#psychic fever fanfiction
cococharm · 3 months
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ot7 ⤷ boyfriend psychic
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beingatoaster · 2 years
G, O, and S?
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
I do, in fact! Regis and Danilo from the Darkover books (Heritage of Hastur, I think? It's been a long, long time since I reread any Darkover), who were overtly attracted to each other and had so much tension and everything. I think it was the first time I'd seen non-hetero desire written that explicitly, and tbh I originally read it too young to understand a lot of the explicit bits of it, but I knew that they were pining and the angst tore at my tiny prepubescent heartstrings and I was infuriated when that book ended as it does.
(It is the Darkover book I reread most recently, which was still 7-10 years ago, because I answered a question like this on a similar meme and the two of them sprang into my head. And I recall from the reread that the Regis/Danilo sections read like angsty M/M fanfiction, from the evil rapist character going after the delicate psychic woobie to the incredibly charged fever-and-delirium scene in the... cave? abandoned cabin? wherever it was. And then the ending, while fitting very much with the rest of Darkover overall and being realistic for the setting, feels almost like a betrayal of that vibe. Like! Fits the society! Is very much both of them having to move on from their intense angsty teenage feelings to become adults in a psuedo-feudal social structure! But if it had been the fanfic it felt like then Danilo would've gotten over his religious reservations and not been adopted by his rapist (as an apology because it meant that he would inherit the guy's shit, but... was always skeevy, and knowing what we know now about MZB does now feel, like, extra skeevy) and he and Regis would've actually gotten together, and even if the actual ending was more series-appropriate the part of me that fell in love with them still really wants that. Goddamnit I still have so many fucking feelings about this.)
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Okay, shuffle pulled up Bravado, by Rush, and since my head is full of Genshin these days, my very first thought is of the Nameless Bard (and the rest of the fighters in that group).
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Trying to think of a headcanon that I haven't already put over on the Genshin blog. XD;; I don't know how explicit I've ever been about the Fredrica-Seamus-Crepus triangle that I think of as backstory to the Kaeya-Diluc-Jean triad? But I've ended up with a very solid headcanon, as in I don't think I've written anything where it isn't the background I'm automatically using, that Seamus and Crepus were friends because Crepus was, at the time, head of the Wine Guild, and as Seneschal Seamus dealt with him a lot; to Fredrica he was just Seamus' friend, not anyone particularly important and tbh a bit annoying in his focus on failing to be/wanting Diluc to be a Knight. And then Seamus and Fredrica broke up, for whatever reason I give them in that particular timeline (that's more flexible), and Crepus, seeing Fredrica likely to get both girls, promptly swung into action and pulled on all the strings he had available to arrange for the current split-custody arrangement. And that's why in all my fics Fredrica hates him and Diluc. :>`
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mothmansbutt · 4 years
Supernatural S4 Review
Still trudging on in my effort to marathon all of supernatural, which I havent seen before so if you send me spoilers please don't
Highlights of season 4:
Cas!!! But he's grumpy
This season was better. I wish we had more monsters because its kind of Whats Wrong With Sam Winchester Hour now
Every time sam did something I was like really sam???????? Really???????
I wanted him to be a little evil as a treat but now I have regrets
Every season I think "i can't believe you made me watch 'x' with my own two eyes" this time it was the life-size suicidal teddy bear
Can't believe the writer made self-insert fanfiction in his own show
I will never get over their pronunciation of Samhain i will never be forgiving anyone for this i screamed through the whole episode
Ruby is evil. We know. Next
Loved the hilarity of the yellow fever episode until they... dragged a ghost behind their car with a chain... yeah
I'm so sad about Jimmy Novak bruh. Why are all angels inherently assholes
They blinded and then killed the psychic lady and I should have known but I'm still disappointed
Where is Ellen??? Where's my mom
Family Remains was actually kinda scary good job guys
OOF big feelings in this season. Big dean crying hours. Yall this one did not go down well
Sam you're a fucking disgrace wipe the blood off your mouth you're embarrassing me
Season 1  Season 5
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twinkothydrake · 5 years
i’m anoning this because i don’t want to call myself out but i LITERALLY wrote a fanfiction in like sixth grade way before yj got renewed LITERALLY about wally being in dick grayson’s fever dream and now it’s actually happened and i’m. im psychic
chsbdjfuzhdhf 🙇🏻‍♂️
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fireflysummers · 7 years
Mob Psycho 100 Fanfiction
I Could Even Learn How to Love (Like You)
Teru realizes that, despite his best attempts, he still isn't a great person.
