#prompt 20: poems
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couchie · 2 months ago
Prompt 20: I don’t know if you or I exist, but somewhere there are poems about us.
for this prompt, i want to go with a poem of ours. they are a recent addition and are learning how to write poems from another headmate, and wrote their first poem about what they thought about plurality. which, as a concept, is way too fitting for this prompt i think, despite having been written before we saw the prompt
prompt by @starlightprompts
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[ID/Text: i share my body with another
i share my body with another
it doesn't belong to me
i glance at my hands in wonder
sometimes it doesn't even look real to me
i share my body with another
though, i don't complain
we like each other
what more could i need?
i share my body with another
every thought, every emotion is like a radio broadcast to tune in to
it's okay. it's not like i have anything to hide from the other
so i try to keep the peace
i share my body with another
it's more intimate than you would think
we blend sometimes. we affect each other
my sense of "self" is having a hard time surviving
i share my body with another
i have to be content with stolen hours and leftover energy
this life isn't mine, it is ours
joint effort and collective synergy
a mishmash elegy
/End ID/text]
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poemsonmars · 11 months ago
one night when
i was a little kid,
i was sitting outside
and a moth flew full speed
straight into my forehead
and died on impact;
which in retrospect is
one of the funniest things
that has ever happened to me,
but at the time it was horrible.
i remember crying when
its corpse fell into my lap.
death has been following me
and trying to get into my head
since i was very young.
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heulwenflower · 9 months ago
I'm in my formative years
And it's funny
Because every 40 something
Looks back on there's fondly
But I'm in the thick of it
And it sucks
I've got 40 year old weights
And 20 year old sholders
Any glow or gleam
Is overshadowed
By pain and loss
I think mine will be a grief
Of the youth I lost
Both past and present
Prompt from @nosebleedclub
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salovie · 2 years ago
Bluebird’s song is back—
the sweat of our brows drip-dances
to his melody,
hot sun beats down a harmony,
dirt lives on the air and our faces.
The grass is too green underfoot,
neon bright after all those gray skies—
I think of your heart in these times
and how it will beat for as long as mine.
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gtunesmiff · 11 months ago
UNCLE BENNY AND THE BEAR © 2024 G. Smith (BMI) ================== Picking on the back porch one Easter afternoon, Singing Resurrection hymns and good old gospel tunes. We took a break to tune up, and the way they always do, My bride’s daddy’s brothers started telling a tale or two.
Barry told a story ‘bout a beat up Shiv-o-lay, His dad nursed to work and back nearly every other day. Melvin spun a yarn about the step side pick-up truck, With a milk crate for a driver’s seat, that ran on prayer and luck.
All of us were laughing hard as coffee made the rounds; But the story Benny stared had us rolling on the ground. “Remember when that circus train got sidetracked up in town?” And he went on to tell about the elephants and clowns,
The man on the flying trapeze, and the lions and tigers and horses, The jugglers and high wire walkers, and the painted lady, of course. “C’mon now, Benny, get to the point. Your tellin’s gone to ramblin’.” With a twinkle in his eye, he kept on going without scurrying or scrambling.
“What I remember most of all, if you knot-heads will be quiet, “Was when the bear broke from his collar and nearly started a riot. “Remember that ol' trainer standing in the middle of Main, “Watching that rascal run away down Broad Street from the train?
“Why I can still hear Mama yelling over all the noise, “’Sam, you better get to roundin’ up our boys!’ “Well, Paw got all y’all, you know, except for lil’ ol’ me, “And I don’t guess I was much older than maybe two or three.
“But I remember clearly that I was quite surprised, “When that big ol’ bear stopped right there, and looked me in the eyes.” This is where Benny’s story telling takes on a little flair, And almost makes you think it’s true, that you are really there.
“Yeah, that furry beast looked down at me, I just looked right back, “Both of us just waiting to see which one would be attacked.” Benny had us where he wanted us, and paused for great effect, And not a single word was heard, the sign of true respect.
“That bear began to lick its chops, then stopped, and started howlin’ “’Cause he saw there behind me Mama staring back and growlin.’ “Well, that ol’ bear turned tail and ran, straight back to his trainer, “He knew gettin’ between Mama and me was mother-n-cub no brainer.”
