#proto bkdk
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kirawrart · 3 months ago
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BkDk Inktober Day 22 (2023) - "In Another Life" Prototype AU, Yamikumo & Gougou! \o/ I've been dying to draw them 🥰 💕
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diirkss · 9 days ago
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the two of them
for something i did on instagram :33c
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waffletopkai · 6 years ago
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Bakudeku feat their prototypes
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kiisaes · 3 years ago
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i ❤️ you!!!
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years ago
Izuku: *in bed, covers pulled up to his ears, seemingly sleeping*
Izuku: *peeks very carefully around the room to make sure he's alone*
Izuku: *feeling safe, near silently slips out of his bed and take a step towards the desk*
Katsuki: *appears out of seemingly NOWHERE, grabs a shocked Izuku's arm, drags him back to bed* Not so fucking fast, shitty Deku! You need some quality sleep!
Katsuki: *flings Izuku back into the bed and vaults into it with him, smirks coyly and whispers insanely close to Izuku's face* If you can't be trusted to sleep alone, then I guess I'm going to have to stay with you, I~zu~ku~
Izuku: *cannot complain anymore due to being heavily flustered*
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dynyamight · 4 years ago
1, 14, and 22 for Bakudeku please? 👀
send me an otp ask & i'll answer
1. What are things they both find funny?
Midoriya sometimes finds Bakugou's bluntness funny. He's dealt with his abrasiveness, harsh nature for so long, it's like he can find the odd joke between his insults. Like "I'm going to fucking pummel you to ground", while Bakugou's exhausted on the floor, doesn't sound very likely to happen. Hence, he laughs.
Bakugou doesn't find Midoriya himself funny, but rather his airheaded, dumb moments. He snickers when Midoriya gets an answer wrong, when he was oh, so confident in it. And, he snorts when Midoriya's caught off guard and gets hit by a punch, that should have been avoided. Yeah, he basically likes those fail/somebody gets hurt jokes, but it's Midoriya.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Cheating. Both have difficulties feeling like they're enough for each other, already. So, while most of their problems can be solved with apologies & open conversations, cheating wouldn't. Bakugou's pride would be wounded deeply and he wouldn't take Midoriya back. And, Midoriya wouldn't be able to move past it in their relationship, overthinking it.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Their prototypes are definitely relationship worthy. Bakugou's cheerfulness, and heavy banter and cracks at jokes, would easily compliment Mikumo's rather quiet, reserved nature. It honestly gives me friends to lovers energy, while Bakugou and Midoriya give slow burn, enemies to lovers. Therefore, I totally think they have a love story, falling in love.
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insinirate · 6 years ago
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i guess this is my life now
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honeysplode-blog · 7 years ago
y wont any of you write yamikumo so i can forceship.......
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roselevesque · 3 years ago
I've seen a few BKDK Inuyasha AUs with Prototype!Deku as Kikyo and I'm all for it! Howevever, may I throw in ky few cents to keep the childhood friends elements going?
Let's say Izuku has travelled through the Sacred Well before the series' events, but he was so young at the time he can't remember it. Due to the Shikon Jewel already being safe and completed in the past, the one residing in Izuku remains undetected. He is only granted the ability to pass through the Well and briefly as he gets the urge to return home whenever 'time is up'.
Izuku does this for a full year until it suddenly stops working ( the moment Yamikumo - Proto!Deku - begins his training as the Jewel's protector ). He retains only some vague memories of a mean blond boy - his age at the time - making him awed beyond belief in a forest setting. He supposes it happened in the park or woods around home, not the Feudal Era.
Katsuki, however, does remember. However, he has no idea the childhood friend he cared for and despised all at once was Izuku, nor that he time travelled every weekend to meet him. The moment their meetings have an abrupt end, he simply assumes that Izuku finally decided to be condescending somewhere else or that maybe other humans caught and warned him agains associating himself with a Half-Demon.
( Deep down Katsuki knows it's most likely the latter )
Imagine his shock and unwilling delight though, the day he stumbles upon Yamikumo. Sure, the nerd doesn't seem to remember him, but what can he expect from human brains, right? Such a short memory from childhood to adolsecence then adulthood.
