#ps: i'm a gemstone
buttercool-ppg · 2 days
Me but SHINY!
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Does'nt it look as COOL as Bubblecup?
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AITA for refusing to propose to my boyfriend?
We both wanna get married and our families & friends are cool and everything (honestly he's my mom's favorite child at this point), but he says I should have to do the actual proposal and I say he should.
He thinks since I hate every restaurant he takes me to (I work in food service I know what I'm about he picks BAD places) I should just be in charge of it, I think since he makes way more and he's stupid picky about jewellery (he knows what the different gemstone cuts are. He has OPINIONS on gemstone cuts. I am marrying a monster) he should have to buy the ring, and we both need it to be a special romantic surprise enough that we're not about to co-propose or some shit. We're also both guys, so there's not really any traditional rules to fall back on here, either.
It's been mostly fine, but his 30th birthday was the week before last and he's LEGIT mad I didn't propose then. We took a whole trip and had dinner with his entire family (we live a 2 1/2 hour flight away) and shit, so if I were gonna do it, that would've been the time. I told him I've already said I wasn't proposing, and that he can do it himself or we can be boyfriends for his 70th birthday too, and he said "If we're not married by the time I'm 70 you will be LUCKY to still be boyfriends" and stormed off to our room, and now he says he's fine but I'm 90% sure he's been training the cat to bite my hands? It's happened every single time I try to pet her and he looks very smug about it.
So did I fuck up here or what?
PS If I'm not the asshole how do I talk him into proposing already I am DYING over here I wanna marry him so BAD. He BRIBED the CAT to BITE me I NEED this man to be my husband N O W .
What are these acronyms?
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tastesoftamriel · 7 months
Are there any accommodations for people with disabilities? For example, accessible entrances for those who require mobility aids? I would assume there would be a lot of injuries from the war or at the very least from wandering monsters.
In terms of physical disabilities, there are a wide range of accommodations for helping the disabled! Accessible entrances to most shops, temples, and homes are just the beginning.
Hearing aids for the partially deaf are in the form of ear trumpets, a rather crude device into which one shouts to be heard. Enchanted pocket ear trumpets magnify the sound further, using soul gem magic to power a Dwemer-inspired... actually, I'm not even going to pretend I know how magic works.
For the fully deaf and mute, sign language is fairly commonplace around Tamriel, albeit with certain regional variations. Thieves and assassins in particular are great with sign language as it allows them to communicate silently and effectively, and the trend of learning sign language across Tamriel started with those who seek to mimic the cool demeanour of a criminal. As such, it's very practical for those hard of hearing when at least one or two people in their community know sign language!
Prosthetic limbs, generally fashioned from wood, have been in popular use for hundreds of years in Tamriel and beyond. Ranging from crude stumps to finely carved realistic or ornate limbs, it is not an uncommon sight on war veterans and victims of violence, or sick amputees. Prothestic limb wearers who are skilled in magic are also able to meld their minds with their wooden parts, making them function just as well, if not better than the real thing.
While glass eyes have always been common for the blind, but aside from realistic replicas, some Tamrielic citizens have begun wearing polished gemstones instead, a trend said to have started in the Summerset Isles. For those with poor eyesight, spectacles are the most common way to correct vision without magic. ~Talviel
PS: Here's an ESO NPC (Amalien in Solitude) who uses a wheelchair!! Which I think is very cool.
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ch4rryc0smos · 1 month
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synopsis ┊kenji sato returns to japan, leaving behind everything he's ever known. and fate plays a cruel joke on him, when hazel vellichor walks back into his life, albeit not by choice. she makes a trip to japan, for a charity event, for another speech, and somehow; media wrangles her in for more drama. what they don't know is that she's ultrawoman, and kenji's ultraman, and there's more than to the eye here. they're well intertwined and every time they tug away, the knot gets tighter. everything leads them to each other, and now japan is in their hands, and they have to unravel every secret they refused to acknowledge prior to this. and they have to accept every role bestowed upon them, whether they like it or not. somehow, all of this leads to is them learning that there was always more to their friendship, and that they were truly two puzzle pieces, fit right next to each other.
genre ┊ childhood-friends-to-strangers-to-lovers, slight angst, tooth rotting & chaotic fluff, co-parenting (?)
pairing ┊ken sato x fem-self insert/oc, ken sato x public figure!self insert, ken sato x childhood-friend!self insert
warnings ┊ mild cursing, mentions of drinking, trauma, heavy topics (?), events in ultraman: rising take place alongside this story.
word count ┊1k.
author's note ┊i'm actually really REALLY nervous to post this, but i'm doing it! i think i'll be writing it as i post, so that's... that. it might take me some time, who knows :') the title is from 'the sun is not my son' by lor! :D i might make a playlist for this little project <3 happy reading everyone!! [ps, should i have a taglist?]
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Eleanora Hyde smiled, big. Her granddaughter watched her with confusion. Then, the doorbell rang, and Dorian was quick to let the door swing open, and from the first glance, Hazel knew that the smile on his face was the practised, and fake one, the one he reserved for anyone that wasn’t his pawn. Yet. His daughter eyed him with disdain, but then her gran brushed past her, and her thin arms enveloped a woman she didn’t recognise. Whose name she learnt was Emiko Sato. And from behind her, peeked out a young boy, with hair that was raven, but shone under the light of the moon, with eyes that glowed like purple gemstones. And then, the woman Hazel knew as “Emiko” was gently pushing the boy out from behind the safety of her knees. He stumbled forward, and Hazel’s mother gripped onto her shoulder, tight. 
Greetings, manners, discipline. Right. 
She stepped forward, holding out her hand. And she just knew that sick smile was on her mother’s face, even if she didn’t bother to look up. Apparently, the boy himself thought so too, because one glance at Hazel’s mother was enough for him. His eyes flitted between everything behind them, but she held his gaze when their eyes next met.
“I’m Hazel, nice to meet you,” she whispered, catching the tremble in her voice and hand mid-sentence, willing herself to gain some composure, she was Dorian Vellichor’s daughter, he did not accept such tomfoolery, even from a five year old. 
The boy glanced at her hand, and then her face, and then he clasped her hand in his, shaking it, his own lip trembling. “I’m Kenji.” He smiled, well, as much as he could, that was. She did not mind. 
“You’ve grown quite a lot, Kenji.” Hazel’s gran shakily sat down, now eye-level with the boy, her hands clasped onto his shoulders, and he watched her, arms limp at his side. He smiled tightly, nodding his head. 
He probably didn’t even know her. Hazel sighed at the thought, letting the screen of her laptop fall close, the light now no longer illuminating her otherwise dark room. The pitch black enveloped her, yet that didn’t last long. Her phone vibrated on her bedside table, and she reached for it. Eighteen was in five minutes, and so was the beginning of executing her plan. 
“Maple,” her voice sounded, albeit quietly. There was no one to hear her, what with her parents heading out, although her mother was pregnant. And going out to fancy restaurants and drinking didn’t make it better, but who were they to pay any mind to a to-be-eighteen year old’s words? 
Her best friend rustled on the other side, probably trying to find a comfortable position on her bed. How she always did when she called Hazel. She knew their calls always lasted long, and there was no denying. “Hazel! Are you excited?”
She was far from it. The prospect of freedom danced on her tongue, freeing, as it suggested, and yet, all the worries flooded her senses and left her nerves alight. She felt like she was on fire, the steady beat of her heart the only constant in the room, with her. 
“Yes,” she said. The lie echoed against her walls, but Maple didn’t know the guilt that rattled her best friend’s bones. Or the fear clawing at the flesh in her throat, and the air that wasn’t entering her lungs.
“You sound really solemn for someone on the verge of freedom,” Maple pointed out, Hazel laughed, a bit fake. And her stomach twisted into nervous knots. A trait she got from her mother, that laughter. She hated every bit of it, and every part of them that would always exist in her, in her blood, and in the way she lived, but she could not spend any longer moping. 
Her green eyes stared back at her through the reflective surface of her phone. “I promise, I’m fine.”
