#mini miguel<33< /div>
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loveaurdeepression · 2 years ago
Father mine. Miguel O’Hara x teen!Spider!reader
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Hope you like this :D it’s sad asf.
Warnings: mommy issues backstory, feelings of inadequacy, wanting to feel pain. Angst.
Miguel’s body shields over yours as Miles breaks through the force field and causes everyone to fly backwards. Your leg bends in an unnatural way and you resist the urge to cry out.
He holds you to him and does a once over of your form. You nod at him, not wanting to worry him and he looks to Miles.
You can see the exact moment where the rope finally breaks and he chases after the boy.
Your cries fall on deaf ears as you run behind him. Your legs screams with ever step and you’re forced to stop and look helplessly as he calls every spider and alerts them.
Soon enough there’s a hole broken in one of the windows as Miles jumps and Miguel follows. Every other spider jumping after the both of them like blind followers.
You join them, because you would follow Miguel to the death.
You try to focus all the power into your arms and your good leg but it’s fucking hard because you’re climbing the spaceship that Miles has somehow traversed.
In front of you, is every other spider that is a part of the society, and each of them is almost climbing on top of the others like mindless zombies that crave flesh.
Your spider sense tingles and you duck just in time for Miguel to fall past you and hang on to the spaceship with his claws.
You Web him and he looks at you gratefully.
“Gracias, Mija.” He grunts, his eyes glowing red.
You don’t answer. His hair is disheveled and he looks he’s been electrocuted or some shit, his fangs are bared and he snarles as he looks above you, “let me go now, and go back to the fucking tower.”
You scowl, “why should I?”
He tears through the webs, “because I said so, I’m already pissed off at two teenagers, don’t make me even worse.” He seethes and your lips form a thin line under your mask.
Suddenly, you’re eight years old trying to convince your mother to talk to you when she’s giving you the silent treatment and you have to gulp to try to keep your whimper of pain inside. You’re not a burden, you think, as he shakes his head and jumps past you.
something in you screams to go back, to listen to him. For once to listen to him, not just because you’re afraid he won’t love you anymore if you don’t but, call it spider sense pro, it helps predict the future so you listen to it.
You reluctantly jump out of the force field and swing. You can see the hole in the broken window and the jagged edges that form it. They resemble your heart and you clench your jaw and zoom through, tucking your legs inwards and crouching into a roll to minimise impact. The pain is still there when you hit the ground, but you wish it was harder.
You deserve to hurt right now. You deserve the pain in your leg and the pain in your heart because you’re not a good kid.
A groan leaves your lips as your spider sense tells you to go to where the go home machine is.
You run to the area and see spider byte and lyla walking around in a panicked frenzy.
“What the hell is going on?” You say out loud and they turn to look at you.
“Your dad is being a horrible person.” Spider-Byte scowls.
You look at Lyla and she doesn’t meet your eyes, only turning back to look at the monitors.
You squint and look at the go-home machine.
Miles. Invisible Miles.
You know why Miguel is mad, you know the risk that Miles brings, because you’ve seen first hand how a universe is destroyed. Your own was.
But Miles is a kid. He’s like you, wanting to save his dad. Just like you’re trying to help yours.
You can feel his panic and his anger and his hurt.
He turns visible at the last second and you meet his eyes as everyone storms in. Your own dad leading the party as the go-home machine starts to operate.
And then you look at the man who is your father. The man who has fed you and bandaged you and smiled at your jokes. The man who has been there with you through so much.
You watch as he shouts and tries to break the barrier. You see Peter’s horror. You watch as he pries open the field just the slightest. You see him try and kill a kid. A kid like you.
And your eyes fill with tears because this man is a monster.
By some dumb luck, Miles is able to escape and Miguel stands defeated. The go-home machine Scans him and he breaks it like it’s nothing. You flinch.
You watch as he turns and walks amidst everyone like nothing has happened. You watch as he dishes out orders as if he hasn’t just tried to take the life of a child. You watch him threaten Gwen, and you watch as he sends her to her universe. Ignoring her cries because to him, she’s an inconvenience.
Is that what you are? Now that you’re not on his side anymore?
He opens a portal and Jessica and another Peter you don’t give a shit about walk through. His eyes meet yours as his mask materialises over his face. You know he expects you to follow him, even if he tells you to stay. So he doesn’t bother and walks in.
You don’t follow.
Because this man, this cold, unflinching monster of a man is not your father.
Part 2 here
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nymphomatique · 1 year ago
ok but can we get some nerd!Miguel fluff? Like reader being nice to him after throwing him around like a ragdoll and making him pleasure her one very way possible :(((
Cuddling and kissing him, leaving your lipstick prints all over his face as he stares at you like a little kid in a LEGO isle? :33
okay but taking miguel shopping bc he’s just been so good and he’s been working so hard at school for u and he doesn’t even want to get anything for himself at first :(((
and u have to tell him he deserves it with a reassuring kiss on the cheek!! and when u try to wipe the stain your lipstick left on his cheek away he tells u to leave it, walking around the mall with a bright red kiss mark on his face he’s so adorbz
the only thing he gets is a lego star wars set, and he just wants the two of you to build together the mini model of the millennium falcon while the tells u all the star wars lore, while showing you his merchandise collection and puttin on the movie for the two of u to watch while u build the ship 😔
dni i need a miguel in my life
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whattimeisitintokyo · 6 years ago
Somos Familia: Ch 33
Chapter 33: You Can’t Fight Fate
Victoria meticulously sprinkled the orange cempazuchitl petals onto the floor leading up to the mini ofrenda her abuelito had set up on the makeup table in his dressing room. Looking over her work her little brow furrowed in agitation as she saw a few petals drifting away from the straight edges she had made. Placing her basket aside she picked up her small wooden ruler and scooted the petals over towards the others, nodding in satisfaction at the perfect triangle she had made from the door to the ofrenda. “I’m finished Abuelito!”
Héctor lifted the arm covering his eyes and looked blearily at the flower petals. “Uh... wow. I’ve never seen a flower path look so pristine before.”
Victoria quirked her head. “Pris-tine?”
“It means beautiful. Perfect.” Héctor smiled as the little girl beamed up at him. He knew that his granddaughter loved being praised almost as much as she loved learning new words. Groaning as he sat up from the sofa, the change in movement set off a short burst of hacking coughs that he tried to smother with his fist. The act left him gasping for breath and a deep ache in his chest. His eyes opened when he felt a little hand on his arm and he looked down to see Victoria staring at him worriedly. “Estoy bien, mija. It’s just a cough. Don’t worry.”
Picking up his granddaughter and settling her into his lap, the two of them looked at the ofrenda. It looked so different from the one at home. Smaller and with garish lightbulbs circling it instead of soft candlelight. But there were flowers, candies, a glass of water and of course a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries in front of a foto of Leti. His favorite picture of her, dressed in a traditional Oaxacan dress and holding a radish with her name carved in it as she beamed for the camera, was one of the few items he had managed to snag before he had left his home in Santa Cecilia behind. Sighing sadly, he rested his cheek atop Victoria’s head and held her tightly as they drank in the view.
“What was Tia Leti like? Was she like me?”
Héctor snorted out a laugh. “Like you? Oh, no no no. You, mija, are a gentle, prim and proper little lady. Leti was like a hurricane. Couldn’t keep her room clean for more than an hour, ran all across the town with everyone scrambling to try and find her, and she was the loudest, craziest little girl ever.” His smile turned wistful as looked at Leti’s foto. “But she was also so clever. So funny. And she loved her family so so much. Anytime she entered the room everything became so much more brighter and fun. She was perfect.”
Victoria looked up at him. “Pristine.”
Héctor nodded. "Sí... She was pristine.”
“Why did she die?”
With a soft sigh Héctor twisted Victoria around so he could face her. “Well, she got very sick. So sick that she couldn’t get better.”
Victoria’s eyes widened and placed her hands on his chest. “You’re sick! I don’t want you to die!”
“Ooohhhh...” Héctor cradled Victoria’s close to him and rocked her gently. “I just have a chest cold. Your Tia Leti was a different kind of sick. Don’t you worry, I’m not going to die for a very long time.”
Victoria snuggled up close to her grandfather. “I’d miss you if you died. Do you miss Tia Leti?”
“... Every day.”
A soft knock at the door drew their attention away from the ofrenda to see Coco standing in the doorway. Héctor smiled warmly as he looked at his daughter decked out in a beautiful, shimmering folklórico dress and her hair done up with braids and flowers. Her expression however was crinkled with apprehension and doubt. “Papá, I need to talk to you-”
“No, Mamá!” Victoria cried out. “Not my pristine flowers!”
“Huh?... Oh!” Coco hiked up her flowing skirts and tiptoed around the petals into the room with a smile. “Perdon, mija. Papá I have some concerns about the show tonight. About the final number?”
“What about it?”
Coco played with the end of one of her braids, and for a moment Héctor wasn't staring at the most vibrant new star of Mexico, but his little girl coming to him with a problem. “It’s just... You know how we all agreed that I would sing Remember Me with Tio Nesto? How Theresa encouraged it? I just... don’t feel right singing it. Not that version. That was our song Papá from when I was a baby. It’s very special to me. I like Tio Nesto’s version just fine, but... I feel like it would cheapen my memories of it. Do you understand?”
Héctor hummed a little to himself and cuddled Victoria closer. “Well it’s a little short notice, isn’t it mija? I mean the show will be starting soon.” Seeing Coco’s distressed look he smiled warmly at her. “But I’ll talk to Ernesto about it. He’s a born performer, he can handle last minute changes and be able to wing it.”
Coco visibly relaxed with a smile and came over to hug the both of them. “Gracias Papá!” Scooping up her daughter from his arms and settling her on her hip, she placed her hand on his shoulder. “Just make sure not to tell Theresa, okay?”
Héctor chuckled. “Oh, I would never. I’d like to see the look on her face when one of her brilliant ideas gets rejected without her say so.” While he had acknowledged Theresa as a brilliant manager with a sound business mindset, her personality was bristly and hollow and he pushed his daughter into doing things she wasn’t comfortable with far too often. He was happy that Coco was starting to find her own footing as a celebrity without being told what to do all the time by that bruja.
“Also get some rest before the show, Papá.” Coco said softly. “You’re sick and need lots of sleep.”
Héctor waved her off. “It’s just a cold! You worry too much, mija.”
“Uh-huh. Sure. You forget I’m a mamá now. It’s my job to worry.”
“Mamá?” Victoria asked sweetly as she fingered the elaborate beads of Coco’s necklace. “Can you sing me your song? The one you’re going to sing tonight?”
Coco melted at her daughter’s big eyes and sighed. “Of course, mi angelita. Let’s go so your abuelito can get some sleep, si?” A she left, daintily stepping over the flower petals again, Héctor could hear her softly singing to Victoria. “Hear the bells ring, calling you hooome... Calling your souls to retuuurn...”
Héctor’s smile faded and he once again looked towards the ofrenda. A short cough came up unexpectedly from his chest, but he managed to keep his lips shut to suppress it. Uncapping his hip flask, he took a giant swig of... What is it today?... Ah, whiskey. Smooth. Licking his lips, he looked at Leti’s picture and ran a finger across her cheek.
“Hola, mi amor.” Héctor whispered. “I, uh... know this a little unorthodox: Having an ofrenda in a dressing room and not at home... But y-you always said you wanted to see one of your Tio Nesto’s stage shows. You were always too young to go... Never got the chance to... But you’re twenty years old now! Definitely old enough!... So, I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, mija. Dios knows you deserve it and more.” He held up his flask at her picture and clinked it against the glass of water. “Salud, Leticia.”
A soft knock at the door interrupted Héctor’s toast. Turning he saw Vicente in the doorway, wearing a fine tuxedo and a stern look on his face when he saw the flask in Héctor’s hand. Choosing to ignore it he stepped though the petals on the floor, making Héctor cringe as his granddaughter’s work was sullied. “Are you ready, Señor Rivera?”
Héctor blinked at him several times. “Ready?... What time is it?”
“It’s 4:30.”
Héctor snorted and raised the flask to his lips. “Please Chente, now you’re really starting to become a worrywart. The show doesn’t start for another hour and a half. No need to start babying me so soon.”
Vicente sighed tiredly. “Not that, Señor. I’m asking if you’re ready for your visit with your wife and son?”
Héctor spat a mouthful of whiskey all over the make-up table and yelped as the candles briefly blew up at the exposure of alcohol. Vincente leapt over to the ofrenda and managed to pat out the ends of the slightly singed flowers and Héctor frantically tried to wiped off the splatter on Leti’s picture.
“Joder! Mierda! Wh-wh-WHAT?!” Héctor turned wild eyes at Vicente as he brought the picture frame down with a loud bang. Grabbing Vicente by his coat jacket he roughly shook him. “Imelda is here?! And Miguel?! Why-wh... Why didn’t you tell me before now?!”
With a huff Vicente pried off Héctor’s hands and brushed his jacket down indignantly. “I did tell you. Several times this past week. You were probably too drunk to remember.”
“Well then you should have told me when I wasn’t drunk!” Héctor growled out as he wiped the mirror of the spat-out whiskey.
“Which would have been when?”
“Ay, callate! Don’t give me that- AAAH!”
Vicente jumped as Héctor let out a small shriek. “What now?!”
“Dios mio! Look at me!” Héctor cried out as he looked at his reflection for the first time, and actually cared what he saw, in who knew how long. “I look like a corpse! These bags under my eyes, this stubble! Am I broken out?!” His panicked rambling let out another burst of coughing and he bent over painfully as he endured the fit.
Vicente patted Héctor on the back harshly until he was able to take in a deep enough breath. “Señor, you should just sit down and-”
“Make-up!” Héctor croaked out and pushed Vicente out of the way. “Get the make-up girls in here pronto! I need them to work their magic on me before they get here!”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Señor. They are here”
Suddenly all of Héctor’s fears and anxieties melted away as he saw his little boy in the doorway jumping with excitement. Miguel was dressed up in the most adorable toddler-sized tuxedo and his hair was brushed back to look like a little gentleman, but his sweet face and gapped baby teeth made Héctor’s face split into the first real smile that he had in months. “Miguelito!”
“Papá, Papá, Papá!” Miguel squealed and tore through Victoria’s flower petals and into the waiting arms of his father. “I missed you Papá!”
Héctor pressed a kiss into Miguel’s soft hair and held him close. “Oh, mijo... You don’t know how much I missed you too!” He pressed more kisses on the boy’s plump cheeks, then held him out at arm's length to get a good look at him. “Feliz Cupleaños, mi hijo! I’m so happy that I get to say that to you! Do you know how old you are today?”
“I’m this many!” Miguel said as he held up three fingers.
"Sí! Not long now and you’ll a whole hand! You’ve gotten so big, Miguel! Pretty soon I won’t be able to lift you up.”
Miguel nodded proudly. “Uh huh! Mamá says I had a growth spit!”
“Growth spurt, Miguel.”
A gentle voice drew a gasp from Héctor. Oh, that voice. Turning towards the door his insides melted at the sight of his beloved wife, standing there is a stunning black dinner dress and a white fur stole draped across her shoulders. In one hand she held a sparkling clutch against her waist and in the other she held a picnic basket stuffed with what he could tell was offerings for the ofrenda. Her hair was done up in a tight high bun and Héctor could see the beginnings of silver start to creep from the corner of her forehead, but she still looked as lovely as the day he had married her. How much he loved her. How much he missed her! He was so entranced by her beauty that he almost forgot he held their son in his arms.
“Papá!” Miguel said, jolting Héctor’s attention back to him. “Mamá says I can’t see the show. I’m not too little! It’s my birthday, I’m big now. She says it’s a black-tie party, but I’m wearing a black tie. See?”
Still too gob smacked by the sudden appearance of his wife, Héctor’s fried mind tried to come up with something to placate the boy. “I-uh... W-well... You... uh...”
Imelda took the little boy from his father’s flustered hand and set in down, looking him in the eyes with a stern look. “Miguel, black-tie parties are for adults only. There’s going to be drinking and smoking there. It’s not for children.”
“Ah, fear not Miguel!” Vicente stepped in and placed a hand on the little boy's shoulder. “We have a room in the back prepared to celebrate your birthday. We have candy, galletas, party games and much more just for you!”
Miguel hopped up and down in excited glee. “YEAH!”
“And your sobrina Victoria is there too!”
“...Oh. Okay...”
Vicente hummed a laughed and looked up to see his boss staring his wife like she was a priceless treasure, and she looking at him with a guarded expression. Awkward. “I’ll uh... leave you two alone. C’mon Miguelito, let’s go have a real party. Say goodbye to your parents.”
“Okay. Bye Papá! Bye Mamá!”
“Bye...” Héctor whispered, still not tearing his gaze from Imelda as Vicente and Miguel left the room. They stared at each other for a few long, agonizing seconds before Héctor finally managed to crack a smile at her. “Imelda.”
Imelda’s head dipped a little, as if trying to draw in strength herself, and met his gaze stiffly. “Héctor...”
Say something, cabron! Say that her eyes are like molten copper that melts away the ice of your heart! Say that her face is more beautiful than the finest painting or sculpture in the Louvre! That the sound of her voice shatters all the blackness in your soul and purifies it with a golden, heavenly light! You’re a writer and a poet! Just say something! Anything!
“You look good!”
“Thank you... I wish I could say the same.” Imelda said, not unkindly. Indeed, she was staring at him with a critical eye and what she saw made her look worried. “You’ve lost too much weight, Héctor.”
Héctor ran a hand self-consciously across his stomach and chuckled nervously. “Ah, yeah... W-well, I was insisted to do so. You know, they say the camera adds ten to twenty pounds. Got to look my best on screen!”
“I see...” Imelda stepped passed him and walked over to the ofrenda. She stared at it with a little distaste but smiled wistfully when she saw Leti’s picture. Bending down she started to pull items from the basket and set them on the table. “I heard that you’re also sick.”
“It’s just a chest cold. I promise you I’m fine-”
“And that you’ve been drinking a lot.”
‘Damn you, Chente!’ Héctor thought angrily. He sighed harshly and decided that the fake positivity was not going to work. He crossed his arms and started to pout like a child. “Well, I haven’t been having the most ideal time out here, now have I? They’ve been running me ragged to get this stupid movie finished and I’ve been worried sick about Matty and-…" He saw her flinch slightly at the name as she set down a bowl of pepitas in front of her parent’s foto and he scowled. “He wrote to me. Said you sent him some boots.”
Finishing up with a basket filled pan de muerto, Imelda nodded as she made the last adjustments on the offerings to make room on the table. "Sí, I did.”
Héctor’s chest ached at her confirmation. Every year on his birthday he would always get a new pair of shoes made lovingly by his wife. Despite her prideful boasts that her shoes were built to last a lifetime, and indeed they were, she always made him a new pair in various styles and colors to keep up with the latest fashions of the time and to show off the superior qualities and craftsmanship whenever he walked out with her on his arm. But for the last few years she hadn’t made him any, and she wasn’t on his arm anymore. And he couldn’t help but feel cheated.
“So that means you forgive him then?”
Imelda snorted and crossed her arms in anger, still not looking at him in the eye. “Of course I don’t forgive him! I will never forgive him for leaving his family to go on this foolish crusade of his, especially when he wasn’t even forced to go!” She paused and dipped her head again, her expression slowly melting from anger into a deep sadness. Héctor itched to take her into his arms and comfort her, but he feared any sudden movements on his part would only serve to spook her. So, he waited. “But...”
Imelda huffed out a bitter chuckle and a small smile graced her lips. “Even if it costs me the rest of my life... I will never stop loving him...”
Héctor’s heart clenched painfully at that and he slapped a hand over his increasingly watery eyes and choked down the lump in his throat. He really should have stopped himself. But he lost control. No, he had no control since the moment she walked into the room. He never did when it came to her. “And me? Have you... stopped loving m-me?”
Not taking his hand away from his eyes he didn’t see what expression flitted across her face. But the long pause and lack of immediate answer was enough for him, and he finally broke.
“Please let me come back!” Héctor whispered desperately, some tiny part of his self-control reeling in his voice to avoid making a scene for anyone outside. “I just want to come home to my family, Imelda! I’ve missed you all so much! If you-… If you want, I’ll even buy a separate house in Santa Cecilia! We won’t have to live together if that’s what you want. Just so I can at least see Miguel.”
“I’ll do anything you ask of me! I always have! I’m only asking for you to do the same!”
“Héctor, I did not come here to discuss this with you. Please don’t ruin this night for me-”
“Then why did you even come?!”
So much for keeping quiet. Héctor’s shout rattled the light fixtures slightly and some of the conversations from the other dressing rooms screeched to a halt. At first he thought his voice, usually so calm and jovial, would scare his poor wife and spook her just like he had feared it would.  Imelda didn’t even flinch. Instead her face grew cold and she gripped her clutch tighter to her chest. That was even worse.
With a steady voice, Imelda spoke quietly. “I came... to see my daughter perform on stage... No other reason.” And with that she briskly walked past him and out the door, her heels clicking away until all was silent.
Silent except for the blood rushing though his ears and his heart hammering in his chest. A gradual pain settled in his head and behind his eyeballs, but Héctor was too numb to even try to lift a hand to cradle it. It was nothing compared to his cramping insides and his stinging eyes. Blindly reaching for his hip flask in his breast pocket he was dismayed further when he found not even a half a mouthful was left in it. Without a sound he chucked it as hard as he could at the wall, leaving a large dent and cracked paint, and collapsed into the sofa.
With a brief knock on the door, Héctor let himself into Ernesto’s dressing room. “Ernesto-”
“Joder!” Ernesto shot up from where he was crouched over the makeup table and vigorously started to wipe at his face frantically. “Madre de Dios, Héctor! Knock next time, I’m not even fully dressed yet!”
“I did knock...” Héctor slowly made his way in, not even registering his friend’s frantic actions. “I need to talk to you about the show.”
“Uh-huh. What about it?” Ernesto asked, facing away from Héctor. Plugging one nostril closed he sniffed as hard as he could to get rid of any lingering evidence to what he had been doing. As a tiny burst of energy and euphoria hit him he did the same to the other.
“I should have come sooner, but... I was preoccupied with something.” Héctor sadly walked over and sat at the makeup table, placing his aching head in his hand. “Coco doesn’t want to join you for Remember Me. She doesn’t feel comfortable with singing your version of the song. It’s too personal for her.”
