#prophet replies
666prophet · 6 months
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
I technically have, not intentionally though. Back in Florida you cant get away from sharks in the waters. But I would do like shark dive thing if given it came up.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yes. I'm a natural black haired dude. Except for the grey hairs here and there. Those are brought to you the sponsor of my life Stress™️.
34. Listening to?
The deafening silence of my mind. Just kidding, nothing right now but the last thing was:
Make me admit stuff
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bonefall · 4 months
i think people are calling for a mass extinction event not because disabled people bad/ugly, but because the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific. that, as well as to a massive amount of cats that bear no significance. if we were talking about a real situation occurring in real life, no one in their right mind would be suggesting this, but this is just the quick and easy way to do it in the context of the books. besides, any method to try to fix this problem is never going to be implemented by the erins because they don't care
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This is a call for a mass extinction event because of the inbreeding and this is what I'm talking about. No, they're not just saying there should be a cutback on unneeded background characters. Asks like yours are a major reason why I am collecting screenshots for a folder.
Do not clown around and try to convince me that I'm not seeing what is clear as day. I'm not talking about people who want a mass extinction event because they want less background nobodies, or because it would be an interesting plot. I'm talking about people who respond to MOONPAW's EXISTENCE with "we need to kill most of ThunderClan"
And by the way, killing off a bunch of cats for a "mass extinction" is the exact OPPOSITE of what would fix this problem. You want to mass slaughter random characters so the pool is even SMALLER than it was when we started?? You want us to go back to the beginning of these problems in TPB, when ThunderClan only introduced four female kits who lived to adulthood who could mother the next generation??? THINK.
(Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Sandstorm, Brightheart)
Why is the vastly more common response "KILL THE ICKY" and not "USE THE BRAND NEW LAW THAT ALLOWS CROSS-CLAN MATE MIGRATION" hmmmmmmmmm????
We need to back up, too. Why do YOU think the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific? Because what this "deformed icky inbred moonpaw" discourse has taught me is that we seem to have VERY different reasons for reaching our conclusions.
I think it is genuinely horrific because this series with a theme about "legacy" should have better rules about what counts as immediate family, the careless Erins prevent their newcoming cats like Stormcloud and Fernstripe from having time in the spotlight, and clan culture's extreme social control over the lives of the cast is cultlike and needs to be addressed as a harmful thing. OTHERS seem to think it is "genuinely horrific" because ThunderClan might have ugly disabled kids. We are not the same.
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freckliedan · 6 months
i had a dream that phan included a kiss in one of their gaming channel videos and it was so casual, kind of like when they held hands during spooky week im afraid it might have been prophetic. Basically they were going on a tangent about random crack ships like hannah montana x phil lester and then they cut to dan wearing a bad blonde wig and being like "ooh oooh yeah" (you know that hannah montana transition vocalizations) and then phil leaned in and then they kissed (like just a peck ok) and then laughed and then they cut back to wigless dan and continued with the video. Also do i need to see a professional why is this what im dreaming about.
i don't know the transition vocalizations i'm not a tv watcher & never have been but anon you're so real for this. you don't need to see a professional but jesus christ if this WAS prophetic I'M going to need to. also thanks for the phrase wigless dan i may be making that my discord name now <3
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pleiades-cabin-talk · 2 months
Greetings, fellow Acolyte!
I hope you are doing well!!
For some time now, I have suspected that the Mother of Fall is also involved with the sea in some way, as well as the Mother of Solitude. You appear to be favored by both, which proves my thesis correct!!
I find myself drawn to the sea as well...I assume it is my Mother of Ground. How much do you know about the Buried aspects of your domain? About what lies underneath the surface of the water? How easy it is to drown? How, the deeper in you go, the harder it is to swim back up?
...Come to think of it, I am unsure whether you know of the Divine Mothers in the first place, even though you yourself are a Child of one.
Eagerly awaiting your response!
- the prophet Soren Baltimore ( @soren-gravestone-baltimore )
Oh Hello!!
Goodness, sorry for taking so long to get to you. Yes, I am doing well! Or, as best as I can at the moment, things have been a bit rocky on the Andromeda.
I hope you're doing well too, dear!
As for your questions, let's see...
Well, I suppose I've always considered the Buried and the Vast to have a fairly close connection in many ways, which is what I am assuming you're talking about? I've never heard the Fears referred to as Mothers, but I can see that fitting. (Though, the Vast has always felt rather masculine to me, I suppose that's besides the point.) as for the Lonely...I suppose the wide, rather empty expanse lends itself to a connection. I'm unsure if it favors me, truly, but it is...curious, maybe. I've not yet decided if that scares me or not.
