility between the current situation and your goals, integrity, or high level plans. When anxiety occurs in situations where it doesn't belong (like when you see a bear on your way to work), this indicates that there is something wrong with these 'goals', which may be flexible long-term plans such as career aspirations. So one of my hypothesis is that depersonalization can result from having incoherent aspirations.
But what is an aspiration? It's a high level goal, and as such it's usually something that you can't directly pursue. You have to make many choices in order to achieve your aspirations over a long period of time. If these choices are incompatible with the goals of your environment at any given moment (i.e., there is conflict between you and your surroundings), then anxiety occurs.
Depersonalization is a cognitive distortion, and as such it is always correlated with certain core beliefs. It's not just anxiety that causes depersonalization, but also the interpretation of anxiety (which is known to be associated with dysfunctional attitudes). So another hypothesis I have is that an incoherent set of aspirations can cause both anxiety and dysfunctional interpretations of this emotion.
But how does this happen? One of the roles of anxiety is to signal that something needs your attention, and then you can check what it is. But sometimes people have an aim or a plan for their lives which isn't compatible with reality. For example, someone who wants to live in New York City has some logical inconsistencies - they will need money in order to live there, but where do they get the money if they're living in NYC?
These inconsistencies are cognitive distortions, because they involve some kind of self-deception. You don't know why you want to live in New York City (somehow it's magical), and so you have a faulty plan for what your life should be like. But since your goal is high level ('living in NYC'), there are many intermediate goals that need to be accomplished before you can achieve this ultimate one. This means that at each step along the way, we must make rational decisions about how to progress towards our overall goal.
For example, you need a job in order to live in NYC. So you may decide to go for an interview at some company. But then the anxiety arises: 'Will I get this job? What if they don't hire me?' This is normal and natural - it's not just that your aspirations are unrealistic, but also that there is uncertainty about whether or not these choices will lead to success.
Depersonalization as a gateway to a new experience of reality
Should I get psychotherapy from a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Perhaps, but...
In my opinion, depersonalization can be seen as a gateway to a new experience of reality in the search for meaning and authenticity. It doesn't have to be anxiety ladened experience, replete with panic attacks or panic disorder. It is an important step in the process of existential discovery. I believe that life becomes meaningless when we forget who we are, where we come from and what our purpose is. This occurs all too often nowadays with people experiencing their lives as completely disconnected from themselves and each other.
I believe that there are two main aspects of depersonalization: the existential and the biological. The first is about coming to terms with who you are and what your values are, whereas the second is about overcoming our animal needs in order to exist in a higher state of consciousness.
The first aspect of depersonalization is deeply existential and spiritual. It involves experiencing the world as it is, rather than through our own biased perceptions. It's kind of like extreme reality testing. Only when we are able to experience this new perspective on reality can we begin to understand ourselves and who we really are.
The second aspect of depersonalization is biological and involves overcoming our animal needs. We are social animals that have evolved to survive as individuals, but in the modern world we live together in masses with little space for privacy or personal reflection.
This is the result of technological progress and globalization, which we believe to be a good thing. However, it has led to an increased sense of meaninglessness in our lives as social animals who are used to belonging together.
This is the main cause of depersonalization, which I believe to be an important step towards a higher sense of consciousness.
The ability to depersonalize, or experience a numbness to consciousness perceptual experience, is an essential survival mechanism. That glass wall, "veil," or fog that so many with DP talk about, causes us not to get too attached to anything in life, and therefore it prevents a lot of unhappiness.
Depersonalization is a survival mechanism of the mind.
Learning to live with DP, to allow it to be part of our mind, while not being stunned by it into panic or a sense of being overwhelmed is where therapy can lead one; if, you feel this is the right path for you.
