amethyst-halo · 2 years
i have 2 ocs who i set up as “they have to be really pretty” but i also have to make them redrawable and the line is thin
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inexplicifics · 1 year
because I know and love you: do either of the two wips contain "half again" as a phrase to describe a comparison
First of all, pthbbt.
Secondly, to my blank astonishment, no, they don't!
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tinrart · 2 years
pthbbt what me draw 🥺👉👈
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there-is-no-romeo · 2 years
pthbbt! hahaha
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motomiyakun · 6 years
man i know taichi apologizes for it later, but him telling yamato that “he’s always like this” and “this is his way of throwing a tantrum because he’s not getting what he wants” when yamato is having a freakout trauma crisis and is acting kinda fucking banana sandwiches messes me up so bad
“stop overreacting, you’re always like this” is one of the most upsetting things you can hear when you’re genuinely having trouble with your horrible brain and it stinks on ice that taichi genuinely seemed to believe that in the moment :((
(but tbh i have to wonder how much taichi does genuinely think that, because of how horrible yamato DOES constantly overreact at him over seemingly nothing? gosh their relationship is messy lmao)
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paralysis-comic · 5 years
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some universal betel script it says aradia megido tom scott matt gray
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sethanyrollins · 4 years
i wish seth wouldnt tacitly stick up for vince because like, you know, but i really dont like seeing him near tears!!!
man today sucks!!!
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peskygirl13 · 3 years
I just got the Pokémon SWSH DLCs and I was wondering what it would be like for some legendary Pokémon to come to twst and cause some trouble(Legendarys I’d like to do ( you c an pick just one: Kyogre, Giratina, or Groudon)
If you can i want it to be just Diasomina!
This turned out longer than I expected and I got so mad with myself because I was almost done with writing this and I accidently deleted all my new work, so I had to start over from my last save point which is one of the reasons it took so long to post.
I’ve been binge playing the old Sinnoh games and rewatching the anime, so this was fun to write (despite me deleting my work). 
This will have references to the Pokémon Platinum game, so spoilers if you haven’t played the game and plan to. 
Hope you enjoy!
Malleus's favorite time of the day was night time. Night time was the best!
The world was at peace, it was quiet, everything was asleep, save for a few nocturnal creatures much like himself, he could hide from SIlver and Sebek and have some time to himself, and there were no students or humans who would see him and run away in terror.
But his favorite thing about night time was probably when he got to visit his favorite human, (Y/n).
Their situation was a bit odd, having appeared out of nowhere from a world full of creatures called Pokémon, but Malleus didn't care. They weren't afraid of him. After spending a lifetime of having people fear him due to his name, it was a nice change.
Malleus arrived at the Ramshackle dorm to find you already sitting outside, cleaning your Empoleon's feathers.
"Greetings, Child of Man." He greeted, happily walking up to you.
"Hey, Tsunotaro." You smiled, putting down Empoleon's brush to wave at him.
That was another thing Malleus adored about you. Even after finding out who he was, you still didn't fear him and continued calling him by that amusing nickname you gave him.
You both entered the dorm, along with Empoleon, and he was instantly greeted with the rest of your strange creatures. Luxray, Togekiss, Glaceon, Garchomp, and Lucario.
You headed over to the kitchen to make some tea while he got comfortable on the couch. Once he was seated, Garchomp laid its head on Malleus's lap, implying that it wanted scratches.
By the time you had returned with two mugs of steaming tea, all the other Pokémon had already gotten comfortable and most had fallen asleep.
You handed Malleus his mug before sitting down in your chair. Glaceon hopped up and curled up in your lap before falling back asleep.
After you both got comfortable, you began regaling Malleus with stories of your world.
Malleus loved hearing your stories.
From your gym battle challenges to your contests. Catching all your Pokémon and even receiving an egg from a woman named Cynthia that hatched into a Togepi that which layer evolved into your beloved Togekiss.
Malleus has never left the Valley of Thorns, except for school, so he enjoyed hearing about your travels. Your freedom to journey and see so many different places, never being tied down, he envied it.
“May I see your badges and ribbons again?” He asked.
“Sure.” You agreed, getting up to grab them.
At the movement, Glaceon, rather huffily, got up from your lap and moved to Malleus, curling up on his lap instead. He instantly started stroking her with one hand while the other continued scratching Garchomp. He only stopped when you handed him your badge and ribbon case.
He immediately opened them both and admired your impressive 7 badges and 5 sparkling ribbons. 
You had told him that even though you had collected the required number of ribbons, you were transported to Twisted Wonderland before you could compete in the Grand Festival. You also hadn’t yet had the chance to earn your 8th and final gym badge, which allowed you to challenge the Elite Four and the Sinnoh Champion. 
“They are very impressive, Child of Man.” Malleus complemented.
Even though there wasn’t a gym challenge or contests in Twisted Wonderland, Malleus could tell how much value each badge and ribbon you earned had.
“Thanks, Tsunotaro.” You beamed, positively preening at the complement. “Maybe when I find a way home you could come with me and have your own journey. There are a bunch of dragon type Pokémon I bet you’d like. Maybe your starter could be an Axew. Or a Dino. Maybe a Gible seeing how well you get along with Garchomp. There are also rock or electric types. OOH- Maybe a fairy type!”
Malleus tuned your rambling out. His head was both empty and racing.
Him? Go on a journey in another world? The idea was preposterous! Yet... also tempting.
Traveling around with no chains. Nobody knowing who he was, thus no one quivering at the sight of him. No overbearing, but well meaning, guards to coddle him. He liked this idea!
Unfortunately, he didn’t have long to dwell on the tempting daydream when Ramshakle’s door slammed open with a loud bang.
Speak of the devil.
You and Malleus turned to the doorway to a disheveled and hysterical looking Sebek and a normal sleepy looking Silver.
“Sebek.” Malleus greeted, hiding his annoyance of being interrupted during his time with his Child of Man.
