#ready for their next project together please lol
okmcintyre · 1 year
Saw "I'll Be Watching", wowza!
Did I yell at my TV exactly 6 times? YES! Was I wrong about everything I guessed along the way? Also YES! 😲
No spoilers, but I really enjoyed it! It's neat to see them take on new characters as a duo.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
please please write about theodore nott getting caught by the reader touching himself to her. then absolutely wrenching her in the his dorm. overtimulation. squirting. round after round.
This one was a lot longer than I originally planned, oops, lol.
Just One More
Theodore Nott x F!Reader
Warnings: mention of masturbation, oral(female receiving), squirting, overstimulation, forced orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie
18+ Minors DNI
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You and Theodore had gotten assigned for a project together for potions and were working on it in his dorm. You had called it for the day, exhausted and ready to rest after the long school day and hours working on this project with Theo.
You weren’t extremely close with the boy, but that didn’t stop his attempts to flirt with you and joke around with you whenever he did see you. And you had to admit, you may have developed a small crush on him. He was hot and flirted with you, what else could you say?
You said ‘goodbye’ and left his dorm, heading to your own. You noticed once you got there that you had left your textbook in his dorm and figured you’d just grab it real quick.
But as you were about to knock on his door, you could hear faint noises inside. After a second of listening, you realized the noises were moans. Did he have a girl over? It was just his moans you could hear so probably not.
“Oh, (Y/N), cara mia. Fuck.” You heard coming from the other side of the door.
‘(Y/N)’ Was he really moaning your name? Holy shit.
Before you even realized it, you were knocking on the door. You could hear a quiet cuss escape his lips and some shuffling with a louder ‘Hold on’ coming from him. After a moment, the door opened, and Theo leaned against the door frame before his eyes widened when he saw it was you, quickly turning his expression into a calm one with a flirty smirk.
“Cara mia. What are you doing here? Didn’t get enough of me?” He asked as he looked you over.
“Uh, I forgot my textbook. Though, it seems like you were the one who didn’t get enough of me.” You said, giving him a sweet, innocent smile.
His smirk fell. “What are you talking about?” He shifted slightly, clearly nervous now.
“I kinda heard you. You moaned my name. I was only gone for a few minutes, it seems like you barely waited after I left to, uh, you know.” You said, tilting your head.
“How long were you outside my door, bella?” He asked.
“Long enough.” You shrugged.
He looked at you for a few seconds, like he was pondering his next move before pulling you into the room and closing the door behind you.
“Seems to me like you were enjoying listening in.” He said as he backed you up to the bed.
“Well, it was more like I was surprised, especially once I heard my name.” Your legs hit the bed and you fell on it.
“So you didn’t like it?” He leaned down, putting his arms on either side of you to trap you on the bed.
“I didn’t say that.”
“If you wanted, I could show you more of those sounds now.” He lowered his head to your ear as he spoke quietly. “I could show you what I was thinking about doing to you that was making me moan like that.”
“Very tempting.” You said back just as quietly as him. “How should we start?”
“How about we start by getting these clothes off?” He said as he leaned back and helped you out of your clothes, a bit quickly and desperately. “Fucking hell, principessa. You’re fucking gorgeous.” He said before leaning back down to pepper kisses along your neck, trailing up before connecting your lips. The kiss was heated and hasty, like he couldn’t get enough. He nestled between your legs, his hands roaming along your skin, feeling everywhere. One hand traveled lower until he made it to your folds, groaning into the kiss when he felt how wet you were. He teased your entrance, enjoying the whine from your throat as he started pushing two fingers in you, swallowing your moans once he started thrusting them in and out of you.
He parted from your lips and went back to your neck, kissing and licking his way down to your chest before giving your nipples some attention. Your moans were loud now that you weren’t being muffled by his lips, your back arching into his mouth as he licked and sucked at one of your nipples before giving the other the same attention.
“Fuck, Theo!” You moaned. Your hands were gripping at the sheets, the neat fabric getting wrinkled in your grasp.
Theo moaned against your nipple in response, flicking his eyes up to your face to watch your reaction. He used his thumb to find your clit, rubbing circles on it as your eyes rolled back from the pleasure. It didn’t take much before your orgasm washed over you, making you cry out his name and have your body trembling.
He moved his body to bring his mouth onto your clit, his fingers never stopping inside you. The pleasure was starting to get overwhelming as you wrapped your fingers in his hair, cries and gasps leaving your mouth as he licked and sucked at your clit.
“Theo, please! ‘S Too much!” You whined, trying to pull away from him. His free hand stopped you, wrapping around your hips to keep you in place. “Shit! Oh my fuck!” You cried out from the overstimulation, the pleasure on the brink of being pain.
He wasn’t stopping, forcing another orgasm out of you as you cried and clawed at his scalp, which only made him hiss. He kept going, though. Any hopes of him slowing down or stopping were gone, all you could do was plead and cry. He worked you to another orgasm, this one nearly making you black out as it hit you.
“Fucking hell, cara mia. That was perfect. I need you to do that again for me.” He said and you raised your head to look at him, noticing the drenched sheets beneath you.
“What?” You asked, still dazed.
“I made you squirt. And you’re gonna do that again for me.” He smiled before leaning back down to lick at your clit again.
You whimpered and clung to his hair again, body fighting on if it wanted more or less from him. His arm around you wouldn’t let you decide anyways since it kept you from squirming further or closer to him. He easily brought you to another orgasm like he already knew your body. He helped you through it, not even minding that you soaked him again in your cum.
He finally let you go, standing up to push down his pants and chuck off his shirt before settling back between your legs, bringing them over his shoulders as he started easing his cock into you. You and him moaned together as he bottomed out, giving you a moment to adjust before beginning to thrust. “You take me so well, cara mia. Holy shit. You feel better than I ever imagined.”
Your mind was already blank from all the previous orgasms, no way you could respond other than with the moans and whimpers that left your mouth from how sensitive you were.
“Just one more for me, bella. Cum on my cock for me and we’ll be done. I just need it. I need to feel it.” He rambled, his hips pounding into yours, desperately trying to get both of you to cum.
With how sensitive you were, your orgasm came quickly, clenching his cock and sobbing. He praised you, wiping your tears as he helped ride out your orgasm.
“Sorry, principessa. Just one more. Please, just one more. I promise that’s it.” He said as he kept slamming into you, overworking your cunt.
“I can’t-I can’t, Theo! I can’t!” You cried.
“Just one more. I promise. Just give me one more. Fuck, you felt so good cumming around me, I just need to feel it one more time.” He said, gently kissing your leg on his shoulder.
He forced you into another orgasm before he finally came, filling your pussy with his cum.
“It’s okay, cara mia. We’re all done. You did so good for me.” He rested your legs on the bed and cupped your face, pressing soft kisses on your face.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
@soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem @motherfing-stargirl @brittney-121
@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @mattheoriddlesbitch @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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mxstellatayte · 27 days
pretty please: chapter one.
pretty please masterlist.
chapter one warnings: lewis lowkey being a sugar daddy, (sex spoilers after this,) legal use of alcohol, consensual sex!!!, lewis is really good at dirty talking lol, lewis has a big dick haha, oral sex (m and f receiving,) multiple orgasms (f receiving,) belly bulge, praise (m and f receiving,) lewis hamilton aftercare king
chapter one word count: 5.3k (3k words of porn tho don't worry)
taglist: @pear-1206 @vivi-81 @irishmanwhore
join my taglist here!
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you made me an offer i can't refuse
thursday, 23 may, 2019
you push out a shaky breath, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles in your outfit one last time before stepping out of your hotel room. today is the day you've been both dreading and looking forward to for the past two weeks- the day you interview the one and only lewis hamilton at the monaco grand prix media day.
when you'd been offered the opportunity for a one-on-one interview with one of the most iconic faces in both the fashion and motorsports world, you thought you were dreaming. turns out that the journalist who had originally been assigned to the project had a family emergency and needed time off of work, so the chance to lead the project was yours and yours alone. of course, once you realized that you were not dreaming, you accepted. despite your preparation, you're still terrified. you have ten questions at the ready in your small notebook that you've read over and attempted to memorize approximately twelve times each hour for the past three days, but the practice does nothing to soothe your anxiety.
"fuck it," you say to yourself, inspecting your makeup one last time before slipping your feet into your signature shoes- platform high top converse. once on the streets of monaco, you hail a cab to take you to the circuit, your black and purple media badge secure in your purse. your stomach is twisting with anxiety the whole way there, and when you pay the driver and step out of the cab, it only increases tenfold.
you're about to interview lewis hamilton. no big deal.
not a big deal at all.
the next hour and a half is a whirlwind of meeting with lewis' manager to getting your questions checked over to getting a tour of the media center to seeing the recording booth where you're going to be interviewing the driver. it's a nice room, but it's separate from the rest of the media areas, so you assume it's likely not normally for recording podcasts.
"how long do i have before the interview?" you ask, turning to lewis' pr manager.
"about twenty minutes, but lewis is going to be here in ten for soundcheck. make yourself comfortable for now, can i get you anything? water, tea, coffee?"
"a cup of tea would be lovely, thank you." you smile and nod, sitting down inside the booth on the plush couch. in a feeble attempt to quell your nerves, you take your mini notebook out of your bag and go over the questions for the umpteenth time today, but the words on the page blur together as you try to squish down the stirring in your stomach.
"here's the tea for you," someone says, and you're expecting it to be the manager you'd spoken to, but when you look up, you're met with an unfairly beautiful face. oh. okay. this is happening. you're casually accepting a cup of tea from five-time world champion lewis hamilton. the man you're about to interview.
no big deal.
the interview goes by without any hiccups, and, before you know it, your hour in the booth is up, and you say your on-camera goodbyes before they stop recording. as you're about to leave, though, lewis gently touches your upper arm and asks to speak to you for a moment-
only if you don't have something to rush to, of course- and your heart leaps into your throat. had you said something wrong or hit a sensitive nerve with one of your questions?
"i want to thank you. not a lot of reporters are able to ask questions beyond the simple 'how do you plan on winning this weekend' and 'what changes are you going to make based on mistakes made at the previous race,' so i applaud you. your questions were really different from what i was expecting, and your interview style is really unique. i enjoyed talking to you." he extends his hand and you shake it firmly, your chest feeling like it might just explode with pride.
"thank you, mr. hamilton. i'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to speak with you, and i'm looking forward to any i may have in the future." the driver beams, and you can't help but notice the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. it's annoyingly pretty.
"i won't have any of this 'mr. hamilton' nonsense. call me lewis. after talking to you for an hour, i can tell that you're very knowledgeable when it comes to both motor sports and fashion, which is really impressive. and i look forward to speaking with you in the future, too." the two of you chat for a few more minutes before he's summoned once more, and you bid your goodbyes.
a few minutes later, as you're trying to calm down your heart rate so that you can maintain some small semblance of composure before returning to the outside world, one of your long-time friends from college approaches you from behind, and, in her standard fashion, scares the shit out of you.
you shriek, your previous efforts to stabilize your heart rate now entirely in vain. "christ, amelia! do you have to sneak up on me everywhere?"
"absolutely. i also have something to tell you something." your eyebrows furrow as she almost instantly moves on from the fact that she nearly scared you half to death mere seconds ago, but you almost fully pass away by choking on your saliva two seconds later. "you've got it really down bad for him, and you're not subtle about it. at all."
after you're done recovering from yet another near-death experience, you punch her left arm. hard. "you are so lucky i don't have a weapon right now." amelia laughs, her head thrown back and her shoulders bouncing with delight.
"awe, come on." she smiles at you, her eyes glittering in their signature way, signaling that she's about to drag you into a potentially messy and new situation. "you know that the rules state very clearly that there's a zero-tolerance policy for physical or verbal harassment."
i got it bad for you, so baby
thursday, 28 november, 2019.
it's your third time interviewing lewis in the 2019 season, and since you first spoke to him at the monaco grand prix, things have changed for both of you. following the success of your interview with him at the monaco grand prix and the article you wrote to go along with it, you'd been promoted from your previous position as fashion field journalist to the lofty title of fashion and sports researcher and journalist. as soon as lewis hears the news, he's sure to congratulate you, this time at one of the biggest spectacles in motorsports: the abu dhabi grand prix. you can't help but beam with pride when he mentions your new title, thanking him again for his time, and remembering to call him by his first name despite how strange it feels.
"i should be congratulating you on something, as well, six-time world champion," you grin, happy as your friendly banter with lewis seems to fall into place. your first time meeting him, you were so terrified of saying something wrong that you didn't let yourself really let go and show your personality. the second time, in mexico, you were able to relax a little bit more and even crack a few jokes. today, you're all smiles and even got breakfast with him before the scheduled meeting time. one anxiety you'd voiced was that the same paparazzi that you've worked with in the past don't take photos of you with the driver and sell them to the media, which would undoubtedly start a pr disaster for both of you.
"if you'd rather have breakfast in the paddock, i can have that set up," he'd offered, and, once again, who would you be to decline such a kind offer?
so here you find yourself, enjoying an expertly brewed italian iced coffee and two perfectly crumbly strawberry scones, sitting across from the reigning world champion of motorsport.
you know, standard thursdays.
"one thing i don't think i've mentioned before," lewis begins, setting down his cup of tea, "is how much i admire that you try to find the human behind the driver."
your eyebrows furrow. "i don't think i follow."
"i now realize my wording is really weird. let me fix that." you laugh, taking another bite of your scone. "you don't exclusively ask questions about driving. you dig into our hobbies and interests outside of the paddock. in my experience, the way you balance questions for both motorsports and fashion is fascinating."
"it's all part of the job. i wouldn't be where i am without interesting questions, would i?" lewis smiles, shaking his head.
"i doubt it, but you are pretty damn smart. i bet you'd find a way to make it here one way or another."
"i'm flattered."
the conversation continues easily as the two of you finish your breakfast, then, as you begin to prepare yourself to stand and leave, he stops you. "actually, there's one last thing i wanted to do before we went on camera."
your head tilts in confusion as you set your signature lipstick back in your bag, a deep red balm that you've used since you started working at vogue. it's become your trademark product, and almost everyone in the office knows exactly which one you use. "do i need to be worried, lewis?"
"no, not at all! it's this," he says, and your eyebrows rise in complete and utter shock when he pulls out a small box wrapped in white paper and a crimson bow wrapped around it all. "i wanted to get you a gift as a way of saying thank you for all the curveball questions you've thrown at me this year." your hands shake as you take the box from him, and you already know exactly which brand it is. cartier. sure, you've written pieces about their timeless looks and elegant aesthetics, and owning a piece of their jewelry has always been a dream of yours, but it's always been just that: a dream.
"lewis, i can't accept this. i- i'm honestly at a loss for words. seriously, no." you can't help but flush at how he's looking at you, those annoyingly beautiful eyes of his and the stupidly perfect crow's feet that only show up when he really smiles- when he smiles the way he is now. gods, amelia was right. you really are down bad for the driver.
"please, just open it up. if you don't like it, i'll take it back and you can choose something you prefer." he nudges the box towards you once more, and the crisp wax seal that sits on top of the paper is incredibly enticing.
"are you serious?" a part of you wants to think that this is some sick joke, that there's cameras on you and it's all going up on one of those prank channels on youtube. a much, much bigger part of you believes lewis, though. that is the part of you that takes the box between your shaking hands, carefully pops open the wax seal, nimbly unties the beautiful ribbon, and gently unfolds the pure white paper. when you finally open the box, you gasp, tears threatening to well in your eyes. "lewis..."
"do you like it?" his voice sounds anxious and hopeful, and you can't help but realize how much thought he'd put into this gift. when you'd invited him into your office to review some photos that were to go into an article in the next vogue issue a few months prior, he'd seen the vision board on your wall and asked about it. bashfully, you had explained to him that it was a silly idea you had when you graduated from uni with your friends- each of you made one, cutting and pasting photos from pinterest, magazines, newspapers, and anything you could find, assembling your dreams in a mishmash of colors and ideas. one of your dreams on the board had been to own this exact necklace- the cartier juste un clou necklace in white gold. the fourteen diamonds set in the precious metal glitter back at you, and you can't help but smile.
"i love it, lewis. thank you so much." he visibly relaxes, his shoulders loosening and the crease between his eyebrows disappearing.
"i'm glad. here, turn around. let me put it on you?" you happily oblige, lifting your hair out of the way after you stand so that he can fasten the delicate clasp over your spine.
it's safe to say that both his and your fans noticed the necklace hanging between your collarbones, sitting just below the star necklace you wear daily on top of your dark grey high-collared shirt. you try your best not to look at the comments on the videos of your interviews, but amelia had shown you one that day after the unedited interview went up online.
"are they dating or something? i can't get over how lewis looks at her."
sunday, 1 december, 2019
after the race, lewis crossing the line not only in p1, more than 16 seconds ahead of the rest of the grid, but with the fastest lap, as well, you're sure to congratulate him on your social media accounts and in person in the pit lane. "lewis!" his head turns at the sound of your voice, and he sees you moving as quickly as you can down the pit lane, neon green paddock pass hanging from your neck alongside the black and purple media pass. your signature converse and light wash jeans complete your outfit, and his heart swells with joy when he sees that you're still wearing the necklace he gave you.
"hey! i'm glad they let you down here after the race. i was a bit worried i'd have to wring a security guard's neck to get you down here."
"aw, you'd do that for little old me?"
"i'd do just about anything for the most interesting reporter in the paddock," he replies, ever so cocky and so annoyingly pretty. seriously, was he a saint or something in his past life? it feels painfully unfair that he was blessed with such perfect looks and charm. it makes your stomach twist with a flirty giddiness you haven't felt since you were a teenager. it's exciting. "are you coming to the after party?"
"i don't know if i'll be able to. i have a lot to do in the next few days and i honestly don't know if i'm going to be able to take a break on the plane back to london. i'll probably be sitting in my seat going over notes and writing up an article or answering an obscene amount of emails."
"please? just one night? i'll buy your drinks." he bats his eyes at you, and it really shouldn't make you fold as easily as it does, but here you are, sitting in his mercedes and driving to a probably very heinously overpriced club.
a girl needs to be a passenger princess every now and then, right?
when you arrive at the club, you have to force your lips to stay closed so that your jaw doesn't drop in shock and awe. paparazzi swarm you as soon as you step out of the car and lewis hands the keys to the valet, and for a moment, you're convinced this is some sort of sick and twisted fever dream as microphones are shoved in your direction and cameras flash quickly enough to make you glad you don't have photosensitive epilepsy. when lewis' hand rests on the small of your back and he smiles brightly at you, though, you're reassured that this is very much real.
"after you." you smile back at him, your own anxiety lessening just a tiny bit now that you know that he's right there by you.
pretty please, come on over and ruin my life
how did you end up here?
you'll blame it on the alcohol.
either way, lewis' lips feel amazing on yours, and you waddle slightly as he backs you up to the bed in his extravagant hotel room. "need this off," he mutters, hands searching under your shirt and gripping at your waist. your brain is a foggy mess of lust, alcohol, and a lot more lust, and as quickly as you can, you pull back from the kiss (much to lewis' dismay,) tug your shirt out of your waistband and yank it over your head, tossing it somewhere to your right. almost immediately, strong arms wrap back around your torso and you're caged in, and every single one of your senses is flooded with lewis, lewis, lewis. his skin is hot underneath where your hands lay, your right on his cheek and your left clutching the side of his neck as if letting go would result in falling off the face of the earth.
his kisses are messy, desperate, and wet. his tongue glides along your own and you moan wantonly, the noise only further spurring on his efforts. as you lay back against the bed, lewis kisses his way down your chest (when did your bra come off?), lavishing each of your breasts with his tongue and hands. one hand works over your flesh, kneading and pinching while his tongue licks over your right nipple, gently biting and sucking and smirking when you moan once again, switching to the other side. "lewis, oh my god-" you interrupt yourself with an embarrassingly loud whine, your back arching as deft fingers pop open the button on your jeans, unzip the fly, and slip into your panties.
"fuck, darling, so wet for me already," lewis groans, his head buried into your neck as he bites gently at the sensitive skin there. "i'm gonna have to get a taste before i fuck you."
"yes, oh my god, please," you whine, the mere thought of the driver between your thighs making another rush of butterflies flood your lower tummy. you almost laugh when you realize that you still have your converse on and he's struggling with the laces, so you lift yourself up off of the bed and shoo his hands away, instead expertly undoing the white laces in less than ten seconds and kicking them off your feet, leaning back onto your elbows as they hit the ground with a muffled thump. "you are way too overdressed."
sure, you've seen photos of lewis shirtless before, but it doesn't compare to seeing it in person and up close, and...
he's beautiful.
