#psych anon
sister-lucifer · 6 months
i think like last month i confessed i wanted tim to beat the shit out of me and i still do.
- psych anon
no this is real me too
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autumn816 · 4 months
Toto is for sure Karen, if it gets results he does not care
Lewis I cannot decide (lassiter was the one I thought of first - works especially as him being an established Detective , with all the experience but I can also see him as more of juliet who entertains the psych bit, is amused by it and humoring him, so I guess a mix??
Also depending on that he would need either a critical partner or one that humors the psych bit, I am currently struggling with who would fit (Bottas being fairly unflappable?) or a Rookie? Then Logan? Who def would believe
If we make Merc/Williams team up in Galex, Logan and Lewis as duo works with Logan being the excited Rookie detective?
Lewis is a tricky one. I like him being as Lassiter because of the experience and being with Merc for very long and becoming their head detective eventually but then Lewis’ behaviour in real life doesn’t match Lassiter’s in the show. His behaviour could be somewhat like Juliet. But yeah Lewis would be a mix of Lassiter and Juliet.
Biases say go with Merc and Williams team up so I can get Logan too😂😂I would love to see George, Lewis, Alex and Logan as a team. Logan would be an excited rookie and help galex do the work like Juliet does with Shawn and Gus.
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Also I just watched this scene and this is something George would definitely pull undercover. He would so do this.
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
Psych anon here (I'm assuming the only one). As I said, I am all the same person but I also happen to know a lot about Spiritism.
A few things that happened with these 2 lead me to believe they know each other from some other life (maybe more than one).
First, the sincroniticies between them. Jung was the father of analytical psychology and he was the one who came up with the concept of "meaningful coincidences". You know when you're thinking about someone and they call you? Or when you happen to wear the same outfit of someone who's dear to you? Jung believed these small coincidences are the fate's tapestry at work, and that they were signals of something bigger at play. So, him being where she lived and she being where he lived? Sincronicity.
Her saying yes at the final moment? Sincronicity. Him even deciding to audition for the role? Something he might've chosen before he was born.
With that, there's the fact he cried when she sung. I think he was overwhelmed and probably felt something he couldn't quite explain, but if we were to believe they are soulmates (of whatever kind), his soul probably recognized hers in that moment.
Her necessity of touching him sounds so painful and visceral and while we could argue it was due to the stress of shooting a scene, it just sounds too extreme of a feeling to have with a coworker. The way she said it, it was like not being able to feel him scared the hell out of her, like she needed it and why the hell would she need that? You know what I mean. It just sounds so deep, so intense.
And the thing with soulmates is that they can't be apart from each other, it can be very extreme and hard for them to let the other go. They need to be in each other's lives and I can bet you my left kidney that this scares the hell out of T.
R is very intense but he isn't. He sure as heck wasn't expecting to miss her that much, or to want to be around her as much. The poor guy is running from his feelings like Lucy Gray ran from Coriolanius and the worst thing for him and thr best thing for us is that it ain't gonna work
This makes so much sense to me! They have a lot of coincidences in their lives!
They have to be soulmates imo. T has heard a thousand people sing before (he’s a theater kid lol) so him crying when he heard her sing is surreal. Over Zoom too. Very deep and touching.
T seems scared in every single reading. He probably feels powerless to stop to urge to be with her.
Yeah in the readings, T tried not to talk or miss her but…he can’t stay away. R’s intensity definitely doesn’t help but he still miss her :)
Thank you!
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
Happy Birthday! Free space if this gets in on time, but either way birthday wishes and thank you so much for all your writings. They're really good and such a bright spot in my day.
Carlton is having a good day up until he sees what’s clearly a civilian’s motorcycle parked in one of the reserved spots. If the state of disrepair didn’t make it obvious, the ACAB bumper sticker stuck on the back certainly did. Oh, he was going to give this asshole the biggest fine he could, and get his bike towed for good measure! The good people of the SBPD are working hard everyday to keep the streets safe and this guy wants to make a mockery of that right in front of them? What a sick bastard.
