#protective older sibling Jesse
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spaced-out-tiger · 11 days ago
Uh…the comments gave me the idea-
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This post has been rotating around in my head for a while, specifically the comments about the player being Jacks older sibling so I made them :]
Might draw the parents as well if I can come up with designs for them >:3
Poppyplaytime AU where Doey's parents Susan and George live somehow and they beat the shit out of the doctor and then adopt all the toys in Safe Haven and become a weird happy family
Doey, sniffling: That's the big mean doctor mommy..
Susan (rolling up sleeves): George hold my purse
George: (takes the purse) Fuck him up Susan
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perseephoneee · 5 months ago
okie dokie does a Dean Winchester x reader fic work? Had an idea way back in s1 when jess first dies, (older sister, who kinda takes sam under her wing) reader ended up meeting dean through sam. They had similar personalities but (reader) was more of a hopeless romantic than Dean. Sam on the other hand could totally see them together but Dean always denied it.
“Stop eyeing her like she's a piece of steak, you creep” “The hell? I do not do that, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
so they left ca and travelled and maybe in s2-3 (doesnt have to be accurate) they end up back in ca because of a case or cause reader called sam for help. (not expecting dean to show up as well) and after shes not in danger, turns out they get along really well.
"Im not an arm rest, dean." "Mhm, then why are you so short?" "I'M 5'3 THATS NORMAL"
and just fluff..? idk man let me know if its not what you want to write, i can totally change it💜
not a steak (dean winchester x f!reader)
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
wow remember when i could actually write things in a timely manner? yeah, me neither. i miss those days (that never existed). whomp whomp.
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You don't necessarily remember the exact moment that you met Sam. He's been a constant in your life since you were his TA as an undergraduate, watching this freakishly tall freshman so eager to succeed in your class. He made your heart soft, and he made you feel protective. Even though he was so much bigger than you, a naivety in his persona made you take extra time to ensure he succeeded. He ended up getting an A in the class.
You do remember when you met Dean, however. You had heard stories of Dean from Sam the few times you'd catch lunch outside of school. By this point, you were a grad student, filling the void of the older sibling that Sam unconsciously needed filled. You never pried for too many details, and that's how you got people to shut up really fast. But you did meet Dean right as he left town to look for his Dad. Dean was coarse and dismissive of you as if you were just another roadblock stopping him from taking his brother. When you finally got his attention, it was just to size you up before wordlessly climbing into his car. Sam seemed apologetic, but mostly, you were just worried. You had every right to be. Jessica died a week later.
The thing about you is that you can't let a dead dog lie. Where's the fun in that? You'd much rather figure out ways to raise them.
Sam was brilliant, but he let enough details slip to allow you to research him. And you were a law graduate student; you knew a thing or two about studying. Random newspaper clippings, shoutouts of various names, and blog posts allowed you to figure out the supernatural aspect of his life that he had kept from you. You should've been more surprised, but you were more excited than anything. There was more out there. What a strangely relieving thought.  
This knowledge proved helpful when you realized you had a poltergeist.
The new place you moved into was charming and Victorian, the dream of everyone with a Pinterest board. It was in fairly decent shape, and with your roommates, you guys thought you could polish it up to something livable during your suffering years of graduate school. Unfortunately, the price was too good to be true, which led to the unfortunate circumstance of hauntings culminating in one of your roommates in the hospital, barely alive. You called Sam that night.
"Hey Sam, it's me…" you trailed off at that, feet tucked under you as the machines' beeping cut through the silence. "I need your help."
The next day, he was at your door, enveloping you in a hug. He smelled exactly the same, and you didn't realize how much you missed him. Dean was with him.
"I'm Dean," he nodded, holding out a hand. You raised a brow.
"We've met."
"I would've remembered someone who looks like you," Dean scoffs, an easy smirk on his lips that probably made many women swoon. You just rolled your eyes, going back into your house and hoping Sam followed.
A week later, the boys were still here. This ghost was frustrating, and it was more the principle of it that was pissing you off more than anything. You let the brothers stay at the house since it was safer in numbers and cheaper. Plus, your roommates took a wide berth of the place before returning. A routine developed in the short time they were here. You cooked breakfast, Sam made coffee, and Dean woke up at some point. You and Sam would enjoy the paper before something happened (usually related to the crossword that Dean was totally not interested in), and you ended up bickering with the older Winchester until Sam got fed up with it and shut it down.
"Stop eyeing her like she's a piece of steak," Sam muttered to Dean when you weren't around, having stormed off to some other corner of the house. Dean almost spit out his coffee.
"The hell? I do not do that. I have no clue what you're talking about."
Sam just nodded, hiding a smirk behind his book as Dean grumbled about not checking you out.
For the first time that week, Sam was out that night. He was following "a lead." What that lead was, no one knew, but it meant you were alone. With Dean. In a house. Without supervision.
You grumbled something about making dinner. Dean followed you.
"Are you lost?" you asked, hands on your hips as Dean plopped himself at the counter.
"I'm following the food."
"Of course you are."
"Please, no more rabbit food," Dean groaned. "I can't take it anymore."
"Oh no, definitely not," you smirked, pulling out some steaks from the fridge you had been saving. Dean's eyes immediately lit up. "You're helping me cook these. I'm not letting your dumb ass sit around while I prepare a meal."
"You're bossy," Dean grumbles but doesn't complain further as he removes his flannel and sets it on the chair. You ignore that he looks really good in a t-shirt and return to grabbing ingredients. To his credit, Dean is good at letting you tell him what to do and following through. He is definitely a better chef than Sam, who has burned many things in your kitchen. Dean is an excellent sous chef. You tell him as such.
"The hell? I am not a sous," he says while furiously stirring butter.
"It's a compliment, you knobhead."
"Knobhead? What 1950s show are you living in?"
This conversation went back and forth for a while. But you finished cooking a meal, which is always considered a success in your book. Dean devoured him almost immediately before you could even finish cutting through it. Then, it was just you attempting to finish your meal in peace. This was difficult, as Dean continuously kept eyeing your food, hoping you might give it to him, and then would complain outwardly when you didn't.
"You're not going to finish it," he drank his beer, once again looking at your dinner. You glared.
"I can finish it."
"A girl like you doesn't finish an entire steak."
That comment pissed you off. You finished your steak in two bites, shocking Dean, and then proceeded to grab his glass of beer and down it in one gulp. You slammed the glass down, raising a brow. "You have no clue what type of girl I am."
You grabbed both your plates and made your way to the kitchen, putting them in the sink and starting to clean the dishes. You barely made it through a plate before Dean pushed you out of the way.
"I'm not questioning your ability, but in my world, the one who doesn't cook cleans. So, sit your ass down," Dean said before you could chew him out. You bit the inside of your cheek and sat down, still glaring at him as he washed each dish meticulously and put them either in the dishwasher or on the drying rack. When he was done, he threw the dishtowel over his shoulder. The domesticity made you soften. "I'm sorry for earlier."
You blinked, not really expecting any sort of apology from Dean Winchester. You did expect that you would not get anything besides those words.
"I don't understand women."
You laughed at that, leaning on your hand with your elbow on the table. "Aren't you a self-proclaimed ladies' man?"
"I know how to sleep with women, but I don't get what goes through your heads," Dean leaned against the counter, arms crossed. "You want one thing and then a different thing, and I can't keep up."
"So, you're admitting you're slow." Dean threw the towel at you. "Women aren't that complicated; men are just bad listeners. You included."
"I can listen."
"Really? What was I frusterated about at dinner?" you challenged, getting off your seat and leaning over the counter. He blinked a few times.
"That I kept asking for your steak?"
"No, that you presumed that as a woman, I couldn't finish a steak."
"Well, that's not what I said," Dean replied, getting defensive. You just rolled your eyes, grabbing the wine bottle on the counter.
"Oh, also, insight into women; they lie about how good men actually are in the bedroom," you winked, leaving the room and taking the wine with you. You could almost hear Dean's jaw drop.
"It ain't a lie, princess," he intercepted you, his stupid legs moving much faster than yours. You frowned but didn't say anything. Dean took a breath, locking eyes with you. "Why do you insist on always pushing my buttons?"
"Because it's fun? Because you're both annoying and easy to annoy?" you shrugged, clutching your wine bottle to your chest. You didn't know why you picked on him, besides the fact he could be an absolute ASS sometimes that needed kicking. No, you suppose it goes back to early schoolyard days where instead of 'flirting,' you'd push the person and maybe claim to the entire class that they had cooties. To this day, you still had no idea what cooties exactly were, just that you never wanted to catch them.
"I think you like me," Dean smirked. He had crowded you against the wall leading to the living room. Your wine was an innocent bystander clutched to your chest. Maybe not as tall as Sam, but you still had to look up to see him. "I'm gonna prove it."
"Excuse me?" you breathed any sort of bite to your words caught in your throat as he reached up to your face and stroked your cheek. His hands found purchase holding your neck, tilting your face even higher and infinitely closer. Dean took the wine bottle out of your hands, your last line of defense, and stepped away for a second to put it back on the counter. His hands found your face again.
"Hey princess," he whispered, voice sultry. "Breathe." You couldn't do such a thing even if you wanted to because his lips were on yours, and he tasted like the draft beer in your fridge and apple pie. He was gentle, too gentle, and you wanted more. Your hands, first unsure of what to do, grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. One of his hands moved to your waist, thumb brushing the exposed skin where your shirt rode up. He was everywhere all at once, masculinity encapsulated, and you were drowning in it. He pulled away, letting you breathe, the command you forgot to follow. "I wanted to do that since I saw you."