This aspect obviously facillitates the process of falling in love for Katsuki. They grow closer, choose to give up their positions for each other, All For One orchestrates their betrayal and Katsuki gets stuck to a tree.
Many years in the future for Katsuki, and many in the past for Izuku, a boy in a modern school uniform finds a tree with a blond boy attached to it.
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bakugoukatsuki-rising · 4 years ago
I think MiriTama and Proto!BkDk have a lot in common. Heck, there are even some similarities in their designs. What do you think?
I agree with this very much. You have prototype Bakugou, who was supposed to be this very upbeat guy that occasionally said some rude things without really meaning to, and then you have prototype Deku who was supposed to be this anxious, kind of depressed dude. 
They fit the MiriTama roles very well, as those personalities are spot on for Mirio and Tamaki!! 
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 years ago
PodKugo by Persephonè
*Katsuki woke up like he was coming up from drowning.
The last thing he remembered was a villain fight out on the street, getting hit with some quirk and now… he felt off. Fingers came up to lace with his own where he'd thrown his hands out in front of him when he'd sat up.*
Words: 2571, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Proto!baku takes over canon!Baku's body, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Todoroki Shouto, dont be mad at deku, Bkdk to bktd
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32294269
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forklegacy · 5 years ago
Personal favorite bkdk au thing is a second (or pack of?) Kacchan coming to the canon universe and flirting with deku a lot. Maybe proto!Katsuki, adult prohero!Katsuki or Alpha!Katsuki. Great for flustered deku and jealous kacchan!
GOD i love that sm, there was a trend on twitter back then that was kind of like this !!! i loved it !!!!
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class1akids · 5 years ago
So I don't know if you've finished Hero's Rising yet, so feel free to disregard this if you haven't. But I felt that Nine was just a really bland antagonist. Narratively functional but otherwise just Diet AFO. I think Chimera would have been a much more compelling main villain, both from a design standpoint and how he's a victim of heteromorphic discrimination. With the right execution, he could have been the Erik Killmonger of BNHA.
Yes, I’ve seen the movie now. To me Nine seemed like a proto-Shigaraki - without Shigaraki’s entertaining personality and less quirks - but the same way frustratingly OP and caring about his own small group. So it strangely felt from time to time that we are watching bits and pieces used in the war arc now. 
It felt like the movie had no time to really develop a villain - they were busy trying to recap enough of the story for it to somehow make some sense to non-manga readers. 
It made sense to me that for the “BKDK-ending” the villain would be AFO-related, though I enjoyed Chimera’s design more. 
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kiisaes · 3 years ago
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3 months is all we got, try not to fall in love
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mysterylover123 · 5 years ago
BNHA Rewatch: Episode  63 “Unrivaled”
aka the One with the Big 3.
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So we open with Deku remembering Mirio stripping at the Sports Festival last year. Makes sense he wouldn’t remember his face from that.
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Honestly, I like these three as characters fine enough, but I still have no idea why they’re considered the “Big 3”. Like, they’re all kinda powerful, but we haven’t been told what exactly makes them the so called top of the school; they didn’t perform that high in the Sports Fest. So I have no idea what that even means. (or how Deku Todoroki and Bakugou are eventually gonan get that title)
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Apparently Horikoshi based Tamaki on his own feelings of nerves at a con. Aw. I also think he might be based on Proto-Deku Yamikumo and Mirio on Proto-Katsuki. So naturally that only makes him more adorable to me. 
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Nejire is asking lots of questions that I want answers to. I mean, we already know about Todoroki’s scar, but the other stuff, yes. Please. 
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I guess if Mirio and Tamaki are proto Katsuki and Izuku, Nejire must be Uraraka.  
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 Um…ok? (It’s a good thing Katsuki didn’t attend this class session. The last thing he needs is yet another lecture on how Kamino doomed everyone and then getting beaten up by someone who absolutely knows he’s better than him. That one extra day saved him some humiliation). 
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 Ooh and Kirishima is noticing Mina in pain. Next season will be KiriMina’s time. 