"that's not fair."
"what?" lewis laughs, crawling back over you after you both pull your pants off and toss them to the side, and your breath briefly catches in your throat as the scent of his cologne overwhelms your senses.
"you aren't allowed to be nice and hot. it doesn't work like that." lewis laughs, leaning down to press another kiss to your lips that intoxicates you more than any of the high proof alcohols you've drank in the past few hours.
"well, i guess i'm a rule breaker, then." he shuffles you up the bed so that your head rests on the plush pillows, sighing in relief when you think he's finally going to fuck you, but you gasp when he slides his way back down to your thighs, pulls them apart with his hands, and settles between them. "fuck."
"lewis, please. need you."
"what do you need, baby?" he teases as his hands begin stroking up and down your thighs. you're about to respond, but you cut yourself off with a cry when his fingers gently stroke up your panty-covered slit, the sensitivity making your back arch and your hands grip the sheets tightly.
"fucking hell, i... i need you to eat me out."
"i thought you'd never ask." his fingers tug at the waistband of your panties and you lift your hips slightly, just enough for him to slide them off of your legs and add them to the growing pile of clothing on the floor. without wasting a second, he dives into your cunt, tongue dragging along your slit from your entrance all the way up to your clit, and you both moan in unison. his hands grab at the meat of your ass, pulling your hips closer to his face, and you yelp, but it's quickly cut off with another moan as lewis' tongue prods at your entrance, hot and insistent.
"mmgh, lewis, fuck, so good." you barely have any control over your own mouth as lewis eats you out, his tongue expertly lapping up every part of your cunt as if it's the best meal he's ever tasted. he quickly figures out what makes you twitch and moan and focuses on that, his nose bumping against your clit as his jaw hinges open and he swallows you whole. his hands tightly grip your ass, the pads of his fingers digging into the skin and definitely leaving some form of marks to appear later in the night, but that's the least of your concerns when you have the world champion of motorsport between your legs. the moans that tumble past your lips echo off of the bare walls of the lavish hotel room, but not a single noise you make is embellished in the slightest- he's just making you feel that good. the coil in your tummy builds and builds, but your brain has been reduced to mush from pleasure, so you have to resort to scrabbling your hands at whatever you can grab, your fingers ultimately tugging at his neat braids. lewis thankfully gets the hint and only increases his efforts, his left hand moving from your ass to gently push two fingers into your entrance, and, when he curls them upwards, perfectly hitting your g-spot, you nearly sob, your orgasm hitting you a lot sooner than you had anticipated. "oh, lewis, don't stop, please. feels so good, baby, fuck."
lewis helps you ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm, pulling his fingers out of you and pressing a tender kiss to your hipbone before climbing back up to you and connecting your lips in yet another messy kiss, and you groan when you can taste your cum on his tongue. when lewis' boxer-covered erection grinds against your sensitive clit, your mouth falls open in a gasp, letting him take the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth and run against yours. when you kiss him, it feels like you've stepped through the gates of heaven and you're kissing an angel. you suck greedily on lewis' tongue and he moans in response, making you smile into the kiss.
lewis pulls back momentarily and you pout, but the sight before you is absolutely beautiful. his skin glows with a thin sheen of sweat and his lips and chin are covered in a mix of your cum and spit. it's gorgeous. "are you okay with this?"
"more than okay," you grin, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "it's fantastic."
"in that case, i'd love to fuck you properly..." at his words and the feeling of his lips ghosting down the side of your neck, pressing feather-light kisses along the sensitive skin, you shiver, your hands coming to rest on the sides of his torso. "if you'll have me, of course."
"please do." with another smile, lewis pushes himself up and off the bed, returning promptly with a condom in his hand. you bite your lip and watch eagerly as he pulls down his boxers, and...
you're fucked.
"seriously, lewis? are you kidding?" your head falls back with an exasperated laugh, your shoulders shaking as you realize: of course he's big. if he's nice and attractive, then it's almost a guarantee that he's going to have a big dick. "you really just have it all, don't you?" the mattress dips, and you raise your head again, looking back at him as he crawls towards you, almost catlike in his motions.
"i could say the same for you. beautiful, kind, intelligent, an absolutely killer ass..." you scoff and roll your eyes, trying to come up with a cocky response, but your brain short circuits when you feel lewis begin to push the head of his cock into you. "oh, fuck."
"lewis, oh my god," you keen, your hands reaching up and finding purchase on his broad shoulders for stability. his left hand holds your waist while his right grips at your hip, the tightness of his hold almost painful... almost.
"baby, you're so tight. taking me so well. 's like you were made for me." you're pretty sure the words spilling from lewis' mouth are just mindless, sex-brain-induced babbles, but either way, it makes your pussy throb around him, and you both groan in pleasure when his hips finally meet yours. he looks down at you and almost chokes- you look absolutely stunning. your eyes are screwed shut, your lips parted as breathy moans sneak their way past them, and your hair is splayed around your head like a halo.
when you finally manage to pry your eyes open and steady your breathing, lewis is gazing down at you, and you can't help but pull him down for yet another kiss. how many times have you kissed him tonight?
not enough, you decide.
between soft and slow kisses, you breathe out the words that lewis has been praying you'll say: "you can move, lew." when he does, slowly pulling out most of the way before pushing back in, the drag of his cock against your walls makes you shudder, your nails digging into his shoulders and undoubtedly leaving crescent-moon shaped divots in the skin. "oh... oh, fuck, baby."
"you like that, baby? you like having my cock inside of you?"
all you can muster in response is a meek "mhmm," but that isn't enough for him. he grabs your face, forcing you to look at him, and halts his steady thrusts, making you whine.
"use your words. i know you can- you showed me this morning."
"yes!" you sob. "yes, i love feeling you fill me up. i love it, lewis. it feels so good. feels perfect."
"there you go. i knew you could do it." his words make you moan even louder as he resumes his thrusts, this time at a much faster pace. "fuck, look at that. taking me so well... i can even see it. gimme your hand, baby. feel it yourself." he places your left hand low on your stomach, just between your hipbones, and... oh.
you can feel his dick filling you up under your hand.
"lewis, oh my god!" your moans only increase in volume with his own when he presses down onto the bulge in your tummy with his hand, changing how deeply you feel him, and it sends you hurtling towards your second orgasm of the night embarrassingly fast. "fuck, fuck, lewis, don't stop. feels so good, baby, just like that, yes!" your own hand sneaks around his wrist and rubs circles around your clit, which makes you clench around him, which in turn throws you into your orgasm. "lewis, 'm cumming, 'm cumming, ah!"
"just like that, baby, cum for me. so perfect. so, so perfect." lewis talks and fucks you through your orgasm, his own fingers taking over when yours falter on your clit. when the end of your orgasm trails off, you try to catch your breath, but when your post-orgasmic clarity dawns on you, you realize that lewis didn't cum.
"oh, fuck, lewis... let me suck you off. you didn't cum."
"are you sure? i'm-" he cuts himself off with a grunt, his hips stuttering as he slows his thrusts so as to not hurt you in your oversensitive state, but when you nod, your bottom lip pinched seductively between your teeth, he gives in. "alright, yeah. yeah." he pulls out of you and you roll over, shuffling your way down the bed until you're settled between his legs, your arms resting on his upper thighs.
"you're so pretty, lewis. so, so pretty." if it was a bit brighter in the room, you would've seen the way lewis' mouth ticks open and his dick twitches at your praise, but the singular bedside lamp is barely enough to light the room. instead of noticing, you gently peel the condom off of his cock and toss it in the trash can underneath the bedside table, then settle back between lewis' legs and let a fat drop of saliva leak onto his cock.
"fuck, if you keep saying things like that i'm not gonna last long," lewis groans, his head thrown back into the pillows.
"oh, you don't want to hear me call you pretty? you don't want me to say that you're one of the most beautiful people i've ever laid eyes on, and that i've waited months to be here just to tell you that?" your hand begins lazily stroking his hard cock as you continue rambling shamelessly, your mind a sex-addled haze that you have nearly no control over. after watching in awe as a pearly bead of precum swells at the head of lewis' cock, you decide that enough is enough and that you have to taste him. your tongue falls out of your mouth, the flat of it brushing up the bottom of his dick until you reach the tip, and then you secure your lips around it, and fuck, if having the taste of lewis' cum on your tongue isn't enough to make your eyes flutter shut for a moment, you don't know what is.
lewis' hand finds itself in your hair, pulling gently as you begin to bob your head along the length of his dick, and you can't help but feel pride bloom in your chest when his hips begin bucking up to meet your mouth and hand, shoving the tip so far back you swear the back of your throat might be slightly bruised in the morning. you moan shamelessly as he does so, letting him fuck your mouth as he pleases until he cums, warm ropes of sticky fluid filling your mouth as he spills into you. pulling off, you swallow part of his load and clean what little remains off of his softening cock with gentle kitten licks, smiling faintly as he whimpers quietly at the oversensitivity. after crawling up to the head of the bed and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, lewis' eyes search yours before dipping down to your mouth. you're a bit confused as his left hand comes up to your face, thinking he's going to kiss you again, but instead, his thumb swipes against the corner of your mouth and pries past your lips, a silent order that you obey willingly. you'd missed one tiny drop of his cum on your cheek. his thumb pops out of your mouth momentarily and you collapse down next to him, the exhaustion of the jam-packed day finally catching up to you.
"i'm gonna go grab a towel to clean you up, yeah?" you nod sleepily, a quiet hum escaping your body. "you're staying here tonight. i won't stand for letting you out of my bed for the next twelve hours." this time, if a question mark could be a sound, that's the noise you make. lewis understands you, though. "we'll take my jet. don't worry about your fight." another content sound from you.
by the time lewis returns to the bed, warm damp washcloth in hand, you're asleep, and he can't help but tuck the strands of hair out of your face after he cleans up your swollen cunt and tucks you into the soft bedding, joining you shortly thereafter.
he's fucked.
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Summary: A night out celebrating Miller Contracting finishing their first big contract on time with the next one around the corner, leaves you going home with Joel and Frank, spending a night with both men you would have never dreamed of.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader x Frank Castle
Wordcount: 3,864
Rating: E
Warnings: somewhat established relationships, unspecified age gap, alcohol, smut (oral m receiving, unprotected sex) mmf threesome, everyone is bi here, feelings, a little derogatory language, public fingering, no outbreak AU
A/N: this is something I did not know I needed 26 hours ago. Also only a little edited. This is just for fun. I also fucking hate writing threesomes so if you find mistakes, please don't tell me lol
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post a new fic
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„So, come around here often?“ You tried not to roll your eyes, leaning with your side against the bar counter of the shady, yet cozy dive bar your boss had all invited you to to celebrate finishing the first big project on time and landing two new ones. 
You hadn’t worked that long for Miller Contracting Ltd. You hadn’t been living in Austin long in the first place. A shitty break up and a boss who did not know how to keep his hands to himself let you pack your few belongings and visit your best friend almost a year ago. It had been a five day road trip, but it had changed your life. 
Now you had your own apartment, a new car and a new job as…. The girl for well, everything that had to do with numbers at Miller Contracting. 
Your boss did not make a big secret out of his dislike for paperwork in your interview.
Which led you standing in one of your favourite summer dresses, waiting for the guy behind the bar to notice you so you could order the last round for the table. 
You tilted your head to the side, finding Tommy looking at you, his eyebrows wiggling playfully, a silly grin on his lips. Tommy Miller was the younger of the Miller brothers and definitely had a drink (or three) too much already.
„Not sure if your wife likes you flirting with other woman, Miller,“ you grinned and he chuckled. 
„Not flirting. Don’t need to. I have the hottest wife at home. Here to help you,“ he said. 
You smiled, loving how in love he was with his wife, their first baby on the way. 
The bar man finally approached and Tommy ordered another round, water for you, and began to talk to the man about the latest football match. Something you very much were not interested in. 
Taking this as your cue to go you turned away, walking slowly back to the table. It was already getting late, and most of the workers had already left for home. Only Frank and Joel, your boss, were left.
They seemed to be in a deep discussion, leaving you to admire them both as you walked back over to the table. 
Frank had joined the crew not too long ago. Moving from outer state, looking for a job he had shown up at the working site, ready to be put to work. He had politely asked to talk to whoever is in charge after he knocked at the trailer that had been set up at the construction site for you. 
If you appeared… flustered he did not comment on it, talking to Joel who had been in the trailer with you to… talk about the pay checks for the coming week. 
At least that’s what he told everyone the day before the checks were due. 
Yes you did talk about the checks for the first ten minutes. The remaining time, however much he had left, was spend with you bend over your desk and he railing you from behind until you were both more than satisfied. 
You hadn’t been looking for someone. Much less your boss. Not that you thought a man like Joel Miller could be interested in you. 
He was… the manliest man you had ever met, older than you by a couple years. A hardworking Single Dad of a adorable twelve year old named Sarah. 
He was tall, broad, the slightest of silver shining through this dark hair and beard.
Funny enough the first time you slept together was after you both were a little tipsy in just this bar, waking up in his bed with a pleasant soreness you had never felt before, leaving for an awkward breakfast at which you both decided that you had to try this again sober. 
Deciding pretty quickly that you both wanted to continue seeing each other, no strings attached after. 
You, because you were figuring out a way to let you believe a man like Joel Miller could be interested in you (and your body) and Joel because he didn’t know how to let someone in and let them see the real him. The man who was scared to fall in love, to let someone in. 
Even though he already was very much in love with you. 
Not that you would know. 
You smiled at Frank as he looked up, sitting down next to Joel. Not too close, not too far. Even though part of you wanted to lean against his side and play with his hand that was resting on the bench next to you. 
„Whatcha talking about?“ You asked. They both looked at each other, before looking back at you.
„Hockey,“ both said in union and you nodded slowly, suspicious. 
„Doesn’t sound like a lie at all,“ you nodded and they both laughed. You looked at Joel, finding him hiding a smile as he looked at you for a moment before he looked back at Frank. 
Frank brought the bottle of his beer to his lips, taking the last sip, before he leaned back against the bench, watching both you and Joel with a amused smile.
You could admit that Frank was fucking hot. 
There was something dark about him, that made him even more attractive. And yeah when he was at the construction site and was working shirtless you always found a reason to spend a little bit more time outside. 
Something even Joel had noticed, hissing against your ear as he fucked you hard, asking if you wanted Frank instead of him. 
You only realised after that Joel had been jealous, finding him working shirtless only a couple days after, winking at you as he found your eyes.
Tommy stumbled against the table with the drinks. 
„My very beautiful wife is waiting outside for me. Be good. Don’t do something I wouldn’t do,“ he grinned and waved before he turned around and walked towards the door. You shook your head, laughing to yourself. 
„It’s adorable how much he loves his wife,“ you said, grabbing the glass of water and pushing the bottles of beer to Frank and Joel. 
„Never seen him like that ever before,“ Joel admitted.
„It’s a fucking miracle to find your person in this fucked up world,“ Frank said and you nodded. 
„Cheers to that,“ Joel said, raising his bottle, clinking it with his. You raised your glass too, cheering towards Frank, almost jumping in your seat as you felt Joel’s hand come up to rest on your thigh. You turned your head towards him and he clinked his bottle against your glass, giving you a small smirk, before drinking. 
You gulped before taking a sip of water. 
You had switched to water after your second beer, having drive here from home. Sarah was staying with a friend so Joel had invited you to stay the night and you were looking forward to tipsy Joel having his way with you. 
„So how long have you two been fucking?“ You head Frank ask and you chocked on your water, turning your head towards the man sitting across from you. 
He had his arms crossed, long at both you and Joel with an amused smiled. 
Frowning you looked at him, trying to come up with a lie you could tell him when Joel opened his mouth. 
„Better part of a year,“ he said and your mouth parted, shocked.
You two never had the discussion about telling anyone when you both still weren’t sure what this was or could become. Not that anyone ever had noticed until now.
Joel looked at you with a warm smile. He squeezed your thigh and you found yourself smiling back, warmth washing over at his admission. He did not even think about lying and it felt so fucking good to have a man not wanting to hide you like a dirty little secret. 
Even though you had been sneaking around for a year, but this was different. 
„Lucky bastard,“ Frank said and your eyes snapped from Joel to him. 
He laughed at your expression. 
„Don’t look at me like that. You’re fucking beautiful,“ he said, his eyes fixed on you. 
„She is,“ Joel said and you felt hot all of the sudden. His fingers pushed your dress up, his hand slipping between your legs and you bit your lip, your eyes still on Frank. 
„I’ve seen you watching me, girl,“ he said and you parted your lips, your chest rising as your breathing got faster. Joel’s hand kept wandering up your thigh, your legs parting for him unconsciously. 
„I haven’t…“ you began to lie, but Joel clicked his tongue. 
„Don’t lie to him, darlin’,“ he hummed, his hand between your legs pulling you closer towards him and you gasped. 
„Yeah, don’t lie to me darlin’,“ Frank repeated with a small smirk. 
„What… What is happening?“ You asked, lust clouding your mind, your panties wet as Joel fingers finally found their way to them. 
He hummed, his head bending down, his forehead resting against the side of your head. 
„Frank here had an idea to celebrate the good work you do,“ he said. 
„The work I do?“ You asked. 
„You’re the brain, we the muscle baby,“ Joel said and you gasped as his fingers pushed underneath your panties. 
„You… you did not talk about hockey while I went to get drinks,“ you said.
„No,“ Joel said.
„Joel…“ you whispered. 
„Tonight is about making you feel good. However you want,“ Frank said and you looked at him as Joel slowly pushed one of his fingers inside of you. 
You moaned quietly, your eyes slipping closed. 
„You want Frank and me to fuck you, baby?“ Joel hummed against your ear. Your eyes opened, looking at Frank who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for your answer. 
You looked at Joel, his fingers slowly fucking into you. 
You wanted to ask him, where this idea came from. If he was certain. If he was really suggesting what you thought he was. As if he could read your mind he leaned close against your ear, whispering a quiet it’s okay. 
Flooded with confidence you turned your head, pressing your lips against his. 
„I’m taking you both home,“ you said, watching both men smirk. 
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You were drunk on the power you felt as two of the hottest men you had ever laid eyes on sat on Joel’s bed, looking up at you. 
You had driven to Joel’s place with him in the car with you, Frank following behind. 
On the way Joel assured you that you were in charge to which you told him you didn’t want to be. You wanted them to fucking wreck you.
So he made you repeat the rules. 
Green for keep going. 
Yellow for slow down. 
Red for stop. 
You had never used anything than green with him before, and you did not plan on doing differently today. You trusted Frank. And you trusted Joel to keep you safe, no matter what. 
He told you to strip down for them as soon as you entered the bedroom, which left you here, slowly pushing your dress from your shoulders, swinging your hips with a shy smile as you let the fabric fall to the floor, leaving you in nothing but white laced lingerie you had worn for Joel. 
He had told you he loved you in white a while ago.
„Slower,“ Joel said, his hand palming his cock, still hidden inside his jeans. Your eyes moved from him to Frank you had his bottom lip between his teeth and one hand inside his pants. 
„Think about all the times you watched Frank work in the heat outside. Give him a little show, sweetheart,“ Joel hummed and you shuddered.
You turned away from them, taking a deep breath. You let your hands wander up an down your sides, your fingers playing with the straps of your bra, looking over you shoulder at both of them. 
Slowly up pushed the straps down before you unclasped your bra in the front, turning around, your hands covering your tits.
You found Frank’s eyes as you let your bra slip from your arms, revealing your bare tits to him for the first time. He hummed, his eyes burning as they raked over every inch of naked skin revealed to him. 
You hadn’t noticed Joel taking his cock out, his hand wrapped around his cock, slowly pumping it. 
„Go on,“ Frank nodded, a smile playing on the corner of his lips. 
„I think it would be only be fair if you get rid of some clothes to, Gentlemen,“ you said. 
„That so?“ Joel asked and you nodded. 
He looked at you, amusement in his eyes. 
„You heard the lady, Castle. Show her those abs,“ he said and you couldn’t stop your giggle at seeing Frank roll his eyes. 
Both of them took their shirts off at the same time and you couldn’t help yourself as you walked over, bringing one of your hands up to each of their broad chests. 
You sighed when you felt Joel’s hand hook into your panties, pulling them down your legs as Frank leaned in, kissing your tits.
„How about you get down on those pretty knees and suck Frank’s cock,“ Joel said and you looked down to his cock, biting your lip. He got up from the bed, his fingers tilting your chin up, his lips finding yours in a sloppy kiss.
