toournextadventure · 1 year
movie night pt iii
Summary: Third time's a charm, and you finally get Tara. Well. You kind of get Tara.
Word Count: 4.8k Warnings: swearing, smut (cunnilingus, fingering), mention of scars, vague gun mention, violence Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (pt.i) (pt.ii) (pt.iii) (pt.iv) (pt.v) (pt.vi) (pt.vii) (pt.viii)
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“Come on, Danny, help me out,” you pleaded as you continued to peel potatoes as aggressively as you possibly could.
Danny sighed and placed the ladle down before leaning his hip against the counter. You knew he wasn’t in the mood to put up with your shit, but you didn’t care. He was supposed to be helping you! If he hadn’t wanted to help you for the rest of your lives then he wouldn’t have given you a place to stay when your last roommate got you both evicted.
“I can’t help you plan a date,” he said with another sigh. “That’s up to you.”
“I helped you with Sam,” you said, pointing the knife at him menacingly. Okay, maybe not so menacing, but you pointed it at him anyway. “The least you can do is help me with her sister.”
“I’m not having you ruin my chances with Samantha,” he said with a raised brow. “If you want to get laid, figure it out on your own.”
“Not once did I mention getting laid,” you grumbled as you quickly went back to peeling.
The kitchen went silent once again as you both continued your predetermined duties. Although you had the itching desire to toss a few potato peels at Danny for refusing to help you. You had helped him so many times in his attempts to win Sam over, and this was how he repaid you? By making you work for it?
It was downright rude and un-American.
“I’m inviting Sam over on Friday night,” Danny said when you finished dumping the pathetically diced potatoes in the pot.
“Stop rubbing it in,” you said.
“I’m not,” he said quickly. “I’m giving you a time you can do something with Tara.”
You looked at him with an expressionless face. What was that supposed to mean? He couldn’t just tell you things like this without giving you context beforehand. What did him inviting Sam over have to do with you doing something with Tara? Nothing, that’s what. Why couldn’t he just-
“-Without getting caught?” He said.
“You’re a genius, you know,” you said with a smile.
“I know,” he said with a pat on your shoulder.
It didn’t take long after that night to get a hold of Tara and tell her of your fantastic, unstoppable, irresistible plan.
“Absolutely not,” Tara said with a shake of her head.
“I promise you Sam won’t even know,” you insisted. “I’ll be like a thief in the night.”
“That’s not as cool as you think it is,” she said with a single raised brow.
“I never said I was cool,” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand. “Just let me come over on Friday.”
“And what are you going to do if Sam catches you?” Tara asked as she came to a stop at the corner of the street. “I don’t think she’ll be so nice a second time.”
“She won’t catch me,” you said with a shrug. “And if she does then she can go all Loomis on me.”
Tara gave you the most unimpressed look you thought you had ever seen in your life.
“This is why she hates you,” she said.
“And she thinks I’ll get us killed,” you pointed out.
“You do know you’re not making your point, right?”
“Just say yes!” You practically whined, even going so far as to stomp your foot like a petulant child for good measure.
“Fine,” Tara huffed. “You can come over on Friday.”
“Yay,” you said in a surprisingly normal tone with a little smile. “It’s a date.”
“Not a date,” she defended before starting to walk away. “And stop being weird about it!”
“See you soon, bestie!” You called out, laughing to yourself when you saw Tara’s tiny hand raise just enough to flip you off over her shoulder.
Friday evening simultaneously came too soon, and not soon enough. You had gotten all the ingredients you would need, Quinn had agreed to stay out for the night, and you were more than prepared. Physically, at least. But mentally, you were a wreck. It was a guaranteed night alone with Tara, but what if she didn’t actually like you all that much? What if it was too much alone time and she realised just how incredibly annoying you were?
What if Sam was right about hating you?
Oh god, Sam was probably right.
No, you shook the thoughts out of your head when you approached the stairwell to Tara’s apartment. It was 15 minutes after Danny was supposed to gather Sam, so there was little chance of getting caught. All you had to do was get to the apartment, have the perfect date (again), and get the girl.
You got this in the bag.
“Why do you look so focused?”
Your smile fell when the door opened before you could knock. Tara was standing in the doorway in the shirt she had stolen from you just the other week. Just like that day, she looked stunning. The shirt hung just a little too low and was just a little too big and oh. Oh, maybe you just liked seeing her in your clothes.
Oh no.
“Are you gonna come in, or just stand there looking like an idiot?” Tara asked, drawing you out of the staring that you had inevitably been doing.
“Obviously I’m coming in,” you said as you rolled your shoulders back and pushed past her into the apartment. “You want dinner, don’t you?”
“I’m not sure I trust you to cook,” she said before you heard the door close behind you.
You dropped your bag on the kitchen floor. “I’m a phenomenal cook, just you wait and see.”
“As long as it’s better than your movie taste,” she said when she plopped herself into the chair at the table.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a brat?” You asked, turning around from your unpacking just long enough to meet her eyes. Her stunning, hypnotising eyes. Focus!
“You, actually,” she said with a shrug. A nonchalant shrug that would have been believed if you didn’t see the slightest crinkle at the corner of her eyes.
“Just for that, I’m poisoning your food,” you said as you very nearly pointed the knife at her. But the way her eyes darted to the knife then back at you had you reconsidering. You gave her a soft smile instead and turned back to the counter.
Conversation flowed easily while you prepped and cooked. Mostly about movies, occasionally about school, even more rarely about life outside both of those topics. At one point Tara even went and grabbed her laptop to put on one of her new favourites; something called Pearl. Just the start of it told you it wasn’t going to be your favourite but the excitement on her face as she watched it was more than enough for you.
“Here,” you said softly before placing a plate in front of Tara, who was very much still into the movie. She looked up at you and gave you a quiet “thank you” before looking back down at the movie.
It didn’t take much longer before the end credits started to roll and Tara sat back in her chair with a smug grin. She had barely picked at her food and looked like she was about to prove something. About the movie, about your cooking, about you. Though you didn’t really care because the absolute relaxation on her face was worth every moment of your life.
“What did you think?” She asked, finally looking at you with that half-smirk that she did when she was feeling a little too confident.
“It was good,” you bluffed. Effortlessly, you might add.
“Oh yeah?” You nodded. “Then what was your favourite part?” Fuck. “The part with the scarecrow, or the gunfight?”
Okay, maybe she was calling your bluff. Maybe you hadn’t paid attention to the movie even in the slightest. All you knew was it was a horror movie, and that was only because it was almost the only genre Tara watched. But you could be forgiven for not paying attention when she was right there looking like a complete snack. Fuck a snack, she looked like the whole damn meal!
Time to make a choice.
“Definitely the gunfight,” you said with a decisive nod.
“Really?” She asked with a tilt of her head.
“Y- uh, yeah,” you nodded again. Too many times, in fact. “It was hella dope.”
“Hella dope, huh?” Tara asked, now with raised brows.
She stared at you, searching through your very soul for what, you had no idea. And for a moment you thought you could see into hers. See through those dark brown eyes and into the trauma and love that she undoubtedly was desperate to show. But the longer she stared, the more your skin started to crawl, and you bit your bottom lip for a second before breaking eye contact.
“There was no gunfight, was there?”
“Oh absolutely not.”
“I can explain.”
“Lay it on me.”
You opened your mouth to tell her some bullshit excuse; why would you openly admit you were too busy staring at her instead of the movie? That she was the reason you hadn’t even cooked properly, because you were so entranced by everything about her. The way she leaned forward at the good parts, or the scrunch of her nose when there was excessive gore, or her eyes darting back and forth across the screen. It would be so much simpler just to tell her you didn’t care for the movie because it was subpar and the score was mediocre.
But then she lifted her hand to rest her chin on it, and you caught sight of the scar on her hand, and your mind started racing. She had been so hesitant to let you see any part of her because, and this was your assumption, of the scars she had. You knew she had them, she was painfully aware, but that didn’t mean she wanted you to see them. Insecurity, maybe, and yet you were still going to deprive her of something that not only did she probably need to hear, but that you were desperate to tell her?
“I-.” You cleared your throat. “I was thoroughly distracted by how stunning you look.” Tara’s face fell into one of disbelief. “And I liked watching your reactions far more than the movie itself.”
“You’re so full of shit,” she said with a shake of her head and a move to stand up. “If you didn’t like the movie you can just say so.”
“I’m serious,” you defended, quickly following suit and standing up from the table right alongside her. She was already making her way to the living room. “Tara, wait.”
“Tell me you didn’t like it,” she said without turning around, “but don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying- just stop moving.”
You reached out to grab her arm, as gently as you could yet still able to get her to stop moving. It broke your heart when you heard her breath caught in her throat at the move, but she still turned around nonetheless. There was something in the look she was giving you, something both terrified and hopeful.
“I’m not lying,” you said, lifting your hand slowly to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re beautiful, Tara.”
“You think so?” She asked, her gaze holding your own.
“Yeah,” you said with a small nod and your eyes falling to her slightly parted lips. “Yeah I do.”
“Then show me,” she said softly.
And oh how that look in her eyes could smother you under the weight of everything they were trying to say. But she didn't need to say anything, not when you leaned down and brushed your lips against hers. She wasted no time in pulling you the rest of the way with her arms around your neck; she half tasted of the cheap wine you had brought. The other half tasted of hope.
You let Tara take the lead, pulling you with her until the back of her knees hit the couch and she fell onto it, bringing you with her. The jolt caused your teeth to clack against hers and you both couldn't stop the small laughs from bubbling up. Her hushed laugh fanned across your face and for a moment you weren't on a third attempted date. You were in your own apartment with a movie in the background and half drunk beers on the table as your soul entangled itself with hers.
Tara's hands trailed down from your neck, across your chest and down your stomach until sliding under your shirt, nails lightly raking across your skin to cause a shiver. You could feel her smile against your lips as she did it again, only stopping when you nipped at her bottom lip before kissing her again.
"Take it off," she whispered as she tugged on the bottom of your shirt.
"There's no rush," you said with a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
"My shirt always comes off first," she said a little more forcefully. "It's your turn."
"Impatient," you grumbled but still sat up on your knees, practically straddling Tara's small frame.
You could feel her eyes boring into you, watching you with bated breath as you grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled it over your head. It wasn't the sexiest way to undress, closer to the way a frat boy would do it, but it got the job done. Once the shirt was off and in your hands you looked around, at a complete loss of where to put it. It wasn't your apartment, you couldn't just toss it somewhere!
"Just get rid of it already," Tara said, her hands quickly finding their way to your waist.
"I don't want to make a mess," you said with a frown. "I'll fold it, one sec."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes I’m ser-"
"-oh my god."
Tara quickly took the shirt from your hand and threw it over the back of the couch. You tried to find where it had landed but felt those small hands on your waist pull you forward, making you lose your balance and fall forward until you were face to face with a smirking Tara once again. God she was irresistible- you meant irritating!
"That's better," she said, her eyes shamelessly trailing over your now exposed body.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," you said with a raised brow.
"The lights are on," she said, a little softer, almost even hesitant.
"Here," you said just as softly, "I'll show mine first."
"What do you-"
Her words fell off as you sat up and twisted enough to show her the scar between your shoulder blades. It wasn't as deep as hers had been, certainly no stab wound, but it was nice and visible. And just showing her at that moment was enough to make you realise that oh, oh that was how she felt about her own.
"What happened?" She asked. You felt her fingers brush lightly against the skin. Unlike hers, there was no feeling in the dead tissue.
"I was at a protest a few years ago and it got violent," you said with a shrug. "Some prick decided to use lethal rounds."
"Holy shit," you heard her whisper as she sat up, her hands still tracing the large area of scar tissue. You couldn't feel it, but just the thought had you shivering under her touch.
"So see?" You said, finally turning back around to look at her now that she was much closer again. "It ain't no thing."
You kept looking at her as you let yourself fall back to the couch, now sitting with your legs tangled with Tara's. She wasn't looking at you, more looking at the spot right beside you, and you started to wonder if you had done the wrong thing. You hadn't been trying to say her injuries and trauma weren't anything significant; they were and you respected it. Fuck, maybe you shouldn't have shown her, you didn't want her to-
-with the utmost hesitancy, her hands fiddled with the hem of her shirt for only a moment before she pulled it over her head, tossing it behind the couch much like she had yours. But instead of just letting you look, she crossed her arms over her stomach and refused to look at you.
“Hey,” you said softly as you reached out to brush your thumb against her bottom lip. Finally she looked at you with wide eyes. “Lay down and close your eyes.”
She opened her mouth to say something - probably to argue - but closed it and nodded once. Her eyes fell closed first before she let herself lean back on the couch, her arms still wrapped around your stomach. You waited until she got herself comfortable before making your move.
With the gentleness of someone holding glass, you lifted Tara’s hands and rested them on the couch. The muscles of her stomach twitched from the lack of warmth and you could see her eyes clench tighter, but she let you do it. You left one hand on hers, turning it around so you could hold it while you finally looked down on her.
She was no less beautiful than you had believed. If anything, she was even more so. Her tanned, lightly freckled skin was soft and unbearably warm under your touch. It was marred only by the myriad of scars littering her body, each one telling a different story. Some frenzied, some shallow, some deep, all of them holding a trauma that you couldn’t ever imagine.
“You’re beautiful,” you whispered more to yourself than to her.
Your eyes were still studying the scars, leaving a mixture of feelings swirling in your gut. A sadness for the trauma inflicted, for the lingering effects that Tara would never be able to get rid of whether she wanted to or not. But also an anger that you knew if you allowed it, would set an inferno in your chest that would grow until you combusted.
Tara squeezed your hand lightly and you quickly looked back up to see her eyes open and focused on you. Her eyes were still wide, but they didn’t look quite so fearful anymore. No, they almost looked curious, maybe even happy if you were going to push it. Why would she look at you like that? Did she still not believe you?
But then her other hand grabbed you by the belt and pulled you forward until you were on top of her again. You barely had time to catch yourself before she pulled you down the last little bit, holding you in a kiss that was different from the others. It wasn’t as desperate or mindless; there was emotion behind it.
“Help me take these off,” Tara mumbled against your lips. You looked down briefly before quickly doing a double take when you saw her pushing her shorts down her hips.
“Wait wait, what about foreplay?” You asked as you locked eyes with her.
“Are you serious?” She asked, her hands stilling in their movements.
“Foreplay is no joking matter, Carpenter,” you said with a raised brow. “It has many uses-”
“-do you want me to get too in my head and stop?” She interrupted you. “Or do you want to fuck me?”
“You’re so bold,” you whispered without a care if she heard you or not.
“This feels like a trick question.”
“Okay okay,” you said with a roll of your eyes as you sat up and yanked her shorts past her hips and down her legs. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“You talk way too much,” Tara said as you settled yourself and threw one of her legs over your shoulder. “Has anyone ever- fuck.”
Her eyes fell shut as you instantly licked a single broad strip, adding a bit more pressure once you reached her clit. The hand still holding yours squeezed when you left a few kitten licks on her clit, just testing the waters. If she was going to rush you, then you were going to find out what made her tick. No better time like the present, right?
The slow, broad licks made her let out light, breathy moans. Her body would sink further into the couch and she would almost seem to relax. But then the fast licks on her clit had her thighs shaking and her back arching and her breathing quicken. She wouldn’t moan, but she would tense up and you could almost hear a whine stuck in her throat.
