#protective Din
Protected - Din x princess!reader req
@angel-with-a-heart, I LOVE YOU SM... I hope you like it!!
PT.1 pt. 2
sum: Din is hired as your personal bodyguard because you are doing relief work as a princess throughout the galaxy
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Being a princess of your home planet sounds like a dream... jewels, wealth, titles, beautiful places.
It was more like a prison.
From the day I was born I was groomed to be nothing but perfect royalty and a princess my planet could take pride in and eventually follow as Queen.
Endless hours of lessons that only ended in chastising comments from my parents were hell to me.
We were going to be traveling for the next few months around different systems on “relief work” that were really just a way for my parents to look good in front of the counsel. Bullshit. 
I argued endlessly with them that I could take care of myself, that I was smart enough and aware enough of my surroundings to defend myself. 
They weren’t having any of it. 
The day the beskar clad man showed up in front of me, towering, unwavering... was the day I wasn’t even aware that my life would change completely.
“This is The Mandalorian that we’ve hired him to essentially be your body guard as we travel”
I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and folded my arms across my chest. 
The man cocked his head to the side and my mother glared at my hostile nature. 
I was sure to get a swift smack for that later. 
I trudged to my room, now strewn with clothes and my belongings that I wanted to pack. 
maybe ill lose them on some planet...run away
I wasn’t a brat... and I wasn’t ungrateful. I knew how good I had it. It just seemed like the pressure had been building ever since I was conceived. 
I didn’t want this. I wanted to be a good daughter with loving parents, I wanted to be able to dress down just one day of my life, I didn’t want to be caught up in wars and politics... but I knew that would never happen for me. I’d just swallow it down and do my due diligence for my planet. 
As I began packing again, I was suddenly snapped out of my own rambling thoughts by the feeling of a presence behind me. 
“Are you serious... you have to follow me everywhere? Gonna watch me shower next?” I spat, my back turned to what I knew to be The Mandalorian. 
I shouldn’t have been so rude... I was just angry. 
“Just following orders, princess” his modulated voice rang back. 
There was a slight pause and amused tone in the way he said princess...interesting.
I huffed and handed him my bag, letting him follow me out the door and onto my family’s ship where he proceeded to take the seat across from me. My parents sat up front in the cockpit like the control freaks they were, barking orders at our poor pilot.
“So... whats your name” I asked, trying to change to a softer tone, it wasn’t his fault I was mad after all.
“You can call me ‘Mando’ if you want, or just refer to me as ‘a Mandalorian’ ”
“You weren’t given a name?”
“It’s not important” he said with a matter of fact tone that ended the conversation completely. 
“You don’t have to refer to me as princess, ‘ya know. Im sure my parents told you my name.”
“It would be disrespectful to not call you by your title since I only let to you refer to me as mine.”
“Oh....thats fair I guess.”
I couldn’t help but stare at the way his hands flexed or the way his thighs were spread wide, taking up almost three seats in his entirety and the way the hum and rattle of the ship made him shift with every bump... I needed to stop. 
I stumbled a bit as I always did when exiting the ship, cursing myself in the process. 
I reached for stability against the ships exterior, but was met with a gloved hand instead that radiated warmth through it. 
I quickly pulled away after realizing my lingering and thanked him awkwardly which awarded me with a nod from the helmeted man.
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The Sweetest Taste | Chapter 48 - Upwards
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When Din Djarin meets a beautiful cake seller from Nevarro, do you think he’s just going to stand back and let her suffer at the hands of her abusive boyfriend? After a lifetime of heartache and pain, Lysa Kane realises she’s not on her own any more and finds an unlikely friend in the Mandalorian. And Din Djarin does not like men who treat women like that, not one tiny bit. Friendship/comfort and maybe something more…
Chapter 48 - Upwards
All of the breath left Lysa’s body as she plummeted over the edge of the bridge….
…falling down…
…into the abyss.
Everything around her seemed to move in slow motion.
Her own heartbeat echoing through her ears.
She could feel death creeping closer and closer as she fell…
…with no way to stop it.
A sorry end for a sorry life filled with nothing but pain and hurt.
That was until she had met Din and Grogu of course
And it was their faces she wanted to picture now, before death took her away under its dark wing.
The two people who had filled her life with hope and warmth in the short time she had known them.
The two people she loved more than anything else.
Lysa’s eyes were squeezed shut.
Crix had taken her over the edge with him, but he had fallen first. And Lysa did not want to see where he had gone…where he ended up ahead of her.
She prayed now, that if she found an afterlife beyond this one, that Crix would not be there with her. 
That she could finally be free of him.
Lysa felt herself hurtling down at an astonishing speed, her stomach in her throat…
…waiting for the impact…
…bracing herself…
But all of a sudden, Lysa felt a strong arm grasp her around her middle…
…slowing her descent almost instantly.
And that arm pull her flush into a firm body, with a hard crash of her limbs against theirs.
Lysa snapped her eyes open, hearing the sudden whoosh of a jetpack.
And gasping out a ragged breath, Lysa stared up into the beskar-covered face of Din Djarin.
This unbelievable man.
The man who she had thought had saved her already in so many ways. Doing so again, when she had lost all hope of rescue.
She scrabbled to grip onto him, her sweaty palms sliding against his beskar. As her hands finally wrapped themselves around his neck, suddenly taking in a breath for the first time since she had fallen.
Lysa wanted to cry, closing her green, tearful eyes again, as Din accelerated, fighting against gravity, and pulling the pair of them suddenly upwards…
Until they landed on the metal bridge they had come from with a thud…Lysa’s legs immediately giving way beneath her.
But lucky for her, Din’s grip on her was strong, and he held her in place, slowly lowering her down, until her bottom hit the floor beneath her.
And unable to control herself any longer, Lysa let out a hard sob, her entire body shaking with relief.
She looked up through shimmering eyes filled with tears, to see Din knelt on one knee before her, his gloved hands still holding onto both her forearms gently.
She could tell that behind his beskar visor, his eyes were searching hers, but Lysa couldn't control herself at this very second.
The sheer relief was overwhelming.
After all that had happened, she had been certain that this was the end. That there was no one who could save her. And perhaps that she didn't deserve to be saved.
The last words Crix had muttered into her ear as he had thrown her over the edge with him, still ringing in her ears over and over-
“Even more blood on your hands now, ‘ey, Lysa…”
She knew of course that Crix had had no rescue. And with the blaster shot she had put through him, that he was dead somewhere far below.
And yet despite all that, he still managed to haunt her, even now. The ghost of him still here.
His poisonous words, seeping into her mind. Never to leave again.
“Are you ok?” came Din’s voice, as one of his hands slipped down, grasping at her bound wrists, and cutting her free with a knife from his belt. While the other one of his gloved hands, he lifted to her cheek, swiping away at the tears as quickly as they fell.
But Lysa couldn't say a word, not even able to mumble out a thank you to the man who she owed her life to. 