“Couldn’t you have told me this earlier, hermanito?” Rubbing a finger on the underside of his nose, Ernesto silently cursed at the white powder still present and scrubbed the residue against his teeth.
“I know, I’m sorry...”
“Well no matter!” Ernesto shucked off his robe and grabbed for his sleeveless undershirt. “You know me. I prefer to bask in the spotlight alone on stage. And if Coco is uncomfortable singing it with me then I won’t pressure her into it.”
“Besides, you know my version is a little, heh, sensual. I don’t want to sing that to my own goddaughter that way.”
“I mean I’ve known her since she was a baby. It just wouldn’t be right-”
“What?” Turning around Ernesto saw Héctor looking down at his makeup table with a confused expression, a long finger tracing a path through a few lines of fine white powder that were left on it. His stomach dropped as he saw Héctor rub the powder between his fingers, confusion slowly turning into surprise and dread. “Ah! S-sorry, I left that there. You startled me and I didn’t get a chance to clear it away. You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“Ernesto, what is this stuff?” Héctor brought up the finger to his nose to sniff it before his brain kicked in enough to jerk it away before he could inhale. Wiping it off quickly as if it would burn him, he turned incredulous eyes towards Ernesto. “Is this cocaine?!”
“Uh... I... Sí.” Ernesto sighed, wincing at Héctor’s horrified expression. Putting on his best charming smile he held out his arms in a friendly gesture. “I simply use it as a stimulant for when I’m onstage, Héctor. A person with my busy schedule needs all the help they can get. How else would I have been able to shoot three movies and two concert tours in one year? I’d offer it to you too, mi amigo, but it... Heh, it’s damn near impossible to stop!”
Héctor shook his head, looking both dumbfounded and betrayed. “I don’t... I don’t understand! How long have you been using cocaine?”
Ernesto groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. He should have said nothing. He really shouldn’t have. But he knew this junk had the nasty little habit of making him too chatty for his own good. “Ay... I don’t know. Off and on for about... twenty years maybe?”
“Twenty years?!”
Ernesto grabbed him by the shoulder and pressed a finger to his lips. “Shhh! Keep it down, pendejo!”
“Twenty years and you never told me?!” Héctor’s voice broke at the end and to Ernesto’s horror he saw tears begin to glisten in Héctor’s eyes. “And I never noticed. I should have! How could I have not noticed you were doing this?!”
“You were never supposed to notice, Héctor.” Ernesto soothed and patted Héctor’s shoulder with a chuckle. “Guess I’m not as bad of an actor as you think I am. But don’t worry, I’m fine-”
“What else?”
“What else are you on?” Héctor asked, his gaze starting to turn into a glower.
Like rat being corned by a cat, Ernesto nervously backed up with his hands raised placatingly. “Nothing, me amigo! Honest.”
“No me mientas!” Héctor growled and took one of Ernesto’s wrists to stretch out the arm. “You think I don’t know track marks when I see them?! Leti’s arms were covered in them towards the end. So what is it then? Heroin? Is this why you’re always wearing long sleeves?! To hide your shame?!”
“N-no!” Ernesto stuttered, his heart hammering in his chest. All of his secrets were coming undone before his very eyes and he was powerless to try to stop it. Only try to plead his case. “L-look, sometimes I need help getting to sleep! Either I’m too wired or I have bad night terrors, but I can handle it! Y-you didn’t even notice, sí? No one else will. I have it perfectly under control. I am in control!”
Héctor’s anger was snuffed out immediately, replaced by horror as he took a good look at Ernesto’s wrist in his hand. He gazed over the four raised lines that streaked across and he suddenly felt nauseous, as the tears finally started to fall from his eyes and his heart broke for his friend. Looking at the other wrist his fears were confirmed by the sight of four more identical scars. “Ernesto, what-”
Like lightening Ernesto snatched back his wrist and held it protectively to his chest, his expression eerily blank and his back rigid. “You weren’t supposed to see that either.” Turning his back towards Héctor he reached for his white button up shirt and began to put it on.
Héctor gulped down the stomach bile from the back of his throat and sniffled, his horrified eyes never leaving his brother as he watched him dress. “Ernesto... I don’t understand. What happened?”
“Not now, Héctor.”
“Did you... try to kill yourself?”
“Not now.”
“Ay, Madre de Dios!” Héctor cried out and fell to his knees hard, frantically crossing himself and raising his hands in prayer. “Dios, perdona a mi amigo! Perdona a mi hermano!”
“Stop it, Héctor.” Ernesto growled as he finished buttoning up his shirt and reached for his chaqueta. There’s no point, anyway. I’m already damned.
Héctor continued rapidly speaking the prayer as Ernesto stiffly finished getting ready. “Right now, my friend is struggling with a difficult trial. I can see his strength is faltering, Dios, and know that you have all of the strength that he needs.”
“Why don’t you save that strength for yourself Héctor?” Ernesto sneered as he combed his hair back into it’s usual curl. “You need it more than I do. You don’t see me pining for that cold bruja that you call a wife.” Checking his appearance one last time he gazed at Héctor’s reflection in the mirror, kneeling and continuing to pray for him. For him! Feeling his stomach roll at the very thought he grabbed his sombrero with a growl and smashed it on his head and smoothed out the wrinkles in his shirt. With a turn he made his way towards the door, preparing to ready himself for his big entrance, when a hand grabbed hard onto his pants and yanked back hard.
“Where are you going?!” Héctor asked incredulously with wide, scared eyes that reminded Ernesto of when he was a little boy following him around.
Ernesto’s frown deepened and he tried to wrench away from Héctor’s grasp. “Where does it look like I’m going. I have a show to do.”
“Are you out of your mind?!” Héctor shouted and laboriously climbed back to his feet while still keeping hold of Ernesto. “There’s no way you are going to perform in this state!”
Ernesto laughed darkly. “You think is this first time I’ve performed on drugs? Some of my best shows where ones I don’t even remember performing!”
“Well I didn’t know about that then, but I do now!” Héctor snapped back and tried to pull him away from the door. “I’m taking you to a hospital!”
“No, Héctor!”
“You’ll thank me later!”
“If I go to a hospital then word will spread!” Ernesto growled out, trying to pull the blue fabric out of Héctor’s fists. “I can’t have that, Héctor. My reputation is too important to me. And I have to do the show. The world is waiting! My family needs me-”
“I’M YOUR FAMILY!” Héctor cried out, grabbing Ernesto on both sides of his face and shaking him hard enough to knock the sombrero off of his head. “I’m your family! You are my brother, and you tried to kill yourself! You never told me! I could have helped you! Why didn’t you tell me?! I have the right to know!”
Ernesto’s blank mask slowly fell away as Héctor cried and screamed into his face, his own eyes filling up with tears. For a second Héctor saw something in Ernesto’s expression that he had never seen before in his cocky, arrogant, charming friend. He saw something dark, black and so so painful that Héctor had no time to say anything before he was enveloped into a bone crushing hug. Ernesto clung to him like his life depended on it and Héctor could feel the intense shuddering of his body pressed against his. Ernesto was terrified.
“You’re right.” Ernesto whispered brokenly as he hugged Héctor harder and pressed his eyes into his shoulder. “You’re right... I should have told you... And I-… I’ve been putting this off for far too long.”
With a stuttering sigh Ernesto pulled back and wiped the tears off of his face. Looking back up he paused for a moment, gathering the strength he needed, and finally managed to choke out. “Héctor... that night... all those years ago... I-”
“Señor de la Cruz! Two minutes to showtime!”
The sound of the innocent pageboy’s voice startled both men badly and they both jumped with fright. The boy paid no heed to the distress in the room and went on his merry way back down the hallway. As the sound of his footsteps faded away Héctor sighed in relief and forced his breathing back down to normal. Looking back at Ernesto he was surprised to see a small, bitter smile on his face. “Ernesto?”
A small chuckle came out and Ernesto’s smile grew bigger, yet sadder. “I really am a coward. Just one second and all my courage flies right out the window.”
Héctor shook his head frantically. “N-no. Ernesto no!”
“Get out of my way Héctor. We’ll talk later.”
“Ernesto no! Please!”
“Just one more show. That’s all I ask.”
“You’re not going on stage!”
“Yes, I am!”
“I won’t let you-”
Ernesto stood over Héctor’s sprawled body on the floor and his hand slowly unclenched from a fist, the only sounds in the room being his own frantic panting and his own blood racing through his ears. The sight of Héctor laying limp and unconscious brought back traumatic images from his past nightmares and with a terrified gasp he knelt down and placed a finger against Héctor’s neck. A steady thrum and the sight of Héctor’s chest moving up and down with breath caused him to sag with relief. He was only out cold. Would probably wake up with a sore jaw and a terrible headache, but that would be all.
But for how long would he be out?
With little effort Ernesto was able to lift Héctor up by the armpits and drag him over to the open broom closet in the dressing room. Propping him up into a comfortable position and checking once again that he was showing signs of life, Ernesto closed the closet door and stuck a chair underneath the doorknob for good measure. He wasn’t going anywhere for a while.  
Sadly looking at the door one last time, he ran his fingers through is hair to instantly fix the curl and straightened his chaqueta out. Pulling his sombrero back on he ambled out the door, grabbing his prized gold guitar on the way out.
“Apologies, old friend. But the show must go on.”
Vicente walked down the hallway of the backstage, jotting down notations in his schedule book while sucking on a lollipop that Miguel had graciously given him from the party. Despite being several feet away and under the main stage he could still hear Señor de la Cruz warbling away to the cheering masses. After two years of working for Rivera de la Cruz Productions the starry-eyed wonder he had felt for the celebrity had faded in a comfortable working relationship and he had felt no need to actually watch the show after seeing him perform so many times. He did stay a little to see Coco perform, however. She was always a treat to watch. Besides he also wanted to see the look on Theresa’s face when, against her own demands, Coco wouldn’t be performing in the finale. Oh, it was delicious!
Walking past the dressing rooms his ears picked up a distant sound. Trying hard to distinguish the sounds from the concert to the rooms, he was finally able to pinpoint it coming from Señor de la Cruz’s dressing room. Stepping inside, the lollipop fell out of his mouth at the sounds coming from it.
Vicente rushed over to the door in shock and tried decipher who in the world was screaming from the broom closet. With a gasp, he exclaimed, “Héctor?!”
“Chente!” Héctor cried out. “Chente, get me out of this pinche closet!”
Vicente fumbled with the door but finally managed to unjam it from the knob, and that was when Héctor tumbled out onto the floor. He hacked out choking coughs that left his whole body shaking and spitting out whatever was heaved from his lungs and Vicente could see a dark bruised had formed on the lower left side of his jaw. “Héctor! Who did this to you?!”
“Ernesto!” Héctor growled, panting to get the air back into his lungs and his face clenched with rage. “How long was I out?! Where is he?!"
“He’s on stage! The show is almost over-Héctor wait! You need to see a doctor!”
“Bastardo!” Héctor hissed and marched out the door despite Vicente’s protests.  
Making his way through the maze of hallways connecting its way to the main stage, all of the stage hands only took one look at him and instantly pressed against the wall to give him room to past. One only had to look at the murderous rage on their employer’s face to know that this was a man on a mission and no one was going to even try to stop him. Almost everyone.
“Señor Rivera!” Theresa popped into Héctor’s field of vision and briskly kept up to his furious pace. “What is this about Coco not singing with Señor de la Cruz for the final act? Why was this not run by me! We agreed that this was the best way to end the show! There was going to be a photo shoot of her and Señor de la Cruz under the bell-”
“Not NOW, Theresa!” Héctor shouted and threw the insufferable woman out of his path, ignoring her squawk of protest.  
Finally, Héctor made his way to the backstage and stood behind the giant set design. If Vicente was right, and it was the end of the show, then Ernesto should be on the escalator and rising up to the top. Indeed, he was able to hear Ernesto singing his heart out to the audience and knew exactly what position he was in based on what part of the song he was on. Climbing up the stairs to the top, Héctor couldn’t help but agree that Ernesto was performing a well as he always did. He could even picture his fat, stupid face winking and smirking towards his familia.  
Well, wait till they see you with my hands around your throat while I throttle you!
Reaching the top, he peaked around the corner of the elaborate archway, and sure enough Ernesto’s blue sombrero rose over the edge and he gracefully came into full view. Fists clenching in anger as he watched Ernesto hand his golden guitar over to the stage hand, Héctor waited for his move.
Until your in my arms agaaaaiiin...
End of the line amigo! You're going to get yours!
Remember Meeeee!
In less than a millisecond a deafening toll ripped all sound away and filled Héctor’s head with a cacophonous ringing, and a violent shifting of the ground beneath knocked him off his feet and falling hard to the stage floor. He lay there in a sprawl for who knew how long, his eyes wide with shock and waiting for his senses to come back to him. The loud, persistent ringing still buzzing in his ears, Héctor lifted his head with a groan and looked up to a large, shadowy object blocking out the stage lights. Squinting past the dust and debris in the air, he was able to make out the vague shape of the church bell that just seconds before had been suspended over the stage.
Right above Ernesto.
“Nesto?” Héctor whispered, not noticing that there were people starting to run around him. Some of them looked like they were screaming. “Was this part of the show?... I don’t remember... Did you change the show, Nesto?”  
He also didn’t notice Vicente coming towards him and pulling him up to a sitting position, patting his body to check for injuries. He was shouting something at him. He couldn’t hear. He just kept looking at the bell.
“I don’t understand... Where are you?... Where did you go? Nesto?”
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! And hope you enjoyed all the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, squash-... Oops. Sorry Ernesto. No squash.
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eddycurrents · 6 years ago
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For the week of 25 March 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1009 takes a moment to assess the damage caused by Leviathan as Superman, Lois, Jimmy, and Waller try to put the pieces together in the Fortress of Solitude. More inventive use of Superman’s x-ray vision from Steve Epting and Brad Anderson.
| Published by DC Comics
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Amazing Spider-Man #18 continues “Hunted” unveiling the Kraven-bots and plan for rich folks to hunt the animal-themed villains (and Spider-Man), but not exactly why. This one also falls into the clichéd trap of bringing back obscure z-list characters only to kill them in order to show the stakes. I’m kind of getting tired of that, but otherwise this is still entertaining. Great art from Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, Edgar Delgado, and Erick Arciniega.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers: No Road Home #7 takes us inside Spectrum’s worries and fears about what she’s becoming as the team tries to prevent Nyx from reclaiming the shards. It really feels like the entire creative team have been stepping up their game these past few issues, but as Paco Medina and Jesus Aburtov take over the art reins again this issue, it feels like the bar has been raised again. Beautiful artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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Bad Luck Chuck #1 is an entertaining and unique debut from Lela Gwenn, Matthew Dow Smith, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Frank Cvetkovic. It stars Charlene Manchester, a seeming walking disaster, who has started up a business for the chaos her mere presence causes. It’s different, there’s some nice incidental humour and a hook for a broader story involving an insurance investigator tailing her, all with some wonderful art from Smith and Fitzpatrick.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Batgirl #33 is pretty heavy as Babs deals with James being released. Great work all around from Mairghread Scott, Elena Casagrande, Scott Godlewski, John Kalisz, and Andworld Design really delivering on the heightened emotions Babs is going through with the release of her serial killer brother. Particularly the switch between blue and red washes Kalisz uses when Babs confronts her father.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #9 continues through this bleak new world where almost everyone has forgotten who they were and there’s apparently a lot of gay panic, on Earth and Mars. It’s rather disturbing. Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart deliver some great moody art.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Science #39 gives us a heartfelt and humorous reunion, possibly one of the final good moments before the series is going to pivot to the end. I get the feeling that Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton are going to put us through hell reading the final arc, so this bit of happiness with some funny stories and at least a bit of retribution, is great to see. 
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Coda #10 is huge as Si Spurrier, Matías Bergara, Michael Doig, and Jim Campbell work through some of the truth of what’s been driving this entire story. It’s damn good, with some of the best storytelling in comics right now.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Crimson Lotus #5 is one of two finales this week for a Hellboy universe mini-series, seeing the end to John Arcudi, Mindy Lee, Michelle Madsen, and Clem Robins’ tale of Crimson Lotus’ early days. I’ve loved the set up for Dai and Shengli in this series and definitely would not be averse to seeing more, there’s a nice feel of pulp action and mystery from a different perspective than what we’ve seen in Lobster Johnson. Also, there’s a great surprise appearance.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Daredevil #3 is proving that Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles’ excellent first two issues are no fluke, “Know Fear” is easily shaping up to be one of the best Daredevil stories in decades. There’s a wonderful depth and complexity to the characters, the tension of a broken and beaten Daredevil coming into conflict with the police is taut, there are some amazing surprises, and the art is phenomenal.
| Published by Marvel
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Dial H for Hero #1 is some ridiculous fun from Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones, and Dave Sharpe. We’re introduced to the new guardian of the H Dial, Miguel, an average boy forced to work his Uncle’s Mayo Madness food truck after what’s possibly the death of his parents (it’s not made explicit, so something else could have happened), searching for another thrill after being saved by Superman. Quinones’ art is one of the main drawing factors, with an incredible shift in style during the hero portion, both he and Humphries do an incredible job poking fun at the approach.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Doctor Strange #12 reunites Mark Waid and Barry Kitson for part one of “Herald Supreme” as a pushy, obnoxious alien steamrolls Strange in an attempt to stop Galactus from destroying his homeworld. It’s weird to see Strange brought low again so soon after the first arc, along with the destruction of all of the magic his artifacts house, but it is an interesting predicament he finds himself in struggling to stop Galactus from devouring the mystic planes.
| Published by Marvel
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The Flash #67 builds off of last issue’s Rogues spotlight on the Trickster and the previous sub-plot of Commander Cold’s investigation as Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins, Luis Guerrero, and Steve Wands kick off part one of “The Greatest Trick of All”. Kolins reminds us why he’s one of the best Flash artists of the past few decades amidst a story that is bizarrely happy.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Forgotten Queen #2 reveals more of War-Monger’s history, as she navigates the possibility of feelings of love for what seems to be the first time. Really intriguing character-building here from Tini Howard, Amilcar Pinna, Ulises Arreola, and Jeff Powell.
| Published by Valiant
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Friendo #5 concludes with what feels like one of the weirdest interpretations of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I’ve ever read. The horror story of rampant consumerism mixed with reality television comes to a head as Leo finally gets his Action Joe action figure in possibly the most extreme way. Alex Paknadel, Martin Simmonds, Dee Cunniffe, and Taylor Esposito end this wild ride on a high note.
| Published by Vault
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Go-Bots #5 is the incredible end to what has been an excellent series reinterpreting the Go-Bots by Tom Scioli. It started as a relatively normal interpretation of the property, working well with nostalgia while still presenting a unique rumination on free will and robot ethics, then elevated into all out insanity pushing the Go-Bots in new and frightening directions as the bots took over. This final issue explores that post-apocalypse further and cleverly seeds the idea that the Go-Bots were the progenitors to the Transformers.
| Published by IDW
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Hellboy and the BPRD: 1956 #5 is the other conclusion in the Hellboy universe this week, detailing a bit more of Hellboy’s time in Mexico, particular after Esteban’s death and he was filming wrestling movies. There’s some wonderful character moments as he laments Esteban’s loss and the even more personal loss of his best friend and dog, Mac. It also underlines Bruttenholm’s lack of soft skills and empathy, not noticing either Margaret and Archie’s romance or how bad Hellboy is hurting emotionally right now. Great work from Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Mike Norton, Michael Avon Oeming, Yishan Li, Dave Stewart, and Clem Robins.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Invaders #3 adds more fuel to the fire with an uncaring American military moving forward on a perceived and actual threat from Atlantis and more questions about Namor’s past and possible mental instability. Chip Zdarsky is doing some very interesting things with plot threads spilling out of Secret Empire and acting as essentially a bridge between Avengers and Captain America.
| Published by Marvel
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Isola #7 sees our duo come across a quarry town full of women who’ve had their children and men snatched up by the war or worse. It’s an interesting development of the real human cost of war, but it also opens up a mystery as to what or who is really taking the kids, and what they’re possibly becoming. Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl, Msassyk, and Aditya Bidikar continue to produce one of the most beautiful, intriguing, and entertaining comics on the shelves right now.
| Published by Image
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The Lollipop Kids #4 has some absolutely stunning artwork from Diego Yapur and DC Alonso. Previous issues have been incredibly impressive, but some of the compositions in this one take it to a whole other level.
| Published by AfterShock
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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #3 reveals just how thoroughly insane the Ozymandias-styled, world-“saving”, alternate Cannon is as Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard, Mary Safro, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou continue to push this story in intriguing directions. It’s funny, because the conflict, the superhero battles, feel like window-dressing for something else still. Especially as the “good” Cannon traverses panels.
| Published by Dynamite
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch #1 is another entertaining debut under the new “Archie Forever” initiative, from Kelly Thompson, Veronica Fish, Andy Fish, and Jack Morelli. Like the previous titles, it appears as though there isn’t a lot (or possibly any) of overlap with the other series, introducing us to this rebooted Sabrina’s family. It’s off to a good start, familiar faces in play, humour abounding, Salem being a little bellend, and the mystery of a wendigo.
| Published by Archie
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Sharkey: The Bounty Hunter #2 is worth it for Simone Bianchi’s gorgeous artwork alone. Bianchi has always been an interesting artist, with inventive layouts and character designs, rich colour choices, and a beautiful soft-focus, painted style, all of that on display here for this story. 
| Published by Image
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The Silencer #15 is a bit bittersweet since we know that it’s ending now, I would have hoped given how tied to Leviathan that it is that the series would at least see a tie-in to the forthcoming Event Leviathan, but sadly no. In the mean time, we’re still getting an excellent action comic from Dan Abnett, V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Mike Spicer, and Tom Napolitano.
| Published by DC Comics
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Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions #2 is another excellent self-contained story exploring Darth Vader’s effect on others, from Dennis Hallum, Brian Level, Jordan Boyd, and Joe Caramagna. This one takes a look at the desperation and recklessness that fear of Vader’s wrath can have on someone. The layouts from Level are phenomenal.
| Published by Marvel
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Stone Star #1 is a great digital original debut from Jim Zub, Max Dunbar, Espen Grundetjern, and Marshall Dillon. It introduces us to a pair of scavengers on a planet being visited by a travelling battle arena ship, kind of taking its cue from hero shooters like Overwatch and more traditional fighting games like Mortal Kombat. There’s an interesting hook of human (or alien) trafficking to go along with the coming-of-age tale that’s set up as one of the scavengers, Dail, is offered a chance to possibly study and train with the gladiators. Great art and character designs from Dunbar and Grundetjern.
| Published by Swords & Sassery
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Transformers #2 engaged me a bit more than the first issue. It’s still very methodical and slow in its pacing and revelations, but there are some interesting hooks in the mystery of who murdered Brainstorm and in who was taking potshots at the Ascenticon rally. The mix of politics and self-determination through will to power is certainly an interesting concept from Brian Ruckley.
| Published by IDW
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William Gibson’s Alien 3 #5 concludes what has been an excellent adaptation of Gibson’s screenplay by Johnnie Christmas, Tamra Bonvillain, and Nate Piekos. This final chapter ramps up the action and the stakes as the remaining survivors try to flee the station before blowing it and the aliens inside up. Tons of great horrific art from Christmas and Bonvillain.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Wonder Woman #67 continues “Giants War”, with G. Willow Wilson doing a decent job of further rehabilitating Giganta. Also some interesting developments regarding the titans that may not be titans.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: 30 Days of Night 100 Page Giant, The Avant-Guards #3, Beyonders #5, Black Panther #10, Black Widow #3, Bone Parish #8, Books of Magic #6, Breakneck #4, Cinema Purgatorio #17, Detective Comics #1000, DuckTales #19, Fantastic Four #8, Femme Magnifique: 10 Magnificent Women who Changed the World, Fight Club 3 #3, Freedom Fighters #4, GI Joe: Sierra Muerte #2, GLOW #1, Goddess Mode #4, Hardcore #4, Hex Wives #6, Ice Cream Man #11, Invader Zim #41, Ironheart #4, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #8, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Coronation #12, Jughead: The Hunger #13, Justice League Odyssey #7, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Tempest #5, Martian Manhunter #4, Marvel Comics Presents #3, Marvel Rising #1, Mera: Tidebreaker, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #37, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #41, Outcast #40, Punks Not Dead: London Calling #2, Quincredible #5, The Realm #12, Rick & Morty #48, Rick & Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons: Director’s Cut #1, Sabrina: The Teenage Witch #1, These Savage Shores #1 - Black & White Edition, Spawn #295, Spider-Man/Deadpool #48, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #30, Star Wars Adventures #19, Super Sons: The Polarshield Project, Superior Spider-Man #4, TMNT: Urban Legends #11, The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #5, Viking Queen, Wasted Space #8
Recommended Collections: Animosity: Evolution - Volume 2: Lex Machina, Asgardians of the Galaxy - Volume 1: Infinity Armada, The Ballad of Sang, Barrier - Limited Edition Slipcase Set, Charlie’s Angels - Volume 1, Cloak & Dagger: Negative Exposure, Coda - Volume 1, Flash - Volume 9: Reckoning of the Forces, Mind MGMT Omnibus - Volume 1, Ms. Marvel - Volume 10: Time and Again, Regression - Volume 3, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle - Volume 2, TMNT: Rise of the TMNT - Volume 1, War Bears
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d. emerson eddy is just a worthless liar. He is just an imbecile. He will only complicate you. Trust in him and fall as well.