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Consulting an experienced PTSD psychiatrist can help you get back to where you were In NYC, you can trust Dr. Datta to understand your struggles and he can help you learn from it and get better.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Recruit (Chapter 12) - Mitch Rapp
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “Day 63 & Day 74″
Characters: Mitch Rapp, Peter Collins & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Cursing, I assume, blood and a weeeee bit of violence, discussion of PTSD/sexual assault.
A.N.: One of the only times I have, and probably will, split one chapter up into two different days..
Summary: Mitch and Y/n discuss her recent trip to NYC and then they receive some disturbing news.
Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen
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Mitch walked into your room and saw you replacing a wooden floorboard under your bed. You didn't turn when you heard the door open, you knew it was him and you didn’t mind if he knew your hiding place.
"I can't believe I never knew that existed." Mitch said, glancing at the floorboard hiding spot, as he placed his duffle bag on your desk and leaned against your doorframe.
You walked over and pulled him inside, closing and locking the door behind you. You held his hands in your own and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I missed you today. I thought you were supposed to stay the night there tonight."
"I missed you.” Mitch frowned for a moment, then kissed your forehead. “Stan decided early this morning after his phone kept ringing that he wanted to come back tonight, even if it was late. Now I'm thinking that had to do with you?" Mitch sat at your desk chair and watched as you hung up your bomber jacket. You looked sexy as could be in the outfit you were wearing. He loved you in those boots, they always reminded him of the way you looked at the reunion and they always made him want to slide his hands up your thighs.
"I guess it had to do with me." You replied, as you walked over and sat in his lap, hooking your arms around his neck.
"Tell me about your day." Mitch insisted sweetly, as he slipped a hand under your shirt and gripped the skin on your bare stomach. His other hand rested against your ass, holding you in place on his lap. He kissed your neck gently.
"It was long actually... The last place that I wanted to be was here, alone, without you, all day, so I asked Stan to give me the day off, which he did, and I went up to New York."
Mitch looked at you sideways. That was not at all what he thought you were going to say when he asked you about your day. "You went home?" Mitch picked you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest, and placed you on the bed. You sat up and watched as he knelt in front of you and untied the leather laces around your thighs, then worked the boots down, unzipping them at the calves, and pulling them off your feet. It was incredibly seductive watching him undress you so slowly.
You sighed. "I told Stan that I was sad because last week was my Dad's birthday and I hadn't been to his grave in a long time and it had me all out of sorts.."
Mitch interrupted you as he worked on your right boot. "Is that true? Was his birthday last week?"
You nodded. "But that wasn't really what was bothering me. I mean, it was but.. anyway, I went up to see Beth."
"Who's Beth?" Mitch asked, leaving kisses on your knees.
"Beth is my best friend... and cousin. She's kind of basically my sister. She is Stan's youngest daughter."
"Stan has kids?" Mitch couldn’t hide the surprise in his voice, as he walked over to his duffle and pulled a clean t-shirt out.
You nodded. "He has two sons and Beth, and then me, I guess."
"How old is Beth?" Mitch asked, pulling his shirt off and throwing it at your desk chair.
"Two years older than us..." You paused. "What are you doing?"
Mitch hooked his hands around the backs of your knees and yanked you forward, standing between your legs. "Getting us ready for bed." Mitch smiled and pulled your shirt off. You had foregone a bra that day. He unzipped your skirt on the side and pulled it off. He handed you his shirt and you yanked it over your head. He pulled his pants down and turned off the lights, getting in bed with you. "So, why'd you go to see Beth?" He asked, leaving his arm extended over the pillows waiting for you to cuddle up to him.
You nuzzled into him and continued your story. "I just, that nightmare I had last night... I needed to talk to someone and I couldn't keep burdening you with what happened just to then tell you that I wasn't going to do anything about it.."
"You're not burdening me... and you told Stan's daughter. Do you really think she won't tell Stan?" Mitch questioned.
"Not unless she wants to lose her license." Mitch looked confused. "She's a psychiatrist. She cleared a two hour block of her patient's today just to see me. I go down there every September and we talk about my parents and my brother, Brandon, and stuff like that. Usually once a year is all I need in terms of therapy..."