She gave another loud and painful sob, bowing her head and hitching in a sharp breath. Her tears, no longer tears of sorrow. But tears of gratitude and relief.
For she was safe.
She was really safe.
Din stared at Lysa, a deep frown settled between his eyebrows, watching as she sobbed, her entire body trembling beneath his grasp.
He could see the pain coursing through her, almost visible now, as the seconds ticked by up on the windy platform.
For a moment there he was certain he had lost her. Watching as Crix had dragged her over the edge of the bridge with him.
And even now, despite her being safe here with him once more, Din’s heart seemed to be taking its time in resuming its normal pace within his ribs.
Lysa had been mere seconds from hitting the ground below by the time he had reached her. And the relief he had felt once he had her body firmly held against his, had been like nothing he had even experienced.
And so he understood now, Lysa’s tears and her upset. For the times that Din had been close to death, it had taken him a long time to recover. 
And even now, there were moments from his childhood, that fateful day on Aq Vetina just one of them, that Din still found himself suffering nightmares about, from time to time.
For the pain and the fear he had experienced in those moments, had cut a fault line deep inside him, and buried itself there.
He watched as Lysa, almost doubled over before him now, sobbed, her tears falling fast. Knowing there was nothing he could do to stop them at this very moment. And nothing he wanted to do either.
These were Lysa’s tears to cry. And he would not deny her them.
But Din suddenly remembered that despite Crix falling over the edge and Xi’an far below, there was still Ran.
But lifting his head over to where the bearded man had fallen, he could see now that there was no body there. Ranzar Malk obviously having survived his injuries and dragged himself somewhere whilst Din had been distracted.
Din knew that this wasn't over.
He still wanted to taste revenge for what his old comrades had done today…
…but right now, that could wait. For his focus was now on one person and one person alone…
He waited until Lysa’s sobs became shallower, running his hand gently down the side of her head comfortingly, until she lifted her face to his.
Her green desperate eyes meeting with Din’s.
She looked exhausted beyond belief, and Din knew there was nothing in this world now that would keep him apart from her again. No force that strong.
She didn't say anything, but she allowed Din’s hand, that was lingering at the back of her head, to pull her into him. Settling herself against him as she cried endless tears into the tunic at his neck. Din wrapping his strong arms around her. Letting her know wordlessly that she was safe here now, at last.
And like this they remained. Just the two of them. For how long Din wasn't sure.
Until a sudden voice broke through their well-needed silence.
And for a moment, Din was almost sure that it was Ran, back for more…
But as Din turned his head instantly to look. He was met with three figures stalking quickly across the far end of the bridge, furthest from the hangar, towards them.
Din’s frown deepened. But more from shock than anger…
…at the sight of Greef Karga pacing quickly towards him. Followed by Grogu in his hover pram and the Marshall of Nevarro- the IG-11 droid.
Karga was coming at them at a slight jog, looking mightily out of breath, his face a picture of concern.
“We saw what happened, we couldn't find a landing spot, and-” said the High-Magistrate, very much out of place in the cess-pit that was the moon known as Nar Shadda.
“How did you find us?” asked Din gazing first at Karga and then at IG-11 and, of course, Grogu who brought up the rear, coming to a harsh halt beside Din. At once cooing at his father and looking him up and down as if checking that all was well.
“What? You didn't think I wouldn't have a tracker put on that new ship of yours the moment it landed in Nevarro?” uttered Karga. His eyes at once falling to the visibly upset and trembling Lysa, still sobbing quietly in Din’s arms. “She- uh…she ok?”
Karga’s tone was serious and as far as Din could tell, full of genuine concern.
Din placed his hand to one of her shoulders, carefully peeling her from him, her weary gaze barely able to meet his own.
Din could feel a heat emanating from her now, he feared had nothing to do with the tears that were falling.
For he could see that Lysa’s pale forehead was now beaded with perspiration. And from here he could see that the blaster wound on her shoulder had started losing blood again.
“Did you bring a med-pack?” said Din quickly to Karga, ignoring his friend’s question. 
But Karga pursed his lips together.
“Oh I can do you one better than that,” he replied, stepping aside as IG-11 stopped forward.
“Upon reprogramming, several of my previous protocols were put back as they were,” came the monotone voice of IG-11. “These protocols include medical care. Stand aside please.”
And with that, Din shuffled back as IG-11 crouched down beside them both on long metal legs, scanning Lysa immediately. A bright green light skimming quickly over her face and body.
“You have suffered blood loss and are at risk of infection to your shoulder wound,” came the voice of the droid again after a long couple of seconds. “We need to get you on board and start treatment with immediate effect.”
At the Marshal’s words, Din gave a frown, before he looked at Lysa, wanting nothing more than to fling off his helmet right now and provide her with the comfort of his expression. Of his eyes conveying so many things that words right now could not. But he refrained, moving a hand to Lysa’s waist and helping her to standing once more.
She leaned her weight onto him, feeling, to him, unsteady on her feet.
Grogu beside them gave a chirp, looking at Lysa hopefully. But right now, she seemed to be keeping her tearful gaze fixed firmly to the floor, focusing on walking straight.
“How did you all even get here? asked Din, staring around, before looking back to Karga who smiled knowingly.
“The Stinger. I told you…it’s a great ship,” he said simply, pointing to the ship that Din had agreed to borrow from Karga just a day prior, stood at the far end of the bridge, far beyond his N-1.
In all the commotion, he had not even noticed it land.
Karga gestured with his head. “Come on, let's leave this hole before we run into any more trouble.”
And with that, the High-Magistrate turned and headed back toward the ship they had arrived on.
Din, giving one last look towards the hangar behind them, scanning the area for any survivors one final time. Before he turned, pulling Lysa with him carefully as they walked down the bridge towards the awaiting ship.
Their pace was slow and after a moment or two Grogu, IG-11 and Karga were several feet ahead, leaving Lysa and Din walking quietly side by side bringing up the rear.
“I’m so sorry, Din,” came Lysa’s hoarse voice, in what was barely a whisper. She sounded tearful and distraught.
Din glanced her way, tears visibly slipping from her eyes as they walked.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” said Din with a deep frown, shaking his head.
Lysa turned her face, staring his way. Her sad, lost-looking eyes meeting with his, behind his beskar.
“Din…” she said, her green eyes desperately trying to search his, hidden behind his visor, a warmth filling her gaze now as she looked up at him. “I-”
But her expression suddenly changed to one of confusion in front of his very eyes.
“...I don't feel so good…” she managed to mumble out, blinking several times in quick succession and giving a hard swallow.
And before Din could do anything, he watched as Lysa’s eyes rolled back in her head and her feet gave way beneath her.
Din tightened his grip on her waist, but was barely able to keep her upright, as his eyes darted back and forth over her ghostly pale and clammy face.
Din’s heart began to pound faster and faster within his ribcage.