"Honest to god— well, not god, but honest— but then you had to go and be increasingly difficult," Dean scoffed, still holding on to you.
"You don't even remember the first time we met."
"Of course I do; it was a week after my Dad disappeared," Dean responded. "You were wearing pajamas and had a raincoat wrapped around you as you asked Sam not to go so that you could figure it out together. I was curt, and you looked like you wanted to call me a thousand horrible names, but you let it go as we drove away."
You smiled a little at that. "You do remember."
"What can I say? I like pushing your buttons."
You smacked him on the chest, earning a laugh as you fought off your smile. You did finally get your wine and let Dean choose something to watch. About halfway through your movie (and three glasses of pinot noir in), you got distracted by a makeout session that would've made your teenage self swoon, but it didn't progress more than that. Neither of you wanted to go too fast. Most of the time, it was just light conversation, cuddling, and the realization that maybe you two were much more alike than you thought.
Both of you fell asleep like that on the couch, blissfully unaware of the morning light. Sam came home early in the morning, dropping his bags before seeing the both of you entwined on the couch. A smile crossed his face.
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taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea @qardasngan @evasmlp
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pixiesfz · 11 months ago
we need a dad Jessie fic please 🫶🏼
I am a D.I.L.F
Dangerously In Love with Fleming
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father to be j.f
plot: You and Jessie are preparing for your baby but Jessie is somehow picking up dad traits?
warnings: fluff, prime Chelsea team, little blurb
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“It’s a girl”
The words were magic to your ears as you laid down on the chair, Jessie’s hand entertained with yours as she took a great look at the monitor.
You would love your baby if it was a boy or a girl but you secretly hoped it would be a girl, especially if you planned to have another kid, an older sister would be great for them.
The doctor excused herself from the room before Jessie lowered her body to hug you from behind “we’re having a baby girl” she hummed and you nodded “we’re having a baby girl”.
It was at your private home when you started decorating your daughter’s bedrooms that you noticed the signs of Jessie’s new persona.
“If anyone touches her before she’s eighteen” she grumbled, folding clothes “you touched me before I was eighteen” you smirked and the Canadian glared at you
“That’s different”
You laughed at her expression “what?” She asks “I’m just very impressed at your protectiveness over our unborn child”
The next time was when she came home from training late with target bags.
“Could you not have called to say you went shopping” you stated from the kitchen where you were cooking “sorry baby” Jessie quickly said before kissing your cheek, walking to the table before laying the bags down.
“But there was this sale on kids stuff and-“
“You went shopping for our child without me?”
Jessie’s eyes widened under her cap as she realised her small mistake “the sale was ending tonight, Pernille came as well of that helps”
You cocked your head over “that helps”.
“Okay so I got her some clothes and then I thought cause she’ll be my little princess I got her these”
You tried to ignore the horrendous Elsa dress, not bothering to tell her that Elsa was actually a queen and instead focused on her words “your little princess?”
Jessie ignored you “and then I got books aswelll, some for education and some for entertainment and then I also got little footy boots”
You stared at your wife “This baby will be waiting a couple of years before going on the field Jess” you told her sternly and she slowly nodded.
“I just got excited” she admitted and you smiled, walking towards her “I know, and I love it” you said, wrapping your arms around her “I love you”.
Then came the building of the crib, your belly had grown a lot more and Jessie refused to let you help in the build, claiming that she didn’t want any chance of harm.
“Jessie my father taught me how to use a drill” you told her from the door but she had her fists on her hips and crossed her head “no you’re not doing it” she said before grabbing the drill again.
“You’re so stubborn” you grumbled from you space “Give me twenty minutes, then I’ll start the pram”
You watched her for the next fourty minutes as she completed the crib, many YouTube videos and calls to her family helped her along the way.
But you smiled in awe at your proud girlfriend who stared at her creation, hands on her hips with her training gear still on, she was so excited to start making it as soon as she got home.
In all honesty early she reminded you of your own father and the pictures you had of him when waiting for your little siblings.
“Onto the pram” she said walking out of the room, only to see that you had already assembled it.
You had finally realised what part of the parenting trope Jessie had picked about a month before you were due when she kept checking her phone.
Jessie was not a social person, let alone a social media type person but she never told you what she was looking at.
Until she started using them on you.
them as in dad jokes…
“Hey babe, did you hear about that Actor who broke his leg, turns out he’s still in the cast”
You rolled your head back with a groan as you had heard the eighth joke that night “How many times have you told that one?” You ask, sitting down next to her.
“Erin and Adam loved it when I told it at training”
“Of course they did.”
Though throughout the traits that Jessie had picked up you still loved her more than anything in the world, you would even go out to say you learned to love her even more but you didn’t want to enlarge her ego any more.
Instead you cuddled up into her side “You’re going to be such a good mum” you told her and you felt her relax “yeah?” She asked and you nodded.
“I can’t wait.”
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sulkspirit · 4 months ago
I love making random headcanons for characters about their home lifes without any evidence to back it up. SO I'M GONNA SHARE THEM !! I made these with one of my rp partners soo hehe
Sam has only child energy HEAVILY or she’s the eldest of one sibling who she has a large age gap with and isn’t close to them at all. I definitely see Sam having a mom who has been chronically ill since her daughter was young and it has been her responsibility to take care of her since she could. This also leads to them being pretty poor which allows the Washington siblings to love buying her gifts even though she only mentioned it once in passing LMAO Also side note, I love that Sam’s mom wants Chris and Sam to get together so badly. I headcanon that Sam’s mom is very… disappointed when hearing that her daughter has a crush on Josh.
Matt is the only boy in his house. He’s a BIG mama’s boy and a lot of older and younger sisters. His family is extremely loving just like him!
Jess is quite the opposite. I feel like her mother would have a competitive relationship with her own daughter at a young age. It would explain why she also seems to be competitive with Emily and is so insecure. I feel like her father either is not there at all or is just emotionally not present.
Mike is really close to his father and has a younger brother who’s late elementary school - middle school age. This younger brother looks up to Mike heavily and basically wants to be him when he grows up. However, his brother LOVED Emily and is very upset when they break up. In response, Jessica is trying really hard to get his brother to like her.
Ashley has a big ass family. She’s a middle child and has a few older brothers who are quite protective of their little sister, Chris is terrified in response. They heavily baby her which can explain some of her actions. I feel like Ashley would be really close to her father as well.
Chris has two moms OKAY LOOK AT HIS HAIRCUT BRUH. He has a way older sister who was like sixteen when he was born so they’re not close at all. His moms are both super supportive and LOVE Ashley. They are the biggest supporters of everything their son does.
Emily has a pretty normal rich person life LMAO. She has a good relationship with both of her parents. She gives her older sister energy though. She would probably bully them so much but get super defensive if anyone talks badly about them.
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teddypickerry · 1 year ago
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au! where jess is a protective older sibling taking care of a little sister/brother like they’re his own WHEN.
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loveaurdeepression · 2 years ago
Alright, I have another Uncle Gabriel scenario. What if Gabriel and reader play hide and seek inside spider HQ (they're just watching Disney movies and eating any crappy food Miguel doesn't let them eat bc "you're going to get cavities if you keep eating them every day") and Miguel is going into panic/feral mode (fangs out and everything) meanwhile Lyla and Jess are just enjoying the chaos (those two know where you are bc Jess and Lyla are that protective of you as well) until you come back with Gabriel on a sugar rush and Miguel just starts scolding his brother in Spanish and reader is like 👁👄👁 "dad, I was just gone watching Frozen and Finding Nemo with Ubcle Gabe, I wasn't kidnapped."
Ok look I have two older brothers and the eldest is just like Miguel while the other is like Gabi and I’ve been in a situation just like this
Just imagine
You and Tio Gabi are chilling, eating like junk literal fucking dumpsters and not caring about your health like true younger siblings or spoilt children and youre both just lying there with food babies and borderline food comas and you spot the bag of candy and you and him look at each other and knowing full well Miguel is going to kill the both of you, you attack the bag like rabid animals, devouring them with like The princess and the frog in the background(my hc that both you and Gabriel have a mild crush on Naveen)
So you finally demolish the food and y’all are waddling back to the office and Jess is just smirking at the both of you and Miguel sees you and he’s LIVID.
“Cabrón!” He shouts and then goes off into a flurry of Spanish and soon he just sounds like he’s spitting saliva because he’s speaking so fast and you’re just
And you’re stumped because Yk you didn’t tell him because you’d be eating junk and he’ddisapprove and give you the stink eye
The only thing to do is obvious.
“EH???” Gabriel’s incredulous protests fill the office
And then you just watch innocently as Miguel casually starts roasting his brothers existence
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kassiekole22 · 1 year ago
Until Dawn Headcanons!!!
Josh smokes. (He has a lighter so I'm assuming it's actually more canon than headcanon.)
One of Sam's favorite songs is Unwritten.
Chris LOVES Fortnite and Minecraft.
Mike had a childhood dog — Rusty — who was his best friend. (That's why he bonded with Wolfie so much.)
Jessica loves Justin Bieber and One Direction.
Josh's middle name is Robert. (Named after his father.)
If Sam found a spider, she wouldn't be afraid of it and she wouldn't kill it. She would take it outside.
Ashley loves romantic comedies.
Sam works at a shelter part time. Josh visits occasionally just to play with the dogs.
Josh writes scripts for movies in his free time. He uses his friends as characters in them. Chris and Sam are usually the main characters and always survive.
Sam likes to go to parks, sit under a tree and write poetry.
Emily has a cat. (Siamese or maybe Spinx. I seen another headcanon that she had a Spinx cat and I think that's actually a better fit. 😂)
Jessica has a chihuahua named Princess. (But she's mostly a purse puppy and SUPER bitchy.)