“Waka-sama, you mustn’t leave without telling us! What if something happens to y-”
The half-fae was cut off by and ice beam, freezing him solid. You and Malleus looked over at Glaceon who was angry about having her sleep disturbed for a third time. Now quite irritated and huffy, Glaceon angrily marched upstairs to try and get some sleep in your room.
“My apologies.” You jumped when Lilia appeared behind you without warning, hanging upside down as usual. “They ran off when I wasn’t looking.”
You looked back at the other Diasomnia residence. Silver had already fallen asleep, using Togekiss’s soft, feathery body as a pillow, while Sebek was slowly beginning to thaw out of the ice.
You wish you could say this is the weirdest thing to ever happen with them.
After having Lucario use force-palm and free Sebek, you all sat down near the fire.
(You left Silver be since he was already asleep.)
Sebek wanted to know what was so fascinating about you that Waka-sama would continuously come visit you. 
The only thing you could think of was telling them about your journey.
“After I won my seventh gym badge at Snowpoint, I had to meet my friend, Barry, at Lake Acuity and right after that I had to meet with Professor Rowan and Lucas at Lake Verity.”
“Why did you have to go to those lakes?” Lilia asked, genuinely curious as to what value they had.
“Uh, well-- mmh-- pthbbt.” You tried to think of a way to avoid that question, or at least dance your way around it, and the stuttering and raspberry blowing was obviously helping you be discreet in avoiding the question. 
A loud yell echoed from upstairs thatw as loud enough to wake even Silver. You were momentarily grateful that you had been interrupted before realizing ‘Oh shit that’s my Pokémon.”
“Glaceon!” You yelled, bolting from your chair and rushing up the stairs with your Pokémon and the Diasomnia boys at your heels.
You opened your bedroom door with a loud bang and saw Glaceon in a defensive stance, hissing at the mirror with Grim looking frazzled.
“Fgaah! Minion, control your Pokémon! I was asleep and then it started shouting and tried to attack the mirror!” He yelled angrily, before stalking off to the living room to continue sleeping.
You sighed before looking over at the mirror. You held out your arm towards your Pokémon so they knew not to do anything yet. You inched closer to the mirror, pausing only for a second to pet Glaceon and calm her down a bit. You walked forward a few more steps until you were face-to-face with the mirror. 
Now that you were closer, you could see the shadow of something moving within the glass. You didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t Micky. You leaned a bit closer, trying to make out the figure--
Everything went black.
The first thing you noticed when you could see again was that you were clearly not in your room. Or your dorm for that matter. 
Everything was weird. You weren’t sure of any other way to describe it other than weird.
Weird and familiar.
“The Reverse World.” You muttered, shocked by your sudden return to the feared Giratina’s playground. 
You didn’t have long to stay dumbfounded when you remembered the Legendary who lived in this world. You frantically looked around you and saw that your team and the boys were with you, which did nothing to curb your panic. Grim wasn’t with you all, so you assumed hoped that he was still at Ramshackle.
You first woke up your Pokémon. They freaked out for a second before realizing where they were, putting them all on guard. They carefully scanned their surroundings for anything they found threatening while you quickly crawled over to the boys, traying to shake them awake. 
“Get up. Guys, get up! We need to move!”
The Diasomnia boys hardly registered what was happening and where they were before you pulled them away. Your team created a barrier around you all as you lead the boys through the strange new world. All they could do was look around wildly.
“Careful, gravity gets weird here.” You warned them. 
True to your words, the piece of land you all were walking on started to curve in the air until you all started walking upside down. Even Lilia, who was used to hanging upside down, was a bit thrown off about this.
“What is this place?” Silver asked what everyone was thinking, knowing that you were the only one who could give any of them an answer.
“The Distortion World.” You explained. “Also known as the Reverse World. It’s kind of like the Underworld of my world.”
That explanation only provided them with more questions but went they entered a place that had these large bubbles floating around them they were quickly distracted.
“Hey,” Silver called, gaining everyone’s attention. “This thing has headmaster Crowley in it.”
Said bubble did have a picture of Crowley in his office, working late into the night. Huh. Who know he actually did anything.
Silver raised a hand towards the bubble. 
“No, don’t touch it!” You exclaimed. Unfortunately it was a second to late and the bubble popped at the slightest graze of Silver’s fingers.
The boys looked over to you at the sound of you yell, seeing your panicked expression.
“Don’t. Touch. Anything.” You order, stressing out each word. “Everything in this world effects the real world. If you aren’t careful you could kill someone through this place.
The boys looked positively alarmed.
“Will the headmaster be alright?”
You waved off their concern, continuing to lead the way. “He’ll be fine. Popping that bubble didn’t kill him, but it did feel like he was hit with a bowling ball.
“How do you know this? How do you know so much about this place, (Y/n).” Lilia asked, dead serious. 
You glance over your shoulder at them before sighing.
Guess it was time to come clean.
“There are some things that happened during my journey that I didn’t tell you guys about.” You confessed.
“While journeying through Sinnoh, I constantly ran into an organization called Team Galactic. Their leader, Cyrus, believed that the world was ugly and needed to be destroyed. His plan was to capture the legendary Pokémon, Palkia and Dialga, and the Lake Guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Those three were the reason I met Barry and Professor Rowan at the lakes, Lilia, to try and save the Lake Guardians from Team Galactic. Anyway, Cyrus claimed that he was going to create his own, perfect world using the powers of the legendary Pokémon. At least I think that was his plan. He talks like Shakespeare and I have a middle school education. Anyway, before he could create his ‘perfect world’ Giratina appeared and took Cyrus away to here, the Distortion World. This is Giratina’s domain.”
The boys were stunned into silence. They knew you were strong, but for you to have done all that as well as fighting overblots? They were truly impressed.
“What happened afterwards?” Malleus questioned, enthralled by your story.
“Cynthia, the current Sinnoh Champion, and I entered the Distortion World to save Cyrus. Unfortunately, he saw this place as his ideal world and didn’t want to leave. In the end, we had to use force and I beat him in a battle. And, after that, I had to face Giratina itself. But, I don’t know how, but before I could face it, the Dark Mirror called me to Twisted Wonderland.”