“Lysa?” he said quickly, rousing the attention of Karga and IG-11 up ahead.
“Get her on board…hurry,” said Karga to Din instantly, his expression full of worry.
And so manoeuvring her within his grasp, Din bent his knees a little, before hauling Lysa gingerly up into his arms.
He could feel that she was hot to the touch, burning up, looking far paler now than she had a moment ago. All colour drained from her face.
Din hitched in a sharp breath as he strode ahead, making hurriedly for the ship.
Knowing one thing for certain…
….he couldn't lose her. Not now.
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@its5-15wakeup @thecraftyartist @crazypaine @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @marysucks-blog @siimiasoi @livinxdeadxgrl @midwesternwitchery @the-divine-taurus @handspunyarns @st0rmyt @titlee78 @znerac @134340ona @heyheyheygaypay
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theartsalsa · 10 months
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More dragon Din and Grogu :)) The colors look lighter for some reason?? Idek why :p but yEaH
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purplepenntapus · 1 year
Listen I ship dinluke for so many reasons but number 1. is that I think it’s incredibly funny to ship a man who so desperately doesn’t want to be a main character with Mr. Star Wars himself
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kumeramen · 1 year
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[banner and dividers created by @saradika​]
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At Fault (1.7k words)
Common Mistake (1.8k)
Deep Blue, but You Painted Me Golden (1.8k)
Familiar & Unfamiliar (4.1k)
I Miss You, I Miss You Too (0.5k)
In a Perfect World, You Love Me (6.9k) // Perfect World pt. II (2.5k)
Language Barrier (1.0k words)
Lost in the Light (1.4k)
Ni Ceta, Cyar’ika (7.8k) // I Love You, Cyar’ika (4.5k)
⏤ Do You Want Me, Cyar’ika: HAPPY END (6.7k), DARK END (5.1k)
Not Like This (1.3k words) // Not You (2.3k words)
One Hundred and Fifty Seven (4.1k words)
That’s Not My Name (632 words)
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din djarin x female!reader
Older!Grogu Inspo Art
summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
✨: signifies a ‘AFS’ deleted scene/drabble!
#01: Two Porgs, One Blaster
#02: Are You Trying to Say Bear?
#03: Marshal Daddy
#04: Mayfeld Didn't Mean to Step on Him
✨#4.5: He is a Quick One✨
#05: Wife Material
#06: Trikar'la, Buir!
#07: Soran
✨#7.5: Like The Wizards✨
#08: You're His Home
#09: Buir, Grogu, Ma
✨#9.5: Ma’s Got You✨
#10: Show Off
#11: You Didn’t
#12: Grogu, Grogu, Baby, It’s Okay
#13: The Danger Has Passed, Cyar’ika
#14: Am I Making You Quiver?
#15: Mando Looks Like He Knows How to Fuck
#16: I Don’t Want It to Be a Sin
#17: Close Your Eyes, Ner Kar’ta
✨#MID 17: Take a Break, Doc✨
#18: Talk About a Power Couple
#19: My Boys Needed Me
#20: Short Stick Bears His Wrath
#21: Made of the Right Stuff
#22: Like Father, Like Son
#23: It’s a Surprise
✨#23.5: Am I Close to Redemption?✨
#24: Right Between Your Thighs
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din djarin x female!reader
summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words ‘I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
#01: Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
#02: Falling For You
#03: Call it Fate, Destiny, Call it Luck
#04: Cool Motive, Still Murder
#05: Right Person, Wrong Time
#06: Partners in Crime
#07: A Favor For a Friend
#08: But You’re Still a Traitor
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Cowboy!Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian, a morally gray and hardened bounty hunter, makes a decision that alters the course of his fate and yours. As your two very different worlds collide, you learn the Mandalorian is more than his reputation has led you to believe, and you have only seven days to decide if saving his life would be worth destroying your own.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
Ruin Me
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompts: "They're coming for you. Right? That's why you're pushing me away like an idiot? Because you don't want me getting hurt?" and "You say you're dangerous. That you destroy everything you touch. So destroy me. Ruin me. Tear me apart, and let me love you all the same."
main masterlist • prompt masterlist
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Your call for him stops him in his tracks, along with the light you flicker on to illuminate the cabin. Din's in his full suit of beskar, his back turned to you as he slowly spins around to face you. Your arms are crossed over your chest, which is covered by his spare tunic.
"Were you at least gonna say goodbye?"
Din takes the travel pack that was swung over his shoulder and hangs it at his side, his weight transferring to that same hip. He doesn't say a word, but the way his free hand pulls tight into a fist speaks for him.
"You know, asking me to stay here with you was pointless if you're gonna keep leaving in the middle of the night." When Din continues to remain silent, your frustration wins out. "Are you gonna say anything, or should I just go back to bed and try to pretend this didn't happen?"
Din's helmet hangs in shame as he adjusts his grip on the travel pack. "I can't." His voice is tense, strained with an emotion you don't often hear from him. "I can't say anything."
You tighten your jaw and look away from him, steadying yourself with a deep breath. When your gaze finds Din again, his visor is still focused on the floor. "They're coming for you. Right?" Din's visor snaps up to you, his cuirass stalling as he holds his breath. "That's why you're pushing me away like an idiot? Because you don't want me getting hurt?"
Din can't look at you as he responds. "There's Imps left all over the Outer Rim. They're starting to figure out who I am."
"Din." Your voice is soft as you whisper his name. Your arms fall to your sides as you plead with him. "They won't find me."
Din's visor finds you and his helmet straightens in severity. "We don't know that." His voice trembles. "I..." Din pauses, his helmet falling once again as he shifts his weight and tightens his fist, "I have lost everyone I've ever cared for. And it's always been because of me, because of who I am or what I've done." He shakes his helmet. "I can't let it happen again. Not to you." His fist has tightened so much it's started to shake.
Your gaze softens as you take a step closer to him. You let his words sit in the air between you for a long moment before you speak. "You say you're dangerous. That you destroy everything you touch." You keep walking towards him, only stopping when you're nearly chest-to-chest. "So destroy me. Ruin me. Tear me apart," you lift your hand and press it upon his cuirass, "and let me love you all the same."
Din's helmet rests upon your forehead as if he can't control the movement. You smile and lift your other hand to cup his beskar cheek.
"Don't push me away. I'd rather you destroy me than force me away."
Din exhales a tense breath and inhales sharply, though nothing follows. He drops the travel pack at his side and wraps his arms around you, easing you against him as your own arms naturally wrap around his neck. His helmet falls onto your shoulder and his grasp on you gets tighter and tighter as he fights his emotions.
"It's okay." Your voice is a whisper now as you rest your head against his helmet. "We're safe here."
Din's voice is a pure, shattering breath when he responds. "Please."
You tug at the cloth covering his neck enough to press a gentle kiss against his skin. "I promise."