Josh has an iguana named Vorhees.
Matt is a momma's boy.
Mike has big bonfires at his place every summer and invites everybody over. They always have beers and music playing in the background as everybody talks about memories of high-school.
Beth is (The twins didn't die. 😤) like the brother Josh never had. They play video games often and poke fun at each other all the time.
Josh treats Hannah like his own daughter, constantly babying her and acting SO overprotective that even Beth is shocked sometime. Hannah hates it unless she had a bad nightmare and needs comforting from her older brother, who will cradle her in his arms and hum to her until she falls back to sleep. They have been doing this since they were children.
Either way, the Washington siblings with protect each other no matter what the situation is.
Jess' favorite color is blue. (Though I think this is canon because it's literally the only color she wears!)
Josh wears eye contacts. He used to wear glasses as a kid and that's one of the main reasons why him and Chris bonded so much.
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crossnamara · 9 months ago
Hello time to ask about your ocs hehe
Ok first of all are there any sorts of rivalries between them or are they one big happy family? Pretty much are there any notable relationships between them?
Also I have to ask about Hector Jekyll and Edgar Hyde because I loveee Jekyll and Hyde so so much. Anyways, is it like the original novella where they are pretty much one person but they switch and change both physically and mentally? If so, had this always been happening or was there a potion of some sorts (like in the novella) that caused this? You can also mention other stuff about them if you want :))
Ok now hand over your bones /j
they are NOT one big happy family uh. lets see
everyone hates hector (and edgar). oh and on this point, they are in one body, but they switch! it started more as like.. a bit more similar to how something like did works (i dont know everything about did so take what i say with a grain of salt, and this character is NOT a system), but as the changes got more frequent, more differences in their physical appearances started showing up until they basically look like different people. it was not a potion (unfortunately), just something that started happening!
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you cant see it in this but hectors eyes are green and edgars as blue (also old ass drawing im sorry)
anyway! back to rivalries! wirt and hector specifically fucking HATE eachother
jesse hates everyone except mary (and edie, because shes marys friend)
tato is bitchy to most people but doesnt hate any of them. wirt does not like them though, and harley is scared of her
there is some overall bad blood towards nessie after a.... certain event.. but before then, everyone loves her
as for notable relationships!!
wirt and tammy are siblings, obviously
tammy and damien dated once, but it didnt work out. theyre still friendly, though
nessie and lunar have a very sibling relationship
wirt looks up to lunar a lot (lunar does not see himself as a role model and it scares him)
as stated earlier, jesse is super protective over mary, like a guard dog and edie is bffs with mary
harley is besties with wirt, and kinda treats edie like a younger sister when he gets to know her
edie clings to lunar and treats him like an older brother/almost father figure
miss gray is very much like a grandma figure to everyone, but especially carmilla since she was raised there. nessie is like an older sister to her
the horse girls are like. fun cool older cousins to nessie. they helped her with her social transition
tato and lily are dating (but theres one little thing putting their relationship on the rocks... youll see)
lily and damien have a siblingish relationship, she braids his hair
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here you go
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katebishopfan · 1 year ago
Politely Declined (H.S)
Summary: Hailee and Y/n are secretly dating, but what happens when Griffin asks her out?
Y/n POV:
The bright neon lights of the carnival tents fill my vision as Hailee and I walk along trying to figure out our next move at the giant event. The Weston Carnival is a staple of this town and today my girlfriend and I have spent our entire day here.
"Oh my god! We should go to the petting zoo!" Hailee announces excitedly, pointing at a sign that say "Petting Zoo: Age 2-12". I frown at the age limit and turn to Hailee who's looking up at pleadingly.
"We can try but they might not let us in do the apparent fact we're not twelve." She nods and I grab her hand. "Even if you look short enough to be one." I add teasingly. Hailee gasps dramatically and slaps my arm.
"Y/n M/n L/n, how dare you!" She exclaims in mock outrage as I giggle quietly.
"Mmm, I love spending time with you." I murmur softly, connecting our pinkies softly.
"Me too baby." She hums before letting go of my pinkie softly and looking up at me.
"HAILEE!!" A voice calls loudly and we both turn around. The voice belongs to none other than Griffin Steinfeld, Hailee's older brother. He's walking towards us with a couple of his friends and Hailee smiles brightly at the sight of him. I've always loved how Griff and Hailee get along so well, they really are sibling goals.
"Griffy!!!!" Hailee squeals, jumping into his arms excitedly. I smile at how cute Hailee looks and Griffin smiles back at me.
"Hey Y/n/n, how have you been?" Griffin asks as he places Hailee down. "Pretty good, how about you?" I reply as I give him a big hug. Griffin always has the best hugs. Don't tell Hailee I said that though, her hugs will always be number one but his are a close second.
"Ehh can't complain." He turns towards his friends who are all smiling at me. Ugh, men. "These are my friends, Dean, Lucas and Jesse." Griffin explains happily and I nod at each one of them. I feel Hailee subtly move closer and I refrain from smirking at her obvious jealousy. I know she hates not being out but she's scared how her family will react, even if they're amazing and supportive on all fronts.
"It's nice to meet you." Hailee says with a fake smile and clenched jaw. Their eyes spring away from me as they glance over at Hailee and nod each one of them muttering a quiet greeting.
"We were just about to try and slip into the petting zoo, would you like to join us?" I offer politely, secretly hoping they would decline. Griffin's eyes light up and he smiles brightly at me glancing over at his friends.
"We would love to, right guys?" Griff replies shaking the three boys from their insistent staring.
"Wait what's happening?" Dean asks in a confused tone. Shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and focus on Griffin.
"We're going to the petting zoo." Hailee repeats in an unimpressed tone. I sneakily brush my pinkie finger past Hailees's trying to offer her some comfort. Her composure relaxes immediately but she doesn't look over at me.
"Yeah, yeah. Um that sounds fun." Lucas agrees along with Dean and Jesse who just nod.
"Great, let's go!" Griffin announces excitedly grabbing my hand. I subtly glance back at Hailee as I Griff pulls me along and find her eyes staring directly back at me. My hand slowly drifts out to grab hers, my body desperately wanting the connection. I hear the annoying click of the paparazzi's camera and I let my hand fall back. Her face starts to fall but she quickly catches it, plastering a fake smile back onto her face as more people start to swarm.
"Y/n, will you be in season two of Hawkeye?!"
"Over here Hailee!"
"Y/n, you're holding hands with Griffin. Does this mean you're dating?!" I drop Griffin's hand and ignore them.
"C'mon guys give us something!" I turn back at Hailee and find trapped, a circle of paparazzi bombarding her with questions. My blood boils and before I know it I'm pushing my way through the crowd. I grab Hailee's hand and then protectively wrap my arm around her waist.
"We will not be answering any questions today, sorry and have a nice day." I announce guiding Hailee out of the way while holding a hand out to shoo people away. I don't even have time to savor the feeling Hailee's body being against mine as I walk briskly over to Griffin who is looking very annoyed.
"Thank you for saving me." Hailee murmurs softly, cuddling up to me sneakily. I smile brightly as her head nestles into the crook of my neck. The moment of affection is brief because Hailee moves her head away once Griffin clears his throat.
"Well, should we try to get into the petting zoo?" He asks, mostly waiting for my reaction. I glance over at Hailee who shakes her head.
"Nah, the paps are here so I wouldn't want to get in trouble and have it make the headlines." I decide, looking around for something to do.
"How about the Ferris Wheel?" Griffin suggests. I feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of being so high but I try to hide it with a smile.
"Sure, I don't think we've done that yet right ba-Haiz?" I barely catch myself in time but Hailee smiles at the pet name.
"Uhm, no we haven't.. Are you sure you're okay with going that high?" She asks, the tone of concern in her voice apparent. I nod and Griffin claps.
"Alright Ferris Wheel it is then, let's go!" I try to walk with Hailee but Griff grabs my hand and pulls me along. My phone buzzes and I already know who it is.
My Pretty Girl <3 Are you sure you're okay with the heights? I can fake a sudden illness and you can stay with me.
Me I'm sure I'll be fine. Let's try and get our own booth.
My Pretty Girl <3 It's two to a booth so it should be easy <3
Me Great!
Hailee POV:
I look up from my phone as Y/n looks back at me with that cute little smile she always has when she's happy. I'm a little nervous for her to go in the Ferris Wheel because it's very high and Y/n is terribly afraid of heights, but she said it would be fine. Plus I'll be there to support her if she needs me.
"Alright guys, welcome to the Ferris Wheel. We have a four seater here for the friends if the couple wants to go together." I nod and smile. Griffin smile widens and I realize he's talking about Y/n and Griff.
"Oh well, um Hailee and I could also go together if you want to go with your friends." Y/n suggests glancing back at with a mix of panic and apology.
"No it's fine Y/n I'll go with you." Griffin replies happily. I clench my jaw and walk over to the booth where Dean, Jesse and Lucas are already sitting. Y/n stares at me sympathetically and furrows her brow unhappily.
"Are you sure you don't want to go with your friends? I mean Hailee and I have always had this dream of taking a picture together at the top of a Ferris Wheel-"
"It's fine Y/n." I interrupt her. Her smiles sinks even further and I feel slightly bad for interrupting her. She nods slowly and gets into the booth a few down. Whelp, there goes my plan to comfort her.
Y/n POV:
I can already feel the panic in my system rising but I try to push it away and focus on Griffin. We're sitting beside each other which is somewhat comforting I guess, but I just want my girlfriend. Hailee always knows exactly how to calm me down and I need that right now.