You stopped walking, taking a deep breath before turning to face the boys. 
“We need to find Giratina. Giratina’s the only Pokémon that can travel between worlds and its the only thing that can get us back to Night Raven.”
Your tone alone was enough to my the Diasomnia boys understand the severity of the situation.
“Human, if this creature is as powerful as you claim, then how do you expect to get it?” Sebek interrogated. 
You reached into your pocket and pulled out a purple ball with an ‘M’ on it, showing it the the boys.
“This is a master ball. I stole it from Cyrus’s base when I went to save the Lake Guardians. It can catch any Pokémon without fail. All we need to do is find Giratina.”
You all turned to Lucario and Luxray who were growling in the same direction. Looking closely, you could see something coming at you all. Your team took their battle stances and sure enough, there was the Angel of Darkness itself, Giratina. 
Even Malleus had to admit, that creature was terrifying. 
It looked like a dragon and centipede mixed together, but it towered over everything, easily dwarfing them all.
You waisted no time.
“Empoleon, Hydro Cannon!” You ordered. Even Sebek had to admit that your authoritative tone was hard to ignore and resist, full of confidence and superiority. 
Empoleon listened without question, fearlessly attacking the towering giant.
“Lucario, Aura Sphere! Glaceon, Ice Beam! Luxray, Thunder! Garchomp, Dragon Rush!”
All your Pokémon attacked at once, hitting Giratina square on. The legendary screeched before firing a move of its own that your team narrowly avoided.
“Great job. Keep attacking!” You ordered shooing the boys out of Giratina’s firing range.
“What do we need to do to help, (Y/n)?” Malleus asked. He was already gripping his pen, ready to fight.
“Nothing. Just stay put and don’t move.” You ordered sternly. The boys were stunned.
“What?! (Y/n) we can help-” 
“I know you can help,” You cut off. “But I don’t need to defeat Giratina. I just need to distract it.”
You ran off before they could question what you meant, whistling for your Pokémon.
“Togekiss!” You called, jumping off the edge of the land and easily getting caught by your flying type, who flew you behind Giratina. 
You let your team get in one last group attack before throwing the master ball at Giratina. 
The legendary effortlessly went in and after a spectacular dive made by you and Togekiss, you caught the ball and returned to the boys.
The boys ran over to you as you climbed off Togekiss, looking at the ball in your hand.
“I can’t believe you actually caught it, human!” Sebek exclaimed, flabbergasted. 
“Thanks, Sebek.”
“So what now?” Silver asked. The group all turned to you expectedly and you rolled your eyes before turning around to the wide open space and releasing Giratina from the master ball. 
“Giratina,” You called, “Please take us back.”
Giratina stared down at you before letting out an echoing screech and lowing its head to your level.
Immediately understanding what it wanted you to do, you crawled onto its head before waving the boys over.
“C’mon. We its going to take us back.”
Hesitantly, the boys climbed on with your Pokémon and once everyone was on, Giratina soared through the air.
This was different from riding a broom or riding Togekiss, who was happily flying beside you all, but it was exhilarating at the same time.
Too soon for anyone’s tastes, Giratina slowed down to a stop before lowering itself down so that everyone could climb off. 
The place were Giratina dropped you all off was a small patch of land with two lakes on it. You and the boys could see your bedroom in one of the lakes, making you realize that you were looking through your bedroom mirror.
“Alright!” You cheered. “Let’s get back.” But before you could step through the reflection, Empoleon called out to you.
“Huh? What is it, Empoleon?”
He was looking in the other lake, pointing at something. 
You, your team, and the boys looked through the refection and you couldn’t restrain the gasp that left your mouth.
You could see the Mesprit, the guardian of Lake Verity.
“That’s Mesprit, Lake Verity’s guardian!” You exclaimed, coming to several realizations at once. “That’s close to Twinleaf Town. I-I could go home!”
You turned to your team and the Diasomnia boys, your eyes sparking with both joy and a few unshed tears. “With Giratina we can go home and still stay in Twisted Wonderland!”
Mallues watched you with soft eyes. He had seen a side if you tonight that he had never seen before. Your courage, your confidence, your skill. He had these too, but yours stemmed from experience. This wasn’t something you were taught since you were born like him, these were abilities you learned through trial and error with your team. Something that he wanted.
With a new found determination, Malleus turned to his most trusted knights and friends.
“Lilia, Silver, Sebek,” He began, quickly gaining everyone's attention, “I have decided that until it is time for me to receive the crown from my grandmother, I want to travel (Y/n)’s world with a Pokémon of my own.”
Even you weren’t expecting that announcement.
“I’m fine, Sebek. And I’m not joking.”
“I think its a great idea.”
You couldn’t help snorting at the scene in front of you. A rather calm Malleus simply being unmovable about his choice of coming home with you, a hysterical Sebek trying to talk him out of it, an impish looking Lilia who actually supported Malleus’s idea, and a snoozing silver, who could still sleep effortlessly despite the chaos surrounding him.
You leaned up against Empoleon’s belly, him and all your other Pokémon already lying down, knowing that this was going to take a while. Even Giratina was curled up!
But, You thought, watching the group was a soft smile, you know that no matter how much you wanted to go home, you would've missed this. And this, your friends and NRC, was something that you never wanted to lose.
After sorting everything out with Crowley, you returned to your world to reconcile with your friends and your mom. It took some explaining, but bringing Grim back with you as well as Malleus with his magic and horns was enough to convince everyone what happened to you.
Afterwards, you were able to compete in the Grand Festival. You didn’t end up winning, however you did make it to the finals. Your opponent, Dawn, had only beaten you by a few points.
The Diasomnia gang, as well as Grim, the Adeuce combo, and the Pomefiore Trio were all present to see this and couldn’t have been prouder.
Once the Grand Festival had come to a close, you headed over to Sunnyshore City and won your 8th and final Gym Badge, permitting you to challenge the Elite Four and Cynthia.
The Pomefiore Trio didn’t watch these challenges, but the other did. 