He stalks inside, face set into a scowl. “McNab!” he shouts, startling the officer who turns from whoever he’d been talking to. “Who the hell’s bike is that out front?”
He looks at him, wide eyed, but then a kid in a leather jacket is stepping out from behind him and clapping him on the shoulder. He’s got on faded jeans, brown boots, and a dark blue henley. He’s a couple days off from a decent shave and Carlton’s not at all surprised when he says, “It’s mine. Sweet ride, right?”
“You can’t park there,” he snaps. “I’m writing you a ticket – McNab, write him a ticket! Now!”
“Uh,” McNab looks between them uncertainly. “But he, you know, um. He can park there, Detective.”
Carlton snarls, “Why the hell do you think that?”
“It’s okay, Buzz,” the kid says, stepping forward and offering his hand to Carlton with a smirk that has him itching for his cuffs. “I’m Shawn Spencer.”
“I don’t care who you are,” he says. “Only police personnel can park in that area.”
Spencer’s grin gets a little wider. 
McNab is honest to god wringing his hands. “Um, Detective, he is. Police personnel, I mean. He’s the new head of Internal Affairs.”
Carlton stares. This has to be some sort of practical joke. “Are you even old enough to have gone through the academy?”
“My youthful appearance is due to my intense moisturizing routine, a zest for life, and my good humor,” he says. “Laughter really is the best medicine.”
“You’re out of dress code,” he says, because most of him is still refusing to believe that this is happening.
“I’ll write myself up for it later,” Spencer says, which is ridiculous, because that’s not an IA issue, it’s an HR one. Which as the head of Internal Affairs, he should know.
He opens his mouth, but whatever he was going to say is interrupted by Chief Vick swooping in, several files held in her hand. “Gentleman. Detective Spencer, my office, now.”
Spencer winks at them. “Buzz. Lassie.”
What the hell did Spencer just call him? Before he’s managed to choke back his outrage, Spencer’s in Chief Vick’s office and McNab is making a hasty retreat.
He stalks over to his desk and Lucinda glances up from her own desk at his approach. She’d left early this morning to go back to her place to shower and change and had been responsible for the good mood he’d been in up until he’d encountered Spencer and his stupid bike. “What happened to you?”
“Nothing,” he says, then, “Did you meet the new internal affairs guy?”
“Shawn? Yeah, he seems nice,” she says, already looking back down at her paperwork.
Nice? Nice?
The day’s just begun and it’s already shot to hell.
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
You hear about Pluto? That's messed up, right?
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
I enter the void finally after two years😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
I can't tell you how happy I am. I just wrote 6 void affirmations like I enter void instantly, i always wake up in the void and so on then name the note as as I am a void master and I just did psych k using gamma waves for two times a day for 10 mins affirming I am a void master. I promised myself I will not waver this time and I just robotic affirm when I get time. While sleeping I recorded it in my voice and used it.
So on fourth day I finally woke up in the void which is today. I can't tell you how happy I am 😭😭😭.
I manifested-
Dream body
All my old grades to A+
Dream skin like literally flawless and beautiful
Dream house
The job which I want from a long time.
Healthy and happy family
And much more.
I freaking love you chai😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Thank you.. Now gotta delete tumblr and gonna enjoy my lyf. 😭😭😭😭😭
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words cannot describe the amount of joy I feel after reading this, I cannot even say anything that would even make sense.
bye anon, thank you for not givin' up on yourself and I hope you have the most amazing time living in creative mode.
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Hi! With your stargazers au, what radio symbols do you use with Alastor's powers? What do those symbols mean and is there some special thought behind choices in symbols?
📻: "These ones, my dear?"