„Show him how good your mouth is,“ he whispered and you nodded, looking back at Frank who had pulled down his pants in the meantime, his cock hard and leaking against his tummy. 
Slowly you lowered to your knees between his legs. His hand came to cup your cheek as you looked up at him, his thump pushing inside your mouth. You closed your lips around it, flicking your tongue over it. 
He smirked. 
„Imagined those lips around my cock so many times,“ he said, pulling his thumb out. 
„Yeah?“ You asked, your hand carefully wrapping around his cock. 
He hissed, his jaw clenching while he nodded. 
„Let me know if I live up to your Imagination,“ you said, your lips kissing the tip of his cock, humming as you licked your lips, tasting his precum. 
„Fuck me,“ he groaned and you grinned as you parted your lips to suck on the tip of his cock. 
Hallowing your cheeks you slowly took him deeper, humming at his taste. He was a bit thicker than Joel, maybe an inch or so smaller. Relaxing your jaw you took him deeper, bobbing your head slowly as you sucked him off. Your hands resting on his thighs, digging into his skin. 
The noises he made were downright sinful, your pussy clenching around nothing. 
His hand came to rest on the back of your head, his fingers pulling your hair a little. 
„You can fuck her mouth. She loves it,“ Joel said from behind you and you moaned. 
„That so?“ Frank asked and you blinked your eyes, nodding with his cock in your mouth, humming around it. 
You felt Joel’s hand on the back of your neck and you looked up finding him hovering over you. 
„Come on, show him how much of a little cock slut you are,“ he said and you moaned, taking Frank’s cock deeper until your nose hit his pubic hair. 
You looked up at him, keeping him down your throat and he cursed before he began to fuck your mouth. Slowly at first, then getting rougher, the wet slurping of him fucking your mouth filling the room. 
„Fuck. You are good at that,“ he moaned, pulling out of your mouth. You smiled up at him, licking your lips. He got up to stand, pulling you up with him, kissing you hard. You moaned against his lips as you felt Joel on your back, kissing up your shoulder. 
Feeling four hands on you was a strange sensation. Someone was holding your tits in his hands, while other hands squeezed your ass. Frank’s tongue slipped into your mouth and you let yourself relax against Joel’s strong chest. 
„You can fuck her. But don’t cum inside of her,“ Joel hummed against your skin, kissing up your neck. 
You loved when he got a little possessive.
Frank parted from your lips, one of his hands holding your face as he looked at you, dark eyes fixed on yours. Joel’s hand slipped between your legs, his fingers playing with your clit. 
„Want me to fuck you?“ Frank asked. You nodded, pecking his lips. You turned your head to the side, Joel’s lips finding yours before you watched him kiss Frank, your pussy clenched at watching them kiss.
„Get on the bed. On your back. Wanna look at you when I make you cum,“ Frank rasped and you nodded. He took a step back and you got on the bed, flooded with confidence you spread your legs, laughing when he crawled over to you, kissing your lips. You felt the bed dip on your side and then there was Joel. 
His warm body against your side. 
Frank’s hands were on your thighs, pushing them apart as he kissed down your body. His lips closing around your nipple. 
„So fucking perfect. You’re a lucky bastard Miller,“ he said, flicking his tongue over your nipple. 
Instead of answering Joel leaned in and kissed you, humming against your lips. He deepened the kiss, his hand squeezing one of your tits. 
You felt Frank line up between your folds, the head of his cock slipping through your slick.
„She’s fucking soaked,“ he groaned and you sucked Joel’s lip between your lips as he parted from you. 
Frank rolled you to your side, so you were laying with him against your chest, one of his arms pulling you against him, and Joel behind you. You felt Joel’s hand on your stomach, his lips against your shoulder. 
Frank wrapped your leg above his, his cock between your legs.
„Want me to fuck you now?“ Frank asked, kissing you softly. 
„Please,“ you whimpered and he chuckled. 
„I got you,“ he cooed, parting your legs a little wider to make space for him, slowly sinking into your heat. 
You felt every inch of him, letting your head slowly fall back against Joel’s.
„Shit you’re so fucking wet. So warm,“ Frank groaned, slowly fucking into you. 
You moaned, closing your eyes. You felt Joel’s hand play with your tits and you reached behind, wanting to touch him. Opening your eyes you looked down and behind, finding Frank’s hand wrapped around Joel’s cock, slowly pumping his length all while he fucked you. 
„Fuck you’re both so hot,“ you whimpered and they chuckled. 
„You’re fucking breathtaking, baby,“ Joel hummed behind you and you whimpered. 
Frank began to fuck you harder, his thrusts hitting that spot inside of you, that made your whole body shake. 
„Oh, she’s close,“ Joel hummed and you felt his hand sneak between your legs, finding your clit, beginning to circle it. Frank’s hand was now on your hip, moving you against him. 
„Make her cum, Castle,“ Joel snarled. You reached your arm back, your fingers pushing into Joel’s hair, your fingernails scratching over his scalp. He kissed the side of your head, pinched your nipple and with the way Frank was fucking into you it was only seconds before you exploded, your orgasm making you cry out loudly.
„Fuck… Fuck,“ you heard Frank curse before he pulled out of you. Looking down you saw him jerking himself off before ropes of cum hit your stomach. You where still shaking from your orgasm when you felt Joel line himself up behind you and thrust into your still fluttering pussy. 
Your eyes closed, whimpering as Joel fucked into you hard and fast. 
„Always so fucking good for me,“ he groaned behind you and you moaned. Lips were on yours and you opened your eyes to find Frank kissing you. His hand now replacing Joel’s on your clit. 
„You gonna cum for him again?“ Frank rasped. 
„I can’t….“ You whimpered. 
„You can. Cum for me. Cum for me and I’ll fill this little pussy up. Just the way you like it, baby….“ Joel moaned behind you. 
„Fuck,“ you moaned.
Within minutes (or seconds or hours you weren’t sure anymore) you were coming again, clenching Joel’s cock so hard he chocked on a groan, fucking into you a couple more times until he twitched inside of you and filled you with his cum. 
„Oh fuck,“ you felt his forehead rest against the back of your head. 
„Oh fuck indeed,“ Frank said and you looked at him. 
You were a sweaty tangled mess of limbs and you could not remember the last time you felt so… satisfied. 
Still trying to fill your lungs with air you hissed when Joel slowly pulled out of you, feeling his cum dripping out of you. 
Humming, your eyes closed you snuggled into Joel’s chest, his arms around you and Frank hugging you both. 
You opened your eyes when you felt Frank move, giving you a shit eating grin as he slipped down the mattress, his face coming between your legs. You shuddered when you felt his tongue licking your pussy, cleaning you softly, humming like it was the most delicious meal. 
He pressed a kiss on your hip when he was finished, coming up to pull you close, leaning over your head to kiss Joel and then you. 
„That was….“ You began, trying to find words. 
„Should have done that sooner,“ Joel said and you chuckled. 
„Didn’t know that was an option,“ Frank said and you agreed. 
„Whatever my girl wants, she gets,“ Joel said, kissing your shoulder. 
You must have dozed of at some point, waking up cuddled against Joel’s chest, sheets covering your body. 
He was watching you. Joel had cleaned you up when Frank had said goodbye, not without telling him that it was time to get his head our of his ass and make things official with you. 
„Where’s Frank?“ You asked sleepily. 
„Left an hour ago. Told me to let you sleep,“ he whispered. 
You pouted. 
„Feel like I should have thanked him,“ you said and Joel chuckled. 
„You’ll see him next week. Bring him a fruit basked,“ he kissed your forehead. And you playfully slapped his chest. 
„Didn’t know you liked men too,“ you smiled. 
„What can I say? I’m full of surprises,“ he teased.
„Yes, yes you are,“ you sighed, kissing his chest. 
„Everything okay between us?“ You asked, half asleep. 
„Better than okay,“ he whispered just before you drifted back to sleep. 
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A week later you were sitting at your desk in the trailer when the door opened and Joel walked in. He locked the door behind him and you grinned as he walked over. 
„Wanna have dinner with me tonight?“ He asked, as he walked over to you. 
„Like a date?“
„Like a date,“ he nodded, his hands coming to rest on your desk as he leaned towards you. 
„I’d like that,“ you whispered. 
„Great,“ he hummed, leaning down to kiss you softly. 
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lianaloverr · 1 year
I Hate You, Right?
Paring: Non-streamer Quackity (Alex) x fem!reader
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Hello! I’m Liana and this is my first fan-fiction! It’s so nice to meet you. Pls don’t judge my writing it’s my first time lol.
Summary: you and Alex have been enemies since 3rd grade. After you thought it was the end of the world when you two got paired up for a project, you realized he wasn’t as bad as you thought.
Warnings: fluffy (kinda), use of real name.
3rd person
Really short!
“Ughhhh.” 5 more minutes. “Y/n wake up!” Mom says. *sigh* “I’m up!”
You slide out of bed and start getting ready to go back to hell. You wear *your choice* clothes for school. “Y/n, hurry and come eat breakfast before the bus comes!” “Okay!” You say. You walk down the stairs to smell that sweet smell of pancakes and syrup. You eat your food and wait for the bus.
*time skip to school*
You hop off the bus and start walking to the doors. Once you walk in you hear a familiar voice. “Hey y/n.” It was Alex. “What do you want?” You say, aggravated already. “Woah calm down, I can’t just say hi?” He says. “No actually.” You say as you walk away. You never really thought of why you hated Alex, it was just something about him getting on your nerves. Even since you met in 3rd grade you were at each other’s necks all the time. Like this one time in 5th grade, he tripped you in the hallway right in front of your crush. So you got him back by putting glue in his seat, it was funny nonetheless. But even all of this hatred you have for each other you couldn’t lie and say you’ve never had a crush on him. But since you were enemies, you never thought of asking him out, so you pushed your feelings to the side and kept the rivalry going. You snap out of you thoughts as you approach your first period, math.
*time skip to 5th period*
“Hello class! Today we have a project that you are going to work with a partner for it. But I will be choosing your partners.” Visible anger came form the class. “Okay settle down! Let me name off the people who are working together.” All the sudden you hear a voice behind you. “Hey y/n. I hope we’re partners. That means I’ll get to annoy you even more.” Alex said. “You know, I hope we’re not partners. Because if we are, it’s not gonna be good.” You say. “You know it’s a privilege to work with me!” Alex said. You roll your eyes, “you’re so full of yourself.”, you say as you turn back around.
“Okay, Max and Sarah. Keith and Liz. Y/n and Alex..” “What what!?” You say. “You heard me miss y/n. You will be working with Alex.” The teacher says. “Please there has to be someone else to work with!” You say. “No. You work with Alex or you get an 0.” You sigh as you look back at a smirking Alex. “This is gonna be fun.” He says. Oh boy…
*times skip to the end of school*
“You will not believe who I got paired up with!” You say to your friend. “I got pai-“ “Hey y/n!” You hear from behind you. “Ugh what?” You say, already knowing it was Alex. Do you want to work on the project at my house tomorrow?” Alex says.*sigh* “Sure, why not.” “Cool I’ll give you the address tomorrow at school! Bye partner!” He says as he runs off to catch his bus.
Although you acted mad about it, you didn’t feel all that bad about working with him. You were nonetheless curious on what his house looked liked or what he did in his free time.
But nothing could’ve prepared you from what will happen when you spend the next week with him working on the project.
Heyy! Thank you for reading part 1! It wasn’t really well done, so it would be very much appreciated if you told me the mistakes I made! Tell me if you want part 2!
Part 1/?
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torahoes · 4 months
(IDOLiSH7) Touma Inumaru - VD Winter Date Rabbit Chat: Part 1 - Extreme and Deadly!?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Touma Inumaru: Takanashi-san, good work today. I'm sorry I had to borrow your phone earlier!
Touma Inumaru: Thanks to you, I was able to safely meet up with my manager after that!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today! I received a message from Utsugi-san a little while ago as well!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm relieved you were able to meet up with him on time!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Touma Inumaru: If I hadn't run into you, it would've been a disaster. Despite being tight on time until our next location, my phone's battery died, and I was seriously freaking out.
Touma Inumaru: There were some staff I knew, but none of them knew my manager's contact information.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm glad I could help!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Looks like your phone's battery is recharged now, too!
Touma Inumaru: Haru had a portable charger, so I borrowed it!
Touma Inumaru: He was like, "Why didn't you charge your phone?" and was annoyed with me LOL
Touma Inumaru: I thought I had plugged it in properly before going to bed last night but maybe it was loose.
Tsumugi Takanashi: It happens sometimes…! > <
Tsumugi Takanashi: I remember once during my student days, my alarm didn't go off and I almost overslept…
Touma Inumaru: Oh, I totally get that!
Touma Inumaru: It's really scary when that happens!
Touma Inumaru: The moment you wake up, it's like all the blood drains from your face and you turn pale…
Tsumugi Takanashi: I hurried and managed to make it on time, but I realized I was wearing different socks on each foot. It was so embarrassing…
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Touma Inumaru: That's not too bad; it's cute!
Touma Inumaru: I, on the other hand, got ready in a hurry this one time and ended up wearing my T-shirt inside out.
Touma Inumaru: What's more, my members noticed but didn't say anything because they thought it was a fashion statement, so I spent the whole day like that until I changed into my costume LOL
Tsumugi Takanashi: Was everything alright today?
Touma Inumaru:
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Touma Inumaru: I double-checked everything carefully before I left since we had a meeting with Re:vale!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Was it perhaps for "NEXT Re:vale"?
Touma Inumaru: Yeah, that's right! We're appearing in the Valentine's Date project thing.
Touma Inumaru: The one where viewers send in date ideas they'd like to experience with us, and then we act them out on the show.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I saw the preview and thought it might be that...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm curious about what kind of ideas will be sent in. I'm also really looking forward to seeing what kind of date plans you all come up with!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Touma Inumaru: So you watched the preview. Thank you! I'm also super excited to see what ideas the viewers come up with.
Touma Inumaru: Honestly, I'm clueless about what they're even expecting from me.
Touma Inumaru: Momo-san and Yuki-san said they were probably expecting an "extreme and deadly" date.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Extreme and deadly...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: If we're talking about ŹOOĻ, I suppose you do have that image because of your music style, dance routines packed with acrobatic moves, and such...
Touma Inumaru: It's hard to imagine what that would look like specifically.
Touma Inumaru: If we're looking for something extreme... Maybe eating super spicy food or going on intense thrilling rides?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Something like bungee jumping from a skyscraper or trying VR horror experiences could also be considered.
Touma Inumaru: Now that you mention it, Haru did bungee jump before...
Touma Inumaru: A- Are they expecting me to do something like that too?
Touma Inumaru: But is bungee jumping even a popular choice for dates!?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I've seen couples bungee jumping together off bridges on TV... Some even do it at their weddings to create special memories!
Touma Inumaru: Seriously!? That's awesome. Maybe it's not so rare these days.
Touma Inumaru: I should probably look into what other kinds of dates there are. I need to mentally prepare myself.
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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(T/N: The sticker says "Do your best!")
End of Part 1.
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Im giving this a try and I have never been so scared
Soo.... I have made a thing. A one shot if you will. I have never done this before I have only really been the person who gave out ideas, never been the one to write it out. So with that being said be nice to me. And there will be selling erros you can of course thank my dyslexia for that one lol
This is a Henry cavil one  shot of course  
Part Two 
Henry Cavil X actress!Reader 
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Warnings: description of sex (nothing super crazy, its in a memory) 
I check the time once more after stepping out of the bathroom. It was 8:45pm. I have 15 minutes of free time before I want to go to bed. Having a full day of press was draining me and an early bedtime is my gift to myself. Even though I know I will be spending that free time down that rabbit hole that is tik tok. I could already predict  I was going to be seeing a lot of edits of myself in interview from today. The knock on my door pulls me from my never ending  thoughts on how I really think today's press went . I look down at my phone to see that it is indeed  8:47pm. With a grunt I walk to the door to see who it could be . I had asked everyone on my press team , for no updates on tomorrow's schedule after 8:30, even when I had a feeling it was going to be for nothing. I didn't want to think it would only take 15 minutes for them to find something that they felt was  “need to know”.  I desperately don’t want to go over anything new. My social battery has run dry today. The thought of one more talk about tomorrow's full day will make me cry.  I am worn out, worn down and ready for bed. I already have it in my head. I'm going to give the okay on anything they say to me. An interview on the moon? Sure, go book the flight. I will say whatever gets me to bed faster. I swing the door open expecting to see someone from my team standing there ,its normally Jess, ready to give me bad news.  Who I wasn’t expecting to see was Zendaya. She has a look on her face I can't quite place. “Whats  wrong Tom say something stupid again?” I gave a light chuckle after hopping to break the worried look I could see building on her face. She pushes past me without saying a word. My eyebrows knot as I am trying to put together how to proceed with the sustion. “No by all means come in,”  I called back to her as I peak my head into the hallway fully expecting to see Tom  running after her down the hotel hallway. I walk back into my room to see her pacing around the foot of my bed. Now I'm starting to worry. After two Spiderman movies together and many other projects I have never seen her this worked up.  She was ,for the most part, a very unflappable friend. Anything you said to her ,no matter how direr ,was taken on with an air of confidence . One could feel like nothing was going to go wrong once talking something out with her. No stunt was too crazy, no scene was too hard. Her confidence was just there ready to be poured into you. 
 “Zen you are going to have to tell me what's going on” I say to  her as I walk over,  placing  my hands on her shoulder getting her to stop her moving around. “I told your team I was the one who wanted to tell you this. But I don't know how to tell you this” she moved so she is looking at me head on now. “Well Doesn't that just make me feel warm and cozy?” hearing myself sound so sarcastic off the jump i add “Sorry, as you were saying.”   
“I’m trying to be serious here Y/n.” her tone was a little more urgent this time. “Well knock it off, you're making me nervous and sarcasm is all I got.” I tell her as I move to sit on the edge of my bed. The way she is acting and how she sounds, makes me feel like I will need to be sitting for whatever is coming next. “You are acting like something really bad is about to happen so just take it from the top please.”I tell her as I cross my legs in my lap. Getting myself even more ready for whatever is going on. 
She leans back so she is sitting on top of the dresser behind her. Then she lets out a deep sigh as she looks upward, then moves her focus back to me. “So me and Tom were looking over who was going to be a guest with us on the show tomorrow. Because they sent a last minute email saying who it would be  ” I stop her before she can move on. 
“ What show? The Graham Norton show?” I ask. “Yes, the Graham Norton show” Zen rushed out the answer. 
 “It should be only me, you and Tom. Because I was the last add on they needed to feel all the seats ,” I told her this as it was a matter of fact. Even though I know she is about to tell me my facts are wrong. She let out another deep breath, giving me the feeling she was starting to get annoyed with my two interruptions  so far. “Well yes Y/N, that was 2 hours ago. There has been a last minute addition.”