No one on the porch could top that yarn, and no one tried, We’d laughed so long and hard that all of us had nearly cried. These family get-togethers would be too often under-praised, If not for all the stories and the memories they raised
If not for all the stories and the memories they raised.
===== Write a poem using at least three of the following six words: ◾ Bear ◾ Collar ◾ Flair ◾ Hear ◾ Praise ◾ Ramble …or for extra credit, use all six words.
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lvminisciel · 11 months ago
why's writing long ass fic so hard
how r ppl able to do it what is ur secret do u offer ur soul to the devil?? eat healthily or on a strict vegan food?? do u need to vandalize local neighborhood or get caught by a police or simply jst go to the gym thrice a week or-
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fibretwo · 3 months ago
˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ Cure Fasting Boredom ⋆⁺‧₊˚
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“Oh, I’m fasting, but I’m incredibly bored!!“ — so what I’m hearing is that you have nothing to do except eat? Or you eat when you’re bored..? Well, that needs to be fixed, but fear not, that will come with time. Keep fasting by the way, you’re doing great! So well in fact that I’ve actually compiled a list of things that you can do to keep yourself occupied!!
1. Make a playlist
2. Find some new music
3. Listen to music!
4. Take a shower
5. wash your hair
6. cut your hair?
7. dye your hair, even?
8. paint your nails
9. put on a perfume you barely wear
10. brush your teeth
11. put on some makeup
12. make a pinterest board of makeup looks and try them out!
13. wash your clothes
14. lay outfits on your bed and take photos/write them down
15. make some “for when i’m skinny outfits” and take photos/write them down
16. meditate
17. compile things that trigger you (YouTube Playlists, Pinterest boards, Screenshots of tumblr posts etc!!!)
18. Go for a walk
19. Walk to the supermarket and look at food (maybe i just like doing this)
20. walk to ur local train station and go to the mall OR!! walk to the mall (sorry if you live in buttfuck no where 😓)
21. journal!! prompts vvv
22. write down everything that’s keeping you going
23. write down all the things you want to eat when ur at ur ugw
24. write down your safe foods
25. write down your fear foods
26. write some triggers
27. write some thinspo quotes
28. reflect on yourself
29. get to know yourself
30. look at journalling prompts on pinterest
31. vent
32. brain dump
33. put lipstick on and cover a page in kisses
34. draw thinspo
35. draw an oc
36. try finding your art style if you don’t draw often
37. draw a scene you remember from your childhood
38. do a jigsaw puzzle
39. find a deck of cards and order them
40. study!!!
41. practice an instrument
42. look for jobs if your unemployed
43. go out with friends
44. talk to online friends
45. text ur irl friends
46. play minecraft
47. clean your room
48. de clutter draws & desks
49. make a thinspo board on pinterest
50. Make a pinterest board with all those facebook mom weight loss motivation quotes and things (they have a special place in my heart, okay?)
51. watch media that has characters w/ EDs in them. i recommend To The Bone (ofc), Skins (Cassie), Gossip Girls (Blair), Heathers (Heather Duke), Heartstopper (Charlie Spring)!!
52. find low calorie recipes
53. practice an instrument
54. contour your bones
55. write down rewards for when you reach another gw (eg, perfumes, new scales, new clothes, safe foods)
56. listen to some ED podcasts (i rlly like SciGuys Ep #201 and DRAMA MAMA Ep #32)
57. sometimes i watch swan liyah on YT
58. Make yourself some ice cold water
59. Fill up the ice cube tray (this is personal, i usually do this when i’m bored)
60. Commentary YouTubers 🙏
61. ED short films on YT
62. ED documentaries on YT
63. Quora ED stuff can be triggering too!!
64. Have a bath
65. De-clutter your phone
66. Get out there and reblog a whole bunch of stuff!
67. Duolingo
68. paint
69. haha 69… uh, read a book!
