#pt solid
sgbpalembang · 8 months
Solid Gold Berjangka | Ancaman Federal Reserve dan Geopolitik Terhadap Penurunan Akhir Tahun Dolar.
Ancaman Federal Reserve dan Geopolitik Terhadap Penurunan Akhir Tahun Dolar. – Solid Gold Berjangka SOLID GOLD BERJANGKA PALEMBANG – Sebuah tren pelemahan greenback pada akhir tahun mungkin gagal menyelamatkan dollar bears, mengingat ketidakpastian ekonomi dan geopolitik saat ini di pasar global. Arus perdagangan liburan, keinginan musiman untuk risiko, dan penutupan buku pada akhir tahun secara…
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twobookshelvesfull · 10 months
thinking about the recurring theme of identity in unreal unearth, and how the speaker's sense of identity is most frequently tied to his relationship, and the connectedness between them, where the relationship was so transformative that it fundamentally changed him, and now that the relationship is dead, he needs to bury those parts of himself that were born out of the relationship and forge new ones, in which we follow him as he travels through the circles of hell in the afterlife to deposit those fragments of identity and moments from the relationship so that he can emerge changed and with a new definition of himself and his identity in this essay I will-
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lemoneychicken · 3 months
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i have thoughts bout if they all lived together
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smalltimidbean · 5 months
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Satoshi but as a Fake Peppino clone, so no longer Satoshi but still mostly them jlkdfgkj
They do need a different name tho, bc my food-themed naming scheme can not be ruined!!! (silly! I already messed up on that early on, but still jkfdjkfsd) - I would refer to them by number, but I am leaning towards them being one of Mr D'Angiolini's... 'Special Request' clones for 'Personal Use', so they wouold not have a number, but I have not decided yet!
For now; They are here, and ready to get sillay
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thislovintime · 9 months
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Photo 3 by Hartford Courant/Tribune News Service via Getty Images.
Q: “Any regrets?” Peter Tork: “None. There are lots of things that I wish that I had [done] differently but if I hadn’t done them wrong I wouldn’t know what was right." - UK Music Reviews, May 28, 2015
Q: “If you could go back in your career and do one thing over and do it differently, what would it be and why?” Peter Tork: “I don’t know if I can handle that question because I would have to use present day awareness to my past misfortunes. I know I wouldn’t drink as heavily as I did, that would have made a difference. There are a number of things I would do different. I had a lot of early adventures and sometimes I was just grasping at things out of fear. Sometimes not knowing what to do you run like hell to keep up, or at least you think that way. I think I would have taken my time and been a more faithful person.” - Florida Today, May 10, 2016
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cahootings · 4 months
Not to brag but my ankles have been working all week and today I walked past one of the PTs I worked with earlier this week (who I almost made cry bc of how well I was walking the other day) and i waved and said “bye I’m walking!” and she said “look at you walking so fast! I could chase you!”
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sanestparadisecitizen · 7 months
when someone was deciding on a name the third boy would take later on in his life, they should've went for a different bug. why mantis. firefly would fit more and would be funnier
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okmcintyre · 1 year
Saw "I'll Be Watching", wowza!
Did I yell at my TV exactly 6 times? YES! Was I wrong about everything I guessed along the way? Also YES! 😲
No spoilers, but I really enjoyed it! It's neat to see them take on new characters as a duo.
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pt-facts · 1 month
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain contains an easter egg referencing P.T. In a tent near the Ngumba Industrial Zone, a radio can be found playing the same broadcast that plays in P.T.
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sgbpalembang · 8 months
Solid Gold Berjangka | Pasar Pembiayaan Dolar Menunjukkan Tanda-tanda Akhir Tahun yang 'Redup'
Pasar Pembiayaan Dolar Menunjukkan Tanda-tanda Akhir Tahun yang ‘Redup’- Solid Gold Berjangka SOLID GOLD BERJANGKA PALEMBANG – Pasar pendanaan dolar Amerika Serikat menunjukkan optimisme menjelang akhir tahun, terutama karena permintaan terus melampaui pasokan, sesuai dengan laporan terbaru dari JPMorgan Chase & Co. Indikator pasar, termasuk pertukaran dasar dan repo, menunjukkan stabilitas yang…
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morganpdf · 10 months
if u see me listening to bastille's 2013 album bad blood no you dont
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bragganhyl · 8 months
y'know, given that now i more or less know what i'm doing i'm actually having a lot more fun with the game
but at the same time i also feel a lot more detached too in an rp sense, which is to say I haven't really given up on trying to actually rp but at this point i feel like i'm just throwing things at the wall and see what sticks rather than trying to put together a cohesive narrative for Berci
which kinda makes me feel bad bc that last bit was the whole point of this pt
so... maybe i don't actually know what i'm doing after all
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allpromarlo · 10 months
i had 14 people outta my fantasy league tell me starting puka nacua is a bad idea and now LOOK
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Any thoughts on "Piz//a tow//er" vore? I know, from your non vore blog, you hyperfixated on this game at the moment, so just curious what do you think.
I definitely have thoughts about it! There's already been some lovely fics about it on the archive. I still haven't quite come up with any solid enough ideas I feel confident in writing, but I would love to write something.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork (and an apt notation) in the 1960s; and a self-portait sketch from December 9, 1986.
“My goal is to become completely happy. I am progressing in this direction all the time, but every time a bad thing happens to me it leaves a wound, a wound that can only be submerged or expressed. If it is suppressed, it affects my behavior always; if it is expressed, it is possible to get over it. If someone used to snarl at me, I would find myself snarling back until I could get off by myself and think, why did this person express anger toward me? Was he responsible for his feeling or did I create the situation that made him express it? And if I met his anger with love instead of a snarl, wouldn’t it make me feel better and happier instead of leaving me depressed and discouraged? More and more I try to meet anger with love. The world is love. Sooner or later everyone will love everyone else. That is the future. I think people are so hipped up on the point of view, us against them; it’s all a hangover from the days of the left wing or fascism. It’s not the way things are anymore; it’s just us.” - Peter Tork, Seventeen magazine, August 1967
“I learned a lot from and through the Monkees. I wouldn’t have traded it for the world in terms of experience. I feel real blessed these days. Partly because of the help I’ve received, I don’t have to drink and drug anymore, which wasn’t the case three years ago. I was in pretty desperate straits. I didn’t know which way was up. I didn’t believe I had a friend in the world. I didn’t believe anybody loved me, except the kids, who had to. Now all of that has changed.” - Peter Tork, The Monkees Tale (1985)
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