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its-not-a-pen · 2 years
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Inspired by: The Father, The Son, and the Unholy Ghost
by @loveoaths Din/Luke Au. There's this really funny moment when Anakin's ghost shows up to threaten Din Djarin and I thought it would be even funnier if Luke also woke up.
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mando-abs · 10 months
It’s missing Din Djarin hours
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Avarage day in the Whitesun-Larses move to Mandalore AU:
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Poor Beru has to constantly deal with hoards of mandolorians who want to court Luke.
But it's not like her and Owen don't also have their share of admirers 👀
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imaginative-joy · 1 year
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I drew this back in 2021, so you can imagine my utter delight when that one photo of Cameron Monaghan and Grogu surfaced from Star Wars Celebration in London.
And c’mon… there’s definitely a chance that Cal met Grogu, right? Right?????
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Fear pt. 8
canon typical violence, swearing, mention of a needle
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His hand didn’t leave mine until it reached up to caress my face and I unabashedly leaned into it.
My eyes lit up in recognition, “You’ve said that to me before, what does it mean?”
“Beautiful. You're beautiful”
The blush that spread across my face deepened as I realized just how long he’d been looking at me the same way I looked at him. 
I just smiled. 
The moment shattered as the ship jolted to the side and Din’s hand stiffened, holding me around the waist with one arm as the other held us both up right against the wall.
“What was that?” I whispered, worried. 
“Fuck” he swore under his breath and went to the control panels, “They followed us. The spice ring cronies must’ve been tipped off...dank farrik.”
“Come on out Mando” taunted a voice just outside the door. 
He was nothing if not a fighter, he took a look at me, grabbed his blaster and I watched him walk out.
“Do not go out there...no matter what.” He ordered, but I knew I’d never listen.
 My hand gripped around the trigger of my own weapon in case he needed cover.
My eyes never left his silver frame until a deep, sharp, pain shot through the side of my neck.
“What the fuck” I said, instinctively reaching up to touch it. 
Thats when something grabbed my wrist and a mans hands were over my mouth. 
He held a needle in front of my face. 
“You’ll be out in no time, gorgeous” mocked a vile sounding voice. 
The men I walked out to face didn’t seem like they had much to say and they seemed weak; big in numbers though. Maybe ten to fifteen.
They definitely sent their best, huh, I said to myself with a chuckle. I’d repeat that back to her.
I warned them to leave, and turned back to face the crest and give her a look of approval, and say that things were okay.
Thats the moment when a man walked out with her lifeless body in his arms.
“Got your little pet, Mando.” He held a blaster to her temple, “do some dirty work for us and we will forgive your little transgression on Tatooine. You can get her back after that... I might just have to use her while I have her though.” 
The rage that coursed its way through my veins in this moment was unlike any other.
I couldn’t hear for the pounding in my ears was vicious and taunting. 
Tears stung my eyes, and my body felt like it was burning from the inside. 
I could burn fucking cities down with what was boiling inside of me. 
The side of me I’d never shown, always repressed, was pushing its way to the surface. 
I could be a monster, cruel and malicious. If she were another civilian I would of course be angry and do anything to save her... but for her...I’d go after these bastards families as revenge for taking her from me.
“Cmon, we’ve got you surrounded, big guy...guess you don’t want her back that bad, huh?” He mocked, taking his blaster off of safety, still pointed directly at her temple. 
She looked like a sleeping angel in the arms of something that just crawled from the depths of of a Sarlacc pit.
I planted my feet and swung the top half of my body, taking out at least three of the men that were enclosing on me. 
They charged messily, but I kept my eyes on her.
I pushed my way through blaster fire trying to chase down the man who was now ducking Into a smaller ship with her. 
I was as cold and stoic as ever, shooting point blank. 
I ran after the ship and cursed at the fact that I didn’t have a jet pack like the other Mandalorians. 
There were only a few men left now and they were retreating to their own ships. 
The utterly asinine crones didn’t even see me following them with the crest. 
They took my girl and they’d pay for their fucking sins.
I landed a mile or two out from them, stalking them like prey. 
We were back on godforsaken Tatooine and the men scrambled down the back entrance of the bar we were at earlier. It somehow looked worse under moonlight. 
I took a breath before kicking in the door they had just retreated behind and began shooting blindly in rage. 
When all I could see left was her skin and the man who had taken her, I stopped. 
His finger toyed with the blaster at her head once more but she was awake now, eyes scanning wildly around her. 
Her mouth was gagged and she was bound to a chair. Her body slumped awkwardly and was littered with bruises and fresh blood. Her eyes seemed to be the only part of her body that she could move.
“One step closer and it’s lights out for your pet.”
“You don’t want anything with her. You want me. Let her go and I’ll do anything you want.” I said cooly, holstering my blaster and raising my arms. 
Through whatever she was fighting a small sound escaped her and her head shook only millimeters but I could tell it was a ‘no’. 
I didn’t care if she approved and I didn’t care about what happened to me as long as she was safe.
His blaster never left my chest as he undid the knots holding her to the chair, then kicked her body to the floor. 
I gritted my teeth, not wanting to blow this. I couldn’t afford it. 
His blaster moved off of me and now was on her once more.
“Wait...what are you doing?”
“I need insurance, Mandalorian” he laughed, “Did you really think I’d just giver her back without you doing something for me?”
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angelispunk222 · 3 months
hi this is my first fic like ever! have fun tell me if it sucks!!!!
joel miller/stripper!reader
“Angel lives a life she didn’t choose, She despised it actually. In a gritty world filled with danger and uncertainty, Y/N, a determined young woman working as a stripper to make ends meet, finds an unwavering protector in Joel Miller. Joel, a rugged man with a gentle heart, dedicates himself to ensuring Y/N’s safety, becoming her anchor amidst the chaos of her life.”
warning joel loves his gf!
𐙚 private dancer 𐙚
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The dingy back room of the strip club was a stark contrast to the bright, garish lights and loud music that filled the main floor. Y/N sat in front of the small, cracked mirror, carefully wiping away her makeup. Her shift had just ended, and exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders.
Working at the “Pink Pony” club as one of the many dancers was something she had loved to do, the makeup, pink lights and the cowgirl persona was everything she thought she needed..until she met Joel.
One night she was dancing on stage, swaying her hips to the melody of “Super freak” maintaining eye contact with the crowd, but only having one interest on a head full of silver hair..
Joel Miller had been waiting outside, his broad frame leaning against the wall as he kept a watchful eye on the entrance. He’d been there every night, ensuring she got to and from work safely. He hated this place, hated seeing her in this environment, but he respected her choice and understood why she did it. She had dreams, aspirations, and this job was a means to an end.
When Y/N finally emerged, Joel straightened up, his gaze softening as it landed on her. “You ready to go, angel?” Stealing a peck on her lips full of love
Pecking back playfully she nodded, a tired smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Joel walked beside her, his presence a comforting shield against the dangers of the night. As he wraps his arm around her tightly they made their way to his truck, and he opened the door for her, waiting until she was settled before closing it and climbing into the driver’s seat.