Mitch cut you off. "You always say you're doing better, have you been lying?" He propped himself up on his elbow to look down at your face.
You sighed and looked up at him. "Not lying, just.."
"No, Y/n, if I ask you if you're doing okay and you say ‘yes’ but you aren't actually, that's a lie!" Mitch raised his voice and sat up fully.
You sat up too. "Are you seriously going to yell at me right now?"
Mitch opened his mouth to yell at you some more and then shook his head and closed his lips. You rested your hands on his knees, and he bent down to kiss both, feeling guilty about yelling at you over a situation that he could never fully understand the emotional implications of. "How much did you tell Beth?"
"Everything. I told her about us and I told her about the attack."
"And what'd she say? How much does she know actually? Does she know what this place is or what you and Stan do here?"
You nodded. "Stan never wanted his kids to be helpless, so we'd all come here in the summers growing up, like in high school, and we'd train with the trainees. So yea, she knows what I'm doing here. At least to an extent."
"So what'd she say?"
"She was angry... and upset, and she agreed with you that I can't keep just living with the men who attacked me like everything is normal."
Mitch felt vindicated. "So are we going to tell Stan what happened?"
"Yea, maybe... I just have to find the right time."
Mitch pulled you closer to him. "I'll be here in whatever way you want me, whenever you decide that time is."
You nodded and chewed on your lip. You pushed against his chest and leaned him back against the pillows, resting your own body back on top of him. You were relieved. You were back with the man that you were mad for and you had gotten to go home for a day to see your best friend and talk about the things that you were struggling with. You fell asleep in Mitch's arms that night, content.
"No, baby, the rotation has to be more like this." Mitch walked up behind you and extended your arm more. "If you keep it tucked in so much you're not going to get the same amount of speed or force or momentum."
"Yea, but I'm also not going to accidentally lose the knife and stab like an innocent bystander or something." Mitch chuckled and lowered his hand down your arm.
"That won't happen. You'll get the hang of it, you just have to keep going. It took me months to get it down perfectly."
You popped your hip out, cocked your head to the side and frowned. "Months? Really, Mitch?"
Mitch smirked and shook his head. "Knife throwing is a good skill to have, you'll never know when you can use it but when the opportunity presents itself, I promise you won't regret this."
A smirk broke out on your face. "I regret many things in my life, Mitch, but I.. actually think learning how to throw daggers will be one of them." You grinned from ear to ear.
Mitch scoffed and grinned. He secretly loved your stubbornness. "Oh, you're just being difficult tonight, huh?" Mitch wrapped you up in his arms and pressed his lips against yours. You both were completely alone in the gym and knew that you could get away with being affectionate out in the open. Mitch brought you down to the floor and hovered over you, leaving wet kisses down your jaw and neck, as you dug your nails into his biceps.
"Wait... wait, I hear something." You grabbed the small dagger off the floor next to you and rose slowly, Mitch getting up behind you.
"Hello? Mitch? Y/n?"
Mitch stepped in front of you, blocking your body with his. "What do you want, Collins?" Mitch asked the man who's teeth he had broken the night of your attack.
Collins spotted the pair and walked over. "Listen, I know that you.. you made it very clear to stay away, and I want nothing to do with either of you. I'm sorry I ever got involved in that whole thing and hurt you, Y/n." Collins tried to talk to you, but Mitch blocked his view again. You wrapped your fingers around his sides and pressed your forehead against Mitch's sweaty shirt. You didn't even care about the sweat, you just didn't want to look at Collins.
"You clearly didn't get how serious I was when I told you that I would kill you if you came near her again." Mitch squeezed the handle of the throwing dagger in his hand.
"No, I got it. I just thought you guys should know.... Brunski is coming back." Collins broke the news.
"What did you say?" Mitch stepped forward.
"How do you know?" You finally spoke up, walking up towards Collins, dangling two daggers in between your fingers.