Their nerves were through the roof when you finally faced Cynthia. And when your Garchomp miraculously out sped her Garchomp with the finishing move nobody cheered louder. 
In the end, you took Malleus to the place where you caught Garchomp back when he was still a Gible and caught Malleus his own, whom he unironically named ‘Gargoyle.’ 
Malleus did have to return to the Valley of Thorns, but not without you promising that the upcoming summer would be the start of his own Pokémon Journey. 
I wrote most of this forgetting about Grim, so sorry he doesn’t have a bigger role or more screen time.
Fun story; I got in trouble for writing down my ideas for this at work even though I did it while the store was dead and I’ve worked there for nearly two years and have either written something or drawn something almost every shift I have. Litterally no one but the manager to caught me cares. 
And, just to irritate me more (whether she was aware of it or not), said manager takes my writings and decides to read them and then proceeds to put them back in the wrong order before lecturing me.
So, yeah, that was fun.
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beskarberry · 3 years
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Solisequious, Chapter 2
(Cyborg!Ezra x F!Reader with last name) [+18]
Mr. Green turned to face you fully, and you realize the unnatural vibes you were getting were not unwarranted, turning your guts to ice on the spot.
<-Previous Next->
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.4k
Content warnings: Fighting, Treasure Planet physics, food mention, unintentional flirting.
A/N: Ezra time :3
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Crescentia Station.
Living well up to its name, the moon-shaped spaceport glittered like a scimitar of polished ivory out the window of the ferry as you and Tillie ascended to make port. Serving as Montressor’s key trading station with the rest of the sector, the galactic shipyard teemed with activity; from long-keeled cargo ships laden down with interstellar goods, to neat and narrow clippers with their voluminous sails built to ride even the most challenging solar winds.
As you disembarked the little transport, you scanned over the myriad of species that swarmed the terminals like a hive of insects, trying not to be dissuaded by the fact that none of them were the same as you. Humans weren’t common so far from Terran on the other side of the galaxy, but you figured you’d spot at least one at such a busy port.
Ignoring your own scarcity, you and Dr. Doppler made the trek from the ferry to the ship you’ve hired for the excursion, and it doesn’t take you long at all to find. The RLS Dawnbreaker stood out like a jewel amongst the rest, hovering elegantly along her pier. Crewmates scuttled below her majestic keel, hoisting crates and barrels into her open hull to prepare for the long journey ahead.
“Wowzers… How’d you swing us such a fine ride, Til?” You asked in amazement as the ship’s towering masts briefly blotted out the sun on your approach to the gangway.
Tillie did a double take at her boarding pass to make sure you were at the right terminal before following you up the steps to the ship. “My brother Matey owed me a favor, and to be honest I’m not sure how he did it, but I’m sure I’ll never hear the end of it.”
The ship’s deck was even more alive than the causeway below her, and you narrowly missed having your head removed from your body by a pallet swinging overhead. From atop the stack of lifted crates a multi-eyed alien yelled at you in an unknown language, but you got the gist of ‘get the hell out of the way’. You forgot to watch where you were going and ran face-first into something large and squishy, your surprised grunt deafened by a horrid farting noise.
“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t-” You began, but the towering pink goo creature immediately started to chew you out with a series of toots and honks that would make a finer lady faint from the obscenity of it.
Beside you, Tillie cocked her head, her pointed ears going straight up, then pinned down, followed by a face so disgusted you would have swore the creature had just given the poop deck its name. She pushed you aside gently and cleared her throat, “Allow me… pthbbt fft fttft THURRRBBB ptbthbthbthbthb toot toot toot…pieEEeent.”
The alien took one look at Dr. Doppler and the ridiculous noises she had just made and immediately started laughing, or what counted as laughing in their language, but to you it was just more fart noises. They saluted with one tentacle and moved along, still chuckling to themselves as they went. Tillie grinned at you with all the smugness of the Cheshire cat, “I’m fluent in Flatulent, don’t you know! Dad would have just loved that.”
“Flatulent… cool.” you mused, following your Felinid companion towards who you guessed was the captain. The wide-shouldered crocodyliform cut a robust figure in his blood-red doublet even from the back, his stubby green tail swishing gently from side to side as he surveyed the embarkation. You threw a haphazard salute, “Everything looking ship-shape, captain?”
His long toothy snout swiveled around to meet your greeting with a well meaning but somewhat unsettling grin. “Aye lass, but ahm no’ the captain’o this ship. The captain is aloft.” He gestured up towards the furled topsails with one scaly clawed hand, and as if on cue a figure leaped from the mizzen to the main mast and swung acrobatically from a rope to the deck, landing gracefully on their feet with barely a sound.
Before you now stood a tall and lanky bird lady dressed in a navy blue frock coat and tall, knee-high boots. Her head and neck were covered in shimmering white feathers that made the bright orange circles around her four black eyes stick out even more than the long charcoal feathers protruding off the back of her head.
“Mr. Bolt!” She clacked, marching up to the now-named lizard with majestic arrogance. “I’ve inspected this miserable tub from stem to stern and I am absolutely flummoxed to say that it’s… spot on. Well done, Mr. Bolt.” She smiled at the first mate when he tipped his hat to her, then cocked a feathery brow down at you and your companion. “Dr. Doppler I presume? And Ms. Hawkins? Welcome aboard the Dawnbreaker, I’m Captain Fiona.”
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Tillie started, throwing a hand out to shake, but the eagle-eyed woman disregarded it. “Ahem, anyway, we should go over the map that leads to the aurela-”
The captain slapped a white-gloved hand over Tillie’s muzzle, silencing her quickly. Around you, a couple of crewmates suddenly resumed their tasks, giving away that they may have been eavesdropping. Fiona got right in Tillie’s face and hissed: “Keep your blabbering mouth shut, Doctor. My office, now.”