The drive was quiet, the hum of the engine and the occasional street noise the only sounds. Joel glanced over at her, his concern evident. “You alright, darling?” Joel puts his hand on her thigh.
She sighed, leaning her head against the window. “Just tired, Joel. It’s been a long night.”
He nodded, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. “You know you don’t have to do this. I can help you out.”
“I know,” she replied softly, “but I want to do this on my own terms. It’s just… temporary.”
Joel respected her determination, even if it pained him to see her in such a harsh world. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I promise,” she said, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “Thank you, Joel. For everything.”
He gave her a small smile, his heart aching with the need to protect her. “Always, angel. Always.”
When they arrived at her small apartment, Joel insisted on walking her to her door. He waited as she unlocked it, his eyes scanning the hallway for any signs of trouble. Once inside, she turned to him, her expression grateful yet weary.
“Can you stay for a bit?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.
“Of course,” he replied without hesitation, closing the door behind him.
Y/N headed to the bathroom to wash off the remnants of her night. Joel took the opportunity to make a pot of coffee, his mind wandering to all the ways he wished he could shield her from the world. When she returned, she looked more like the Y/N he knew—fresh-faced and vulnerable.
They sat on the worn-out couch, sipping coffee in comfortable silence. Joel’s arm was draped protectively over the back of the couch, his presence a solid, reassuring weight.
“How was your night?” she asked, breaking the silence.
“Same old,” he replied with a shrug. “Had some work to do, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and concern. “You always seem to handle everything, Joel.”
He chuckled softly. “Not everything, darling. Just doin’ my best.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder, finding solace in his steadiness. “Your best is more than enough.”
As the night wore on, Joel helped her prepare for bed, ensuring she had everything she needed. He checked the locks on her doors and windows, his protective instincts kicking into high gear. “You need anything else?” he asked, standing in her bedroom doorway.
“No, I’m good,” she said, slipping under the covers. “Just… stay until I fall asleep?”
“Of course,” he said, pulling up a chair beside her bed.
She closed her eyes, the tension of the day melting away in his presence. Joel watched over her, his heart filled with a fierce determination to keep her safe. The world outside was harsh and unforgiving, but he would make sure she had a sanctuary, a place where she could find peace.
As she drifted off to sleep, Joel stayed vigilant, his gaze never leaving her. He knew he couldn’t protect her from everything, but as long as he was around, he would do everything in his power to shield her from harm. She was his light in a dark world, and he would guard that light with everything he had.
Y/N slept peacefully, the worries of her world fading into the background. And Joel, her steadfast guardian, kept watch, ready to face any threat that dared to come her way.
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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realmothchu · 1 year
not enough married dinluke fics to my liking
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A Fresh Start [1]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: use of fake name, reader is hiding from a shady past
Word Count: 4,506
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn't meant for everyone.
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Chapter Summary: The Marshal is looking to hire a nanny, and you just so happen to be moving into the city.
“remember to live while you’re busy surviving.” -d.j.
Din Djarin was busier these days than he ever had been before. Even compared to years ago, when he was picking up dozens of bounty pucks and collecting quarries left and right, it was nothing compared to now. If he had known that being Nevarro's marshal would be so hectic, he may have never accepted it. At the thought, he sighed. That was a bold faced lie. He still would’ve taken the job in a heartbeat because the pay was better than anything he had ever made previously. Speaking strictly in terms of credits, it was significantly less than the various bounties he’d pick up, but the job brought him peace of mind. It brought safety to Grogu. More than just safety, it gave the child the opportunity to grow and learn in an environment where he wasn’t at risk. They had settled here a couple of months ago, and for most of that time Grogu had been happy and free of night terrors. It was a blessing Din couldn’t quantify. He’d work every second of every day if it meant the child grew up safe and loved.
At the thought of his son, he picked up his pace toward the repair shop run by Peli who had ventured from the sands of Tatooine to the growing and thriving Nevarro. She was usually the one who watched Grogu while he was working. When Peli couldn’t, there were a handful of others in town who were more than happy to help out. Din was eternally grateful that the community was willing to go above and beyond as a favor to him. In the beginning, he had actually brought Grogu with him on the job. It wasn’t absurd. Back in the day, when his journey with Grogu first began, he brought the child along on bounties. A day in the life of a small community Marshal was actually quite tame in comparison. Still, that wasn’t normal, and Din wanted normal. School would be starting up soon, as summer ended, and Din was excited to get Grogu enrolled.
He had a stable job and they had a home. Starting Grogu's education was the next step in establishing picture perfect normalcy.
The loud noise of Peli’s shop filled the air as he got closer. All three of the garage’s hanger doors were lifted and open, and Din could see it had been a busy day for the mechanic. Ships, speeder bikes, droids. There was a large collection of mechanical works being actively repaired.
“Peli! Marshal's here!” A mechanic barked out the moment he stepped into the garage. Din turned his way, but the employee didn’t bother looking up from the work they were occupied with.
Din pressed further into the shop. Helmet glanced around, looking for a blur of chaotic green, but his eyes didn’t land on his son. “Mando!” Din spun in place as the curly haired woman marched up to him. Peli was one of the few people in Nevarro who didn't refer to him as Marshal. She said she didn't want it to go to his head. Other mechanics dove out of the way to avoid her path. Though she was short in stature, Peli could command a room with voice alone. Her jumpsuit was covered in splotches of engine oil. “Took you long enough!”
“Peli.” Din nodded in greeting. “Where’s Grogu?”
“Your son,” Peli jabbed a finger in his direction, “ate a handful of bolts today.”
Din stiffened. “He what!? Where is he?”
“Just joking. He didn’t.”
“Peli, that isn’t funny.”
“It’s not a joke.”
Din resisted the urge to palm the front of his helmet into his hands. He let out a weathered sigh, “Did he eat metal bolts or didn’t he?”
“Not today. No telling about tomorrow.” Peli scoffed. “This shop is no place for a kid! I’ve been telling you that for weeks now!”
Din set his hands on his hips. “No, you haven't.”
“Well, I’ve been thinking it!”
The sound of familiar babbling alerted him to his son’s presence, and Din turned in time to see Grogu quickly waddling in his direction. Argument with Peli forgotten, he grinned and scooped up the child who continued to babble enthusiastically.
“Hey there, you little womp rat.” Din rubbed his belly and Grogu wrapped his arms around his hand in response. The sound of his laugh made Din chuckle himself. As important as his goal of normalcy was, Din missed the uninterrupted time he used to have with his son. There was a lot wrong with their previous adventures, a lot of danger, but nothing beat the long days in hyperspace and hiding where his only responsibility was to care for the child. “I heard you’ve been giving Peli trouble.”
Grogu laughed again⏤ not even attempting to hide his guilt. Peli wagged her finger in his direction once more. “You see? It’s only a matter of time until he swallows one of my tools. Then what would we do? I’d be a tool short!”