 With that she  stopped moving, and speaking. For a moment it looked like she stopped breathing as well. She was looking  at me like I was supposed to know who it was just by seeing  her in distress. “Am I to guess who it is?”I tried my best to make my voice sound calm. Her uneasiness was all starting to come together. My brain  put together that there was only one person who could stress her out like this. My mind  was also putting together her  stress wasn’t for herself, it was for me. “It’s him Y/N”. I need more from her. I need her to say his name. “Why?” was the only question my brain could come up with. I didn’t want her to say the “who” yet. I needed more time. I hope by the end of this answer I will be ready. “His Netflix show. And the whole thing about having a  DC superhero in the same room and a marvel superhero.”  I know now  it could only be that one  person.  “ In a world of Hims Zen, I am going to need you to say it.” For the first time tonight she broke eye contact with me. That was all I really needed to know that I was right. The need for her to say his name so I don't have to is to much. I need it to be said out loud. “It's Henry,” she let out a breath this time that sounded more like a sign of relief. Like she didn't have to keep it in anymore, the hard part was over for her. My head was reeling just by his name alone. I was trying my best to keep my face even. I have to act like this wasn't getting to me. Like I didn't think that his name alone was enough to bring me to my knees, what was tomorrow going to be like. In the same room. Breathing the same air. I don’t want her to see how much just his name affected me. I know that if I showed that I was upset, she would stay with me all night. As much as I loved her I didn't want her to see me like that again. Last time was too much for the both of us. “Thank you for telling me.” I move to get up from my spot on the bed. Taking my hand she pulls on it a bit to get me to look up at her. When my eyes meet I can see she is about to say something so I stop her before she does. “I’m going to be okay. Everything will be fine.” I couldn't quite tell if I am saying that for her or for me. I am going to be okay. I am going to be just fine. I will see him tomorrow, I will live through it. “Y/N/N do lie to me to get me out of here faster so you can cry on your own.” I breathe in deep. I should have seen it coming that she wasn't going to believe me. “It was just six months ago you showed up at my doorstep crying so hard you couldn't breathe right.” I didn’t want to correct her but my need to make this sucation funny got the best of me. “It was Tom’s mothers doorstep. You  just happened to be there.” She gave me a leveling stair. “ You know you are proving my point right now, right?” I knew this, yes. So all I did was nod my head. “Please, I want to be alone. I also don’t want to be rude because you are being the best friend any girl could ask for right  now.” I know she knows I meant it . I needed to say it anyway. “Go back to your boyfriend's room because that's where you were when you got the news. And just be with him. I will see you in the morning. Most likely with eyes so puffy the make-up team will hate me.” There goes my trying to be funny again. Zendaya didn't let go of my hand or make any kind of move. “I mean it, go. I will be fine.” She got it this time. She started to move to the door. Zendaya turned back to me  before she reached up for the handle. “I will be in my room if you need me.” I started to shake my head. “ Don’t do that. Go back to him . I'm in no mood to leave this room.” She gave me a nod before she finally made her leave. I know it was hurting her to not stay with me so she could “help me”. I am in no mood to be helped. Six months ago my heart was ripped out of my chest.  I grab my phone then make my way around the room turning every light off. I use my phone to light my way back to the bed. I lay on my back in the dark. I know I will not be able to sleep just yet . So I just stare up at the ceiling. And just like most nights when I can not sleep I hear his voice. “I just don’t feel the same way you do”. It's like an echo that keeps repeating. Over and over. This time I allow myself to think about before that moment. Not to think about the words said that morning. Just to think of that night.  I close my eyes so I can see it. So I can see myself laughing with his family. So I can remember that feeling of belonging there. To see the look on his mom's face every time she catches him looking at me. The joy she had in her eyes. The way she would pull me aside to tell me the name of her mother and grandmother “Just in case” she would always say  then give me a wink. I push past the sadness of never getting to see his family again. To not talk to his mom again.I just need to get past that. I fight with my brain just a little longer till  I can see it.  Like an out of body experience I can see it. Me just standing there in this childhood bedroom. Watching him as he takes pillows off his bed so he can sleep on the floor. “Hen don’t I can sleep on the floor. Plus I heard all the kids are going to want you to play ball with them tomorrow so you don't need to have a sore back.” he made no move to stop. Full of some kind of courgette I walk to him and take the pillows out of his hand. 
“We can share the bed, the world won't end if we do.” My eyes shoot open as I remember my own words. Man was I wrong. I take in the dark room around me. 
This wasn't the part I wanted to relive. I close my eyes again. I need the moment after that. I needed it when I got him to lay in the same bed as me. Then because once again my brain was trying to help me I was there.  I could see it. Him and I layed face to face. 
Even in a darken room I knew he was looking at me. After six years of just being his friend with two of those years being so in love with him it hurt. I was there with him. I would have been just fine if this is how it stayed. If he made no move farther than that. I take a deep breath in as I remember feeling the air change between us. I move my own hand to my cheek  as I try to remember how his hand felt when he did the same. If there was one feeling I want to have for the rest of my life it was the feeling of his hand on cheek  as he moved his thumb slowly against it. He was stroking my face so softly I remember closing my eyes so I could focus just on that. Then the true turn happened. He moved his thumb ever so slowly to my lips. It just took one swipe across my bottom lip for me to inhale deeply. With the exhale was a whimper of “Please”.  That's all it took before his lips found mine. I curse at myself for not remembering how every second went after that. I can remember the pull of clothes and them being dropped to the floor. I can remember him on top of him. I can remember the look of question he gave me before he fully pushed into me. How I bucked my hips up to him, my way of begging. That smile  that went across his face. The moan let out once he was fully in. That feeling of his hand covering my mouth. I can remember his whispers of “keep your eyes on me” “please do close your eyes” and it gets me every time I think about it. “That’s my girl”. He kept saying it and my response was the same every time, my hands would tighten whatever part of him I was holding. Then my brain brings me to the part of that night that confuses me the most. The part of us just holding each other. No words just my head on his chest with him rubbing shapes onto my back with his fingertips. As I fell asleep I heard the words “that’s it, I got you”. 
I jolt back up in bed. Why on earth would he say that? Why would he say he got me when in fact did not get me. I check my phone to see how long I have been stuck in my day dream. 9:30. Well this has been the shortest amount of time I have been stuck in my thoughts thinking about that night. So I will call this a win. I lay down with a hugh. I try to keep my brain on the night not the morning. I have come to the fact, after 6 months of this, I would rather go to bed confused and horny than sad and feeling alone. But, as with most nights my brain can’t help itself. It can see it. Me telling him I love him. That I have been in love with him for years. Telling him that last night was everything I have ever wanted and needed. That I wanted to spend the rest of my night with that feeling. I can see him standing there, every part of him looked like he was about to say the same thing. Every part but his mouth. That stupid part of him that told me “Don’t, Just Please don’t, We can’t” His eyes that have always given him away was scream that he loved me back, but his mouth was getting in the way of that. With that I ran. I didn't want to hear any lie he was about to come up with. 
With that last part of the story done, I close my eyes, falling into a, hopefully , dreamless sleep.
Tada!!! And she is done. There will be a part two I just wanted to get this one out of the way. If you have any questions please let me know. And please if you like or even love it share it with your friend and of course give it a like. 
Have a good day all!! And thank you for reading!
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 92- Thank You
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Chapter Summary: Jennie finally tells Jungkook that she is ready for the next step. Jennie MCs for the first time and Jungkook MCs with her. Jennie and Jungkook plan with Bangtan and Big Hit on how they want to reveal their relationship. Jungkook seeks revenge on Jennie during Halloween Dance Practice when she dresses up as Captain America instead of Iron Man.
Words: 7,000+
Genre: Big Jungkook fluff for this! The flirting on camera while MCing, they were lowkey pushing it lol.
Author's Note: Idk if the dancing I wrote for JenKook makes sense but here is the video inspiration. It was at 1:24 for the spinning dance move. It was so cool! I was like, yeah they gotta do something like this. And who knows maybe I'll even have JenKook do this entire dance cover when they're public and older.
Thanks for your patience on this new chapter! Taking a few days off from writing and then will start working on the next one!
"Are they getting ready? They're usually up by now," Jin said as the rest of the members were eating breakfast.
It was now morning and it seemed like everyone else was awake except for the Golden Duo who were still in Jennie's room. Today was the big exam day and the members wanted to make sure to bring the two teenagers to school bright and early.
"I'll check on them," Hobi offered and went to Jennie's door. 
Gently knocking on the door, he received no answer. Opening the door, since Jen had unlocked it after her bath with Jungkook, Hobi strolled in.
"Jennie? Jungkook? Rise and shine~! Time for school~!" he happily said but then ended up chuckling when he saw them. "Would you look at that..."
The couple was still asleep and found themselves snuggled together.
"I guess you two stayed up to study...ah, I hate to wake them up but they need to get to school on time," Hobi said to himself and walked over to the couple. "Hey! Rise and shine~! Time for school!"
He began to shake them as they both started to stir in their sleep.
"Up! UP! AHHHHHH~!" he began making loud sound effects and hit them with pillows.
"No..." Jennie groaned and turned over, trying to ignore him.
"Come on...it can't be time yet," 
"It indeed it is. Get up before Jin comes in. His wake up call will be much worse. Try to be ready in less than 30 minutes," he said as Jungkook started to get up with her.
Once Hobi left, the young couple got out of bed.
"Nap as soon as we get home?" Jungkook asked and stretched.
"Yes, please," she answered.
Pulling her in for a lazy kiss, he smiled and said, "Good morning,"
"Good morning," she smiled tiredly.
Once Jungkook left to go get ready in his room, Jennie got ready promptly and put on her school uniform.
Once at school, JenKook had the mindset of 'just do what you can' for the exams. They tried to cram last night and it did seem like a lot of the material was still in their brains. The exams went smoothly although they were tired and occasionally yawned as they answered the questions. Their parenting teacher even gave them and the rest of the students a break with the robot babies for the rest of the day and told them they would resume the project later.
As promised, Jennie and Jungkook immediately went back to sleep once they came home. They slept all day, bewildering the members as they wondered where they were until they found them still knocked out in Jennie's room. It wasn't until evening that JenKook woke up and decided to eat and have snacks in bed to relax and watch Marvel movies.
While watching Thor: The Dark World, Jennie began to think about how to bring up the subject of telling Jungkook she was ready. They were alone, none of the members were going to be barging into her room since they wanted to give them space to relax after exams and she couldn't think of a better opportunity than this. The only thing she had thought about was how she should say it to him.
"Jungkook?" she called out, getting out of her thoughts to stop overthinking.
"Yeah?" he smiled, turning his head to her as he held her.
"I'm ready," she said with no hesitation. 
It took him a moment to register what she had meant as he widened his eyes a little. "You're ready?"
"Are you-are you sure? Absolutely sure?"
She smiled softly. "Yes. I'm sure. I'm ready to take that next step with you when we can be in a more...private setting than this,"
He smiled and leaned to kiss her. "Thank you,"
"For what?"
"For trusting me. For wanting me. I'll make sure it's special. I promise."
"Same to you. I'm looking forward to it," she grinned, feeling her cheeks warm up at the thought of them taking this big step in their relationship.
As they continued to watch the movie, Jungkook began to ponder about when he would be able to have his first time with her. He wanted to plan out everything and make sure they were alone with no one to bother them. For their schedule, they were going to continue to promote Blood, Sweat & Tears and then they were going to be in Japan for their 3rd Muster.
That got him to think because they would be in Japan sometime before they would perform for the 3rd Muster. After making the realization, Jungkook smiled to himself.
Your birthday...
Continuing promotions, Bangtan began to get wins for BST and expressed how thankful they were to ARMY for the love and support. Jennie was so proud to see I.O.I in action, reminiscing on her time on Produce 101 with the girls. She found herself doing the Very Very Very choreography backstage as she watched them perform and visited them often to catch up and say hello.
For an episode of Inkigayo, Jennie was finally chosen to MC at a music show. 
"Oh man, oh man...Miss Bangtan finally got chosen to MC at a music show. I was waiting for this day to come," Jennie grinned on the Bangtan Bomb camera as she read the script. "And guess who I am MCing with? My good friend IM from Monsta X, LABOUM's Solbin, and my Golden Best Friend~!"
On cue, Jungkook sat beside her happily with a script in his hands while she continued scanning over her script.
“Oh God no…” she groaned.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked.
“I have to do aegyo? Why are y'all doing this to me? This is so cringe! What I look like doing this? Ugh, I'm already embarrassed,"
He laughed softly. "You'll be fine,"
"Oh, I sure hope so unless I die out of embarrassment on TV," 
She hated it so much. Why did the writers want her of all people to do this? She felt so out of place and weird about it.
"How comfortable do you feel about MCing today?" she was asked while getting filmed.
"I feel good. I've been practicing and getting advice from my sisters. Alani, who is good at interviewing, and Vienna who is good at script analysis. It'll be a fun experience,"
"And you'll be with me. You'll be just fine. I've MC'ed a few times now and although I haven't done it a lot, the script gets in my head more quickly. Let it come naturally," Jungkook reassured her.
She smiled softly. "Thanks, Kook."
Later on, Hobi read the script with Jennie and started doing aegyo in front of her.
"Oh my God...can I just...not do aegyo?" she complained while he giggled.
"You got to! You'll look adorable, Jennie. And make sure you make sounds, too. The sounds are a must-do!" he reminded her.
She sighed. This was going to be a long day...
As it was almost time for the show, Jennie received her microphone which had her nametag on it with the name, Jennie, cutely written in white and purple with sparkles. She even wore matching outfits with Jungkook for the occasion. They both wore red and black sweaters with Jungkook wearing black pants while Jennie wore a black skirt with accessories. Jimin and Taehyung occasionally snuck in cute videos and photos of the couple rehearsing lines together while talking about how cute they looked in their matching outfits. 
Wanting to get a quick bite to eat before the show, Jennie headed to the elevator so she could go to the food court and ran into SHINee who planned to go up there, too. She felt starstruck as she was in the presence of them. No matter how long she had been in the K-Pop industry, just running into legendary groups who had worked hard to make a name for themselves was always so amazing to her.
She bowed respectfully and grinned, "Oh my gosh, hi! My name is Jennie. It's an honor to meet you guys! Wow, y'all are so fine in person," she ended up blurting out the last part which caused her face to warm up.
Her sudden compliment caused them all to giggle and bow at her, thinking she was cute. They thanked her and made her feel comfortable as they asked how she was doing.
"You're MCing for the first time?" Minho asked her.
"I am! It's an honor to finally get chosen to MC! I've been waiting for this opportunity. After three years it's finally my turn!"
"Getting nervous about it?" Key asked.
"Honestly? Yes. As it gets closer to the show, I am getting more nervous. I hope to do well and make sure not to forget my lines,"
"You'll do just fine. You speak well in Korean," Jonghyun smiled kindly.
"Thank you, that means a lot. I'm excited to watch you guys perform today! I'll see you all in the green room for the show,"
Before Jennie knew it, it was finally time for Inkigayo to start. She waited for her cue while IM, Solbin, and Jungkook were shown on screen with the audience cheering loudly. She had read the text messages from her sisters one final time before putting her phone away.
Vienna: Improvising is your best friend. Don't even worry too much if you forget your lines. You got this Jen!
Alani: Make sure you show off that pretty smile on camera and be yourself. Act natural. You'll do well dear sister!
"Hello! We're MCs of SBS Inkigayo! I'm Monsta X's IM,"
"I'm LABOUM's Solbin,"
"I am BTS' Golden Maknae Jungkook,"
"We have a fourth MC, don't we? Where oh where could she be?" IM wondered.
"Wait! I know what will summon her," Jungkook took a roll of Smarties out of his pocket.
"Smarties!? Don't mind if I do!" Jennie jumped into the frame, gracefully landing right next to Jungkook with a grin, and waved at the camera as the audience cheered loudly.
"There's our fourth! Please! Introduce yourself!" Solbin grinned.
Jennie swallowed nervously as she mentally prepared to do aegyo. 
"Hello~! I am! BTS' Smartie loving Miss Bangtan! Jennie Walker!" she made a cute sound effect. She posed cutely with a peace sign and bowed with the rest of them.
'I am dying inside...' she thought as her face was on fire. She wanted to crawl into a hole and completely erase what she just did from everyone's minds.
Jungkook tried not to laugh as he watched her. 'Cute...' he thought.
With the members backstage, they started laughing when they saw her do aegyo.
"She is too adorable," Namjoon laughed.
"She did it! Yay, Munchkin!" Hobi squealed and clapped happily.
"She is dying inside," Taehyung laughed, watching her body language. 
"I hope she knows we'll be teasing her about this after the show," Jimin added.
"Welcome! It's so nice for you to join us, Jennie," IM greeted.
"Take out some Smarties and Jennie will come running," Jungkook met her eyes as they smiled at each other.
As Solbin and IM began talking about the show, Jungkook opened the small roll of Smarties and took a few pieces out to give to Jennie. This part was unscripted but he knew she wanted to eat some. Smiling gratefully, she took them and popped them in her mouth to eat while he ate some, too. Because of Jungkook, Jennie began to feel more relaxed and acted naturally. The members even noticed that as soon as Jungkook gave her Smarties, her body language became less tense.
"We have a lot prepared for everyone so please stay tuned until the end~!" Solbin grinned.
'Last one' Jungkook gestured to Jennie to show her there was only one Smartie left. They began to have a staring contest, completely forgetting they were on camera. Being the generous boyfriend he was, he prepared to toss the piece of candy as she prepared for it. When he did, she easily caught it with her mouth, eating it happily. 
"Isn't that right, Jennie?" Solbin asked with a smile after speaking.
"Yes! And can I just say I'm full of happiness because I had a very delicious pack of Smarties? Smarties are sweet and amazing just like APink as we look forward to them performing soon!" Jennie answered smoothly while looking at the camera.
Although she wasn't listening to what was said, she remembered she was going to be asked if BTS' Blood, Sweat & Tears performance would show a more sexier side today, raising the bar.
"Her sisters taught her well. She's going off script but it looks natural," Jin complimented as Bangtan watched.
"Yeah, she looks comfortable," Yoongi nodded.
"I bet having Jungkookie by her side is helping her," Jimin grinned.
As the show went on, the 4 MCs prepared to announce Monsta X who was about to perform soon as IM was in his white attire for the upcoming performance.
"Monsta X is waiting for us," Solbin brought up.
"Should we meet Monsta X, now?" Jungkook asked.
"Heck yeah!" Jennie happily said and began to rap Jooheon's part smoothly, "Junbidwaesseo jigeumbuteo fight for love. Jeomjeom daraoreun i yeolgineun tteugeowo," 
"Wow~!" Solbin, Jungkook, and IM looked impressed.
Yoongi grinned proudly as he watched her rap. "That's my smartie," 
"Everyone let's welcome the ultra spectacular Monsta X!" Jennie cheerfully announced as the group stood behind them with bright smiles. 
"2! 3! Monsta X! Hello, we're Monsta X!" the members did their greeting.
"That was some good rapping, Jennie. You sure you don't want to become the 8th member of Monsta X?" Jooheon asked with a grin and high fived her.
That part wasn't scripted at all as he suddenly asked her. The part about being live was that anything could happen and you have to think quickly on your feet. It flattered Jennie that some boy groups would love to collaborate with her or be the female member of their group because they enjoyed her performances.
"Ah..." Jennie let out a genuine giggle at the thought as Monsta X was smiling at her. "I'm flattered!"
"Jennie will remain with us!" Hobi whined as he watched the screen with the members agreeing.
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek, frowning at the idea. "No~! Miss Bangtan will remain in BTS," he quickly said with a hint of jealousy.
"Wishful thinking. We're very happy for the success of Fighter thanks to Monbebe," Shownu spoke up, talking about how grateful the group was for their support.
As Jungkook and Solbin took over the rest of the interview, Jennie smiled at the camera, standing next to her bias, Wonho. When they locked eyes, he nodded at her in acknowledgment and gave her reassuring smiles that she was doing so well MCing thus far. Before the show she had met up with Monsta X to chat and take photos and she expressed her hope to do well MCing. She loved how sweet and uplifting they were. 
"Well, we certainly can't wait to watch Monsta X perform! It's coming up, soon!" Jennie signed off with everyone joining in to say 'Soon!'
With more time flying by, Jennie and Jungkook were now in their Blood, Sweat, and Tears outfits. 
"This is Jungkook and Jennie in the green room," Jungkook announced.
"And this is IM and Solbin," IM added. "It's time to meet today's nominees for first place today!"
"They need no introduction! It's SHINee and BTS!" Solbin announced.
The members of SHINee bowed and did their greeting and JenKook stood with their group to do theirs before standing as MCs again with Solbin and IM.
"You are 1 of 1, SHINee! You're back as a nominee for first place, how does it feel?" IM asked.
"First of all, we are really happy. We are very grateful to our fans and we are honored to have a challenge for 1st place with BTS," Onew answered.
"BTS, you're a nominee for first, Jin tell us how you feel?" Solbin asked him.
"We are very honored to be a challenger with SHINee sunbaenim. And we have the opportunity to be a challenger thanks to our fans, we love you," he blew a kiss at the camera.
"Both groups are excellent singers and dancers. There's nothing you can't do!" IM added. "I really want to know what each group has in store for their victory ceremonies,"
Taemin answered, "If we win 1st place, we will show sexy 1 of 1 like Blood, Sweat and Tears,"
"So, if we win 1st place we will show cute Blood, Sweat, and Tears," V added.
"I'm really curious about today's results! Stay tuned to find out which group will win!" Jungkook announced. "A versatile and flashy performance by SHINee is coming up soon!"
"As well as the mature performances by BTS. You will see Jungkook and I in action with Bangtan later on in the show, so don't miss any of them!" Jennie spoke up.
"Coming up...soon!" They all announced with big smiles.
Later, the four stood by each other once again as it was just about time for BTS to perform. Jungkook was asked by Solbin how he had planned to act sexy for Bangtan's performance and he immediately turned to Jennie which was definitely not a part of the script. He was supposed to sing this to the camera for the audience but he turned to her instead.
