#promptio big bang 2020
ffxvficrec · 4 years
Promptio Big Bang Week 1 Round Up
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You can also check out the collection on AO3. 
A Wish the Heart Makes by Lhugy_for_short, Lynxrider
Prompto has been living at a home for wayward teens ever since he aged out of the orphanage. The rent he pays to the owner, Ardyn Izunia, is steep, and in order to make his payments he's picked up a part-time job at a photo studio. There, he meets Gladio, a member of the royal Crownsguard and a total dreamboat. Their new blossoming relationship requires a lot of stealthy lying - about his past, his living conditions, and the fact that his creepy landlord is known for finding "other ways" for residents to pay their dues. When it comes time for Prompto's first proper night out with Gladio at the king's fancy gala, he gets help (and a makeover) from his neighbor Aranea - but the romance can only last until curfew. If he's late, and Ardyn finds out he's fallen for someone out of his league, he'll be sure to put him back in his place.
memories like embers keep us warm by ignisgayentia
Prompto is twenty years old, and still hasn't found his pre-destined soulmate. If he doesn't meet one, he'll never know who or what he was in a past life. Despite living an active university life, he still hasn't seemed to met that's meant for him. It's starting to get to him, considering he lives with his best friend, who found his soulmate at as a child. When Prompto runs into someone he's never seen before at the campus gym, his entire life changes in an instant. He does what any overwhelmed college student would do--head for the hills.
A Lark's Call by Toastie_Pan 
Gladiolus is a prince to an empty Kingdom, waiting and hoping for the day he can ascend to the throne, taking it out of his Uncle Caligo's grasp. Fate however intends to intervene to show him there are more important things in this world than a throne.
Show Yourself by EzraTheBlue
Prompto is trying to lose weight and struggling, both with his weight loss and his body image. Enter Gladio, a handsome, funny, charming trainer at his gym. Gladio way is out of his league, however, Gladio has noticed him anyway and Prompto can't help but feel like he's flirting.
However, at the same time, Prompto’s best friend, Noctis, gets a new physiotherapist - Gladio, and when he attends one of Noctis' sessions, Prompto sees another side of Gladio - someone who pushes hard and doesn’t relent, and Prompto’s own concerns for Noctis and worries about what Gladio will be like when Prompto gets closer make him hesitate to let Gladio in.
Will Gladio be able to get through to Prompto? Is he willing to do what he has to to convince him? Or will Prompto let his fears and insecurities hold him back from what might be love?
Flight of the Gargoyle by roshytsunami
Prompto is preparing to be the best man for Noctis and Ignis upcoming wedding. It's been an experience watching the two get closer together through the process. He's happy for both of his friends, however when he receives a call from Noctis weeks before the wedding about helping his pet "bat" his world gets turned up side down.
Fragile Minds & Fragile Hearts by amitiel
Prompto has landed the job opportunity of a lifetime: working as a secretary at the Caelum law firm. It's his chance to get out of poverty, set his life right, and finally recover from the pain of the past.
There's just one problem: He somehow manages to piss off the most intimidating person in the law firm on the first day... Gladio.
Together in Altissia by amitiel
Prom has lived in an orphanage since he was 10 years old with no memory of who he is or where he is from. All he knows is that he has a necklace that reads "Together in Altissia", his only clue into his past. Now 18, he sets out into adulthood and makes a decision that will change his life forever: He decides to go to Altissia to try and recover his lost family. On the way, he runs into an unlikely trio who offers to take him to Altissia for a price. He has to pretend to be the lost prince of Kings Verstael and Ardyn. Will he find his way home? Or will home be a far fetched dream lost for all time? 
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ragewerthers · 4 years
Turn The Tide
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Summary: After an attack from Niflheim against the Royal Navy of Insomnia leaves Gladio and his family reeling, the young officer decides to strike out on his own. Turning to a life of piracy, Gladio searches for a way to return the Eos and his family to the peace they once knew.
The first step? Locating the famed jewel, 'Leviathan's Heart' said to grant the holders true hearts desire. However, the journey may lead him to find that his true hearts desire isn't what he thought it was. Can Gladio find the peace he's searching for? And will he be able to turn the tide? A/n: Hello everyone!
This is my submission for the Promptio Big Bang 2020!
I decided to branch out and write a mermaid AU with these two lovelies and I hope I did them justice!
I was also paired with the amazing artist Inktail! Who was incredibly patient with me during the writing process and I will never be able to thank them enough for that!
