#psa: important to note.
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micahsawyer · 2 months ago
tiny hiatus, maybe? 🥺 i put off making this post because i was convincing myself i was just gonna wake up one morning afternoon and miraculously get back into the swing of things but that's not a thing that happens so... this is just me officially taking the break i'm already on lmao. the holidays are fucking rough and i literally just do not have the extra energy (if you've sent me a message or checked in - i see you and i love you, i'm currently searching for the spoons. once i have a spare i'm coming for u). i'm putting some hope in the new meds, working on sorting out insurance for the new year, and it's a hectic ass time in general so i need to give myself permission to step away. i'll be back soon and hopefully feeling more like me so we can get back to writing! thank y'all sm for being patient! xoxo
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likeorpheus · 3 months ago
Hello everyone ! I wanted to put out a quick statement regarding the unfortunate and complex issues that have been occurring in the RPC and on my dash the last several days. I want to start off by addressing anon hate and anon messaging. I do not respect it. That includes continuous dialogue on anon. I think it's better and healthier to communicate privately with people. But, I also want to express that while I have that belief and stand by it I now will no longer be responding to or allowing myself to get swept into drama or the histories of other peoples problems. That means not dictating or making opinions on how others stir up shit. I've decided to remove myself from it all completely.
Other people's histories and dramas are not mine to own. I have made careful choices with my blog and how I operate. And to be frank, there have been many instances now where comments, messages (anon or not), and the like have been misconstrued, purposely chopped up, and at times warped or taken completely out of context. I think when problems arise everyone is quick to emotion. I am also guilty of that. Having been on hiatus from the RPC for a couple of years and making a return only recently in the past few months, I've lost sight of my mission to steer clear of drama whether it be liking posts or adding comments to post.
It is no longer my place.
While I stand by my opinions and beliefs (and of course I am still open to private conversations on ideas because we all continue to grow), I will not stand for callout posts, witch-hunting, and vilifying. That's to all parties. That's to all participants. It's just not who I am. It's not what I agree with. I believe in communication and kindness and also taking a big whopping step back to look at the bigger picture. I recommend those that are hurt, emotional, or dealing with their emotions to take a huge step back and please think before we speak or type or message.
I apologize to anyone who has had to deal with the controversies going on. I know our dash's are full of negativity and it is only fueled by proxy by every like, comment, and every bit of participation that it receives. I know it's a lot. And that is another reason I will no longer participate in anyone else's wars because It's not my place. And it's unfair to a lot of my very kind and sensitive mutuals who come here just to have fun and to write about their characters.
So with all due respect, I will only be roleplaying here and investing in fun and friendly interactions. I will only be promoting positivity. And I will only be investing time with those who are interested in the same mission.
Much love,
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scvcnofswords · 1 month ago
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i will never force or assume ships- honestly my first goal with establishing contact between characters (including and ESPECIALLY any that mine may have romanced in-game) is just to establish some kind of bond.
Like is there a friendship there? Is there antagonism there? Is there a POTENTIAL for leadup to more, there? Or is this a platonic intimacy? Is this a sibling dynamic? Do these people genuinely care and respect for one another or do they despise one another? What sort of love is there, if any?
and honestly most of the time i will not nudge towards a ship because i'm hyper paranoid about being accused of ships being all i want. The attitude for afab ocs was uh- very different, when i first started with tumblr RP, and it's been literal years but i haven't shaken those anxieties, nor the constant fear that i'm constantly annoying or being a nuisance towards those i'm trying to befriend.
this is honestly just a psa that like- while i love ships, i love EVERY KIND of dynamic that could form between characters, and i'm down to explore any and everything. literally 2 of the most fulfilling dynamics i've formed since showing up here are the platonic soulmate relationships!
give me besties, give me contentious coworkers, give me platonic soulmates and twin flames, give me enemies, give me romantic soulmates, give me doomed loves, give me loves that somehow defeat the odds.
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fragmented-tales · 5 months ago
Life update under the cut. Cw illness.
I'd like to start this off with an apology for all the threads and asks I still have to answer. I promise I'm not ignoring or abandoning any of them, but I also can't push myself to answer when I don't have the energy to because I know I will just burn out faster.
Now, onto the actual update. As some of you may know, I've been sick for quite some times now, and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm not able to get a doctor to check me out because of family reasons, but I'm hoping that taking it easier than I have will help. I'm doing everything I can to come back full swing, I promise.
What does this mean for my blogs? Well, it means I'm going to go on a semi-hiatus. I'll still be around to answer messages and send in memes, and maybe participate in dash comms, but I will not be posting anything. My queue is paused and I plan to reactivate it after I've finished all emptied my drafts and inbox.
