dphotoworld · 8 months
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been working on a fully automated SSTO, here's the craft so far
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it's not efficient by any means and looks alright, but it can get from the runway to closed-cycle mode entirely on its own. working on automating cutoff and insertion next
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olaitapetininga · 1 year
UFScar abre inscrições para 220 vagas para graduação nas regiões de Itapetininga e Sorocaba
A Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) abriu inscrições para 229 vagas em cursos de graduação presenciais nos campus de Buri (SP) e Sorocaba (SP). Os interessados terão até o dia 18 de maio para fazer as inscrições através do site da instituição. Segundo o edital, as pessoas que podem concorrer às vagas são aquelas que concluíram o Ensino Médio e que tenham feito o Exame Nacional do Ensino…
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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Sunday, January 28 Tonight let’s check in with Uranus in the constellation Aries, which it shares with the mighty planet Jupiter. The latter planet stands out as the brightest point of light high in the south an hour after sunset. Let’s start with it first: Jupiter shines at magnitude –2.4 and is a treat to view through a telescope. Its disk stretches 40″ across and is flanked by its four largest moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. For most of the night, Europa and Ganymede sit to the west, while Callisto and Io lie east of the planet. But Io is closing in on Jupiter’s eastern limb; it crosses onto the cloud tops around 8:45 P.M. EST to begin a transit. It isn’t joined by its shadow for more than an hour, the round blot appearing just after 10 P.M. EST, when Io is more than halfway across the disk. Io slips away to the west just before 11 P.M. EST, while its shadow continues to cross for another 80 minutes or so. Those on the East Coast will likely lose sight of the planet before the shadow transit can end. To spot Uranus, look about 12.1° east of Jupiter, or about half the distance between the gas giant and the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. Uranus is magnitude 5.7, roughly the limit for naked-eye observing. You’ll need a very dark observing site to spot it; regardless, it will be easy to pick up in binoculars or any telescope. The ice giant’s disk is just 4″ across and will look like a grayish, “flat” star. Now that the planet has reached its stationary point, it will begin moving eastward, or prograde, with respect to the more distant background stars. Sunrise: 7:12 A.M. Sunset: 5:14 P.M. Moonrise: 8:11 P.M. Moonset: 8:57 A.M. Moon Phase: Waning gibbous (92%) Sun & Uranus Talon Abraxas
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Last Quarter Sprint ~ 20 Sep 2024
Last Quarter Sprint ~ 20 Sep 2024, Philip Sedgwick
So, now we’re coming off a super moon eclipse, more than a smattering of Corona Mass Ejections, the Sun opposite Neptune... all this leading to the commencement of the equinox, Libra and all that promotes. More important to those of a goal-oriented mind set, the last calendric quarter of the year commences in but ten days! It's time to make something, everything, anything out of what will soon be last year. As this year concludes, as seen by Earth, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Mars and Neptune mix things up with changes of direction to their orbital motion.
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First though, a rendering of perspective. From the Sun’s point of view the planets we have known for eons or at least decades do not actually ever move backward. Retrogradation is an effect of perspective that occurs with our residence on an object moving about the Sun, observing other bodies moving relative to the Sun.
Retrogradation is an Earth-based and relative point of view. In reality, planets are not changing their minds as a matter of course about which way they are headed. Stepping outside Earthly bias, the solar system moves a hell of a lot more smoothly than what Earth (or any other planet) sees happening. Does this mean there is a greater, more organized, less disruptive order actually taking place? Embrace the relative motions and see what you can make out of it all, while realizing the perception is not true from the solar system’s point of view.
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Pisces Lunar Eclipse, Super Moon Rising
Perspective set, in the spirit of making the most of the close out months of 2024, here’s what’s happening up there in terms of planets changing course and inspiring a more fervent sprint through the waning months of this year.
Jupiter retrogrades on 9 October retracing all those nifty ideas he’s conjured since springtime. He’ll remain retrograde into early February next year. While this fact may be accompanied by trepidation, really all that is required is caution. Ensure all those groovy mental seeds properly germinated. Then, foster the hell out of them so they blossom and bear more insight and inspiration and invention that could have been imagined with the onset of the sourced mental blip. The caution reminds all to refine, receive constructive mentorship and do all prep work for ideas to catch on and go viral.