'Oh God...not on camera,' Jennie kept her composure, trying to not let her surprise be shown on camera as she watched him lean in closer singing, "Nae pi ttam nunmul,"
Now those were some bedroom eyes as she held his intense gaze and couldn't fight the smile appearing on her face. Unscripted, Jennie countered by singing a line from her verse to loud cheers, "How much longer before you consume me?"
'Not much longer...' he thought to himself.
Jungkook grinned and they reluctantly broke eye contact to continue with the show as they heard IM speak again about how BTS was going to put on a sexy performance.
Jimin and Taehyung giggled to themselves while watching them backstage. They were LOVING the moments between Jennie and Jungkook, eating up every look they'd give each other.
"He's giving her the look," Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. 
"They need to relax. Looking at each other like they want to kiss on camera," Yoongi chuckled.
"They can't help it," Taehyung giggled.
While Solbin was talking, Jennie glanced over at Jungkook to take another look at his handsome face. Feeling eyes on him, he looked over at her and smiled softly, making her smile back. At this point, these two were making JenKook shippers happy with their cute moments on camera. 
Jennie and Jungkook met up with Bangtan backstage as the stylists wiped off any sweat on their faces and retouched their makeup. For today's performance of Blood, Sweat, and Tears, it was finally Jungkook's turn to dance with Jennie. The Golden Maknae was excited that it was finally time for him to perform with her after waiting patiently. After the stylists were done with them, Jennie and Jungkook stood with each other and he couldn't help but reach out to hold her waist.
"Listen, you have got to make sure you control yourself when we dance," she playfully teased him and placed a hand on his chest.
"With you looking like that, I don't think that's going to happen," he admitted with a grin. 
"You two seem to be in a trance today," Jimin giggled as the couple turned to him.
"Whatever is going on, we're loving it," Taehyung added.
"I'm just very happy," The Golden Maknae answered.
"Yeah, today is just a really fun day with him by my side," Jennie added.
"I can't wait to see this performance," Jimin said with anticipation.
"Please just don't go overboard," Jin spoke up after getting his makeup retouched. "Have fun but try not to go too crazy on TV,"
"We'll try our best, hyung," Jungkook replied.
"They're about to push the limit," Namjoon laughed, anticipating the inevitable. 
"Watch the move get banned on TV," Hobi added with a laugh.
During the performance, Jennie thought about how this was War of Hormone 2.0 with Jungkook. They danced sensually before but they were older and now dating. The two had been working on a unique dance move for this and they had been practicing for over a week to make sure they got it right. Their duet was sexy and Jennie was pretty surprised the music show allowed this since they can be a bit strict on certain sexy dance moves. But for today, they got a pass. However, it would probably be the only time they'd be able to do this unless BTS did it on tour.
As the comeback promotions progressed, Jennie finally started to ignore any ignorant or rude comments of 'Forcing her Americaness' or acting too 'sexy' for the performances of BST. She chose to just focus on working, having fun, and the positivity instead of worrying about the negativity. That helped her focus and it showed onscreen when she danced as she got out of that mindset of worrying what people were going to think.
The members but Jungkook were on the floor while Jennie danced and began her verse for the song, turning in Jungkook's direction as he began to stare at her with desire. But this didn't even look like he was using his stage persona, it was like he was looking at her for real.
How much longer before you consume me?
No matter how much I resist, I can't fight what you're doing
For this, Jungkook was going to show off his strength. Not wasting any time, he instantly grabbed her by her hips and pulled her close to him. All of a sudden, he easily lifted her up and held her with his hands under her thighs while she placed her hands on his shoulders. Wrapping her legs around his waist, it started to give her flashbacks of when he had lifted her up and pinned her against the wall when he confessed his love for her in January. And she only wondered...
'Oh God...sing Jennie,' she thought, trying to focus on the performance, getting a bit flustered at the thought.
As they held each other's gaze with him beginning to smirk at her, she ran a hand over her hair to move some hair from her face. He inched closer to her with his lips almost touching hers as he slowly took steps forward while they both were ignoring the pandemonium from the audience. Jennie couldn't help but smile as she caressed his face and felt the subtle squeeze of her ass. They were really pushing it on stage.
My mind is telling me to break free but my body is freaking out
No, I can't want you, get out of my head
As you love every inch of me you see that I want it too
He set her down as they began to dance sensually, with her back against his chest. He mirrored her movements closely as they continued to get cheers from the crowd.
Breath on my neck, I bit off more than I can chew
Reflecting on my choices, I'm wonderin' if there's any way out of this
This was going to be so extra but she trusted Jungkook and knew he'd hold her and make sure she wouldn't fall for this move. With her hands on his shoulders, he placed his hands on her waist and used his strength to lift her high up in the air. Wrapping his arms around her thighs to hold her securely, she was now looking down at him. Then he dropped her down while leaning forward with her still in his arms. One hand was on her back while the other hand was under her thigh as she held onto him, getting dipped. Then he spun her body around his back as her torso was pressed against his back before she landed safely on her feet, surprising the audience with how quickly and smoothly they did the move. 
As she reluctantly pulled away from him, she shook her head, taking steps back while he took steps forward to follow her. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him as she sang her last few lines, looking like he was about to kiss her.
I'm losing this battle, I just can't resist. 
Only a matter of time before you screw me up and I'll be stuck reminiscing. 
While JenKook was dancing, the members watched from the floor and were happy to see them together. Jin freaked out internally over their sexy dancing but he was happy to see them have their moment. 
'They are so extra...' Namjoon chuckled, taking a glance at them.
Jimin and Taehyung had watched proudly. Those two were becoming more open about not even hiding it anymore and they hoped they continued that. After their performance, it seemed like the cheers got even louder and ARMY had really enjoyed today's BST dance.
"You two did it! That spin was amazing!" Hobi cheered on JenKook who were getting their makeup retouched by stylists.
Jennie was proud that everything went successfully with Jungkook. Every time she danced with him, it felt right and she hoped they would be able to do the spin trick again. He really lifted her and spun her around like it was nothing and their hard work had paid off as it received extremely positive reactions. 
Social media went crazy over the performance and the highlight had to be the spin and when he effortlessly lifted her to hold her in his hands. Everyone loved their chemistry and how smooth they were with everything. 
JenKook shippers were having a field day on Twitter:
'I am just...loving the way he grabbed her. I felt like I was intruding while watching! Their acting for BST was on point!'
'The Golden Duo at it again to become the most extra duo ever. They ATE!'
'This is why Jungkook had been working out more! He used that strength! He lifted her like it was nothing!'
‘I am NOT delusional but throughout this whole show Jennie was staring at Jungkook like he made her the happiest girl in the world.’
'Well, he did give her Smarties on camera so of course she's happy!'
'I strongly feel like it may be more than the Smarties.'
'I’m sorry but the way Jungkook looks at her got me feeling some type of way,’
'JenKook giving us shippers what we want! Now KISS!'
'Step aside Taennie shippers! JenKook said HELLO!'
'Damn, I thought nothing was going to top V and Jen's performance. I think Jungkook's version is the best,'
'I don't even want to see the ones with the other members lmfao. Let the JenKook version be the permanent one!'
'Roomful of people but they made it feel like it was just him and her.'
'Best version of Jennie's verse to date! The chemistry!'
'LOL Big Hit should have chosen Jungkook for V's role now! This just looks RIGHT!'
'I could watch them forever. They need to start dance covers as the Golden Duo because the way they danced had me mesmerized'
'Jungkook is sprunggggggg! Do you hear me!? SPRUNG!!'
'Nah Jennie is SPRUNG! You see the way she was acting around him!?'
'I feel like she is so comfortable around him. Her body flowed so well with his! It just looked different in comparison to V's dance.'
'This era is stressing me tf out because idk if she’s dating Taehyung but then look at how Jungkook is looking at her and then the moment with Jin UGH WTF is going on!'
'Did you notice out of all the members, Jungkook just had THAT GRIP on her!? JenKook forever!'
'Plot twist she dating all members!'
'K-Pop predictions: BTS' Jennie will announce she is dating an idol before the year is over.'
'I agree with this prediction because you mean to tell me a beautiful black woman like Jennie is single? In this industry? After all this time? Nah, someone must have captured her heart. I have a feeling. Idk who because she has so many nice interactions with a bunch of male idols but she gotta be taken.'
'This era is stressing me out! Jennie's acting is incredible when it comes to this seductive persona for this era!'
'I know Jennie wanted to run away after doing aegyo lol'
'That is some intense staring between JenKook'
'The way they were eating Smarties together while MCing! The Best Golden Duo!'
'You see how Jennie caught the last smartie when Kookie threw it? Lmfao they're not called the Golden Duo for nothing!'
'I NEED to know what the hell is going on between Jennie and the members because they're selling the hell out of this era with the lingering gazes and sexy dancing!'
'JenKook looked like they wanted to risk it all on camera. I'm loving it,'
'JenKook shippers how we feeling!? We have been STARVING for some JenKook content and we were not disappointed!'
After the show, Jennie texted her sisters to ask for their thoughts.
Jen: Soooooo?? Did I do well MCing?
Alani: LOLLLLL yes!! You did good! You have a cute charm when you MC. Keep up the amazing work! But girl! You and Jungkook dancing tho? WHEW!
Vienna: So we just gonna ignore how Jungkook was giving her the bedroom eyes? And how he held you!? People are going to start noticing lollll. He really did not want to keep his eyes off you
Jen: LOL
Because of JenKook's duet, ARMY wanted to see it again but music shows wouldn't allow them to have him pick her up like that again so they had to tone it down a little. They could still do the flip but him picking her up was scrapped due to it being too hot for TV in the producers' eyes. Due to popular demand, it seemed like Jungkook would be the one to dance with her, completely changing all plans. It excited Jennie that fans wanted to see more of her and Jungkook. 
For THE SHOW, Jennie sat in between Suga and Jin while they sat with the rest of the members and Jungkook had a mic, MCing.
"I'm THE SHOW news special reporter, Jungkook. I'm here to meet famous people. They are...BTS!" he announced as the group did their greeting. "I heard BTS is in the limelight, right now. The new album that snatched global hearts! Introduce your title song,"
"We often talk about youth," Rapmon answered. "This song is about youth falling into temptation. Blood, sweat, and tears, it's a well known phrase, right? Blood, sweat, and tears are my everything - that's the message,"
"I listened to the song. It's a great song. Today's THE SHOW interview will be about blood, sweat, and tears. First, let's talk about blood. Whose blood is full of youth?" 
"You and Jennie are the youngest, it's you two," he answered.
"Yes, we are hot blooded," Jungkook nodded in agreement.
"I second that," Jennie spoke up with a smile.
"Those two made people's blood hot with their performance," Jimin added with a giggle.
Jennie laughed shyly, getting flashbacks as her face warmed up. When she locked eyes with Jungkook, he smirked softly, making her smile.
Focusing back on the interview, Jungkook asked, "Who is cold blooded in BTS?" 
"I say it's Suga. If it's a no, it's a no for him," Hobi answered.
"But I do have blood and tears. If I didn't have blood and tears, I wouldn't be here," Suga answered.
"Show us your cold looks," Jungkook requested as he did what he was told, giving the camera a cold stare. "That look sliced me into 15 pieces," 
'His sharp eyes are so sexy'
"I've been cut by him," Rapmon said.
"Let's talk about sweat," Jungkook said. "The second album WINGS was made with devotion and effort. Devotion and effort, should we stitch up a doll nose?"
"What?" Hobi asked.
"Stitching up a doll nose,"
"I thought you said pterosaur," Jin said as Rapmon pretended to be one and roared, flapping his arms.
"So this doll...uh...Suga who has no blood or tears, will stitch the doll," Jungkook gave him the doll.
"Will Suga do it nicely?" Hobi wondered.
"Stitch the nose?" Suga asked.
"We will continue the interview while Suga does his thing," Jungkook said.
'Fix it with effort, Suga!'
"Hmmm I doubt he will do well," Hobi added.
"Have some faith! I believe in you, Suga," Jennie encouraged him.
"Thank you, Smartie," Suga replied with a soft smile.
"There are words going around saying the blood sweat and tears song is very sexy. Then, who in BTS is so sexy that even their sweat is sexy?" Jungkook asked.
"Sexy sweat?" Hobi wondered.
"I say Jimin," Rapmon said. "Jimin's sweat is sexy,"
"I personally think Jin is sexy," V pointed to Jin. "He doesn't sweat at all. Wouldn't he be sexy if he did sweat?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Let's point at the person we think is the most sexy," Hobi suggested as the members all pointed and the majority voted for Jin.
"So, Jin it is!" V revealed.
"Look at the camera and do a sexy face," Jungkook requested. Once Jin had a sexy facial expression, Jungkook didn't look too impressed. "You look like an old man,"
Jennie ended up bursting out in laughter, getting playfully hit by Jin.
"How is the stitching going?" Jungkook asked the rapper.
"I'm still stitching," Suga answered.
"Keep on going. The interview will continue. Last subject is tears. We can't pass cry acting when talking about tears," Jungkook said as he thought about how he was able to cry on the spot.
The members went on to discuss who would be able to cry better and Jin, V, and Rapmon were chosen to go up against each other on who would cry first. Jungkook went through the rules as it was Tear Monster vs King of Acting Jin, vs the greatest rival V.
"Get into your acting mode. Ready, start!" Jungkook announced.
'Let's find the best cry-actor of BTS'
Jennie tried her best not to laugh as she watched the boys preparing to cry as she covered her mouth. 
"Do you want to sneeze?" Jungkook asked, making Jennie and Hobi laugh.
"Ah-choo?" Rapmon spoke up but Jin immediately started crying and Jennie applauded, praising his efforts.
"Our farewell is coming soon..." Jin started acting as a tear ran down his cheek. "You are asking me how I feel?"
"His tears fell," Rapmon pointed out.
"BTS Jin, you cried in 42 seconds. You are great," Jungkook praised.
'Congratulations! Jin is BTS cry king!'
"I'm done," Suga announced and showed the doll.
'Suga has finished stitching his doll?'
Jungkook laughed as the needle was still pinned to the nose. "Why is the needle still there?"
Jennie, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, and V began laughing, leaning over each other.
"That's a shame. How dare you?" Jennie playfully scolded him. "Doing that to the poor doll, get it out of its nose,"
"That's just cruel," Hobi added.
"Finish it off properly," Jungkook told Suga. "This doll is a gift for THE SHOW viewers. Finish it off completely. That's perfect,"
"You have to tie a knot," Jin reminded.
"I did tie a knot," Suga answered while Jungkook checked the doll thoroughly.
"It's perfectly stitched on. There are more questions. BTS is known as a group with great abilities. Dancing, singing, rap, lyrics, composing multi-talented people. In that sense, let's hear our rappers sing. What's a song when you think about tears? Let's go," Jungkook reported.
"Don't forget!" Suga sang in a high pitched voice, making Jennie cringe and cover her ears with Jin.
"My love. You are inside me!" Hobi joined Suga before they yelled in excitement with Rapmon.
Jennie sat there with Jin, V, and Jimin, glancing at one another, amused.
"Actually, BTS rappers were known for their singing. That was perfect. You are with reporter Kook. Now, the last question for blood, sweat, and tears talk. Who is the most grateful person for BTS?"
"Personally... It makes me teary just thinking about it," Suga spoke up and began to try to stop himself from crying. "Our fans, ARMY,"
"Someone get me tissues please," V said while the rest of the members and him were fake crying.
Jin and Jennie looked amused and sat there, watching their antics.
"Let's do a short video letter to our fans," Jungkook suggested. 
'To our grateful people...'
Jimin looked at the camera, staring at it intently.
"He's talking with his eyes," Jungkook looked on.
"Was that telepathy?" Suga asked.
"Thank you all for supporting us always," V spoke.
"Strong power, thank you!" Rapmon said in English, causing everyone to burst out in laughter. 
"RM has kindly translated for international ARMY fans," Hobi said. "International fans would be watching this,"
'How kind of RM to go out of his way to translate for international fans.'
"Now Jin," Jungkook pointed out.
"When I look at ARMY, I can feel my heartbeat. It's very heartwarming," he answered.
"Heartbreaker," Rapmon commented, making him laugh.
"Miss Bangtan?" Jungkook smiled, gesturing for her to speak.
"ARMY makes my heart soar. ARMY makes me happy. ARMY gives me strength. I love you," she blew a kiss and repeated her words in English for international fans.
"Can I say something? I'm not too sure if they understood me speaking with eyes," Jimin asked after she was done speaking.
"Yes, go for it," Jungkook replied.
"I was joking before. I thank you all. We will do our best to show great things. Watch out,"
"Thank you for your time. I'm special reporter, BTS Jungkook," he signed off as the members applauded.
Jennie and Jungkook had a long discussion with Bang PD and the company about figuring out that Dispatch definitely knew about their relationship. There was no way after all this time of these two dating that Dispatch didn't know. And JenKook had been noticing it was like they had been getting watched occasionally and it was probably Dispatch reporters spying on them and taking photos, planning to reveal them as the next New Year's couple.
As a K-Pop fan, Jennie knew all about the craziness in the K-Pop community when it came to Dispatch and their New Year's Couple reveals. But she and Jungkook wanted to take matters into their own hands and beat them to it. So, the company agreed to let them do their thing as it got closer to the end of the year to make the announcement.
What made Jennie's heart soar was how serious Big Hit was about making sure to protect her from any malicious comments or threats since they knew she would be the one to be hit with the most hate out of this reveal. She was ready for it but the fact that the company was serious about protecting her & Jungkook and making sure to blacklist anyone who threatened or disturbed their peace made her feel at ease.
The plan was for Jungkook to make a GCF video of them together to post as well as photos of them while Jennie would also post photos and even a song. Bangtan wanted to write cute messages to tweet as well as post some photos and videos they had taken of the couple throughout their time of dating. Jennie valued how much support and love the boys, staff and all of Big Hit gave her and Jungkook. Things were going to be fine.
"I plan to take a social media break when we reveal our relationship," she told Bang PD. "I just...for my mental health I want to just focus on what is in front of me and take a break. Focus on the tour, our next comeback, and all. When I'm ready to go back to posting on Instagram and Twitter, I will. But consider Twitter and Instagram deleted once I post my piece,"
And he understood and supported her decision. In good spirits, Jennie and Jungkook felt more excited and at ease about planning their relationship reveal.
"Remember, no matter what I will be standing next to you through everything," Jungkook held her hand as he looked at her with a smile.
She nodded and smiled as he brought her hand to his lips to kiss softly. "Always,"
Before leaving the office, Jennie brought up another topic for Bang PD. "I know this is sudden but for our upcoming WINGS tour...um...can the company consider having a tour date in Philadelphia? My hometown? I'd love to perform at home and do something special for it,"
He told her no promises but he would work with the company to see if he could make it happen.
It was like Jungkook was burning a hole in her back with that unamused stare while they were being filmed for their Halloween 21st Century Girl dance practice. Jen could not stop laughing as she periodically glanced at Jungkook’s excessive glaring. 
Reason? Her costume.
She decided to be Captain America after she told him a few days ago that she would be Iron Man. But since he ate the last of her smarties, that’s what he gets. Disappointment. She also wore it to see his priceless reaction. For today, each member wore a costume for the special occasion. Namjoon was Ryan from Kakao Friends, Jin was a cowboy wearing a horse, Suga wore a traditional Hanbok, J-Hope was a skeleton, Jimin was a cabbage, V was Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura which was the anime he was currently getting Jennie into, and the love of her life, Jungkook, was a bunny. 
She thought about Jungkook's reaction to her costume before they started filming.
"Jungkook is going to lose his mind," Taehyung giggled as he walked with Jennie to the practice room.
"Oh, I know. It's going to be hilarious. He gon' learn today not to mess with the last of my favorite candy," she replied as he opened up the door to let her go in first.
As soon as Jungkook turned around, it looked like he was about to go through the 5 stages of grief. 
"What the heck happened, Jennie!?" Jungkook exclaimed with a frown when she walked into the practice room with the costume on. He was already wearing his big bunny costume and she tried not to laugh at how cute he looked when angry in the suit. "That's not the costume you said you'd wear!"
"Listen...I know and I'm sorry! I know you wanted Iron Man but...this looked so cool!" she spun around in her costume which looked like the outfit from Winter Soldier. She even had the shield with it.
"I cannot believe you...I feel betrayed. Why would you lie to me? Your own boyfriend? You dare play with my emotions and tell me you're going to dress up as my favorite superhero and you choose the exact opposite? Have you no heart?"
"You are so dramatic," she giggled as the members watched them bicker in amusement.
"ME!? Dramatic?! Honey, you told me you would be Iron Man!"
"I was but you ate the last of my smarties! So I changed my mind."