"One of the instructors... Campbell... he told me this morning."
"When is he coming back?" You asked, the rage building like a lump in your throat.
"After we all get back from Spring Break..."
You shook your head, and inhaled deeply, turning to look at Mitch.
"I just thought you deserved to know and not be surprised. I'm sorry, Y/n." Collins took a step forward, and everyone moved.
You quickly turned the knives in your hand and pressed them up against Collins' thick neck. Mitch had leapt forward, ready to take the large man out, but your reaction timing was instantaneous.
You took a step forward, the razor sharp knives digging a little further into Collins' flesh. "Leave." You whispered from behind your teeth as you scowled at him. Collins backed away slowly, touching his throat to see a small drop of blood on his fingers. He rushed out of the gym leaving you and Mitch behind. Mitch watched as your shoulders moved up and down as you breathed heavily. You looked down at the red blood on your knife and dropped it on the floor.
"I wanna kill him."
Get you a man as woke as Mitch. 
I am on vacation as of right now, so you know, I can’t answer asks and I don’t know when the next one will be posted, LET ME LIVE. Thanks for reading :)
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How the FDNY Is Responding to the Global Pandemic
According to the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak, there are now over 305,024 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of New York, more than 170,154 of which are in New York City alone. More than 17, 968 people have died because of COVID-19 in the state, not including the deaths with probable cases. The city is dubbed the national epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Across all 50 states in the country, Washington, D.C., and three US territories, there are now over 1,045,100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and over 58,529 deaths. There are more COVID-19-related deaths in the US than in any other country.
First responders and law enforcement officers are at the forefront in the fight against the pandemic. Here’s everything you need to know about how the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) is responding to the coronavirus outbreak.
The FDNY is Fighting Valiantly, Despite Being Overwhelmed
New York City’s first responders—paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters—are responding to “a record number of calls” amid the coronavirus challenge, according to Fire Commissioner Dan Nigro. There has been a 50 percent increase in the number of calls the FDNY receives daily.
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Since the coronavirus outbreak was detected in New York State on March 1, nearly 500 FDNY members have tested positive for COVID-19. Over 1,300 of the city’s first responders returned to work at the start of April after they recovered from the virus or its symptoms.
According to health experts, New York City’s high population density has contributed to the high infection rates. The city is the densest metropolitan area in the country, with 27,000 people per square mile.
Based on accounts of EMS workers with the FDNY, the unprecedented levels of uncertainty and stress, the growing pressure, and the consistent exposure to dead bodies have increased the risk of deteriorating mental health for responders. Psychologists and psychiatrists have said paramedics and emergency medical technicians are at risk of developing PTSD due to the pandemic.
First responders with the FDNY, however, have continued the fight against the pandemic at the frontlines as they deal with an unprecedented time in the nation’s history. Earlier in April, CNN reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has now sent hundreds of ambulances, paramedics, and EMTs to New York City to assist the FDNY.
Ace the FDNY Exam with Excellent Preparation Classes
Civil Service Success is a premium civil service exam preparation school based in New York City. The organization has been around for over 45 years, providing exceptional quality NYC firefighter preparation classes.
In addition to helping you prepare for the NYC firefighter exams, they provide preparation classes for the Suffolk Police test, NYS Court Officer, and NYC Sanitation Worker exams.
Get in touch with them today for more information and start your journey towards committed civil service.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Baby Barnes - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary : Reader is pregnant with Bucky’s child, and she’s scared shitless of telling him. 
This is part of some sort of a serie I write, where the reader is afraid to say she’s pregnant to her s/o basically. Here’s the one for Cap’ : Baby Rogers, for Wolverine : Baby Logan, and for Batman : Baby Wayne. For some reason, Bucky was the most difficult to write about...hope you’ll still like it :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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Pregnant. You were pregnant. That’s what the two little vertical lines meant. Positive. Fuck. What the Hell were you gonna do ? 