70. Stalk my ED Pinterest Account: https://pin.it/6IDHsH7jh
(it’s very cool i promise)
71. watch ED WIEIAD videos on youtube
72. look for different diets
73. watch cooking videos and save recipes for when your skinny
74. Make a playlist of workouts to try (reminder, you don’t have to work out when ur fasting<3)
75. write a letter to someone
76. practice your handwriting
77. Walk all the way to your local supermarket, get some gum and/or sugar free soda and walk back
78. hold a little fashion show for yourself
79. Listen to those songs you never got around to
80. Get into that artist you’ve never had time to get into
81. watch that show you’ve never started
82. Look into poetry
83. Write a poem
84. make a bookmark
85. draw one of your friends to give to them (no matter how poorly, it’s funnier when it’s bad)
86. Have a dance party, why tf not?
87. put beads on some of your shoelaces
88. Headphones up, eyes closed, laying on your bed blasting your favourite song. Just let yourself be surrounded by the music for a moment. It really helps your mood
89. Mess with spotify equalisers
90. Try some hairstyles out
91. straighten/curl your hair
92. watch a tim burton film
93. Watch a Studio Ghibili film (it helps to have an activity to do at the same time, like literally anything else on the list)
94. look at halloween costumes you can wear next halloween when your skinny
95. heal your inner child and watch a childhood show!!
96. sew something!
97. learn to sew? :)
98. make some jewellery
100. research a random topic (band backstories and mythology are my favourite!!!)
101. Look into the biology of a human digestive system (there’s a video of digestion we had to watch in school once that you can find on YT and it’s so gross and triggering)
102. look at mouldy pictures of food
103. watch time lapse videos of food decomposing
104. count loose change
105. burn your favourite candle because if not now the when?
will add more when i think of them! stay safe and do what feels right for you, don’t push yourself just stay disciplined
Take care <3
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fluffbruary · 3 months ago
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It's Time for FLUFFBRUARY!
Well, would you look at that? February is rolling around *again* and that means it's time for MOAR FLUFF! We've put together a new prompt list of words and images to spark your imagination. Each day there are 3 word prompts, and every other day there is also a photo prompt. Pick any or all of them as inspiration for your fluffy fanwork —fic or art or moodboard or poem or whatever strikes your fancy. There are also a handful of alternate prompts at the bottom of the list if none of the day’s prompts work for you. 
Whether you do some of the prompts, all of them, or just one you'll be doing the world a service by increasing the global fluff quotient. 
All fandoms, all ships welcome! Tag @fluffbruary in your posts so we can reblog your fluffy creations–and please reblog THIS post so your tumblr community sees it and comes to play in the fluff.
February 1 : dark | defend | wander February 2 : ocean | jest | patience
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The rest of the list is under a cut - image prompts every other day make for a lengthy post!
February 3 : uncertainty | myth | pause February 4 : green | grey | chess
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February 5 : anticipation | nonsense | mail February 6 : declaration | gregarious | duet
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February 7 : hand | curls | pattern February 8 : train | zenith | road
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February 9 : accept | icy | ornament February 10 : coat | grimace | paper
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February 11 : bench | cottage | tough February 12 : backwards | feign | recognize
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February 13 : jealous | rose | narrow February 14 : voice | swim | quaint
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February 15 : kettle | wonder | twist February 16 : aquamarine | impress | interlude
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February 17 : yearn | salty | reality February 18 : tree | magnetic | trick
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February 19 : dramatic | small | orange February 20 : cafe | linger | year
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February 21 : anxious | help | zephyr February 22 : bullet | loyalty | unique
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February 23 : attraction | mutter | opera February 24 : wine | note | lapels
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February 25 : thirsty | swell | question February 26 : book | ivory | shelter
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February 27 : kitchen | bell | sun February 28 : clean | galaxy | keep
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alternate prompts : requiem | culture | chorus | knit | wait
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greenwitchfromthewoods · 1 month ago
11 and 20 of the drunken love confessions for Joel, of course!!!! It can be in two separate fics or both in the same one, it's up to you!! Congrats on the 800 followers!!
Drunken Love Confessions prompts l Joel Miller
11. "You're drunk." "Yes. And hopelessly in love with you."
20. "You're so perfect. How can anyone be so perfect? Maybe you're just a dream."
a/n: My dear, it is an honor to be able to write something for you. love you so much!
warnings: alcohol, some swearing, mentioning sex and pussy
When Tommy called you, you had a hard time understanding what he was saying. He was already pretty tipsy, he woke you up in the middle of the night and wanted you to show up on the other side of town.