Maple knew she wasn’t, and she promised her a home, and she promised Hazel safety that she knew the girl wouldn’t get otherwise. But she also knew that Hazel would not reach out, or seek help until she was battered and bruised, and death was grinning at her, eye-to-eye. 
Eighteen when it first hit, was fear, and then freedom. And then it became a spiral that led her to where she is now. Twenty five whispers behind her back, and her suit fits her just a bit too tight. The scent of her just brewed coffee wafts through the place, and she inhales, deep, and slow. The same phone she had when she was eighteen is waiting patiently for her while she strides around her room, feeling her nerves send small waves of nausea rolling over her senses. But she has done this many times before, and nothing could go wrong now. She is human after all and mistakes happen, well, to some extent. At least. She hopes. 
She shakes her head, holding it high, letting her feet carry her to the kitchen island, the mug of coffee slotting right into the palm of her hand. A content sigh slips past her lips, and Hazel thinks this is exactly where she’s meant to be, travelling, advocating and weaving her words together to form sentences, stories that she hopes will educate people. Or do something along the lines of it. 
As she walks out of the comfort of her hotel room, Maple’s words of reassurance are the only playing in her mind. The city sounds like mindless background noise as her feet carry her to the venue, the click of her heels almost inaudible in comparison to the chatter that surrounds her.
She is so grateful that this city has seen just enough public figures to not spare her a second glance, she feels normal, for once. And L.A welcomes her again, for the fourth time in many years. The last time she visited, she had been twenty. Five years later, nothing really seemed to change. 
Only she seems to have changed, but that was the least of her worries when her presence was requested in front of a crowd of around forty thousand people. She promises that she’s going to make this worth it. Every word she speaks is calculated, and it matters here more than anywhere else.
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ch4rryc0smos © 2024 … do not repost, alter, translate, or steal my work.
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
Hellooo !!
Lemme just preface this by saying that amid the vast catalog of ff authors I've stumbled across, you're undoubtedly up there with my favs!! Your writing style is just so admirable, not to mention your ability to configure brilliant plot lines and understand various characters to an elaborate degree is something that rlly motivates me as an aspiring author myself.
Anywayssss I'm yapping here's my take on gg mc/reader,,, (ignore the awkward anatomy and other defaults I drew this while running on nothing but a spontaneous adrenaline high FJDNDCASJ) She's basically an oc atp but with some of my semblance ??? Very self indulgent either way lol .....
(ps: I hc that hers and Gojo's engagement ring has a jade gemstone, what with the jade bangle :3 )
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YELLING AT THE TOP O F MY LUGNS I ADORE THIS DESIGN !!!!!!!!! there is nothing i love more than seeing people's interpretations of my different MCs 🥺🥺🥺🥺 just a straight serotonin boost every single time. the iconic pink razr with my melody motifs ,, this is how i'm going to envision gg mc's phone from now on. the way you draw eyes is so pretty HNNNNG thank you so much for sharing and your kind words!!!! it's such an encouragement to me, thank you thank you 💖💖💖
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
An idea based off a headcannon I have.
Basically, the reader is the biological child of shadow milk made by the witches as a reward for his leadership skills before his corruption.
The reader has a pretty good childhood, Eternal Sugar is an over-caring wine aunt, Burning Spice is a somewhat violent but trustworthy uncle, Mystic Flour teaches you meditation, and Silent Salt quietly and menacingly babysits them. Shadow milk love their kid very much.
But then they all get corrupted…
At first, the reader (now 9 yrs old) is blissfully unaware thanks to Shadow Milk (Probably using some Mother Gothel like techniques. He still loves them tho) until one day the reader sneaks out of wherever Shadow milk is hiding them and sees him puppeteering/tormenting some cookies for a “play” he’s been working on. Reader is stunned and appalled upon seeing this and runs away before Shadow can explain himself.
He goes looking for them but the Witches find them first. They seal the reader away in a small gemstone but unlike the punishment their father will soon receive, they make it so the reader will eventually get unsealed many years later.
Fast forward about a millennia later, the reader has since been unsealed and was taken in by a small village. Their adoptive sibling decide to take the reader on a trip to beast-yeast because why not? The two of them were roaming around the little kingdom when they pass by a big tree- …wait, is that a crack I see?
(PS, feel free to take your time with this, you write really good and you deserve a break)
Submitted Prompts #12
Oooo! This is very cool! Also, thanks for the compliment! I promise that I am indeed taking breaks when I feel the need to.
As for the prompt/idea, I don't think I can add anything else onto it. It's really good on it's own! I find it rather interesting as to why the witches would seal off the reader in the first place. You mentioned that the witches created them, right? So why wouldn't they decide to try and punish Shadow Milk by wiping the kid's memories and making them fear him? I'm sure that that would be heartbreaking.
Though, a reason I could think of for them sealing the reader away(temporarily) would be either so that the reader wouldn't try to unseal their father... Or that they believed that Shadow Milk had made them his 'understudy' of sorts, and sealed them away so that he couldn't influence them.
Either way, it's a very good prompt! Thanks for submitting it!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
You said the Mechalor/Crowned Marx AU wouldn't have much impact, but could you not extend the format to some other villains? Taranza hunting down Star Dream to try bring Sectonia to her senses, only to make things worse. Susie, trapped and contorted by the Dimension Mirror, now just trying to find her father after her accident.
This is the first ask Mechalor Anon sent me, btw!
I'm half putting this up for interested readers, because it was a fun read, but also for Anon themselves, as I included some fresh commentary on their ideas as well!!
>Not much impact
You know, I sometimes forget how popular my little AU ideas can get! (Hmm. Can I claim the title "CEO of Kirby AUs?" Is that one taken?)
ATM these asks ended up leading to the formation of the Permadeath Swap, which I'm working on the second half right now, but there's a lot good here too I don't want to leave on the table!
>Taranza + Star Dream
Ohoho... the fact that Taranza might seek out a DIFFERENT cursed Ancient Artifact to try to undo what the previous cursed Ancient Artifact he got did is so broken in a very delightful way! (And I hate to say it, but it feels very in character for Taranza ^^; )
And that Susie story...feels very much like what may have happened to Parallel Susie! Although, given how she no longer has the hair accessory her father gave her, I think it didn't end so well...
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>Permanent changes for Taranza...
Is it sad the first thing that came to mind is "Sectonia actually does real permanent damage to him?" Like...physical abuse? Maybe, since she's losing her mind due to Star Dream eating up her memories and the last traces of "Joronia", she sees Taranza and tries to erm, force HIM to evolve to become more "like her." Doing things like destroying four of his hands, breaking his mandible/horns and blinding him in all but two of his eyes. Like, at this point, she can't even recognize / remember what caused the changes in herself so she just thinks that by breaking him she's helping him to "evolve." Of course, he never seems to "get there" so she just keeps going...
Oooh, god, wouldn't that would be awful...? The other awful thing of course is that by this point, Taranza might just accept all the horrible things she's doing to him with a smile because he wants them to be the same too (inside, he knows this is wrong, but he can't speak up about it because it means accepting how BAD things have gotten.)
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Keep smiling, Taranza. Joronia used to say your smile was beautiful. If you stop smiling...what body part will she take next?
PS: I actually forgot while writing this that she wouldn’t be her BEE self because it would just be the star and not the mirror (so much for god reading comprehension…) but uh… just go with it. >.<
(Btw, I’m reminded just how dark this AU can get. I don’t know what it is about the BossSwap that brings out the worst in me….!)
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>Max's Eternal Search
Something I really like about the thing with Max is that when Star Dream began messing with him, became obsessed with money - to the point that it was the only thing he thought about. Everything he has is expensive. Everything in framed in terms of how much ludicrous amounts of money it costs in his own fictional currency. ("Company store" indeed.) Everything is covered in gold + gemstones. Greed incarnate. But...
...This Max would probably become obsessed with looking through the mirror instead. If he stops looking for even a moment, he might miss catching a rare trace of Susanna. And so he uses his technology to expand the mirror's reach and makes sure EVERYTHING he owns is absolutely covered in mirrors/mirror-dimension feeds. (Take THAT, Versailles!) You can't see his eyes, as they're always covered in visors projecting the mirror. He doesn't even LOOK at you when he's talking down to you because he is still looking for Susanna...