And when you wrapped your lips around her clit and sucked lightly? Oh, now that was what pulled the most delicious sounds from her lips. You did it again, feeling her thighs press against your head and keep you still, when you finally put your free hand to good use. Slowly so as to give her time to push you away or tell you no, you teased a single finger against her entrance.
“Please,” Tara whined, and you looked up to see her eyes still clenched shut and her chest rising and falling with each rapid breath.
“Please what?” You asked. It took everything in you not to laugh when she groaned, a frown suddenly appearing on her face.
“Please just fuck me alre- christ,” she interrupted herself when you slid that single finger inside her.
There was no time to tease her about it, not when you were absolutely mesmerised by the sight of your finger sliding in and out of her, already completely coated in her arousal. Had you really gotten her so worked up? You supposed so, but that didn’t make it any less hypnotising, especially when you could feel just how tight and wet she was.
“Fuck, Tara,” you mumbled as you added a second finger.
“Don’t tease,” she said with a huff.
Well, how could you say no to such a request from such a pretty girl? You continued your movements as you leaned back down, now focusing all your attention on her clit. Those short, targeted licks mixed with the curling of your fingers had her gripping your hand like it was her lifeline. You could vaguely hear some sort of ringing in the background but chalked it down to Tara’s thighs squeezing around your ears.
She was well and thoroughly wound up when you wrapped your lips around her clit again, sucking lightly and flicking your tongue in just the right way to have her thighs shaking. All you had to do was add one more curl of your fingers and she came undone beneath you, a mix of moans, your name, and expletives leaving her mouth as you continued your ministrations, helping her ride out her orgasm for as long as possible.
You waited until her grip on your hand lightened before you stopped, slowly pulling your fingers out of her before licking them clean, doing your best to maintain composure at her taste, which you swore you could get drunk off of. Something rang again, but you still paid it no mind. After all, how could you when the girl of your dreams was underneath you with sweat-coated skin and a blissed out look in her droopy eyes.
“You’re beautiful,” you said, your eyes trailing over her once again.
“Just shut up and-” something rang again, “-Oh my god.” Tara practically pushed you off of her as she rolled over and grabbed her phone off the floor. “What do you want, Sam?”
Oh shit, you thought as you sat up quickly. Did she know you were there? No, she couldn’t, she was supposed to be with Danny and you knew they were fucking. They were both secret horndogs, there was no way they had stopped long enough for Sam to figure out that you were in her apartment.
“Sam, slow down,” Tara said, her brows now furrowed. “What’s going on?”
You looked out the living room window just in time to see Sam and Danny looking in. Fuck. With a sigh, you got up and went to the window, looking out at them and giving them an embarrassed smile. At least you were still covered; that had to count for something, right?
But Sam and Danny didn’t wave back. They were gesturing and shouting and they looked borderline frantic. What were they so worried about? Tara shuffled around and quickly stood beside you, now covered by your shirt that hung just low enough to hide that she wasn’t wearing pants.
“If this is about Y/N being here then I’m not-”
“-behind you!”
You turned around at Sam’s frantic screaming and let out your own yelp as a large, shiny knife sliced through the air. Adrenaline rushed through your body the same as it had that night at the protest, and everything slowed down. You pushed Tara aside, vaguely aware of her tripping over a table as you yourself stepped back, the intruder flailing forward.
He got up and turned around, looking this way and that to find his target. The moment his body turned to face Tara, your mind was only focused on one thing. One thought repeating itself over and over and over. His knife-wielding hand lifted.
You didn’t bother looking around for the best thing to use; you just grabbed the closest thing to you and lifted it above your head. He was taller than you, but that didn’t stop you from bringing it down on his head as hard as possible. The item shattered and he fell back to the ground in a comical fashion.
“Come on,” you said as you darted forward, grabbing Tara by the hand and pulling her along with you.
“Wait, we need to stop him-”
“-Get moving,” you interrupted, throwing her apartment door open and shoving her in front of you.
You didn’t give her the chance to stop as you practically pushed her down the stairs, acutely aware that you didn’t have her inhaler. Surely she would be okay until the police arrived and you could go grab it from her room. What was more important was keeping her alive, out of the apartment, and that lunatic away from her.
Sam and Danny were already outside when you pushed Tara out of the apartment building, barely noticing her stumble down the stoop until she was safely secure in Sam’s arms. You spun around, tripping on your own feet as you looked at the front door, waiting for someone to come out. You hoped he would; you dared him to.
“Are you okay?” Danny asked, his hand on your shoulder and trying to turn you.
“Was he watching us?” Tara asked, a sob audibly caught in her throat.
“You didn’t answer my calls,” Sam said through her own tears.
He hadn’t come down the stairs yet. There was nowhere else for him to go. He wasn’t going to get away.
“Hey,” Danny said again.
The air tasted metallic.
Large hands grabbed you by the shoulders and forced you to turn away from the door, now facing Danny. There was a fear in his eyes that you didn’t think you had ever seen before. Why was he afraid? You had it handled, you were going to kill the fucking bastard and keep Tara safe and-
“-you’re bleeding,” Danny said.
You furrowed your brows at the same time Tara fell silent. No you weren’t, you hadn’t even gotten hurt. It must have been that lunatic’s blood, you had brained him pretty good. He hadn’t even touched you, that was impossible.
But you followed Danny’s eyes and saw a new wound on your bicep, leaking enough blood to signify a decent wound. When had that happened?
“The police and paramedics are on the way,” Sam said as Tara wormed her way out of her arms.
“Are you okay?” Tara asked as she lifted her hands to your arm, stopping just before she touched you.
You met her eyes and felt your heart drop as you saw every emotion known to man cross her eyes. Anger, fear, desperation, worry, a mix of everything. With a slow, deep exhale, you reached out and pulled her into a hug, ignoring the way your bicep screamed at the strain as the adrenaline started to fade and everything came back into focus.
Ghostface had attacked you and Tara in her own apartment.
He was supposed to be dead.
Ghostface had attacked you and Tara.
1K notes · View notes
devieuls · 1 year
The way of love pt.VIII
Neteyam Sully x Tayrangi Fem Reader (Na'vi)
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Warning of the Serie: MDNI. Dom Neteyam x Fem Reader; SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF; Dirty Talk; Fangs; Bites; Blood; Spit; Power Play; Jealousy and Possessiveness; Foreplay; violence; Swearing; Teasing; Unprotected Sex; Enemies (because of you, Neteyam treats you well). Aged characters: Neteyam 19 y.o / You 18 y.o. SERIE
Synopsis: After a great loss happened in your family, you are forced to take a role that before did not belong to you, following a path that you will feel like your only in time. Just when you thought you were finally overcoming the loss, your clan shows up with those you blame for the great offense received. You are the daughter of the first Olo'eykte of all clans and are about to take your mother’s place to lead the Tayrangi clan, but first you must follow Neteyam (the eldest son of the man you detest with all your heart) To train him, despite your contempt for the Sullys and everything about them, you inevitably bond with the boy, unknowingly falling in love with him.
Lenght : 4.6k
Notes: I’m praying that you like the series, because it’s getting closer to the end. Leave a comment to make me understand how it’s going, luv u <3
NA'VI WORDS: TANHI: Star; KARYU: Teacher; 'ITE: Daughter; kenten mì kumpay: a sense of being in an environment where you’re prevented from acting naturally or doing what you want to do; nga yawne lu oer: i love you
Character Cast: NEY'NARI: Your dead sister; IKEYNI: Your Mother; TSENTEY: Your Father; YÌMKXA: Your Ikran; ULEYTE: Your bestie; TUL'PEY: Your future Mate
PART: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10
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"Does she know?" Lo'ak’s tone became serious for a moment. "No, not yet. I’ll tell her about that when the time comes. " "Our father will skin you alive,bro" said the youngest. " Probably…" The conversation turned to the end.
You had taken a basket of Spartan fruit and steamed Teylu; you would have liked to hear the conversation between Lo'ak and Neteyam but most of the words were a mix of Na'vi and that language you couldn’t understand. When you were ready you came out of the hut, you looked at the boys with a slight blush on your face. "I took what I came looking for… please, take the water…" You whispered with a thread of voice as you passed the two boys. You could see out of the corner of your eye that Neteyam had tried to touch your elbow when you passed in front of him, but he retracted his hand after his brother’s gaze fell on him. You didn’t give much importance to this detail, taking it for granted that he had made this choice in order not to make you feel further uncomfortable with his brother. When you returned to your family’s hut you noticed that your mother and Neytiri kept talking about some strange event they had faced when they were young; Jake arguing with your dad about warrior stuff while the one you recognized as Tuk and Kiri were talking to each other. You put the basket on the table and then you were invited by the little one to sit with her and her sister, at the beginning you were reluctant to approach them but then you had the courage to sit down with them; Kiri hadn’t looked at you most of the night while Tuk was anxious to meet you.
"I’m Tuktirey! You’re Neteyam’s friend, aren’t you? Your hair is so beautiful, wow!" the voice of the little girl was ringing but pleasant to listen to as she touched some of your braids, admiring the small jewels that were wedged between them. "I love your clothes and your jewelry! You are really beautiful, y/n!" she continued, making genuine and sincere appreciations on every part of you, only to be stopped by Kiri who could feel your slight embarrassment as you thanked little Tuk. "Tuk, if you keep this up, she’s gonna run like a hawk" said the girl who must have been about your age, as she touched Tuk’s braids, making her peel off slightly from you. "I am Kiri, but I think you know us at least by name, Neteyam never misses the opportunity to talk about us" her eyes rolled as if she already knew that 100% he had done it, in fact she was right. "Coincidentally he did it just today, It’s not like we had a lot of time together outside of class hours or formal events," you bit the corner of your mouth slightly as your eyes fell on the floor. Kiri noticed that there was something deeper, but remained silent to not make you uncomfortable, after all she had just met you.
At that moment the two young Sullys also entered the hut with some Dapophet leaves that contained the water all of you would need for the long night. The lanterns that were placed inside the hut began to light up with the arrival of the eclipse of the day, while the two boys took their seats near you and the two sisters.
Neteyam sat between you and Tuk, often holding her when she needed the affection of his older brother. You found out that Tuk was particularly close to Neteyam, you could tell by how she whined at the thought of going back to the Omatikaya clan without her brother, and how she complained that Lo'ak couldn’t braid her hair like Neteyam, or by her laments for how Lo'ak always prohibited her from following him into the woods. It softened you the dynamic between them, you could see yourself so much in Tuk, at least 'the old you', the one a little rebellious and mischievous, but endured by the older sister. You also laughed at the way Lo'ak was reprimanded by Kiri when he said something extremely stupid or when he appeared in the stories as a powerful warrior. After a long time you felt happy, you no longer had the burden of thinking about tomorrow or your duties, In one night, your shoulders shook thanks to those who until last month considered 'demons'. The thing that left you most enchanted was how Neteyam smiled and tried to keep all three brothers quiet, almost like a father to them. When it came your turn to speak you found yourself bickering with Neteyam, as he was too modest to be complimented on his skills or improvements; Sometimes you two find complaining and contradicting eachother about some funny scenes that happened while you were training, like the fact that he almost drowned that morning while trying to stay under the water as long as possible.
Suddenly Tuk opened her mouth to talk, drawing your attention. "Neteyam, you and y/n are mated? Becaus-" Lo'ak plugged Tuk’s mouth with Teylu, getting a tender pout from the little girl. "Tuk, you’re talking too much, eat something" Lo'ak said embarrassed as Neteyam blushed and looked slightly away as he scratched the back of his head. "No, just friends. We’re just friends, Tuktirey" you said smiling, while Lo'ak held back a smile that was certainly containing a laugh. Your eyes shook him in the moment, while Kiri had managed to connect the dots in her mind. Kiri looked first at Neteyam and then at you, noticed how the brother swallowed in embarrassment and tried to hide the blush on his cheeks, and how you looked at Lo'ak badly for his expression and embarrassed smile. The marks on Neteyam’s chest and the small scratches behind his back, and then he noticed some hickeys in the upper thigh and closer to your intimacy. She nodded in silence, while a dark veil covered her face after realizing, feeling bad for you, since most likely you did not know yet. "Friends? You seem so close though" Tuk said with his mouth still full, as Lo'ak sighed with relief as he hadn’t mentioned that little detail that only Neteyam could have told you. "is because I am his Karyu, in this month he spent more time with me because of the lessons that with the other Na'vi of the village" Neteyam’s head nodded agreeing.
The evening continued along the same lines: funny stories, Tuktirey insisting that you and Neteyam were a couple, Lo'ak and Neteyam trying to silence her in their strange language and Kiri maybe contemplating death and then talking to you gently. Towards the end of the evening, the Sullys went to sleep in Neteyam’s hut, as they would leave the next day late in the afternoon. You were happy to have met the Sullys, you had discovered how they were simply Na'vi with their flaws and merits; it made you laugh as Jake seemed so trained when Neytiri spoke over him or corrected his grammar, you found them tender… Now that you were lying in the part of the hut dedicated to you, you couldn't help but smile as you looked out of the window hole, still lying on your carpet, talking quietly to the stars and the wind. This was something you often did when you needed to vent both positively and negatively, it made you feel so close to your sister, and you hoped she would hear you tell her about your experience with the Sullys. A gentle breeze came into your room and made you smile, thinking it was Ney'nari’s answer, interpreting that breeze as your sister’s encouragement to move on and continue to bond with that family you were afraid of before and disgusted with.
"Y/n… y/n, are you awake?" a voice coming from outside made you get up from the ground and look out the window, and then notice Neteyam looking for something on the ground, as to hit the window to attract your attention. "I’m awake. What are you doing here at this hour?" you said noting the late hour. Neteyam’s face rose and smiled as he looked out the window. "I told you, I can’t sleep if you don’t say good night, Ma Tanhì," his voice was slightly lowered, so as not to attract the attention of sleepers in the village. He approached your window, albeit slightly higher from where he was. "Skxawng, go to sleep. If they found you there they would skin you" you whispered, trying to make your voice heard only to him. You had to hold back a smile for that gesture as foolish as it was sweet, which had particularly impressed you. "Then say good night, so I have quiet dreams." His eyes chained to yours, watching the little smile that was born on your face. "Goodnight, 'Teyam," you said quietly as you put your cheek on the palm of your hand, noting how happy and uplifted Neteyam seemed after your words. "Good night, ma eywa," you blushed when he called you "Eywa," you didn’t expect it and he knew it. He looked up to you as you smiled like a carefree child thanks to him. After seeing you smile like this, he would surely have had more than golden and serene dreams.
Your gaze fell on him again, his eyes open as he watched you as if you were his entire universe, so much love in those golden eyes that made you blush and smile. You looked at each other in silence for a few minutes, while he was mimicking you with sweet words that you could understand even without hearing his voice. "ma eywa, sweet dreams… nga yawne lu oer" The boy’s voice made all the love and adoration he felt for you, making you smile. You sent him a kiss with your hand, which he took theatrically and carried to his heart, doing the same with you before leaving. Now your back was leaning just below the window, while your hands were resting on your chest, at heart level, squeezing that flying kiss that Neteyam had left you. Neteyam had become the cure you needed after all the years you spent hiding your unhappiness from the world; small gestures like these simply brought you closer to that precipice that was love. You should have been afraid, you were a woman already mated for years, soon the rite of Tsaheylu with Tul'pey would have come, but your mind was poisoned by Neteyam. You fell asleep with a sweet smile on your face, asking Eywa to pass the night quickly so that you could see Neteyam again as soon as possible, you were already missing his sweet touch and scent.