You can find them and their work on Tumblr at: inkydoodles.tumblr or on Twitter at: @Kaittzie!
You can also read this fic on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27379771/chapters/66909820
Enjoy! :D
Word count: 23242
--------------------------- Chapter 1/9: 
“Captain Amicitia… we’re getting close to the Serpent's Labyrinth.  Do you want us to deploy the scouting ships?”
Glancing up from his cluttered desk strewn with countless papers, books, and maps Gladiolus Amicitia, Captain of the infamous Daggerquill , couldn’t stop the smile starting to spread over his features.  Standing up from his hunched over position, the larger man made his way toward the cabin’s window and glanced out.  Sure enough, in the distance, the dark silhouette of the cove easily stood out against the setting sun and Gladio could feel his heart beating faster with adrenaline for what they were about to do.
“Tell first mate Ulric to lead the scouting group ashore,” he ordered, turning back toward the man and trying not to smirk at the way the gesture made the fairly new deckhand shy away from him slightly.  “When he gives the signal I’ll be soon to follow.”
“Aye, aye, Captain!” the young man shouted, quickly snapping to attention before making a hasty exit as if he couldn’t get away fast enough.
Chuckling to himself, Gladio shook his head.  He liked to consider himself a fair and decent captain, but he knew his bulk and the rumors that followed him were sure to leave some less than favorable impressions with new deckhands.  But the man had chosen to join their fight so he knew what he was getting into, and right now Gladio had more important matters to deal with than mollycoddling a new crewman.
Moving away from the window he made his way back to his desk, eyes roving over the map he’d been studying earlier.  Faded by the sun and the salty sea air, this particular map had made its way through many hands, and up until now every poor soul who had attempted to unravel its mysteries had met a gruesome end.  All in an effort to hunt down one of the Eos’s most renowned treasures.
The cursed jewel, Leviathan's Heart .
How many people had searched for it?  How many had lost more than they had bargained for in hopes to lay claim to something so shrouded in mystery and allure?
This endeavor would end differently.  Those who had searched before him had done so with greed in their hearts and had paid heavily for their desires.  He was different.  He wasn’t going to make the same mistakes as those before him because he wasn’t fueled by such darkness.  His drive was far nobler!  His actions were far more chivalrous than the scoundrels who had attempted in the past.  His drive was the need to protect… the need to save… the need to avenge what had been wronged so carelessly!
The smile that had been on the young Captain’s lips slowly tipped down into a frown at the thought, his amber eyes glancing over to catch the sight of his trusted cutlass.  One his father had gifted to him years ago when he’d first joined the Royal Lucian Naval Academy.
It had been a drastically different time then.  When he was a loyal soldier instead of the scourge of the seas.  Before Niflheim had laid siege to everything he had held dear and loved.  They were the ones who had turned him into this.  Transformed him into a harbinger of destruction and fear that carried through the seas of the Eos.  They had wanted to pick a fight and now they had one.
Niflheim had sought to bring the surrounding kingdoms to their knees, wanting to lay waste to any opposition so they could rule with complete autonomy over every last bit of land and drop of water.  The kingdoms of Altissia, Tenebrae, and Lucis had openly denied any allegiance to such tyranny, and as such had been used to make examples of.
Gladio had been on the front lines when they had set their sights on the Crown jewel of Insomnia.  His father and himself had been aboard the royal vessel Regalia and had attempted to stop the incoming enemy ships along with the ships Genji Blade and Oracle , but it had all been for naught.  They had been outwitted and betrayed from the inside, half the crews on the Oracle and Gladio and his Fathers ship, Regalia had sealed their fate as charges were set off destroying them in an instant.
If it hadn’t been for his father's quick actions there was no chance he would’ve survived.  As the bombs had detonated, Clarus had stepped in front of his son, shielding him from the blast and shoving him overboard and into the safety of the cool waters below.
The force of the push mixed with the rush of cold water had shocked his system and it had taken Gladio a few precious seconds to figure out which way was up, following the bubbles from his lungs to the surface.  Upon breaking through, his eyes and ears were assaulted with the sounds of explosions and screaming, the once immaculate ships now burning timbers and billowing smoke.  The Nif ships continued on uninhibited, moving closer to shore and setting off a barrage of cannon attacks against the coast.
