#prompt day 6
echoofawind · 6 months
Prompt Ideas for SSHG Feels Fest!
that sense of frustration you experience when you meet a new and fascinating person, but you realize that developing a deep relationship will take time.
You can see more details about the fest in this post!
You can submit your own prompts here. (Must be signed into AO3) 
Day 6/7
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"How come there's no multi-war chess?"
Tim looked up at the entity that had been haunting him for the past few weeks now, "What does that even mean?"
"You know how chess is basically a game about two kingdoms going to war with eachother?" The being asked, his white gloves gesturing about lazily, "well wouldn't it make sense for chess competitions to make the players go into the next round with only the pieces that "survived" the last war? It would be more interesting."
Danny smirked as he watched Mr. Drakes mind whirring at all the new strategies and potential. Comforted in the knowledge that Mr. Drake wasn't going to get much paperwork done tonight, let alone have time to work on his project for the competition, Danny let himself vanish from the other boys office.
All he needed to do was keep distracting Tim from the competition and that prize was all Tuckers.
He just prayed Sam didn't find out he was doing this or that he was getting chased around by bats every other night or else she'd kill him the rest of the way
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runninriot · 3 months
written for @steddie-week day 6
Love Drunk
prompt: dizzy, drunken confessions | wc: 2.5k | rated: T | cw: alcohol | tags: platonic stobin, steve has a crush on eddie, pining, jealousy, love confessions, friends to lovers | also on ao3
  "Steeeve, I really don’t think this is a good idea.“ Robin grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt to hold him back.
   "Oh, but it is a great idea, actually! The best idea I ever had!“
Steve has to concentrate hard not to trip over his tongue, to pronounce each word clearly.
He’s drunk. Like, really drunk. Drunk as in - the floor’s moving like he’s standing on a boat rocking on the shore and the world around him is turning too fast.
He knows he’s had too much but that doesn’t keep him from downing another shot.
Steve needs it, needs the courage. Because he has a plan.
   "You’re gonna regret it, Steve. And then I’ll have to listen to you whine and complain and you’re gonna blame me for not holding you back! I can’t let you do this.“
    My sweet Robin.
He’ll thank her later for this. For trying to talk some sense into him. She’s his best friend in the world. And usually, he knows he’s always better off listening to her advice. Because Robin is smart as hell. He’s lucky to have her. She loves him, always has his best interest at heart.
Steve turns around to look at her, can’t fight the urge to boop her on the nose.
   “You’re cute,” he says completely out of context and while he can see the confusion on her blurry face, she still laughs at the notion.
   “Well, you’re not,” she says and Steve pouts.
   “Don’t you love me anymooore?”
    God, Steve sounds like a kid even to his own ears. How pathetic.
He’s always been an emotional drunk.
That’s probably why, when he caught sight of Eddie laughing at something this- this random guy standing too close to him must’ve said, Steve suddenly felt like someone had pulled the rug right from under his feet.
   “You know I do. That’s why I’m telling you not to do anything stupid.” Robin says sternly, seemingly unimpressed by the emotional turmoil raging in his mind.
The thing is, technically, he knows she’s right. Sober Steve would listen to Robin without hesitation. Would let her take him home and comfort him while he pours his heart out to her.
But Drunk Steve?
Drunk Steve is as bold as he is stupid.
Drunk Steve has a mind of his own, steered by a heart that is too loud for any sensible thoughts to come through.
He can’t stop himself from staring, from watching Eddie through the open kitchen door that leads to the other room, where the music is loud and everyone’s having a great time.
Everyone, including Eddie and random guy, who’s touching Eddie’s arm, smiling and batting his lashes at him. He’s flirting with Eddie, undoubtedly. And Eddie clearly doesn’t mind, going by the way he keeps moving closer to the other guy, holding his gaze, reciprocating his touch.
That’s just-
Not okay.
He needs to do something.
Like, right now.
   “’m jus’ gonna talk to him,” Steve announces to Robin without looking at her.
She sighs, and he knows Robin has accepted her defeat when she finally lets go of his arm.
   “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
He barely catches her last words before making his way over to where Eddie and Rando are standing, careful not to stumble because the floor is uneven. Or maybe there’s something wrong with his feet? Who knows. Doesn’t matter, he’s on a mission.
Slowly and on wobbly legs, he makes his way through the spinning party crowd until he finally reaches his destination.
As if he can sense his presence, Eddie turns around immediately, while the guy next to him is throwing metaphorical daggers at Steve for interrupting their conversation.
   “Steve? Are you okay?” Eddie sounds concerned for some reason but Steve can’t find it in him to question it, not when Eddie holds out a hand and touches his shoulder.
Not when the hand on his arm feels so nice. And keeps him steady. Keeps his body from swaying.
    Why is the floor moving so much?
   “Do you need to sit down?”