God only knew you had a feeling it would end like this. Joel and Tommy had just finished a big renovation project and it was their time to celebrate. They had arranged to meet up for a beer with a few other employees, but the party had dragged on until...
"Fuck! It's two in the morning." You groaned, and Tommy laughed on the other end "You can't be serious!"
Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice in the background "Is that my lady? Tommy, is that her? Tell her...tell her..."
"I'll be there in 15." You mumbled and hung up.
Reluctantly, you got out of bed and pulled on the first sweatshirt you came across, you knew from the smell of cologne that it belonged to Joel, you pulled on your sneakers and headed for the car. The roads were empty and you were grateful for that because you didn't feel like scaring people with your appearance.
When you stopped in front of the bar Tommy had mentioned, you called him and a moment later you saw him leading your drunk man away.
"My lady!" Joel's face lit up at the sight of you. "I'm so glad to see you!"
"You're drunk." you stated as Tommy managed to get him into the car.
"Yes. And hopelessly in love with you." he replied with a blissful expression, and you rolled your eyes. "Tommy, do you need a ride? Now that I'm here..."
"No thanks. I'll be here for a while." he buckled Joel's seatbelt and patted his shoulder. "Have a nice evening, brother."
He slammed the door and you drove off. You hadn't even reached the first intersection when you felt Joel staring at you. You glanced sideways, frowning slightly.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" you asked and quickly glanced in the mirror.
But he just sighed deeply. "God, you're so beautiful, baby girl. So fucking beautiful."
Did you know it would end like this? It would be a lie if you denied it. Every time Joel drank too much, his romantic version would turn on. That's when you heard poems and sonnets praising your beauty, intelligence, your body, and at the very end, admiration for how tight your pussy was and how he loved making love to you. The more alcohol, the more creative Joel was.
"Let's just get home. You need to lie down." You announced, and he nodded obediently.
"As you wish, my lady." He said and unexpectedly grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it. "You're an angel. My sexy, tempting..."
"I'm quiet now."
By the time you pulled the car into the driveway, he was already asleep. Soft snoring filled the car as soon as you turned off the engine. For a moment, you wanted to leave him in the car, but you took pity on Joel and soon managed to lead him to the front door of the house.
On the way up the stairs you both almost fell, and he started unbuttoning his pants on the first floor. Finally you put him in bed and wrapped him in the blanket. You undressed, threw the sweatshirt on the pile of laundry and climbed into bed yourself, hoping that as soon as Joel put his head on the pillow he would fall asleep again. Suddenly strong arms grabbed you and moved you halfway across the bed so that he was pressing you to his chest.
"You're so perfect. How can anyone be so perfect? ​​Maybe you're just a dream." he mumbled in your ear.
You reached back with your hand and ruffled his hair lightly. "Go to sleep, Romeo, I beg you."
"But what if..."
"I'll be here tomorrow, don't worry. And the day after, and the day after that too. I'm your wife, dumbass."
He pressed you closer and kissed the base of your neck, then with the last of his strength he mumbled, "Best pussy in town..."
"Joel!" you hissed, but he didn't respond, snoring quietly.
Drunken Love Confessions prompts
you can still send requests
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chriscalledmesweetie · 3 months ago
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I've had such fun with @notjustamumj's December prompts, I decided to put together a list for January, with the artistic support of @helloliriels. I'd love to see your stories, poems, and/or art here and in the Johnlock January 2025 collection on AO3.
1. Sentimental 2. Hiccups 3. Three 4. Hat 5. Scarf 6. Sense 7. Nonsense 8. Secret 9. Truth 10. Ten 11. Paws 12. Big 13. Lift 14. Sociopath 15. Bored 16. Wild 17. Case 18. Murder 19. Home 20. Affection 21. Candle 22. Song 23. Bed 24. Midnight 25. Fire 26. Pants 27. Chemistry 28. Body 29. Gay 30. Perfect 31. Together
If any of these prompts inspire you to create something, please tag me. And if you'd like me to tag you in my own responses, just let me know.
Please reblog to spread the Johnlock!
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pretzel-box · 6 months ago
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"This is a side note from Professor Doctor XXXX from the research department to the person in charge of the archive in the basement level.