That doesn't stop him from trying though.
(Dedicated to @uncannycookie​, @auro-cyanide​, @terubi​, @avoresmith for getting me Thinking About The Haystack Child Again)
(Doubly dedicated to @rustnut​ and @ofpaintedflowers​ for being my betas)
|| Chapter 1 ||
It starts with the aliens.
Teru isn’t entirely certain he believes Shigeo’s account, except that there were several eye witnesses to the event in the mountains. That, and the wave of psychic energy that Shigeo had purportedly helped create had been felt around the world, so if anybody had summoned aliens with amplified telepathy it would have been him.
“It seems that you can finally put Kurata-san’s nagging to pasture,” Teru says at the conclusion of the story.
“Nagging?” Shigeo repeats, between mouthfuls of ramen.
“Yes. She’s the one that was always bothering you to go on ‘dates’ with her to hunt for telepaths, right?” He’s only met the girl in passing, but she’d left the impression of somebody with a loud enough voice to get by doing very little. He can’t explain why, but something about that mentality rubs him the wrong way. “Now that you’ve found the aliens for her, she won’t be in your face anymore.”
“Oh…” Shigeo looks contemplatively at his own reflection in the broth in his bowl. There are green onions bobbing to the surface. “I guess you’re right. That’s too bad.”
“Too bad? You were really interested in finding those aliens?”
“No.”  There’s a long story here, Teru can feel, but Shigeo doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. He doesn’t seem inclined to talking at all, actually.  His mood seems to have fallen.
“Then what’s the problem?”
The silence stretches between them as Shigeo continues to contemplate the flotsam and jetsam of his mostly-empty ramen bowl. By now, Teru knows better than to push him, or even to try to fill the silence, if he wants answers.
“I didn’t really care about finding the aliens,” he says at length, “But…Tome-chan did. She wanted it as much as I want to improve my strength with the Body Improvement Club. And…I care about her, so it didn’t seem like nagging, or even any trouble at all. I guess I wanted it because she wanted it so badly, and I thought I could help.”
“I understand,” Teru says afterwards.
(He doesn’t.)
He isn’t sure if the silence that stretches out is awkward, or just Shigeo’s regular thoughtful silence. Either way, they remain so until it’s time to pay the bill, and Teru stumbles over himself to pay for them both. Thankfully, Shigeo doesn’t argue, watching as Teru ungracefully spills half his bag’s contents onto the table in search of his wallet.
“What’s this?” Shigeo asks, just as Teru locates the missing wallet. He looks up to see Shigeo holding one of the items that had fallen onto the table.
“It’s a love letter,” Teru says, dismissively, unable to fight off the heat in the tips of his ears at the sight of Shigeo carefully turning the pink envelope over.
“It’s not opened,” he says, simply.
“It seems that I forgot about it.” Teru tries to shrug it off. “They give them to me quite frequently, so I suppose more than a few have gotten lost.  Besides, I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of confessions.”
“Not really, no,” Shigeo replies, and there’s something in his voice that screams of a long, twisted story. Teru waits for him to elaborate, but instead Shigeo  gently places the letter back on the pile from his bag. “Do you think she was sad that you never answered?”
Teru opens and closes his mouth a couple times before the words find their way out. “I don’t know. But…why would she be? Whoever she is, she probably doesn’t know me well enough anyways. She’ll get over it in a week or so, and move on to the next boy.”
While Shigeo seems to mull over the words, Teru hurries to make the payment, unsure where this agitation has come from. When the bill is paid, he begins shoveling the scattered items back into his bag, painfully aware of Shigeo watching him carelessly shove the lonely love letter with it.
“I don’t think he’s really in love with her,” Teru muses aloud, mostly to himself. He’s sitting in the Kageyama’s kitchen, waiting on his friend upstairs.
“Takane-san?” Ritsu doesn’t look up from the newspaper that he’s reading, but despite how he’s trying to appear casual, there’s something tense in the curve of his shoulders. “How do you figure?”
It takes Teru several seconds to realize that he’s been answered.  Ritsu’s reply startles him for two reasons.  First, he wasn’t really expecting an answer, because he’s learned not to expect one after so years on his own with nothing but walls to bounce his own voice back to him. Second, the younger Kageyama keeps mostly to himself when Teru comes around, not necessarily out of dislike of Teru so much as a dislike of small talk, it seems.  This is an interesting development, as far as Teru can tell, and cautiously follows the spark of curiosity.