Eywa welcomed you into the dream world and granted your wish, bringing the morning quickly. When your eyes opened, the rays of the two suns hit your face, and for the first time it didn’t even bother you. You got out of bed with a smile on your face and when your parents saw you so sunny they were strangled, they smiled at you and you needed some berries and fruits that they had gone to get from the shed. "Ma'ite, today you shine more than the suns." Your father’s voice made you smile and nod as you savored the sweet juice of the Yovo fruit. "It’s true, what delights your heart so much, ma'ite? We haven’t seen you like this for years." Your mother continued, before passing a hand through your braids and giving you a maternal smile. It was true, Ney'nari’s death had marked you in everything: the smiles were false and if they were true you noticed with how much weakness you held them in face; your character more off and calm to emulate that of your sister, totally making you another person; the way you seemed to sprinkle joy and tranquility made them think for a moment that their sweet, rebellious and old y/n was back. "It’s just a beautiful day, no big deal." You whispered with slight blush on your cheeks as you squinted under your mother’s caresses.
After breakfast, you changed your clothes and rushed out of your hut, hoping to see Neteyam soon. You arrived in front of his hut and welcomed by Tuk, who had apparently just woken up, but did not deprive you of her sweet welcoming smile. "Looking for Neteyam? he went to the village with Lo'ak a little while ago" Her sleepy voice made her even more tender, made you think if Neteyam had the same tenderness as a child. " Thank you Tuktirey" You answered her and then laid a hand on her head, slightly upsetting her braids, while she laughed softly. You thanked Tuk before going to the center of the village to look for the two brothers. You met Lo'ak right away, and he seemed quite insistent on not letting you go looking for Neteyam, not understanding why he was so ambiguous. "Lo'ak, please, let me go find Neteyam" you said gently, repeating yourself several times before abruptly departing from him, following the sound of two voices, one of which sounded vaguely like Neteyam’s. Once you got to where the voices came from, you could distinguish Neteyam’s shoulders and back, but not with whom he was speaking, even though the female voice was unequivocal. "Shit, I tried to stop her…" Lo'ak said once he reached you, spinning Neteyam and showing the figure of a beautiful and tall Na'vi, with long black braids adorned with feathers and flowers typical of the forest; Her clothes were obviously well-made, and you could tell she was of a high status other than that she was definitely a warrior. Your eyes passed from her to Neteyam, failing to understand who Na'vi was close to him.
"Who's she?" Your voice was slightly absent as you looked Neteyam in the eye, looking for sincere answers, but reading only embarrassment and fear in those golden pools. "'Teyam, w-who is she?" you repeated again, not understanding why he didn’t answer right away, and why he wasn’t reassuring you "MaTanhì… she is…" His voice was broken as he searched for words he could not find. Your heart beat in your throat as you felt Lo'ak gently take you by the wrist, as if to take you away from there. "His mate. I am Reyin'al te Sxeke Ninat'ite…" Replied proudly the woman who before was behind Neteyam and who now wrapped her hands around his arm. "… Tsakarem of the Omatikaya" The surprise crept into your gaze, your eyes widening in disbelief before the stark reality that was revealed before you. "Tsakarem of the Omatikaya…" You yanked your wrist from Lo'ak’s grip, as if to get rid of it. Your heart seemed to have stopped like your breath, your eyes that were before on the woman, now they returned to the face of Neteyam who did not have the courage to look at you.
All the happiness that was before in your body evaporated like water under the scorching sun, your eyes went out of disbelief and it hurt you that Neteyam now didn’t even look you in the eye, giving you a tacit statement to what the girl had said. You would have wanted him to say 'No, it’s a misunderstanding' or something to cheer you up, but he didn’t. You searched in vain for his gaze for endless seconds, and then you tightened your jaw and nodded at the Na'vi who answered you, and then you turned around and left as your heart fell apart. You heard footsteps behind you following you, but you didn’t turn around for a second, because you knew if the steps were Neteyam’s, you would collapse in front of him. You found yourself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions as you ran away from him, a tumultuous tornado that tore your soul apart. A wave of pain swept over you, like a fist to the chest that left you breathless. Your heart, first filled with joy, broke into a thousand pieces, leaving a deep wound burning inside you while. The feeling of emptiness warmly welcomed you, as if something essential had been ripped from you. Anger enveloped you like a burning fire, a flame that blazed in the depths of your being. The bitterness is mixed with tears running across your face, cursing you for not being strong enough to hold them. The confusion struck you, and along with it the overlapping questions in your mind, looking for an answer that can make sense of what you heard. You felt lost in a maze of conflicting emotions, unable to find a way out. Sadness envelops you, a heavy mantle that oppresses you and makes you feel deaf to the words of the boy who was following you. Your world has fallen with such speed that even your certainties were dissolved.
A warm hand but too strong to be Neteyam’s kept you from running away. Once you turned to the owner of the hand you noticed that the person who followed you was Lo'ak, and a sense of desolation covered your face. "Y/n… I tried to-" Lo'ak’s voice snapped when he noticed your shiny, slightly red eyes, immediately realizing he had no excuse. " He would have told you… he was waiting for the right moment." He said before he looked away from you, lest you feel uneasy at the tears that streaked your face without your will. You swelled your chest several times, trying to regain the gift of the word, which had been taken away from you by that storm of emotions that had exploded in you. " Isn’t it too late for that? He had plenty of time to talk to me about her." Your broken voice made an idiot hear the boy in front of you, as if anything in his brother’s defense would be in vain. "Y/n.. I understand, I tried to keep you from looking for Neteyam because of that, because I knew he wanted to talk to you first," he continued, letting go of your wrist. "If so, he would be in your place now." Your tone was sour and poisonous, to this statement of yours Lo'ak did not know how to respond without looking like a complete idiot.
He knew you were right, you were absolutely right to feel that way and to be angry. Before he snapped to follow you, the look of Neteyam watching you leave gave him the courage to do what his older brother couldn’t. He was sure Neteyam would tell you, he wasn’t a liar, you could trust him and his word, but Reyin'al’s sudden arrival had ruined all the plans. Neteyam had never loved Reyin'al, they had grown up together, known by the whole clan as the two strongest and most admirable warriors, Mo'at had paired them from an early age saying that their union would bring greatness to the Clan. Despite this, Neteyam had always seen Reyin'al more as a friend than a mate, he had grown up with the love stories of Neytiri and Jake and dreamed of meeting his soulmate like them. He had always felt too close in that relationship, so much so that he had never really tried to make it work, he wanted to try 'true love', fight to meet it and have a sweet ending like his mother’s. Neytiri had always supported his son’s dream, clashing with Jake who agreed with the decision of the elderly Tsahik, reminding him several times that she was destined for another man but still chose her partner. And Neteyam had finally figured out how his mother felt about her father when he saw you, falling in love with you day by day.
"Just yesterday he was under my window, sending me kisses and sweet words, and then…. receiving this poisoned knife. Don’t tell me you’re gonna tell me because I don’t believe a word of it." You hissed before you walked away from Lo'ak, hearing him say something remotely like "Kenten mì kumpay…" Blood was boiling in your veins for trusting him. The pain spread in you like a fire burning in your chest, a feeling of weight that oppresses your breath. Every beat of your torn heart seems to recall the bloody wound that made you lose your breath, a excruciating pain that spreads in every fiber of your being. Feeling you vulnerable as your knees found peace on the grass, near the precipice where it faced the sea.
A reluctant hand landed on your shoulder as you growled. "Lo'ak, go away." Your tone was high, it was releasing all the pain that was building up in you. "Ma Tanhì… I-" You walk away from that delicate touch as if you were struck with burning iron when you realized that voice belonged to Neteyam and not to Lo'ak.
Neteyam had found the strength to follow you and his brother only after a few minutes of derealization and shame, but when he managed to reach you you were already gone and it was Lo'ak who showed him the way to find you. His remorseful look was on your back, hoping to see your face and explain the situation. "Go.away." You spelled it with clenched teeth, giving him your back as you wiped away tears that seemed not to want to stop coming out of your eyes. He swallowed, taking a long breath to start talking. "Ma Tanhì… let me just explain, please" His voice was broken as he tried to explain himself, seeking your consent to speak. You rose from the ground and looked him in the eyes with contempt and disappointment, your shiny and slightly swollen eyes destroyed him more than your words could. You shook your hands in a fist to try to condense your anger as Neteyam’s gaze became increasingly guilty.
"Explain? What do you want to explain. You have a partner and you didn’t tell me." Your words hit her skin like arrows. "You knew about Tul'pey, and you didn’t tell me about that 'Reyin'al'." Your voice was filled with hate as you yelled at him against words that scratched his skin and soul. "I wanted to-" you stopped him with a wave of your hand, and then growled at him. " You lied. You lied and deceived me." Neteyam’s jaw twitched as he listened silently. "You made promises." You started pushing him backwards.
The tension was now palpable in the air, not the usual pleasant tension, a destructive and cramped. Your eyes burn with anger and disappointment, your hands hit hard on his chest making him back, trying to vent all his frustration and pain in one blow. Driven by the anger and wound that had crept into your heart, you struck his chest at other times, letting each blow be a cry of protest against his actions. Each punch, slap or push was accompanied by sharp words, screams of pain and growls that intertwined with your anger. But unlike Tul'pey, Neteyam accepted your desperate cry and took each blow in silence, letting you vent on his body if it would help you feel better. "I hate you. I hate you, Neteyam. I hate you with all my heart," you yelled at him in the face as you held back every tear, as your fingers sought a foothold on him, scratching his chest before pushing him again. He wanted to hug you and let you cry over him, but he understood that now your wound was still fresh and bleeding brutally.
"I want you to leave. Now. Never come back. Go away with your parents today. I don’t want to see you again." You said to then walk away from him, while your hands were still shaking from the rush of emotion that passed through your body. "Go away. Take away your promises and your partner. I put myself at risk for you…. and you ruined everything! " This time Neteyam’s hand approached you, and then was struck by your hand. "Everything I said, I really meant it. Every promise, every compliment, everything was true… She's not you. I never wanted her, I want you, ma Tanhì…" Your eyes still looked at him with disgust as your heart betrayed you by beating so hard for those words. " You lied. You’re a liar. I don’t believe you." You answered with clenched teeth, before screaming to relieve the tension. "I didn’t lie to you… please, ma Tanhì, listen to me." His voice was broken as he tried to get close to you, being rejected. He felt guilty, he promised never to make you cry again, love you and make you happy, but now he was holding in his hands the pieces of your broken heart. "Go away. I said you have to go away!" You yelled at him, his eyes lowered to the ground. He didn’t know whether to listen to your request and let you go or be deaf to your voice and insist on his position.
Neteyam took a deep breath, approaching you and taking your arms, looking you in the eye. "Ma Tanhì, listen to me and if you want I’ll leave. I never wanted to be with Reyin'al, we have been mated all our lives, without choice. I fell in love with you, just you and every aspect of you. I feel horrible, a monster, seeing that I hurt you so much, it was not my intention… I swear to Eywa" A tear twisted Neteyam’s face and laid his forehead on yours. You took a deep breath, repressing all those feelings sent from your still bleeding heart and growled at him. " I would have told you, I swear, I would have… Reyin'al came unannounced and ruined everything, believe me. Let me fix this… I-" "Do not touch me. Don’t touch me anymore." You said growling, then try to get away from his grip. "I'm begging.. Don’t reject me" he whispered in a tone of voice that died in his throat and let all his pain shine through, but also the desire to keep you close. "Go to your partner. Just go." you made sure to spell the words, then feel his hands let go and hesitate before leaving. " Go. GO AWAY!" you yelled at him again, clenching your jaw and struggling with the conflicting feelings that were being born in you.
It was clear that Neteyam wanted to continue the speech, you could read it in his face: his shiny eyes that hesitated on your hands and then your eyes, as his jaw twitched, the way his tail sent you specific signals, or the way his voice died in his throat. He accepted your request and disappeared into the forest, while you dried your tears and your hands spoke the cold ground beneath you, as if to seek some comfort. You wanted him to stay, but at the same time you wanted him to leave; to kiss you, but you wanted to hurt him, to hear his words, but you were deaf. You spent a few hours in that place, letting nature embrace and welcome you, remembering that you could ask for advice and receive comfort from your sister by making Tsaheylu with one of the voices trees that was placed just a short distance from there. You needed guidance and someone who understood your emotions, so who better than your sister to help you figure out the way to go?
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talaok · 2 years
I’ve dreamed of this (pt.VIII)
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Summary: You are a part of the BAU, and for the longest time you and Dr. Spencer Reid had been best of friends, even when it was clear to everyone else, and at times to you, that you should be more than that, and when something almost happens on a night out with the team, everything is destined to change.
This is a double pov story (each chapter will be alternated between y/n's and spencer's pov)
Chapter summary:  Spencer wakes up with you by his side.
warnings: fluff fluff fluff because life's shit so let's make our fake one good for a little while longer before I'll have to inevitably ruin everything(also a slight allusion to smut)
<if you want to be added to the tag-list comment or write to me>
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The sun was shining on his face, half of his body was out of the covers, and he couldn't feel his arm anymore, but still, he had never felt happier.
There was a warmth in his chest he couldn't describe, a sensation so deep, so profound he hoped would stay there forever, accompanying him throughout everything, because, with it, he could do anything.
He was happy.
He was truly uncontrollably happy, and he knew it.
Life was good, 
life was worth living,
It had been for a while now,
since he met her,
It had been because every time he saw her smile he was reborn, because every time she laughed at a joke he made he felt every inch of his body awaken,
But that worthiness, that joy, was always temporary, like a wave washing over him and leaving behind a sheer veil of bitterness, of disappointment.
but now,
now it was diffrent, because his fingers were in her hair, because her head was on his chest, and the precious sound of her breathing filled his ears.
It had happened. 
It had finally happened, everything he had dreamed and hoped for had happened, and it was even better than he could have ever imagined.
He didn't mean the sex,
yes, of course, the sex had been amazing and he was never gonna forget a single millisecond of that night, but what he meant was everything else,
he meant her.
He meant the feeling of her lips on his, he meant the ability to touch her, fully touch her because he could, because she wanted, he meant the certainty, at last, at last, that everything he had been so scared to feel for the past four years, everything he had pushed and bottled up so deep inside of him was actually legitimate.
He meant the knowledge of not being crazy,
and that if he was, then so was she.
Because everything they felt, did, or said, they had together,
not just him,
they weren't just the acts of a delusional man,
They had both made a decision, and if it was right or wrong didn't matter, because it was theirs, not everyone else's, just theirs.
He felt her stir, her eyes slowly opening.
"good morning"
She smiled, looking up, and spencer thanked every existing being for having gifted him with an eidetic memory so he could never forget the sight before him.
"good morning" her sweet voice was tired, barely awake.
"How did you sleep?" she asked, her hand grazing his chest, as she leaned up.