Before Steve can wonder why Eddie would ask him that, he’s losing his balance, feels his knees give out and then all of a sudden, everything goes dark.
   “There you are.”
Steve blinks his eyes open, tries to focus his vision on the figure looming above him.
There’s something cold and damp on his forehead and a warm hand caressing his cheek.
   “Wha’ happened?” Steve’s voice is hoarse and his mouth is dry and there’s a nasty aftertaste of tequila on his tongue.
Steve tries to push himself up from where he’s lying on... a bed? But he fails, feels dizzy, and slumps right back down.
   “Careful, Stevie. Don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
It is only now Steve realises who is talking to him. Who is sitting beside him at the edge of the bed with a hand pressed to the washcloth on his forehead to keep it in place.
    Oh fuck.
Robin will never let him live that down.
   “The one and only,” Eddie smiles and although Steve feels like absolute shit, he can’t help but return the gesture.
   “Where are we?”
The room is only dimly lit by a bedside lamp, with the door closed and the curtains pulled shut. Steve can hear the music coming from the party still going on downstairs.
   “Linda allowed me to take you to her room after that little stunt you pulled.”
Eddie must sense his confusion because before Steve can ask what he means, he continues.
   “You blacked out. Kinda fell right into my arms,” he chuckles. “I caught you before you went down and brought you up here. I asked Jeremy to find Robin and tell her what happened but I guess he... was a bit mad at me for leaving.”
    Oh god.
Steve remembers now.
Jeremy must be the guy Eddie was talking to.
He can’t blame him for being pissed, though he’s probably not mad at Eddie but rather at Steve for interrupting their little- whatever it was.
   “Sorry for ruining your date,” Steve says quietly, shame creeping up inside.
It’s what he wanted, isn’t it? That was his plan.
Not to faint! But to disrupt whatever flirting game random guy, Jeremy, thought he had going on. But now that he’s slowly coming to his senses, he can’t help but to feel guilty for it.
   “Ah, it’s fine. He’ll live.”
Eddie grins, doesn’t sound mad at all which is good but the fact that he didn’t deny that it was, in fact, a date, makes Steve’s stomach turn into knots.
Because while he’s definitely still drunk, Sober Steve is slowly trying to force his way into his conscious, crawling through the fog still clinging to his mind. And with that comes the realisation of how stupid his plan was.
If he hadn’t blacked out, he would’ve told Eddie that he-
    Godfuckingdamn, this would’ve ended in a catastrophe.
Eddie doesn’t like Steve like that. They’re friends, nothing more.
And Steve would’ve ruined it all.
He knows he can’t keep his tongue in check when it’s loose from alcohol and still, consciously made the decision to go over the limit anyway.
How could he be so stupid? So recklessly putting their friendship on the line for- what? A rejection?
Steve should’ve listened to Robin. She tried to warn him, tried to save him from embarrassing himself but of course, he didn’t listen.
Now Eddie is sitting here next to him in depressing silence instead of being with-
   “You should go looking for him.”
   “For who?”
   “Jeremy? I’m fine now. Thanks for looking after me.”
Eddie’s hand slips away from Steve’s forehead and there’s a change in his expression that Steve doesn’t know how to read. He looks... disappointed? Kind of hurt in a way, and Steve doesn’t know why.
   “I’ll go looking for Robin and ask her to take me home. Wouldn’t want to waste any more of your precious time than I already have.”
The words feel like acid on his tongue because they’re lies. He’d want nothing more than to stay here with Eddie a little while longer. Hell, he’d spend the whole night alone with Eddie if he could.
But he can’t because it wouldn’t be fair to keep Eddie to himself when he could be out there having a good time.
Doesn’t matter that it hurts like a bitch to imagine Eddie going home with that guy at the end of the night.
To imagine someone else’s hands on his body, someone else’s lips on his mouth.
To imagine someone else getting to have all these things Steve would die for.
   “You’re not wasting my time, Steve. Never. I love spending time with you.”
Eddie smiles again, nervously rubbing the back of his neck and it’s way too much for Steve’s weak little heart to handle.
   “You can’t say things like that, Eds.” Steve says because he needs Eddie to stop making his heart flutter.
   “Why not?”
   “Because I might take advantage of it.”
    What the fuck? Shut your mouth before you say something even more stupid.
Steve finally manages to sit up, head still feeling heavy but at least the wooziness is gone.
With his new seating position, Eddie is suddenly so much closer than before.
They’re sitting next to each other, arms and legs touching, and Steve has to force himself not to lean into the warmth radiating off Eddie’s body.
   “I wouldn’t mind.” Eddie says while he fumbles with his rings, eyes focused on his own hands.
It’s like he purposely avoids looking at Steve.
   “Oh, you would,” Steve insists. “Because I’d want too much.”
Eddie looks back up, tilts his head to the side.
   “What do you mean?”