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rabbittstewcomics · 4 years ago
Episode 299
Comic Reviews:
DC Festival of Heroes - The Asian Superhero Celebration by Greg Pak, Gene Luen Yang, Pornsak Pichetshote, Amy Chu, Mariko Tamaki, Sarah Kuhn, Ram V, Alyssa Wong, Minh Le, Aniz Adam Ansari, Dustin Nguyen, Cliff Chiang, Francis Manapul, Philip Tan, Sean Chen, Marcus To, Marcio Takara, Sami Basri, Jim Cheung, Jae Lee, Gurihiru, Kevin Wada, Victoria Ying, Audrey Mok, Sumit Kumar, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Trung Le Nguyen, Bernard Chang, Norm Rapmund, Rain Beredo, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Sebastian Cheng, Jen Bartel, June Chang
Future State: Gotham 1 by Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis, Yasmine Putri
Justice League: Last Ride 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Miguel Mendonca
Legends of the Dark Knight 7 by Stephanie Phillips, Max Dunbar
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom by Nick Spencer, Carlos Gomez, Ze Carlos, Roge Antonio, Alex Sinclair
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard by Ryan Cady, Michele Bandini, Elisabetta D'Amico, Arick Arciniega
Heroes Reborn: Peter Parker - The Amazing Shutterbug by Marc Bernardin, Rafael De Latorre, Ron Lim, Scott Hanna, Jim Campbell
Heroes Reborn 2 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson, 
X-Corp 1 by Tini Howard, Alberto Foche, Sunny Gho
Time Before Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Silver Coin 2 by Kelly Thompson, Michael Walsh
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery 1 by Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Leila Del Duca, Michelle Madsen
Silver City 1 by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs, Luca Merli
Hailstone 1 by Rafael Scavone, Rafael de Latorre, Rafael Albuquerque, Wesllei Manoel
Starfall High 1 by Adam Blackhat, Mayerlin Uribe
99 Cent Theater
Caspian Porter 0 by Drew Lenhart, Juan Fleites, Jonathan Wetmore
Fire Queen 1 by Thea Belak, Marin Markel
Princess Who Saved Herself by Greg Pak, Jonathan Coulton, Takeshi Miyazawa
Softies: Stuff That Happens After the World Blows Up by Kyle Smeallie
Fearless by Kenny Porter
We Run by Chip Zdarsky and Elsa Charretier
Additional Reviews: Line of Duty, Project Hail Mary, Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle
News: Chip Zdarsky on Hulk, Clownhunter vs. Punchline, Bitter Root movie by Bryan Hill and Regina King, War of the Bounty Hunters is six months and 33 parts, Kang mini by Lanzing and Kelly, Amphibia season finale gets an air date, Knives Out 2 casting, Round Robin updates
Trailers: Wish Dragon
Comics Countdown:
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
Joker 3 by James Tynion IV, Guillem March, Arif Prianto
Birthright 49 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Time After Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Seven Secrets 8 by Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli
American Vampire 1976 8 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig
Guardians of the Galaxy 14 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee
Geiger 2 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Proctor Valley Road 3 by Grant Morrison, Alex Child, Naomi Franquiz, Tamra Bonvillain
Check out this episode!
0 notes
loveaurdeepression · 2 years ago
Father Mine- 2. Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
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Just note- this and father mine aren’t in the canon of Miguel’s and mini Miguel’s story line<3 also this is absolute crap and I’m so sorry it has a lot more plot and less of Miguel and mini Miguel interaction. Though whatever they do have is pain. (ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE I LOVE ALL OF YOU) please comment and reblog if you liked it :DD
Warnings: angst. FATHER MINE PART 1 Part 3
“Where is she?” He asks Jess.
“She didn’t follow.” Is what the woman replies and that’s that.
A spark of worry shoots through him but he ignores it. Now is not the time to worry about anything but the anomaly.
He scans his surroundings and tries to look for wherever the kid may be.
A part of his mind still screams he’s just a kid.
That weak thinking, letting things slide mindset was ahat got Gabriella killed. It was what killed an entire universe. He couldn’t let more people be killed for the sake of the life of one man.
“Split up. Look for him.” He orders Ben and Jess and they leave promptly.
Not now. Not now. He’d check up on you after.
“Miles!” You whisper-shout at the boy.
He almost shouts but you cover his mouth with your hand, “you’re in the wrong universe, you’re on earth-42.” His eyes widen, “I’m here to help you.”
“Why should I trust you?” His eyes narrow at you.
“I don’t know.” You look down, “But I’m asking you to trust me anyways.”
After a beat of silence he talks, “how did you know I was in the wrong universe?”
“You were bit by a spider that was from here. It’s venom altered your dna to this universe. And the go home machine scanned your dna, which was this universes and sent you here, I’m running out of breath and I can hear your mom from this univers walking here so let’s please just go.” You pull him out through the window just as the door opens and Rio steps in.
You and Miles drop down into an abandoned alleyway, and you hide a wince because of the pain in your leg. He turns invisible and you open a portal. Just as he walks through, Ben comes into view and sees you.
“Mini Miguel! You’re here! You know your dad was pretty worried you didn’t show! I’ll tell him you’re here wait- I” you web his mouth and eyes and as he flails about you launch yourself upwards and unhook his watch.
“I’m sorry, Ben.” You apologise to his mumbling form as his hands thrash around to remove the webs.
You jump into the portal and it closes.
“We’re in Miguel’s APARTMENT?” Miles’s all but shrieks and you wince.
“Jeez, bro. Don’t worry. He won’t look here.” You hand him a bottle of water from the minibar.
He drinks it all in one go and breathes deeply. You calm him down, “this is just for a few hours. Then I’ll shift you to your own universe.”
“Why not now?” He asks.
“You need to eat, and you’ll be fine. No one’s going to be named Captain tonight right? You can’t help anyone if you’re half dead.”
He clenches his jaw and sits down as you go to the kitchen and get a leftover pizza from the fridge. It was from that family night you had with Miguel and Lyla the day before Miles’s arrival.
You head to the living room after heating his food and his eyes are transfixed on a photo frame in his hand.
It’s a photo of you and him that Lyla had managed to sneak and Jess had printed for your birthday.
“He seems nice. When he’s not trying to kill me.” The boy scoffs.
You don’t answer, just handing him his food.
He eats in silence and you take the time to clean the house. Even if you did hate him just a bit, it didn’t mean he deserved to live in a messy house because he was too busy working.
“You really love him, huh?” Miles piped up and you look up from fluffing a cushion.
“Hmm.” You hum in response, “I don’t know.”
“If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here fluffing up his cushions and cleaning his home. Or should I say your home as well.” He raises an eyebrow.
You throw the cushion, “his home. Come on, we need to get to his office so I know what universe you’re from.”
He follows you to the window and has to swallow a gasp when you walk through it and float like you’re walking on air.
You chuckle, “it’s an illusion, sort of like that Indiana Jones movie.”
“The thing with the grail?” His voice is shaky as his foot comes to rest onto the platform connecting the window to the opposite balcony.
“Yeah, I got it made to fuck with Miguel.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I bet he would have freaked out?”
“You have no idea.” You smile a little at the memory as you jump of the platform and land lightly on the terrace.
Every few minutes you usher Miles into the few dark alleyways in the futuristic city of Nueva York to use the hidden pathways that are used by the underground thug gangs that you had managed to sniff out.
It takes about half an hour to reach the tower, and Miles turns invisible, “you couldn’t have done that before?” You raise an eyebrow.
He just looks sheepish and you try not to roll your eyes, “come on.”
He follows you through the entire area, sees them all wave and smile at you as you walk to where spider-byte may be.
“Ben, come in.” Miguel speaks, “Ben!”
With a groan, he phones Lyla. She picks up immediately and her voice is frantic, “you need to get back. Now.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s Miles.” She informs him, “mini you is with him.”
His eyes widen under the mask and without a word he opens a portal to go home, “Jess. We’re going back to base.”
“1610. Earth 1610.” You recite as you make a portal.
As soon as it opens, the door to the room swings open.
It’s a sort of déjà vu if you think about it.
The same room, the same scenario. But this time it’s you he’s after.
Your blood runs cold and you push Miles inside, “save your dad.” Are the last words you say to him as the portal closes in time just as Miguel pounces through air.
He looks at you and you freeze. His eyes are red and his fangs are out.
As he stands to his feet, your breathing becomes uneven.
Fuck you’re panicking. And it’s weird, because you’ve faced evil villains before. You’ve fought people that make Miguel look like a shortie.
So.. why the fuck are you so scared? Or were you always just a coward?
“You’re hurt.” He says in an eerily calm voice.
“Why-why do you care?” You huff out and his eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean?” He raises his hand and you flinch. You notice the way his eyes widen and the hurt that floods the pools of his eyes.
He takes another step forward and you back away, “Stay the fuck away from me.” Your hand shoots forward. Only widening the chasm between the both of you.
“What. Happened? Who hurt you? Was it Miles? Did he force you to help him?” He snarls.
You stare at him dumbfounded, “Who hurt me? Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
You scoff, “I helped him of my own accord.”
It’s then that he takes a deep breath and a step back.
“That’s right. I helped him get away!”
“….how could you do this to us? To me?” He points to himself.
“What are you going to do now? Try and kill me like you did him?”
“I would never. I am your father-”
“You are a selfish monster.” You say and his breath hitches. The look on his face breaks your own heart and all you want to do is hug him.
“Don’t say that.” He points at you, “you don’t mean it.”
“I meant every damn word.” You scowl and reply, “you are not my father. I am not your daughter.”
He schools the hurt on his face, “So be it.” He webs your watch and breaks it into tiny pieces in a matter of moments, “it’s cute that you thought you could one up me. Really.” He chuckles, “You are relieved of your duties effective immediately. You will never be allowed into Earth-928 or any other dimension hereafter.”
He webs you closer to him as he opens a portal into some obscure universe, one you’ve never heard of, and just before he pushes you in, you glimpse the tears in his eyes, your own running down your cheek as you scream profanities at him.
The last thing you see is his face before you’re thrown into complete darkness.
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houseofrahl · 8 years ago
Lots of tag games
I apologise it takes me so long, but I rarely have an access to a laptop and I don’t know how to edit text on mobile so it looks the way I want.
5 Things!
I was tagged by @fizzy-custard​. thank you, Hun! :)
five things in my bag backpack:
pepper spray
chewing gum
five things in my bedroom:
memory foam pillow
five things I’ve always wanted to do:
see F1 and Rally
meet Robert Kubica
learn 5 different languages
travel to NZ
go to Qlimax
five things that make me happy:
when a new recipe turns to be good and tasty
five things i’m currently into:
reading and learning about celiac disease
looking for new gluten-free recipes
five things on my to-do list:
find a new job (once again)
visit my hairdresser
buy a perfume
make sure i stay healthy
buying a new phone
I was tagged by the lovely @fizzy-custard​ to spell out my URL with favorite songs. Thank you, Darling.
H - Highway To Hell by ACDC
O - Out of Heaven by Dr Rude
U - Up In The Air by 30 Seconds To Mars
S - She’s Crazy But She’s Mine by Alex Sparrow
E - Extreme by Zatox feat. Dave Revan
O - Oracle by Timmy Trumpet
F - Famous by Skillet
R - Resistance by Muse
A - Alone by Alan Walker
H - Heroes by Da Tweekaz & Darren Styles
L - Like I Do by Asher Monroe
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by the lovely @fromthedeskoftheraven​. Thank you.
1. coke or pepsi: red bull cola ;) 2. disney or dreamworks: Disney 3. coffee or tea: water :P 4. books or movies: books 5. windows or mac: Windows 6. dc or marvel: both, both is good 7. xbox or playstation: playstation 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Haven’t played either of them 9. night owl or early riser: night owl 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12: vans or converse: Converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I have no idea! 14. fluff or angst: fluff 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: dogs 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies 18. cooking or eating out: cooking 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Christmas 21. would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: healing 23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade: ???? 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team iron man: Team Iron Man 27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy and sci-fi 28. do you have three or four favorite quotes? Actually, just one 29. youtube or netflix: Youtube 30. harry potter or percy jackson: percy? 31. when you feel accomplished: when my work is done completely 32. star wars or star trek: Star Wars 33. paperback books or hardback books: depends on the book 34. handwriting or type: type 35. velvet or satin: velvet 36. video games or movies: movies 37. would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: be the dragon 38. learning chinese or learning spanish: Spanish 39. what is the best concert you’ve been to? haven’t been to any :( 40. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals? speak every language 41. Be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: lawn seats 42. City or Countryside: city :) 43. Would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard? Wizard                     44. fried pickles or mozzarella sticks??? I’ve never eaten a fried pickle, so mozzarella sticks
45. Would you rather swim in a pool, lake, or the ocean? Pool
46. What’s your favorite city in the world? Cracow
I was tagged by: @derekhaleimagines​ Thank you, Sunshine!
Where is your phone? on the desk Your hair? long & dark brown Your dad? who? Your other half? I’m a whole person on my own, thank you very much Your favorite food? pizza and pasta Your dream last night? I don’t remember my dreams Your favorite drink? water Fear? spiders Favorite shoes? flats Favorite way to relax? read, watch my shows, music Your mood? relaxed Your love? knowledge and intelligence Where were you last night? my bedroom Something you aren’t? busy Muffins? only gluten free Wishlist item? health Where did you grow up? a small village Last thing you did? iron shirts What are you wearing? shorts and t-shirt Something you hate? disrespect, when I’m treated like I’m an infantile idiot Your pets? dog and 4 cats Life? ‘sup with it? Regrets? yup
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @derekhaleimagines​ ans @fizzy-custard​. Thanks! :)
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: blue, red and green
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
Last song you listened to: David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
Last movie you watched: Transformers: The Last Knight
Top 3 tv shows: Arrow, Legends Of Tomorrow, Teen Wolf
Top 3 characters: Derek Hale (Teen Wolf), Oliver Queen (Arrow), Tony Stark
Top 3 ships: Olicity (Arrow) and that’s it
Books you are currently reading: I’m in need of new books, have read all I have at home atm
Top 5 musicals: I don’t watch musicals
Name Game
I was tagged by @happlepie18​ Thanks :D
Rules: Answer and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Real answers only. If the person before you had the same initial, you must have different answers. You can’t use the same word twice.
Name: Marta
Four letter word: Mind
A Boy’s name: Miguel
Occupation: Massage Therapist
Something You Wear: Mittens
Food: Mackerel
Something you find in the bathroom: Mirror
A place: Malibu
Reason for being late: Morning rush
Something you yell: Mine
Movie title: Minions
Something you drink: Mulitivitamin juice
An animal: Mice
A type of car: Mini
Song: Memories by David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi
Song Game
Tagged by the lovely @obsessed-withthe-hales​
Rules: put your music on shuffle, list the first 9 songs and your favorite lyrics from each.
1. Liquid State by Muse Take me for a ride Break me up and steal what's left inside
2. Photograph by Ed Sheeran
We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves 3. Never Break Me by Brennan Heart
You can call me names to bring me down some more But you will never break me
4. Memories by David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi All the crazy shit I did tonight Those will be the best memories. I just wanna let it go for the night That would be the best therapy for me
5. In The End by Linkin Park
I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter
6. Sniper by Coone & Dirtcaps
I see my prey running away There's no way out There's no escape
7. Mercy by Muse Save me from the ghosts and shadows Before they eat my soul
8. Tonight Will Never Die by Code Black & Brennan Heart Love when the sound is crashing in on me Love how the lights awake the night Love where we stand before eternity
9. Back From The Dead by Skillet Light it up, light it up, now I'm burning Feel the rush, feel the rush of adrenaline We are young, we are strong, we will rise Cause I'm back, back, back from the dead tonight
I was tagged by @fromthedeskoftheraven and @fizzy-custard (thank you both!) to put my music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up
1. Get Lucky - Daft Punk 2. Angels & Demons - D-Block & S-te-Fan 3. Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran 4. Neutron Star Collision - Muse 5. Fairlight - The Judge 6. Are You Ready - ACDC 7. Wodka - Da Tweekaz 8. Magic - Wasted Penguinz 9. You’re The Voice - John Farnham 10. Destiny - Headhunterz
Tagged by the awesome @everyjourneylove and @fizzy-custard. Thanks, Ivy and Jay :)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 (or less.. or none.. or.. all ??) blogs you want to get to know better!
Nickname: I don’t have any
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5′4″
Time right now: 9:35 pm
Last thing you googled: gluten free recipes
Fave music artist: Way too many to list
Song stuck in my head: Despacito by Luis Fonsi
Last movie I watched: Transformers: The Last Knight
Last TV show I watched: Shadowhunters
What I’m wearing right now: shorts and t-shirt
When I created this blog: March 2016
The kind of stuff I post: All kinds of Middle Earth stuff, Arrow and other things
Do I do asks regularly: Nope :(
Why did i choose my URL: Simply because I love Richard Rahl ;)
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: ...
Pokemon team: Don’t play
Favorite color: Blue, red and green
Favorite characters: too much to list them all
Dream job: car mechanic
Number of blankets: One
Followers: 46
Ok, I think that’s all. If I missed something I’m sorry. Thank you all for tagging me in stuff and I hope in the future I can do the games faster ;)
3 notes · View notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-03-27 04 MUSIC now
Brooklyn Vegan
No more shows at Park Church Co-Op?