"really good" Spencer answered because it was the truth, because he had the best night of sleep of his life "how did you sleep?"
"Perfectly" she murmured against his mouth before pressing her lips to his.
He got to taste her for a few moments before she cruelly leaned away "your bed is really comfy"
"mh-mh" he agreed mindlessly, desperately reaching up to kiss her again.
She smiled at that, granting him another quick kiss.
"the covers are also really soft" she commented, making him chuckle softly.
"What?" she asked, laughing too now
"would you just please let me kiss you?"
"Mmm..." she pretended to think about it "I'm not sure" her fingers went to trace his jawline "what do I get from it?"
He smiled "I make some really great pancakes"
"oh you do?" she asked amusedly "now that's interesting"
She was leaning closer but suddenly stopped, making Spencer groan exasperatedly
"what flavor?"
"Whatever one you want"
"chocolate chip?"
"Oh I love chocolate chip pancakes" she grinned
"I know you do "  he remembered, not giving her time to say something else before crashing his mouth with hers, his hand reaching for the back of her head, bringing her impossibly close to him.
She whimpered softly in his mouth as he stoaked her side, and spencer wondered what he had done in his life to deserve this, to deserve her.
She straddled him like he had done yesterday, and he felt like if he had to die, this would have been the perfect moment to,
because nothing was ever gonna top this, 
life was never gonna get better than this.
"What time is it?" she asked, not giving him time to answer before kissing him again.
"How early?" She raised her eyebrow, the proposal fairly clear underneath the question
He smiled "early enough"
__ __  __
"Really?" y/n said, entering the kitchen.
Spencer frowned before turning, and as he took her in, her body drowning in his old, way too big t-shirt, he couldn't help but grin.
He was surprised his mind still hadn't blown from the realization this was really happening and that the stunning woman wearing his shirt in front of him, wasn't, in fact, a vision.
"What? it's funny" he defended the physics joke on the shirt she was referring to
"I'm not lazy, I'm overflowing with potential energy?" she read, skeptical.
"yeah it's funny, you know like potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other-"
She kissed him
He frowned
"now" she smiled, proud of herself and of her new discovery "this is gonna be useful"
Spencer's confusion only grew, and it made her laugh softly as she sat on the counter 
"don't worry" she shook her head, kissing him again.
God, how he loved it,
he had thought that perhaps only the first kiss was gonna have that sparkle, that fire igniting inside of him, but for now, she had only continuously proved him wrong.
"so how are they coming?" she nodded to the pancakes frying in the pan.
There was a moment of silence as she looked around, his apartment suddenly feeling inappropriate under her gaze,
but her smile reassured him as always
"I could get used to this you know?"
His heart jumped in his throat
Please do
That's all I want y/n
That's all I ask
"I-" he blushed " I could too"
She bit down a grin and he wanted to free her lip from her teeth's grip with his thumb, and when he remembered he could, he did.
"I like you y/n" he spoke "I've liked you for a very long time" he continued, swallowing his fear as the words blurted themselves out"In a way, I had never had before" her eyes were burning into his "and I know this isn't ideal, that there are a lot of things we should consider and talk about," he said "and I'm willing to do that, but I just thought you should know"
His hand went to her thigh
"I like you" he smiled "and I'm serious about this"
She smiled too now
"I like you too Spence"
Those words still made his heart skip.
"but you should really shut up"
He creased his brows "why?"
"Because if you don't, you're gonna be late to work" she explained, grabbing his shirt to bring him close enough to kiss him passionately.
"there could have been traffic" he shrugged, and she laughed
"you know what? you're right, it's crazy out today"
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coldresolve · 2 years
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Psychological thriller/suspense. Read on AO3 // Read on Wattpad
Conrad DeWitt is on his way home from a night shift when he is kidnapped by two strangers and forced into a van headed god-knows-where. Initially hoping he can spare himself from unwanted trouble by keeping his head down, Conrad complies - but the violence only escalates, and soon, he finds himself struggling to maintain a sense of humanity. His captors are in it for the money, and they seem to have no intentions of sparing him from pain to get it.
Masterlist: Moneymakers
pt.i // Introduction to the Show pt.ii // Mercy pt.iii // Red pt.iv // the_attic_271020XX pt.v // Coming Back Down pt.vi // The Fifth Criterion pt.vii // Zopiclone pt.viii // Bitter Mechanics pt.ix // the_attic_291020XX
pt.x // Threads pt.xi // Lazarus pt.xii // Like an Animal pt.xiii // the_attic_011120XX pt.xiv // Sprouts pt.xv // Antipathy pt.xvi // Division pt.xvii // American Boys pt.xviii // Cheap Shots pt.xix // the_attic_041120X
pt.xx // The Thing About Hope pt.xxi // Shivers pt.xxii // Fallout pt.xxiii // Change of Plans pt.xxiv // Visitors pt.xxv // By All Other Names pt.xxvi // Ratio pt.xxvii // Aftermath of Ratio pt.xxviii // Waking pt.xxix // Returning
pt.xxx // the_attic_101120XX pt.xxxi // Prelude to Escape pt.xxxii // Prey Drive pt.xxxiii // A Warning pt.xxxiv // Nervous pt.xxxv // Aftermath of Nervous pt.xxxvi // Suggestions pt.xxxvii // Numb pt.xxxviii // All Saints Are Sinners pt.xxxix // The Midnight Talk
pt.xl // Sway pt.xli // The Dealer pt.xlii // Synthesis pt.xliii // the_attic_181120XX pt.xliv // Interlude pt.xlv // Speaking Your Language pt.xlvi // The Silence pt.xlvii // The Confession pt.xlviii // Blood pt.xlix // Pinned
pt.l // The Fire and the Body pt.li // Risk pt.lii // Aftermath of Blood pt.liii // Understanding pt.liv // (coming soon) (real) (not clickbait)
Extras: // Character portraits // Moodboard // Playlist // The Lost Media // A Desperate Thing
Fanmade stuff: // Fanart tag // Fanfic: Rock Bottom by @suspicious-whumping-egg
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kat-hawke · 4 years
(Following [Odium])
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Hesitant footsteps against sodden soil carried her closer to the reconstruction of her childhood home. Everything from the outside appeared precisely as she remembered; the weathering of the boards, the cracked stepping stone three away from the door, even the broken shutter on the front window.
Fingers curled around the iron door handle, breath catching in her throat as thoughts raced. The lack of a thundering pulse in her ears sent an eerie chill down the spine as eyes closed. Swallowing a mouthful of air, she pulled on the door. The sound of the lock catching and the wooden barrier refused to budge made her heart sink.
Anger and annoyance soon swept over her, yanking the door several more times before both fists slammed against the dense wood. A shrilling scream let out as she repeated beat against the unyielding barrier, her moment of rage interrupted by the chimes of the bell tower. Stepping back from the door, her gaze shot upward to where the cathedral hung in the distance above her head, thirty minutes left.
“I don’t understand!” She cried out to nobody but the surrounding forest. “What am I supposed to do!”
A sudden gust of wind sucked the air from her lunger, arms lifting to shield her face from the leaves caught in the gale. The roaring sound of air muffled distant whispers again, leaving her to only make out two words. ‘Pressure rising.’
As the air still once more, Kat’s attention shifted to the few leaves that fluttered to the ground, quickly noticing the trail they seemed to leave, leading around the corner. Skeptical, she cautiously followed, rounding the side of the house to find the path ending at the cellar door. 
Boots scuffled the stones in front of the bilco door as she came to a halt, looking over the weathered boards that separated her from the cellar. Above the wrought iron pulls an image of two hands, one over the other, holding roses was engraved into the surface of the doors. The words ‘as above; so below’ accompany the ominous image, both of which never existed in her childhood.
Kneeling down, she ran fingertips over the engraving, a pit in her stomach churring in unease as the sensation to throw the doors open seemed to overwhelm. Casting her eyes upward again, she found a star-filled sky, for the first time in a long while the non-euclidean world seemed to flatten. Giving in to the ethereal urge, she jerked the cellar doors open, peering down the narrow stone stairway, the musty scent assaulting her senses.
Out of sight, somewhere in the cellar, there was a source of light.
With a steady, calming exhale, Kat rose to her feet and began her slow descent, hands trailing along the stone walls on either side for stability, not trusting that the world wouldn’t attempt to turn over or shift beneath her feet. For once, it appeared to remain as it was, as she reached the bottom of the steps without interruption. Instead of the dark and damp cellar, she found an open cabin space of a ship.
Eyebrows creased in confusion, glancing back over her shoulder to find the door at the top of the stairs shut. The sounds of the sea lapping against the sides of the vessel pulled her attention to the doorway across the empty cabin, and an untrusting hum rattled at the back of her throat. Stepping closer, she scanned the open deck of the ship, a woman standing on the far end, dressed in admiralty attire, hands collected behind the back, and onyx hair confined to a bun.
Stiffening, a second chill raced down Kat’s spine, a single word hanging from her lips as she spoke beneath her breath. “Fuck...”
A deep breath was held for a long moment before a slow exhale. Heels of the boots clicking quietly upon the deck as full strides closed the distance between them, and Kat slid up to the rail beside the other, leaving a respectable few feet in the middle. Silence lingered as both women stared off over the endless ocean, the horizon stretching on for as far as the eyes could see.
“I did not expect to find you of all people here.” Kat finally broke the silence, keeping her gaze forward.
“And we never expected you to die, yet here you are. Survived Lordaeron, but the desert was your undoing.” Alexa’s response, simple as it was, still struck a chord.
“That what you’re here for? To chastise me on more mistakes, or am I relive the hell hole you pulled me from a year ago?”
“No.” The single syllable hung in the air between for what felt like an eternity before the Admiral continued, those Persian blues shifting to pin the Director where she stood. “Who will tell your story once you are gone?”
“W- What?” Caught off guard and confused, Kat blinked rapidly, daring to let their eyes meet.
“How will you be remembered? The legacy you’ll leave behind, the lives you’ve touched over the years.” As Alexa spoke, Kat’s eyes shifted on the floor below. “Will it be the woman who rose above her challenges, her burdens, and fought to protect the innocent and our way of life? Or as the pragmatic, egotistical, and power abusing mistake who stepped on more people than she would ever admit to?”
With a scoff, Kat shook her head, looking back to the water. “Doesn’t matter.”
“If that were true, I wouldn’t be here right now.” Quick to point out, Alexa pivoted to address the Director adequately. “Every time you are confronted, or someone asks what you stand for, you equivocate the response, to obfuscate the truth. A silver tongue performing linguistic gymnastics to guide the conversation off-topic. When pressed further, you turn hostile and ambiguous.”
A defeated sigh caught in the throat as Kat leaned onto the railing, hanging her head and staring down into the dark, endless depths of the sea. “I’ll be a villain in most stories. I was never the hero to some; that was always a facade. Another mask I wore to get what I needed.” The admittance came just over a whisper. It made sense now, as the Admiral was one of the only other military officials she ever, truly, respected.
“You thought you could control who lives and dies, but that power was always beyond your reach.” Alexa’s stoic tone held true. “We don’t get to control who tells our story, but you’ve left behind a twisted web of lies. In your absence, they will pick it apart, slowly but surely, and every dark secret will come to light.”
“Guess there’s nothing I can do about that now. Let them poke and prod then, find the truth. They can bury me face down just to kiss my ass.” 
Blue eyes shut as the Admiral’s head slowly shook at Kat’s response, the disappointment nearly tangible in the eerily still air.
“Yeah, I know...” Kat lamented. “That’s not the point.”
“Still so quick to anger.” Eyes peeled open to focus on the Director again. “That’s all people will see. Temper and vitriol. A defensive mechanism to wear your opinion on your sleeve, to distract people from seeing the real you but handing ammunition to your enemies so freely. Just once, you should consider how others will perceive you.”
“Doesn’t do me any good in here.” Kat snorted indignantly, checking the pocket watch to find only ten minutes remaining until it struck twelve. “Should have just left me in the fight pit. Killing is all I’m good for, it turns out.”
“It would have been a waste to leave you there, like that.”
A faint smile touched the corner of Kat’s lips, a single stifled chuckle vibrating behind the curled features. Returning the watch to her pocket, she turned to address the Admiral eye to eye again, pausing with a held breath as she found the deck beside her empty.
“Alexa?” She asked aloud, eyes sweeping over the open space. Air hitching in her throat as she spotted the wooden coffin beside the center mast, an Alliance banner draped over the top from end to end. The Admirals surname engraved on the plague on the side.
Hands collected together over her mouth as it hung agape. Even if this should have been expected from this purgatory, it still brought pain from the heart. “No...” Kat whimpered into the fingers as tears welled.
Without hesitation, she burst into a sprint, making it two steps towards the coffin before the wooden boards cracked and gave out, sending her tumbling to the lower deck. Eyes struggled to adjust to the change in lighting as she collided with the broken boards, the searing pain of impalement jolting out from her core as the fall came to a sudden halt. The first instinct was to scream in pain as hands collected around the sharpened broken board, attempting to free herself or at least prevent falling further upon it. 
Until the struggle abruptly ended, and she found herself surrounded in a cold, vast nothingness. The pressure of the vacuum-like space forcing the air from her body and squeezing from the inside out.
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[ Mentioned: @preyontheweak​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] )
(Image Source)
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astrobydalia · 4 years
💫New Year Observations🌟
Hope you’re having a great new year guys! Currently working on a post about physical appearance!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
🌟 Anything that touches Uranus in your chart in a harmonious aspect are the things you’re willing to be experimental about. Hard aspects (conjunction to a lesser extent) can make you a bit reluctant
💫 Scorpio placements are not taken aback by sexual topics AT ALL but they can really dislike it when people talk about sex in a very vulgar and nonchalant way or they simply won’t partake in that type of talk
🌟 The worst thing you can do when it comes to scorpio placements is trying to cross their boundaries (lying to them is a close second). When it comes to boundaries, Scorpios just won’t budge so if they don’t wanna say something or they don’t wanna do something don’t insist, don’t try to convince them (much less manipulate them) bc they WON’T. For Scorpios “no” it’s not just a full sentence, it’s a STATEMENT
💫 Juno in the 4th or conjunct the IC in the solar return chart can point to getting married in a privet ceremony, while Juno in the 10th house it’s quite the opposite (this is only if the overall solar return indicates marriage taking place of course)
🌟 Sagittarius personal placements really do be lucky AF but they don’t see it or just take it for granted. People often ask them how are they so lucky but they don’t see it as a big deal🤷🏽‍♀️
💫 You’d think this is Sagittarius but pisces personal placements giggle very often, it’s so easy to make them laugh
🌟 Nodal conjunctions in synastry (personal planets in TIGHT conjunction to the nodes) is an incredibly binding aspect and makes for a very significant relationship in your life. However the reason it is this way is because this relationship serves an important purpose, once said purpose is done so is the relationship (specially with the North node) and usually the lesson is mainly aimed at the node person tho the planet person can also be significantly changed by this relationship. Therefore, the relationship will last however long it takes for the purpose to be completed; could be a couple of years, a life time, who knows.