"I said I was sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it,"
"Oh, so it's like that?"
"Yeah, it's like that,"
"Why you little..." the Golden Maknae glared at her while she smiled innocently.
"Love you~!"
"I love you, too..." he grumbled.
While the rest of the members performed, they noticed his dirty looks while Jen smiled innocently and stuck her tongue out at him. They were just waiting for something to happen as they knew Jungkook’s love for Iron Man and prayed for Jen’s well being. With his big bunny suit, Jungkook deliberately bumped into her, causing her to trip to the floor during the chorus, dropping her shield in the process.
Did he really just make her fall to the floor?
She stared at him in disbelief as he gave her the same innocent smile she had before while the members giggled at what was going on.
"Seriously!? You play too damn much!" she exclaimed.
The staff filming already knew this was going to end up in disaster but kept filming anyway. Jennie got back to her original position to continue dancing, plotting her revenge. He was not going to get away with that. And it’s on camera, too? No way. If ARMY had to see her fall, then Jungkook had to fall, too. 
As the song went on, she found an opening and bumped her hip into him, making him stumble. Jungkook retaliated by playfully smacking her arm but then got hit back by her as he lost his footing, tumbling to the floor. 
Jimin laughed loudly watching the Golden Maknae roll on the floor, unable to get up while Jen dramatically stomped on him.
The staff members gave up and decided that this would be great blooper footage while the members forgot about the dance and turned their attention to JenKook play fighting.
“Yah! Yah! We’re supposed to be dancing! What is this!?” Hobi laughed and grabbed a hold of Jennie with Yoongi while Namjoon and Taehyung helped Jungkook stand up.
“He hit me first!” she pointed out. 
“I did no such thing!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“We’re going to need to film properly from the beginning! We can’t upload our dance practice like this.” the staff members laughed and stopped filming.
Once everyone pulled themselves together, they tried again. Still, in a playful mood, Jennie smacked Jungkook’s bunny head. Having enough, he made her fall to the floor and jumped right on top of her while the members started laughing and yelling, rushing over to break it up again.
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thiccpettybitch · 1 year
🕸 Bitter Sweet - Ch. 7 Miguel O’hara x F!Reader 🕸
Hey guys!
First off, thank you so much to everyone, for your lovely comments, support and vaguely loving yet threatening ask for when Ch. 7 will be out! Here it is baby! I hope you enjoy it! 🥰
I will be taking a small break when it comes to Bitter Sweet, just to finish a few chapters, as I like being ahead of the curve and have time making any changes, I find necessary. I also have a bunch of asks and request from you guys, that’s right! I have them and they are in the works as they fit in well with some of my WIPs.
*Sweats heavily as over 12 WIPS stare at me write another chapter for Bitter Sweet*
So do not worry, I will NOT abandon it I just have a few other projects to get out, with Bitter Sweet being more of a longer chapters, yet more… infrequent? Thing? I dunno, I say this and you might get five more chapters this week, (don’t quote me, I live by the grace of my unmedicated ADHD lol.)
Keep the requests coming in, keep commenting it LITERALLY makes my day! Love all the likes- oh and we hit 1000 LIKES?!?! Thank you so much! I love you guys and please enjoy this chapter! 🥰
At the bottom you will find a visual representation of Miguel under his mask! During the end of the story~ The art was done by the wonderful: @shuploc . If you haven’t already please check out their art, it’s amazing! Go leave them some kudos and enjoy their art!🥰
Part 8
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As you made your way to school, music streaming through your earbuds, a cheerful tune filling your ears, the warm sun caressed the side of your face, bringing a smile to your lips. It had been a while since you felt this genuinely happy.
Feeling light-hearted and carefree, you practically skipped your way to school, replaying the events of the previous day in your head.
Gwen held on to your wrist, inspecting the braided bracelet. ‘’Did he tell you why he gave it to you?’’ she asked.
‘’Not… really? He just said it would be something for me to smile at,’’ you said shrugging.
As you both grabbed your books, getting ready to head to your separate classes, Gwen kept giving you these mysterious and knowing looks. Finally, unable to contain your curiosity, you turned to her with a raised eyebrow.
‘’Why are you looking at me like that?’’ you asked, confused.
Gwen shrugged, the books in her hands shifting, ‘’I dunno’, you just look… happy.’’ Rolling your eyes playfully, you bumped into her, and she responded with a nonchalant shrug. Eventually, it was time for the two of you to head to your respective classes – you to science and her to math.
You stepped into the science class, clutching your books against your chest. Your eyes scanned the room, and there he was – Miguel, sitting at a double desk, his head resting lazily on his hands as he cast a casual glance in your direction. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment as you debated where to sit.
The question nagged at you: Should you take the seat next to him? But then, you wondered if you might be too eager, and if he wanted some space, not to spend every class together. A frown crossed your face as you swiftly made a decision – the desk in front of him seemed like a safer choice, right next to... Reilly.
As you walked past Miguel's desk, out of nowhere, he nonchalantly kicked the stool next to him. The stool flew at you with surprising force, smacking you in the side. It didn't hurt, but the suddenness of it shocked you, causing you to nearly drop your books as you caught the chair to keep it from toppling over. Miguel glanced at you, his head still propped up on his hand, seemingly amused by the whole incident.
Placing your books on the desk, you settled into the chair, but not without catching the disapproving look your teacher shot your way. You quickly fixed your hair, trying to keep a low profile as you quietly hissed.
"Could have just asked me to sit next to you," you mumbled under your breath, feeling a bit flustered by the whole ordeal.
Miguel, ever the cool and collected one, just shrugged with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "You're the one who decided to sit down. I didn't say anything~," he teased, clearly enjoying the moment.
Feeling a mix of annoyance and embarrassment, you turned your head to give him a sharp look. As you gathered your books, preparing to stand up and move elsewhere, Miguel acted swiftly. He grabbed hold of your chair and pulled it back, effectively keeping you in place. His smooth and effortless movement left you momentarily stunned.
Leaning in, Miguel's gaze remained fixed on the front of the class as he whispered playfully into your ear, "don't disrupt the class, tontita." Despite trying to ignore the shiver that went down your spine, you couldn't help but feel a bit rattled by his proximity.
As if sensing that something was amiss, Miguel continued in a hushed voice, "You feel alright? Your face is a bit red." The slight concern in his whisper made you bite down on your lip, trying to keep your composure in check.
"I'm... fine," you managed to respond, your voice wavering slightly as you felt him leaning in closer. His proximity was almost intimate, his lips teasingly brushing against your ear.
He tutted playfully, his voice dripping with warmth and affection. "Don't lie to me, amorcito. Clearly, something's got you feeling very nervous."
You nervously licked your lips, trying to avoid his intense gaze as you glanced out the window, trying to focus on anything but him, or the way he was eyeing you.
"Or is there another reason your heart is beating that fast, hmm?" he teased, his fingers gently resting against your wrist, the sensation made your eyebrows furrow, and you turned to look at him.
His voice turned hushed, and the Spanish words flowed effortlessly from his lips, sending shivers down your spine. "¿Te pongo nerviosa?’’ he asked, eyeing you curiously, ‘’¿Te gusta cuando hablo en español?" he asked, and you struggled to catch the meaning behind the words, too busy focusing on your breathing.
Turning your head to meet his gaze, you couldn't help but be mesmerized, your breath catching in your throat. His head tilted slightly, a small smirk gracing his lips as his eyes roamed over your face, lingering on your lips.
Then, he spoke again, his thumb tracing gentle circles over your knuckles. "If you wanted me to whisper sweet nothings to you in Spanish, all you had to do was ask, amorcito." The way he said it, the warmth in his voice, it made your cheeks flush, giving away your feelings.
Class seemed to fly by, and by the time the bell rang, you were almost as red as a tomato. Grabbing your books, you hurriedly left the room, trying to compose yourself.
The rest of the day was a blur as you attempted to focus on your other classes, though your mind kept drifting back to Miguel. As you made your way to your final class, your heart pounded in your chest. You flinched when you felt a hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you into the Spanish classroom.
Miguel was behind you, and even though he didn't make direct eye contact, a small smirk played on his lips. He led you to your usual table, but just as you were about to sit down, he playfully moved you to the side, letting you take the seat by the wall and the window.
Maybe... this was a perk? You couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to show you how much he cared by being considerate. Now that you two were a bit closer, maybe he wanted to be nicer and show a sweeter side of him?
But, as you glanced down to the hand he had on your thigh, your thoughts quickly shifted. Sitting there, perfectly still, he made sure no one would notice, especially since you were on the inside of the table. That's why he gave you his seat, you realized.
The sneaky bastard!
He was hunched over, his head resting on his hand as he used his other hand to point at different Spanish words and prompt you to say them. Your thighs instinctively twitched, and you tried to discreetly close them, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over you. You dared to glance up at his face, and he met your gaze with a small, almost innocent look – well, as close to innocent as Miguel could manage.
However, his hand on your thigh didn't move; it didn't trail or retreat. It just stayed there, driving you crazy. He wasn't blatantly groping you, but he wasn't keeping his hands to himself either. The internal struggle was real – your body ached for him to move, to touch you, and you found it hard to concentrate on the Spanish lesson. Your cheeks grew an even deeper shade of red.
Trying to maintain some composure, you cleared your throat and managed to continue with the lesson, but his proximity and the teasing touches kept you on edge. Every time his fingers lingered on your thigh, your heart raced, and your mind went blank. It was a mix of excitement and frustration, all happening while you were surrounded by other students and trying not to make a scene.
Despite your best efforts to focus on the Spanish words, your thoughts kept drifting back to Miguel and the tantalizing tension between you two. You silently prayed for the class to end soon, eager to escape the moment and get some fresh air.
"Why are you doing that?" you hissed, glancing up at him.
"Hm?~" Miguel hummed, sporting the same nonchalant and innocent look on his face.
Pfft, innocent my ass!
"Your hand, why... what are you doing?" you asked, feeling a bit awkward about bringing it up.
"You want me to move it?" he replied, his tone taking on a touch of seriousness, as if he wanted to assure you that all you had to do was tell him, and he'd comply.
Your cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink as you slowly shook your head. "I didn't say that... just... if you're not going to..."
"Well, you haven't asked me to do anything. Not yet, at least," he responded in a husky tone.
If your cheeks got any hotter, your head might just pop. Suddenly, he used his other hand to flick your forehead, and you blinked, looking at him with confusion.
"Enfoca esa cabecita tuya. Say that word for me," he said, pointing at the paper.
Despite the teasing and playful banter, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness. Miguel's presence had an undeniable effect on you, leaving you unsure of how to react to his teasing yet tempting advances.
The rest of the lesson followed a similar pattern. Miguel would point at words or sentences, and you'd do your best to repeat them in Spanish or explain their meaning in English. At this point, there was no denying that he knew the effect his Spanish had on you. His hand either lingered on top of yours or rested on your thigh, serving as a constant reminder of his presence beside you – a tall, broad, and undeniably handsome man fully invested in, well… you.
Glancing up, you caught him staring at you with a certain glint in his half-lidded eyes – a mix of mischief and alluring darkness. You couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, but with the way his thumb softly stroked the inside of your thigh, you had an idea- or two.
The atmosphere was charged with a tantalizing tension, leaving you feeling both flustered and strangely exhilarated. Miguel's proximity and subtle touches had your heart racing, and you found it increasingly challenging to concentrate on the language lesson.
Walking away from your locker, your bag hanging off your shoulder, you stared straight ahead, your heart hammering inside your chest. He was walking behind you, a silent agreement that you were going to walk home together. There was something so mysteriously exiting about the fact that he didn’t join you at your side, but instead just walked behind you, close enough that you could smell his cologne.
Swallowing hard, you stole a glance back at him, and instantly, your cheeks flushed with heat. The way he looked at you was intense, his eyes devouring every part of you. You felt a tingle of nerves as his gaze traveled up to your hips and ass, his eyes half-lidded with an alluring smirk slowly forming on his face. You watched as his canine tooth teased with a slight peek, you found yourself momentarily entranced, and in that split second, your steps faltered, nearly causing you to trip. Swiftly recovering, you straightened up, forcing your gaze forward.
Finally, he caught up and walked beside you, emitting a small chuckle that made you feel a tad embarrassed. Just as you were about to break the silence, he surprised you by grabbing your backpack, effortlessly slinging it over his shoulder, and intertwining his fingers with yours. Your face turned bright red, and you were acutely aware that people passing by were stealing glances at you, which only intensified your blush.
As the train gradually slowed down, approaching your stop, he gently lifted your hand, planting a tender kiss against your knuckles. Handing you back your bag, he smiled at the way your eyes fluttered, nervously taken aback by the sweet gesture.
"Get your ass home, amorcito," he teased, and you found yourself simply nodding in response. As the train pulled away, you watched him smile slightly, and you let out a deep breath, slowly shaking your head in disbelief.
Making your way home your head was filled with one thing and one thing only; Miguel O’hara. His eyes, his hair, his skin, his face, his hands- oh god his hands… The way he smiled, the way his canine would stick out almost looking like a fang, his body, his voice-
The list went on and on, and your brain started slipping into more impure thoughts. You wondered what it would feel like to have his hand against your bare thigh, to watch his half-lidded and lustful eyes look at you, perhaps from a different angle – looking down at you, running his tongue over his lips and those inviting fangs, as he smirked. Imagining him looking down at you, head tilted to the side, with one hand in your hair as you--
"Y/n!" you heard your name being called out and turned around to see your aunt standing there, enthusiastically waving at you. You hadn't even realized you were already outside your home, but there she was, heading towards her car.
You watched as your aunt made her way into the car, a friendly smile on her face as she waved you over. Intrigued, you made your way over to her, "aunt May, where are you off to?"
"To the bank, sweetie. I need to get some paperwork done and sort out a loan," she replied, her expression showing a mix of determination and mild concern.
You furrowed your brows, wondering why she needed a loan. "Do we have money issues? I could get a job and help out if you need me to."
Her smile softened, and she shook her head. "Oh, no, dear. It's not that serious. They've just been taking their sweet time with your uncle's pension is all, and it's been a bit frustrating. But don't worry, we'll figure it out."
You opened the door, tossed your bag in the back, and joined her with a reassuring smile. She looked at you, pleasantly surprised, and asked, "You're coming with me?"
"Of course! I won't let any snooty banker mess with you," you replied, your smile mirroring hers, as she started the car.
As you sat there, observing the bank clerk giving you the most fake and greasy smile you'd ever seen in your life, you mentally sighed, feeling socially exhausted. This was definitely not how you had envisioned your afternoon, but you weren't going to leave your aunt to deal with this jerk by herself.
You watched as he flashed your aunt a sickeningly sweet, pearly white smile, appearing impeccably put together from head to toe. Despite his polished appearance, there was something about him that just rubbed you the wrong way. It was as if you could sense his true intentions beneath the facade as he pretended to help your aunt while suppressing whatever unkind thoughts he had. He tried to mask it with false sweetness, but his unpleasant nature was unmistakable.
"I am so sorry, ma'am, I fully understand what you are saying; however, there is nothing we can do here today, at least not from my end," he said, clasping his hands together on the desk.
"I see... well, where would we have to turn then? This is mortgage money we are talking about, a roof over our heads!" your aunt said, glancing at you with a mix of sadness and embarrassment. Had this situation been more significant than you realized? Perhaps she had been keeping you in the dark to spare you from worry. Your aunt and uncle had always wanted you to focus on your education rather than getting a job, which made sense, but if they needed help, they should have told you.
You looked up at your aunt, offering a sad yet reassuring smile.
"Well, that would be the line, right over there!" The clerk cheerfully pointed towards a line that seemed to stretch endlessly within the bank.
"We already stood in that line; we've been here for over two hours already. They directed us over to you," your aunt explained, clearly exhausted.
"Yes, well, that is the line you need to be in, so..." he replied, his unpleasant smile remaining on his face.
 "She just told you; they sent us over to you. We're not standing in a line for another two hours to be told we need to leave as it’s closing time," you said, your patience running thin. "So, help us, let us speak to someone that deals with pension stuff, specifically."
He eyed you, his smile faltering for a moment before he caught himself. Your aunt mumbled something about not being rude to him and flashed him an apologetic smile.
Ah, I caught that, dirtbag.
The clerk opened his mouth to say something, but you leaned forward, hands on the desk, staring up at him with intense eyes. "I get that this is your job, and you just want to get through the people behind us until the clock hits six and you can stamp out. But this is our home, our livelihood you're neglecting, so please. Help us."
You watched as the corner of his mouth twitched, his smile almost faltering again. "Listen here--- kid," he said, then flashed your aunt a smile, which made her eyes narrow. He leaned towards you, and you sensed his insincerity. "I'm telling you, I can't--"
Suddenly, he stared past you, a look of pure fear on his face before he quickly ducked down under his desk, leaving you and your aunt sitting there, blinking in confusion. Suddenly another desk came flying past the desk you were sitting at, and you and your aunt let out a scream, crouching down on the floor.
A man with four mechanical arms attached to his torso, laughed as his steel appendages pushed desks, chairs, and people out of his way. Your aunt crawled over to you and pushed you behind her, instructing you to keep low as she glanced around, and the bank clerk hid behind her as well.
‘’I'm here for the money, but I don't mind crushing a few of you, if  you tempt me," the man declared, turning around with an smile on his face.
A metal arm pointed towards you and your aunt as he spoke, "YOU! Open the vault!"
Both you and your aunt realized he was talking to the bank clerk behind you, the one shrinking back and shaking, holding onto your aunt's shoulder.
"I... I can't!" the clerk stammered, which seemed to send the man into a fit of rage.
The metallic arms slammed into the ground, pulling the man across it and towards the three of you. You watched in horror as one of the arms smacked into you, sending you flying to the side with a painful cry. Your aunt cried out for you, reaching for you but was pulled to the opposite side, being held down by one of the metal arms. You yelled for her as the man picked up the clerk by his arm, hoisting him above all of you and staring at him, teeth gritted together in a snarl.
"I CAN'T! I- I WOULD IF I COULD! I SWEAR!" the clerk cried out, but the man scoffed and flung him away, sending him towards a wall with deadly force. However, he was saved just in time as a web flew out and caught him, lowering him to the ground slowly.
"That's not very nice of you, Doc Ock. These fine people are just here to do their daily banking," a voice said.
You watched as Spider-Man dropped behind the villain, tilting his head to the side as he observed him. Doc Ock turned around, an evil smile on his face as his shades slid down his nose ever so slightly, taking in the sight of Spider-Man.
"Why don't we take this outside, buddy," Spider-Man said, his arms crossed over his chest nonchalantly.
"Oh, I don't know~ I'm here to make a withdrawal myself, and I do so hate standing in line," Doc Ock replied.
You watched as the metal arm tightened around your aunt, pulling her up from her feet and hoisting her over to him, above the floor. She cried out, and you panicked, eyes darting around in a haze, searching for anything to grab onto. Spider-Man tensed up, as if he was about to charge him, only to freeze as another arm flipped out a large sharp blade.
"Ah, ah~" Doc Ock tutted at him, "we wouldn't want to—"
His head shot forward, the metallic arm letting go of your aunt, allowing her to crawl away in fear as you swung the heavy metal lamp against the back of his head. Doc Ock swung around, a metal arm coming up and grabbing you by the throat, lifting you into the air, choking you. Your face went red as you spat at him, telling him to get his stinking hands off your aunt. He pulled you close to his face, a snarl on his face as he was about to say something.
Suddenly, he dropped you as a pair of legs flew into him, kicking him into the opposite wall. Dropping to your knees, your hand clutched at your neck as you let out a few dry coughs. You watched as Spider-Man landed back on his feet in front of you, a worrying hand held out towards you before he froze. As you looked up at his masked face, you saw him staring down at you, the eyes on his mask looking almost wide, as if he recognized you.
Did he recognize you from when he saved you before?
Suddenly, your head whipped around as a piece of the wall that had been broken off on his impact came flying towards you. You barely had time to close your eyes when Spider-Man caught it, without even looking away from you, his masked face glued to you. He dropped the piece of broken-off wall at your feet, blinking to regain himself. He looked at Doc Ock and then back at you. Grabbing the front of your shirt, he pulled you safely behind a desk and leaned close, his eyes turned into slits as if he was glaring at you.
‘’DO. NOT. MOVE.’’ He said, making it sound more like a warning than a request.
You watched, glancing past the desk as he moved forward. His fists clenched tightly, then abruptly released, fingers arching as the tip of them extended in to sharp talons. You sat there, mesmerized, as he effortlessly leaped into action, crashing into Doc Ock and sending him hurtling towards the wall. The impact shook the room, and the battle commenced with an electrifying intensity.