Pluto pivots, smartly striding forward in Capricorn on 12 October. He’s not lingering in Capricorn for long. He’ll be out of there on 19 November and in Aquarius for almost two decades! Whew! Here’s the Plutonian interrogative of the moment: How is it that the eventuality and inevitability of all life matters on ones plate were not perceived prior to this time? No matter. Get on with fixing things up right and spare everyone and yourself any accusations of blame. There’s nothing more than humankind at stake! Starting with you noting your absolute personal humanity.
Saturn resumes direct motion on 15 November. This Pisces swirl works its way forward with excited anticipation of what good he intends to do when in Aries. Saturn rules the goat totem and he looks forward to being in the sign of the ram. There’s a totemic symbiosis to exploit for sure. But back to the present, please. There is a backlog of creativity that seeks proper attention. What comes next is best derived from the inspiration that burst forth from the fulfillment of creativity. Whether it be art, music, literature, film or what have you, the structure of society thrives only when the arts flourish... enjoy your personal flourishing. It’s unabated in the last six weeks of the year and everyone benefits from you in the swim with Saturn’s revolution.
Mars retrogrades on 6 December in Leo. He’s still a newbie in Leo and as such, will dip back into Cancer come early January. In late February he resumes prograde motion in Cancer, then is ready to deal with all things Leo... pride, ego, proclamation and the best and most dazzling display of self ever conjured, commencing on 18 April. Leo rides on the back of Cancer. It’s far easier to put oneself out in the real world in the hugest way possible when one feels and knows the sense of support and kinship that is Cancer. In addition to ones genetic family, there is the creative and spiritual tribe to be found. When enjoying a concert with other music fans, the commonality is the love of the music... not ones creed or politics or means of engaging the world. Enjoy all moments of sameness with your comrade Earthlings! As they say, we’re all in this together by being on this turquoise planet at the same time. Realizing your connection to other humans opens the door for establishing your individuality.
Neptune changes course on 7 December assuming direct motion once again and swirling the deepest tidal forces that Pisces can stir. Savor all that Pisces offers. The emotion, the overwhelm, the joy, the exhilaration, the blazing passion for feeling fully alive. By the time March ends, this gaseous giant traipses into Aries for the first time. And in doing so, Neptune will ask each and every person, “So about those visions and dreams of yours... how in God’s green Earth are you going to get those things going?” From where Neptune stands it appears that if others have no idea what your greatest aspirations are, they simply won’t rally around.
Can massive ground be gained as this year ends? Yes. And mostly, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune work hard to invoke the greatest of galactic insights and grand innovation. There is a heap of galactic input dropping in for everyone and anyone to download. The galactic insight simply needs humans to engage, figure it out, and apply it fully. It would seem the cosmos is somewhat agnostic about who grabs it. As Pluto soon notes, anything grabbed must be applied for the greatest application of all concerned. Period.
Here’s to getting on and grabbing all galactic gyroscopic source codes to set things spinning just about right again!
More soon.
You know, given the end of the year, the transits at hand and more, there could not be a better time to sign up for a consultation, half-consultation, or series of consultations. Why? We have a film on the festival circuit, selected in a number of festivals and playing to enthusiastic audiences. At film festivals, the creative enthusiasm of the filmmakers is explosive, like supernovas lighting up the sky. The energy is contagious. By being in that creative energy, I’ll be consciously absorbing every bit of it that I can. And all of this energy gets shared with anyone with whom I conduct sessions. The links below will get you lined up. Truly, there is no time like now!
One Stop Shopping Order Form Astrological Texts
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[image showing two maps colored using the koppen climate classification system; the left map depicts earth if it spun in retrograde, the right map depicts earth as it spins currently, which is prograde. on the bottom there is a key to the koppen climate system]
I stole this picture of what the earth would look like if it spun in retrograde and it's so fascinating to meeee. some places completely switch climate zone which makes sense but some places remain similar if only a part of a now more expensive climate zone I see like NE US, Peru/Ecuador and Eastern Europe which sort of remain similar but only expand which is cool ig
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its-a-hil · 10 months
the thing that, above all else, makes me not trust astrology, is that basically no one has ever said that mercury is in anterograde (or prograde).
google gives me a total of 16 results for any basic variation of the phrase! and it's all people making fun of astrologists!
the fact that there's language for an exception that covers nearly 1/4 of the year, but there's no language for the opposite "normal" state that isn't even consistent enough to last 80% of the time
maybe the people who do western astrology just have such a different philosophical understanding of explanations and the sky and ... everything. but i cant accept that something can make me feel bad while not even considering whether the reverse makes me feel good
(to be clear. this is not me supporting eastern astrology. indian astrology is hegemonic and the fervor with which some of my relatives adhere to it terrifies me)
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
Hi Thrawn friends (and all spaceship nerds)!