💫 I’ve noticed Sagittarius placements can be very irritable and have anger issues (you’d think Aries would be like this but nah) specially when combined with fire or air moon/mars
🌟 People with Juno in Libra or in the 7th will look to marry the love of their life and their soulmate. This of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry your soulmate if you don’t have this bc Juno IS your soulmate. The sign Juno is placed in signifies the type of soulmate you want. People with Juno in Libra want that Disney movie type of soulmate 
💫 Following the last point, people with Juno in Aquarius will marry their best friend. They’ll be friends with their spouse first rather than have a movie romance with them like Juno in Libra people
🌟 I’ve noticed that people with Jupiter, Mars or Venus in the 8th can come off as very slutty to people bc they are sexually open and self-indulgent
💫 People with moon, Vertex or Juno in the 7th house are the type of people who are always in a relationship
🌟 Vigo placements can come off as competitive bc they just LOOOVVEE proving people WRONG!
💫 I’ve noticed that the most repeated placements for people who are vegan/vegetarian are water risings, taurus placements, 6th house, 8th house, 11th house and 12th house placements
🌟 It’s no secret that Scorpio mercuries can cut with their words but I really think that Virgo placements can easily rival Scorpio mercuries when it comes to this like SERIOUSLY. Virgo placements can be extremely judgmental, they will throw facts and criticism regardless of how it sounds and could have a “well that was offensive but it was the truth so🤷🏽‍♀️” type of mentality. And I think no body talks about this but VIRGO PLACEMENTS CAN BE VERY DETACHED specially when they trying to prove a POINT. I have legit witnessed and experienced virgo placements making people cry with how cut-throat and judgmental they can be seriously don’t underestimate virgos
💫 Common rulerships in the charts of celebrities (hope this isn’t confusing lol): 
Ruler of the 10th in the 10th or the 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th in the 10th or 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 8th, 9th and 1st house 
Also less frequent ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 2nd house 
Ruler of the ASC in the 1st, 2nd, 8th and 12th houses
🌟 Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo mars people really dislike being interrupted once they set their attention into something
💫 I have a theory that the house where you have Neptune indicates the type of movies and shows you like
🌟 Fire moons are honestly hit and miss. They are all incredibly likable people but they can be very self-centered/selfish once you get to know them. I wouldn’t call Aries moons selfish per se I’d call them reckless, check my aries moon post for more. Surprisingly, I’ve seen Sagittarius moons being more narcissistic and entitled than Leo moons. Leo moons can have a lot of ego but can have lots of insecurities deep down and be put down way too easily and they are the most generous out of all the fire moons. Leo moons are extremely giving and genuine but many times they are way too preoccupied with being liked, prised and recognized (which can make them selfish). Sagittarius moons tho are the type to actually believe they are the SHIT or low-key believe they are better or above anything else, when underdeveloped they can be obnoxious, arrogant and overbearing. When developed they are the most generous and the best friends ever but they are definitely the most entitled too
💫 12th house synastry is way more karmic and can be more intense and uncomfortable than 8th house synastry, even if it’s just subconsciously. Basically 12th house synastry is what people think 8th house synastry is, except there’s no sexual factor here (unless planets say otherwise) and there’s 0 sense of control in either party (you’re not sure what’s going on) which might drive y’all crazy
🌟 People with Mars-Neptune aspects can actually be into pain bc it gives them a sense of escape. I’ve seen this aspect in people who get sexually turned on by pain or in people who cut themselves or self-harm
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
Observations pt. I 
Observations pt. II  
Observations pt. III Relationship edition (most popular) 
Observations pt. IV Spooky edition
Observations pt. V
Observations pt. VI LGBT edition
Observations pt. VII Chiron edition 
Observations pt.VIII
Observations pt. IX Aries moons 
Observations pt. X
Observations pt. XI
Observations pt. XII Scorpio Risings
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
🪐~Saturn’s Masterlist~🪐
Hello lovelys!! Here's my masterlist! I figured it would be much easier to post the updates here, and make it a little easier to maneuver my page! 
thank you for stopping by! -Saturn
My requests for fic's are Closed anon's and others are welcome to send in casual convos as well!!
Wanna be a part of a little solar system? Join our discord!
|| Rules || Drabble Masterlist || spooky Season ||NSFW Tag(s): SatrunsDarkSide SaturnsSpicyAnons ||
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Anons~ (aka my cult)
Priestess-Sugar-Anon || 👁👅👁 || Edgy-Anon || Ghost-Anon || Grey-Anon || storm-cloud-Anon || 😻🍓 || :] || Nervous-Anon || 🐑💙 || 🦋🧋 || Ecao-Anon || Hemlock-Anon || 🎶Musical-Anon🎶 || Ghostinnit-Anon || Goth-Anon || Mellodiy-Anon || Ace-Anon || Worm-Anon || 🤏🍄 ||Icky-Anon || C!Ranboo-Anon ||
🧍🫐🌸🔥💛🦇💐👺🌚🐮☁️🦖✨🐠💫🪐🐼🍀🥨🍒🐤🥀👀👑🦄🌺🌙😈♦️🍓🍄🐝🐈‍⬛🌕🏳️‍🌈👹🗡🎀🤠🍃🧭☃️🐗🐉🧜‍♀️🔪🦃🃏🤙🏻📚🎂🍬🧷🥐🪱🩸🎠🖼🐷♛ 🌴🦋🥳🐍📦 🌹🐙👓🕸💃🧿🧦💙🫀😺🐰🌈🍫🎟️🔮🪲🌌🐸💕🥔🌟🐌
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The Empress (Finished)
pt,I pt.II pt.III pt.IV pt.V pt.VI pt.VII pt.VIII pt.IX pt.X pt.XI pt.XII pt.XIII pt.XIV pt.XV pt.XVI pt.XVII pt.XVIII pt.XIV pt.XV
Side Part Orion Headcannons drabble of TE Epolouge
Glory and Gore (in Progress)
Pt.I Pt.II
《Coming soon》 Trailer
The War, The Titian, The Judge, The Creator, The Underworld, The Defender, The Flame, The End
The Blade and The Crow
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You comforting techno from his voices
Reader Hostage
My Darling
The voices thoughts on you *nsfw warning*
Throne *nsfw warning*
Cape and Crown
Athena || Athena pt.2 || Athena pt.3 (coming soon)
Daily Voices *nsfw warning*
Tragic Heros
My Goddess *nsfw warning*
Mirror *nsfw warning*
Neck kisses
A Forced dance
The Blood Goddess *nsfw warning*
Rumor Has It
Christmas headcannons
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Sam-nook headcannons
Awsamdude and Sam-nook headcannons
Rumor Has It
Taking my Hat Darlin'?
Christmas Headcannons
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Christmas headcannons
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Protective Headcannons
Tommy~ (Platonic)
Ranboo~ (Platonic)
The Book
Christmas Headcannons
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Zieran and Kazmir~
Meeting Zieran
Kazmir headcannons
754 notes · View notes
talatomaz · 5 years
legends of yesterday | team flash x fem!reader | part viii
a/n: i had the biggest writer’s block with this episode which is why it’s not as detailed as the others. this takes place around season 2 episode 8 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: mentions of blood
word count: 1.6k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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(Read Healed Scars before reading the rest of this story since it actually fits in so well with the end of part 7)
You jumped out of the SUV alongside Caitlin and Laurel and grabbed your bags from the trunk.
“Remind me what was wrong with S.T.A.R Labs again?” You asked, slamming the trunk door closed.
“Well, I mean, absolutely nothing, if you forget about the revolving door you guys installed so the bad guys could come and go as they please.”
Oliver said, mocking your lack of security which you were about to protest against but Caitlin beat you to it.
“Remind me again what happened to your old lair? Or the one before that?” Caitlin said sarcastically, making you and Laurel smirk.
“Well, lair number one was compromised by the police, and I will stop helping.” Felicity added when she saw all of you looking at her.
You all walked into the old farmhouse when Barry and Cisco entered with the equipment and the latter began complaining about the lack of data and service.
After discussing what Oliver so aptly named Savage’s ‘magic stick thing’, you all decided to divide and conquer.
Felicity, Cisco and Caitlin were going to work on a gauntlet that would allow you to touch the staff.
Diggle said he’d check if ARGUS had any information on Savage whilst you, Laurel and Thea checked police records to try and get a location on Savage.
“Is this even gonna work?”
Thea asked as the three of you walked into the relatively empty police station.
“Yeah, of course. I’m a detective and Laurel’s an ADA, so us working together on a case is plausible.”
“No, I meant all of our plans. Savage is some supposed time-travelling dude who’s been around for thousands of years and he now has even more magic. How are we gonna beat him?”
Thea worried but Laurel reassured her.
“We will, Speedy. We’re all working together on this so he doesn’t stand a chance.”
You all approached the desk, “Hi, I’m Detective Davis, this is ADA Lance and Miss Queen, we were wondering if we could have a look at some files.”
“Can I take your badge number, please, Detective Davis?”
“Of course.”
You rattled off your badge number and once she confirmed your identity, she allowed the three of you access to their file room.
Every file from the 1990s had since been digitalised so it meant that you, Laurel and Thea had to do some grunt work and search through a whole lot of paper files and it was a few hours into that that you found your first solid lead.
“Guys, I think I found something,”
Thea shouted from the other side of the room so you and Laurel joined her.
“It says that there was some sort of conspiracy group who were really interested in a guy who matches Savage’s description.” Thea explained as she showed you the file.
You leaned over her shoulder and read the rest, “Wait, it says here that there’s another file. Give me a minute.”
You said, climbing the ladder and using your powers to rummage through the dusty boxes.
“Got it,” you said, jumping down from the top rung of the ladder.
You blew the dust off the folder, “Shit, this talks about the Pentagon.”
“We gotta call John.”
Laurel said, putting the file in her bag whilst you and Thea put the boxes of files away.
After leaving the station, the three of you got back in the car and were on your way to meet John and Lyla outside of ARGUS HQ and you were a bit nervous to be honest.
“You good, y/n?” Laurel asked, as she drove.
“Yeah, just haven’t been this close to ARGUS since…”
You trailed off but both Thea and Laurel understood.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can always stay in the car while we talk to Dig-”
Thea suggested but you shook your head.
“I’ll be fine. It just brings up some sore memories but I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking though, Thea.”
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.”
Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“What do you guys have?”
Felicity asked when you, Laurel, John and Thea walked into the farmhouse. Laurel handed the tape to Felicity.
“Beta Max. Aww, what, did you guys get this off of eBay?” She said sarcastically.
“Lyla hooked us up.”
You had finally met Lyla and after an in-depth conversation with the former, your thoughts about ARGUS were confirmed.
There definitely were people who wouldn’t agree with what ARGUS would become like in the future.
Lyla being one of them.
“The tape came from a conspiracy theory group that's interested in Savage.” Laurel explained.
“Pentagon had a file on Savage back in '86, but it's all been heavily redacted.” You continued as Felicity managed to get the tape playing.
You all watched as a Dr. Boardman theorised that Savage was an immortal who, if not stopped, could destroy the world.
He then went on to propose that the only thing that might stop him is an object, any object which was present at the ‘calamity’ that gave Savage his immortality.
When Oliver and Barry arrived a little while later, you filled them in on the tape and what you had found and Oliver began to devise a plan.
“We're going to put Kendra and Carter up against Savage; you guys attack with the element of surprise. Y/n and I will lay down the cover fire. Barry, you speed in, and-”
“Snatch the staff, I got it.” Barry finished as Oliver nodded in agreement.
“Where do you need us?” Diggle asked but Oliver shook his head,
“This is me, Barry, y/n, Kendra and Carter.”
Thea tried to protest but Oliver remained adamant and told you all to suit up.
“It’s wonderful to see you again, my love.”
The five of you were now standing face-to-face with Vandal Savage in some abandoned warehouse.
“I will never be your love.” Kendra spat out.
“I know. This always makes this easier.” Savage replied as he took a knife out of his holster.
He walked threateningly closer towards Kendra, “Chay-Ara. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
He raised the knife to stab her but before he could, Oliver grabbed his arm and stopped him, causing a full blown-out fight between all of you and Savage.
You used powers to try and draw the Staff of Horus to you but Savage used it to blast you and Barry to the ground.
Oliver was able to disarm Savage but Kendra was unable to “grow her wings” as it were.
And whilst you were able to quickly recover, Barry still seemed affected by the blast.
You saw Savage get the upper hand on Oliver so you used your powers to pull Oliver towards you and away from Savage’s assault but Savage then threw two knives into Carter, shocking you all.
Then he threw one towards you that got lodged in your arm and you winced in pain, blood coating your hands.
Before you fell unconscious from the loss of blood, you saw Savage murder Kendra and Barry fail to try and use the Staff of Horus to attack Savage.
You blacked out as the energy from the Staff created an explosion.
“Seriously though, y/n, we’re here for you if you need it.” Laurel said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
“Thanks, Laurel.”
You paused and furrowed your brows.
Woah, major deja vu.
“Y/n? What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just had the biggest feeling of deja vu.” You shook your head, almost trying to physically get rid of your thoughts.
After meeting with Lyla, you all went back to the farmhouse and played the tape and when Barry and Oliver returned, you explained the situation to them.
You paused again when you finished explaining the tape to them, “What is with this deja vu?”
You murmured to yourself but when you looked up, you caught a knowing glance between Oliver and Barry.
Your eyes widened with realisation.
Oh, Barry, you didn’t.
“Barry, can I speak with you for a moment?”
You both went into the other room where you confronted him and he confessed to travelling back in time.
“He killed Kendra and Carter. You were unconscious from blood loss and then you and Oliver both died in the explosion. I couldn’t just let that happen.”
Barry whispered harshly, trying to make sure no one else could hear the two of you.
“Fine. So what do we do differently?” You conceded.
You were all suited up and ready to fight Vandal Savage at the abandoned warehouse where you had previously died.
At the moment, it was just you, Barry, Oliver, Kendra and Carter but after the latter grew their wings, the rest of Team Arrow joined you in fighting Savage.
You, Laurel and Kendra kept Savage’s attention on you three whilst Barry and Oliver worked the Staff and were able to effectively turn Savage into a pile of dust.
After defeating Savage, you all breathed a sigh of relief and Kendra revealed that she and Carter were going to move on with their lives, away from Central City.
She expressed her thanks to you all and said goodbye before leaving to do the same with Cisco.
When you and the rest of Team Flash said your goodbyes to Team Arrow and returned to S.T.A.R Labs, you pulled Barry to the side.
“Do we tell them?”
He shook his head,
“No, let’s just keep this between us.”
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brightonlewis · 5 years
Milkshake Boy pt.VIII
or the one where they make a mess of things
" I like you, Harry. And I know you are kind and that you don't want to hurt anyone, but this isn’t fair to any of us. You need to choose between Olivia and me.”  Lane huffs her eyes glassy. “No matter what you do someone's heart is going to get broken.”
Lane's dorm surprises Harry. 
He doesn't expect the white and gray aesthetic or the numerous posters of Bob Marley on her wall. It makes Harry realize he doesn't know Lane at all really. Harry walks around the small space slowly taking it in.
" Thank you for last night," Lane says, her croaky voice breaking the silence. Harry nods sitting down on the bed beside her.
"Of course, I couldn't let anything happen to you," Harry assures. And he means it. Remembering how that guy touched Lane made him feel sick to his stomach. Harry can’t imagine anyone touching Lane without feeling terribly ill or jealous. He was growing possessive of girl who wasn't even his. Sitting this close to her with their bodies only mere inches apart, he desperately wants Lane to be his, to actually know her. 