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Keen eye! They're actually various electrical symbols for radio stations and are NOT VOODOO at all. As I'm not a practitioner of the Vaudoux religion, I didn't feel qualified enough to represent their practices all willy nilly. Though Alastor is still very much an actual Creole Vodouisant who lived in New Orleans Louisiana in my #HHStargazersAU! This design choice for his magic came to mind when I realized that since I couldn't use the more natural voodoo deer side of him, I could just shift focus to his more electronic radio hosting aspect. Which actually had symbolisms of their own! Be it his radio symbols or sound waves. Pictograms that were likely used on signs, books, or instructions, and such. That's how his green spells came to be in my story and they're usually just the general symbols for radio! ^v^
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genericpuff · 8 months
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Its from a while back (262) because i prefer to kill my brain all at once, but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH HER SHIRT. That is a SQUARE. It was like this in multiple panels too
What's even funnier / weirder is why are they wearing the shirts in the first place?
1.) Eros and Psyche seem to be completely isolated in the prison, even if Apollo or Leto forced them to wear them they should be able to just remove them if they really don't want to be wearing them as soon as they're unsupervised.
2.) Who's gonna see them wearing the shirts? It's not like they were forced to do some "Apollo 4 King" video on TikTok to make it seem like they were aligning with Apollo, they're deadass just sitting in a prison cell wearing these shirts for seemingly no one and nothing but Apollo's entertainment?
3.) Love how we're just gonna pretend that Apollo's original campaign wasn't "Apollo for President". Love that for him that he finally figured out he lives in a monarchy and not a democracy.
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macherkissed · 1 year
Hey, could you please write Morticia Addams x reader pregnant x Gomez Addams. I know you've already written one story like that, but I mean more about their behavior after the reader have left the waters (sorry for my probably terrible English)
No worries about the English, you didn't do too bad at all. I hope you don't mind that it's in a headcanon format, like the other one.
How Gomez and Morticia react to you going into labour
Notes/Warnings; AFAB!Reader, pregnancy, labour, pain and slight mentions of the grossness of childbirth
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You probably react very differently to Morticia when you start getting contractions
Where she was stoic and matter-of-fact, even enjoying the pain, you’re a lot more reactive
You’re sat with Pubert on your lap, watching Wednesday and Pugsley’s presentation of sorts about historical burial techniques, when the twinges and jolts you’ve felt all day finally become a noticeable contraction
Even then, you don’t fully react above a gasp and exhale of pain, thinking it’s just another twinge of late pregnancy, until the next one about ten minutes later. You cry out, interrupting Pugsley in the middle of a faux-disembowling, and the children all look at you in shock until you say “The Baby’s coming.”
Thing gets the others together while the children help you down the many stairs, where Tish, Gomez, Fester, Grandmama, and Lurch are all waiting. The ready bag has been sat for almost a month now, but the final little bits have already been added and put into the car.
Lurch actually comes up and carries you the rest of the way down the stairs and is set to take you out to the car until you tell him that you’re fine, you can walk to the car. He places you down gently only for your hand to be instantly taken by Gomez with his arm around your waist.
Gomez and Tish are the only ones to come with you, Lurch driving, with everyone else coming along afterwards to see the newest addition to the family.
You have a hand in yours on either side as the contractions get worse, and they guide you into the hospital while coaching you through each contraction
You’re not quite ready to give birth just yet, so the two of them wait with you in the room. They want it to be over for you as quickly and painlessly as possible, so they’ll both encourage you to walk about as much as you can (probably joining Gomez in his pacing)
Morticia goes through breathing exercises when the contractions get too much, and they’ll each go through birthing positions with you to help ease the pain and encourage the baby to come quicker
When, finally, the nurse says that you’re ready, they’re both allowed to come in with you. Gomez wants to know every detail of what you’re feeling, and though Tish won’t ask outright, she’s just as fascinated as him about your pained reactions
Gomez will hold your hand and shower you in compliments that, even in your pain, you can’t think to yell at him for. Morticia will be petting your head, speaking carefully and soothingly.
You have no idea how long the labour lasts, you don’t care much about that, but you know that at some point the pain subsides and you hear a cry that makes Gomez’ face brighten and your heart lift.
The baby is placed on your chest, face all scrunched up and gummy mouth open in a cry, still covered in goop and blood. They soon quiet down at the feeling of your skin and their eyes open a little. Their first sight is of you, sweaty and gross and flushed, and Gomez and Tish, all smiling at them in pure love.