Steve feels sick.
Not from the booze but from the violent fluttering sensation in his gut – he’s worried he’ll throw up butterflies if he opens his mouth.
He feels dizzy again, this time for reasons he’s not willing to confess.
Eddie’s gaze is piercing. It’s like he is trying to look right through him, searching for the truth that’s locked away in Steve’s heart. Barely held back from pouring out, thrashing behind bars that slowly crack and crumble as Steve loses himself in Eddie’s eyes.
His emotions swim in a sea of tequila and beer. He feels light-headed and the room is spinning again but this time, it’s because Steve feels drunk on Eddie.
   “I have a big, fat crush on you.”
It’s out. Just like that. And nothing bad happens. The world still revolves around the sun, people downstairs are still having fun, and Eddie doesn’t tell him to fuck off.
Instead, Eddie takes his face in both hands and looks him deep in the eyes.
   “Is this drunk you talking? Or do you mean it?”
Steve allows himself to lean into the warmth of Eddie’s palm, and smiles.
   “Both? I mean it. But I wouldn’t have told you if I hadn’t drowned my last functioning brain cells in Tequila,” Steve says honestly and his heart makes a funny thing when Eddie snorts at his words.
   “You’re lucky you’re cute, Stevie. I can’t believe Robin let you off the leash like that.”
   “Hey!” Steve protests with a light push to Eddie’s chest, absently lets his hand linger where he can feel Eddie’s heart beat hard and fast beneath his palm.
   “Just for your information, she did tell me it was a bad idea. But I saw you with that guy and-“
That’s not what he wanted to say.
   “Oooh, so you got drunk because you were jealous, huh?” Eddie wags his brows and it looks so dorky, Steve can’t help but laugh.
   “No! Okay maybe. But-“
Steve only now realises that Eddie’s hands are still cupping his face. That Eddie hasn’t pulled away; he’s still touching him, still so close there’s barely any room between them. This is too close. And although it feels good, Steve knows it isn’t right.
   “Listen, Eddie. I know that this isn’t mutual. And I guess- well, I hope this doesn’t make it awkward between us? I like you, Eddie. A lot. And I- I hope we can still be friends, des-“
  “Woah, hold on, Stevie!”
Suddenly, Eddie’s expression turns serious and Steve feels like his heart stops as he holds his breath, waiting for whatever comes next.
   “Before you jump to conclusions, I gotta confess something, too. I might also have a big, fat, stupid crush on you.”
Eddie’s hands move to the back of Steve’s neck, fingers curling into his hair in this kind of gentle but demanding way that makes Steve shiver.
   “I just didn’t think I’d have a chance.“
He moves closer, so close their noses are touching. Steve’s heart does that thing again, flips and kicks and he can feel Eddie’s do the same.
It makes him feel bold.
   “Can I kiss you?”
Steve wouldn’t even be mad if Eddie said no. He probably smells like a distillery and he looks like shit and his mouth is so dry because-
    God, why did I drink so much?
   “Only if I can kiss you, too.”
Eddie doesn’t wait for a response, just closes the remaining distance between their lips, tentatively and almost shy. But the way he digs his fingers deeper into Steve’s hair and pulls shows a desperation that matches Steve’s own.
Steve, who clings to Eddie with both arms wrapped tight around him, kissing him, touching him, losing himself in the moment.
He’s breathless when they part.
   “You good?” Eddie asks, eyes searching for any sign of discomfort in Steve’s.
   “Perfect,” Steve lies, doesn’t want Eddie to stop on his behalf, wants to keep kissing him.
   “You’re a bad liar, Stevie. You look tired.”
Eddie’s right. Steve should go home, drink a gallon of water and go to sleep, let the buzz wear off and-
   “Will this still be real tomorrow?”
    Please, let it be real.
Eddie presses another kiss to his lips before he nods.
   “I’m yours if you want me.”
   “Want you.”
   “Come on, then. Let’s get you home.”
   “Are you coming home with me?” Steve asks, sounding a little more hopeful that he’d want to admit.
   “Just for tonight, let’s pretend I’m a gentleman, okay? I don’t want Robin to kill me before I have the chance to tell her.”
   “Tell her what?”
   “That I’m in love with her best friend.”
Steve will have the worst hangover tomorrow, he’s sure.
And Robin will have a lot to say about all of it.
But to hear Eddie say those words makes it all worth it.
   “What about Jeremy?” Steve’s being a teasing little shit now, he knows he is, can’t help himself.
   “I think his name was actually Jeffrey, or Jackson? I don’t really know him. He just wanted to talk to me about my band, saw us play a few weeks back.” Eddie grins, has this knowing look in his eyes that sends a hot rush to Steve’s cheeks.
   “Oh you bastard!” Steve huffs, feels stupid for falling for something like that. “I can't believe you let me think you two had something going on. That’s so mean!”