"The ride is starting in." "3" "2" "1"
We slowly start to move and I take several deep breaths, somewhat trying to keep myself calm.
"So how is work going?" Griffin asks turning towards me. I barely hear him as we slowly start our ascent.
"I- um, it's going well how about yours? How is the world famous NASCAR driver doing?" I ask, feeling my breath start to leave my body.
"It's….which is…." I try to listen but my body is completely focused on how close we are to the top. "I also need to….these feelings…I really like yo-…" I try to comprehend what he said and form a response but my body doesn't cooperate. I stay silent as we start to descend but I realize what he said and I turn to look at him.
I open my mouth to speak but I get cut off by his lips on mine. He retracts slowly and I stare at him in complete shock. He kisses me again and I squeal pushing him off as we reach the bottom, the ride coming to a stop. I hurriedly climb out and walk right up to Hailee pulling her by the hand to behind a building.
Hailee POV
I wait nervously for Y/n at the bottom and hope that's she doing okay. Her face as she comes down looks distant and slightly panicked which makes me worried. She turns towards Griffin and he KISSES HER?! She pulls away immediately and stares at him before her kisses her AGAIN!!!! This time she shoves him away and the booth stops right in front of me. She gets out with Griffin scrambling after her and grabs my hand pulling me behind some building.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't get out and I didn't hear him because I was too focused on how high we were then he kissed me so I froze then he did it again but I love you and I-" Her words continue spilling out but I can only focus on three of them.
"You love me?" I ask quietly, my heart bursting with joy at the admission. "Of course baby. I love you." She replies like its such an obvious thing.
"I love you too and I'm not mad at you I promise." I reply softly caressing her cheek. She blushes and her eyes glance down at my lips. I slam my lips onto her trying to take her surprise so I can keep my dominance but her tongue quickly slips into my mouth and she pushes me up against the wall. Her hand grazes my thigh innocently before lifting it up and raising it to her hip. I run my hands through her hair and tug softly on a strand causing her to release a muffled whimper.
"You can't do that love." She mumbles into my mouth her lips continuing to move against mine, our mouths slotting together so perfectly.
"Why not darling?" I ask cheekily already knowing the answer.
"Because it makes me too horny." She replies boldly all the sudden rubbing her thigh against my center. I groan at the feeling and throw my head back softly. I try to grind on her but the pressure is gone as quickly as it started. I whine and try to connect our lips again but she only softly pecks mine before letting my leg slowly drop down.
"That's no fairrrrrr." I complain as she starts to walk away. She chuckles lightly and takes my hand, spinning me into her arms.
"I'll make it up to you later." She whispers sultrily. I shiver at the feeling of her breath on my ear and nod hastily.
Y/n POV:
I walked back towards Griffin and the other boys without Hailee's hand in mine, suddenly feeling much smaller.
"Hey, c-can we talk?" Griffin asks nervously, his hand on the back of his neck. I nod my head awkwardly and glance at Hailee who gives me an encouraging smile.
"Let's go over here." I decide pointing to a bench slightly off the path. We walk over quietly and I sit down beckoning him to do the same.
"I'm sorry for kissing you." He mumbles, a deep blush covering his cheeks. I hum in acknowledgment before rolling my shoulders and beginning to speak.
"I really care about you Griffin, I do. I love you, but as a brother. Hailee's my.. Well she and I are really close, and I love you both. I'm really sorry Griff." He takes a deep breath and sighs.
"I understand, thanks for being honest with me." I nod opening up arms. He smiles moves closer letting me wrap my arms around him. After a few moments I draw back and stand up. We walk back in a more comfortable silence and I smile at Hailee who smiles back. Griffin's friends on the other hand are shaking their head at him.
"Well, Y/n and I might head back to my apartment now but we had a really lovely time with you guys." Hailee announces before grabbing my hand and pulling me away.
"Why are you in such a rush darling?" I ask as we walk off.
"Shut up I'm horny."
Make sure to check my Wattpad, I have ALL my oneshots posted there.
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vclvetfleur · 2 years ago
Obedient Chapter 13
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roman roy x fem!reader
Summary: You and Jess haven't spoken in a while. You finally decide to confront her on the plane to Dundee. While Roman is still in deep denial over his father's abuse.
TW: trauma talk, child neglect, degradation
Word Count: 5k
Notes: SOrry for taking so long. I have been not knowing where to lead this and I had to focus on French class lately.
Chapter 13: A Clockwork Orange
You heard Roman till he had finally fallen asleep. You both agreed that he couldn’t just let his father just sweep that under the rug. You even convinced Roman not to forgive. You knew it was a lot to ask, but you wanted him to heal. And bending and forgiving was not going to do anything for him or Logan. Except make Logan think Roman was just as weak as he thought he was. You woke up before him, making him an appointment to go see a dentist to fix his tooth as soon as possible. You were still in shock. You couldn’t help but stare at it as it was laid on the counter, dried blood on the end of it. You put a tissue over it, not wanting to be reminded of it. You felt sorry for Roman. You were in his place years ago. You were him when you didn’t realize that your parents would never change.
They weren’t going to. They never did. Not for you at least. You had gotten older, moving from home to home depending on if your parents wanted to deal with you or not. You had been sent to aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and family friends. You had only come back after your parents had your sibling. And there it was. They changed. But not for you. Not towards you. But towards her. You had gotten updates, hearing about their new golden star child. How nothing has made them happier. You wished you could stand up to protect her, but you didn’t have to. She got the parents you wished for.
A part of you wished you got them, but you knew you weren’t worth changing for in their eyes. And Roman wasn’t worth changing for either.
You brushed your teeth, staring at your phone. You always wondered if an unknown number would maybe one day be them. But that was you just getting your hopes up for an unrealistic fantasy. You looked at Roman, sleeping. You were glad he finally got his moment of peace after what had happened last night. You came back to back, scrolling through your phone and making notes for Roman. Today was a day Roman wouldn’t be in the office anyway, so you just wanted him to relax. But still do things before having to go back to the office. You were sure Roman wasn’t gonna go to the office with a tooth missing. It would only create talk. He also didn’t need any media seeing him like that.
You felt Roman stirring himself awake, moving his head away from the light as it shined in. “Morning Rome…” You told him, running your fingers through his hair. You were busy texting Eduard, trying to set up some kind of meeting with Roman. It would possibly be the biggest fuck you to his father if he landed a major deal with another billionaire when Logan had just messed up the deal with Nan. Logan had exploded at the show that you both missed, where Rhea and Nan followed him and told him the deal was off. This was all relayed to you by Shiv. She had kept checking up on Roman the entire night and you just sent her updates when you could. Despite their rocky relationship and the fact they never really got along with one another. And the constant fighting and yelling and hitting. They deeply cared. Shiv and Roman were the most verbally aggressive with one another, but had so much in common when it came to their dad than they did with Kendall. Kendall was Logan’s pride. He basically removed Kendall from their mom and obsessed over his future. He was the only thing that mattered. He had sent Connor away and was now worrying about one kid. Then Roman came along, but Kendall was just something else. Then a certain incident made Roman act quieter, more reserved. Which in turn made Logan a lot more harder on him. He was seen as weak. Not as good as Kendall. Not that he really paid him much mind, but the fact that Roman was more emotional and was now suddenly quieter, it only made Logan resent him more. A child at the age of 7 was now weak and not fit to be CEO forever. But his other son, who even at the age of 3 was set for the CEO job. Then came Shiv. Logan was disappointed about having a girl. Carolina was a little excited but was too busy with her own issues to care enough. She completely abandoned her children when Shiv was born. Shiv never mattered. Only if she started to be prettier than Carolina. Then Carolina tried to compete and force and embarrass Shiv. Even only uplifting Roman to make Shiv feel worse. But once Shiv stopped looking for the attention of her mother, she played with Kendall’s games of using Roman for the attention of their dad.
Roman was the weird one. And Shiv was the girl.
The two outcasts of the family. Both not good enough for anything.
Not even their dad.
So, despite their distain for one another, at least they weren’t Kendall.
Kendall only checked in on Roman from Shiv. He did his best. He had to physically protect Roman. He was smaller. He wasn’t able to when they were younger. Kendall felt a duty to always physically be there for Roman. Trying to be there emotionally never worked because Roman was too scared to ever open up. His emotions got him in trouble. He never knew when the right time was to ever open up.
So as result of Connor’s absence as older brother, he had to pick up the role and protect Roman physically from Logan. He could only protect him so much. He started to protect him more once he had gotten tall enough. Logan was never scared of his kids though. He knew what power he had over them.
Either way, they all did their parts as siblings as best as they could with the father and mother they were given. They made a lot of mistakes on the way, but there was an effort.
“Morning…” Roman mumbled under the sheets, covering his mouth with the comforter. He didn’t want you to see him without his tooth there. It made him even more insecure than he already was. He knew that you already had, but something in his mind told him you’d run if you saw it. That he’d be too much or something like that. His mind was controlling his logic. “How are you feeling?” You asked, pulling yourself from the phone. You were ready to tell him the news of what you had just done but wanted to ease him into it.