Clutch announce second annual Earth Rocker fest with Eyehategod & more
Miguel, SiR & Nonchalant Savant @ Terminal 5 (pics)
comedy roundup: Garry Shandling doc, Mike Birbiglia, Roy Wood Jr, more
Inquisition no longer playing Maryland Deathfest (and other lineup updates)
Consquence of Sound
Lana Del Rey says Radiohead copyright infringement lawsuit is “over”
Film Review: Ready Player One Cares More About Virtual Reality Than Actual Reality
Film Review: Gemini is the Latest Feature to Turn Los Angeles Into a Neon Underworld
Mike D says his greatest fear is Beastie Boys being compared to 311
The Office’s Scranton Strangler focus of new mini murder documentary from NBC: Watch
Fact Magazine
Physical music outsold digital downloads in the US last year
FACT mix 645: μ-Ziq
Moog turns its iconic Minimoog Model D synth into a fully-featured iOS app
Talking heads: 6 of the best smart speakers
The Icelandic electronic music renaissance: Sónar Reykjavík reviewed
The Middle Of A Cold Premonition
The Moon Right Behind Me
Make Me Feel Right
I Loved And I Lost
Very Nice Very Nice
ASCAP Pop Music Awards To Honor Lana Del Rey & Songwriter Desmond Child
Neon-Lit Rooms & Mountaintops: Loote’s “Your Side Of The Bed” Video
Charlie Puth & James Taylor Call For “Change” On New Single
Chvrches Deliver A Pretty, Stripped-Back Cover Of Beyonce’s “XO”
James Bay Glams Up For Nostalgic “Pink Lemonade” Video
Listen to This
Philo301 -- Take A Chance [Spoken Word Poetry / Rap] (2017)
Blue States - Your Girl [Lounge/Dub] (2000)
Entheogenic - Ju [Trip-Hop/Dub] (2006)
Vin Yeti - Secateurs [Dream Pop] (2018)
King Buffalo - Orion [Psychedelic, stoner rock] (2016)
NONONO’s new one is v excellent and here’s the video
New Music Friday: all hail Let’s Eat Grandma’s miniature pop symphony
Paloma Faith’s branded content is better than your branded content
Saluting the artwork for PRETTYMUCH’s Healthy
Louisa Johnson interview: “We went, ‘oh, fuck it, let’s just get drunk’”
Reddit Music
Eagles of Death Metal's Jesse Hughes Slams March for Our Lives Protests
Incubus - Drive [Acoustic Rock] (1999)
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning [Pop/Rock]
Tom Waits - Whistlin' Past the Graveyard [Folk]
MGMT - When You're Small [Alternative]
Rolling Stone
Future, Schoolboy Q, DJ Esco Chill at Lavish Party in 'Code of Honor' Video
Hear Birdman, Mannie Fresh Reunite on New Big Tymers Song
Halsey Announces Final Leg of 'Hopeless Fountain Kingdom' Tour
Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda Sets First Solo Show Since Chester Bennington's Death
Def Leppard Prep Career-Spanning Box Set Series
Slipped Disc
Cathedral music director is arrested for gross indecency
Korean star dies at 33
Philadelphia have a new chief
Watch: Dudamel pays tribute to his mentor, Abreu
150 years of German lament
Spotify Blog
Spotify Launches Integration with New and Existing Cadillac Models
Spotify Launches ‘Louder Together’ with First Multi-Artist Spotify Single Collaboration from Independent Stars Sasha Sloan, Nina Nesbitt and Charlotte Lawrence
Spotify Launches Self-Serve Advertising Platform in the UK and Canada
Spotify Announces Launch of Line-In
John Hancock and Spotify Give Runners Everywhere Access to Custom Playlists and Tips from Some of the World’s Fastest Marathoners
We Are the Music Makers
Suggestion for simple recording setup
How can I start making some Kelela/Banks/James Blake type beats?
Directwave vs Kontakt?
Favorite Songwriting Moments
Music theory term for playing a single note (or chord) over and underlying progression?
1 note · View note
cubanoti · 5 years ago
Así se fabrica el famoso “Miragurt” en La Habana, el sustituto del yogurt que el castrismo le vende al pueblo (+Video)
La entidad perteneciente a la empresa complejo lácteo de la habana “Queso Matilda” ubicada en el Municipio El Cotorro, es la encargada de producir el famoso “Miragurt”, el sustituto del yogurt que el régimen castrista proporciona al pueblo como supuesto suplemento alimenticio.
Ante los adversos escenarios que propone el COVID-19, los casi doscientos trabajadores de esta unidad empresarial han puesto su empeño en  aumentar la producción de este nuevo alimento que se ha convertido en uno de los productos lácteos líderes para el consumo de niños, mujeres embarazadas y adultos mayores.
Según reseña el Sistema informativo de la televisión el régimen, Queso Matilda se propuso un nuevo proyecto con la recuperación de calderas con más de cuarenta años de explotación y el reacondicionamiento de instalaciones en desuso para la fabricación de este alimento y un gran reto ya que este se produce en otras provincias de la isla.
“Lo único que prima en nosotros ha sido el esfuerzo, el trabajo y lograr los objetivos que siempre hemos querido tener productivamente” manifestó Osvaldo Yero Canales trabajador de la empresa, en relación a los resultados obtenidos según los objetivos propuestos.
Por su parte, Niurka Mena Fundora encargada del Control de la calidad, comenta su percepción;  “los trabajadores nunca pensaron que iba a tener tanto valor financiero, valor nutricional. Este producto llega y tiene un nivel de aceptación grandísimo”, dijo.
 “Es un producto que tiene aceptación y que tiene una magnitud de grandeza por la proteína que tiene”, indicó también Miguel Recio Pazos, Jefe de línea.
LEA TAMBIÉN: Lanzan ‘Miragurt’ para sustituir la leche y yogurt en Cuba ante escasez
Según estudios realizados al Miragurt, este contiene propiedades anticancerígenas antimicrobianas, antivirales y antioxidantes, entre otras que lo convierten en un suplemento alimenticio importante en la dieta de los cubanos. El 87% de la materia prima del Miragurt es a base de suero de queso y el resto está compuesto por leche entera en polvo, maicena, azúcar y aromas.
En lo que va de año la producción de este sustituto del yogurt supera las 1100 toneladas, las cuales van dirigidas principalmente a la dieta de los adultos mayores de 65 años residentes en las provincias La Habana y Mayabeque.
“Hoy se está llevando a través de comercios a las personas con más de 65 años a un precio de 5 pesos y bueno a partir de que nosotros incrementemos esta producción a partir de la nueva línea productiva que está en proceso de ejecución y de culminación deberemos incrementar esto a 50 toneladas diarias de este producto con una producción mensual de 1200 toneladas y una producción al año de 14.400 toneladas de este producto”, detalló Jorge Luis Soublet Muñoz, Director UEB de Queso Matilda.
Esta unidad también produce queso fundido, crema de queso y requesón y se encuentra además en proyectos para elaborar mini dosis de mantequilla.
Cabe mencionar que no es la primera vez que el régimen cubano intenta ocultar la ausencia de otras líneas de productos alimenticios sacando al mercado alguno con características que parecieran complementar la sana alimentación de sus ciudadanos con la finalidad de continuar manejando la empresa privada, los costos de producción y los precios de venta al público a su antojo.    
Reacción Cubanos por el Mundo
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Skyline in La Habana, Cuba, at sunset, with vintage cars on the street and people sitting on the Malecon. Copy space
https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/02/fabrica-famoso-miragurt-yogurt-castrismo/https://cubanosporelmundo.com/2020/06/02/fabrica-famoso-miragurt-yogurt-castrismo/ Así se fabrica el famoso “Miragurt” en La Habana, el sustituto del yogurt que el castrismo le vende al pueblo (+Video) Así se fabrica el famoso “Miragurt” en La Habana, el sustituto del yogurt que el castrismo le vende al pueblo (+Video)
0 notes
brenocunhapinto147 · 5 years ago
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão
A Festa Piquenique é um tema perfeito para quem busca comemorar o seu aniversário ou qualquer outro evento ao ar livre. Cercado por flores e árvores, a comemoração é agraciada também pela iluminação natural que confere todo o aconchego e brilho à festa. O evento pode ser feito em um parque, no jardim da casa ou até mesmo na praia.
Dessa forma, confira dezenas de ideias para você se inspirar e decorar a sua Festa Piquenique em grande estilo. Explore a sua criatividade e crie composições que harmonizem com o entorno natural. Bandeirinhas, balões, toalhas de mesa com estampa xadrez entre outros elementos coloridos e delicados incrementam a decoração com primor.
1. Decore o espaço com muitas bandeirinhas
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
2. E também com muitos tecidos e toalhas de estampa xadrez
Fernanda Sanchez
3. Elementos em madeira harmonizam com o entorno natural
Vila Afetiva Festas
4. Como estes suportes para os docinhos e salgadinhos
Villa Decor Locações
5. Linda Festa Piquenique inspirada nos simpáticos Minions
Roseli Sato
6. Já a Júlia ganhou uma festa inspirada em muitas flores e borboletas
Pirulito Atelier
7. Aposte em lindos bolos personalizados para o evento
Bolos Decorados da Su
8. Procure por um cardápio refrescante
Ju Lepletier Decorações
9. E muito saboroso!
Daniela Chiessi
10. A mesa da festa é bem decorada e bonita
Mil Folhas Festas e Papelaria
11. E este aniversário ao ar livre e supercriativo inspirado na Kombi?
Encaixe A Festa
12. Reserve um espaço dedicado às lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Aline Alves
13. Os personagens de Carros invadiram a festa do João Pedro!
Bliss Festas e Locações
14. Inclua uma estação refrescante na festa
By Paty Pickler
15. Assim como vasos com arranjos de flores na decoração
Celebrizar por Kelly Krebs
16. Este evento ao ar livre é inspirado em Legos
Mini Festas por Dani Bastos
17. Este outro é inspirado nos heróis da Patrulha Canina
Dani Furtado
18. Delicada composição para o piquenique da Masha e o Urso
La Fête Festas Afetivas
19. Simpáticas e fofas raposinhas incrementam a decoração
Tuca Mendonça
20. A Festa Piquenique pode ser feita à tarde
Festa Piquenique BH
21. Ou até mesmo de manhã
Dani Furtado
22. Coloque a mesa debaixo de árvores
Ideias e Kits – Party Planner
23. E estipule um horário para não pegar o sol forte
Rosalia Rocha
24. Chapeuzinho Vermelho concede muito charme à Festa Piquenique
Tati Carolino
25. Faça você mesmo um bolo falso superdecorado de biscuit
Simone Shanti
26. Bandeirinhas com diversas estampas proporcionam graça à festa
Eh Pic Picninc
27. Procure por moldes de frutas para inserir no arranjo
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
28. Estude bem o local em que será feito a festa
Daniela Pontes
29. Busque por espaços com pouco movimento
Roseli Sato
30. Crie apliques com papel colorido e palito de churrasco para decorar os bolos
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
31. Caixotes são perfeitos para decorar o ambiente
Fernanda Sanchez
32. Decoração incrível e fofa para o aniversário do Miguel
Daniela Chiessi
33. Festa Piquenique infantil apresenta composição simples, mas bonita
Aline Alves
34. A Magali tem tudo a ver com a Festa Piquenique!
Pirulito Atelier
35. Festa Piquenique da Moana para as meninas
Eh Pic Picninc
36. O tema Safári foi escolhido pelos papais do Theo
Roseli Sato
37. Balões são indispensáveis na hora de decorar!
Le Petit Festas
38. Faça uma mesa de pallet para o evento
Patrícia Bogacki
39. Decore o painel com rosetas de papel e balões
Angélica Guelfi Carniel
40. Muitas cores compõem o arranjo da Festa Piquenique
Natália Escudeiro
41. Simples e linda Festa Piquenique da Marina
Festa Pequena
42. Faça um belo evento sob as árvores
Piquenique que Leve Amor
43. A mesa já está posta para comemorar mais um ano de vida!
Tomits Recreação e Oficinas
44. Procure por um lugar seguro para fazer a festa
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
45. Assim como por um espaço limpo e bem arborizado
Fani Luise Eventos
46. Piratas confirmaram presença no piquenique do Fred
Eh Pic Picninc
47. Tendinha com frutinhas 3D de papel colorido
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
48. Crie um espaço com almofadas para as crianças sentarem e brincarem no chão
Roseli Sato
49. Fundo do Mar inspirou a decoração do evento
Quittuteria Ateliê
50. Festa Piquenique simples no parque da cidade
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
51. Explore muitos tons para compor a decoração
Pirulito Atelier
52. Pedaços de madeira servem como suporte para os docinhos
Rosalia Rocha
53. O verde de Hulk harmoniza perfeitamente com o evento ao ar livre
Eh Pic Picninc
54. Pare! A Festa Piquenique é aqui!
Roseli Sato
55. Tons pastel protagonizam o evento no jardim
Natália Escudeiro
56. Branca de Neve para Festa Piquenique
Picnic Festa e Arte
57. O que é mais lindo: a decoração ou a vista panorâmica?
Kallyny Barros
58. Você pode fazer a Festa Piquenique em um parque
Janna Souza
59. No jardim da sua própria casa
Abracadabra Personalizados
60. Ou até mesmo na praia!
61. Basta um lugar bonito, com ar fresco e bem iluminado
62. Cuidado para as formigas não roubarem os doces!
Eh Pic Picninc
63. Para as meninas, Festa Piquenique com o tema flamingos
Roseli Sato
64. Ladybug na Festa Piquenique com vista para o mar
Picnic Chique
65. Já neste evento é a turma da Galinha Pintadinha que faz a festa!
Patrícia Nicastro
66. Caixotes guardam as lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Invente e Crie Locação
67. O piquenique da Júlia traz todos os tradicionais elementos!
Ama Eventos
68. Inclua frutas no cardápio!
Festa Do Papel by Cris e Tania
69. Arranjo pequeno e simples, mas delicado e supergracioso!
Ello Decoração e Cenografia
70. Decoração romântica conta com graciosos adornos
Roseli Sato
71. Festa Piquenique em dose dupla!
Eh Pic Picninc
72. Crie composições de diferentes cores e texturas
Luciana Ferreira
73. O simpático Mickey compõe a Festa Piquenique com encanto
Limone Festas e Eventos
74. A delicadeza dos tons pastel finaliza a decoração com graça
Gondim Eventos
75. Festa Piquenique Fundo do Mar é tendência!
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
76. Faça você mesmo elementos para decorar a festa com autenticidade
Vintage Atelier Kids
77. Como estas lindas bandeiras de crochê!
Isina Ventura
78. Use ombrelones caso o lugar não tiver muitas árvores
Festa Piquenique BH
79. Vermelho e amarelo são protagonista da Festa Piquenique da Minnie
Roseli Sato
80. Aposte em composições coloridas e delicadas!
Eh Pic Picninc
Um encanto, não é mesmo? Agora que você já se inspirou com as dezenas de incríveis ideias de Festa Piquenique, selecione as que você mais se identificou e crie um evento tão magnífico e charmoso quanto o local natural em que será comemorado o aniversário. Lembre-se de estudar bem o espaço para não deixar os convidados, comidas e bebidas no sol. Aposte neste tema e comemore junto com a natureza! E tenha um plano B caso o tempo não colaborar.
O post Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
Tua Casa
0 notes
victorbarros147 · 5 years ago
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão
A Festa Piquenique é um tema perfeito para quem busca comemorar o seu aniversário ou qualquer outro evento ao ar livre. Cercado por flores e árvores, a comemoração é agraciada também pela iluminação natural que confere todo o aconchego e brilho à festa. O evento pode ser feito em um parque, no jardim da casa ou até mesmo na praia.
Dessa forma, confira dezenas de ideias para você se inspirar e decorar a sua Festa Piquenique em grande estilo. Explore a sua criatividade e crie composições que harmonizem com o entorno natural. Bandeirinhas, balões, toalhas de mesa com estampa xadrez entre outros elementos coloridos e delicados incrementam a decoração com primor.
1. Decore o espaço com muitas bandeirinhas
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
2. E também com muitos tecidos e toalhas de estampa xadrez
Fernanda Sanchez
3. Elementos em madeira harmonizam com o entorno natural
Vila Afetiva Festas
4. Como estes suportes para os docinhos e salgadinhos
Villa Decor Locações
5. Linda Festa Piquenique inspirada nos simpáticos Minions
Roseli Sato
6. Já a Júlia ganhou uma festa inspirada em muitas flores e borboletas
Pirulito Atelier
7. Aposte em lindos bolos personalizados para o evento
Bolos Decorados da Su
8. Procure por um cardápio refrescante
Ju Lepletier Decorações
9. E muito saboroso!
Daniela Chiessi
10. A mesa da festa é bem decorada e bonita
Mil Folhas Festas e Papelaria
11. E este aniversário ao ar livre e supercriativo inspirado na Kombi?
Encaixe A Festa
12. Reserve um espaço dedicado às lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Aline Alves
13. Os personagens de Carros invadiram a festa do João Pedro!
Bliss Festas e Locações
14. Inclua uma estação refrescante na festa
By Paty Pickler
15. Assim como vasos com arranjos de flores na decoração
Celebrizar por Kelly Krebs
16. Este evento ao ar livre é inspirado em Legos
Mini Festas por Dani Bastos
17. Este outro é inspirado nos heróis da Patrulha Canina
Dani Furtado
18. Delicada composição para o piquenique da Masha e o Urso
La Fête Festas Afetivas
19. Simpáticas e fofas raposinhas incrementam a decoração
Tuca Mendonça
20. A Festa Piquenique pode ser feita à tarde
Festa Piquenique BH
21. Ou até mesmo de manhã
Dani Furtado
22. Coloque a mesa debaixo de árvores
Ideias e Kits – Party Planner
23. E estipule um horário para não pegar o sol forte
Rosalia Rocha
24. Chapeuzinho Vermelho concede muito charme à Festa Piquenique
Tati Carolino
25. Faça você mesmo um bolo falso superdecorado de biscuit
Simone Shanti
26. Bandeirinhas com diversas estampas proporcionam graça à festa
Eh Pic Picninc
27. Procure por moldes de frutas para inserir no arranjo
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
28. Estude bem o local em que será feito a festa
Daniela Pontes
29. Busque por espaços com pouco movimento
Roseli Sato
30. Crie apliques com papel colorido e palito de churrasco para decorar os bolos
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
31. Caixotes são perfeitos para decorar o ambiente
Fernanda Sanchez
32. Decoração incrível e fofa para o aniversário do Miguel
Daniela Chiessi
33. Festa Piquenique infantil apresenta composição simples, mas bonita
Aline Alves
34. A Magali tem tudo a ver com a Festa Piquenique!
Pirulito Atelier
35. Festa Piquenique da Moana para as meninas
Eh Pic Picninc
36. O tema Safári foi escolhido pelos papais do Theo
Roseli Sato
37. Balões são indispensáveis na hora de decorar!
Le Petit Festas
38. Faça uma mesa de pallet para o evento
Patrícia Bogacki
39. Decore o painel com rosetas de papel e balões
Angélica Guelfi Carniel
40. Muitas cores compõem o arranjo da Festa Piquenique
Natália Escudeiro
41. Simples e linda Festa Piquenique da Marina
Festa Pequena
42. Faça um belo evento sob as árvores
Piquenique que Leve Amor
43. A mesa já está posta para comemorar mais um ano de vida!
Tomits Recreação e Oficinas
44. Procure por um lugar seguro para fazer a festa
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
45. Assim como por um espaço limpo e bem arborizado
Fani Luise Eventos
46. Piratas confirmaram presença no piquenique do Fred
Eh Pic Picninc
47. Tendinha com frutinhas 3D de papel colorido
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
48. Crie um espaço com almofadas para as crianças sentarem e brincarem no chão
Roseli Sato
49. Fundo do Mar inspirou a decoração do evento
Quittuteria Ateliê
50. Festa Piquenique simples no parque da cidade
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
51. Explore muitos tons para compor a decoração
Pirulito Atelier
52. Pedaços de madeira servem como suporte para os docinhos
Rosalia Rocha
53. O verde de Hulk harmoniza perfeitamente com o evento ao ar livre
Eh Pic Picninc
54. Pare! A Festa Piquenique é aqui!
Roseli Sato
55. Tons pastel protagonizam o evento no jardim
Natália Escudeiro
56. Branca de Neve para Festa Piquenique
Picnic Festa e Arte
57. O que é mais lindo: a decoração ou a vista panorâmica?
Kallyny Barros
58. Você pode fazer a Festa Piquenique em um parque
Janna Souza
59. No jardim da sua própria casa
Abracadabra Personalizados
60. Ou até mesmo na praia!
61. Basta um lugar bonito, com ar fresco e bem iluminado
62. Cuidado para as formigas não roubarem os doces!
Eh Pic Picninc
63. Para as meninas, Festa Piquenique com o tema flamingos
Roseli Sato
64. Ladybug na Festa Piquenique com vista para o mar
Picnic Chique
65. Já neste evento é a turma da Galinha Pintadinha que faz a festa!
Patrícia Nicastro
66. Caixotes guardam as lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Invente e Crie Locação
67. O piquenique da Júlia traz todos os tradicionais elementos!
Ama Eventos
68. Inclua frutas no cardápio!
Festa Do Papel by Cris e Tania
69. Arranjo pequeno e simples, mas delicado e supergracioso!
Ello Decoração e Cenografia
70. Decoração romântica conta com graciosos adornos
Roseli Sato
71. Festa Piquenique em dose dupla!
Eh Pic Picninc
72. Crie composições de diferentes cores e texturas
Luciana Ferreira
73. O simpático Mickey compõe a Festa Piquenique com encanto
Limone Festas e Eventos
74. A delicadeza dos tons pastel finaliza a decoração com graça
Gondim Eventos
75. Festa Piquenique Fundo do Mar é tendência!
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
76. Faça você mesmo elementos para decorar a festa com autenticidade
Vintage Atelier Kids
77. Como estas lindas bandeiras de crochê!
Isina Ventura
78. Use ombrelones caso o lugar não tiver muitas árvores
Festa Piquenique BH
79. Vermelho e amarelo são protagonista da Festa Piquenique da Minnie
Roseli Sato
80. Aposte em composições coloridas e delicadas!
Eh Pic Picninc
Um encanto, não é mesmo? Agora que você já se inspirou com as dezenas de incríveis ideias de Festa Piquenique, selecione as que você mais se identificou e crie um evento tão magnífico e charmoso quanto o local natural em que será comemorado o aniversário. Lembre-se de estudar bem o espaço para não deixar os convidados, comidas e bebidas no sol. Aposte neste tema e comemore junto com a natureza! E tenha um plano B caso o tempo não colaborar.
O post Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
A Festa Piquenique é um tema perfeito para quem busca comemorar o seu aniversário ou qualquer outro evento ao ar livre. Cercado por flores e árvores, a comemoração é agraciada também pela iluminação natural que confere todo o aconchego e brilho à festa. O evento pode ser feito em um parque, no jardim da casa ou até mesmo na praia.
Dessa forma, confira dezenas de ideias para você se inspirar e decorar a sua Festa Piquenique em grande estilo. Explore a sua criatividade e crie composições que harmonizem com o entorno natural. Bandeirinhas, balões, toalhas de mesa com estampa xadrez entre outros elementos coloridos e delicados incrementam a decoração com primor.