Afterwards, when the baby is cleaned up, you have a moment with your lovers and the newest member of the family. Gomez is the first, after you, to hold them and does so with proud tears in his eyes. He kisses the small bundle on the head before passing them to Morticia, and then he comes over to hug you and kiss you as Morticia tells you how proud of you they both are, how amazing you are, how beautiful you are and always will be to them.
You stay overnight for observation, for both you and the newborn, and Morticia stays with you while Gomez goes home to make sure everything is ready for the baby. She sleeps in the bed with you and wakes with you when the baby starts fussing, helping you with anything you’re not sure about.
When you get home, the rest of the family is awkwardly gathered in the living room, waiting to be introduced to the newest member of the family.
First to see the baby are their siblings. Wednesday looks over them with her usual stoicism and introduces herself, while Pugsley has a grin on his round face when the baby tries to put his finger in their mouth before Morticia guides his hand away. Pubert is fascinated, being only a small child himself, and is actually a little cautious to touch them until Gomez encourages hm and he giggles at the way they grab his finger so tightly.
Grandmama has brought them a small bear she made, their first toy, and Fester coos at them but doesn’t touch them in case he gives them a shock. Lurch is stoic and still until the baby grabs one of his fingers and burbles, when he smiles a little and hums.
The baby is enthralled by Thing but doesn’t flinch when he scuttles up into the bed. Wide eyes and mouth open, the baby reaches over and grabs his middle finger, and Thing shakes their hand which makes them babble again.
You're glad that the baby feels comfortable with the attention, since there is bound to be a party for the newborn in the coming months, just as there was with your pregnancy announcement.
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
did somebody say tim cock. HELLOOO !!! holy shit you must be a godsend. well, maybe a satan send if we’re honest. i’m a total slut for happy trails and sweaty men with dad bods. not gross at all it’s a absolute delight.. love you ..
- psych anon
like when you suck his dick he can force you down on it and push your nose right into his thick bush and the musk is just mmmmfgfgfhfgg
i’m insane. love you too xx
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autumn816 · 4 months
(has spent her evening trying to figure out the logistics of a Galex Psych AU)
Hiiiiii. Are you Cherie’s anon who said that? Because if you are I started watching the show because of you. I was very curious about it so yeah and it actually is a good show. I am only on episode 6 of the first season tho so let’s see how it goes
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
From what I understand about Karmic connections it means a debt from the past life has to be paid in this life that's why neither of them can stay away from the other. I have this feeling R is the creditor and T is the debtor.//
I'm on a roll here. So let's start with what karma means:
In Indian religions is the principle of cause end effect. Good deeds heed good deeds and bad deeds heed bad deeds. In these cultures, it's believed that we choose how to atone for what good and bad we might've done in a previous life.
Now, if we go to Alan Kardec, the father of Spiritism, he states that karma is a lesson, not a debt. He believed you don't owe anyone anything, karma is a way of experiencing our choices and learning from them. Is not about one being indebted to the other, but people who are constantly learning from one another.
Two very distinct points of view, but even in Indian culture is more about lessons than it is about being punished for something. T and R however do need to learn from each other.
That makes sense to me! I think R and T learned / are learning from each other. They seem to be on the same page in terms of intellect.
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shanastoryteller · 4 months
happy birthday! 🌻🌻🌻 mdzs identity porn or dealer’s choice please :)
When Shawn is twelve years old, he goes out to ride his bike before dinner and never comes back.
It’s not the first time Shawn’s stayed out later than he was supposed to, so Madeline sighs and puts dinner in the oven and goes searching, figures the walk will at least be an opportunity to snap some photos with her new camera. But as she walks block after block and there’s no sign of her son, she becomes even more concerned.
One hour crawls to two. She returns home to phone the Gusters, but they say Shawn isn’t there, that Gus hasn’t seen him since yesterday. Heart in her throat, she dials the station.
“Hi Honey,” Henry says, distracted. “I told you I was working late-”
“I can’t find Shawn,” she says.