“I’m sorry, Peli.” Din chuckled. “School will be starting up soon. You won’t have to watch him during the day then.”
“He’ll still need watching after, won’t he? Your work day isn’t done until evening!” Peli argued. “And what about the nights when you get called into work?”
Din winced, but he kept his head still so Peli wouldn’t notice. She wasn’t wrong. There had been a handful of times when Din's presence was required at the station and he was forced to drop Grogu off with Peli in the dead of night. She lived in a small apartment beside the shop, and her shop was on the way from their home to the station. Stopping to leave Grogu with her was too easy to resist. It wasn't like he could leave the child at home alone.
Grogu began to tap on the side of Din’s helmet and he began to bounce the child in his arms to distract him. “I’m sorry, Peli. I really appreciate everything you do for us. You know that, right?” Peli waved his words away with a huff. As brash and grumpy as the woman could be, especially on a busy day, he knew Peli loved spending time with Grogu and he knew that complaints aside she’d always be willing to help out. It was why he was so grateful for her. “My hands are tied right now. I don’t know what else I can do.”
“Hire someone, you lug!” Peli scoffed. “Get a live-in nanny.”
“Live-in nanny?” Din questioned, not bothering to hide his skepticism.
“Yeah. Someone who can watch little bright eyes around the clock when you can’t. Someone who’ll be there at 3AM when you get called into the office. Why do I gotta come up with all the good ideas around here?”
Din didn’t love the idea, but he couldn’t deny the merits of it. Once upon a time, he would’ve shot it down immediately. However, he wasn’t who he once was. Din had learned that going out on a branch to trust someone didn’t always end bloody. The community was filled with people Din had taken a chance on and was rewarded in his risk. He had friends he trusted, and they never would've been in his life if he hadn't taken the risk in the first place.
“Where…” Din cleared his throat. “Where would I even find one?”
“Whoop, whoop!” Din and Peli both turned to see a mechanic a few feet away. They had been buried under a speeder bike but jumped up in excitement. Dirty goggles hung around her neck and the light pink color of her skin made the black grease stains stand out more. “Howdy, Marshal Mando.”
“Nima.” Din greeted with a nod. He didn’t know every single person who worked for Peli, but Nima was Peli’s right hand mechanic. The young Twi’lek was extraordinary with a wrench if Peli was to be believed, and Din knew it took a lot to impress the older woman. “How are you?”
“Real swell.” Nima stepped closer, rubbing her hands on a rag tucked into her overall pocket. “Not to be nosy, but I heard you got a job that needs filling and I have a cousin who needs a job.” Din tilted his head and waited for her to elaborate. “My cousin is moving here⏤ well, let me clarify, she’s not my actual cousin by blood. We’re cousins by marriage. Her mom’s sister married my mom’s brother. We⏤ wait, they actually got divorced like a year ago so I don’t know if we technically⏤”
“Nima!” Peli barked. “The point!”
“Right, right, right.” Nima shook her head. “My maybe not cousin is moving to town, and she’s looking for work.”
Din lifted a hand to lightly grasp Grogu’s hands as the kid tried to pry his helmet up. “Does she have experience with kids?”
“Oh, absolutely!” Nima nodded. “She’s a superstar with kids. Total magic.”
Peli slapped her hand against the beskar of his chest plate then pointed at him. Din sighed and gave them both a slight nod. “I’d be willing to meet her, but that’s it. No promises.”
“She’ll be in town by the end of the week!” Nima cheered. “I’ll bring her around!”
Grogu began to whine, and Din thanked both women before making his way out of the garage. It was time for dinner and the child was quick to get fussy when a meal wasn’t on its way. Plus, Grogu had gotten accustomed to nights in the privacy of their home when Din would remove his helmet. It had become a part of their routine.
“Buir, buir, buir.” Grogu chanted.
“I know, I know.” Din chuckled as he unlocked the front door. Once in, he used his free hand to pull his helmet off and tucked it under his elbow with a smile.
Grogu patted his face in excitement. “Buir!”
“Let’s get some dinner ready, ad’ika.” Din stepped further in. Hearing Grogu speak Mando’a warmed his heart. Hearing him speak at all warmed his heart, really. Din was convinced his son knew more basic and Mando’a than he’d shown. The few things he did say he only said in the safety of their home. Another reason Din was excited for school to start, he hoped it’d excite Grogu into speaking more.
Din set the boy down so he could move around the kitchen easier, and he couldn’t bite back the smile of ease on his face. He loved his life, he loved his son, and Din didn’t think things could get more perfect than what it was right now. He just hoped adding in a new face wouldn’t disrupt their routine.
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You absentmindedly let your fingers trace the ugly, jagged scar along your collarbone. The wound had healed months ago, but there was something about the rough skin that haunted you. It didn’t hurt. If anything the tissue there was numb, and that bothered you more than anything else. For some reason, it felt wrong that you weren’t in pain.
The transport ship rumbled to a stop as it landed, and it snapped you back into the moment. You straightened in your seat and glanced out the window. A year and a half ago nobody ever spoke of Nevarro. It had been a blip in the Outer Rim for bounty hunters and those hiding from the New Republic. Now, it was a bustling trade post flourishing with life. From where your ship sat on the landing pad, you could see the white and gray buildings of Nevarro stretching out into the black, glassed land of the mountains that sat on the edge of the lava plains. It still wasn't a very large community. Not yet, at least. Your eyes scanned the land beside the landing pad. You had lived in the beautiful greenery of Naboo, the bustling cities of Coruscant, and the sandy dunes of Tatooine. This was vastly different in comparison.
You let a few others leave before rising yourself. As you followed the very small crowd off the ship you stretched your legs out best you could without stopping. It had been a long trip from Mos Espa to Nevarro. The second your feet stepped onto the landing pad you heard your name being screamed by a familiar voice. It was almost odd to hear it said aloud after so much time, but the voice of your old friend kept you from flinching. A broad smile crossed your features and you barely had time to turn before you were tackled in a hug.
“Oh, I missed you so much!” Nima cheered in your ear. She squeezed you tight enough that all you could manage was a small pat on her back considering she had your arms pinned to your side.
“I missed you too.” You wheezed. “And now I’m beginning to miss air.”
Nima released you, taking a step back, and you sucked in a large breath. She bounced in place, her pink lekku whipping around her, “I’m so happy you’re finally here! It’s been way, way too long!” It was true, and seeing Nima brightened your mood significantly. “How was your trip-”
The beginnings of your name began to slip from her mouth, but your hand snapped out to cover her lips. Her eyebrows rose in confusion, and you just offered her a sheepish smile. "Soran. Call me Soran. Remember?" Her eyes widened and you could see a flash of regret in her eyes. She had simply forgotten. "It's okay. No biggie. Just... Soran, okay?"