1. Decore o espaço com muitas bandeirinhas
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
2. E também com muitos tecidos e toalhas de estampa xadrez
Fernanda Sanchez
3. Elementos em madeira harmonizam com o entorno natural
Vila Afetiva Festas
4. Como estes suportes para os docinhos e salgadinhos
Villa Decor Locações
5. Linda Festa Piquenique inspirada nos simpáticos Minions
Roseli Sato
6. Já a Júlia ganhou uma festa inspirada em muitas flores e borboletas
Pirulito Atelier
7. Aposte em lindos bolos personalizados para o evento
Bolos Decorados da Su
8. Procure por um cardápio refrescante
Ju Lepletier Decorações
9. E muito saboroso!
Daniela Chiessi
10. A mesa da festa é bem decorada e bonita
Mil Folhas Festas e Papelaria
11. E este aniversário ao ar livre e supercriativo inspirado na Kombi?
Encaixe A Festa
12. Reserve um espaço dedicado às lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Aline Alves
13. Os personagens de Carros invadiram a festa do João Pedro!
Bliss Festas e Locações
14. Inclua uma estação refrescante na festa
By Paty Pickler
15. Assim como vasos com arranjos de flores na decoração
Celebrizar por Kelly Krebs
16. Este evento ao ar livre é inspirado em Legos
Mini Festas por Dani Bastos
17. Este outro é inspirado nos heróis da Patrulha Canina
Dani Furtado
18. Delicada composição para o piquenique da Masha e o Urso
La Fête Festas Afetivas
19. Simpáticas e fofas raposinhas incrementam a decoração
Tuca Mendonça
20. A Festa Piquenique pode ser feita à tarde
Festa Piquenique BH
21. Ou até mesmo de manhã
Dani Furtado
22. Coloque a mesa debaixo de árvores
Ideias e Kits – Party Planner
23. E estipule um horário para não pegar o sol forte
Rosalia Rocha
24. Chapeuzinho Vermelho concede muito charme à Festa Piquenique
Tati Carolino
25. Faça você mesmo um bolo falso superdecorado de biscuit
Simone Shanti
26. Bandeirinhas com diversas estampas proporcionam graça à festa
Eh Pic Picninc
27. Procure por moldes de frutas para inserir no arranjo
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
28. Estude bem o local em que será feito a festa
Daniela Pontes
29. Busque por espaços com pouco movimento
Roseli Sato
30. Crie apliques com papel colorido e palito de churrasco para decorar os bolos
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
31. Caixotes são perfeitos para decorar o ambiente
Fernanda Sanchez
32. Decoração incrível e fofa para o aniversário do Miguel
Daniela Chiessi
33. Festa Piquenique infantil apresenta composição simples, mas bonita
Aline Alves
34. A Magali tem tudo a ver com a Festa Piquenique!
Pirulito Atelier
35. Festa Piquenique da Moana para as meninas
Eh Pic Picninc
36. O tema Safári foi escolhido pelos papais do Theo
Roseli Sato
37. Balões são indispensáveis na hora de decorar!
Le Petit Festas
38. Faça uma mesa de pallet para o evento
Patrícia Bogacki
39. Decore o painel com rosetas de papel e balões
Angélica Guelfi Carniel
40. Muitas cores compõem o arranjo da Festa Piquenique
Natália Escudeiro
41. Simples e linda Festa Piquenique da Marina
Festa Pequena
42. Faça um belo evento sob as árvores
Piquenique que Leve Amor
43. A mesa já está posta para comemorar mais um ano de vida!
Tomits Recreação e Oficinas
44. Procure por um lugar seguro para fazer a festa
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
45. Assim como por um espaço limpo e bem arborizado
Fani Luise Eventos
46. Piratas confirmaram presença no piquenique do Fred
Eh Pic Picninc
47. Tendinha com frutinhas 3D de papel colorido
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
48. Crie um espaço com almofadas para as crianças sentarem e brincarem no chão
Roseli Sato
49. Fundo do Mar inspirou a decoração do evento
Quittuteria Ateliê
50. Festa Piquenique simples no parque da cidade
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
51. Explore muitos tons para compor a decoração
Pirulito Atelier
52. Pedaços de madeira servem como suporte para os docinhos
Rosalia Rocha
53. O verde de Hulk harmoniza perfeitamente com o evento ao ar livre
Eh Pic Picninc
54. Pare! A Festa Piquenique é aqui!
Roseli Sato
55. Tons pastel protagonizam o evento no jardim
Natália Escudeiro
56. Branca de Neve para Festa Piquenique
Picnic Festa e Arte
57. O que é mais lindo: a decoração ou a vista panorâmica?
Kallyny Barros
58. Você pode fazer a Festa Piquenique em um parque
Janna Souza
59. No jardim da sua própria casa
Abracadabra Personalizados
60. Ou até mesmo na praia!
61. Basta um lugar bonito, com ar fresco e bem iluminado
62. Cuidado para as formigas não roubarem os doces!
Eh Pic Picninc
63. Para as meninas, Festa Piquenique com o tema flamingos
Roseli Sato
64. Ladybug na Festa Piquenique com vista para o mar
Picnic Chique
65. Já neste evento é a turma da Galinha Pintadinha que faz a festa!
Patrícia Nicastro
66. Caixotes guardam as lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Invente e Crie Locação
67. O piquenique da Júlia traz todos os tradicionais elementos!
Ama Eventos
68. Inclua frutas no cardápio!
Festa Do Papel by Cris e Tania
69. Arranjo pequeno e simples, mas delicado e supergracioso!
Ello Decoração e Cenografia
70. Decoração romântica conta com graciosos adornos
Roseli Sato
71. Festa Piquenique em dose dupla!
Eh Pic Picninc
72. Crie composições de diferentes cores e texturas
Luciana Ferreira
73. O simpático Mickey compõe a Festa Piquenique com encanto
Limone Festas e Eventos
74. A delicadeza dos tons pastel finaliza a decoração com graça
Gondim Eventos
75. Festa Piquenique Fundo do Mar é tendência!
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
76. Faça você mesmo elementos para decorar a festa com autenticidade
Vintage Atelier Kids
77. Como estas lindas bandeiras de crochê!
Isina Ventura
78. Use ombrelones caso o lugar não tiver muitas árvores
Festa Piquenique BH
79. Vermelho e amarelo são protagonista da Festa Piquenique da Minnie
Roseli Sato
80. Aposte em composições coloridas e delicadas!
Eh Pic Picninc
Um encanto, não é mesmo? Agora que você já se inspirou com as dezenas de incríveis ideias de Festa Piquenique, selecione as que você mais se identificou e crie um evento tão magnífico e charmoso quanto o local natural em que será comemorado o aniversário. Lembre-se de estudar bem o espaço para não deixar os convidados, comidas e bebidas no sol. Aposte neste tema e comemore junto com a natureza! E tenha um plano B caso o tempo não colaborar.
O post Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdãopublicado primeiro em
0 notes
blogandressasantosposts · 5 years ago
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão
A Festa Piquenique é um tema perfeito para quem busca comemorar o seu aniversário ou qualquer outro evento ao ar livre. Cercado por flores e árvores, a comemoração é agraciada também pela iluminação natural que confere todo o aconchego e brilho à festa. O evento pode ser feito em um parque, no jardim da casa ou até mesmo na praia.
Dessa forma, confira dezenas de ideias para você se inspirar e decorar a sua Festa Piquenique em grande estilo. Explore a sua criatividade e crie composições que harmonizem com o entorno natural. Bandeirinhas, balões, toalhas de mesa com estampa xadrez entre outros elementos coloridos e delicados incrementam a decoração com primor.
1. Decore o espaço com muitas bandeirinhas
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
2. E também com muitos tecidos e toalhas de estampa xadrez
Fernanda Sanchez
3. Elementos em madeira harmonizam com o entorno natural
Vila Afetiva Festas
4. Como estes suportes para os docinhos e salgadinhos
Villa Decor Locações
5. Linda Festa Piquenique inspirada nos simpáticos Minions
Roseli Sato
6. Já a Júlia ganhou uma festa inspirada em muitas flores e borboletas
Pirulito Atelier
7. Aposte em lindos bolos personalizados para o evento
Bolos Decorados da Su
8. Procure por um cardápio refrescante
Ju Lepletier Decorações
9. E muito saboroso!
Daniela Chiessi
10. A mesa da festa é bem decorada e bonita
Mil Folhas Festas e Papelaria
11. E este aniversário ao ar livre e supercriativo inspirado na Kombi?
Encaixe A Festa
12. Reserve um espaço dedicado às lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Aline Alves
13. Os personagens de Carros invadiram a festa do João Pedro!
Bliss Festas e Locações
14. Inclua uma estação refrescante na festa
By Paty Pickler
15. Assim como vasos com arranjos de flores na decoração
Celebrizar por Kelly Krebs
16. Este evento ao ar livre é inspirado em Legos
Mini Festas por Dani Bastos
17. Este outro é inspirado nos heróis da Patrulha Canina
Dani Furtado
18. Delicada composição para o piquenique da Masha e o Urso
La Fête Festas Afetivas
19. Simpáticas e fofas raposinhas incrementam a decoração
Tuca Mendonça
20. A Festa Piquenique pode ser feita à tarde
Festa Piquenique BH
21. Ou até mesmo de manhã
Dani Furtado
22. Coloque a mesa debaixo de árvores
Ideias e Kits – Party Planner
23. E estipule um horário para não pegar o sol forte
Rosalia Rocha
24. Chapeuzinho Vermelho concede muito charme à Festa Piquenique
Tati Carolino
25. Faça você mesmo um bolo falso superdecorado de biscuit
Simone Shanti
26. Bandeirinhas com diversas estampas proporcionam graça à festa
Eh Pic Picninc
27. Procure por moldes de frutas para inserir no arranjo
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
28. Estude bem o local em que será feito a festa
Daniela Pontes
29. Busque por espaços com pouco movimento
Roseli Sato
30. Crie apliques com papel colorido e palito de churrasco para decorar os bolos
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
31. Caixotes são perfeitos para decorar o ambiente
Fernanda Sanchez
32. Decoração incrível e fofa para o aniversário do Miguel
Daniela Chiessi
33. Festa Piquenique infantil apresenta composição simples, mas bonita
Aline Alves
34. A Magali tem tudo a ver com a Festa Piquenique!
Pirulito Atelier
35. Festa Piquenique da Moana para as meninas
Eh Pic Picninc
36. O tema Safári foi escolhido pelos papais do Theo
Roseli Sato
37. Balões são indispensáveis na hora de decorar!
Le Petit Festas
38. Faça uma mesa de pallet para o evento
Patrícia Bogacki
39. Decore o painel com rosetas de papel e balões
Angélica Guelfi Carniel
40. Muitas cores compõem o arranjo da Festa Piquenique
Natália Escudeiro
41. Simples e linda Festa Piquenique da Marina
Festa Pequena
42. Faça um belo evento sob as árvores
Piquenique que Leve Amor
43. A mesa já está posta para comemorar mais um ano de vida!
Tomits Recreação e Oficinas
44. Procure por um lugar seguro para fazer a festa
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
45. Assim como por um espaço limpo e bem arborizado
Fani Luise Eventos
46. Piratas confirmaram presença no piquenique do Fred
Eh Pic Picninc
47. Tendinha com frutinhas 3D de papel colorido
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
48. Crie um espaço com almofadas para as crianças sentarem e brincarem no chão
Roseli Sato
49. Fundo do Mar inspirou a decoração do evento
Quittuteria Ateliê
50. Festa Piquenique simples no parque da cidade
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
51. Explore muitos tons para compor a decoração
Pirulito Atelier
52. Pedaços de madeira servem como suporte para os docinhos
Rosalia Rocha
53. O verde de Hulk harmoniza perfeitamente com o evento ao ar livre
Eh Pic Picninc
54. Pare! A Festa Piquenique é aqui!
Roseli Sato
55. Tons pastel protagonizam o evento no jardim
Natália Escudeiro
56. Branca de Neve para Festa Piquenique
Picnic Festa e Arte
57. O que é mais lindo: a decoração ou a vista panorâmica?
Kallyny Barros
58. Você pode fazer a Festa Piquenique em um parque
Janna Souza
59. No jardim da sua própria casa
Abracadabra Personalizados
60. Ou até mesmo na praia!
61. Basta um lugar bonito, com ar fresco e bem iluminado
62. Cuidado para as formigas não roubarem os doces!
Eh Pic Picninc
63. Para as meninas, Festa Piquenique com o tema flamingos
Roseli Sato
64. Ladybug na Festa Piquenique com vista para o mar
Picnic Chique
65. Já neste evento é a turma da Galinha Pintadinha que faz a festa!
Patrícia Nicastro
66. Caixotes guardam as lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Invente e Crie Locação
67. O piquenique da Júlia traz todos os tradicionais elementos!
Ama Eventos
68. Inclua frutas no cardápio!
Festa Do Papel by Cris e Tania
69. Arranjo pequeno e simples, mas delicado e supergracioso!
Ello Decoração e Cenografia
70. Decoração romântica conta com graciosos adornos
Roseli Sato
71. Festa Piquenique em dose dupla!
Eh Pic Picninc
72. Crie composições de diferentes cores e texturas
Luciana Ferreira
73. O simpático Mickey compõe a Festa Piquenique com encanto
Limone Festas e Eventos
74. A delicadeza dos tons pastel finaliza a decoração com graça
Gondim Eventos
75. Festa Piquenique Fundo do Mar é tendência!
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
76. Faça você mesmo elementos para decorar a festa com autenticidade
Vintage Atelier Kids
77. Como estas lindas bandeiras de crochê!
Isina Ventura
78. Use ombrelones caso o lugar não tiver muitas árvores
Festa Piquenique BH
79. Vermelho e amarelo são protagonista da Festa Piquenique da Minnie
Roseli Sato
80. Aposte em composições coloridas e delicadas!
Eh Pic Picninc
Um encanto, não é mesmo? Agora que você já se inspirou com as dezenas de incríveis ideias de Festa Piquenique, selecione as que você mais se identificou e crie um evento tão magnífico e charmoso quanto o local natural em que será comemorado o aniversário. Lembre-se de estudar bem o espaço para não deixar os convidados, comidas e bebidas no sol. Aposte neste tema e comemore junto com a natureza! E tenha um plano B caso o tempo não colaborar.
O post Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão publicado primeiro em https://www.tuacasa.com.br/
0 notes
loveaurdeepression · 2 years ago
Movie Posters- Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
The awaited Father’s Day fic :D love all of you, and I hope you like this<3333
Tumblr media
“What the hell is this?”
“It’s a cake, dumbass.”
“Yeah I know, dipshit. Why is it on my desk?”
“How should I know?” The AI shrugs, “maybe check the icing? Dumbass.”
The perpetually tired old spider rolls his eyes and opens the box to reveal a red and blue cake with his logo iced onto it. There’s a chocolate piece with writing on it.
“Get an empanada at exactly 11:26 am today for your next hint.” Miguel reads out, “I mean- sure I guess?”
From somewhere above, another spider in a purple suit smiles and disappears.
At exactly 11:26 am, Miguel is at taking the empanada from the spider behind the counter who also hands him a small box.Nodding in thanks, he looks at the post it on the plate.
“Good job, open the box after eating the food.”
He doesn’t waste time in scarfing the food down before opening the box.
A battery. And another note.
“Good job, at exactly 1:30 pm, go to Jessica’s quarters.”
“What?” He says out loud, attracting the attention of some of the other spiders, “nothing to see here.” He snarls and they all go back to eating in silence.
He internally groans, because he knows you’re behind this.
At one thirty, he glares as Jess smirks and hands him a paper bag filled with confetti.
Amongst the confetti, he finds another box.
Another battery, another note.
‘Almost done, now at five, go to the main hall of spider society to find the last part of your gift.’
“I’m going to kill that kid.” He swears as he carefully folds the paper and holds it as if it made of glass
“You’d kill yourself before letting anything harm her.” Jessica replies.
He doesn’t answer, only clenching his jaw in response to his colleague’s words.
Because nothing has ever been truer.
At five sharp, he opens the doors to the main hall to find a single spotlight shining onto a table with the last box on it.
He rips the ribbon wrapped around it and opens it to find a remote with a single bright red button and another note.
‘Two batteries and one remote. You know what to do, wiseguy.
Also, happy Father’s Day ;)’
He has never assembled something faster, as he quickly puts the batteries in the remote. And hesitantly presses the button.
The spotlight switches off and the momentary darkness in the hall is then replaced by a single hologram of a butterfly flying around him.
It rests on his nose and flies around him, as if wanting him to follow it. In front of him, a portal opens and the butterfly flies through it, expecting him to follow.
On the other side is what is supposed to be a media room. Complete with wooden panelling and a projector and speakers. He sees posters of what used to be his favourite movies and songs. Photos of his favourite soccer players. His hand moves to over his mouth at the photo of him and Gabriella.
“Don’t be mad.” Your voice reaches his ears and he whirls to see you look at him nervously, “i wanted to make this special.”
He clenched his jaw and scoffs, looking around the room once more, he eyes the empanadas and the movie, his favourite, ready to be watched.
He then looks you in the eye, and for the first time in entire time you’ve known him, you feel nervous.
He stalks towards you and after a few seconds of painful silence, he wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
“Oh honey, why would I be mad?” He whisper into your hair.
You let out a sigh of relief, “i know how much she meant to you, she needed to be here today. I..know I’m not your real daughter or anything, but you’re my dad.” You hug him tighter, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, and he gingerly picks you up.
“You’re my kid. Understand?” His voice is shaky.
You nod and he puts you down, a small smile on his face.
You giggle, “wanna watch the movie?”
His smile turns into a smirk, “come on what are we waiting for?”
Your smile disappears, “wait, shit! I forgot my glasses!”
“I thought spiders had 10/10 vision?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Sorry that your spider is a blind bat.” You snark.
“You’re hilarious.” He munches on the popcorn you’d made for him.
“Yeah I know.” You grin and open a portal to get your glasses.
A few minutes nts later, you emerge, a frown on your face. You go to stand in front of him and he looks up at you, “What?”
“They were on my head the whole time.”
“Oh were they?” He hums, “must’ve missed em. I have horrible eyesight.”
“Asshole.” You roll your eyes and adjust your glasses as you plop down next to him and start the movie.
He throws popcorn into your open mouth, “don’t talk to your father that way.”
“Shut up.”
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guioliveirabarbosa · 5 years ago
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão
A Festa Piquenique é um tema perfeito para quem busca comemorar o seu aniversário ou qualquer outro evento ao ar livre. Cercado por flores e árvores, a comemoração é agraciada também pela iluminação natural que confere todo o aconchego e brilho à festa. O evento pode ser feito em um parque, no jardim da casa ou até mesmo na praia.
Dessa forma, confira dezenas de ideias para você se inspirar e decorar a sua Festa Piquenique em grande estilo. Explore a sua criatividade e crie composições que harmonizem com o entorno natural. Bandeirinhas, balões, toalhas de mesa com estampa xadrez entre outros elementos coloridos e delicados incrementam a decoração com primor.
1. Decore o espaço com muitas bandeirinhas
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
2. E também com muitos tecidos e toalhas de estampa xadrez
Fernanda Sanchez
3. Elementos em madeira harmonizam com o entorno natural
Vila Afetiva Festas
4. Como estes suportes para os docinhos e salgadinhos
Villa Decor Locações
5. Linda Festa Piquenique inspirada nos simpáticos Minions
Roseli Sato
6. Já a Júlia ganhou uma festa inspirada em muitas flores e borboletas
Pirulito Atelier
7. Aposte em lindos bolos personalizados para o evento
Bolos Decorados da Su
8. Procure por um cardápio refrescante
Ju Lepletier Decorações
9. E muito saboroso!
Daniela Chiessi
10. A mesa da festa é bem decorada e bonita
Mil Folhas Festas e Papelaria
11. E este aniversário ao ar livre e supercriativo inspirado na Kombi?
Encaixe A Festa
12. Reserve um espaço dedicado às lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Aline Alves
13. Os personagens de Carros invadiram a festa do João Pedro!
Bliss Festas e Locações
14. Inclua uma estação refrescante na festa
By Paty Pickler
15. Assim como vasos com arranjos de flores na decoração
Celebrizar por Kelly Krebs
16. Este evento ao ar livre é inspirado em Legos
Mini Festas por Dani Bastos
17. Este outro é inspirado nos heróis da Patrulha Canina
Dani Furtado
18. Delicada composição para o piquenique da Masha e o Urso
La Fête Festas Afetivas
19. Simpáticas e fofas raposinhas incrementam a decoração
Tuca Mendonça
20. A Festa Piquenique pode ser feita à tarde
Festa Piquenique BH
21. Ou até mesmo de manhã
Dani Furtado
22. Coloque a mesa debaixo de árvores
Ideias e Kits – Party Planner
23. E estipule um horário para não pegar o sol forte
Rosalia Rocha
24. Chapeuzinho Vermelho concede muito charme à Festa Piquenique
Tati Carolino
25. Faça você mesmo um bolo falso superdecorado de biscuit
Simone Shanti
26. Bandeirinhas com diversas estampas proporcionam graça à festa
Eh Pic Picninc
27. Procure por moldes de frutas para inserir no arranjo
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
28. Estude bem o local em que será feito a festa
Daniela Pontes
29. Busque por espaços com pouco movimento
Roseli Sato
30. Crie apliques com papel colorido e palito de churrasco para decorar os bolos
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
31. Caixotes são perfeitos para decorar o ambiente
Fernanda Sanchez
32. Decoração incrível e fofa para o aniversário do Miguel
Daniela Chiessi
33. Festa Piquenique infantil apresenta composição simples, mas bonita
Aline Alves
34. A Magali tem tudo a ver com a Festa Piquenique!
Pirulito Atelier
35. Festa Piquenique da Moana para as meninas
Eh Pic Picninc
36. O tema Safári foi escolhido pelos papais do Theo
Roseli Sato
37. Balões são indispensáveis na hora de decorar!
Le Petit Festas
38. Faça uma mesa de pallet para o evento
Patrícia Bogacki
39. Decore o painel com rosetas de papel e balões
Angélica Guelfi Carniel
40. Muitas cores compõem o arranjo da Festa Piquenique
Natália Escudeiro
41. Simples e linda Festa Piquenique da Marina
Festa Pequena
42. Faça um belo evento sob as árvores
Piquenique que Leve Amor
43. A mesa já está posta para comemorar mais um ano de vida!
Tomits Recreação e Oficinas
44. Procure por um lugar seguro para fazer a festa
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
45. Assim como por um espaço limpo e bem arborizado
Fani Luise Eventos
46. Piratas confirmaram presença no piquenique do Fred
Eh Pic Picninc
47. Tendinha com frutinhas 3D de papel colorido
Luisa Aldinucci Ferzanon
48. Crie um espaço com almofadas para as crianças sentarem e brincarem no chão
Roseli Sato
49. Fundo do Mar inspirou a decoração do evento
Quittuteria Ateliê
50. Festa Piquenique simples no parque da cidade
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
51. Explore muitos tons para compor a decoração
Pirulito Atelier
52. Pedaços de madeira servem como suporte para os docinhos
Rosalia Rocha
53. O verde de Hulk harmoniza perfeitamente com o evento ao ar livre
Eh Pic Picninc
54. Pare! A Festa Piquenique é aqui!
Roseli Sato
55. Tons pastel protagonizam o evento no jardim
Natália Escudeiro
56. Branca de Neve para Festa Piquenique
Picnic Festa e Arte
57. O que é mais lindo: a decoração ou a vista panorâmica?
Kallyny Barros
58. Você pode fazer a Festa Piquenique em um parque
Janna Souza
59. No jardim da sua própria casa
Abracadabra Personalizados
60. Ou até mesmo na praia!
61. Basta um lugar bonito, com ar fresco e bem iluminado
62. Cuidado para as formigas não roubarem os doces!
Eh Pic Picninc
63. Para as meninas, Festa Piquenique com o tema flamingos
Roseli Sato
64. Ladybug na Festa Piquenique com vista para o mar
Picnic Chique
65. Já neste evento é a turma da Galinha Pintadinha que faz a festa!
Patrícia Nicastro
66. Caixotes guardam as lembrancinhas da Festa Piquenique
Invente e Crie Locação
67. O piquenique da Júlia traz todos os tradicionais elementos!
Ama Eventos
68. Inclua frutas no cardápio!
Festa Do Papel by Cris e Tania
69. Arranjo pequeno e simples, mas delicado e supergracioso!
Ello Decoração e Cenografia
70. Decoração romântica conta com graciosos adornos
Roseli Sato
71. Festa Piquenique em dose dupla!
Eh Pic Picninc
72. Crie composições de diferentes cores e texturas
Luciana Ferreira
73. O simpático Mickey compõe a Festa Piquenique com encanto
Limone Festas e Eventos
74. A delicadeza dos tons pastel finaliza a decoração com graça
Gondim Eventos
75. Festa Piquenique Fundo do Mar é tendência!
Nas Nuvens Projetos Criativos
76. Faça você mesmo elementos para decorar a festa com autenticidade
Vintage Atelier Kids
77. Como estas lindas bandeiras de crochê!
Isina Ventura
78. Use ombrelones caso o lugar não tiver muitas árvores
Festa Piquenique BH
79. Vermelho e amarelo são protagonista da Festa Piquenique da Minnie
Roseli Sato
80. Aposte em composições coloridas e delicadas!
Eh Pic Picninc
Um encanto, não é mesmo? Agora que você já se inspirou com as dezenas de incríveis ideias de Festa Piquenique, selecione as que você mais se identificou e crie um evento tão magnífico e charmoso quanto o local natural em que será comemorado o aniversário. Lembre-se de estudar bem o espaço para não deixar os convidados, comidas e bebidas no sol. Aposte neste tema e comemore junto com a natureza! E tenha um plano B caso o tempo não colaborar.