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>Daroach + Hyness Swap
"None of these are great?"
WHAT?! I love this idea?! A Daroach + Hyness swap?! This is going on the to-draw list for sure! And by draw, I mean I now need to see the Mage Sisters dressed up as a pack of 1920s-esque lady thieves! The Jamba cult in a wacky heist story is too good.
No, really, this one is galaxy-brained! Multiverse-brained, even!
Plus, Squidward I mean Hyness and Dark Nebula just...they'd be so cute together?! (...Don't look at me that way... >.> ) Also, Dark Hyness would probably look like some kind of skrunkly cthuhlu (Nebula's arms sticking out from under his hood/veil) and that's just great?!
Fun fact: It is not a Squeak who steals Kirby's cake but WADDLE DEE (the traitor!!) And yet, I can totally see Flamberge in the role of starting things off this time. 
Zan: "Is everyone ready?" 
Berge: "Hold on, I gotta finish this."
"...Berge? Where did you get that?" 
"Huh? I grabbed it along the way. Figured you'd start complaining if I made us stop to eat in the middle of the mission! Smart, huh?" 
"Are you telling me...you found a slice of cake...just lying on the side of the road?" 
"No way! That'd be silly, Zan!" 
"I'm trying to ask, who did you take it FROM?" 
"Dunno. Didn't ask their name! Haha!"
My weak attempts at writing the sisters aside, you're right about Daroach and the Squeaks being quite easy to fit into this plot. After all, Daroach already expressed interest in the Jamba Heart! Given it's probably close to the galaxy's "largest jewel" in size, he might already have his heart set on stealing it! Perhaps he finds it but it has lost its glow. (The Heart Spears are still restraining Void Termina, after all.)
He uses what little magic he has to try and restore the gem's sheen, but just as it does, the Jamba Heart splinters and cracks. So he sends Spinni, Storo, and Doc out to gather the missing pieces, breaking up the cohesion of the close-as-family group as he stays behind to make sure... it's, you know, that it's safe... All the while, the Heart takes up more and more of Daroach's thoughts...
Also seeing the Squeaks all dressed in black... Yeah, I like this swap...!
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>Various Elfilis Swaps
I think the funniest thing about swapping the two geminis and Zero/Zero 2 is that you would either have Gooey playing the role of your "Elfilin" figure... or Dark Matter Blade!!
And something about the perpetually friendless, socially awkward Blade attempting to assist or (...god...) give commentary on what's going on is just very fun to imagine.
Let's ignore the fact that Dark Matter would almost certainly play the role of brainwashed Dedede in that situation and just go with it!
Lastly, while I really, really, really like the Daroach + Hyness swap (it's probably my favorite just because I'm still having the time of my life imagining the super serious Hyness and the Sisters in the madcap "Wacky Races" plotline that is Squeak Squad) but I like this possibility too! Especially if you have it so it's an unexpected consequence of the botched summoning. (Although it WAS secretly effective! This is just what happens when you touch the mind of a dimensional rift opening psychic from across time!)
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What is in your opinion your greatest creation you crafted.
PS: what jewelry or craft in your opinionwould best fit as a gift an alicorn princess?
Excuse me -? I don't - I don't craft things, I fight with swords. If you're looking for someone who crafts things you're probably looking for Crystal Cord, they craft all sorts of things into jewelry. Actual Gemstones, Amber, Bones even. And as far as a gift for a princess, I haven't the slightest idea. I'm not into princesses, I'm into princes who look like princesses. ⚔️
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albonoooo · 7 months
what is your comfort media? like a book, show, movie, a race ect. (ps, i liked ur suggestions too!!)
amazing question, i've got a whole list anon!! i'll try to sort this into categories so it doesn't get too chaotic.
die wilden hühner (trilogy). i have seen these films countless times, i've laughed and cried at them countless times and they make me immeasurably happy. i rewatch them at least once a year. i can't put into words how much i love them. (the third one lacks a little bit of the magic of the first two, but it's still amazing.)
vorstadtkrokodile (trilogy). a very close second, i saw them for the first time in primary school and have rewatched them many times since. the theme song used to make me feel invincible and hannes was one of my first ever crushes (i think i already said this in a tag game some time ago). (the first one is definitely the best!! the third one especially kinda doesn't have the same feeling to it, but i still love them all.)
sherlock holmes movies (the ones with rdj and jude law). something about them just tickles my brain right and i could watch them on a loop.
deadliest catch (reality tv). there's nothing inherently comforting about it, quite the opposite actually, but i was obsessed with this show as a kid and if i had the opportunity now, i'd still be watching it all the time. it's so fascinating to me and just the right amount of engaging to not be overwhelmed, but also not get bored. that being said, as with all things, i did get very attached to the people in the show and cried several times over the course of it when some of them passed away.
the gemstone trilogy by kerstin gier. my most reread books by a country mile. are they perfect? no. are they perfect to me? yes. i gobbled these up the first time around and they're my go-to remedy for a reading slump. the only thing i don't like is the ending 💀 there is a movie trilogy that was made based on the books and they rewrote the ending, but it's still bad lol. (the second book, sapphire blue, is my favourite out of the three!)
youtube videos
the man, the myth, the legend, mike's mic. specifically, his appropriately unhinged recap of pretty little liars. top tier rewatch material. he's hilarious and i could listen to him speak for hours. have i ever watched pll? no. everything i know about it, i've learned from mister microphone and i'd like to keep it that way.
this performance of swan lake. i don't know anything about ballet and i'm not really that interested in it, but something about this is so soothing and relaxing to me. and, obviously, the music fucking slaps. tchaikovsky really ate with this.
honourable mentions
carlos sainz's interview on the 'p1 with matt & tommy' podcast has helped me fall asleep more times than i'll ever admit.
yakari was probably my favourite show as a child. it's been many years since i've last watched it and it would possibly bore or even annoy me now since it's tailored to small kids, but i can still recite a worrying amounts of episodes' content by memory.
from the bottom of my heart, i am sorry this got so long lmao. thanks for the ask, this was a really fun one!!
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heaven-earth-pokemon · 4 months
Why the gimmick placement?
So, I'm making Pokémon Heaven and Pokémon Earth into separate games with slightly different stories. One major difference is that the Maulong champion gives you a Dynamax band at the beginning of Pokémon Heaven and the professor gives you a keystone at the beginning of Pokémon Earth. You can get both items in both versions, but why give them out differently? Well, I have a few reasons: 1: Pokémon Heaven's box legendary Gigantamaxes, as wishing stars are from the sky. 2: Pokémon Earth's box legendary mega evolves, as mega stones are gemstones in some sense, coming from the ground. 3: The champion gives you a Dynamax band because she was originally from Galar before moving to Maulong. (PS: in both versions, the professor gives you a Tera Orb once you catch your first Pokemon)
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jasper-the-menace · 2 years
Amethyst for the ask game
Gemstone Themed Writeblr Asks
Amethyst: Who is the Comfort Character™ of your wip?
Honestly? It's Xander. Yes I'm dealing with my own parental figure trauma through writing Xander, what of it?
You'd think I'd say that it's Mathias, considering Mathias is the second most important protagonist to the story, but Mathias wouldn't have this story without Xander.
Blood and Songbirds is a simple story about two very fucked up people rebuilding their own family even though there's archdemons and Ob Nixilis and Phyrexians and other planes. It's unfortunately mostly told from the perspective of a man who is a side character at best in the MTG series and is actually dead in canon, so he misses out on the vast picture that most planeswalkers are forced to look at.
Also he's a vampire demon assassin and artist, and that's hot.
PS - Falco Spara definitely is a runner-up for this, but Blood and Songbirds isn't from his perspective, so I don't get to discuss him in its context as much.
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 years
what is shinyo's favorite gemstone? and shinyo is more silver or gold? and what does he prefer as jewelry? pendants, earring or bracelet? (sorry, I'm giving you a lot of questions but it's for a project^^)ps: haytham want to make a gift for shinyo xD
Shinyo probably thinks the only good gemstone is one that belongs to him.