The deep dark brown hue of her eyes calls to Harry like a siren's song. He leans in closer placing his hand on top of hers, and Lane doesn't move an inch.  Electricity floods his entire body and its as if he can feel the movement of every molecule that dwells within his six-foot frame. 
Lane's lips are dangerously close, her full raspberry colored lips he'd dreamt about for weeks were right in front of him. And without another thought, his lips are on Lane's. Her lips are everything he'd imaged and more, Lane was intoxicating and Harry found himself getting lost in her. Honey, Lane tastes like honey, and Harry understands he will never be able to get enough of her. 
Harry pulls Lane closer to him, his hands tangled up in her curly hair. Lane's legs on either side straddling Harry's lap, his lips peppering kisses down her jaw to her neck. Harry finds a spot that makes Lane hold her breath, her lips releasing little mewl that drives Harry wild. All Harry wants is to hear that sound again, to make his angel moan louder. Lane pulls Harry in directing his kisses across her collarbone. Gripping Lane tightly, Harry flips them so he's on top. Lane lays below him, her eyes glassy, lips were swollen and red from being kissed. 
This how Harry always wants her to look, messy from his kisses, his roaming hands. He slinks back down for another kiss, but Lane turns her head so he ends up kissing her cheek. Harry tries again to kiss her lips, but Lane uses her hands to place some distance in between them.
" This is wrong Harry, "she mumbles. The statement breaks Harry's heart because it wasn't. Nothing about them was wrong, Lane and him felt right together, so right together it was painful. What was wrong was that Harry was with Olivia. 
Harry sighs running his hand frustratingly through his hair sitting up straight. Lane sits on the other end of the bed, her arms crossed almost like she was protecting herself from him.
" I like you, Harry. And I know you are kind and that you don't want to hurt anyone, but this isn’t fair to any of us. You need to choose between Olivia and me.”  Lane huffs her eyes glassy, “no matter what you do, someone's heart is going to get broken.”
" I know," Harry whispers, flopping back onto Lane's bed. Lane inches over towards him, and Harry lays his head on her lap. Lane mindlessly runs her fingers through his hair, as they sit in silence not talking. Harry places a quick peck on her thigh that stirs Lane's insides.
" You'll always be my diner girl," Harry states, breaking the silence.
" You'll always be my milkshake boy." 
Their words almost seem like a goodbye to one another. Harry sits up to face Lane, pressing his lips to hers before she can protest. It’s like a wall breaks between them. Their emotions leading their actions as Harry pulls off Lane's top. Clothing items come off one by one until there is nothing left. Nothing but fevered kisses and unspoken promises between a milkshake boy and a diner girl.
AN: Thank you for being so patient with me. College has been a lot recently, and it has been hard finding time to write. Hope you enjoyed this update, I think I’m only going to do two more parts of this series:)
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my-name-is-dahlia · 6 years
French-English Translations (pt.viii)
Words taken from Lune d’érable (1997, 2000) by Connie Brummel Crook & Scott Cameron:
soûl (a.) – glutted, surfeited
sève (n. f.) – sap
canif (n. m.) – penknife
farandole (n. f.) – farandole (Provençal dance)
bouleau (n. m.) – birch, birch tree
frisquet (a.) – coldish, chilly
blafard (a.) – pale, wan
dodu (a.) – plump
marmite (n. f.) – cooking pot
argile (n. f.) – clay, potter’s clay
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toournextadventure · 1 year
movie night pt ii
Summary: After your previous movie night was disrupted by Sam, you finally manage to get a real date with Tara. Or so you thought.
Word Count: 3.6k Warnings: swearing, mentions of stabbings, suggestive themes Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (pt.i) (pt.ii) (pt.iii) (pt.iv) (pt.v) (pt.vi) (pt.vii) (pt.viii)
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"I demand a do over," you said as you sat directly opposite Tara in the little café.
"It's not my fault you got caught," she said without looking up from her textbook. "I agreed to one movie, nothing more."
"Okay, then no movie," you said.  "Go on a date with me."
"And they say romance is dead."
"Please go on a date with me," you corrected.
Tara sighed and looked up at you with bored, beautiful eyes. It wasn’t like you could blame her; you had been annoying her since you had been unceremoniously kicked out of the apartment by Sam. But the least she could do was humour you. It wasn’t your fault Sam had come home early and cockblocked you both.
You leaned forward on the table. “One date,” you said softly.
Tara leaned forward too until you could feel her breath on your lips. “You said that about the movie,” she replied just as softly before leaning back once again.
“Why won’t you go on a date with me?” You asked with a huff.
And just like that, Tara got silent. Not the “I’m ignoring you” type of silence she usually had around you, but a genuine silence. One that you weren’t entirely sure how to deal with. Your family was rather loud and rambunctious, and that was on purpose, so whenever someone was silent you were at a loss. Did you crack a joke? Ask what was wrong? Change the subject?
The longer the silence went on, the more your palms started to sweat. Through all the teasing and bickering between you both, did Tara genuinely not enjoy being around you? Sure, she played it off and still kept you around, but was it just because she was being polite? Did she share the same sentiments as her sister?
“I was just kidding,” you finally said with a humourless chuckle as you leaned back in the booth and picked up your coffee. “You don’t actually have to-”
“-I’ll go.”
“What?” You asked, nearly choking on your coffee.
Tara looked up at you. “I’ll go on a date with you.”
“Seriously?” You asked.
“Don’t make me say it again,” she said with a huff and the smallest crinkle at the corner of her eyes.
“You’re agreeing because you want to go, right?” You asked, your eyes still glued to her face even though she wasn’t sparing you a second glance. “Not because you-”
“-oh my god, do you want me to go or not?”
“Yes I do,” you said as quickly as you could manage.
“Good,” Tara said with an exasperated nod of her head before she started packing up her things. “We can go after our media class tomorrow.”
“Wait but I don’t-”
“-this is your one chance,” she said with a pointed look and a move toward the front door. “Don’t blow it.”
“See you in class!”
And just like that, she was gone and you were stuck at the table with a cup of coffee you didn’t even want and your stomach twisted into knots. This whole situation was your fault, of course, but you would never admit it. Your determination ramped up instantly. You were going to make this the best first date. It was going to be so perfect that even Tara fucking Carpenter would have to admit it.
“Do you try to sound as stupid as possible?” Tara asked when you held the classroom door open for her to leave.
“You’re just mad because I refuted your theory about one of my favourite movies,” you argued back before stepping in line beside her.
It had been a good class and, though you wouldn’t admit it aloud, you had done your best to rile Tara up. You couldn’t help it, she just got so passionate and then she would wave her hands and her facial expressions gave her away. Everything about it was adorable, and you didn’t care if you had to sound like an idiot to make it happen.
Although you weren’t an idiot and you were right about your theory.
“You need to improve your movie tastes,” Tara said once you were both walking down the steps of the Liberal Arts building and out into the quad. It was a beautiful day.
“My movie taste is flawless, thank you very much,” you said. Her knuckles brushed against your thigh, sending a jolt across your skin. “You’re just an elitist snob when it comes to media.”
“Elitist snob, huh?” She asked with a nonchalant nod of her head. “That’s really how you want to start this date?”
“So where to, your highness?” You asked, completely ignoring her question and keeping your head up. She could humiliate you, but you were at least going to try and keep your dignity intact.
“You’re the one who wanted the date,” Tara said; her knuckles brushed against your hand this time. You suspected she was doing it on purpose. “You lead the way.”
Fuck. She was insufferable. God you were obsessed with her.
“Come on,” you said with a giddy smile as you reached out and grabbed her left hand. She flinched but quickly settled. “I know a place.”
“Sounds like something a creep would say,” she mumbled, but still let you pull her along with you. 
“You’re the one who entrusted me with the date,” you said as you started dodging between people and cars that honked at you both even though they were still in park. “So shut up and come on.”
“If you get us killed and prove Sam right, I’m never going to forgive you,” she said but still followed suit.
“Sam thinks I’ll get us killed?” You asked when you slowed down, finally only a block or so away from your final destination.
“Yes she does,” Tara said with pursed lips and a nod. “Even called you a liability.”
“Well now that’s just rude,” you grumbled, but otherwise kept silent.
You pushed open the door to the abandoned building and pulled Tara until she walked in. With only a glance outside, you let the door click shut behind you. Your hand placed itself on the small of her back until you could lead her further into the building, quickly making your way to the empty arena.
“What is this place?” Tara asked as she stepped away from your touch to look around.
“Some sort of indoor sports arena, I think,” you called out on your way to the wall where you kept a projector screen. “Don’t know for sure, but it’s been abandoned for ages.”
“You brought a Woodsboro survivor to an abandoned building?” Tara asked. You froze. “Maybe Sam was right.”
“I… did not think that through,” you said as you turned to look at her. “We can go if you want.”
“It’s okay,” Tara said before walking closer, stopping when she was directly in front of you. “It’s a thing of the past.”
Was it though? As much as Sam hated you, you knew she meant well. She was traumatised, understandably, by her sister getting attacked three times and having to kill hers and her sister’s partners. That was enough to make anyone paranoid, and even with Sam going to therapy, it was evident that it still haunted her.
You weren’t so sure it didn’t still haunt Tara too.
“I’ve got stuff in my bag,” you said with a gesture toward the small duffle you had left on the floor. “I’ll set up the movie if you set everything else up.”
“Deal,” she said with a small smile that had your stomach doing somersaults.
It only took a few minutes to finish getting everything set up. For the first time, you were genuinely thankful to your dad for getting you the small portable projector. Sure you had used it before, but now you were going to use it to hopefully make it the best date ever. Failure was not an option.
“Pick a movie,” you said when you sat back down beside Tara and handed over your phone. “I won’t change it this time.”
“That a promise?” She asked, but took your phone nonetheless and started scrolling through.
She barely even looked through the plethora of movies on your phone before picking one and starting it. You raised your brow at her when you heard the beginning notes of Titanic playing, but kept quiet. If she wanted to put on a cheesy romance movie then you weren’t going to judge.
Tara quickly laid back on the blankets and pillows she had gotten out of your duffle bag, and you followed suit almost immediately after she was settled. The small space between you both vanished after only a few moments when Tara rolled onto her side and rested her head on your chest. Your breath caught in your throat before you exhaled and got comfortable.
“You picked a cheesy movie,” you said eventually as the movie continued to play.
“I figured you would like the score,” she said without looking at you. Her hand was now resting underneath the hem of your shirt while her fingers scratched your hip. “Since you’re a nerd for that kind of thing.”
“Uh huh,” you said; your own hand was rubbing small circles on her back. “I think you just wanted an excuse to watch a romantic movie.”
“Oh please,” she huffed. “Romance? With you around? You wish.”
“I most certainly do not,” you retorted quickly. “If I wanted romance I would find someone else.”
“You don’t think I’m romantic?” Tara said, finally sitting up just enough to turn her head and look at you. Her hand still stayed pressed to the stretch of exposed skin on your hip.
“No I don’t,” you said, your eyes stuck on hers. She was staring into your very soul and you didn’t want her to stop. “I think you’re a brat who knows how to get what she wants.”
“And what do you think I want?” She asked, now resting her chin on your chest, right over your heart that you knew she could feel racing.
She was teasing you, you knew that much. It was in the well-concealed smile on her lips and the way her eyes stayed locked with yours. Her question gave you pause and you knew you couldn’t answer. Tara had a habit of leading you on and then pushing you away once you were close enough for something to actually happen. If you hadn’t both been drunk at the frat party all those weeks ago, nothing would have ever happened.
“I don’t know,” you said softly, quietly.
Her smile grew slightly as she moved, pushing herself up until she was straddling your waist and looking down at you. The movie continued in the background but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was the feel of her small hands splayed across your chest and your hands on her hips as she leaned so close you were breathing the same air.
“Sam can’t interrupt this time,” Tara spoke slowly, her lips barely brushing against your own. “Does anyone else know where this place is?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words got caught in your throat when you felt the slightest roll of her hips. It was small, barely noticeable, but you certainly felt it. Had she done it on purpose? She probably had, Tara was cunning. With a singular huff, you closed your mouth and shook your head in the negative.
“Then I know what I want,” she said, and you didn’t have to guess what she meant before she pressed her lips to yours.
You felt more than heard her exhale softly through her nose, the warm air brushing against your cheek. Her lips were soft and tasted of strawberry cheesecake; a chapstick Mindy had admitted to giving her after your first movie night. Her fingers curled in against your chest, and her nails left the most delicious sting.
Both of your hands slid under her shirt, resting on the warm skin of her waist. Your thumb accidentally brushed against one of her scars, leaving her to shiver above you only for a moment before she leaned further into you, her kiss now feverish. You tried it again, brushing your thumb over the scar with a gentleness you usually kept reserved. In return, her nails dug deeper into your chest and she lightly bit your bottom lip until you let out a small groan.
She leaned in to kiss you again as her hands left your chest. With the warmth gone, you wanted to pull them back until she grabbed your own hands. Your breath caught in your throat again as she guided your hands up her sides, pushing her shirt up until you could feel the lace of her bra. She let go of your hands before grabbing her shirt and pulling it over her own head, tossing it onto the blanket beside you.
You wanted her to sit up so you could look at her, admire every inch of skin currently exposed to you. The frat party had been so crazy, and you had both been so drunk, you hadn’t been able to even look at her. Then Sam had interrupted before you had gotten the chance. Now was the perfect time. 
You tried to pull back, pushing her softly with your hands so you could see, but her hands quickly flew to your cheeks to hold you still. Her lips found yours again and refused to let you go. As much as you loved kissing her and feeling her hands on your skin, you just wanted to get the chance to see her every curve and freckle and scar.
“Let me see you,” you mumbled against her lips, but she was already shaking her head before you could finish.
“Just kiss me,” she said; she didn’t give you much of a choice before leaning in once again.
When her hands held your face a little tighter, you knew she wasn’t going to give in. And as much as you wanted to admire her, you would let her make the choices this time. Besides, there were other ways you could admire her. Your hands went around her back to find the clasp of her bra, and even though you were no professional, it only took you a little bit of fumbling before the straps fell down her shoulders.
Tara removed the useless bra as quickly as she had her shirt, and even though you tried to look at her for even a second, her hands found your face once again. It would have been comical how much she didn’t want you to see her if you hadn’t been so distracted with her soft skin against your fingertips.
With feather light touches, you dragged your fingers across her skin until you could brush your knuckles against the side of her breasts. She exhaled through her nose again, but you didn’t move. If she wouldn’t pull away long enough for you to look at her, then you weren’t going to make a move without her say so. You just wondered how long it would take her before she-
-a door slammed shut.
You sat up quickly, nearly knocking Tara off your lap in the process. With wide eyes, you looked around the empty room, scanning for the source of the noise. It had sounded like the outside door, but that didn’t make any sense. In all your years of visiting the abandoned building, no one had ever come in.
Titanic continued to play in the background.
“Should we-”
-you cut Tara off with a finger pressed to her lips. You did your best to tune out the movie, listening intently in the direction of the only open door of the building. Focus. It almost sounded like…
“Come on,” you whispered as you grabbed Tara’s hand and pulled her after you. You were still vaguely aware of the fact that she was topless, but as the footsteps came closer, you didn’t care. You could fix that after you pulled her into a closet with you.