There’s a one tense beat of silence then he snaps, “What are you talking about?”
“He went out on his bike and he didn’t come back for dinner and I didn’t see him anywhere and he’s not with Gus,” she says and she can hear the tears in her voice. “Henry.”
“Karen and I are taking a cruiser out to look for him,” he says, voice suddenly all business. “You stay at home and call dispatch if he comes home, alright?”
“Alright,” she whispers, “what if-”
“Maddie,” he interrupts, voice firm and unyielding and still not enough to hide his fear. “This is Shawn. I’m sure he just got caught up in something. Everything is going to be fine.”
“You can’t just take him!” she says, eyes wild in a way they hadn’t been while he helped her unload groceries. “He’s not like the practice people, someone will notice he’s missing!”
“Yes,” says the old man, with a sturdy, implacable face that’s somehow so much unsettling than her mania. “That is unfortunate. We’ll have to move. But you shouldn’t have invited him inside.”
“Just let him go,” she insists. “We have to move anyway. Just tie him up and pack everything and we’ll be long gone by the time he wriggles free. He doesn’t know anything.”
He sighs. “Darling. He noticed the blood.”
“No, he didn’t,” she says, then looks to him. “Did you?”
Shawn shakes his head, the gag in his mouth preventing him from talking, which is unfortunate, because he’s better at lying when he’s speaking.
He had noticed the blood, faint as it was against the wall, and the scuff marks, and he was planning on getting out of there and going straight to his dad and telling him that he thinks he knows what’s really happening to the beach bums that have washed up on shore, and it’s got nothing to do with too much alcohol and high tide.
She would have let him leave. He was almost out the door when the old guy showed up.
“He’s a clever boy, I’ll give him that,” he says, offhand. “It’s unfortunate.”
He opens into a drawer and pulls out a knife. Shawn tugs even harder at his bonds, but they don’t give an inch.
“No!” She steps in front of him, arms wide. “I like him! He’s nice, and good, and you can’t play with him. I won’t let you.”
Anger wild enough to make Shawn flinch away steals across his face before he folds it back under his veneer of civility. “Very well, darling. You can have a playmate. But if he can’t be controlled, he must be disposed of. Understand?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she says, shifting to completely block him from Shawn’s view – and Shawn from his, which he thinks may have been her goal. “Thank you. We’ll be good.”
“You better be,” he says sternly. “Don’t make me regret this, Yang.”
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forecast0ctopus · 11 months
tysm!!! ive gotta draw her more…. obsessed w her in scary sherry
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
while we’re on the subject of Greek Myth AUs (my bread and fucking butter), might I suggest a classic Hades and Persephone fusion?
I’m thinking Hades!Ghost and Persephone!Reader (obviously) and Soap would fill the role of Demeter, except instead of being Reader’s parent he’s her betrothed. He was meant to marry her until Ghost kidnapped her and took her to the Underworld, and when Soap finally finds her and sees her chained to Ghost’s throne he realizes no matter what he does Ghost is never going to let her go… so they may as well share her, hm?
Or maybe a Tantalous AU, where Soap decides to kill and serve his wife (Reader) to the gods and Ghost is so furious(because what the fuck) and so intrigued (because what the fuck) that he drags Soap to the Underworld. He puts your shade back in your body and when he sees how stunningly beautiful you are he decides he just has to keep you. And his favorite way to torture the two of you outside of rough fuckings? Dangling freedom right over your heads, just out of reach, so that you never forget that you belong to him forever.