They both laugh.
   “Well, it worked, didn’t it?” Eddie smirks and Steve can’t not kiss him.
   “I hate you,” Steve says through a smile and Eddie answers with his own.
   “I know, I love you, too.”
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trashart00 · 3 months
Ladynoir July 2024, Day 6: Better Late Than Never
(Flashing images under cut)
First | <- Previous | Next ->
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(she’s just a girl your honour!)
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pinkbear-13 · 11 months
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late nights
loosely inspired by a fic i read of Joel being cursed to always end up alone at the end of each series
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kidovna · 2 years
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Creative minds being creative together ✍🏻✍🏻
Collab with @spacedru1d! They did the lines for this and I did the colours. Here’s part 2
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dillbugg · 6 months
Grumbo Week 2024 - Day 3: Sleep
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Fisherman Grian gets well deserved rest with his boyfriend watching over him <3
for @grumboweek !!
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oz-qwin · 5 months
Mariner May: Day 6 - Sunset
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Hope yall like this one :3
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owlfacenightkit · 5 months
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Day 6: Immortal AU
Ah. Sad prompt
Because if halfas are immortal, Danny’s going to outlive his friends and family
So is Vlad
And Dani
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lemonerix · 1 month
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(late) Day 6: Music // Videogame AU
they should start a band or something, art with the lead and vocals and al with the rhythm (or vice versa).
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nimudae · 4 months
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Summer of Lawlu Week 1: Dawn | Caught in the rain | "I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did."
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british invasion
“In [1776] England lost her [his] American colonies. Last week the Beatles took them back.” — Life magazine, early 1964
Thus begins the reawakening of America’s obsession with England and everything he does.
The story:
I don’t know anything about the Beatles but from what I gleaned from the Wikipedia page, it goes like this.
In 1963, Americans mostly looked on in amusement at the Beatlemania hitting the UK, seeing as none of their singles had been released in the US, and rock and roll was a bygone genre. On November 22, 1963, CBS ran a short feature on Beatlemania in the UK, but it was not shown again in the evening as scheduled due to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on the same day.
Later, on December 10, 1963, CBS aired the story again, looking for something positive to report. Upon seeing the segment, 15-year-old Marsha Albert wrote to her local Maryland radio station asking, “Why can’t we have music like that here in America?” The disc jockey of that radio station, Carroll James Jr., pulled some strings and managed to get a copy of “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” which was then introduced to America for the first time on December 17.
Soon, the Washington, D.C. area was electrified with this single, and people began asking for a record which was not in stock anywhere in the US. The record was sent to other disc jockeys in America, and a similar response rose there as well. Thus, on December 26, Capitol Records released the record ahead of schedule, selling a million copies and becoming a number-one hit by mid-January. Beatlemania in America and later the rest of the British Invasion was now underway.
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kabie-whump · 8 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 6: "You lied to me." ♡
Content: betrayal, suggestion of attempted recapture
“You lied to me!”
Whumpee’s voice was hoarse and broken. They weren’t supposed to be using it this much yet. It wasn’t finished healing.
Caretaker held out their hands, moving slowly towards where Whumpee was curled into the corner of the storage closet, their knees tucked to their chest.
“Whumpee, please. Calm down.”
“No! You lied to me! You told me I would never have to see them again!” They were sobbing now, chest heaving.
“You don’t, Whumpee, I promise. You’re safe from Whumper.”
“Shut up!” Whumpee’s voice cracked, forcing them to resort to a frenzied whisper. “You’re lying. I saw them. I saw them. You’re letting them live here!”
“You- oh. Oh shit. The person in the lobby? Gray sweatshirt?”
Whumpee nodded miserably.
Caretaker’s heart dropped. The new member of their little team had seemed so nice during the interview. Their eyes had lingered on Whumpee as they walked by, but Caretaker had taken it to be innocent curiosity at their many scars.
“Shit. I am so sorry. I’m going to get rid of them, I promise. Just stay here. Lock the door. Don't open it for anyone but me.”
Whumpee didn’t respond, sobbing into their knees.
Part 2
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whumperwithwings · 12 days
Sicktember Day 6
"So, Whumpee, any plans this weekend?" Caretaker asked, with a wide grin on their face. "Me, I'm planning to head upstate to visit my brother. It's been a while since we... Whumpee?"
Whumpee was a few paces behind Caretaker, slumped over the brick wall next to them with a pale face. Their blank stare was pointed at the ground as opposed to Caretaker, though it looked like they were staring right through it.
"Whumpee? You good?"
"Yeah. What were you saying about your brother?"
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minceraftyuri · 11 months
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Day 4 - Transgender - @mcyt-yuri-week
Cletho can be yuri if you want them to be just saying
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py6oto · 11 months
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a wide variety of prompts i forgot to post yesterday.
truly, car is my magnum opus.
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