Your aunt crawled over to you, her hands on your shoulders, inspecting you with fear in her eyes. She rested a hand on your cheek, and you responded by placing your hand over hers, flashing a small smile. Together, the two of you watched the intense battle unfold, with metal arms flailing and grabbing onto anything they could to toss at Spiderman.
People started rushing out of the bank in a frantic frenzy, the blaring sirens adding to the chaos outside. Amidst the panic, your aunt tightly grabbed hold of your hand, urgently guiding you towards the exit. However, in the rush, you stumbled and fell to your knees, a sharp hiss escaping your lips from the pain.
Despite the discomfort, your aunt didn't relent, pulling you up as she continued towards the door. Unfortunately, a mass of people suddenly converged, bumping into the both of you, causing you to lose your balance and fall to the ground again. Struggling to keep up, you called out for your aunt amidst the commotion as people unknowingly trampled and tripped over you.
Finally, a security guard noticed your aunt's distress and quickly rushed to her aid. He helped her back up on her feet and then guided her towards the exit, leaving you behind for a moment. As you glanced up, your aunt's worried face appeared through the crowd, her arms outstretched, urging you to join her. However, before you could reach her, the tide of people pulled her away and outside.
You swiftly gathered yourself, managing to regain your footing amid the chaotic scene. Pushing aside a man who nearly trampled you, you rushed over to a nearby pillar, using it as cover while you surveyed the room. The situation inside the building was becoming even more dangerous, as canisters were shot inside the building and scattered across the floor. One of these canisters landed dangerously close to you, and you found yourself frozen in shock, unable to move.
In an instant, the canister burst open, releasing a thick cloud of smoke that quickly filled the room. Despite the haze and disorientation, you remained focused on finding an escape route. Your eyes darted around, searching for any possible way out of the suffocating situation.
You caught a glimpse of a small window to your right, determination took over, and you sprinted towards it, desperate to find fresh air. However, in your haste, you accidentally collided with a woman, sending her stumbling backward. You quickly reached out a hand to help her up. She took your hand with a shaky 'thank you,' and without a moment's hesitation, the two of you ran towards the window together.
But before you could react; the woman was pushed down to the floor, and you found yourself pinned against the wall, a metal arm pressing down on your throat, making it hard to breathe. You watched as Dr. Octavius, emerged through the smoke, his metal arms moved with eerie grace, skimming the floor as they carried him forward.
"You!" His snarl echoed through the chaos as one of the menacing metal arms lunged towards your face, giving the impression of a malevolent creature eager to sink its jaws into you. A mix of fear and adrenaline surged through your veins, prompting you to grab hold of the arm in a desperate attempt to defend yourself. However, your resistance proved futile as Dr. Octopus effortlessly lifted you off the ground, his iron grip constricting your throat and robbing you of precious air. Gasping for breath, you struggled to break free, the room spinning around you as the grip tightened, leaving you feeling helpless.
Another one of Dr. Octopus's menacing metal arms shot out, catching Spiderman by surprise as he attempted to lunge at him from behind. The villainous doctor swiftly seized Spiderman by the ribs and slammed him into the wall right beside you. A pained grunt escaped Spiderman as he collided with the unforgiving surface, leaving him momentarily stunned.
As Spiderman looked up, his eyes met yours, and he froze at the sight of you pressed up against the wall, a sharp claw held menacingly at your throat. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes, the terror of the situation overwhelming you.
The eyes on Spiderman's masked face shot up in shock, but he wasted no time. With a growl of determination, he slammed his hand above your head, his talons digging into the wall to anchor himself in place. Despite Dr. Octopus's attempts to pry him away, Spiderman held his ground, using his other hand to grasp the claw around your neck, attempting to pry it open.
The claw emitted whirring sounds and sparks flew, as if it were a living creature in pain, but Spiderman persisted. With a forceful motion, he ripped the claw away from your throat and pushed forward, delivering a swift kick to Dr. Octopus's face. The impact sent the villain stumbling backward, his metal arms releasing Spiderman to support their master instead.
Spiderman sprang into action, showing remarkable strength as he swiftly grabbed both you and the woman on the ground under his arms, carrying you both like bags of potatoes. With incredible agility, he dashed toward the window, leaping out with ease despite the added weight of carrying two people in each arm. In a split second, he released the woman, tossing her safely towards a group of cops who awkwardly caught her.
Turning his attention to you, Spiderman was about to set you down, but his instincts kicked in just in time. He jerked his head up and shot you into the air, catching you on his back and webbing onto a nearby building. Just as he did, two clawed metal arms came flying toward him, digging into the ground where he had been standing moments ago.
"I know you're not a fan of heights, but I don't really have much of a choice, I'm afraid," Spiderman quipped as he firmly dug his claws into the building's wall, scaling it with impressive speed.
You clung tightly to his back, your legs wrapped around his hips and your hands gripping his shoulders. As he mumbled a quiet "hold on tight," you glanced back and found your hand instinctively digging into his shoulders, a small whimper escaping your lips.
Spiderman looked back at you and then glanced down at what caught your attention. There was Dr. Octopus, scaling the building behind you, his metal arms slamming into the surface and propelling him upward.
"Man... this guy just DOESN'T. GIVE. UP!" Spiderman muttered, emphasizing each word. As he continued climbing, he carefully moved you from his back to his front, ensuring you were safely pressed against him.
"We gotta stop meeting like this," he joked, then webbed onto a part of the building. Using his legs and arm, he kicked himself and you higher up the building, one hand securely holding your back to keep you close and safe.
"I... I didn't think you'd remember me!" you joked back, glancing down to find that Dr. Octopus was no longer following you. A slight worry creased your brow as you anxiously looked around.
Spiderman's head perked up, and for a moment, he stopped and locked eyes with you. "You kidding me?" he asked, glancing down to scan the area. "Who'd forget a face as pretty as yours?" he said with a playful smirk behind the mask, trying to lighten the tense situation.
The building shook, causing you to hold onto him tighter, fear gripping you as you looked up at him. Just as he leaned in, seemingly about to say something, you noticed a danger above. Your eyes shot up in panic, and you urgently warned him to watch out.
Reacting swiftly, Spiderman grabbed your hips, pulling you off him and tossing you into the air, like a cheerleader doing a basket toss. You cried out in surprise as you landed on a part of the building with a large ledge, barely able to regain your footing before witnessing one of Dr. Octopus's metal arms slamming into Spiderman, pushing him against the building and then pulling him away roughly.
"No!" you screamed, reaching out for him.
"I will be right back, promise! Don't—uh, MOVE!" he managed to get out before being pulled away from you and the ledge you sat on.
You were now perched precariously on the ledge, your back pressed against it, aware that any wrong move could send you tumbling to the pavement below. Your head spun from the height as you watched Spiderman engaging in a fierce battle with Dr. Octopus.
Amid the struggle, Doc Ock caught Spiderman and looked between the two of you before turning his head to Spiderman with a twisted smirk. "Didn't you get the memo?" he taunted, pulling Spiderman close to his face. "It's not take your girlfriend to work day!" With a forceful move, he raised Spiderman into the air and threw him into another building, sending him crashing through a window.
Fear engulfed you as Dr. Octopus turned his attention towards you. Panicking, you reached for anything around you, trying not to move too much. His metal arms pushed him off the building he was on, and he quickly approached you. His claws dug into the walls next to you, making you flinch and nearly slip off the ledge. One of the arms wrapped around your midsection, preventing you from falling but leaving you hanging over the edge of the building.
Spiderman swiftly landed on the roof in front of you and Dr. Octopus, his head moving between the two of you frantically before stopping at Doc ock.
‘’Doc… don’t. There’s no need to hurt anyone else!’’ He said, his hand held up in surrender.
You couldn't help but whimper as Dr. Octopus pulled you closer to his face, while Spiderman flinched, as if wanting to intervene but restraining himself. "Well, my dear, what is so special about you, hm~?" Dr. Octopus inquired, tilting you slightly to get a better look at your face. Your gaze darted between him and Spiderman, a mix of confusion and terror etched across your features.
‘’Nothing is! It’s just kind of in the job description to save all citizens.’’ Spiderman defended, adding a sheepish, ‘’Sorry kid, no offense!’’ Despite his attempt at humor, you cried out, feeling the pain intensify as Dr. Octopus's arm tightened around your ribs.
"NO! STOP!" Spiderman's voice rang out, a potent mix of anger and fear in his tone.
Threateningly, Dr. Octopus warned, "Lie to me again, and I'll crush her spine." He shifted you to a more visible position, causing the arm to tighten further, and you let out a whimpering gasp.
"OKAY! Okay, just-!" Spiderman growled, his clawed fist clenching tightly as he looked up at Dr. Octopus. "She... she's special! Okay?" Dr. Octopus seemed intrigued, and the arm holding onto you moved back slightly, loosening its grip, allowing you to breathe again. "How?" he asked, eyes focusing on you.
"JUST LET HER GO!" Spiderman roared, making you flinch.
Dr. Octopus turned to look at him, a sickening smirk on his face as he casually shrugged. "You got it, Spidey," he replied nonchalantly. In an instant, you felt the arm release you, and you began to fall, hurtling towards certain death below.
"NO!!!" Spiderman's desperate cry pierced the air as you fell. Time seemed to slow as you made eye contact with him, his masked eyes wide with fear and shock. You reached out for him, your hand trying to bridge the distance as your hair obscured your vision.
Reality hit, and you realized you were falling to your death.
Find the translations on my AO3 page!
(A visual representation of Miguel under his mask! Once again thank you to the wonderful and talanted @shuploc​ . Please make sure you check out their art, it’s amazing!)
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troblsomtwins829 · 1 year
StrayCat Update!
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My beta is invested, against their better judgement, in the going's on of this expanding AU.
They're helping me iron out any plot holes in the outline and suggesting potential inclusions here and there to help tie everything together, and I'm grateful for it. I'm up to 25k words, ten planned out chapters, and sixteen excerpts with no home yet. So probably way more chapters.
I've written more words for this project than I think my last four combined, but not as many as my ongoing work! I'm also fighting my brain's constant desire to go even farther than I originally planned on ending it, but I have to end it first before we find out what I have to work with.
I'm going to be out of town next week, but I'm a workaholic, so of course I'm taking everything with me. I'm hoping to have Chapter Three ready by the time I get back, because I know at least Four, Seven, and Eight are about there.
Five and Six... I'm working on it, lol.
Please enjoy this wonderful doodle for what is now my favourite part of this story: Tess found a cute hoodie and made Jak wear it. The kid has NO idea why she's so happy about it.
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Suga Ain't Sweet
This post is kinda 18+ so if you're underage please do me a favour and skip this one.
I don't do this ever, but I'm in a mood and I want to talk about Yoongi. He's my bias, if that isn't clear by now. I usually don't talk about him or any of my biases, because I know I sound deranged and definitely unstable when I talk about them. But I've been getting some asks, D-Day is around the corner and after those concept pics I'm here to give you a sample of what loco BPP sounds like. I ask for your forgiveness in advance, or you could, you know, deal.
I'm streaming/listening to D-2, from the top of the album down, and I just listened to People play after Burn It, and almost came. That's why I'm here really. To tell you that man is so raw it's impossible to think he hasn't been getting some for years. Everything about Yoongi, from the kind of music he makes to the way his eyebrows move, screams to me he's a pro at playing hide-the-salami, Korean style.
Listening to Suga on D-2, he sounds the way salt and bitter tonic tastes. You get what I mean? He sounds like that gooey milky-white thing he's shoving into the song.
Suga ain't sweet.
And he makes sure you understand it.
He serves cock in every song. C.A.W.K. Nearly every song this man has ever made is filled with the most naked greed I've ever seen in a man. The most honest sort. It makes Yoongi seem more vulnerable than the rest of the members, to me. I mean, Namjoon and Hoseok are just as shameless but at least they moderate those impulses better than Yoongi, at least so far. Maybe in D-Day we'll see a more mellow Yoongi but somehow I doubt it lol. Jimin and Jung Kook sometimes give me the sense they have the potential to express their shadowed thoughts as well as the rapline do, but out of every member, Yoongi's approach is often my favourite.
To quote what I've seen another Suga bias observe:
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"Have you noticed how the posters are having consistent glitch affects with D-Day having the most distorted version?"
I'd noticed the same thing, how that glitch in his album design has progressively worsened. In the past on this blog, I've talked about Yoongi's love for distortion: autotune, pitch and sample distortion, chaos and fragments are his favourite tools to play with because it's how he makes sense of the mess inside him. And even within that mess, I recognize that while self-loathing is one thing you'll occasionally see in his work, self-pity is a whole other thing he certainly has no time for. The result of Yoongi's process is cathartic release and progressive evolution towards a more whole and healthy version of himself. In his music, Yoongi breaks it all apart, fragments himself beyond recognition, kills his own alter-ego, to put it all back together again into something that feels more right, more honest, and more just.
Everything about his music feels very much to be all him, it's bitter and salty and nothing about it is sweet. Except the aftermath which to me feels like post-orgasmic bliss.
It's how I feel listening to the production on Burn It, which makes me almost grateful Yoongi has said he'll try out more acoustic / folk / classic rock sounds in his next project. Like yes please something easier to take in at once, cause D-2 is so heavy. It's so bitter and so salty. It's so him. So him it's difficult to take it all in at once. It's too big, too thick, too heavy… too much. But somehow it fits and it feels incredible.
I hope that Yoongi gives us sweet on D-Day, but if he doesn't please don't look for me, because I will be managing my sanity very carefully during that period.
Goodluck and godspeed to us all when D-Day drops.
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(You're lying to yourself if you think you're ready for D-Day)
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(I just... fuck, I'm such a goner)
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dangerously-human · 8 months
for the fic writer game: 3, 4 for take his hand, 8, 20 for merry metamorphosis (am I trying to make you write pregnancy fic... maybe), 27 for ch2 of here's a safe place, 37, 49
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I write a lot of family life for traumatized characters, stuff that requires a lot of intentional growth but also leaves space for tenderness. Love me some literal sleeping together, too. I mostly write post-canon, and a lot of introspection. And I think I'm always working off of an assumption of redeeming the narrative, in a sense - not that things will always go well, but they will always have meaning. It's the Christian worldview, I suppose.
4. What detail in [Take His Hand] are you really proud of?
Honestlyyyy, I could wax rhapsodic talking about this fic and how it came to be. Lucy's chapter may be killing me a little bit, but there were parts of Lockwood's that truly feel like they came from outside of me (we've talked before about the Holy Spirit influence on this one). I know I already mentioned this in my reply to your comment, but the fact that Lockwood was praying with his old rosary beads from when he was a kid when the call from Penelope Fittes comes in says a lot. It's a nod to (part of) what Lockwood chose to pray about, after all those years of distance - the right opportunity to invite Lucy to come home - and it also ties the success of the company to a lasting legacy for the Lockwood family, which is such a key aspect of understanding Lockwood himself and just what he's trying to include Lucy in. It also says that he unpacked the literal box of memories, however painful, even if he's not 100% ready to unpack the metaphorical one - except he has started to, he's praying and acknowledging the God he feels let him down (or maybe the other way around, depending on the day), and he's doing this thing that reminds him so strongly of Jessica and their shared grief. It's not "solved," Lockwood still has a long way to go and a lot of Jacob-like wrestling with the Lord to do, but at least he's stopped running in the opposite direction and actually let himself feel something - which is what the Black Winter is all about, in his arc. I could go on about this for ages, truly.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Captives Come Home by Run Kid Run is just BEGGING for Other Side fic, - please, the number of times the lyrics repeat stuff about creeping shadows and the other side! - and maybe I'll write it eventually but I'd be equally happy to read it if someone else did. Would love to see it start with Lockwood and Lucy's first crossing ("There's hope inside that box you close/That only opens when your life explodes/On the other side, come home"), then tackle when the whole crew is there ("Don't you know you gotta get up/Get up and find a way back home?/So hold on tight, let's go/Leave behind false sense of hope/Where creeping shadows call your name") and then focus on post-canon efforts to clear the fences so the captive spirits can finally reach their final destinations ("As I'm waiting for the world to end/I'm clinging on to oxygen/I'm pulling captives by the hand/Come home, come home"). I have not shut up since my first read through TCS about the Harrowing of Hell imagery and, yeah, I just think I deserve this one, as a treat.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [A Merry Metamorphosis], what would it involve?
I know I already said this to you the other day, but bestie, do I have good news for you! Next (new) project on the list is literally this. 😆 To be fair, it doesn't exactly take a lot to encourage me to write pregnancy/kidfic, lol. But yeah, been thinking a lot about protectiveness and what that would look like for Lucy and Lockwood as they prepare for a baby, and how that would interact with their work (logistically and emotionally), considering they're still pretty young when they have Ivy.
27. How long did it take to write [Here's a Safe Place to Lay Your Heart Down ch. 2]? Describe the process.
FKlejgklaegl well. According to the date I created that Scrivener file, parts of that chapter were written in early September, and I just published it to AO3 last weekend, so you can do the math. Here's the thing about Lay Your Heart Down: while the core themes/message remained the same throughout, it went through several iterations in how I conceptualized it, and that made the writing process AGONIZING, because it was a constant repetition of knit/purl steps and untangling and reworking. (I don't knit, so take my metaphor with a grain of salt.) Honestly, this mostly came about because I kept asking myself if The Necklace counted as an engagement ring in Lockwood's mind, which obviously I kind of answered in Woke Up in a Safe House Singing, and that pivoted to a very vivid idea of how Lockwood would think about picking out a ring for Lucy and what it would look like and why. So. That could have been a drabble, but I also have a lot of feelings about the Touch/possession scene in the second episode, and that had to go somewhere!! And overlapped a lot, thematically. So a lot of the Lockwood having a self-isolating freakout stuff from ch. 2 was written first, plus the bit immediately after THB with the broken headphones and remembering watching Lucy dancing. All that used to be together in one chapter, which was going to be sandwiched between Lockwood picking out the ring and a sweet future scene that featured the ring somehow - the narrative started out even less linear than it ended up. (That final scene is now its own WIP.) Then I ended up with all the canon-era relationship development in the first chapter and the second could focus on that core conflict, Lockwood panicking about those lines from the show - "he gave me the ring, he wouldn't hurt me" - but in the context of all the various ways he could get Lucy hurt, because old conflicts (internal and interpersonal) tend to reemerge at transition points like the engagement period. A couple things that got me unstuck with this chapter were actually writing out more of what happened on the job that went wrong, letting Lucy be more upset (while still understanding), working out that Lockwood's fear this time was less about Lucy getting hurt and more about being the reason for that happening, and drawing direct parallels to Fairfax and Annabel (which in turn let me work in that good stuff about devotion and mutual belonging).
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I'm not shocked Onward, Ontologically has gotten very few eyes on it - if nothing else, Continuum is a tiny fandom, even less active now than when I was originally writing for it, plus Kiera and Alec are a complicated ship (I'm often curious if they would still be a rarepair if the fandom were larger, though - I could see it going either way). It worked for my Yuletide recipient, though, and that's all that really matters. I really like the quiet domesticity of it, and that it leaves space for the S3 conflict between Alec and Kiera to remain somewhat unresolved - I like complicated, and I don't think an easy resolution would have been realistic after everything these two went through and did to each other, and the tangled doppelganger web.
Within this fandom, one I wish got a little more love was Smoke & Shield. Gen is usually a bit, idk the right word, quieter? So I wasn't expecting as much excitement as with my Locklyle works, but I do think it's a really good character study of Jessica and her relationship with her little brother. I got some truly lovely comments on it that tell me it still found an audience to resonate with, though!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Well, since you attacked us all with baby fever, here's a snippet from the "Lucy learns she's pregnant with #4 via George's powers of observation" fic. (I don't think I've posted this bit before? Idk, this is the problem with lingering WIPs!) I've been WIP-hopping a lot, but this is one that's gotten a bit more focus lately:
With arms outstretched to take one twin off my husband’s hands, I explained, “I’m not even sure yet myself. It honestly hadn’t occurred to me until George said something, but…” My voice got smaller as I finished, “I think he might be right.” Transfer completed, Lockwood let his hand linger, then drop to hover just over my belly. At the open wonder on his face, I blushed. It wasn’t as though we hadn’t done this part before - twice, in fact - yet it seemed even at the mere possibility, he couldn’t help looking at me like I was made of something magic. To be fair, that wasn’t all that far off from Lockwood’s normal.