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Fiona locked the heavy bulkhead door behind her as you, Dr. Doppler, and Mr. Bolt filed into the captain’s cabin. It’s a stately room with a wide aft window spanning the entire back wall, giving a nearly unobstructed view of Crescentia Station. Captain Fiona paced quickly into the suite, her quadrocular expression cross. “You would do well to keep that piehole of yours shut, Doctor Doppler. I don’t trust this crew your brother hired any further than I can throw them. What was it I said about them this morning, Mr. Bolt, right before my morning cup of coffee? It was quite clever…”
“You called them a scurvy-ridden cesspool o’ degenerate, hag-born snakes, ma’am.”
“Ah, yes. That was quite good, wasn’t it?” Fiona mused with a laugh, “And I stand by it. This crew that Matey acquired for the expedition sets my teeth on edge, and you would do well to zip your flapping cockhole lest the more unsavory of the lot get some mutinous ideas.”
Tillie balked, “Flapping cockhole?! N-now see here-”
“No, you see here.” Fiona interrupted, standing up to her full height that gives her a few inches over your companion. “I only agreed to this outlandish excursion because I owed Matey Doppler a favor, but to you I owe nothing. This is my ship, Doctor, and you would do well to follow my orders. What sort of doctor are you anyway? Medical I should hope?”
“Phenomenal.” The captain’s four onyx eyes seemed to cut Tillie to the bone, her eagerness to endure the coming journey already beginning to wane. “Now then, the map, if you please.”
You pulled the neatly-folded parchment from your pocket, but kept the aurelac to yourself. The captain took it from you carefully, her stern expression suddenly excited as she plotted the course to the unexplored corner of the Etherium. “Very good, we can make this journey in a few months’ time.” She crossed the large room with three easy strides towards a tall cabinet and swiftly stored the map under lock and key. “Ms. Hawkins, your grandfather’s reputation precedes you, but that says nothing to me about you. Tell me, aside from regular disputes with law enforcement, what experience do you have as a spacer?”
Spacer? “Uh… I can fly a solar surfer? And I’m good at fixing things.” The combination of these admittances made you suddenly homesick, flashing the memory of grandad’s solar board back above the fireplace mantel where it belongs. That was the one condition Sarah made you agree to since she didn’t trust you to return home with it alive. You swallowed the thought down and stood as proudly as you could, awaiting the captain’s orders.
She tilted her head down at you, the muscles in her jaw setting her beak stiff with disdain. “A ‘solar surfer’ is not a ship, Ms. Hawkins, and being able to fix or fly one does not a spacer make. You’ll be assigned to the galley with the other human, Mr. Green, as his assistant. Though I don’t trust him any more than the rest of his ilk he’s at least been starborne, which is more than I can say of you, and hopefully that will keep the two of you out of trouble. Mr. Bolt, will you show her to her station?”
You choked trying to formulate an argument, but Mr. Bolt’s reptilian physique was already ushering you out the door, and you can’t do much else but fume on the way to the ship’s kitchen. Before you’ve even arrived at the stairs leading down through the deck hatch you could smell something being prepared for the after-launch meal.
It cut through the scent of jute wax and sun-warmed wood that permeated the docks with ease; a spicy aroma that made you ache for the Benbow’s house special. You followed your nose -and your stomach- regardless of Mr. Bolt’s guidance, stepping out of the breezy afternoon and down into the dark hearth-warmth of the galley. Once the hubbub of the deck’s activities was blotted out by the rising wooden walls, your ears pick up what your nose could not:
“Yew that is old, in churchyard mould, he breedeth a mighty bow
Alder for shoes do wise men choose, and Beech for cups also
But when you have killed, and your bowl it is filled, and your shoes are clean outworn
Back you must speed for all that you need to Oak, and Ash, and Thorn.”
The sound of a human man’s rich, twangy baritone reverberated clearly over the clanging banging of the kitchen where he worked, a deep-timbred melody articulated with each cut of a knife or flip of a pan, turning the wooden walled galley into a tiny amphitheater all its own. You could see him now, past the low bench tables, circling the cooking crucible in a sort of dance, the fire’s shadows giving him an eerie, unnatural aura.
“Mr. Green.” the first mate barked, demanding the cooks attention.
“Well good afternoon, Mr. Bolt!” The man called with an educated southern drawl, wiping his hands off on his apron quickly before trying to make himself more presentable. “Had I known you were coming to grace my humble galley I would have tidied up a bit! To what do I owe the pleasure of your unannounced presence? Come to sample the launch-lunch?” Mr. Green turned to face you fully, and you realize the unnatural vibes you were getting were not unwarranted, turning your guts to ice on the spot.
Nearly half of him seemed to have been replaced by mechanized augmentations, spanning from top to bottom of his right side. His prosthetic eye caught your own first, a red flickering light that seemed to reflect off of the rackish patch of blond hair jutting out from his temple, contrasting sharply with the rest of his otherwise dark brown curls that matched his remaining left eye’s hue. You didn’t see him smile as you took him in, your eyes locked to his cybernetic right arm as its vents hissed with steam, switching the knife attachment he was using to chop vegetables into one more resembling a skeletal metal hand.
“Ms. Hawkins ‘ere ‘as been assigned to be your assistant. She’s no’ been starborne so it’s up to you to teach her the ins-’n’-outs o’ the ship. Captain’s orders.” Mr. Bolt demanded, not giving you or the cook any room for argument before turning on his heel and marching back up the stairs. Mr. Green, aghast, stared in bewilderment as the first mate leaves, his jaw working to form a sentence that he cannot seem to find.
You filled it in for him. “Look, I don’t like it any more than you do, cyborg. If I’d know I was gonna get stuck in the kitchen I would have just stayed home.” You crossed your arms and slouched against the wall, eyeing Mr. Green with enough venomous skepticism to kill a lesser man.
“But then we would never have met, and truly that would be a crime against the stars themselves. How fortunate I am to make your acquaintance!” He laughed and stuck his mechanical arm out to you, the hand ‘accidentally’ replaced with a long knife blade. “Apologies! Has a mind of its own, it does.” he said, swapping back over to a shakeable grip, but you’d already had enough of his antics and refused.