“Fucking great. Uh- can we leave early?” He asked you. You nodded, going back on your phone to make the arrangements. You both were supposed to leave at 11, but you had gotten up early enough. Roman wasn’t ready for the questioning. Roman finally crawled out of bed, going to the bathroom. He had been there for a good 15 minutes, just staring at himself and his missing tooth. It made him feel so ashamed. He never was super secure with how he looked. He knew he wasn’t special, and no one was chasing after him. He was shocked you were decently into him. But the tooth made it so much worse. Another dent in his appearance. Roman hated himself even more. Not only because he hated how he looked, but the tooth was just a reminder of how Logan really felt about him. Roman was never ready to accept that Logan wasn’t a good parent. Logan was abusive. But to Roman, it was his fault. But you helped put it into perspective for him. He finally accepted some part of Logan was abusive and his love wasn’t actual love. His mom, despite being neglectful and instilling terrible ideals and being emotionally unavailable, she loved him. She checked in on him. She held him. She would be there if Roman deeply tried to. Logan was never there for anything. No matter how hard you tried to.
“Rome?” You called out. He barely heard you. You had already gotten dressed, keeping updates on the car that was arriving soon. You knocked before going into the room. You saw him just staring at himself and inspecting little things about his face and appearance. “Hey, the car’s almost here. You almost done?” You asked. He finally snapped out of it, looking at you. He had no idea why you were so willing to be with him when he looked the way he did. But he was so grateful for your standards being that low, in his head. He just put toothpaste on his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth, acting as though he wasn’t just inspecting himself in front of you. “Your appointment today is at 6, by the way.” You mentioned to him. “Wow, thanks, mum.” He joked. His words were slurred with toothpaste foaming his mouth and his brush stuck between the inside of his lips and teeth.
“I know you wanna fuck your mom, Roman, but don’t call me that.” You made a quick comment. You weren’t sure if he fit the Freudian theory, but it wasn’t unlikely.
“If Shiv told you that, tell her to stop acting like I haven’t seen her give Dad fuck me eyes too” Roman shot back. He was of course lying. You’ve seen how Shiv looked at Logan. It was exactly how you looked at your dad when you were in middle school. Just regret and shame for hating him, but such distain and anger for whatever happened.
“I’ll be sure to send her an email about it.” You rolled your eyes. You came up and jumped onto the counter. You looked at him, looking at the details as he was doing earlier. His eyes were so soft. They had bags under them that made them seem slightly sunken. But his personality and other expressions always reminded you he was actually awake. His eyebrows were mostly straightened, but so expressive. For a man who hated showing his emotions, he showed them so much with just his face. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” You asked him. There it was. His eyebrows furrowed, questioning you, but his eyes softened. He didn’t look at you like he was actually confused. Just pleasantly surprised. “I don’t think I have either.” He spits his toothpaste out before starting to brush his tongue. He wasn’t ready yet. He didn’t want to feel all the love you were willing to give. You leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead before dropping yourself off the counter. You went off to the bedroom and began to prep Roman’s things for him and your own stuff. Roman soon came in, wrapping his arms around you. He stood behind you, laying his head on your shoulder. He left a kiss on your jaw before giving another on your cheek and moving close to your ear. He whispered, “You’re gorgeous.” Before moving away from you.
You suppressed a smile, giving it a frown kind of look. You looked at him as he grabbed his clothes and finally started to dress himself. “You saw that in a movie, didn’t you?” You asked him. He looked up, his smile creeping up before nodding.
He buttoned his shirt. “Yeah- I think it was one of those shit movies you’ve shown me lately. Fuck wait- was it ‘Clockwork Orange’?” He asked you. You had shown him your favorite movies lately. Most of the time he talked through them and acted as if he thought they were dumb, but after enough scolding from you, he would quit it. He enjoyed most of them though. Except maybe one of them, but he thought it was too pretentious, trying to say something about something that had no real meaning.
“Oh yea- definitely. Wow, Alex. What a little charmer, huh?” You played along. It definitely wasn’t ‘A Clockwork Orange’.
You both left the room once Roman was settled in. You both had to be escorted through the media, questioning Roman about the scandal. Roman knew better not to make too light of a joke at the moment. Mostly to media.
“God what fucking vultures…” He whispered to you once the door was shut. “Doesn’t ATN do the same thing?” You asked him, calling out on his hypocrisy.
“Shut the fuck up… fucking snowflake…” He mumbled, laying his head back. He reached down, holding your hand in his. It was the most affection he could give you out in public. Plus, he needed it to calm his nerves down.
“I have news by the way… Eduard is willing to meet with you. Next week. He thinks after the scandal has gone through a week, the hype will die down and by the time the deal lands that it’ll mostly be over. So yeah, you're welcome.” You smirked. You were cocky, but after working your way into it, you had convinced him. No one was gonna touch ATN for a while. Not with this scandal around.
“Good job, you did your fucking job.” He teased. He was happy though. You saw it on his face.
You had just made sure Roman was safely home before going to your own home. You needed to decompress after yesterday too. You had just run a bath, done some skincare, and treated yourself to a meal. An actual meal. Not a snack.
You texted Roman to make sure he went to his appointment to just be sent a photo of him in the dentist's chair. You saved it to your phone. You were tempted to text Jess. You stared at her number for a while. You swallowed your fear of rejection and finally texted.
‘hey. are you ready to talk?’
You watched the delivered notification turn into Read 7:19 PM.
Then 3 text bubbles coming up. For them to disappear quickly. You didn’t get anything from her all night. Not even in the morning.
She did not speak to you for days.
Waystar seemed to be in a worse state than it ever had been.
Sandy and Stewy were trying to get shareholders and attacking the company. The scandal had gotten worse and now they were scrambling with investors.
Roman had even told you about how Logan even claimed to never hit Roman. It hurt, but it made Roman truly believe he might’ve been overreacting. It just led you both into a fight as you tried to knock some sense into him. But he was stubborn in his ways. Logan still could do no wrong in his eyes. And the more you discredited Logan, the more upset he got. He was just back to doing his dirty business for his father. He was now off to England with Kendall to convince his mom to actually vote for her ex-husband who she despised. You were invited to come, but your fight with Roman made you decline the offer. He just shoved it off as if he didn’t care about it at all. He just thought it would maybe be nice for you to meet his other parent. But you reminded him of your actual status.
You had gotten more news on Waystar as a story broke about Logan ‘bullying’ and ‘hitting’ a young man, someone between the ages of 18 and 23. Apparently, it had caused the boy to drive his car into a lake. You didn’t doubt it. Roman tried to call you about it and called it bullshit.
“I don’t know Rome, seems on brand for him.” You shrugged, sipping on your coffee. It had been 2 pm for him while Kendall and Logan were out doing damage control.
“Fucking- whatever… yea cause people are so sensitive nowadays. Dad didn’t even hit him. Fucking moron is going to drive off a lake over an insult? Really?” Roman ranted, but you had pulled your phone away from your ear, unable to listen to Roman speak ill about a dead child.
“Roman- fucking stop…” You warned but he didn’t. You just hung up.
He looked at Shiv, shocked and obviously upset about your choice to hang up. “What the fuck?” He asked. Shiv shrugged, not surprised. But she just kept her opinion to herself. You shuddered at the thought of what Roman was saying. It truly disgusted you. You knew it was just because he was so ignorant. He was sheltered to think whatever was going on was okay. Shiv just pushed Roman out of the house and decided to finally go to their mom. It would be better if they went rather than bring Kendall. Kendall was Caroline’s least favorite. Shiv was a close second last. Roman was the only one accepting whatever love she could possibly give.
You had been packing for England for your late-night flight. You had to be there for some stupid award show for Logan to celebrate some stupid achievement.  It was just a way to inflate his ego. And for his peers to celebrate him. You thought it was obnoxious.
You were finally finished, getting your bags and putting your belongings into the back of a black car that waited for you. You were being driven before stopping to pick up other people. Including Jess. You watched her get into the car. Your eyes met, but she diverted her eyes away from you. You just wished she’d talk to you. You weren’t sure if your relationship with Roman was worth this. This was too hard.
“Hey…” you tried to talk to her, but she had ignored you for her phone. You bit your lip, looking away. Once you did, Jess’ eye looked up at you with pity. She wanted to talk to you too, but she wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready to talk about your emotions for Roman. Or why you lied? Or why didn’t listen to her? There were so many questions. But she wasn’t emotionally ready for it. She wasn’t ready to apologize for all the awful things she said either, bringing your family and past up as a way to hurt you.
But it happened.
It stuck with you more often than usual. The fact your parents were emotionally unavailable or physically abusive. How much they’d pick out the flaws you had. All the names. And the blaming for what was done to you.
You were reminded of it constantly since you had to spend more time with the Roys.
You had gotten on the flight, watching Jess as she had just walked past you without giving a second glance over to you.
You had enough. You sat across from her. “Jess… Fucking talk to me… Please… Just FUCKING KNOCK IT OFF!” You exploded. People looked at you, but you gave them a look to make them stop. They quickly looked away.
“What do you want me to say y/n?” She asked you. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair. “Well? I don’t know what to say to you y/n… And I don’t think this is the conversation to have with people around. I know this is your little secret.” She shrugged it off.
You let out a large breath, shaking your head no. “I’m fucking sorry. I didn’t- it’s just- I fucked up. And I regret my choices. If I knew they’d end this badly, I would’ve not gone through with it.” You let out a shaky breath.
“But you knew y/n. I told you. You just ignored it. You did what you did. And I said what I said.” She tried to avoid the conversation.
“I’ll break up with him… As soon as we land, it’ll be over.” You tried to rationalize. Jess thought that was what she wanted. But she wasn’t sure if it was. She didn’t like the fact you were both hooking up or doing whatever, but she knew it wasn’t truly her business. She shook her head, just grabbing her phone. “It’s just- it won't fix anything.” She wasn’t sure if it would ruin your happiness.
Realistically your happiness with Roman shifted depending on if Roman would express his awful opinions. Which he had a lot of.
“I just wanna fix this Jess…” You pouted.