You toss the test in the corner of your bathroom, and it joins the twenty other test you took. You know, just to be sure...What the Hell were you gonna do ? 
How were you going to tell Bucky ? 
Ever since Iron Man discovered your boyfriend killed his mother (it wasn’t his fault, he was brainwashed !), and ever since the government decided to control superheroes more, ending the already fragile friendship between Steve and Tony...You and Bucky never stayed in the same place for long. 
You had been in Helsinki, Finland, for already two weeks, and that was already a miracle...you usually never stayed at one place more than a few days. 
This wasn’t a life for a baby, always on the run, never able to stay in the same place for long etc etc...and yet, you wanted it. You wanted it so bad. Because you craved for a (somewhat) normal life with Bucky. For a time where you wouldn’t have to move so much. Of course, things would never be easy, Bucky had some massive PTSD but...Was it too much to ask to not be chased all the time ? It was probably. 
When you started to get serious with Bucky, you knew what you were getting into...he even warned you, and tried to push you away. And yet you stayed. 
You were sitting in the bathroom, trying to fight your tears...Crying wasn’t going to help. You knew you couldn’t keep that baby. You’ll just have to...
-(Y/N) ? Bucky ? Anyone’s home ? 
Steve. That was Steve’s voice. You finally left the bathroom to go meet with your friends. 
-It’s hardly “home” Cap’, you know.
-Yeah, I know...How you holdin’ up ? 
-Just fine thanks Steve. Bucky went out to the market. Don’t make that face Ste’, he’s wearing his baseball cap. Incognito. 
You said sarcastically as Captain America chuckle. 
-Alright. I actually came here with good news. 
-I don’t believe you.
-You better believe it, I’m serious this time. 
-”this time”, how many times did you tell me that ? 
-It’s for good now. 
-Stop giving me false hope. It’s been five years and nothing changed, we’re still on the run as always. 
-It’s not false hope. Things are really moving. I talked to Tony and...
-I don’t want to know. I don’t want you to tell me you guys finally came to an arrangement, I don’t want you to tell me that the government is giving Bucky amnesty, I don’t want to hear any of it, because then I’m gonna hope again, and you’ll crush everything by telling me “you guys gotta move”. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from screaming : 
-Don’t (Y/N) me good sir, I’ve had just about enough ALRIGHT !?
Steve looked at you, surprised. So far, you’ve always been so nice and did everything without complaining, your sudden surge of rage surprised him...It really wasn’t your type...You sighted and it looked like you were about to say something, but you didn’t, and just left the room, locking yourself in the bedroom you currently shared with Bucky. 
Steve decided to give you a bit of time. You didn’t even let him time to explain that really, this time was THE time. After five years, the government finally decided they needed Captain America and co, understanding that trying to control them wasn’t the right solution (though they were clauses to their come back and amnesty). As for Tony Stark...He still wanted Bucky to pay, but slowly started to FINALLY understand that the Winter Soldier wasn’t responsible for his actions, as he was brainwashed by fucking Hydra ! Things were getting brighter. But he understood your point of view. How it could seem hopeless...After all, the past five years hadn’t been easy for you. 
Before even realizing it you fell asleep in your bed, completely forgetting about Steve still in the living room.
While waiting for his best friend, Steve decided to clear his head a bit, and went to the bathroom to splash his face...that’s when he saw them. The twenty one pregnancy tests. All positive according to the boxes. Wait...so that meant...WOW ! 
So that’s why you were so cranky. Most people would peg Captain America for a naive and sometimes a bit stupid man (the blond hair maybe ? And his look when something modern surprised him)...They couldn’t be more wrong. He was a fine strategist, and could understand a situation fast. Like right now. You got mad at him because you thought it was another false alarm at you and Bucky being finally free from running. If it was true (which it was), you could keep the child. He knew you’d love to. And he knew his best friend would be over the moon about thinking of having a kid with you, as for quite some times now, he was craving to settle down too, tired of running away as well. 