So by gifting him one, I think Haytham already reached the top of the pyramid xD
(Shinyo’s favorite gemstones are probably blue diamonds because they’re so hard to break, and they are… such a nice contrast! :D
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basiccortez · 3 years
Everything you write I feel it, really. And i love it. Can I make a request? Earlier I was looking for new rings and suddenly the thought of Jake looking for a ring to propose couldn't leave my mind like I need fluffy Jake content, please!
Jake fluff. . . but with a twist of single!dad Jake. . .
ps i wrote this at like 4AM (don’t ask why i was still awake) so if it sucks ass that’s the reasoning
When Jake was twenty, he never imagined becoming a father. He had just started getting serious about music and creating a band. He never imagined having his high school girlfriend show up on his doorstep in tears telling him she was pregnant.
But five years later, he didn't expect to be looking at engagement rings with his daughter, Sage by his side either. Jake was finally going to propose to his girlfriend, Y/N. The whole Kiszka family was excited about it.
Jake had met Y/N at a local park. Sage was about two and a half, and having a total meltdown about dropping her ice cream on the side walk. Jake didn't have any clue what to do, he was only twenty-two at the time. Y/N had seen the whole thing go down, and bought the little girl another ice cream, this time in a dish. She walked over to the father-daughter duo and offered them the replacement ice cream.
"You're a life saver," Jake said to Y/N.
Y/N smiled and said, "I'm just another love of ice cream too."
Jake had been reluctant on letting Y/N into his life. His life had already become crazy with him trying to start a band and being a single father. Jake took baby steps with Y/N, not wanting to jump into anything with Sage around. But Sage took a quick liking to Y/N, and Jake knew in that moment he could never let her get away.
Y/N had proved time and time again she was the perfect step-mother to Sage. Her and Sage's mother got a long very well, which Jake was scared about. Y/N had taken great care of Sage when Jake was gone on the road. She had even surprised him at several shows over the years with the brown haired little girl in the wings.
"Which one do you think Y/N will like, Raptor?" Jake asked his daughter, picking her up and pointing at the various rings in the case. Sage had earned the nickname 'Raptor' from her Uncle Sam, because according to him, when she was a baby she screeched like a velociraptor.
"I don't like them. . ." Sage said softly, putting her face into her father's neck.
"Come on, don't be like that," Jake said patting her back, "We talked about this, Sage."
"I don't want to share you," Sage pouted and Jake sighed.
"Come on, help me pick and I'll buy you that new build-a-bear you want." Jake bargained with the five year old. Sage picked her head up at the mention of a new toy. She smiled and looked back down at the case with glistening diamond rings.
"Can I help you guys?" A sales associate said to Jake.
"Uh. . . yeah," Jake said, "I need to find an engagement ring,"
The associate smiled at him and began explaining all the different options in rings they had. Jake tried to tell the associate the best he could of what Y/N might want in a ring. He had snooped through her Pinterest page before coming down to the jewelry store. He had also gotten as much information out of Mackenzi and Sage as he could. Y/N wanted simple, nothing too fancy, but nothing too plain either. If it was up to Jake, she would have the biggest diamond ring that money could buy, to proudly wear and show off who she was engaged too.
"What about this one, Sagey?" Jake asked his daughter, pointing at the ring in front of him, "We can add some sage gemstones for you too. I bet Y/N would really like that."
"Can I see closer?" The little girl whispered. Jake looked at the associate, asking silently for permission and they nodded. Jake took the ring and kneeled down in front of his daughter, showing her the ring, "Daddy. . ."
"Yes baby?" Jake asked her. Sage flung herself at him, wrapping her little arms around his neck, "Oof, babygirl, you're getting strong."
"I think she'll like it," Sage whispered in her dad's ear. Jake couldn't help the large smile that spread across his face.
"I think so too," He whispered back to her.
"Where have you guys been all day?" Y/N asked as Jake and Sage walked back through the door. Sage ran right up to Y/N showing off the build-a-bear longhorn that she had been begging for.
"Look! Look what Daddy got me!" Sage yelled as Y/N picked her up in her arms. Y/N swung her around in a small circle causing her to giggle. Y/N kissed her cheek before setting her back down on the ground, "His name is Leroy!"
"Wow!" Y/N smiled, kneeling down in front of the little girl, "What else did you and Daddy do today?"
"We went and looked at-" Sage started saying but Jake nudged her.
"Secrets, remember, Raptor." Jake said, holding his pointer finger up to his lips.
"Oh yeah, secrets," Sage said and slowly backed away from Y/N. Y/N watched the little girl in confusion as she crept down the dark hallway into her playroom. Y/N then turned to Jake who had the same confused expression.
"Secrets?" Y/N asked him. Jake looked down at her and nodded. He held his hand out to her and pulled her up to standing on her feet, "Hi."
"Hello," Jake smiled and greeted her with a kiss, "Everything good to go for the party on Saturday?"
"Yeah," Y/N said, "What's it for again?"
"Uh. . . Sam's birthday."
"In February?"
"Early celebration," Jake shrugged and kissed her cheek before walking into the kitchen to start dinner, "You ask too many questions. Now come on, dinner isn't going to make itself."
Saturday rolled around and Jake was a nervous wreck. He was sweating and shaking. Y/N thought that he had come down with the flu and Jake did his best to brush her off, keeping her occupied with tasks for the party. Mackenzi had come over early and did her best to keep Y/N busy while Jake finished things up for his plan.
It was about seven at night when family and friends started filling into the house. Sage clung onto Jake for most of the night, in some sort of mood. She wasn't her usual bubbly self, walking around and gathering everyone's attention (something she clearly inherited from her uncle Josh). Sam had tried to coax her out of her attitude but nothing seemed to be working.
Jake had calmed down a little bit, the liquid courage in his veins helped calm his nerves. As the day progressed, he had realized even more that he was making the right choice. His eyes never left Y/N's form, watching her wherever she went. Watching as she dazzled around the room, doing a fantastic job as hostess.
"You gonna do this, bro?" Josh asked walking over to his twin, Sage on his hip, her head tucked into his neck.
"Yep," Jake answered, knocking back the last of his drink. He placed a kiss on Sage's cheek. Josh set her down, and Jake took her hand, walking into the center of the room, "Hey! Can I get everyone's attention!"
The chatter in the room died down and everyone's focus was on Jake. Y/N gently pushed her way through the crowd to stand by Sam and Josh who were front and center.
"First off, I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. We know we are surrounded by friends, family and love, but to actually see it, it's something different," Jake started and Sage wrapped her arms around his leg. He chuckled and placed a head on her head, "I have always been so thankful for everyone in this room. I didn't realize it at the time, but it truly takes a village to raise a child. You guys have helped me so much in the past five years. But I really want to thank, Y/N, who's been by my side since day one."
Y/N smiled at Jake, and he blushed. Sage's grip on her dad's leg tightened, knowing what was to come next.
"Y/N, I don't know what I would do with out you. And I never want to experience that. You are a great mom to Sage, and just a great person in general. I love you so much," Jake said, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the little black velvet box that had been burning a whole into his pocket the whole night. Sage released her dad's leg so he could kneel down in front of Y/N. Y/N sucked in a deep breath as Josh pushed her closer to Jake.
"Please, make me the happiest man ever. Complete my family," Jake spoke, "Marry me?" Jake opened the ring box and Y/N put her hands over her mouth. Y/N was stunned, and couldn't find the word to say, so instead she just nodded, "Yes? Yes?!"
"Oh my god, Yes!!" Y/N finally answered. Jake pushed himself off the ground and wrapped her tightly in his arms. Cheers erupted from the group around them as the two held each other tightly.
Sage looked around the room as everyones eyes were on the happy couple, as Jake kissed Y/N passionately. The little girl slowly slipped through the crowd and up the stairs to Jake's music room. She could still hear the cheers and the conversation, so she pushed open the small recording studio Jake had built and closed the door. She crawled underneath the piano and sat with her head in her hands, tears falling down her face.
"You really said yes?" Jake asked Y/N, holding her face in his hands.
"Yes, Jake, I really said yes," Y/N smiled and Jake wiped away the tears from her face, "The ring. . . Jake is beautiful. Are those sages?"