"I'm so sorry. I just got so excited." Nima apologized. "Don't worry, I didn't use your real name with anyone in town or anything." You nodded and made your way to where luggage was being placed on the landing pad from the storage bin. Nima walked a step behind you. You scooped up your bag, wrapping it around your shoulders, and Nima looped one arm through yours. "I'm so happy you're here."
The words were said with such sincerity that it warmed your heart. It made you wish you had taken her up on her offer ages ago. She began to drag you across the landing pad toward the start of the town. Her cheery attitude and happy-go-lucky demeanor was contagious. She was talking up a storm, something about work, while you gazed at the street you walked down. The path was paved and the street was filled with people milling about happily. A few vendors sold goods in the open at stalls, and you could hear the music of a band from further down the street. It was a cozy and warm atmosphere, and it wasn't the kind of place you expected Nima to settle down.
You met Nima during your teenage years when part of her family married part of yours. The two of you had grown close and without a doubt she was one of your closest friends. Family really. It was why at your absolute lowest you had caved and accepted her invitation to join her in Nevarro. Nima worked at a local mechanic shop which turned out to be her calling. She had always been good at tinkering with anything mechanical, but she was thriving under the instruction of the woman she worked for. At least, that's what she was constantly telling you. Nima had found her happy place, and you were ecstatic for her.
“⏤and Peli is still awesome.” Nima continued. “When we're not busy, she's letting me work on this old Razor Crest with her. It's some sort of secret project and the ship is in really bad shape, but I'm learning so much. It’s the best job ever.”
“That’s amazing, Nima.”
“Oh! And speaking of awesome jobs, I got you one.”
Your eyes widened. “Huh?”
“A job and a place to live. I got it covered.”
“Wow. I’m…seriously impressed, Nima. So, that means your boss is okay with me helping around the shop with inventory and stuff?”
Nima paused, then cursed in her native tongue. “I knew I was forgetting to do something. I was supposed to ask Peli about you.”
“If you didn’t ask her if I could work there, then where am I working?” You questioned in confusion.
“So, the Marshal has this super cute kid, and he needs a round the clock nanny.” Nima gave you a thumbs up. You blinked in shock, unable to find the words to voice your disbelief. She took this as a victory cheered. “I knew you’d love it.”
You shook your head. “No, no. This is a bad idea.”
“What? No way.” Nima shook her head with a pout. “You need a job and you need a place to live. I got you both in one. Two porgs, one blaster.”
“I⏤That’s⏤You said it wrong.” You said.
Nima furrowed her brow at you. “No, I think you just don’t get it. It means, like, you have two problems, the two porgs, and one solution takes care of both. One blaster.”
“It’s two porgs, one stone.”
“Why would I use a stone to hit a porg when I have a blaster?”
“You wouldn’t, but if you had a blaster you could shoot way more than just two porgs.”
“Yeah, but you only have two porgs right now.”
You waved your arms in the air as if you could swipe away the pointless argument. “This is⏤ No. We're done with that. My point is, this is not a good idea. I’ve never been a nanny before. The last time I baby-sat a kid was literally ages ago, and it was for a few evenings. I didn't live with the kid or the family.”
“You’re great with kids. I’ve seen it!” Nima argued in your favor.
“Being good with kids is not the same as helping raise one.”
Nima shrugged. “Nuance. Besides, everything else in town right now is part time work and you said you wanted a full time job.” You had said that. The more time you spent busy, the less time you had to think. That was the plan at least Bury yourself in pointless work. “I mean, you could pick up the job of local physician.”
You stiffened. “Nima⏤”
“Our main doctor sucks. Like you wouldn’t believe. Laziest asshole this side of the Outer Rim. It's the one fault of Nevarro in my opinion.” Nima scoffed. “You would do so much better⏤”
“Don’t.” You said firmly, and Nima grew quiet. “I’m not… I’m not doing that right now. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I’m not allowed to⏤ to⏤” You cleared your throat. “I’m not allowed to practice medicine until the trial is over. Officially.”
Nima squeezed your arm. “The trial will be over before the year's end, at the latest, and there is no way they aren’t throwing that kriffing asshole in jail for the rest of his miserable life.” This was the exact thing you wanted to avoid. It’s literally why you ran away in the first place. “Nothing about what happened was your fault.”
“Nima, can we not?” You blurted. “I just…” Your lungs felt heavy and even though you were more than capable of breathing none of the air you sucked in was rewarding. “Tell me more about the job. The Marshal’s kid.”
Nima shot you a concerned look before nodding. “Right.” She forced a smile onto her face. “He’s a Mandalorian and his son is a 50 year old precious, green gremlin.”
“Um, what?”
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Nevarro was shockingly beautiful. You had heard it was, and that it was slowly becoming a staple of the Outer Rim, but hearing it was different than seeing it with your own eyes. The population was about four thousand and it was constantly growing. Every single person you passed took the time to greet Nima, and she took the time to introduce you. It hadn’t been an exaggeration when Nima said it was the kind of place where everyone knew everyone. The two of you emptied out at the end of a street into a large, open plaza. In it's center sat a tall bronze statue of a droid.
“That's the Magistrate's building.” Nima pointed to the tall, intricate building behind the droid statue. It was active with people going up and down the stairs that led into the building. “Magistrate Karga is super cool. He used to hand out bounties to hunters. Wild shit.”
“So, the Magistrate was an Agent of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and your Marshal is an actual Mandalorian?”
Nima nodded. “The Marshal's Deputy used to be a Shock Trooper.”
“Wow. I’m not sure I’m qualified to even live here.” You mumbled.
“Don’t be silly. You’ll fit right in.” Nima slotted her hand into yours and began to drag you down the street. She had taken you to her small apartment first, to give you time to set down your belongings and wash up, but she was quick to pull you back out into the streets. It was cute how eager she was to show you around Nevarro, and you could tell between her and everyone you met how proud they were of their community.
Nima pointed out a few shops as you passed, but it was clear that her aim was to take you to the Marshal's station. You shot her a dry look that she only grinned at in response.
“He needs somebody super soon and you need a job. Plus, a place to live. You think I want you on my couch for the rest of your life?”
You shoved her with a laugh. “I haven’t slept on your couch a single night yet, and you’re already tired of me?”
“Just come on.” Nima dragged you building nestled amongst others. It was decorated similar as the rest of the town with white bricks and dark blue flags.
The Marhsal's station wasn’t overly large. Outside, parked to the side, were a few speeders and inside the front doors was a small lobby with a woman sitting behind a desk. Nima greeted her by name, introducing you in a rush, before pulling you through. The receptionist didn’t seem surprised by this behavior and didn’t make the moves to stop either of you. You wondered if Nima came barging in here often. Was she close to the Marshal?