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baahsu · 1 year
SIGH ITS ME LOCAL VSCEST WHORE BACK AGAIN. neways my minds fr like a fishbowl rn bc my one braincell keeps swimming back n forth btwn thinking about "yoniji dog and cat dynamic" and "super possessive of his all his siblings ichiji" but since you urself made the "craving manhandling yoniji" post ill give you my silly strange little thoughts on that one first. but know that possessive ichiji is also coming sometime soon bc he makes me crazy lmao
SO as we all know, yonji is very much puppy coded, but what we DONT know/talk enough about is how cat coded niji is. like i'm confident that mf would start purring if you pet his head n carded your fingers thru his hair
so cat and dog dynamic, already great, but now it's YONIJI where the puppy is like a head taller than the cat and the puppy loves the cat very much and wants to carry the cat around like a fancy handbag and wants to make the cat see stars (in more ways then one ;]) and this whole time the cat is like "🤬😡😾🙄" bc like. yeah niji feels the same way but GOD yonji you are a literal '''''emotionless''''' prince AND soldier please stfu you are embarrassing him 😭😭
yonjis the one who'll pull any of his siblings into his lap whenever he wants to, even in front of soldiers/staff bc A. hes physically affectionate and B. he just. can. lol (what are 0123 gonna do?? physically overpower him when theyre LITERALLY in his lap??? maybe sanji could if he was desperate but thats abt it fagagfaaghwf and if any soldier/staff member made a comment abt it they'd just fuckin die lol)
AND yonji likes doing this to niji the most bc the others just dgaf about it (ichiji doesnt mind- a chair is a chair- this one just happens to want its hands wrapped around his waist, reiju finds it cute and endearing, and sanji might've been tense about it at first but after a while he just melted into it bc ZAMN hes touch starved) but niji VERY MUCH gives a fuck about it. he gets sooo flustered and red in the face- twisting in yonjis lap and banging his fists against yonjis head n chest and shrieking "let me go you fucking ape!" in a voice an octave higher than usual. yonji is simply sitting there like "😊😊😊" bc his ass is NOT listening. hes prolly lost in his head thinking about how hard hes gonna be fucking niji within the next 3 minutes if he doesnt stop that damn squirming.
ALSO fitting cat and dog dynamic methinks- yonji bites. affectionately. like ofc he does hickeys and claim marks but sometimes he'll just go up to niji or any of 0123 and (lightly, gently) bite them somewhere on their arm or shoulder or finger to be affectionate. (is this me projecting?? maybee <3<3) niji, resident cat who finds biting as a challenge, does NOT fucking get it and goes "??!?!? motherfucker WHAT?!?!" everytime it happens. 013 understand that its meant to b affectionate but instead of telling niji this they simply watch this interaction go down whenever it happens bc its Really Fucking Funny
and to end it out, obviously yoniji fuck like animals in heat, too. yonji with the doggy style and deep growls in nijis ear and the (strong, heavy) bites that draw blood all along his neck and thighs. and niji with nails that leave scratches all along yonjis skin and whos back can arch better than any cats and who sure as hell ACTS like a cat by constantly whining and complaining the whole time during sex abt yonji smothering him with affection but the second yonji sighs n eases up on em niji immediately goes "!! what the Fuck do you love me or not??!?!". yonji quickly realizes that sometimes the best thing to do is just shove some fingers in his mouth to get him to stfu :)))
OKAY and fin lol. they are so silly yet hot together. goofy whores, even. they make each other better AND worse. i love them.
-J.J c(:
No no no but this is so good?? So accurate?? Even the little details?? Ichiji doesn't mind yonji putting him on his lap because it's just another seat to him?? Yonji's ready to murder someone if they say shit about what he's doing?? Everyone's amused at how much of a dumbass niji is?? I LOVE IT ALL
Cat and dog dynamic just fits so perfectly for yoniji it's crazy!!
Yonji is that mix of being a huge dog that doesn't realize it grew too much and of being a huge dog that's pretty much aware it grew and it's making the most out of it. He's constantly craving physical affection, you can see it in his eyes and in his figurative tail that's constantly wagging as he trails behind his siblings, the catch is that if they ignore him he can just manhandle them all, toss them over his shoulders and plop them on his lap when he gets to a couch
Then there's niji, only outwardly accepting physical affection on his own terms, but making a scene if he gets ignored for too long. He's always threading that line of "I hate you, leave me alone" and "I hate you slightly less today, come cuddle me"
So when you put them together it's just hilarity overload. Niji has no chance against yonji, he can't fight him, can't overpower him, he can't barely even move when yonji got his arms around him (even worse when yonji gets his whole body on top of him). But it's obvious to everyone niji secretly loves it, he feels yonji's weight and warmth and the way he mercilessly pounds into him and he just purrs and whines uncontrollably
I also think ichiji's kinda like a cat too, except he's the type that just sits there on his own, judging everyone and just takes it if someone decides to do something to him. And by someone I mean yonji and reiju, if it's niji or sanji his other side comes out and he'd much rather tease them for being needy
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ambrossart · 1 year
good morning! before the preview and the next chapter comes out there’s a few thoughts and questions I have that I want to put out to you if you have the time….
first, the sexualizing of Evelyn, a 15 year old girl who’s been described as flat chested and almost kind of child-like, by boys like Martin and Patrick during this story so far breaks my heart. I honestly don’t think it matter what she wore or how long her dress was, the truth is Martin simply had an opportunity to take advantage of her and it’s so sad because the situation she found herself in happens to so many young girls.
second, I’ve been completely team Vic for probably almost 20 chapters now… and I was wondering if or when Vic realized his feelings for Evelyn. was it when he saw Henry at her house and felt jealous? they seem to have a deep history, and Evelyn seems over him but I can still tell there’s lingering feelings there. I just can’t help but root for them…. I’d like to think it could come full circle once they both grow and mature throughout this story and they still could end up together (I’m probably delusional)
speaking of Vic, I’m not sure how your story will play out (which is the most exciting part of it for me) but thinking about how Evelyn would react to Henry murdering Vic (and Belch ofc)…. the heartbreak would be unbearable to read
lastly, I gotta know… Patrick. what the heck is up with that guy? I never know. I know you won’t tell but can you please let me know…. why Evelyn? what makes her so interesting to him? this doesn’t seem like just another obsession anymore. is she still just his play thing, or is he starting to feel something for her? maybe not love but anything for her? if not he needs to leave that poor girl alone (as fun as they are to read lol)
Sorry, I meant to answer this yesterday, but I was focused on cleaning up the preview and getting it ready.
Now let’s get to these questions!
1) I see what you're saying and to a certain extent I agree, especially because we know Patrick and Martin don't have the best intentions. However, I do wanna say that just because Evelyn doesn't have those womanly curves that doesn't mean she's a child or even like a child. Yes, technically and legally she's a child, but she's not a little kid. Evelyn's 15, almost 16, and she has the same urges as many other girls her age. I think we see a lot of the characters making a lot of false assumptions about Evelyn based on the image she projects at school. They think maybe she's a prude or she's super innocent and inexperienced, and that's just not true. Yes, she's not very experienced with sex, but she's not totally innocent. And she's definitely not some frigid little prude, either. She's just very private and protective over her love/sex life. That's why she gets so upset when Hannah-Beth starts gossiping about their classmates' sex lives. In her mind, that's nobody else's business. With that said, Evelyn's very aware of how people view her. She knows she's not as developed as the other girls, and although she tends to keep it to herself, she's very self-conscious about it. It makes her feel less like a woman. Evelyn wore that dress because she wanted people to see her differently. For once, she wanted to feel pretty and, yes, maybe even a little sexy because she doesn't usually get that kind of attention from guys (sure, she’s caught Bill and Stan checking her out before, but that’s not exactly something she can brag about 😂). But she wants it. And it's completely okay for her to want that. So there's nothing inherently wrong with anyone sexualizing Evelyn. What's wrong is Martin taking Evelyn's completely healthy and natural desire (her decision to wear that dress) and turning it into something nasty and worthy of shame. Plus the sexual assault, of course, but that goes without saying.
2) I can't speak about this too much because it’s going to spoil some important moments I have planned, but Vic and Evelyn have a pretty deep and complicated history. As we know, Evelyn developed a major crush on him when they were kids and she never really tried to hide it. When Evelyn likes someone, she wants to be around them all the time, and that can be very overwhelming for someone like Victor. So to kind of answer your question, I think Vic was always aware of his feelings for Evelyn. He just needed time to properly process it. Unfortunately, he took too long and Evelyn moved on.
Of course, it’s not easy to get over your first crush, so Evelyn definitely still has some lingering feelings for him. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t explored an ending where they end up together, but nothing’s set in stone yet. He and Evelyn would need to sit down and have an honest conversation about a lot of things before they can have a successful relationship. Until Vic is ready to be honest about everything that happened in the past, Evelyn’s gonna be guarded and hesitant.
3) Finally, with Patrick… yeah, again, I can’t really answer that directly because it’ll spoil major plot points, but clearly he’s drawn to her, right? I mean, he called her ‘colorful’ and that’s basically the equivalent of calling someone beautiful, at least in Patrick’s eyes. (It’s pretty romantic, honestly, but I digress.)
Basically, Patrick’s been drawn to Evelyn from the beginning of the story. Way before Patrick decided to mess with Henry, Evelyn was already on his radar. The funny thing is, even he couldn’t seem to understand why. One of the first things he says to Evelyn is “I’ve seen you before. Where have I seen you?” He says it was the bullying video, but… was that really it? 🤔💭
Sorry, I wish I could say more about that, but I’d rather show it in the story. The next part is really Patrick-focused, so a lot of those questions will be answered then. 😊
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divorce arc my beloved
finally got the first 2/3 arc of my hangster divorce fic outlined. Here's a sneak peak at act 1 scene 1 & 2 & Act 2 scene 2 (my fav angst - ie the actual convo that leads to the divorce)
ACT 1 Scene 1 
from when they meet to when they fall in love
they meet in a bar in Tennessee when they were both running away from their pasts and towards something they wanted to be
They seduced each other and somehow it was an instant connection even as strangers.
then they hooked up and became vulnerable, telling each other their secrets not knowing they’ll be seeing each other again
they meet again in flight school. WHOOPS - now they know more 
they fucked around and fell in love 
they decide to say fuck it and be who they are, who they could be both in flight school and in their own personal lives (Renegades) Bradley being himself vs Goose Mav clone, Jake being someone other than a Seresin, the perfect son he left behind
they were great together in flight school. they didn’t mingle with the rest much, they only cared about getting through and getting deployed and being with each other
ACT 1 Scene 2
Jake takes Bradley home to meet mama seresin and sis + B proposing in malibu during vacation + small wedding + honeymoon somewhere 
first time Jake brings Bradley home is after flight school before deployment. He brings B to the Seresin farm. B gets Jake's sister to help him propose to Jake 
he proposes at Malibu on vacation (a couple of days), they get married next week in a chapel (only them and momma seresin and sis)
Jake tried to get Mav and Ice for the wedding but he didn't mention it properly and so it didn't even get to them personally, it just stopped at Ice's secretary who told Ice some random naval cadet sent an invite (this was pre TOP GUN so pre-Hangman being well known, before they were lieutenants)
B doesn't know Jake invited them. They get married.
They honeymoon wherever they get stationed (they get stationed together for a while and it doesn't matter if they’re in carriers a lot cuz like - they get days off on shore and they’re together so it’s fine)
And im going to skip a few parts (because Im not giving everything away) and go to the divorce hehe
ACT 2 Scene 2
the breakup and divorce
Jake comes back from deployment ready to talk but finds B drinking. Angry. Not talking. (they had a fight before this)
Jake asks what’s wrong, B doesn’t reply. Doesn’t say shit. 
They get into another fight. B throws out things like Jake can’t even be a good husband and be there for him, not be there for family
Jake tries to explain that he lost a wingman and he was not ok and that B wasn’t there for him either. That Jake needed time to fix himself first
Then B says something really stupid: that he should have known to expect Jake to not be there because ofc what else is he known for if not leaving people hanging out to dry. just like how he lost his wingman. 
“Too busy chasing a kill to be there for those that need you and it kills them. Why did I think you’d be here for me” (he’s projecting bc he just was so angry)
That was too far. “Then if you always knew you couldn’t trust me, then why did you marry me?” 
B can’t answer. He knows he can tell so many reasons, but he doesn’t know if all that applies to Hangman. Not now. 
Now they were trying to stay still in one place and build something and neither knows how to do it while still figuring out their careers.
J: Why did you marry me Bradley?
B: because it was easy. Don’t know if that’s true anymore. 
I have 2k outline done for everything pre-mission. please give me encouragement cus idk if I will actually end up writing all this o my own (motivation is hard to find lol) but ya if anyone wants to know more just hmu here or on discord :)
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sissytobitch10seconds · 11 months
Evolution of Us
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Five and Viktor have been through a lot together, and they're ready to take their next step forward. Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical child abuse and drugging Word Count: 1,909 Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: I know that this one is also pretty short but when they're already together I feel like I have less explaining I have to do, lol. I also wrote and edited this while fairly tired so if there are any errors please be kind when you point them out! I hope that you guys enjoy this installment in my year of OTP! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
They had been there for almost every single achievement that someone could have. They shared a birthday and had been there to see each one until they were thirteen, but their birthdays were still celebrated together. They had been there to see when their powers first started developing, even if things had been erased by magic words when they were just a little bit older. They had been there to hear first words and see the first steps taken without toddling. They had been there to see the beginnings of food preferences taking place. They had been there to see their first day of school, their first step towards their talents, their first step towards clothing preferences, their first step towards media likes and dislikes, everything.
Viktor had seen Five’s first mission, had been lurking on the roof next to the building to watch what he was doing. Five had been there to see the first fully played song that Viktor had performed to an audience, even if that was only him.
They had also missed a lot of each other’s lives. They had missed the other person’s first kisses, their first loves, their first day on the job, and their first home outside of the Academy. It was something that they both regretted quite a lot since they had seen the beginning and not the middle, like they had missed out on their own lives. They had to soothe that worry by knowing that every other step that they made would be with each other.
At least, that was what Five had been telling himself the entire time that they loaded boxes onto the moving truck. 
They had been living in Viktor’s small, poorly kept apartment while they settled themselves out in the new universe. He had recently gotten a job at a high school and Viktor had gotten a job with a paying orchestra so that he could do what he loved and provide for them. That meant that after just a few months post-job acquiring, they were able to put a downpayment on a house. That had resulted in them sharing another first together, the packing up of their house and moving all of their belongings to a new place. They had also gone house hunting together, which had brought forth all kinds of wonderful feelings for them both.
Once the moving truck was loaded up with every item that they were allowed to take from the apartment, they headed across The City and out into the suburbs. The house that they had chosen was closer to the main part of the city than the newer establishments since Viktor had wanted something vaguely old. They had chosen a cute post-war cottage that was near the university, which held the high school that Five taught math and science at. 
It had chipper red brick with white accents on the porch and around the windows. Inside, it had the original dark hardwood flooring and some of the accents like crown molding along the walls. There was a kitchen with bright white tile and plenty of counter space for the tiny amount of cooking that they did with each other. There were two bedrooms, both of them small enough that they felt cozy without making Viktor feel like the walls closing in on him. There was also an unfinished basement that gave them a bit of a project to do without having to worry about the livability of their home.
They arrived at the house with basically no problems. Viktor gave an excited noise as he leaned over and kissed Five’s cheek. When he pulled away, his brows furrowed together and he settled better into the front bench of the moving truck. “Sweetheart?”
“Hmm?” Five asked as he turned towards his boyfriend. He had been trying to stay out of his own thoughts but now that things were actually happening, he felt kind of like they were consuming him whole.
“Is everything okay?” Viktor asked, one hand moving to hold Five’s arm so that the other was forced to turn and look at the smaller man properly.
“I just…” he sighed and leaned his head back against the headrest. “Promise that you won’t make fun of me?”
“I would never, ever make fun of you,” Viktor shook his head. Five knew that it was true, he had always known that it was true. Even when they were children, Viktor had never participated in the teasing that the others had subjected whoever the unlucky sibling was that week to. The closest that they had gotten to it was when he had made a comment about Five’s drunken speech at Luther and Sloane’s first wedding.
Five turned so that they were facing each other on the bench. He reached out so that his fingers were interwoven with his boyfriend’s and then pressed their foreheads together. “I can’t help but wonder what this was like when you were moving out of the Academy. I missed so much of your adult life and while I’m so glad that we have the chance to do it now, I can’t help but feel a little sad that I wasn’t there to see it initially,” he explained. He said it all at once so that he wouldn’t chicken out and end up saying that it was nothing or lying about what was on his mind.
“Oh, Five,” Viktor sighed gently.
“I know that it’s stupid,” he whispered quietly. “I should just be happy that we’re getting to have this but I keep regretting everything that I missed.”
“I regret it too,” the other man admitted after a moment of silence had hung between them. “I wish that you had been there on my first day of college or when I moved into my first apartment. I was so scared during both of them, or I guess as scared as I could be when I was on massive sedatives, you would have made it all better.”
“I know that there’s nothing that we can do to fix it,” he sniffled. He didn’t know where the sorrow and mourning for a time that had already long past was coming from. He should have been able to push it down and away the same way that he had all of the people he had met while working for the Commission. For some reason, though, he was unable to. When his mind was clearer he would assume that the reason was because Viktor was so much closer to him than they were. The other man had held his heart since they were first brought together, possibly even before. 
He had never wanted to be separated from Viktor, but he had gotten stuck in the apocalypse that his love had caused. He had made the best of it and even created a wife that would help him move past the blossoming little crush that he had. He had fought tooth and nail to get back to Viktor and the rest of their siblings, and then to keep them together after. He should have just been grateful that they had that time now, that they were allowed to be together, but he was still mourning the time that they could have had together had he not made the one impulse decision that had damned him.
“Would it be better if I told you about what they were like?” Viktor asked. “You could tell me a bit about what it was like to move into that place that you had in the apocalypse.”
“How do you always know the ways to make me feel better?” Five laughed as he darted forward to steal a kiss.
“Because I’m your soulmate,” Viktor replied. “Am I meant to take that as a yes?”
“You certainly are,” he nodded. “But I think that we should do it while we’re unpacking and setting up our new home. I’m not very keen on the idea of having to sleep on the floor.”
After a quick nod of agreement from the other, they both got out of the car and got two of their smaller boxes full of personal items. They walked up to their new home and opened the door for the first time, which settled the anxiety that had been brewing in the back of Five’s head since they had started packing. They both worked hard and efficiently to bring in all of their things and get them into the proper rooms. Once the entire truck was empty and all of their boxes were inside, they began to put together the furniture in their bedroom.
“I didn’t have to do this when I moved into my college dorm,” Viktor explained as he screwed another peg into the slot where they had been told to by the instructions. “Reggie sent me to a pretty prestigious music college so my dorm was basically a furnished apartment. I had the classic cinderblock wall but it was painted a really nice blue color. I had a bedframe with a mattress, no pillows or blankets though. I had a desk, a chair, and a chest of drawers that was only mine. The rest of the house had the basic things that you needed to be able to live but they weren’t just mine. Mom was let out of the house long enough to help me really settle in but I think that was just so Dad could make sure I didn’t miss my first dose of meds without her giving it to me.”
“Asshole,” Five muttered, shaking his head. “What about your apartment?”
“I moved into one apartment and then stayed there the rest of my life. Even after I got more money and could have moved,” he laughed. “I barely had anything and I had to sleep on the floor when I first moved in. I didn’t waste my money on going out so I was able to get new furniture pretty quickly, thankfully. I was so scared of the neighborhood that I had moved into that I slept with my kitchen knife next to my bed. No one came to visit me, not even Diego or Klaus.”
Viktor didn’t let himself dwell on the sadness of being left alone for long as he quickly asked, “What was your home in the apocalypse like? You had one, didn’t you?”
The taller man nodded, “I did. It was a bombed out building, I think it used to be the library. I gathered up things that I found around the city. I had a chalkboard and a nest of blankets. I got basically every book that I could find about whatever, mostly so that I would have somewhere to write my notes. I should have gotten things like food but I spent a lot of my time looking for wine and clothes for Dolores.”
They went quiet for a bit as they both sat in the sadness that their adult lives had been before they had reunited. Viktor set down the furniture piece that he had been working on and then reached over to take his boyfriend’s hand. He brought it up to his lips and whispered, “I’m so glad that we can be together for this change. I hope that it’ll be a lot more pleasant than the last couple of times we moved.”
Five cupped his lover’s face and brought their lips together in a sweet kiss. “Me too, love, me too.”
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