"Yeah, Raptor picked it out," Jake smiled. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger. Jake held her hand up so they could look at the ring, "Perfect fit for a perfect girl."
The rest of the night was spent celebrating the couple. Sam had made his "famous" margaritas and Josh broke into the record stash, playing his favorite music. Slowly people started to leave, leaving behind Sam, Josh, Danny and Mackenzi. Jake sat on the couch, with Y/N in his lap, as she ran her fingers through his hair. Jake couldn't help but hold her right hand in his, running his fingers over the ring.
"Where's Sage?" Sam asked. Jake lifted his head up from the back of the couch and looked at Sam with wide eyes.
"She was down here, wasn't she?" Jake asked.
"I haven't seen her since you proposed," Josh said, sipping his drink.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked, sitting up straighter, "Where is she? Sage!?"
"Sage!?" Jake yelled as Y/N stood up from his lap. The rest of the guys and Mackenzi started looking through the house for the little girl, "Sage Michelle!? This isn't fucking funny!"
The group split up, tearing apart the house to find the little girl. Y/N did her best to try and keep Jake calm, knowing the one other thing he loved more in his life than music, was his daughter. Josh wondered upstairs, flicking on bedroom lights and checking closest when came to the music room. He flicked on the light and noticed the door was closed to the recording booth. Josh sighed and shook his head, knowing exactly where she was.
Josh opened the door to the booth, and could see the little feet poking out from under the piano. Sage was much like her father, earning his stubbornness, and lucky for Josh, he had twenty-five years of experience with stubbornness. Josh walked over and sat against the wall across from where Sage was tucked under neath the piano.
"You know a lot of people are looking for you," Josh said. Sage just shrugged and turned around, so her back was facing her uncle, "Your daddy is very upset right now. He thinks something bad happened to you."
Sage perked up at Josh's words. She knew not to scare her dad like this. She had done it once when she wondered out of a green room at a concert and was running around the venue, hiding underneath the stage. Jake had basically pulled his own hair out, and sent everyone on a wild goose chase to find his daughter. When she was finally found, Jake punished her and made her sit in the green room for the whole concert.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Josh asked her. Sage had always told Josh everything. It was just something about his calm demeanor that made her open up to him. Josh was the uncle she confided in, while Sam and Danny were the uncles she always wanted to play with.
"I'm sad." Sage answered.
"Why, peach?" Josh asked her using her nickname he had given her. He hated the nickname 'Raptor', he said it made her sound like a deranged child. He chose 'Peach' instead, saying she was as sweet as his mother's homemade peach cobbler.
"I have to share my daddy with Y/N now," Sage mumbled, "It won't be just us anymore. He has to love her too."
"Peach," Josh sighed and crawled over to her. He sat down and Sage immediately crawled into his lap, "Your daddy has so much love in his heart, that he is able to love both you and Y/N, and me, and uncle Sammy and Uncle Danny, and grandma Karen and grandpa Kelly and Aunt Ronnie ALL at the same time. You have a special place in his heart just like Y/N has a special place in his heart too."
"I don't want him to forget me," Sage answered, tears now falling down her cheeks.
"No one could ever forget you, peach," Josh said, kissing her cheek, "We love you so much. Y/N loves you too. I know it'll be hard, but you have to remember, your daddy will never ever stop loving you and neither will Y/N."
"You mean that?" Sage asked him, her brown eyes wide.
Josh smiled, "I mean it. They will never run out of love for you. Okay, so there's no need to cry. We are celebrating something happy. We all want to be happy for Y/N, Daddy and You too! This party is for you too. We're celebrating Y/N joining your family."
Sage nodded and Josh wiped her tears, pulling her in for a tight hug. Josh stood up and grabbed Sage, putting her on his hip as he walked out of the music room and back down the stairs. Jake was standing in the middle of the living room, looking frantic as he was on the phone with someone. Y/N looked up at the stairs and sighed in relief, she touched Jake's shoulder, getting his attention and then pointing to the stairs.
"Oh thank god," Jake rushed out, "It's okay, Mom, Josh found her. Yeah, yeah I know. I'll see you later." Jake hung up and walked over to where Josh was setting Sage down on the ground, "What have I said about hiding, hm?" Jake asked his daughter, kneeling down to her level.
"I'm sorry," Sage said softly.
"You can't hide like that," Jake said and ran his hand through her brown hair, "Where did you go? We looked all over the house, calling your name and everything."
"I was in the booth under uncle Sammy's piano."
Jake let out a breathy laugh as he closed his eyes and shook his head, "No more hiding, okay. You scared all of us."
"I'm sorry," Sage said hugging her dad. Jake kissed the top of her head and she pulled away from him. Josh nudged her, hoping that she would share what she had told him, "I was upset cause I thought you weren't going to love me as much anymore."
"What?" Jake asked her confused, "I could never do that. I love you just as much as I love music and as much I love Y/N."
"I know, uncle Joshy told me," Sage smiled over at her uncle, "I'm happy that Y/N get's to be apart of our family."
Y/N smiled at the little girl and walked over to them. Y/N placed her hand on Jake's shoulder, "I'm happy I get to be apart of the family too, Sage. And thank you for picking out the ring. Your daddy told me you added the sages to it. It's beautiful."
"Can I help pick out your dress?" Sage asked.
"I can do you one better, how about you help me plan the whole thing," Y/N said. Sage's brown eyes lit up.
"Really?!" She asked and jumped down running to Y/N. Y/N grunted at the force of the five-year old girl hitting her legs but she smiled down at her, ruffling her hair.
"Yes," Y/N smiled, "Now go ask Auntie Mackenzi what she has planned already."
Sage nodded and ran off to find Mackenzi in the kitchen. Jake stood up from his spot and walked over to Y/N wrapping his arm around her. Jake placed a kiss on her cheek and smiled.
"You realize our wedding is going to have space cowboys and aliens right?"
"Yeah," Y/N sighed and looked over at Jake, "If it makes her happy, then I'm happy."
"This is why I'm marrying you."
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
Hi! I recently found your blog, and I just wanted to say that I adore your commentary on all things Yu-Gi-Oh. So much. Words cannot express it. Partly because your insights and takes are just so good and also partly because it’s so incredibly refreshing to see someone who has good things to say in this fandom instead of focusing only on negatives and/or fighting about so many simplistic things.
(It’s also great to see that I’m not the only one borderline obsessed with/constantly analyzing these card game shows and their characters, but that’s an entirely different subject…)
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful commentary, and keep up the great work! You’re legit the only reason I even came back to this hellsite after over almost two years away from it, after accidentally stumbling across one of your posts through Google. Seriously. I can’t stand Tumblr, but I might just start a YGO blog here for the sole sake of spam-hearting/reblogging your posts.
PS: And also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how fricking refreshing it is to find someone who actually gets the characters. So thank you so much for that, too. Like, I mean, specifically Jaden/Judai and Yusei. Seriously, the amount of time I’ve gone on and on about how both these boys are actually great and valid and not at all like what some parts of this fandom would have you think only to try to be shut down with a dime-a-dozen, repetitive excuse that I’ve outargued countless times and yet — sorry, it’s just… it’s great to see that someone actually more or less see where I’m coming from. I’ll stop there, because if I start on a rant about how and why both Judai/Jaden and Yusei are surprisingly really deep characters I’ll be here forever. I would very, very much love to read more of your essays on these blorbos, but, of course, no rush.
Oh my gosh thank you so much for the kind words! ❤️
It legitimately means to world to me to see people enjoy and resonate with my funny little musings. While I started this blog as a place to just record/organize my hyperfixation essay nonsense, a nonzero part of it was to put my thoughts out there and hope it reached an audience other than my non-yugioh obsessed friends who lovingly put up with me spamming our discord with no context analysis.
One of my fondest loves of the internet is picking apart and examining stories that maybe weren't intended to looked with such scrutiny. Especially ones that get a bed rap for being "bad writing" or "dumb". Flawless cut diamonds, while pretty, aren't the only gemstones with facets.
I also made this blog as a place where I can wax poetic bullshit to my hearts content.