I'll be working on doing so whenever I feel I can, which means you may not see a response to your thread or ask for months, and I deeply apologize for that.
Curate your space. If this news that it may be months before I start posting again upsets you, please do as you see fit.
Again, I'm sorry for the delays. Thank you for sticking with me this far, and I will try to fully be back soon.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 21 days ago
die flesh hat lover
help this is actually so funny i forgot I posted that for a second and had a beautiful moment of confusion at the phrase 'flesh hat lover'
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sipho-pearl · 10 months ago
reminder that its okay to be selfish sometimes <3 its okay to want things for yourself and take them. thats a normal thing to want
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hero-of-skies · 7 months ago
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// responses for multiple paragraph threads might be a little slow for all blogs for a bit- trying not to get burnt out so soon, y'know? Still down for inbox stuff, crack, dash- anything short and quick, really! Love y'all and sorry for the delays ♡♡♡ //
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To all my mutants and other people of tumblr who has created a community on here, I would highly suggest putting your communities settings to “request invite “ to avoid porn bots. I know alot of us don’t wanna do that but as someone who has created two communities and is apart of others the porn bots make me uncomfortable like they do everyone else im pretty sure.
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diverse-hearts · 6 months ago
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//So erm with the move...my tracker for canon threads somewhat broke...so the plan's to readd threads as I reply to them from replies sent in - cause the thing gets moody if I try and reroute things lol. Soooo - don't worry if you don't see your thread for this blog in the tracker atm - I shall add it when I can!
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ever-winter · 2 years ago
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HI! So I was really wanting to mini spam all my followers but anxiety is a bitch and has decided this is a bad idea for me - outside of the usual suspects that is. Soooo can people like/comment if it’s totally okay for me to just randomly invade your inboxes? You are never expected to answer all I send! It’s more like giving options to get those muses moving, you know? Anyways it’ll be a big help if you could let me know! <3
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thebestorworstofit · 2 years ago
things that will hook line and sinker me every time pt 1:
an absolutely unhinged (obsessive, chaotic, compulsive, manipulative, etc) character acting like their behavior is completely normal
murder/serial killer vibes
v younger woman with much older man (or woman)
older woman having an affair with younger guy
dom/switch woman meets subby/switchy fella
divorced/separated/widowed woman (or man) (parent) trying date again but struggles be there’s a significant age gap (r we seeing trend y or n)
couple on the verge of divorce/separated falling back into bed together
sneaky pair doin sneaky things / "shh someone could see us"
the pair that makes you go holy mother of moses what the fork are they doing together that’s gross, stop that, don’t do that.
anything where "we could've been together - it should've been us" fits
and ofc a good ol fashion "we're just friends"
strangers with 24 hours together and an undeniable connection (like on a train maybe??? one day???)
ben barnes - i said what i said
lanky brunettes (men)
blondes with thick thighs (women)
trains. it happened on a train. (idc what happened just put it on a train)
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fragmented-tales · 6 months ago
// right so- My birthday is a literal week from now (sept 12th) so on that day I won't be around much anywhere. I'm going to try queuing up responses and answers to asks while also sending out the rest of the starters and asks for this post, so don't be afraid to send things or @ me until then.
Also I finally started following the tags people made for me, namely "#fragmented tales" so i should see things a little faster when not mentioned!
Also I recently somehow picked up a couple LoP roleplayers so I just wanna warn you folks that my only LoP muse, Simon Manus, is VERY selective for interactions! Sorry if you followed for him! //
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mythvoiced · 11 months ago
-. FORTUNATELY i'm alive, work's been keeping me busy & tired but i shall see to it that i RETURN~ i opened this text post and realized i've completely forgotten how to be on tumblr, how--
unfortunately for all of us, my brain has been trying to concoct a New Guy, and unfortunately he's gay and annoying? and unfortunately he has such a nasty personality as defense mechanism and unfortunately he can't even be loved into healing because if you're mean to him he's 'hehe i was RIGHT then' and if you're nice to him he's 'don't you fucking try to scam me i'm not stupid' so he's hopeless and my little princess~
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hero-of-skies · 6 months ago
Tw; Illness
Feeling really sick right now, showing the same symptoms as when I had covid and, after trying to push through and do things until close friends told me to step back, and- well- that's what I'm going to do.
I'll still send in asks and gather drafts, but until I am feeling better I'm going to focus on resting so I can come back and give you all the top quality you deserve.
Thank you for putting up with me, and I'll try to be back by the end of September at least! ♡
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kurooscopy · 1 year ago
i just realised my url probably reads to most as kuroos-copy and not kuroo-scopy as i had intended,,, 💀 i don't kin him, i want to study him in a lab (affectionate) !!
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