“Hmmm,” Teru mumbles, filling the silence as he tries to gather his thoughts. “I suppose it’s just that he doesn’t really seem to know her. Whenever he talks about her, it’s just how she looks, or memories from a long time ago, ergo he doesn’t really know her, and you can’t be in love with somebody you don’t know.”
“And I suppose you know better than my brother, how he feels and why.” He still hasn’t looked up from the newspaper, but he’s not reading it. Teru can see that he’s clenching its edges too hard, crinkling the thing newsprint in a way that would make it difficult to follow the tiny threads of lettering.
“Maybe. He openly admits to not knowing how he feels himself a lot of the time,” Teru snaps back, wondering briefly where this sudden spike of defensiveness comes from. “It’s just…I think he’s in love with the idea of Takane-san. It’s what she represents—popularity, acceptance, and whatnot.”
“Oh. So in other words, you’re projecting the way you feel about my brother onto the way that he feels about Takane-san.” Ritsu visibly rolls his eyes.
There’s no helping it now. Teru’s hackles go up, feels his face curling into a scowl. “You’ve made it no secret that you don’t like my feelings for Kageyama-kun, but I can guarantee that the two situations are completely different. For starters, I actually know Kageyama-kun.”
“Do you? Really?” Ritsu finally drops the paper, looking at him with a cold determination that he’s seen few other times. “Hanazawa-kun, I don’t approve of your advances because you’re not good enough for my brother.”
Teru splutters angrily, a little shocked at the forwardness with which Ritsu spoke, but the younger brother was not yet done.
“When my brother loves somebody, he loves them wholly, even when they don’t share that same level of love.” There’s a sardonic grin here, and almost points out that it’s Ritsu who’s projecting now.  “You’re a pretty amazing person, Hanazawa-kun, and my brother agrees…but you’re not really a good one. You’re too in love with yourself to be the kind of person my brother needs.”
“How would you know that?” Teru snaps back, suddenly furious at the coolness with which Ritsu flings the accusation, because it isn’t true.  It isn’t true, he’d know better than anybody, he’s changed.
(Then why did the younger brother’s words hurt, if they weren’t true?)
Ritsu just eyes him, unmoved, arms crossed in a sullen glare. Neither move, neither look away. The temperature in the kitchen drops a few degrees.
“Being nice doesn’t count, if you’re only doing it to get attention.” Ritsu doesn’t break eye contact. “You only now how to take. And my brother only knows how to give. It doesn’t take a genius to see why a relationship would be healthy for either of you.”
“And I suppose you’re one to talk?” Teru challenges through gritted teeth. There’s something…terrifying in his face now. A desperate rage that has drained his face of color, threatens to contort his expression into something almost animalistic. He’s leaning heavily on the table now, fingers wrapped around the edges and knuckles white, as though it’s the only thing anchoring him right now.
Ritsu doesn’t even flinch. “At least I’m honest with myself.”
 Shigeo comes downstairs a few minutes later to find Ritsu sitting alone, nose buried in the newspaper without apparently having moved.
(There are new dents in the Kageyama’s table. Their mother later remarks on how much like somebody has squeezed the edge in a fit of rage, deforming it in a way that wood shouldn’t be capable of. Neither of the boys seems to know how that could have happened, however.)
Teru doesn’t answer his phone that day, or the next. Monday rolls around and he’s absent from school, making sure to email for sick leave.
He doesn’t actually have a fever this time, but he may as well with the muddled headache that has set hold of him. There are too many thoughts, panicked and anxious and all fighting for his attention, and he hates how in his own head he can’t hide from the truth.
Being nice doesn’t count if you’re only doing it for attention.
He tries to make a list, to think of counter examples that he can rub in Ritsu’s smug face. Tries to make it twice. Thrice. Four times.
You only know how to take.
Before long there is a pile of scrunched up papers piled up against his waste bin, and in a fit of rage he throws his notebook across the room to join them.
Not a good person.
With a sob, he buries his face in his hands, the frustration boiling over but not quite turning to tears.
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair at all. He’d been doing everything right. So why wasn’t it working? Why was he still the same as he was back then?