“Mr. Green-”
“Please, call me Ezra. I won’t be forced to endure the pomp and circumstance any more’n I have to, and certainly not from such a maiden as fair and fierce as thee.” He broke out in a charming grin, and if you weren’t so deafened by the ‘beware the cyborg’ warning your father had bestowed on you blaring like a siren between your ears, you might have found him handsome. He smirked at your rough demeanor, making the crinkles around his eyes deepen. “Don’t let this hunk of hardware intimidate you, little bird. Took some gettin’ used to, but it has proven itself to be quite advantageous.”
The mechanical prosthetic whirred to life when Ezra returned to his cutting board, making short work of a pile of shellfish, then switching to another tool to dice up a handful of fat root vegetables faster and more efficiently than a mortal limb ever could. He masterfully swapped between gadgets, putting on a show just to impress your skeptical eyes. The hand became claws, then knives, then a saw, sending ingredients flying expertly around the kitchen. You managed to feign disinterest until he swapped to a literal flame thrower, charring some vegetables mid air as they were flung into the pot.
After throwing in a final dash of unknown spices, he dipped a deep-bowled ladle into the steaming gumbo and brought it to his fuzzy lips, sampling the stew with a contented sigh. “Perfection.” He purred, sauntering over to you with more pride than a peacock in heat. He held the spoons’ handle in his artificial hand, but his calloused left floated just under the bowl -and rather close to your chin- ready to catch any errant drips. “Here, try this.”
You glared at the ladle-full of soup being held so close to your face, but you couldn’t deny it did smell fantastic. Ezra caught your look of disdain and pouted; a pleading, innocent face. You supposed if it was poison he wouldn’t have taken a sample for himself, so you bucked up and took a sip.
Sweet stars above.
It’s delicious, warm and rich and just spicy enough that the heat of it burned like a wildfire from the depths of your belly to the tips of your toes, dropping the ambient temperature of the galley against your skin by several degrees. You closed your eyes and let Ezra tilt the spoon for you to take a deeper swig, savoring the rich and creamy texture and catching a chunk of some otherworldly vegetable between your teeth. It’s soft and flavorful, not mushy or over cooked like your sister sometimes did to the bonzabeast, and you were stuck by the sudden heartache of coming home.
Swallowing a mouthful of the most amazing gumbo you’d ever tasted, you slowly let Ezra pass you the ladle, ignoring the feel of his metal fingers brushing past yours, too engrossed with your own indulgence. There’s not nearly enough for you, and you downed the rest of it quickly, licking the lingering flavor of spices from off your lips with almost inappropriate leisure. When nothing remained, you let your eyes flicker back open and nearly jumped out of your own skin with how close Ezra had gotten.
“How is it?”
He was nearly in your face, his enormous brown eye watching you eagerly, eyebrows arched in anticipation. The details of his face were clearer now, or maybe you were finally able to take your gaze off of the non-human parts of him and see what remains. There’s a fine white scar across his left cheek parallel to the line of bristles hanging below his aquiline nose, the corners of which just barely brush a matching set of dimples bracketing his parted lips. You could see his hands out of your peripheral vision, the flesh-and-bone one fidgeting nervously with the tendon wires of the prosthetic, and you realized he’s waiting on you to give him an answer.
“It’s, uh… it’s good…”
Ezra beamed, a boyish smile that easily lit up the room. “Excellent! Can’t start a voyage off on a bad meal! It’s bad luck, y’know. I may be but a humble cyborg, but I always take pride in setting a voyage off on the right foot! Or, er, peg, in my case. Now, why don’t you head topside’n observe the launch, eh? There’ll be plenty’a opportunities to get to know each other better on the journey ahead!”
You agreed with Captain Fiona, Ezra and the crew probably couldn’t be trusted, but you find yourself unable to disagree with such a kind, genuine smile paired with such a delicious cup of broth. Maybe your dead-beat dad was just star-crazed about cyborgs, because this one didn’t seem like the type to cause any real harm. And, as much as you hated to admit it, the fact that he was easy on the eyes certainly helped. Nobody truly evil could make something as tasty as the gumbo and look so good doing it, so with a happy tummy you nodded and headed back up the creaky stairs.
Mr. Green watched you go until your bootheels disappeared past the steps, and the moment you were out of sight he let his charming grin dissipate, replaced with a near-snarling scowl. The red light of his optic flickered thoughtfully while he smoothed down the corners of his mustache using the rubber pads of his right hand’s claws.
“Hawkins, eh? How... convenient.”
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“We’ve got the all-clear captain!”
The call from the lookout rang loud and true over the busy port, earning a nod from Captain Fiona. “Well, Mr. Bolt, are we ready to raise this creaking tub and get this expedition underway?”
“Aye, captain. All hands to stations!” Mr. Bolt bellowed, summoning a flurry of activity on the deck right as you exited the galley hatch. Spacers climbed the rigging shrouds with practiced ease up the masts, waiting on the call of “Loose all solar sails!” from the first mate. The sails splayed horizontally like enormous handheld fans, their hexagonal energy cells dull and lifeless in the shadow of Crescentia Station.
As the dozen or so halfshells unfurled above your head, the keel-jets flickered to life, gently nudging the Dawnbreaker out of her berth and into the open air. Over the taffrail you watched as the station fell away below you, obscured partially by a flurry of white-winged skyrays trailing after the ship. Mr. Bolt’s commands led the ship higher until she was no longer eclipsed by the station, the ivory sails swelling with the radiant power of Apollo’s kiss crackling to life across the canvas.
Once you’d risen into the open air, the gravity from the station began to wane, and you felt your feet leave the deck below you. Your clothes billowed around like water, and momentary panic had you flapping your arms trying to swim. The captain and first mate were unphased, though Dr. Doppler looked just as flummoxed as you floating ass-over-teakettle through the air. “Mr. Slerg!” Captain Fiona called from a few feet off the deck, addressing the pink fart blob you’d met earlier. “Engage artificial gravity!”