Little reminder:
Port - left
Starboard - right
Zenith - up (away from planet)
Nadir - down (toward planet)
Prograde - west to east (spins in same direction as its orbit)
Retrograde - east to west (spins in opposite direction as its orbit)
Hope this helps someone!
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New fan here, I’m here to explain the bright eyes situation.
Basically, 2 new characters BE (aka the listener) and Fred were exploring the abandoned amusement park, they 2 got attacked by Quinn (bad vampire), Sam found them, and turn fred. Fred then turn the listener. After that the series is just sam teacher BE and fred vamp stuff. I’m guessing the fans didn’t like how the listener was prograded? And after a lot of complaining Erik finally removed the BE series.
Or this is what a gathered?
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dphotoworld · 9 months
ProGrade выпустила карту памяти CFexpress 4.0 Type B Gold на 2 ТБ
Компания ProGrade выпустила карту памяти станда... Читать дальше »
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halfbakedspuds · 5 months
I just found an old notebook of mine for a scifi adventure thing I was writing when I was 14 (and consequently abandoned cause it was kinda ass, but we all have those).
I opened it up and the first thing I saw was seventeen consecutive pages of notes on orbital mechanics and math that I had researched; a little diagram and a written reminder of where prograde, retrograde, normal, antinormal, and radial in/out were; calculations for what points of an orbital path could be considered dangerous during a battle and literal pages of notes on how naval strategy might work in space.
And seeing this while knowing damn well that my random-ass pet peeves while writing haven't gotten any better just put a smile on my face.
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Hi, I apologize for any inconvenience but I saw you answer an ask related to ksp and while I did not realize you were into ksp I see an opportunity. I am struggling with SSTOs, I understand the theory, I have unlocked up to the dart lf engines, but I cannot quite get above 30km. They just kind of lose any upwards momentum. I am attempting to use nuclear engines so I can use purely lf without needing to worry about ox but it seems that even with 2 nuclear engines I cannot get enough thrust for the lift. I get to about 1400m/s but even with that I lose lift and begin to fall at 30k. Any advise? No worries if not.
with ssto's it's best to learn with the rapier engine as you can get upwards of 1500 m/s high in the atmosphere before their thrust drops off, but you can get a functional one with the whiplash and aerospike as well.
speed is important (you want to gain as much as possible with jets) but the thing to REALLY watch is your time to apoapsis. assuming you have a combination of ramjets and aerospikes (both at the tech tree level you have) , you want to fly with the ramjets as much as possible. when your time to apoapsis begins to go down you cut the jet engines, fire up the aerospike, close the air intakes, and pitch up a bit.
once it's going up quickly you can start to nose down a bit more and eventually hold prograde. when your apoapsis is at about 85 km (assuming you're going for an 80 km orbit) then you can cut the engines and coast to orbit. aim for a bit higher than your desired altitude because you'll lose a bit to drag on the way up. from there you can circularize as normal
if you're not going beyond low kerbin orbit most of your fuel will end up being liquid fuel + oxidizer instead of just liquid fuel, because jets are really fucking efficient. save the nuclear engine for when you're a bit more used to getting to LKO, as you have to change your craft design and ascent profile quite a bit to maximize range.
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
mercury trine pluto
you can be extra psychic now, but not with your third eye. this is a message from the nerves in your bowels. it may seem silly and reek of bathroom humor, but especially now with mercury returning to his normal prograde orbit, you really do feel things in your gut and it anything is off there, it's pointing to other imbalances too.
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kirakhproject · 9 months
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Introduction to Natikah
The first image is a geographical map of the planet's landmasses and structures. Please keep in note that this is an old and outdated version of the map and some of the names aren't official, and some of the mountains aren't on the climate maps or vice versa. This is only to tell you some of the continent names.
The last two images are the climate maps, with the last one being without the current lines
Natikah is the second planet from it's sun and is slightly larger and different than Earth. They both have prograde orbits, but Natikah has a axial tilt of 39 degrees, which means that it will be always be day during the summer, and it will always be night during the winter in northern temperate and polar continents like Sanland or Talyke. I'm not sure about the southern continents though, I gotta run the simulation again some time.
Natikah also has two moons, called Zixarin and Altas, which slow down the planet's rotational period to 30 Earth hours a day. The two have been believed to be formed by a catastrophic collision between Natikah and a protoplanet billions of years ago during it's formation, similar to the Theia Hypothesis.