The door clicked closed behind your back as you pushed Tara further into the empty equipment closet. You pulled your shirt over your head and handed it to her quickly before pressing your ear to the door, listening for any other sounds of an intruder. Once she had put your shirt on, you felt her body pressed up against yours, listening just as intently.
Through the door, you couldn’t hear footsteps, but you did hear the movie stop suddenly. Tara’s body shook slightly against yours, and you looked down to see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes were wide and she was holding her stomach. Where she got stabbed, your brain pieced together.
You continued to listen far after all sounds had vanished from the empty room. No footsteps, no movie, nothing moving around, nothing. Part of you was telling you to stay in the closet; there was no need for anyone to get killed. But you couldn’t stay in there forever…
“What are you doing?” Tara hissed when you grabbed the doorknob.
“I’m gonna make sure they’re gone,” you whispered back.
“Are you stupid?” She asked. “You’re gonna get yourself killed.”
“I grew up in the closet, Tara, I’m not gonna die in one too,” you shot back.
“Please don’t go out there,” she said softly as she reached out to grab your arm. “I don’t want you to go out there.”
The quiver of her bottom lip was enough to break your heart. Try as she might, you knew Tara was still scarred from Woodsboro, both physically and mentally. And you understood, you did, but someone had to be brave for the both of you. There was no way in hell you were going to make her go check for a murderer.
“I’ll be right back,” you said before leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “Promise.”
You didn’t give her time to argue with you before easing the door open slowly, closing it just as quietly once you were on the other side. Even just the few seconds with your back to the room was enough to have your pulse rushing so fast you were dizzy. But when you turned around, the room was as empty as you had left it.
Each potential hiding spot you knew of was empty. Not the other closets, or the hallway, or behind the bleachers pushed up against the wall. There was no one there, and that both made you feel better and more terrified. But with no one around, you needed to hurry and get Tara and get the hell out of there.
“It’s me,” you said through the door before Tara opened it quickly, throwing her arms around your neck and pressing herself into you.
“Let’s just get out of here,” she said quickly, and you only nodded in agreement before you went over to the pallet and started packing everything up.
It only took a few moments, but Tara was on edge the entire time. She tried to act like she was fine, but you could see the shake of her hands and the glazed over look in her eyes. She wasn’t fine by any means, and that was more than okay, but guilt started to crawl its way up your throat. She kept your shirt on, and you weren’t going to bring it up. Lucky for you, you always kept a jacket in your bag, and you quickly threw it on.
“I’m sorry,” you said once you finally dragged Tara out of the building and back onto the streets. Thankfully the sun was still out, or you swore she would have had a panic attack. “No one has ever come by before.”
“It’s fine,” she said quickly.
“Can I walk you home?” You asked.
She didn’t say anything, but grabbed your hand and held it tight. You took that as a yes and started making your way down the streets of New York, knowing how to get to her apartment by heart. It was a silent trip, but quick, and before you knew it you were standing on the stoop of her apartment building.
“I’m sorry again,” you repeated. “Guess I blew my chance, huh?”
“You didn’t blow it,” Tara said with a quiet sigh. “How about a do over?”
“Seriously?” You asked incredulously.
“Yeah.” She smiled softly. “But no more abandoned buildings.”
“Deal,” you said with your own smile and a light chuckle. “I don’t even think I’m going back for my projector.”
“Get going before Sam sees you,” Tara said as she pushed lightly against your stomach. “I don’t think I can handle her scolding.”
“Yes ma’am,” you said while stepping backwards. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“If you’re lucky,” she said before turning around and walking into her apartment building without a second glance.
With a small smile to yourself, you turned around and started the long trek back to your own apartment. You would need to come up with something not quite so risky for the next date. There were only so many do overs she would grant you, and if you got cockblocked one more time, you were going to combust. 
But third time’s the charm, right?
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taetae-tea · 7 years
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🔥Welcome to my BTS Masterlist!🔥 This Masterlist contains: Fake texts📱, reactions🐥, visual imagines😍, series❤ and one shots💕. You can leave an request if wanted, I will happily work on it. Hope you like my work and if not, I can take some criticism💪
I work with three basic genres who have their own symbol: 
⟶ fluff:🌸 ⁞ angst:🌙 ⁞ smut: 💓⟵
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💓Maknae Line taking pictures of you sleeping 💓Hyung Line taking pictures of you sleeping 💓Maknae-Line accidentally receiving a mature image from Y/N 💓Jikook 💓Horny Taehyung 🌸Accidentally texting Yoongi something he wasn’t meant to read 🌸Drunk-Texting your crush, Namjoon
💓🌸🌙Secrets  Pt.I | Pt.II | Pt.III | Pt.IV | Pt.V | Pt.VI | Pt.VII | Pt.VIII | END
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⋙BTS reacting to taking SO’s virginity (🆂🅵)
⋙BTS reacting to cock warming (🆂🅵)
⋙BTS reacting to seducing their SO (🆂)
⋙BTS reacting to kissing their SO for the first time (🅵)
⋙BTS reacting to accidentally calling their SO ‘mommy’ (🆂🅵)
⋙BTS reacting to finding out you can’t talk Korean very well (🅵) how
⋙BTS reacting to finding out your poly-relationships with Yoongi and Namjoon (🅵)
⋙Bts reacting to finding out SO’s biting-kink (🆂🅵)
⋙BTS reacting to Finding out your poly-relationship with Jungkook and Yoongi
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BTS Visual Imagine
⋙How BTS would eat their SO out (NSFW)
⋙How BTS would kiss their SO 
⋙How BTS would slow-fuck their SO (NSFW) 
⋙How BTS would cum inside their SO (NSFW)
⋙How BTS would cuddle with their SO 
⋙How BTS would have rough sex with their SO (NSFW)
⋙How BTS would have BDSM-sex with their SO (NSFW) 
⋙How BTS would want their SO to ride them (NSFW)
⋙How BTS would be as submissives (NSFW)
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⋙My Fuckboy Co-worker (Soulmate!au) (🆂🅵🅰) - Pt.I | Pt.II
⋙Your Gay Friends [ft. Taehyung] (🆂)
⋙The Blog Writer (🆂🅵🅰)
⋙Reward [ft.Taehyung] [poly!au] (🆂)
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⋙The One (Hybrid!au) (🆂🅵🅰) - Pt.I | Pt.II | Pt.III | Pt.IV | Pt.V | Pt.VI | Pt.VII
⋙Twelve Days (🆂🅵🅰) - Pilot | Pt.I | Pt.II
⋙Class President [Fuckboy!au] (🆂)
⋙A party (🆂)
⋙Your Gay Friends [ft. Jungkook] (🆂)
⋙First [Boyfriend!au] (🆂🅵)
⋙Reward [ft. Jungkook] [poly!au] (🆂)
⋙La Farceur [Joker!Taehyung]
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⋙Find you [War!au] (🆂🅵🅰) - Pt.I | Pt.II
⋙Untouchable virgin (🆂)
⋙His Purity (🆂🅵)
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⋙Prejudice (🅰🆂🅵)
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⋙Coach (🆂🅵)
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⋙Dominant [Fuckboy!au] (🆂🅵)
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⋙Romanticism (🅰🆂🅵)
Disclaimer: The pictures I used aren’t originally from me, all credits go to the owners
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ceruleanroses · 7 years
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Their brother showed him sunlight while he was away, she understood his darkness better. They were more alike than she had thought. While she was chasing the dawn, he was reaching for the stars. They both were looking for light in the dark. She finally understood the dream he cherished.
The pretty ghosts that live in the walls pt.VIII
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coldresolve · 2 years
Moneymakers, pt.viii // Bitter Mechanics
Previous / AO3 / Masterlist / Next
After dinner, Conrad watches mutely from the dining table as Renee, after a quick smoke, slouches down on a couch in the living room area with a game console controller in his lap, a drink on the coffee table, and an weary, blank expression on his face. After clearing plates and pans away, Davin fetches a laptop and sits down too. That’s when Conrad snaps out of his dissociated state long enough to excuse himself.
If he’s being honest, he longs to have company, but not here, and not with either of these people. Even if he wasn’t preoccupied with thoughts of breaking free, he would have preferred solidarity.
The handcuffs are still connected to the baluster, although one cuff lays open next to the pillow. They’ll keep him cuffed at night, Davin said, and keep the bedroom door locked as well. It’s only precaution. Conrad can’t fathom the way the man talks about it, as if he expects it to become the new norm. Nothing about this should be normalized.
He crawls onto the bed in the spot he’s been tied to all day, crouching down with his back to the wall, the cold metal of the cuffs brushing against his bare feet. Ears perked for any trace of noise in the hallway, he retrieves the screw from where he hid it in the crack between the mattress and the bedframe. It’s about as long as his index finger, but a third as thick. In the moment, he didn’t know why he even took it, what the hell he was going to use it for, but during dinner, a feeble idea came to mind.
The loose cuff gives several metallic ticks as Conrad locks it around empty air, then runs his finger along the hardened metal to find the small keyhole by touch. Holding the screw like a pencil between his fingers, Conrad tries to pick the lock with it.
Immediately, it becomes apparent that the spiraling threads make it impossible for the screw to fit in the keyhole far enough to reach the pin. Twisting it in helps, but then the screw comes in at an angle and gets blocked by the locks inner walls.
Conrad sniffs.
Stupid idea anyway, wasn’t it?
He palms the screw and gets to his feet, grimacing at the aching in his core and grasping the windowsill to balance on the sinking terrain of the mattress. His tentative hand fumbles briefly with the padlock there, but just from a glance, he can tell that even trying is redundant. The keyhole to the padlock is more complex and much, much narrower than that of the cuffs. There’s no way the screw would fit.
He stands there for a moment, feeling the soft draft that radiates from the window, pleasantly cool against his bruised skin. His eyes make out the unmoving silhouettes of trees in the back yard, mere shadows against the dark sky. The sun sets so early this time of year. Saps the energy right out of him. Makes him long for those moments last year when him and Howard huddled up on their couch along with their cat, watching predictable action flicks until either one of them dozed off, leaning heavier and heavier on the other.
They know he’s missing. Conrad wonders what that’s like, what they think happened. They must have some premonition, right? People always talk about knowing before they really know.
How is he going to explain all of this to them? It doesn’t even feel real half the time.
Careful not to move too quickly, he lets himself slide down the wall, wincing as the surface aggravates the bruises on his back.
He pauses. Runs his hand along the wall, feeling the tiny bumps in the paint, inconsistencies in whatever lies underneath. Knocks on it, and although the sound doesn’t tell him much, the slight pain in his knuckles confirms that at the very least, the wall isn’t made from plywood. It’s more solid than that.
When you sharpen a knife, you use stone to grind away at it, right?
Biting his lip, Conrad holds the screw flat between his fingers and begins rubbing it back and forth across the wall, careful to do it behind the frame of the bed so it only leaves marks that can’t be seen unless you’re standing directly over them. He gives it five minutes of continuous filing, the same repeated motion on the same part of the screw, until he can no longer stand the uncertainty of whether or not he’s making any progress.
Brushing paint dust off with a finger, he holds the screw close to his face, then up in the light, to get a good look at the metal. Maybe he’s imagining it, but the threads seem a tad less sharp in places. The wall itself gets worn down faster than the metal, of course, but with enough time, the metal does wear down.
He tries to curb the small hope rising in his chest. It might not be a stupid idea after all. If he can file the threads down and bend the tip of the screw, he might be able to unlock the cuffs at will. He has no way of opening the lock on the window, but… this is a start, isn’t it?
Heart beating a little bit faster than before, Conrad gets comfortable, fixes his eyes on the door, and files away behind his back.
They’ll expect him to try to escape, so if they don’t see him trying, that in and of itself will raise suspicion.
It’s the first thought that comes to mind when he wakes up that morning. Another kink in his desperate lack-of-a-plan. And he hates that he has to think like them, but they’re fine-tuned to mind games, right? They’ll raise a brow if Conrad doesn’t play.
He's still thinking about it when, not long after sunrise envelops the guest bedroom in cold light, Davin comes in to unlock his restraints.
“Sleep okay?” Davin greets him, evidently an early riser himself – his waist-length hair is damp from a shower, and there’s no trace of morning fatigue on his face.
Thoughts fixed on the screw tucked away in its hiding place, Conrad nods a little too eagerly, catches himself, and suppresses a grimace.
There’s a slight pause in Davin’s demeanor, and Conrad doesn’t miss when the man’s gaze jumps from his face to his hands and back to his face. He snorts as he unlocks the cuff. “Alright.”
Conrad could kick himself. Of course acting nonchalant in a situation like this isn’t the same as acting natural. Naturally, Conrad should still be in a scared, dissociated state – and now they’re mutually hyperaware of each other, although Davin is better at hiding it than Conrad is.
He keeps his eyes downcast and his shoulders hunched as Davin follows him into the kitchen.
He has to have a plan B, and plan B has to be visible. It has to be real, even if it doesn’t serve the purpose they think it serves. He still has to give it a genuine shot.
It happens sooner than he expected it to.
He thought they’d give him another day to recover, but they don’t. The bruises are still deep and dark across his body, but it happens that afternoon.
He hears them in the hallway and barely has enough time to hide the screw a split second before Davin opens the door, his expression blank as ever. And then Renee follows.
All thoughts of acting are gone from Conrad’s mind. They’re here to take him upstairs again. This is real.
He stands up, instinctually backing himself into the corner of the room. A rush of adrenaline surges through his system, as if he’s been doused in cold water.
Renee smiles at the sight of him, nonchalantly adjusting his black leather gloves. “Sir,” he says, “turn around and put your hands behind your back.”
Conrad only manages to squeak out a “N—” before his throat closes shut. He swallows, eyes flickering between Renee and Davin. He can’t move.
“C’mon, now. We can’t keep people waiting.”
Conrad nearly retches at the thought of which people Renee is talking about. “I can’t,” he croaks out. “You can’t.”
Renee snickers, stepping closer. “Can’t what?”
Heart beating dizzyingly fast in his ears, Conrad swallows again, hands pressed flat against the wall behind him. “I can’t go back up there.”
“That so?” Renee grins, not halting his slow approach.
 “I c-can’t go back up there,” Conrad says again.
Renee reaches for him then.
Conrad shrinks away, stammering out “Don’t, don’t!” as Renee grabs hold of both of his bruised wrists and tries to pry his hands onto his back, using his stature to push Conrad further back into the corner. Conrad has no room to kick, and no leverage to push Renee away, so he brings his knee up instead, cringing as it lands.
Immediately, Renee lets him go and buckles over himself, falling against the bed as he clutches his groin, his moan of pain stifled by breathlessness. “Motherf—” he hisses through gritted teeth.
Conrad doesn’t wait for him to get back on his feet. Instead he scrambles past him, only to make eye contact with Davin, who watches with a small, amused smirk playing on his face, but doesn’t move a muscle to catch him or even block his way. His nonchalance makes Conrad hesitate, but only for a split second – then he sprints out the bedroom door.
With Renee’s shouts rolling through the hall, Conrad runs as fast as his bruised body will let him, as fast as the smooth floor will permit without him slipping on his face. Rounding the corner from the hallway to the kitchen area, he grabs the wall to slingshot himself towards the entranceway and the front door.