He wonders if Shigeo knows. If Shigeo has seen through him as easily as his younger brother had.  As easily as the first time they had met. The thought of it burns like bile at the back of his throat, weighs heavily on his chest until he feels like he’s drowning.
It’s the drowning that finally prompts him to emerge from his dim apartment that Monday. The crushing guilt chases him out the door, and down the street, and while he knows that not even the aid of psychic powers will ever allow him to outrun it, there maybe is a place where he can face it, prepared.
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psych87 · 7 years
Fic Rec - Queer As Folk
Jane2005: Master list
England13: Choice, Homecoming AKA: Wren
Chering: Announcements, TBR
Always, Catalyst & Clarity: Read online the first one, d/l the other two
Insane Journal Community: Rec Stories
Laylafic: Psycho clown!! Master list of fics, TBR, also HERE
Galedreamer: Breaking Away, TBR, marter list of fics
Shadownyc: Stories
Ladybugkay: Brian is a creature of habit, master list, TBR
Ellyrianna: Good poems, stories, etc, not really QAF, but somewhere in between
The Sunshine Files: The title says it all...
Draccone: Second Chance, TBR
Ragingpixie: Tink!! Also HERE
Britin: Turning Points, raped Justin, a MUST read, also HERE
The Night Walks With Us: Vampire!Justin, great story!
London: Must Read Stories!! The main website is no longer available, however you can download the stories. More info here.
Suzvoy: Master List, Must Read!!
Kimberley: Burning loft, TBR
Vamphile: Master List, also HERE
Hollyilex: Master list, TBR, also HERE
Blissink: GR, RPG, seasons 1-5
BJfic: Justin kidney donor to step brother
Queer As Folk Novel: Broken Image ... **sigh** I so should've read this a while back, but alas still TBR
Sandragia: OMG, they are all Must Reads!! They are all also available for download on this journal :D!!
Shannon Marie: Master List, TBR, the Blues collection (great smex XD)
Bring Me To Life: AU, Justin is a recluse, Brian stumbles across his house
Jule's Fanfiction: Master List, TBR
Scoobygang8: Master List, good stories, TBR
Sonofabiscuit77: The difference between now and then, TBR
Sapphire_3: Eating dissorder, Brian, TBR, master list
Severina: Zombi!Fic!!! ... at least, I think this is the one :| ...
Maybe: Brian goes to NY to find Justin who's MIA. Must Read!
Allie_quixotic: How We Got to Where We're Going, Must Read!
Xie_Xie_Xie: ... Honestly, everything she writes is just perfect. Her writing style lacks the work imperfect XP!! Also HERE!
Reverberations: LOVE IT!!!
Experiment: Must Read!! ... Just read all her stuff XD!!
The Duke of Tremont: Awesome read :) !
The Duke of Tremont II - Bloodspell: Great and highly creative.
Hold On: Dead!Gus fic ... but not really :D!!
Time and Fevers Burn Away: By Burkesl17, Justin is the one who has cancer, great short story.
Strong: Justin takes E and ends up in the hospital. Great read!
Healing: Painful, yet amazing story.
Gaedhal: Some pretty amazing fics from this author. Highly recommended. TBR, alternate links: 1 2  3  
Private Dancer: Brian meets Justin in New York. Justin is a dancer in a club. Great story, must read.
Resting Here With Me: Beautiful post Season 5 story. Babylon is re-opened, Kinnetic expands to NY, and Justin and Brian take the next step amongst plenty of angst. Must read!!
Not Easy: Jenniger dies, Justin has to take care of Molly, Brian helps. Very good story, well written, and in character. Must read :) .
Logan Edward Taylor: Wonderful, sad, and amazingly well written one-shot. Highly recommended.
Tenebrosity: Present Time: A little over 10 years post-series moving forward. Past Time: Story directly after Justin goes to NY, returning to Brian & leading up to present time. WIP, but updated regulary from what I can tell. It's very angsty, and quite. There's also a OC death, which is basically what drives the plot. It really recommend it.
The Sign: Four years post-series. Brian gets a phone call he cannot ignore. Highly recommend this story. It's full of angst, and makes you cry, but at the end it's just amazing.
Work Inside Out: Amazingly beautiful and sad all at the same time. Great read, and highly recommended. Justin!Amnesia, Car accident.
The Dog Days of Summer: Post 513. Justin finds a stray dog in New York. Cute, short story. Highly recommended.