But yeah, the internet can be a pretty rancid place, and I really get bummed out seeing such a strong focus on beating down stories rather than lifting them up. I wanted my blog to be a safe place to just discuss anything and apply depth and positivity to whatever took my fancy. And what is absolutely rotting my brain right now is these silly card game boys. Hearing that other people not only read, but enjoy my bizarre combo of pretentious lit. student, heart-of-gold dumb-of-ass, and astonishingly attention-deficient, makes me know I'm doing the right thing, and that other people need that kind of space too.
(I swear, I didn't mean to write this entire response without mentioning the blorbos of the hour themselves. Rest assured, I will be posting a ton more thoughts on them, and your ask has only bolstered my resolve to do so. They are. So good. Always feel free to barge into my house and just start infodumping about the yugioh kiddos. I care them. And I care that other people care them. <3)
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charlie-the-rat · 3 years
I want you to loose like I loose when I play
Notes: I have lost all controll. This is the longest fic I have ever written. And also the second fic I've ever written. Again, you know that english isn't my first language so yeah. I think thats it. PS how do you spell summory or summury or idk german brain...
Summury: Angst and a little fluff but mostly Angst. Jayce and Viktor are fighting and then get teleported into another universe. Jayce is terrified of the glorious evolution while Viktor thinks it's faszinating. Jayvik because i said so. Oh this is verry long this took up like 40 pages in my notes app.
Jayce and Viktor didn't allways see eye to eye. But this had blown their relationship to bits.
Jayce was arguing with Viktor in the lab when Jayce accidentally spilled too much information.
"You what?!" Viktors pale face was red from all the yelling. "I- I didn't have a choice!"
"You gave Caitlynns girlfriend our hextech gautlets, so that she could fight with them!"
"I didn't have a choice. Listen, am I that bad of a person because i gave away some research?!" "This isn't about giving away research! We are on the brink of war Jayce! I told you we would not make hextech weapons and you promised me!"
Jayce threw his fist on the table. "These are awefull people down there we needed to fight!" He shouted. "Oh, so everyones a criminal down there except for me? Got it! Let me guess why! Cause of my leg, is it that? Is it! Oh he's fine, he can't hurt anybody he can't even walk proparely!"
Viktor was hyperventilating. "You knew that if you just listened to me i would never-"
"You know what you are Jayce? You are nothing but child with too much power and money in it's hands."
That was apperantly too much for the councler. A loud slap silenced the scrawny man. Viktor didn't say a word, he just stared at the ground to his right. Frozen. So was Jayce. He had hit him.
"I- I" He stutterd. "I'm so sorry Viktor I didn't mean- I don't know what came over me- I"
Viktor remained silent. A red spot was forming on his cheek.
Finnally he spoke.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"Viktor I-"
"I don't want to hear it. Just know that if war breaks loose between piltover and zaun, i am not willing to fight against my own people. So don't expect me to stay up here." His accent thick.
For a while they both just stood there. Until Jayce finnally turned back to their experiment. "Let's just get this over with." Viktor had said.
Jayce was tinkering with a gemstone while Viktor was repairing the hexclaw and tightening a few screws.
Then it happened. Jayce was fumbling with a control pannel as a ray of blue light shot out.
Then everything was black.
When Jayce finnaly came to, everything was pain. His head, his stomach, his back, his everything hurt.
"Viktor?" He caughed. Jayce rolled over. Searching the room for his partner and shurely enaugh there he was. A few feet away laying on his side. Blood was dripping from his nose. "Viktor-"
Jayce tried to crawl but was quickly stopped by a gun pointing in his face.
He looked up in still in shock. It was Caitlyn. It looked like Caitlyn. "What the fuck Cait, why are you here? Get that out of my face!" He pushed the gun away with his palm. "How did you get here and who are you?" Her voice was demanding and calm unlike Jayce who was scared and confused.
"Cailtlyn its me, Jayce! You know me! We grew up together."
"You aren't Jayce!" She said loudly.
"Yes, yes I am. Jayce, Jayce talis."
"How interesting! Talis?" A man stepped toward them. Jayces eyes were foggy from the explosion. It took him a few seconds to get the man in focus but when he did he, couldnt believe his eyes. "Did I hit my head too hard. What the-" He stuttered out.
"Yeah that's my exact reaction." The Man held his hand out to Jayce. "Im Jayce, Jayce Giopara." He said. His voice Was loud and confident. Jayce talis took his hand without hesitation and lifted himself up.
"You're me?" He mumbled. "How does that make any sense. He stared at the Man in front of him. It was him but not quite. His eyes were different and those clothes were... weird to say the least. He was wearing armor and had his mercury hammer strapped to his back. A streak of white hair was vissible. "Am i hallucinating?"
"Cait, you can put the gun down." He spoke. She listened shaking her head slightly. Her clothing was different too. It didn't matter though because a thought quickly broke the attention he had towards her. "Viktor! Is he okay?"
"He is breathing and has a pulse. I checked as soon as you guys dropped in here." She spat. "So that's your Viktor huh?" Giopara said. Looking at Jayces partner. "A bit fragile and more human but its him, yes. Undouptedly." Jayce looked around wildly.
"What do you mean and how did this-"
"It seemes you have stumbled into another universe." Jayce heard caughing behind him and ran toward Viktor, dropping to his knees. "Hey V, its okay." He held his head up. "Why aren't you helping?!" He yelled over at the other him and the other Caitlyn.
Viktor groaned. He slowly opened his eyes.
Two Jayces were looking down at him.
"Jayce i think i hit my head too hard. Theres two of you." He stared at the Jayces. "And one of them has an awfull taste in fashion." He said looking directly at Giopara, who seemed offended by the remark.
"Viktor I um-" Viktor pushed himself up and stroked his forehead. "If this ends up beeing serrious you're paying for my hospital bill."
"Viktor this is like real." One Jayce mumbled. "Are you okay?" The other Jayce said.
"No it's not, see." Viktor sat up and placed one hand on talis arm and the other on gioparas. "Wait, hold up this isn't adding up I- you-" Viktor stutterd confused.
He scratched his head.
"Don't look at me." Talis exclaimed. "I know as little as you, V."
"So basicaly what I'm guessing happened, is that you guys were working in the lab and then something happened and you ended up in our universe."
"Jayce this is on you." Viktor said rubbing his eyes.
"How do we get back?" Talis asked quietly.
"Well, how did you get here?" Giopara responded.
"I was doing something with a gemstone and Viktor was- I've got it!" He exclamed and rushed to the chalkboard brushing past Caitlyn. "Vik, you were repairing the hexclaw because it was reacting too much to the gemstones, right?"
"Right." Viktor murmered staring back and forth at the two Jayces. "It must have reacted to my gemstone and shot into its energy field!" He shouted excitedly. "So if we do that again we might-"
"That might be a problem." Giopara Interrupted.
"Why, oh gods am I allready dead in this universe?" Viktor said exhausted.
"I wish." Cait whispered to giopara.
"Viktor is quite attached to the hexclaw, to put it nicely. Getting to it might be a problem."
"Why?" Talis asked.
"Me and our Viktor don't work thogether anymore. We have had a few differences in opinion." Jayce looked like he was trying to search for nonexistend words in a dictionary.
"Thats a nice way to put it." Cailyn cuckled.
"What happened?" Viktor spoke. His accent was thick. 
"We can talk about that on the way. First we need to find a way into the undercity without beeing seen."
"Im sorry, we're going to the undercity?" Talis grew concerned.
"Yeah obviously. It's where he works."
What had happened between Viktor and this Jayce that ended him up in the undercity? His mind begann to race, creating an awfull pit in his stomach.
"My girlfriend can get us down. VI is from there after all."
Viktor looked around the room for his cane. "And why exactly is it that you don't want to be seen going down there?"
He finnally found it beneath a pile of books papers and rubble.
Jayce took a deep breath. "Because piltover and zaun are at war." The pit in talis stomach grew exponentionally. His head felt like it was spinning. War? He looked over at Viktor who seemed just as shocked as he was.
"I can't risk beeing seen in zaun at the moment."
Caitlyn gave him a loopsided smile.