But if it was like the other times, when things didn’t turn out right, and you had to escape again...then you just simply couldn't keep that baby. 
He had to go and tell you, that what he was saying was true, you two could go back to America, and though life wouldn’t be completely normal, you could raise a child ! After all, you had friends that were superheroes and had children...
He rushed out of the bathroom and to your bedroom, even entering without knocking and...you were sleeping. He didn’t dare to disturb you, you had time to know that things were right again...
Steve was right. This time it was THE time. You couldn’t believe it when you went back to America. Bucky was granted pardon, as Steve came with the proof he was brainwashed and not responsible of his actions. When you met Tony Stark, he was still very cold, but apparently, after years of convincing, he finally fucking understood that it wasn’t your boyfriend’s fault. Took him long enough. 
So...Things were getting good right ? You could keep the kid, it was great ! But...what if Bucky didn’t want to have children ? You never talked about it, never having time. Of course, you loved each other but...You just never even once mentioned it ! You talked about marriage, when things would settle down. Hell, you even talked about a house ! But...Kids ? Never. 
And that scared you more than anything. Because what if he didn’t want it ? What were you gonna do ? Keep it and risk the end of the best relationship you ever had (even with all the running away things) ? Abortion ? ...You wanted that child so much. The child of hope. 
-So...are you going to tell him ? 
You jumped, startled, as you were sitting, alone, in the Avengers tower. Bucky had tons of psychiatric tests and such to pass, and you’d been alone with your thoughts for too long. Maybe that’s why you were freaking out...
Steve. Steve was the one that scared you. 
-What...what are you talking about ? 
-I know you’re pregnant. 
-...What  ? 
-When I came that time, a month ago, to tell you about the new deal and all, I found your pregnancy tests in the bathroom. 
-I have no idea what you’re talking about. 
-Oh come (Y/N), I’m not stupid. There were like twenty of them...
-Wasn’t mine. 
-...Really ? 
His face clearly meant : “it’s getting ridiculous”, and you knew it too. But..you were scared. And when you were scared, you never could think straight. 
-Listen (Y/N), if you don’t want to...
-Yes. I’m pregnant. And...I don’t think Bucky want a kid. 
-What ? 
-I don’t think Bucky want a child. With me.
-Don’t be stupid. 
-Bucky would only want a child with you. 
-You talked about it with him ? 
-Alright. We talked a few time about it. He was scare to talk about it because you never did. 
-No, I was scare to talk about it because he never did. 
-Funny how that works uh ? 
-...That’s true ? 
-What ? 
-That he wants a kid with me. 
-Oh man (Y/N), he’s in love with you ! Hell, it’s more than that at this point. He even annoyed me by talking so much about you. So, yes, he do want kids. Three if you wanna know everything, two boys and one girl. He even thought of names already. And yes, with you. Only you.
Your heart was beating like crazy. Was this true ? 
It was true. He did want a child with you. He talked about it as soon as you moved in a small apartment in Brooklyn. Your running away days were over, he passed his psychiatrist test, and though he was still restricted to the NYC area, things were looking up...
He listened to his best friend’s advice (of course, give it to Captain America to sneakily tell his best friends “talk about kids” so that you’d be force to FINALLY tell him you were pregnant...After all, it has been two months, and you still didn’t say anything, still too scared). Bucky jumped into it right away, straight forward, without any detour, as he always was : 
-What do you think of babies ? 
You froze, and turned to him. 
-What ?
-Babies...with...Uh...me ? 
Your heart race, and without thinking, you exclaim : 
-I love them ! I love babies with you ! In fact, there’s a baby with us now...well...not really a baby yet but there’s...
He grabs your wrist a bit harshly, and you stop in your tracks. This was definitely not how you wanted him to know...
-Wait, what did you say ? 
-Please (Y/N)...
-...I love babies. 
-After that goddamnit ! 