Zixarin is the more closer and prominent moon to the planet. During certain periods of time, and because of the planet's slightly eccentric axial tilt, Zixarin would appear in the sky during the day, and would even "eclipse" the sun. Altas, however, is more further from the planet. In reality though, Zixarin and Altas are like slightly the same size as each other, with Zixarin being slightly larger than Altas.
As I've mentioned before, Natikah is the second most planet from it's star in the Xyke System, which orbits around a K4 variable star, which means that Natikah's sun is more cooler and more orange than our sun. Natikah has a slightly more faster orbital period around it's sun than ours, one Natikah year more shorter, around 255.688 Earth days.
Biosphere and Atmosphere makeup
Natikah is more warmer and has more oxygen in the atmosphere, to better accommodate with the animals which have cobalt-carrying blood. It is also noted that the plants on here are carriers of the pigment Phycoethryn, which makes the leaves on the plants a brownish-red color.
Here is a sneak peak into the biosphere of the planet:
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In the tropical savannas of Zogha, a herd of animals filling in the fast-running grazer niche (haven't decided a name for them yet) grazes in the tall grass in the dry season.
I'm sorry if I only have one image though. It takes a lot of time and effort to draw detailed environment shots. :(
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thatonekreachur · 9 months
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If you like this, then I suggest you can go and check out the first post of my worldbuilding project.
This is supposed to explain the titular planet from which the Kirakh came from. :)
Introduction to Natikah
The first image is a geographical map of the planet's landmasses and structures. Please keep in note that this is an old and outdated version of the map and some of the names aren't official, and some of the mountains aren't on the climate maps or vice versa. This is only to tell you some of the continent names.
The last two images are the climate maps, with the last one being without the current lines
Natikah is the second planet from it's sun and is slightly larger and different than Earth. They both have prograde orbits, but Natikah has a axial tilt of 39 degrees, which means that it will be always be day during the summer, and it will always be night during the winter in northern temperate and polar continents like Sanland or Talyke. I'm not sure about the southern continents though, I gotta run the simulation again some time.
Natikah also has two moons, called Zixarin and Altas, which slow down the planet's rotational period to 30 Earth hours a day. The two have been believed to be formed by a catastrophic collision between Natikah and a protoplanet billions of years ago during it's formation, similar to the Theia Hypothesis.
Zixarin is the more closer and prominent moon to the planet. During certain periods of time, and because of the planet's slightly eccentric axial tilt, Zixarin would appear in the sky during the day, and would even "eclipse" the sun. Altas, however, is more further from the planet. In reality though, Zixarin and Altas are like slightly the same size as each other, with Zixarin being slightly larger than Altas.
As I've mentioned before, Natikah is the second most planet from it's star in the Xyke System, which orbits around a K4 variable star, which means that Natikah's sun is more cooler and more orange than our sun. Natikah has a slightly more faster orbital period around it's sun than ours, one Natikah year more shorter, around 255.688 Earth days.
Biosphere and Atmosphere makeup
Natikah is more warmer and has more oxygen in the atmosphere, to better accommodate with the animals which have cobalt-carrying blood. It is also noted that the plants on here are carriers of the pigment Phycoethryn, which makes the leaves on the plants a brownish-red color.
Here is a sneak peak into the biosphere of the planet:
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In the tropical savannas of Zogha, a herd of animals filling in the fast-running grazer niche (haven't decided a name for them yet) grazes in the tall grass in the dry season.
I'm sorry if I only have one image though. It takes a lot of time and effort to draw detailed environment shots. :(
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Engaging Eclipses ~ 12 Oct 2023
Engaging Eclipses ~ 12 Oct 2023, Philip Sedgwick
Today, Mars in the primordial degrees of Scorpio, travels between the dwarf planet Haumea and the centaur Elatus. This transit serves as a preset of sorts for Saturday’s “ring of fire” solar eclipse in Libra as well as Sunday’s Ceres in Scorpio opposition of Jupiter in Taurus.
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A lunar eclipse follows the solar eclipse by a fortnight also straddling the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This eclipse coincides with Ceres in Scorpio reaching across the sky on approach to an opposition that contradicts and tantalizes Uranus in Taurus. At the same time, Mercury with Mars in Scorpio stand pretty much directly across from Jupiter in Taurus.
Sounds intense. That’s because it is.