O post Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdão apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
Bolo do Palmeiras: 95 ideias para uma festa incrível com o Verdãopublicado primeiro em https://www.tuacasa.com.br
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ultraisabarrosmartins1978 · 5 years ago
Carnaval no Rio: veja a programação dos blocos de rua
Mamãe eu quero, mamãe eu quero, mamãe eu quero CARNAVAL! Com tantos blocos espalhados pelas ruas da Cidade Maravilhosa, é preciso se organizar para não perder os melhores. Então, que tal já começar a  fazer a sua agenda para o Carnaval no Rio?
No calendário, o Carnaval de 2020 está marcado para 25 de fevereiro. Mas no Rio, tem carnaval o mês inteiro e até o mês de março entra na folia! É alegria que não acaba mais!
E pra escolher entre tantas opções, a Catraca Livre ajuda você nessa missão! Confira os blocos abaixo, organizados por data e região, veja quais deles fazem seu coração bater mais forte, separe sua fantasia, capricha na purpurina e prepare-se para ser o folião mais feliz desse Carnaval no Rio!
Para os amantes de funk, já estão confirmadíssimos o Bloco da Lexa, o Fervo da Lud, com a diva Ludmilla, e o Bloco das Poderosas, com Anitta.
Se a sua pegada são as marchinhas tradicionais, é só se jogar no Cordão da Bola Preta. E também vai rolar o axé da Cláudia Leitte no bloco Carnaval Square.
Os apaixonados por sertanejo podem comemorar: vai rolar Chora me Liga este ano. Também tem MPB e Preta Gil no Tradicional Bloco da Preta.
O Monobloco vai agitar o Carnaval no Rio com suas marchinhas, sambas de Cartola e Clara Nunes, Alceu Valença e muita música popular brasileira.
Este ano, a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro recebeu 731 pedidos de cadastramento de blocos de rua. Até o momento, estão pré-aprovados 543.
Acompanhe a agenda:
12 de Janeiro 
Zona Sul
Abertura do Carnaval 2020 do Rio de Janeiro – Bloco da Favorita Atrações: Bloco da Favorita, eleição final do Rei Momo e da Rainha do carnaval carioca. Onde: Copacabana, palco principal do Réveillon Horas: 15h
20 de Janeiro
Zona Norte
Turma da Paz de Madureira – TPM Onde: Em frente ao Império Serrano, Madureira Concentração: 13h
1º de Fevereiro
Zona Sul
Chame Gente Onde: Av. Prefeito Mendes de Moraes, esquina com Rua Herbert Moses, São Conrado Horas: 8h
Grande Tijuca
Sempre Vila Onde: Rua Souza Franco, 364, Vila Isabel Horas: 14h
Seu Kuka e Eu do Grajaú Onde: Praça Professor Francisco Daurea, Grajaú Horas: 16h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Black Sambá Onde: Posto 10, Recreio Horas: 8h
Casa dos Pardieiros Onde: Rua Soldado lino Vitor dos Santos, 25, Anil Horas: 17h
Zona Norte
Amigos da Esquina Onde: Rua Dois de Fevereiro, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 15h
Os “20” de Ouro do Mestre Odilon Onde: Estrada do Rio Jequiá, 482, Ilha do Governador Horas: 16h
2 de fevereiro
Bloco da Lexa
Região Central
Unidos do Rego Barros Onde: Rua Rego Barros, 72, Centro Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Só Caminha Onde: Largo dos Leões, Botafogo Horas: 12h
Zona Norte
Turma da Paz de Madureira – TPM Onde: Em frente ao Império Serrano, Madureira Concentração: 13h
Xodó da Piedade Onde: Rua Silvana, esquina com Rua Angelina, Piedade Horas: 16h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Bloco das Divas Onde: Av. Lúcio Costa, 17.194, Recreio Horas: 15h
5 de Fevereiro
Zona Norte
Discípulos do Oswaldo Onde: Rua Rosa da Fonseca, Manguinhos Horas: 17h
7 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Badalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Largo das Neves, Santa Teresa Horas: 16h
8 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Batuquebato Onde: Arco do Teles, 21 Horas: 9h
Liga de Blocos e Bandas da Zona Portuária Onde: Rua Barão da Gamboa, Gamboa Horas: 16h
Malandragem do Porto Onde: Ladeira do Mendonça, Santo Cristo Horas: 16h
Bloco das Carmelitas Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Santo Cristo Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Primeiro Amor Onde: Orla de São Conrado, em frente ao Golf Club, São Conrado Horas: 8h
Desliga da Justiça Onde: Praça Santos Dumont, Gávea Horas: 8h Estilo: Os foliões vão fantasiados de herói
Spantinha Onde: Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (em frente à saída de Metrô Lagoa/General Osório), Lagoa Horas: 9h Estilo: Infantil
Spanta Neném Onde: Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (em frente à saída de Metrô Lagoa/General Osório), Lagoa Horas: 12h
Imprensa Que Eu Gamo Onde: Em frente ao bar Baixo Gago, Rua Gago Coutinho, 51, Laranjeira Horas: 13h
GB Bloco Onde: Praça Jardim Laranjeiras – Rua General Glicério, Laranjeiras Horas: 13h
Banda de Ipanema Onde: Rua Jangadeiros, esquina com Gomes Carneiro, em Ipanema Horas: 15h
Grande Tijuca
Vou Treinar e Volto Já Onde: Rua Martins Pena, 33, Tijuca Horas: 15h
Seu Kuka e Eu do Grajaú Onde: Praça Professor Francisco Daurea, Grajaú Horas: 16h
Nem Muda Nem Sai de Cima Onde: Rua Garibaldi com Avenida Maracanã, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Panela Preta de Curicica Onde: Rua João Bruno Lobo, nº 38, Curicica Horas: 14h
Zona Norte
Cacique de Higienópolis Onde: Rua Tamiarana, 11, Higienópolis Horas: 16h
9 de fevereiro
Carnaval Square (Bloco da Cláudia Leitte)
Região Central
Bloco do Demorô Onde: Praça Coronel Castelo Branco, Cidade Nova Horas: 14h
O Fervo Onde: Rua Quintino do Vale, Centro Horas: 14h
Bloco das Gambás Onde: Rua Aristides Lobo, 217, Rio Comprido Horas: 14h
Fala Meu Louro Onde: Rua Waldemar Dutram 19, Santo Cristo Horas: 14h
Independente do Moro do Pinto Onde: Rua Farnese, em frente ao 83, Santo Cristo Horas: 14h
Chinelo de Dedo Onde: Rua do Mercado, 23, Centro Horas: 16h
Coração das Meninas Onde: Largo da Prainha, Saúde Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Calma, Calma Sua Piranha Onde: Rua Visconde de Caravelas, em frente ao n. 2, Botafogo Horas: 8h
Vira-Lata Onde: Orla de São Conrado, em frente ao Golf Club, São Conrado Horas: 8h
Bloco Hipnotizados (com Alexandre Thai) Onde: Praia de Ipanema, em frente ao nº 298 da Vieira Souto Horas: 8h
Alegria Sem Ressaca Onde: Av. Atlântica, esquina com República do Perú, Copacabana Horas: 9h
Bloco Me Esquece Onde: Rua Jardim Botânico com Pacheco Leão, Jardim Botânico Horas: 8h
Grande Tijuca
Banda Cultural do Jiló Onde: Rua Pinto de Figueiredo, 26 Horas: 14h
Banda da Saens Peña Onde: Praça Saens Peña, 63, Tijuca Horas: 15h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Banda Amigos da Barra Onde: Av. Lucio Costa, 3.350, Barra Horas: 13h
Bloco do 1030 Onde: Av. dos Mananciais, 1030, Taquara Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
Se Cair Eu Como Onde: Praça Calcutá, Freguesia Horas: 10h
Foliões do Rio Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara Horas: 12h
Boi da Vila da Penha Onde: Rua Apia, 890, Vila da Penha Horas: 13h
Bigodinho Esticado (Infantil) Onde: Rua Adriano, 300, Méier Horas: 15h
Xodó da Piedade Onde: Rua Angelina, 195, Piedade Horas: 16h
Pra Se Apaixonar Onde: Rua Vital, 311, Quintino Horas: 16h
Zona Oeste
Bloco Morto com Farofa Onde: Rua Itápolis, 7, Campo Grande Horas: 15h
14 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Badalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Largo das Neves, Santa Teresa Horas: 19h
Bloco dos Bancários Onde: Rua Miguel Couto, Centro Horas: 16h
Leão da Pedra Onde: Rua Rego Barros, 86, Santo Cristo Horas: 16h
Molha o Pé das Oito Onde: Calçadão da Rua São José com a Rodrigo Silva, Centro Horas: 18h
15 de fevereiro
Região Central
Céu na Terra Onde: Largo dos Guimarães, Santa Teresa Horas: 7h Enche? Sim
Chora Me Liga Onde: Primeiro de Março, Centro Horas: 8h
Estratégia Onde: Largo São Francisco de Paula, Centro Horas: 9h Estilo: Releitura de músicas do Tim Maia e de outros artistas negros brasileiros
Batuke Imperial Onde: Praça Carmela Dutra, São Cristóvão Horas: 13h
Põe na Quentinha? Onde: Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 39, Centro Horas: 13h Estilo: Bloco homenageia as feijoadas e a gastronomia carioca. Não fará um desfile, fará uma apresentação no formato de baile que contará com diversos quitutes.
Batuke de Ciata Onde: Praça Coronel Assunção, Gamboa Horas: 15h
Eu Amo a Lapa Onde: Arcos da Lapa, Lapa Horas: 15h
Pinto Sarado Onde: Travessa Rua Sara, Santo Cristo Horas: 16h
Bloco das Carmelitas Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Centro Horas: 16h
Mistura de Santa Onde: Mirante do Rato Molhado, Santa Teresa Horas: 17h
Bloco do Rock Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Centro Horas: 18h
Zona Sul
BlocoBuster Onde: Canto do Leme, na Praça Almirante Júlio de Noronha, Leme Concentração: 8h
Imaginô? Agora Amassa… Onde: Posto 12, Leblon Horas: 8h
Sá Pereira Infantil Onde: Rua Capistrano de Abreu, 29, Botafogo Horas: 9h Estilo: Infantil
Turbilhão Carioca Onde: Em frente à Rua Joana Angélica, Ipanema Horas: 8h
Areia Onde: Praça Zózimo Barroso do Amaral, Leblon Horas: 9h
Bloco dos Mendigos Onde: Rua Bulhões de Carvalho com Gomes Carneiro, Copacabana Horas: 9h
Só o Cume Interessa Onde: Praça General Tibúrcio, Urca Horas: 10h
Bloco da Pracinha Onde:Praça Pio XI, Jardim Botânico Horas: 10h Estilo: Infantil
Xupa Mas Não Baba Onde: Rua Alice, 34, Laranjeiras Horas: 12h
Bloco Brasil Onde: Praça Almirante Júlio de Noronha, Leme Horas: 12h
Rio Pandeiro Onde: Praça São Salvador, Laranjeiras Horas: 13h
Simpatia É Quase Amor Onde: Rua Teixeira de Melo, Ipanema Horas: 14h
Me Engana Que Eu Gosto Onde: Praça Jóia Valansi, Botafogo Horas: 14h
Bloco da Mamadeira (Infantil) Onde: Praça Parque General Leandro, Botafogo Horas: 16h
Pega Rex Social Club Onde: Praça Nossa Senhora da Paz, Ipanema Horas: 16h
Pinta Mas Não Borra Onde: Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 34, Botafogo Horas: 16h
Ih, é Carnaval! Onde: Av. Pasteur, 250,, Urca Horas: 18h
Grande Tijuca
Mini Bloco Onde: Praça Xavier Brito, Tijuca Horas: 9h Estilo: Infantil
Blocão da Tijuca Onde: Praça Saens Peña, Tijuca Horas: 9h
Bloco da Urubuzada Onde: Praça Afonso Pena, Tijuca Horas: 11h
Plantão Bom é Samambaia Onde: Praça Maracanã, em frente a UERJ,Maracanã Horas: 13h
Butano na Bureta Onde: Rua Senador Furtado, 48, Maracanã Horas: 13h Estilo: Foliões fantasiados
Se não guenta porque veio? Onde: Rua Gaxupé, 201, Tijuca Horas: 15h
Seu Kuka e Eu do Grajaú Onde: Largo Maria Martha Ward, Grajaú Horas: 16h
Bloco do Ipê Onde: Rua Alm. Cochrane, 36, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Já Comi Pior Pagando Onde: Rua Leite de Abreu, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Afoxé Omo Ifá Onde: Praça Barão de Drumond, Vila Isabel Horas: 17h
Banda do Tijuca Onde: Rua Conde do Bonfim, 451, Tijuca Horas: 17h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Banda do Pechincha Onde: Largo do Pechincha Horas: 14h
Black Sambá Onde: Posto 10, Recreio Horas: 14h
Fla Master Onde: Avenida Lucio Costa, em frente ao nº 3604 – Calçadão da praia, Barra Horas: 14h
Bloco do CocoLoko Onde: Av. Lúcio Costa, em frente ao nº 3.300, Barra Horas: 14h
Embalo da Barão Onde: Rua Barão, 403 Praça Seca Horas: 14h
Blocos das Divas Onde: Av. Lucio Costa, 17.194, Recreio Horas: 15h
Parei de Beber, Não de Mentir Onde: Praça do Bandolim, Curicica Horas: 15h
Morde e Pìca Toda Hora Onde: Rua Jorge Farah, Jacarepaguá Horas: 15h
Vem Mamar Onde: Largo da Capela, Jacarepaguá Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
Bloco do ECJG Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara, Ilha do Governador Horas: 8h
Alegria do Sapê Onde: Rua Picui, 304, Rocha Bento Ribeiro Horas: 13h
Confraria da Bebidinha Onde: Rua da Abolição, 671, Abolição Horas: 13h
Os Monarcas Onde: Praia da Engenhoca, Quiosque 5, Ribeira Horas: 14h
Encosta Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara, Ilha da Governador Horas: 14h
Aquilah Onde: Rua Soares Caldeira, Madureira Horas: 15h
Encosta Que Ele Cresce Onde: Rua Ribatejo, Vista Alegre Horas: 15h
Fuzuê Onde: Rua Chapadinha, 2, Del Castilho Horas: 16h
Banda Carnavalesca Flack Onde: Rua Magalhães de Castro, 6, Riachuelo Horas: 16h
Bunda Rachada Onde: Praça Romero Zander, 363, Ramos Horas: 16h
Bloco da Familha Onde: Praia Jerusalém, Ilha do Governador Horas: 16h
Serrote Afiado Onde: Rua Mario ferreira, 217, Engenho da Rainha Horas: 16h
Eu Não Venho Mais Aqui Onde: Rua Gaspar, esquina com Rua Ferreira Leite, Pilares Horas: 16h
Amigos da Esquina Onde: Rua Pernambuco, 886, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 18h
Zona Oeste
Bloco do Balde Onde: Rua Antonio de Mendonça, 13, Sulacap Horas: 17h
16 de fevereiro
Região Central
Fogo e Paixão Onde: Largo São Francisco de Paulo, Centro Horas: 8h
Bloco da Preta Onde: Primeiro de Março, Centro Horas: 8h
Cordão do Boitatá Onde: Rua Henrique Valadares, Centro Horas: 8h
Foliões da Prainha Onde: Largo São Francisco da Prainha, na Pedra do Sal, Saúde Horas: 10h
Rodopiando no Tombo do Copo Onde: Rua Infante de Sagres, 284, Turano Horas: 14h
Pipoca no Mel Onde: Praça da Harmonia, Gamboa Horas: 14h
Morena do Dom Onde: Rua André Cavalcante 44, Esquina com Riachuelo, Centro Concentração: 15h
Eu Choro Curto Mas Rio Comprido Onde: Rua Aristides Lobo, 250 Horas: 15h
Escravos de Mauá Onde: Rua Barào de Tefé, 27, Centro Horas: 16h
Filhos de Ismael Onde: Praça Compositor Ismael Silva, Estácio Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Gigantes da Lira (Infantil) Onde: Pracinha Jardim Laranjeiras, Rua General Glicério, Laranjeiras Concentração: 8h saída: 9jh Estilo: Infantil
Suvaco do Cristo Onde: Em frente ao Bar Joia, Rua Jardim Botânico com a Faro, Jardim Botânico Horas: 8h
Foliões da ABRACES Onde: Rua Constante Ramos, 22, Copacabana Horas: 9h
Blocão de Copacabana Onde: Posto 6, Copacabana Horas: 9h
Quem Num Guenta Bebe Água Onde: Rua Gago Coutinho, 37, Laranjeiras Horas: 12h
Se Não Quiser Me Dá, Me Empresta Onde: Posto 8, Ipanema Horas: 13h
Banda do Arroxo Onde: Rua Belfort Roxo, esquina com a Rua Ministro Viveiros de Castro, Copacabana Horas: 14h
Empolga Às 9 Onde: Praia de Ipanema, em frente ao Posto 9, Ipanema Horas: 14h
Bloco da Chaleira do Vidigal Onde: Av. Delfim Moreira, com Jardim de Alah, Leblon Horas: 14h
Tá Pirando, Pirado, Pirou! Onde: Av. Pasteur, 404, Urca Horas: 15h
Larga Onça, Alfredo Onde: Rua Ipiranga, 49, Laranjeiras Horas: 15h
