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poetikken · 7 months ago
Jeg er en slags forfatterstudent og har nå opprettet denne POETIKKEN på grunn av det følgende:
Fra studieplanen:
«Ved slutten av 4. semester foreleser studenten over egen poetikk i forbindelse med eget hovedprosjekt, som også skal relateres til relevant samtidsestetikk. Verket skal drøftes analytisk og estetisk. Foredraget skal ha en varighet på 15-20 minutter.»
Litt mer info om innholdet i eksamensforedraget: Eksamensforedraget skal altså være en poetikk over deres eget hovedprosjekt, og prosjektet ditt skal relateres til relevant samtidsestetikk. Du skal også analysere og drøfte ditt eget verk.
Min umiddelbare respons til dette var "Yikes, ok, da er det vel best å gjøre notater om disse greiene på et dedikert sted fortløpende. Omtrent som...en blogg."
Noen ideer om hvordan jeg skal prøve å bruke denne bloggen:
-INNBOKS. Alt jeg leser, favorittverk fra tidligere, temaer jeg henger meg opp i. Her kan det også drøftes verk og grep jeg IKKE liker, og greie ut om hvorfor.
-LOGG. En slags arbeidslogg er visst lurt. Usikker på hvor detaljert eller omfattende.
-UTBOKS. Noe om hva jeg leverer til veiledergruppe og tanker om det - kanskje ikke teksten i seg selv, med mindre jeg har noe jeg gjerne viser frem. Utboksen vil også innehold ting jeg tegner for hva enn jeg velger å jobbe med.
-TILBAKEMELDING OG REDIGERING. Her blir det kanskje drøfting av både tilbakemeldinger jeg selv får og de jeg gir til andre (uten å eksponere andres arbeid, såklart). Bevisstgjøring av hva jeg velger å GJØRE med tilbakemeldinger (forhåpentligvis ikke bare furte og spise pistasjis).
-VALG AV HÅNDBOK. Første samling dette skoleåret har handlet en del om å se på og bruke bøker andre har utgitt om det å skrive, å jobbe med et prosjekt over tid, hvilke punkter som er med i en god fortelling, osv. Vi har kikket spesifikt i Save the cat! Writes a novel, fordi veileder kjenner den godt, og jeg...eier den allerede i kindleformat, gitt. Men det er ikke sikkert at JEG vil bruke akkurat den boka som mitt kart i prosessen, så i starten regner jeg med å bruke litt tid på å bla i ymse og se hva som føles nyttig for meg.
-FAG. Dette hører med i 'innboks' sånn egentlig, men jeg skal jo ha med litt faglig grunnlag i dette her, som blir artikler/litteratur om...greier som blir relevante for meg når jeg finner ut hva jeg skal gjøre.
Først må jeg jo finne ut hva jeg skal gjøre...
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dailysarkariupdate · 2 years ago
BPSC Job Salary 2023: बिहार BDO, SDO से लेकर DSP तक की कितनी होती है सैलरी, वेतन भत्ते एंव अन्य लाभ?
BPSC Job Salary: क्या आपने कभी सोचा हैं कि, बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग  के तहत अलग – अलग पदों पर कार्यरत अधिकारीयों अर्थात् बिहार BDO, SDO  से लेकर DSP  की कितनी सैलरी होती है यदि नहीं तो हम आपको अपने इस आर्टिकल में, आपको विस्तार से BPSC Job Salary के  बारे में बतायेेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा। BPSC Job Salary इस आर्टिकल मे, हम आपको BPSC Job Salary  के साथ ही साथ अन्य सभी…
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shru-ute · 1 year ago
someone on my insta wanted to give Double Mutated Leo head pats and who am I to deny that right
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20dimensionsoftangerine · 1 year ago
Basrar is definitely the kind of boss that's like "oh a teenager works for me? Guess I'm a dad for six hours a day"
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tidy-tearfairy · 3 months ago
I wrote something :3
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a-sad-mage · 5 months ago
Just binged Season 2 of Chaos Theory and -
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Ben's delma of not telling the others that Brooklyn could be alive is valid. He didn't know if he was seeing things and didn't want to hurt his friends further after everything but dear god man-
Also Noah's Ark, but make is dinosaurs
I'm actually kind of glad we got to see what Brooklyn was up to before and after she faked her death, and what she was doing as the main B story this season.
Season 3 is going to be the death of me i can just tell because when I tell you I ugly sobbed, I ugly S O B B E D
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writinginthenight · 5 months ago
Hyperventilation on the gritty floor of the big stall.
I thoght I was going to pass out.
Can I say that they saved me when they were the reason I was there in the first place.
Looking at me like I was so fragile, trying desperately to calm me down.
Can you name five things you see for me?
The stall door. The sink, the toilet,the floor, your face, my backpack.
Four things you can hear?
My voice, the air conditioner, your breathing, my breathing.
Three things you like.
Clowns, drawing, you, taz
2 places you want to go.
Oregon and Switzerland.
One thing you want right now.
And I could not answer the question
The undeniable “you” scraping in my mind.
After anything I couldn’t say it.
I can’t, please a different question
You were my everything.
Look at us now.
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a-wild-things-rambles · 2 years ago
swaying back and forth autisticaly
please ask me about my opinions on john constatntine. please ask me about how his class and era all intersected and all that shit. i can be normal about him. please ask me about what music i think he listens to and how his political opinions evolved and PLEAS ask me about his ralationsip with masculinity especialy re: becoming an angry man/his father. how he feels about Cheryl and pleaseee ask me about how he feels about his niece and the constantine name/curse and
<- cannot be trusted to be normal about this one shitty blonde brittish asshole as a representation of the communitys they grew up in and all the issues that involves. how his home life affected him in later life. hngggrrr
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pancakesmythie · 1 year ago
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Finally got around to remaking my fursona model in Blender! The one on the left I made in 2022 from an older reference and the one on the right I started yesterday and finished just now.
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old reference & newer reference...
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and then there's this abomination I made in 2021...
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unlikelytrashcreation · 1 year ago
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Makeing up for lost time with this one!
Inktober days 2-4
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denshi-streetart · 2 years ago
以前見た時よりも登録者さんがいらっしゃったのでちょっとびっくりした。かなり放置していたので...('ω')💦 またprocess videoも投稿していこうかなと思うのでよかったら登録してみて下さいね~('ω')ノ
Subscribe to my channel if you like!
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undead-potatoes · 2 years ago
Wouldn't it be nice if the brainworms were strong enough to encourage me to start drawing again after like 5 years
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tentakilly · 2 years ago
My mom should have never let me cook because now I have enough dead doves to feed my whole family.
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opheliathegreekgoddess · 2 years ago
me every time something mildly inconvenient happens to me:
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a-sad-mage · 1 month ago
When you're working on two massive and connected projects at the same time:
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huldrabitch · 2 years ago
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I cannot for the life of me figure out what color his eyes and eyelashes are. I think blue/grey eyes? But is he a brunette, or is he maybe blonde? The eyeshadow is throwing me off
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Like this is obviously far from finished but im playing around and uhhhh i have no idea. Thinking of doing the batman makeup and bone structure, plus a fuck ton of facial scars and a big ol' nose, probably long hair, other than that... hmm
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