We have found a curious file among our stash, no name or serial number marked, and would like to know if it accidentally slipped among the requested research material from last week.
Multiple assets are found in the said file.
Please page me or leave a note if you find out more. I leave the keycard to retrieve the file at the front desk.
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Day 1: Arrival
Day 2: Bad Omen
Day 3: In the Black
Day 4: Dying Lights
Day 5: False Friends
Day 6: Wrong Rooms
Day 7: Loose Assets
Day 8: Ventilations
Day 9: Suprise Guests
Day 10: Faces in the dark
Day 11: Unspoken Crimes
Day 12: A warm thought
Day 13: Drowning
Day 14: Hide and Seek
Day 15: Dehydration
Day 16: Stocking Up
Day 17: Wrong turn
Day 18: Meeting with Death
Day 19: Three Eyes
Day 20: An Easter Egg
Day 21: Items of Interest
Day 22: A cup of Tea
Day 23: Campfire Story
Day 24: Pumpkin Collection
Day 25: Ghost Hunt
Day 26: A spooky decoration
Day 27: Your favorite monster
Day 28: Costume Parade
Day 29: Summoning Circles
Day 30: Stormy Blackout
Day 31: Trick Or Treat
And with that, welcome to Pretzels October Prompt Challenge, totally selfmade by Pretzel herself. It's a selection of 31 prompts which I will turn into short stories and dabbles.
Of course, others can participate too! It doesn't have to be fanfiction. You can make art or write poems too. Anything is allowed, and you don't even have to do every single day. It's a fun little opportunity to be creative once you feel like it.
I will post the short stories all with the #OctoberPressurePrompts !
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jasperthejester · 8 days ago
bro the fact that i made it through c++ but ap lit is going to be the class that kills me is actually insane. i love english i love writing i love poetry WHY IS THIS SO HARD ISTG
the only thing motivating me to do all my missing english assignments is that when i finish them i can watch arcane and once i finish arcane i can rewatch spies are forever and ive been missing these fucking spies so much lately
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nosebleedclub · 10 months ago
June Prompts
1. betrayals 2. ferns 3. veranda 4. lick 5. scallop 6. hotel staff 7. little brown bat 8. funicular 9. espresso martini 10. bellow 11. color scheme 12. arboretum 13. the state of your heart 14. from the homeland 15. pianist 16. she loves you 17. killdeer 18. surname 19. formative 20. theatrics 21. sweet air 22. sassafras 23. patterned 24. how to get home 25. home cafe 26. abandoned peninsula 27. honeybee 28. poem 29. lemon rind 30. sunbathing
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corpsentry · 13 days ago
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🦞🐢🪱emergency commissions🎢🉐🌋
reblogs/shares appreciated
hi all! the queer housing sydney facebook group betrayed me and et voila, my bi and intersex 40~ yo housemate is 1) deeply unstable 2) virulently racist, homophobic, and transphobic and 3) threatening me with eviction as and when she feels like it so i’m opening emergency commissions to support myself while i try to juggle this, my masters studies, play taiko, and look for a new place to move into given that ‘the moment the cats are in danger she will have to ask me to leave immediately’.
to do this, i will be offering poems or colored digital sketches for 20 usd/25 sgd. i will draw anything except for mecha (too hard). i will happily attempt nsfw but it probably won’t go that well. as for poems, any topic is game but please keep text-based prompts under 50 words. i’ll ask for 50% payment upfront and then the rest after the commission is complete. to reserve a slot, dm me or email me at [email protected]
all funds will go towards food, bridging rent to my next place, and the occasional sad wrap from some roadside cafe as i am terrified of using the kitchen and basically shut myself up in my room when i am home. if you cannot afford the full amount but would like to help you may consider buying me a ko-fi (link in bio) and leaving a character/prompt for which i will draw a small doodle as thanks.
