#prompt: haiku
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 2 months ago
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Text: The haiku was not an accident at all. It was a signal.
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laurachouettepoetry · 1 month ago
Notes Left on a Mountain #5
Chilling sighs of pine trees;
Their spines rustling with the breeze,
Filling small paths with echoes of wandering.
Towards the green's end,
Souls are carried up to the mountains,
With their heavy scent guiding the way.
Thin air caresses rough stones;
Dark colours turn into greyish wastelands,
And the still horizon becomes weary.
Reaching up,
Looking down,
Feeling everything
In between the sky and valley.
- Laura Chouette
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blissfullyunawares · 1 month ago
write your very own:
sea shanty, a formula
This is my very own post! I did research to compile a guide for this purpose. ✏️
Before we get started, I post content like daily writing prompts, vocabulary word of the day, and fun content like this!
It would make me happy if you’d follow my blog, as I’ll be building a newsletter for writers like you very soon!
Now, as promised, a formula for creating your very own sea shanty 🫶🏻
Step 1:
Decide on a purpose for the shanty.
Is this going to be a working, adventuring, drinking, or mourning song?
Step 2:
Create a syllabic pattern for your verse and your chorus to help you make it have the iconic sound of a sea shanty.
8-6-8-6 is a popular choice for the verse. The numbers here are referring to the number of syllables in one line.
You may also use the same number of syllables or a pattern of your choosing. You could do 8-8-8-8 or even 6-6-8-8 if you like.
Here is one example:
(8) there once was a lady pirate queen
(6) her name Grace O’Malley
To understand more about syllabic writing, I would suggest learning about the Japanese Haiku (an easy place to begin).
Music Notes (Advanced):
You might also decide in this stage if you’re going to use a 4/4 beat or more of a 3/4 (like a waltz).
This would be relevant to the number of beats.
For example: a syllabic pattern of 8 might be more fitting to a 4/4 beat. A syllabic pattern of 6 or 9 to a 3/4.
If you’re using 8 and 6, then a 4/4 beat works well. At the end of the 6 lines you can add stomps or claps to complete the pattern.
Step 3:
We’re going to treat the next step like poetry class. Choose a pattern for your rhyme.
Commonly, you’ll find the pattern ABAB or AABB. You can choose whatever pattern you like. Some of them are more complex like ABCB. It’s your shanty, so write it how you like!
Here’s what that looks like:
(A) (8) there once was a lady pirate queen
(A) (6) her name Grace O’Malley
(B) (8) her heritage was Ireland
(B) (6) and she was a wild’n
Your pattern will depend on what feels right as you’re writing your verse.
Step 4:
Create a chorus that’s easy to remember, relevant to the story, and focuses on repetition.
“Lady of the sea
Lady pirate queen
Oh how I fancy me
A lady of the sea”
Step 5:
Put it together to tell a story! Here’s an example I wrote just for funsies:
(Grace O’Malley is a real historic figure who became a pirate and fought for Ireland!)
(A) (8) there once was a lady pirate queen
(A) (6) her name Grace O’Malley
(B) (8) her heritage was Ireland
(B) (6) and she was a wild’n
(A) (8) Lady of the sea (clap x4)
(A) (6) Lady pirate queen (stomp x3)
(A) (8) Oh how I fancy me (clap x2)
(A) (6) A lady of the sea
Step 6: Have Fun!
If you liked this post, comment below with a fun pirate GIF!
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naturallyteal · 6 months ago
A haiku with the prompt „nature“ for GOetry Monday
@goodomensafterdark @isiaiowin
Sunrays seen through shards:
In your sea-glass-coloured eyes,
the changeable sea.
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Inpired by this haiku by @angie-words
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scribblethemonkey · 3 months ago
the frogs in the park gently sending messages the rain carries on
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hersurvival · 5 months ago
And I wish I were
Those blankets and crisp bed sheets
Which hold him at night
@nosebleedclub September 23rd - Jealousy
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di-42 · 6 months ago
Ok, so... ngk, I'm not a big fan of haiku. I guess I'm too unrefined to appreciate them. BUT, I'm having so much fun with the GOetry Monday that I've decided to give it a go! @isiaiowin
Form: haiku. Prompt: nature.