It's locked. His shaking hands fumble with the tumbler as he pants for breath, but when he unlocks it and tries the door again, it doesn’t open more than a fraction before a second lock – a padlock above his eye level – seizes its movement.
Conrad lets out a sound of discontent and spins on his heels, pushing himself off the door. The moment he rounds the corner of the entranceway, he crashes into the figure of a now-recovered Renee and tumbles to the floor, not hard enough to get winded, although the deep bruises on his body rear up with pain.
But although Conrad hectically scurries backwards on all fours, Renee isn’t in a hurry to catch him. His eyes are dark, his jaw set. He’s walking.
The sight is enough to make the dam break for good, and tears well in Conrad’s eyes as he stumbles to his feet and runs past the dining table and the couch group in the living room area.
The sliding glass door sports a padlock as well.
Conrad lets out a cry of despair, slamming a closed fist uselessly against the glass pane. He’s still fruitlessly hitting the glass when a hand grabs him by the collar of his t-shirt and yanks him backwards, after which Renee throws him back-first into the wall and pins him there.
Conrad gasps at the pain in his battered body, clawing at Renee’s arm, vision blurry.
“You picked a fuckin’ interesting time to piss me off,” Renee growls, and before Conrad can even think of responding, a punch lands on his cheekbone, whipping his head sideways. He has no time to recover before Renee’s hands coil around his neck, pushing the back of his head into the wall and cutting off his frantic breathing.
Conrad claws at Renee’s arms, hits the man’s chest, tries to leverage his fingers in between the hands and his own throat, but nothing grants him even a sliver of breath, and soon enough, sparks begin to dance across his vision, and his lungs begin to ache.
Renee’s grip on his throat is vice-like, his eyes are wide and intense, jaw set as he squeezes. Behind him, another figure slowly enters Conrad’s field of view, unfocused and distant.
“Renee,” a voice says sternly, and with a final jerk that pulls him forward and slams his head back into the wall, the pressure lets up, all at once.
Conrad sinks to the floor, coughing and wheezing, trying desperately to blink the stars out of his eyes.  He’s still recovering when a knee in his back presses him flat to the floor, as a solid grasp on one wrist pries his arm onto his back, and a cold band clicks around it. When he tries to resist, tries to squirm away, Renee leans further weight onto the knee, agitating his battered back. Conrad lets out a cry of pain, one that cuts short only because he’s still heaving for breath.
“Yeah, you shoulda fuckin’ thought of that,” Renee sneers.
“You – why’d you just stand there, huh?!”
A low chuckle. “You seemed to have it under control.”
Renee scowls. “Fuckin’ asshole.”
Once Conrad’s hands are cuffed behind him, Renee removes his knee and gets back to his feet, taking a moment to collect himself. “Get up,” he says then.
Conrad can’t get himself to move. His eyes seek out Davin, but the man has turned, headed back towards the stairs. His cheek hurts. His eyes are burning.
“Get the fuck up, Conrad.”
The name, said as is, sounds ominous in Renee’s mouth. Conrad tries to maneuver himself up, but apparently isn’t moving fast enough to his liking. He has barely gotten his legs curled up under himself before a hand in his hair yanks his head back and up.
“Ow! Renee, please,” Conrad gasps, staggering to his tiptoes to follow along with Renee’s movement, as he is haphazardly directed back towards the stairs. He can barely breathe. He can feel individual strands of hair on the back of his head being pricked loose by Renee’s hand. The tears flow freely now. “Please,” he whispers, “please don’t do it again, Renee, please don’t do it again. Pl—”
Renee suddenly stops in the hallway, pinning Conrad stomach-first to the wall with a shoulder as he fumbles with something in his pocket.
Conrad whines breathlessly. “Renee, please. Renee, please…”
The pressure on his back lets up a tad, and something passes over Conrad’s vision a split second before the cloth hits his mouth. The moment he tries to turn his face away from the gag, Renee presses the side of his face into the wall, closing the distance between them.
“You’re gonna bite it,” Renee gnarls in his ear, “or I swear to fucking god, man…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence.
The realization that there’s nothing he can do washes over Conrad like a wave of exhaustion. The strange urge to lie down and let whatever happens happen. He breathes out, feeling his shoulders slump.
“Better,” Renee mutters, sounding almost relieved as he guides the cloth gag into Conrad’s mouth, tying it tight on the back of his head. Then he grabs him by the arm and pushes him onward.
This time, Conrad can see the stairs, but the knowledge of what awaits at the end makes them harder to traverse than before. The air gets warmer the further up he goes.
The spotlights are already on, the fan of the server whirring. Behind the desk, resting his chin in one hand, Davin shoots Renee a look as he enters, hauling Conrad along by the arm.
There’s a chair in the middle of the room, facing the camera, and besides it – rope.
Conrad feels the grasp on his arm tighten as he hesitates.
“Try me again,” Renee says lowly.
Conrad swallows. Feels his mind slip as he lets Renee steer him towards the chair and sits him down. He watches, as if from a distance, as Renee crouches beside him and starts to bind his legs to the legs of the chair, muttering under his breath as he goes. Knots are tightened with sharp jerks to the rope, ones that bite at the skin under Conrad’s jeans. Fighting back is no use. He has already lost.
“One-thirty waiting,” Davin says.
“Good for them,” Renee says, sarcastically cheerful.
“I’d rather it didn’t become a habit.”
Renee pauses, half-turning on his haunches, shooting Davin a look that Conrad can’t see. He looks at the cusp of saying something, then hesitates, turning back to his work. “Noted,” is all he says over his shoulder.
Another breadth of rope is tied around Conrad’s waist, looping around the chain between the handcuffs, securing his hands firmly behind the back of the chair. When Renee is finally done, he steps back, briefly checking his work before he turns to prepare himself for the stream.
Conrad’s gaze trails to the floor then, by its own accord drawn to the least nauseating sight in the room – at least, that’s what he thinks, until he spots a few brown stains on the hardwood, not far from where he’s seated, bound. His own blood, now dried, from just a couple days ago.
Soon to be joined by more.
Conrad closes his eyes.  
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kat-hawke · 4 years
Preparations - II
(Following [Preparations], and subsequent sub posts.)
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One after another, spaced evenly apart, Kat swung the dagger in wide sweeping arcs. She alternated from Light to Shadow to light again as the energy pulsated from the blade and cleaved the target dummies in two. A handful of the trees behind her home were scared, collateral from the training over the last week of experimenting with various sources of power and combinations, searching for the ideal equilibrium.
Letting the dagger rest at her side Kat pushed the sweaty raven hairs back out of her face, panting as the three-hour-long session came to pause. She plucked the waterskin from the windowsill and inhaled the contents, wiping away the beads of water from her lips with the back of her just as she heard the muttered 'fuck' from within the dagger.
"Three too much?" Kat asked, though hardly concerned. "Are you actually touching the energies, or do they flow through you? I'm not entirely sure how things work for you in there."
"Everything in here is me. Nothing just flows through. It looks like a place, but it's all me. Three is manageable. The Light just hurts."
"Well, I have to alternate," Kat stated, inspecting the damage to the dummies from afar. "I remember the pain. You get used to it."
With a soft thump, the empty water skin dropped to the wooden bench where a few other supplies were sitting. Nimble fingertips found the Azerite crystal next, pulling the stone into the palm as she siphoned off the raw energy to recuperate her strength. The numbing sensation that washed over her mind made her nearly miss Alyssa's next statement.
"It's not the alternation. It's my nature. It repels the Light. I'll get used to it. Keep going."
"No, that's enough of that for now. We found a flow and decent control point." Kat said as she turned to face the clearing, her left-hand coalescing with Void as she reaches out to tear a small hole in the plane of existence.
Pain search from the tips of her fingers to the left shoulder, her body was fighting against the excessive use of the dark magic. Kat grit her teeth and clenched her jaw as the air split open with a tiny portal, a tear into the void. Setting her gaze on the darkness beyond, she uttered a select verse beneath her breath.
"Are you going to tell me why we're doing this training yet?" Alyssa asked again. She did every day but never got an answer.
"This is the endgame." Kat's cryptic monotone offered little to go on as she stared into the vast nothingness as the repulsive voidling lurched itself free from the portal. Her gaze was cast down to the dagger in her hand as the creature gurgled and crawled about. "What did it feel like when I stabbed the Faceless and K'thir?"
"Chaotic. I lost myself for a moment both times...it felt like a moment, could have been longer. N'zoth spoke to me, and I saw the city." Alyssa's answer came with a cautious form of curiosity.
"Mmm, well, N'zoth is dead now, so that shouldn't be a problem." With a shrug, the blade spun around in her hand, gripping the handle and plunging the dagger into the voidling. The engravings upon the blade shift from teal to purple in the blink of an eye, and the shambling creature shriek out in what one could assume to be pain as its body turned to dust.
Running a fingertip across the glowing floral engravings Kat could feel the raw energy of the voidling's life force resonating from the blade, as minor as it was.
"How do you feel?" She probed, subtly searching for signs of danger. Unsure what to expect when directly feeding the woman's soul with the essence of the Void.
After a short and suspenseful pause, Alyssa gurgled her response."Bwixki... amala zal qulllll."
Kat's eye widened, threatening to nearly fall out of her skull as her gut twisted, and her mind began to panic. "I think not," she stated forcefully, tightening her grip on the blades handle to siphon off the power.
"I'm just fucking with you," Alyssa revealed with a mirthful tone. "It's painful but manageable."
Kat's widened eyes immediately narrowed into a severe squint as she stared at the blade's engravings as if the woman within could physically see the amount of annoyance that radiated off her. With her lips pursed to hide the faint snarl of the upper lip, she looked up to the tear in the Void again, reaching out with another uttered phrase. The second creature that was called forth leaped from the portal, a void spawn this time. One she had no control over as it charged at Kat with its bodyless form.
"Well, since you're having so much fun." She spoke in spite as the dagger was driven into the spawns would-be heart, shouting away the pain with her overhead attack.
Just as before, the process repeated, and the void spawn cried out as it's form drained of color until it vanished from sight. The dagger itself was glowing brightly from the engravings and pummel. The deep purple hue flicked off the blade in whisps. As Kat inspected the weapon, she snapped out of her blind rage, knitting brows together in a brief moment of concern.
"Still good in there?"
"Yes," Alyssa answered in a strained voice, "Won't be able to hold this for very long..."
Wanting to avoid an explosion, Kat did not hesitate to siphon off the energy from the dagger. The sheer amount set her soul on fire, and the bracers constricted against her wrists, and they struggled to contain the power. For a moment, her head was foggy, but she regained footing and forced the energy back over the blade with a broad horizontal sweep—the resulting wave of destructing cleaving down several trees and shearing the boulder in the back.
"That's enough for today." Kat conceded, doubling over to plant her palms on the knees, gasping for breath and reeling from the rapid absorption and discharge. Her mind jumped from one thought to the next, concerned that if this resulted from a simple voidling and minor void spawn, then cutting a lesser void lord would be catastrophic.
"You said that ten minutes ago and then stuck me into a void creature." Alyssa sounded doubtful.
"Would you prefer I stick you in the wall? Again?" There was no sense of jest in Kat's tone this time as she fell back onto the bench.
"Well, that doesn't feel like anything. It's just boring," Alyssa said, pausing for a moment before reaching out again. "I had a question, though."
Kat's eyes rolled. "You often do."
"I keep your mind active," Alyssa replies sardonically. "It's about our link, less question more observation. Something about it is different than it was with Riley."
"How so?" Kat entertained the query for now as she leaned back against the cabin wall. Odell slunk forward from the treeline to check on her condition. The huff of disapproval from the beast had been expected.
"It became clear that I could only see Riley's soul when she had the dagger in hand. I can see yours with almost any kind of proximity."
Kat shook her head a bit as she reached out to run her fingers through the massive fox's fur. Even though Alyssa could not see it, she made an expression that showed she was not at all surprised. "And this surprises you?"
"Yes. You sound like you expected this?"
"Well, I don't think Riley is as magically inclined as you and I, if at all for that matter." Unsure of how accurate her statement was, Kat, glanced up at the broken trees, shelving the thought for another time.
"Did you not expect this? I thought you were supposed to be educated in soul related magics? Our emotional entanglement strengthens the link, as you call it. That's one theory. The other, and most probable, is that it is because I made you, in a sense." Kat pauses for only a second before rushing into an explanation to avoid lingering on that subject. 
"You can't just stick a soul into an inanimate object on a whim, not without preparations and conditioning the vessel first. I conducted a small ritual while binding your soul to the blade. There was, of course, a cost. There always is. Physically many see it as just blood, but it's more than that on a deeper level; it's the life force. Mogu texts referred to it as anima, which they used to power golems. The phrase 'I put blood, sweat, and tears' into this dagger is much more literal in this sense. In a way, there is part of me in you, in there. So I would expect the connection to be healthier." "In my hand, the sheath on my thigh, or even just a few inches away on the desk. I can feel and hear you. More than a few inches, and there is nothing."
Fingers scrunched up a few times in Odell's fur before Kat pushed to her feet, allowing a moment of silence for Alyssa to process all the information given as she collected the few things from the bench to head inside.
"I've gotten very good at blocking out the sounds of souls in soul stones, or I'd have gone mad. Maybe I tried to erase in my mind the fact that part of me was in each of them too. It's a sound theory, though. It would make a lot of sense."
"Short of blaming lack of magical inclination, that is." Kat pointed out as she promptly poured herself a glass of whiskey from the home bar.
"I didn't read magic in her soul."
"Well, case and point, then." The drink was knocked back with a single, fluid motion. "I'm sure she loved you poking around her soul."
"I told her what I saw. I didn't poke into it...much..." Alyssa stated dismissively.
Raven brows pushed together again as a second drink was poured. Kat wasn't surprised, but still a bit annoyed and sought a further explanation. "Much?"
"Once I knew more about who she was, I stopped. I had no idea where I was or who she was when she picked up the dagger. I started probing because I needed to start figuring out how to take...her...o..." Alyssa trails off, clamming up. "Doesn't matter, I stopped looking."
"What?" Raw frustration overtook Kat's tone as she slammed the bottle of whiskey back onto the shelf.
"It doesn't matter now." Alyssa eluded.
Without realizing it, Kat's knuckles had gone white from the fist she was clenching in anger. "How to, what, exactly?" Though she knew where Alyssa was going with the thought, she continued to push for an admittance.
"I was considering any possible option to save you, regardless of who got hands on the dagger." Alyssa continued to evade. "That's all. I didn't have to do anything dangerous since Riley found me."
With flared nostrils, Kat let out an agitated huff as she spat, "Right."
"I was just considering that I might be able to hijack a soul." Composedly, Alyssa yielded. "Better not to have to find out, though, right?"
With a clenched jaw, Kat's teeth felt as if they would shatter. The sheer thought and suggestion of her best friend being subject to such a thing made Kat's blood boil. "Mhmm," she hummed out in reply, knocking back another full glass before walking away, abandoning the dagger on the bartop for the rest of the afternoon.
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[ @alyssa-ward​ ] [ Mentioned: @blue-eyedraven​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] [Chapter IV] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] [pt.VI] [pt.VII] )
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emmmsnchz · 7 years
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『Claudia』 ••• pt.VIII
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