The Paper Hearts Killer: Brian is a cynical private detective working for the Pittsburgh PD who doesn't believe in psychics. Justin is a talented artist haunted by horrifying dreams. What happens, though, when Brian's police work hits too close to home? 
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
Ye Who I Have Loved
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
by Darkrealmist
A fragment of Earthbound God Uru burrowed itself into Rally Dawson after Rudger Goodwin switched places with him during his first Duel against Fudo Yusei. Now, the entity is stirring, threatening to consume Rally from within, unless Team 5D’s acts quickly.
Words: 830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Yu-Gi-Oh! - All Media Types, Aztec Religion, Mayan Religions & Oral Traditions, Meso-American Religions & Oral Traditions, Indiana Jones Series, Greek and Roman Mythology
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rally Dawson, Ruka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Fudou Yuusei, Jack Atlas, Izayoi Aki, Crow Hogan, Dr. Schmidt (Yu-Gi-Oh), Martha (Yu-Gi-Oh), Nerve (Yu-Gi-Oh), Taka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Blitz (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yeager (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rudger Godwin, Rex Godwin, Carly Nagisa, Sagiri Mikage, Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh), Misty Lola, Demak (Yu-Gi-Oh), Divine, Quetzalcoatl, Earthbound Immortal Uru, Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua, Ancient Fairy Dragon, No. 96 Black Mist, Azcatl, Inti, Mama Quilla, Arachne (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh)/Rally Dawson, Jack Atlas/Carly Nagisa, Jack Atlas/Sagiri Mikage, Jack Atlas/Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Additional Tags: Action, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Affection, Aftermath of Possession, Altered Mental States, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Anger, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Animal Attack, Animalistic, Animal Metaphors, Animals, Anime, Anime/Manga Fusion, Ants, Arguing, Asian Character(s), Astral Projection, Awkward Conversations, Bad Ideas, Battle, Beds, Bedside Vigils, Belonging, Bickering, Big Brothers, Birthmarks, Bisexual Character, Bisexual Character of Color, Bisexual Male Character, Bittersweet, Bonding, Books, Boyfriends, Boys In Love, Boys' Love, Brainwashing, Brothers, Brother-Sister Relationships, Bugs & Insects, Cages, Canon Backstory, Canon Character of Color, Canon Het Relationship, Canonical Character Death, Canon Relationships, Canon Temporary Character Death, Captivity, Card Games, Catholic Imagery, Catholicism, Character(s) of Color, Childhood Friends, Class Differences, Class Issues, Comfort, Complete, Confrontations, Corruption, Cross-cultural, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Cults, Cultural References, Curses, Cute, Cute Kids, Dark Fantasy, Dark Magic, Darkness, Death, Demonic Possession, Demons, Denial, Despair, Desperation Play, Destiny, Devils, Devotion, Doctor/Patient, Doctors & Physicians, Double Entendre, Doubt, Dragons, Drama, Drama & Romance, Duelling, Duel Monsters, During Canon, Eating, Emotional, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Enemies, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Evil, Exhaustion, Exorcisms, Explanations, Eye Color, Family, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Fanfiction, Fanservice, Fantasy, Fate, Fate & Destiny, Fear, Fear of Death, Feelings, Feels, Female Character of Color, Female Protagonist, Feral Behavior, Fever Dreams, Ficlet, Fights, Flashbacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluffy Ending, Food Metaphors, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Giant Spiders, God Complex, Gods, Guilt, Harm to Children, Having Faith, Hatred, Heartache, Heartbeats, Heroes & Heroines, Het and Slash, Historical Fantasy, Historical References, Holding Hands, Hope, Hopeful Ending, Hope vs. Despair, Hugs, Human Biology, Human Sacrifice, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Imprisonment, Indiana Jones References, In-Jokes, Internal Conflict, Japanese Character(s), Judgment, Justice, Kaiju, LGBTQ Character of Color, Little Sisters, Loss of Control, Love, Love Stories, Loyalty, Magic, Magical Inheritance, Magic and Science, Magic-Users, Male Antagonist, Male Character of Color, Male Protagonist, Male Slash, Manipulation, Mayan