Mr. Slerg tooted a salute and threw a lever jutting from the nautiloid-shaped generator taking up a sizable square footage of the deck. It whirred like a tornado, radiating deep purple light that spread across the deck in lightning strikes, bringing everything aboard down with it. You and Tillie both landed gracelessly, but the crewmates were no worse off. The Avian, unimpressed by the landlubbers, ignored the both of you. “North by North West, Mr. Arbuckle, heading one-three-zero-four.” The helmsmen repeated the heading back to the captain, turning the steering wheel swiftly with their multiple arms and pointed the ship towards the Ethereal expanse. “Full speed, Mr. Bolt.”
The ship’s innards roared, her propulsion engines rumbling with anticipation the same way your solar board did, eager and wild until all the fury of the stars was released behind you. From the quarterdeck you think you hear Tillie scream, having not yet developed her space-legs, but the howl of the ship flying drowns out nearly every sound including the Felinid’s surprised yowls.
Crescentia Station dropped away sickeningly fast, and you climbed up onto the nearest shroud ropes to get a better view. Warm wind ruffled through your hair and made your eyes water, the Dawnbreaker quickly reaching a speed your solar-board only ever dreamed of.
Ahead, the Etherium flowed and pulsed, tempting you with it’s unknown treasures. The nebulous clouds glittered with far away stars, shining brightly on the backs of skyrays trailing after the ship. You heard something over the engine’s purr, a low, pleasant sound that immediately drew your eyes.
A pod of enormous cetaceans coasted alongside you, their mouths alone big enough to swallow your ship whole, but the gentle giants were just as curious about you as you were of them. They sang their mournful song, wishing you the best of luck on your journey to the stars.
“Upon my word, a pod of orcus galacticus!” Tillie beamed from the floor of the quarter deck, stumbling to her feet and fishing out a handheld camera. “I’ve got to get a picture for the Archives!” The Felinid leaned carelessly over the gunrails, smushing the camera into her glasses to get the best shot.
“Doctor.. I wouldn’t get too close if I were-”
The orcus Tillie had her lens trained on vented its blowhole, drenching the cat lady in sticky, foul-smelling goop. Fiona hid her laugh, but her secretive smile was quickly erased by the thump-clack-thump-clack of a cyborg’s peg-legged step.
“A beautiful day to sail Kevva’s domain, don’t you think, captain?” Ezra made a grand gesture of tipping a ratty tricorn hat from his head, and the dark green canvas coat that had replaced his galley apron swished behind him dramatically with his theatrical bow. “And you yourself are looking as fine and formidable as a frigate with new forecanons and a fresh coat of paint.”
Not a feather ruffled on the captain’s head. “That whore-caller mouth of yours might work in the spaceport brothels, but aboard my ship I’ll have none of it.” Fiona cut, glaring at the downtrodden cook from her perch by the wheel. “Mind your tongue before it’s removed from your head, Mr. Green.”
Ezra pouted nervously. “Why captain, I speak nothing but the truth’a my heart, ma’am, my heart which you have now undeniably broken…”
Already over Ezra’s flim-flammery, Fiona tilted her head like a chicken and squinted down the deck, her four eyes giving her an exceptional view of… you. “And, by the way, isn’t that your cabin girl aimlessly dicking around in the rigging?”
You weren’t so much ‘aimlessly dicking around’ as you were taking in the sight of the Etherium swallowing the ship, the vast blue and purple clouds of nebulous gas flowing in a sort of cosmic waltz. The lattice rope of the mainsail’s shroud made for a perfect stayfast for you to wrap your wrist around, and you couldn’t help but lean over the gunrails to watch the infinite pass below.
It was fucking beautiful.
A man of many, many words, Ezra fumbled for some kind of argument, but the captain was steadfast. He huffed and squashed his hat back down on his head, bullying his shoulders broad. “Hawkins!” He called, his uneven gait thump-clacking towards you. You rolled your eyes, recognizing the same ‘bad-dog’ tone your sister liked to use whenever you got brought home by the cops. “I’ve got a pair of acquaintances that I’d like you to meet!” Curious, you glanced around the deck, but aside from the busy crew hands and the cyborg, there was nobody you hadn't seen. He smiled disarmingly, and you knew right then you were fucked. “Say hello… to Mr. Mop, and Mrs. Bucket!”
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The Dawnbreaker, though having not left port too long ago, was already dinged with scuffs and grime from the embarkation, and you cursed your heritage for being raised in a tavern. Mr. Mop splottered against the wood grossly, wet with already-dirty water that you were using to swab the deck. This blows you thought angrily to yourself, scrubbing at a particularly stubborn stain. This is barely any better than the Benbow! But at least it’s in space, right?
In your annoyance, you backed unwillingly into a large meaty wall, the owner of which nearly punched your lights out. “Watch it, human!” the creature roared in an octave so low you felt it in your bowels. Your first instinct was to spit back -Bite me, fuckwit!- but compared to the towering, four-armed monstrosity you were practically an insect, so you regretfully held your tongue. You’d never felt outnumbered by non-humans before now, and though you were used to the Benbow’s otherworldly patronage, something about these particular extraterrestrials made your skin crawl.
The mop squelched disgustingly against the deck again, but your eyes couldn’t stay on your work any more now that your hackles were raised. Your perked ears caught the sound of something hushed, and you stole a glance up to observe a small group of crewmates gathered around a barrel top, whispering in alien tongues to each other with seemingly juicy secrets. A pair of eyes flashed up to see you with a double-take, and hushed the group to glare at you. You pretended to keep mopping, but you’d already been spotted. The deckhand’s fat, toothy mouth curled upwards into a snarl, exposing more than one row of teeth. “What’re you lookin’ at, human?”
You bared your teeth to retort, but a venomous hissing poisoned the air above your head. Cold ice trickled down your spine, almost freezing you solid when you looked up and into a pair of gigantic yellow compound eyes situated on either side of an overly-fanged mouth. “Cabin girl…” The crab-spider creature growled, descending the shroud lines like a web to loom over you. “Keep your eyesss on your own businesssss, lessst you lose them…”
Cabin girl?! Getting cat-called at the tavern was one thing, but you’d killed bigger bugs with a rolled up newspaper, and you weren’t going to let this one bully you. Folding your fingers over the top of the mop handle, you cocked your hip and sneered. “Well, keepin’ the ship clean is my business, you overgrown lobster, and I should know if there’s something dirty going on.”