"Don't worry Vi will make sure everything goes smoothly."
Jayce swallowed. Viktor gave him a death stare. He was still reasonably mad.
Loud thumping eccoed in the halls to the lab. "Speak of the devil.""
Gipara joked. The the door flung open. VI made a few stepps into the lab. "You okay golden boy it looked like something exploded in here from the outside so i wanted to-  why are you here cupcake?"
Jayce couldn't help but stare at her. This was Vi, the same person he had fought with at the shimmer factory. She was wearing the same gautlets him and Viktor had made. It was then that she noticed them.
Her face began to morph into confusion.
"Wait wha-"
Jayce tried to smile and gave a quiet "hey". "So," giopara begann. "This is me from another universe. He had and experiment go wrong with hextech and now he is here."
He gestured at talis. VI grew even more confused. "We need to get them back and to do that i kind of need to-" jayce paused and swalloed. "Talk to um-" He stutterd. "Viktor?"
"The machine herald?"
Vi frowned at him. Her eyes widened. She rose her fists to her chest. "I'll take care of him."
"No no no. It's uhh." He muttered.
Jayce stared at his Viktor, who was trying not to collapse as his weak leg trembled undeath his own weight. Why would she fight him? Tons of horrible immiges flooded his head again.
"I don't need something from him i really do need to talk to him. This is um- listen Vi -" "Don't worry I will make sure he doesn't cause truble."
"I need you to get us into the the undercity without beeing seen."
Giopara stuttered. "No problem, and you are?" She gestured at Viktor. Vik opened his mouth but was quickly inturrupted by giopara. "He is a friend of talis. He happened to be in the lab when the accident happened." Viktor raised his eyebrow. Talis stayed quiet. "Allright everyone follow me."
They were walking through piltover when Jayce finnaly broke. "Why did you lie to her about Viktor?" He wispered. "Okay you know what, nobody mentions the name Viktor anymore." He gestured at the scrawny scientist who replied with a quiet. 
"What did I do?" "Listen nobody can know you are Viktor, okay? Please, this is for your own safety."
Jayce and Viktor just stared at him.
Jayces mind begann to wander. Why did he want this? What had happened between him and viktor.
"Hey cane guy? How long can you walk?" Vi questioned. Viktor rolled his eyes. "I can walk fine it doesnt hurt."
"Good, good!"
"So what exactly is wrong with your leg then?" 
She continued. "It's nothing. I was born with a limp in my leg and it's just naturally turned inward a little which makes it hard to walk without a cane."
"Allright interesting."
"Im not fragile. Im not going to die from a Trip to the undercity." Viktor finnaly exclaimed annoyed. Everyone allways assumed he was weak. It bugged him, a lot.
"Hmm"  VI simply said.
"Allright, Jayce!"
"YES!" Both of them yelled at the same time.
"Allright this isn't going to work. From now on you're giopara and you Mr puppyface," she poited to talis. "Are talis. Got it?"
The nodded in synch.
"Wait what did you just call me?" Talis mumbled but Vi didn't seem to hear.
Marching into the lanes Jayce couldn't help but notice how the people looked at them.
Exspecially at giopara. They practicly fled from him. Some looked scared others disgusted.
There were people with body replacements and open wounds everywhere. Some people looked malnourished and wore dirty cloths others were increadibly muskular and covered in scars.
What shook him the most was just how calm and unstartled Viktor was. He was used to it after all.
Like he hadn't been worried enaugh the knot in his stomach grew tighter.
The air got thicker and thicker the more they walked and the people around them got sicker and sicker. Visibly poorer.
Viktor was calm as ever. While Jayce was caughing every few seconds his partner seemed perfectly used to the air.
He grew up in this? How?
He followed them blindly untill they reached a part of the undercity talis had never seen before nor heard of.
There were big robots roaming around the area. They had guns attached to their backs. 
What they were guarding though was even more terrifying.
A mansion. A ginormous building that was straight out of a horror movie.
"Welp, here we go."
"We are not going in there!" Talis protested. VI Was allready opening the creaking gates. Oh lord.
"Allright we need to get around the bots. Everyone stay as quiet as you can and stay close." Vi whispered and began to sneak around the place.
Yeesh there really were a lot of robots, giant, made of shining metal with glowing eyes. Some glowing yellow others a shimmer pink like he had seen at the factory, and then others .... blue. Hextech blue.
Jayce didn't want to think about it.
Before he knew it theit small group was standing at a door. Giopara at the lead, quickly checking a window before beginning to lockpick.
"It seems empty."
"I can't see him nor Blitzcrank."
"Who is Blitzcrank and why are we here?" Viktor began quietly.
Giopara responded with his loud voice. "One of his monsters. He lives here."
Viktor seemed visibly unsatisfied with that answer.
Jayce was beginning to get more and more anxious. "So, we are here and i still don't know what hapened with you and-" He mouthed the word "Viktor". Giopara sighed. "Viktor went mad."
"Mad is kind of an understatement, don't you think?" Vi chuckled.
Talis swalloed. "You see all of those robots?" She pointed at the hoard they were hiding from. "Viktor is their maker. Hes nutts, litterally nutts and bolts."
Talis heart sunk. "Enaugh!" Giopara huffed still battling with the door.
"What? He is mad! Him and his glorious evolution theory-" Vi was intertupted by  the doors click.
"There, open!" He stood up and proudly opened the door. "Everyone in before the robots hear you, Vi."
They obeyed. Once they were all inside giopara locked the door behind them. "So what exactly is the glorious evolution?" Viktor started.
"Oh hoho, this gonna be fun!" Giopara gave her a mean look. "What? They want to know, let them know!"
Talis was scared but he was finnally getting answers. He took a deep breath and prepaired himself for whatever she was about to tell him. Boy, was he not ready.
"So like Viktor used to work with Jayce on hextech and everything was fine and dandy untill one day Viktor just went mad out of nowhere. He started talking about this glorious evolution and how he thinks that-" she deepened her voice and tried to mimic his accent. "Flesh is a weakness we must shed."
Jayce looked at his Viktor. "And he had this machine evolution theory and wanted to test it on people. The thing is, right, that nobody wants to just have a perfectly good limb cut off and replaced so he started experimenting on himself in secret."
Viktor swallowed clenching his augmented fist. He still hadn't told anyone.
Giopara opened his mouth to take over.
"The thing is you can only hide so much of your body. So one day he just went overboard and begann to try and drug people. Starting with his assistent. She dissapeared. Last seen walking into his lab and then never out. I later found the empty flask and confronted him about it.
I had to exile him."
"Viktor, they call him the machine harald now. He thinks he has perfected this glorious evolution. Some people down here praise him like a god."
Viktor was trying his best to get skys immage out of his head.
"He turns people into machines if they want it or not. And if you start protesting then, oh 'your dumb human brain is too emotional to make desitions over your own body let me do it.' That emotionless bastard." Gioparas face was getting more and more red from the yelling.
Meanwhile talis was trying not to throw up. The pit in his stomach had reached his throught and he felt sick but he mannaged to keep it down. Viktor grabbed his hand. He looked into his eyes with a look of fear.
"Im getting too distracted."
He looked around the place. Jayce couldnt focus anyomore he was repulced of even the idea of their Viktor.
Viktor on the othe hand couldn't help but feel guilty. Rather than repulse, the idea of this glorious evolution intruiged him. It faszinated him even. Of course the machine herald as they called him had gone over the top but still.
He shook the thought out of his head.
"So we are in his home right now?" Talis asked qietly.
"Do you need to sit down?" Vi looked at him concerned. "You look a little startled."
It was only when Jayce looked at his hand that he noticed he was shaking. A lot.
"Im good." He lied.
They were getting louder.
Heavier. Metall clanks and creaks.
"Everyone behind me!" Giopara shouted.
The door burst open.
There he was.
A man. A machine.
Tall. So tall. His body made of metall. Yellow and purple glowed from inside him. His face was...
There was nothing human about him other than his hair. A white streak shimmered though his messy brown hair. It stood up in all possible angles.
Don't vomit he told himself. He shivered. His hand clenched around Viktors and for a second he thought he was holding it so tight he might have hurt him.