Mythology - Freeform, Medical, Medical Examination, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Mental Anguish, Mental Breakdown, Mental Coercion, Mental Link, Metaphors, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, Minor Canonical Character(s), Minor Character Death, Minor Character(s), Monsters, Moon, Multiple Pairings, Murderers, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Nervousness, Nightmare Fuel, Oblivious, Occult, One Shot, One-Sided Attraction, Originally Posted Elsewhere, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Orphans, Pain, Panic, Past Brainwashing, Past Character Death, Past Mind Control, Plans, Poison, Possession, Post-Possession, Power Dynamics, Prayer, Pride, Prison, Prisoner of War, Protectiveness, Protective Siblings, Psychic Violence, Psychological Drama, Psychological Torture, Psychological Trauma, Punishment, Puns & Word Play, Puppeteer, Puppets, Queer Youth, Questioning, Rare Characters, Rare Pairings, References to Aztec Religion & Lore, References to Canon, Relationship Reveal, Religious Cults, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revenge, Rituals, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Sacrifice, Sappy, Sappy Ending, Science, Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Self-Sacrifice, Sharing a Body, Shock, Short, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot, Shounen-ai, Showing Off, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love, Siblings, Sisters, Slash, Sleepiness, Sleepy Boys, Sleepy Cuddles, Some Humor, Soul Bond, Spiders, Spirit Animals, Spiritual, Strategy & Tactics, Strong Female Characters, Studying, Substitution, Suffering, Sun God, Supernatural Elements, Superpowers, Surprises, Survival, Suspense, Sweet, Team, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Temporary Character Death, Tears, Teasing, Terminal Illnesses, Trapped, Twins, Underworld, Unrequited Crush, Unrequited Love, Urban Fantasy, Villains, Visions, War, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Watching, Wordcount: 100-1.000, Wordcount: 500-1.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000, Worry, Young Love
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
Ye Who I Have Loved
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
by Darkrealmist
A fragment of Earthbound God Uru burrowed itself into Rally Dawson after Rudger Goodwin switched places with him during his first Duel against Fudo Yusei. Now, the entity is stirring, threatening to consume Rally from within, unless Team 5D’s acts quickly.
Words: 830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Yu-Gi-Oh! - All Media Types, Aztec Religion, Mayan Religions & Oral Traditions, Meso-American Religions & Oral Traditions, Indiana Jones Series, Greek and Roman Mythology
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rally Dawson, Ruka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Fudou Yuusei, Jack Atlas, Izayoi Aki, Crow Hogan, Dr. Schmidt (Yu-Gi-Oh), Martha (Yu-Gi-Oh), Nerve (Yu-Gi-Oh), Taka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Blitz (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yeager (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rudger Godwin, Rex Godwin, Carly Nagisa, Sagiri Mikage, Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh), Misty Lola, Demak (Yu-Gi-Oh), Divine, Quetzalcoatl, Earthbound Immortal Uru, Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua, Ancient Fairy Dragon, No. 96 Black Mist, Azcatl, Inti, Mama Quilla, Arachne (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh)/Rally Dawson, Jack Atlas/Carly Nagisa, Jack Atlas/Sagiri Mikage, Jack Atlas/Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Additional Tags: Action, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Affection, Aftermath of Possession, Altered Mental States, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Anger, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Animal Attack, Animalistic, Animal Metaphors, Animals, Anime, Anime/Manga Fusion, Ants, Arguing, Asian Character(s), Astral Projection, Awkward Conversations, Bad Ideas, Battle, Beds, Bedside Vigils, Belonging, Bickering, Big Brothers, Birthmarks, Bisexual Character, Bisexual Character of Color, Bisexual Male Character, Bittersweet, Bonding, Books, Boyfriends, Boys In Love, Boys' Love, Brainwashing, Brothers, Brother-Sister Relationships, Bugs & Insects, Cages, Canon Backstory, Canon Character of Color, Canon