Agitoê Onde: Posto 3 (altura da Hilário de Gouveia), em frente ao quiosque da Riotur, Copacabana Horas: 19h
Grande Tijuca
Pipoca e Guaraná Onde: Praça Xavier de Brito, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Vai Tomar no Grajaú Onde: Av. Engenheiro Richard, 105, Grajaú Horas: 15h
Barra, Recreio, Jacarepaguá e Valqueire
Acorda e Vem Brincar Onde: Rua das Dálias, 137, Vila Valqueire Horas: 9h
Banda da Barra Onde: Avenida Lúcio Costa, em frente ao nº 3.646 – Bondinho da Banda da Barra, Barra Horas: 12h
Se Joga Onde: Posto 10, Barra Horas: 12h
Incha Rola Onde: Rua Araticum , 603, Anil Horas: 14h
Morde e Pica Toda Hora Onde: Rua Jorge Farah, Jacarepaaguá Horas: 15h
Zona Norte
Unidos da Ribeira Onde: Praça Iaiá Garcia, Ilha do Governador Horas: 10h
Timoneiros da Viola Onde: Praça Paulo da Portela, Oswaldo Cruz Hora: 12h
Garganta Seca de Irajá Onde: Rua Manoel de Araújo, Irajá Horas: 13h
Banda Praia da Bica Onde: Quiosque Piratas, Praia da Bica, Ilha do Governador Horas: 14h
Quem Vai, Vai, Quem Não Vai, Não Cagueta! Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara Horas: 18h
Fala Bobagem Onde: Praça Paulo Setúbal, Vila da Penha Horas: 14h
Deixa Que Eu Te Atravesso Onde: Rua Rio Preto, Bráz de Pina Horas: 14h
Bigode Esticado do Méier Onde: Rua Adriano, 300, Méier Horas: 14h
Xodó da Piedade Onde: Rua Angelina, 195, Piedade Horas: 16h
Tira a Roupa Neném Onde: Av. Dom Helder Câmara, 9630, Quintino Horas: 16h
Zona Oeste
Folia Run – Corrida a Fantasia Onde: Av cônego de Vasconcelos (atrás da igreja Santa Cecília), Bangu Concentração: 9h
Concentra Imperial Onde: Rua Lopes de Moura, 100 Concentração: 15h
Tamo Junto in Folia Onde: Rua Marechal Marciano, esquina com Santana de Ipanema (Praça das Juras), Padre Miguel Horas: 16h
18 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Vem Doar Para Mim Onde: Praça da Candelária, Centro Horas: 9h
Zona Mental
Zona Mental Onde: Praça da Guilherme de Silveira, Bangu Horas: 14h
19 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Distribui Sem Juízo Onde: Rua da Quitanda entre a Rua Sete de Setembro e a Rua da Assembléia, Centro Horas: 18h
Regula Mas Libera Onde: Rua Teofolo Otoni, 58, Centro Horas: 18h Estilo: Formado por funcionário das agências reguladoras
Zona Norte
Discípulos de Oswaldo Onde: Largo do Amorim, Manguinhos Horas: 17h
Banda do Tio Marco Onde: Largo da Rua Porto Valte, Piedade Horas: 19h
20 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Batuke Nuclear Onde: Rua Candelária, Centro Horas: 18h
Chroma Aqui na Minha Mão Onde: Rua do Rezende, entre o n. 34 e o n. 66, Santa Teresa Horas: 18h
Bloco dus Impussivi Onde: Rua Lelio Gama com Avenida Chile, em frente ao prédio da Petrobras, Centro Horas: 18h
Badalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Largo das Neves, Santa Teresa Horas: 19h
Zona Sul
Inova Que Eu Gosto Onde: Praia do Flamengo, 200, Flamengo Horas: 17h
Cobra Sarada Onde: Parque Guinle, Laranjeiras Horas: 17h
Zona Norte
Loucura Suburbana Onde: Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira, Rua Ramiro Magalhães, 521, Engenho de Dentro Concentração: 16h Desfile: 17h
21 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Carmelitas Onde: Esquina da Ladeira de Santa Teresa com Rua Dias de Barros, Santa Teresa Horas: 13h
Escorrega Mas Não Cai Onde: Rua Sacadura Cabral, Gamboa Horas: 16h
Badalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Rua Monte Alegre, 318, Santa Teresa Horas: 16h
Bloco Órfãos do Brizola Onde: Rua do Teatro, Centro Concentração: 17h
A Turma do Valdemar e os Caçadores de Orelha Onde: Rua Morais e Vale, Centro Horas: 17h
Bloco Pra Iaiá Onde: Praça Mercado Municipal, Praça XV Horas: 17h
Ninho dos Cobra do Arsenal Onde: Buraco do Lume, Centro Horas: 17h
Bloco Sinfônico Onde: Praça Mercado Municipal, Centro Horas: 17h
Bloco dos Aposentados Onde: Buraco do Lume (Avenida Nilo Peçanha), Centro Horas: 17h
Te Vejo Por Dentro… Sou da Radiologia Onde: Rua Joaquim Silva, 15, Lapa Horas: 17h
Boêmios da Lapa Onde: Rua Alcindo Guanabara, 15, Lapa Horas: 17h
Embaixadores da Folia Onde: Buraco do Lume (Nilo Pecanha/Graca Aranha), Centro Horas: 18h
Zona Sul
Banda do Lido Onde: Rua Ronald de Carvalho, entre Rua Viveiros de Castro e Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, Copacabana Horas: 16h
Senta Que Eu Empurro Onde: Rua Dois de Dezembro, esquina com Catete, Catete Horas: 18h
Rola Preguiçosa – Tarda Mas Não Falha Onde: Epitácio Pessoa com Maria Quitéria, Ipanema Horas: 18h
Grande Tijuca
Banda do Jiló Onde: Rua Pinto de Figueiredo, nº 26, Tijuca Horas: 14h
Eu Sou Eu, Jacaré é Bicho D´Água Onde: Esquina da Visconde de Abaeté com Torres Homem, VIla Isabel Horas: 16h
Cata Latas do Grajaú Onde: Praça Nobel, Grajaú Horas: 18h
Banda Cultural do Jiló Onde: Rua Pinto de Figueiredo, 26, Tijuca Horas: 18h Estilo: Marchinhas e Sambas Enredos
Zona Norte
Bloco do Caramuela Onde: Praça Agripino Grieco, Méier Horas: 16h
Acadêmicos do Juramento Onde: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, 398, Vicente de Carvalho Horas: 16h
Unidos do Chapadão Onde: Travessa dos Campeões, Ramos Horas: 19h
Ilha do Governador
Bloco do Rock Onde: Praça Iaiá Garcia, Ilha do Governador Horas: 19h
Zona Oeste
Rio de Janeiro Onde: Praça Lucio Leite Costa, Bangu Horas: 15h
Caldeirão do Coqueiro Onde: Praça do Coqueiro, Santíssimo Horas: 17h
Meia Dúzia de Gatos Pingados Onde: Avenida Cônego Vasconcelos, em frente a Estação de Bangu, Bangu Horas: 18h
Bloco das Piranhas do Jefinho Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 18h
Bloco da Sorveteria Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 18h
22 de fevereiro
Região Central
Céu na Terra Onde: Largo dos Guimarães, Santa Teresa Horas: 7h Estilo: Marchinhas
Cordão da Bola Preta (Abertura do Carnaval) Onde:Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos em Frente ao Menezes Cortes, Centro Horas: 7h
Multibloco Onde: Avenida Henrique Valadares com Rua Ubaldino do Amaral, Centro Horas: 8h
Bloco Cidade Nova Onde: Rua Julio do Carmo, 251, Cidade Nova Horas: 11h
Terreirada Cearense Onde: Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão Horas: 13h Estilo: Ritmos nordestinos
Vem Que Eu Te Carrego Onde: Avenida Rodrigues Alves, Saúde Horas: 14h
Dragões da Riachuelo Onde: Rua do Senado, Centro Horas: 14h30
Embalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Largo do França, Santa Teresa Horas: 15h
Carioca da Gema Onde: Rua dos Arcos, 24 – em frente à Fundição Progresso, Lapa Horas: 15h Estilo: Samba
Bloco dos Serragens Onde: Rua Adelaide Alambari, 85, Paquetá Horas: 15h
Bloco do Camelo Onde: Praia José Bonifácio, 175, Paquetá Horas: 16h
Fiquei Firme Onde: Praça Américo Brum, Saúde Horas: 17h
Zona Sul
Amigos da Onça Onde: Posto 3, Flamengo Horas: 6h
Escangalha Onde: Rua Pacheco Leão, Jardim Botânico Horas: 8h
Empolga às 9 Onde: Av. Atlântica, 4098, Copacabana Horas: 9h
Bloco do Show do Antônio Carlos Onde: Rua do Russel, 434, Glória Horas: 9h
Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá Onde: Rua Álvaro Ramos, 11, Botafogo Horas: 10h
Fogo na Cueca Onde: Rua Anita Garibaldi, 60, Copacabana Horas: 14h
Bloco do Barbas Onde: Esquina da Rua Arnaldo Quintela com Rua Assis Bueno, Botafogo Horas: 14h Estilo: Bloco das Antigas
Banda Sá Ferreira Onde: Avenida Atlântica, esquina com Sá Ferreira, Copacabana Horas: 14h
Confraria do Peru Sadio Onde: Avenida Atlântica, 512 (em frente ao Sindicato do Chopp), Leme Horas: 14h
Rebarbas Onde: Praça Mauro Duarte, Botafogo Horas: 15h Estilo: Marchinha
Banda de Ipanema Onde: Rua Gomes Carneiro, Ipanema Horas: 15h Estilo: Bloco das Antigas
Amigos do Catete Onde: Rua do Catete, esquina com Dois de Dezembro, Catete Horas: 16h
Galo da Santa Clara Onde: Rua Santa Clara, 431, Copacabana Horas: 17h
Coração das Crianças da Rocinha Onde: Rua 4, Próximo à Estrada da Gávea, Rocinha Horas: 18h
Grande Tijuca
Olha Pá Mim Onde: Praça Afonso Pena, Tijuca Horas: 14h
Diversão Brasileira Onde: Praça Comandante Xavier de Brito, Tijuca Horas: 14h
Banda do Largo da 2ª Feira Onde: Rua Conde do Bonfim, 25, Tijuca Horas: 15h
Afro Dan Ara Onde: Boulevard 28 de Setembro, esquina com Visconde de Abaeté, Vila Isabel Horas: 17h
Seu Kuka Onde: Largo Irmã Maria Marta Ward, Grajaú Horas: 16h
Bloco Carnavalesco Infantil Sementes do Samba Onde: Boulevard 28 de Setembro, 382, Vila Isabel Horas: 16h
Bloco Carnavalesco Pombo Correio Onde: Rua Visconde de Abaeté, 129,, Vila Isabel Horas: 16h
Chora 10 Onde: Rua São Miguel, 430, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Amigos do Wilson Alicate Onde: Rua São Valentim, entre Barão de Ubá e Joaquim Palhares, Praça da Bandeira Horas: 16h
Cordão Alegria da Tijuca Onde: Rua Afonso Pena, 5, Tijuca Horas: 18h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Carrossel de Emoções Onde: Av. Lucio Costa, Barra Horas: 8h Estilo: Funk
Blocão da Barra Onde: Praça São Perpétuo (Praça do Ó), Barra Horas :10h
Orquestra Para Crianças Onde: Praça da Barra Barrabonita, Recreio Horas :10h
Deita Mas Não Dorme Onde: Rua Caituba, Taquara Horas: 14h
Bloco Só Te Pegando Onde:A. Lucio Costa, 3650, Barra Horas: 14h
Sou Cheio de Amor Onde: Avenida Lucio Costa, 3300 (Barramares), Recreio Horas: 15h Estilo: Gospel
Rio2Amores Onde: Rua Mario Agostinelle – Dentro do Condomínio RIO2, Curicica Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
Verde e Branco do Zumbi Onde: Rua Peixoto de Carvalho, Zumbi Horas: 10h
Turma do Gato Futebol e Samba Onde: Rua Djalma Dutra, nº 110, Pilares Horas: 12h
Vem Comigo Onde: Rua Itacambira com Avenida Meriti, Vila Kosmos Horas: 13h
Unidos da Travessa Miracema Onde: Travessa Miracema, Méier Horas: 14h
Banda do Mackenzie Onde: Rua Dias da Cruz, nº 561 – Clube Mackenzie, Méier Horas: 14h
Vinil ao K7 Onde: Rua Soares Caldeira, Madureira Horas: 15h
Bloco Honório Gurgel Onde: Rua Américo Rocha, 1441, Honório Gurgel Horas: 16h
Amigos da Esquina de Madureira – Fla Esquina Onde: Praça de Magno, Madureira Horas: 16h
Banda Penha Onde: Avenida Lobo, entra a rua Cintra e Santiago, Penha Circular Horas: 16h
Bloco Afro Zimbauê da Ilha Onde: Praça da Freguesia, Freguesia Horas: 16h
Acadêmicos do Juramento Onde: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, 398, Vicente de Carvalho Horas: 16h
Na Hora Que Se Vê Onde: Praia da Rosa, em frente ao Governador Iate Clube, Tauá Horas: 17h
Ciganas Feiticeiras de Olaria Onde: Rua Paranhos, esquina com João Rego, Olaria Horas: 17h
Banda do Méier Onde: Rua Manuela Barbosa, 12, Méier Horas: 18h
Amigos da Esquina Onde: Rua 2 de Fevereiro, esquina com Rua Pernambuco, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 18h
Cantinho do Urubu Onde: Estrada do Portela, em frente ao nº 350, Madureira Horas: 20h
Zona Oeste
Bloco do Tamanco Onde: Rua D, 19, Padre Miguel Horas: 11h
Na Pressão Eu Vou Onde: Avenida Cesário de Melo, esquina com Coronel Agostinho, Campo Grande Horas: 12h
Banda de Bangu Onde: Avenida Conego Vasoncelos, 1029, Bangu Horas: 14h
Vamos Que Vamos Onde: Rua Santo Amando, Campo Grande Horas: 16h
Cachorrão de Bangu Onde: Rua 12 de Fevereiro/Santa Cecília, Bangu Horas: 16h
Caldeirão do Coqueiro Onde: Praça do Coqueiro, Santíssimo Horas: 16h
Tigres do Coqueiro Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 17h
D´Jorge Onde: Rua Marco Sete, Senador Camará Horas: 18h
Virilha de Minhoca Onde: Rua Fonseca, 1078, Bangu Horas: 18h
Me Leva Que Eu Vou Onde: Rua Santa Cecília c/ Silva Cardoso, Bangu Horas: 19h
Confetes e Serpentinas Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozom Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 19h
Bloco Boêmios do Catruz Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 21h
23 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Cordão do Boitatá Onde: Praça XV, Centro Horas: 11h
Banda do Bairro de Fátima Onde: Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Praça Presidente Aguirre Cerda), Bairro de Fátima Horas: 10h
Toca Rauuuul! Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Centro Horas: 14h
Explosão de Paquetá Onde: Praça José Bonifácio, Paquetá Horas: 14h
Banda da Amizade Onde: Rua Tadeu Kosciusko, Centro Concentração: 15h Desfile: 18h
Dhel e os Cabras da Peste Onde: Rua Carlos de Carvalho, Esquina com Carlos Sampaio, Centro Concentração: 15h
Só Cachaça Onde: Rua Nabuco de Freitas, Centro Horas: 16h
Badalo de Santa Teresa Onde: Rua Monte Alegre, Santa Teresa Horas: 15h
Banda da Inválidos Onde: Rua dos Inválidos, 138, Centro Horas: 16h Estilo: Sambas Enredos
Afoxé Filhos de Gandhi Onde: Praça da Harmonia, Saúde Horas: 17h
Banda da Conceição Onde: Praça Major Valo, Saúde Horas: 17h
Bambas do Curuzu Onde: São Cristovão, Centro Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Areia Onde: Posto 12, Leblon Horas: 8h
Banda Du Rio Onde: Posto 6, Copacabana Horas: 8h
Batucada Abençoada Onde: Forte de Copacabana, Copacabana Horas: 8h
Bangalafumenga Onde: Monumento aos Pracinhas, Aterro Horas: 9h
Fanfinha Onde: Praça Chaim Weizmann, Botafogo Horas: 9h Estilo: Infantil
Laranjada Samba Clube Onde: Rua General Glicério, Laranjeiras Horas: 9h
Que Caquinha É Essa? Onde: Bar Paz e Amor – Rua Garcia D’Ávila, 173, esquina com Rua Nascimento Silva, Ipanema Horas: 10h Estilo: Infantil
Que Merda É Essa Onde: Garcia D´Ávila com Nascimento Silva, Ipanema Horas: 10h
Toco-Xona Onde: Praia do Flamengo, 340 (Campo de Terra), Flamengo Horas: 10h
Folia do Galo Onde: Rua Julio de Castilho, esquina com Raul Pompéia, Copacabana, Posto 6 Horas: 13h
Banda do Lidinho (infantil) Onde: Praça do Lido, Copacabana Horas: 15h Estilo: Infantil, desfila a frente da Banda do Lido
É Do Pandeiro Onde: Praça São Salvador, Laranjeiras Horas: 15h
Fanfarani Onde: Praça Chaim Weizmann, Botafogo Horas: 15h
Bambas do Catete Onde: Rua do Catete, 153, Catete Horas: 15h
Harmonia de Copacabana Onde: Avenida Atlântica, com Siqueira Campos, Copacabana Horas: 16h
Choppinho da Paula Freitas Onde: Rua Paula Freitas, esquina com Avenida Atlântica Horas: 16h
Cachorro Cansado Onde: Praça José de Alencar, Flamengo Horas: 16h
Ai Que Vergonha! Onde: Avenida Prefeito Mendes de Moraes, em frente ao Hotel Intercontinental, São Conrado Horas: 16h
Grande Tijuca
Thriller Elétrico Onde: Praça Barão de Drummond, Vila Isabel Horas: 8h
Quer Swingar Vem Pra Cá Onde: Praça Barão de Drummond, Vila Isabel Horas: 9h
Marcha Nerd Onde: Praça Xaviuer de Brito, Tijuca Horas: 14h Estilo: Fantasia? Não! Cosplay!