Viktor just stared. His eyes couldn't leave the machine. They were filled with somewhat of a childlike wonder.
"Defender." His metallic voice exclaimed calm. VI rose her fists. Giopara held his hand to her to signal that he wanted her to stop. He took a deep breath.
"I'm here to have a talk with you."
A third arm rose from the machine heralds back. Upon closer Inspektion talis noticed that... holy shit, that's the hexclaw.
That's what they were talking about.
It slowly begann to glow. "I'm not here to fight you Viktor."
Giopara stood still. "I need to-" his words got stuck in his throught. "Work with you."
The claw fell. A garing sound was heard from the machine. A loud metallic laugh.
"Right, right the man of progress comming to work with the machine herald what's next Jinx stops blowing buildings up and moves to backing."
"Truely hillarious defender." He paused to calm down again, then annoyed as ever said. "What do you want?"
Talis and Viktor still hid behind Vi and giopara.
"If this is about the hexcore again i swear-"
Viktor fliched at the mention of it. A shiver went down his spine when he noticed it. Attached to the staff he was holding. Glowing. Pulsing. 
Giopara took a deep breath and then stepped aside.
"This is me from another universe. I need your hexclaw to get him back."
Viktor didn't show any reaktion he just asked: "you mean my death ray?"
The Jayces noded. "Whatever you want to call it."
"Fine let's get this done quick so I can beat you up later."
He moaned and pushed past giopara.
"Look at you." He knelt down to get a better look at talis. "You're Jayce but weaker. How interesting." Talis was shaking too much at this point. He was too close to him.
"If you hurt him I'll-"
"Im Jayce talis!" Talis said holding out his hand. It was best to stay calm. If he would have let giopara continue to yell they might have started to fight.
The machine took it. "How polite, you have manners, unlike mine."
Gipoara groaned. "So, how do we get you back?"
Talis looked over to Vi. She nodded and slowly stepped aside to reveal Viktor behind her. He was fixated on the other Viktor. Almost in a trance.
"Im-" He stutterd. The machine herald inturrupted him.
"So small. And this-" He pointed at his weak leg. "Boy do I have solution for you-"
"Dont you dare turn him into one of your monsters."  Vi yelled.
"Would you let him talk?" The metall creaked.
"It's okay, Im sorry I can't talk, im a bit stunned." Viktor tried.
"Don't apologise for taking time to register how he mutilated himself." Giopara shouted. "Mutilated eh?"
The machine moved back to giopara. "You are the one who did this to me. You left me no choice." They stared at each other quietly. "But let's not turn this into a debate. We have guests after all."
Talis rushed to Viktor. "Hey are you okay?"
"Yeah I dont know I-"
He begann to cough again. "Here let's get you to sit down, V."
Talis guided him to a chair.
"V?" Vi asked, she seemed allmost mad. "That's what Jayce used to call-"
Oh no.
"Whats your name?" She stomped toward him.
Viktor tried to catch his breath. "Listen Vi, I can explain. You need to calm down." Giopara begann. His voice was calmer than before.
"You are Viktor? That's what he used to look like?" She stared at the scientist.
Her fists clenching. "And you knew?"
"Violett please!"
"Move away from him!" The metall voice rang. "He needs to lay down." He walked toward them and pushed Vi, giopara and talis aside on the way.
"Here, I know you can't breathe proparely." He picked Viktor up with ease. Beeing so close to him he was able to get a better look. Now Viktor noticed that the metall of his face wasn't connected to the metall of his throught. And there was some cabels and leather hidden in his hair. It was a mask.
"There." He put the scrawny man down on a medial tabel. "I know its uncompfortable but its the best thing i have."
The others followed them. Jayce terrified of the view of Viktor laying there. The room was filled with prostetic limbs and metall organs in jars. Jayce had to swallow again. He felt sick.
"Don't worry defender, I won't do anything to him."
Giopara tried to get closed but was pushed aside by a robot. "Blitzcrank will prevent you from causing any damage." So that was Blitzcrank? Out of all the robots he looked the most nice. He seemed friendly.
"You can come closer. Come on don't be shy." He poited to talis. Shaking he moved closer. "Tell me, how do I get you back?"
"Viktor and I were experimenting. And-"
He pulled out the gemstone and begann to explain. Withinn minutes the machine herald had figured out what they had to do.
He started assembling a few things on a table when Viktor begann caughing again, longer this time. Talis rushed to his side. Blood was dripping from his nose.
The machine took something from his belt and inserted it into a small contarption behind them.
He moved next to Jayce holding it up. It was some sort of surringe with a purple liquid inside.
"Calm down. Try to relax."
"What are you?" Before Jayce could think, the herald held both of talis hands in one palm and the liquid was injected into Viktors neck. He yelped in pain. "You little-" Giopara and Vi tried to get closet but Blitzcrank had them under his force.
Talis watched in horror.
The herald pulled the surringe out while Viktor was still processing what had just happened. He let go of talis hands. "There we go. Take a deep breath."
Viktor did. He was able to breathe again. He put one hand to his throught feeling the puncture wound. He couldn't believe it.
That's when he was pulled back to realitly by everyone screaming at him. Except for the other Viktor who was working on something on the table. He had his back turned to him.
"Are you okay?"
"What did he do to you?  Are you in pain."
"I- I can breathe." He looked at his Jayce. Then trew his hands around him.
"Better isn't it?" The metall voice asked.
He tried to contain his cries.
"What did you give him?" Giopara yelled. "Medicin." He replied.
"Giopara reached for his hammer and thrashed Blitzcrank aside. Who stood up like nothing had happened and grabbed him by the whaist. "You are going to cause serous damage with that in here. You would put four people at risk." It said in a friendly robotic way.
Jayce dropped the hammer with a sigh. "The cristal." The Herald asked. Even though it sounded more like a demand.
Talis let go of Viktor and carfully gave him the gemstone. He put it into a small contraption and picked it up.
"Come with me."
Viktor slowly got down from the table. They walked into an open room. The Harald placed the contraption on the ground ans rose his third arm slowly.
He pressed a Button on the small machine and the gemstone begann to spinn. A blue shield started to appear around it.
"The energie field."  Jayce called out.
"Now I will let you go-" The other Viktor said slowly. "Under one condiotion."
He was about to start talking when they were inturuppted by a childlike scream.
They looked over at giopara who was holding up a child by their arm.
"Naph!" The machine shouted. And even though Jayce knew it was unlikely, it sounded like fear in his voice.
"Take it off!" Giopara said. VI just stared at him.
"Put him down, let him go! He has nothing to do with this!"
"Take it off! The mask I know its a mask I just- I need to know if theres still a face underneath." Jayce looked mad and at the same time on the verge of tears.
"We have been death matching each other for years now I just- I'll let him go if you-"
"Fine, fine."
Viktor reached into his hair and fumbled around with his fingers untill a click was heard. Then another.
The metall mask fell to the ground to reveal... a human face.
It was surounded by metal framing and his eyes were differrent, yes, but it was a human face. He looked exactly like Viktor only a bit older.
Giopara dropped the boy.
The kid rushed to the Herald and hugged him. Viktor craidled him in his arms. "Naph honey, are you allright my boy?"
His voice was still metallic just a little less than before. He looked back at giopara.
Vi was stunned at the view of this machine hugging a child.
Then at talis.
"You should leave now." He rose his third arm. "Good luck."
He put down the boy and fired the hexclaw into the energiefield.
Then everything was white again. Then black.
Jayce opened his eyes to Viktor talking to him. His Viktor. "Jayce! There, I was beginning to get worried."
He helped him up and Jayce looked around. They were home back in their lab everything was as they left it.
Jayce looked at Viktor and hugged him. So tight he never wanted to let go.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
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dendrograna · 2 years
Hi I love the letters that you write
Dear Zhongli-
I'm sorry for drowning you-
I was trying to make it to the spiral abyss and forgot to check my stamina
Nice butt
Radiant Gemstone,
Ah... I see, Your Grace. You don't need to worry, I forgive you. And thank you.
Zhongli 🔸
(A/N: This event has ended, please don't send any more letters in)
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