The only thing that had gotten his frozen limbs to move again was the flicker of something to his left, and as his eyes moved to see the disturbance he saw his father barely hanging onto a piece of the fallen masts from one of their ships.  Instantly his mind and body went into action, making his way over to grab the man before he could slip below the surface of the water.  After that he set his mind in getting them both back to shore, muscles screaming in protest at the strain of trying to save them.
Once on shore, he had managed to drag his father and himself under one of the docks and out of sight for the time being.  Hovering over the man who lay unconscious amongst the seaweed and rocks, Gladio had never felt as helpless as he had at that moment.
That moment was forever scorched in his memory, the sky red and black with devastation, and his chest filled with something he had thought he’d trained hard enough to conquer.
Undeniable fear.
It wasn’t until he had heard the familiar shout of Nyx Ulric that he finally snapped out of it.  He was the Chief mate onboard Genji’s Blade and he and the remaining crewmen were currently looking for survivors as the Nif ships were distracted with the capture of Insomnia.
After that, it felt like the world was a mix of blurred memories and half-formed thoughts.
He remembered shouting for Nyx as he peered out from their hiding spot, seeing a small boat drifting closer to the shore.  His arms trembled with exhaustion as he held onto his father and waved his free arm to try and catch their attention in the failing light of the day.  
As he saw Nyx catching sight of them the last thing he remembered was muffled shouts, the feeling of darkness trickling into the edges of his sight, and then… nothing.
Gladio couldn’t recall how long he had been out when he woke up to the smell of fish and smoke, blinking blearily into the dingy light of what seemed to be an old fishing shack.  Nyx had been the one to come in and check on him when Gladio had attempted and failed to get out of bed, landing on the creaky wooden floor.
Rushing in, Nyx had quickly helped to get Gladio back in bed, the man feeling like his limbs were more jelly than bone at the moment.  But he needed to know what had happened in the time that he’d been out.  Where were they?  What had happened?  Were there any other survivors?  And what had happened to his own father?
The pain in Nyx’s eyes told him that what the man had learned he was far from happy to share.  It appeared that they had been betrayed by their own countrymen and that most of the naval fleet had been lost.  The hardest-hit had been Gladio’s own ship the Regalia, followed by the Oracle and there were only a few survivors that they had been able to find amongst both ships.
Hearing that, Gladio felt the blood run cold in his veins, throat constricting as emotion threatened to overwhelm him as to what had happened to his own father.  Nyx could see the rising panic and was quick to quell his fears.  Clarus had definitely taken the brunt of the explosion on the ship and had severe burns and bruising to his back, but luckily Nyx had been able to salvage a few potions from their own stock before setting out on their rescue mission.  Upon finding them they were able to get Clarus stabilized until getting him into the hands of their medic, Crowe.
While an old fishing shack was not the best place to convalesce it was as good a hiding place as any at the moment.  No one would think to search a run-down area like this for such high ranking officers and especially not when those present had watched them both fall into the depths below.  Nyx also gave him a rundown of those who they had already been able to get into contact with.  Apart from the remaining crew from the Genji’s Blade , they were already getting intel that there were others who’d been able to escape the Nif’s grasp.  The King and some of his council had managed to escape along with a few other higher-ups from the Citadel.  Gladio’s sister, Iris, had also been able to make it out of the Citadel with the help of Jared Hester, a trusted servant to the Amicitia household.
Apparently things were already being set into motion by a few of the higher-ups and Iris was already on her way to them and would arrive shortly if everything went accordingly.  The plan after that was to try and rendezvous with a few other groups and then work on the counterattack.  With that final bit of info and the reassurance that his family was as safe as it could be, Gladio once again lost the battle against sleep and had let it claim him once more.
The following weeks were the toughest he could remember.  While Jared and Iris had been able to make it to the makeshift hideout it only helped to alleviate some of Gladio’s fears.  Clarus was still down for the count as far as his health was concerned, but it hadn’t stopped him from meeting with and sending messages to other active groups looking for ways to stop the maelstrom that was Niflheim.
So far the course of action the older and more experienced of them had decided to take was to work in secrecy.  To find the weakest points they could through what was more spy games than actual battle… and Gladio couldn’t stand it.
Why weren’t they seeking help from the surrounding kingdoms?  Why couldn’t they ask their allies for aid during this time?  Surely if they were able to get their help and with what they had experienced they were already better informed and the same mistakes wouldn’t happen again!