The hallway from the lobby led into a clean and brightly lit room. The back wall was made of windows where the lava plains could be seen since the station was at the edge of town, and there were three desks planted in the center of the room. Off to the left side were two cells, cordoned off with silver bars, and you found yourself happy to see no one was currently being held in custody. Despite having the cells present, the entire room had a casual feel to it. A dart board was hung up on a wall, darts sticking out of it, and the desks were covered in office supplies and holopads.
“What’re you doing here, trouble maker?”
“Cara!” Nima cheered as a large woman stepped into the room from a different door. She untangled her hand from yours to rush over and greet this Cara woman with a hug. She was tall and broad, and the tattoo band around her right upper arm hinted to you that this must be the Deputy Nima mentioned earlier. The ex-shock trooper. She surely looked like someone who used to work in that line of action. “I brought my cousin by to say hello!”
Cara’s dark eyes rolled over to you in amusement. “Yeah. I see the family resemblance.”
"This is Soran." Nima introduced you with the name you had adopted months ago for the sake of anonymity. “And this is Deputy Cara Dune. Resident badass.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You offered your hand. “Can I call you Cara or do you prefer Deputy badass or…?”
Cara chuckled. “Cara works.”
“Where is everyone?” Nima glanced around the room. “I’m looking for Marshal Mando.”
“Hey, Mando!” Cara yelled back through the door she came in from. She marched past the two of you to drop down into a chair at a desk. She rested her hands behind her head and casually kicked up her legs. “Our generator out back keeps cutting out.”
Nima's eyes widened, curious, “Oh, yeah?”
“It’s been a wreck since early this morning.”
“Cara, it’s making that noise again. Can you call Peli?” A deeper, modulated voice called out. You straightened in your posture as a Mandalorian dressed in silver beskar stepped into the room. Everything you knew about Mandalorians came from legend and stories. You had never met one before. The Marshal’s broad figure and confident, yet casual pace, screamed power. A blaster was hooked to his hip. He was the picture of intimidation, and you’d find yourself nervous if it weren’t for the baby carrier strapped around his chest⏤ the one with a large eared, small green toddler tucked safely in place. It cooed happily with his hands wrapped around the fingers of the Mandalorians gloved hand.
Nima clapped her hands. “Don’t bother Peli! I’ll fix it right now!”
“I’ll show you where it’s at.” Cara pushed up.
You opened your mouth to argue, but no words came out and you watched in shock as your friend abandoned you with the Mandalorian and child. You blinked in shock, mouth held open. Suddenly, Nima stuck her head back in the room. “Oops. Mr. Marshal Mandalorian, this is my cousin I was telling you about.” She grinned at you. “Cousin, this is the mighty Marshal Mandalorian and his adorable green bean child I told you about.”
With no further words, she left once more. You were gonna kill her. Most definitely. The sound of a throat clearing made your eyes snap back to the man standing across from you. His silver helmet had a t-shaped visor of black glass that gave you no hint at the expression he wore. The two of you just stared at one another for a long moment. Awkward silences were the bane of your existence and you tried to avoid them at all costs. To a fault, arguably. You thrust a hand out to him with a nervous smile. "Hi. You can call me Soran. I'm the cousin Nima always talks about, but I'm not her actual cousin, er..."
"Right." The Mandalorian replied. He shook your hand. "Call me Mando."
"Mando? Like, short for Mandalorian?" You chuckled, and he didn't reply. You rubbed your hands against your pants. Thank the Maker, he had been wearing gloves and couldn’t feel your clammy palms. If you hadn't already decided to murder Nima for abandoning you in this situation, you would've chosen to do it for offering your services to this man. A service you weren't even qualified for. Still, you needed work, a lot of it, and if this was your best option you'd do what you'd have to. “So, is this your son?”
At the question, the child began to babble happily. His adorable, nonsensical words were a good distraction from beating yourself up over asking such a stupid question.
“Yes. This is Grogu.” He responded. The modulator gave his voice a husky quality that was hard not to notice. Grogu was still babbling, but now he released his father’s hands to reach out to you. He opened and closed his hands in a grabbing motion and at the small child’s request you couldn’t help but lift a hand up to him. Grogu grasped at your finger and you offered him a small smile. “Nima says you’re looking for a job.”
Your eyes snapped up from the kid to Mando. “Uh, yes. I am.” It was silent between the two of you again, save for Grogu’s happy voice. “To be honest though…" Your brain screamed at you to lie. Tell him you had an extensive history of babysitting and were well suited for the job. However, lying had never come natural to you. It always left a terrible taste in your mouth. You sighed, "I’m by no means a professional nanny. I’m actually not even an amateur one.” Mando didn’t respond or move his head in any way to hint his thoughts. You cleared your throat. “What I mean is, I like kids, and I’m responsible enough to keep one alive." You winced at your wording. "I just- I’m a quick learner and I'm dedicated to the work I put my mind to.” Grogu tilted his head in the cutest manner you had ever seen, but his father stayed silent. You let out a low whistle. “I am not doing a very good job of selling myself, am I?”
As seconds passed, you were tempted to throw yourself out the back window and find the nearest river of lava to jump into. Just to hide from your embarrassment. Finally, he spoke, “Where are you from?”
Your eyes widened at the direction his question took this conversation. “Oh. Naboo. I was born there, grew up there too, but I lived in Coruscant for a long, long time. Only recently moved to Mos Espa on Tatooine. That's where I just came from.”
“What kind of work do you usually do?”
As if this casual interview couldn’t get worse. You rolled various answers around in your head before settling on the best thing you could. “I worked in a medical clinic.” He was quiet and you assumed that meant he wanted more. As much as you hated lying, as terrible as it made you feel, this was a necessity you reminded yourself. This kind of lie wouldn't hurt anyone. It would protect you, keep you safe. “Receptionist." You blurted. "I scheduled appointments, re-supplied the stock, counted out credits. That kind of stuff.”
“Work…keeps me busy.” Mando said. “I just need someone else around. Keep an eye on the kid while I’m out and sometimes at night if I get called in.” Your eyebrows rose. “I haven’t ever hired a nanny before. I’m... not sure what it’s supposed to entail or the usual pay. I just need help.”
You nodded. “I can do that. I can be helpful. I’m not sure of the pay either, but I’m also not picky. Maybe just a trial period, and see how it goes? A learning curve for both of us.”
Mando nodded in agreement and held out a hand for you to shake. A sigh of relief left you and you tried to pull your hand away from Grogu who refused to let go of your fingers. You lifted your opposite hand to awkwardly grasp his outstretched hand and shook it once. You didn't quite know how to feel about this acquisition. This wasn't where you thought your life would end up. The thought of starting this job filled your belly with nervous energy. You had to succeed at this. Honestly, you were just happy the Mandalorian was willing to give you a chance. More than anything that was what your life needed. A chance. An opportunity. A fresh start. On the plus side, learning how to do a completely new job would be a good enough distraction from your past, surely.
A/N: if you see this on AO3 and think ‘omg she stole this’, I promise I didn’t. That’s me on AO3 too. Pinky swear.
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