Raindrops in the sand
A wing flutters by my side
I watch life arise.
Nightingales singing
Chimes of miracles and wind
To the world, my dear.
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paeonie-s · 7 months ago
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this truly was our ochako academia
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salovie · 11 months ago
answers like pebbles,
countless worn by the stream—
pick up a wisdom
when you’re native to silence
your soul listens best
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weirdowithaquill · 5 months ago
Traintober 2024: Day 13 - Leaves
Hiro and the Leaves
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Hiro chugs along Leaves dance in the distant breeze His smile shines brightly
Far across the sea Hiro longs for pink petals Cherry blossoms fade
Hiro misses home Longing for cherry blossoms Lost in foreign land
Hiro's boiler fails Leaves whisper "Beware of scrap" The yard is silent
Hiro's wheels now still Forgotten and left to rust Memories fade fast
Hiro longs for home Cherry blossoms far from sight Tears fall silently
Surrounded by leaves Hiro wishes on a star To steam once again
Tank engine Thomas Crashing into the rail yard True friend discovered
Parts brought for Hiro Repairs done to every inch Hiro steams again
Hiro watches leaves Fall onto his bufferbeam Hiding from Spencer
Treachery unveiled Spencer is scolded by the Duke Hiro saves the day
Hiro misses home But sees beauty in the leaves That he can see now
Leaves dance in the sky Hiro works diligently Sodor is his home
A new home at last Hiro loves cherry blossoms But his friends mean more
Hiro and Thomas Puffing on tracks side by side True friendship endures
Back to the prompt list The reader shall go right now More works of mine there
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theriverspath · 6 months ago
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Written for two prompt challenges: "haiku involving nature"* for the GOetry Club by @isiaiowin, and "closed door" for the Ineffable Prompt-a-Thon by @ineffablyruined.
In From The Cold
I will shut the door Against a frigid white world. His heat will warm me.
*Whether or not the "frigid white world" is of natural or ethereal origin is open for interpretation.
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fandombead · 1 year ago
👑 Happy Logince Week~! 💫
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Prompt: Poetry
Our love shall bind me
And allow you to find me
In your world someday
TFW your soulmate is from another realm and gets cursed trying to break the rules to be with you, amiright??
Tiny bit belated to the Logince Week Party, but I got inspired yesterday and my fic was slow going!! So here we are! I worked like I was possessed until this was done hahaha!
@loginceweek2024 !
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limerickshere · 5 months ago
Opinions on haiku bot?
I think you two would get along ;)
That's completely true:
Gotta love haiku! Sometimes
I Will combos try!
(Here and here's one too.)
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tartanbowtie · 6 months ago
Two haiku for GOetry Monday
Theme: Nature
Form: Haiku
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Quiet and changeless,
dry leaves and soft moss conceal
a million ants
A Shield
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The sun glares too bright,
I slink into the water,
cool on smooth pebbles
@isiaiowin @goodomensafterdark
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naturallyteal · 6 months ago
Good Omens haikus
Some more haikus with the prompt “nature” for GOetry Monday
@goodomensafterdark @isiaiowin
This time I tried to use the traditional method where a haiku paints a background picture, sets a scene, conveys a mood, and then sets a sharp point of colour in the foreground, describes sudden movement, wakes you up, which is called kireji or “cutting word”.
Make it Good Omens themed, of course:
Whales and dolphins dream
The whole damn sea full of brains. *
The kraken rises!
Bones of dinosaurs.
A joke that no one got yet.
But God is laughing.
Tadfield to Mayfair
The susurrus of a bus
Your hand holds mine fast
Black void, dark matter.
Time and space with bated breath -
Let there be light!
Two souls on a slab
Facing a veiled horizon
Origin story
* "Big brains. That's my point. Size of. Size of. Size of damn big brains. And then there's the whales. Brain city, take it from me. Whole damn sea full of brains."
~ Crowley talking about dolphins and whales, book!GoodOmens
Let me know which one you liked best!?
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winddragonart · 6 months ago
FFXIV Write 2024 #1: Steer
Mother Crystal dimmed Fate of the Star in our hands Let's do right by her
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