Either way, I think it's actually not only because of the sea! While I do believe, with the growing pressure the deeper you go, the Deep simply has to be involved with the crushing strength and efficiency of the Buried. Not to mention the bottom of the sea reminds eerily of a graveyard. Which it is! Thinking of Whalefalls, for example. You'll find their decomposing bodies, their skeletons, down at the sea floor. Far, far beyond most people's reach. A thriving ecosystem in of itself as it feeds the critters of the Deep. But then, with how far down you have to go for the pressure to set in, for it to weight on your body like the dirt above, you are far past where light can reach you, giving way for the consideration of the deepest parts of the ocean also, in part, belonging to the Dark.
I think everything is interconnected to begin with though, to be honest. Like the water itself, it is...fluid, to an extend.
You can be crushed to death, you can loose sight of where up and down is, either because you don't see it or becomes the world around you has suddenly become so large. There are many reasons the Buried may claim victims that die far beyond the waves.
When it comes to what's below the waters...well. I'd say I've seen more than the average person of it, at least. There are beasts not officially known yet, colossal and fierce, hiding out of reach. But I definitely don't know everything yet, I don't think I ever will.
Gosh I think I lost my point somewhere along the way, maybe I never had one. But I suppose I am...rather intimately familiar with the aspects of the Buried involving the sea, given I've been down there. It leaves me wondering if I've at the very least been marked? But I'm not sure about that. Not yet, anyway.
I sincerely hope at least part of this answers your questions! If there is more you'd like to discuss, always feel free to reach back out, I'd love to talk more. I cannot deny that I am admitably...curious about you, Prophet.
For now, there is a Feast that needs preparing, so I wish you farewell until we meet again.
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eriquin · 1 year
The Prophetic D&D Game Masterlist
I guess I have three parts to this now so I'm making an updateable, followable post about it:
Part 1: game introduction Part 2: real characters revealed and game started Part 3: conclusion of the first session Part 4: in between sessions Part 5: the next murder Part 6: reasons to role-play Part 7: cuuuuursed Part 8: inspiration takes many forms Part 9: haven't we learned not to split the party yet? Part 10: tragic backstory Part 11: how to uncurse someone without a walkman Part 12: anticlimatic epilogue to session 3 Part 13: inappropriate jokes about giants Part 14: debate about physics Part 15: combat, communications, and cross-dimensional travel Part 16: start of session 5, resolving the cliffhanger Part 17: planning an attack Part 18: transportation and conflict Part 19: final session Part 20: bait-and-switch Part 21: the wrong way to split the party Part 22: concurrent combat Part 23: the end of the game Part 24: erica gets read in Part 25: breaking the curse Part 26: gathering the party
Now on AO3 as well. And now complete and part of a series: The Oracle of Roane County
Taglist: @weirdandabsurd42, @10moonymhrivertam, @blueskiesandstarrynights
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tourniquetring · 8 months
i won't release it publicly but I just got confirmation from Evenson himself that Last Days sequel is dropping 2025/2026 guys this is huge (for me)
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salted-seaz · 2 months
Amina & Vulture *3, Inez & Rhiannon *7, for the ask game <3
3: What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
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7: How often do they see one another? Where do they usually meet?
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
oooooo i'm not gonna be a hater oooooooogh i'm resisting the urge and being so brave uauauauauuagh i'm not going to get mad online getting mad online is the mind killer aaaaiiiiiieeeeeee
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soracities · 1 year
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@mossyshadows omg please my copy has a single quote on the back and its FROM Orwell like im actually just.... Zamyatin deserves infinitely better than this yes 😭
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loopscereal · 10 months
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@multishipper-baby @thedumbestfuckingpersonyouvemet
you guys both mentioned the background so uh lol hi. btw do tell me to stop @/ing you guys if you dont want me to do that :3
Anyways I'm glad that you noticed the bg! i actually did that first before toddy. Sorta as a warm up, just blocking in shapes of characters. First it was gonna all be silhouettes like the screenshot, it then i started having fun setting up a genuine scene. Having them all "doing their own thing" as characters with names faces rather than blank slates was very fun.
Just the filling in of a void. Having messy blocked in characters with juuuust enough detail to be recognizable was satisfying to do.