Sorry for the rambling but I LOVE Greek mythology so damn much
loove these, literally nothing to add to them bc they're fantastic, may i also say:
hades!soap, persephone!reader, thanatos!ghost. soap brings home his pretty wife, and suddenly that bastard from down the street is always hanging around... (or thanatos!soap who's begging like a puppy bc he works so hard to keep ghost's kingdom full :/)
hephaestus!ghost, ares!soap, aphrodite!reader. reader never met her beast of a husband (she's heard the stories, and he's never made any attempt to see her in person, only sends the occasional handmade gift - every time she shows up to his forge, it's empty, like he knew she was coming) with soap who takes care of the lonely goddess of beauty when her husband won't <3 ghost eventually catching them in a net together, and deciding to go ahead and use the both of them, and seeing what he's been missing out on
deimos & phobos soap and ghost who haunt their favorite human <3 it's just sooo fun to see how spooked she gets when they get near, her fear and panic is sooo delicious
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
Hi I am rabbit🐇 anon and I wanna say that Idk why but i m not understanding the pych-k method like i don't get what PPL say especially when ppl tag that post I just don't get it so can you tell step by step how to do pych-k method for void.
P.s we r same age lol
oh yeah??? cool! glad to meet a fellow adult 🐇 anon🤝 and that's ok, I'm more than happy to explain it for ya in simpler terms, it be like that sometimes so I get it. yer mind is like a computer, yer subconscious is the motherboard of info, and while ya do psych-k ya are basically downloadin' an entirely new program with new codin' and all that jazz with the affirmations ya choose, then ya save that affirmation in yer motherboard.
psych-k is about usin' yer entire brain, both hemispheres simultaneously, and how to do it is super simple. when you're just startin' out with it, I always recommend that ya start off with your left side (it doesn't really matter what side ya start with but some people do better when they have clear instructions)
left side -> ya wanna start off with crossin' yer left ankle over yer right ankle, set yerself a five minute timer and then start it, immediately afterwards you're gonna cross yer left wrist over yer right wrist and then interlock yer fingers. for a visual aid, check out this video -> it's not very long and I hope it'll be easy for ya to follow while ya are doin' this pose, you're gonna close yer eyes and repeat yer affirmation for the duration of yer timer. with this pose, ya more than likely will start to feel an influx of thoughts that may try and argue with yer affirmation. it's important to invite those negative thoughts and just let them flow, let them happen, and just keep repeatin' yer affirmation over and over. what yer doin' is teachin' yerself somethin' new until these resistant and negative thoughts disappear. i should also mention that sometimes ya may not experience any negative thoughts at all, which is fine too, just keep affirmin' for the five minutes. some folks also report that they feel physical symptoms when doin' psych-k, which is also normal, and it's perfectly okay if ya don't, that's also normal, everyone is impacted differently.
ya hold this posture for the entirety of yer five minute timer. once you're done you're gonna 'save' yer progress by uncrossin' your ankles and wrists and then press the finger tips of both yer hands together (kinda like when villains are havin' their evil scheme moment, y'know) just make sure all yer fingers touch each other and hold it for 10 seconds --- like below BUT MAKE SURE ALL YER FINGERS TOUCH TIPS 🙏, no palms need to be touched, you're not prayin'.
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once you're done, you're gonna repeat the entire process for the right side where ya cross yer right ankle over left ankle, and yer right wrist over yer left wrist, hold that pose for five minutes with yer timer and then save it again with the pose mentioned above.
ideally, this'll completely change whatever limitin' belief ya had with the affirmation ya chose after a single session, BUT sometimes it can take more than one single session of psych-k which is also completely normal especially when dealin' with something that's been deeply embedded in yer mind for such a long time. think of it like a stubborn program in yer computer that you're tryna get rid of, sometimes it can take a few tries to completely wipe out the old programming.
somethin' else that can happen is that psych-k did work but does not instantly reflect in your 3D which can sometimes make people think it didn't work so they fall back into old thinkin' and start reaffirmin' the old story. h o w e v e r, ya can easily find out if psych-k worked through the use of muscle testin'. I'll provide some reference posts for muscle testin' below which can also be used in combination with any and all methods of manifestin'.
muscle testing applied kinesiology
psych-k is just a form of focused, super affirmin'. it can also be used to calm yerself down just from simply crossin' your ankles, many people do it unconsciously without realizin'. i recommend that the next time ya have a moment of panic, anxiety, or any other negative feeling, ya should try crossin' yer ankles and see what happens. 🕵️
if ya need anymore clarification, just let me know!!!
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