His father had tried to explain to him that with how their own forces were scattered at the moment, they could hardly ask for help from Altissia or Tenebrae.  The best they could do right now was work from the shadows.  But Gladio couldn’t understand.  He refused to sneak around and talk about what they could do instead of act!
He hadn’t been the only one who felt this way.  Nyx, and a good few crewmen from Genji’s Blade held the same opinion that action and a show of force with their greatest allies would be enough to stop the Nifs.  But without the backing of the higher officials, there was little they could do to implement their plan and all they could do was sit and wait.
Though that was all to change with one small incident.
Unable to listen to another meeting between his father and a few other generals, Gladio had opted to head out in search of any new information on the Niflheim forces.  The best place to gather such information was obviously the dockyard.  There was no quicker way to hear gossip than those in the merchant trade and also a no better way to grab a few extra supplies.  Donning a cloak to hide his features, he’d made his way from the shack hidden down the coast to the more bustling sea trading area and what he saw made him freeze.
Sitting in the dock was a dark timbered Nif ship, the lettering emblazoned on it reading ‘ Adagium ’.  A ship that had been tasked with hunting down and rounding up the last of the survivors from the attack on the royal fleet.  Slowly they had been getting closer, but Gladio hadn’t thought they’d think to check this area.  None of them had even though the threat was there in the back of their minds.
He couldn’t let them search too far.  He had to get back to his father.  But then what?!  While a few weeks had done Clarus wonders he was still in no shape to move and should they be found out they would be sitting ducks!  What he needed to do was draw attention away!  What he needed to do was become a distraction!
And with that single thought, something very simple had planted itself in Gladio’s mind.
There was something they could do.
There was a way for them to take action and show their force… but allow his father to continue to work in the shadows and undermine the Nifs.  Find their weakness.
He needed to become the target.  The distraction.
And it all started… with taking down that ship.
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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Thank you to the amazing @xhidaka​ for being my collab partner for the Promptio Big Bang 2020
Accompanying Preview from Chapter 7:
Gladio seemed to realize that he was staring, and he bounded after Prom in a way that wasn’t very befitting of their surroundings. Prom found it charming, like Gladio wanted to be there with him and was disregarding all decorum to do so. Stopping just in front of Prom, he smiled at him and scratched the back of his head as if he was nervous. Prom didn’t know what he had to be nervous about, other than spending time with someone he didn’t like.
“You look very beautiful tonight, Prom,” Gladio said quietly. Prom told himself that it wasn’t what Gladio was acting like it was. There was no way they were on a date. They were here to introduce him to the kings and then leave him to his own devices.
“Thank you,” Prom managed to reply, his heart aching at the thought of saying goodbye to Gladio forever. It was what Gladio wanted, though. Noctis had told him as much last night although not in so many words. He figured that at least now was a better chance than never to at least compliment Gladio. “You look very handsome.”
“I guess I can clean up well, like Lunafreya said,” Gladio grinned with a slight hint of pink on his cheek. Prom’s heart began to race, but he told himself not to look too much into it. Gladio was just pleased by the compliment, nothing more. He offered his arm for Prom to take. “Do you want to be my date for the evening?”
Read my Anastasia AU Here: Together in Altissia
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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Thank you to Artsy_Soup on twitter for being a wonderful collab artist and providing art for this quality moment where Prompto royally messes up in my Promptio Big Bang 2020 Piece: Fragile Minds & Fragile Hearts! 
Rating: Teen and Up No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Gladio/Prompto & Background Ignis/Noctis
After a quick knock on the door, Prompto heard Ignis call him in. He opened it, not fully suspecting anyone else to be there, and made his way inside. It was his first mistake. His second mistake was not catching himself before he ran into an extremely tall man with muscles that looked like he worked out constantly. With his bronze skin, amber eyes, and shoulder length brown hair pulled back, Prompto would’ve taken the time to appreciate Gladio’s beauty. Yet as he recognized who the man was, he also walked right into him, tripping over his own two feet as he spilled the coffee all over the front of Gladio’s chest.
Prompto watched, as if in slow motion, while the coffee cup fell to the floor, the bulk of the liquid getting on Gladio’s perfectly pressed and white shirt under his unbuttoned suit jacket. There was a moment where Prompto’s entire world felt like it was crashing down, and he stared with wide eyes at the cup before looking back to Gladio, his expression turning to fear when he saw Gladio’s obvious rage.
“I-I’m so sorry!” Prompto tried, knowing that there was little he could do for the fact. “Please let me help you clean that up!”
Read it here on ao3!
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