Perereca do Grajaú Onde: Praça Edmundo Rego, Grajaú Horas: 16h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Buda da Barra Onde: Av. Lucio Costa, em frente ao condomínio Beton, Bondinho da Barra, Barra Horas: 9h
Banda Alegria do Recreio Onde: Av. Lucio Costa, 16.267, Recreio Horas: 13h
Deita Mas Não Dorme Onde: Rua Caituba, Taquara Horas: 14h
Porre Certo Onde: Rua Carimã, esquina com Rua Parintins, Praça Seca Horas: 14h
Bohemios da Pracinha e Vital Onde: Rua Ourem, Esquina com a Rua Calmon, Curicica Horas: 14h
Zona Norte
Vermelho e Branco da Z-10 Onde: Praça São Pedro, Cacuia Horas: 9h
Cabrito Mamador Onde: Rua São Sebastião, dENDÊ Horas: 10h
Clubinho do Samba Onde: Parado em frente ao Imperator – Dias da Cruz 170, Méier Horas: 11h
Largo do Sapê Onde: Rua Nuaçu, 19, Honório Gurgel Horas: 12h
Dona Leopoldina Carioca Onde: Praça Anhangá, 112, Brás de Pina Horas: 13h
Alegria de Quintino Onde: Rua Olina, 19, Quintino Horas: 14h
Quem Me Viu Mentiu Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara Horas: 14h
Vai Tomar no Azul Onde: Rua Pernambuco, 484, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 15h
Birita Mas Num Cai Onde: Bar do Julio Fragoso, Madureira Horas: 15h
Acadêmicos do Juramento Onde: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, 398, Vicente de Carvalho Horas: 16h
Bloco Tchetcheca Onde: Rua Pernambuco, 274, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 16h
Bloco dos Palhacinhos Onde: Estrada do Quitungo, 1221, Brás de Pina Horas: 16h
Xodó da Piedade Onde: Rua Silvana, esquina com Rua Mario Carpenter, Piedade Horas: 16h
Bonecas Deslumbradas de Olaria Onde: Rua Conselheiro Paulino, 567, Olaria Horas: 16h
Boi de Anchieta Onde: Praça Nazaré, Anchieta Horas: 16h
Zona Oeste
Vem Que Eu Te Abraço Onde: Rua da Caridade, 116,, Padre Miguel Horas: 12h
10+ Malandros Onde: Rua Bela Flor, 52, Bangu Horas: 11h
Alegria de Palmares Onde: Bar do Jacó, Jardim Palmares Horas: 15h
Queima de Bangu Onde: Rua Agrícola, esquina com Rua Francisco Real, Bangu Horas: 16h
Caldeirão do Coqueiro Onde: Praça do Coqueiro, Santíssimo Horas: 16h
Queima de Bangu Onde: Rua Agrícola, esquina com Rua Francisco Real, Bangu Horas: 16h
Bloco da Coroinha Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 17h
Bafo do Peru Onde: Rua Tapiranga (Largo), Padre Miguel Horas: 17h
Mau Mau de Bangu Onde: Rua Acanto, esquina com rua Ajuará, Bangu Horas: 17h
Bloco do Boi “Só Falta Você” Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 18h
Virilha de Minhoca Onde: Rua Fonseca, 1078, Bangu Horas: 18h
Confetes e Serpentinas Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozom Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 19h
Mocidade de Santíssimo Onde: Rua Augusto Brandão, Santíssimo Horas: 19h
Bloco Boêmios do Catruz Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 21h
24 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Quem Quiser Que Venha Onde: Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, em frente ao número 144, Santa Tereza Horas: 9h
Que Pena, Amor Onde: Buraco do Lume, Centro Horas: 10h
Dinossauros Nacionais Onde: Largo São Francisco de Paula, Centro Horas: 12h Estilo: Rock Nacional dos Anos 80
Sem Noção Onde: Rua dos Arcos, em frente a Fundição Progresso, Lapa Horas: 12h
Filhos da Martins Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Centro Horas: 15h
Engata no Centro Onde: Rua Carlos de Carvalho, esquina com Rua Carlos Sampaio, Centro Horas: 15h
A Nega Endoidou Onde: Rua Álvaro Alvim, Centro Horas: 16h
Associação Carnavalesca Infiéis Onde: Largo Alexandre Herculano, Centro Horas: 16h
Aconteceu Onde: Largo dos Guimarães, Santa Teresa Horas: 16h
Picada de Primeira Onde: Rua dos Arcos, em frente à Fundição Progresso, Lapa Horas: 16h
Banda da Inválidos Onde: Rua dos Inválidos, 138, Lapa Horas: 16h30
Bloco da Colônia Onde: Praia José Bonifácio, 175, Paquetá Horas: 17h
Zona Sul
Corre Atrás Onde: Posto 11, Leblon Horas: 8h
Sargento Pimenta Onde: Monumento dos Pracinhas, Aterro Horas: 8h Estilo: Releituras de músicas do Beatles
Bloco Virtual Onde: Av. Atlântica, 656, Leme Horas: 8h30
Largo do Machadinho, Mas Não Largo do Suquinho (Infantil) Onde: Largo do Machado, Catete Horas: 9h
Carvalho em P�� Onde: Visconde de Caravelas, 22, Botafogo Horas: 10h
Pede Passagem Onde: Praça Santos Dummont, Gávea Horas: 10h
Sou Cheio de Amor Onde: Av. Atlântica, 2964, Copacabana Horas: 11h Estilo: Gospel
Banda Clube Nobre do Bairro Peixoto Onde: Rua Siqueira Campos, esquina com Avenida Atlântica, Copacabana Horas: 11h
Afoxé Raízes Africanas Onde: Posto 6, Copacabana Horas: 14h
Não Deixe o Rock Morrer Onde: Rua Álvaro Ramos, 270, Botafogo Horas: 14h
Bandinha de Ipanema (Infantil) Onde: Praça General Osório, Ipanema (a festa ocorre dentro da praça) Horas: 14h30 Estilo: Baile Infantil
Balança Meu Catete Onde: Rua do Catete, 227, Catete Horas: 15h
Boca Maldita Onde: Rua Paula Freitas esquina com Atlântica, Copacabana Horas: 15h
Estica do Flamengo Onde: Rua Marques de Abrantes, em frente ao metrô do Flamengo, Flamengo Horas: 15h
Afoxé Filhos de Gandhi Onde: Posto 6, Copacabana Horas: 16h
Bloco de Segunda Onde: Rua Marques, 17, Humaitá Horas: 16h Estilo: Bloco das Antigas
Arteiros da Glória Onde: Rua da Gloria em frente ao nº 190, Glória Horas: 16h
Grande Tijuca
Raízes do Varandão Onde: Rua Rocha Fragoso, Vila Isabel Horas: 16h
Balanço do Jamelão Onde: Rua Botucatu, esquina com Rua Rosa e Silva, Andaraí Horas: 16h
Raízes do Varandão Onde: Rua Rocha Fragoso, Vila Isabel Horas: 16h
Bloco Balanço do Pinto Onde: Rua Pinto de Figueiredo, 26, Tijuca Horas: 17h
Universibloco Onde: Rua General Canabarro, 820, Maracanã Horas: 14h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Deita Mas Não Dorme Onde: Rua Caituba, Taquara Horas: 14h
Banda do Riviera Onde: Rua Rosalinda Brand, Condomínio Riviera, Barra Horas: 15h
Bloco das Divas Onde: Avenida Lucio Costa 16,304 (Quiosque Terapia), Recreio Horas: 15h
Zona Norte
Polvo da Ilha Onde: Praça Iaiá Garcia, Ribeira Horas: 9h
Banda Inimigos da Bebida Onde: Praça Comandante Megé, Ilha do Governador Horas: 10h
Nova Geração do Zumbi Onde: Rua Peixoto de Carvalho, esquina com Rua Serrão, Zumbi Horas: 11h
Seca Copo Onde: Rua Monjolos, 546, Pitangueiras Horas: 13h
Vem Comigo Onde: Rua Itacambira, Vila Cosmos Horas: 13h
Tudo Nosso Onde: Rua Itacambira, Vila Cosmos Horas: 13h
Turma da Paz de Madureira – TPM Onde: Em frente ao Império, Madureira Horas: 13h30
Banda da Constança Barbosa – Galo do Méier Onde: Rua Constança Barbosa, em frente ao nº 212, Méier Horas: 15h
Acadêmicos do Juramento Onde: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, 398, Vicente de Carvalho Horas: 16h
Papo de Cachaça Onde: Rua Dias da Cruz, nº 269, Méier Horas: 16h
Acabou o Amor Onde: Rua Domingos Mundin, em frente a Cedae, Tauá Horas: 18h
Zona Oeste
Lagarto Mama Campo Grande Onde: Av. Glicinia com Estrada do Cabuçu, Campo Grande Horas: 14h
Fúria de Bangu Onde: Rua Boiobi, Bangu Horas: 15h
Caldeirão do Coqueiro Onde: Praça do Coqueiro, Santíssimo Horas: 16h
Os 300 Onde: Largo da Tapiranga, Padre Miguel Horas: 16h30
Vermelho e Preto Coirmãos Onde: Rua Helianto, Padre Mgiuel Horas: 17h
Alegria do São Bento Onde: Rua Sidney, Padre Miguel Horas: 17h
Tigres do Coqueito Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 17h
Bloco do Boi “Só Falta Você Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 18h
Boêmios de Sepetiba Onde: Praia de Sepetiba (Bar do Zezinho), Sepetiba Horas: 18h
Virilha de Minhoca Onde: Rua Fonseca, 1078, Bangu Horas: 18h
Confetes e Serpentinas Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 19h
Mocidade Unida de Magalhães Bastos Onde: Estrada General Canrobert da Costa, esquina com Rua Carinhanha, Magalhães Bastos Horas: 20h
Bloco Boêmios do Catruz Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 21h
25 de fevereiro
Região Central
Carmelitas Onde: Largo do Curvelo, Santa Tereza Horas: 8h
Fervo da LUD Onde: Av. 1º de Março, Centro Horas: 8h Estilo: Ludmila, minha gente
Cheiro na Testa Onde: Largo dos Guimarães, Santa Teresa Horas: 11h
Bambas do Curuzu Onde: Rua Curuzu, 80, São Cristóvão Horas: 16h
Banda das Quengas Onde: No meio da Washington Luís, Lapa Horas: 16h
Enxota que eu vou Onde: Praça Tiradentes, Centro Horas: 16h
Banda da Inválidos Onde: Rua dos Inválidos, 138, Lapa Horas: 16h30
Bloco dos Primos Onde: Praça Ex-Combatentes, Paquetá Horas: 17h
Saymos do Egyto Onde: Largo do Boi Tolo, Rua do Mercado, 23, Centro Horas: 17h
Turma do Copo Onde: Praça José Bonifácio, Paquetá Horas: 17h
Zona Sul
A Rocha Onde: Praça Santos Dummont, Gávea Horas: 8h
Vagalume O Verde Onde: Rua Jardim Botânico com Pacheco Leão, Jardim Botânico Horas: 8h
Rio Maracatu Onde: Posto 8, Ipanema Horas: 8h Estilo: Maracatu
Bagunça Meu Coreto Onde: Praça São Salvador, Laranjeiras Horas: 9h
Sobrinhos do Tio Bio Onde: Av. Delfim Moreira – altura da Rua Rita Ludolf, Leblon Horas: 9h
Cardosão de Laranjeiras Onde: Rua Cardoso Junior com Rua das Laranjeiras, Laranjeiras Horas: 11h
Orquestra Voadora Onde: Aterro do Flamengo, altura da Praça Luis de Camões – Coreto Modernista, Aterro Horas: 13h
Mocidade Dependente de Deus Onde:Praia do Flamengo, em frente ao número 72, Flamengo Horas: 14h
É Tudo ou Nada? Onde: Rua Voluntários da Pátria 448 , Humaitá Horas: 12h Estilo: Formado por antigos alunos do Pedro II
Empurra Que Pega do Leblon Onde: Avenida Delfim Moreira, Leblon Horas: 13h
Largo do Machado, Mas Não Largo do Copo Onde: Largo do Machado, Catete Horas: 14h
Banda do Peru Pelado Onde: Rua República do Peru, Copacabana Horas: 15h
Meu Bem, Volto Já! Onde: Avenida Princesa Isabel, esquina com a Viveiros de Castro, Leme Horas: 15h
Clube do Samba Onde: Avenida Atlântica, esquina com Santa Clara, Copacabana Horas: 15h
Bloco do UH Onde: Praca Serzedelo Correa, 7, Copacabana Horas: 15h
Banda de Ipanema Onde: Praça General Osório, Ipanema Horas: 15h Estilo: Bloco das Antigas
Último Gole Onde: Parque dos Patins, Lagoa Horas: 16h
Cabeça de Chave da Rua Duvivier Onde: Rua Duvivier, 37, Copacabana Horas: 16h
Banda da Glória Onde: Rua da Glória,180, Glória Horas: 16h
Bicho Solto com Desculpa Pra Beber Onde: Estacionamento do Cobal do Humaitá, Humaitá Horas: 17h
ASPA-Associação Amigos da Sueca da Pedro Américo Onde: Rua Pedro Américo, 371, Catete Horas: 17h
Chifroroso Onde: Rua 2, 60, Rocinha Horas: 19h
Grande Tijuca Quero Exibir Meu Longa Onde: Praça Gabriel Soares, Tijuca Horas: 10h
Se Me Der, Eu Como Onde: Praça da Medalha Milagrosa, Tijuca Horas: 14h
Mulheres da Vila Onde: Av. 28 de Setembro, esquina com Gonzaga Bastos, Vila Isabel Horas: 15h
Banda do Largo da Segunda Feira Onde: Rua Conde de Bonfim, 25, Tijuca Horas: 15h
Banda da Saens Peña Onde: Rua Desembargador Izidro, nº 4, Tijuca Horas: 16h
Banda do Andaraí Onde: Rua Maxwell, 542, Andaraí Horas: 16h
Cata Latas do Grajaú Onde: Praça Nobel, Tijuca Horas: 18h
Foliões do Verdun Onde: Rua Barão de Mesquita, 1069, Grajaú Horas: 18h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Banda da Nega Onde: Avenida Lucio Costa, 6200, Barra Horas: 14h
Bloco dos Cachaças Onde: Avenida Lucio Costa, em frente ao número 3.604, no Calçadão, Barra Horas: 14h
Deita Mas Não Dorme Onde: Rua Caituba, Taquara Horas: 14h
Gambá Cheiroso Onde: Rua Bruno Giorgi, Rio2 Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
Batuke de Batom Onde: Praia do Zumbi, Zumbi Horas: 10h
Alegria do Guarabu Onde: Rua Luis Gomes (Pedreira), Jardim Carioca Horas: 13h
Meu Peru é Seu Onde: Rua Padre Manuel da Nóbrega, Piedade Horas: 13h
Ninho dos Cobras Onde: Rua Carvalho de Souza, embaixo do Viaduto de Madureira, Madureira Horas: 13h
Rebola Preta Onde: Rua Barbosa, 350, Cascadura Horas: 14h
Banda Carnavalesca Flack Onde: Rua Magalhães de Castro, 6, Riachuelo Horas: 16h
Acadêmicos do Engenho de Dentro Onde: Rua Venâncio Ribeiro, nº 585, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 16h
Acadêmicos do Juramento Onde: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, 398, Vicente de Carvalho Horas: 16h
Bloco do Limão do Jardim América Onde: Praça Rivadavia C Maia, Jardim América Horas: 16h
Canela Fina Onde: Rua Pedro Reis,Quintino Horas: 16h
Bonecas Deslumbradas de Olaria Onde: Rua Conselheiro Paulino, 567, Olaria Horas: 16h
Tribo Cacuia Onde: Estrada do Cacuia c/ Estrada do Galeão Horas: 16h
Block´n Roll Onde:Praça Iaiá Garcia, Ribeira Horas: 17h
Bloco do Tramela Onde: Rua João Pinheiro, 605, Piedade Horas: 17h
Bloco da Colheita Onde: Rua João Pinheiro, 100, Piedade Horas: 18h
Cantinho do Urubu Onde: Estrada da Portela, em frente ao número 350, Madureira Horas: 20h
Zona Oeste
Muceludos de Padre Miguel Onde: Rua Pedro Melo, 579, Padre Miguel Horas: 14h
Banana Com Queijo Onde: Rua Tecobé, Realengo Horas: 15h
Caldeirão do Coqueiro Onde: Praça do Coqueiro, Santíssimo Horas: 16h
Bloco do Galho Onde: Rua Abílio Barreto (início), Guaratiba Horas: 16h30
Bloco da Coroinha Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 17h
Bafo do Peru Onde: Rua Tapiranga (Largo), Padre Miguel Horas: 17h
Banguçando o Coreto Onde: Rua Abaeté, esquina com Rua Francisco Real, Bangu Horas: 17h
Virilha de Minhoca Onde: Rua Fonseca, 1078, Bangu Horas: 18h
Bloco do Boi “Só Falta Você Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 18h
Bangay Folia Onde: Coreto do Rio da Prata de Bangu, entre as ruas Boiobi e Limadores, Bangu Horas: 19h
Confetes e Serpentinas Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozom Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 19h
Amigos do Zé Onde: Rua Beira Rio, em frente ao nº 1313, Cosmos Horas: 19h
Bloco Boêmios do Catruz Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 21h
26 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Me Enterra na Quarta Onde: Rua Áurea, Santa Teresa Horas: 15h30
Planta na Mente Onde: Praça Cardeal Câmara (Arcos da Lapa, Lapa) Horas: 11h
Zona Sul Filhos da PUC Onde: Posto 12 ao 11, Leblon Horas: 14h
Batuque das Meninas Onde: Largo do Machado, Catete Horas: 15h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá O Bloco Mais Foda do Mundo Onde: Av. Lúcio Costa, 3.330, Barra Horas: 8h
Guri da Merck Onde: Praça da Merck, Taquara Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
Ainda Aguento Onde: Praia da Engenhoca, Ilha do Governador Horas: 11h
Chave de Ouro Onde: Rua Adolfo Bergamini (Chave de Ouro), Engenho de Dentro Horas: 15h
Banda do Village Onde: Rua Luiz Sá, 205, Village Horas: 16h
28 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Só Tamborins Onde: Travessa Mosquera, Lapa Horas: 18h
Zona Norte
Boco do Brow Onde: Praça Iaiá Garcia Horas: 18h
Bangu Confetes e Serpentinas Onde: Praça Dr. Raul Capello Barrozo, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 19h
29 de Fevereiro
Região Central
Bloco das Poderosas Onde: Rua Primeiro de Março, Centro Horas: 7h
Quizomba Onde: Rua dos Arcos, Lapa Horas: 10h
Chulé de Santa Onde: Largo do Curvelo, Santa Teresa Horas: 10h
Eu Amo Cerveja Onde: Embaixo do Arcos da Lapa, Lapa Horas: 13h
O Fervo Onde: Rua Quintino do Vale, Estácio Horas: 14h
Bloco Alegria da República Onde: Rua dos Inváliidos, 1, Centro Concentração: 15h
Unidos do Caraxué Onde: Rua Cerqueira, 74, Paquetá Horas: 15h
Berço do Samba Onde: Travessa Mosqueira, Lapa Horas: 16h
Mistura de Santa Onde: Mirante do Rato Molhado, Santa Teresa Horas: 17h
Zona Sul
Bafafá Onde: Praia de Ipanema, em frente ao Posto 9, Ipanema Horas: 9h
Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha Onde: R. Paulo VI, S/N – Flamengo Horas: 10h
Sem Saída Onde: Rua General Severiano, 76, Botafogo Horas: 14h
Sufridos de Copacabana Onde: Praça Manuel Campos da Paz, Copacabana Horas: 16h
Pela Saco Onde: Praça Corumbá, Botafogo Horas: 17h
Mulheres de Chico Onde: Costão do Leme, Leme Horas: 16h Estilo: Releitura de músicas do Chico Buarque
Grande Tijuca
Superbacana Onde: Praça Afonso Pena, Tijuca Horas: 14h Estilo: Releituras das músicas da Tropicália (Caetano, Gil, Mutantes, Tom Zé, Gal, Jorge Ben Jor…)
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Toco Cru Pegando Fogo Onde: Av. Lúcio Costa, 3.300, Barra Horas: 12h
É Pequeno Mas Não Amolece Onde: Praça Professor Henrique Niremberg, Recreio Horas: 14h
Casa dos Partideiros Onde: Rua Soldado Lino, Anil Horas: 17h
Zona Norte
Vem Comigo Cachaçada Onde: Rua Paramopama, em frente ao restaurante Bom Demais, Ribeira Horas: 13h
Sambado no Miudinho Onde: Rua Soares Caldeira, Madureira Horas: 14h
Sepulta Carnaval Onde: Rua Dr. Bulhões, 660, Engenho de Dentro Horas: 14h
Fuzuê… Sõ Alegria Pra Você!!! Onde: Rua Chapadinha, 2, Del Castilho Horas: 16h
Banda Devassa Onde: Rua Patagônia, 75, Penha Horas: 16h
Zona Oeste
Bloco da Ressaca Onde: Rua Barros de Alarcão – Praça São Pedro, Pedra de Guaratiba Horas: 16h
Os 300 Onde: Largo da Tapiranga, Padre Miguel Horas: 16h30
1º de Março
Região Central
Monobloco Onde: Rua Primeiro de Março, Centro Horas: 8h
Bonde da Folia Onde: Rua Fonseca Guimarães, 8, Santa Teresa Horas: 12h
Boêmios da Lapa Onde: Rua Alcindo Guanabara, 15, Lapa Horas: 14h
Unidos do Rego Barros Onde: Rua Rego Barros, 72 Horas: 16h
Zona Sul
Conjunto Habitacional Barangal Onde: Avenida Vieira Souto, em frente ao Posto 9, Ipanema Horas: 9h
Fofoqueiros de Plantão Onde: Rua Jardim Botânico, esquina com Pacheco Leão, Jardim Boânico Horas: 10h
Broxadão a Hora é Essa Onde: Avenida Atlântica, esquina com Figueiredo de Magalhães, Copacabana Horas: 14h
A.R.B.C. Império da Folia Onde: Deck de madeira próximo ao restaurante Assador Rio`s, Orla do Flamengo Concentração: 15h
Boka de Espuma Onde: Rua Marques de Olinda, entre a Bambina e Rua Muniz Barreto, Botafogo Horas: 16h
Grande Tijuca
Aí Sim! Onde: Praça Xavier de Brito, Tijuca Horas: 14h
7 de Paus Onde: Boulevard 28 de Setembro, esquina com Visconde de Abaeté, Vila Isabel Horas: 16h
Barra, Recreio e Jacarepaguá
Tô no Recreio Onde: Avenida Lúcio Costa, Posto 10, Recreio Horas: 16h
Zona Norte
União dos Blocos da Ilha do Governador Onde: Praça Iaiá Garcia Ribeira Horas: 10h
Amigos da Joaquim Méier Onde: Rua Guaju, Méier Concentração: 13h Início: 17h Término: 19h
Quem Vai, Vai, Quem Não Vai, Não Cagueta Onde: Praça Jerusalém, Jardim Guanabara Horas: 18h
Zona Oeste
Bangay Folia Onde: Rua Figueiredo Camargo, Praça da Kibon, Bangu Horas: 16h
Tamo Junto in Folia Onde: Rua Figueiredo Camargo com Rua Irerê, Padre Miguel Horas: 16h
Virilha de Minhoca Onde: Rua Fonseca, 1078, Bangu Horas: 18h
As informações foram retiradas do Diário do Rio. Vale lembrar que os horários e locais são de responsabilidade dos blocos. Aguarde novidades.
E para você ter energia para curtir muito a folia, que tal experimentar as melhores coxinhas da capital carioca?
Veja também: As melhores coxinhas do Rio: saiba onde degustar esse quitute mara!
Carnaval no Rio: veja a programação dos blocos de ruapublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
0 notes
webelpuntosobrelai · 5 years ago
La Ebanistería es un método de decorado que además de crear artículos útiles, incorpora elementos decorativos, llegando a considerar esta actividad como un Arte, que se remonta a la época de los Faraones de Egipto y sus productos siempre han sido asociados con la clase alta, en la edad media fue muy utilizada en los muebles de los monasterios y es en el Renacimiento cuando alcanza una época de esplendor, pues los trabajos del ebanista se consideraban de lujo por su técnica,  habilidad y sofisticación, diferenciándose del trabajo del carpintero.
Un oficio ampliamente difundido en las comunidades de Bacalar, como Margarita Maza de Juárez, La Pantera, Blanca Flor y Miguel Alemán, donde se elaboran muebles y objetos decorativos de gran calidad, utilizando maderas preciosas y tropicales, como el Granadillo, Ciricote, Katalox, Parota así como Cedro y Caoba, donde los artesanos exhiben gran habilidad en la ejecución de este arte.
Ezequiel Olan Álvarez es un artesano que realiza diseños artísticos con materiales de acabado rústico encontrados en las selvas quintanarroenses, y tiene su taller en la comunidad de Miguel Alemán; explica que el aprendió de manera autodidacta diseñando y esculpiendo en hielo y arte mukimono (Decorado de frutas), y al observar que el trabajo de ebanista es similar al de los ebanistas, decidió incursionar en el tallado de maderas duras tropicales.
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Olan Álvarez quien realiza el diseño artístico con acabado rústico con materiales encontrados en las selvas quintanarroenses y que muchas veces son considerados desechos, aprendió el diseño, esculpiendo en hielo y frutas al trabajar en la hotelería, observando que podía aplicar la técnica a los diseños y tallado en madera; pues esta, a pesar de ser resistente, es flexible y moldeable, por lo que de la misma manera en que realiza esculturas y diseños en hielo, entendió que se pueden realizar en la madera.
Hoy con la práctica realiza muebles y artículos tallados en madera exótica y los diseños más apreciados son los que se realizan en Madera Dura tropical, sin embargo, tratándose de diseño puede dibujar en óleo y rótulos especiales, utilizando herramientas de carpintería las especializadas en tallado, como gurbias, mototul, artículos dreamer exclusivas para artesanías como mini taladros, mini sierras, rectificador (Que se trabaja a puro pulso para dar forma a las figuras)
En cuanto a la comercialización, expuso que ha participado periódicamente ex exposiciones como la Feria de Chetumal y Bacalar, con muebles rústicos elaborados a partir de raíces enormes, para formar artículos decorativos, mesas y sillas con adornos de águilas, leones, búhos, emblemas de equipos deportivos, heráldicas, y cualquier diseño que soliciten, pues su reto como artesano es captar la idea del cliente y plasmarla en la madera a través de esta arte plástica.
En el dominio de la técnica de diseño y escultura en hielo y unicel, Ezequiel Olan informó que el 13 de diciembre participó en el “4to Concurso Regional de Escultura en Hielo y Arte Mukimono 2019” en la ciudad de Playa del Carmen donde obtuvo el primer lugar, apoyado con un equipo integrado por un escultor más y tres ayudantes que conocen de tallado en hielo; de la Ciudad de Cancún y escupiendo una escultura en hielo, que en realidad es una mesa con tallados finos y delicados.
En cuanto a apoyos Olán mencionó que “por parte del Gobierno del Estado, la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (SEDE), me apoyo con $4,000.00 para la adquisición de una caladora de banco, sin embargo, en lo que más hacen falta recursos, son para la comercialización de los productos, ya que salgo a exhibirlos en el parque de las casitas los sábados y domingos”.
Las Artesanías son una opción que pueden contribuir al desarrollo económico de Bacalar, y permitirían diversificar las actividades remuneradas, favoreciendo el espíritu emprendedor de la ciudadanía y realizando actividades sustentables de bajo impacto a las selvas en las comunidades de la zona rural.
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Ebanistería en Bacalar EFECTO MARIPOSA La Ebanistería es un método de decorado que además de crear artículos útiles, incorpora elementos decorativos, llegando a considerar esta actividad como un Arte, que se remonta a la época de los Faraones de Egipto y sus productos siempre han sido asociados con la clase alta, en la edad media fue muy utilizada en los muebles de los monasterios y es en el Renacimiento cuando alcanza una época de esplendor, pues los trabajos del ebanista se consideraban de lujo por su técnica,  habilidad y sofisticación, diferenciándose del trabajo del carpintero.
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