Het Relationship, Canonical Character Death, Canon Relationships, Canon Temporary Character Death, Captivity, Card Games, Catholic Imagery, Catholicism, Character(s) of Color, Childhood Friends, Class Differences, Class Issues, Comfort, Complete, Confrontations, Corruption, Cross-cultural, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Cults, Cultural References, Curses, Cute, Cute Kids, Dark Fantasy, Dark Magic, Darkness, Death, Demonic Possession, Demons, Denial, Despair, Desperation Play, Destiny, Devils, Devotion, Doctor/Patient, Doctors & Physicians, Double Entendre, Doubt, Dragons, Drama, Drama & Romance, Duelling, Duel Monsters, During Canon, Eating, Emotional, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Enemies, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Evil, Exhaustion, Exorcisms, Explanations, Eye Color, Family, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Fanfiction, Fanservice, Fantasy, Fate, Fate & Destiny, Fear, Fear of Death, Feelings, Feels, Female Character of Color, Female Protagonist, Feral Behavior, Fever Dreams, Ficlet, Fights, Flashbacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluffy Ending, Food Metaphors, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Giant Spiders, God Complex, Gods, Guilt, Harm to Children, Having Faith, Hatred, Heartache, Heartbeats, Heroes & Heroines, Het and Slash, Historical Fantasy, Historical References, Holding Hands, Hope, Hopeful Ending, Hope vs. Despair, Hugs, Human Biology, Human Sacrifice, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Imprisonment, Indiana Jones References, In-Jokes, Internal Conflict, Japanese Character(s), Judgment, Justice, Kaiju, LGBTQ Character of Color, Little Sisters, Loss of Control, Love, Love Stories, Loyalty, Magic, Magical Inheritance, Magic and Science, Magic-Users, Male Antagonist, Male Character of Color, Male Protagonist, Male Slash, Manipulation, Mayan Mythology - Freeform, Medical, Medical Examination, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Mental Anguish, Mental Breakdown, Mental Coercion, Mental Link, Metaphors, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, Minor Canonical Character(s), Minor Character Death, Minor Character(s), Monsters, Moon, Multiple Pairings, Murderers, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Nervousness, Nightmare Fuel, Oblivious, Occult, One Shot, One-Sided Attraction, Originally Posted Elsewhere, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Orphans, Pain, Panic, Past Brainwashing, Past Character Death, Past Mind Control, Plans, Poison, Possession, Post-Possession, Power Dynamics, Prayer, Pride, Prison, Prisoner of War, Protectiveness, Protective Siblings, Psychic Violence, Psychological Drama, Psychological Torture, Psychological Trauma, Punishment, Puns & Word Play, Puppeteer, Puppets, Queer Youth, Questioning, Rare Characters, Rare Pairings, References to Aztec Religion & Lore, References to Canon, Relationship Reveal, Religious Cults, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revenge, Rituals, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Sacrifice, Sappy, Sappy Ending, Science, Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Self-Sacrifice, Sharing a Body, Shock, Short, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot, Shounen-ai, Showing Off, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love, Siblings, Sisters, Slash, Sleepiness, Sleepy Boys, Sleepy Cuddles, Some Humor, Soul Bond, Spiders, Spirit Animals, Spiritual, Strategy & Tactics, Strong Female Characters, Studying, Substitution, Suffering, Sun God, Supernatural Elements, Superpowers, Surprises, Survival, Suspense, Sweet, Team, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Temporary Character Death, Tears, Teasing, Terminal Illnesses, Trapped, Twins, Underworld, Unrequited Crush, Unrequited Love, Urban Fantasy, Villains, Visions, War, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Watching, Wordcount: 100-1.000, Wordcount: 500-1.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000, Worry, Young Love
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
Ye Who I Have Loved
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
by Darkrealmist
A fragment of Earthbound God Uru burrowed itself into Rally Dawson after Rudger Goodwin switched places with him during his first Duel against Fudo Yusei. Now, the entity is stirring, threatening to consume Rally from within, unless Team 5D’s acts quickly.
