#psych ward cw
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Close ups under cut
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griefdestined · 4 months
Hi!!! I’ve returned 👋🏻 i was in the psych ward but I’m better now
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
//psych ward cw but re: medical racism and Islamophobia, it sucks so badly like when my mother was in the ward and we wanted to bring her the Quran and a scarf one of the administrators was like they couldn't give it to her and that she'd probably be better off w/o them bc Islam is what lead her to be there
Starting to think medical textbooks are just like
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[Image ID: A stock photo of a large open book. Text has been edited onto the page to read in large text: "Dealing with patients. Rule 1: If your patient is Muslim, Islam is the cause of their ailment". In smaller text below, it reads "Pro tip! This rule applies to every situation, from psychiatry to pathology to emergency medicine and everything in between. If they say it's not, then they're lying or their ailment is that they are not white :)"]
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honeysuckle-venom · 2 years
The thing is, I went to that hospital voluntarily. I was deep in a psychotic break and I was having an extreme amount of difficulty keeping myself safe. I was experiencing violent urges towards myself and others with an intensity and consistency that terrified me. I wanted and needed help in the form of a quiet place without weapons.
So I went to the ER. And they took me to a backroom, away from my dad, and took all my stuff so I couldn't communicate with anyone. And I told them my symptoms and waited and waited and waited. And finally they told me I could have a spot on the ward but only if I agreed to be admitted on an involuntary admission, despite having come there voluntarily. Otherwise, they told me, I was free to leave and find a different hospital that would take me. But if I wanted help from them I needed to be admitted involuntarily.
I was deeply confused and in tremendous pain and all by myself, and so I agreed. I never should have, but I felt trapped and lost and like it was my only option to get help.
The thing is, on an ethical level their actions there don't make sense. The only way it made sense was as a sick power play. Because ethically, either they truly thought I was a danger to myself and others, in which case they had a legal responsibility to admit me involuntarily and not give me the option to walk away and find another hospital, or they believed I was well enough to be allowed to leave that ER, in which case there were no legal grounds to admit me involuntarily. By giving me the option to leave but forcing me to be admitted involuntarily to get help, they were just manipulating me and giving the doctor more control for his own sense of comfort and power, not for any plausible ethical or legal reasons. And by only giving me these options after I'd been separated from my resources and waiting for hours, they were further coercing me to agree. It was just so fucked up and manipulative and coercive, for no good reason. I was there voluntarily. I wanted help. There was no need to do that to me.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
additional hcs regarding annie's backstory
cw for literary gore & mentions of abusive mental wards
so, when her co-worker/colleague was beheaded, not only was it a clean cut, but also the head landed in her lap. she still has nightmares about looking down at her lap and feeling the blood pour over her legs
one of the major reasons this hostage situation lasted for two weeks was due to incompetence on the politicians and the police's part. the law enforcement delayed in making the rescue despite having the numbers and the force necessary to overpower the kid*nappers.
outsiders would note that the police assigned to the case were simply lounging outside the barrier and not doing anything else.
the excuse given by the authorities was that they were 'waiting on orders' to which the politicians also said that it was a precarious situation and therefore required 'great delibration'
as the sole survivor amongst the victims, annie was stashed into a mental ward especially when it became apparent that she was severely traumatized; unfortunately, the director of the hospital was also in cohoots with the politicians responsible for incident and he was exploiting the patients....combined with being cared for by an incompetent staff ( which annie herself knows since she was studying to be a doctor to begin with ), annie was treated more like a prisoner there if anything
basically, they wanted her to disappear from society because she was a reminder of their failure over handling the situation
and as for her perpetuators? well, they're still in prison, but they're alive. and remorseless too 🙃
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horygory · 6 months
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The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
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did i just see a "you can't criticize ts for using psych ward imagery just bc she's never seen a therapist post" bc genuinely i am about to throw hands
and before anyone calls me crazy for that or stupid for not understanding metaphors, fear not, i know. FROM THAT TIME I WAS A "PSYCHO RETARD" IN THE PSYCH WARD.
like. i don't think she's somehow not allowed to talk about psych wards. but i definitely think the psych ward survivors are allowed to be angry about seeing it used like this -- insensitively, for a billionaire's profit and for an audience of millions?
"she's allowed to struggle" yeah she is. which is why she shouldn't have to co-opt another marginalized group's struggles. hope that helps.
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tiredsn0w · 24 days
I'm still thinking about a video I watched recently. Its creator said it would touch on anti-psychiatry, and I was looking forward to that.
I only realised it was supposed to be a 'content warning' after they had already said something along the lines of "psych wards are good, medication is good, you SHOULD take medication, and the goal of medication isn't to change your personality".
Classic example of schizospecs being excluded from mental health subjects, because maybe that's true for antidepressants and such, but antipsychotics? They can certainly help people, and be used as a coping tool, but they were invented as a chemical lobotomy. Physical lobotomies were practiced to turn schizophrenics into "pleasant house pets" (actual terminology used) and chemical ones, in my experience, aren't very different.
Also, while antipsychotics can be helpful sometimes, being prescribed them at a young age (11 or 12, for me) can permanently alter your brain's chemistry and cause you to have worse symptoms. These risks are rarely, if ever, explained to patients- I even had a psychotic friend be prescribed antipsychotics when she went in for sleeping medication, with zero explanation of what the medication was even for from the psychiatrist-- and universally pushing the idea of "meds good" is just untrue.
TL;DR: Psychiatry/mental health isn't just about anxiety and depression, please don't talk about it like it is.