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I did, I jrook the original bg, coppied the mos visible half and then flipped it over to cover more of original toddy, then started "painting" over it with blocky shapes. Again, it was originally gonna be shillouettes like the og, but i suddently started making em the cast lol. it makes me happy to hear that you like what i did with toddyyyy :3 I like making up styles for herrrr
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It might look like a lot of people, but its not everyone, far from it tbh lol. The toys, Town and Cami, Lilly, Golden and Puppet, Fox an Bonnie, Mai, Malva and Loon, our version of Felix, then two oc's. Based of lefty and ennard.
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Also yes, they all have animal features. Cami has antennae because shes a Praying Mantis, that is also why shes so damn tall. In the arthropod world Mantis are built all vertical which is very odd. In my friends words. They're freaks of nature /lighthearted. Anyways, This is why you will see us drawing her with things such as segmented limbs, green "blades" on her arms, and cool bug eyes. She has green surface blood.
Towns a lion, Lilly is a shark, a nurse shark specifically as a reference to Melanie Martinez since Lilly has that song that's a cover of Mrs Potato Head. (it was a process of just looking at Melanie's song titles names and looking up if any sharks had names with certain keywords.)
Joy is a duck, "isn't Chica a chicken though?" yeah. In the fnaf fanbase people confused Chica for a duck sometimes, though so! She's a duck. Chica herself is a chicken, though :3 Bon n Malva n Bonnie are rabbits (all to be determined what specific species)
Loon is your classic 7 spotted ladybug, complete with segmented limbs, antennae that's sprout from the back of her neck that aid in listening to very quiet sounds. He has yellow surface blood. Mangle is a fox (again, to be determined what subspecies.) You might notice that he is missing his tail though. Or, well. She has a little stub, which is why shes got the cane right now, Animals with Tails need those, mainly for balance.
Fox is your classic red fox.
Golden is an Andean/ spectacles bear, Mai n Pup are ring tailed lemurs. Lefty is Mai and Pups cousin, so she is an indri lemur.
Ennard is an amblypygi, also knows as a whip spider (don't be fooled its not a type of spider) Extra appendages for sensing things like vibrations Toddy, is a cinnamon bear, a sub species of black bear !!!!! "Felix" (Felicia now) is too be determined on her animal all together. We have too many fox's and bears and rabbits so were holding off on repeating those any more than we have to. Fede is still a bear (for now??) though because it satisfies me to complete the "main bear types". Polar bear. erm. anyways i love ranting abt our silly ass animal choiced i could do it till the end of time.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Show Helaena stans are so annoying they think that Helaena being an obessed about bugs and is walking talking spoiler is so complex and interesting lmaoo like talking randomly about prophecies is not a personality.
Sadly Helaena has become part of The Dead Ladies Club. The term was made for dead asoiaf ladies, which I will link here. But the way I personally use the term is: Women who died quickly in the story and have little to barely any personality - which gives room for headcanons and self insertation from the fandom
The thing I've seen from show Helaena fans is that lots of them are in denial about Helaena's role in canon; a big chunk has deluded themselves to believes she was alysanne 2.0, princess Diana and now with the show she happens to have some prophetic power.
I like Helaena. She's a tragic character who is not completely innocent but suffers through a horrible fate. Her purpose in the story was to birth her children and die. it may sounds terrible but that's part of the sad. it's okay. Fans can still write whatever stories they want about her.
But no, denial is strong and apparently some people think hotd writing is some too tier shit. You won't believe the amount of people I've seen claiming hotd s1 is better than GoT s1 💀
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666prophet · 6 months
15 for the music asks 😊
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
If you ever want to confuse people put this on. It will give you a chuckle and its the perfect example of taking a song and covering it in your own way.
MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.
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This is a confession not an ask. Thanks to your dolphin apollo fic, I now imagine myself as dolphin apollo everytime I go swimming. I splash around. I lead my potential oracle to safety. The tiny pool has become an ocean and I, the god Apollo. I'd actually recommend it. I propelled myself so far and had so much more stamina. You have my eternal gratitude for this.
this made me smile :D
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freckliedan · 8 months
phil uses she/her pronouns she told me in a prophetic dream
thank you rudy i believe you completely. good for her!!!!!!!!
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keiyaku-tako · 5 months
the NRC club rp blogs (including me) are teaming up to make a dating sim of us. Thoughts?
I worry about this whole concept.
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Elijah's Reply
And he said, “I have been very zealous for Yahweh, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, pulled down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.” — 1 Kings 19:10 | Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Exodus 20:5; Exodus 34:14; Deuteronomy 31:16; 1 Kings 18:22; Romans 11:3-4; Hebrews 11:37
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