i landed in australia last month and this is frankly the funniest worst thing that’s ever happened to me so any and all support is deeply appreciated. reposts and story shares are also very helpful. thank you for your time
below are screenshots of some of the circumstances for reference and because she is insane and i need to tell someone or i will also become insane. thanks again
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wizardsfang · 1 month ago
Niche Kin Appreciation Challenge
A 30 prompt challenge by @wizardsfang
1. Introduce your kin
2. Make a playlist for your kin
3. Share 5 fun facts about your kin
4. Do a photo dump for your kin
5. Assign colors to your kin
6. Share about your kin’s hearthome
7. Share your favorite aspects of your kin
8. Write a poem or drabble
9. Create a moodboard
10. Share a piece of media that relates to/reminds you of your kin
11. Share how you discovered this kin
12. Badly make a minimalist drawing of your kin
13. Assign your kin a food, hobby or genre
14. Create a Userbox or PFP set for your kin
15. Assign your kin an aesthetic & rant about why
16. Write affirmations for this kin
17. Create a club for your kin (or those close) and describe the objective of the club
18. Design a prototype, create, or otherwise share gear suggestions for your kin
19. Talk about how you express this kin
20. Make gifs & do a gif dump for your kin
21. Create a Stimboard
22. Create a “beginners guide” to your kin
23. Make a silly meme or trend for your kin
24. Share memories, shifts, quirks, or feelings this kin may bring
25. Start a silly/lighthearted rumor about this kin
26. Draw or Write your kin in a past or present drawing/writing trend & put sincere effort into it
27. Share your tougher experiences you have with your kin & you how persevere
28. Assign your kin a cutie mark, pokemon type, httyd class, WC clan or any other means or special identification from media & share why
29. Create a watchlist or gaming list for your kin
30. Create anything else you wish you’d seen for this kin
Anyone with any kind of type or kin can use this however, this challenge is especially geared towards niche & lesser acknowledged kins
From big to small, nonfiction to high fantasy, this challenge was designed to help give a few small fun things for folk to do to help fill the gaps in content for the things attached to their identity
I encourage folk to use #Niche Kin Appreciation or #Kin Appreciation along with other relevant alterhuman tags to help showcase what they create :]!!
- Image Version for Challenge Here
- Kin Drawing Challenge Here (coming soon)
Note: not all kinfolk will be able to fulfill every prompt due to various degrees of representation; users are encouraged to get creative in their means to fulfill the gap WITHOUT using AI to generate or alter works
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anime-academia · 5 months ago
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It is somehow already November??! and I promised myself that in Nov I'd get back into language learning consistently again (since work - tutoring for uni - is done and I'll have time). I also promised myself that I would start learning Thai (because Jeff Satur and the Thai alphabet are both beautiful and amazing).
I won't have time for a lot of intense learning, since I am still working on my dissertation and it is my priority, so I've decided to kinda combine two langblr challenges I've seen! First is @/langvillage 's one sentence club and second, so I don't have to expend energy thinking of what to write, is @/spraakhexe2 's 30 day language challenge.
I have changed some of spraakhexe2's prompts because I don't think I have the ability or time for the more complicated ones lol, and my goal really is to just write one sentence every day.
The prompts are under the cut.
This is mostly just to keep myself accountable lmao, but anyone is free to do it as well lol (if you do, and esp if you're handwriting please tag me or smth, I'd love to see it!)
[1] Introduce yourself
[2] What is your favourite animal?
[3] What is your favourite song?
[4] What is your favourite movie?
[5] What is your favourite season (and why)?
[6] What is your favourite food?
[7] Describe your room
[8] What is your job/What are you studying/What language are you learning?
[9] Describe your morning or night routine
[10] What is your favourite colour (and what objects are that colour)?
[11] What is something that annoys you?
[12] What is your dream house like/what is something that has to be in your dream house?
[13] Write a grocery list
[14] Do you dream often? (Describe a dream)
[15] Describe a vacation (either one you have been on or would like to go on)
[16] What country/countries would you like to visit?
[17] What would you do with $1 000 000?
[18] What joke/idiom/phrase from your TL do you like?
[19] Is there a poem in your TL that you like/know?
[20] What superpower would you like to have (and why)?
[21] What is your favourite time of day?
[22] What is something you (have to) do daily?
[23] What is something you are scared of?
[24] What do you do to relax?
[25] Describe something you love
[26] Something you would tell your past self, or would like your future self to remember
[27] Favourite folktale/urban legend
[28] Favourite app
[29] What is your favourite book?
[30] Write a short paragraph - it can be a full intro in your TL, a little story, anything you want!
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