Words: 830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Yu-Gi-Oh! - All Media Types, Aztec Religion, Mayan Religions & Oral Traditions, Meso-American Religions & Oral Traditions, Indiana Jones Series, Greek and Roman Mythology
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rally Dawson, Ruka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Fudou Yuusei, Jack Atlas, Izayoi Aki, Crow Hogan, Dr. Schmidt (Yu-Gi-Oh), Martha (Yu-Gi-Oh), Nerve (Yu-Gi-Oh), Taka (Yu-Gi-Oh), Blitz (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yeager (Yu-Gi-Oh), Rudger Godwin, Rex Godwin, Carly Nagisa, Sagiri Mikage, Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh), Misty Lola, Demak (Yu-Gi-Oh), Divine, Quetzalcoatl, Earthbound Immortal Uru, Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua, Ancient Fairy Dragon, No. 96 Black Mist, Azcatl, Inti, Mama Quilla, Arachne (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Rua (Yu-Gi-Oh)/Rally Dawson, Jack Atlas/Carly Nagisa, Jack Atlas/Sagiri Mikage, Jack Atlas/Stephanie (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Additional Tags: Action, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Affection, Aftermath of Possession, Altered Mental States, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Anger, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Animal Attack, Animalistic, Animal Metaphors, Animals, Anime, Anime/Manga Fusion, Ants, Arguing, Asian Character(s), Astral Projection, Awkward Conversations, Bad Ideas, Battle, Beds, Bedside Vigils, Belonging, Bickering, Big Brothers, Birthmarks, Bisexual Character, Bisexual Character of Color, Bisexual Male Character, Bittersweet, Bonding, Books, Boyfriends, Boys In Love, Boys' Love, Brainwashing, Brothers, Brother-Sister Relationships, Bugs & Insects, Cages, Canon Backstory, Canon Character of Color, Canon Het Relationship, Canonical Character Death, Canon Relationships, Canon Temporary Character Death, Captivity, Card Games, Catholic Imagery, Catholicism, Character(s) of Color, Childhood Friends, Class Differences, Class Issues, Comfort, Complete, Confrontations, Corruption, Cross-cultural, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Cults, Cultural References, Curses, Cute, Cute Kids, Dark Fantasy, Dark Magic, Darkness, Death, Demonic Possession, Demons, Denial, Despair, Desperation Play, Destiny, Devils, Devotion, Doctor/Patient, Doctors & Physicians, Double Entendre, Doubt, Dragons, Drama, Drama & Romance, Duelling, Duel Monsters, During Canon, Eating, Emotional, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Enemies, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Evil, Exhaustion, Exorcisms, Explanations, Eye Color, Family, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Fanfiction, Fanservice, Fantasy, Fate, Fate & Destiny, Fear, Fear of Death, Feelings, Feels, Female Character of Color, Female Protagonist, Feral Behavior, Fever Dreams, Ficlet, Fights, Flashbacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluffy Ending, Food Metaphors, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Giant Spiders, God Complex, Gods, Guilt, Harm to Children, Having Faith, Hatred, Heartache, Heartbeats, Heroes & Heroines, Het and Slash, Historical Fantasy, Historical References, Holding Hands, Hope, Hopeful Ending, Hope vs. Despair, Hugs, Human Biology, Human Sacrifice, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Imprisonment, Indiana Jones References, In-Jokes, Internal Conflict, Japanese Character(s), Judgment, Justice, Kaiju, LGBTQ Character of Color, Little Sisters, Loss of Control, Love, Love Stories, Loyalty, Magic, Magical Inheritance, Magic and Science, Magic-Users, Male Antagonist, Male Character of Color, Male Protagonist, Male Slash, Manipulation, Mayan Mythology - Freeform, Medical, Medical Examination, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Professionals, Medicine, Mental Anguish, Mental Breakdown, Mental Coercion, Mental Link, Metaphors, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, Minor Canonical Character(s), Minor Character Death, Minor Character(s), Monsters, Moon, Multiple Pairings, Murderers, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Nervousness, Nightmare Fuel, Oblivious, Occult, One Shot, One-Sided Attraction, Originally Posted Elsewhere, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Orphans, Pain, Panic, Past Brainwashing, Past Character Death, Past Mind Control, Plans, Poison, Possession, Post-Possession, Power Dynamics, Prayer, Pride, Prison, Prisoner of War, Protectiveness, Protective Siblings, Psychic Violence, Psychological Drama, Psychological Torture, Psychological Trauma, Punishment, Puns & Word Play, Puppeteer, Puppets, Queer Youth, Questioning, Rare Characters, Rare Pairings, References to Aztec Religion & Lore, References to Canon, Relationship Reveal, Religious Cults, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revenge, Rituals, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Sacrifice, Sappy, Sappy Ending, Science, Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Self-Sacrifice, Sharing a Body, Shock, Short, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot, Shounen-ai, Showing Off, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love, Siblings, Sisters, Slash, Sleepiness, Sleepy Boys, Sleepy Cuddles, Some Humor, Soul Bond, Spiders, Spirit Animals, Spiritual, Strategy & Tactics, Strong Female Characters, Studying, Substitution, Suffering, Sun God, Supernatural Elements, Superpowers, Surprises, Survival, Suspense, Sweet, Team, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Temporary Character Death, Tears, Teasing, Terminal Illnesses, Trapped, Twins, Underworld, Unrequited Crush, Unrequited Love, Urban Fantasy, Villains, Visions, War, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Watching, Wordcount: 100-1.000, Wordcount: 500-1.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000, Worry, Young Love
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YTtpyG
0 notes