“If you wanna fix this… just give it time… I’m just not there yet. Uh- maybe we could talk about it more another time.” She tried to compromise with you. She missed you too. But this wasn’t going to be productive. You nodded, getting up, and swung your hand on a bottle as it flew against the wall. “real fucking mature.” Jess called out. You walked away defeated and annoyed. You spent the rest of the flight away from Jess.
You had landed in the morning, getting your stuff quickly. The family had already been there, so you were immediately sent to go to where they were staying.
You texted Roman letting him know you had arrived safely. He had sent you multiple messages, trying to admit what he said was disgusting and unfair. He didn’t directly say it, but he admitted to it being not the best thing he could say.
You were driven to the event, ready to confront Roman. But once you had walked in his face lightened up once you walked in. He had grabbed you a glass of whatever was being served and came over to you. “Hey, here get drunk, Shiv is plotting something.” He whispered. You smiled, taking the glass from him. Despite Roman sometimes being awful, he could be very sweet. And he was now more willing to see his mistakes.
“Ooo. Can’t wait.” You smirked, sipping your drink. Rhea began her speech, going on and on about whatever bullshit Shiv fed her.
Rhea began her speech and had brought up ‘Rose’. Roman looked amused at Shiv’s game. While Rhea had lifted her glass up with a huge smile on her face as if Logan was going to be sooo happy to hear about Rose. You didn’t even know who Rose was. You leaned in and asked Roman “who’s Rose?” You asked.
“Dad’s dead sister.” He whispered. Logan had put his drink down and sulked in his seat. It set a mood for everyone to stay quiet.
Roman walked past Rhea “Wow. Well done. Look at you, fitting right in.” He teased before making a disgusting pedophilic joke. He seemed to be interrogating her. You didn’t know their issue with her all of a sudden, but you decided to stay out of it. You sat with Shiv, watching them whispering to each other.
“What a fucking snake…” Shiv whispered to you. You laughed, watching as Rhea tried to work her deal with Roman.  But Shiv and him were in a very healthy place where they decided to work against someone again. They always worked better when they plotted against another person together.
“What’d she do?” You asked.
“She’s trying to suck the CEO position out of Dad’s dick and balls.” She stared at Rhea, trying to intimidate her.
Rhea couldn’t find an in with Roman and joined the table. Roman sat with you and Shiv and Roman then began to interrogate with Tom being their hype man.
The tension felt incredibly thing. But Connor decided to ease the mood but decided to insult Rhea nonetheless.
“This is a fucking slaughter…” You whispered to Roman. “I wanna join.” You snickered at the idea.
“Uh- we should start. The event is going to start soon.” Rhea tried to get out of the next dig that was going to be thrown her way. You had been brought to Logan’s old home. You just watched the kids insult the looks as if it was cheap and disgusting. But it was something that looked huge to you. You would never understand their perception of money. Roman thought a coffee cost $40. A black coffee. It wasn’t cheap, sure $4-$8 depending on where you went. But nowhere near $40. You all just waited for Logan to arrive, but Logan could barely look at it. The photographers waited to take a photo, but Logan told the driver to speed off.
“Wow, how fucking fun. God, you know this reminds me exactly when I chased that twink singer in some dumb fucking band for him to just drive off in his car. Should we chase after him?” You joked. You all just seemed a bit annoyed about your time being completely wasted. But that was expected of Logan. You crawled in the car, Roman following you right after. “I didn’t even know Logan was Scottish. I thought he was just some rich fuck with generational money. You know like some hush hush tycoon stuff.” You admit.
“Yeah- Dad doesn’t talk about that kind of stuff- he rather talk about how much he hated Connor’s mom than talk about his own.” Roman laughed. Thankfully, Connor wasn’t around to hear the comment towards him. You had just stood outside. You didn’t want to watch Logan gloat about some stupid University he was buying out. You found the perfect excuse to stay behind.  You grabbed your pack of cigarettes out, lighting the end. You sucked on the end, waiting for the rest of them to come out. You saw an older man come by with a hat and trench coat and sat and watched. You just watched him. He looked disappointed. Annoyed. Angry. You saw Greg leave the building to greet him. “Oh hey- y/n.” Greg waved at you. You thought Greg might’ve had a little crush on you. He had asked you to ‘come to hang out’ with him so many times. He even tried to impress you multiple times with his big-boy job. It was amusing in all honesty. It was cute. But he just wasn’t your type. You liked pretentiousness and arrogance apparently. “Uh- Ewan… Give me a second.” He scrambled before walking to you. “I didn’t know you smoked. Uh- can I- can I get one?” He tried to find something in common with you. Your eyebrows raised, questioning him.
“Yeah- I don’t think the building allows me to smoke. I didn’t know you smoked either.” You said before pulling the pack out again. You pulled a cigarette out for him and your lighter. You were going to see if he actually knew what to do. It would tell you everything.
“Oh yeah- all the time. I actually can’t breathe half the time 'cause I love these things so much. Yea- I buy like a pack a day 'cause I finish them up so quickly” He tried to lie about his association with smoking. He held the cigarette in between his fingers and tried to light it like a joint. It told you everything.
“Greg, you’re supposed to light it in your mouth.” You informed him. He looked up, knowing he had just exposed himself. “Look- like this.” You showed him, putting the cigarette In his mouth and lighting it for him. “Now breathe it in.” You instructed. Greg misunderstood how much or how hard and began to cough viciously. He dropped the cigarette and curled up as he coughed loudly. You just sat and watched, giggling to yourself as you smoked your cigarette.
Ewan was amused as well. He just quietly laughed as he watched his idiot grandson embarrass himself. The group had left the building, Logan surprised to see the man to be there. Roman pat Greg on the back, looking at you confused about why he practically coughing up a lung. “All right, all right. Dramatic. Don’t cough on me. Yeah, that’s right just turn that way.” He said as he turned Greg around and lightly pushed him away. He didn’t like Greg. He thought Greg was a freeloader. Which he kind of was. Roman just viewed him as someone who was riding on the fact, he was somewhat related to them and was trying to find any way to make the kind of money they did. He leeched onto any family member who would let him. Which was Tom.
“Who the fuck is the crip keeper?” You asked Roman about Ewan. You had seen him talk to Logan. “His liberal snowflake brother.” Roman answered.
“Oh, good news. Uh- Eduard is here. I told him to fly in. He’s expecting you at a bar in an hour.” You broke the news. Roman was shocked at how stupid of a decision that was for Eduard. But he was happy enough to have it set up in the very lease.
“You’re the fucking best. God what a fucking moron. I could just take you right here in front of everyone.” Roman seemed to pump himself up. “Yeah-yeah. Go now.” You laughed, pushing him slightly. You both went your own separate ways for at least a couple of hours. You had a lot of stuff to do in the meantime. Which mostly consisted of you hanging out with Shiv as she seemed to be calling meeting after meeting to destroy Rhea. You had stayed out of it most of the time though.
Connor left the room completely upset before the rest left as well.
“What fucking pathetic brats…” Connor mumbled under his breathe. You looked up, wondering what had happened. Roman left soon. “Rome- what the fuck happened?” You asked him. “Why is Connor-?” you asked him.
“Eh, who actually gives a shit?” He shrugged.
Notes: Poor Connor.
Chapter 14
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the-gory-gardner · 1 year ago
Asa Emory and Jesse ( I forgot how to spell his last name Oops)
Being parents of a mutant reader? She kinda looks like she from avatar from James Cameron? She’s a teen so she’s not really tall but she definitely taller then them and other slashers tho
( she not really like a avatar but she looks like one, and can she have a brother who’s 2 years older than her?)
They muck around a lot and basically act like siblings being siblings.
How would they react and what would they do introducing their tall kids to the slashers
( sorry this is a lot ) 💗
(First request I've gotten in a while so might not be as good as past one's)
Jesse was the one who found you and decided to bring you home.
He had to do a little sweet talking with Asa to convince him to keep you.
It wasn't too hard since Asa was curious about you and your mutation.
Jesse had his people put together fake papers for identifications and adoptions.
Jesse also has his own team of doctors look over you and give you check-ups.
Asa puts himself in charge of your diet since it might be different then a normal human.
When they find out you have an older brother, they're quick to bring him home as well.
Jesse likes making jokes about how Asa is the shortest in the household.
Jesse pays to build a whole playset/Obstacle Course for you two to work out your energy.
Asa decides it's best to home school the both of you to keep you out of public eye.
They're not ashamed of you just very protective.
Asa is usually the meditator whenever you and your brother bicker or argue.
Jesse is the one to interfere if there is any physical fighting.
The two are hesitate to introduce you to anyone else slasher or otherwise.
They want the best for you two and want you to stay safe.