-(Y/N) ?
For a few seconds, he stays silent, and you’re afraid he's going to faint. He doesn’t however, and when he pulls you in his arms, you gasp loudly. He whispers : 
-This is all I ever wanted...
-...really ? 
-Well, no, not really. Before I met you, I didn’t have any goal, any want...any life. I wasn’t really living. Just surviving. And then you came in. Everything changed I...I’m not good with words. But I...For the first time in my life, I hope. I...I look forward to the future. I’m actually thinking about a future. I...
You stop him by crashing your lips on his, he said enough. 
-I’m going to be a dad...You’re going to be a mom...
-Yes, yes honey...
-It’s a good start for our new life.
-The best Bucky, the best. 
-I love you (Y/N)
-I love you too. 
You kiss each other again, passionately, lovingly, a kiss full of promises for the future, for all the new opportunities that opened to you. 
-A baby...Well, now we have to move in a bigger apartment ! There’s only one room here ! 
You sighted. You guess you did have to move one more time before finally starting over. You swore to yourself though, this would be the last move before a long time ! 
The last move of your life was into your dream house. Tony Stark gave it to you, what were the odds right ? Bucky saving his wife, Pepper. That’s what changed his mind, FINALLY. 
Your last move was in your dream house...With your husband, Bucky, and your three children. Two boys, and a girl. 
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psychotherapistnyc · 3 years
Psychotherapy Meditation NYC
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Psychotherapy meditation provides relief from certain elements like stress, selection, judgement and interpretation. if you are struggling with depression, you will be surprised at the compassion with which you will be addressed, with Dr.Dutto mental health counseling in NYC.
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arpitaroys-blog · 3 years
Iris Martin's answer to Who is the best psychotherapist in New York? - Quora
Reaching the most knowledgeable Family and Couples Therapist in NYC becomes a must if you are in serious trouble with your family ties. Being a New Yorker, you should be very particular about reaching Dr. Datta, one of the most versatile specialists in general and addiction psychiatry and psychotherapy. So, what are you waiting for?
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lazybasementkid · 2 years
Facing conflicts in your relationship? Want to solve it immediately? If so, then reach Dr. Datta who can solve the conflicts with the help of the Speaker Listener Technique. It is an effective method to put an end to the conflicts usually couples suffer from. 
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trichupmysleeve · 8 years
What I want to happen on season 18 of SVU:
In season 1, a psychiatrist came in to evaluate the squad, to see if any of them were close to having a mental breakdown (Det. Jefferies). They do that this season, since the squad recently lost one of their own (Dodds), they’re short-staffed, and there’s two single (new) mothers.  
We get to see each squad members’ session. Amanda is struggling with her sister and being a new mom. Carisi is struggling with his near-death experience, and with his sexuality (him being Catholic). Fin is struggling with being the only detective without a ‘life’, since his son’s surrogate had a miscarriage. Liv’s we don’t see. 
The psychiatrist says that there is someone that needs to take time off until a psychiatrist says they are ready to go back. Amanda and Sonny panic. Fin doesn’t show his panic. The three of them sit in the break room, and try to figure out who’s getting kicked out. They end up telling each other what they talked about in their sessions. They support and validate each other.  
Which squad member is the one getting forced time off? Benson. Because she has developed an alcohol dependency and still has PTSD, and can’t seem to form a boundary between work and home life. The squad is shocked. Declan Murphy takes Benson’s place. There’s a showdown being Murphy and Carisi, Carisi is pissed at Declan for pistol-whipping him. Murphy is pissed because he knows more about Jesse. Barba gets his spine back and doesn’t take every single case to court. He goes back to teasing Carisi. 
Mike Dodds comes back from the dead. The guy they thought was Mike Dodds was a UC, because Dodds was doing some secret anti-terrorism thing. Nick Amaro moves back to NYC because California ran out of water. 
NBC should just hire me. (Should I write the fanfic???)
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