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So my first impression of the Big 3, first time around, wasn’t so great, because I love Class 1-A and it made me mad that they were getting worfed for the sake of building up new characters as better. And Mirio being the “more worthy” inheritor of OFA, and therefore supposedly better than Deku, my fave, naturally made me annoyed with him. Now that I’m caught up of course I like them all, it just wasn’t for me a great introduction to their characters and this arc.  
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Post DVK2 Deku is one energetic go-getter. I love it. 
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I think Deku is starting to ask some real questions about his sexuality after this scene.  
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I honestly still kinda think Class A is getting a little worf-ed here for the sake of making a strong impact. Why doesn’t Yaoyorozu try and do anything here? Like, Deku figures out Mirio’s got a phasing quirk and he’s 2 IQ stats lower than her. Couldn’t she work it out and make some anti-phaser device? Huh? Huh? 
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Todoroki is totally just making an excuse not to have to get any more humiliated than he already is. He doesn’t need this shit right now. 
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Deku is being smart and awesome as usual. He will never not be my fave. (BTW I’ve noticed: He’s draw a LOT sharper and older in both this ep and the S4 trailer than he was before. Post DVK2  Deku is already older than he was only a few episodes ago.) 
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Why do you and Kaminari both go for Deku’s eyes, Mirio? Low blow!  
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And that’s a wrap. All of Class 1-A taken out in an instant. 
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Mirio is by far the most realistic phase-quirk user I’ve come across so far; the way they explore the consequences of that kind of power is really well done. 
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I do understand the point he was trying to make here. I just wish it wasn’t so thoroughly at the expense of Class 1-A’s dignity. 
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Nejire continues to ship MiriDeku a bit. 
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HAha Kacchan collecting trash.
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My bae can brood with the best of em. 
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I want Deku to intern with Gran more in the future.
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Sir! (Ooh boy. Me at chapter 127: Screw you you pretentious praying mantis Deku is the best and who are you to say otherwise. Me at chapter 161: No no no Sir you beautiful darling you can’t no!. Just a preview.) 
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And Overhaul! 
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So Next season.
OK so I’ll be honest…I like Part 1 (Season 1-3) of BNHA more than Part 2 (Season 4 onward). Oh sure, there’s still some great moments to come, and I’m sure Bones will do great by them. But…there’s kind of a line in the sand for me, between DVK2 and everything that comes afterwards. It feels like the series has been…kind of spinning its wheels for a while, and Ep63 is kind of the point where that starts. I like it, but it feels very much like it’s just where the Season ended, rather than a Season finale. And I’m not sure how fans are gonna react to S4′s material, after a year of waiting, since it’s so very...different, from what you’d expect.
Anyway, Season 3 is amazing. It’s not perfect, by any means, but it’s beautiful, people loved, it, and it has so many great episodes, that I think that despite the flaws and the filler, I can stop proclaim it the best season so far. Season 2 is more solid and consistent, Season 1 a little more fresh, but 3 has two of the series’ all-time peaks, and that can’t be overcome. I’m so glad I got to experience it again - the whole series, in fact. I love this show so very, very much. It’s been way too long since it was available, and I’m getting really excited for the premiere of Season 4. 
BKDK Corner: 
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“You can’t go losing” Deku as always inspired by Kacchan. So many feels. Good feels. 
Sadly, there will not be enough of them in S4 to have a corner for each episode. This season covers the biggest BKDK drought in the manga, sadly. I’m gonna miss them. I guess that’s why Move 2 is apparently supposed to be a BKDK showcase. To compensate. Bones knows what the fanbase is really here for. DAT HANDHOLD.
Heads up, I don’t know when I’ll be able to post an Episode 64 recap for S4′s premiere, since I don’t know when it’ll be available in America, so just keep an eye open.
Best Girl of the Episode: Nejire! (For more info on her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydEIiS2ohRs ) 
RANKER: Season finales so far
3. In Each of our Hearts, Episode 13
2. Unrivaled, Episode 63
1. Encounter, Episode 38
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averinna · 3 years ago
The pain when I search about Inuzuka on Twitter and all I find is people saying that Inuzuka-I-actually-take-care-and-love-my-friends and the ugly gremlin are the same
They also call him and Izumi "proto bkdk"...
Please April you can't come any faster, even though I wonder if people will seriously ship Inuzuka and Izumi just because of it
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