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mlp410nightcore · 8 months ago
Tumblr media
Hi Everyone!! Here are some more brand new next gens for my Blossom Love AU. Onyx Bolt, Sweet Sorbet, Dazzle Flash, Bree and Brazen's parents are Grillby and Muffet. Onyx Bolt and Brazen were born as the only set of twins in the family with Onyx Bolt being an hour older than Brazen. Bree was born two years later, then Dazzle Flash was born a few years later and last but not least, Sweet Sorbet was born a few years later too. Onyx Bolt is very mature, super hardworking and very kind. He loves to help others, especially his friends and family and enjoys reading and singing in his spare time. He currently works with his father as a bartender at Grillby's Restaurant due to him getting his cutie mark because of his talents in mixology. Onyx Bolt is also gay and is currently dating Jesse (Jack Skellington and Sans's son). Brazen is somewhat immature, super mischievous and loves to play pranks on his siblings quite often. He's an astounding baker and helps his mother and sister at Muffet's Spider Bake Sales by making cute spider themed treats, which was how he got his cutie mark. Despite his immature nature, he's still very protective of his family and friends and will never let any harm come to them no matter the cost. Brazen is also pan and is currently in a "friends with benefits" relationship with Adonis (Alastor and Angel Dust's son). Bree may be very posh and super polite, but she knows when to loosen up and have a good time. She acts very elegant and regal, but can also be a huge raging party animal. Bree's very kind and generous as well. She's an amazing baker and has tons of knowledge on baked goods ranging from history to prepping them correctly. She's specializes in making fruit themed pastries hence why she got her cutie mark. Bree is also lesbian and is currently single as she wants to focus on helping her mother with her business. Dazzle Flash is super energetic and loves to help his brother, Onyx Bolt, with any task. He's also a super fast talker, which he's trying his hardest to break that habit of his. Dazzle Flash wants to work alongside his dad and older brother, but both Grillby and Onyx Bolt think that he should be a little older before he starts working at the restaurant. Sweet Sorbet is very kind and super relaxed. She's also somewhat lazy, but does try to help out in any way she can. She doesn't have any clue which family business she wants to be apart of, but her parents tell her that she doesn't have to decide right away as she has plenty of time to make up her mind. Credit goes to Selenaede for the bases I used and to Toby Fox, Tim Burton, Touchstone Pictures, Vivziepop and Amazon Prime Video for creating Undertale, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hazbin Hotel as well as creating the characters, Grillby, Muffet, Sans, Jack Skellington, Alastor and Angel Dust as well as creating the locations, Grillby's Restaurant and Muffet's Spider Bake Sale as well. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like them!!!
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samsblades · 4 months ago
i was feeling so sad all day, rewatched some episodes from season 5 and it affected my mood.
this isn’t really a request, just a thoughts ask. what do you think it’d be like being a winchester sibling during season 1? looking for john, seeing dean turning more protective, secrets about john and mary unravel and sam starts getting visions. maybe certain things that happened to the brothers happen to reader instead, maybe they were the one injured during the faith episode. perhaps they take a vacation during the scarecrow episode, not wanting to side with either brother, then end up getting a call from sam and going to save dean. there’s so many possibilities ugh
ugh i wanted to get through more of season one before answering this because i have such a horrible memory but i haven't been able to get myself to continue my rewatch these past few days T_T so i'll do my best to give my thoughts, though they might be more focused on the first half because that's all i've gotten through recently :,)
i think even from the very beginning there are sooo many possibilities starting with where were you during sam's stanford years? are you the youngest, so you couldn't leave, but maybe wanted to? but you feel like you can't leave dean alone, so you don't go even once you turn 18. or you're the middle child and you helped sam with his college applications and supported him about stanford without telling john and dean. seeing him off and wanting that for yourself, but feeling like it's too late. maybe leaving two years later, but still spending lots of time with dean and maybe not going to school, so you still hunt with them sometimes. or if you simply just stayed with john and dean for whatever reason, you never fell out of contact with sam. you always tried to get them to keep talking, but both of your brothers are far too stubborn. even if you talk, it's really hard to actually see sam.
so when you do in pilot, you're so joyous, but you feel guilty for pulling him away from jess. but you also want to be selfish and have him back, at least just until you find your dad. i like the idea of reader having met jess once or twice and even if you didn't know each other well, you always felt like you'd become great friends with her if you could have the chance. and you see how much she and sam love each other and it makes you feel so happy for the both of them. you feel so guilty and devastated when she dies, always doing your best to be there for sam. but he's stubborn as we all know and keeps brushing it off like he does with dean.
noticing the tension between sam and dean and wishing you could make it go away, but knowing it's necessary for them to figure it out. seeing how dean gets more and more protective as sam's visions get worse and when you get hurt and the longer that john is gone. the fact that you and sam are older now does nothing to stop the way that dean feels completely responsible for the two of you. no matter what happens, it's always the three of you in the end.
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msweebyness · 1 year ago
MiracOlympus- The Science Deities
Here's the next round of MiracOlympus Deities, the science kiddies! Enjoy, and as always, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
God of flowers and the Spring
Very close to his older sister, Mylene
Has the power to restore life
Fell in love with Nath instantly, and went to the Underworld by choice (Mylene ships them)
Soft, sweet boi
Goddess of the moon
Considerably more humble than her sister
Frequently exchanges gossip with Chloe. (She sees everything during the night, like Chloe does during daytime)
Watches over mortal children during the night to keep them from harm
Trying to figure out how to make a lunar rainbow for Cosette
Godex of the Earth
The most Zen of all the deities, great at mediating conflicts
Sees literally everything that happens on Earth, gossips with the sun/moon sisters
Is considerably grumpier during the Winter months
Helps Simon to keep his cool
God of Space and the Cosmos
A FAR more benevolent version, obvi
Has a bit of an issue with needing routine and anxiety
Another member of the gossip squad
Fascinated by human technology
Deity of the rainbow
Everything it wears is an explosion of color
Official Olympus makeup artist
Rides between Earth and Olympus on a rainbow
Helps Alix with messenger duties
Goddess of the West Wind and warm months
Can actually kick up a hell of a storm when mad
Creates warm winds with her parasol
Still a bit of a perfectionist
Has wings like a dove's
Goddess of the North Wind and the cold
Temperature drops 20 degrees when she arrives
Only shows emotion around people they trust, like Aurore
All the snow-themed accessories
Has wings like a snowy owl's
God of mischief and the wildlands
Alix's brother in prankster supremacy
Really enjoys freaking out mortals in the woods
VERY protective of nature, like Mylene and Juleka
Is a boss on the reed flute
Also, he has the legs of a goat
Goddess of the dark
ROCKING that cloak of stars
Mortals fear her, though she wishes this weren't the case
Besties with Ismael, helps with a lot of his pranks
Can talk to shadows
Muse of Theater, specifically comedy
Gets along well with his eight siblings, but loves their sister, Evie (Erato), and twin, Jesse (Melpomene), the most. (Don't tell the others)
The most dramatic deity you will ever meet, lives for the theater
Has a ton of superstitions that they follow to the letter
Is writing a romantic play for his boyfriend, Austin T.
Goddess of Victory
Very competitive, but her friends reign her in
Often attends mortal sporting events
Enjoys doing parkour on the peaks of Olympus
Laurel wreaths are her signature accessory
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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ghostcreaturetypething · 28 days ago
I once read someone’s original post — I forget who’s, apologies — saying that while Dean was forced to become Sam’s father very early on, somewhere along the way, Sam became Dean’s mum. I am sure there are many examples of this as the season progresses, but I am going to talk about one. At the very end of episode 22 of season 1 of Supernatural — the grand finale — Sam makes a choice. The Demon they have been after the whole series, the demon who killed both Sam’s mum and his girlfriend, is possessing his dad. His dad is on the ground, newly lucid after Sam shot him in the leg with the demon-killing Colt, begging Sam to shoot him in the heart, to end it here and now, before the demon can escape. Sam has the gun pointed at his father. He hates this demon more than anything for killing his mother, for killing the girl he wanted to marry. His father hates it too. Enough to sacrifice his life in making sure it is wiped from existence, enough to order his own son to shoot him, and it, dead. Between these two people, I strongly believe that, while Sam loves his father, he would still have shot him on his own orders in order to get rid of that demon. But he doesn’t. Because Dean asks him not too. Dean, who loves his family more than he could ever hate anything, even something that killed a member of that family. Dean, who just wants them all “to be together again…to be a family again”. Who wants things to go back to the way they were before. Who told Sam all of this in episode sixteen, in a moment of vulnerability and love so deep and shocking that it made me burst into tears. Dean begs Sam not to kill his dad.
“Sam, don’t you do it. Don’t you do it…Sam, no.”
Dean is on the ground. Bleeding, in pain, obviously using up a huge amount of his strength just to keep his head up off the ground. And he begs Sam not to kill their dad. And Sam, who hates this thing more than anything, possibly more even than he loves his own father, who told John,
“We’re not different. Not anymore. With what happened to mum and Jess… we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone.”
…Sam doesn’t. Kill him. He puts down the gun, and the demon escapes, just like John said it would. And then Sam bares his teeth in frustration, like he’s angry, like he regrets his choice not to take the shot. But he doesn’t. Regret it, that is. Proof? Later, when they’re all in the car, when Sam is driving John and Dean to hospital, John says,
“I’m surprised at you Sammy. Why didn’t you kill it? I thought we saw eye to eye on this, killing this demon comes first. Before me, before everything.”
And then Sam does something that completely and utterly floored me, as he has done multiple times by now. Sam glances in the rearview mirror, at Dean. Dean is in the back seat, covered in blood, eyes heavy-lidded, barely conscious. But he meets Sam’s eyes. Just briefly. And Sam shakes his head and says,
“No Sir. Not before everything.”
And he may as well have stabbed me in the chest.
To clarify: there are multiple things about this scene that contributed to sending me into shock; First: Dean in the back seat. He’s an adult, he’s injured, he’s fighting to stay awake. Despite all of those things, I cannot help but be reminded of a sleepy child. The vulnerability, the way he holds himself or sort of doesn’t, the way his eyes keep trying the close, all are reminiscent of someone much younger, and much less…capable, I suppose. Someone who needs looking after. This added to the fact that the way Dean begged his dad not to let the demon kill him and then asked for him immediately upon not dying was still echoing in my ears at this point all created a picture that absolutely broke my fucking heart.