Furious, the arachnid snarled and dug a meaty claw into the collar of your shirt, hauling you up into the air, your face only inches from his gnashing mandibles. “Maybe your earsss don’t work s’good, going to have to teach you a lesssson…”
The creature’s breath was sour enough to put hair on your chest, and you nearly vomited right in his face. “Blegh, did you brush your teeth with curdled milk this morning? Smells like a whole herd of bonzabeasts asses exploded and then died. Gimme that mop’an lemme wash your mouth out!”
“Why you little-!” The mainmast nearly broke your back when you were smashed up against it, a savagely-sharp claw pinned around your neck and another one pointed at your throat. You squirmed in the monster’s clutches, but your desperate flailing went ignored by the cheering crew, demanding blood be shed. The arachnid, standing high on his many-jointed legs, grinned as wolfishly as his exoskeletal face would allow. “Any lassst wordsss, cabin girl?”
Your execution was cut short by a mechanical clamp seizing around the creature’s forearm and yanking it away from your throat, the metal pads digging into the chitin so hard you could hear it creak over your assailant’s sudden wail. On the other end of the metal arm was Ezra, nonchalantly munching away on a piece of dark purple fruit. “Mr. Skarn…” he purred, turning the monster’s arm just enough to make his point. “Do you know what the best way to get the meat out of a crab shell is? You gotta crack it open!”
Ezra’s clamp bore down with force, twisting and crushing the arachnid’s thick carapace with a sickening crunch. Mr. Skarn hissed and dropped you finally, tucking his wounded arm defensively up to his chest.
“What’s all this then?!” A roar sounded from above you, and the heavy steps of Mr. Bolt making his way down from the quarterdeck to you caught the attention of everyone aboard. He bared his serrated teeth at the nonsense parade that you were stuck in the middle of. “You know the rules! There’ll be no brawling on this ship, an’ any who disobey that order again’ll be confined to the brig.” Mr. Bolt, though shorter than Mr. Skarn, seemed to tower over the brought-down bug, his long reptilian snout just inches from the creature’s butthurt face. “Am I clear, Mr. Skarn?”
Mr. Skarn’s mandibles threatened to roll back in a sneer, but Ezra’s optic laser flashed red in a warning, shining brightly over the arachnid’s smooth exoskeleton. “Crystal, sir.” Mr. Skarn hissed, and defeated, he glared over his shoulder at you and Ezra before taking his leave.
“Thank you Mr. Bolt, sir!” Ezra flattered, shooing off the remaining crewmates. “Keeping a tight ship, that’s what I like to see, sir!” When the first mate was out of sight, Ezra pivoted back to you on his bearing-ball foot, stomping his booted one defiantly. “You’ve barely been aboard an hour and you’re already startin’ fights? You’re lucky I showed up when I did or Skarn would’ve had your guts for garters!”
“I had it under control, cyborg, that bug eyed fuckhole-”
“I’ll not hear it!” He roared, the pleasant smile you’d first encountered nowhere to be found. The furious cyborg, free of the confines of the galley, towered over you like a mountain, ready to drop an avalanche on you should you raise your voice too loud. “Now, I want this deck scrubbed spotless, and Kevva help me if it’s not done by the time I come back!” The metal of his right hand grated harshly against the mop’s handle when he thrust it back into your arms and stormed off, and you almost thought you could see the prosthetic steaming with rage. The wet mophead slapped grossly against the deck when you returned to your job, but you’d already decided that you liked mopping much more than you liked Ezra.
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Below deck most of the hired crew had gathered to take supper, but the galley kitchen stood cold. Ezra sauntered slowly down the stairs, tilting the brim of his hat up with one iron finger so as not to obstruct his heterochromatic surveillance of the crew. The laser optic flickered in a bemused blink, the fleshy edges around it crinkled from his grin. “My friends, you must pardon me for speaking so plainly…” he hummed, pausing to fuss with the lapel of someone’s jacket, setting it more carefully in line with its seem. “But I must ask if you are all out of your stark raving, evER LOVING MINDS?!” His once-gentle hand -sncks- to a long-bladed cutlass, slashing recklessly within inches of his crewmates faces. “After all the work I did to get us posted as an honorable, upstanding crew, you’re set to blow the whole damned mutiny before it’s even started?!”
Mr. Skarn found himself staring down the pointy end of Ezra’s blade, and the crustacean swallowed thickly around a dry tongue. “That wench wasss sssticking her nose where it doesn’t belong… I’d hate for her to encounter sssome unfortunate… accident.”
“You just stick to the damn plan, you chitinous cretin, and keep your claws to yourself. No blood’ll be spilled on this ship until I say so. And leave the girl to me, something tells me she knows more about this little expedition than she's letting on to, and I intend to find out what.” Ezra growled, the snarl on his face twisted upwards into a villainous grin. “One way, or another.”
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72 notes · View notes
badpjoideas · 6 years
Everything is the same, but
When Percy talks to fish, it’s just the raspberry accent from Rock Bottom in Spongebob.
Percy: “Hello *pbbt* little *pthbbt* fish! *pbbbt*
186 notes · View notes
terezbian · 7 years
the :P face always plays the noise of someone doing a raspberry in my head
0 notes
photonomenon · 7 years
piacereanima replied to your post: piacereanima replied to your post: ...
the three of us have to eat, and there’ll be more than enough.
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cesium-sheep · 7 years
I got new fidget toys coming in the mail :D there was a spinner on the site I like on sale for $0.77 plus a “spinner cube” some slime and a squishy lime thing that pthbbts out like a limey bit and looks fun 2 squish
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snackstrips · 5 years
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cyberneticlagomorph · 7 years
Pthbbt my cousins are here
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mewtation-blog1 · 7 years
Pthbbt I have a fight lined up fur tolight and I almeowst furgot
0 notes