projectajeeb-blog · 8 years
Chindhi Review: Birdsong Cafe
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While those little industrial looking cafes that one often comes across while strolling aimlessly around Bandra (well, maybe not aimlessly; I’m pretty sure every Bandra-goers constant ambition is to come across a small artsy cafe) are always a welcome to-do in our list, our wallets always feel miserably malnourished as soon as we walk in and the soft jazz hits us. We’re appropriately dressed, of course, in flowy clothes, bright shades of lipstick and strong political opinions, but we lack the confidence to sit down and order a food item as well as a drink… each. It’s either/or, and we’re sharing.
Cafe Birdsong is no exception to this. We love sitting by the big windows that overlook the romantic little street, with interesting wall art right across. The charcoal and chalk drawings all over the walls are a good conversation starter (or conversation sustainer, if one of you happens to trail off as both of you lose interest in your current conversation topic, it happens). There’s always light streaming in and the entire environment begs you to unwind, lean back, cross your legs and indulge in a meandering meal. Perhaps order a pasta and eat it bit by bit as the hours tick on, it’s difficult to keep track of it in this dreamy atmosphere. May we recommend the spaghetti Bolognese? It’s supposed to be divine. Of course, that’s only what we’ve heard. We couldn’t afford it.
The cheapest items on the Cafe Birdsong menu were the single espresso at Rs 105 (without tax) and cookies at Rs 85 a piece. Since we were feeling mighty rich that day, we decided to order both.
Unfortunately, neither of us drink coffee. And turns out, a single espresso has no milk or sugar. So we smiled weak smiles of encouragement at each other and cringed through a sip at a time. I’m sure coffee lovers would not be disappointed, it was definitely bitter as coffee is known to be and quite wet, which assured us that it was most definitely a liquid, which is how we’ve often seen it. The mug in which it was served was quite charming.
The cookie was a far better experience. We welcomed the cardboard texture of the chocolate rock. Fortunately, the cookie was so dry and papery that it didn’t get all over your teeth, which makes it qualify as great date food.
The coffee and the cookie together were not a good combination, but they also really worked together. The coffee did not help the cookie but the cookie definitely helped the coffee.
We give the cafe a 10/10 for when you’re broke. The cookie really grows on you and we’re sure that the coffee has a lovely personality.
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projectajeeb-blog · 8 years
Chindhi Review: Villa Vandre
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Villa Vandre in Bandra is the type of restaurant that transports you back in time, but it’s the kind of mode of transport that everyone in Bombay dreads: the cramped, local train type. Just a fair warning: don’t tie your hair in Villa Vandre because you will be whipping the back of someone else’s neck. Otherwise, get a haircut before you go. I learnt the hard way.
It’s cutesy Parsi vibe leaves you charmed and curious. You expect nothing but a good quality, wholesome, filling, slumber-inducing meal over here. Of course, I only ordered the Parsi chai (Hashtag cheap thrills, anyone?).
I was excited. I’m not much of a tea drinker but this sounded exotic. I also felt like it was my duty to order the Parsi chai, since it would help me connect with my roots (I’m one-fourth Parsi, I’ll have you know, and proud).
When the quaint little teacup arrived I leaned in to look at its contents. Now, I’m no chai expert, but Villa Vandre’s chai had nothing extraordinary about its appearance. I can’t deny, I was slightly disappointed.
I would have smelled it next but I was recovering from a pretty nasty cold so my nose was blocked. Come to think of it, that’s probably why I couldn’t taste anything either. Shit. And here I thought it was the tea’s fault for tasting too much like water.
The only note I took down after taking a few sips was that it tasted a lot like hot water but not but more like water than not. It makes sense now that I couldn’t taste the lemongrass and basil and whatever else it had in it (it was a pretty elaborate concoction).
Well, I guess we’ll give Villa Vandre a 10/10 because first impressions aren’t always accurate and maybe what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves.
If you’re going to Villa Vandre any time soon, let me know how the Parsi chai was.
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