Second, building upon the idea that Dean is the child in this situation: Children go in the back seat. Their parents, their older siblings, the people who are supposed to protect them — go in the front. They drive the car. A child who was injured and on the way to hospital would be in the back seat. Usually, one of the parents would be back there with them, holding them and telling them it will be okay. But drill-sergeant John is not in the back with Dean, of course, and Sam cannot be in the back because he is the only one of the Winchesters not actively bleeding out, and he has to drive the car, an act of necessity that places Sam, the younger brother, firmly in the parent or carer category, if we continue with this interpretation of positioning inside a car. So Dean is alone. But Sam knows he’s in pain, watched the demon torture him, saw him fall. And this brings us back to the ‘Sam is Dean’s mum’ theory. Obviously here, ‘mum’ does not mean exactly what it usually means. And besides, not everyone has or needs a mum. But what everyone does need is someone who cares about them. Who loves them, and who shows that love by doing their best to take care of them. And that’s what Sam does. That’s what Dean does for Sam too, of course, but I believe the original poster of this theory made the comparison between Sam and a mother because of the way mothers in media are shown to love; Sam’s way of taking care of Dean has many parallels with this kind of care. I definitely will write more about this, but at risk of this becoming ridiculously long I’m going to ask you to just trust me on this for now. And so back to the point: when Sam is freed from the demon’s influence, when it and his dad are unconscious on the floor, the first thing he does is run to Dean.
“Dean? Dean! Hey…Oh god. You lost a lot of blood.”
His voice is gentle and anxious and trying to be reassuring — “He’s right here. He’s right here, Dean” — and it is very obvious that Dean is his only concern, so much so that it takes Dean repeating himself — “go check on him” — before Sam even thinks to check on his dad, despite the fact that he did just shoot him. Now, coming back to the scene in the car: Sam knows Dean is in pain, and what does he do? He glances anxiously in the rear view mirror to check on him in possibly one of the most parent-coded acts there have ever been. And then he essentially tells his dad — and Dean — with very little room for misinterpretation, that to him, Dean is more important than anything else. More than his own personal revenge for the dizzying amount of grief this abomination has caused him, and more than obeying his dad’s wishes. And he says it so casually. And then doesn’t explain himself further. Sam Winchester openly confirms that to him his brother is more important than absolutely anything else, and then he just…moves on with the conversation. And I wonder if Dean even remembers him saying that, if he even properly realised what Sam meant, what with the blood loss and the later brain injury and all that. But I hope he does. I hope so much its ridiculous. Because I think Dean forgets, sometimes. That he doesn’t have to do everything alone, go through everything alone. That despite his father and his shitty parenting, he does have family who love him and who will always look out for him. I think this is partly because Sam is four years younger than him. As an older sibling, especially one who had to practically raise Sammy from a very young age, Dean definitely has it ingrained into him that it is him who has to protect Sam, and that it cannot possibly ever be the other way around. But Sam is an adult too now, and as I said in the last extremely long analysis thing, he is very capable of taking care of himself and of Dean. Furthermore, whilst Sam is the younger one, he does possess a significant amount of older sibling mentality. Placing your sibling above everything, seeing the preservation of their safety and happiness and general well-being as The Most Important Thing there is? Yeah. Yeah.
In conclusion, Sam Winchester is an angel, a legend, an absolute sweetheart and the best brother anyone could ask for. He deserves the world.
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silversiren1101 · 1 year ago
so i understand if you don't want to answer all (or any) of these, especially since I'm pretty sure at least some of it will be covered in the fic you're working on, but I really wanted to know....
What were Mino's foundling's like? And later on, since Mino sees as her kids, I assume she also sees them as Jess's older siblings? Does she ever tell Jess about them, and if so, how much does she tell her? If Jess finds out about them, how does she feel about these older siblings she'll never meet?
Wah! Thank you for sending in an ask! And giving me a chance to talk about Mino's foundlings. I'm still workshopping their names but there is one that is concrete, and you'll understand.
Minovae found them right at the end of the civil war, during restoration efforts when doing search and rescue (and 'cleaning' *cough cough killing undead and monsters and bandits) in the district of Westcrown she both grew up in and had a part in its total destruction: Rego Plea, though it was already starting to be referred to as Rego Cader. She heard screaming and sounds of trouble, and arrived into a ruined part of the subterranean aqueducts there just in time to save the three tiefling brothers she'd take in as her adopted wards from a otyugh. Starving, sick, and terrified, they'd lost their parents and just been trying to survive, and even though she'd saved them from a horrible monster, the sight of her Hellknight armor actually led to the oldest (only 12 at the time!) to try and stab her with a broken dagger he'd been using to protect his younger siblings.
She only gently disarmed him, tried to wipe his cheeks clean, and asked who he was and why they were here and alone. It took some gentle but firm prying for her to get their story, and the minute she did she knew she couldn't turn them over to any orphanage--not with her own childhood experience. Who would take in three obviously devil-blooded kids, with their bright red skin and pointed horns and black-yellow eyes? She declared she would see them cared for by invoking the title of Foundling, and that with nearly every city overflowing with orphans and resources low, the Order of the Scourge wouldn't contest her claim as they could actually afford to take them in.
The three of them are:
Finley (Age 12): Oldest of the three. Fiercely protective and independent. First instinct is to turn down help and do everything himself. Also loves to help when he is specifically asked for it - Mino recognizes the same need she has in him to be deemed useful and needed for protection's sake. He's also secretly generous and giving, as he's been caught sharing food with the resident stray cats and taking care of them.
Aver (Age 9): The middle brother is the most quiet and withdrawn, and also the most likely to flinch. One of his horns being broken and signs of a long broken cheekbone told Mino all she needed to know, especially as both his brothers tend to swarm protectively over him. He comes out of his shell when engaged through art or books (the signifers teach them all to read but he really latches onto it), especially when the subject matter is knights and heroic figures.
Morgeth (Age 8): Youngest. Tries hardest to be strong, since that's the last thing he remembers of their parents "Stay strong for your brothers" (he used to be a crybaby). Rejects things he says "are for babies" even when really wanting them. Mino usually has to trick him in some way for him to accept gifts or treats.
The three of them come with her to Citadel Demain (a bit far from Westcrown but it's nicer than Citadel Rivad, the Scourge's new home, and actively under reconstruction) where they begin a new life of structure: regular meals, regular chores, regular education. Foundlings are overwhelmingly raised by Signifers in the Orders, and it's no exception for these three, though Mino spends a lot of time with them, dotes on them, and starts saving up money for when they age out. She absolutely begins to consider them hers. There's a lot of chafing at first, but who can blame three tiefling orphans not even in their teens yet for it? Being surrounded by Hellknights is terrifying at first, especially the masked signifers who aren't as soft as their savior (though not cruel to them in the slightest, just a bit chilly). The three learn to read and write, begin to learn history, and Aver even begins some basic magical training as a sorcerer's spark reveals itself in him.
[Spoilered for the next bit - since it concerns child death.]
The next four-ish years are among the happiest of her life by then, as she works in Egorian and gets to see her 'sons' whenever she returns to Citadel Demain - watching them grow healthy and strong and happy and cared for.
Their loss is... it's the worst moment of her entire life. Finley turned 16 and didn't want to enlist. She knew he wouldn't and it was never expected of him, but he did not take the prospect of being separated from his younger brothers well. Mino tried to reason with him, produced all the money she'd saved up to get him a home and settle him someplace close by, where she would bring Aver and Morgeth to visit whenever she could. The younger two also didn't like Finley having to leave now that he'd aged-out, and try as she might, she could not get them to accept it would only be for a few more years until they also became 16 and could live together.
They boys waited until she left Demain to leave with Finley - sending her a letter that thanked her for everything and that they loved her, but they couldn't be separated.
It took her weeks to find them. The fact it was related to a spread of missing persons cases she'd been working on for months broke her. A lesser Thrune had been trying to gain power by taking those that "wouldn't be missed" off the streets and from slums, ritually sacrificing them to some devil they'd formed a pact with. Finley was still alive when she arrived, but it was only a matter of time. There was no saving him. She ended his suffering as gently as she could and even to this day can barely remember the whirlwind of rage and slaughter that happened afterward at the complex. The cultist death count from her grief was over twenty before she was subdued by the Order of the Glyph and dragged a bleeding chained mess to Abrogail Is feet for interrogation and torture (since she learned some things about the Thrune's contract with Hell).
Decades later, nearly a century even, Minovae is still like to have to fight off a tear when something reminds her of her lost sons, even though they were only a part of her life for barely four years. Finding Finnean was a strange experience, his name similar enough to Finley's that even with her memories gone, she found a few tears rolling down her cheeks when the errant pathfinder had introduced himself to her, not knowing why.
In post-game canon, she holds their memories close to her heart, and even closer after she has her biological daughter, Jesyll. She waits a few years to tell her about them, and points to the Foundlings about Citadel Darvhage, explaining she'd had three of her own (the Order of the Vice continues the practice of course). She tells Jess gradually more as she gets older, at first only explaining that they died in a tragic accident, then telling her truth once Jesyll fully comes to understand the threat of House Thrune and what her parents have been working towards for years now: their total destruction and usurpation.
Jess' relation with them is complicated, of course. When she's younger, she's sad she had brothers she'll never meet. She's sad that mom fights back tears whens he talks about them, and how happy she seems when she talks about the brighter memories with them. Coming to learn the truth, and at that point Thrune has already blatantly tried to kill her and her family at least twice... well let's just say she inherits her mother's strong sense of justice. It's not difficult for her to infer just how many other cases there have been like this in this damned country, and her outrage only feeds into her revolutionist spirit.
I like to think as an adult she also has a habit of charity and caring for orphans displaced by tragedy, seeing it as carrying on a family tradition.
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