During a solar eclipse, subconscious emotional reactions overpower logic, reason and the conscious mind. For those who think through feelings, this is awesome news. There’s going to be an emotional reckoning or three during the next weeks. Regardless, for all souls incarnate on Earth, expect sensitivity levels to rise to the boiling point. Consider tapioca as a metaphor. Constantly stir the pot in an attentive and conscious way to prevent sticking while conjuring dharmic delectable events for consumption by hungry spirit urges.
As a lunar eclipse occurs, mundane matters dominate the emotional landscape. Concerns about the real world push front and center, demanding fair and full consideration all the while emotional priorities, philosophical beliefs and soulful pursuits simultaneously argue to maintain their importance in consideration and decision-making. The solution is to notice what people, places and events draw your attention and which push back in an uncomfortable way. Find your proper lean and do that leaning thing.
This weekend as Ceres engages Jupiter a pattern of passionate transits, hellbent on total victory in one form or the other, commences. This pattern consists of the Sun, Mercury, Ceres and Mars swimming through Scorpio each opposing the gaseous giants Jupiter and Uranus ambling the pastures of Taurus. The transits in this energetic surge last until 13 November when the Sun opposes Uranus.
For those looking for solace in these turbulent world times while navigating the path of personal pursuits, recall that Pluto turned direct a couple days ago and in slightly more than three weeks, Saturn resumes prograde motion. Given these planets do what they do in the collective, the foundational steps of meaningful progress inch forward for those balanced, focused and intentionally determined.
There’s more solace to be found, too. While Ceres and Jupiter two-step across the sky, keep in mind it was Jupiter who arbitrated between Ceres and Pluto such that Persephone could be returned to her mother. Jupiter reminds all while in Taurus that life is not zero-sum. No ground need be lost during negotiation and the results likely enhance ones footing in life.
The footing issue looms huge. There is a sense of vertigo as the planets pound out opposition after opposition. The antivertigo antidote consists of two transits out there: Eris and the north lunar node conjunct in Aries; Mars currently bracketed by Haumea and Elatus in the first few degrees of Scorpio.
First the Aries thing (naturally it’s first). The node and Eris push each individual incarnate to find a position, a station in life, that truly suits ones nature. Go totally Goldilocks with every aspect of life. Get enough, not too little, not too much - just the perfect amount for soulful satiation. That will do the trick. It keeps one in bounds, in ones own lane, without the need to swerve and potentially cut off other path pursuers. Those things that do not further simply do not require pursuit, attention or plotting to achieve.
Second, consider the parallel psychic agendas of Elatus and Haumea.
Elatus, in attendance at one of those infamous centaur wine debacles got in the way of a poison arrow bowed by Hercules. The arrow was a through and through shot, clearing Elatus and then wounding Chiron. Elatus crossed through the wrong place at the wrong time. His deflection symbolically denotes meddling and interference. Should one have no function in a situation, step back and permit those with utility to do their things.
Haumea, a goddess of unlimited creativity, birthing fecundity and the ability to feed the masses, strongly objected to any triangulation or interference that others posed to her personal agendas. Should she sense such interpersonal meddling, all bets were off in terms of what she would do to impede the interference.
Mars, the feisty, aggressive, impetuous, exceptionally proactive, eager to get it on planet now stands between Elatus and Haumea.
On the cusp of powerful oppositions involving planets subject to action and irritation as well as the largest planet and as well as the crankiest planet, here are a few suggestions to consider while navigating the next month or so as the sky seems supercharged.
Consider intended objectives and consequential outcomes prior to taking action. Assess if any skirmish confronting you is a battle or a war, and if it is worth engagement. Locate where in your being the most visceral reactions reside. Notice when hackles rise and inner incitement rises to the threshold of impulsiveness. Reconsider objectives and outcomes. Engage fully and passionately any situation you know serves your soul and do so as if there is no tomorrow. For any engagement, enter the arena fully equipped with creative solutions realizing that every solution offered will require modification to fit the needs of the broadest spectrum. Shine with proactive positivism. Remember that allies and enemies stand on opposite sides of the same agenda. Finding the delicate fulcrum leads to potential agreement and eliminates the threat of scorched Earth. Finally, enjoy the pulsing passion of life. It’s what’s called for by the transiting triggers saturating the sky!
More soon.
Should the times feel overwhelming, that’s when an astrological session, or several sessions, serve the soul. Sometimes the astrological insights of the Galactic Report provides important insights. Other times asking a question or two may steady the keel. No matter what option is most useful, the links below will get you there...
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