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“grippy sock jail/vacation”, “i’m so ocd!”, “my ex was such a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath”, “delulu!”, “is it acoustic?”, “being silly goofy manic”, “lobotomycore”, “you’re giving me ptsd!”, “i’m such a psycho lol”, “me and my split personality!”, “that’s so cr*ppled”, “you’re so bipolar”, “how’s that extra chromosome?”, “barcode/cutting board/wrist check!”
shut the fuck up. like actually shut it.
[pt: shut the fuck up. like actually shut it. /end pt]
(specifically referring to people who don’t have the disorders/experiences they’re joking about)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
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Your sick little head, so brain damaged and lying in that hospital bed.
This art means a lot to me. It isn’t as rendered or polished as my other work, but I want it to look scrappy, messy, and still pretty. If you’d like to just read about the style and story of the art unrelated to myself, feel free to skip this section.
Last week I mentioned being in the hospital and the psych ward, and while I wont give extreme details, it was for an overdose. Recently after getting out I’ve been trying to act like nothing happened and it’s all going to go back to normal, but this is the 3rd time I’ve done it or been on the edge of it. Just last week I had to get rid of two of my cats just after I’d been discharged and that on top of the trauma of the whole situation I’ve just felt strangely empty. Overdoses don’t just come and go like that. The mental effects aside from whatever you took linger and hurt more than anything. “I’m doing better” really just means I’m not about to do it again, but those feelings are still stored somewhere deep inside me. For this specific piece I wanted to describe that feeling and wonder of “How would anyone feel if they found me? What will they do after?”
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People don’t talk about Molly nearly as much as I think they should, but it’s understandable given that she has no set substance yet. For that reason I have made my own. The biggest thing I’ve mentioned before—in my Angel Dust headcanon post—is that I believe Molly is the one that found Anthony after he overdosed and called 911. The rest of his family was likely a bit worried, but I don’t think any of them cared as much as she did. Another headcanon of mine is that Anthony and Molly had matching rings with “AN” & “MO” engraved onto them. Molly sold her ring to pay for Anthonys funeral after his passing in the hospital and now wears Anthonys as replacement on her index finger which she eventually takes to heaven with her.
I don’t imagine she was able to visit him very often while he was in a coma but she still did when she could and would talk to him in hopes he could hear her a little bit before he left. It’d take a bit of a tangent but when sinners enter hell, in my mind entering hell takes as long as it did to die. So for Anthony it likely took him a week to a month to die during his coma from complications, and in turn, it took that same amount of time for him to full wake up in hell. Sinners to me are made and formed out of the ground in hell and wake up in a similar location to where they died. Angel Dust would’ve woken up alone in a hospital while his sister was now left alone and Anthony’s body likely already buried by then.
These are reasons why I included forget-me-nots and sweet peas as taped on decals. Their meanings being “Please don’t forget me” and “Goodbye, thank you for a wonderful time.” respectively. I also added the “M” wax seal over one of the sweet peas because I feel that it’s a sentiment that Molly held close to her heart and still does.
Molly’s body is torn from pink paper while Angel’s is blue paper. I intended for these to somewhat be seen as hands, like how the pink paper wraps over the forget-me-not when the blue paper lays beneath it to show Molly’s attempt to hold onto the memory of her brother while Angel is trying to remember his own life yet is unaware of what is happening to his sister now; unaware if she’s alive or not due to his poor keeping of time. Angel is also a scrap of paper glued above Molly’s hands to pretty genuinely symbolise they’re both in different dimensions now and can’t fully be apart of the same without the help of an external force. I also wanted to include more jumping spider elements so I’d like to think the string holding the tears is silk. Jumping spiders leave silk behind incase they fall so they can climb back up and when you put that in the form of a mentality I think Molly would fit into that very well.
I really hope we see more of Molly and I hope she had a good life and can see her brother again. Of course, she is a fictional character, but I can’t imagine the trauma she’s experienced in her life even without my personal headcanons. I love Molly a lot and just from how I personally interpret her she reminds me a lot of my mother.
Hopefully you can enjoy my ramblings and craze about these funny little spiders. 🩷
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borderline-culture-is · 7 months
bpd culture is being framed for threatening suicide when you're at such a low point/in the middle of a breakdown and all you can scream is how much you don't want to live anymore meanwhile you're threatened to be locked away against your consent, having your (bodily) autonomy stripped away, getting your remaining sense of safety and comfort ripped away, getting most of your belongings taken away, not being able to piss/shower without people needing to watch you, being in an environment with other severly unstable people that can (and will) trigger you, having no distractions, being left alone with nothing but your thoughts, being with staff that are nothing but shit and refuse to actually help you, being thrown in the rubber cell when acting out(yes they still are a thing), being restrained when acting out, having no access to your phone, having no actual therapy, being in an environment that is most times a clusterfuck of abuse and potential abuse, and being severely traumatized again by staying in a psych ward.
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boatcats · 2 years
Been looking through the Fireweed Collective resources for working with people in crisis/working through crisis one's self. Honestly lots to think about. Abolition includes the mental health industrial complex as it currently exists.
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twistedshipper · 2 months
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Supernatural 4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer; Surviving Schizophrenia, A Family Manual by E. Fuller Torrey, M.D.
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honeysuckle-venom · 2 years
Also, @ the nursing student at that hospital who purposefully tricked one of our child alters to the front because she was curious to see a switch instead of fucking leaving us alone or at least asking us to switch instead of actively manipulating our mental state: fuck you.
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gillipopmoji-archived · 9 months
at urgent care for chronic fatigue as of queuing this so i decided to make some wordmojis about hospitalization
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kringlepringle · 5 months
psych ward trauma woooo
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